#last ask being answered for tonight because i’m getting ready to drink a white claw and i don’t wanna answer anything while tipsy
getscaredhellyeah · 2 years
I'm from Canada and when I saw Get Scared in the US my mom brought me to McDonald's cuz we were too tired to find any other restaurants and there was a mom group there with a bunch of kids and I heard the following interaction:
Kid's mom: You can sit over here.
Kid (maybe 8 years old): You can go to hell.
jkabdashs i swear kids are brutal and for no reason like they just wake up and choose violence
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poison--ivory · 4 years
Uninviting Cataclysm (Alastor x Reader) Chapter 4
Part 1: link
Part 2: link
Part 3: link
For the next few weeks of your relationship with Alastor went from being worried about your well being to having hope that your life wasn't just a masterpiece of disaster. Things were finally looking up for you. Throughout those few weeks you got closer to Al, Mimzy, and Husk. Mimzy took some time to warm up to you and gave you the occasional threat now and again. You came to the conclusion that she cared for Al in a way that an older sibling protected their younger sibling. You can kind of see from her stand point of some random bim coming about and being the object of his affection.
      You felt the same way when Issacs's girl erratically showed up one night. They both came home from hitting the town and getting liquored up. Mama was a wreck that night yelling and hitting Isaac with her small hands. Papa escorted the young lady to the guest room, deeming her not stout enough to carry herself back home. Ever since that night you saw the young couple in a dimmer light. Losing some respect for your elder twin in the process.
 Husk on the other hand warmed up to pretty fast. Every time Al brings you back to the club, Husk and yourself play a couple of card games, losers usually paid for lunch. Teaching you how to deal all the way to keeping a straight face. He's a nice guy altogether, crunchy on the exterior and soft on the interior. But, you estimated that Al didn't like you talking with Husk for too long. He even goes out of his way to break up any sort of  conversation if he sees you two getting too close.
But, the most valuable information you received these scarce weeks were from the man himself.
 Alastor, the radio man is very hands on with you especially your waist. He wraps his lanky arms around your petite waist and gives you a strong, short squeeze before cuddling next to you. The only problem is he has to initiate the touching and he gets pissed easily. Al got so irritated when you gave him a shocking hug from behind and gave you a stern lecture with a small pat on the behind. You figured he hated people touching him without permission. To prove this theory you tried holding his hand when the two of you were alone. He yanked that arm back so fast all you saw was a blur. It took you around thirty minutes to get him to calm himself down. He spent the rest of the day with his hands in his pockets whenever you came into the room.
  Your courtier would never take you to his house, but he would happily go to your home and chat with the family. You were quite perplexed that your papa liked him. He's the type of dad that gets mad if his little girl even has a crush on another boy. Yet, it didn't stop there, even your brother found him likable. You're very liberated that they all seem to get along, but you were a little disappointed that they weren't as protective as you would think. Nonetheless, you felt very fulfilled with your man that day.
  Going on small dates are pretty joyful considering Al knows how to keep the fun going. If you even look like you're bored or uninterested he makes either witted jokes or invades your personal space in an attempt to fluster you. On some nights if you're really lucky he does more than just kiss you goodnight.
      Next, you seem to notice whenever family is brought up he talks about his mother in a very bright light. But, he never talks about his father. You brought it up to him and he dismissively walked around the whole topic. So, you never brought it back up instead you got him to talk about his mom. Apparently he gets most of his personality from his mother, Abigail. She taught him how to make jambalaya, singing, his etiquette knowledge and that prize winning smile that adores his features. This guy brings up his mother with such admiration that makes you question it sometimes. It's not that you mind his banter, in fact you found it amusing to hear him talk so fondly about her. You won't lie about feeling a little jealous from their closeness.
He's definitely a Mama's Boy .
 The last details you noticed were the really late night hunting he does. That lean frame of his is covered in scratches and small bruises. He tells you that most of his scars come from deer or jagged tree branches. It didn't explain the scratch marks on his neck. He told you those marks on his neck are from your guys last intimate moment together and without questioning him you believed his word. You don't remember clawing his skin. You left it at that and took him inside to mend his sore muscles.
   Blood underneath his finger nails took you aback, when he took his gloves off. You offered to help clean them, but he was really reluctant to even let you stare at them. You just wanted to help, but he thought otherwise. He stared at you from the corner of his eye before giving you a loud laugh and a resounding 'No.'. Like everything else in your relationship you just let it go without any further question.
 You should've known better.
    Nearing the end of June, with most people trying to find efficient ways of keeping cool. You were inside a hot kitchen all day baking a whole batch of beignets for a special little boy. Joseph's last night here was today and you wanted to make it fantastic for him. So, you invited all his school friends, neighbors and some of Claire's friends. You were going to spend most of your hard earned money on his go away party, however Al stepped in to pay for most of the expenses. He even invited Mimzy and Husk for entertainment wise. That incident still gave you butterflies and a genuine smile on your face.
     The only thing you needed to do was powder the pastries and get ready for the night of fun. Sprinkling the canister of sugar powder upon the delightful treats. Setting aside the sugary French styled doughnuts with a covering, taking long strides to the staircase you made it to your room to gather a simple long sleeved dress. Then, managed to freshen up with a nice bath and some light makeup. Packing the beignets in a proper container and double checking the  security of the vessel. Alastor should be coming by to pick you up in his newly repaired car, but the person at the door was not your Al. But, your dear friend Husky. He adored a simple white button up dress shirt, black slacks with polished black dress shoes and pulled together with dark gray suspenders.
"Ya ready, doll?" Blowing the rest his gasper smoke into the night air, He leaned his arm out for you to take.
"Where's Al," Taking his arm with a worried look on your face. ",did something happen?" He waved his hand off into the distance before giving you a slightly direct answer.
"He had some last minute stuff he had to take care of." You both stepped in his dark boiler and sped off down the pathway. "Don't worry he'll make it back in time for the party. Fucker lectured me about being late and look at what he's doing now." He scoffed.
"Well, thank you. For taking me in his place, Husk. I really appreciate it." Flashing him your most sincere smiles. His cheeks flushed a modest hue of pink before he scowled. Grumbling a quiet ‘welcome’ before his gaze drifted towards the road. The path ahead grew bumpier by every turn down a lane leading through the thick woods. We scheduled for the party to be held near the bayou at mid evening. So, by the time the party starts the sun should be setting.
   Husk and you managed to keep conversation up with the occasional bits of quietness here or there. Talking to Husk is like talking to your other self. Sometimes you could say the most random shit and he’ll come back with a response that will put a smile to your face. He’s basically like your second big brother with a small(not at all) drinking problem.
“So, when are you getting this car repaired,” The boiler hitting a jagged rock before settling back in place. “Because this gal has seen better days and probably a near death in its future.” You murmured under your breath.
“Fucking inherited this piece of junk from my old man. Shitty old fucker couldn’t even buy me a new one.” A loud, deep growl came from his throat and through one arm off the wheel, “Bought himself a new car, while I’m struggling to get to work and back.” He scowled and gave a great sigh before stating he needed a drink.
“I’m pretty sure there’s going to be lots of liquor, especially from those old geezers.” You knew that Mrs. Claire and her friends would sit outside their houses at dusk drinking away on those rickety porches getting buzzed. You know this because your papa used to take you out and sat you down on the weathered wood while he got tipsy with his friends. One sundown you took a sip of a stray bottle they left unattended, you being a small child decided it would be experimental to drink the loopy juice. You took one sip and gagged, spitting saliva and finally throwing up. Mama was so pissed, and wouldn’t let him go drink for months.
“Good fucking need it.” He seemed to ease up a bit just by the mention of booze.
“Why are you so wound up tonight anyway.” Raising an eyebrow over in his direction.
“Alastor didn’t tell me until last minute that I had to pick you up and I was already three-fourths of the way to the party.” His fingers gripped his hair, then slowly combed through it. “ Fucking asshole wasn’t even remorseful.” Adding in a quiet jackass in his blur of curses.
“What exactly did he say he was doing tonight, if you don’t mind me asking.” Conscious of his body language you observed his hands tighten on the steering wheel, his posture straighten for just a  second then went back to hunching. Husk’s Adams apple bobbed down and up, you wanted to chalk it up to him yearning for his alcohol. “It’s not something dangerous right?”
“Nah, it’s nothing dangerous he just had to run some errands and I guess he had more on his platter than expected.” He reassured you, his hand rubbed the top of your hands.
“I know he’s spontaneous, but this is kind of unexpected of him. He seems to love get-togethers or any social event with music.” You did have hopes for the two of you spending the night together. Maybe lay down on the grass and star gaze and probably watch Husk get drunk. “We do have time before the party, we could go and help him finish what he needs done.”
“No!” He groaned, slightly pulling on his face. “He already has Mimzy helpin’ him, and he would get pissed if I just brought you by.”
You really didn’t understand why you couldn’t drop by to help.
   If it was a work matter you would have noticed or heard about the situation, but nothing eventful really happened this week. The victims of the Bayou Killer reduced their number of murdered victims these past handful of weeks. Which makes you feel somewhat safe tonight and that’s sort of why you're throwing this party.
Maybe you're just reading too far into the situation and Al’s going to be just a few minutes late.
“It’s fine I know first hand how Al can get a little irked when people don’t follow his instruction.” Managing a small smile to your lips. “I was just a little curious about the whole ordeal.”
Inhaling a deep breath Husk created a deep groan that emitted from his throat. “Don’t beat yourself up, (y/n). Being curious about your lover is perfectly fine.” Taking another puff from his gasper and letting the smoke trail out the window. “ And to be clear here, he’s an asshole and you're just the clueless moth flying towards his flame.”
 Furrowing your eyebrows, “What’s that supposed to mean?”, you demanded.
   Husk made another groan emit from his throat, he’s been doing that a lot tonight. But, you never really see Husk worried, he’s usually either angry, smug or on the occasion vulnerable. He gets you overwhelmed with fear when he talks so lowly about himself, the whole scene of him with bottles on bottles lying next to his passed out body makes your chest clench.
“I’m not insulting ya it’s just,” He twirled his wrist in a small circle, “Al’s not some dandy who needs your concern. To be completely honest you deserve a fellow who would settle down and have a nice family one day.”
“What makes you think Alastor doesn’t want to have a family with me.” You tightly crossed your arms over your chest, “Did he mention any of this to you?”
“No, no when you have been with Al as long as I have you tend to pick up all of his quirks.” Another deep puff and that stick was gone. The smoke came out in rings carried off by the wind. “And his motives.”
    Opening your mouth to counter his claim, the upcoming lights flashed in your eyes. The lanterns strung up on steel poles lined along the large land area. You could already see a large portion of people starting in on their fun evening.
      Husk pulled over to the side where a small portion of boilers settled at. He stepped out and walked over to your side, wrapping his arm around your frame leading you down the path of bright lights. Prior to leaving you snatched the beignets from dash nearly pushing them out your mind beforehand.
      Joseph seemed like he’s having a despairing time with his friends. While they all played together, he sat himself down on one of the benches. Face cast away from them and back hunched over to rest his head on his arms. His little head turned towards your way, eyes closed, brows furrowed and crunching his nose up.
His gaze met yours and that little cannon rammed right into your gut. The air nearly left your lungs, but you deliberately gained your stance. “How’s the going away boy doing?” Returning his tight squeeze with an equally suffocating grasp. Little hands pulled on dress and a small face nuzzled into your side, Joseph’s petite face stared up at you, whites of the eyes turned pinkish. “Oh, honey, I know moving is really isolated, but look on the bright side. You can spend time with your cousins and experience new places.”
“It’s not the same.” His little voice raised a very squeaky octave. “They all make fun of me whenever I visit. They call me a baby for still sleepin’ in the same room as granny, they even called me daisy.” Shoving his face back into your hip, a large shiver went throughout his small body.
        You know from great experience about family troubles, but comparing your situation to Joseph’s would be like comparing a gator to a croc. They may look the same on the outside, but they have major differences. His family was more docile like a gator, while your biological parents were more like crocodiles, very aggressive and annoyed by others in their space. But, this isn’t your family, thank god, this is about your favorite little guy right now.
I should stop doing this to myself.
“I know this is hard for you and we can’t really change your granny mind any time soon.” Ushering him back over to the bench sitting him down next to you. “But, you still mail and call to us everyday if you want to. It might just make you feel better about being so far away from all the wondrous folk down here.”
“You really think that’ll work.” He raised an eyebrow.
“Well, yes I do think that’ll work just fine.” Stroking his hair out his face in the process rubbing the stray tears. “So, how does that sound.”
He slothfully nodded, looking up at the night sky. “I could have Aunt Shirley write my letters though. My penmanship is dreadful.” he quietly added, giving a small smirk direct at you.
    Shooting straight up, with a small bounce you pulled Joseph to his feet. “Now I made this party happen and got you to stay up late, just for you to pout and cry.” Flicking his nose you gave a soft smile. “How about we make this night better with a sweet treat.” You showcased the container and popped the lid off. The aroma of powder sugar met Joseph and your noses. His eyes shined a tad bit and that tiny smile that hung from the corner of his lips gave way of his joy. He sure did love these sugary confections.
“Thank you, (y/n). You made this night a whole lot better.” He gratefully took a beignet and practically shoved the pastry in his mouth. Humming that the French doughnut was indeed good.
     Walking off and setting the plate down you pinpointed Husk Downing himself with silly juice with some of the older guests. Deciding not being surrounded by drunk people was a good idea you made the decision of mingling with Floyd. He was probably the most reasonable person to approach. Upon seeing you he gestured to the empty seat next to him you gratefully took the offer.
“So, how has the night been faring you, Floyd.” Giving him a kind smile and gestured towards the party. “ Having fun?”
  He gave a noticeable shrug before answering, “I kind of wanted to stay home. But, you know how Clay can be.” He took another swig of punch. “Not that I don’t want to be here. I’m just tired from this week, ya know.”
“It’s fine to be tired. I’m pretty sure we're all tired from the month with the past killings.” A small groan came from your throat. “Why do you think the killings stopped all a sudden?”
“I feel like the fucker wants to put everyone on the edge of their seats and while we’re all nice and happy they’ll find another body.” Floyd’s outlook was depressing, but you won’t lie about thinking that way, too.
“You really think they’ll find one.” You questioned. All you got in return was a short and assertive nod.
“Mrs.Claire has a smart idea of sending her grandkid to Arkansas, especially in the condition she’s in. Barely can afford to feed one person on her salary.”
     Nodding you agreed with Floyd, Mrs.Claire does need help and sending Joseph to Arkansas would be her first step. You spent about the next hour talking to Floyd, Clay and his dame, Mama and Papa, your brother, Mrs. Claire and a surprising still standing upright husk. You grew worried about Al once you knew how much time flew by. Husk reassuring you that he’ll come later or in a few minutes. By the second hour it was already eleven o’ clock and by now you were more furious than worried. You decide to cool your mind with a few drinks and maybe a little liquor to ease your troubles. By your fourth drink you were a little tipsy and hanging off of Husk to keep yourself standing. You weren’t drunk. But you felt that if you let go you would fall straight into the dirt below.
       Suddenly, hands blocked your view. “Guess who, darling.” In your inebriated state you uncontrollably giggled. The anger is still there ;like a grain of stubborn sand in a bag. But, not so much as before. Turning around you pulled him into your chest.
“You said a couple minutes late, liar.” You huffed.
“I’m sorry, love, but something came up and I couldn’t leave it hastily finished.” A huge smile plastered his face, teeth and all. “ Do you think you could forgive me?”
“Well, I don’t know.” Liquid courage gave you the confidence of trailing your fingers along his chest. “ Maybe if I get something to ease my anger.”
Al’s eyes widened and that sharp smile turned into a smirk. “My little bearcat is getting handsy this evening.” He maneuvered his arm around your waist pulling you into his side. “Maybe I should take you home. Come here now chere.” He strolled back to his car with you in tow.
Maybe I should’ve been more cautious back then.
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You’re Mine, You
Genre: Is disturbing a genre? because this is disturbing, also smut of course
Word Count: 3.4k
Summary: Your boyfriend of a few months has always been attentive and loving, albeit a bit too possessive, but it was nothing that could've prepared for how obsessed he'd turn out to be.
Warnings: yandere!wonpil, mentions of murder, dubcon, choking, implied forced pregnancy.
Based on this ASMR and this song. 
Tumblr media
If you know the maker of this gif, let me know so I can credit them.
You turn on the light as you walk into your bedroom, and almost jump several feet in the air as the light flickers on and see a figure sitting perfectly still at the head of the bed, legs crossed and hands folded neatly in his lap.
“Jesus, darling, you scared me.” You laugh breathlessly, pressing a hand against your rapidly beating heart. “Why were you sitting in the dark like that?”
“I was waiting for you.” He offers no further explanation, and you feel a strange sense of dread prickle at your skin at the way he remains eerily still, his expression stony and unreadable. “You’re late.”
“I got held up at work.” You lie nervously, your muscles tightening up at an ill-defined sense of danger your conscious mind can’t trace the source of.
Why were you getting so anxious? You may have not been telling the truth but it’s not like you were hiding anything salacious. It was merely a little white lie to save you both any unnecessary headache.
You haven’t been dating Wonpil for long, but you were already aware of how incredibly jealous he got over the smallest things. You’d frequently have to spend hours assuaging his worries and reassuring him that you love him and that he has nothing to worry about. So, tonight–feeling exhausted enough from work–you decided to just lie and not tell him that the real reason you were late was because you had gone out to dinner with a new coworker of yours so you’d be spared having to spend the rest of the night dealing with your boyfriend’s unfounded insecurities.
Wonpil stares at you for a second longer before his face melts back into that familiar warm smile, “Well, hurry up and get changed so we can go to sleep.”
And on the surface, everything seems fine. He’s back to being your sweet, loving boyfriend that always exudes calming energy in excess, but this time they feel different, like you were suddenly aware of something you hadn’t been aware of before and instead of feeling soothed and reassured, you start wondering if maybe this sweetness wasn’t a coverup for something more ominous that you’ve only now caught a glimpse of.  
“Something wrong, love?” He wonders cutely, and you shake your head. “No, I’m just tired.”
“Go on, then, my arms are open and ready for cuddling.” He prompts, smile as wide as his embrace.
You smile back and nod, fetching your things quickly and walking into the bathroom. However, the sense of uneasiness doesn’t leave you as you finish freshening up and getting ready for bed. It stays with you as you head back into the bedroom, turning off the light and slipping under the covers. It only lifts slightly when Wonpil wraps his arms around you and, for a moment, you feel ridiculous for making yourself worry so much over nothing as you drift off to sleep in the safety of your boyfriend’s loving embrace.
But it doesn’t last for long.
You’re pulled back from the edge of slumber when you feel Wonpil’s lips on your forehead, starting off with small, cute little kisses that have you giggling and snuggling deeper into him, but they slowly turn more heated and firm, travelling down your face and along your jawline until he captures your lips with his own, and by then, the kisses have turned entirely too hungry.
“Pili,” You whine against his lips that seemed to be trying to devour you whole, “I’m too tired.”
“You know I love you right?” He asks suddenly, completely ignoring your protest and catching you off guard by the unexpected question.
“Of course.” You frown, confused. Where was this coming from?
“And do you love me?”
Oh, there he goes again. “Wonpil…”
“Answer me.”
You couldn’t see him in the dark but you knew by the stinging frost that freezes the air and crystallizes in your lungs that that strange expression was back on his face.
“O-of course, baby. You know I do.”
“And you’d never lie to me, right?” His voice rang in your ears, as soft as ever, but instead of the delicate little songbird it always reminded you of, images of treacherous sirens and deceivingly dulcet songs come to mind.
“Wonpil, I…” You choke, all too aware of the weight of his arms around you, your feet already caught in the undertow. And he seems to know it too.
“You what, baby?”
“You’re scaring me.” You try to appeal to him, hoping that this was all just a misunderstanding and he’d snap out of it as soon as you make him aware that you felt unsafe.
But this nightmare was just beginning.
“What, you’re scared of me? Why?” He asks incredulously, and you’re entirely too conscious of the fact that his hands don’t fall from your figure. Instead he pulls you closer and rubs your back in a way that would’ve been soothing if it weren’t for his next words. ”The only reason you’d need to be scared is if you had lied to me, but you didn’t. Right?”
Your body stiffens under him and he feels it. “What’s wrong with you, baby? Why are you acting so weird today? You said you got caught up at work and I believe you.”
But you knew he didn’t. Even with the way your body had solidified into stone with fear, you could still feel the barely contained rage brewing underneath his paper-thin disguise.
“Work doesn’t always have to be in the office. Sometimes you need to sort things out over some nice dinner and a few drinks, right?” He asks innocently, but nothing was innocent about his insinuation. He was telling you that he knew where you actually were tonight and that he’s not happy about it.
“How did you…?” Your voice came out hoarse and weak, befitting of the statue you had become.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.” He raises his hand and you flinch, thinking he was going to strike you but he just brushes your hair behind your ear and laughs at your reaction.
“What’s wrong, baby? Are you scared of me?” He pouts cutely, “You have no reason to be scared. I’m not mad at you, darling. You said it was a work thing and I believe you. I know you wouldn’t lie to me. You’re smarter than that.”
You try to say something but it comes out garbled stutter and indecipherable, and Wonpil coos at you as if you were a cute baby struggling to put her words together and not a grown woman scared shitless of the strange man who seemed to have stolen her lover’s identity. “Aw, my baby is so flustered, it’s adorable. You’re so pretty, honey. And all mine, right?”
One of his hands slips under your top and slides up to your breasts, cupping and massaging them gently, as soft as his voice is.
“Y-yes.” You manage to croak, voice so small you wonder how he even heard you.
“That’s right, you’re all mine.” He whispers, kissing you as he continues playing with your breasts, and you hate yourself for how he still manages to get that familiar heat burning in your belly despite how terrified you were of him right now.
“I know you wouldn’t do something as stupid as to go out with another man and then lie to my face about it.” He smiles tightly, his fingers pinching and pulling at your nipples none too gently. “You don’t want poor Dowoonie to suffer the same fate as your meddlesome ex, huh?”
Your heart shrivels up with dread. How did he know what your coworker’s name is? And what does he have to with your missing ex?
“Come on, love, you don’t really believe what the police said about him running away, right?” His mocking question answers your unspoken ones as he easily reads you the way he always does.
You always thought you were so goddamn lucky to be with a man who could understand you without you having to say a word, but now you wish you could keep your thoughts hidden from his sharp, all-seeing eyes.  
“I mean he tried to run, but he didn’t get very far.” Wonpil smirks–a strange look on such a kind face.
