#laura Lawrence
nymoshopper · 5 months
I would really like season 6 of Cobra Kai to better address Laura Lawrence, Johnny's mother, her certain negligence is notorious, but even so, the little fanatic of karate, rock and conspiracies admired her and is still shaken by the death of his beloved mother. It would be interesting if Johnny visited her grave or the writers gave us an exact glimpse of what Laura really was like and, certainly, how she would react to who Johnny Lawrence is now.
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miyagi-hokarate · 4 days
RIP Laura Lawrence I know you would have loved Lucille LaRusso
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secondclassfangirl · 1 year
For the prompt NICE @allvalley100
Daniel finds him sprawled across the couch six beers in, staring teary-eyed at a photo. The woman beams at them: young, carefree, hair almost as golden as Johnny’s.
“Twenty years,” Johnny says hoarsely. “Twenty fucking years.”
Daniel settles next to him. He coaxes Johnny’s head onto his shoulder and holds him tight, fingers carding through his hair.
“Tell me about her.”
“She was…nice. Good. Patient. Everything I’m not.” He sniffles, pressing closer. “Even with all the shit Sid put her through. She never stopped fighting.”
Daniel smiles sadly, kissing his temple. “I think you’re more like her than you think.”
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landslided · 2 months
What are your headcanons for Laura Lawrence 👀
GREAT QUESTION, ANON!!! i have many!
blanket statement of these are my personal headcanons which are obviously not gospel truth and don't need to be agreed with, these are just what i believe/enjoy writing about for laura lawrence.
TW: alcoholism, abortion, cancer.
i think laura was a teen mom; i think she had johnny around seventeen with a guy who was just passing by and her parents threw her out.
she didn't graduate and she got her GED. she was very very good at math and kind of wanted to become a teacher before she got pregnant.
i think she had a kind of holistic, surfer girl, live-with-the-waves vibe and she and johnny went to the beach A LOT when he was a kid because it was free to just walk around and swim.
she had lots of little jobs before meeting sid. johnny's best memory is when she was working at an ice cream parlor. she had a whole baby blue uniform and the owner was really nice.
when she met sid, he promised her that she'd be able to go back to school, maybe even go to university when they got married. quite quickly she found out he was lying.
she developed an alcohol problem four years after her marriage to sid.
around the fifth year into her marriage with sid, she found out she was pregnant and got an abortion in secret. a few months later she told sid she had to go visit an old relative in atlanta and that she'd be back soon, instead, she went to san franciqco and got a hysterectomy.
her full name is laura jean lawrence, i know the show wants me to think her maiden name was brown and that lawrence is the name of some mysterious guy but i refuse <3 johnny has his mother's name because i said so.
she was a huge rock n roll fan, all of johnny's tapes were her's first.
she was very isolated in the hills: she didn't relate to anyone in the country club and she had the bad reputation of being a gold digger. she lost track of johnny's life around that time because of the alcohol and she was never really able to pick it back up afterwards.
she went to johnny's first-ever tournament but after seeing him bleed on the mat, she settled by giving him some money for milkshakes with his friends afterwards and ironing his gi herself.
her only friend was sid's maid, an older woman named georgia who was the only person in the world who knew that laura had to get her stomach pumped three times.
the cobras all called her laura and not mrs weinberg. she liked dutch the most even though he was the most troublesome.
johnny didn't tell her about what happened in the parking lot with kreese up until sid saw the paper stalking about the accident and told her. she cried for a full day, locked in her room. the next day, she went by the cobra kai dojo at night, aware that it had already closed, and threw a brick through the window.
she sporadically sent johnny money after he moved out until she got sick and sid started making the checks.
she got liver cancer when she was 52, it all went very very fast.
she wasn't the best mom in the world; johnny made her a saint in his mind after her death but she was short-tempered and prideful. she was also loving and funny and creative, she had good sides and bad sides, like every living being.
i like to think robby looks like her a lot.
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wicked-jade · 1 year
@allvalley100 Here’s my fill for the First and Last prompt. Laura and Johnny. TW: Character Death.
With her last breath, she remembers his first.
She remembers the cry echoing off the sterile tile. Her mother said it’d be a relief, hearing that first, plaintive wail.
But all Laura had felt was anxiety.
He’d been so loud, for something so small. She’d never felt more alone and helpless than when the nurse placed that squirming bundle of blankets in her arms. He cried, and cried and she hadn’t known what he needed, or how to give it to him.
