#larry is best gym leader
weedle-testaburger · 1 year
pokemon scarlet and violet making the normal type gym leader a salary man is my favourite thing about them so far hands down
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visforvictini13 · 2 years
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Name: Larry
Trainer Card Number: 546
Gender: Male
Series Of Origin: Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Type Specialty: Normal / Flying
Okay so this was the hardest trainer card I had to make because....Larry has two cannonical teams .... with two different type specialties. So I tried balancing this the best I could.
Komala, Dudunsparce & Staraptor: His Gym Team (The Normal Types)
Alatria and Flamigo: From his Elite 4 teams
Braviary: Rematch Team
Oinkologne, Tropius and Oricorio are just back up pokemon
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pokepollsters · 11 months
Best Pokémon Gym Leader Tournament- Round 5: Final Match
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It's the finals! What a contest, so many tough calls and close matches- but it all comes down to this. Tumblr's favourite man vs their favourite woman, a classic vs the new fave, who will pull through and be crowned the winner?
Larry started out as the favourite and boy has he proven himself time and time again! Tate & Liza, Brassius, Roxie, and now Allister have all been knocked out by his hand- but those matches have been getting closer and closer each time. If the trend keeps up, who knows who could end up winning! Only your votes can decide.
Elesa didn't make it into the top 5 in the preliminary round, but she has proven herself more than worthy of a spot in the finals! She still holds the record for the biggest vote total for an individual in any match, and her Semi-Final match received the most votes of any match so far. She's beaten Korrina, Olympia, Misty, and then Piers- will she add one more name to the list to win it all?
Get voting!
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lizardsongstar · 3 months
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top scars Rika is my new hc :b
full piece :0 the quality in the tweets its kinda bad hehe
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remenber! reblogs > likes /gen
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prince-kallisto · 1 year
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I’m sorry but I’ll never get over the different in detail of Larry and Rika’s E4 gloves haha. Larry’s glove has very detailed embroidery and lighting while Rika’s glove is…a bit flat. It’s a little noticeable because Rika is the first one you face
It reminds me of this one bread meme haha
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cmpumkin-arts · 2 years
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Spoilers (One of the Gym Leaders)
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He has entered my brain and refuses to leave
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blueikeproductions · 9 months
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Anime style Blueberry Academy/League concept with Ash and Geeta fighting in the semi-finals. Poking fun at complaints she wasn’t all that cracked up to be in the games as a Top Champion, I thought it’d be funny if she deliberately sabotaged her own match for Nemona’s sake. When confronted by Larry about it, Geeta simply says Nemona wanted it more than she did, and besides, she and Nemona already battled each other when Nemona became Champion rank anyway.
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galarfiend · 1 year
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this is the best thing i’ve ever drawn it’s all downhill from here
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ameftowriter · 1 year
All right, this fic is inspired by this wonderful art by @chipsncookies , she makes quite amazing art in general btw.
But yeah, I wanted to write this cause I thought it would be a silly idea to just have interaction between the two Larrys from two separate games and just added it as I go.
There's no spoilers here unless you count Phoenix, Edgeworth, and Larry hanging out post game 3 at the least. Though I had in my head them post game 6 so whichever you like I guess xD
And yeah just assume they're in the pokemon universe and know already everything about the mechanics and such
Anyway here's the fic and I'll add the Ao3 Link later:
Title: First Larry Second Larry
"You two are gonna love this restaurant!" Larry Butz repeated to the two of his friends as he opened the door, "The food here in the Treasure Eatery is phenomenal!"
"I'm more surprised you know what the word phenomenal meant, Butz…" Edgeworth commented as he side eyed Larry.
"Hey! I know some big words!" Larry defended himself, "I did graduate from middle school you know!"
"I guess if Larry says this is a good place to eat, then it's worth a try…" Phoenix immediately changed the topic as the three entered the restaurant.
"But don't expect me to pay for both of you.." Edgeworth sighed as he followed suit.
Larry had already gone far from his friends and was waving at them to sit next to them at the open bar at the corner of the restaurant. "C'mon already! I got seats here for you!"