“No, you’re lying.” You shake your head violently, denying his words. “You couldn’t have hurt him. You… you…”
“Why are you crying?” He grumbles, annoyed at your reaction. “Are you actually sad for that piece of shit? He was trying to tear us apart, baby. He wanted to take you away from me so I carved his rotten heart out.”
“No, it’s not true. You’re lying!” You sob, covering your ears so you wouldn’t have to hear any more of his chilling confessions. You wish to go to sleep and forget any of this happened, to wake up in the morning in the arms of your sleepy boyfriend who gives you a tired smile and groggily tells you that this was all a bad dream and to go back to sleep. But this nightmare was never ending, and Wonpil wasn’t interested in playing the part of the sweet boyfriend anymore.
He grabs your arms and pins them over your head, an ugly scowl distorting his face. “I don’t like seeing you cry over another man. So stop it or I’ll really give you something to cry about.”
Then he proceeds to clamp a hand over your mouth and, using his thumb and forefinger to pinch your nose, he cuts off your breathing completely. “I said, stop it.”
You struggle against his hold, thrashing wildly on the bed, eyes wide with terror and fingers clawing at his arms to no avail. You realize with dismay that the small, gentle boy you fell in love with was neither of those things and that he had fooled you with his soft disposition into underestimating the things he was capable of doing, and now you were paying the price for your gullibility.  
Your vision starts to get hazy as you feel the life slip out of your body, but one thing remains in sharp focus: Wonpil’s unblinking eyes that stare down at you, waiting for you to either stop crying or stop breathing.
Somehow, someway, you stop crying first–probably because of all the adrenaline pumping through your body at the moment, drying up any droplet before it even leaves your eyes–and Wonpil, finally, lets you go.
You feel like you were born again–not in the clean, pure way it’s portrayed in poetic prose, but painful and teary and visceral as you gasp for air and force it into lungs that don’t know how to handle it, the alveoli almost tearing at the unfamiliar stretch while your blood vessels sing at being once again flooded with air.
And Wonpil… he just laughs at your struggle.
“You’re so silly, baby. I really thought you wouldn’t stop crying there for a second.” He says nonchalantly and, taking advantage of the way your head was thrown back as you continue gasping for air, he buries his face in your neck and kisses you, biting and sucking harshly on the sensitive skin.
“God, seeing you like this is turning me on so much.” He groans in your ear, his hand going between your legs to rub you through your clothes.
“Oh, what’s this?” He pull back with a smirk, biting his lip hungrily. “Why are you so wet, baby?”
You feel a wave of nausea wash over you at the realization that you are wet, that he got you wet despite revealing himself to be an absolute fucking psychopath. What the hell is wrong with you?
“You’re soaking through all your clothes.” He remarks with wonder, beyond delighted at your body’s response. “Did you like getting choked this much? Should I do it some more?”
He wraps his free hand around your throat and you immediately break down into tears again. “No, no, please, no more. I don’t want it ever again.”
“Really? Then why are you so wet, darling? Are you lying again?” He asks you in a baby voice, pouting that you’re not playing along.
You press your lips together tightly and shake your head, pleading with him through teary eyes to have mercy on you. He must’ve liked that because he smiles sweetly at you, “I get it. It’s being reminded who owns you that got you this hot and bothered. It’s okay. I can remind you in other ways.”
Wonpil sits back and tugs on the leg of your pajama pants, “Take this off.”
You remain frozen with dread. You didn’t want to have sex with him despite what your body was showing. He’s a monster.
“Huh? Are you rejecting me?” He scoffs, “Stop messing around darling or I’m going to get angry.”
His toothy smile resembles a snarl more than anything and you know that he’s ready to sink them into your flesh if you don’t obey so you hastily take off your pants and lay down again, waiting for his next move.
“Open your legs, darling.” He prompts, nudging your foot. “Yeah, open them wide for me.”
You do as told, and he sucks in a sharp breath at the sight of your bare heat. “Shit. Why are you so pretty, baby?”
His fingers run smoothly up and down your dripping slit, and Wonpil can’t hold back the hunger within him much longer. Bending his head down to your heat, he orders you to keep your eyes on him.
His tongue laps at you, nudging your lips open ever so slightly so he could tease you, only allowing a small strip of your pussy some pleasure, and you find yourself involuntarily opening your legs up wider and pushing your hips up towards his mouth, seeking more from the man who aroused you as much as he terrified you.
Pleased with your eagerness, he rewards you by eating you out properly, his lips kissing and sucking on your pussy while his tongue strokes up and down firmly–all the while his eyes continue to stare up at you, so big and bright and kind that you almost forget all the sinister things hiding behind his pretty eyes.
“Fuck,” He drags his teeth ever so slightly over your clit then opens his mouth wide to suck greedily at your pussy when your hips buck up into his face. With his fingers teasing at your entrance, he mumbles against your heat, sounding and looking as fucked out as you are, “Is this all for me?”
“Yes! Only for you.” You reassure him right away, scared that he wouldn’t believe you despite it being the truth.
“So needy.” He hums, pushing his middle finger inside you and biting his lip at the way your walls clench eagerly around it. “You’re so good for me baby. I love you so much.”
He puts his mouth on you again, moans and gasps slipping from the both of you as his tongue laps up your juices and his finger pumps in and out of your sopping pussy that just keeps dripping more, filling the room with the most obscene noises and goading him on. His actions turn crude and sloppy, and his endless moans permeate your sensitive skin and stimulate your nerve endings directly, pushing you over the edge.
“Ah, Wonpili, oh god, ah, don’t stop.” You cry out, your hands automatically reaching out to grab his hair as you cum on his mouth and fingers.
Wonpil happily lets you hump his face as you cum, and gradually slows down his ministrations as your body calms down. Sitting up, he pushes his pants down with his dry hand then proceeds to jerk himself off with his cum-soaked hand. “Baby, I can’t wait anymore. I have to have you. Can I, baby?”
You close your legs, not to deny him your heat but to rub your thighs together, still so needy even after your orgasm, too fucked out to care how twisted this is.
“Greedy little baby,” He drawls, forcing himself between your legs and lining his dick with your entrance. “Let me take care of that.”
He pushes in slowly– so, so slowly– letting out the breathiest moans with every inch that goes in, all while his hungry eyes eat you up, and you’ve never felt more aroused nor disturbed before. But the feeling of him filling you up so completely, your walls distended from the stretch, feels right and you’re scared that you won’t be able to experience a feeling so intense with another man. Not that Wonpil will let you. So when he tells you how good you make him feel and how much he wishes he could stay wrapped up inside you forever, you can’t help but whimper your agreement.
“You’re so pretty, my baby. I love you so, so much.” He gasps, barely moving his hips and yet you know he feels as overwhelmed as you do. “Do you feel me inside you? Feel how hot and hard I am, just for you?”
He pulls his hips back ever so slightly then thrusts forward, the engorged head of his cock hitting so deep inside you, you don’t know if it’s painful or pleasurable, but your legs automatically close around his waist and pull him closer to you.
“Want me to start moving, baby?”
“Yes, please.”
“Ah, shit,” He groans as his cock slides out of you, but he’s quick to silence your cry of protest as he pushes back in quickly, making you feel complete again. “Shh, baby, I’ll give it to you good. I’ll remind you who you belong to.”
You shudder at his words and his eyes seem to darken at your reaction, getting hazier the more scared you appear.
“You really drive me crazy, you know that?” He moans, thrusting faster. “You feel so, so good. Do I make you feel good too?”
You hastily nod, knowing better by now than to make him wait.
“Good. You better remember that because if I ever catch you doing something like this with another man… well, let’s just say that it won’t feel very good for the both of you.” He smiles wickedly at you, his hands going to push your shirt up and play with your breasts. “Only I can do this to you.”
Leaning down, he plants wet, sloppy kisses all over your chest, a contrast to the way his hips thrusts into you with deep, deliberate strokes.
“Who do you belong to, baby?” He growls, one of your nipples stuffed in his mouth still and you shudder at the gravelly vibrations. “Who owns you?”
“You do.” You shudder, clutching onto his hoodie helplessly. “I’m yours, Wonpil.”
“Fuck, yes, you are.” He grunts, his thrusts losing their pace as they get rougher. “Say it again, baby. I want to hear you say it again.”
Wrapping both hands around your neck, he positions his thumbs over your trachea, not pressing down but letting you he will if you refuse.
“I’m yours. I’m only yours. I belong to you, Wonpil.” You cry out, repeating what he wants to hear so he’d have mercy on you, but he ends up liking it so much he inadvertly chokes you anyway as he presses his weight forward so he can speed up his pace, nearing his end.
“Fuck, yeah, you are.” Wonpil stares down at you struggling against his hands, but he either doesn’t see or doesn’t care, not letting go until his cock jerks inside of you and his hot seed distends your pussy even more.
And that’s when you cum too, your whole body burning up as the orgasm tears through your oxygen starved body.
Wonpil pulls back to take in your ruined body, his eyes lingering on your neck that was savoring the imprints of his fingers and on your pussy that was overflowing with his cum.  Scooping some of the cum that trickled down your ass, he pushes it back inside, blinking and letting out a heavy breath at the squelching sound they make.
“You’re gonna drive me crazy.” He laments, as if he wasn’t deranged already. “I love seeing you dripping with my cum. I wanna fill you up every day and every night until everyone knows who you belong to.”  
He falls over you, and by now your body expects the breathlessness and scorching heat he brings about, and welcomes it.
And yet, Wonpil still manages to surprise you.
“Oh and baby, one more thing…” His tone is nonchalant against your ear but you could hear the wicked smile in his voice and it chills you to the bone. “I swapped out your birth control pills for vitamins.”
Your heart drops down your chest and into his hand that was caressing the skin over your lower belly lovingly. “That way our baby can grow big and strong inside you.”
A/N: This was the fastest fic I’ve written in like a year lol so please let me know what you think. 
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barrysjumpsuit · 4 years
the dark side - jj maybank x shoupe’s daughter (ch. 3)
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w/c: 2.5k
warnings: underage drinking, mentions of other illicit activity, typos probably, but this is mostly just jj fluff
summary:  catherine shoupe has the perfect life. when she gets hired by heyward to run groceries, she has a new coworker - jj maybank. as the deputy’s daughter, she can’t help but hate him. but when jj decides to bring her to the dark side and woo her over, cat not only has to hide her activities from her father, but learn who her father really is.
a/n: i’ve been super busy and lacking inspo, so i knocked this out in about an hour and a half (and tbh i’m kinda proud of it).  this is definitely based on that time last week i drank 8 beers while swimming and was so drunk i fell off the dock then cried while making a pizza bc i started thinking about drew starkey  
side note, the tags weren’t working on the last two chapters, so if you could reblog this that would mean the world to me :)
get caught up on other chapters here! or check out my masterlist!
JJ’s words ate at Cat as she drove home. Leave it to JJ to put that foul taste in her mouth - was he trying to turn her against her own father? Or wanting her to come to the dark side with him?  Of course JJ didn’t like her dad. He was a troublemaker, flirting with all the punishments that were associated with breaking the law. 
Cat got home ten minutes later. Her dad was waiting up for her - it was later than she realized, and she was too caught up with JJ - and then flustered - to text him. “How’d it go?” he asked, seeing her face and pulling her into a hug.
“It was okay. I’m just tired,” she said quietly, her head pressed against her dad’s shoulder.
“You want any dinner?” he asked, and she shook her head. “Okay. Good night, sweetie.”
That night and all of the next day, she couldn’t stop thinking about what JJ had said to her.
Cat spent her day off with her best friend. They shopped before dropping their bags off at Cat’s, changing and going to the beach.
“Tell me about your new job,” Kya insisted, laying beside her. Her eyes were hidden by large, pink sunglasses, a smile plastered on her face.
“Well… it’s different, that’s for sure. I like spending most of my day on the water.” Cat threw an arm up to shield the sun so she could see her friend better. “The guys I work with keep it… interesting.”
“Heyward’s kid? What’s his name?”
“Pope. Yeah, I like him a lot. I usually work with either him or JJ.”
“Maybank?” Kya asked, pushing herself up slightly, and Cat nodded. “Woah, seriously? You haven’t killed each other yet?”
“Actually… we made up for everything last night. Got dinner and everything. He wanted to air everything out, and we had a good night.”
“You got dinner with JJ Maybank?” 
Cat sighed as her friend took off her sunglasses to look at her, her eyes wide. “Yes, Kya, why is that such a big deal?”
“You know he’s a total pothead, right? And his dad’s into all sorts of drugs.”
“Well, that’s a good thing I only work with him, then,” Cat responded cooly. “I just want to be friendly enough to make work not insufferable. I don’t care what he does in his free time.”
“Does your dad know?” Kya asked, and sat upright when Cat shook her head. “You’re kidding me, Cat.”
“He doesn’t need to know, he’d just worry.” Cat tried to ignore how worked up all of this made Kya. “Beside, I’ve made it clear to him I don’t want to get involved in anything he or his friends do.”
Kya sighed, laying back down beside her. “You better not. You’re the only friend I have that hasn’t gone all party mode.”
“That’s not gonna happen any time soon.” Cat tried to reassure her, but remembered JJ’s words. I’ll get you out of your bubble, he had said, a charming grin lighting up his face. Everything about JJ’s existence seemed effortless - he didn’t worry about what people thought about him, and didn’t particularly care for impressing people or following every single rule.
All throughout high school, like Kya had said, they lost friends until their once tight-knit friend group shrank to just the two of them. Everyone discovered alcohol, which was easily available at keggers and parties that seemed to happen almost every night. Some started smoking weed, others started doing harder stuff. People changed, and Cat knew that, but she didn’t like that type of change. Even if she did still want to be friends with those people, she knew it wouldn’t fly with her father, much less with Kya’s mother.
Kya Peterkin was the one person who had Cat’s back while they were growing up. Whenever their classmates adopted the we-hate-cops attitude, they were shunned together. They obeyed the same sets of rules, and since their parents worked so closely together, they were bound to become best friends as well. 
Sometimes, though, Cat wanted to break the rules. She was tired of being under the watchful, critical eye of her parents. Maybe JJ was what she needed - someone to be that person to get her out there. There was something about the way he spoke to her the other day, like he knew something she didn’t. About her, and about her dad. 
The next day, she worked with Pope. 
The day after, she worked with JJ.
It was the first time she actually enjoyed working with JJ. The talk they had eased the tension - JJ sat on the bow of the boat, his vape pinched between his lips, swinging his feet in the air while Cat slowed the boat as they approached the no wake zone. As she eased up to the dock to complete the last delivery of the day, JJ hopped off and tied the boat while Cat started readying the groceries.
Cat wanted to ask him, so, what are you doing tonight?, but she had been taught to never invite herself to things. Luckily, JJ seemed to read her mind, a cocky smile tugging on his lips as they loaded bags into the carts they would haul down the sandy paths to the McEvers’ house.
“You busy tonight?” he asked casually, passing groceries from the boat down to her. 
“Not at all,” she replied. 
“Wanna go for a boat ride?” 
“With who?”
“Me and my friends,” he replied, jumping down from the boat to be next to her. He had a red work shirt on, matching his backwards red hat. 
“What will be happening on said boat ride?” she asked, partly because she was curious and wanted confirmation, partly to annoy him.
“What, you turning into a cop?” JJ asked. “Your dad knows what we do, everyone on the island knows and everyone on the island does exactly what we do.”
“And what do you do?”
JJ raised his eyebrows before taking a hold of the handle of the cart. “Just a little booze cruise is all. Don’t worry, Pope’s the DD.”
“And you’re not worried I’ll rat you all out?” she asked, taking her own cart and starting to haul it down the path after him.
“No, because you would never let your father know you’re hanging out with me.”
JJ’s words and tone were cocky. Cat smiled, trying to wipe her expression blank as JJ turned to look at her, but failed. “Sure. I’ll come tonight.”
“You got a swimsuit on you?”
“I’ll have to run home and pick one up, just let me know where to meet you.”
JJ flashed her a thumbs up, and before long, they had completed their delivery. The rest of the shift was uneventful; they boated back to Heyward’s, ran through the closing procedures, and JJ told her how to get to John B’s house.
“Just come out back to the dock when you get there, we’ll be waiting on the boat,” he had told her. Cat quickly drove home, telling her dad she was going to treat herself to a night out at the movies, changing before driving south to the Cut.
Two cars were parked in front of John B’s house. Following JJ’s instructions, she walked around the side of the house, seeing the dock lit up with deck lights, hearing voices from a boat tied to the end.
The voices became hushed as she walked down the dock, and she saw someone shove JJ, while another threw a hat at him. As soon as she grew close enough to see JJ’s crew, Cat instantly regretted her decision of coming.
“Shoupe’s kid? Really, JJ?” she heard Kiara hiss, before plastering a big smile on her face. “Hey, Cat.”
She stopped hesitantly on the end of the dock. Just go back home, a voice inside her brain told her, and she was about to start back towards her car when JJ stood, grabbing her hand, pulling her onto the boat.
“Be nice, please,” he said in a sing-songy voice, knowing that Cat had overheard them. 
“Dude - really?” John B asked bluntly. He had dropped the hand holding a beer down in a subtle attempt to hide it.
“My lips are sealed.” Cat caught Kiara’s eye roll out of the corner of her vision, and Pope sighed, obviously disliking the conflict.
“Well, let’s go then,” John B said, tension still apparent in his voice. JJ nodded towards the back of the boat, and Pope moved to make room for her to sit.
“Want a drink, kitty Cat?” JJ asked, but before she could answer, Kiara was making a gagging sound and John B looked at him with wide eyes.
“The fuck you call her?” John B asked, and JJ grinned.
“Kitty Cat.”
“I thought I told you to never call me that ever again,” Cat said, leaning forward to look into the cooler. It was full of Pabst and White Claws. She started reaching for one of the latter, but hesitated.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Pope said quietly, but Cat could feel everyone’s eyes on her.
She looked up to JJ, who shrugged. “The black cherry is my favorite,” he said.
“You admitted it! You like them!” Pope burst suddenly, pointing accusingly at JJ, who just shrugged before speaking.
“There ain’t no laws when you’re drinking Claws,” he claimed, pausing as Cat grabbed one of the black cherries. “Atta girl, Cat.”
She popped the top and took a sip. It was okay, the sharp taste and the carbonation causing her to make a face. The second drink was easier.
As John B pushed the throttle, the conversation died down as they made their way across the water. Cat sat against the back right side of the boat with Pope, while Kiara sat on the back left side, JJ going off to stand next to John B.
“You don’t have to let him pressure you into doing this, you know.”
Pope’s words were sudden, almost lost in the wind. Cat pressed her lips together into a small smile before looking at him and responding. “It’s been a long time coming.”
He smiled back at her, and Cat reverted her gaze to JJ. He still wore his work shirt and that backwards red hat, but had changed into a pair of tropical patterned board shorts and flip flops. Leaning over John B, one hand on the dash of the boat and one on the back of the seat, he was talking with a serious look on his face, and John B was sitting, his jaw set.
After twenty minutes, they reached what Pope informed her was their favorite place to swim and watch the sunset. She had finished her drink, a slight warmness filling her body. 
A lime White Claw was next up. It sat on the edge of the boat, half-drank, as they all jumped into the water, the setting sun coloring the water orange, as if it were on fire. Swimming up to the boat, she finished it, tossing the can back into the cooler.
“Atta girl,” JJ praised from out in the water, just his head and beer visible. She burped in response, giggling a little. “Help yourself to another, kitty Cat, you’re off tomorrow.”
She grabbed a lemon before swimming back out to the group. Pope, Kiara, and John B were deep into a discussion about the skunk ape of Florida, and if there was a North Carolina equivalent. As the evening progressed, they seemed to relax slightly at Cat’s presence. 
“You feeling okay?” JJ asked as she swam up to him, cradling a life jacket in one arm while she held her drink with the other. She nodded and he took a sip of his beer.
“Can I try it?” she asked.
“You never tasted a beer?” She shook her head, and JJ handed it towards her. “Don’t judge it off this one, JB has shitty taste.”
“Hey!” there was a protest from John B’s direction, and Cat made a face at the taste of the slightly warm beer.
“Why would you want to drink that?” she asked, handing it back to JJ. He shrugged and took another swig, tilting the bottom towards the sky before crushing it in his fist and throwing it back towards the boat, where it met the other cans with a clink.
Before long, it was dark, and the group swam back to the boat. “You feeling okay?” JJ asked as Kiara heaved herself up, Cat putting her empty can with all the other ones and nodded.
“I feel… fine.” Cat was kind of disappointed; she felt warm, a little fuzzy in her head, but other than that, not how she expected to feel.
“Wait until you’re in the boat,” John B said, watching as JJ heaved himself up. “Better yet, until we get to shore.” JJ yelped as John B pushed him up with a hand to his ass, and John B pushed himself in easily.
Cat tried to haul herself in, but couldn’t. John B chuckled, and he and JJ each took a hand, pulling her up, and as soon as she was sitting on the floor of the boat, she understood what John B had meant.
“Come on kitty Cat, to the bow,” JJ was saying, his hands in her armpits. He helped her to the front of the boat, which was open and flat. 
“Can you get my towel?” she asked, the evening breeze cold on her wet skin. She knew it would just get worse as they started the ride to shore. JJ left her on the bow as he went to the back of the boat for her towel, and she felt him lay it on her shoulders as he returned.
He sat down beside her, and they were silent as Pope pulled up the anchor and John B started up the boat. As they started moving, Cat was unsteady, and JJ chuckled as she had to plant her hands on the ground to keep herself from falling over into him. 
“How many you have? Three?”
“Four,” she said, holding up four fingers in his face. “One of each flavor.”
“And it’s your first time? You’re seasoned already. If only your dad could see you now.”
“Don’ talk about him,” Cat said, putting a finger to his lips, telling him to hush. “I don’t wanna think about it.”
JJ laughed again. “Okay, then, we won’t.” He put his hand on hers, gently rubbing it with his thumb.
If Cat wasn’t drunk she probably would have noticed the way John B raised his eyebrows, the way Kiara rolled her eyes, and the way that Pope smiled softly. She would have noticed the way he caught her as she swayed unsteadily when they hit a wake, how he brought her towel back up on her shoulder when it blew off. 
