lastchildofkrypton · 2 years
New chapter of Room for You is up - fair warning it is a hot damn mess.
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massivedrickhead · 2 years
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I posted 780 times in 2022
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#bechloe fic - 90 posts
#bechloe fanfic - 90 posts
#pitch perfect fanfic - 84 posts
#pitch perfect fanfiction - 82 posts
#beca mitchell - 79 posts
#pitch perfect - 79 posts
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Longest Tag: 118 characters
#after i’ve posted the last chapter and i know there’s nothing else to say and no reason to be in that universe anymore
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hi!! I think your writing is awesome 😍😍 if you could, could you write the “ i feel like shit. “ “ you look like it, too. “ “ hey! “ prompt?? Hope you're well!! 🥰💖
Thank you so much for sending this!
I'll be honest I don't know if this is any good. I feel like halfway through writing I got suddenly really confused about tenses and it was like I forgot how to write. I don't even know if I fixed it or not, but I think it's okay?
Or maybe it sucks, I don't know.
Hurt/comfort prompt list
Read on AO3
Chloe stifles a yawn as she stirs sugar and cream into her coffee.
Behind her, Beca is sitting up at the kitchen island, her head resting on her folded arms.
It’s early, and Beca hasn’t had a decent night’s sleep in days.
Chloe turns and pushes a mug of coffee towards her, trying to push down the worry in her stomach as she does.
Beca opens a bleary eye when she feels the mug brush against her hand. She gives a soft grunt. “Thanks.”
She forces herself to sit upright, the heel of her hand rubbing at her eye.
“Are you alright?” Chloe asks.
“I feel like shit,” Beca replies, taking a sip of coffee.
“Yeah, you look like shit,” Chloe says.
“Hey,” Beca pouted. “You aren’t supposed to agree!”
Chloe laughs and leans forward to tuck a strand of hair behind Beca’s ear. Her hand cups Beca’s face, and her thumb sweeps across her cheekbone. “You look tired, baby.”
“Yeah, I think I’m something beyond tired now. I think I left tired behind last week.” She checks the time on her phone. “I gotta go.”
Chloe sighs before taking Beca’s coffee and pouring it into her travel mug. “Home by dinner, okay? You promised.”
“I know.” Beca accepts the mug and plants a kiss on the corner of Chloe’s mouth. “No later than six.”
“And if you are going to be late - which you aren’t allowed to be - you have to call me,” Chloe says, watching her clearly exhausted girlfriend grab her jacket from the hook by the door.
“You got it, Beale,” Beca replies, before heading out of the door.
It’s 6:30 pm when Beca finally calls.
Chloe’s both annoyed and relieved when she sees Beca’s name on her screen, and she tries to hold back the bite of anger that she’s sure is going to come out.
“You’re late,” she said.
“You’re going to laugh at me,” is Beca’s response.
She sounds miserable and tired and a little sheepish all at once.
It takes effort to stay mad at Beca when she sounds this pathetic, but Chloe felt like for once she might manage it.
“What could possibly be funny about this?” Chloe asked.
“Look, I know I’m technically late, but I did leave work on time,” Beca said. “I left early, even.”
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87 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
*banging on a table* Part 2! Part 2! Part 2!
Here it is! It's long as hell! And once again it's very heavy and angsty and everything the last chapter was.
The chapter is broken up into little snapshots, each one taking place after a time jump.
Trigger warning(s): abuse and alcoholism
Hurt/comfort prompt list
Part 1
Read on AO3
That afternoon
“Doing okay?” Chloe asked, glancing across the car as they drove to Beca’s house. Beca let out a soft laugh, her head resting against the window. “Right. Stupid question.”
“Very stupid,” Beca said. “But thank you for asking it.”
They pulled up outside Beca’s house, but Beca made no effort to move.
She was tired, and sad, and her face was throbbing.
“I hate this,” Beca said.
