revistamagenta · 2 years
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Último fin de semana para ver la feria MAPA en La Rural https://www.revistamagenta.com/mapa-feria-de-arte/ @mapa_feria @zoechristiani @legui_sol @galeriaceciliacaballero @prietogachi @mamanfineartgallery @odaarte @camaronesarte @nora_fisch_ @quimeragaleria @judasgaleria @omagaleriarte #feriadearte #artecontemporaneo #arteinternacional #artfair #larural (en La Rural, Predio Ferial de Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpp5xlrOQ8D/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fauxfickle · 9 months
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Not sure if this is a hot take or not, but honestly Billy Bob and Rolfe looked way cooler in their beta form in my opinion. I also like how Dook's dressed. I feel like Billy Bob's longer, rougher looking fur makes him look more distinct from the others and more country if that makes sense. Rolfe's larger head and more rosy cheeks make him look a bit friendlier.
I really hope that one day someone with a show will try and recreate these guys. The closest I've seen is animatronic warehouse's show
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eayef · 10 months
Adam "very fucking confused" Faulkner Stanheight
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Ik it's Adam and Lawrence do not separate, but Im gonna have to separate bc Tumblr hates me or sumthin
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from Elder Scrolls' Altmer names together with Polish names
Agari Aicantony Alaudalf Alcalek Aldir Alenar Alina Alqualina Alrenya Alwae Amanwirie Amare Amenski Anaaimer Andomil Andulye Andus Angenim Aniak Anikaron Aninaanel Annislas Anque Antel Antkowski Antonowski Anyonwe Aonurdawen Aralime Aralinski Arano Arcinia Arczak Ardril Arnil Arnin Arranya Artalamen Arutowski Aurande Avalatare...
Bajacek Bajewski Bertaker Bodzelidur Borka Borne Buczartosz Buraamaire Burzy Caemo Calicja Calingur Calita Calus Camion Camwille Candusky Caralinski Caril Carne Casar Casencana Castrzec Celendinwe Celmion Celmo Chalojzy Chrombin Cichan Cienkowski Cient Ciminski Cious Ciryetina Connuwae Cornyeril Coror Corriil Corril Corrinei Corrire Corrona Cuilas Cuileisse Cuilesnion Culak Culdanya Curomiusz Cymbacko Cymbalinwe Cymbatorm Czernire Dalire Dezyk Dobrame Dombin Domil Doremski Dubian Dwoderil Dzwona Earrinque Egula Elanfirion Eldhonak Eldil Elinanwe Elion Elquickie Elski Endarubel Enderedalf Enotil Eronik Erratil Errowski Estast Estyna Esulien Esurnas Ewalski Fanwe Fanwen Farie Farin Farite Farman Farritende Farwuniel Faryon Fasea Fenack Fenlastak Ferdire Ferlulma Ficelan Figur Finana Finwe Firil Firri Firtorith Franyare Froma Galsawka Ganrion Gasierdalf Ghire Glaanek Gorwe Goszewski Grankowski Graythelel Grazmudalf Grudil Grzynski Gwoznowicz Gyrnika Haerel Hecka Hecki Henindwik Henlethey Henski Heremon Highorne Hyancemek Hyire Iladia Ilewski Imposse Inaama Indil Ingenian Irion Izabowski Jaczynski Janko Jarodski Jarollia Jaszki Jedril Joanand Joannisha Jorin Jovronirwe Jowincanir Jowski Julie Julin Kaladyslaw Kalana Kalimeril Kanir Kapuscik Kaziarski Kazmiel Kelka Kiewski Kingo Klime Klopolski Kloski Kolanwen Kordrystyn Korian Koril Korski Kowski Kozinski Krawinski Kryski Krzewski Kubrimon Kwiec Laczyk Lainanarel Landras Langwen Laril Larnek Larosowski Larure Lasic Latha Layne Lecki Leriil Lerula Lilas Lilion Lillara Litale Llius Lonwe Lorek Lovicki Lovilarek Lovilia Lovirwe Ludolarie Macier Macil Mackowski Maculek Magdannin Maksymia Maleia Malendil Mangarski Marchow Martil Maslaw Maziminde Mazurenwe