She probably would have noticed the way JJ looked at her, his eyes devouring every inch of her, his body relaxed for the first time in who knows how long.
taglist (lmk if you want to be added!)  @letsgofullkook @stargazingstarkey @sortagaysortahigh @jjsmentalpolaroids @ims0golden @jjmaybcnks​ @shawnssongs​ @queenk00k @broken-jj​​  @danielle-yeah​​ @wicked-laugh​​ @obxhoe​​ @talksoprettyjjx​​ @kt219567​​ @abrunettefangirlnerd​​ @apoguecalledjj​​  @rollinsstuff​​
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yoongi-sugaglider · 4 years
Artemis Rising
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The story of a Goddess and a Demi God,star crossed lovers whose story was lost to the complexity of history. The truth is they were wronged. All because of the jealousy of a brother. Can they escape their fate in a modern age? Can reincarnation allow her to finally reunite with the ones who loved her?
genre: angst ; reincarnation/Greek mythology au ; werewolf au
pairing: Yoongi x reader; ot7 x reader ; ft: Ateez
warnings: abusive relationship, physical abuse towards reader, vengeful ot7, inaccurate description of Ateez as aggressive (they’re sweet babies I swear! But Eomma needed a bad guy), fighting, character death, of age drinking (more to be added mayhaps?)
word count: 2493
A/n: Don’t forget to read the warnings!
tag list: @w1tchcraftt
Chapter 1​
I couldn’t help replaying Yoongi’s words in my head. Over and over the image of his desperate face resurfaced before me. I’d never seen him this bad.This desperate to force me to face the fears I was trying to hide even from myself.
But when I’d flinched away from his touch the way I had I’d instantly known he’d press me for answers. Answers that I wouldn’t be able to give him.
I had to leave him hanging. It was better if I kept denying it. I had to protect him. From the truth, from the pain of knowing and being unable to stop it. From Him…
Signaling to the driver I climbed into the back seat of the blacked out sedan, knowing that Mingi would take me home without question. The young man may have had his loyalties, but he was reliable in a way that previous bodyguards hadn’t been. He spoke very little, never made his presence overbearing, and was always on time.
I sighed as the muscles of my body relaxed, even if it was only on the silent car ride home. For the moment I was safe, protected from the ever watchful public eye and allowed to lose myself to my own thoughts.
It’d been 11 years. 11 years of knowing Yoongi and his brothers, 11 years of feeling the strange urge to go to them and allow them to whisk me away from my problems. But I knew running wouldn’t solve anything. I knew He’d find me no matter where I ran. So it was just...better if I complied...right?
The mansion loomed before me. A prison encased in gold trim and alabaster stone surrounded with lush gardens filled with deadly plants disguised as beautiful floral and even deadlier traps meant to maim instead of kill. Rock gardens filled with pools of quicksand and koi ponds filled with the deadliest fish known to man. It was a haven for evil, a nesting ground for the most poisonous creatures known to mankind. It was home.
The Mercedes pulled into the roundabout that encircled the nightshade patch. Beautiful little bell shaped flowers that were slowly going to seed to reveal the blackened berries of death reflected off the sedan’s mirror coated windows as Mingi hustled around the vehicle to open my door and allow me to step out.
I swung my purse over my shoulder, steeling myself in the hopes that he wasn’t home and that I’d be able to hustle to the kitchen to start on dinner.
Mingi trailed close behind me, nodding to Wooyoung and Yeosang, the brothers perpetually tasked with guarding the front doors of the mansion should He be off on business. I breathed an internal sigh of relief at the sight of the men, knowing I’d have time to prepare food as well as getting dressed and cleaned up.
A few hours later found me dressed to the nines, laying out the dishes I’d prepared for dinner. I’d opted for Greek style tonight, since he’d be flying to Athens in three days.
Dolmadakai, grape leaves stuffed with lamb and beef stood center, surrounded by fried tomato fritters and meatballs. To one side stood moussaka, minced meat covered in tomato sauce and layered with eggplant and a bechamel sauce that had taken me ages to get just right. I’d tossed together a quick greek salad, knowing he wouldn’t eat any of it but hoping to use it myself as an excuse to eat lightly tonight. Dessert was a homemade baklava, thin layers of flaky pastry dough surrounding a mixture of butter,sugar, and nuts covered in honey and roasted pistachios. I’d baked it that morning before going to see Yoongi and hoped the meal would be satisfying enough to waylay any questions that might come up during dinner.
I stared at the table, anxiety crawling up my throat and filling my body with a nervous energy that no amount of pacing in the kitchen could get rid of.I spent my next few moments twisting and turning the various plates, moving one dish after another around the table in order to present them just right when a knock at the dining room door drew my attention and spiked my heart rate.
“Miss...Hongjoong has returned.” San’s dulcet voice cut through me, his eyes piercing me as I swallowed harshly before making my way towards him.
“Get the 2009 Rothschild Pauillac from the cellar. I had it placed in the refrigerated room about an hour ago. Make sure the temperature is right and don’t you dare open it before I’m ready for you like last time.”
He grunted, squinting down at me as if pondering the idea of refusing my orders. After a moment of us staring each other down he turned and left, heading in the direction of the massive underground wine cellar.
I paused on my way upstairs, footsteps having been long ago muffled in the Persian carpet that lined the hall between the dining room and the rotunda. Turning to the 9 foot floor to ceiling mirror I adjusted the long sleeves of the cable knit turtleneck dress I’d chosen for the night. The crimson colored cashmere did well to hide the multiple bruises that littered my arms and the heavier makeup I’d chosen hid the coal colored bags beneath my eyes from far too many nights avoiding the night terrors I’d been prone to lately.
“Y/n, my love. Aren’t you looking stunning this evening.” The smooth voice sent a shrill scream of fear moving along my spine though I turned with a rim rod straight spine and a smile pressed thin along my lips to the man who’d called my attention.
“Good evening Hongjoong. I hope your day was pleasant?”
He approached me from the stairs, arms held wide as he waited for me to step into his reach. Icy cold fingers trailed up my spine, lighting the skin up my back with chill bumps despite the protection of the expensive cloth wrapping my figure in splendor. 
“My day’s been made a hundred times better now that you’re here in my arms.” He smiled down at me, though his eyes held a fiery depth to them that I just knew would spell trouble should I make one wrong move.
“I’ve prepared dinner. Would you like to retire to the dining room?”
He tilted his head to the side, eyes scanning my face as he lifted my chin with his thumb and forefinger. “Dinner? Hmm…” 
I waited patiently. Hongjoong didn’t like to be told what to do. It came from countless years of clawing his way to the top, to his current position as mayor and his deep set drive to push further. Making the most of himself, earning the power he wielded so easily, it came with a certain need for control. A need for those who claimed loyalty to him to follow a set amount of rules that included making any ideas seem like they’d come from him.
And yet tonight he didn’t question me. Instead choosing to smile and after placing a gentle kiss to my cheek he allowed me to lead him into the dining room and to his seat.
The room itself was filled with his most trusted guards. Though Mingi and Yunho had taken up the position of guarding the front and rear doors, San and Wooyoung now stood to either side of the chair designated for me, while Jungho and Yeosang stood to either side of Hongjoong’s seat. Seonghwa was nowhere to be found, though that wasn’t unusual as he was usually tasked as the head of security with walking the grounds to ensure that the outside security stayed on task with their duties.
The bottle of red wine I’d asked San to fetch me earlier stood beside my plate and I gave him a nod of appreciation, though he ignored me in favor of staring straight ahead as the others did. Waiting for Hongjoong to take his seat I turned to the spread, motioning at it with one hand while giving him a smile.
“Since you’re going to Greece soon I thought I’d make a few samples of some of their local fare. A few things to try out so you could…”
“Figure out what my favorites are before I get there?” His tone was flat, though when I glanced at him he was sending me his usual cold smile.
With a nod from him I began serving out the food, head down and hands trembling as I made sure none of the foods were touching on his plate. Quick fingers moved across the table, ladling and serving everything before stepping back out of his reach should anything be found unsatisfactory.
He stared down at his plate for a moment, eyes intense as he took in the entirety of the meal.
“You may serve the wine.” Again that flat tone that had me moving without hesitation towards the wine bottle.
I kept my eyes down as I poured, shoulders stiff as I watched Hongjoong slowly reach for his fork out of the corner of my eye.
I paused in pouring the second glass, a river of fear running down my spine as the sound of my name fell from his lips.
“Is there bell pepper in these meatballs by chance?”
Slowly, ever so slowly, I set the wine bottle to the side, heart beating a million miles a second as I looked up and took in the glare of pure rage now pointed in my direction.
“I...well the recipe..”
“Peppers my love...what are the rules on peppers?”
“They...well you…”
The wine glasses went flying, spilling down the front of my dress as well as the once pristine white pants of Yeosang’s suit. Glass shattered across the ground and Hongjoong rose from his chair.
He stalked towards me, hand raised in warning as I scurried away from him. Yeosang grabbed me though, cutting off my retreat in an instant. Hongjoong snatched my arm out of Yeosang’s grip, dragging me back to the table and forcing me down into my chair.
“Stupid bitch!”
The slap that came next echoed through the room as a sting began to bloom across my cheek.
“I’ve told you once if I’ve told you a thousand times over. NO FUCKING PEPPERS IN MY GODDAMNED FOOD!”
I struggled to contain the whimper welling up in my throat,knowing that any sign of weakness would only serve to worsen his mood.
“I...I’m sorry Hongjoong. It won’t happen again…”
“You’re damned right it won’t.” Hongjoong signaled to the four guards and they cleared the room, serving only to heighten the growing terror within me.
“And I’m going to make damn well sure you remember exactly who it is you serve in this fucking household. If it’s the last thing I do.”
Yoongi sat alone in his room, eyes roaming the dark corners of his ceiling as his mind wandered the entirety of the last several days.
They’d just gotten off tour, exhausted from far too many layovers and crossed time zones. Within moments of stepping into their shared apartment they’d split off to their rooms, collapsing into feather soft beds and burying their faces in plush pillows to chase the elusive slumber they’d so long been lacking.
Yoongi though, had other priorities. He’d immediately headed to the seclusion of his studio, phone clicked to speed dial the number of his best friend.
She had answered right away, voice calm and even as always and a welcome balm to soothe the ache his body had endured throughout their time overseas. He’d sighed, leaning as far back as his chair would allow as he told her stories of their adventures and listened in turn to what she’d been up to over the weeks they’d been apart. The previous argument had been entirely forgotten in favor of the comfort they always found in each other’s company.
She was a writer, not well known but truly well loved by those who knew of her works. Mostly dealing in fantasy and romance, some of the things she would write about critics had always cited as seeming like stories straight out of history. Though unbeknownst to them, most of them actually had been.
Yoongi rolled over, tucking his arm beneath his head so that he could stare longingly at the painting that he’d purchased not long ago in Milan. The painting itself was of 16th century Italy, bold and bright colors littering the canvas in shades of coral vistas and flower shaped rainbows. But the colors and background weren’t why he’d spent almost 3 million on it. No, instead the woman standing at the edge of the Italian balcony, long dark hair blowing in the wind as she stared off at the seashore beyond was the focus of his attention.
He remembered it well, as the painting had been completed mere months before the woman had died in a most unfortunate fire of the very same villa she’d been standing in in the painting. The panic that had gripped him when Jungkook came rushing into their own shared villa to warn him of the fire still haunted him to this day. Right along with every other death of hers that he’d had to experience over the millennia.
“Yoongi. Manager’s calling for you.” Seokjin stood in the doorway, eyes frowning in the dark in an attempt to spot Yoongi. The lights framing the lone painting distracted him.
Seokjin walked further into the room, eyes trailing the ancient golden frame before focusing on the lone figure in the center of the canvas.
“Milan?” He turned to where Yoongi lay on the bed, eyes sad and filled with understanding as he watched the ancient wolf hum in acknowledgement.
“I found it hung in one of those tourist trap galleries next to an imitation Di Vinci. This is the original though. The one Tae painted…”
“Ah, I see…” Seokjin wandered over to the bed, perching on the edge to join Yoongi in staring at the exquisite work of art. Seokjin sighed, fingers reaching out to entangle with Yoongi’s much colder hand.
“Do you think this time will be different?” Despite the touchiness of the subject the taller man only half expected an answer.
True to form Yoongi chose to ignore it, releasing Jin’s hand and rolling over to stand up slowly. Stretching his arms in the air he turned back to Seokjin, his eyes glowing their haunting golden hue in the darkness. “You said the manager needed me?”
“Mmm...the sample you sent over got Namjoon’s parts added to it. They want you to give it a quick once over before they send it to the producers for mixing.”
Yoongi nodded. He gave the painting one last glance, a heavy sigh leaving him as the two left the room to continue with their day.
                                                     Chapter 3
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supernovaescape · 5 years
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word count: 1.915
pairing: 90s!damon ♥ reader 
warnings: a bit angsty, swearing 
Damon was a mess.
Eventually you’ve got used to it. It’s just Damon – a little weird, even cold. That big thing about him was making you sad, so you tried your best to, at least, not to think about it so much.
Graham introduced you to Damon when Blur left for a big tour the first time. You remembered Damon as charmingly exited and ready for people to finally hear him, with a terrible hairstyle that was fashionable, but looked awful on every person. Even on him. Even on Damon, who always looked so beautiful, like a ray of sunshine fallen from the sky. 
At first you and him became a really good friends – it’s even pissed Graham a bit. Damon was a couple years older, but he liked the same music as you, the same books, you shared similar opinions and sometimes, in a big argument with Graham, Alex and Dave, you and Damon just stared at each other not saying a word, but talking about the same thing. You fell for him in a first week.
But now – a year and a half later – you became tired of loving him. It was hard, you can name a fuck ton of reasons why. And the most noticeable from them all – the fact that after you just became a really good friends Damon started to be messier and messier, so you couldn’t figure him out anymore. You, him, Graham, Alex and Dave were still friends, and you get together every now and then, but it’s not that special anymore.
“Are you okay?”, Graham asked and you slightly frowned. You already forgot what you’ve been talking about.
“No…”, you answered honestly. Alex and Graham looked at each other knowingly.
You reached for your glass but it was empty long ago, even ice already almost melted. You stood up.
“I’m gonna go get myself a drink!”, you said loudly, trying to speak through music.
The bar was not in the noisiest part of the club, so you could finally hear your thoughts. Although, maybe it was not a good thing. You sat down on a high stool, a little awkwardly, and it almost fell. Your cheeks instantly turned red, so you hurried to get a drink to hide your awkwardness.
On another side of the bar you saw Damon. He was staring at you and seemed surprised. He fucking saw it! Now he’s gonna hate you even more, if it’s possible. You took a deep breath, holding an eye contact. You wanted to turn away, run into bathroom and cry about how miserable you were. Damon’s eyes were almost black in the poor club lighting. Bartender put a glass in front of you, you smiled and said thank you, finally losing an intense eye contact. Heart was beating like a mouse’s, suddenly music became annoying and you felt bad, thinking about how Damon is just sitting here with strangers, instead of spending time with boys and you.
“Hey.”, suddenly you heard Damon’s voice and it scared you to death.
“Oh! Fuck…”, you certainly looked surprised and just a thought about how it all looking from the side made you chuckle.
“Did I scare you? Shit, I’m sorry.”, Damon smiled. You finally looked at him and instantly felt like you both travelled in time two years back. But Damon’s haircut was better. He was smiling at you, not knowing what to say. He scratched the back of his head, smiled again and opened his mouth to say something, but immediately closed it. You looked at each other for just a couple of moments, but it lasted forever, cornering you. Half of Damon’s face, illuminated by the light from a dancefloor, was turquoise, the shadow of an eyelashes fell on his cheek.
“Are you okay?”, he asked, meaning something else.
“Why everyone keeps asking me that?”
“You look kind of sad.”, Damon said and you were sure that you can punch him in the face right now.
“I called you, you know?”
“Are you?”, he asked calmly, not surprised at all.
“Uh-huh. Multiple times. From the last September I called you thousand times. We met almost every week, but you just stopped talking to me or was cold. Thank God I’m drinking tonight and I found you, because in the other way, it all could last forever!”, you finally stopped talking, finding, that you’ve been pretty loud.
“It wouldn’t last forever.”, Damon said confidently. He seemed serious.
“Our friendship? Of course.”, you said sarcastically and Damon frowned, annoyed. He placed his hand on top of yours and moved closer to your face.
“Let’s go get fresh air.”, he said and held your wrist tight as you walked through the club. Closer to the exit it became less and less crowded, now there was only a few people and they no longer danced. At the door, Damon took out a pack of cigarettes and kept one in his lips, not lighting. He handed the pack to you, but you shook your head.
Outside the club still was a queue and a little crowd. Now any place was too crowded for you two. You were not in tune for a big argument, especially not with Damon. He took you by the hand and you both ran across the road. But now he has intertwined your fingers. Something fell in your stomach and you looked at your palms almost frightened. Only feeling of his hand in yours made your knees weak. 
He held the cigarette in the corner of his mouth and took his jacket off.
“Don’t.”, you said and he stopped for a moment, looking at you.
“No, take it.”, he placed his white Harrington jacket on your shoulders and stayed only in his blue shirt. He lighted his cigarette and, once again, handed it to you. You shook your head, feeling that you might fall right now.
“It’s cold, you better take it back.”, you said.
“And what? Leave you freezing?”, he asked as if the obvious answer was “no”. His voice sounded tiredly. London wasn’t feeling like home – cold wind whistled, hooking you with claws and rattling Damon's hair. You can still hear music from the club.
You skipped your classes one day because it was one of those days when everything goes wrong. Graham allowed you to come to the studio and Damon, as soon as he saw you, said:
“Come here, love.”, and hurried to hug you.
Damon’s jacket smelled like Damon, you didn’t know you missed that smell so much - cigarettes, his sweet perfume and home. Damon smelled like home and in his big jacket even an cold London seemed warmer.
“I know that you called.”, Damon said, “I’ve listened to your messages.”
“Obviously, yes. I’ve left a bunch.”, you said, starting to get angry.
“Y/N… Listen, I’m sorry.”, he said. A cigarette in his mouth almost went out.
“For what exactly are you sorry? What is this conversation?”, you asked loudly. Or is he think that he can act like a dick with a person, and when he gets tired of that, he can just become nice?
“I tried to play it cool, but I’m a mess. "Cool" it's a very relative thing anyway.”
He lighted another cigarette, looking like a little shy boy in front of you. Then suddenly he looked up, at the club and at you, placing his hand on the small of your back and leading you further away from the club.
“You know…”,  he started, but you interrupted him, feeling that you’re the only person here who can talk in proper sentences:
“All I know is that hearing you speaking to me is unusual. I have no idea what you’re trying to do here…”, you showed him a dark, silent street you were where, “Are you trying to kill me or justify yourself for being a cunt? And I remember that you’re still a star, blah-blah-blah, but I feel like I’m even worse than nothing for you.”
“I don’t know what you remember. I remember not sleeping the whole night watching old VHSs and how you fell asleep on my shoulder. And your birthday when I went to buy you flowers, but I didn’t know which one do you like so I bought a big stupid bouquet of every one. And how I wrote a song about you…”
“What you want to get? A «thank you»?”
“Also I remember when you cried after a fan being rude to you and it was enough to break my heart, and how…”
“I don’t want to have this conversation.”
“I thought that you can leave so easily and it’s better for me to pretend that I’m absolutely coldhearted. Because I remember how you were mad on Graham after a fight and how you didn’t come to hang out with us… with me.”
“You were dating someone!”
“Oi! And so are you!”
“Oh, please Damon…”
“Mine wasn’t that serious.”
“I’m not nearly as beautiful as all the girls you’ve been with. Yes, and what if it...”, you pointed at him and then at yourself, “...wasn’t that serious too?”
“No, Y/N…”, he said quietly, shaking his head.
He took a step towards you, so that you could feel his breath on your face. He smirked and pressed his lips to yours. You sighed into his open mouth. He held your face in his hands, just where he needed, pulling you closer. Damon tasted like cigarettes and something sweet like a cherry gum. His smell has now become even stronger and you could not stop kissing him, becoming rougher, holding tight by his shirt collar. It was better than you imagined, much better than when you thought about his lips over yours when you touched yourself. You wanted to feel him against you, and you moaned loudly in his mouth when he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer, biting your lower lip harshly. You hissed.
“Sorry.”, Damon smiled cheekily. He put both hands under his jacket and on your bum. But after a moment, they were on your back again, and then he ran them in your hair, not really sure which part of you he adores more. He moaned your name and you felt how hot his skin was. You wanted to feel more.
You pulled away for a second, looking at his swollen lips. His eyes darkened again, as they were at the bar. To your delight, he pressed his lips to your neck and you ran your fingers through his hair, pulling them, feeling how Damon left a hickey on your neck and a biting mark on your collarbone.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.”, he said into your lips.
“I’ve almost fell from that chair.”, you said and quickly kissed him on the cheek, because you always wanted. He held you tight.
“Well...”, he laughed, “At least it made me sort of less scared.”
“How’s that?”, you asked, trying to kiss him again, but he pulled back and carefully looked into your eyes, then lowering his head to your neck and biting just below the ear, so you moaned and laughed.
“I don’t know.”, he said low, “It’s just made you more human. I started to forget that you’re a human too.” 
Damon smiled into your lips and kissed you slowly, tenderly, just moving his lips on yours. 
“You’re heavenly.”, he said, pressing his forehead against yours and just staying there for a moment. 
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Play With Me [Jungkook x Reader] 3
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credit: littlemeowmeowschimmy
Requests opened // prev - m.list - next 
Genre: Thrilling // Mysterious // Smut [later]
Summary: After a fateful night, Jungkook realizes that he was put up against something more dangerous than he imagined. He never thought that through his undercover work that you were much more than just cunning, you were also seductive.
WC: 2.3k
»»————- ★ ————-««
Jungkook scowls at his computer screen. Nothing was going right for him, especially today. It had been weeks since he infiltrated Gotham police and he was simply getting bored of it. Not to mention two pairs of eyes watching him at every second he breathed was getting on his nerves. Jungkook would soon regret the day he joined because of his affiliations with the old sack of bags he called “father.”
He throws files in front, their contents spilling over his keys. He was about to tear apart the old computer when he felt a hand on his shoulder. His eyes instantly moving to lock with the owner's fingers. They were smooth, slim and long. Their nails painted what looked like a dark black, only on further inspection a dark navy. They were round at the tips, but not enough to where they could pierce the skin.
His eyes travel up the fingers, across the arm and to the owner. You stood with powerful eyes, yet they were filled with concern as your head tilted sideways. Since you didn’t pay much attention to his screen, you didn’t notice he was looking up your data. Figuring out who you truly were, whilst hiding under cover. You fixed your hand, moving it back as you were afraid that you overstepped your boundary.
“Aren’t you supposed to be home Jeon?” Your question surprising Jungkook. He was surprised you hadn’t noticed what was on his screen, but he didn’t take much notice to it. Instead, he pushes himself around, his chair now blocking its contents.
“There’s nothing for me to go home to,” Jungkook answers shrugging his shoulders. “Other than a bottle of whiskey and some cheap microwavable.” Pausing for a split second only to finish his train of thought. “I’d much rather spend my time at the office, getting as much work done as I possibly could.”
