#langa too ig
quehecke · 4 months
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just seen this and i am jumping up and down screaming in joy
its perfection
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menimimimeni · 6 months
Im not a big fan of hetenormative roles in queer relationships.
That said I think that Joe is the mom and Cherry the distant stepfather you have to beg for money.
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straylaughs · 6 months
dont know how to go about formulating my thoughts about the entire show but i do have to give bucchigiri its flowers for that absolutely stunning fight sequence between matakara and arajin
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neonscandal · 8 months
This week is Sk8 3rd anniversary.... So for celebrating, can I ask a few things :
-Who are your fav character from this series? Why?
-What are your fav moments from this series? -What are your opinions on this fandom's famous ships : Reki/ Langa, Cherry/ Joe, Adam/ Tadashi?
Season 2 and an OVA are coming (eventually)! Which is more than we can say for other series' so I'm going to remain delusionally hopeful. I think it'd be nice if, instead of announcing long awaited continuations, new seasons dropped like Beyonce albums. Without warning and like an unexpected blessing. Just like this ask so thank you for reaching out!
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Sk8 has a wonderful band of idiots who I adore but Cherry is, by far, my favorite. Most specifically through the interactions he has with Joe because they are just so catty and mean to one another but you just know it belies an affection from their entrenched history together whether you consider them a ship them or not.
I love that Cherry had this rebellious era and continues to do so as a respectable adult while juggling such a disciplined craft and career. Like, that dichotomy is just 😘👌🏾. Goals, honestly. He maintains this split by ensuring that his S persona and his everyday persona remain mutually exclusive similar to how Adam conducts himself. Which, now that I'm thinking about it, might be kind of sad but he is, somewhat, of a man of contrasts.
Like, the way his talents splinter is so interesting. He is a founding member of S wherein he remains a threat, an established and respected calligrapher... plus, I feel like he customized Carla himself. What a nerd! Plus, Cherry is so gender. ✨
Reki & Langa - idiot x idiot, I love it? But also, how silly to show someone something you love so intensely only for that love to envelope them so completely. Both in how they receive your hobby but also in how they just become a part of your life. Plus, Langa sees Reki's strengths that he takes for granted and its so necessary because they both think the sun shines out of each others' ass. Also, I see them as a reincarnation of AshEiji from Banana Fish.
Cherry & Joe - Yes. Was that not evident from above? Yes. They fight like an old (and sassy) married couple and then will have a moment of saccharine sweetness that's just... too much. There's also a hilarious sense of patience Joe must have to adapt to Cherry vs. Kaoru and its more evident because there's who the pair are when they are around others, regardless of who the others are, and then who they are when they're alone. Like, why put on the act, guys? Just kiss already.
Adam & Tadashi - As long as it's consensual, I guess, but I'm sure Tadashi could do better.
Oka & Shadow - Okay, but go with me here. Please thank the chokehold umikochannart had on keeping this ship sailing before they wiped their IG of all evidence.
Adding a few other artists guaranteed to give you the brainrot because I fell down a rabbit hole while looking for umikochann and fan artists deserve so much appreciation for covering the spread when we are awaiting new content so go follow them and join their patreons, buy them a kofi and bark on all their posts because we are not deserving of their labor: angrymorilas, bunbun.ji, @pochiikou and @ratcarney IG.
These artists are my gift to you. As a gift, that means that we should love and appreciate the people whose talents enable us to experience the characters we love even more and be thankful for, however long the stretch, the time that our favorite characters and ships were their muses. And to subsequently not be a prick when their muse changes.
⚠️ Spoiler warning for S1 of SK8 the Infinity anime.
"Push me, Reki." - needs no explanation.
Reki defending Miya's honor - When you see Miya's backstory, his isolation is really sad and makes him vulnerable to Adam's predation but Reki punched well above his weight to defend Miya and it effectively brought the kid into the fold and I loved that. And that's on the power of friendship. ✨ Reki really subjugated everyone in that friend group and is not appreciated enough for it.
When everyone cockblocked Joe - Not every show needs a beach episode. This one does.
Sia La Luce after hours - the fact that Kaoru, after being bride carried by Joe, broke out of the hospital just to go running back to Joe is just so... beautifully chaotic and unexpected. Add a zest of Jonah Scott murmuring "We're not alone, right, Kaoru?" and I am undone.
When the might of Reki's rain wheels kicked in - Overcame insecurity by utilizing the gift he'd had all along? AGH. So perfect, so proud.
