#laridian writes a lot
galaxycunt · 7 months
Writing Pattern Tag Game
Rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 posted fics and see if there’s a pattern!
saw this looked like fun! Tagging: @the-lastcall @the-laridian @captastra @socially-awkward-skeleton @adelaidedrubman @gayafsatan @ahummingbirdwitch @rorywritesjunk @sporadicthingcollection @hey-august @gingernut1314 @lavalampskyy @strangefable
(wow that’s a lot lol sorry)
1. Only Tomorrow
“I’m so, so glad Dammon could fix me soon, because gods damn it. I’m drunk enough to try!”
2. Take Me For A Little While
Predictably, it started in a bar.
3. Something Good
The night ended up shittier than you wanted it to be, lonely and now without a crew or any sort of job, you got drunk.
4. Don’t Change The Way You Are
The recovery was the hardest part.
5. Time Moves Slow
He really didn’t need this right now.
6. Safe In Your Skin
Ysari was a hard person to read.
7. Say Yes
Your best friend was going away, finally leaving your tiny village to join the merchant marines.
8. The Sweetest Thing
Your crew settled into the ways of the Grand Line easily, a little entertaining watching the other new faces showboating around the tiny bar you occupied.
9. Dream In The Moonlight
Buggy was sleeping soundly against your chest, mumbling warm nothings into your skin.
10. I Can Be Anything
A loud heckle cut through his story, “bull fucking shit, man!”
Patterns found: I think I try to go with a very punchy first line. I’m unsure if it grabs a reader like I try to make it lol when I first started writing fics I used long ass sentenced so they’re way shorter now.
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neonshrike · 10 months
WIP Music Monday 🎧
Tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton and tagging @captastra @jillvalentinesday @marivenah @the-laridian @the-lastcall @corvosattano @shellibisshe @nightbloodbix @perpetuagf and anyone else who wants to share!
I'm not angry anymore
Well, sometimes I am
I don't think badly of you
Well, sometimes I do
I’m writing some more of Brenna for a holiday fic, but also diving into how complicated and messy her (and Bruce’s) family is as she gets to know them better. She loves him a lot and doesn’t resent him, but at 13, still doesn’t really understand you can still be upset with someone you love.
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Ai generated short fiction submissions
I was reading this post on pillowfort by Laridian- the article it's discussing is very interesting and concerning - it's about the number of ai generated submissions for short fiction exponentially increasing in the past 2 months and the concern that eventually they won't be able to screen them out and will have to close open submissions entirely
My tags from my original reblog: there's also a whole lot of comments under this article discussing whether or not it's ok to use ai to draft, and that eventually something wholly ai generated will be published by one of the big houses, and all i can think of is that scare a month back where its found that at least a significant amount of ai writing is probably trained off ao3, and the rest of it is trained off writing that already exists, so theoretically it can't write anything new, and some of these people are using that to "spark their creativity"
I still want to test my own fic by inputting some of it and seeing if the rest of the fic will be regenerated or not but I'm kind of scared to do it so far. Anyway I have my account archive locked now so I don't have to worry about anything new I publish being incorporated into an ai
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the-laridian · 3 years
Wordcount 22 Feb 2022
1960s project: 3383
AC Regular: 441
A side noncanon Bad Trip chapter insert that I hope to post tomorrow, based on a comment someone made on Bad Trip: 1006
Also sewed, ironed & trimmed 70 HST blocks for the Buddy Quilt.
Then! @the-lastcall wondered, hey, just how many words have we written for 1960s project, anyway? We write this by email, and I started transferring the text from email to a word document daily on 11/3/2021. But we actually started writing late in the day on 10/24/2021.
In that first week, that first seven days? We wrote 46,192 words. Almost 6600 words/day on that fic alone. It was a heady time.
1960s project was originally to pass the week of time until Nanowrimo started. And we never stopped.
The sum total, as of today?
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457,079 words. Twice as long as Moby Dick. Not quite half as long as the entire Harry Potter series. It is not done. I don't think either of us has any idea when it will be done.
Total for today: 4830
Total for February: 234,332
Total for 2022: 436,732
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“Hey, @the-laridian, you sure do love Fallout New Vegas, don’t you?”