“You just don’t know how you quit do you?” that question sending quirky smirk upon Jungkook’s lips, and earning a low scoff. He crosses his arms, then his legs at the knee. Giving you his full attention now whilst the moon showed brightly through the big windows. You took in his beauty, capturing how his eyes flickered against the pale light.
His skin looking darker now, a few loose hairs dangled in front of his eyes. He seemed clean shaven, but upon further inspection, you noticed he was growing a bit of stubble around his chin and jaw. Making his appearance something that could even make your heart stop. Jungkook usually wore white button-ups or similar fabrics with different colors. He always had his sleeves rolled above his elbows, making his biceps pop.
Whatever top he wore, often reflected in the choice of pants. He didn’t dare wear dress pants, as he pointed out they made him uncomfortable. Instead, he wore black jeans, sometimes a dark navy, once again all depending on the top. Usually, they were black skinny jeans, that made his ass pop. Something you would have nowhere to complain since you loved staring. He often wore a black belt, although he never needed one.
You could see the faint scars upon his arms in the pale light. He often expressed he got them from other raids and being on the job for so long. But you didn’t quite believe him since most didn’t look like bullet wounds. But, you weren’t going to object, since he didn’t elaborate on the type of weapon that was used against him.
Jungkook shifts in his seat, the silence making him uncomfortable since you were clearing taking your time. He reflected the same, taking your features in as well. How your hair was always pulled back into a tight bun, skin paling against the moonlight and the fabric of your dresses always fit snugly against your curves.
You usually wore heels, but mostly wore flats, that would often be changed out for work boots. You mentioned that you didn’t have much for dress shirts and pants, and the commander often let you slid with dresses. Since they weren’t so constrictive, Jungkook found himself amazed by how easily you worked. Never had he seen a lady take down an enemy with just wearing one dress. Your movements were quick, and he had to give you your props.
“Would you like to go for a drink sometime?” Jungkook boldly asks, sending your mind out from wherever it was. You blinked, taking aback by his question but then shaking your head. Jungkook took this as you clearing whatever thoughts you had before, then getting yourself ready. Flashing your pearly whites, you decided to answer his question.
“I’m grateful for the offer,” You start taking a step back. “However, I’m usually busy during the night. My sister has a little one that she wants me to watch as she goes on third shift.” You easily coax a lie, hoping that Jungkook would understand. However, since he knew your true identity, he could see right through your lies.
This was a show that you had to put on. Refusing to go out with anyone as you did Jokers dirty work. You were technically babysitting, but it was mostly his dumb guards and hostages that he captured. Harley ran off years ago, leaving you to take her place. You were too pleased with her decision, but you could understand from her perspective.
She was beaten, tortured and abused by Joker. She found refuge in Ivy, then soon fell in love with her. Harley wanted you to come with her, even begged for you too. But Joker’s claws were already dug so deep into your soul, that it was hard saying goodbye. Harley came by to visit you in your apartment every once and awhile. Checking up on your well being, and trying to be the mother that she never had.
Since finding you when you were young, Harley had been more than just a mother. She had been a friend. Someone you confided in whenever you were lonely, upset, or angry. You went silent once again, thinking about the relationship you held with Harley. Then shake your head and moving forwards. Rounding Jungkook’s desk and heading straight for your own.
“But I will have to decline.” You firmly stated, stuffing your work back and heading back out. Or attempting to head out as swiftly and quickly as you possibly could. You needed to get out at a certain time, especially tonight. Joker wanted to see you, and you weren’t going to allow him to get angry. That was something you where trying to avoid at all costs.
»»————- ★ ————-««
Jumping from your apartment window, you ran across rooftops. Making your way down the familiar path you’d always taken to see your “beloved father.” Since Joker had taken care of you, he often expressed that you were his daughter. But he wasn’t doing much of the heavy lifting, so you never considered him to be one. Instead, as mentioned previously, you only considered Harley to be your mother.
You were orphaned from a young age. Jumping from foster home to the next. Trying to keep your head up when one day you were met in an alley with Harley and Joker. Sometimes you regret ever seeing them, others you were thankful. They had taken you out of such an awful system and trained you. Taught you how to take care of yourself, steal and other goodies. Now, you were knee deep in crime and Bats was after your head.
Making sure that you would land in Arkham someday. However, you weren’t as insane as he thought you were. Maybe if you had gone through some counseling you could get better. Shock therapy could work, you hadn’t had your brains fried in a little. Just the thought made a sickening smile creep as you bounced. Just before escaping into the alleyway, you were stopped by a figure leaning against a small structure.
This figure looked vaguely familiar, however, you weren’t going to stop and ask questions. You were already close to being late, you didn’t need any more distractions. Instead, he came from the shadows, his armor wrapping around his body. His almost black hair wild and casting over his bright blue mask. You cursed under your breath, popping a hip out to give him your full attention.
“If you just silently come with me, maybe I could work you out a deal,” Nightwing spoke his tone soft and cautious. He knew what you could do, and it seemed like he was afraid of you. But you pushed such a messily thought to the side, reaching back for a pair of colorful daggers that sat at your waist.
“And what deal would that be?” You snarled wrapping your hand around the hilt. “A comfy room in Arkham? A chance to see my parents graves?” You laugh at his shock, not aware that you were an orphan. Laughing, you took a few steps back. Widening the gap that he tried to consolidate. Your eyes darted around, trying to see if anyone was with him.
It seemed like he had come alone, but you weren’t so sure. Instead, you were trying to find a good way out of this. Simply because you didn’t want to be left with an angry psychopath downstairs, nor did you want to be left with this loon that was trying to lock you up.
“Look, I’m just trying to - “ He paused your words coming out quicker than you had imagined.
“You’re trying to lock me up with the rest of those loons,” you growled. “For doing crimes that I committed.” You pressed on narrowing your eyes at him. “You and your so-called family doesn’t care about us lowly criminals. We’re just numbers for you.” cracking a smile on your face afterward. Nightwing certainly didn’t expect you to come out swinging, but it was your only defense. Even though your words were true, you knew that they wouldn’t last for long.
With your quick mind, you threw the dagger his direction. Letting it graze across his cheek, red blood escaping soon. He brings a hand up, touching the small scar and then noticing that you were on the edge. Nightwing runs at full speed, trying to catch you, but you jumped off. Taking the familiar path you’d always had to run down the alleyway.
Escaping your enemy for the second time now. You weren’t surprised he was after you again, especially since you were on his hit list. You had blown up a warehouse because your troops were looking for some goodies that Joker could use. His obsession with killing Bats was on hold because he was teaming up with the other villains. Wanting to get revenge on Gotham for treating them so horribly.
Their plan was going smoothly, and you didn’t need Nightwing or his cult getting in the way. Especially not when you were in the center of it all.
»»————- ★ ————-««
Jungkook didn’t enjoy going back empty-handed. He wanted to catch up to you, but since Yoongi was snapping in his ear, he assumed that he had to go back as soon as possible. Seokjin wasn’t too pleased that he left without saying anything, but then again he wasn’t going to argue with him. Instead, it was Jimin who would give him an ear full once he arrived back in the cave.
Jungkook parks his bite, kicking the stand and ripping his mask off. Jimin was standing in the center, tapping his foot against the steel floor, his arms crossed. From where Jungkook was standing, it seemed like Jimin was the perfect house mother, ready to scold her child for sneaking out. His hair was pushed back from his eye, although a few white streaks fell.
“You honestly thought you could take her in?” Jimin growls, his fingers gripping his biceps. Jungkook shrugs his shoulders, silently telling him that it was worth a try. Instead of getting any answer, Jimin growls at him. His eyes burning with rage as he plants himself. Jungkook could hear the wheels of a chair scrap against the floors.
His eyes moving back towards his eldest friend, quickly moving himself over. He stops right beside Jimin, reaching out and punching his leg. Yoongi turns to look back at Jungkook, now Jimin’s death glare was upon the family friend. “You know going into this was stupid Jungkook,” he mentions crossing his arms and fully sitting back.
He brought a hand up to his hair, pushing some of the loose curls back. Jungkook knew exactly where Yoongi’s concerns were, but he wanted to see for himself. See if you had some kind of change of heart, despite never reaching out to you. Instead, he received further information that he had before. You were an orphan, which means he could look up your files. Yoongi noticed the wheels beginning to click, his own starting as well.
Since he had eyes and ears all over Gotham, Yoongi knew the conversation that went down. With one glance between the two, Yoongi decides to wheel back without saying anything. Jungkook racing after him because he wanted to see where this could go. Jimin shouts, but it was long forgotten since they had much more on their minds.
With a few clicks, Yoongi pulls up a file. Your younger face scowling at the camera and your name displayed right in front of them. It was scary how quickly Yoongi could retrieve data, but Jungkook wasn’t going to complain. Instead, he leaned forwards, reading the last known entry about you. How you ran away and never came back, the center ultimately declaring you dead without finding a body.
“So where do we go from here?” Jungkook whispers, hoping that Yoongi had some kind of plan. Instead, he just raises his hand up to his chin. Grasping it as he purses his lips in thought. Since they had found out your true identity, it was a little more difficult to bounce to the next plan. Whatever this plan was, to begin with, none of them had any clue.
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rayonfrozenwings · 5 years
WAITING IN THE FREEZING DARK: CHAPTER 10 - Darkness and Spiced Scents
Spoiler Alert: Contains references to ACOFAS.
Authors Note: So it’s been a very long hiatus, because Kingdom of Ash destroyed me and stole all my creative energy. New Chapters!
A Nessian Fan Fiction: Characters all belong to Sarah J Maas and her book series A Court of Thorns and Roses. This Story takes place after ACOFAS. The story has Multiple POV’s, taking place in the Illyrian camp, Windhaven, Nesta and Cassian are living together at the behest of the high lord and lady of the night court.
Chapter 10 - Darkness and Spiced Scents
Previous chapters are here: 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 , 6 7, 8, 9,  and Masterlist here.
I have also put this on AO3: Series Link  :)
WC: 1361
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Chapter 10 - Darkness and Spiced Scents
The camps were always damp, muddy and smelled like leather and sweat. Other bodily smells penetrated his senses, burning his eyes and making him drink water to rid himself of them but he could never name what they were exactly. Festering wounds often came to mind. Battle smells and dysentery. He was visiting a particularly nasty camp near the coast, wishing a sea breeze would blow away the stench. Hell, blow away the whole damn camp. Cassian was waking his way back to his command tent when he heard it.
Cassian you are so stupid sometimes.
He looked around, trying to find the source, it sounded like Nesta, but was also not her.
“Hello?” he called out into the darkness before his tent.
He listened closely, slowly pulling a dagger from his leathers, nothing was coming for him, he stalked over waiting for Mor to jump out at him, someone had to be playing a trick on him. Mor was the usual suspect, but as he was once again assaulted by the smell he ruled out Mor as an option. Maybe Azriel had sent Ceinwen, it was definitely a woman's voice.
No one was there.
He shook his head and decided he must have being knocked around one too many times today. Must have been a memory leaking through.
Rhysand had said he was caught up with “family business” in Velaris and needed him to straighten out Naragona and his camp. The Camp Lord was constantly getting into skirmishes with the other coastal leaders surrounding him and he was becoming a problem. Cassian had obliged, being commanded to spend time away from Nesta - meant it wasn’t his choice. It meant that she would forgive him if he asked to be forgiven. At least that’s what he hoped. He would tell her - I had to stay away, Rhys made me! He could hear it ringing false in his own ears. If he wanted to fix it he would have gotten out of this request.
He wasn’t sure what he wanted, his head was telling him one thing and his big heart another, damn the consequences. If only she would choose to let him in.
Pulling off his leathers, he sat down in front of a table and mirror, an ewer to the side with water to clean his face and arms, the smell lifted as he started scrubbing. The training rings here were mud pits, collecting blood and other unmentionable bodily fluids in their depths. Grabbing his soap he scrubbed at his face and looked at the lines starting to mark it. The laugh lines around his eyes looked strained, light scars started appearing as the filth was wiped away. How could she love someone like him.
I’m glad you like my taste.
“Nesta?” he turned and looked around. It felt like Nesta that time, it smelt like Nesta, like blood orange and midnight roses, like darkness with intoxicating spiced scents. The whole phrase felt like she was brushed up against him and whispering in his ear. He shook his head and rinsed the soap off.
“Cassian you are tired!” he told himself, pointing in the mirror to make his point. “Too much flying, you better get some sleep before you start thinking she’s in your bed.” Though he would never say no if she joined him in his. Maybe that was his answer. He would never say no to her if she really gave herself to him.
The days stretched on, he continued to play peacemaker. Traveling to the other Camps and then returning to the trouble maker’s at night. Ensuring he wasn’t sending out fresh Raiding parties. The first night Cassian had decided to stay away from the smell, the prick had sent a raiding party to a nearby camp.  
Illyrians flying in and stealing supplies while he was trying to enjoy a few drinks with one of the nicer captains. The rage had quickly enveloped him and he stabbed a few of the raiding party in places very close to causing permanent damage and preventing the sheep from adding to their flock. He held no guilt over his actions. Naragona was an asshole, a relentless prick, pushing the limits at every opportunity and pushing every single one of Cassian’s buttons. Cassian didn't even know if he would be able to leave them alone to go back to his regular duties. He was tempted to tie him up and leave him just below the high tide line, a slow punishment, or at least leave him with Devlon to watch, but Commander Cassian needed to get control of his troops even in peacetime. He would need to figure this out himself before it got out of hand.
Tonight he had sought escape. Close enough to watch the camp but far enough away that he could be alone. The sun was slowly moving across the Sky, Cassian was standing near the cliff edge, watching the creatures along the shore line emerging from their small nests and burrows, heading into the ocean to hunt for the evening. Sky changing hue behind the gathering clouds and streaking reds and oranges back towards the mountains. That Asshole didn't deserve to be near such beauty, he couldn’t appreciate the life all around him. The light that seemed to be in everything glowed, everything looked brighter today. Had it always been this beautiful in these mountains? It felt like for years they were just a shade of grey.
And then the light changed, he felt his heart skip a beat and the lighting just... changed. Something was wrong. He turned to the camp, fear was filling his body, a numbness moving from his heart out across all his limbs, he blinked but his eyes were deceiving him, the colours were all muted after being so stunningly bright only moments before. He wouldn't have believed it but the Sun set in grey tones before him. He was frozen or moving more slowly than everything around him. Even the night lacked its blue lustre and the stars weren’t lit up with colourful stardust, no pinks and purples were behind them.
His whole body felt frozen, like Nyx had brought her dark blanket and swept it across the world. He had felt this before in Hybern’s throne room. Was it just him? Had Hybern managed something they weren't ready for? He put his head in his hands, feeling like everything was in slow motion, maybe it was, was his heart even beating? Nesta?
It happened before. In the throne room, when he was on the floor, wings torn, paralysed, the room had gone dark, colour had bleed from the black and white room leaving only her in colour as she was pushed into the cauldron. Memories crashed over him. Wanting to reach out to her, to protect her. Her thrashing and fighting, clawing at her captors. Cassian’s own blood calling out to her. She had clawed and screamed her rage, black water splashing, and as she was pushed under one last time a curse was sent forth from her finger towards the king of Hybern. Then the silence stretched on. The water was still. There was no colour left, Cassian’s heart ached and he screamed her name.
Nesta! Are you ok?
Cassian was breathing heavily his fingers started to feel the warmth as his blood began flowing to his limbs again. Sitting on a rock near the cliff he was grateful he hadn't been too close to the edge, he could have easily toppled into the sea and rocks below. The memories had been overwhelming, he was re-living the worst day of his life. Nesta was dying in front of him again. Her mortal life extinguished.
Stretching leather clad fingers and curling them in his gloves he looked back up at the sky. Purple and pink stardust was splattered across the heavens, yellow, gold and white stars watching over him. He rubbed his eyes and stood. The colour had come back. Whatever had just happened he had never experienced it before - and it could never happen again. He needed to see Amren.
Tagged by request: Sorry if some of the urls are wrong.. its been a while since I updated this fic, urls have changed its been so long lol,  just let me know via ask if you want to be added or removed from my tag list for this. :) @fucking-winchester-trash @rhysanoodle @velarxs @lorcanswife @my-fan-side @wolffrising @bellsqueen @aelinashgalathynius@booksaremymate@themoonunderstoodmynightmares @prxthian @nessian-girl@fuzz-dog @archeron-queens @acotar-feels @wickedfangirl99 @empress-ofbloodshed@ame233 @tswaney17 @kefeira @rhysandsdarlingfeyre@abillionlittlepieces@ofstarsanddreams @booksaremymate@ambrosemiller@saltydreamcollector @imfandomtrash-vi @aedionashryver-wolfofthenorth @pinkjem30   @urbisie, @howtotameyourillyrian, @illyrianbeauty, @fae-queen-of-the-easton, @faeriequeenofthewest, @aqueentorattlestars, @acoaas @nephelle-warrior-scribe @librarian-of-orynth @anoverstuffedkindle, @miladyaelin, @acoaas, @tntwme @photofeesh @theyretheirthere
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maximusthewolfe · 5 years
this isn’t over | (1/1)
Quentin contemplates his conversation with Julia 
Post 4x10 - and 10000% inspired by the pain that @lizardkingeliot handed to me with this gifset
Also on AO3
Yes it is.
Sleep was so far out of reach. Quentin couldn't close his eyes without seeing Eliot's desperate face pleading with him. The betrayal of his own words nestled deep in his chest, burrowing painfully deeper inside of him when all he wanted, everything he needed, was rest.
This isn't over.
Hadn't he spent the better part of this whole insane fucking situation begging Julia to say something like that, desperately grasping, waiting for someone else to see the importance of getting Eliot back? And now, when she was ready to keep fighting, he was giving up? Who the fuck was he? He waited in the silence of the room he'd commandeered for the night for some cosmic voice to echo, to help him out. None came. He covered his face with his hands and rolled over, the weight of everything they were up against crushing him, paralyzing him, destroying the fraying hold of his hope.
Yes it is.
How could he say that? Eliot was alive. He'd seen it with his own eyes. Penny had confirmed it again. Abandoning him wasn't right. Waving the white flag felt wrong, cold, fucked up in the face of everything they'd been through together. In face of the life they'd lived together. But he was tired. So goddamned tired. And tonight, the monster slipped through their fingertips. Again. This time with Eliot's body and the final piece of the puzzle. The last thing it needed, but not to create a body it would vacate Eliot's for. To resurrect someone else.
Of course it was over. Quentin just hoped the monster would make it quick. If he were dead, he wouldn't be forced to feel the guilt rising in his throat, hot and acidic like bile. Or, no, wait. That was actually bile. He bolted upright and stumbled into the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet before the contents of his sad excuse for dinner and the too-many after-dinner drinks emptied from his stomach into the bowl. When his body was done retching, he felt like even more of a shell than he had before when he was staring into the ceiling, waiting for an answer he knew wouldn't come. He wiped his mouth on the sleeve of his shirt, letting his face rest against the cool porcelain, closing his eyes against the relief it brought his flushed face. He saw a mess of dark curls and hazel eyes and a look that screamed don't let me go and his eyes flew open again, a renewed ache radiating in his bones.
He had almost gotten himself back to bed, peeling the sweaty, dirtied shirt from his back, when he heard the soft knocks at the door of the bedroom. He froze in place, praying that if he just didn't make a sound, didn't move at all, whoever it was would go away.
Julia. His muscles tensed further to keep him still. He counted the seconds in his head. One, two, three, four, fi-
"Look, Q, I heard you and I'm - I'm coming in, so, you know, deal," Julia said, the doorknob turning before she'd finished speaking.
Quentin sighed and slumped back onto the bed, not bothering with the covers. Julia opened the door, bringing a growing sliver of light from the hallway with her, and left it slightly ajar as she made her way over to the bed. Quentin kept his gaze on the sliver of light she left near the doorway. That was Julia, Quentin thought, hating how bitter the words sounded in his head, leaving a trail of light wherever she went. It just wasn't bright enough to scare away his darkness, this time.
"Are you okay?" Julia asked. Quentin felt the foot of the bed shift under Julia's weight, but he kept his eyes on the light.
"Is that a real question?" Quentin retorted, and the sigh that fell from Julia's lips was familiar. The last time he remembered hearing it distinctly was shortly before he was hospitalized the first time. It was the worried sigh of someone who didn't know how to mother a peer. He wished everyone would stop trying to save him. Where was the monster and its barely contained wrath when he really needed it?
"No, but you're not telling me anything on your own, so," Julia said. She sounded concerned more than anything else.
Quentin just shrugged, pulling his gaze from the light in the doorway, settling it on the midpoint between his feet and where Julia sat.
"You're obviously not okay, but I don't know what to do about it. I'm trying, here, Q."
"We all tried," Quentin said miserably, "We've all been trying, endlessly, for so fucking long I can't even remember a time when we weren't. And we keep losing."
"Who says we lost?"
A scoff ripped from Quentin's throat at that, humorless and filled with all the pain he couldn't find words for yet. Eliot. Eliot. Eliot.
"The monster wins," Quentin said through gritted teeth, his jaw tight, it had been tight for so long he was surprised it wasn't permanently spazzing, "It got the final piece, and it's not even building its own body. It wins, we lose. We lose, again. I'm tired of losing, Jules."
"This isn't you, Q," Julia said, reaching a hand tentatively toward him. She rested her palm on his shin and he tugged his legs to his chest, looking away.
"Don't do that," Quentin said quietly.
"Don't do what?" Julia asked, and the effort she put into sounding confused stirred something dark and angry inside of him.
"Don't act like just because you've known me for so long, you can say it's fine and it is." Like you can say I'm better and I will be. He wanted to say that, but admitting, out loud, that he wasn't okay was still not an option, even as he felt the last of his hope crumbling around him, burying him alive.
"Let me help," she said, her voice quiet and soft. Quentin hated it. God, he hated everything. Most of all, he hated himself.
Groaning, he rolled onto his side, away from Julia, and raked his hands over his face. He closed his eyes, and Eliot's face stared at him as soon as his eyelashes brushed the very top of his cheeks. I can't. I'm sorry. I fucked up. I can't get you back. Quentin felt the air as it left his lungs and he opened his eyes, blinking the apparition of the man he loved away.
Julia shifted again, Quentin felt her weight lift off the bed and relief flooded him at the idea of finally being alone again. Instead, she stepped closer. Fuck, he was tired. So tired of letting everyone who mattered down. So tired of disappointing. She knelt beside him, he could feel it even as he faced away from her, and a second later her hand was on his shoulder.
"I meant what I said, Q," she said, her tone still so soft, so nurturing, so much of what he didn't deserve. "This isn't over."