“I know,” Chloe said. “I’m so sorry, Beca.”
“Why are you sorry?” Beca asked. “This is what you wanted, isn’t it? Me away from her?”
“Not like this,” Chloe said. “And just because this might be the right thing, doesn’t mean it’s an easy thing.”
Beca swallowed the lump in her throat. “This time yesterday, I was making my Mom a cup of tea, because she had a headache.” Beca sniffed. “And because of that, my life is… It’s completely different.”
Beca got out of the car and made her way into the house.
Chloe followed behind but kept her distance. She couldn’t begin to imagine how hard this was for Beca, and she wanted to give her space.
“Do you want me to help pack your room up?” Chloe asked as they entered the house.
“No,” Beca said. “There isn’t much in there, it won’t take long.”
Chloe watched her climb the stairs before her eyes travelled around the living room.
Her stomach turned as she saw the shards of broken glass on the floor, and the small drops of blood. Beca’s blood.
She looked away, trying to find something to focus on that didn’t make her stomach turn.
Upstairs, Beca was standing in her room for what felt like the last time.
She didn’t know if she’d be able to be here when it was packed up. When decisions were made about what to keep, what to sell, and what to throw away. She didn’t even know what would happen to the stuff that would be kept. She didn’t even know where her Mom was planning on living after rehab. 
She felt that ache of sadness in her chest again, and she sat down on her bed. 
She didn’t know how she was going to get through this.
It felt like she’d been sitting there for a long time before she finally heard the stairs creaking.
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91 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
“ are you okay with me staying the night? “ from the prompt list 😊
So I'm not gonna lie, this one completely got away from me haha
Usually, when I'm writing prompts, I don't have a solid plan and I just start writing and see what happens and, well, this happened.
It's long and heavy with some angst thrown in for good measure.
Thank you for sending this prompt, I think I liked what I wrote, and honestly wouldn't be opposed to a part 2.
Trigger warnings: abuse, alcoholism
Hurt/Comfort list
Read on AO3
“Are… are you sure you’re okay with me staying the night?” Beca asked, looking up as Chloe entered the room. “It’ll just be for one night, I promise. My Mom should have cooled off by tomorrow.”
“Bec, you can stay as long as you want,” Chloe said, sitting beside her on the edge of the bed. “You know that. You know you’re always welcome here.”
Beca swallowed and nodded, but didn’t trust her voice not to break when she spoke, so she didn’t say anything else. 
Chloe placed her hand on Beca’s arm and gave it a soft squeeze, frowning when Beca winced at the contact. 
“It’s nothing,” Beca said, quickly, pulling her arm away.
“Beca. Did… did something happen?” Chloe asked, reaching out for Beca’s hand again. 
“N-no,” Beca said, standing, moving away from the bed. “It was my fault. I… this was a mistake, I should go home.”
“No,” Chloe said, also standing. “Please don’t go. I don’t want you to go back there.”
“She didn’t do anything,” Beca said, hesitating as she stood by the door. “It was my fault.”
“Okay,” Chloe said. “Okay. But… it doesn’t matter whose fault it is, if you’re hurt, then we need to do something about it.” 
“I’m fine,” Beca said. “It’s fine.”
“I could get my Mom to take a look? You know, ‘cause she’s a doctor?”
Beca nodded, blinking back tears. 
“Okay,” Chloe said. “I’ll, um, I’ll go speak to her. It’s gonna be okay, Bec. Please… please don’t leave?”
“I won’t,” Beca said, sniffing, and then laughing. “I…” Beca swallowed. “I don’t have anywhere else to go.”
Chloe pulled her into a hug. “Come on.”
Helen Beale was sitting at the kitchen table, working on her laptop with a mug of tea when Chloe approached her. 
She looked up from her laptop to her seventeen-year-old daughter, and then looked past her to her daughter’s best friend. 