When Reki's laughter melts into that of young Adam's - only because that was really sweet
Not in the show but: sharing this series with my niece and nephew and them loving it just as much as I do. They're pretty young so the Venn Diagram of "Shows I Love" vs "Shows I Can Share With Them As A Discerning Adult" has a pretty narrow overlap. So imagine my surprise when my nephew randomly makes a SK8 joke or observation or when my niece drew fan art of Carla? We also sing and dance and laugh during the intro and outtro so I hope they remember the series affectionately when they're older.
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plaguethewaters · 5 months
kinda batshit insane but. dsmp sk8 au where beeduo are matchablossom. Hear me out.
older beeduo perfectly comfortable in their marriage keeping it a secret at S because its fun. Ranboo's competitivness stirring up that "tactical flirting" theyre too socially anxious to try in their daily life and tubbo having loads of fun showing off his "lawyer with a stick up his ass" worksona while also cursing his husband off at any point in time.
Tommy is shadow, in this dynamic, a little bit different than in og sk8. Ig he's a little closer to adam inn that hes the same age as beeduo and went to school with them but also hes not a pedo with weird codependent relationships. And i love the idea of him having a little flower shop but also dressing in full punk demonic regalia at S. Let him be fucking weird and extra.
if i want to have adam be close to sk8 canon Dream is the obvious choice. Weird obsession with a singular kid and an incessant need to have power over everyone and everything, with a couple of guys who where super friends with him in his youth but ended up dropping him because of the weird controlling behaviour? perfect. I like the idea of tadashi being punz in this situation, even if george would probably fit better but idk.
It works very well actually because - reki and the babygang would be second gen dsmp kids. In particular, reki would be michael, langa would be shroud, and miya would be yogurt (little subplot- wilbur is Oka in this au, fundy is a random guy thats his son and kinda hates that his own child chose the same hobby as his father). Thus we would have dream getting super super obsessed with shroud - not inn a weirdly sexual way like adam for langa, but as a replacement. Tommy's all grown up, hes not fun to play with anymore. What better than tommy's precious son to fill up the role? Especially since it gets tommy so worked up.
This also opens the way to another secret plot, because te kids would have absolutely no idea its their parents in the masks at S. Michael probably finds out when Nuke gets decked in the face by dream's skateboard during the beef, they have to call the ambulance and - oh prime thats my goddamn dads.
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findroleplay · 1 year
Gonna add this here because why not. Basic info about me: 20, NB, love medieval, dark fantasy settings, semi-lit (5 lines +), 3rd person, open to any sort of NSFW, but we'll need to discuss that previously, you need to be at least 18, but I still prefer someone who's 20 or older (MUST have your age listed in your bio). I won't do anything NSFW, not even implied, with any minors (shoosh, leave me alone). I live in Eastern Europe, English isn't my first language and I already got enough to write as it is, so... let's keep it light and entertaining, I will definitely not ask paragraphs of you, but please keep it 5 lines or more.
Bonus: as I am queer myself, I lean towards queer ships, but IG I can do a heterosexual one too, if it's interesting.
Fandoms (?)
• Vampire hunter D bloodlust: OCxOC, OCxcanon, maybe (the plot I'm thinking of revolves more around the "bad guys" so to speak, if you watched the movie you'll be aware of the Barbaroi. While I love D, having strictly vampires/ damphires in a RP is kinda boring to me, let's try out different stuff- And luckily, we actually have content for that, we know the Barbaroi have SO MUCH DIVERSITY - You got your regular vampires, werewolves, gargoyles, nagas, the list goes on- Anyways, this is an OCxOC driven plot, in which our OCs basically get tired of being either bought for missions or hunted down because they're demons. It's time for revenge ✨ Who doesn't love a bloodthirsty duo who would burn down the world for each other? Of course, their attempt at conquering the world won't be THAT easy, they have to worry about D, the Marcus brothers, etc etc)
• Claymore: Canon x Canon, OCx Canon, OCxOC (this one's self implied, we got sooo many characters to choose from- And imagine all the possible angst- obviously here I'd mainly look for some FxF ships 💅)
• Trinity Blood: OCxOC, OCx Canon (aaah back at it again with the vampires- I have no idea where to find the manga for this one so obviously it would be based on the anime strictly, we all know how that anime ended but hear me out, the world has so much potential!)
• Sk8 the infinity: Canon x Canon (alright, let me list at least one more... popular anime? As I am an adult, I won't RP Langa x Reki. Kojiro x Kaoru tho... 👀)
That being said, I'm 10000% in favor of actually changing the world and story of a certain anime, I actually encourage that. Let's come up with something new, something different, something better- We can have a world as the base and do whatever the f we want with it afterwards, why not? Let's chat here and switch to Discord of things evolve. Interact and I'll reach out.