Meire Melewski Merel Meryare Mieja Minia Minor Mithrom Moczkowski Modleslaw Modzynski Mostic Motha Mrowski Myslaw Naano Nafwe Nalcornen Nalinski Natur Nawen Nawendor Nelarne Neranaire Niirona Niranyon Nirmiloril Nolime Nolowicz Nonra Noraszek Norilina Norinko Notis Nowelon Nowski Ogowski Ohoutek Ohtandir Olquufwe Oltinar Oraisse Oroon Pades Panya Parmuutian Pasion Paszczyk Pellon Pelock Penuudil Pitka Plachnik Pokoloski Polszewski Ponirwe Prendur Przyk Ptasiel Qamowski Qualdil Quendil Quenya Rafalinwen Rafarmilon Ravindil Rinwe Rolandaran Rollyon Ronadiusz Ronia Rudzislawn Rulisse Rulla Rulny Rybinaire Sakov Salonduski Salorel Sandrasion Sangolan Sarek Saurme Selllon Seluuriela Selyas Serion Sevillanas Simifwe Simon Sinlocki Skowski Skyrime Sobos Solintur Solmo Solmorski Sonlock Sorie Soril Sorlan Sorlarie Sorlo Staarelle Staken Stanek Stasililas Stefanire Storion Stormura Stowen Strek Strowen Suniewski Suronczak Swanski Szczygmon Szyca Szymkowski Szynski Taaleisse Tabakar Tanduldur Tania Taure Telawen Telcarimon Teldalda Teldarien Telong Temale Temend Temeritir Tengonil Tenwe Tenya Tenyamee Tenyemar Teraamen Teratil Teril Thalomeja Thius Tillas Tilondil Tinaamon Tinya Tirwion Tolabel Traldor Turczyk Tusak Umbaline Umbenine Unchaldil Uncil Undworski Urbancaril Urbartyk Uririe Valtar Valtil Vanuriwen Vaste Vatosse Velandel Vinieslaw Voraruril Wajchrzak Walandur Wargwen Whetin Witowicz Wojcicha Wolhil Wozdz Wysoch Yarne Zabel Zabris Zagomon Zajak Zajski Zebski Zenolonra Zenot Zmuda Zozowski
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444namesplus · 11 months
Aeadot Aeaked Aealed Aealer Aeaper Aearpás Aearra Aeassa Aeasse Aebbob Aebbol Aebbӧ Aebred Aedaer Aeddad Aeddet Aeddub Aedoom Aedrä Aedutás Aedának Aedánar Aedánas Aedánä Aeebba Aeelir Aeelála Aeenom Aeenӧ Aeggep Aeknaf Aeknan Aekrem Aeksir Aekákor Aekákul Aekäs Aeldab Aeliad Aelper Aelpmi Aelppa Aelrae Aeluen Aelurt Aelálar Aelálas Aeláleb Aelálib Aelális Aelálom Aeláluf Aelálӧ Aemene Aemmij Aemmot Aemmum Aennej Aennep Aennuf Aennus Aenoga Aenori Aenys Aeojne Aeolála Aeppä Aeraeu Aeraid Aereif Aereuq Aereve Aergna Aeriad Aeriaf Aernë Aerolg Aerotás Aerovi Aerrak Aerram Aerreb Aerref Aerrem Aerrep Aerret Aerros Aerrou Aerruk Aerrä Aerrü Aertáne Aesiad Aesion Aetinu Aetrap Aetrid Aetrof Aettaf Aettep Aetxis Aetáfif Aetáfë Aetápme Aetásan Aetásud Aetásur Aevaë Aexorp Aezark Aidem Airam Aláliv Amard Amgis Ammag Anera Anyk Arepo Arolf Artxe Artálu Atouq Atáled Atásap Atásiv Atások Azalp Azzip Bámilk Bámüt Bäer Daerb Dalas Daorb Dauqs Daëa Dedis Deepás Deerb Deerg Deerk Deird Deirf Deirk Deirt Dekab Dekan Demaf Derit Deriu Detad Deton Dexif Dexim Dezis Digir Dilav Dilos Diova Dipar Diulf Diviv Doolb Doolf Dootás Draeb Draob Draua Draug Drieu Drous Dryt Duarf Duola Duolk Duork Duorp Dáleif Dáleiy Dáliub Dáliug Dálrou Dáluok Dáluou Dályk Dánarb Dánarg Dánatás Dánelb Dánema Dánepás Dánert Dánilb Dánuob Dánuof Dánuom Dánuop Dánuor Dánuos Dánuou
Ebirt Eboda Ebolg Eborp Ebyam Edalb Edarg Edart Edils Edirb Edirp Edisa Ediug Edixo Edurk Edäs Eerga Eert Efink Egami Egasu Egatás Egdab Egdir Egdod Egdol Egduj Egdë Egeis Egnar Egral Egrem Egrev Egrof Egrus Eguag Eguor Eivom Ekaep Ekalp Ekans Ekapás Ekarb Ekarg Ekart Ekatás Ekaua Ekeip Ekila Ekils Ekiov Ekipás Ekirp Ekiuj Ekiut Eknad Eknal Eknef Eknis Eknuo Eknë Ekoms Ekopás Ekorb Ekrof Ekrub Ekuas Ekäs Elaks Elbak Elbat Elbon Elfir Elgae Elgna Elims Elixe Elkna Elknu Elkyk Elotás Elpam Elpma Elppa Elsia Eltit Elyk Elytás Elyu Elӧu Emalb Emalf Emarf Emirk Emirp Emäs Emët Enalp Enark Eneks Enipás Eniru Ennot Enola Enorp Enotás Enozo Enrob Enys