#lando reminding oscar he’s mad but not at him
coff33andb00ks · 8 days
for ivy - op
just a quick little ficlet (?) for oscar's win - 631 words of disgusting fluff
warnings: pregnant! reader
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His hair is still damp with champagne when he comes into the hotel room. His face is still creased with a grin, his eyes crinkling even more when they land on you. Without a word he drops his stuff and reaches into the pocket of his joggers, and by the time you cross the room to greet him he's pulled out two pieces of golden confetti. They flutter to the floor and his arms are around you, his face pressing into your hair.
"Did it," he whispers against your hairline.
"You did," you whisper back, breathing in sweat and champagne and him. Tears sting your eyes as his arm tightens around your waist and you feel and hear his deep sigh. You've been with him long enough to recognize it. The weariness and relief and joy. You hug him tighter, pressing your lips to his sticky neck. "We're so proud of you."
His lips curve and he lets out a breathless chuckle. "Did you watch the driver cam?" he asked.
You shake your head - you had for some parts of the race but you always turn to the full race view during the last few laps. "No, I'll watch it--"
"Watch it while I shower, hm? Just the ending when I'm talking to Tom." Oscar smiles as he pulls back, his hands rubbing over your bump.
The reason you're not allowed to go to the track. And, after today, the reason you'll not be allowed to accompany him to any race weeks for the rest of the season.
As though the life growing inside you knows it's him, the baby inside you begins to kick. You smile, wincing slightly as a swift movement slams into your ribs, but the look of awe and love on Oscar's face makes the discomfort worth it. His hand follows the movement, and you blink back tears as he bends to whisper against the bump. You don't catch what he says, just feel the adoration. He gives you a quick kiss before heading to shower with a reminder to watch his driver cam.
You settle on the bed with your laptop, pulling up the race replay and switching to Oscar's driver cam while you turn up the volume. As his car passes the checkered flag you feel the surge of pride and joy all over again and blame the hormones for making you cry once more at the sound of his soft little yes!, wondering what he wanted you to see and hear.
"...What a day that was." His voice is calm but you can hear the emotion shaking in his voice. "And um... Yeah, this one's for Ivy."
The baby starts moving again, and you keep a hand over your belly while you listen to Oscar dedicate his win to your unborn daughter. And to you, but you know your daughter, due two days after the last race of the season, is already the most important person in his life. You've known that since you watched his eyes fill with tears over the positive test, and each week and month since has only cemented the fact.
You wouldn't have it any other way.
You're crying when you finally join him in the shower and he gives you his usual understanding smile as he wraps his arms around you.
"Meant to say you first," he murmurs.
"Liar," you sniffle.
"Lando said you'd be mad I said her first."
"Like he knows anything about becoming a parent," you scoff. "I'd be mad if you said me first."
He cradles your face, meeting your eyes. "I love you."
"Love you more."
His eyes crinkle and one hand slides down, cupping over your belly. And you know he means you and the baby when he whispers, "Love you most."
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no-144444 · 10 days
HI! i love your writing and i was wondering if you would do a grid reacts to us finding out we were a bet? And if you wouldn't mind adding Logan too?
Thanks ml xxxx
the grid reacts: you find out you're a bet!
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Featuring: Oscar Piastri, Logan Sargeant, Daniel Riccardo, George Russell, Alex Albon, Charles LeClerc, Lewis Hamilton, Max Verstappen, Lando Norris
thank you for requesting! xxxx
Oscar Piastri:
He walked into your shared apartment, a smile on his face. He hadn’t seen you in a week, and you’d both been too busy to call or text too much, so finally, he’d be back with his girl. 
He wasn’t expecting the bare apartment he’d known so well before you’d moved in. He wasn’t expecting your things to be gone, or the note on the table, or your engagement ring beside it. 
Dear Oscar, 
I found out. I know we were a bet, and I know you’d try to convince me that you loved me, and that it was all real. I don’t doubt that it was real. I know I loved you, and I felt the love from you (either that, or you’re a brilliant actor and picked the wrong profession). But I feel betrayed. I wish you would’ve just come to me immediately and told me how we started, even if I was mad at you for a while. You kept a huge secret for 2 years, Oscar. That’s not a short amount of time. I love you, and I still love you, but I need some time on my own to figure stuff out. I moved back out into my old apartment, and don’t worry, I’m still your girlfriend, but I just wanted space to think. We’ll work our way back up to being fiancé’s but until then, I am still very much yours, unless you don’t want me to be. I need to trust you again. 
Love, Y/n. 
His heart sank. He knew it was stupid to try and keep it a secret, and it had truly been tearing him apart for the last 2 years, but this… this was too much. He was thankful that you two at least we’re breaking up. But the engagement reversal thing was fucking with him. He adored you. He loved you. Yes, it was stupid, but he did stupid stuff all the time. Forgetting his keys, sleeping through his alarm, wearing his shirt inside out. You always told him it was endearing. 
“Hey,” your voice brought him out of his trance. “I wanted to be here when you came back, sorry, there was traffic.”
He turned around to see you. You looked at him. He was crying.
“I’m so sorry,” his voice broke as you nodded. 
“I know you are,” you stepped closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “We’ll get through this, yeah?”
He nodded, burying his head in the crook of your neck. You let him cry it out for a little while, then pulled away. 
“You’ll be ok, we’ll be ok, yeah?”
He sniffled. “Yeah.”
“I love you,” you reminded him, wiping away tears as you went along. 
“I love you so much, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I just… I was so scared a-and-”
“I understand,” you nodded. “But that doesn’t mean I forgive you.”
He nodded, playing with your engagement ring in his hands. He broke again, sobbing. You wrapped your arms around him again, letting him calm himself down. “Please put it back on,” he whispered, begging you. 
You thought about it for a moment. You loved Oscar, and you knew you’d forgive him. It was harder not to forgive him, in all honesty. You’d read his hundreds of drafts of the speeches he had planned to say to you. Lando had shown them to you when he told you. You knew how this had been tearing him apart. But you knew how it stung, being betrayed like this. 
“Ok,” you nodded. He slipped the ring back onto your finger and a weight was lifted off of his chest, while one was placed onto yours. 
God, maybe love did conquer all. And that idea fucking terrified you. 
Logan Sargeant:
“Go up to her, she’s a McLaren engineer,” Lewis’s friend’s voice rang out over the speaker of your phone. “I’ll give you 2 grand if you can fuck her tonight.”
“It’s not like I need the money,” Logan smirked, cocky as ever. “But I’ll take that.”
The camera panned to Logan walking up to you, and your world shattered. 
“Hey babe,” he called, walking into the apartment. There you were sitting, seething on the couch. “How was your weekend?”
“Great,” you answered shortly. “Have you looked at social media recently?”
“No, why?” he asked, resting his hands on your waist. He tried not to read into your stiff posture. Was this the moment? Had you really found out? 
“I was a bet,” you sighed, brushing his hands off of you. “And you didn’t even have the heart to tell me.”
You hadn’t planned on crying, you thought you’d scream at him, give him a piece of your mind, but it was hard to get angry when he was standing there, looking so helpless. You loved him, and all you’d ever been to him was a bet. You’d only met a year ago, started dating 6 months ago. You’d meant nothing the entire time. Just a fuck and a check. You just felt… defeated, and used. 
“Baby please, let me explain, it’s not what-” He started but you sighed.
“Explain what? That you ‘love’ me? I don’t care. I deserve someone who tells me the truth, and you couldn’t even do that. I had to find out with the rest of the world. Don’t you realise how stupid I look? All the posts I made, everything I told my friends and family, and the entire time it’s all been a lie? I look like a fucking idiot.” 
Logan looked down, ashamed. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered, taking your hand. “I’ll do anything to make this right, please Y/n, I love you.”
“How am I supposed to trust you? And how am I going to look going back to you? Why did you fuck this all up?” You groaned in frustration. “I fucking loved you!” 
“I love you too!” he pleaded. “Please let me make this right, I don’t care about the media, or whatever, I care about you, and I care about us.”
“What ‘us’? We’ve been based on a lie this entire time!”
“Please don’t say that,” he was crying now, so were you. “Please don’t say it was a lie.” 
You took your hand from his. “Logan, we’re done. Please don’t contact me.”
And that was that. He broke your heart and you broke his. 
Daniel Riccardo: 
He watched in horror as you opened the message on his phone from Scotty. 
“You have to tell her. This isn’t right anymore Dan.”
“What is Scott talking about?” You chuckled. 
“Nothing,” Daniel smiled, but it looked forced. 
“Dan, come on, you can tell me,” you smiled sweetly. 
“Seriously, I have no clue what he’s talking about,” he nervously chuckled. 
Your face dropped into an angry frown. “So he was right, you wouldn’t even admit it if I gave you the chance,” you sighed. “That’s great, thanks Daniel.” 
“What do you mean?”
“I know about the bet,” you sighed. “Scotty told me last week.”
Daniel sighed. “I’m sorry.”
“Me too,” you turned to him. “Why would you lie?” 
“I was scared.”
“Of what?” 
“Of losing you,” he shrugged. “I thought it would just be better to… keep you in the dark I guess. I wasn’t really thinking straight.”
“I wish you would’ve just told me,” you sighed, looking up at him. 
You were both silent for a moment.
“What does this mean for us?” he asked. 
“What ‘us’? We were based on a lie Daniel. A lie you told for a whole year.”
“So that’s it?” he gritted out. 
“That’s it.”
George Russell: 
“Have you talked to her about it yet?” Alex asked. “You have to tell her mate, it’s gone on too long.”
“It’s been 6 months Alex, and, by the way, I actually love her,” he scoffed. “I’m trying to figure out the best way to explain it.”
“Explain what? That you were dared to ask her out for money? Mate, you sound like a dick no matter what, she’ll break up with you no matter what,” Alex sighed, disappointed in his friend. 
“She’s probably right to,” George admitted. “Fuck!” he groaned. 
You stepped into the room, trying to pretend that everything was alright. Both of the men looked up, terrified of what came next. 
“Please let me explain,” George rushed out, taking your hand. Alex quickly left you two to speak alone, patting you on the back as he left. George stood up and took your hand. 
You nodded. “Explain.”
George’s frown lifted slightly, elated that you would even give him the chance to explain. “It was a stupid bet and I never took any money. I stopped speaking to the guys after we met, and I promise I’ve been trying to tell you, I just… I get scared every time that I’ll lose you. I don’t deserve you, but I love you Y/n. And I’m so sorry.”
You nodded. “I just… give me some time, yeah?”
He nodded. “All the time you need, of course.” 
You took a deep breath, wrapping your arms around his neck in a short hug. “I’ll call you, yeah?”
He nodded, letting himself enjoy your embrace. “Please call me. Anytime.”
You pulled back, still holding back your tears somehow. “Yeah. Good luck today.”
“If I win, it’ll be for you. It’s always for you,” he smiled softly. 
“Yeah,” you sighed, leaving with a broken heart, and a choice to make. 
Alex Albon: 
“Can we talk?” Alex asked, 2 months in.
“About what?” you questioned. You were sitting in his apartment in Monaco, eating dinner before catching a movie at a nearby cinema. 
“How we met.”
“Proceed,” you nodded, turning your full attention to him. 
“We met at Jimmy’s, and I was there with my friends, and we were being assholes, and I'm sorry that’s how you met me,” he hesitated. “And that night, I was dared to go up to you, only because they knew I’d never get a chance with you because you’re… well, you’re you, and I’m me. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but we were just having so much fun and-”
“You thought you couldn’t get a chance with me?” You chuckled. 
Alex looked up. “Well, no. You’re gorgeous-”
“You’re a very hot Formula 1 driver! Alex, I was losing it when you came up to me!” 
“I thought you didn’t know anything about F1?!” 
“I don’t! But I know about hot famous guys!”
“You liar!” he laughed. 
“You lied too!” you laughed. 
He smiled. “ I guess we’re pretty evenly matched then, yeah?”
“I guess,” you shrugged, then leaned over and pressed your lips to his. 
Charles Leclerc: 
You and Charles were new, like new new.But he’d invited you to the paddock nonetheless, and you had the weekend off, so off you went to the Ferrari garage. You’d met the so-called ‘Prince of Monaco’ at an Indycar event a few months back when he got your number, and since then you’d been texting back and forth. He finally asked you out, and you agreed, I mean, who wouldn’t, right? Even though you worked in Indycar, you were a born and raised Monegasquean and you were proud of your heritage, and pretty excited to be dating the Monegasque. 
“Oh shit,” Pierre grumbled, bumping into you. Recognition finally crossed his face and he smiled. “Y/n, right? We met at the Indycar thing, right?”
“Hi Pierre, yeah, nice to see you,” you smiled. Behind him came Charles, a bright smile for you. 
“Are you here for work or-? Oh, for Charles,” he smirked and turned back to Charles . “Le pari est-il toujours valable?” (is the bet still on?)
Your face faltered. Charles didn’t tell you about any bet. What bet?
“Je ne lui ai pas encore dit,” Charles mumbled. Pierre’s smirk grew, as did the sinking pit in your stomach. (I haven’t told her yet.)
“Hey,” Charles turned to you with a smile on his face. 
“Hi,” you nodded, more reserved than before. “Congrats on pole.”
His smile dampened. “Is everything alright?”
“All good,” you mustered up your fakest smile. “Ne parie peut-être pas sur une fille qui vit à Monaco, connard.” (Maybe don't make a bet over a girl who lives in Monaco, asshole.) 
Charles looked dumbstruck for a moment, and you left him like that. You were worth more than that. 
Lewis Hamilton: 
“Have you told her yet?” George asked, eying you from the other side of the garage. 
Lewis shook his head. “I can’t find the right time.” “You need to tell her soon, it’s only a matter of time before someone else tells her.” 
“I know I do, I just… everytime I try to bring it up it’s like she’s extra sweet and perfect and I just can’t break her heart like that-”
“Break who’s heart?” you asked, standing beside Lewis. 
George shot him a look to say ‘tell her now’, and he nodded. George left you two to talk. 
“I was… I came up to you… I-”
“It was a bet to ask me out, I know,” you nodded, sipping your drink. “Whose heart are you breaking?”
Lewis’s brow furrowed. “Yours?”
“I overheard you and your friends at the bar that night,” you explained. “I don’t care. We’re dating because of it, I love you, blah, blah, blah,” you smiled. “Unless it’s been a charade the whole time-”
“NO! It hasn’t, I love you, I promise,” he wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed kisses to your cheek as you laughed. 
“You thought that would break my heart?”
His ego was becoming a little bit more than bruised. “Hey!”