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Bilangual Langa
anime: sk8 the infinity
pairing: renga
genre: fluff, crack
words: 854
Langa's struggles as a bilingual teen
or I guess you could say biLANGual Langa
ahahahhaha i'm so funnyyyy
Langa’s phone lit up. It was reki. reki sent him a picture. Langa has a bit of a crisis in his head everytime reki sends a picture
But what kind of picture is it? Is it a picture or the other kind of picture
“Oh my god oh my god oh my god reki sent me a picture stay calm langa stay calm but what if it’s a dick pic omg no not a dick pic i don’t need that wait but do i want that no stop thinking about that langa shut your horny ass up”, langa thinks to himself.
Either way, langa wanted to take a screenshot of this photo, dick pic or not. But then langa remembered something from a couple weeks ago…
2 weeks ago
Reki: yo dude why do u keep on screenshotting every photo i send you
Reki: i get u want to capture memories and all, but the save in chat feature exists
Langa: idk im too lazy to scroll through all of them ig
Reki: makes sense anyways goodnight langa <3
Through this wonderful flashback, langa makes a decision.
“Mommmmmmmmm where did you put the iPad?”
“I’m not sre langa it’s been so long”
Langa runs to the living room and adrenaline is rushing through his veins. He scours through the living room looking for the ipad like his life depended on it. 
‘Ughhh where is this ipad???”
Langa’s father, oliver suddenly appears to him as a ghost.
“It is in the bottom cabinet in your mother’s room, my son”
“yes, langa it is me. Now go make your father proud and get that dick pic.”
“Dad!!! how did you know i was into guys?”
“Langa i see you with reki it is so obvious anyways bye back to being dead.”
Oliver disappears, his comforting presence leaving the room. langa finds the ipad, but at what cost? at least he got to see his father one last time.
As the ipad slowly turns on langa’s phone is flooding with notifications. Sweat is beading down langa’s face as the apple logo remains static on the screen for a couple of minutes, until it finally turns on. The lock screen is an old family picture from when langa was in canada. Langa thinks back to his childhood for a bit, until he remembers what he was going to do. Take a picture of the photo reki sent him. 
“I wouldn’t have been able to find this ipad without your help, dad” (help langa lowkey has daddy issues)
 Langa runs to his room, his phone in 1 hand, the ipad in his other. Langa sets his phone on the bed and holds the ipad with his other hand. 
I’m so excited to see what this picture is i hope its a good picture of him and not a picture of a skateboard he’s working on
Langa knows this feeling too well. One time reki was so excited to show langa the skateboard that it was so blurry and shaky you could barely decipher what the board looked like. Langa steadys his shaking hand from all the gay panic and centers himself for the important task that lies ahead.
Langa opens the picture. He could not believe his eyes. (you would not believe your eyes if 10 million fireflies…)
It was a mirror selfie. Langa’s personal favorite, since he could check out his whole body. Reki was wearing a yellow beanie, and a red button up t-shirt, with a sweatshirt with wings on the sleeves. The wings were peeking out from under his red shirt and he flashed a bright smile to the camera. Langa quickly took a picture with his ipad. Mission accomplished B)
reki sent a picture
Reki: what do you think of the new fit langa? It looks good right?
Langa wanted to tell reki how he looks good in anything and he would still compliment him even if he was dressed in a trash bag. reki was langa’s happiness, so as long as reki was happy, langa was happy too. 
Omg ajsdfgafjsdfhsiuaf reki looks so good what do i say without being too gay but also enough gay that he gets the message without me explicitly saying it. Langa decides to tell him he looks gorgeous. But wait. How do you even spell gorgeous? Langa had become so used to speaking Japanese that he forgot a bit of his english. 
Langa: you look gorjess
Langa backspaces on the word
Langa: you look gourgess gourjest
no thats not right either
No no no this isn’t right, langa thinks. Langa decides to put beautiful instead. Langa forgot how to spell that too.
Bootiful? Beyoutiful? Beyoteafull? Beoutiful? When did spelling get so hard for langa? Langa thinks of other words but he can’t spell those either :(
“Why am i so stressed out from a text? You know what fuck it i’m just gonna say he looks good that’s easy enough”
reki sent a picture
Reki: what do you think of the new fit langa? It looks good right?
Langa: You look god reki :)
Shit i spelled that wrong langa thinks to himself. Langa rushes to correct it, but before he could, his phone dies.
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lucienff · 4 years
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I love (2) dumbass skaters
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reki-of-the-valley · 3 years
Winter Wonderland
Day 6 - Winter Wonderland
Read it on AO3 here
First | < Previous | Day 6 | Next >
“Dude, it’s all so pretty!”