"I have to admit, even for you, you're too excited for a simple restaurant." Phoenix commented.
"Oh you'll see why!" Larry teased as he called for the chef. “Soba Noodle Soup please!”
“Coming right up Second Larry!” The chef happily took his order as he turned to the other two lawyers next to him, “And what about you two gentlemen?”
“Second Larry?" Phoenix questioned how the chef referred to his friend, "But I guess…. I'll take the sandwich special."
"Bitter Melon Stir-fry for me please." Edgeworth had given his order. "Then I suppose this First Larry is a much better person you Hmm?"
"Shut up Edgey!” Larry stuck his tongue out, “It’s just the First Larry is kinda a big deal in this restaurant. So he deserves it."
"Oh? How come?" Phoenix asked him.
"You'll see…” Larry chuckled to himself.
Just then, next to Larry sat an unassuming business man. He placed down his briefcase next to his seat, let out a tired sigh, and turned to notice the ones sitting next to him.
"Oh… hello there Larry." He greeted the man who sat  next to him. "You're here early."
"Wassup First Larry, my man!" Larry Butz patted him on the back, while the other barely flinched from it "On your lunch break?"
"Yes…" Businessman Larry replied as he turned to the chef, "I'll have a plate of grilled rice balls."
"Sure thing First Larry!" The chef happily took the order and went back to the kitchen to make it.
"So this is the First Larry you speak of." Edgeworth turned to look at the man his friend is referring to. To him, he looked like your plain, old, run-of-the-mill businessman.
"That's right! First Larry here has been a regular ever since he started working in Medali." Butz started.
"All that hype for a regular customer?" Phoenix couldn't help but wonder, especially at how plain looking the man was to him.
"Here's all your orders gentlemen!" The chef popped in and gave them their food.
"Thank you for the food!" Butz grabbed his bowl and began digging in.
"Thank you…" Phoenix accepted his plate, "You were saying… "Second Larry"?" 
"Oh yeah…" Butz slurped his noodles, then spoke again, "He's the guy who recommended the best food in this restaurant!"
"Everything's good here…" Businessman Larry said as he grabbed his plate of grilled rice balls, "Larry here just wanted something cheap so I brought up this ramen…"
"So you were just being cheap Butz, not a surprise." Edgeworth stifled a laugh.
"Are these two your lawyer friends, Larry?" Businessman Larry asked him, "Huh, didn't think they were real."
"I suppose it'd be hard to believe if it was just coming from him huh?" Phoenix laughed at the wording.
"Why are you three ganging up on me! Some friends you all are!" Butz pointed an accusing finger at every one of them.
Businessman Larry sighed, Edgeworth shrugged with a smirk, while Phoenix just continued laughing at the situation.
Just then….
"Medium-serving, grilled rice balls, Fire Blast-style, with fresh lemon on the side!" A shout from a server at the front entrance rang out.
"Gotcha! Medium rice balls, extra crispy, with lemon!" The chef cried out at the same volume and quickly pressed the button at the edge of her counter.
“What’s going on?!” Phoenix nearly dropped his sandwich as there was a sudden rumbling shook the whole restaurant. 
“The whole middle seating area has disappeared!” Edgeworth was shocked to see what had just occurred right before their eyes. “It revealed a hidden battle court!”
“Congratulations! You've passed the Gym Test!” The server cheered for the young student in front of him, “You now have the right to challenge the Gym Leader!” 
“Gym Test?” Phoenix exclaimed, “This restaurant doubles as a Gym building?”
“Just–” Butz wanted to answer but he got cut off.
“Just the battle court is here…” Businessman Larry replied as he swallowed his first rice ball. “This is still a restaurant through and through…”
“That is understandable…” Edgeworth had calmed himself down, “But then that would mean one of the restaurant’s staff is the gym leader. Perhaps the Chef?”
“Oh dear no, sweetie!” The chef spoke up as she shook her head, “Not dear old me! I ain’t even a trainer. The real Gym Leader is…”
“LARRY!! YOU’RE UP!!” The server shouted again to grab the Gym Leader’s attention. 