You laughed. “OK, ok, relax. Yes, it would’ve broken my heart,” you teased. 
He pushed you off, smiling. “I don’t want your pity-”
“Not even a pity fuck?” you whispered, a mischievous smirk on your lips.  
He smiled. “Well, I always want that.”
Max Verstappen: 
“Fuck this game!” Max cursed after his game had crashed for the third time. You made your way into the living room, looking in on the game.
“Everything alright?” you asked. 
“All good, sorry liefje,” he responded, not even turning around. 
“Is that the girl we put the bets on?” One of his friends asked. Max panicked and shut down the stream, then immediately turned to you. 
“Liefje…” he started. You stood there in shock. 
“Is that true?” you started. “Was I a fucking bet?!” you shouted. 
“It- I- Yes, it started like that, but I love you, I-I’m in love with you!” 
“How can I ever fucking trust you?” you shot back. “You’re a liar!”
“I’m sorry-”
“What the fuck does ‘sorry’ do? I’m leaving Max. You are so not the man I thought you were,” you pushed past him, grabbing some of your essentials from your bedroom as he followed behind you, begging you to stay. 
You left. He was the one who messed up. 
All because of a dumb bet. 
Lando Norris: 
He was sweating through his shirt. Max’s eyes bore into him all night, more specifically, how his arm was draped over your shoulder. He understood his best friend’s confusion. It was mere months ago that Lando had been dared to go up to you and ask you out, mere months ago when he sent a photo into the group chat of you sleeping soundly beside him, asking for the transfers from the men who’d told him to ask you out and somehow get you back into his bed before the next morning. Since then, things had in fact changed. He had changed. You had changed him.
“Lan,” Max hissed. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Max,” Lando mumbled. “Not now.”
“She deserves to know,” Pietra shook her head. “Y/n, listen to me, I know Lando had probably been a lovely guy but he asked you out because he was dared to-”
“Pietra!” Lando groaned. “What the fuck!”
You turned to Pietra, pushing Lando’s arm off of you. “Are you serious?”
“She’s telling the truth,” Max added. 
“Y/n please, just let me explain-”
“There’s nothing to fucking explain. You’re an asshole, don’t call me again,” you scoffed, getting up and leaving with Pietra following quickly behind. 
Lando was helpless.
navigation for my blog :) (masterlist)
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f1goat · 6 months
more than friends ; lando norris + part ten
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In which your best friend is going to help you to gain more sexual experience and say goodbye to your insecurities, but he's quick to discover that he never wants to share you and your new experiences with others - the only problem being, him having to confess his feelings.
masterlist - playlist
fem!y/n x lando norris
warnings: smut with a plot. minors dni! probably grammar or spelling errors due to english not being my first language.
requested: yes, based on this request: something with a driver sister that’s still a virgin & lando (her bestfriend) suggests to teach her things
part one / part two / part three / part four / part five / part six / part seven / part eight / part nine
“You’re insane,” Oscar tells his teammate when he sees you walking towards Lando and him. “Actually insane,” he mutters when he gets an even closer look on you. When you feel Oscar his eyes on you, you know for sure what he’s looking at. He looks at the same thing that everyone else is looking at when they see you. Lando his love bites. Why did he even leave them so out in the open? You tried to cover them up with make up, but it didn’t work. If you brought a turtle neck with you, you would have worn it for sure right now. But since you’re in another hot country, you only have summer clothes with low necklines. Which means that everyone can see the marks on your skin that Lando made two days earlier. You curse him for leaving them on this place, but you continue to walk closer to him. 
“Insane?” Lando asks Oscar. He notices the way his teammate looks at you. 
“Is this to show Pierre that she’s taken or something stupid like that?” Oscar continues to scold Lando. He didn’t even think about it like that, but now that he does… The hickeys might help with Pierre backing off a bit. “You can’t claim something you don’t own,” Oscar sighs, “just remember that before you do more stupid shit.”
Before Lando can say anything to Oscar, you’re already standing in front of them. He notices the way you try to cover the hickeys with you hair, but he stills sees the red love bites. Now that he thinks about it, let everyone see them - maybe then everyone will figure out that you belong to him. 
“Hey baby,” Lando greets you.
“Don’t baby me, I’m mad at you,” you sigh, “I should have brought a turtleneck with me. Everyone is looking at me.”
“Sorry,” Lando jokes. He watches around you and notices the way people are watching at you. You’re right. Everyone is paying attention to you. He notices some press workers as well. Normally the track isn’t busy on Wednesdays, but today seems different. He hears cameras clicking. Are people taking pictures of you? He starts to stress a bit. Lando pulls you closer to himself and drapes his arm around your shoulder, using it to hide your hickeys a bit more. 
“I might have a crewneck sweater laying here somewhere,” Lando tells you. 
You nod at Lando. Together you walk inside the McLaren motorhome. You notice the way even some mechanics are watching you. You’re going to kill Lando. This is all his fault. Lando doesn’t pay attention to them, he takes your hand and pulls you with him the his drivers room. There you finally get his sweater. You’re quick to put it on. Happily you watch in the mirror, almost no love bite is still visible now. The sweater is way too hot, but you rather become sweaty then have people look at you for the whole day. You can only hope they’ll fade away quickly. In silence the two of you walk back to the track. 
Together with Lando you’re strolling on the track. It’s relaxing to walk around with him like this. Lando is holding your hand. You like the peaceful silence between you two right now. It feels comfortable and relaxing. You realize that you don’t feel like this around other people. Lando has always been your safe place. It reminds you about how special things are between Lando and you, but it reminds you most about how you can’t fuck things up between you two. 
Your feelings are already coming in the way. They have always done, but since you have been experiencing the sexual stuff with him it has become worse. Maybe it’s because you have a tiny bit of hope that Lando also feels something for you. It’s the first time you have ever had that hope. Partly because of his jealousy, that must mean something right? But still, you wonder if it’s worth it if it can also ruin your friendship? What if you’re wrong and Lando doesn’t feel the same? 
When Lando grabs your hand, he pulls you out of your thoughts. “Don’t look to fast,” he says, “but I think Pierre is coming this way.” Fuck. You’re not in the mood for that. Slowly you watch around you, it doesn’t take you long to see that Lando is right. Pierre is walking towards the two of you. In only a couple seconds he’s standing in front of you. 
“You could have told me,” Pierre says to Lando without any context. 
“Told you what?” Lando asks confused. 
“Come on,” Pierre sighs, “All the gossip accounts are full with it. The two of you are dating.”
“Sorry?” You ask confused, “Are gossip accounts stating that we’re dating?”
You let out a sigh. Gossip accounts have always been a thing. They always suspect that there’s something going on between Lando and you, but they never had any proof. You drop Lando his hand. This is a mess. You don’t even want to see your socials right now, they’re probably full with hate. Fuck. 
“Since when do you believe gossip accounts?” Lando asks Pierre.
“Since she has been spotted with hickeys all over her and she’s now wearing one of your crewneck sweaters,” Pierre answers annoyed, “I don’t get it why you didn’t tell me. I made a fool of myself by asking her on a date. You could have said something.”
“I told you that you weren’t her type.”
Lando continues to argue with Pierre. You on the other hand can only wonder when the gossip accounts are going to share the pictures of your love bites. Fuck, what are ‘fans’ going to do then? You grab your phone and look at the way your notifications are already blowing up. Reactions keep coming, you read a couple of them. Most of them are calling you a slut. Whenever you see a nice one, there are more negative ones beneath them. You search on a gossip page, wondering what they already posted. Then you see one of the pictures.
It’s you in your former outfit. The hickeys on your neck and collar are hard to miss. Suddenly you start to feel watched. It feels like everyone around you is looking at you. 
“You should have told me that you two are dating,” Pierre scoffs angrily.
“We’re not,” you sigh. It’s the first time that you’re saying something again. “And even if we were, it’s none of your business. Can you take me back to the motorhome Lando?”
When you’re finally back in Lando his drivers room, you grab your phone again. Your notifications are blowing up. It seems like everyone is talking about Lando and you dating. You have never gotten this many comments under a Instagram post, you’re above a thousand now on your most recent post. You try to read as many as you can, but a lot of them are the same. People are calling you a slut for “parading” around the track with the hickeys. Others are saying that Lando deserves better, that you’re only with him for the fame. As if you weren’t with him before he even started in Formula One. Sometimes you read a positive comment. Some people seem to like it that Lando and you are “finally” together, not that it’s true. Some people are even reacting about the true love between you two. All of it makes you sad. You don’t even notice the tears that are falling down on your cheeks, until Lando wipes a couple of them away.
Lando doesn’t know how to act. He takes you into his arms and tries to comfort you as much as he can manage. He doesn’t know what is wrong, but he can guess. When Pierre said something about the gossip accounts, he didn’t even think about the consequences for you from those accounts, but now he remembers. Every time they post about you, your notifications are blowing up. People know how to find your Instagram and how to leave horrible comments. He doesn’t even want to read it. 
“Nothing of what they’re saying is true babygirl,” Lando shushes. You let out a soft sob. “Everyone thinks I’m a slut,” you tell him, “or a gold digger or just an awful person.”
“You’re not.” He presses a soft kiss on your forehead. “You’re the most wonderful person I know,” he continues, “So stop letting this get to you babygirl, they’re not worth it.” 
“Lan?” You ask softly. He nods and waits for you to continue. “This is all your fault,” you softly joke, “fucking hickeys.” Lando lets out a soft laugh. 
“Fuck, babygirl,” Lando grunts when you lower your body onto his. He feels himself enter you. “You feel so fucking good.”
You’re sitting on top of Lando. He’s not even more then ten minutes back from the second free practice. It didn’t went like he wanted to. When he got out of the car, he let everyone know about that. The moment he started to scold multiple mechanics you were quick to intervene. Normally you don’t, but Lando kept going on and on. It was getting too much. He really lost his temper this time. You wonder why, normally he’s rather patient. 
Slowly you move your body on top of Lando. This position makes you feel more fulled up then the first time. With slow movements you fuck him. When you let out a soft moan, Lando shows you a small smile. His hands are all over your body. He kneads your boobs while pressing his lips against your collarbone. Softly placing kisses all over it. 
You didn’t know what got into you when you grabbed Lando his hand while he acted rude to his team. He gave you a surprised look and even shut his mouth for a bit. When you stood on your toes to reach his ear, he turned all of his attention to you. “If you stop whining,” you whisper, “I’ll have sex with you in your drivers room.” Lando shut in within seconds. He even apologized to his crew before taking your hand and almost running towards his drivers room with you. Undressing you as soon as he turned the door behind him. When your dress was all up and his pants were down and he was ready to enter you, you surprised him one more time. “I want to be on top.”
Lando can’t stop himself from letting out multiple moans when you increase your pace. Faster then before you move yourself on top of him. He grabs your neck and moves your face closer towards himself so he can kiss you properly. His hands are still busy kneading your boobs. He gives your nipples a bit more attention by softly pulling on them. 
“Fuck Lan,” you whine when he pulls back from the kiss. He chuckles and let his hands slide down on your body. His lips are attached to your neck. “No more visible marks,” you instruct half jokingly, half serous. Lando grunts but moves his mouth a bit lower, making sure his new marks can be covered with summer clothes. 
You’re surprised when you feel Lando put his finger on your clitoris. He shows you a small smile when he notices your surprised look. Slowly he traces circles on the sensitive bud, making you feel all kind of things. You let out a loud moan. Lando adds a bit more pressure. You try to increase your pace as well, but you start to feel worn out. Lando helps you, effortless he moves himself inside of you. Picking up a fast pace. It causes you to let out more moans. 
“Fucking insane how good you feel,” Lando groans. He feels himself coming close to his orgasm, but he wants to feel you cum on his dick first. He increases his pace on both fucking you as on playing with your sensitive bud. Stimulating you as much as he can. 
“Are you going to cum for me?” Lando asks you, “Let me feel how good it feels to have your pussy clenching around my cock.” You don’t react verbally. Lando keeps talking dirty to you. “So fucking tight.” “Such a good girl.” 
“I’m close Lan,” you suddenly tell him, “Can I cum?”
Lando increases his pace as much as he can. “Please do babygirl,” he tells you. When he feels your pussy clenching around his cock, he lets go as well. When his cum enters your body, Lando tells you one more thing. “My good girl.” It makes you all flustered. 
Days are going by quickly. Before you know it, it’s already Sunday - meaning it’s race day again. This is the last race of the triple header, meaning that after this Lando and you will go back home. You don’t know how to feel about that. Last weeks you have spent al your time with Lando, sleeping in his hotel rooms and being together almost every moment of the day. It has been extremely nice. You like living with Lando like this. That’s maybe why you don’t like going back home tomorrow. Then you’ll be alone in your own apartment again, without Lando laying next to you in the bed every night. 
“Good luck kiss?” Lando asks you. He holds his helmet. He’s almost ready to get into his car and to start with the race. You show him a small nod and press the standard ‘good luck kiss’ against his cheek. Like you always do when you’re with him at races. “Don’t know if that will bring me enough luck,” Lando jokes. 
You show Lando a confused look. What does he mean? Before you can ask about it, Lando presses his lips on your for a small moment of time. It can’t have lasted longer then a second, but it was long enough to wake up the butterflies in your stomach. You look around you. Did anyone see it? It can’t be. You don’t more negative comments on your socials. Now that you think about it, what did just happen? Since when is Lando kissing you in public places? 
Lando doesn’t say anything else, he walks off to his car. He can only think about what he just did. He realizes that if anyone saw, it will mean that you’ll get more hate. Maybe he should say something about it on his socials? He needs some help from his PR team. He wonders what’s going on with him. He just kissed you in a public place, practically on his work, where everyone could see. Since when are you doing that? If someone saw and shares it, the madhouse will be complete. He wonders what would happen if he would date you and share it online. People have been shipping the two of you for a long time, so some of them might be happy. But there are always so many haters. When he takes place in his car, he looks at the Alpine motorhome. He remembers Pierre his statements from earlier this week. Finally someone who understands that you’re not for him to take. 
He really should solve this problem and make you his. 
Then he remembers something else. Didn’t you have a date planned with some guy for after the triple header? He tries to forgot about it and focus on the upcoming race, but that seems to be hard form him right now. He can’t stop thinking about the guy who’s taking you on a date. Who is it? Will you fall in love with him? When he lines up to the start, he’s still thinking about the guy you’re going on a date with. 
You watch Lando race. All of your focus is on him, nothing new now that you think about it. Only this time it doesn’t feel like it normally does. It’s because of some weird feeling that you can’t seem to shake off. It almost feels like something is going to happen. Something bad. It feels off. You don’t know why you’re thinking like this right now, but you can’t seem to stop. You can’t take your eyes off the screen which shows Lando his car all the time. Multiple mechanics are watching the fight for second place, but you can only focus on Lando. Even the way he races feels off. It’s hard to say without any knowledge about it, but he almost seems unfocused. 