There they were. Those fucking words again. Words that were supposed to ignite a fire within him, spur him to action again, make him believe in something he'd clawed at every chance to hold onto for months. They felt like knives in his heart.
"This isn't over," Julia repeated, squeezing his shoulder. Quentin twisted away from her grasp.
It had to be. He couldn't take another loss. He couldn't keep begging for scraps when he was desperate for a meal. He couldn't keep hoping just to have it so mercilessly ripped from his hands the very next second. He couldn't, he couldn't, he couldn't. He closed his eyes again, squeezing them tight. At least the Eliot that looked back at him now had that spark in his hazel eyes, that light, the emotion Quentin had missed most of all. He swallowed hard against the heat building behind his closed eyes, clinging to this image of Eliot. Clinging to the last scraps of Eliot's humanity he had access to in his mind, trying desperately to preserve it. Hell, it might be all he had, now. It was probably all he had, now.
"Yes, it is," Quentin repeated, his voice ragged, his breath acrid from the vomit.
All he had was the ghost of the man he wanted, haunting him every time he closed his eyes. He didn't know much, but after tonight, he damn sure knew one thing. It was over.
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yourescapetofiction · 5 years
The Tides Have Turned-Part 11
A/N: This is my old work, The Tides Have Turned. It is a complete story that I am reposting on this blog so the work isn’t lost and can be found for those interested :)
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I awoke the next morning by my own body clock. Damn it felt good to sleep in. I reached for my phone to see what time it was: 11 AM. Half the morning was already wasting away. I looked over to see Nate furiously typing out a message on his phone.
“Mornin’” he said with a big grin.
“Hey” I said rubbing my eyes. “Why didn’t you wake me up? It’s already eleven o’clock.”
“You looked so peaceful, I couldn’t disturb you. Besides its good for you, we were pretty busy last night” he said with a smirk.
“Yeah well we should think about getting back before a search team is sent for us” I say sitting up in bed. Nate just nodded in agreement. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and tried to pull myself together the best that I could. Nate was shuffling through the room, gathering his things. He stopped to give the room one last look.
“I gotta say, I’m gonna miss this. It was like our own little paradise” he said with a hint of sadness. My heart stung at his words.
“I know, me too” I say softly rubbing his arm. We proceeded out of the hotel room and dropped the keys off in the lobby before heading to the bus. We drove back to the beach house in a comfortable silence. Nate held onto my hand tightly, resting on the center console. It was like he was savoring our last moments together before we were once again in the company of the guys. We slowly pulled up the drive and walked to the front door. It was open this time.
“Holy shit! There you guys are! Where the fuck were you?!” Johnson said climbing over the back of the couch and running towards us.
“We got pretty worried” Kenny said with wide eyes.
“You assholes locked us out last night!” I said accusingly. They all looked at each other in confusion.
“No we didn’t! Did we?!” Swazz asked trying to remember last night.
“Uhh yeah, we went for a walk on the beach remember? Then it started to downpour so we came back and you idiots had all the doors locked” I say crossing my arms.
“And none of you would answer your phones” Nate chimed in. A look of guilt washed across each of their faces.
“Holy shit, we are so so so sorry” G said bringing his hands together in a prayer formation.
“Yeah, yeah. Just thank your lucky stars that we found enough cash in the bus to get a hotel for the night” I say.
“Wait, wait. You took my slim jim money?!” J said raising his voice. Nate just shot him a look that said “don’t say another word.”
“I mean yeah, glad you were able to figure something out” J mumbled under his breath.
“Can we talk about what you’re wearing right now?” Sam said tugging on the jersey I had on.
“It’s all we had Samuel” I answer. “I’m gonna head upstairs to get changed, I’ll be back down” I add.
“You should wear that more often babe! Your ass looks cute in those briefs” Sam hollered behind me. I just flipped him the bird behind my back.
I emerged from my room about twenty minutes later in a fresh outfit. It felt good to be back in the house again. Nate was catching up with the guys, so I decided this was a good opportunity to confront Sammy about what he said to me last night. I walked over to the white leather couch and plopped myself down next to him. He was vibing to Bryson Tiller’s “Set You Free.”
“Hey babe” he smiled at me.
“Hey Sammy. So I think we need to have a talk about what you said to me last night” I say faking an overly serious tone. He immediately furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
“Uh, should I be worried?” he said running his fingers through his hair.
“You tell me” I continue.
“Shit. What did I say?” he asked with baited breath.
“Oh just that someone in the house is in love with me” I let out a slight giggle now. To my surprise, he looked increasingly more nervous.
“Wh-what? I said that?” he said looking anywhere but at me.
“Yes Sam, you did. I want to know if you were talking out of your ass, or if you know something that I don’t” I say closing the gap between us. A few minutes of torture and Sam would spill his guts. He couldn’t bear to keep a secret, especially not from the squad.
“I was drunk, I didn’t know what I was saying. You know how I get” he nervously chuckled. This was really eating him, I could tell.
“Yeah I do know how you get, and I know that you often spill sober thoughts when you’re drunk” I say poking his arm. “It’s Gilinsky isn���t it?” I ask. His eyes shot wide open.
“Uh, yeah. Yes it is. You got me” he breathed a heavy sigh of relief.
“I knew it” I smirk victoriously. “Sammy boy, you’ve been a big help” I said while wrapping him in a hug, before getting up to go talk to the other boys.
Sam’s POV
Holy fucking shit, what did I just do? Oh my god, I think I just royally screwed things up. I need to stop drinking to oblivion, I end up getting myself into situations that I really regret later. Thank god I didn’t betray Nate, but now y/n’s convinced it is Jack and that could present an entirely new set of problems on its own. I don’t know why she got that in her head, but I unintentionally just threw Jack under the bus. I rubbed my eyes harshly, contemplating what to do.
I had to speak to Nate.
I found him in the kitchen, getting a bottle of water from the fridge.
“NATE!” I shout, barely containing my anxiety.
“Bro, what the fuck. You scared me” he said clutching his chest. “What’s up? Why do you look like you’re about to shit your pants?” he said placing his water on the counter.
“Because I am dude!” I say pacing in the kitchen.
“Sam, calm down. Spit it out” Nate said.
“Y/n came to talk to me about some shit I said when I was drunk, and she was staring into my soul, and I got nervous and-” I start rambling still pacing. My hands were running through my hair twenty to the dozen.
“I sort of told her that Gilinsky is in love with her” I spat.
“You did what?!” Nate half-shouted. His eyes were wide and his eyebrows shot up.
“I didn’t know what to do! I couldn’t very well tell her about our talk on the beach. She asked if it was G, and I panicked so I said yes” I shoot him a sorrowful look. Nate began pacing himself, his palms on his face.
“Fuck. She said some shit about that last night, but I didn’t think much of it. Now that you told her the same thing, she’s gonna go looking for answers” he said.
“Fuck, Sammy. What if G really does have feelings for her, and this ain’t made up at all?” Nate looked up with sheer terror. “We might have just pushed the two of them together” he said fraught with anxiety.
“Nate, calm down man. Don’t jump to conclusions” I say trying to calm him.
“What are we gonna do Sam?” he asked.
“We wait and see. Observe them together” I say. Nate looked uneasy, but agreed.
Nate’s POV
Sam and I walked back into the living room. We must have looked like we had seen a ghost because Johnson’s eyes widened at the sight of us.
“Woah, you guys okay?” he asked.
“Huh? Yeah man, all good” I reassure him.
“So what are the plans for tonight?” Sam said rubbing his hands together.
“Well there’s a party being thrown at one of the houses down the beach” Swazz said. “I got a text from one of the guys I used to shoot hoops with. We could go check that out” he continued.
“Hell yeah I’m down for a party” Cam said, with Nash nodding in agreement.
I wasn’t too sure if a party was really a good idea, but I wasn’t going to be the one guy that stopped the others. Besides, if y/n’s going, I am too.
Later that night…
I knocked softly on y/n’s door until I heard a faint “come in” on the other side. She was sitting at the vanity spritzing some perfume on her neck.
“Wow you look great” I said. She smiled widely at me.
“Thanks Skate.”
“You ready to go? The guys are all downstairs” I say.
“Yeah, let’s hit this” she said grabbing my arm.
We all made the walk down the beach towards the house Swazz said the party was at. He slid open the back door and we all entered, making our way around the people dancing.
“Hey man!” Swazz called out to a guy I vaguely recognized. They shook hands and exchanged a few words before he returned to us.
“Alright lady & gents, we’re good to go” he said. We all split up pretty much. Dillon, Cam, and Nash headed towards the bar, while Kenny, Johnson and Gilinsky chatted up some girls. The rest of us moved to the dance floor. I was never much of a dancer, but being with y/n changed that. She was so carefree, and a bit of that attitude has definitely rubbed off on me. We started twirling and moving to the music, with Sam dancing with a girl next to us. The song ended and the DJ was transitioning to another genre.
“I’m gonna get us some drinks!” y/n said before disappearing into the mixture of people. I was waiting for her to return, making small talk with some party goer next to me.
“Nate?! Nate Maloley! Is that you?” I heard a shrill voice call out. I spun around to see my ex-girlfriend Jessica sauntering towards me, her friends in close pursuit behind her. My eyes shot open, please not now. I was always sort of ashamed of dating Jessica, she wasn’t exactly a nice person. She was meant to be a rebound but it turned into a full blown relationship, and it was a tumultuous one at that.
She stalked closer, wearing five inch heels. I could smell vodka on her breath as she sloppily wrapped her arms around my neck, trying to hug me.
“What are you doing here?” I whisper harshly. It seemed like she had followed me everywhere I went since I broke things off with her. She could never fully accept the fact that I dumped her.
“Now, now. Is that the greeting that you give the love of your life?” she said before pressing her lips against mine. I heard the sound of glass shattering which caused my eyes to fly open. There stood y/n, staring us down. She looked angry. I could see her nostrils flare slightly, before she spun on her heel and stormed off.
“Get the fuck off me” I say peeling Jessica’s claws off of me. “Y/n! Wait up! Stop!” I shout weaving through people. “Get the fuck out of my way” I said pushing some drunk frat boys out of my path. She wasn’t stopping, even though I knew she heard my calls. I lost her in the crowd, due to the party becoming packed.
“FUCK!” I shout as loud as I can.
Y/n’s POV
I was fuming mad at what I had just seen. My emotions got the better of me, and instinctively took over. It didn’t take me long to figure out that the bleached-blonde girl clawing at Nate was his ex, Jessica. I knew who she was, but Nate was always guarded when it came to talking about her. None of us ever really pushed the subject. We moved on, figuring something deep must have happened between the two of them. To tell the truth, I didn’t even know why I was reacting this way. It’s not like Nate and I were a couple, and I caught him cheating. But it felt that way.
I knew this arrangement between him and I would come back and bite me in the ass. Friends are not meant to enter this territory, it completely complicates everything. These were the feelings that I wanted to avoid-hurt, jealousy. Nate called after me, probably wanting to explain himself, but he didn’t have to. I needed to take a breather, get away from him. My judgement was becoming clouded when I was around him, but I was beginning to see things crystal clear.
Nate and I weren’t an item. Probably never will be, so my time was best spent elsewhere. I made my way to where I saw a couple of the guys chilling in the corner. They were drinking, chatting up girls, and generally having a good time.
“What’s wrong?” Johnson’s face fell as soon as he saw me.
“Nate and Jessica” I answer, not needing any further explanation.
“Woah, what?!” J said. He knew as well as I did that Jessica was a touchy subject for Nate.
“Y/n! There you are. Why did you run from me?” Nate said interrupting our conversation. I just rolled my eyes and turned back to Johnson.
“Not now Nate” I answer tersely.
“You need to let me explain, I-”
“You what Nate? You don’t owe me an explanation. In fact, you don’t owe me shit” I say, catching Nate off guard.
“I got the message loud and clear. You don’t want me. I was just a quick fuck” I spat out hatefully. His eyes flashed with pain. I was making a scene, our friends gathering closely around us. Their eyes were wide at my admission of Nate and I’s tryst.
“I know when I’m not wanted, so I’ll go where I am—with Gilinsky. He loves me” I say for all to hear.
Everyone gasped, shocked at my words. But none more so than Jack Gilinsky. I could see him spit out the beer he was sipping, slightly choking at the sound of my words. The girl next to him looked pissed that she had wasted her time coming on to him.
“I WHAT?” he exclaims.
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The Misfits Chapter 3: Niko Part 1
A Few Years Ago
A young boy is walking home from school, after another gruelling day of negativity from his peers. He always felt like he were when his brother, Serpent, his mother, his Uncle Dipper being there to protect him: it’s why he didn’t feel comfortable when he had to go get stuff for mom when she wasn’t around. He was looking at a shopping list that his mom gave him.
“Let’s see, eggs, bacon, a carton of milk, chocolate bars, and bread,” he said.
“AaaaHHhhhhnnghh!” He heard a scream.
“What the heck!” he thought.
He dash and follow the sound of the scream, he see the stairs heading to what appear to be an abandoned subway station. It was covered in dust, mud, and musk because it hasn’t been running ages ago. Yet life still occurred, vines growing on the walls, cockroaches, and rats hiding, and a voice of pain can be heard. He followed it until he sees a little girl with cyan hair lying there and crying in pain. The boy quickly dash toward her. He gets close and sees her hands covered in deep scratches, her right ankle having a gash._
_ “Are you okay?” he asks, hoping to get an answer only to hear the little girl crying.
The boy doesn’t know what to do, he gives her his hand and the girl grabs his hand and stands up, pulling out wet wipes. As he’s wiping her face he takes in her features: she’s younger than him due to her size, her skin was brown, she was wearing a purple skirt with a black stripe going horizontally in the middle. She looks like she’s been here for weeks and hasn’t been fed for some time.When he was wiping her face, his eyes are filled with shock. The girl’s face is covered in blood but the red and blue veins did not obscure because they were glowing and her eyes are a mixture of creepy purple and green.
“What’s your name?” he said. The girl tries to think, but all she can do is groan in pain from thinking too much. The boy calms her down my stroking her hair.
A 15 year old girl is sleeping until…..
**Beep-Beep-Beep!!! **
An annoying sound of her alarm clock wakes her up. After hitting  the snooze button with her red tail, she crawls out under her bed and yawn. She uses one of her hands to push her bang to look at the time. 6:00 AM. Her brother must have set the time for her. Her room is is filled with stuffed animals on the floor and crayons and papers scatter there as well. Photos of precious memories  (her 8th birthday, Christmas with her big brother and her mom, and her big brother’s 13th birthday) on the purple walls. She look at the note she saw on her front door. Her brother must have write it. Niko grab the paper and swallow it in her whole mouth. She give a big smile.
“Today is DA day!”
She cheer, then she tripped herself on the floor.
Niko went to the bathroom to brush her teeth with a purple toothbrush that have her name on it. She look at the mirror and sees her reflection: She has reddish-brown skin, cyan and white colored hair style in a bob with bangs covering her eyes, a red dinosaur-like tail. Niko touch her head to see if she have her horns. To her relief, her horns are not here, because she fear people might call her a freak. She look at her hands. Sometime her hands are claws and sometime human hands. She gasp and saw her claws, she started to panic, she took a deep breath and concentrate on reversing her claws back to hands. And she did it.
_It is still you. _
Niko grab the clothes she is going to wear for school in her drawer and head straight to check if her mom is there. Niko see her mom, a redhead, getting ready to go to work by dressing herself up in a lumberjack attire and donning her axe.
“Mom, is Ethan awake?” Niko asked.
Wendy look at her. “Hmm? I’m not sure, Niko. Can you wake your brother up? I am heading out. Be back at 5. I’m going to stay at work a little late, so make sure you tell Ethan to make dinner tonight, okay?”
She makes sure Niko remember by writing it down on paper and giving it to her.
“Okay mom.”, she answers, putting on her headband. It is blue with a pink heart on it. She is dressed in a purple shirt, white pant, and pink-purple boots. The problem was it that she put her purple shirt backwards. Niko didn’t notice this but her mom did. Smiling, Wendy helps her shirt on right.
“Niko, you gotta pay attention when you put your shirt on.” Wendy playfully chides.
“Sorry.” Niko apologizes, looking down in shame. Wendy bought her into a hug, cheering up, she knows her daughter had low self-esteem issues.
“It’s alright, sweetie”, she soothes, giving her daughter a kiss on the head.
“Make sure you tell Ethan what I said, Niko!” she shouts as she leaves out the door.
“Okay, mom.” Niko responds, eating the paper in order to remember what to tell her brother.
She opened her door and she is in a room, her brother’s. The room is covered in Fall Out Boy posters and movie posters of his favorite genres, sci-fi, crime noir, and horror taped on the wall. He also has piles of DVD on the shelf. Right as she was getting near his bed, she stepped on one of his DVD’s. She picked up;  it read “No Country for Old Men” and she put it in the DVD shelf. She gets near the bed and sees her brother still sleeping, snoring like an old man. She walk toward him, stare at him for a moment.
“Brother get up, it is 7:30,” She whispers, but he doesn’t budge as he still snores.
She tries to wake him up again by pushing him, but it yields the same results. She puffs her cheeks realizing it’s become pointless to Ethan up. She tries to wake up Serpent.       
“Serpent.”, Niko whispered, nothing happened. “Serpent!!”, she whispered and slowly, a dark blue ooze started to seep out of Ethan’s back. Serpent woke up.
“What is it, Niko?”, he grumbled, his eyespots blinking slowly.
“Can you wake Ethan up? It’s time to go to school.”
“.....Ethan is going to be late, sis. I’m pretty sure you don’t know, but he had a night terror last night. He’s going through a lot of emotions right now and I think it would be better if you let him sleep.”, Serpent explains.
“I love you two. I hope you guys get the chance to become heroes.” she thought.
 Niko was reading a book and heard the sound of the door open. 
 “Ethan?” She called. 
She teleport and sees Ethan. She ran over and give him a hug, which oddly enough he didn’t return. 
“Did you make a big impression to the Vanguard League?”, she asks her brother in joy. 
But instead of seeing him in confidence, all she saw is depression, pain, and, especially, anger. He doesn’t say it, but she knows. She knows something horrible happened to Ethan. 
 “Ethan, what happen?”, she asks, worried for her brother. Ethan doesn’t move, he doesn’t speak for the first couple of minutes. He has his face down, so Niko can’t tell what he is feeling. He pulls a paper out of his back pocket and unfolds it. On top of the paper, it says on the top: 
 “I….I didn't make it,” he chokes. Tears are dripping down his face as he continues. 
“I didn’t understand why, but now....n-now, I do”. After that, he walks into his room and shuts the door.  Niko tilted her head in confusion, but saddened by the news.
 “I am so sorry,” she said, feeling sympathetic about how crushed her brother is..
On the Bus
As Niko got on the bus. She put her backpack on her seat and check the inside of her backpack to see if she have everything. Instead of unzipping her backpack she use her X-ray vision.  Inside her purple backpack. Math Homeworks in her Math Textbook (with help from Andrew Cunningham), her completed Biology Worksheet (with the help from Ethan) inside her Biology textbook, her lunch bag, overdue library book, a bunny pencil case, and agenda.
The bus start to move. Niko check her phone she got out of her pocket and see a text message from Ethan. 
 Ethan: Niko, why didn't you wake me up!
 Niko: 😟. I did, but Serpent said you have been emotionally stress. 
 Ethan: I am going to be late. 
 Niko: Ethan wait-
 *Ethan left the conversion*
 “Darn it,” she curses. 
Just then, the bus stop, Niko look at the window and see a girl outside sitting on a bench. Niko examine her: She have brown skin like her, and depending on her height, she is possibly a year younger than her. She have eye are yellow like a sunflower petal. Her red hair is in pigtails. Her attire are a salmon pink sailor uniform top with a sky blue ribbon, short salmon pink skirt and thigh-high heeled white boots. She is wearing goggle probably because it is sunny outside. As she get on the bus, she remove her goggle. Niko grab her backpack, put it on her shoulder and slide down in hoping that she can sit down with her. Hoping that Niko can make a friend.
“Excuse me, do you want to sit down with me?” Said Niko. The young girl look at her and thought for a moment. “Okay,”
“I am Mari Salazar, what is your name?” Said the red pigtail girl,
 “Niko Corduroy,” Niko reply. 
“I am fifteen years old, I am a raised in Townville and live with my mom and big brother, Ethan. I loves to draws and drink milk,” 
 Mari giggle, she never see anyone one so energetic. Niko tilted her head in confusion. She wonder if she said something funny so she ask. 
 “What is so funny?” she ask.
“Oh nothing, for the first time in my first week in residing in Townsville, I never see anyone too excited.” She explains. “People will be scare of me or surprise and try to be on my good side if I mention about my father.” she explain.
Niko bow her head. She shouldn't have said too much, how ever she start to talk again.
“Your father?” she ask.
“My father is Rex Salazar and he is one of the greatest heroes of all time, he secret weapon for Providence, a global organization dedicated to protecting the world from rampaging EVOs. EVO stands for Exponentially Variegated Organism. They are organism that has had its intracellular-nanites activated.
Niko smile because she never knew that Mari is a child of a hero. She wonder if she can introduce Ethan to her. Maybe he can be friends with her too. 
 “So why did move to Townsville?” she said.
 Mari blush a little. “Oh it is kind of personal but, I want to join The Vanguard League, so I can be a hero just like my dad, and one day work for Providence. However, I am not good at fighting, but I will try.” she answer.
 “The Vanguard League,” Niko thought.
 Niko remember the day, five months ago when Ethan is miserable because of his rejection from the Vanguard League. To make it worse, his friend, a member of The Vanguard League, Rénee wrote a letter to him that he can not join because of how dangerous Serpent was (even though to her, Serpent is a sweet and thoughtful person with an attitude) and also, the crimes that Ethan’s father did. She never met him and Ethan, her mom, and Uncle Dipper never talked to her about it. They might be the reason why he have night terrors last night and going through a lot of emotions right now. Niko tighten her fists.
“Don’t get your hopes up,” she said to Mari. “Even if they are nice and accept many super-powered teenage heroes, they will shatter your hope, one way or another through a background check or one simple mistake.”
Mari looks at her, she looked angry at the moment. She wants to know but she believes it’s best not ask. Mari thinks about the Vanguard League and then her family. She thinks of the black sheep that is all alone in the shadow of the sunshine, her family and their legacy. 
Lunch Break 
 As she return her library book and quickly ate her lunch, Niko head to the cafeteria, she hope that Mari is here eating her lunch. Niko starts thinking of conversations for another interaction with her when all of a sudden she accidently bump into someone. She realize it is Cayenne. Niko gulp in fear. She heard about Cayenne from her brother. Ethan doesn’t like Cayenne at all because of the constant insults she sends his way. 
