softasawhisper · 1 year
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All my old Steven Universe Halloween costume edits in one post.
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eurodrone · 5 years
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This ship is actually getting a serious following, I like it. All aboard the shipping train, choo choo!
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hotdogpeasant · 6 years
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seaweedraindraws · 5 years
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decided to color a quick sketch because I’ve been listening to the movie soundtrack
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peri · 5 years
What do you think about Lapmuth?
very like very good. she obviously feels safe with bismuth. luv that
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clonecircus · 6 years
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I present to you all:
my new ot3
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Lapis x Bismuth?
B - It's really cute!
It's not one of my top ships, but I like it anyway since I pretty much ship the whole Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth OT3!!
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Change your mind
*Peridot and Lapis do not even exchange a single line with each other*
*Lapis and Bismuth have a few cute moments*
Fandom: New ship!! Lapmuth!!
*Peridot literally tackles Amethyst with a hug*
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quinns-art-box · 6 years
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lapis and peridot’s new designs are so good!!! and we can always use more bismuth in our lives
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softasawhisper · 4 years
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Hope you are all having a lovely night. Here’s a little shippy doodle.
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henclair · 6 years
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these spot the difference games are getting harder and harder omg!!1!!1!1!
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bugtruth · 5 years
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May I present to y'all... my Lapis/Bismuth fusion, Cobalt! I honestly don't have a ton written about her, except she's your cool, slightly manic-depressive aunt that likes to play video games with you even though she has no idea what she's doing. She still calls Pokemon "The Pokemans". She's always up for learning about humans and their rituals, however. Steven introduced her to pottery spinning with Vidalia and she loves it. She likes to create art or Meep Morps, and a lot of her work is focused on humans and the world around her, though she can still make a mean weapon if she feels like it.
I wanted to give her a professional swimmer vibe, and I like how it turned out? Her hair kind of floats (or is at least Not restricted by conventional gravitational laws) like an anemone, and moves slowly and idly around in the air. She loves to distance swim in lava and water alike, and she can control both, like Lapis. Also I really liked Lapis' old design where she was barefoot, so Cobalt either wears those weird-ass water shoes that show your toes or no shoes at all, I haven't decided yet.
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y’all thought i wouldn’t notice that soft bismuth look at lapis huh?
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demi-universe · 5 years
A lot of things are being said in this fandom, too many people are trying to put us Lapidot shippers down and make us feel bad for shipping it. So...
Reblog this if you are not sorry for shipping Lapidot.
Reblog this if what people say about how Lapidot is dead and Lapmuth is canon now hasn't gotten to you.
Reblog this if you still have hope for a Lapidot fusion.
Reblog this if you are positive they are getting some time to talk in SUF.
Reblog this if you think Lapidot is NOT toxic or abusive and they just had communication issues, like any relationship can have.
Thank you.
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lapidot stans are the reason why im starting to not like lapidot anymore.....
a lot of em are just really whiny??? i cant tell you how many times ive looked at amedot/bismidot/pearlapis/lapmuth art/videos and seen annoying lapidot stans complaining about it. they kinda sucked out what little enjoyment i had for their ship (which wasnt all that much to begin with in retrospect, i was always mostly neutral to it)
and ik other shippers are like that too *coughs at the jesse zuke situation* but like......lapidot is the most popular ship in the fandom and like most popular things, the toxic side is typically louder than the good people. so im sorry to all the genuinely good lapidot stans out there but i just. cant get into it anymore. yall are free to ship it but its not for me
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outofthisgxlaxy · 5 years
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(ooc: I’m just throwing this out there right now. If I ever find someone who wants to ship Lapmuth with me then I would pretty much die.)
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