#lars family
marvelstars · 6 months
Padme & Anakin anger &flaws
I may be in the minority but I do think Padme is principled and brave a lot, she has been that way since she was a kid, she was bassically trained to be that way so she could become a strong/good leader for Naboo and guess what Anakin is/was very principled and brave as well, the fact both of them share this about the other is one of the biggest reasons why they became involved and fell in love but Padme also is flawed, I don´t believe she was without flaws and one those flaws involve being almost as angry as Anakin.
We already saw Anakin´s reaction over Shmi´s death, Padme is almost as angry over Corde´s murder in AOTC, in the novel of Attack of the Clones Padmé has a moment in which she wishes she could murder the trade federation leaders and Count Dooku over Corde´s death and she wonders if that was how Anakin felt with the tusken raiders after they tortured and killed his mother, the main difference between them is that Padme would have to use considerable effort to do that which would lead to her thinking things over better, while Anakin could kill a lot of people just using his mind in the rush of the moment, he didn´t even needs his lightsaber to do that, so his control over himself has to be more constant.
Both Padme and Anakin share a perspective of justice being something that not neccesarily can be always tackled by a system, in fact Padme´s words after leaving the Senate to go rescue her planet was that there wasn´t probably any hope for the republican system, a concept like justice isn´t easily tackled by a system, especially one as flawed as the republic, Padme simply thoguht the republic could be fixed when she grew up and Anakin shared this sentiment as well but he wasn´t as hopeful as her.
So both have this rightheous anger in them and in Padme´s case that included her helping Anakin hide what happened to the tusken raiders, maybe she thought him being expelled from the Jedi Order and going to jail wasn´t the best way to deal with that, I personally think maybe that could have protected him from Palpatine but he surely would have found a way to become Anakin´s guardian and lawyer if that happened but my guess is that Padme simply had compassion for Anakin´s circunstances, because the origin of Anakin´s reaction was precisely being taken away from his mother, leaving her a slave which lead to her death and Padme knew as well as Anakin did that the dead of Shmi Skywalker would not garner justice from Jabba, the Republic or any other system or government body in the galaxy, literally nobody cared she died, only Anakin and the Lars family did which made Padme sympathetic to Anakin.
Padme also is very principled but imo she seems used to have a pov particular to her station which also leads to ignore some things people who had not been in her place experiment daily, she shares this flaw with Bail Organa as well. Slavery for Padme seemed a very horrible and sad reality but it wasn´t one of her priorities to end it, her priority was to help turn the republic into a more equal and fuctional body that could better deal with those situations and many others around the galaxy and she actually came close to discovering many of Palpatine´s schemes for this reason, which was why he and Dooku wanted her dead and she never semed to quite make the connection between slavery and the clones but then again nobody else did except for maybe Anakin and ironically Palpatine and Count Dooku.
Both Padme and Anakin were children forced into adult situations and both were told or were forced to, since a young age, to reppress their emotions, Padme as Amidala, Anakin as a slave who had to control his emotions so he would not bring trouble to his mother or himself and later as a Jedi. Imo this made both of them develop a kind of double life, Anakin in particular hated the Amidala persona, because Padme seemed so emotionless when she was that way but curiously enugh as Vader, one of his main go to presentation cards is to act almost as emotionless as Queen Amidala.
What I don´t view and never will see as part of Padme´s flaws is her love for Anakin or her wish to save him from himself in ROTS.
Those are not flaws, those are part of her strenght as a character imo because while she certainly wasn´t of the oppinion that eveything would be alright after what Anakin did, in fact Lucas commented she would not have stayed his wife had she lived, she definitely could see he wasn´t in his right mind on Mustafar, so their marriage may have been over if Anakin followed her but she still cared enough for him to try to help him get back to his own senses, because she knew if she gave Anakin that opportunity, his own horror over what he did would be as strong as anything she could tell him and he would have directly taken matters into his own hands even if they meant his death and this opportunity is precisely what Luke presented to Vader in ROTJ, which lead to the biggest victory over the darkside in the series, so no Padme´s love and compassion for Anakin will never be flaws from my pov, just like Anakin only could find himself again because he was able to feel compassion again as Vader. Both are connected that way.
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best pals on an adventure :)
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riyo-soka · 2 months
The Organas and the Lars family are all well aware that the children they’re raising each have a sibling somewhere in the far reaches of the galaxy. They can never say anything, since Luke and Leia would be in grave danger if the truth of their heritage were to get out, but sometimes the twins’ adoptive families can’t help but think about the other child that they will never know.
Breha notices her daughter’s title causes her to struggle with finding companions her own age and wonders if that loneliness might have been lessened had the twins never been separated. Sometimes, she imagines taking Leia’s brother by the hand and introducing him to the people of Alderaan as a beloved member of the Organa family just like his sister.
Beru starts stitching a family tree -a tradition among slaves and former slaves on Tatooine, meant to bring together families that were separated by slavery- but struggles to finish it when she realizes it’s too dangerous to include her niece. After the war, Luke and Leia create their own, and Leia displays her connection to the Lars family line like a badge of honour.
Bail is always concerned about Luke’s wellbeing somewhere in the back of his mind. The Lars family are supposed to be good, hardworking people, but even under Obi-Wan’s protection, Tatooine is a hostile place to live: especially compared to a temperate core world planet like Alderaan. Since he is unable to directly intervene so far out in Hutt Space, his contacts within the rebellion are occasionally tasked with checking in on the state of things in and around Tatooine’s settlements. On the occasions where Owen and Beru found themselves struggling to put food on the table, an off-world traveller would soon arrive offering to pay handsomely for something like mechanical help or a ride to Anchorhead.