I sure do! But my other fave game in the series is Fallout 76. It’s improved a lot since its launch and I have a fantastic time playing it and writing stories about my Vault Resident, Willow.
These pictures are from the first Fallout 76 journal I created, which now belongs to a friend. The journal is a handmade “junk journal” or art journal, with the pages collected from various sources, sewn together into a book cover, and then decorated and written in. For this one, Willow wrote in character as he was then, when I was playing regularly with that friend in the game.
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radioactive-synth · 3 years
tagged a long time ago by @aviatorfics thanks!
taggin: @theartofblossoming , @the-laridian , @portergage , @just-another-wasteland-merc , and whoever wants to do it!
little something as i started to replay FO1...im not intending to write a whole novel for my Vault Dweller, but my mind is kinda set on this little ancient game <3
She cannot lie, she was scared, but in the same time, fascinated. All her life she knew, it was cold metal, yet the artificial warmth was never missing. Recirculated air and recycled water, never missing. And food grown from the laboratory, and only on special occasions, the stash that was given by the long gone ancestors was opened, serving pork and beans, sugar bombs, canned meat and even boiled chicken eggs preserved in boxes.
But now? She seen crops that she never seen before, yet they taste the same as the one in the Vault. People who wear other clothes than the same boring, but comforting blue vault suit, with the number branded on the back. And people who reuse the junk left by ancestors in different ways, either building walls to protect their cities, or redone as weapons.
But nothing could had compare to the feeling of the rays from the Sun on her face, when she got out the cave.
Noné Smith had received coordinates for the Hub, where there could be more chances to find what she needs. Or at least, to buy some fresh water for the Vault. She doesn’t have much... caps on her, but she is not afraid to get her hands dirty. All she hopes is that she doesn’t need to kill another human being...
She felt her legs giving out any time, but she pushed further. As she could see from afar, another city seems to arise. She stops a bit, looking through her backpack and retrieve her pip-boy. The machine shows a location, but she cannot make it much. She closes the screen and puts it back.
She felt pain struck her left leg. That damn oversized scorpion managed to pinch her with its claw, but she was determined to take them all out. Only when she got back to Shady Sands, she noticed the blood soaking her vault suit. She received help and shelter for a few days, until she healed enough to move again. But the doctor warned her to take breaks in her travels.
But where to take a break in this wasteland? she wondered. Only dead trees, junks that were once transportation machines, and... bones she hoped that were of animal origins. She took another few steps, and felt her leg give out. She groans in pain, and limped to the nearest pile of metal. Not much of a shelter, but her back can be protected. 
She put her backpack besides her, her gun loaded, and let her back rest against the cold metal. She had thought to use a stimpack, but she only has two left. Only in emergencies....
‘’Tis the way, to Hub. Told ya I will get you there!’ the raspy voice echoed through the valley.
‘Sure, sure, just alert any other scorpions and rats, while you are at it!’ another coarse voice warned them.
She just glances at them, but paid them no mind, as she pulls the robe from a brahmin, to make her move faster. They have been on the road for days. Or weeks. Libby no longer had kept count of the days, or the years, ever since her face changed, just like how it happened to the other three... colleagues? Friends? 
She cannot really decide how to call them. They were the only ones who didn’t shot her on sight, decades ago. One of the men is a veteran, who has his theories on who launched the bombs first, but is an excellent fighter, the other man was a teacher, who has good survival and communication skills, and the other person, another woman, who was a tailor, and still can create clothes from almost anything. And about her? Her knowledge of pharmaceutical products made her fit for fullfilling the role of the medic/chemist of the group. She always thinks she is not a medic, like her son... is... but she had helped and saved the lives of other people on many occasions.
She looks through her jacket, and pulls out one of her salvaged photography. The one that depicts her son, Vaughn Aleksandros Zander, and her nephew, Vincent Nathaniel Hudson. The boys she raised and loved them a lot. One of them was long gone even before the bombs, went down as a hero, in the war. The other one... she still thinks he is still alive, in the Vault, or at least her grandson Shaun had also survived and thrives now. She gently runs her thumb over the photography, before putting it back in her jacket.
Libby then looks over, but the road seems clear, except for some dead trees and burned carcasses of the cars. But then her attention is drawn to something else. Or someone...
‘Hey, think there’s someone at that truck.’ she calls for attention at her group.