She just wanted him to be quiet.
With her last breath, Johnny is silent. She wishes he’d cry.
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I did get lazy because I’m sick right now and really tired but;
Uhh yeah that’s all I really have to say :]
shit quality drawings but, sound on.
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curiousdamage · 5 months
Pastels & Chalk for your Cobra Kai OC Laura Lawrence from But I'll Never Stop Trying
Pastels: Give me three colors that best represent your OC. Now give me three colors that your OC likes best. Is there an overlap? Pinks, yellows, and grays represent her but pinks, purples, and blacks are her favorite. Pink is the over lap.
Chalk: what was one activity this character enjoyed with their sibling(s) as a kid? If they don't have siblings, what they did with their neighborhood friends.
She's always like skating with Robby. Skating, scooters, anything outside with him was always her favorite.
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Wrote this for all you lovely Cobra Kai fans here on Tumblr (if you are reading this, hello, happy holidays, this is for you! 😊❤) Johnny's Christmas miracle in '83 (Gen, no warnings except for Sid being his usual shitty self)
It's been on Johnny's mind all week. Sensei Kreese's offhand remark about not having any Christmas plans. Johnny can't help but feel bad for him, which is stupid because Sensei probably enjoys time to himself, where he can do whatever he feels like. But still, even at their lowest, dirt-poor point, his mom and him have always been able to celebrate Christmas together and make something special out of it. He thinks Kreese deserves something like that too.
A light bulb goes off in his head. The idea fills him with equal amounts of restless anxiety and excitement. He agonizes about the right way to ask his mom and Sid. (Let's be real, it's still Sid's house and he's the one who makes all the final decisions around here. It's already a miracle that he allows them their 'silly little tradition'.) At the same time he tries not to think about the very real possibility that Kreese will turn down his offer in the end anyway.
The next day, when Sid returns from the country club in one of his rare good moods, Johnny decides that the timing is as perfect as it will ever be. During dinner he fidgets in his chair until he finds to courage to ask for what he wants.
"Mom? Sensei Kreese said he'll be all alone at Christmas, and well, I was just wondering, wouldn't it be nice to invite him to Christmas dinner? If it's okay with you and Sid," he blurts out.
"Christmas dinner with your karate teacher? Hah, that's the stupidest thing I've heard from you yet."
His mom, bless her, tries to counter Sid's mocking words.
"I think it's sweet of you honey, that you don't want Mr. Kreese to be alone during the holidays."
Sid grumbles and is probably about to cancel the whole thing just to spite them, but Johnny prepared for this.
"What about a Christmas lunch instead? That way he won't stay for very long."
He can hardly believe his ears when, after a pleading look from Laura, Sid says, "Fine, he can come over for a quick luncheon. We'll see what he has to say about you and if he agrees that your karate lessons are a waste of money."
Johnny is so excited he barely registers the threatening second sentence.
Though when he tells Kreese about it the following day, he is so fully convinced his offer is about to be rejected—already thinking about having to face his stepdad's ridicule when he tells him the lunch is off—that when Kreese accepts the invitation with a bemused look on his face his first reaction is a "Huh?"
He quickly recovers, beaming up at his Sensei and shoving a nervously crumpled piece of paper into his hands. "Okay, great! Lunch is served at 1 PM. Here's the address, it's easy to find. See you then!"
The day of the lunch has arrived, and Johnny has already checked his hair, outfit and decorations a million times. Just like his commitment, movements and performance in the dojo, everything has to be perfect. The doorbell chimes right when he gets sent out of the kitchen for hovering. He walks to the door as quickly as he can without messing up his hair or making him seem out of breath.
It's still weird seeing Kreese in anything but a gi, he'll never get used to the sight. And these are definitely the nicest-looking clothes he's ever seen his Sensei wearing. Not overly formal, and Sid will probably think Kreese didn't make an effort, but Johnny can tell that he did.
The lunch is slightly awkward but nice, with Johnny providing entertainment by blabbering excitedly about anything and everything, his eyes bright and fixated on their visitor. Whenever Johnny has to pause to take a breath, Laura asks Kreese polite questions. Everything is going smoothly.
Leave it to Sid to find a way to ruin it.
To be fair, Johnny gestures wildly during one of his tales and knocks over his glass of water. Sid is quick to scold him for it, starting a tirade about how Johnny is good for nothing, always making messes, always screwing around and making a fool of himself.