Enӧp Epoks Epols Epäs Eraks Erapás Eratás Eraua Erbif Erneg Eroks Erotás Ertem Eräs Erët Erëu Erӧs Esaek Esael Esiar Esion Esira Eslaf Eslup Esned Esnes Esnet Esolk Esool Esora Esorp Esuak Esuap Esuba Esuom Esuӧ Esárev Esárou Esárun Esárup Esárӧ Esäk Esäp Esët Esӧk Esӧt Esӧu Etalp Etals Etatás Etile Etinu Etipás Etiru Etiuq Etius Etoru Etouq Etuka Etuor Etyu Etánom Etásap Etásat Etásau Eudánu Eueuq Eugav Eugra Eulav Eunev Eussi Evael Evals Evarb Evarg Evian Evila Evilo Evird Evlav Evlos Evoba Evolg Evord Evorg Evorp Evren Evres Evruk Ezalb Ezies Ezirp Feirb Feirg Feyk Feyt Filak Fitom Flës Foorp Fáfatás Fáfilk Fáfitás Fáfutás Gieu Gnieb Gniga Gniod Gniog Gnirb Gnitás Gnius Gniyd Gniyl Gniyt Gnola Gnoma Gnoru Gnulf Gnuoy Gnuus Gnyt Gual Guok Guor Guot Gyt Kaeb Kaelb Kaepás Kaer Kaerb Kaet Kaetás Kaok Keels Keerk Keëk Kibuk Kigam Kigol Kimok Kinap Kipot Kisab Kisum Kitápo Kivik Kixot Kläk Knalb Knar Knard Knarf Kneb Knip Knirb Knird Knub Knul Knup Knurd Knurt Knyl Knyt Knät Koorb Koӧs Kram Krapás Kratás Krelk Krot Ksirb Ktab Ktak Ktam Ktap Ktau Ktef Ktif Ktim Ktip Ktiu Kton Ktä Kuok Kuot Kyte Kyu Kákalb Kákans Kákark Kákart Kákatás Kákilk Kákirb Kákirt Kákitás Kákiuq Kákolb Kákolf Kákolk Kákonk Kákotás Kákurt Kákutás Kákyk Kákyt Kákëk Kákük Kákӧs
Ladem Laedi Laetás Lagel Lairt Lakof Lakol Lakov Lanak Laner Lanif Lariv Larok Larom Larur Lataf Latem Lativ Latot Lauqe Lausu Lavan Lavir Layol Layor Lebal Leber Ledom Leetás Legna Lekxe Lenap Letáni Letӧ Leuej Leuob Leuot Leurk Level Levon Leëu Liart Lipup Lisab Litánu Lived Livik Lootás Lorak Lraep Lufua Lyniv Lálams Lálatás Lálems Lálepás Láleus Láliks Lálipás Lálird Lálirg Lálitás Láluks Lályk Láläs Lálës Maerd Maerk Maetás Medom Mialk Mixam Mlaer Moolb Mubla Mures Murof Márala Márotás Máräk Nabru Naeko Naelk Nageb Nagro Namor Namou Namü Napaj Nedal Neerg Neeuq Neila Nekat Nekot Nemou Nenil Netae Netáfo Neves Nevig Nevou Nevä Nezod Ngier Ngila Niaga Nialp Niarb Niard Niarg Niart Nibak Nibor Nietás Nigeb Nisab Niser Niäk Nogau Noino Noinu Nokab Nolas Nolok Nolyn Nomel Nonak Noopás Norab Nosam Nrael Nretás Nrous Nuard Nugeb Nuolb Nuolf Nuonk Nuorb Nuorg Nuork Nuӧs Odánok Oediv Ograk Oidar Oidua Oitap Oitar Oklet Oksik Olálë Onaip Onima Orkim Ortem Otӧp Parg Parks Paëk Peels Peetás Peeus Peës Pirtás Plar Pmatás Pmuls Poort Präs Puorg Putes Pásarg Pásirk Radar Raelk Raeus Ragus Ralop Ralos Ratála Rebeu Rebif Rebma Redir Redro Redále Redánu Reetás Refer Refáfo Regae Regit Regna Regor Rekab Rekam Relur Remӧ Renni Repap Repip Reppu Repus Resal Retak Retal Retau Reted Retem Retep Retov Rettu Retuo Retáfa Retála Retáne Retáni Reuol Reuop Reuot Revef Revel Reven Revil Revir Revok Revol Revor Rexob Reyal Reyub Reëk Reës Riäk Riët Riӧk Robal Roirp Rojam Roked Rolok Romára Ronam Ronim Ronod Ronӧ Roolf Ropav Rorre Rotom Rotut Rotáka Rovaf Royam Rukni Rukáko Ruolf Rëto Salf Salk Salta Sams Sark Sart Saxet Seiks Seilf Seirk Seirt Selat Self Selip Semit Senoj Serf Sesab Seulb Sevil Seviu Sexat Sisab Siuel Skánil Sleu Smarg Soäk Sprok Ssalg Ssalk Ssarb Ssarg Sserd Sserp Sseug Ssorg Ssork Ssëk Sukof Sulf Sunim Sunob Surb Suriv Surk Sutol Sádeen Sáram Sáruoy Sárä Taed Taerg Taert Taeus Taolf Taë Taëu Tbuod Tdiu Teelf Teerg Teet Teeus Teiuq Tesno Tespu Tessa Teës Tiaf Tiaua Tibed Tibro Tibä Tidua Tigid Tilpás Timda Timil Tims Tirem Tisiv Tiurf Tobor Tolip Tolk Toob Toot Toped Toӧs Trae Trams Trapa Tratás Traë Trela Trevo Trexe Trib Triks Trof Tron Tropás Trou Truok Trys Träk Trӧs Tubed Tuoba Tuoks Tuom Tuort Tuos Tuoy Tupni Turt Tuӧs Táfard Táfark Táfif Táfird Táfius Táfys Táfäs Táfët Tágie Tágif Tágil Tágim Tágin