The other three looked where she pointed out.
‘Huh, another corpse fresh from the Vault-Tec.’
‘Pretty sure it ain’t dead.’
‘Not for long. Now come on, the Hub is over there. Y’all better cover up yer mugs, or get again shot at.’
‘And you really will leave them out there?’ Libby asked, her tone a bit firm.
‘Libby, don’t fuckin’ do it again! We can’t help any stray out there!’
‘That “stray” is also a human, like us.’
‘Then it better use your face as practice shooting!’
‘Go fuck yourself. I catch you up later.’ Libby said, and went to the truck’s direction.
She figured it out that the... vaultie is not dead, but she noticed their stained suit. They seemed to rest, as they had their head on their knees.
‘Hey. Are you alright? Do you need help, darling?’ she said in her usual motherly tone.
She stirred from her sleep, feeling her back stiff. She heard the coarse, but very gentle voice. As she could sworn she heard her grandmother talking. But.. she was long gone.
‘Huh? What? Hey, I don’t want trouble!’ Noné said, looking up. But before her, there stands a person that seemed to be a burnt victim, yet she has a very unusual warm smile. She yelps a bit, and gets up, pointing her gun to the intruder. ‘What the fuck? Are you a zombie? Get out!’ her voice is trembling, as her finger on the trigger.
She heard the... person sighing, and sees that they raise their hands a bit.
‘Look, darling, I know I look repulsive, but I don’t mean any harm. I seen you there, and thought you need help.’
‘Wh-why? What? What are you? You look horrible! Why you don’t have your nose?’
The person shakes their head. 
‘Darling, I’m your first ghoul, right?’
The look on her face had gave the stranger the answer they expected.
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Last Line Tag Game
Thank you @jackalgirl for the tag!
For the "last line of the WIP" game, here's a line from my werewolf/circus Outer Worlds AU:
"But I gotta say, if you believe in some giant man who lives in the sky I ain’t seein’ any reason you can’t take this news as gospel."
I think I'm supposed to tag the same number of people as there are words? But 28 is more people than I know who write and a lot of people have been tagged already! So:
@dumbassentity , @toastedoats42 , @the-laridian , @captastra, @strangefable, @babedur, @incorrectquotesouterworlds, @galaxymermaid214, @thetragicallynerdy
Sorry if you've already been tagged. And as always, never any pressure to do this.
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noeditspace · 4 years
Catch Up Meme
Rules: tag as many people as you want to catch up with or get to know better!
I was tagged by @the-laridian (thank you :) )
Three ships (my main one right now is Rhea and Felix but my overall faves)
Gimli and Legolas
Finn, Poe, and Rey (whether it was platonic or romantic, these 3 actors had amazing chemistry and we were ROBBED of them being together)
Shepard and Garrus Vakarian (damn I love his voice)
Last songs listened to (not including all the Christmas music lol)
Lost by the Goo Goo Dolls
I Don’t Know Why by NOTD, Astrid S
Monsters by All Time Low, blackbear
Currently watching
Honestly I haven’t been able to invest in a show this year. I’ve mainly been watching youtube channels (Red Letter Media and The Rad Brad to name a few). But the last show I did watch was Schitt’s Creek and I plan to rewatch Leverage and Z Nation (for fic purposes ;P
Edited: I've been watching the Mandalorian! Can't believe I forgot this
Currently reading
I’m sorry to say I’ve had a hard time focusing on reading as well (mainly focusing on writing fanfics and playing video games). But what is on my current read list is Dune, Void Stalker, and Chilling Effect (it has psychic cats!)
How’s it going
Thankfully things have been going well for me. I still have my job and through that job I get to help others. I work better under pressure (I do not recommend this for anyone) and I feel that has helped me grow in my profession as well as in my personal life. I’m still stressed out of my mind but I’ve learned a lot about self-care and setting good boundaries with myself.
I finally did something I told myself I could never do, I WROTE FANFIC! I’ve always enjoyed imagining other stories and tales that had grand adventures, mysteries, romance, but never seemed to have the confidence to do that. 
I’ve still been able to keep in touch with friends to play Starfinder, DnD, and Pathfinder which I think has helped a lot in not going stir crazy (even an introvert like me still needs to go out sometimes).