Reki’s eyes shine as they skirt around the marketplace. Little shops have been set up on the plaza, all decorated to fit the festive season. Garlands and lights hang from the booths, people with Santa hats or reindeer antlers selling little Christmas trinkets or hot drinks and food. Christmas floats in the air, holiday songs playing over everyone’s heads, the jolly atmosphere making everyone grin among themselves. The Christmas village looks better than Langa’s ever seen it. This year, it actually looks straight out of a Hallmark Christmas movie.
A smile curls at the corners of Langa’s mouth as Reki tugs him forward. His excitement is contagious, and as long as their hands are clasped together, Langa knows he’ll always be happy. With their fingers intertwined, he knows that he’s ready to follow his boyfriend to the end of the world. If Reki is right there by his side, Langa knows that he’s ready to do anything. For Reki, he’ll smile as they walk through the little Santa village that they set up every year, the little village Langa has long grown out of it. Without Reki, Langa wouldn’t have set foot in the market; it’s far too childish for him and he isn’t a fan of the children running around and throwing snowballs at each other. Without Reki, Langa would have turned away and gone home, but Reki is there and he’s excited about it all. Reki adores the little village and his love is contagious. Or maybe it’s just that Langa loves Reki.
“Dude, they even have animals here?”
Langa huffs as Reki’s hand slips out of his. He huffs, a pout starting to form, but it is quickly replaced by a smile. The smile stretches as he watches Reki lean over the little wooden fence, reaching out to the goat that’s staring at him with its big, round eyes. He looks like a big child, standing on the tip of his toes of one foot while the other is off the ground, but Langa can’t help but find him adorable. He’s just so cute with his starry-eyed amazement, his excitement over farm animals. He’s so cute that Langa can’t help but wrap his arms around Reki’s middle from behind and nuzzles his shoulder.
“Take off your glove if you intend to keep it to the end of the day.”
Reki quickly complies, pocketing one of his cotton gloves before presenting his bare hand to the animal. This time, it doesn’t just stare at him with a blank expression; it trots right up to the boy and grazes its rough nose against the palm of Reki’s hand, pulling giggles from him. He giggles like a child as he pats and rubs the goat’s head, calling it a good boy. He giggles, starry-eyed and beautiful and Langa can’t help but fall a little more for the boy. Child-like wonder has never looked this good. Amazement of this kind had never had Langa feel so in love with someone. In all honesty, before Reki, it kind of annoyed him. Or it left him completely indifferent.
His arms tighten around Reki’s body as he snuggles closer and rests his chin against his boyfriend’s shoulder. His eyes follow the different animals trotting around their pen, but more often than not, they’re fixated on Reki. He can’t look away from the boy. He can’t look away from the boy with stars in his eyes, Langa’s whole world. He can’t look away from the most beautiful boy alive and even if he could, Langa doesn’t want to. He doesn’t want to look at anything else.
“You good, man?”
Langa hums against Reki’s jaw, pressing a kiss to the soft skin. “Never been better.”
“You’re just awfully quiet there. Which, I mean, I guess isn’t all that weird for you since you never really talk, but like… I don’t know, man. You’re just more quiet than usual.”
Another smile blossoms across Langa’s as he presses it to Reki’s skin once more. “Just taking a moment of silence to thank whatever god or entity that’s out of there that blessed me with the cutest boyfriend ever.”
A tinge of pink spreads across Reki’s skin, a color that could easily be mistaken for a result of the cold. His cheeks are the same color as his nose, but they’re all warm under Langa’s lips. Reki is a mixture of hot and cold, and of beautiful and adorable. He is a beautiful present all wrapped up in his big winter coat and his wool hat and scarf. He is so adorably beautiful that Langa still doesn’t know how he was lucky enough to call him his.
“You are a horrible sap,” Reki mutters as he buries his nose in his scarf. “So cheesy, man.”
“Just stating the truth.” Another smile against Reki’s cheek. “You really are the cutest boyfriend anyone could ask for.”
“And you are the sappiest one.” Reki giggles as he wiggles in Langa’s arms, shifting and turning in Langa’s arms, moving until he’s face-to-face with him. “The sappiest but prettiest boyfriend a guy could ask for.”
With a laugh, Langa leans in, ready to kiss the mockery away. He leans in, but before he can taste those pretty lips he loves so much, he’s met with Reki’s ungloved finger. His cold fingertip keeps him at a distance, forbidding him from pressing kiss after kiss to the face of his beloved. And normally when Reki keeps him away like that, Langa just presses kisses to his fingers, kissing whatever skin he can touch, but this time, he jolts back. He can smell the goat on Reki’s hand and there is no way in hell that he’s kissing a hand that just touched a barn animal. Absolutely no way.