Then you see the reason behind your feeling. Lando misses his braking point. Within seconds he’s spinning into the wall. You let out a loud scream when it happens. Quickly you stand up and walk closer to the screen. All the attention of everyone in the motorhome is on the screen as well now. Everyone is waiting for Lando to say something. To let them know he’s okay. 
You need to hear Lando say something. You need to know if he’s okay. The crash didn’t look massive, but still bad. It doesn’t take long for a safety car to show up on the grid, leading the drivers. Many drivers are coming into the pit to change their tires. You don’t notice any of it, you just keep waiting for Lando to say something. The stress doesn’t leave your body. 
“I’m ok.”
You feel how you let out a lot of air at once with a relieved sigh. Thank god, Lando is okay. You watch how he climbs out of his car. It seems like he has no trouble with walking away from the track to get back to the motorhome. Within a couple minutes you see Lando showing up at the motorhome. The medical team is following him inside, you hear some talks about medical checks but you don’t follow it. All of your attention is on Lando. 
While walking to Lando you almost trip over your own feet. “Fuck Lan,” you stammer while rushing yourself into his arms. Lando doesn’t react verbally, he just wraps his arms around your body and holds you closely to himself. You don’t even notice that you’re making his race suit wet with your tears. “Are you hurt?” You ask him. 
“We would have known if he joined us for his medical checks,” someone tells you with an annoyed tone in her voice. You let go of Lando and look around you, only to see that the whole medical team is gathered around you. 
“You didn’t have your check up yet?” You ask Lando confused. “No,” he replies. “Fucking hell Lan,” you mutter, “Go with them you idiot.” Lando shows you a boyish grin, “Sorry babygirl, I wanted to see you first.” 
Lando and you are rejoined only a small hour later. He is still laying in a hospital bed. The medical team decided that he needed some rest before getting back out of there. The crash wasn’t hard and didn’t left much damage across for a few bruises and painful spots on his body. They gave him some pain medication, which causes him to feel a bit loopy. You’re sitting next to him, waiting until he wakes up. You have seen him on medication like this before, the Grand Prix in Las Vegas showed you how loopy and careless Lando can act with medication like this. You wonder how he will act this time. 
When Lando wakes up, he’s happy to see sitting right next to him. He is quick to remember the way he crashed during the race. He feels ashamed when he realizes why he lost his concentration and how it ended his race, such a rookie mistake. And probably easy to fix if he finally gets the nerve to tell you about his feelings. He feels himself getting mad at himself. Before he can think about it any longer you’re already taking to him. 
“How are you feeling Lan?” You ask him.
“Not great,” Lando sighs honestly.
“You scared the shit out of me,” you confess, “what happened?”
He can’t exactly tell you that he couldn’t stop thinking about you and the date you’re going on as soon you’re back in Monaco. That would be stupid. Although it is the real reason. Lando wants to make up some sort of excuse, but he is already talking again. Those fucking pain meds. 
“Couldn’t focus,” he confesses, “I kept thinking about something.” He can barely stop himself on time from telling you that he was thinking about you and your date. 
“About what?” You ask confused. 
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Lando quickly says before he can say anything stupid again. He needs to stop himself from confessing even more. “Okay Lan,” you softly say. You grab his hand and draw some figures on it. There’s a comfortable silence between you two. Lando enjoys your soft touches on your hand. He feels himself getting calm and almost falling asleep again. But right before he falls asleep, he can’t stop himself from saying something stupid again. He cam blame the pain meds, but he knows that he means every word.
“Babygirl?” He asks. “Yeah Lan?”
“Please don’t get a boyfriend,” he says. “And please don’t go on a date when you’re back in Monaco with anyone else then me.”
Fuck. Did he really just say that? How on earth will he fix this? Lando closes his eyes and tries to fall asleep instead of thinking what he just did. Lando doesn’t notice the way you have a small smile laying on your lips and how good you feel because of his words. 
“I already cancelled that date,” you confess to Lando, “After we fucked I decided that it might be a better idea to practice a bit more.” 
Lando opens his eyes and shows you a happy grin. “I don’t think you need a lot of practice,” he says, “but I’m happy to help.”
“That’s a deal.”
“My good girl,” Lando mutters before falling asleep.
part eleven
taglist: @booksandplushies @dinodumbass @formula1mount @words-are-cheap @allywthsr @inejghafawifesblog @chonkybonky @formulas-bitch @harrysdimple05 @vildetry06 @wherethefuckisthething @nonameishere @lauralarsen@meadhbhcavanagh @obliviatevamps @shy4turcs @fix5idiots @nightlockcornucopia @marialovesf1 @kapsylia @im-an-overthinker @jule239 @lanando4 @lauralarsen @leclercdream @agentadhd @rewmuslupin @allsouls-emma @iamshiningeuw @teenagedreams-cl@kiskso @loxbbg @vellicora @thomaslefteyebrow @avg-golden-retriever @amorydsmt @killjoynotes@barelytolerabled @starmanv @changetyre @kami10471633 @2bormaybenot @httpmrklee @buendiabebeta @aliceespector@ryiamarie @mickslover @sop-hie092 @miniemonie2001 @greymarvelskaikru @kapsylia@swiftiedrafts @thatchickwiththecamera @formulas-bitch @venisvendetta @t3a-3njoy3r @landowecanbewc
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mirohlayo · 7 months
hi could you please write how all the f1 boys would handle fans comments about their gf not being conventionally attractive or being plus size? esp george or logan 🩵
Hii ! I didn't write how all of the f1 drivers cuz it would be too much but I did write George and Logan. Also sorry for taking a little time, I was swamped with classes this week 🫶
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( include piastri, norris, leclerc, sainz, hamilton, george, verstappen, ricciardo, sargeant & gasly )
warning : insecurities ??, things related to physical appearance, body ect...
note : i don't know if my warnings are accurate lol
to him, you were the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. so of course, seeing those awful comments about your appearance, face and even body makes him so damn furious. in front of people, especially in front of cameras, he would defends you in an implicit way, more like voice up about body positivity and respect every type of body. but in private, when there's only you two, he'll never stop bringing about how perfect and gorgeous you look, and that he'll cherish you for the rest of his life.
boy would be mad mad. ain't no way for him to let anyone talk about you in such a disrespectful and bad way. he'll make sure you're always comfortable and secure with your own body and appearance, by praising your beauty literally every single hour. and he doesn't think twice before rejecting every single one person who talks badly about you. he always posts some stories about you, where he basically overwhelms you by compliments and obviously to fuck off your haters in his sassy way.
he was actually shocked by the fact people hate on your body and appearance because he literally loves these parts of you. first he'll reassure you, comforts you because after all you being a goddess is just the truth. and then he would reply to every hate comments about you, defending you like it was the end of his life. he reminds you everyday to not feel bad and guilty about yourself, to not listen to those bullshit because not a single one from them are real. just listen to him and his devoted compliments.
it's simple, if someone talks bad about you then he'll talk bad about them. his girl is the definition of beauty and perfection. he genuinely doesn't care about your attractiveness or your body weight, cause he'll love these things anyway. he's always so enamored by how beautiful you look, and he needs people to know that. so whenever someone is insulting you, he just reminds them that there is nothing more shameful than attacking a marvel like you. a gem of beauty like you.
i know for sure he'll immediately defends you. and the cause in general, doing an inspired speech about bodies. he doesn't really insults or disrespect people too, cause after all he prefers keeping that energy to compliment you. but still, he makes sure haters won't never ever again talk about you in a horrible way. then he'll suggest you to stop social medias and just give up on your phone for a bit, to only focus on his words and your natural beauty.
first, his priority is you. by the second he saw those comments, he immediately look out for you. even if you haven't seen the comments, he's already there to reassure you. to shower you of heartwarming compliments and just genuinely appreciate your beauty, praising your curves and your body. then he'll try to ensure that you are not aware of these messages, that at no time you'll be confronted with bad comments about you. he makes it a promise, because you deserve it.
the man is out of control when it comes to you. and especially when there are negative comments about your physique. it’s something he loves about you, something he adores deeply. he can literally admire you for hours without getting bored. there is so much perfection in your body. and no need to talk about your attractiveness. so as long as you know that, you're fine. but if those comments get out of hand, then he's not afraid to speak up and talk shit about whoever is insulting you.
if there's one thing he can't tolerate, it's seeing you depressed because of hateful comments. he doesn't understand at all why people would hate on such a beautiful and amazing person like you ? but other than that, he'll be the best comfort boyfriend. he makes you laugh, your cheeks ache because of smiling too hard. he'll try to improve your mood by telling you funny jokes, stories, everything that makes you feel better. and on the other hand, secretly defending you on social medias by using some fake account.
boy is so protective towards you. maybe even overprotective. but that's his way to keep you away from bad things, such as awful comments about your physical appearance. he defends you for sure. more than anything else, day and night, he puts all of his anger into his replies to shut their mouths. and that both in public and on platforms. he doesn't understand why people don't recognize the beauty of your face, body, or even personality. just everything about yourself actually. cause you can be sure he's so fucking in love with these aspects of you.
oh man is mad. super mad even. you're literally the most precious person to his eyes, and by that logic the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. you're a piece of art, and people should know this. he won't hesitate twice before calling names the ones who disrespect you. maybe he's a bit too harsh but they just deserve it, nobody can talk bad about you, it's impossible for him. and then you can be sure he'll shower you in lot of compliments the next few weeks. telling you how gorgeous you are.
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peaceloveandf1 · 4 months
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What I Love About The South!- LN4
pairing: lando norris x reader
rating: e for everyone!
warnings: none!
"Hey...we've landed", a soft voice flooded my ears as I was softly shaken awake.
"have we?", I questioned my boyfriend. It had been a 10 hour flight from London to Austin, Texas.
"yeah babe, c'mon let's go see everyone" Lando said, dramatically pulling me from my seat.
I groaned as I stretched my arms and legs before grabbing my bags and making my way off the plane after Oscar and his girlfriend Lily. As we loaded our bags into the car waiting for us, I was filled with so much excitement; I am home. To get to show my boyfriend and my friends abroad my home is so exciting. Of course they've been to Texas before, but this will be the first time they come to my hometown and my family's farm.
"So how long of a drive is it?" Oscar asked me from the back seat.
"mmh it's about a 2 hour drive from where we're staying for the race" I explained to them as I slipped behind the wheel and set off. We had landed in Texas almost a week early in order for all of us to be able to explore and hang out on the farm until the grand prix. My parent's farm sits on over 20 acres in the small college/farm town of Waco, Texas. This is the first time I'll be home in a year, after I graduated from Baylor University and left my hometown for London and a job in finance. I can't believe what my life has become and I can't believe my boyfriend is about to meet my parents for the first time.
I squeezed Lando's hand in excitement as we arrived at the gate to my parent's ranch.
"I'm really excited babe." He said, running his thumb over my knuckles. After the almost mile drive up to the house, I parked the car to greet my family.
The four of us grabbed our bags and as soon as my parents laid eyes on Lando I could tell they loved him.... and after a 2 hour conversation with them, I can confirm: they totally love him.
"Baby,I think I could stay here forever", Lando whispers in my ear as I stare at the fire.
"You're lucky they haven't put you to work yet" I giggle, leaning my head on his shoulder.
"I think if I got to stay here with you forever, then I'd do as much work as they want", he said, kissing my forehead.
"I'm happy you like it here. I was worried it might be a bit slow paced for you" I say softly.
"I like to slow it down sometimes. Especially when I'm with a cute girl who wears boots and talks funny", he said, poking me in my side elicting a laugh from me.
"I talk funny? Speak for yourself", I retort.
"I'm only playing, plus the farm gives me another reason to love the south", he said somehow pulling me closer in the act.
"oh yeah? what are the other reasons?", I turn looking at him, surprised at what he was leaning towards, seeing as we haven't said the "L word".
"mmhm I don't know if you've met her but there's this pretty cool girl from Texas. She's got this accent that drives me mad, she's real smart, and she's stunning inside and out", he whispers to me again.
"She sounds really great", I whisper back; "reminds me of this guy I met in London. He's a racing driver, he's real handsome, and he's just so sweet".
He pulls me closer as I finish my sentence and places a kiss on my forehead. As his lips leave my forehead, he tilts my chin up so that my lips can meet his. The kiss is familiar and soft, like always, so sweet. Pulling away, Lando rests his forehead against mine.
"I love you", he breathes out.
"I love you too"
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hauntedrain · 9 months
F1 Driver Dating Headcanons | Fem! Reader |
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Includes: Charles, Max, Oscar, And Lando
Disclaimer: these might be unrealistic but they are ofc headcanons. Also, I might do a part 2 of more or different drivers? Not edited.
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Charles Leclerc *°:⋆ₓₒ
A gentle lover.
Would do anything and everything for you. You want a specific food? He'll go pick it up for you. Looking at something online? He'll buy it for you. Literally everything and anything.
Like, "No Charles is okay, I don't need it right now, and plus it's too much." and he would be like, "No if you want it'll get it, anything for you." and then he would buy it even if you still say its too much or something like that.
He reminds me of a puppy, so I imagine him following you everywhere. However, if it was somewhere where there's a big crowd or a bunch of fans hell be in front to protect you.
I feel like he's more of a romantic person with dates and gestures.
like candle-lit dinners, flowers all the time, fancy dinners and outings, etc.
Would compliment you 24/7 in the sweetest ways whenever, wherever, about whatever.
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Max Verstappen .。*゚+.*.。
A dominant domestic lover.
His priorities are you and your safety.
He would most definitely be mad if someone hurt you. Like for example, if someone bumped into you at an event he would probably give them a slightly dirty look and then pull you closer to him so you do not get bumped again.
Would be really sweet with you.
On his hands and knees for you.
Like if you're sick, by the time you wake up there's a cup of tea, soup, and medicine. Or if you need help grabbing something would already be reaching for it. It's like he's 2 steps ahead of you but in a sweet way.
I think he would definitely like to hear about the little things about you. how your day was, or plans you have.
I also think he would like shopping with you for some reason, like showing him or trying on clothes that you like. its like a mini fashion show for him but with you as the model.
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Oscar Piastri ✧・゚: *
I feel like he would be the type of boyfriend that would meet your friends or family, and they initially think that he's mean or cold, but over time they realize he's really sweet and nice.
I think he would secretly make a playlist for you or about you. Like songs that remind him of you or that he knows you like.