Tágir Tágis Tágit Táguo Tákaer Tákart Tákaxe Tákay Tákele Tálaed Táliub Táliug Táluaf Táluav Táluda Tánaem Tánaig Tánalp Tánarg Tánega Táneks Tánepás Tánerb Tánet Táneve Tániaf Tániap Tánias Tánilf Tánin Tánioj Tániop Tánirp Tánom Tánorf Tánrub Tánulb Tánuok Tánuom Tápada Táped Tápels Tápeus Tápoda Tásaeb Tásaef Tásael Tásalb Tásaob Tásaok Tásaor Tásaot Táserk Táseug Táseuq Tásiau Tásiom Tásiru Tásiut Tásixe Tásoob Tásorf Tásurk Tásurt Tásádim Tásárif Tásárou Tásárub Tásëk Tásӧg Táxis Uartás Uener Uerks Uert Uoble Uodiu Uoleb Uolála Uorra Uort Xaler Xedáni Äpla Ëkak Ëkin
without accents
Aeadot Aeaked Aealed Aealer Aeaper Aearpas Aearra Aeassa Aeasse Aebbo Aebbob Aebbol Aebred Aedaer Aedana Aedanak Aedanar Aedanas Aeddad Aeddet Aeddub Aedoom Aedra Aedutas Aeebba Aeelala Aeelir Aeeno Aeenom Aeggep Aekakor Aekakul Aekas Aeknaf Aeknan Aekrem Aeksir Aelalar Aelalas Aelaleb Aelalib Aelalis Aelalo Aelalom Aelaluf Aeldab Aeliad Aelper Aelpmi Aelppa Aelrae Aeluen Aelurt Aemene Aemmij Aemmot Aemmum Aennej Aennep Aennuf Aennus Aenoga Aenori Aenys Aeojne Aeolala Aeppa Aeraeu Aeraid Aereif Aereuq Aereve Aergna Aeriad Aeriaf Aerne Aerolg Aerotas Aerovi Aerra Aerrak Aerram Aerreb Aerref Aerrem Aerrep Aerret Aerros Aerrou Aerru Aerruk Aertane Aesiad Aesion Aetafe Aetafif Aetapme Aetasan Aetasud Aetasur Aetinu Aetrap Aetrid Aetrof Aettaf Aettep Aetxis Aevae Aexorp Aezark Aidem Airam Alaliv Amard Amgis Ammag Anera Anyk Apla Arepo Arolf Artalu Artxe Ataled Atasap Atasiv Atasok Atouq Azalp Azzip Baer Bamilk Bamut Daea Daerb Dalas Daleif Daleiy Daliub Daliug Dalrou Daluok Daluou Dalyk Danarb Danarg Danatas Danelb Danema Danepas Danert Danilb Danuob Danuof Danuom Danuop Danuor Danuos Danuou Daorb Dauqs Dedis Deepas Deerb Deerg Deerk Deird Deirf Deirk Deirt Dekab Dekan Demaf Derit Deriu Detad Deton Dexif Dexim Dezis Digir Dilav Dilos Diova Dipar Diulf Diviv Doolb Doolf Dootas Draeb Draob Draua Draug Drieu Drous Dryt Duarf Duola Duolk Duork Duorp
Ebirt Eboda Ebolg Eborp Ebyam Edalb Edarg Edart Edas Edils Edirb Edirp Edisa Ediug Edixo Edurk Eerga Eert Efink Egami Egasu Egatas Egdab Egde Egdir Egdod Egdol Egduj Egeis Egnar Egral Egrem Egrev Egrof Egrus Eguag Eguor Eivom Ekaep Ekak Ekalp Ekans Ekapas Ekarb Ekarg Ekart Ekas Ekatas Ekaua Ekeip Ekila Ekils Ekin Ekiov Ekipas Ekirp Ekiuj Ekiut Eknad Eknal Ekne Eknef Eknis Eknuo Ekoms Ekopas Ekorb Ekrof Ekrub Ekuas Elaks Elbak Elbat Elbon Elfir Elgae Elgna Elims Elixe Elkna Elknu Elkyk Elotas Elou Elpam Elpma Elppa Elsia Eltit Elyk Elytas Elyu Emalb Emalf Emarf Emas Emet Emirk Emirp Enalp Enark Eneks Enipas Eniru Ennot Enola Enop Enorp Enotas Enozo Enrob Enys Epas Epoks Epols Eraks Erapas Eras Eratas Eraua Erbif Eret Ereu Erneg Eroks Eros Erotas Ertem Esaek Esael Esak Esap Esarev Esaro Esarou Esarun Esarup Eset Esiar Esion Esira Eslaf Eslup Esned Esnes Esnet Esok Esolk Esool Esora Esorp Esot Esou Esuak Esuap Esuba Esuo Esuom Etalp Etals Etanom Etasap Etasat Etasau Etatas Etile Etinu Etipas Etiru Etiuq Etius Etoru Etouq Etuka Etuor Etyu Eudanu Eueuq Eugav Eugra Eulav Eunev Eussi Evael Evals Evarb Evarg Evian Evila Evilo Evird Evlav Evlos Evoba Evolg Evord Evorg Evorp Evren Evres Evruk Ezalb Ezies Ezirp Fafatas Fafilk Fafitas Fafutas Feirb Feirg Feyk Feyt Filak Fitom Fles Foorp Gieu Gnieb Gniga Gniod Gniog Gnirb Gnitas Gnius Gniyd Gniyl Gniyt Gnola Gnoma Gnoru Gnulf Gnuoy Gnuus Gnyt Gual Guok Guor Guot Gyt Kaeb Kaelb Kaepas Kaer Kaerb Kaet Kaetas Kakalb Kakans Kakark Kakart Kakatas Kakek Kakilk Kakirb Kakirt Kakitas Kakiuq Kakolb Kakolf Kakolk Kakonk Kakos Kakotas Kakuk Kakurt Kakutas Kakyk Kakyt Kaok Keek Keels Keerk