Reki’s laughter is bright and loud, that sweet laughter that Langa loves, but he can’t feel it against his lips as he would like to. He wants nothing more than to have Reki laugh into a kiss, but he knows that if he was to lean back in, he would be met with that same dirty hand that had stopped him the first time around. He knows Reki won’t let him kiss him, so instead, Langa pouts. He pouts as he glances away, eyes narrowing onto the goat that’s still there, staring at him with its empty, demonic eyes. If it weren’t for the creature of hell, Langa could be kissing his boyfriend right now.
“Are you actually glaring at the goat, man?”
“You’re mad at the goat because I won’t let you kiss me?”
Langa puffs his cheeks as his eyes quickly flicker between Reki’s amber and the goat’s yellow. “Because I could be kissing the palm of your hand right now. But I can’t because goat germs.”
“You…” Reki laughs that pretty laughter of his, drawing Langa’s full attention to him as he scrunches his pretty freckly nose. “Aren’t kisses supposed to be kept for under mistletoe?”
Langa feels his eyes widen. Mistletoe. He should have thought about that. It was such an easy and certain way of feeling Reki’s lips against his during this time of year. And there was no way that there weren’t at least one of the little stands selling some. What kind of winter wonderland marketplace didn’t sell the most iconic and cliché Christmas tradition? What Christmas village didn’t have at least one vendor overcharging for a piece of mistletoe? There had to be someone, and yet, Langa hadn’t thought about it. He hadn’t thought of the easy solution so he has to find another way to convince Reki to kiss him. There has to be something.
“Is there anything that says that kissing near a goat brings good luck?”
Reki raises an eyebrow, a smile twitching at the corner of his pretty mouth. “I don’t think so?”
“Well, new tradition that I’ve decided. From now on, kissing near a goat brings good luck. So,” Langa’s voice drops to a whisper as his nose brushes against Reki’s, “can I kiss you? Even without mistletoe?”
Reki’s laughter is beautiful against Langa’s lips. It’s beautiful and sweet and Langa feels himself melt into the kiss. It’s nothing new; he always finds himself melting against Reki, especially when he has his body curving into him and his fingers curling around a handful of hair. Langa always melts and his head starts spinning as Reki tilts his head a little more to deepen the kiss, his tongue at the seam of Langa’s lips. Everything fades away when Reki has his lips on Langa’s. Everything goes away, leaving nothing but a winter wonderland made for two.
The scene is picturesque; there’s snow all around them, Christmas love songs swirling in the air. They’re in the middle of Santa’s little village, a market that looks straight out of a postcard. They’re in the middle of everything, but it’s just them. It’s just the two of them and Langa feels like he’s found paradise in those lips he gets to kiss. He’s found his happiness, kissing the boy of his dreams, this beautiful boy that he loves most in the world, his boyfriend. Langa has found his one true love and here they were, a kiss worthy of all those cheesy Christmas movies that Reki loves. There they are, the stars of the movie, their happily ever after finally promised to them. All that’s missing is a ring, a promise of eternity, but Langa thinks he can wait a little longer before he’s down on one knee. They’re both still so young; they have a bit of time left before they start seriously thinking about officially vowing infinity to one another.
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*slams these two on the table and walks away*
you can use these for pfps if you want to i guess, just credit me and we’re all good man
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bobatealie-archived · 2 years
nyahkwnsdklfj old news [kinda ??] but sk8 is getting a second season so my friends r super excited :]
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kanamesengoku · 4 years
ok but like. after langa won that first race did he cash in on the winner’s ability to make shadow get a tattoo, and if so where and what, i need answers
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koko-wa-umi · 3 years
I just think Sk8 the Infinity was a very fun show!
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ankhlesbian · 4 years
Previews of ep5 def be 😬
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saltysnowbrid · 3 years
My OTPs !!!
Im a multi shipper but I don't have 828730039 otps
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This ship gets way too much hate, most ppl saying it's pedophilia but lumine and aethers ages are confirmed to be over 500 years if it were pedophilia i think Childe would be the victim lmfao. They are literally so cute they have the enemies to lovers cliché which is basic but I love it. This ship is also so good for angsty fanarts and fics.
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To be fair I haven't been indulging in this ship in a while but it's gotta be my favorite Venti or Xiao ship. This ship is also extremely viable with angst. This is ship is so innocent too I love it 💕
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Im pretty sure the ENTIRE sk8 fandom ships this lmao. They're just perfect for each other. They complete each other. Gay skater boys what more could i say
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Well they're canon so like i gotta ship it. Deku's flustered moments are so amusing to watch imo. I literally rewatch everytime uraraka gets jealous bc deku is literally surrounded by other girls for no reason. They're friendship is also adorable i might even be ok if they didn't up being confirmed canon relationship.
