#law icarus
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"with what? Your boyish charm?"
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mikelogan · 1 year
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standing on the cliff face, highest fall you’ll ever grace it scares me half to death look out to the future, but it tells you nothing so take another breath your hands protect the flames from the wild winds around you
icarus is flying too close to the sun
and icarus’s life, it has only just begun this is how it feels to take a fall icarus is flying towards an early grave
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jojo-schmo · 4 months
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More evil art!! Because Shadow Jojo can be evil for a little bit longer as a fun treat!!
Also a follow-up to my previous evil art style post because I think I can keep pushing it further-!!
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fagtainsparklez · 5 months
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my dad is never fucking beating the streamer allegations his christmas gift for himself finally arrived and tell me why THIS is what he unpacks
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you know. holding ari's little comment of "part of me also does feel bad" and their continued comment that they (Icarus) just want to make fable *proud* and its just not happening, so so gently. I'm holding it and shaking it. because current a lot of people really want Icarus *dead* - and I have no doubt ari is in a similar boat (she mentions she would've stabbed them if it wouldn't immediately get her killed), but also ari can at least understand where Icarus is coming from, as someone with a godly parent. and I shake that. and and and - this is the first time *anyone* has out loud admitted that about icarus. This is this first time anyone has outright said (or even implied) that all of this, all they're doing, is to make fable proud. and I hold that so gently.
(something about how ari and icarus are far more similar than either of them will probably *ever* realize; something about how ari understands better than most what Icarus is currently going through. something about how Icarus currently *hates* ari, but some part of ari cares for them so deeply. something about how, maybe when this is all over, they can be friends - and maybe bit by *agonizing* bit, they can help each other heal.)
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gracehosborn · 2 months
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… The [Law] Register [of Alexander Hamilton, 1795-1804] is the first document of its kind made available in printed form and copiously annotated. Some readers will use the Register for information on a particular case or cases or for bibliographical aid in exploring court records. Apart from such use the document in its totality uniquely illuminates the practice of law during a formative period in legal development and growth of the bar in the State of New York.
Source: Hamilton, Alexander. The Law Practice of Alexander Hamilton, Documents and Commentary: Vol. V Ed. Goebel, Julius Jr., Smith, Joseph H. Columbia University Press, 1981 pg. 8 [Link Here]
And one reader will use the Register to outline part of a historical fiction epic. Definitely the unconventional answer.
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I think Rollins is going to blame Sonny for her boredom and her career ending - she’s always blamed and accused him of everything - they shouldn’t have got together, she only wanted him so he’d still be 100% attention on her as if he’s with someone else then she ain’t getting all his attention or him dropping everything all the time - they’ll divorce for sure I feel, and she’ll move away or something then a few seasons later or so, Sonny moves to be closer to his son (and her daughters) as he’s certainly the fittest parent out of the two.
Ok Anon. I have run out of patience for answering. Lol You can keep sending, and I will read 'em, but my opinions aren't going to change.
Rollins is not a bad character. In fact, Rollins is a fantastic character who fell victim to bad management and worse writing. As for Kelli, I don't really gaf. I don't know her and never will. What I do know is that she can act better than most actresses on TV in her age range, and DW fucked up hard by trying to get rid of her. It's a shame that in her coming back, she has to suffer through more lazy, destructive writing and boring bullshit. But really, the entire vehicle of a show is headed off that cliff, so, what can ya do I guess?
As for Carisi, I honestly don't care enough about him to bash him. As either a character or an actor. He can come, he can go, whatever. He adds nothing to the show so it means nothing to me.
I draw very distinct lines between characters and their actors. There is a huge gap between the two (despite anything Mariska says). So regardless of how much I may hate how a character is written, I'm not going to bash the actor for wanting a paycheck, or for acting the way it's written. Not in this economy.
And finally, always remember, every second interview that Mariska does she reminds us "Dick has the final say." If he wants to destroy his fan base, he's gonna. If he wants to hire and fire and then hire again, ditto. White male show creator syndrome means that no matter what his show means to others, no matter the legacy it has now, Dick Wolf is the one who decides if he wants to run it right into the ground. Anyone my age (I'm 40) will remember well watching Chris Carter do it in the 90s with The X-Files. It's like Icarus flying too close to the sun. Too much success with a good thing makes you think any change you make will be received just as well and succeed.
What really ends up happening is, the fanbase schisms worse than a white Baptist church and is left to pick up the pieces. Some write Rolivia fanfic, some write Rollisi fanfic, and we all reminisce about the days before the show went to hell in a handbasket.
There's a reason, anon(s) why TV shows in the 60s, 70s, 80s ended and never stretched on for a quarter of a century. Because culture, politics, comedy, current issues, etc. change too much to sustain that kind of cohesiveness. We all think that reboots and reunions are great, but most of them end up just reminding us that time marches on and nothing remains.
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miirohs · 3 months
how i feel knowing kosas might be the reason i have to shut down my blog
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afterartist · 11 months
Twitter users joining tumblr: ew no. Leave. Keep your incensed selves to yourself plz ty (:
Reddit users joining tumblr: WELCOME! LOOK AT THE FLASHY LIGHTS!! it’s cool right?! Oh my gosh you guys have been missing out on so much- have some dopamine cause it’s spooky month and everyone gets dopamine on spooky month!!
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o3ovan · 5 months
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arrest them.
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terrovaniadorm · 7 months
👁‍🗨 with Suzuki at Icarus, Keres at Inuku , Emmett at Hans // @multydoodles
First impressions
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📺 "... I don't know. He doesn't seem like he wants to bother me... Which is good... He seems more occupied with working. He hasn't said anything to me yet. What was his name again... Icarus, Right?"
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🌙 "I'm gonna be honest i actually never heard of their work till now, I'm not someone who remembers famous people y'know? Inuku is really lively, he has his unique extra flair. I'm scared to actually talk with them but— I'm sure they aren't like some idols here."
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🔆 "Oh? Hansel ain't it? The pink haired one, i see that guy he seems to be real responsible eh? If i didn't learn before hand he'd be the vice president in my head. Just another strait-laced high standing guy. Nothin' special."
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mikelogan · 1 year
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You ever heard of Don Quixote?
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my friends once said they think i look like a treebark lovechild because i apparently tilt my head when being spoken to and raise my shoulders when i get angry and get bouncy when i get happy so i guess we’re siblings now
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fagtainsparklez · 11 months
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an alignment chart of how people have spelled f1nn5ter’s name in my notes. honorable mention to anyone who just referred to him as “girl month guy”
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Kid Icarus Headcanon
Pit cried at the beginning of Bee Movie.
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