Beca had spent more time at her house than she could count, but she always looked apologetic for being there. Like she was scared of intruding. She was always trying to make herself seem smaller. As if she could disappear if she tried hard enough. 
“You girls okay?” Helen asked. 
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107 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
bechloe week day 1: sneaking around
Words: 1846
Notes: It’s bechloe week! I think I mentioned before that I didn’t think I’d be writing every prompt this year, and yeah that’s going to be the case. I have an idea for a couple that I’d like to write (plus this one) but I won’t be doing all of them. 
Anyway, enjoy day 1! 
Read on AO3
Beca tried not to glance over her shoulder for a third time as she made her way across campus, past the grand building which contained her father’s office, and towards the auditorium where Bellas’ rehearsals were held.
Normally there’d be nothing suspicious about Beca leaving her dorm and making the short walk to the auditorium, but it was close to 10 pm on a Sunday night, so it would be hard to convince anyone she ran into that she was simply heading to a rehearsal.
She tried to remind herself that no one was likely to ask. Nobody cared why she was sneaking around the campus at night. Nobody would even give her a second glance.
It still didn’t stop her from tugging her hood up over her head and turning away as she passed by her father’s building, just on the off chance that he would be working late. On a Sunday.
She felt ridiculous, but she did it anyway, hands pushing deeper into her pockets as she quickened her pace.
As she reached the auditorium, she caught sight of the person who made all this sneaking around worth it. She felt the knot of anxiety in her stomach loosen and her shoulders started to relax.
Chloe, who had been talking on the phone, spotted her approaching and smiled.
“I gotta go ‘Bree, speak to you later,” Chloe said, grinning at Beca as she ended the call and slipped her phone back into her pocket. “Hi,” she said.
“Hi,” Beca replied, smiling, feeling the calm relief that only Chloe could make her feel. “Have you been waiting long?”
Chloe shook her head, turning to unlock the door of the auditorium. “Aubrey always makes me call her when I’m heading out. She doesn’t like me walking around by myself this late.”
Beca felt a familiar pang of guilt in her stomach as she followed Chloe through the door.
“That wasn’t a dig, by the way,” Chloe said, taking hold of Beca’s hand now that the outside world couldn’t see them.
“I know,” Beca said. If there was one thing she knew about Chloe, it was that she was a well of patience and understanding. 
“And I haven’t told her about us,” Chloe said, taking hold of Beca’s other hand, walking backwards as she pulled her away from the door and further into the darkness of the auditorium. “I haven’t told anyone.”
“I know,” Beca said again. Add that to the list of things she knew about Chloe Beale. Patient, understanding, trustworthy. 
“Then why does your face look like that?” Chloe asked, stopping, smiling as she felt Beca bump into her. There was just enough moonlight peaking through the high-up windows that Chloe could make out Beca’s expression.
“Like what?”
“Like you’re worried,” Chloe said, kissing one cheek, then the other, then her lips. “Like you’re thinking too much.”
“I just… I hate that we have to do this,” Beca said. “I hate that I have to keep you a secret.”
“Bec, it’s okay,” Chloe replied, her hands squeezing Beca’s before moving to rest on her hips. “You aren’t ready yet. I’m happy to wait until you are.”
“I… I want to be ready,” Beca said. “It’s just… My Dad works here…”
“I know,” Chloe said. “Believe me, I get it, you don’t have to explain yourself. Coming out is a big thing and you shouldn’t rush it.”
Beca smiled and felt the tension she’d been carrying begin to fall away. “How’d I get so lucky with you?” She asked, her eyes falling shut as Chloe closed the gap between them.
“I’m the lucky one,” Chloe said, her forehead resting against Beca’s once their lips separated. “I’m the only one who gets to see you like this.” She pulled Beca further into the room, towards the beat-up sofa in the far corner. The one Chloe always made sure was full of junk during rehearsals, so no one ever sat on it. “One day, the world will see you for the amazing person you are. One day, you’ll outshine the sun. But tonight, I get you all to myself.”
“I bet you say that to all your secret girlfriends,” Beca said, trying to hide the way her heart beat faster, glad Chloe couldn’t see her cheeks darken. She dumped her bag on the ground and shrugged out of her jacket, dropping it on one side of the sofa as Chloe took a seat on the other. 
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108 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Five times Character A treated Character B’s injuries, plus one time B treated A’s. 🥹
Words: 6341
Read on AO3
Send one of these?
Five times Beca treated Chloe’s injuries… 
“How did you skin your knee? Are you ten?” Beca asked, her voice bordering on incredulous as she watched Chloe wincing as she picked out bits of gravel from the grazed skin.
“I was trying to get to the ice cream truck before he drove away,” Chloe said as if that was perfectly reasonable. 
“So closer to seven years old than ten,” Beca said. “Why does the ice-cream truck even come here, this is a college campus. We’re literally surrounded by fraternity and sorority houses.”
“I think he sells weed too,” Chloe said. “Allegedly.”
“Oh well if I’d known that I’d have chased him down too,” Beca said, frowning as Chloe continued to pick at her knee. ”Do we have a first aid kit?”
“Kitchen probably,” Chloe said. Beca stood and headed for the kitchen. “I don’t think I need first aid.”
Beca returned holding the small plastic box in one hand, and a popsicle in the other. 
“We literally have ice cream in the freezer,” Beca said, taking a seat on the coffee table opposite where Chloe was sitting. She batted Chloe’s hand out of the way of her knee and handed her the popsicle. 
“It’s not the same,” Chloe said with a pout. 
“You’re right, it’s significantly cheaper,” Beca said. 
“I was trying to support a small business. If we don’t use the ice cream truck he might stop coming here altogether!”
Beca let out a snort of laughter. “Oh my god, you’re adorable.”
She took an antiseptic wipe from the box and shot Chloe an apologetic look before she cleaned the graze on her knee. 
“Ow!” Chloe said, hitting Beca’s arm on instinct. 
“Thank you for that,” Beca said. “Eat your popsicle.”
“Eat your popsicle,” Chloe repeated in a childish voice. Beca raised her eyebrows at her. “Sorry,” she said.
Beca stuck a bandaid on Chloe’s knee before shutting the box and making a move to stand. 
“Ahem,” Chloe said, gesturing down at her knee. 
“Aren’t you going to kiss it better?”
Beca rolled her eyes but couldn’t help but smile. She pressed a quick kiss to the bandaid and stood up. 
“Thank you!” Chloe called after her as Beca returned the first aid box to the kitchen. 
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129 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pinkpastels113 · 3 years
Not an emoji question lol but I need to know who are some of your favorite characters from Grey’s?
omg yes. lemme see lemme see...
i am on season 9 so all of these are based on the knowledge/character development up to that point lol- which is just after the plane crash
lexie grey
she is just SO baby ugh and so cute and pretty? i feel like she has a bit of a naive sense about her, a person too quick to look for the best in others and trust, but like- omg. i love her photographic memory and the way she allows others to "use" it, as well as her sense of humor whenever she comes across someone who would need it. "what? i can't do that, i am helping these people" sjdkksjh please, i just want to give her a big hug
and her total denial in being in love with mark sloan? ugh, suffocate me now please
i am SO sad over what happened to her omg i think i cried for half an hour
addison montgomery
at first i did not like her AT ALL but as the seasons went by i would squeal whenever she would appear, seeing as how she is so cool and independent and has the willpower to go on despite being left by two "desirable" men. she just wants a child but is not given the opportunity to have one and she just- took it in stride and moved on, going to the other side of the country to make a career and living on her own. i just- that is just so admirable i wish i can be someone like her
arizona robbins
she is the show's version of chloe beale. enough said :,))
jackson avery
i feel like he is a controversial person to like, but he- at least in my opinion- is just someone who is grown up in a very... secluded household that values and expects greatness, and he has to live up to that in admist his mom's weird affections that consisted of never ending "tailing." i feel like someone who lives/surrounded by that kind of environment is bound to have a mixture of a personality that is both arrogant, confident, charming, but insecure, and i feel like the show really portrayed him well in that sense. also i'm bi and he isn't bad to look at so SASDJHJKS don't come after me omg
okay this is it for now, it will get super long if i don't end it here haha. thanks for stopping by dude and i'm glad i met a fellow grey's watcher <33
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143bc · 3 years
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beca-mitchell · 4 years
I sat my ass in a chair and didn’t get up until I finished Love Life.... Anyway I’ll be over in the corner with my feelings 😂
YES BITCH WOW omg finally i’m so glad! hopefully it was inspiring to you for your own writing in some way...i love everything kendrick brought to the role :)
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we love one successful queen
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lastchildofkryptn · 4 years
I’d rather fall than stay on the Ground
Chapter 2: My Very Excellent Mother...
Prompt request from @stuck-in-the-now
Chloe turns at the timid voice behind her. Her son, Wylie is standing there with a guilty look on his face.
“Yes, my love?”
She puts a hand on her hip, tossing the rag she was using to clean up after dinner, aside.
“Can you help me with something?”
Continue reading on Ao3:
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eulersfeverdream · 4 years
11,44,63 :)
11) Water, Keto Lemonade, and a Mocha Frappe 44) A box fan that’s not doing a whole lot to cool down my apartment. Most recently it was AC/DC’s Highway to Hell. 63) I think I was practicing Californication by the Red Hot Chili Peppers on guitar, but I’m not positive.
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I have had SO much fun doing these honestly, thank you so much to everyone who has read and reblogged my drabbles, as well as everyone that decided to do it as well because it’s been amazing to read all of yours too and it’s just really soft that you all decided to join in too 🥺 I’m def going to miss someone here, but thanks to @suituuup, @crashedwave, @lastchildofkrypton, @bechloeislegit, @chloebeale, @143bc, and @asweetmelodytrickling who I’ve seen write some or even all of the drabbles, I hope you’ve all had as much fun as I have dhflgdfjkdlf 🥰 one last TKTMH drabble because I just really love bechloe parents man 🥺
Also on AO3!!! || Masterpost
“Momma you’re not doing it right!” Brooke whined, her little foot stomping as Beca huffed in frustration as she took the ribbon from Brooke’s hair for the umpteenth time that morning, “Why can’t mama do it? She knows how!”
“Because mama’s resting baby.” Beca sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as her head began to throb.
“She’s always resting.” Brooke grumbled, dropping to the floor with her legs crossed underneath her and her arms folded tight over her chest (looking very Beca-like if her mom was honest with herself), “She just doesn’t want to spend time with me anymore. She loves Charlie more, she’s always with him!”
“Oh Brooke…” Beca sighed again, softer this time as she sat on the floor in front of her daughter, brushing her hair out of her face, “That’s not it, I promise. You remember that mama was really poorly during that snowstorm a few weeks ago?”
“Uh huh.” Brooke nodded, sniffling softly as Beca took her hands in hers.
“And that Charlie was born and he was really poorly too?” Beca could feel a lump forming in her throat as Brooke nodded softly. She had been so worried about Chloe and Charlie that she had forgotten to check on Brooke as often as she should, “Well they’re not as poorly now, but they still need to get some rest and look after each other. Mama really wanted to do your ribbons this morning but she was just too sore to get out of bed… but she really does love you Brooke, as much as she loves Charlie, I promise you she does.”
Brooke sniffed again as she crawled forward into Beca’s lap and wrapped her arms around her neck. Beca hugged her back, kissing the top of her head as she felt her heart break a little. Poor Brooke had been through a lot too in the three and a half weeks since Charlie had been born and Beca should have done more to make sure that she was okay too.