Johnny can feel himself shrink with every word coming out of Sid's mouth. He stares at the festive table cloth. Usually he would have teared up by now, but the presence of his Sensei at least ensures that his eyes remain dry. Anger and shame well up inside him in lieu of the usual misery. Before he has time to decide how he's going to react to Sid's scorn, Kreese speaks up in a voice he usually reserves for his students.
"You and I have a very different view of Johnny, Mr. Weinberg. He's my best student, and recently became the first ever two-time back-to-back All Valley Under 18 Karate Champion, all without losing a single point. But I guess Johnny only excels under the right kind of guidance, so of course you wouldn't know what the boy is capable of."
Sid silently seethes during the remainder of the lunch, and even though Johnny knows what to expect once Kreese leaves, he still glows warm inside, like being near a bonfire. At the end of the lunch his cheeks hurt from smiling.
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terrence-silver · 2 years
Iffy subject, but Terry Silver being Johnny Lawrence's dad as a theory is oddly distasteful to me because it means blonde, blue eyed, Waspy Johnny and his blonde, blue eyed, Waspy mother would've been both victimized, abused and abandoned by not one but two, get a load of this, villainous rich Jewish men, namely Sid Weinberg and Terry Silver (who did the abandoning in this case) respectively. I don't understand how people don't see it looks weird and plays into more offensive stereotypes than I can name.
Yeah, I think the show writers really ought to take a step back and have a moment to introspectively reflect.
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ff7-has-taken-me-over · 10 months
Laura attending the 84 tournament and witnessing everything that happens, she’s proud of her boy for trying his best but she doesn’t quiet approved of him going after his opponents leg like that.
When she makes it to the parking lot and sees Johnny and his teacher arguing she speeds up, intent to butt in and tell the man off for what he’s been teaching her kid.
Then he’s grabbing Johnny in a chokehold and she sees red. She’s running up to them and getting the man over the head with her hand bag, suddenly seeing all those times men had done something similar to her and she won’t stand for her baby experiencing it as well.
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
some rambles below about the potential if johnny had had a biological dad in cobra kai instead of a stepfather (i stress “rambles” this isn’t organised)
wondering about the version of johnny who does have a bio-dad who’s just like... johnny-but-worse in a different way to how kreese is johnny-but-worse, that is while johnny was presented as a spoiled rich kid who’s kind of mindlessly aggressive/being encouraged in that by kreese, his dad could be a republican (homophobic) economist or stocktrader or smthin, some guy for whom all these trappings and johnny and laura are part of the scenery of his success (like a don draper type but less charismatic) --
which is sort of what they were trying to do with sid, but that messaging got lost the second they forgot that johnny was designed to be the blonde über-american foil to the immigration and outsider daniel and miyagi story, and sid of course cannot be that metaphor! (thinks also forever fondly about the fic about sid getting into the country club, but still being an outsider, and wonders if there’s some way of incorporating that idea into this story, but for now, placing his lost potential gently aside) 
what would it mean for a johnny who really did have all the chances to do whatever he wanted, provided he played by his real life father’s rules and his dream was to... be gay do karate? was he disowned? has he essentially disowned himself? is his father dead or alive? is there still money to be had that johnny refuses to touch? does his real life father bail him out of jail over and over and that is the extent to which he’ll help him (while also being disgusted/disappointed by his continued alcoholism, not because he himself isn’t maybe an alcoholic in the correct way, but because johnny is so obvious about it or something along those lines)? would they bump into each other end s3 at the country club?
also I realise here that this is the narrative they gave to terry, and the parallel narrative would still work, considering terry did do what his family ordered him to and johnny just... couldn’t
love a good “karate is a phase” metaphor + it would have made the sources of johnny’s pain not be his jewish stepdad (reliably removed from having to be blood-related or have anything to do with johnny’s purpose in the original film) and instead be literally all the things that were put in place for boys like him to grow up into privilege and for some Unknown Reason he was unable to fulfil that expected goal 
it also would have brought johnny’s parentage more to the front, because sid is never really particularly involved in the karate war and johnny cuts ties with him pretty fast (and then ed asner died, so idk if they were intending more), but if his actual, powerful, still-invested-in-his-stock-on-some-level father were in the plot there’d be way more you could do with that (maybe especially if he were dying? johnny is his final legacy?)