Kibuk Kigam Kigol Kimok Kinap Kipot Kisab Kisum Kitapo Kivik Kixot Klak Knalb Knar Knard Knarf Knat Kneb Knip Knirb Knird Knub Knul Knup Knurd Knurt Knyl Knyt Koorb Koos Kram Krapas Kratas Krelk Krot Ksirb Kta Ktab Ktak Ktam Ktap Ktau Ktef Ktif Ktim Ktip Ktiu Kton Kuok Kuot Kyte Kyu Ladem Laedi Laetas Lagel Lairt Lakof Lakol Lakov Lalams Lalas Lalatas Lalems Lalepas Lales Laleus Laliks Lalipas Lalird Lalirg Lalitas Laluks Lalyk Lanak Laner Lanif Lariv Larok Larom Larur Lataf Latem Lativ Latot Lauqe Lausu Lavan Lavir Layol Layor Lebal Leber Ledom Leetas Leeu Legna Lekxe Lenap Letani Leto Leuej Leuob Leuot Leurk Level Levon Liart Lipup Lisab Litanu Lived Livik Lootas Lorak Lraep Lufua Lyniv Maerd Maerk Maetas Marak Marala Marotas Medom Mialk Mixam Mlaer Moolb Mubla Mures Murof
Nabru Naeko Naelk Nageb Nagro Namor Namou Namu Napaj Nedal Neerg Neeuq Neila Nekat Nekot Nemou Nenil Netae Netafo Neva Neves Nevig Nevou Nezod Ngier Ngila Niaga Niak Nialp Niarb Niard Niarg Niart Nibak Nibor Nietas Nigeb Nisab Niser Nogau Noino Noinu Nokab Nolas Nolok Nolyn Nomel Nonak Noopas Norab Nosam Nrael Nretas Nrous Nuard Nugeb Nuolb Nuolf Nuonk Nuorb Nuorg Nuork Nuos Odanok Oediv Ograk Oidar Oidua Oitap Oitar Oklet Oksik Olale Onaip Onima Orkim Ortem Otop Paek Parg Parks Pasarg Pasirk Peels Pees Peetas Peeus Pirtas Plar Pmatas Pmuls Poort Pras Puorg Putes Radar Raelk Raeus Ragus Ralop Ralos Ratala Rebeu Rebif Rebma Redale Redanu Redir Redro Reek Rees Reetas Refafo Refer Regae Regit Regna Regor Rekab Rekam Relur Remo Renni Repap Repip Reppu Repus Resal Retafa Retak Retal Retala Retane Retani Retau Reted Retem Retep Reto Retov Rettu Retuo Reuol Reuop Reuot Revef Revel Reven Revil Revir Revok Revol Revor Rexob Reyal Reyub Riak Riet Riok Robal Roirp Rojam Roked Rolok Romara Ronam Ronim Rono Ronod Roolf Ropav Rorre Rotaka Rotom Rotut Rovaf Royam Rukako Rukni Ruolf Sadeen Salf Salk Salta Sams Sara Saram Sark Sart Saruoy Saxet Seiks Seilf Seirk Seirt Selat Self Selip Semit Senoj Serf Sesab Seulb Sevil Seviu Sexat Sisab Siuel Skanil Sleu Smarg Soak Sprok Ssalg Ssalk Ssarb Ssarg Ssek Sserd Sserp Sseug Ssorg Ssork Sukof Sulf Sunim Sunob Surb Suriv Surk Sutol Tae Taed Taerg Taert Taeu Taeus Tafard Tafark Tafas Tafet Tafif Tafird Tafius Tafys Tagie Tagif Tagil Tagim Tagin Tagir Tagis Tagit Taguo Takaer Takart Takaxe Takay Takele Talaed Taliub Taliug Taluaf Taluav Taluda Tanaem Tanaig Tanalp Tanarg Tanega Taneks Tanepas Tanerb Tanet Taneve Taniaf Taniap Tanias Tanilf Tanin Tanioj Taniop Tanirp Tanom Tanorf Tanrub Tanulb Tanuok Tanuom Taolf Tapada Taped Tapels Tapeus Tapoda Tasadim Tasaeb Tasaef Tasael Tasalb Tasaob Tasaok Tasaor Tasaot Tasarif Tasarou Tasarub Tasek Taserk Taseug Taseuq Tasiau Tasiom Tasiru Tasiut Tasixe Tasog Tasoob Tasorf Tasurk Tasurt Taxis Tbuod Tdiu Teelf Teerg Tees Teet Teeus Teiuq Tesno Tespu Tessa Tiaf Tiaua Tiba Tibed Tibro Tidua Tigid Tilpas Timda Timil Tims Tirem Tisiv Tiurf Tobor Tolip Tolk Toob Toos Toot Toped Trae Trak Trams Trapa Tratas Trela Trevo Trexe Trib Triks Trof Tron Tropas Tros Trou Truok Trys Tubed Tuoba Tuoks Tuom Tuort Tuos Tuoy Tupni Turt Uartas Uener Uerks Uert Uoble Uodiu Uolala Uoleb Uorra Uort Xaler Xedani
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lunabenoit · 1 year
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THE INGENUE - Luna Angelique Benoit
Pinterest. Playlist. (TBD)
CHARACTER INSPO: Gillian Owens (practical magic), Sarah (the outer banks), Buffy Summers (Buffy) & Addie Larure (the invisible life of Addie Larue).
TRIGGER WARNINGS: blackmail, drug abuse, anxiety, depression, disordered eating, teen runaways, criminal activity, pressure for perfection