He would probably form this by playing random music during drives and keeping note of what you like, and then once he has time he puts them into a playlist for you that he plays when you're with him or if he misses you.
He's probably more of a quality time lover. He enjoys doing things with you and he has dates that revolve around that.
I feel like he's the type to give random gifts for no reason at all. Like he just shows up with flowers, jewelry, or a book or something.
for example, he would randomly show up with a stuffed animal or something he saw while he was away and explain that he saw it and thought of you so he bought it to give you.
I think he would like to keep your guy's relationship more private but not secret.
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Lando Norris ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
I think he would be a touchy bf. (Love language is physical touch)
He always has to be touching you at all times, whether that be holding your hand, hand on your hip, or having his hand on the small of your back.
You guys do "childish things" as dates. Like an arcade, coloring books, building legos, or board game nights. Though, on the other hand, I also think there's a side where it's more "romantic", like nice dinners or something fancy. It would be a mix but either way it's something special.
obsessed bf x pretty gf type beat.
If you ask him to take pictures for you or of you he would be making sure you look good and he's getting the best pictures he can get as if it's his 9-5 job.
You would also probably get messages from Oscar during the season telling you how he won't shut up about you.
I feel like he would buy matching things with you, like jewelry, hoodies, or even something that's just the same color.
I think he would soft-launch your relationship tbh, but once it's public he wont shut up about you.
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I hope that you guys like this (sorry that it's so short) & thank you so much for 500 notes on my last fic <3
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leclerc-s · 4 months
take me back to the city that i call my city, where everybody knows my name
series masterlist
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oscar piastri i fear mark is mad at me.
isabella perez i could've told you he would be upset for the 'practical joke' you pulled.
yuki tsunoda ha! and now your mother wants me as her son!
charles leclerc i'm going to die at the hands of mark webber!!
daniel ricciardo-jones don't be silly daniel jones-ricciardo he's going to send someone after you. mark won't get his hands dirty like that. charles leclerc THAT DOESN'T MAKE ME FEEL BETTER?!
ollie bearman does this make charles my grandpa?
lando norris that's wild 26 with a 19-year-old grandson
sebastian vettel this explains the angry 'your spawn stole my kid' text i got from mark
fernando alonso and this also explains the 'you were supposed to keep him out of trouble' text i got charles leclerc and that explains the 'give me my child back anti-christ' text i got
lewis hamilton added one person
mark webber i did no such thing
mark webber sebastian control your spawn.
charles leclerc
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mark webber snitch
fernando alonso MULTI-21 SEB!! MULTI-21!!
sebastian vettel you just had to remind him didn't you?
lance stroll last time since a multi-21 inchident is down to 0 again.
lewis hamilton does this make seb satan?
sebastian vettel does this make you an instigator?
isabella perez it sure would be a shame if someone added jenson and nico to spice things up.
lewis hamilton don't you dare isabella juliana perez.
logan sargeant added two people
lewis hamilton logan hunter sargeant what did you do?
jenson button so this is the famous group chat.
charles leclerc WHAT IS AN ANTI-CHRIST??
nico rosberg lewis. lewis hamilton nico.
george russell i thought you two were on good terms?
dulce perez just because they're on 'good terms' doesn't mean they can't tease each other.
mick schumacher the family tree expands.
alex albon oh yes, because according to twitter logan is jenson and nico's son. zoya torres what the fuck do you two do on twitter? george russell i have a power point on the family tree!
nico rosberg i have so many questions
charles leclerc starting with, can daphne play long live tomorrow?
daphne jones-ricciardo can you get pole tomorrow? max jones-verstappen can ferrari not screw you over on sunday? is the better question.
jenson button yikes, you people do not hold back.
charles leclerc IF I GET POLE, will you please do a mashup of yoyok and long live?
daphne jones-ricciardo you've got a deal leclerc
mark webber you people are so weird.
nico rosberg agreed.
jenson button i've met zoya. i know how weird they can get.
zoya torres i know that's an insult but i don't care.
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isabellaperez, rhysjones, freyavettel, and zoyatorres have posted new stories
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my father-in-law is pole for monaco. everyone say congrats and cheer for a leclerc front-row lockout!! just know that i may be in the rb garage but i will be cheering on this silly little monegasque man. FATHER ON POLE IN MONACO!!! I REPEAT FATHER ON POLE IN MONACO!! LET'S GO!! WE'RE BREAKING CURSES THIS YEAR!!
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liked by sukiwaterhouse, danieljonesricciardo, arthur_leclerc and others
nataliaruiz little jules pascale leclerc, named after two of the most important people in charlie's life.
tagged: charles_leclerc
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charles_leclerc would you look at that, you were right.
↳ nataliaruiz i'm always right charlie
↳ charles_leclerc well, there's that one time-
↳ maxjonesverstappen1 we swore to never speak of that charles!
user06 and suddenly daniel and charles both have another jules they love.
zoyatorres the little jewel of our lives
sukiwaterhouse she gets her charms and looks from you. i don't know what she gets from the french man.
↳ charles_leclerc this is why your daughter looks more like robert than you.
↳ sukiwaterhouse i actually hate you.
↳ charles_leclerc the feeling is mutual
daphnejonesricciardo and what a beautiful little jewel she is
↳ charles_leclerc she's bejeweled one could say
↳ daphnejonesricciardo that's your worst joke yet
benruiz oh look at my beautiful little niece!
↳ nataliaruiz please tell dad to stop crying over her
↳ benruiz he said to leave him alone and let him cry over his only grandchild. she's getting so big.
danieljonesricciardo what a joy it is to be her godfather ❤️
↳ nataliaruiz and what a joy it is to have you as her godfather 🫶🏼
↳ charles_leclerc if i have to hear her cry over unca da, it's over.
↳ danieljonesricciardo i'm just that loveable charlie.
oscarpiastri i have the cutest baby sister
↳ zoyatorres see i would fight you on this but it's true
↳ freyavettel that is very much true (no on tell my siblings)
olliebearman the cutest leclerc!!
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liked by charles_leclerc, benruiz, isabellaperez and others
nataliaruiz when we were little kids and anyone asked you, 'what's your biggest dream?' your answer was always the same, 'to become a formula 1 driver and win the monaco grand prix' then you became an f1 driver and your biggest dream was to win the monaco grand prix, to make your country proud, to make your papa proud. year after year, it was disappointment after disappointment, but something changed this year, this year you had hope, more than you've ever had before. this year you told me, 'i'm going to win this. i'm not taking anything less than a win." you finally did it, you broke the 'curse' that had been bestowed upon you. and i am so glad i got to witness you do it.
tagged: charles_leclerc
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charles_leclerc please don't make me cry again. i just stopped.
↳ natalia_leclerc it's a miracle i was able to post this through my tears.
user12 oh great, now i'm crying again.
benruiz listen, i may hate the little shit because he's dating my baby sister, but i'm still fucking proud of him. congrats charles, you deserved this.
↳ benruiz also, please tell my dad to stop crying. he hasn't stopped since you won. ↳ charles_leclerc let him be proud of me for once! ↳ benruiz he literally cries every time you win. shut up?
maejonesverstappen i'm still disappointed i didn't get to witness my best friend win his home race, but still so proud charlie.
↳ charles_leclerc you were there in spirit!!
↳ user98 these two being best friends is everything to me
user64 track menace charles makes his appearance!
user55 this post just reminds me that she's been there for everything. childhood best friends to lovers go hard here.
↳ user07 2018 charles would not believe you if you told him that not only did he end up with the girl he loves but he also won the monaco grand prix ↳ user55 manifestation works children! comment liked by charles_leclerc
oscarpiastri making the family proud 🥲
↳ olliebearman the piston cup is the world championship, not monaco.
rhysjones sorry to my mom and sisters but LET'S FUCKING GO!!!
↳ alex_albon disney child gone wild.
↳ maejonesverstappen rhys, watch your language!
↳ rhysjones says the one married to max emilian jones-verstappen.
rileykeough congrats charles!
↳ charles_leclerc thank you riley!!
sukiwaterhouse congrats, i guess?
↳ charles_leclerc thanks, i guess??
user71 the hand placement makes me feral.
↳ user84 right?? i wasn't aware lechair was that bold
user05 mom and dad on a night out.
↳ user26 imagine a baby pops up nine months from now?
↳ user05 that would be the funniest shit ever. then everyone will know those two really partied
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isabella perez i know that i probably know the answer to my question, but how's pato doing?
gael perez completely gutted
oscar piastri we saw the race
fernando alonso oh patito i'm sorry.
pato o'ward shit happens. it's okay.
daphne jones-ricciardo you're allowed to be sad about this.
pato o'ward oh, i'm fucking devastated. it's a miracle i stopped crying.
natalia ruiz forgive him, he's drunk. pierre gasly he's fucking shit-faced.
rowan todd i wonder how he's going to see little jewel if he's drunk
lando norris now he's quite literally crying in the club.
max jones-verstappen oh he's going to regret this so much
mae jones-verstappen about as much as you regret abu dhabi 2021
lewis hamilton i too regret abu dhabi 2021 esteban ocon oh we remember, 'FUCK MIKEY! FUCK THAT IDIOT! AND FUCK NICO TOO!'
nico rosberg what the fuck?
dulce perez if you hadn't won in 2016, lewis would already have his 8th.
jenson button oh my god, please just kiss and make up
mark webber maybe once nico stops thirsting over lewis on live television they can kiss.
nico rosberg i do not thirst. isabella perez sure, and charles isn't currently shitfaced.
pato o'ward why does anyone ever take you people as serious racers?
charles leclerc WE ARE PATITO!! carlos sainz WE ARE SO SERIOUS!! penelope trevino forgive him, he is also shit faced.
arthur leclerc mexicans everywhere are crying because of checo's dnf and pato being robbed.
gael perez i am crying. that's my boyfriend and uncle.
pato o'ward that is true, he hasn't stopped crying. rossi is concerned for him.
dulce perez make sure he drinks lots of water.
pato o'ward on it
daphne jones-ricciardo you people are so much to handle.
daniel jones-ricciardo WIFEY I MISS YOU!
sebastian vettel is he also drunk?
lewis hamilton days like today make me wish when seb was on the grid sebastian vettel days like this make me grateful that i am no longer on the grid.
mick schumacher oscar is the most boring person to party with.
isabella perez and he is also fucked up.
jenson button oh how i miss being a driver.
fernando alonso because you were whore.
jenson button fuck you bitch. you were a whore too.
mark webber i hate all of you with a passion.
sebastian vettel that's a lie. mark webber correction, i hate you and anti-christ with a passion. freya vettel HE DOESN'T HATE ME!! A WIN IS A WIN!!
charles leclerc i fucking love you people!
daphne jones-ricciardo aww, love you too charlie ❤️ congrats on the win once again.
mae jones-verstappen sorry we couldn't be there but congrats and sorry again pato.
pato o'ward hey, i'll bide my time just like charles! clearly it worked for him.
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@burningcupcakefire @arkhammaid @applopie @sunflower-golden-vol6 @lorarri @bb-swift @thewannabewriter @mypage-myfandoms @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @six-call @justtprachisblog @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @cool-ultra-nerd @kami10471633 @1nt3rnetgf @fernandoswarcrimes @arieltwvdtohamflash @brekkers-whore @natcha888 @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @georgeparisole @dan3avocado @nikfigueiredo @bella-182 @namgification @jensonsonlybutton @weekendlusting @trouble-sistar @lesliiieeeee @leclercsluv @33-81 @theseus-jpg @sarah-thatstings-ann @minmira95 @casperlikej @formulaonebuff @hopenshaw @hwalllllllelujah @doodlehunz @prongsvault
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¡leclerc-s speaks! CHARLES LECLERC WON MONACO AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO COPE!! I'M STILL CRYING OVER IT!! long live and yoyok being the surprise songs the night before charles won monaco is like the win was fate for me. also, i can't handle another sad pato edit on tiktok, the pain hurts.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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goldsbitch · 9 months
Right? p4
summary: Y/N is a photographer for McLaren F1 team. Hard working, goal oriented professional who would never put her career in jeopardy for some stupid crush, right?
That is until a photoshoot gets out of hand and there is no way to go but forward.
part 1, part 2, part 3
warning: 18+ i guess?
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It was a bit tricky to find a safe moment of solitude for the two of you to have your promised photoshoot. But in two days, your plans might finally become true.
What seemed easier, surprisingly, was finding little moments for quick make out sessions. In the driver's room, in the PR office, in that little hallway just next the mechanics gear storage.
You were a bit more careful outside the garage, but could not help one little kiss between the trailers.
It wasn't like Lando was shy at the beginning, but the more you got into the, the cheekier he became. He was so touchy. Grabbing your boobs and ass during make outs, brushing your hand when he walked by you and getting a little too close when discussing his photos.
You must have missed it before, or the frequency of him putting his hand on your shoulders has skyrocketed in the past few days.
You loved how you got to know him more. Learning the secret tricks that worked on your little, minor, definitely not massive, crush.
Zak Brown has requested a general meeting of the whole crew once you all landed in the next location. A tiny part of you suddenly got worried it might concern your little endeavor. Keeping this under the radar was of utmost importance, no matter what Lando said. You hoped you could trust him and his confidentiality. It felt strange to depend on that, but the adrenaline rush was hard to resist. The meeting turned out to be the introduction of a new sponsor and the obligation that this entailed. You had never been more happier for a new sponsor.
-"I might have one request for our photoshoot," was a text from Lando that popped up on your laptop screen. He was sitting on the other side of the room, at the front with all the important folks, while you were in the back right next to your other colleagues making notes. You looked at Lando, who was already watching you. Once your eyes met, he turned to his phone again. Having a feeling this might be one of his inappropriate games, you quickly disabled all notifications on your laptop. Instead you took your phone out, hoping no one was paying any attention to you.
-"Can you move just little to your left?" he continued. You gave him a questioning look and did as he asked.
-"Great, thanks sweetheart."
-"May I ask why, Lando?"
-"It's very closely connected to my request."
"Which would be....?"
"Be as kind to me as you are today" Again, you reacted with another questioning look. Lando took a moment to reply to a question from Zak and only after that quickly took his phone again to elaborate.
"Tight t-shirt with no bra is the peak of kindness in my opinion. Remember this next time I'm sad, I'm sure it'll help."
There is a certain kind of mad, that's not really angry or serious even, but still manages to rile up the blood in ones veins. Lando noticed your disbelief and tried to hide his amusement by pretending to be super interested in what Zak has been saying. For his own sake, he should stick with a driver's career, rather than acting.
In the meantime, to cut his fun short, you gracefully took out your sweater and put it on.