I’ve also joined a lot of different communities (like TOW tumblr lol) and that has helped keep the burnout and craziness at bay as well. I want all this to be over but it’s nice knowing there are so many supportive people out there in person and online.
I think most others have been tagged. (For those I did tag, please don’t feel obligated to do so!) If you haven’t been I’m sorry! but do feel free to go along if you wish. It’s so fun to read these! You all are pretty cool :)
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galaxycunt · 1 year
15 Questions for 15 Mutuals
Figured it’d be fun to get to know ppl on here :) tagged by @alphedhel
Tagging @captastra @gayafsatan @clonesupport @the-lastcall @the-laridian @kirjanikv6ilill @socially-awkward-skeleton @incognito-insomniac @darkfire1177 @goatyoat @galaxymermaid214 @toads-treasures @roofgeese @strangefable
If you are not comfortable with putting any information you may use something like “Nice try FBI,” because it’s funny.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Bianca from Taming Of The Shrew
2. When was the last time you cried?
Literally last week when Evan puked from dehydration even tho we weren’t even in the backcountry and had plenty of water and salty food lmao he cried so I cried bc I was worried he was gonna force himself to hike down and pass out. Men are so dumb!!!! Drink water!!!!
3. Do you have kids?
No, but I’m currently trying. Which is the least gross way of saying it bc Evan like to make gross jokes about it bc it’s true lmao
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I’m a weirdo who thinks sarcasm is super not funny lmao like ok I get it ha ha u got the whole club laughing rn 😐
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
I used to play baseball/softball with friends, soccer but not on a real team just with kids at school lmao as an adult I do rock climbing and I played rugby once with my brother in law is running in races a sport? Then I guess that too
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
I like looking at peoples faces
7. Eye Color?
Dark brown the most beautiful color in da world baby 😎😎😎
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Hey man most scary movies have happy endings bc at least someone lives lmao watching yellowjackets rn and I don’t think no one got a happy ending so far
9. Any Special talents?
Used to be able to swallow objects bc I learned sword swallowing on tv lmao I don’t think I have any actual talents for things
10. Where were you born?
Reno 😎 Don’t let the marketing fool u the whip guy lives on!!!!
11. Free space (there was no 11 on the prompt I received)
I am not the best artist even tho I went to art school imo but I do love to paint mini canvas oil paintings of clouds I have them hidden in my room they are okay, alright even. I maybe should’ve gone to the copywriter focus of my ad major Lmao
12. Do you have any pets?
I have my little Iggy boy. My cat biscuit died last year of heart problems no one knew about bc she was barely 5. Odie i had since I was 10 and he died at 18. So yeah doing the strategy of feeding Iggy Mexican food bc odie lived so long on that lmao (not really don’t worry) I just let him eat small tiny bites of my food hehehe
13. How tall are you?
5’4 😔
14. Favorite subject in school?
I wasn’t really a fan of school but I did enjoy my film and acting classes. Had one cool creative writing class senior year. I use this knowledge to nod knowingly to video essays. In college I took a mycology class that was cool bc we brewed beer and baked bread. I also enjoyed my media studies classes and my professor was a porn historian who’s main focus was home video evolution and even more narrowly Betamax. Basically most inventions truly are made for porn and that sets the tone. lmaoo
15. Dream Job?
Me and Evan discussed retiring to be a park ranger and honestly that’s it. Would love to camp all day and just sit in a booth or lead nature walks. Like yeah lots of young people up on the trails doing the hard stuff but I have a friend who was a ranger in Big Bend and loved it and before getting her job in the White House was gonna hop around the parks a bit and that’s living the dream man
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neonshrike · 1 year
✍ WIP Wednesday Monday ✍
Tagged by... a lot of people. I missed the last two weeks because I was struggling to write, but here's some of SITWW Chapter 4 which I'll hopefully post by tomorrow.
Tagging @captastra @socially-awkward-skeleton @nightbloodbix @corvosattano @jillvalentinesday @the-laridian @the-lastcall @marivenah @shegetsburned and anyone else who wants to share!