FULL NAME: Luna Angelique Benoit
NICKNAMES:  Little Moon, Bambi/Doe
AGE: 35
BIRTHDATE: Septemeber 29th, 1987
ZODIAC: Libra sun, Sagittarius moon, Cancer rising
HOMETOWN: New Orleans, Louisiana
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Half Moon Bay, California 
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
+ ambitious, outgoing, protective, open-minded, creative, charming, idealistic
- competitive, self-critical, impulsive, flirtatious, co-dependent, gullible, self-indulgent, bossy
Luna Benoit's parents did everything right. They came from good middle-class families, got good grades went to okay schools, and married. Established careers, worked hard, and began to build a family. They always wanted multiple children and a large family together. However, as fate would have it, they'd only have one. Luna, born under a bright crescent moon in New Orleans, they named their only child Luna. 
They loved their daughter endlessly; there was nothing they wouldn't do for her. There was nothing they didn't want for her, and as it would go, there was nothing they wouldn't expect of her. 
Luna grew up knowing her parents worked to ensure that she had every opportunity gifted to her. They lived in a lovely home and had excellent and respected jobs, but they wanted ever more for Luna. There was never any doubt in this facet of her life. She was sampling lessons in Latin, Greek, and Spanish on top of already being bilingual. She tried multiple instruments before settling on the piano. She did tumbling, cheer, dance, gymnastics, ballet...every extracurricular under the sun just for the experience. However, the real passion and drive were in beauty pageants. 
Her parents were sure that with the right coaching and wins, she could have used her talents and natural grace to win an education in anything she wanted. 
Despite their best efforts to give Luna all she could ever want and need, they failed to learn about her. They were so busy raising her to be graceful, intelligent, kind, witty, and gracious that they often misunderstood her wants; her dreams were shadows lost to the illuminated existence her parents curated for her. 
It felt impossible to live up to their expectations. To be everything they wanted her to be for Luna, the stress was debilitating. She wanted to make them proud but struggled from time to time, felt like she was losing herself, and the fear of disappointing them had her using adderal to give her that extra edge. Anything she did, she was sure she had it under control, sure it was just enough to get her over that hump.
Her entire life was full of praise she felt she could never live up to, a promise for a future she didn't know if she could deliver. She could see her parents' pride- they'd never outright say it was always there in the undercurrent of a passing comment over "slipping grades" with a B or a lack of dedication if she wanted to sleep in. Luna couldn't imagine what it would be like if she actually failed. It wasn't an option. Thus Luna played her part out of the same love that had her parents giving her everything in them. 
However, things would begin to take a turn by fifteen when Luna finally gave a local troublemaker a chance. She'd never shown any interest in his flirting, he was all knees and elbows, and she had to stay focused. However, after a bad day of what felt like one failure after another, he just happened to be there at the right time. Luna took a chance, and for the first time in her life, she tasted what absolute freedom could be like. 
