#lawrusso babies are why i watch
seeker-of-stories19 · 2 months
Season 6 Pt 1 Kiaz Thoughts/Observations
- Miguel and Robby choosing to sit in the backseat together when the passenger seat is open in the very first scene
- Miguel asking Robby to bandage his knuckles for him even though he also has a roll of tape in his hands. Just the symbolism of that moment with what their relationship has been like and they’re not fighting each other anymore they’re protecting each other.
- Miguel being so invested in watching Robby hit the punching bag at Golf N Stuff
- Literally a double date but Kiaz are the only ones even interacting- it totally gives boyfriends who are trying to set up their bffs so they have another couple to hang out with
- Miguel being the first one to check on Robby after Shawn shows up and immediately agreeing with the girls that they’re all on Robby’s side
- Miguel stepping into yet another fight to protect Robby
- “That could’ve gone better” “It could’ve gone worse” literally Robby being pessimistic and Miguel being optimistic is my favorite dynamic
- