#lark that sings at dawn
eggfeather · 10 months
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lark that sings at dawn
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warriorcatsideas · 3 months
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notwarriorswiki · 1 year
I'd love to hear your other headcanons whether that involves cute things or their identities!
Ask and you shall receive!!
Doestar and Fallowsong were fond of long walks together. Fallowsong teased her about taking the leader away from her duties, something Doestar always scoffed at. To her, being a good mate was one of her duties
Mothwing loved Leafpool and longed to be with her. She had considered telling her, but after Leafpool ran off with Crowfeather, Mothwing believed her beloved friend would never feel the same. She tucked those feelings close, never once whispering a word to the ThunderClan medicine cat. When Leafpool was killed, Mothwing felt her life grow a bit duller, and only then, after everything, did she actually want those stars above to be real. All so she could see her Leafpool again.
Russetfur had many crushes and flings throughout her life, though nothing ever stuck. She liked she-cats, she'd get the feelings, but the settling down part of a relationship was never in her cards.
Ravenpaw leaned on Barley a lot after leaving ThunderClan. There was a deep trust they had in each other, something that went beyond where they came from. Even when Ravenpaw was offered a seat in ThunderClan, and even the newly formed SkyClan, both he and Barley said no. Even being together in either clan, they didn't want that. Ravenpaw and Barley wanted to live their own lives, without the confines and rules other placed on them. While they deeply loved their friends and family, the two chose to be loners, together, despite the many paws they could turn to.
Darkstripe struggled with compulsory heterosexuality, believing it was what he was meant to do. After all, legacy was of a great honor, and only taking a mate, a she-cat at that, and siring kits would grant him a "true" legacy. He sired Brindleface's kits, giving the she-cat the kits she always wanted without the promise of a relationship. Both were content with this arrangement, relieved in fact. The kits grew up not even knowing their father, for he was so distant that the clan could never have guessed they were his. He buried his feelings for toms deep inside him, seeing them as points of weakness and shame.
Jayfeather was given a great honor by the stars above, the creator beyond StarClan. He could walk with them forever, becoming immortalized in history and the stars as Blue Jay, the patron true to ones self. But in being the Blue Jay, being true to himself, he could never do that. After completing his journey and giving up his blessed powers, Jayfeather willingly returns to his mortal body to continue walking with his beloved friends and family, rather than passing on to a path of glory. His heart would always belong to Kestrelflight, and though they couldn't be together, they always knew they were under that same starry sky, just a single moor hill away.
When Jayfeather fell during the Great Battle, Kestrelflight wouldn't leave his side. Though the ThunderClan medicine cat still breathed, he did not wake. For a moon's time, Jayfeather did not move, many wondering if he'd ever wake up. But Kestrelflight stayed there with him, refusing to leave his side. He stayed in ThunderClan during that moon, making sure Jayfeather drank water, tending to both his clan and ThunderClan, acting as the sole medicine cat to both after they lost Leafpool as well. He worked tirelessly, to points of exhaustion, but could always return to Jayfeather's side in the evenings, and rest beside him in absolute bliss. He believed Jayfeather would return to him, and sure enough... he did.
Ratscar and Oakfur were childhood friends, and eventually became mates. After his sister Snowbird had her own kits, Ratscar and Oakfur began to talk about raising a litter of their own. With the help of Oakfur's younger sister Applefur as a sire, they'd become the parents of Redkit, Olivekit, and Shrewkit.
Runningwind may the fastest cat in ThunderClan, but he was often challenged by Redtail. The tortoiseshell tom often put up quite the fight, even back when they were younger. They'd go so fast, they'd trip over each other, falling down the heavy pathway and laughing as they tried to scramble back to their paws and continue the race.
Dovewing's gift of sight allowed her to see the territories clear as day, and a useful part of that meant she could find herbs wherever they were. With Briarlight helping Jayfeather in the medicine cat den, Dovewing would use her gift to find valuable herbs and bring them back, all in excuses to chat with Briarlight more and keep her company without Jayfeather snapping at her for taking up space in the den.
Hollystar never wanted kits, for being pregnant always sounded rather uncomfortable to her. However, Cinderheart never minded the idea. She talked with Hollystar about taking a sire a few times, but Hollystar always turned it down, finding even more discomfort in the idea of her mate carrying another cat's kits. Whether it was truthful or excuses to avoid motherhood, something she firmly believed she wasn't cut out for, circumstances would change when Flamekit was left orphaned, and Cinderheart believed the little one needed someone to look to now more than ever...
Hollystar and Cinderheart loved to sneak out at night and watch the views of the lake. Their thick fur kept them warm, even in the colder seasons. Those harsh breezes pushed them closer together, their fur brushing close against the other. Every night they'd watch the stars, pointing out which ones shone the brightest to them that night.
After helping Graystripe reach the mountains to visit his son Stormfur, Flipclaw was introduced to a way of life he had never seen before, and it was all through Feather. The two toms loved to perform little shows for the kits, Flipclaw enjoying playing the part of an eagle or mountain lion while Feather was the hero that fought him off and saved everyone. They loved seeing the kits laugh and squeal when Feather barreled Flipclaw over.
Tallstar couldn't help but wonder what it would've been like if Jake had joined him in WindClan. He'd try to pick some names, like Orangefur, and Fuzzybelly - but his favorite? Well, while nothing could ever beat the sweet sound that was Jake, Fireheart didn't sound too bad...
Gorsetail's fluidity was pretty even all things considered. Her clan got pretty used to just asking in the morning what she was feeling like and she'd say. He'd then operate under that until she let them know otherwise, and it became pretty systematic. Her brother Crowfeather and her nephew Breezepelt, despite what one may think, were actually pretty good at being mindful and asking.
Lark was born the son of Stormfur and Brook, alongside her brother Pine. Stoneteller Crag received a message in the waterfall, believing it was a sign Lark would be the next Stoneteller, and the young kit was trained from a young age to one day take the mantle. In truth, Lark never felt comfortable in her body, nor her position. She was the revered prince of her home, but she longed to be someone else. In truth the sign was of her leaving the group to find her place within the clans, and she'd flee to seek out the beautiful auroras only she could see, and the song of a silver she-cat that whispered in her ear. Upon finding RiverClan, well, she took on her new identity - the she-cat, Larkpaw!
The first cat Redtail told of his feelings about his identity to was Spottedleaf. The two were apprentices, and Redpaw came to her at the time hoping for advice on how he could tell Rosetail. He didn't really have anything to worry about, but it gave him reassurance that Spottedpaw was at his side. Willowpaw admittedly felt a bit sad being left out, though she never said anything.
Tree's affinity with ae/aem pronouns came from aer kinship with air. Ae always was an introspective tom, finding beauty in little things, and a big one was the air we breathed, and then released, circulating as we all share each breath. Like a tree, ae too took in that oxygen. Everything alive used it. Those pronouns made aem feel one with nature.
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marmosetpaw · 2 years
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that-one-satanic-tree · 7 months
Feel like the most under-talked about crazy thing in Warriors is the lineage of Stormfur and Brook’s kits
These cats have blood from every Clan except ShadowClan plus the tribe, and since Graystripe’s other parent is unconfirmed at the moment, they could very well be a ShadowClan cat.
A brief description of their family tree:
Willowpelt, Graystripe’s mother has SkyClan blood. Willowbreeze, Stormfur’s grandma, has WindClan blood. Obviously, there’s Thunder, River, and Tribe in there. (also, a lot of the prefix Willow)
These are possibly the most genetically diverse cats we have.
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Lark that Sings at Dawn
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Lark That Sings at Dawn/ (non officiel : Alouette qui Chante à l'Aube)
Mother : Brook Where Small Fish Swim Father : Stormfur Brothers : Feather of Flying Hawk, Pine That Clings to Rock Sister : Breeze that Rustles the Leaves 
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pictionary · 2 years
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finally got around to making a reference sheet for one of my d&d characters, lark!
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lightningwaters · 26 days
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stus-warrior-designs · 2 months
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She’s teasing Feather for his crush
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Pine That Clings to Rock and Lark That Sings at Dawn
Originally posted on December 25th, 2018
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mollysaurus-rex3 · 2 months
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A couple of warrior cats designs I did, I tried to make their colors as close to the image in the top left corner. Yes guys there were 4 possible BlueStar designs.
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purpleblackmask · 10 months
No one can convince me that Crowley and Aziraphale's favourite play is not Romeo and Juliet.
They were both there when it was performed the first time ever, and since then they had front seats to every portrayal, every version that has been conceived in the arc of time and of humanity's evolution.
They never realise (or they deny to realise) why both feel so close to the story of these two star-crossed lovers, born on opposite sides but willing to fight fiercely for their own side, for their "us".