“It kind of sounds like you’re asking me to stay,” Lucille spoke, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, watching him intently. Bruce looked serious for a moment, trying to deny it, but then sighed and shook his head. “I am asking you to stay.” He felt like he couldn’t let her go for some reason, he wasn’t sure if he would ever meet another person who wasn’t frightened or repulsed by him. Lucille was kind, nice to be around, and he missed the idea of having friends in his life. Her companionship and owning something that wasn’t repurposed or stolen made him feel human for once. “It feels like you’re running from something, and you don’t have to anymore. All I ask is you be careful to keep my secret, and you can pay me back with more of these once in a while,” he explained, holding up the bag of goods. Bruce was still in disbelief at seeing perishable food and clothes that could fit him without the seams tearing. Lucille looked at the floor, thinking about it for a moment. Bruce was kind and genuine despite his condition, and she realized that she couldn’t keep going from place to place forever. Her life as a drifter was tiring. She drove constantly, tried her luck with towns and motels, and felt even more isolated as each day went by. In the short time she spent here, she felt safer than before and being around someone was refreshing. Lucille smiled to herself then looked back up at him.
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strangefable · 4 years
Catch Up Meme
Rules: tag as many people as you want to catch up with or get to know better!
I was tagged by @the-laridian (Thank you! I hope you don’t regret it.)
Three ships (I am tempted by a certain archaic Christmas carol, but I shall refrain.)
Serenity, Enterprise-D, and the Flying Dutchman.
No? Okay. Uh... Vicar Max/my captain (but no one but me knows her yet so this doesn’t even count)
I’ve been Having Thoughts about whether Udom Bedford and Alex Hawthorne ever had, like, A Thing before his untimely end?
Lately, I’ve been having a lot of Feelings about Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn and various people she meets in game. Working on my second playthrough right now, is why.
Look, shipping is weird for me. I like ships, but I like to read everything. Fanfic is such a cool, broad medium that I could wax on about for ages. I enjoy other people’s OCs. I like seeing ships I never would’ve thought of myself. Hell, I even read whole-ass fandoms in which I don’t have direct knowledge of canon sometimes. I used to severely limit myself to “Only These OTPs Are Real” kind of thinking when I was much, much younger, and it was a shitty attitude that I’d like to never have again.
But uhm. Right now I’m exclusively writing Vicar Max/my captain.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Last songs listened to
I legitimately have no idea. According to my music player, it was either the TOW soundtrack or one of my ridiculous writing playlists that I make and then don’t use. I don’t listen to a lot of songs any more. I miss it, but I just... can’t. It’s an attention problem. Lyrics distract my brain too much when I’m doing something else, but I’m terrible at sitting down and just listening, either. I can occasionally listen to instrumental stuff while doing other things. Big surprise: those are usually game soundtracks. Or the LOTR soundtracks if I’m feeling fancy.
Currently watching
Er, currently? Not much. Couple random animes that probably aren’t worth mentioning. I should get it together and watch The Mandalorian Season 2 already, though. Oof. (No worries, I do not care about spoilers. At all.) But will probably avoid it and go watch some Trek show or Stargate again instead. (I like me some star shows, y’all.)
Currently reading
Fanfic. It’s kind of the only thing I can read right now, which is frustrating as a lifelong book nerd. But it is what it is. Fic is getting me through this rough reading year and I’m grateful for it. Fic writers, you guys do not know what a bunch of unsung heroes you are. (I’m making a conscious effort to change my former lurker ways and leave copious comments. Hence that post I made a while ago.)
And, like, if you have any recs? Throw ‘em at me. Your stuff, your friends’ stuff, the guy you talked to at the store last year’s stuff, just anything. Any fandom, pairing, whatever. No rules or parameters. The limit does not exist.
How’s it going
AHAHA. Oh, boy. To give you an idea: COVID has had no real, direct effect on my life. It was more like the universe saying, “Here’s a cherry to put on top of the shit sandwich I already gave you,” after it had already lit me on fire.
Ugh, I don’t mean to sound this alarmist. I am totally okay. All my needs are met. Geez, I have internet! I have four very affectionate, needy pets who love me. I have a good therapist whom I don’t need health insurance to see. I'm doing fine! I’m even fairly...if not happy, exactly, then, content, most days.
I’ve just had a lot of very hard setbacks in recent years that pretty much decimated my support network and exacerbated my mental health diagnoses to a minor flashpoint, and it’s been a slow, uphill battle toward some semblance of “normal” for a while. But I’m getting there.