5 seconds later you received a ":(" text from the one and only.
"Sad already, Lando? I recall some cure for that. But probably for a closer inspection."
Lando was biting his cheek while reading it, only to be lightly reminded by Oscar of all people, that Lando's full attention is required to other things than his phone.
You were also pretending to be super interested in the presentation, but in the corner of your eye, you felt the rookie McLaren driver pointing his attention in your direction.
Probably nothing, right?
The change in your mood has been noted by those closest to you. All of a sudden, you were like a lit up candle, shining around every room you walked in. This did not play well with your need to stay as lowkey as possible. Oh and you were dyinggg to speak about this with someone to help you process what the fuck was actually happening. But it was all just pretty delicate. Mentally, you'd settled on the idea that once this is over, it will be a cool and unbelievable story for you and your friends. You did not usually fall for people, but when you did, you fell hard. You were currently overrun by adrenaline and dopamine to make much of a room for any of this to worry you.
Lando seemed to be followed by someone from the team all throughout the week. He was very vocal to you over texts about his impatience and that you both would need to be creative. Lando also wanted to catch the golden hour for your photoshoot. Wanted was an understatement, he was obsessed with it.
So when is the best time to avoid everyone? When they're busy getting ready for a new sponsor welcoming party. It was easy for your to get out of it, it was impossible for Lando to skip it completely - but arriving fashionably late was something he could very much afford. Which gave you an hour or two to have fun.
When the taxi dropped you off over at a location he sent you, he was already there. You agreed that at the moment, him picking you up would be risky. His car here on a random hill near Monte Carlo was suspicious enough. Then again, normal cars seemed to avoid Monaco.
He was leaning over centuries old abandoned wall on a make shift parking spot next to a forest, light shining directly into his face. You were not sure whether he was trying or if it just really came naturally, but when took his sunglasses off to look at you properly, he looked like he was put on this Earth to break hearts, to capture and allure anyone he decided.
So, into the lion's den you went. Nowhere you'd like to be but here.
"Good girl," is what he opened with. Shamelessly looked you up and down and continued: "I like it when you listen to me." Yes. You wore a tight crop top without a bra. And you had zero regrets for using cheap tricks.
"Well, Mr. Photographer. You're the boss. Now it's your turn to tell me what to do." The way how him telling you what to do made you so horny was freaking you out a bit. You were usually the dominant one, right?
"Like the sound of that. Come over there with me and let's see how this light works."
You were 100% sure he wanted to kiss you. Just like you wanted to kiss him. But this cat and mouse vibe was making it all just a bit more exciting. So you immediately went to where he was pointing.
"Taking a girl in the forest, alone. You sure you're not planning anything I should be worried about, am I right?"
"If I recall, you're the one who dragged me to a forest at night. Perhaps it's our thing."
"We'll see."
Lando had a different kind of a photographer personality than you had. With him doing this just for fun, he was super relaxed, chatty and playful. You were more "crazy eyes" "in-the-zone" type of a person when it came to photography. But his approach worked on you. You were actually bit worried coming here, because being on that side of the camera was not your comfortable spot. He managed to get all of this out of the window without even trying. At first he gave you over the top instructions as a joke, suddenly speaking with a horrifyingly bad French accent.
"I'm not doing that, Lando," you laughed out when he requested you run away from him so he could take some blurry back shots.
"Monsignor Norris for you, madame, let's be professionale," he kept his act and looked at you and rolled his eyes. "These young hot girls, they always think they are ze shit. How can I work with these material. My art will suffeour."
You looked at him, trying not to laugh at his theatrical expressions. Apparently, you were now into bad accents jokes. He was getting under your skin in parts you had no idea is possible. "This was maybe more German than French, monsignor Norris."
"Papa must have been German then." He then swiftly moved his camera up, completely taking you by surprise.
"Yes," he abandoned the accent. "The face of a total disbelief suits you the best. I want to see that."
It was fascinating to watch someone walk so gracefully on the line of serious hot and goofy cute. You were doomed.
You sighed loudly. He smiled. You bit your lip and butterflies flew as if they were on drugs. Because spending time with him was having the same affect as drugs would have on different people.
"Can I take one photo of you?" you asked. "The light is just too perfect to miss this out."
He stepped closer. Handed you the camera. When his hand touched yours, it felt like being burned in the best way possible.
"Yes. But only if this goes to your special secret folder with the other ones."
You nodded. His fingers played with yours. You looked up at his face and lips he just licked. And then you kissed him again. This was probably the slowest kiss you ever shared. Not a quick "hurry up before someone sees us" type of kiss. No, this was the one where you explored, drowned in the moment. You were becoming used to the texture of his lips, the way his tongue moved and how his teeth lightly bit your own lips once in a while. This wasn't a rushed moment. This was a study session. It continued to surprise you how great of a kissing partner he was to you. Putting most of your previous kisses you had with other people in shame.
When his hand slowly traced a line starting down your neck and ending right above your nipple, you could feel him smile into your kiss. "Shall I continue?" Lando had his line of asking for consent and making it sound hot mastered to perfection.
"Yes, please."
"That's more like it." And he went on to circle and squeeze your nipple. It was as if he had unlocked a new level. The further you went the more had the curiosity about how it must feel when he'd be inside you grew into a need. Desire transforming to urge. Intrigue growing to lust. Lando studied what kind of an effect each of his move had. And used what he had observed to toy with you even more. He gently pushed you to the nearest tree, pressed his body against yours and bit your nipple through your shirt, causing you only wanting more. You grabbed his hand it on your other breast and make him squeeze it. While you yourself started exploring his torso under his t-shirt. He returned back to kissing you, while his hands roamed around your body. You reached all the way to his belt and pulled him forward. "Careful, Y/N," Lando joked in between kisses. "Might be hard to turn back and stop if we keep it at this pace. Here in this forest. Anyone could walk by."
Your hand started to trace the outline of his growing erection. "Is it bad that I'm finding that hot?"
He smiled. "Yes. And I guess we are both bad people."
You gently grabbed him. The reaction his body was giving you was everything. "So we'll stop here. We need to get you to the stupid event anyway."
Lando took a deep breath. "Right."
"Right," you smiled, finally seeing that you have some effect on him, which was only making you want to go further in the future.
You both stepped away from each other, burning each other with eye contact. Once Lando came back to normal a bit, he winked at you. "Come along, I need to smile at people who are making sure we get paid."
"Fair enough." You snapped an unexpected photo, getting his flustered face in the perfect light. Cheeky smiles were shared again.
The sun was almost set as you reached his car. "I'll drive you to the hotel."
"You sure?" you asked. "I'm happy to get a cab to be safe."
"Nonsense, you'd be waiting here for half an hour. Come, I'll drop you off in the parking lot of the hotel, quickly dress and head to the event."
You got into his car, reluctantly. Once you were settled, he promply started the car, did 180 drift and had the car sprint to the road entrance.
You laughed. "Show off...."
"Ha, as if."
The drive was silent for few minutes, but after that Lando started asking you quite a lot of questions. It seemed a bit strange to you. He was suddenly interested in how you like your colleagues, what got you to the world of F1, how your family handled the fact you were away all the times. You made a joke about this feeling like an interview. He joked back, saying he is continuing on trying different roles and progressed from a photographer to an interviewer. You had a lot to say about this - how come he would consider this a progress?
It felt like you could spend hours talking to this British idiot.
In the middle of your conversation, he put his hand on your leg for a moment. It really should not make you lose focus on the outside world so quickly, right?
part 5
@i-wish-this-was-me @lqvesoph
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amakumos · 8 months
enhypen as f1 fans - headcanons.
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SYNOPSIS. enhypen as f1 fans this is literally just it
GENRE. probably just crack
AUTHOR'S NOTE. this is literally just for fun and i love lando norris. lmk what else you would want to add if u like f1 and enha... let me know what types of fans theyd be... not tagging taglist in this cuz its not that serious of a fic
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favourite team: aston martin
favourite track: spa-francorchamps
favourite driver: fernando alonso / lewis hamilton
heeseung also gives me the vibe that he likes red bull as well! i think he definitely wouldn't be mad if a rb driver won, but would prefer drivers from his favourite team
he's definitely gone to races before. occasionally buys paddock passes.
had the time of his life in the first half of the 2023 season when aston was good... after the upgrades (more like downgrades) he's been going through it...
but i think he'd still have hope.
the kind of guy to quit watching the race if his favourite driver dnfs
buys merch like a crazy person
loves fernando’s tiktok account with a burning passion. probably uses them as reaction memes in the gc
will lose his shit when fernando or lewis retires.
has a soft spot for oscar
bashes his head against the wall when his fav driver has a slow pitstop
the kind of guy to yell at the tv when the result outcome is terrible
"i'm never watching formula 1 again" he says when his fav doesn't make it to the points... and then proceeds to turn the tv back on the next race week
probably has a selfie with his fav driver (and probably cried a little bit after)
uses that video of fernando's celebration dance as a way to get out of awkward conversations
the first guy to like fernando's new tiktoks whenever they r posted
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favourite team: mercedes
favourite track: circuit of the americas
favourite driver: lewis hamilton / sebastian vettel
honestly i feel like everyone in enha loves lewis
lost his shit when seb retired
i think he also likes nico rosberg as well. seems like a brocedes guy (he sheds tears every time someone brings brocedes up tho)
would sacrifice his right lung for another lewis hamilton win
would gladly help seb build his bee hotels in suzuka
paddock passes every time when he goes and watches f1.
probably has selfies with every driver that he likes
hes just a mercedes guy through and through
he's loyal to his team! if ur a mercedes driver, jay loves u AUTOMATICALLY.
probably died a bit on the inside when george and lewis had contact on turn 1 in qatar 2023
not a red bull fan. im sorry
but he sometimes thinks about turning into a red bull fan because life as a red bull fan is much less depressing compared to being a merc fan
misses the merc domination era
probably on f1twt and is famous there
people know him for having selfies w the drivers and always buying paddock passes. he's a rich guy what can i say
another guy who yells at the screen during a race
whenever merc has disappointing strategies he just sighs and thinks: "i could do a better job"
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favourite team: ferrari
favourite track: monza / monaco
favourite driver: charles leclerc
he goes through it every single weekend. every weekend he is constantly disappointed by ferrari and at this point he is considering to quit watching f1
only cares about charles. loves that man with his life
he also likes oscar and danny ric as well, because they're australian
you know how every italian man is in love with charles? they post stuff on their story like "met my husband😍" and it's a pic of them and charles? that's jake. he is him
jake reminds me of that one fan who made charles a pizza and gave it to him in person. like that’s lowkey some shit that he would do
picks up on phrases that charles says. mainly "it's like this" ...
prays every single weekend for charles to get good results (he is always disappointed)
wanted to die when he saw charles' slow pit stop at the dutch gp in 2023... they had NO TYRES and jake threw the remote control at the screen
has charles merch. definitely bought the monaco special edition hat. probably buys apm monaco for charles too
he's definitely gone to races before. probably bought paddock once but he will never do that again his wallet was crying
was 100% in the crowd during charles' 2019 monza win. also shed tears during that moment
"BURN THE SF23" is the most tweeted thing on his f1twt account of the 2023 season
argues with sunghoon all the time over f1 because sunghoon is a red bull fan... but secretly they're literally lecstappen
in general jake would sacrifice his entire life for charles leclerc and... he's so real for that
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favourite team: red bull
favourite track: zandvoort / red bull ring
favourite driver: max verstappen
the only one enjoying the 2023 season
because his favourite driver always wins
the only one in enha whos NEVER disappointed whenever a race happens
yells rlly loud whenever max wins (so basically every race weekend) and the rest of the enha boys just look at him like 😒
probably has like 5 red bull shirts in his closet and sleeps in them
defends max with his life. probably has a twitter account w the user onlyverstappen and you'll see him bashing the shit out of max haters
prob bought a max mini helmet. almost bought the max verstappen christmas sweater (hes a dedicated fan what can i say)
big maxiel fan. would sacrifice everything for a max and daniel pairing again because he thinks they're funny together
likes max bc of his humour as well
watches youtube videos about f1 like "every f1 driver getting mad at nikita mazepin" or like "funny f1 driver radio moments"
the kind of guy to save every max edit into his camera roll (hes in love what can i say)
started drinking red bulls because of his love for the team… he says it’s his way of supporting them
fan of liam lawson too. needs him to get a seat and he does not care with what team. he just needs to see that man in a f1 car ASAP...
has been to f1 races, bought paddock once to go with jay. max won that race and he never shuts up about how he saw max verstappen win with his own two eyes
has the same passion towards f1 as jake except he lives in a constant state of happiness due to red bull's dominance while jake lives in a constant state of depression
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favourite team: alphatauri / williams
favourite track: singapore
favourite driver: yuki tsunoda / alex albon
big yuki fan. thinks his radios are funny
he's not too invested in f1 but watches occasionally
loves alex bc of how he's somehow able to drag a williams into the points
he's pretty quiet when he's watching f1 i feel
feels like the kind of guy to just sit on the couch and be like "hmm. good job" or like "oh. maybe next time..."
mainly bc his fav drivers and teams arent fighting for podiums or championships... but he hopes that they'll be able to someday
he's that one rlly lucky fan that could just be walking around in the same city as his fav f1 driver and just bump into them on the street
doesn't hate any team and doesn't hate any driver. he's a pretty chill f1 fan
the ONE time sunoo probably got pissed was when yuki was on his formation lap and his engine broke down... meaning he didn't start
wanted to punch smth because How in the World
probably bought one of yuki's mini helmets bc he thinks its cute. "good room decor" - kim sunoo 2023
probably has a yuki or alex cap but that's as much merch as he'll buy tbh
likes the yuki / daniel combo for alphatauri but also thinks nyck should've been given a bit more time
probably hasn't been to an f1 race in person... if he went i don't think he'd buy paddock unless one of the other members bought it and brought him along
keeps up w f1 news from twitter or from jake bc he never stops talking about how ferrari’s fucking up charles' strategy again
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favourite team: mclaren
favourite track: silverstone
favourite driver: lando norris / oscar piastri
no, i’m not just saying jungwon is a lando enjoyer just because i am (maybe a little bc i’m biased BUT)
they’re both just adorable so what can i say really
depressed at the beginning of the season when the mclaren boys were driving a fucking TRACTOR for a car
landoscar enthusiast. i don’t make the rules… he and jake remind me of landoscar kinda… like jake would be a lando and jungwon would be an oscar
would do anything (I MEAN ANYTHING) for a lando win… me too
spends money on lando merch (HOODIES!) and prob wears it bc the designs r insanely cool
sits in silence in the corner when it’s a bad race week for his faves… like he’s crazily silent to the point where it’s scary. it's giving eye twitches vibes
gets hyped for race week tho he’s the kinda guy to have every race logged in his calendar
makes maeumi watch f1 with him. unfortunately maeumi is not a mclaren fan much to his disappointment
if you hate lando or oscar he will hate you. defends them with his life and trust and believe me he will win.