+ the core of Stuff that was increasingly forgotten by the show was also that daniel and miyagi were not related by blood, they became family by choice and to have that be a stronger bond in comparison to a johnny and his biological dad....? the idea that biological family ain’t everything and you can choose! (cries in s5.....)
laura could still have been someone either someone who came from a poor background and he married her for her looks/youth, but I also like the laura who kind of parallels ali, whose parents in the first movie ofc very much try to “push” her towards a more suitable boyfriend in... the violent and disrespectful of her boundaries johnny lawrence
there’d be a whole interesting subplot at that point of characters who didn’t come from money who were able to find a way to make their own way in life, vs characters who did come from money who got trapped in cycles of violence by doing what was expected and then visited that violence on people without as much power as them in order to assert control, and johnny attempting somehow to break that cycle without knowing how or why or even that he was really doing it by breaking from his father
ofc you coulda also killed the guy early on and had johnny’s main narrative revolve around laura, but that would assume a story that puts mothers on equal footing and it always struggled with that a bit, even back in the movie days -- tbh the only thing that I would really take from all of that, is that her maiden-name was lawrence and johnny used her name the whole time, and possibly that the full break between johnny and [insert father] was her death
bringing back sid for a sec, simply to wonder about fitting in a guy like him who’s managed to get into “the club” because off the top of my head I mainly think he belongs in a slightly different story, but if someone has something they’d like to say to that am all ears!
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avamills · 1 year
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society if lucille larusso and laura lawrence met in the 80’s and became best friends
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Laura Lawrence, Johnny's mother, was a kind character and always had his best interests at heart, even if things didn't always turn out well. Even on her deathbed, she pleaded with her horrible rich husband Sid to watch over Johnny. She wanted Johnny to have a father figure after his own ran off on them when he was a only a child. Johnny did get lots of nice material things from Sid but only because he wanted to keep Laura as a trophy wife, not because he actually cared about her son. It was through the karate lessons at Cobra Kai, reluctantly paid for by Sid, that he made some new friends, as well as a father figure in John Kreese. Having all 3 father figures let him down, as well as losing his mother was sent Johnny down the downward spiral.
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wicked-jade · 1 year
@allvalley100 For the Boys Don’t Cry prompt. Y’all didn’t really think I was gonna let this one go without providing some baby Johnny angst, did you? 
Trigger warning for verbal abuse and Sid being Sid.
“What’re you crying for now?!”
“Don’t ‘Sid’ me, Laura! He wanted a bike, I got him a goddamn bike! So why the hell is the ungrateful little bastard crying? What, is it the wrong color? You wanted one with a pretty pink basket and streamers on the handle bars?” Sid sneered in Johnny’s face.
“Sid! Stop it!”
“What? If he’s gonna weep like a little girl, he might as well ride around like one.”
Johnny choked back another sob as Sid knocked over the bike and stomped away.
The only think he’d wanted for his birthday was his dad.
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so I tend to write when I am not meant to be, so it’s 12 AM, let’s write some angst.
(Short fic under cut, nothing nsft (unless you count one day of the word sex as nsft, then 🤷‍♀️) about it I just put it under a cut)
Johnny never did well with feelings. The cobra’s could barely get a word about he he felt out of him but they did try their hardest, to no avail. Laura dropped him off at a therapist one time and one time only after he snuck out when the therapist wasn’t paying attention, causing Laura to get a very panicked call right when Johnny showed up on the doorstep. That was an argument that Johnny did not win.
Karate was always sort of an outlet for Johnny, a way to get all that anger and stress out there and away from him only for it to come flooding back when he saw LaRusso holding hands with the girl who was meant to be his girlfriend. He never did like Daniel for that reason, among others.
Ali was supposed to be his, so it hurt knowing she wasn’t, or that’s what he told himself. In reality, Johnny was happy knowing that someone was taking care of Ali properly, treating her how he should have. He didn’t have a good relationship to model off of, so their relationship was about as rocky as Sid and his mother’s but he doesn’t let that excuse how he treated her. He guesses that’s one of the reasons he get’s so angry about Daniel being with Ali, because seeing her being in a relationship and being happy makes him happy for her and Johnny doesn’t want that. He knows how bad that sounds, but he doesn’t want to see her happy with somebody else, let alone be okay with it.