They just know that their story reaches both their soul in an inconceivable way.
And it's there where they learn that the sound of love is the song of a nightingale.
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notwarriorswiki · 1 year
Why does Mudclaw have a connection to Sedgewhisker and if it's because she has powers then does that mean all of the PO12 have ghost cat buddies?
Specifically the "later additions" to the 12, aka Dovewing, Scorchfur, Sedgewhisker, and Larkfeather (Lark that Sings at Dawn) have a ghost cat buddy. These particular spirit cat guides are cats who weren't fulfilled in their past life and were chosen from their recent death to step up and guide these young ones to the older cats (aka - Jayfeather, Dawnpelt, Heathertail, Minnowtail, etc.)
Dovewing has Cinderpelt, which is my way of allowing her """reincarnation""" thing without actual reincarnation because I didn't really enjoy how it was done with Cinderheart in the books. Cinderpelt allows Dovewing to see great distances beyond what is in front of her, just as she can in the books. Dovewing's eyes turn blue when she uses her power, the same blue of Cinderpelt's eyes.
Scorchfur has Blackstar, who was killed in the battle between the clans that happened between Sunset and The Sight (take the Eclipse battle and move it here essentially). He wants to repent and do more to help the clans after all of the crimes that he helped carry out in his living life, hence him stepping up. He gives Scorchfur the power to know what cats have been in The Dark Forest the previous night, a rancid stench coming off of them. When Scorchfur uses his power and scents a Dark Forest Cat, his eyes turn a bright amber, the same amber of Blackstar's eyes.
Sedgewhisker has Mudclaw, who was killed in the WindClan civil war just as he was in the books. He feels immense guilt for how he harmed his clan and wishes to save them now more than ever. We get that first hint of him actually in my initial Po12 fanfic where he warns Harepaw, but his duty doesn't come until Sedgekit is born. He gives Sedgewhisker the ability to speak in the minds of all those "blessed", so all cats gifted with powers, no matter where she is. She can be all the way in SkyClan's gorge and chat with Jayfeather in his head, but not Hollyleaf as she doesn't have powers. When using this power, her eyes turn amber, the same amber of Mudclaw's eyes.
Larkfeather, who used to be knows as Lark that Sings at Dawn, came to RiverClan after her own power guided her. When Larkfeather wants to go somewhere, she knows exactly how to get there, regardless of if she's ever been. She has Feathertail as her guardian, the she-cat wanting to help RiverClan and her friends one last time after her life was cut short. Larkfeather sees an aurora path that leads her to her destination, and is how she finds RiverClan despite being just a 6 moon old cat traveling from the mountains without ever visiting the lake before. When this power is activated, Larkfeather's eyes turn a bright blue, the same blue of Feathertail's eyes. (Fun Fact - she chooses the nam Larkfeather specifically after Feathertail)
Grabbing this image again as I think it's fitting.
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twola · 3 months
Pls pls a Drabble or one shot of soft sappy sex with Arthur 🙏
Arthur Morgan x Fem!Reader Smut (18+), MDNI
➵ Fic Masterlist ➵ AO3 Link
Morning light drifts. Almost as if it was afloat, soft and drowsy. Warm and comforting.
Or maybe it’s just the cocoon you’ve wrapped yourself into, bare skin and blankets and an old cot within canvas walls. The quiet of dawn, where the birds awaken, chirping from the trees.
The soft, wet sound of lips meeting lips fills the tent, a thigh slung over hips, fingers tracing jawlines-
“I love you.”
His large hand cups the back of your head, fingers woven into your hair, pulling you gently to him once again. Your hand rests over his ribs, through which you can feel the steady thrum of his heart.
“Love you too-” a hushed breath, in between kisses, need rising, tongues pressing against each other until he moves. He could so easily move you, his size and strength intimidating out on the open road - but with ease and gentleness he pushes you to your back and climbs atop you, your legs opened wide to accept his hips.
Your foreheads touch, your fingers tracing up the hard muscles of his back while his forearms rest on either side of your head. You caress the nape of his neck, playing with the dark honeyed ends of his hair, growing longer by the week.
He leans heavily on one arm while he reaches down between the two of you to grasp his cock, guiding himself to press against the rim of your cunt, the head catching and you suck in a breath as the first inch of him slides inside.