is on f1twt, pretty well known on there (he just tweets random shit and gets 1k likes and hes like... Wtf)
attends races whenever he can, prob not paddock cuz he thinks it’s not really worth it bc of how expensive they are
used to mclaren being good now compared to the start of the season so he’s devastated when they’re not top 5
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favourite team: mercedes (ferrari later tho...)
favourite track: suzuka
favourite driver: lewis hamilton / yuki tsunoda / kimi raikkonen
lewis fan because he’s the goat, yuki fan bc he thinks he’s funny and bc they’re both japanese, kimi fan because well... hes KIMI
riki’s prob been invested in f1 since he was a kid, definitely the most involved / passionate w motorsports
probably watches other motorsport series too! pretty sure he’s talked about formula e, and i could see him enjoying indycar and motogp
yk how lewis released that collab w fortnite? riki prob bought the skin and plays as lewis in fortnite😭
loves roscoe!!! would want bisco and roscoe to meet tbh
wants lewis to win again SOOOO badly
prob has a picture with yuki and the height difference would be hilarious (yuki is 159cm)
i think he's a big fan of schumacher, senna, prost too, definitely been watching this sport for a WHILE!
in a complete state of SHOCK when it was revealed lewis would be going to ferrari
started learning italian on duolingo after the big announcement
has definitely been to a few f1 races (suzuka, silverstone & singapore are probably the ones he's been to)
probably gets invited as a guest of his favourite teams n shit it's crazy he's practically an influencer there
would start an f1 podcast for fun and it would go viral
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adventuringblind · 1 year
Oscar the Matchmaker: Chapter Seven
Oscar Piastri x reader x Max Verstappen
Summary: Oscar needs to let out some steam after his DNF in Spa, and his partners happen to be the perfect stand ins. Lando fails to realize that Oscar is a matchmaker in a really messed up kind of way
Warnings: Bossy Oscar, Bondage, dom/sub, Oral (m and f), spanking, overstimulation, denial, Lando is still a menace
Notes: Carlando anybody? 👀
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Lando is a menace. He knows this. The Spainaird sitting next to him knows this as well. However, Lando is also protective. Carlos had sent out a less than nice tweet about his teammate, and Lando is determined to make the older male apologize for his actions.
Oscar had been so excited after the sprint, and Lando had wanted to see that continue through the race and after. The Australian leaving with a deppressed look on his face had not been the plan.
The Brit had once again stolen a room key. This time, Max's. Oscar had said they were coming straight here after everything was said and done. So they lounge lazily across the bed. Lando had finished lecturing Carlos ten minutes ago. Now the pair have nothing better to do than lounge around and go through the groups things.
Lando opens another drawer, and Carlos just shakes his head in disappointment. "I found the goods!"
"The goods?"
"The secrets, Carlos! The things that are kinky!"
Both Lando and Carlos' head snap toward the door. Max's hotel room is much bigger to the point where the bedroom is separate. This means that at the current moment, they can't see each other, but they can hear through the walls.
The door slams shut, and Oscar's more demanding voice fills the other side of the wall. "Knees. Now."
Lando grabs Carlos by the arm and pulls him off the bed. "Not again."
The two dive into the bathroom and gently close the door just in time for the bedroom door to slam open. Lando can hear the closet door also creak open and close again.
"Pretty sure Lando won't ever come into the room unnoticed again." Laughs the female.
Carlos leans over to him and whispers. "You've don't this before?!"
"Almost died with Charles."
"That explains some things."
The highs and lows of Spa are something that can make even the strongest man dizzy. Or at least that's how she thinks Oscar might feel.
His early DNF had made him irritable all evening. Which is to be expected. Not like anyone likes to DNF.
When she saw the look on his face, she knew that he needed to let out his frustrations.
Which would turn out to be Max. The Aussie had pratically dragged him back here with her in tow carrying their things.
Now Max is on his knees, Oscar is fuming, and she's attempting to find what he asked for.
If they hadn't talked about this before, then she might have even been scared. However, Max had sent in the group chat that he is willing to be a stand-in for whatever Oscar needs. It's a rare thing that this happens. That consent is given over text, and Oscar had double-checked in the car.
The Aussie had laid out his plans and made sure to remind them he isn't mad, and this is for their enjoyment as much as his outlet. It is always important to go into these things with a good mindset.
She lays a few things out and then waits as instructed. Oscar and Max are in seconds, and despite the initial roughness, They both check around the room and shoot her cheeky smiles.
No sign of Lando. "Pretty sure Lando won't come into the room unnoticed again." She laughs.
"I'd rather not risk it given what we're about to do." Oscar closes the closet door and looks at both her and Max. "I'm giving you three seconds to put yourselves on the bed facing each other."
The two flounder for a moment, but still end up there they needed to be. Though it definitely isn't graceful.
Neither of them say anything. Max may be the Carlos stand-in, but she has yet to actually be told what she's doing. Awaiting orders like a robot.
"Strip each other. Don't want anything on you." Oscar stands at the foot of the bed with his arms crossed, face flushed with a mix between arousal and frustration. They fumble again in getting clothes off. A small part of her mind wants to take as long as possible, but with his mood, she deems that it is a bad idea. The last time she decided to be a brat, it ended with three hours of edging, and then Oscar and Max tag teamed her into far too many orgasms that she cried for a while after. It was great, really, but at the time, she wasn't pleased with it.
Instead it feels like their clothes are off in record time. Oscar eyes them with hunger. A smirk plays on his lips as he wets them with his tongue.
A forceful push sends Max backward. His head dangling of the edge. She can hear the buckle of Oscar's jeans come undone. He turns it into a makeshift bond for his wrist. A little tighte then neccecary but the moan it gets from Max tells her he likes it that way.
She dragged from her blissful state of simply watching when a fistful of her hair is grabbed. She's shoved down towards Max's very hard cock. It's a little slower, so she has a chance to actually get her mouth open.
"Don't let him finish." He pointedly commands her. This is going to be a long night.
"I still can't believe you've done this before."
"I can't believe my teammate is really this kinky."
"Is this some sort of weird fetish you have? I swear I won't judge, but I think you need to talk to them if that's what this is."
"I'm going to cry now. The last time haunts me. Max held us hostage."
One hour down. She almost wishes she could record this like a video log. Max has finished approximately four times.
She has no idea how. Max looks exhausted, and his eyes are glazed over in ecstasy. Part of her thinks both him and Oscar needed this.
Speaking of Oscar, he has finished once. Inside of Max, mind you. Part of her thinks it was accidental. He looked shocked when it happened.
She has yet to finish. Her body is desperate, but her mind is telling her that she need not be. She'll probably be crying when they are done for the night.
Max was screaming a minute ago, and now the room is filled with panting. She likes this noise. Like an interlude in a song before it ramps up again.
Oscar runs gentle hands down the curves of Max's body. "You did so good, Maxy. Such a good stand-in. Too bad Carlos isn't a good boy like you."
"I'm sorry... what?"
"Makes sense, mate. You made the Aussie angry."
"But he's so calm! Where is all the aggression coming from?"
"See, I've come to reason that he stores it all in a bottle and then saves it for these occasions."
She's not sure how she got herself into this position. Her body being tied to the headboard.
Scratch that, she does know. Oscar had proposed that he work on his knot tying while Max recovers some of his energy.
Apparently, she is also a Carlos stand-in. She may be tied to the headboard, but she's facing the wall.
She's going to have Oscar's hand tattooed to her skin if the mark stays. Why is she getting spanked anyway? What did she do? Unless this is a damn warm-up. He's used this method to put her down a few times. She's sad that it's actually working.
Tears are burning her eyes now. It's not like the hits are soft. Her ass burns and stings, and she's not sure she really wants anymore.
Originally, she's been told fifteen. But the pitch and tears must have been noticed. Hands run along her skin soothingly. Soft kisses are pressed to her spine.
"We won't do anymore, love. I'm so proud of you. You did so well for me."
She's smiling, and she's not sure why. It's probably due to the praise which is making her feel floaty and fuzzy.
"Maxy, I have a new job for you."
She feels another presence dip the bed. Max is settling himself between her already spread thighs.
She almost cries at the feeling of Max's tongue barely licking her. The stimulation she's been craving finally at her doorstep.
Two pairs of hands grip her body. Max on her thighs just under her aching ass and Oscar everywhere inbetween.
They both get more aggressive with their movements. Max's mouth is everywhere she needs it. Sometimes, she wonders if this is his secret talent or if he got training for it.
She loses herself at the thought.
"Please- fuck. Please sir I need to cum."
"Go ahead. Finish on Max's tongue."
She must have done something right because Oscar's body is also shuddering. She assumes it's his title that did it.
She can't think too hard about it as the muscles in her body start to contract. Her head drops back behind her, and the Aussie’s lips attach themselves to her throat.
No thought for the rest of the night. Only feelings, pleasure, and unconditional love.
"Do you think Max or Oscar has the bigger dick?"
"Why do you want to know?"
"Who do you think has a bigger dick, me or you?"
"Honestly no idea."
She's subbed dropped a few times before. It's a thing that happens to everyone if they are consistently in the headspace for long periods of time. She is currently finding that wall. That limit of how much she can really take.
She's enjoying this. Lost in the abyss of her mind. No idea how many orgasms she's been dragged through.
So she panics when it stops. Her mind reeling with every possibility. A futile attempt to bring herself back.
She hadn't realized she'd been crying. Harder now due to the suddenness of the stop.
Every nerve is alight. Every part of her body feels thoroughly loved. Her mind unable to understand what is happening.
Oscar's voice is attempting to pull her back to reality. Gentle hands stroke her hair. "Breathe love, you did so well."
"Why did you stop?"
"We stopped a good five minutes ago. You started crying only a minute ago." He soothes.
Max's fingers trace down her arm to her bonds. "Can I untie these?"
She shakes her head yes despite still not really understanding. Her eyes are still leaking, and she can't get it to stop. She needs to see them. Get lost in their eyes for a while.
When she is no longer tangled in rope, her body collapses into both boys. Exhaustion takes over her as she trembles in their hold. Every inch of her is still swimming in endorphins.
Words are exchanged, and the bed moves again. Max is humming a song to attempt stopping the still unending tears.
Tears she doesn't understand. She's not unhappy or in pain. Her brain feels like nothing and can't see past her boys and the unending waves serotonin. Maybe it's too much for her. Maybe she finally found that limit.
Sh hears the bathroom door creaks open and something like a growl escape from Oscar.
The two boys on the cold bathroom floor have made their own entertainment.
Is this probably not the best look from a professional standpoint? Probably. Do they care in this moment? Absolutely not.
The fact that Lando even has the Spaniard down his throat is amazing. It's even better when Carlos mumbles about how it's the best head he's ever had.
Until the moment is interrupted by the door creaking open and the light flicking on.
Carlos doesn't look at the door, though, cause he's too busy looking at Lando's flushed cheeks. He finishes down his throat the same second and somehow the Brit manages to take all of it.
"What the fuck?!"
Both boys scramble to resituate themselves. The door slams closed and they can hear Oscar muttering to himself.
When it reopens, he is in clothes and armed with murder in his eyes.
"I swear to god Lando that you have a kink or something, but bringing Carlos here as well is just evil."
"Does that mean it's a bad time to apoligize?"
"Get out."
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mikolovesracing · 3 months
electric touch
//:: or in this case, lando norris is sick of the small touches from oscar piastri that leave him dying for more, and in the same sense, oscar knows it:://
🖤🧡requests open🧡🖤
(no smut. i dont write that shit:) but it is incredibly fluffy)
they sat side by side at the interview, a mere six inches away from each other and chatting to the media lady who was nice enough but pressy and internally frustrating lando. it had already been a long day and he was ready to clock in especially after a spectacular quali which gave him a p2 position behind oscar who had a phenomenal quali. lando had tuned out and was letting his brain get rapidly excited for tomorrow’s race until he felt a shocking tap on his forearm. he snapped out if it and turned to oscar who was chuckling.
“oh i just shocked lando, like literally just shocked lando.” he laughed into the microphone, the lady was looking a bit more expectantly at lando however and seemed slightly annoyed.
“lando how does it feel to qualify behind your teammate?” she repeated, lando wasn’t sure how to respond over the fact that his heart was racing and he could barely hear his own thoughts. he thought on it for a moment, barely, before clearing his throat.
“i’m incredibly proud of him, oscar is a fantastic racer and i think this has been a long time coming for him, i think he has every tool he needs to pull off a win tomorrow, unless i do it myself but, you know watching your best mate win his first race is a win for yourself as well, and honestly for the team.”
“well let’s hope to see at least one of you come out on top then, lando, oscar, best of luck.”
the boys both politely said thank you and stood up. lando waited for oscar to get a few feet ahead before walking after him. he kept looking down at the freckle on his forearm that oscar shocked, feeling a chill down his spine when he touched it, like the elctricity was still on his body somehow and tingling under his skin as if trying to escape. the anxiety in his chest constantly reminded him that he probably turned bright red when oscar poked hin and that it was totally caught on tape in that interview.
“earth to lando, are you okay?” oscar had turned around and grabbed lando by the shoulders to stop him before he ran into the aussie. cue the flush in his face and that feeling of electricity running through his veins again. lando wasn’t entirely sure what face he was making, whether he looked annoyed or completely smitten and forced up a smile.
“yeah fine, just a lot on my mind you know?” he said through partially gritted teeth. oscar removed one hand and let the other linger on lando’s shoulder, flicking his thumb across it. he knew what he was doing. it’s not like he was an idiot, or that their mutual friends were horrid at keeping secrets, but he knew about lando’s crush. at that point, everyone on the grid knew about lando’s crush and oscar’s unspoken reciprocation.
“he’s in love with you, piastri, if you don’t see that, i reckon you might be stupid. and mean. definitely mean.” daniel ricciardo had said to him not but an hour ago in his trailer. oscar had known for at least two months and in that time had done the most he could to irk and tease lando. especially with little touches. it. drove. lando. mad.
“no! danny! don’t mistake me for a muppet! it’s not like lando is inconspicuous about it, have you seen him even slightly near me lately? i just don’t know how to go about letting him know that i feel the same? he’s anxious about it and i feel horribly but also i don’t want to tell him that everyone has told me. i just wanna do it when the timing is right?” oscar had replied, feeling slightly justified in his stupid little game that was making lando all flustered.