Girls have always been infatuated with Johnny and he’s never quite understood it until he got to know them. The reasons range from his popularity, to the ‘I have a hot boyfriend’ card or his family’s money. Occasionally he gets some fucked up girl who wants people to be afraid of her, so she pulls the scary guy but aside from that, it’s always those first three. He’s been used for almost everything teenage girls can use boyfriends for. Money, revenge, popularity, bragging rights, trying to get their ex back, covering insecurities, sex. He’s been there, done that with a lot of the girls in this hell of a school and every single one of them pulls more energy from him.
There went a time before Ali came along that the Cobra’s had to come to Johnny’s house to drag him to school, Bobby couldn’t bear the sight of his best friend laying in bed, blank expression, used like a doll and discarded like one too. And that was when he needed karate more than ever, he’d show up 3 hours early to start training some days. He was motivated because he was hurting, and that was his outlet.
and then Ali came along.
Johnny had expected another girl who wanted some sick revenge on her boyfriend or to make herself look hotter, something of the like. Sure, he had always had his eyes set on Ali but it was different when he approached her. When he approached her, he was in control instead of her. He hated not being in control.
Ali was way out of what Johnny thought was his league, but she wanted to be with him and that somewhat terrified Johnny. He was so afraid he’d mess up, make her cry and she’d never come back. That maybe it was all a big joke on him, he’d had that happen once. But no, Ali liked Johnny and she liked him for him, he’d never had that happen so it was a shock to the system. He’d liked her for a long time and she actually liked him too, like heaven on earth.
Then the fights started and Johnny realised that he didn’t know what a healthy relationship was, Sid and Laura weren’t a good example, his past with girls wasn’t either. He tried to make up with her the way that he saw people do it on TV, buying gifts or half assed apologies because he didn’t know how to say what he meant but the fights just got more frequent until Ali snapped.
“That’s IT! I’m done with you!” Johnny would never forget feeling like he’d been stabbed when she said that, gasping at air he couldn’t get down but still remaining statue still. “Every. Single. Day! You’re not even good at apologising! Writing a half assed letter and buying me a fancy gemstone ring doesn’t magically make it better, Johnny!” He’d exceeded his allowance with those gifts by a lot, praying that Sid had enough money that he wouldn’t notice. But Ali had been right and she always was.
“I’m not good at apologising.”
At some point he remembers uttering those words to himself sitting on a cliff edge with the Cobra’s and some beer after a fight between himself and Bobby that had split the Cobra’s into two groups, Tommy on Bobby’s side, Dutch on Johnny’s and Jimmy who didn’t really know what to do. He always found something to fight over, with anyone. Hell, he’d had a fight with his mom not long before she passed. He’d fight anyone, over anything, at any time only because it made him feel like he was winning something when he won the argument.
Sure, he won the all valley twice, but he lost to Daniel. Sure, he had more girlfriends than most people he knew in high school, but he lost the only one he loved. He’s had a lot of things, And he’s lost them too. He’d never complain, of course.
after all he put everyone else through? He’d never let himself complain.
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lupinblacktheone · 2 years
All the love in the world
            The minute Johnny showed up at the doorstep with a little package in his arms, Laura fell in love again.
            Since Johnny and Sid — thankfully — wouldn’t be around the baby all the time, she gladly jumped into the role of the main caretaker. She sang him lullabies, fixed his meals, played with him, took him in outings — no matter how much money her husband had, Laura Lawrence believed in buying her own groceries —, helped him with homework and listened to his long speeches about his concerns and dreams.
            Her friends were always talking about her being too old to raise another child, but she couldn’t care less. No one, except for her — and occasionally Johnny — would be able to take proper care of her precious Robby.
            Growing up, Robby was proud to help and take care of Laura, gladly helping her carry shopping bags, reminding her to take her medicines, cooking for her every now and then and when he got his license, he insisted on driving her anywhere she needed to go — even though he got bored to death by church services.
            When Johnny told his son that he decided to move in with his boyfriend and asked him if he would like to go as well, Robby was happy for his father. Daniel was a good person and his daughter, Samantha, was fun to hang out with, not to mention that Daniel liked to talk about old cars with Robby.
            However, when it came to telling Sid and Laura, things got a little… tense. They knew and expected that Sid would react badly, to say the least, but weren’t so sure about Laura. Over the years, Robby had heard pastors yelling at the top of their lungs that being gay was a sin. Most of the people listening seemed to agree with them, exchanging rumors and gossip about each other’s children who were queer — as if anyone of them actually knew what “queer” meant — and a few older men here and there — some of them even were pastors! — who had affairs with other men and thought no one knew. Laura had never said a word about it.