The mere fact that I’m on tumblr and trying to participate in something again is kind of a big deal for me. And it’s going great! You have all been welcoming and wonderful. And like, I really really hope this level of honesty doesn’t drag anything down or make things weird, because I don’t mean to do that. I’m just a painfully honest person; I can’t help it. Fandom shenanigans are what I’m here for. If I can also maybe make a few friends? That would be amazing extra icing on the cake, but for real, I’m just wildly happy to be here!
I don’t feel like I have the authority to tag anyone. I am a newb who’s just glad to be in the metaphorical room. I love reading these, though. Y'all are some seriously cool people.
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the-laridian · 2 years
Wordcount 06 May 2022
An exceptional day! 
Mob AU: 726. Everything seems fine upon Max and Felix's return, until they find out that while they were gone, Rowan and Will may have been involved in a turf war with another gang. (Spoiler: they were)
Hippie AU: 1683. Rowan and Langley come off their mini-vacation, and Will's more than ready to take hers. Except she can't travel alone, because dumb society rules and stuff. Max volunteers. Should be fun!
Original in what I thought was going to be a one-shot kinda thing but it has turned into several fics of a few thousand words each. "River" series for lack of a better title. 2727.
And the star of tonight: Viva New Vegas, 5097 words! I took part in my first-ever writing sprints, got 2 hours done, and this is what I ended up with. I just started with "okay, Gunnar and Boone, walking, Mojave" and ran with it. Will I be able to use any of it? Probably! If nothing else it was good to get the words out and really run with it and see how it turned out. Thanks to the Fallout writers discord for hosting that!
Also today: cut some fabric and sewed some more Y-seam blocks. I seem to need to relearn how to do Y-seams every single time I do them. But blocks were cut and sewn! Pix at end of weekend, maybe?
Total for today: 10,233
Total for May: 33,117
Total for 2022: 779,406
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Catch Up Meme
Rules: tag as many people as you want to catch up with or get to know better!
I was tagged by @the-laridian​
Three ships (Using / for romantic and & for platonic here) Rhys/Sasha, Sasha & Fiona, Rhys & Fiona.  Fourth runner-up, Rhys & Vaughn
Last songs listened to The Canada Geese Song
Currently watching The hubs playing Fallout: New Vegas. I’m really not too huge on TV shows most of the time because they require my full attention, and I prefer to multitask.
Currently reading I had The Witcher: Sword of Destiny audiobook playing last night to help me sleep. Does that count?
How’s it going Eh. Like a lot pf people right now, I’m not really where I want to be, but it could be a lot worse. We were virtually untouched by Covid until October, and then it all hit us at once. The hubs lost his job, so I had to go back to work over winter break. That messed up my plans to catch up on writing/art projects, as well as to babysit my nephew. I learned once again to never count on free time you think you’ll have later--make it now.
I tag everyone who’s bored of A Christmas Story reruns at this very moment. :)
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neonshrike · 1 year
✍️ WIP Wednesday ✍️
Tagged by @the-laridian
Another out-of-order scene in Somewhere in the Woods, Waiting but I really wanted to get this moment between this version of Bruce and Lucille out of the way!
I was smiling the entire time writing this.
He started pacing the floor, running his hand through his hair with a sigh, still deep in thought about what she just said. “There’s no way this can work, look at me,” he mumbled to himself, looking down at his massive hands, then he stopped and looked at her with sad eyes.
Here Lucille was, someone who cared about him despite his unique circumstances, and he still truly believed it was impossible.
She just responded with a comforting smile as she stepped closer to him and placed her hand on his. “If this is both what we really want, we can make it work. No matter how long it takes,” she reassured him and to her surprise, Bruce gently held her hand and looked down at her with a soft sigh.
“It’s going to be a lot to navigate, but Lucille, you’re amazing, of course I want this,” he spoke, bending down slightly as his eyes moved to her lips for a moment. “And I don’t mind, I want this too,” she whispered, leaning her head up as Bruce leaned closer.
He almost reached her face when he started to lose his balance and almost fell to the floor. Lucille looked at him with concern and stepped back as he regained his footing.
Bruce stood back up to his full height, quickly looking away in embarrassment. “Bruce, it’s okay,” Lucille reassured him with a slight chuckle, finding the situation awkward, but even more so, endearing. “I meant what I said.” He looked straight at her and nodded his head then took a deep breath and knelt down so she could reach him this time.