“you’re a menace to society. and i promise you if you hurt him, millions of teenage girls are going to rip you limb from limb.”
“i know! again, i may be young, but i am not dumb,” lando had said so himself, “it’s just fun to see him when i bother him, i dunno, it’s like a fucked up little game where i see just how far to maddness i can drive him before he gives in and kisses me or something.”
that’s what he was doing. pushing lando’s buttons like that was his full time job. and that was his intention on bumping the older driver any chance he could, tapping him on the shoulder and mentally picturing the feeling of wrapping his arms around him and holding him close. in this moment though, he thought he was close to actually breaking lando, his green eyes were wide and his body was tense against oscar’s hand, not to mention that his cheeks were ferrari red and the rest of his face draining of color from the blood rush. oscar smirked.
“well come on then, we should consider going back to the hotel soon yeah?” oscar offered, waiting for lando’s reaction. the latter finally stuttered out a response that he wasn’t sure was the right answer or not.
“uh, yeah, yeah! uh, let me just get my backpack from the trailer and we can leave.”
oscar pat him on the shoulder, turned around and kept walking through the paddock to the mclaren area, waiting outside for lando to go in and grab his things. he was being cheeky on purpose and he was gonna get the outcome he had been ever so patiently waiting for.
lando was anxiously sitting in the chaise at the end of the bed, legs crossed under a blanket and chewing on the string of his hoodie. oscar was laying on the bed behind him on his stomach holding up his head with a pillow, purposefully so that he was level with lando. logan had recommended some weird stop motion movie to them a few days ago and they had finally gotten around to watching it. lando was acutely aware of the proximity between him and oscar and was trying not to let his anxiety get the best of him. oscar was reveling in it.
“you okay? you’ve seemed off today.” oscar mentioned, flopping himself over, hanging his head off the bed. lando looked down at him and laughed.
“fine, yes why? you’ve asked me no less than twenty times today. just because i qualified behind you doesn’t mean i’m upset, i’m very happy for you actually!” lando did his best to mask his emotions and play it off as something that wasn’t necessarily untrue. oscar was beginning to lose patience, he climbed down onto the chaise next to lando, crossing his legs so that their knees were touching and watching lando tense up again.
“i just have a feeling you aren’t telling me everything, you would tell me if something was bothering you right?”
“yes oscar, i would,” lando thought he was starting to catch on and utilised some new found some confidence, “why do you keep touching me?” it was his turn to smirk and oscar’s turn to blush.
“what are you talking about?” play it cool, oscar.
“you keep touching me, you have been for the last week at least. i was just wondering if you were clumsy or,” lando paused, confidence gone.
“or?” oscar dragged his pinky finger along lando’s knee.
“or if you like me or something.” lando’s voice had shrunk and he felt like collapsing in on himself. oscar moved his hand fully on top of lando’s leg and leaned closer.
“you’re thick headed you are, lando. i’ve been waiting to see how long it’d take you to catch on, so, i had my fun.”
“lando. have you figured it out yet?”
“do you want me to spell it out for you?”
oscar cupped lando’s face and gently pulled it towards his own, connecting their lips. lando froze, his stomach filled with butterflies and the electric feeling coursing through his entire body. the elation and adrenaline was setting in, simultaneously oscar was worried he’d broken lando and began to pull away, only to be pulled in deeper by lando who threw his arms around oscar and pressed his body against the aussie. oscar tangled his fingers in lando’s hair, his other hand moving to lando’s waist. lando felt his anxiety melt away as his sole focus became the way oscar’s hands felt on his hip and in his hair, and how perfectly his lips moved against his, and the low breaths that left the younger’s breath. they weren’t sure how long they had been kissing before pulling away for a breath of air. lando leaned into oscar and clung to his side, something he had dreamed of doing for nearly two years.
“so,” lando cleared his throat, looking up at oscar who had snapped his head down in lando’s direction, a flop of hair hanging down in front of his eye, “i take it you feel the same way as i do?” oscar couldn’t hold back the smile that tugged the the corners of his mouth, he tugged lando onto his lap and kissing him again, pulling away and pressing his forehead against the latter’s.
“you don’t read social cues very well do you?”
“yes! i like you lando!”
“oh well that’s a relief.”
“and you really thought you could tell everyone on the grid and it wouldn’t get back to me?”
“who snitched?! was it danny? actually it was probably charles come to think of it.”
“mate. it was damn near everyone.”
“but yes, mostly danny.”
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whispersofalostsoul · 2 months
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Summary: Image if Lando Norris has follen in love for the first time….with a woman that he never thought he could fall for… and when his whole world turns upside down, he finds himself alone…once more...
(Please leave comments to help me improve my story ! Would also love to hear your opinions ! thank you !)
Chapter 1 - Encunter --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/756913230598815744/runaway?source=share
Chapter2 - Belgium ---https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757021516150030336/runaway?source=share
Chapter 3 - Dinner --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757096323375824896/runaway?source=share
Chapter 4 - The fight --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757270709880930304/runaway?source=share
Chapter 5 - Sleeping inhttps://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757554318977204224/runaway?source=share
Chapter 6 - Confrontation
Lando held tightly to Dalia's hand as he rushed out of Oscar's apartment, leaving her little time to grab her phone. They exited the building, and Lando hurriedly led her to his car parked outside. Dalia's bare feet felt the rough pavement beneath her, each step a reminder of how unprepared she was for this unexpected escape. "Get in!" Lando ordered his voice a blend of annoyance and hurt. He opened the passenger door for her, and she slid into the seat, the leather cool against her skin. As he jumped into the driver's seat, she caught a glimpse of his expression, his eyes sparkling with frustration. 
Lando tightly gripped the wheel, attempting to steady himself, while Dalia remained silent, not wanting to provoke him any further. After a prolonged silence, he finally uttered, "I refuse to believe," his frustration evident. Turning to her, he repeated, "I refuse to believe that you are this type of women." "I am not!" she pleaded knowing what the situation looks like. She recounted the events that led her to Oscar's place, and as Lando learned of what Noah had done to her, his eyes darkened once more. Before he could say anything, she confessed, "I was thinking of calling you first...but I couldn't..." Her gaze fell to her legs. "I figured you'd still be mad at me." Silence once again enveloped the two, leaving the tension lingering. Lando wanted to take her hand when he saw how upset she was, but he didn't want to frighten her off. Dalia looked up at him, tears welling in her eyes. "I'm sorry for what I said," she finally stammered. "You're not like that at all..." tears began to fall. "And I've ruined our friendship..." Lando couldn't hold back any longer, quickly reaching for her hand, despite wanting to hide, and said, "And I regret giving you the wrong impression about me. I'm not in a relationship with Magui, and I wasn't trying to deceive either of you."
Dalia felt a wave of relief wash over her as she listened to his words. She had been carrying the weight of guilt and misunderstanding for far too long, and now that it was finally being cleared up, she felt a sense of liberation."I believe you," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath. "I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions and not giving you the chance to explain. I should have trusted you more."He reached out and gently wiped away the tears that had started to fall down her cheeks. "It's okay, Dalia. I understand why you felt that way, but I promise you, there was never anything between Magui and me. You are the only one I care about."As he spoke those words, Dalia felt a warmth spread through her chest. Instantly feeling embarrassed by his small confession, he cleared his throat and gently put back his hands on the wheel, not knowing what to say next. "Um...have you had breakfast ?" Dalia shot him a bright smile, trying to lighten the awkward vibe between them. Lando happily nodded and drove his car toward the closest coffee shop.
A week had passed since Dalia and Lando resolved their issues, and they were now in constant communication, texting and meeting whenever possible. Even during summer break, Lando's schedule remained packed with personal commitments like golfing with friends and family visits, alongside professional obligations such as events with McLaren and his own business. Meanwhile, Dalia was busy with her agency, having not exchanged a single word with Noah since the incident, except for work-related matters. Despite his numerous attempts to apologize, Dalia remained unwilling to accept it. On her last day at work, Dalia was wrapping things up in the late afternoon. As she stood by the agency door scrolling through her phone, she noticed Noah beside her. She tried to brush him off, but then he broke the silence, puffing out cigarette smoke, "I think Lando's waiting for you." Startled, she glanced over as he pointed across the street. There it was—a sleek, fancy car parked there. "You don’t see a McLaren 750S around here often, and it just so happens to be one of Lando's rides," he said casually, exhaling another cloud of smoke. Dalia stayed quiet, not wanting to give him any satisfaction, and focused back on her phone to text Lando. Noah flicked his cigarette to the ground and shrugged, "Alright, guess we’ll just have to see if it’s really him." He then wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. Dalia's heart sank when she felt his lips brush against her cheek.
In just a few seconds, they spotted Lando leap out of the car and dash across the street towards them. Dalia could tell he was furious and might take a swing at Noah. Before she could step in, Lando was already right in front of him, yanking him by the collar. "Hey Lando, I'm a huge fan," Noah quipped casually, completely unaware of how the F1 driver's grip had him pinned against the door. "Don't even think about laying a finger on her again," Lando muttered through gritted teeth, his hold on Noah's collar growing tighter. "Whoa, whoa, whoa," Noah chuckled. "I was just messing around, trying to give her a friendly goodbye kiss for the summer." He raised his hands in a joking surrender. "Come on, Lando, it's not worth it," Dalia jumped in, worried that someone might catch sight of him. "Let's just take a breath and calm down, okay? There's no need for violence here," Noah amused as his felt Lando's hand letting go of him. "I'll get you next time" Lando threatened as Dalia was leading him away towards his car. Noah's expression turned from mischievous to serious, rubbing his neck from the pain. He reached for his phone and snapped a picture.
The car rolled up to Dalia's house, and she let out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding, relieved that everything had turned out okay. "I really appreciate you coming through, Lando," she said quietly, flashing him a thankful smile. Lando's expression softened as he looked at her, his eyes drifting from her gaze to her cheek. He lingered for a moment before reaching out to lightly brush it, almost as if he wanted to wipe away any memory of Noah's kiss. Dalia's heart skipped a beat at the touch, feeling a rush of warmth spread through her. She couldn't deny the chemistry between them, the unspoken tension that had been building since they first met. As he pulled his hand back, Dalia's eyes met his, and she saw a flicker of something in his gaze - desire, longing, maybe even a hint of vulnerability. The phone vibrated, breaking the moment. Lando coughed and adjusted in his seat. Awkwardness lingered. Seizing the opportunity, Dalia decided to leave the car. "I wanted to ask if you'd like to go on a trip," he said, gazing at her. She turned to meet his eyes. "I thought it could be fun to spend the summer together," Lando said, a blush tinting his cheeks.
As she contemplated his offer, Dalia couldn't ignore the butterflies in her stomach. The idea of spending the summer with Lando, exploring new places and creating memories together, was incredibly enticing. She knew that taking this leap would mean stepping out of her comfort zone, but she also couldn't ignore the spark of excitement that flared within her. "I...I would love to go on a trip with you, Lando," Dalia finally replied, a shy smile tugging at the corners of her lips. The awkwardness from earlier had dissipated, replaced by a sense of anticipation and possibility. As Lando's face lit up with joy, Dalia knew that this summer was going to be an adventure she would never forget. 
Noah's room was dimly lit, with a large desktop made up of three oversized PC screens and high-tech hardware components. There was a pepperoni pizza on a plate and a bunch of junk food scattered around the keyboard and table. Noah sat in his chair, staring at the screen, looking at pictures of Dalia and Lando from earlier, as well as one of Oscar and her from the night of the party. He exhaled smoke from his fifth cigarette and reached for his second cellphone, which he only used for private matters. He dialed the number and waited for a response.
"Hello" a female voice responded.
"Hi, you might not know me, but I have something that might interest you" Noah spoke.
"Excuse me ?" 
"Check your WhatsApp, I have sent you something ". He heard her tapping on the phone and knew she opened the app. 
Then there was silence.
After a long pause, during which the woman was deep in thought, he finally heard her say, "I'm all ears."
"Good, very good Magui".
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no-144444 · 2 months
mistakes- l.norris
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pairing: Lando Norris x publicist! fem! reader
summary: the aftermath of the Hungarian gp
He wanted to scream. At Oscar, at the team, at everyone. It wasn’t fair. Fair and fucking square he was supposed to be in first. He was closest to Max in the championship. It made fucking sense, and Oscar wasn’t going to catch up, so Lando was McLaren’s only chance at a world championship. Fuck their strategy, fuck being a ‘team player’, fuck all that shit. It wasn’t fair.
And then there was you. Had he been harsh on the radio? Yes. Did you now have to clean up his mess? Yes. Was he scared to face you? Yes. But only because he knew what you’d be doing, and that you’d be too busy to be with him. Thus the joys of secretly dating your publicist.
He walked into his drivers room and found you on his bed, laptop on your lap as you answered call after call. You didn’t even spare him a glance. Fuck that. He was mad, and he sure as hell didn’t want to be alone right now. He changed and showered, then left you to work while he went out and ‘celebrated’ Oscar’s win.
At about 2am Lily called you.
“Hi Y/n,” she sighed, the loud music making her difficult to hear.
“What club?” You sighed.
“I’ll send you my location now,” she hesitated. “Lando’s not that drunk, he’s just… sad. He’s been begging me to call you for ages, and I was holding off because I knew you’d be working all night today and-“
“It’s fine, I’m getting in my car now.”
“Thanks Y/n.”
And with that you hung up the phone. You closed your overheated laptop and grabbed your keys. The hospitality was dead at this time and all you could think about was the race. You were angry at the team, happy for Oscar, and annoyed at Lando. He hadn’t even come in to see you after, he’d given you a week's worth of work in one race, and you had no idea how to feel about what had happened today.
You pulled up outside the club and found Lando outside with Oscar. You ran over when you saw him sitting down, wondering if he was completely drunk.
“Where’s Y/n?” He mumbled to Oscar, tears in his eyes. The fans around were screaming their names as they waited for a photo, or even a glimpse of the drivers.
“I’m here,” you kneeled down beside him, taking his hand. “I’m right here.”
“Y/n,” he just stared at you as you looked over him. He looked awful. “You’re here.”
“Let’s go home, ok?”
“Please don’t be mad at me,” he begged.
You squeezed his hand, if you two were alone you would’ve hugged him and kissed all over his face, promising that you weren’t, but alas, you were all too aware of the hundreds of eyes on you. “I’m not mad at you.”
He groaned. Yeah, he was at least a little drunk. “But you’re not kissing me, you’re mad.”
“I’m going to leave you to it,” Oscar tried to hold back a laugh, but failed and decided he wouldn’t be much help anymore. “Good luck.”