“Ah! Speak of the devil…” 
“And I just started lunch too…” Businessman Larry sighed once more as he turned from his seat, grabbed his briefcase, stood up, and walked towards the student challenger. “Hello…”
“See…” Butz then smirked as he elbowed Phoenix, “Told ya there was something exciting here!”
“It is not every day that you get to see a restaurant turn into a Gym Court.” Edgeworth agreed much to his own annoyance.
“Or an unassuming businessman to be its Gym Leader.” Phoenix pushed his friend’s elbow off of him. 
“I know, right?” Butz continued as the Gym Leader Larry had already walked into the court. “And he’s no pushover either. He’s a really good trainer!” 
“Thank you for doing business with us today. I, Larry, will be at your service.” Gym Leader Larry then straightened his tie and pulled out his pokeball hidden underneath his suit jacket.
With a toss, he sent out his Komala to the field.
“I assume he uses Normal type for this gym then?” Edgeworth asked Butz.
“Yeah! It suits him, doesn't it?”
“It suits him too well if you ask me…" Phoenix let out a chuckle, "He looks so… well… normal."
Komala was soon taken down by the challenger's Flamigo's Low Kick.
Larry could only give a hum of approval as he returned Komala back to its ball and brought out his second Pokemon. "Go, Dudunsparce."
Meanwhile the challenger kept their Flamigo in hopes to sweep Dudunsparce as well.
“Dudunsparce, Hyper Drill.” Gym Leader Larry commanded his pokemon as he maintained his usual tone.
Dudunsparce cried out as it turned around and shot itself while spinning at blinding speed towards the opposing Pokemon and defeated it in one shot.
“But as Butz has stated, he’s powerful in battles…” Edgeworth observed, “I hate to admit it, but for once the idiot had something good to show us.”
“No kidding…” Phoenix was impressed. “He just took out that Flamigo with one shot.”
“Come on out Pawmot!” The challenger cried out as they tossed the ball to bring out their Pawmot. “Quick, use Arm Thrust!” 
With a lucky five successful consecutive hits, Dudunsparce fainted. Gym Leader Larry withdrew it back to its ball. 
“I don’t think that challenger is going to win…” Butz shook his head.
“You think so?” Edgeworth was surprised, “I don't remember you having any sort of skill in battles, Butz…”
“Hey!” Butz took that offence, “I’ve seen him battle a lot, First Larry’s definitely gonna win this one!” 
“Again, I hate to admit, but you have a good point there.” Edgeworth shrugged.
“It’s more of a surprise that you two actually agree on something.” Phoenix looked at his two friends with a confused look as he mumbled to himself, “What kind of world do we live in?”
“This is still better than getting cornered by my boss.” Gym Leader Larry commented as he brought out his final Pokemon, “Go. Staraptor.”
“Ah! Look!” Butz excitedly said. “He’s finally gonna Terastallize Staraptor!”
“But isn't this Pokemon already part Normal type?” Phoenix brought up his point, “What’s the point of Terastallizing?”
“Don’t you get it, Nick!” Butz turned to his friend in an attempt to lecture him, “Since it's already a Normal type and it has a Normal Tera Type, its attack increases to x2! He’d be even way stronger than he is now!”
“I taught him that…” The chef spoke up, “Second Larry, here took an embarrassing amount of time to even understand Terastallizing after all.”
“Well I…” Butz could only muster as he sweat bullets.
“No wonder you are referred to here as “Second” Larry.” Edgeworth stifled another laugh, “You are the same as ever… Second Larry.”
Phoenix could only laugh as a response.
“Shut up, Edgey! You too Nick!” Butz shot back, “Some friends you guys are! I’m just going to ignore you two and just keep watching this battle.”
Just then, a stream of spectators came in through the restaurant and started cheering for the Gym Leader and the challenger. “Show us what you’ve got Larry! And you too, kid!”
“Well, you heard the good folks…” Gym Leader Larry said as he stretched his legs to prepare for the next move, “I suppose I can put on a bit more of a show.”