“I’m sorry Brooke, I’ve been really worried about mama and Charlie, I should’ve been there for you too.” Beca mumbled in her hair, “I love you so much peanut, I promise I’m going to do better.”
“S’okay.” Brooke smiled up at Beca as she pulled back, “Momma needed you. So did Charlie.”
“So did you.” Beca raised her eyebrow, brushing Brooke’s hair from her face again, “You still do. You’re always going to be my little girl Brooke, no matter how old you get or how terrible I am at doing your hair.”
Brooke giggled as she rested her head in the crook of Beca’s neck, “I love you momma.”
“I love you too Brooke.” Beca kissed the top of her head.
“Can I stay home today?” Brooke looked up at Beca again, her mom frowning at her little.
“So I can help look after mama. We could make her breakfast in bed an’ do her hair so she feels better an’ watch some movies!” Brooke was grinning broadly and Beca could feel her heart swelling with pride, “An’ I can look after Charlie for a bit so you can rest too!”
“Okay.” Beca nodded, “You can stay home. But if school asks, you have the flu right?”
“Yup!” Brooke beamed, scrambling to her feet as she tugged at Beca to get up and follow her.
Beca complied, following Brooke back to hers and Chloe’s bedroom. Brooke got carefully onto the bed next to the sleepily smiling Chloe who was propped up against a pile of pillows, a bemused frown on her face as Brooke pressed a kiss to her cheek.
“Hey baby. I thought you were getting ready for school?” Chloe looked over at Beca for a moment who shrugged sheepishly.
“Nope!” Brooke snuggled into her side, “I’m gonna stay here and help look after you today. Momma looks tired and I want you to feel better soon, so we’re gonna watch movies and I’m gonna put ribbons in your hair because momma will do it wrong, and we’re gonna make you pancakes!”
“That sounds really nice.” Chloe grinned, holding her hand out towards Beca and pulling her gently into the bed with them, “I know momma could do with a break and some rest.”
“I’m fine.” Beca mumbled as she kissed Chloe softly, “I’m just a little tired.”
“I know.” Chloe cupped her cheek in her hand, “You take such good care of us Becs but you’re exhausting yourself.”
“Pancakes later.” Brooke nodded, “You and mama should sleep, I’ll look after Charlie!”
Before either of them could say anything, Brooke had gotten up from the bed and gone over to Charlie’s cot in the corner, settling herself in the rocking chair next to it as watched Charlie intently, stroking his tiny clasped fist.
“You raise really great kids Becs.” Chloe murmured, running her fingers through Beca’s hair as Beca’s head rested against her shoulder.
“Nah, she’s pure Chloe.” Beca shook her head a little, relaxing for the first time since the snowstorm as Chloe’s arm rested gently on her waist.
“Are you kidding? Putting everything on hold to look after her family? That’s all you.” Chloe sighed happily, “We should get a pizza for dinner, eat it in here with a movie, a proper family night, what do you think?”
Beca didn’t answer and Chloe tore her eyes from Brooke and Charlie to find Beca had fallen asleep. She smiled softly, pressing a gentle kiss to Beca’s forehead before turning her attention back to Brooke and Charlie. It wasn’t long before she drifted off to sleep to, Brooke looking over at her mom’s and grinning as she turned back to Charlie.
“I know you’re only little but you’ll see that they’re the best mommas ever.” Brooke reassured him, playing with the little wisps of ginger hair on his head, “When you’re better I’ll show you all my toys, you can play with whatever you want, as long as you ask first. And if you want hair ribbons, ask mama. Momma is the worst at them.”
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justis14 · 4 years
Self promotion attack! What are your seven favorite stories you’ve either written (or read if you don't write or didn't write seven) over the last 12 months?
Oh my! I’m not a writer myself, so I’ve chosen few of my favorites I’ve read recently. Fics are not in any order!
Fics are picked from my AO3 bookmarks and decided to choose only multichapter fics. 