You waved him off and sighed. “Lan, come on. I’ll kiss you at home,” you promised.
“I promise,” you smiled, then tried to stand up but, Lando being Lando, he pulled you down and pressed his lips against yours.
Your heart stopped, and not in the usual way it did when he kissed you. The screams of the fans were drowned out by the beating in your ears.
He pulled back. “I love you. A lot.”
Fuck off. Not right now. No. He was not saying that for the first time now. That wasn’t fair.
“Lan please-“
“You don’t love me?”
Your breathing picked up, you felt sick. “Please can we just get to the car Lando?”
“Say it back!” He pleaded. “Please baby, I love you.”
“I love you too,” you sighed. “Now please can we go to the car?”
He nodded, a goofy smile on his face.
When Lando woke up the next morning you were at the desk in his room, laptop open in front of you.
“Morning,” he said. You didn’t answer. He got up, noticing how you’d changed his clothes and mentally reminded himself to thank you. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close. “I’m sorry.”
You didn’t answer again.
“Baby?” He turned his head and looked at you. Shit.
You were crying, staring at the awful things people were saying about you two online.
Shes so ugly. How can he date her? She’s so boring. She doesn’t even go out and celebrate with the team? She’s such a stuck up bitch.
“Stop looking at that,” he closed your laptop and held you closer. “They don’t know you.”
You nodded, leaning into his body. “I’m sorry about yesterday. I wanted to talk to you about it-“
He scoffed. “You didn’t even say hello when I came in.”
“What?” You turned to him, wiping your eyes. “I didn’t hear you. I had my AirPods in.”
“Oh,” he scratched the back of his neck. “Shit.”
“And I didn’t exactly have time after the race yesterday to look up from my laptop, not after the shitstorm you caused,” you sighed, knowing you were being too harsh. “Sorry. I know yesterday was shit for you.”
He sighed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “I’m sorry too. I’m sure I did something fucking stupid last night.”
You chuckled. “You kissed me in front of everyone and told me you loved me.”
His body tensed. He took a deep breath. “Wow.”
“How do you think I felt?” You chuckled. “We’re going to have to answer so many fucking questions at work.”
He paused for a moment. “What did you say back?”
“I told you the truth,” you sighed, getting up. “I love you.”
He stared at you for a moment. “I love you too,” he pressed his lips to yours in a soft kiss. The tension and anxiety you felt dissipated as he held you closer. Yes, you were still stressed and upset, but Lando loved you.
You pulled away. “We need to talk about our strategy to explain what happened yesterday-“
“Please just stop talking and let me kiss you,” he pressed his lips to your again.
You’d talk about it all later.
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sociallyrepressed · 2 months
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I’ve finally calmed down enough from Hungary ‘24 to give my two cents
(tw for absolute UNITS of blocks of text)
I feel like people forget that racing is a selfish sport at its core: there is only one winner. Formula 1 adds in the component of the Constructors, which means that drivers do have to somewhat work with their teammate, but in cases like Sunday (McLaren was pretty much guaranteed a 1-2 win) it really is down to the driver. I bring this up to say that the drivers are, at their core, also selfish (when it comes to racing at the very least). The MOMENT they pit Lando first and practically put him in the lead they should have realized what a struggle it would have been to switch back. He’s second in the Drivers Championship and pretty much every point matters. They should have pit Oscar first since he was leading the race and Lewis was far enough behind that Lando would have been fine. Instead, they left an opening for Lando to win and his pace those last laps was really good. At that point, they should have just let him finish p1 because what they ended up doing was humiliating and unfair to both drivers. And Lando definitely played some part in that, too, but again, he’s a racer, he’s going to gun it for first no matter what. Oscar earned that win all on his own merit from the get-go, and I’m so so happy and proud for him. It is unfortunate that McLaren fucked the strategy and it’s pathetic that they made him feel like he had to apologize for his maiden win.
Continuing on this last point, I was disappointed to see the podium celebration and Lando blowing past him, but I won’t speak on it too much because I don’t want. I just wanted to bring it up because a lot of people have strong emotions about it. The podium celebration and the cool-down room are such hot topics in regards to Lando’s behavior. I don’t want to justify his decisions by comparing him to others, but I’m going to anyways. I’m going to bring up Mad Max first because a lot of fans have a love hate relationship with him. We saw a glimpse of him on radio today and people loved it (some people didn’t, but not the point), and many fans are begging for the resurgence of Mad Max. I personally feel like Mad Max is even worse than the behavior in the cool down room, and people seem to be latching onto that. He’s very upset and being borderline rude, I’m not going downplay that, but he still congratulated Oscar and they acted like typical Landoscar while waiting to be interviewed post-race. So, other than the champagne spray on the podium (which could have been chalked up to him making sure he didn’t make Oscar drop the trophy or if he intentionally avoided spraying him, we won’t know since we’re not Lando) he’s been supportive.
Fans like to remind Lando that he’s not anywhere close to being on the same level of the greats such as Lewis, Max, and Sebastian. I will admit that I’m a newer fan and may not understand the intricacies of their relationship with the sport and teammates, but I’m pretty sure none of them would have been open to giving up p1 even if they only got the lead due to their team’s mistakes. Especially if they were second in the wdc. I would also like to bring up the Aston Martin thing. A good example of selfish drivers. Fernando allowed Lance to pass him with the promise that if he couldn’t overtake, then the position would be returned to him. Surprise surprise, Lance didn’t return it. If a driver didn’t return a position so that he could have a one-point finish, how do you expect a driver to react to returning a position that gives up a win. Probably wouldn’t expect him to give it back.
Anyways, I think McLaren lucked out with their driver lineup and the fact they respect each other so much. I think they got complacent after seeing how well Lando and Oscar get along that they forgot about how selfish drivers can be. Especially Lando, since he’s been with them since his start and he’s turned down other interested teams. He and Oscar have done so much for that team.
I’ve got more thoughts but I’m going to keep them to myself for now. Since both drivers have got a taste of winning, I’m excited to see what Spa brings.
And congrats to Oscar Piastri, a freaking Grand Prix winner !!!!
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five0twooleanders · 16 days
I think that the whole “Anti Lando”, “Anti Oscar” situation is getting really out of hand.
Some “fans” (Can they really be called fans of Formula 1 when they are ready to jump at another driver’s throat as soon as he crosses their favourite?) are getting way too comfortable with blowing things out of proportion and spreading hate online to drivers who are quite literally just doing their job, and this can go from calling Lando an arrogant crybaby and Oscar an asshole to the shitload of hate that the McLaren strategists and Zak Brown are receiving for the way they are handling their drivers; let me be clear, I am all for critiquing a driver’s character or a team’s strategy while maintaining civil tones, for example I am the first who disagrees with Max’s tendency to blow his top off like he did in Hungary, and I also somewhat agree with what Nico Rosberg said about the McLaren drivers situation, but the key here is in the ‘maintaining civil tones’ part.
Is Lando just now fighting for wins after many years spent in the midfield? Yes. Is it thanks to the rocket ship of a car that McLaren built this year? Also yes, there is no denying it. Does this mean that he is less deserving of a championship than drivers like Charles, who have instead been consistently at the front of the grid for the past years? Maybe, (that could be my inner Tifoso talking) but what is he supposed to do? Just throw away wins and podiums because he supposedly doesn’t deserve them?
This is all part of the sport. Formula 1 is born from the simbiosis of the driver and the car, it has always been like this, that is what makes it different from mono-brand series and it’s the fine engineering that is needed to build those cars that adds yet another layer of beauty to F1.
And people are really getting mad at Oscar for overtaking someone and scoring more points, the thing that they are literally paying him for? He said explicitly that if the team had told him not to fight with Lando and instead defend him from Charles he would’ve done so, but they were free to race, so he raced.
Friendly reminder that those are my opinions, but I tried to be as neutral as possible. Also, please don’t come at me with the “You’re a Ferrari fan, you benefited from the fight in Monza, that’s why you say this” because before being a Tifoso I am a fan of whoever makes the Grand Prix interesting.
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scenetocause · 6 months
Prompt: Lando in lingerie because you put that idea into the world in climb up to your lips and I would very much love to read it ❤️
girloscar-verse drabble under the cut; fairly far into the future but before they get married (and getting very meta! because that's what tumblr is for lol)
Oscar says it's only fair she gets to pick stuff out for him, since he bought her some. And anyway, she arguably knows more about it than he does, which Lando reckons is actually by a very fine margin, if it's true at all but won't argue with her about it.
It's nice, the idea she's going to dress him up. He liked buying her gala dress, it's kind of the same thing.
She leaves the bag in the middle of their bed and it takes him a nervous ten minutes to actually open it, like he thinks some posh knickers might bite him. He's giggling by the time he tips the contents out onto the duvet, not because it's funny but because it kind of is? Here's a millionaire Formula 1 driver getting all anxious about what silky, lacy things his girlfriend wants to dress him in.
It's not that it's a surprise that Oscar's picked things he like because she does know him pretty horrifyingly well. But it's still nice that she has, makes him have to curl up on top of the duvet for a minute, lingerie scrumpled in his hands, to feel how good it is being loved by her.
It's a nice, soft, cream colour that he's got a few tracksuits in. The sort of comfy stuff he wears to snooze next to her on flights, nose buried in Oscar's shoulder. It's a good, clean colour that goes well with his skin and contrasts sharply to his tendency for dark grey boxers, something special but still somewhere in his comfort zone.
Getting his own clothes off feels a bit mad, having to stuff them in the laundry basket because he doesn't feel like a discarded hoodie and socks is the right vibe for when Oscar comes in and sees him trying to be sexy or whatever.
There's not just pants and whatever. He's not one hundred percent surprised by this because it's sort of an inside joke that he's always trying to trick Oscar into keeping her socks on in bed. Sorry if he wants to be reminded of her riding him every time she crosses one leg over the knee of the other in debrief or whatever.
He likes long socks anyway, for golf and that sort of thing so the fact these come up over his knees isn't that alien. They're a nice, soft material, like a very fluffy cotton or almost like the cashmere cardigans he steals off Oscar to bundle up on the couch in. Not really like stockings, grooved and topped with elastic almost like Oscar's beloved trainer socks but definitely a lot fancier, sitting low on his thighs.
The next thing he unravels is a soft top, not exactly a bra so it won't flag up the fact he's not got actual tits but gently cut so it cups his pecs, plunging between them. Lewis or Yuki would probably wear it to the paddock, maybe Lando'll give it a go for Monaco this year.
It's short, not covering his waist and abs and he's suddenly very aware there's nothing over his dick. Has to scrabble to pull on the knickers, which he'd sort of assumed would be boy shorts or something but instead it's a thong-thong, in the same, soft fabric as the top.
He squeaks involuntarily when it goes up his arse because what the fuck. Oscar wears this sort of thing quite often, these days, when they're not at work and she must be really committed to sending him insane because that's a wholly weird sensation, fabric brushing up against places normally only touched by Oscar.
Checking himself out in the mirror, though, he does look cute. There's some vaguely shocking tan lines around where his shorts were during their week on Pulau Joyo but they fit well enough with the pale lingerie. It's not too frilly, doesn't look like he's wearing something he shouldn't be - he could halfway imagine it being for a photoshoot or something, if Sophie would ever be likely to sign off on him having his arse out.
It takes him a minute to work up the courage to stick his head around the door, call out for her.
Oscar appears very quickly, like she'd been hovering nearby and a bit nervous herself about whether he'd like it. "Can I see?"
He has to laugh because, like, obviously. Lando didn't put this on so she can not fuck him in it but also Oscar looks so genuinely worried and excited. Like she thinks he's going to say no or call her taste in underwear shit or something and even though he is feeling quite shy about it, it makes him step around the door to comfort her.
Oscar almost immediately has him up against it, pressing Lando back on the solid wood and lifting his knee to run her hand up the left sock, feel where it stops and leaves his thigh feeling more naked than when he's totally undressed.
"Oh my god." She kisses him, gentle, lets Lando climb on her a bit with his arms over her shoulders. "You're so cute. So pretty. Fuck."
It's easy to tuck his face into Oscar's neck and breathe her skin in, the reassuring eucalyptus still clinging to her from last night. He'd thought she'd want to perv on him a bit or whatever, the way he does with her when she's wearing nice stuff but Oscar seems more intent on feeling him up, pressing her fingers to the tender place behind his balls where the thong's soft against his skin and tracing the seam of his arse, over where it's just hiding his hole.
"Oscar." He bites at her collarbone, where she's usually chewing him, just to tell her he loves her.
"Do you like it?" She pulls back enough to look him in the eye, tucking one of his curls back with her index finger as she does it, nail trailing gently down his face afterwards.
There hadn't been really time for him to figure that out, yet. But yes. "Yeah. You chose - you know, I can tell it's for me. And it's nice, the fabric."
"Comfy." She moves her hand further down his neck, rubbing over his chest to where the top's resting on his pecs. "I thought you wouldn't like - you know, anything with straps and wires."
Definitely not. That sounds like a deeply unpleasant sensory experience, fairly horrible even the times he was trying to take anything complicated off his ex.
Oscar kisses him again, sliding her hand up the leg he's got propped on her hip until she's cupping his dick, makes them both make a curious noise that he's still soft.
"It's not - I do think it's sexy? And you're - I love this. I don't know." Normally his problem is the opposite, that he's at half-chub pretty much any time he's in the same room as Oscar.
"It doesn't have to be a sex thing, though." She coaxes his other leg up, until she can get her hands underneath and pick him up, carry them over to the couch. "You can just look pretty, if you want?"
Maybe. It's hard to explain what's going on in his head and Oscar is normally the translator for that but she's not psychic, here.
"I think I just." He curls round, onto her, lets her do the koala thing. It feels safer, less wrongfooted by their mutual nervousness earlier, like this. "Can we watch some more of that show?"
Oscar makes a surprised noise, probably because it's her series and Lando just naps on her or fucks about on his phone during it. But that sounds nice, now. Just being them, in a slightly new configuration.
"True Detective? Sure." She gives him a squeeze before she gets up to find the remote, pottters around the apartment for a minute to get him his phone and both of them bottles of water.
When they're under the biggest, softest sofa blanket - nearly the same pale cream as Lando's underwear, a huge mistake for somewhere they eat half the time - he asks her to explain the plot to him again because nothing makes Oscar happier and he loves listening to her.
Half-asleep against her shoulder, he realises the story she's telling him stopped being about detectives awhile ago and is about a really hot boy whose girlfriend can't believe he's real.
He pokes Oscar in the chin. "Oi, I am actually listening. They should do a season from her perspective."
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