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In comes the toxicity??? Idk I'm still kinda new to the BnHA fandom but ik the fandom is super toxic abt bkdk vs izuocha or just ships in general. But how could I NOT ship this??? As a multishipper i feel obligated to ship anything that works and is cute. I don't even know which deku ship i like better, it's the same as how i can't choose who my favorite character is (bakugo or todoroki??) But yeah bkdk dynamic is like friends to enemies to friends to lovers or something even more complicated lmao. Idk why but I see a lot of fics and edits that are like angsty?? Like deku likes kacchan but kacchan likes Kiri (。•́︿•̀。) or baku likes deku but deku is looking at uraraka (ᗒᗩᗕ)
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Tbh this isn't rlly an OTP anymore but it used to be. Like a year ago. The ship is still super cute tho Xiao is protective but not in a possessive way like Childe whos a possessive yandere and will personally chop you into pieces if you so much as look at her for a second too long... Why am I making this abt chilumi now NO. The traveler is the only one Xiao opens up to which is cute, traveler is the only "mortal" he responds to.
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Idk they're just cute yk. They have the rich power couple vibes, they both got into UA through recommendations. They are literally each other's biggest fans and of all todoroki or yaomomo ships this makes the most sense.
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Not really an OTP but they are cute. I think I might ship it more if i didn't know how things end up with shinobu. It's cute when shinobu teases tomioka and tomioka is just so clueless abt everything i love giyu i ship giyu x me /j
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There isn't that much canon content fueling this ship but I always have the fanarts which make me ship everything even more... i didn't finish the manga but I do know that it's implied that they end up together and have grandchildren, but that last episode from season one Kanao was totally feeling something prove me wrong. Kanao reminds me of myself.. docile :(
Also do ppl actually ship tanjiro with rengoku that's kinda... Pedophilia and weird even if it wasn't....
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They are so babie. They have such a cute friendship that im ok with a romantic or platonic ship between them. They are undoubtedly the cutest most innocent ship in genshin if you ignore the fanarts about yandere Xingqiu hahaha....ha...
Ok there's more but IG not bc i can only put 10 pictures *cries* 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。
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ssamie · 3 years
off limits.
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·˚ ༘⌗ someone had caught langa's attention, and reki being the supportive friend that he is, decided to help langa score a date with them, all without knowing they were joe's precious little sibling.
·˚ ༘⌗ hasegawa langa x gn!reader
·˚ ༘⌗ warnings: langa's shitty flirting, fluff, im using ASH as ur name in S lol sorry if u hate it, long-ish ig
gen masterlist.       sk8 masterlist.
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"yeah! go ASH!" "damn! they're so cool!"  "ASH! come take a picture with us!"
you simply grinned and waved to the crowd as they repeatedly chanted your name and cheered you on. you had just won a beef against your very own brother kojiro, or better known as JOE, and everyone was going crazy.
"well then, i win so you know what to do, right JOE?" you smirked tauntingly as your brother sighed in exasperation "yeah, yeah" he rolled his eyes "im doing laundry for this month as we previously agreed upon" he said
you snickered and waved him goodbye before rushing off to MIYA. you and him were fairly close friends since you were both candidates for japan's national team and often meet up outside of 'S'
"woah.." langa said with a gasp as his eyes followed your form. reki raised a brow in confusion as he followed langa's line of sight.
"langa? whats wrong?" reki asked. "ASH.." langa responded. his eyes were glimmering with amazement and adoration as a bright and sparkly aura surrounded him.
"oh, them?" reki hummed "they're really cool, huh? their tricks were really amazing" he said
langa simply sent you one last glance before reluctantly averting his attention towards reki. "reki! i think.. i think i like ASH" langa admitted with a blush
"eh?! like, like like them? or-" langa cut him off with a frantic nod, making reki scream out in surprise
"eh?! that's awesome! go talk to them then!" reki exclaimed as he tried to push langa towards your direction. "no! i can't!" langa panicked as he tried to plant himself in his spot
"yeah you can!" reki laughed "just go for it!" langa shook his head in distress and tried to run away, although reki caught him by his collar just in time.
"but i don't know what to say! they might find me weird!" langa exclaimed. reki hummed before nodding in agreement. "yeah, you're right. then you'll never get a chance if that happens"
langa paled as a look of dread and fear had dawned upon his features. reki immediately took notice and frantically patted his back to calm him down. "no, no! it's fine! you just gotta practice what to say first so you don't mess it up when you finally talk to them!" reki said
langa nodded with determination. "you're right, reki" he said. "so you'll help me right?" he sent reki an expectant look, making the latter gulp.