“Hey! Watch where you are going!” she said. 
 “I am sorry,” she whispers.
Cayenne glare at Niko eye-to-eye, but Niko's bang hide her eyes.
“Why your bangs covering your eyes, you look like a mop. Can't you get a haircut? Or at least put your bang up?”
“No.” Niko whimper.
Cayenne lift her eyebrow for a moment. Did that student said no to her. 
 “What did you say?” Cayenne demand. 
 “I said no.” Niko answer quietly. 
 “No!” Niko yell. 
 Feeling annoyed, Cayenne raise her hand that is close to Niko. “If you are not going to let me see your eyes, let me do it for you,” “
Are you… touching me?” she said in fear. 
 As Cayenne lift her bang up to get a glimpse of her eyes without answering her question, Niko start to scream. 
 The students stop what they are doing to see what happen. Cayenne back off and glare at Niko as she kneel on the floor shivering.
 “Do not touch me,” Niko said. “Why is this happening to me.” 
“Fine, whatever weirdo.” she call her as she walk away.  She start to mumbling words at Niko: “The only one you should blame for the situation you are in is yourself.” 
 Niko start to cry, she should have listen to her brother, but her meeting with her is unintentionally. Just then a she heard a male voice in a Irish accent. 
 “You are alright?” said the boy. Niko turn around and see Ryan, the emo and lone wolf of Townsville High. 
She blush slightly. She cannot believe it got worse, her crush is talking to her. Instead of Ryan lending Niko a hand he just stand there and lend against a wall. He brush his rusted red hair that falls over his right eye with his hand. 
 “I am not,” she said honestly. “Cayenne touched me.”
Ryan didn't show any sympathy and instead he coldly said to her: “Whatever, like I give a damn.” He said. 
 “But why did you ask that I am okay?” Niko ask in confusion. 
 “Why do you care!?” Ryan snapped.
 “Sorry.” said Niko and then look at the floor.
 Just then a strawberry blond haired girl wearing a bell-shaped blue dress shirt with a pink flower in the center appear and recording a video on her phone.
 “Story Time, it was clear that a romance was blossoming between them,” Ryan and Niko turn and see Vivian, still recording the cellphone.
 “Vivian! Cut that crap, we are not in love!” said Ryan angrily. “
Aw can't you at least give her a kiss?” Vivian tease.
“Why don't you confess your love to Cayenne as soon as I break your phone?” Ryan said as a threat and a tease. He put in fists together to show her his rage.
As a moment of silent occurs, Vivian start to run.
 “Get back here!” Ryan yell as he chase after her. 
 Niko’s cheek turn red as she is blushing when she heard the word, kiss. Just then Tamara Thunder come and see Niko lying on the floor. 
 “Niko, why are you on the floor?” she ask. Niko stand up and wipe her clothes. She look at Tamara and sadden. 
“I’m sorry, Tamara. I just had a moment.”, she said in a mixture of sadness and self-loathe. Tamara looks at her and gives her a consoling frown. 
 “Hey, how ‘bout your big sis take you to class?, she grins. Niko gives her a returning smile. 
“Thank you.”, she acknowledges. With the two girls walk to Niko’s classroom. When it comes to Ethan’s friends, Andrew and Tamara, they were basically Niko’s older siblings. Whether it was Andrew teaching her a little bit of martial arts or Tamara explaining to her how to be stand up for herself, she appreciates them. As Tamara take Niko to third period class she wave a goodbye.
Final Period: Biology
Niko sit on a black desk. She see a girl in front of her. She have wavy black hair, brown skin, and almond shaped black eyes. She is wearing a blue t-shirt and ankle-length jeans and shoes that are not fancy or athletic. She saw her reading a Biology Textbook. Niko look at her eraser labelled the name, Lauren Lee. Niko thought for a moment. Suddenly, her teacher come.
“Good Afternoon, class I hope you put your Biology worksheet on my desk,”
 Niko's eyes are widen, she quickly open up her textbook, and found her worksheet and hand it over to her teacher. Then, she sit down.
 “Thanks you, Niko. Where was I? Oh yes, we are going to start out anatomy unit. Let's start by dissecting fetal pigs. Everyone please find a partner to work with.” 
 As everyone gotten a partner, Niko just sit there and all alone hoping that someone will ask her. But sadly she did not, then her teacher glance at her with concern. Then she saw Lauren who is looking for anyone who don't have a partner also. Lauren has just been transferred to highschool level biology because of how outstanding her grades are in science that her classmates barely treated her equally, while Niko who need to have determination if she get the chance to graduate. So the teacher got a idea.
“Lauren is it okay for you to be with Niko?”
 Lauren Lee stare at Niko. Niko wave shyly and give a big smile in hope to show her that she is harmless. Lauren thought for a moment she look at anyone who haven't have a partner and then look at her the teacher. She sighed, feeling in defeat. 
 “Okay,” As the teacher left. 
Lauren tell Niko: “Since we are partners, you have to do exactly on what I am telling you.” 
 Niko sit down and watch as Lauren holding a sterile knife and cut sound the umbilical cord and in a “U” shape. Then, she cut the ribs and sternum with a bone cutters. She open up the chest cavity and look at it. Lauren ask her Niko to come to her. As Niko stand up to  go be with her. She could smell the fresh smell of a preserved dead piglet. She see the inside of the pig's organs. It look messy. Is this what butcher do. “Niko see this membrane,” said Lauren as she point at the thin membrane around the heart. 
“This membrane protect the heart. Write that down on your assignment sheet.” Niko obey her instruction and write it down. She keep standing there as Lauren continue to dissect the pig. Niko look at the clock and sighed. She never thought it would be boring. All she does is sit down while Lauren get the fetal pig, set up the dissection, and command Niko to write her notes.
 “Lauren can I-” 
 “No.” Lauren interrupts.
Niko puff her cheeks, this is boring. But that give her an idea. As Lauren make a longitudinal cut through the throat toward the mouth, she try to remove the skin under the chin without cutting it too deep. She almost got it until Niko poke one of her shoulders. She turns around.
 “Hey Lauren, look at me. Hee hee hee.” said Niko as she put two test tubes up her nostrils.
 Lauren stop what she is doing and see Niko fooling around. 
 “Niko! Put them out of your nose, are you trying to make a fool of yourself and slack off?” she snapped. Niko shun for a moment. She put them out of her nose and apologize.
“I am sorry, it is just that I want to help you, but I am bored. You are doing the work while I have to sit down and copy your sheet in my own words. That is not teamwork.” Niko explain and then puff her cheeks, to show her partner how unfair she is and bored. 
 Lauren glare at her.
“That is because I am very focus on getting good grades, unlike some people,” she said coldly.
 “I am not doing this for my parents, I am doing this for myself.” Niko glance at her.
 “Are you saying I am dumb?” she ask.
 “No, but you are slacking off.” Niko took a deep breath, she know that arguing isn't the answer, she need to act tough, just like her “sister”, Tamara taught her. 
"Okay, then and whose fault is it for me to slack off? It is the leader, and do you know who is the leader? YOU!”
 Lauren start to open her mouth, but then close it. She never see Niko so serious. She often see her drawing in class instead of listening to the lectures.
 “If you want to have a good grade on this assignment and I want to do something, tell me not to sit around and have me do something!” 
 Lauren look at her even though her bang is covering her eyes. Lauren can not tell if she is serious or not, but her posture and the tone prove that she is seriously. Plus, she is telling the truth, she have been doing the work for herself and Niko, which means:
“Fine,” Lauren said as she give the knife to Niko. “You will dissect the fetal pig, and do not worry, I will guide.” Niko smile, it work.
 “Thank you Tamara.” 
3:00 PM, outside of school:
 Niko wait for her brother to meet her so they can walk to school together. She wait, and wait, and wait until she feel like he is not coming. She grab her cell phone and send a text message to Ethan. 
 Me: Ethan where are you? I am waiting outside of school 😢.
Ethan: Niko I can not walk home with you. I am busy. Please take the bus.
 Me: Okay. Thank You. Oh I almost forgot. Mom is going to be back at 5 PM. So you have to make dinner. 
 Ethan: Niko, you should have texted me in the morning? Why didn't you say anything? Niko: Sorry I forgot. Ethan: Ok. What do you want for dinner? 
 Me: 🌮 
 Ethan: Fine. 
 Me: I love You! 
 Ethan: Love you too. 
 Niko smile at the text and hug her cellphone with all her heart, she is lucky to have a big brother like him. 
 She saw Mari on the bus stop, but she is not alone, she is with a young man. She could not tell what the young man look like because of her bangs. Niko decide to take a closer look. Without hesitation, she start to walk to the bus stop. To her surprise, suddenly out of nowhere, an object covered in dark energy hit her face. She is knocked out for half an hour and wakes up, rubbing her face and feeling her forehead. There was a knot where she got hit and just when her eyes started to water, the bus showed up. She walked in, waiting for the bus to take her home. She couldn't understand, why was she hated. 
 However, she is not alone two people are in the same bus as her and they are sitting behind her, a  young woman standing 5’ 10'’ have short magenta hair with an undercut, light green sclera and purple irises. She wear a shoulder black shirt tucked in loose light purple shorts and black combat boots. She also wear her golden choker sealed with a dark pink jewel, and two ear piercings, a golden hoop and dark pink stud to match. And next her is possibly her half brother, standing 5'2” whose have pointy ears, green eyes. His hair is spiky and "greenish-blue" in color and he has an average complexion. His signature attire is a red hoodie, blue jeans, red high-top converse shoes, and fingerless gloves. His jeans is held together by a dark gray belt, and a buckle with his initials. 
 The young woman smack him in the head feeling piss for what he did. 
 “Nice going Edward,” she said. “You just made her cry. We're supposed to heroes undercover  and what did we do, knock out a girl.” she whisper as she look at Niko rubbing her eyes to stop tears from flowing in her eyes. She feels bad for what happen. The young man, Edward rub his head and look at her.
 “Relax, Sarina, we must not let Mari blow her cover,” said Edward. “This is our chance to infiltrate Claymore, a thief wanted for stealing in five countries, Jump City and now Townsville that the Young Blood Alliance recruited.”
 “She does not look dangerous!” Sarina exclaim to him as if she care more about the girl than the mission that Kingsley assigns them. “Plus, what if she just came to see Mari as a friend?” 
 Edward crossed his arm and glare at her. “Don't judge a book by it cover, she may look innocent, but I sense something dark within her. And you do too,” said Edward being serious about the mission.
 Edward Logan also known as The Changer, and Sarina Roth, children of  member of The Teen Titans, Beast Boy, Raven, and Starfire. They are affiliates of The Vanguard League recommended by Danielle Stone. They are task on a watching over Mari, a Vanguard Leaguard member-in-training  in hope she can complete her mission to find and capture the thief who is a human EVO. If this succeed, they will become official member of the Vanguard League.
 Edward Logan’s powers are different from his parents, Beast Boy and Raven. He may have telekinesis, but he have matter manipulation and thought projection. He know the basic moves of Martial Arts. 
 While his half sister, Sarina Roth inherit both her mom, Starfire and Raven's powers, Starbolts and Starwaves, Lazer eyes, Super Strength and flight is what she is most familiar with. She is attempting to learn Raven’s powers with slow progress. She is also very smart and uses this to analyze and critique problems and give solution to help people. 
 Sarina glance at Niko again, he might be right, but her psionic ability, empathy is eating her alive. She never seen anyone feeling self-loathing and facing hatred. This make Sarina feel like she want to explode. 
 “She’s just like me,” Sarina thought. “Being good without any benefits, and her still feeling like an outsider in the City of Townsville.” Sarina take a deep breath and let the air filled in her nostrils so that she won't let her powers unleash by her emotions. 
 Sarina look at the POW Card that Rénee, Vanguard League's Secretary of Knowledge gave to her. (Ever since Ken and Eiffel integrating Pow Card tech into the databases. It become very useful for them): 
 Name: Claymore Salazar
 Level: - 7 
 Species: Human EVO
 Alignment: Villain
 Powers: the creation of dimensional portals that can connect any two places, and possibly the past and future. 
Description:  He is a government project between the old hero, Rex Salazar and Breach, an unstable human EVO. He was suppose to be the next gen weapon for the Providence until his mom escaped from the government facility. After, being rejected from his father, he lives a life of thievery by using his power. 
 “We need to find him immediately, who know what have he been doing?” 
 At home:
Niko walks back into the apartment complex, reaching the 3rd floor and heads to door number 310, unlocking it with her key. She closes the door, locking it in the process; she goes to the kitchen and finds an ice pack  in the freezer and put it on her face. She plan to go to her room and try to find something to cover up her face so that her brother won't know, but then came trouble. As she heads to the living room, she sees her brother sitting on the couch. He turns his head, giving her an expression of worry. 
 “Niko, where were you?” Ethan said as if he have not see her for months. “It’s 4:45, mom and I have been worry about you, I wanted to search for you, but mom said to stay here in hope that you come home.” 
 “I was waiting for the bus,” Niko frown, sitting on the couch with him. Ethan look at her and saw Niko having an ice pack on her face. Ethan quickly push the ice pack away from her hand and to his eyes he saw a knot where she got hit. 
 “Who did this to you?” Ethan said as he put both of his arms around her shoulders, his face far from pleased.
 “I don't know,” she answer. 
 “What do you mean,” he said as he raise his voice. 
 “I..Ii.. I was walking to the bus stop to wait for the bus and I saw Mari. She was talking to someone and suddenly out of nowhere, an object covered in dark energy hitted my face.” She explain. 
 Ethan let out an inhumanly growl, what kind of person used their super powers to hurt innocent people, especially his sister? He didn't know who “Mari” is maybe she must be behind this.
 “Who is Mari?” Ethan ask another question. 
 “She is a friend I made today.” She said shyly. 
 At first Ethan is joy that Niko made a friend because she mostly go and eat her lunch alone and go to the library to read books or hang out with him and his friends, now she is growing up. But he need to know more about Mari.
 “What is her last name?” he ask the fourth question. “Salazar, why?” she answer the fourth time. 
 “I am just interesting because what if she did this.” He said. 
 Niko's eyes are widen, Mari would never do that. Niko met her in the morning and she was nice. Is her brother going to tell her to avoid her? 
 “I do not think so, she was talking to someone else, a young man. Probably her new friend from school or a brother when I went on to the bus stop.” She expresses in hesitance. 
 Ethan pause for a moment. Niko bows her head and give a sigh. 
 “I am sorry for making you have a heart attack….” She said. “I know you have been emotionally stress recently because of a night terrors, school, and- It won't happen again. I promise,” 
 Then, Niko rub her left arm with her right hand feeling less confident on her promise because she feel like she will break her promise, so she said her final sentences. 
 “I hope because I might forget one day…..”
 Ethan sadly smile and ruffled her hair. 
 “Don’t worry, sis. I’ll make sure you won’t.” 
Lauren Lee and Edward Logan belong to @shorty-tori
Ethan Corduroy, Andrew Cunningham, and Tamara Thunder belong @ej-cappy-universe
Sarina Roth belong @aj-thegreatest
Violet, Mari, and Claymore @hotsassbacon
Ryan, Vivian, Cayenne, and Rénee @princesscallyie
Niko Corduroy and Munchausen Young belong to me
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breakfastatwonhos · 7 years
Say Wow
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→ Pairing(s): Young K (Younghyun) x Reader → Genre(s): Smut, Game Night Fluff  → Words:  1,488  → Warning(s): Smut, Rough sex, cursing  → Summary: It’s game night at your household and things go way better than expected. 
“I am so ready for game night tonight!” You said as you set out more snacks and straightened up the living room a bit more. After a long week of working, this was exactly the sweet release you needed. Well you would have preferred the other form of sweet release but Younghyun was so busy in the studio, all he did was sleep when he came over. Younghyun was in the kitchen making sure everyone got here in one piece since apparently your house was hard to find.
Finally everyone had arrived and you were about to begin. Gathering the game box and placing it on the table you beam, “Okay! Let’s sit down and begin! Tonight we are playing Cards Against Humanity!”
“What’s that about??” Christian said as he stuffed more chips into his mouth.
“Basically, you ask the question on the black card and everyone picks an answer from the white card. The winning answer starts the next round.” Younghyun explained while he sat down next to you at the table.
“Right. So we will play to 10. Loser has to buy us dinner next outing!” Jooyoung stated.
The game was progressing rather well with the answers getting funnier and more fucked up until Younghyun slyly placed his hand on your thigh. You didn’t think anything of it until he began moving it up and down your leg slowly. You shot him a look but he didn’t even flinch, he continued talking like nothing was going on. Okay. Two can play that game. When it was his turn to judge, you placed your hand under his shirt and began to scratch his back. Knowing that was his thing, you took pleasure at seeing him trying to keep his composure.
As he finally made his decision, you smirked and removed your hand from his back and took several sips from your drink. “Are there anymore nachos left??” Ariana asked shuffling the cards and handing them out to everyone still left at the table. Namjoon had 9 points and the way his brain was set up, it was pretty certain that this was the last round. “Yeah, let me get them out the pantry.” You stood up and cleaned up some of the empty plates around the table before you went to the kitchen.
While you were searching for the last bag of nachos Younghyun snuck up behind you and pulled your hips into him.
“Stop. I’m trying to find the nachos.”
“I know what you are doing,” he whispered gravelly in your ear. “You better stop it or you are going to regret it.”
You smirked and pulled the bag of nachos from the shelf, “Why, whatever do you mean??” He slid one of his hands into your jeans and rubbed his fingers over your slit slowly, “Watch it.” He removed his hand and licked his fingers, walking out of the kitchen.
Going back to the living room with a full bowl of nachos, you saw people standing up and putting their shoes on, “Hey what happened?? I was gone for 5 minutes!”
“Namjoon won. His answer to the question ‘Hey baby, come back to my place and I’ll show you___’ was ‘A Powerpoint presentation.’”
You started to laugh, “Figures.”
“This was fun! Let’s do it again sometime. Glad you could make an appearance Younghyun!” Christian said as he walked out of the door. “Yeah, thanks for coming bro. Later.” Younghyun said as he closed the door and locked it. “I really am glad you could make it.” You repeated as you began picking up bits of trash and putting chairs and pillows back. “Yeah. I don’t disappoint.” Younghyun said walking into the kitchen and pouring him something to drink.
“You sure about that??”
“What is that supposed to mean??”
“You’ve just been working so much lately and I have been missing you is all.”
“Come here then.” He said motioning you to where he was in the kitchen.
“Pass. I’ve got to clean up. Besides, it’s not like anything’s going to happen.” You picked up some blankets and made your way to the bedroom. He followed you into the bedroom and hugged you from behind, “I thought about you all day baby.”
“Did you now??” You rolled your eyes as you continued folding the blankets.
“Yeah…Let me show you how much I missed you.”
In one switch movement, Younghyun threw the blanket from your hand, pushed you against the wall and moved his hands towards your thighs picking them up for easier access. As he gripped you around his waist, his mouth found your collarbone and began roughly kissing and biting as you threw your head back, biting back a moan.
“Sorry to keep you waiting babygirl...” He growled, pulling you closer to him and grinding his dick against your cherry blossom making you wetter. You ran your fingers through his hair and pulled his head back, sucking on his neck and leaving passion marks. Feeling a sense of weakness his legs got weak and he lost his grip a little but quickly recovered by throwing you on the bed.
With determination, he pulled off his shirt and smirked, “Take off my pants and make me ready to dive inside.” You bit your lip and moaned a little, “Is that an order??” He licked his lips, “Do it or i’ll make sure you can’t walk the next morning.” Turning you on even more, you pulled him to you and unbuckled his pants with ease. Pushing down his boxers, you took his dick into your hands and began stroking it. His head went back and he began softly moaning and muttering, “Shit! Ah! Fuck… Faster… Just like that, babygirl.” You realized that you hadn’t had a taste yet so you put your mouth around his girth and began sucking.
“Whoa, whoa!” he said coming to his senses, “I said get me ready. Not finish me off.” You winked and pulled off him. He shook his head and dramatically huffed, “That’s going to cost you, baby.” Younghyun removed your hands and motioned for you to scoot on the bed. Before you had time to think about what he said, he flipped you over and pulled off your pants, “Nothing underneath?? Naughty girl.” Grabbing your hips, he thrust himself inside of you, instantly making you moan out in pleasure. You thought his roughness would be painful as fuck but all you could feel was the sensation of him being inside of you. Him clawing at your sides like he couldn’t get enough of you, him thrusting inside of you roughly knowing that your insides were being destroyed, it all just made you want to fuck him even more.
The sounds of bronzed and tanned flesh slapping together along with sensual, breathy moans were all that resonated in the air. Younghyun never let up, he kept ramming himself into you making it harder and harder for you to control the sounds that came out of your mouth. Arms too weak to reach back and grab him, you gripped the sheets tightly. Once he felt your legs begin to quiver, he put one hand on your back and pushed your face down into the mattress, “Don’t you fucking cum yet. I’m not done.” Barely able to breathe, you nodded enjoying the fact that he was being so rough and callous with you. You tried to think of other things to make your orgasm stop, but nothing worked, you hoped he would cum soon.
Your moans became whimpers and small moans, “Younghyun...I’m going to cum…”
Still inside of you, he used the last of his strength to pick you up and push you against the wall. Your legs were wrapped around him as he continued to bounce you up and down on dick with fervor. Nails digging into his back, both of your lips mashed together in a heap of sweat and passion. You could tell he was about to cum because his grunts got louder and louder. It was your time to cum at last, you could feel your entire body tingle and shiver as you came together with your boyfriend of 2 years. His thrusts became slower as he came inside you, still riding that orgasm wave. Repositioning you both on the floor, you laid down on his chest and felt his heartbeat still racing.
His hand went to playing with your hair, “If this is what happens every time I’m away, I should leave more often.”
“Don’t you dare.”
He kissed your forehead and remarked about how much he missed being inside of you and that he would buy you sunflowers to make up for any bruising he left behind.
“Mhmm…” You said half asleep.
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yeosangs-horizon · 7 years
Company (Changkyun x Reader) 
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Genre: Fluff Word Count: 1.8k
The time on my watch said 9:40 PM, almost time to close this damn coffee shop and get on with my night. I looked outside the foggy streets, anticipating anybody that would come in that this time of night. 
The jazz music blasted softly in the depths of the shop as I leaned and rested my hand on my mandible, contemplating thoughts and ideas through my brain. I didn’t even take note when the soft jingle of the bell on the door rang as a tall brown haired man with soft facial features stepped in. I looked up and shook my head as my subconscious thoughts faded away once more.