“How’s this?” he asked with a sheepish smile, motioning for her to come closer. Lucille approached him and he gently held the side of her face as they leaned into each other again.
Their noses touched instead, causing both of them to laugh and apologize to each other at the same time. Instead of letting his awkwardness win again, Bruce was determined to try one last time and stood up.
In one swift but gentle motion, Bruce swept Lucille up into his arms, completely enveloping her in them, and warmly smiled as he waited for her to come to him this time.
She was still in a daze at being picked up so suddenly, but snapped out of it and leaned forward and kissed him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Bruce softly kissed back, tilting his head slightly so their lips could fit better together. Both of them were lost in the moment, and their differences didn’t matter at all right now, just their shared feelings.
When they both pulled back, both of them just stared at each other in silence. “Third time’s the charm?” Bruce asked as he grinned, still in disbelief that this was happening.
Lucille caressed the side of his face as she chuckled at his adorable expression. “Yeah, that was nice. Awkward, but nice, but it’s not your fault!” she quickly defended, not wanting to upset him after the sweet moment they shared.
“I was definitely being—”
Bruce gave her a quick yet tender kiss on the cheek and she stopped talking when she saw him smile warmly at her, then he gently pressed her forehead against hers. She closed her eyes, enjoying the proximity they shared.
“It’s okay, I’m happy to have more awkward but nice moments with you,” he said softly as he set her down.
Tagging @captastra @socially-awkward-skeleton @jillvalentinesday @sstewyhosseini @marivenah @corvosattano @shegetsburned @the-lastcall @beautiful-delirium @scentedcandleibex @superblizzardfire @jackiesarch @nightbloodbix and anyone else who wants to share a WIP!
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neonshrike · 1 year
OC Tag Game
Tagged by @marivenah @socially-awkward-skeleton AND @clonesupport for this tag game! 💜
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This isn’t much of a surprise, I’m having way too much fun writing her fic and having her interact with all my faves.
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Out of these, she’s the newest, I created her last year. I thought it would be interesting creating a Marvel OC who doesn’t have powers or ties to any teams. She’s just a radio intern/influencer who wants to have a famous podcast about superheroes!
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I have much older OCs (one from an original story I’m doing is from around 2015) but Luc is the oldest out of my main ones I post on here, I came up with her around 2019 after I saw Endgame! She’s changed a lot since then.
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Daniel is a completely evil, irredeemable person, a rich CEO who does horrible things just for the money and fun of it. List of crimes include theft, emotional abuse, and poisoning, amongst other things.
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Almost went with Jasmine, but Carina is much more genuine and helpful. She’s a good friend and captain, and always wants to do what’s right, just out of kindness.
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Daniel is very emotionally detached, just focused on his work without thinking of the consequences of his actions. Instead of getting angry over Lucille ruining his plans, he just works to outsmart her.
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Mostly because she’s the only non-STEM OC that I have! She does tend to be forgetful and wrapped up in her own little world, and talks constantly without any object of time. However, Jasmine is oddly perceptive and as an influencer, is a people person and is up on the latest news.
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Daniel is a close second, but Cora has wisdom and a few extra decades of experience. She’s a biologist mostly, but dabbles in astrophysics, and the Hope was begging for her to come along.
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Carina’s just kind, approachable, easy to talk to, and a bit of an introvert like me!
Tagging @captastra @detectivelokis @gayafsatan @the-laridian @the-lastcall @beautiful-delirium @sstewyhosseini @shegetsburned and anyone else who wants to play!
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neonshrike · 1 year
WIP Music Monday 🎧
Tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton and @nightbloodbix
When I was writing/making edits for the Now You See Me AU, I’ve been listening to a lot of musicals, especially ones with performance/stage themes (Chicago, Pippin, Burlesque, Moulin Rouge, etc.) I picked this one specifically since it had Lucille and Daniel vibes.
I also really need to share my Perfect Pitch setlist…
Tagging @captastra @detectivelokis @sstewyhosseini @clonesupport @beautiful-delirium @scentedcandleibex @shegetsburned @corvosattano @marivenah @derelictheretic @gayafsatan @the-laridian and anyone else who wants to share!
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