Desperate Measures by @aliciameade
DJ and the Babysitter by @snowflake19-things also check out - First Times All Around 
Guiding Light by @massivedrickhead
Pieces by @suituuup also check out - Unspoken & Outlander
(Just Like) Starting Over by @pocketdragon
Chloe and the Music Therapist by @anotherbechloeshipper also check out - Heavy Petting (Zoo)
She Used to Meet Me on East Side by @cheapthrillsbeca
and one as an extra just because I can ;)
Days of Plenty AU by @lastchildofkrypton 
Massive thank you to all the writers <3
If you have any questions feel free to send me a message :)
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pitchslapped · 4 years
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Love On Top - Pitch Slapped Podcast New Episode
Lets celebrate Love On Top! You can listen to it right here:
Featured fan fiction this week includes:
We only see each other at weddings and funerals by @becas-bluebiird
Days Of Plenty by @lastchildofkrypton
Quarantine – areaderofmanythings
Let’s Do the time warp – @wordsofmyreality
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lastchildofkrypton · 2 years
Quick little DOP AU one shot because I need to get my shit together.
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massivedrickhead · 4 years
3, 4, 7, 11, 14, 20 and 23 please :)
3. Are there any fics that inspired you to write what you do?
I get inspired all the time by the amazing writers in this fandom. Seeing them post and reading them and getting excited about fic again makes me want to write it.
4. Link your three favourite fics right now.
I’m currently reading Hold You Dear by @lastchildofkrypton and I’m really enjoying that.
I also love Her Words Destroyed My Planet by UnfamiliarSky on fanfic.net which is really good and really gets me in my hurt/comfort feels.
And my absolute favourite which I always go back to and re-read a lot is Favourite Record by @elldina (bechloehuh/chloebeale on AO3). I just really love this fic, and I think Cole is such a talented write.
7. Already answered :)
11. Already answered :)
14: Again, already answered haha 
20. What’s your favourite part about the fanfiction writing process?
I love those moments when it feels like the fic is writing itself. Like it sort of takes on a life of it’s own and I'm writing like I’m trying to keep up with it. And I love it when I get to moments that I’ve been excited to get to, like if it’s a particularly dramatic or extra cute moment.
23. Answered that one here :)
Ask me one
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ao3-feedwayhaught · 6 years
Keep My Head Up (Just to Keep it Clear)
by lastchildofkrypton
Nicole and Waverly's daughter gets into some trouble at school, but in true Purgatory fashion it is much more sinister than anyone thought.
Words: 4050, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Company You Keep
Fandoms: Wynonna Earp (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Waverly Earp, Nicole Haught, Wynonna Earp, Alice Michelle, Original Earp-Haught Child(ren), Adeline Haught
Relationships: Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught
Additional Tags: Adeline and Alice brotp, wayhaught parents, this got heavier than intended
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/15332433
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143bc · 3 years
List 10 different female faves from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people
I was tagged by @justis14 <3
Faith Lehane - Buffy
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Jane Rizzoli - Rizzoli and Isles
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Bette Porter - L-Word
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Chloe Beale - Pitch Perfect
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MCU - Black Widow
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Jennifer Jareau - Criminal Minds
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Piper Haliwell - Charmed
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Santana Lopez - Glee
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Amelia Eve - Bly Manor
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Robin Scherbatsky - HIMYM
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I’m tagging @empoweredwomeninfilm @pinkpastels113 @evebluebeale @lastchildofkrypton @snowflake19-things @pitchperfectbechloee @bechloeislegit @josy1986 @pleaseactsurprisedxx
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beca-mitchell · 4 years
The new icon tho ❤️❤️
thank you 🥺 i asked my wife to make it for me so it’s all her talent (@asimplefavors)
also yes kendrick is so hot i would like to cease to exist
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lastchildofkryptn · 4 years
Newest chapter of Days of Plenty is up!
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