Her parents hated the boy and tried to keep them apart. Still, with Luna having graduated early to focus on earning college credits before attending a university of her choice, it was hard for them to know where she was at all times. By the time she turned sixteen, her parents were missing all her other lifelong problems, anxiety, disordered eating, depression, and abuse of stimulants. They placed all blame on him- they would send her away. Away from him, away from the only life she'd ever known. In a moment of reckless youth, they ran away together. 
Luna spent the next 7 years in the wildest years of her life. Every ounce of rebellion manifested in those years. From Louisiana to California. From a perfect daughter to a runaway disappointment. She struggled to be everything to everyone, and in the process, Luna lost parts of herself she was unsure she would ever get back. 
She spent the years in love, reckless, partying, and finding herself using her curated talents to con when needed - to create art forgeries and more. However, all good things come crashing down, and one day, the man she'd loved was gone, a painful memory that would haunt her wherever she went. 
She was twenty-three and alone for the first time in her life. Luna never knew how to be alone and found herself easily swept up into countless unfavorable situations. Working with white-collar criminals to get by to find a place in the world. It had only occurred to her that she could go home after twenty-five.
It was not easy, there was no easy forgiveness, and there was still plenty neither parents nor child could take responsibility for. Still, after years of a strained long-distance relationship, there may have been hope. 
The reunion was long overdue, and eventually, Luna found herself traveling again. This time as an artist's apprentice in Paris, where she spent her late twenties chasing her passions and finding out what it would be like to make choices without the crippiling fear of letting others down. 
All her hard work paid off by the time Luna was thirty-three. A decade had passed, and sometimes she felt stuck in time, lost to a moment long gone. She did her best and curated her paintings - showing the world and all who would listen to the inner workings of her mind. 
She didn't make much or sell often at first, but after time, she landed a large gallery in San Francisco where she had been working to establish herself for a while. However, with the notice came some past demons insisting she works for them again, using blackmail to guarantee her services when forgeries are needed to pay back old debts. 
Recently she's moved out of the city into a nearby small town, close enough to pay back her debts but far away enough to have the illusion of freedom. 
Luna wears a moon locket her parents gave her for her sixteenth birthday. 
She and her parents still have an incredibly strained relationship but are actively working on it. 
Luna struggles with needing to feel perfect and holds herself to impossible standards and has her whole life. As a result, she has mental health issues and struggles with abusing stimulating drugs. 
Luna is somewhat impulsive, but her impulsiveness is often calculated for the most benefit. 
From 2002 - 2010 Luna worked all sorts of odd jobs, from legit to under the table. 
When she was younger, she wanted to be a painter, a princess, and a concert pianist. She can only paint by numbers, is only a princess on her birthday when she wears a tiara, and the only songs she can play on a piano are pop songs.
Luna has a black cat she fed in San Fran who stowed away in her boxes during her move from San Francisco, who she lovingly calls Oberon. 
Camille Benoit nee Larue -mom: French/Cajun originally from the southern parish of LA. Very loving but very demanding of the absolute best. She was a nurse and well-loved by the community. 
Xavier Benoit - father; a historian and devoted father who wanted a large family. Only wanted the best for his daughter and had the best intentions. However, he and his wife's intense pressure and expectations facilitated Luna's runaway as a teen. 
Septemeber 1987 - Birth
1988 - First beauty contest 
August 1992 - Begins school.
1990 - Begins dance and piano
2002 - graduated high school 3 years early at fifteen 
2003 before running away - had enough college credits for an associate's degree. 
2003 - runs away 
2003 - 2010 - wildlife all over southern California 
2010 - 2012 - Alone in California 
2012 - 2013 - Lousianna attempts to repair her relationship with her parents trying to fit back into a mold that no longer works. 
2013 - 2019 - Paris and Europe building a career running from her past 
2019 - 2023 - San Francisco starting to take off as an artists 
May 2023 - Moves to HMB to distance herself from the shit she's roped into. 