I gazed up, my eyes meeting his soft mocha pupils as I set off a fake grin, keeping my appearance with the social ‘norm’. “What can I get started up for you?” I asked, doing my regular duties as a barista. “Just one iced caramel macchiato please,” he spoke with his low toned voice throughout the quiet cafe. I nodded as I took the cash that he had for his order. “So what brings you here in this time of night?” I asked, wondering why such a good looking man would be up and about in this time of night and weather. “Oh just wandering about the city, y’know…” he trailed off. “Oh! My name is Changkyun but you can just call me IM for short, it’s my name for my rapping career,” he spoke gleefully. I smirked a bit, making small talk with him. “Well nice to meet you IM, my name would be (Y/N), but for future reference I like Changkyun better,” I answered swiftly as I poured the iced drink into the cup.
I handed the cold drink to him as I leaned back on the counter, waiting for him to leave so I could close the shop. It was one of those days where I had to finish alone because the rest of my coworkers decided that they had family emergencies to tend to. As soon as I looked up, I saw his slim figure leaning in on one of the soft bean bag chairs that we had set up in our lobby. I let out a small sigh and walked to the register to warn him about our closing time, after all, I didn’t want to be stuck at the shop until an hour after I stopped getting paid, a broke college kid like me didn’t have time to be wasting. 
“Changkyun, y’know we close in about 5 minutes right?” I asked with a hint of tired sarcasm in my tone, just to imbibe the knowledge into his mind. “Yeah, I know, but it’s only just be so if you need to tend to your duties of closing I can watch the shop for a bit for you,” he offered, not giving any explanation as to why he would not leave.
“Or you could just leave?” I chimed in, hoping to not sound so rude. “Sorry if I offended you, I just-- really don’t have the time to be attracting more customers in last minute,” I complained as I gazed at him again. His soft brown locks mixed in with his pale skin, he sure was something. “I mean if you insist, I only came here, looking for somebody to talk with, I’m somewhat new to the city,” he confessed. So he was only looking for company… “Don’t you have anybody else to chat with, or did you really move here alone?” I inquired, wondering more about his situation as seconds ticked away.
I wouldn’t mind sacrificing my beautiful sleep to him either. “Yep, I’m all alone, but with my minimal skills that I have I’ve done this quite a few times, with moving to different cities and a couple of countries as well,” he explained while gazing at me. I felt the urge to get closer to him and a spark of sympathy and adoration for Changkyun. I stripped off my apron and went to sit to the spot next to him as he placed his finished drink down. “I really like it in this city as of right now though, the hotel I’m staying at is pretty up to speed with the latest technology I’d say,” he rambled on. 
“W-wait, you’re staying at a hotel? For how long? Isn’t that expensive?” I bombarded him with questions at that point. “It’s honestly for the best, I’m going to be here for half a year so they gave me a pretty good discount, I figured that renting would be too much of a hassle since all these people ever want here is money and a long contract,” he spoke diligently. “And if I haven’t mentioned before, I’m here because of my career as a photographer but an underground rapper, I’m almost known internationally, been at this for 3 years now persay,” he reminisced. I was in awe by his courageousness. “That’s surely a talent right there,” I mumbled, feeling a wave of drowsiness come over me. I felt his arm snake around my shoulders as I sat there.
I glanced up at the clock, 10:20 PM. Well shit, I guess I’m getting little to no sleep tonight. I shot up in a panic as my cheeks flushed pink. “I should probably clean and get ready to go now. I mean, if you’d really like to you could stay until I finish… How far away is your hotel anyway?” I asked as I rushed behind the counter to sweep and tidy up the place. “I walked here which took about 2 hours since I must’ve stumbled off my original path, so I’d say about 4 miles down that way,” he pointed down the dark misty street. I felt a pang in my heart as a smile arose to my face. “If you’d like… you can stay with me, my apartment is just down a couple blocks and I know my neighbourhood is relatively safe since I really don’t want you walking back in this hour,” I offered, with hesitation.
 I felt his eyes land on my being as he answered. “I mean-- if you’re seriously offering then sure, I wouldn’t mind staying with someone as hardworking and gorgeous as you,” he flirted. “Well then, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind rapping for me either, that’s a part of the deal now,” I laughed half jokingly. He shrugged and replied, “If you want me to,”.
As soon as I put back my tools and materials in the right place, I shut all the lights off which startled Changkyun. I gazed back at him as I made my way towards the door. “Ready to go?” I asked as I swung my bag over my left shoulder. He nodded and let out a small yawn whilst trotting to the door frame. “Fuck… I forgot my jacket at home,” I yelped as the piercing cold wind shattered my pores. I then felt the warmth from Changkyun’s arms enveloping around my body. I let out the faintest smile as he pressed his warm cheeks onto mine. “I don’t get cold easily, I don’t mind repaying you in affection either,” he chuckled. I quickly locked the door behind me and shoved the key in the depths of my drawstring bag. 
As I turned towards the main road to my apartment, I felt Changkyun’s arm snake around my torso. I leaned into his warmth as we trudged through the mist back to my apartment. In this moment, I realized that I didn’t want to let go, no, it felt as if I’ve known him for ages. I felt our hands get closer as we grasped each other for warmth and soon our fingers intertwine in a loving gesture. His soft white hoodie gave me warmth as my shuddering hands soon was filled with life again. Hand in hand I led him up the stairs to my apartment door. I fumbled around in my bag until I managed to get ahold of my keys.
I bursted into the living space, feeling the warmth of my apartment seeping into my skin. I practically slammed the door behind me shut as Changkyun fell on the couch, exhausted and also freezing. “So welcome to my small apartment, as a broke college student I can’t offer you much except for my company and some hot water as of right now,” I chuckled. He turned his neck to gaze at me and let out a genuine smile. 
“I don’t mind, your company is just perfect and enough right now.” I turned my head towards my room, the only room in my apartment not to mention. “You can come in y’know, it’s much cozier in here,” I mentioned. Changkyun shuffled into my bedroom, where I had a simple aesthetic pastel layout with a couch draped in a baby blue covering. “You can spend the night there if you’d like,” I offered. He accepted the offer as he laid his entire being on the couch. The way his locks draped over his relaxing face made me smile, he looked so comfortable. He seemed unbelievably exhausted, even after his coffee. I didn’t notice myself running my fingers through his locks and the small smile that seeped through his resting face.
“Whoops,” I whispered to myself but as I went to back away, I felt a strong arm claw me back into his grasp. I had no choice but to lay down next to the man I practically just met. It felt right, as if it was some sort of destiny that I didn’t believe in or something along those lines. I inhaled his sweet scent and rested my head right next to his. The shallow breathing with his warm arms tangled around my torso was enough to drive my beating heart crazy. I sank deeper into his grasp as he fell into REM sleep. I rested my eyes as I felt my body sinking into his cozyness.
I felt the rays of sunshine hit my arm, making my limb warmer than the rest of my body. I almost jolted awake when but calmed my mind down when I remembered the events that occurred the night before. I sank my head into his shoulder once again as Changkyun remained still with a small grin on his face, happy from what had occurred I guessed. I shifted my weight and he started to move. “Morning beautiful, how was your sleep?” he swooned, acting as if he’d done this a million times.
 I shrugged, “Very comfortable I’d say, you?” I inquired while stretching my arms out. “It was sweet, I liked it,” he confessed softly. I felt his hands intertwine with mine again as he gently kissed me on the cheek. “I guess I should go out looking for company more often hmm, not that I will ever again after this experience,” he chuckled. “Well yeah, I’m probably the best there is,” I boasted with sarcasm. I felt his weight shift onto me as we fell on the couch again, laughing as if we were long time friends and lovers. “(Y/N), you’re really something y’know, thanks for the night, now you don’t mind if I stay here for another 6 months right?”
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asongstress1422 · 7 years
spoilers (?) for Star Wars the Last Jedi 
read on AO3
“But, mommy, I’m still hungry.”
Rey looks over her shoulder from where she’s standing in the ration line. It’s late, several clicks after on world sun down. She sees a young harried mother trying to console her two year old child.
“I know, honey. Mommy’s sorry. But we have to wait for tomorrows rations.”
The little face pinched up, eyes flooding with tears.
“Oh, baby.” The mother pulled the child into her arms hugging it tightly as it snuffled pitifully into her shoulder. She rubbed its back soothingly. “Come on, lets go lie down for a while together before mommy’s shift. Would you like that?”
The blond head nodded. 
“Okay, baby, lets go.” Thin arms scoop up the child. For a moment Rey doesn't think the woman will have the strength to rise to her feet but she does, bearing her and her child away where they can hole up and pretend everything is okay for a minute longer. 
Rey turns forward, the bulbous humanoid slapping the standard two ration packets in her hand. She nods her thanks stepping out of line for the next person. 
She quickly slips out of the cantina ignoring the tightness in her gut. 
‘What are you doing,’ the voice in her head growles.
Her steps faulted at the abruptness of him just being there. She shook her head, subconsciously hoping that would dislodge him from her mind. 
‘That hasn’t worked before. I thought you’d be smarter then trying the same failing methods again.’
 “Get out of here, Kylo,” she hisses under her breath looking down the length of both deserted hallways. Where did those two go? “I don’t have time for you today.”
The main sleeping quarters where to the right but something told her to go left, so she did.
‘Please don’t tell me you are going to give those rebel leaches your rations.’
She ignored him, trying to not bringing up the layout of the base in her mind, just in case he would be able to catch it  and track them by it, but fearing she’d be hopelessly lost with out it or, worse, loss the woman’s trail.
‘No. I forbid it.’ She felt more then saw him create a force barrier in her path as she stumbled face first into it knocking her to the ground.
She looked up from clutching her face to see him lording in her way, arms clasped behind his back, black regalia and all.
She regains her feet with a snarl. “Get out of my way.”
‘No. I will not allow you starve yourself for that resistance trash.”
She launched herself at him in a berage of punches and kicks. Surprised as he was at the out of nowhere attack he quickly engage and had her subdued, arms locked behind her back as he pressed her into the metal wall. 
“Get off me!” She tried to shake him off. 
‘Not until you swear--’
She roared using her force in a push to toss him back. He slammed into the opposite wall with a grunt as she turned to face him. Her vision swam at the quick moment after the energy drain and she braised herself against her side of the hallway.
He glared at her. ‘What does giving them your rations accomplish?’
She laid her head back against the cool metal trying to shove the dizzy spell away. “Have you ever been so hunger you don’t want to go to sleep because your afraid you wont wake up? Where the memory of food is painful? When you contemplate selling yourself for a quarter ration just to survive the day?”
‘The child has just eaten. You have not.’
She shrugged, pushing away from the wall, already knowing she had shown too much weakness in front of him.
‘What happens the next time you hear a sob story? Are you going to put yourself back into the position you clawed your way out of?’
"I can survive it.”
‘Little fool. You give them nothing but false hope.’
“You think I don’t know that? That that child’s chances of see its next star-cycle as slim? That the mother’s chances are cut in half after having given birth? All any of us have is false hope but as least it’s something to keep us clinging to this cesspit called life.”
‘Like believing ones parents are coming back,’ he sneered
His words were carefully crafted daggers that found their mark and shredded her heart. She swallowed against the pain, refusing to let him see how he hurt her. “Even knowing they never are.”
Guilt filled his eyes, he knew he had gone too far. She glared at him, daring him to voice is pity. He remained silent. She continued down the hall ignoring as his shadow presence followed.
What ever trail she had been hoping to follow had gone cold. The mother and child had disappeared into the labyrinth that was the Resistance outpost. She froze in indecision at a branching hallway.
‘You tried. Isn’t that enough?’
She ignored him taking the right branch. Another fork, she stays straight.
‘Are you lost or is it your plan to walk me through the whole layout?’
She doesn’t answer. Left. Left again. Down a ladder. Right. 
She pauses, the little feeling in her chest going silent. A door. She lays her hand on it, a flash of the mother and child in her mind. She’s found them. 
Reaching in her pocket she takes out the ration bars. Setting them distinctly in the middle of the floor where they can’t be missed. She knocks. Pausing a second then knocks again, just so she can’t be ignored, before sprinting down the dark hall and tucking herself around the corner. 
‘What are you-’
“Shh,” she hisses as the door opens and the woman’s head peaks out. Look down, she whispers in her mind.
‘It’s not as if she can hear me,’ he muttered indignantly.
Peeking around his bond-mates shoulder he watches as the woman kneel down and picks up the bars. She glances down the hall both ways, her face full of shock at her good fortune. She cradles the rations to her chest and steps back inside.  
‘You don’t want the recognition?’
Rey shakes her head stepping out of hiding, brushing off the dust that had transferred to her clothes from the ancient pipes. 
She slips silently down the hall, taking the twists and turns back to her own room in a much better section of the base, where all the lights work and the walls are still mostly white and clean.
Kylo is silent the whole way back and stands to the side of the door as she gets ready for bed. She drinks two whole glasses of water to quiet the squeaking of her stomach and slips under the blankets tugging them up to around her chin. She then just lays on her side and stares at him in the light coming in from under the bottom of the door.
She doesn’t know what prompts her, maybe the ticking of her mental clock that says he has done nothing but stand there for fifteen minutes, but she reaches her hand out to him. “Ben?”
Like a drowning man coming back up for air he takes her hand and allows her to draw him into her bed where they lay face to face. Her pressed as far against the wall as she can and him almost falling off the other side but their hands intertwined. 
He lies there eyes searching her face in the dim light, memorizing it, searching for answers to questions neither one of them are ready to voice. He swallows, hesitates, then asks, ‘Do you think I’m a bad person because I’ve never known hunger?’
“No.” She meets his eyes, letting him see the truth there before closing them against anymore questions tonight. She brushes her chin against his knuckles. “It makes me happy.”
His body relaxes, the tension easing from him as he sighs. His nose nuzzles  her hair and their breath mingles as they fall asleep.
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sweet-taiyaki · 4 years
Sin City Sour
Warning: Some violence, sexual themes, angst, gun violence, language
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I was celebrating how I managed to smuggle in illegal drugs with my team. All of a sudden, I was approached by these men, that were armed. “Get dressed, we have to take a ride. The boss wants to meet you.” Oh, how romantic. Nothing like being blindfolded by a bag, hands zip tied, and legs strung together by rope. Unfortunately, I’m in this situation more than you think. Don’t tell the bad guys, but I’m actually a CIA agent undercover. My real name is Vincent Hawthorne and today I’m playing the part of Benito Salazar, a member of a Spanish cartel shipping an illegal drug to the States. I basically feel like an infamous citizen at this point by all the missions I’ve done. I barely even know who I am anymore.
The men tie me to a chair and remove the bag from my head. I can see my gun, my burner phone, and my speedo. There were two men on each side of me with AK-47s. They seem poorly built though. “The boss” comes out of the shadows and starts laughing. “Out of all the idiots in the world, this is the top Spanish cartel leader? ¿Cuál es tu propósito? (What is your purpose),” he asked. I stood silent. This guy seems like an amateur leader that just wants to move up in the cartel hierarchy. My job is to prevent that from happening. “Mi equipo no puede ser derrotado. Decidimos matar a cualquiera que se estorbo. (My team cannot be defeated. We decided to kill people that get in the way),” I said confidently. My Spanish is okay, well actually all the languages I’ve learned are okay. I just basically know the gist of killing people and it seems to work. His guys grip their guns. They seem pretty intimidated, or angry. I see my phone go off, Costa was the name of the contact. The boss looks at my phone. “Yo no respondería (I wouldn’t answer that),” I said. The boss answers it anyway. The first bombs go off as warnings. “Puta madre!” I bust out of the zip ties and run as I get shot at, but then I set off the second set of bombs that blow up the place. I jump into a properly timed CIA squad car as I peel away the prosthetics and got away before they could escape the building.
“Nice to see you again,” said Ivy. “Just because you are a princess that can’t break a nail, it would have been nice to have some back up,” I said to her as she rolled her eyes. Ivy was an undercover agent, but then she moved up to the head of Intelligence and Foreign Affairs, so now she’s my boss. “I’d love to sit and chat, Vince, but I have another assignment for you.” Spoiler alert, Ivy and I had a small fling when we were on an assignment together, and I think she still has feelings for me, but reading a woman is so hard. “Do you overwork me because you hate me, or you actually give a shit about these citizens? To be fair, I haven’t been called Vince in over 5 years by the amount of undercover work I’ve done.” “I put you on because you’re the best at it,” she said, “At the end of the day, you give a shit about saving the people in the end because you created a relationship with them.” Great. So, now I’m a superhero that comes and goes for people because they ask for help.
Ivy drops me off at my apartment. “See you at 7 am,” she says and drives off. I live in New York. I sleep in this crappy apartment, but the view at night overlooks the Brooklyn Bridge. You would think I’d date, but I can’t by working all over the world from bad guys.
I woke up at 6 am, showered, and stared at myself in the mirror. I almost didn’t recognize myself. The Spanish cartel mission lasted a year and I had my tattoos covered. I had a black wig, but my hair is brown. My nose and jaw were made of prosthetics and I wore brown contacts when my eyes were blue. I almost cried, but I got ready for work to meet the HBIC.
I sat down in a chair, drinking my coffee, then I was approached by this intern that seemed to be starstruck by me. This kid was almost on the verge of hyperventilating. “You’re Vince Hawthorne! I’ve heard so much about you and your work,” he said. I felt like I should play with the kid. “No, no, sir. My name is Fabio. Parli italiano,” I said. The kid seemed in shock. “Oh, I’m sorry, Fabio. I thought you were someone I read about.” Ivy stood up in front of the podium.
“Good morning, everybody. I’m sure you may have heard that the Spanish cartel has been shut down and have been taken into custody. However, we have another mission, and it’s gonna be a little different. This one will only last a month at the latest. Our citizen’s name is twenty-three-year-old, Hayley Fay. She also goes by the name of ‘Rosé’ since she strips on the side without her parents knowing. Fay lives in Las Vegas. She met a client that was acting creepy, bouncers kicked him out, found out he was one of the hitmen to kill her. The mission is to save her from harm and put an end to her creep stalker. Mr. Hawthorne will be with the citizen to keep her safe and I will organize a team to assist him in Vegas in 48 hours. Thank you.”
All the men approach me so they can go to Vegas with me. I immediately find Ivy. “Ma’am, with all due respect, please pick the right people with me. I don’t want these low life, creepy middle aged men working along side me.” She stopped in her tracks, “You really believe that I would do that to those girls, no way. I’m organizing a team strategically. You’ll find the results on your flight. Here’s your identity.” She hands me my passport and state id. Ryan Sparrow is my new name. “Thanks, I appreciate that you put in my love of Johnny Depp in there.” She smiled then said quietly “Captain” as she walked away.
I get on the plane and found out that I’m with the intern. I mean, he was younger than me, but I think the kid is 21. Of course, he sat next to me. “Vince—” “The name is Ryan. Nice to meet you kind sir.” I grabbed his hand and pull his ear to my face. “I realize that this is your first gig, but we are undercover. You reveal my identity, you die.” He was scared and intimidated. We lift off into the air and I took a nap. I woke up and the kid was still a deer in headlights. I roll my eyes, but I knew I had to do something. “Hey, kid. I’m sorry. I’m just in the mode and I don’t want any of us to get hurt.” He nodded and started to realize that this is the real deal and that people could die if he didn’t keep his mouth shut.
We land in Vegas and check in to the Cosmopolitan. My team consisted of 6 guys, we decided to take a bachelor party approach. Jake, the groom; Chase, the best man; Hunter, the little brother of groom; Dylan, childhood friend of groom; Tyler, the kid and coworker; and myself, friend of groom. We got to our rooms and we had the view of the Bellagio Fountains. “Boss, did good,” Chase said. I get a call from Ivy. “Well well well, does this remind you of when we were in Paris,” I smirked. “Enough, Vince. I have cars for everyone that is in the garage. You’ll find the keys in your room. Everything you need for the mission should be in the car. I’ll be on the first flight there if anything goes wrong.” She hung up and we made our way down to the garage to find Mustangs in different colors. The guys got all excited, but these are nothing compared to Lamborghinis. We found burner phones to keep in contact, some pistols fully loaded, earpieces, beer and liquor, and some essentials. Ivy even gifted each of us a designer suit for the occasion.
Unfortunately, I’m the only one in the group that has been to Vegas, so the guys don’t really understand the lifestyle. Tonight, we plan to let loose, so they know the ins and outs of Vegas. Hopefully, they will remember it all. We pregame with shots of liquor, then hit the strip. The guys were in awe how women would just flirt with them. I got a table at a club, which is instantly a chick magnet. The guys picked a girl to flirt with and I went to the bar. “A Boston Sour, please.” The bartender seemed surprised. “Any preference on bourbon,” she asked. “Whatever you like,” I said confidently. She smiled and made the cocktail. “It’s nice to make something that isn’t White Claw or a vodka lemonade,” she said. “Now I know what to order next.” She laughed and served another guest. I do some surveillance of the club. There seems to be a good amount of security around the club, but then I found out that there was a table across the club that had men in suits that didn’t want any women at their table unless they stepped on the dancefloor. I looked away before they could notice me. The group of men left the club. I told the team that I would follow them through the earpiece.
At this point, I sobered up and was in the mission. I followed the group of men to a strip club, which happened to be Harley’s workplace. They went inside, but I decided to take a detour by going around to the back door. Fortunately, I found Hayley before her shift started. She worked the graveyard shift, midnight to 6 am. Hayley and the dancers looked over to me. “Ms. Rosé,” I said. “Out of all the girls, you pick Rosé,” a woman said as if she was insulted. “May I have a word? Just a few seconds, no favors or anything. I just want to talk,” I offered my hand. She took it, but she was kinda nervous. I pulled her out to the alleyway. “I don’t have much time to explain, but my name is Ryan Sparrow. There is a group of gentlemen that are here to kidnap and kill you.” She immediately got scared. “How do I know that you’re not one of them,” she panicked. “I like to think of myself as the ‘superhero’ character. Usually people don’t say that they will kill you. They just do. I’m hired to protect you. Do you trust me?” Hayley looked me and she nodded. I stuck her in my car and drove off.
The last few guys from the group of men saw that I took Hayley. “Ah, shit,” I said. The men got into their SUV and chased me. Of course, they were armed. I knew my gut was right about these group of guys. I tried calling my team to help me out, but the car kept shooting at me. No one answered. I tried to lose them by going through some alleyways and difficult turns, but they didn’t seem to lose their speed. I released some small bombs to pop the tires, but not injure the people around the car. It worked and all four tires were popped. It created a small explosion, but not enough to kill them. The guys continued to shoot at my car, but I ended up losing them, for now.