"ofcourse!" reki exclaimed "with my help, you'll score a date with them in no time!"
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"um-hey, uh how's it-"
"no!! wrong wrong wrong!!" reki exclaimed as he shook his head in disappointment "we've gone over this! we've practiced for a week straight!" he sighed out in exasperation
they were currently at a convenience store parking lot, practicing langa's lines and flirting skills for when he finally musters up the courage to approach you.
"just be cool! be natural! you're too stiff" reki said as he lightly punched langa in the chest. "it's too hard" langa sighed dejectedly "i can't do it"
reki frowned and slapped langa's back, making him yelp. "you can do this! miya said they're really nice so you don't have anything to worry about" reki said in reassurance
"yeah, i guess" langa said with a pout "but im just-"
he yelped as he suddenly collided with another person, his foot had been caught up in his board, causing him to slip and for the other to stumble.
"ah, im so sorry!" you said as you frantically grasped his wrist just before he could fall to the ground. thankfully, you were able to balance yourself and catch him in the process.
"wait-" reki's eyes widened "you're.. ASH?!" you then grinned and set him a wave "hey! you're reki right? miya mentioned you a few times now" you said
"but you probably shouldn't address me as that when we're outside. it's against the rules you know?" you mused with a kind smile "just call me y/n"
"i-i uhm.. you-" langa stammered out. "hm?" you hummed in confusion as you turned around to face a red-faced langa, who seems to be in the brink of combustion at the moment. you followed his eyes down to your hand, which was still holding his wrist, and immediately let go. "oh, sorry dude! you're the rookie right?" you cooed out with a grin
"nice to meet you. i've seen you skate before, you're really good" you complimented him with a suave smirk
"..." langa didn't respond and simply looked at you with sparkling eyes and a blank expression, making reki face-palm in the background
"uh, you alright, langa?" you asked with a chuckle "you look real red right now" you grinned and jokingly elbowed him "it's not cause you like me or anything right?" you teased
"NO!" langa exclaimed. both you and reki blinked in shock while langa simply shook his head with a shaky smile "i mean-no i do! but not like that! but i don't don't like you-"
he suddenly cleared his throat upon receiving a silent signal from reki, making you smile in amusement. "so uh- what's an eye candy like you doin in a place like this?" he asked in a 'flirtatious' tone, though it only came out awkwardly and forced due to his aloof and blunt nature.
you chuckled and shrugged nonchalantly "not much. just shopping" you replied as you showed them the grocery bags filled with ingredients for kojiro's restaurant. "why? wanna take me elsewhere?" you teased
you laughed and lightly nudged him with your hip. " 'm just messing with you! you're too serious, loosen up will you?" you chuckled. "r-right!" langa laughed nervously as he silently marveled at you and your angelic laughter. "seriously," you grinned "you don't have to be so nervous. i don't bite you know?"
"well, unless you want me to" you grinned cheekily as a his face exploded into a bright shade of red. "oh.. is that so.." he stammered out
langa had once again fallen into silence as he settled for ogling at your side profile with his eyes sparkling with adoration. reki sweat dropped and nervously chimed in as to not make things awkward.
"so, y/n-san" reki said with a nervous smile "you're a really cool skater! and you also remind me of someone i know" he said
"oh well then you're probably talking about my brother. i heard you often hang with him in and outside of S" you said
"your brother?" reki and langa mumbled out in confusion. you nodded "yeah it's-" you were cut off by the ringing of your phone, making you shoot the two boys an apologetic smile and a wave goodbye.
"sorry guys, i gotta go. but maybe next time we can hang!" you said as you start to skate away. but just before you could get too far, you stop in your tracks and shoot langa a wink.
"catch you later, snow~" you cooed before finally disappearing from their sight, leaving behind a flustered langa and a surprised reki.
langa blinked one last time before dramatically falling down onto the floor like a melted puddle, his face bright red and a hazy smile grazing his lips.
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"geez, you really need to keep your shit together." reki sighed "y/n was clearly flirting with you and you didn't even make a move." he said
langa frowned and nodded, "yeah, i guess i was just nervous. and it's a little awkward too.." he said. reki deadpanned and slapped him by his nape "dumbass! it's only awkward cus you make it like that!" he exclaimed
langa winced and shuffled away from reki "ouch! yeah, yeah, i'll do better next time.." he muttered with a pout.
they stopped as they arrived at kojiro's restaurant, they were there to meet up with the others for a friendly hangout. "hey guys!!" reki greeted them with a grin
"oh, the slime is here." miya said as he continued to play on his phone, not even looking up once. "oi! im no slime!" reki whined as he tackled miya in a hug, much to the latter's annoyance.