“Alrigh’?” He asks, his voice still sleep-hoarse, and you answer with a nod before slotting your lips to his, tilting your hips up and he slips in another inch.
His eyes flutter closed as he bites his lower lip to keep himself quiet, pressing forward completely to bury himself in you, not stopping until his pelvis is flush to yours, until all of him is sheathed in you. You nuzzle against his jaw, his three-day-old beard scratching against your cheek. After a recentering moment, he finds your lips again, smothering a cry that escapes your throat as he rolls his hips in a full and heady stroke. Your fingernails dig into his shoulder as he does it again, and again, and again.
Sometimes, many times, there is not time for this - that your coupling is quick and fleeting. There is not time to bask in the morning light.
But today, as the larks sing as the world awakens outside of the tent, you flutter around him and he presses himself as deep as he can go, drowning in each other, breathing each other’s breaths, unfurling your love slowly, much as the world is becoming awake.
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demontobee · 10 months
Nightingales and Romeo and Juliet in Good Omens S2E6
I’ve been thinking about the many symbolisms of the nightingale since the end of S1, but especially since the whole “That’s the point. No nightingales” conversation between Crowley and Aziraphale at the end of S2. Nightingales feature in a lot of literary texts symbolizing a whole bunch of things, but I found this particularly interesting:  
In Romeo and Juliet (you know, the play where two star-crossed lovers from rivalling families try to overcome all boundaries in the name of love), there is a scene (Act 3, Scene 5) where Romeo and Juliet have a conversation (or a little row/misunderstanding) about nightingales and larks. It is the night/morning after their secret marriage (!) and Romeo has to leave before the morning comes. Otherwise he will be in great danger as he might get caught by Juliet’s relatives. Juliet, who does not want him to leave yet, argues that the bird that they hear singing outside the window is a nightingale. Since nightingales sing by night, she hopes that this will convince Romeo that it is still night and thus make him stay a bit longer. Romeo, on the other hand, is convinced that it is a lark, a bird of dawn, that is singing, which would mean that he has to leave soon. When Romeo suddenly states that he does not care if he will be killed or not and that he wants to stay with Juliet, Juliet caves in and explains that the bird they hear is actually a lark and that Romeo has to flee.
So, a few things to point out here:
It is the night after their “secret marriage”
The nightingale is a night bird whose song indicates darkness and a world asleep, which protects forbidden love from being found out
Juliet does not want to face the harsh reality of the day approaching, which is why she tries to convince Romeo that they are hearing a nightingale while, in fact, a lark is singing, indicating danger
When her lover unexpectedly declares that he wants to stay with her, even at the risk of losing his own life, she tells the truth  in an attempt to usher him out to save his life
Okay, back to Good Omens:
It is the morning after The Dance™ (you know, the one Aziraphale organized only to be able to make a move on Crowley and dance with him; the one during which Crowley tried to open Aziraphale’s eyes to the dangerous situation they were in while Aziraphale refused to give up on his little fantasy-bubble of love and romance). Aziraphale tries to convince Crowley to go back to heaven with him. We don’t know exactly what went on in the conversation between him and the Metatron, but there was probably some threat involved, which means Aziraphale thinks that they will both be safe(r) in heaven. In a way, he is the Juliet in the situation, trying to make his Romeo stay/come with him by convincing him that the nightingale is still singing – that they can still be safe that way. Like the night before, he does not (or at least does not seem to) realize the danger they are in and will be in and that heaven will never let them be “an us”. He does not want to part with Crowley. Crowley, on the other hand, knows exactly that going to heaven is not an option for him and he understands that they are in danger. His statement, “that’s the point. No nightingales,” means that the protection of the metaphorical night, the indifference of heaven and hell concerning their situationship, is over, and that they can either flee together or have to part. Aziraphale, judging by his expression, seems to understand what Crowley is implying here. This seems to be where his parallels with Juliet end, since he does not agree with Crowley in the end. However, there is a version of events that would make his actions similar to Juliet’s in the end: Assuming that Aziraphale knows that one of the two options to keep Crowley safe(r) is out since he knows that Crowley will never agree to going back to heaven, his only other option is to ensure Crowley leaves without him (and without the impression that he needs to save Aziraphale and their relationship). He does this by driving him out if the bookshop.
In any case, the nightingale seems to symbolize the temporary safety of their forbidden love, and Crowley’s statement at the end signals the end of this precious period, and that they must part (for now).
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