I got Hayley back to the hotel. She looked around to see all the technology I had set up. She looked at me and started laughing. “So, you must really be my superhero,” she said in a flirtatious way. “Kind of. I like my job and saving lives. I just want to make the world a happier place.” Hayley leaned into me. “Well, you came to the right place. How can I be of service for you?” She stuck her fingers in my pants and ran them across my waistline and crotch. “Hayley,” I said. She stopped and looked at me in shock. “No one calls me Hayley, but my parents. Did they send you to look over me?” She started getting angry. “No, I told you that I’m here to save you. I’ve never met your parents. My job is to get rid of the bad guys so you can be safe,” I said, pretty much like a father. Dammit. “At least your parents are alive. Mine were killed in front of me and I couldn’t react because it would have blown my cover and true identity. After years of being undercover, I don’t even know who I am. I became this robot to save people because I give a shit about justice and doing the right thing. It fucking sucks that I see people die and I can’t have any emotion when all I want to do is bury myself and cry. But I wasn’t put on this Earth to cry. I knew that I wanted to help people.”
I can’t believe I just confessed that, but I knew that it would reel her in and trust me. “I never said that to anyone, and I don’t want to lose you. So please, stay with me and I’ll keep you safe here and get rid of these men out to get you.” I got up as she looked at me and I looked back to her. “You’re gonna kill them,” she asked. I chuckled. “It’s either them or you, and it won’t be you.” She got up, kissed me passionately, and wished me luck as I left the hotel room, which was kinda unexpected.
It’s around 3 am. I get down to the lobby and I found my team completely wasted. I tried to keep my head down, but they recognized me. “Hey man!” They all shouted. I grabbed everyone by the bathroom. “Guys, seriously. Don’t enter my room, the citizen is in there. She’s quite scared so please just act professional.” The intern looked at me and knew that I was serious. “Don’t worry, Ryan. I’ll make sure no one goes in your room.” I gave him a pat on the shoulder and it looked like he was gonna cry. I moved them away and continued my mission to find the group of men.
Surprisingly, I was walking through the Circus Circus casino and saw one of the guys. I stayed hidden, but followed him to the hotel room, assuming the boss would be there. I knocked out the guy I followed after he got to his floor, out of the camera view. There were two big guys chatting outside a room with double doors. A group of girls came to the floor and saw the guy I knocked out in front of them. “Sorry, my friend can’t hang,” I said. The girls laughed and I smiled and winked at one of them. They were going towards the room with the double doors. I follow them and was stopped by the two guys. They closed the door. “No men allowed, turn the other way, pretty boy.” I knocked them out and snuck my way into the room. There was a party going on with a DJ, liquor bottles everywhere and another guarded door.
The guards see me and I make my way to them. “You wouldn’t want to traumatize these women, by a blood bath, would you? Kill me in private, or even take me to your boss.” They patted me down, found my burner phone, and let me in. The boss was covered in girls. All of them were laughing, drunk. I closed the door behind me and the room went silent. “Ooooo he’s cute,” said one of the girls. The boss took out a gun and shot her. The other girls ran out in panic and the boss came up to me. “Pretty boy with the mustang, huh. You tried to save your whore,” he looked me up and down. “She is so beautiful, and out of all the women I’ve bought as my slave, I wanted her. She would have been a great showpiece in my collection.” I started to get angry, but I knew if I showed any emotion, it would blow my cover. “Actually, Mr. Barsotti, I’m a man like you. I cum in girls all day. And when I’m your age, I’m gonna be just like you, buried in women, wanting me. I’m inspired by you and thought that you could give me some tips. No hard feelings. I just want the best and I knew the girl I got was the best.” He laughed and patted my shoulders. “Atta boy, you could be my apprentice. Would you like to join the team?” I nodded and he gave me an M-15. “Do you know how to use it,” he asked me. I looked at it nervously. He pulled a gun to my head. “Well now you do, go out there and—”
I heard gunfire outside the room. I dropped the M-15 and punched Mr. Barsotti. He fell to the ground and his two bodyguards pointed their guns and me and started shooting. I took cover, but I knew they were coming closer. I escaped through the vent to the other room. I saw my team in the room. They killed the door guards and started to help the other women escape. I go back to the room with the bodyguards and fought them. One of them had a knife and managed to slash my right arm. Thankfully, I have even strength in both arms, but both of them were too strong. My face is covered in blood and they wouldn’t stop beating me until they knew I was dead. I could barely move and I knew this was probably the end. I saw them take their guns and point them at my face. I closed my eyes and I heard four guns shots.
“Ryan, Ryan” I heard faintly. I was outside the casino with police cars and an ambulance early in the morning. “Are the girls safe,” I said. “Yeah, they’re safe and Mr. Barsotti was taken into custody. We thought we lost you, man.” My arm was bandaged, and my face had some stiches, but I was okay. “I couldn’t have done it without you guys. Together we gave those women a future.” They all smiled at each other.
I decided to go back to the hotel to pack up and leave. I brought some coffee and a fruit cup for Hayley. I got in my room and she was sound asleep, knowing that she was safe. I woke her up, gave her breakfast. “You’re free, you are safe now. The boss was actually holding women hostage as his slaves and we saved them. So it’s like a double win.” She sighed in relief as she rolled out of bed. “Thank you, Ryan. Do you mind if I call you for all my stalkers? Oh my God, what happened to your arm,” she panicked. “I’m fine, I’ll escort you to your house, if that’s okay.” She nodded.
I took Hayley to her parent’s house. They hugged her as soon she opened the door. I walked back to my car when I heard a ‘wait’. “Please, may I call you,” Hayley asked me. I laughed, wrote on a piece of paper, and gave it to her. She opened it. “Seriously, 911?” I laughed and said, “I can’t always be there for you, unfortunately. I have more people to save. I hope it inspires you to save people.” She turned around to her parents and looked at me, “Thank you, Ryan.” She got back into her parent’s house. “It’s Vince,” I said softly. I drove off and left on the first flight back to New York.
I got back to work the following day. Ivy approached my team and congratulated them on their success defeating Mr. Barsotti and his cartel. “Hawthorne, see me in my office, please.” I sighed angrily. I was not ready to take on another mission. Thankfully, this last one was pretty short and sweet, but I felt another long mission ahead of me. She closed the door behind me and I let loose. “Ma’am, with all due respect, I am exhausted—” “Stop, that’s not what I called you in here.” I was confused, if it wasn’t about work, then what would I be in her office for? “Vince, you save lives, plenty of lives. And I know that what you’ve gone through is definitely not easy. I know you can’t save everybody, but you definitely make the world a better place by taking the bad people to justice. With that, I brought you in today to be yourself.” I laughed. “Be myself, what kind of advice is that?” She rolled her eyes and I know she was trying to be genuine. “We are giving you three months of paid time off. You deserve it after being my partner years ago to now. You are an incredible agent and this is my present to you so you can get back to your normal life.” I contemplated what she said and I know her intention was sincere and caring. “Thank you, Ivy.” We got up and hugged each other. “It’s good to have a friend like you,” I said as I left her office.
I celebrated with the team at a bar. We watched some sports, got a couple rounds of beers. This was me. It just felt right. I saw Ivy come into the bar with a guy and saw her join a group of their friends. I saw there was a ring on her finger, and they kissed. She looked at me and I raised my glass to her. She smiled. Dammit. I lost her.
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astrorarepairs · 7 years
Ice Cream Sundae and a Side of Prince Charming
(aka the first installment of the astro halloween fic i told u in 3.3k word form that i am now sharing to u with. )
Dongmin considers himself to be a patient person. He keeps his cool whenever the other party arrives an hour later after their agreed time of meeting. He keeps his cool when he’s faced with cranky old people who complain and yell at him when their expired coupons are told they aren’t valid anymore. His coworkers and classmates can also agree on this, hence why he is so confident in calling himself a patient person.
He supposes that’s what being a vampire does to you.
He does loses his cool, however, when he is stuck in a forest for a full six hours because of his feline friend Moon Bin. The half-human-half-cat had trailed a group of squirrels in midst of their hiking (another activity suggested by Bin).
“Squirrels lead to parks Dongmin!” Bin hissed, trying not to let his voice be heard by the group of squirrels. “Who knows? Maybe we’ll find a new town. New and better people who aren’t as hostile as those in Seoul, heck maybe we’ll even meet more people like us!” His friend reasoned, before proceeding to turn into his cat form and run off.
Dongmin can’t remember why he was persuaded with such an unlikely excuse, but he had followed trailed behind like a good pet-owner and friend would. Maybe he did hope to meet people of his kind as well, or at least someone who wouldn’t strike a wooden stake at his heart the second they knew about his true identity. It’s been a little less lonely since he met Bin, another magic user like him, five centuries ago when he took the back-then starved kitten into his home. Still, he supposes it would be nice to turn their duo into a trio.
The sun had set hours ago and the full moon barely illuminates the path in front of their eyes. His whole body aches, he drank his last pack of blood early at dawn but had spent too much energy from walking so much and has the urge to rip out his only friend’s throat. And his phone died. Just great.
“I’m sorry,” Bin repeats for the seventy-eighth time today as he keeps his head down low.
“And I told you it’s fine,” Dongmin huffs. “Instead of wasting your breath on guilt, use it to keep walking and find a way out of here.”
“But I know you’re not!” Bin stops and turns to him. “You can’t fool me into thinking you’ve really forgiven me of this.”
He was right. Dongmin still was holding the grudge against his heart, but he had the habit of saying white lies too naturally. It was a habit he developed as he grew older, trying to get on everyone’s good side in order to avoid messing with the wrong people and getting found out.
“Fine! I’m not and honestly, I am not going to forgive you anytime soon if you keep apologizing and act all quiet like that! I admit I’ll only actually forgive you if we somehow make it out of here alive and actually keep your promise of meeting some people who don’t hate us.” Dongmin didn’t know what came over him. Maybe it was exhaustion, the growing thirst for blood, or his growing desire to be accepted the way he is in one way or another. “If all that happens and a gay knight in shining armor rescues us out of here, maybe then I’ll forgive you.”
Bin only looks at him with a growing grin. “And a sundae.”
“Will you forgive me if I do all of that and get you your favorite mountain pile of ice cream sundae of My Mom’s an Alien, Shooting Star; all your favorite toppings and extra walnuts on top?”
Dongmin just stares at him. He blew up and just expressed how much he’ll probably never forgive him and that’s what he focused on? Ice cream? (Dongmin’s stomach would have rumbled at the first mention of sundae if only his body still functioned like a proper human being.)
“Yes Bin, I will forgive you if you do all of that.” Dongmin exhaled and walked on forward. “Now can we please keep on walking until we at least find a good enough of a place to rest for the night?”
“Okay!” Dongmin could hear the grin in his voice. “You better hold onto your words Vampire!” Dongmin feels like he just made a deal with the devil.
- Bin’s back on his energetic self, which should Dongmin glad he wouldn’t have to see sulking and moping around. But he could only handle only so much of his best friend’s antics in one day with so little blood in his system.
“Bin slow down, I don’t have cat eyes like you to see in the night.” Dongmin complains and rests against a tree. “Let’s just rest for tonight here, we’ve been walking for nearly eight hours now.”
The half feline looked like he wanted to complain but said nothing. He walked back to where Dongmin was and rested his head on the vampire’s thigh. Dongmin instinctively scratched his head and Bin purred.
“Thanks Binnie.”
“I still think we should walk a bit more, something about this part of the forest doesn’t sit right with me.” He mutters.
“Just give me a while, you know I’m not as young as I look.” Bin snorts at the comment and Dongmin smiles as his exhaustion starts to take over him.
“If you’re ever too tired or hungry, you know you could always drink from me if you really need it right?” Dongmin grimaces. His thirst of blood has gotten stronger from before but he hates the thought of drinking from living creatures, especially if they’re his best friend.
“I’m fine, I’m not too hungry.” He lies. “Besides, you know I don’t like furry blood.” He hears the half feline hiss and take out his claws at his comment but doesn’t do anything else.
He tries to forget his thirst and today’s events, hoping a shut of eye will bring him a peace of mind and hope that today was all a dream.
- It wasn’t a dream.
Dongmin wakes up to Bin roughly shaking him awake and calling out his name. He can hear Bin’s urging pleads to wake up but he’s too weak to open his eyes.
“Minnie, we gotta go. My cat instincts are saying something bad is here. I saw something shuffling towards us and I really don’t like it. We gotta go now.”
“Mm..Your cat instincts also told us that squirrels would lead us to a land of happiness and meet other supernatural beings, now look where we are.”
“Lee Dongmin, this is not the time to be petty. I swear I saw and heard something out there, we have to get out.” Moon Bin’s voice gets more urgent the more he talks.
“Five more minutes mom,” Dongmin murmurs.
A howl erupts from the quiet forest and Bin stops shaking him. He assumes he’s taken his adult cat form. Dongmin still feels too weak to properly open his eyes. All he wants is sleep and blood.
He hears a new set of footsteps in his hearing range getting louder. Whatever or whoever they were, they were getting closer to where they were. He smells Bin’s supernatural blood and animal blood and another one similar to Bin’s, but stronger. Need. Blood.
Dongmin opens his eyes at the smell of new guests. He can feel the bloodlust taking over him, his fangs growing out and pupils dilating and turning black. Bin has his back on him, oblivious to the transformation that is happening to his friend.
The stranger leaps out of the darkness and the first thing Dongmin notices is the amount of blood he’s covered in. Bin growls as he tries to put up a defensive stance. The large wolf growls back at him with a stronger threat laced in his. It’s twice as larger as Bin’s adult cat form. With one step forward, the wolf signed that it ready to fight (Dongmin will forever remember how fast Bin ran and hid in the shadows).
Dongmin focuses on what’s between the mouth of the large wolf, a whole dead deer as it continues to bleed from what he thinks is from bite marks. Before the vampire could attack and try to take the deer, the large wolf steps in front of Dongmin. The creature stares at him for a moment (and maybe it was because of the bloodlust that he wasn’t seeing straight, but for a second he sees the creature’s eyes soften) before setting down the prey before him.
And then he realizes the smell. Werewolf.
He’s too bloodthirsty to ask any questions, he digs in and drinks from the deer until he feels full and he feels himself returning to normal. He feels sated, feels like he could sleep for another eternity, but has so many questions for the creature in front of him, wants to yell at Bin for being such a scaredy cat. But his exhaustion overpowers him and leads him to another deep sleep.
The last thing he sees before he passes out is the werewolf stepping towards him. Sleep, Dongmin hears a voice too deep to be his inside his conciousness, you will get your answers soon.
- The next time Dongmin wakes up, dawn is breaking and he feels energized enough to open his eyes to the sight before him. He sees Moon Bin in human form resting beside him and a new human with dark blond hair with his back towards him and watching the sunrise.
As if sensing Dongmin’s concious presence, the stranger turns around and gives him a smile. His eyes crinkle, Dongmin notices. And that he’s shirtless (Dongmin decides he is a very handsome with very nice abs stranger indeed).
“You’re up,” The blonde stranger greets him. “You seem more concious and humane than you were last night.” Last night?
The memory of last night rushes to his mind. The bloodlust, the stranger, Bin’s frantic attempts to wake him up, the taste of the deer he fed from. The werewolf.
“Y-you!” Dongmin shakily pointd his finger at the stranger. “W-w-werewolf!”
“I prefer being called Jinwoo or your knight in shining armor, at least something a bit more flattering, but you’re not exactly wrong either.” Jinwoo, the werewolf, dismisses the remark with a shrug and walks towards Dongmin. Dongmin puts a hand around Bin’s body, ready to attack.
“And unless you want me to call you Count Dracula, I’m going to need a name.” Jinwoo ignores the protective stance he’s taken and offers his hand. Dongmin stares at the stranger warily before shaking it. “Lee Dongmin.”
Nice to meet you Lee Dongmin, do you perhaps have any extra shirts or jackets you don’t mind lending? It’s begnning to feel a bit chilly.“
- Bin wakes up at around nine a.m and Dongmin gets to know his new supernatural stranger a bit. Park Jinwoo was born in Ilsan, who ran away when he was fifteen when he realized he couldn’t control his werewolf abilities whenever the full moon came. He’s been living on the run with a fake name as Park Jinjin for a while and has met a few other supernatural beings along his path.
"Okay, my head’s fuzzy last night, can any one of you fill me in what happened last night?” Bin asks as he sits on the log with the other two.
“Sure, where do you wanna start from? When you ran away as soon as you saw me or when you fainted?” Jinwoo asked. Dongmin laughs as Bin grimaces.
“From the start would be nice.” Bin mutters.
“I’m sorry, I was kidding.” Jinwoo offers a small smile at the sulking boy. “I went out to the woods because it was a full moon and I still haven’t been able to control my shifting powers with the moon out. I had just gotten myself a prey while I was out of it until I smelled supernatural blood near me. I followed the scent until it led me to you guys.” He shrugged.
“And so you decided that pouncing and leaping out at us was a great way to make a first impression?” Bin asked, unamused.
“My mom taught me to make a hell of a first impression,” Jinwoo joked. “Especially if I really wanted to impress people I liked.” Jinwoo gave Dongmin a wink (Dongmin was so glad he didn’t have any of his own blood to physically show that he was blushing).
“I didn’t mean to scare you guys though, I just wanted to say hi to people like me. But then I saw Dracula starving with blood and I had a body in my mouth so I couldn’t properly introduce myself. You, kind of just ran away without even giving me a proper hi though, so that’s your own fault.”
“Yeah, because you’re literally a dog and twice as big as me.”
“Specifically speaking, a werewolf. And see I’ve always thought the tension between cats and dogs was always silly. Like why can’t we all get along and all? Just because our ancestors might not have liked each other, doesn’t mean we should continue hating each other.” Jinwoo continues on his ramble as Bin continues trying to pull of as if he’s unfazed. Dongmin feels like he’s stuck in between dumb and dumber and can’t help but giggle at the situation.
“What’s gotten you so cheery and smiley?” Bin asks him as soon as Jinwoo left to find a stream and wash up. Confusement expressed upon his face before his eyes widen. “Did the bloodlust fully take over you? Have you gone mad now? Oh my god, Dongmin’s gone mad! I lost my best frie-”
Dongmin covers his best friend’s loudmouth and laughs. “I’m fine Bin. Think I’m just a lil happier now that I’m sated.” He really doesn’t know why today seems more cheerful. Maybe it was his conciousness being glad he’s finally able to make a new friend who’s like them, despite still being lost in the woods. Maybe it was because it seemed like today they’ll finally go back to civilization. Something about today just seemed better than other days, Dongmin thinks.
“You sure it’s not because of pretty boy there who’s been staring at you like a lovesick puppy since he’s been here?” Bin asks.
“What?” Dongmin could hear his voice cracking. Bin’s face splits into the biggest smug grin he’s ever had and Dongmin really wants to rip his throat out now.
“You like werewolf boy!” Bin yells and jumps up from his seat from learning his new knowledge.
“Bin be quiet! He’s still near us!” And his name is Jinwoo, he quietly adds.
“You didn’t deny it so that means you do like like him!” Bin gasps. “This is amazing, Dongmin actually having a crush on someone!” He gasps again and turns to look at Dongmin. “And on a furry.”
Dongmin just smiles and tugs his best friend back on the log. He keeps a tight grip on his best friend’s collar to force him to look straight in his eyes. “If you speak about this ever again, especially in front of Jinwoo, the next time a full moon comes I’m going to lock you and him in a room together for a full night. And we both don’t want that do we?” Dongmin threatens him with the sweetest tone he can find.
“No because you would want to lock yourself in a room with him because you like him!” Bin blows a raspberry at him. Dongmin’s vampire grip on him is lost at Bin’s reply and the half feline jumps up.
“Oh man I can’t wait to tell Jinwoo!”
“Tell me what?” Jinwoo’s voice rings out from behind them. The two turn around and find a half-naked Jinwoo with wet hair (Bin will never forget the squeal Dongmin made at that moment).
“Jinwoo you’re shirtless!” Dongmin exclaimed and immediately wanted to die in a hole. The other is confused but smiles at Dongmin either way.
“I did say I was going to wash up and I feel bad if I didn’t return your shirt.” He replies and acts unfazed to his earlier comment (He’s gotta be at least half part angel, Dongmin thinks, no person as sweet and cute as the short blonde built man in front of him shouldn’t exist).
“Anyways, I found a river that not far from here that will get you guys back on track to the city. I’ll help take you guys back there if you want.”
“Oh,” Right, the city, back to their old life of being the only supernatural being. Dongmin felt his heart broke. He liked Jinwoo’s company, he forgot how much he hated hiking and exploring the outdoors when Bin was persuading and explaining the concept and fun of the whole activity, whereas Jinwoo’s entertaining stories of his travels had him hooked at every single sentence. He helped him by giving up his prey when he was in his own state of loss of self-control.
Romantic feelings or not, he didn’t want to seperate from Jinwoo just yet.
“Jinwoo where do you live?”
“The same city where the stream heads to. Why do you ask?” He cocks his head in confusion at Dongmin’s question.
“Can we visit you there? Sometime? Maybe when we don’t crash into each other in the forest as our supernatural beings but as friends?” The question comes out before he can properly think about it. He feels like his heart is alive and about to burst through his chest as he curses at himself for letting his emotions get the best of him.
Jinwoo smiles and his eyes crinkle the same way they did when they first saw each other and his heart beats faster for an entirely different reason. “I’d love for you guys to visit me again. My friends back at my place would love to meet you guys!” He starts chat animatedly about his friends, something about a Sanha being a klutz, a Myungjun cracking the funniest of jokes, and how his Minhyuk and Bin would get along so well.
Dongmin listens about him describing his friends but focuses more on the stars that shine in his eyes and amount of love Jinwoo holds for his three other friends. Dongmin realizes he wants to be loved and talked about by Jinwoo just as much.
“-How about we visit you now? Would that be okay?” This is getting way out of hand, it’s not like The Lee Dongmin to act this irrational and ask to visit a stranger’s home.
“O-oh? Now? It’ll get dark by the time we get there though, I don’t want to let you guys travel in the dark.” Jinwoo’s cheeks are pink and looks away from Dongmin. “Unless you guys stayed there for the night. But the house is sort of cramped, not to mention it’s super messy, and Myungjun keeps making his potions until dawn and it’d be noisy with all his incantation-”
“We want to stay there. Is that okay?” Dongmin doesn’t remember how they got so close to each other that he can see the other’s moles up close like this, but he doesn’t mind. He likes seeing Jinwoo flustered up close like this.
He looks back up at Dongmin and gives him a small smile. “I would love it if you both stayed for the night.”
“I’d love that as well.” Dongmin returns with a bigger smile.
(Bin watches the conversation and flirting match from the side with wide grin. He mentally checks out the boxes beside ‘getting out of the forest’ and 'finding dongmin’s prince charming’. One large mountain of ice cream sundae to go and he’ll be fully forgiven.)
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