“Here it comes…”
Gym Leader Larry then pulled out his Tera Orb and it activated. A swirling wave of energy poured into the Orb as he casually adjusted his tie from the force. With his signature toss, the orb landed on top of Staraptor and it spread its energy, covered the Pokemon with crystals and broke open to reveal the body coated with said crystals, and a diamond shaped jewel on top of its head.
The challenger followed suit and Terastallized their Pawmot to a pure Electric Type. 
“Hurry Pawmot! Use Thunderbolt!” the challenger commanded immediately and the pokemon obeyed just as fast. With a burst of power from the Terastal energy, and the rub of its cheeks, the huge electric bolt erupted from it and attacked the Pokemon with full force, and paralyzed it in the process. “Yes! Great job Pawmot!”
“Oh no…” Butz said with a smile, “This kid just made a terrible mistake.”
“I think it’s time to show you that real life isn’t all just being true to yourself…” Gym Leader Larry then shook his head and stretched out his hand, “Staraptor, Use Facade.”
Staraptor cried out as it gained more power of it's own Terastal energy and swung its body around to let its opponent believe it was still paralyzed then immediately charged straight with even greater power towards the Pawmot.
The Tera crystals shattered from Pawmot and it fainted.
In a panic, the challenger threw in their last pokemon but it was to no avail and was defeated soon after.
The audience cheered for another victory for their Gym Leader, but some also gave encouraging cheers for the challenger.
“Good job, kid.” Gym Leader Larry commended the challenger, as the Tera energy dissipated from his Staraptor. “Better luck next time.”
“Th-thank you!” The flustered challenger gathered their pokeballs and rushed out of the restaurant to the nearest Pokemon center.
Eventually the crowd dispersed and Gym Leader Larry walked back to his seat, sat down once more, and continued his meal as if nothing had happened.
“Amazing battle as always, First Larry!” The chef was the first to compliment.
“You did great out there, man!” Butz patted him at the back.
“Second Larry is right.” Phoenix added, “You’re really good.”
“Impressive battle.” Edgeworth finished as he also finished his meal.
“It’s just a job.” Gym Leader Larry said as he swallowed his next rice ball, “You eventually learn how to be good at it.”
“Yeah, but you see…” Butz brought up, “That's why they call you, “The Exceptional Everyman!” You look like your typical, average, run-of-the-mill, businessman, but you’re strong in a pokemon battle! Everyone who sees it for the first time gets thrown off by you!”
"If you say so…" Gym Leader Larry shrugs. "I just do my job, enjoy my food, and head home."
“I guess when you put it that way…” Phoenix added, “It really is just a job to you, nothing glamorous about it.”
“Simplicity is the strongest.” Gym Leader Larry continued as he ate, “We don't need to have everything to be flashy and special in order for it to be powerful.”
“It would explain why the rest of Medali seem to refer to you with such a title.” Edgeworth concluded, “Simple yet exceptional.”
“I guess you're right.” Gym Leader Larry finished his meal, “Well, I gotta go, lunch break is almost over…” 
“Wait a sec!” Phoenix realized., “This is your lunch break?”
“Yes.” Gym Leader Larry replied as he stood up from his seat. “They give me a longer one to compensate for the fact I’m a Gym Leader. But I have other duties back at the office to attend to after this.”
“So you really are just an everyman, huh?” Edgeworth gave him a smirk.
“That’s what I am.” Businessman Larry replied as he turned to bow at the three, “It was nice meeting you all. Hope to see you back here, the food’s good after all."
And with that, The Exceptional Everyman Larry, turned away, paid for his meal, and left the restaurant.
“See, I told ya this was something special.” Butz jabbed his elbow at Phoenix, “Good food and good battles, with the exceptional everyman!”
“You do tend to befriend a lot of interesting people, I’d give you that Second Larry.” Phoenix rubbed the sore spot on his abdomen from the elbow.
“Indeed…” Edgeworth continued, “Then I suppose we should from now on call you Second Larry instead.” 
“Since there's definitely a better Larry than you.” Phoenix gave out a laugh.
“You guys really are the worst friends ever, you know that!” Butz, of course, felt incredibly insulted, “I should sue you both for defamation!”
“Well good luck with that, Second Larry.” Edgeworth shrugged off the childish insult, “If there is any lawyer who could even dare to face either of us, that is someone I’d like to meet.”
“Why you— OBJECTION!!"
“It would even be funnier if his name was Larry too.” Phoenix couldn't help but add to the joke, “Then you'd be Third Larry for sure.”
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lmao I wasn't supposed to spend so much time on this but here I am lol
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zeddertop-bugster · 2 years
this is ridiculously niche but anyone who knows me should have known this was inevitable.
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STRENGTHS: A powerful gym leader and elite four trainer of the Paldea League
WEAKNESSES: ...Unfortunately for him.
Larry: This businessman has his own plans. Unfortunately those plans were interrupted when he arrived at the Jetblack, so he kinda doesn't know what he's doing but he's not just gonna give up either, huh. This Paldean Gym Leader and Elite Four member just wants a break really. This whole tournament seems like a huge hassle. He just wants to go home now.
-Any music made for the Pokemon franchise, including fansongs. (Vs. Cynthia, Pokemon Villain Rap Cypher, Perish Song)
-Sources relating to office work, adulthood, and mundanity (Career Boy, The Office theme, Business man, Everyday normal guy)
-Music relating to keeping false or multiple personas and identities. (Two Face, Dear Evan Hansen OST, Persona OST,)
-Sources related to cooking and food. (Cupcake song, It's Raining Tacos, Bacon pancakes)
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euphoricesctasy · 1 year
i’m thirsty for larry from pokemon sv so heres some nsfw hcs
- it all depends on how his day goes.  - if he has a pretty good day at work, you’ll have pretty chill, relaxed sex. - it’s pretty vanilla, and he almost ALWAYS lets you ride him because that means less work for him - he’s pretty quiet, he sighs a lot and the most he’ll let out is a quiet ‘fuck’ - when larry has a bad day, however..... - he fucks you super hard and super rough, he’ll get on top of you, grab your thighs so you’re closer to him, and so that he can hit deeper, and goes HAM - he sometimes rants about his day while fucking you, ‘today...was so tough...i’m so glad...i get to fuck you to....forget about it’ - he’s still always super respectful during sex, however after his more ~vanilla~ sex, he gets sorta shy afterwards
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visitmedali · 1 year
What’s better, white wine or red wine?
Hmm. It depends on who's asking, really.
A lot of you are probably academy students and don't have much of a budget, so I'd reccomend white in that case. You can get a better quality wine for a cheaper price. Not that I think it needs to be top-shelf to be good, really. But... maybe middle-shelf, you know?
I'd also say white if you've never tried any wine before. It's usually less bitter.
But if it's affordable and you can appreciate the taste, then my choice is certainly anything red. Something local, if you can. It'll always be better than any name brand bottle... at least, that's what I think.
And if you're a kid... then the best choice is water. Some juice, maybe. I represent the league here, so... I don't condone underage drinking.
Thank you for your question.
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pokepollsters · 11 months
Best Pokémon Gym Leader Tournament- Round 4: Match 1
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It's the Semi-Finals! We're down to just 4 contestants, and it's been a tough race to get here. Many excellent Gym Leaders have been whittled away for us to get here, so let's get a move one!
Starting us off this round, just like every round, is the favourite to win- Larry! He's knocked out competitor round after round, but this is the first time he's facing anyone else from the top half of seeds. He's had many fans in the tags cheering him one, though so has his opponent!
Allister is here to put up a fight! Having knocked out Flannery, the seed just below his own, Allister proved he's earned every vote from the preliminary round- and is now here as a representitive of tumblr's favourite type to try and win it all. If anyone can topple Larry, it may just be him.
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caelxzs · 2 years
This is how I feel about Larry I'm 19 and he's like 40 or somethinf and I would fr be all over his ass he would not escape my sights. I would pay for his meals everyday. And then I would lure him to my house with food Hansel and Gretel style and he would not leave ❤
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prince-kallisto · 2 years
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The Unholy Trinity of…something??
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