"hm? what's wrong, langa?" kaoru asked with a hum as he took notice of langa, who seemed more out of it that usual.
"oh, langa's thinking of ways on how to flirt with this person he likes!" reki exclaimed with a cheeky grin as he teased his friend. "a crush?" kaoru mused
"you're too young for that" joe said with a laugh "but if you need help, then im definitely the right person to go to" he followed up with a smirk
kaoru simply bonked him in the head with his fan and sighed. "you are definitely the worst person to come to." he said
joe gritted his teeth and glared at his pink haired friend, before huffing and facing langa once more. "so, who exactly is this crush of yours?" he cooed
langa blushed and sheepishly turned his head away, "its no one.." he muttered.
"it's ASH." miya chimed in with a smug grin "aka y/n. those two slimes have been asking me about them for the past week. it's honestly sad." he snickered.
kaoru and kojiro's face paled while langa simply turned into a blushing mess.
"wait-" kaoru gulped "y/n.. y/n as in kojiro's-"
"nii-san!" your voice emitted from the kitchen "i finished putting the groceries in the back room" you said
you walked into the room, untying the apron around your waist as you make your way towards your brother.
only then did you notice all their eyes trained on you, especially langa, who looked like his eyes were about to pop off with how much he'd widened them.
"umm.." you mumbled out sheepishly "is everything alright?" you asked
kojiro slowly walked up to langa with a dark look in his eyes, much to langa's horror. "oi, rookie." kojiro called out, his tone laced with malice
langa yelped and immediately shielded himself behind reki "i can explain.." langa muttered with a nervous smile
"explain what?" kojiro scowled. his muscular arms pulled you towards him, much to your confusion, and held you protectively against his chest.
"that you're flirting around with my baby sibling!!?!" kojiro exclaimed
"NO!" langa denied "well uh- kind of.. but i only did it once and-reki! help me!" he gave reki a look of helplessness.
reki gulped as kojiro's glare had averted towards him. "ah, joe! it's just that-langa here thought y/n-san was very alluring, right?" he mused, to which langa nodded along.
"so uh-we asked miya some things about her.. but miya never told us they was your sibling!!" he exclaimed
miya simply gave them a cat-like grin, smiling and giggling to himself as he innocently looks around the place.
"that doesn't excuse your actions, you punks!" kojiro bonked them both in the head
"let me get this straight.. y/n is off limits. got that?" he glared at langa "no flirting, no dating, no boyfriends."
you scowled and wiggled yourself free from his hold. "what the hell are you talking about?" you crossed your arms over your chest as you look at your brother expectantly.
"wha- y/n you're too young!" kojiro shrieked "im not a kid, you know?" you sweat drop
"you're younger than me, which means you're a kid. so no boyfriends." kojiro huffed "kaoru help me out here!!" he said
kaoru simply sipped on his drink and sighed. "i personally don't have any problems if y/n chooses to date." he says in a calm tone
but it soon changed into a look of malice as he looms over langa's shoulder. "but if you hurt them, i will surely be teaching you a lesson." he muttered in a low tone "alright?"
langa yelped and nodded. "right!" he exclaimed
you sighed and bonked both kaoru and kojiro in the head, pushing them away despite their protests, and approached langa.
"don't mind them." you said "they're just overprotective. most of it were empty threats anyways!" you laughed
langa gulped as he looked at the two over your shoulder with dread. "im pretty sure those threats weren't empty..." he muttered
you laughed and took his hand, flipping it over to reveal his wrist. you then took a pen from your pocket and wrote your number down onto his skin.
"i gotta go, but when you have time, give me a call okay?" you cooed with a smirk
langa watched with sparkling eyes as you gave him a flirty wink before taking your board and walking out of the restaurant.
"bye~" you cooed with a wave before skating away
"i- what?! did my baby sibling just give some guy their number?!" kojiro shrieked in horror
"you act like you don't do the same thing in a daily basis" reki sweat dropped
reki then turned to langa, who was still staring at the digits on his wrist with a blushing face. "so, are you gonna call them?" reki mused
"like hell you will!!" kojiro scowled
"i will!" langa exclaimed with a determined look
"oi! didn't you hear me?!" kojiro snarled "don't call them! they're off limits! oi, listen to me!!" he groaned in aggravation
"joe, im gonna ask them to be my s/o!" langa said with a straight face as he stared at joe with a hopeful glint in his eyes
"im doing it anyway!"
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