            “I want you to have dinner upstairs tonight”, Johnny said as they were labeling the last boxes in Robby’s room.
            They had been packing their stuff and taking it to Daniel’s house, little by little, just to make sure they had somewhere to go after Sid inevitably kicked them out.
            “No way! I will be there with you. To give you emotional support, you know?”
            “Thanks, kid. It really means a lot.”
            “I know.”
            After that, Robby made Johnny play Mortal Kombat with him. The old man will never admit it, but he kind of liked the game and the distraction provided by the colorful pixeled images and loud sounds worked miracles to him.
            “So, just so you know…”, he said at the dinner table. “I’m not straight. Never was. And I have a boyfriend. Robby and I will be moving to his house tonight.”
            “I always knew there was something wrong with you”, Sid mumbled and went back to drinking whatever was in his glass.
            Laura, on the other hand, said nothing.
            On his first day living with the LaRussos, Robby replayed that dinner over and over again, wondering if talking to Laura beforehand would have made things better or worse. On day two, he learned that Samantha had her own secret agenda to push and was trying to get Johnny to join the cause. On day four, she succeeded.  On day eight, the first change was introduced. Now, she was allowed to have driving lessons on Johnny’s motorcycle.
            On day sixteen, Robby saw Daniel and Johnny acting romantic and goofy for the first time. They were slow-dancing in the living room, at the sound of a cool 70’s band, thinking nobody was watching — he recorded it to show at their wedding.
            On day thirty-two, things were functioning automatically. Sam and Daniel no longer needed to say where Johnny and Robby would find toilet paper. They were officially part of that household.
            On day one hundred twenty-eight, Robby saw Laura at the students’ parking lot, walking straight towards him.
            “Hi”, she said, hugging him. He hugged her back, because damn! He missed his Nana so much. “How are you, Robby?”
            Laura didn’t have any terms of endearment, except for “Robby” — she coined it, by the way.  Hearing her say that is like going back to being six years old. In a good way.
            “I’m great. What about you?”
            “Missing you both like crazy, of course. How’s your dad? Is he happy?”
            “The happiest I’ve ever seen, Nana.”
            “He must really like his boyfriend.”
            “He loves him.”
            “That’s wonderful”, she looks away for three seconds.
            “Would you like to meet him?”
            “Yes. I’d like that very much.”
            “And maybe we could hang out like we used to?”
            “Yeah, yeah. Sure.”
            “Cool. I just have to tell my sister to find another ride.”
            “Oh. You have a sister?”
            “Yup. She’s Daniel’s daughter from his first marriage and she’s great, so I call her ‘sister’.”
            He called her and informed the girl he’d spend the afternoon with his grandma and would be back home in time for dinner.
             “Daniel is very methodic about meal times”, he explained to Laura after the call was ended.
            “That’s good to know.”
            Ever since Johnny was young, his mother worried about how he would take care of himself as an adult, because every time he had a problem, he’d resort to her. That’s probably why he waited until he had somewhere else to leave before coming out.
            Robby drove to his favorite ice cream shop and entered the place with the same excited look he had in his eyes as a child.
            “You still have a sweet tooth, huh?”
            “And I don’t think I’ll ever change”, he answered with a smile.
            Following their tradition, Laura waited patiently while her grandson built a mountain of ice cream using the most exotic flavors and toppings, then ordered two scoops of chocomint with cherry syrup for herself — and paid for it all.
            “How are your college plans? I remember you wanted to be a teacher when you were little. Do you still want that?”
            “I feel like I would be a good psychologist, actually.”
            “It suits you.”
            More small talk happened before Robby gave in to his anxiety.
            “Why did you show up at the school?”
            “I wanted to see you”, Laura was using that tone of voice she had on whenever people were being stupid. Robby used to encourage that because people’s stupidness can reach stratospheric levels, specially at fancy country clubs, but right now, Robby wished he could shake it out of her. “I said I missed you, didn’t I?”
            “Then why didn’t you call us? We missed you as much as you did.”
            “I had to come to terms with my beliefs and how did they affect my relationship with your father.”
            “And what did you decide?”
            “I decided that I love you both very much, regardless of who you love.”
            “That’s nice, really”, he rubbed the back side of his neck. “Is it a bad time to tell you I’m pansexual?”    
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