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estebandiazmathe · 5 years
FELIZ!!! Este jueves me entregan una Mencion de Honor en el Congreso de la Nacion!! El presidente de la Camara de Diputados, Emilio Monzo tuvo el agrado de invitarme a participar del III Congreso Gaucho, un evento espectacular destinado a fortalecer nuestra Identidad Cultural, donde participaran Personalidades de distintas disciplinas tradicionales, acompañado de una gran exhibicion de Recados, Plateria, Ponchos, Sogueria, Obras de arte.. La Muestra y Ceremonia es dentro del Congreso!!! comienza el jueves 24 a las 18hrs ENTRADA LIBRE Y GRATUITA, por Av Rivadavia 1864, Salon de los Pasos Perdidos,1er Piso. SERA UN PLACER QUE ME ACOMPAÑEN! Poder darles un fuerte abrazo dado que este es logro Mutuo , Mio y de Ustedes que apoyan mi carrera. Ojala tengan la posibilidad de disfrutar en vivo las 14 Obras que les mostre en este Video. La muestra queda abierta al publico todo el dia viernes 25 hasta la tarde #gauchos #tradicion #caballocriollo #caballos #cavalo #cavalocrioulo #larural #campoargentino #campo #ganaderia #arte #arteargentino #pintorargentino #pinturaargentina #cowboys #westernart #poloplay #polo #polopony #horselovers #argentina #congreso https://www.instagram.com/p/B35_3fGFShV/?igshid=132a0it3rb5ml
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mundonorte · 2 years
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Con la exhibición de 2500 animales y 400 expositores regresó la esperada muestra de manera presencial, tras una interrupción de dos años a causa de la pandemia. Las 10 imágenes más tradicionales de esta visita del campo a la ciudad, en la que participan 14 provincias. Fotos: Gustavo Gavotti. #larural #expo #mundonorte #argentina #animales #campo #ciudad @mundonorte (en La Rural Palermo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgZStubuw9j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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drawing-since-1995 · 2 years
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@lou_reven #larural #granaderos #argentina #regionales #ejercitoargentino #landscape #photography #palermo (en La Rural, Predio Ferial de Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgXYg9EuTZn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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castillomirtaester · 3 years
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Otros sectores de la muestra @mapa_feria Donde la creatividad, el arte y la vanguardia nos brindaron una tarde a todo arte. #artemasplus #vistoenbuenosaires #larural #muestrasdearte #mapa_feria #gentefoteando #total_colors #total_colours #total_buenosaires #focus_argentina_ #fotosdebsas #focus (en La Rural, Predio Ferial de Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbP3WF8uE5K/?utm_medium=tumblr
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robertoirustablog · 3 years
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#larural #martes (en La Rural, Predio Ferial de Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZJ0NrxrniH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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residencialarural · 4 years
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LudaLab en pleno proceso de el videojuego “Barrial Futbol Club” disponible para Android. 
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yaninnah · 4 years
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Esta semana como todos los años se inaugura la Feria Internacional del Libro de Buenos Aires, actualmente la recuerdo de esta manera como escritora junto a la Sociedad Argentina de Escritores. El día de inaguración fue el 30 de Abril pero mí presentación había sido un fin de semana. Presentando con la Sade juvenil en el salón Julio Cortázar en la Feria Internacional del Libro de Buenos Aires nuestra antología " Voces del Viento Joven" leyendo una de mis poesías "Incógnito destino". #vamosfilbuenosaires #momentos #buenosaires #larural #fotografia #artista #photography #ig_argentina 🇦🇷 #tumblr #escritora #books #libros #arte #poetry #instapic #tbt #instagramers #weekend #inorder #finesettimana #wochenende #helg #writing #writer #instagram #lifestyle (en Feria Internacional del Libro de Buenos Aires [Sitio Oficial]) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_s7IvHAVcP/?igshid=1uek63c87rp4g
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#Repost @eniobranco_bv • • • • • • Votorantim . 🇧🇷⚔BΣΛЯDΣD VILLΛIПS⚔🇧🇷 ⚔ VILLAIN ⚔ ⚔ BROTHERHOOD: @beardedvillains ⚔ ALLIANCE: @beardedvillainslatino ⚔ CHAPTER: @beardedvillains_brasil My President: @von_knox My Captain: @regesvasconcelos My Co-Captain: @bv.janu My Scout: @regesvasconcelos . 🅑🅔🅐🅡🅓🅔🅓 🅥🅘🅛🅛🅐🅘🅝🅢 . . Nesses tempos difíceis, se proteger é mais que uma obrigação. Se não podes ficar em casa, utilize a máscara. Ela protege você, e principalmente quem você ama. Todos contra o COVID19. Quem ama, cuida! . . #beardedvillains #beardedvillainsbrasil #beardedvillainsargentina #beardedvillainsamericas #beardvillainslatino #VillanosDelFinDelMundo #BVlatino #argentina #bvar #larural #bvlam2020 #latinamericanmeet2020 #vilanosbarbudos #teamazbane #azbane #beardedvillainsworldwide (em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_qhZB5HkMx/?igshid=1okxkinxe8bnm
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farkasxolotl · 7 years
El #kirin/#qilin me hizo una reverencia. #ahorasoyemperadorachina (?). Qilin bicornio de la exposición de arte y dragones de Ciruelo Cabral. #dragonland #ciruelo #animatronic #unicorn #bicorn #chinesedragon #dragon #mytology #exhibition #art #ciruelocabral #larural #larural2018 @ciruelocabral #dragonsexhibition (en La Rural, Predio Ferial de Buenos Aires)
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imbroimages · 5 years
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Always enjoy the different 🤘🏼 #tattooshowargentina @flecha.fakir ▪️ 💉 ▪️ #tattooshow #inked #imbroiamges #nikonusa #buenosaires #argentina #tattoo #freaktattoo #piercings #bodymodification #ink #tattoo #facetattoo #larural #splittongue #inkedmag (at La Rural Tatto Show) https://www.instagram.com/p/B90DnyCAw9y/?igshid=1t8ld1lrkow31
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