Owen tries not to dwell on what-if scenarios and focus on keeping his nephew safe, but raising a force sensitive child -much less a force sensitive child of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala- is stressful on the best of days. When people in town murmur under their breath about how odd the Lars boy is, he worries. Both that the empire will take the whispering about Luke being odd seriously, and that the little girl Obi-Wan told them about when he arrived with baby Luke hidden under his cloak might be put in danger by those same whispers.
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dasnabs · 4 months
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Clone high: metallica load era , 1996
Re design of an old fan art that I drew a long time ago 🤢
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archerygun · 6 months
It’s always so heartbreaking to me that every time we see Owen display how he really feels about Luke in canon (the books, and Kenobi) Luke is never there to hear it.
When Owen faces down the inquisitor and declares that Luke IS his son, Luke is already way out of earshot (even though I do sort of consider the Kenobi show non-canon). When Owen talks to Beru after the argument with Luke on the day they die, telling her he feels bad about having to squash Luke’s dreams and wanting to find some way to make it up to him, he never hears it.
Owen’s relationship with Luke WAS complex, and it was rocky sometimes. I’ve always read this as Owen having difficulty being emotionally open, at least as far as the ANH novel and Kenobi show have shown. Owen loves Luke DEEPLY, right to his core. But he doesn’t know how to put that into words. He’s an awkward man! He’s been raised on nightmare hell planet where becoming too attached to someone might end up in them being killed or sold into slavery and you being miserable! Look at what happened to both of his mothers!
When someone you love dies, you look at all their actions with a new light and deeper introspection. Can you imagine the absolute world-shattering thoughts Luke must have had after Owen and Beru died?
Realising he was more deeply loved than he could have ever realised, even if Owen had a harder time showing it.
And Owen’s parental anxiety is shown in Kenobi! Owen Lars, one of the most dedicated fathers in the galaxy, probably died wondering if his son would ever know how much he really loved him.
Owen probably died with so, so many regrets. Owen probably died wondering if he deserved to raise Luke (which he DID) and if he had done enough to prepare his son for the world (HE DID).
Owen Lars has always been a heartbreaking character for me.
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misoshiki001 · 1 month
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Idk how tumblr works but hello it’s lar
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teainthesnow · 5 months
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this was way too much fun actually
[click image for higher quality]
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simpleslugs · 11 months
It drives me crazy when people claim that Luke's compassion comes from Padme. I love her, but she didn't raise him. She had less of an affect on his morals than Anakin did. Luke's compassion doesn't come from his uncle Owen either. It comes from his aunt Beru. The woman who took in a child at great personal risk and helped turn him into one of the galaxy's kindest. Beru made Luke compassionate: She made him care. Padme may have given birth to Luke, but Beru raised him. She was an incredible mother figure and shouldn't be discounted because she isn't blood related to him.
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metalloverr · 10 months
Today, November 18th, we wish you a happy birthday to the cutest guitarist! Happy Birthday Kirk!❤️‍🩹
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god the feminist in me leaving my body the second i open this app
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burning-academia-if · 4 months
What would our dad/mom/sister (the choice is yours ;) ) think of each RO? Who gets their stamp of approval and who doesn’t?
This is treading on spoiler territory because if you think MC's mom isn't going to react to that in the future you're sorely mistaken lol
Here's what MC's Dad would think if he stuck around:
Rook: immediate disapproval, would have hated that he was one of your friends as a kid and now that he's your partner?? MC you can do better, this is the fakest boy I've ever seen. It doesn't help he's seen Rook grow up, so the worst parts of Rook's youth are something your dad associates with him in current times and well into Rook's adulthood
Beck: Approval. He's so sweet and helpful and polite around him, it's hard for your dad to have any complaints. I think he'd be happy you found someone who seems to love you so purely? His the kind of person who let's your dad rest easy
Rhea: Eventual approval. He finds her hard to read at first, and since her politeness feels super formal and almost business like he can't pinpoint how she'd be with you. Once he sees her enough, he'd start to notice how soft she is with you, and how you seem with her and is less worried about it
Zoe: Approval. He finds Zoe so funny, and thinks there's no way someone so clumsy in a relationship would mean you any harm. He might be wary in a "I don't know if this person could weather the harder parts of a relationship" but that worry would ease with time
Lars: Disapproval but also like bitter acceptance. I think your dad would hate Lars on sight, and it isn't like Lars is gonna go out of his way to make a good impression. But also, despite how much an asshole he can be, it's clear that Lars does care about you and will take care of you. He doesn't like it, but he isn't going to try to convince you to break up or anything
???: lmaO
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nightisthenotion · 11 months
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Metallica in the July 1993 issue of Guitar World Magazine
📸 Ross Halfin, 1986
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aj-artjunkyard · 6 months
I think the prequels should’ve made Owen Lars Anakin’s full brother. I think we should’ve had gruff 19/20 year old completely Force-null Owen in TPM and make the audience assume for a moment that that’s young Darth Vader, but nope, it’s the tiny blond Yippee boy who’s playing with droids.
I want to play with old Ben’s line about Uncle Owen in ANH “He thought (Anakin) should’ve stayed here, not gotten involved (in the clone wars)” as Owen urging Anakin to quit the Order in AOTC because a war is brewing in the Republic, telling him their mother sent Anakin away to be safe, and would never approve of him becoming a soldier.
Then Uncle Owen in OWK with that same dismissive attitude towards Obi-Wan but this time it’s not just protectiveness of Luke but also because he blames the Jedi for corrupting his little brother
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misoshiki001 · 1 month
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Lars doodle :333
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serialbxwl · 6 months
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alien lars and vamp kirk ‼️ go crazy go stupid
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gorehoundhammett · 1 month
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“I’m overprotective to the people I love.” | from this scene in Some Kind Of Monster.
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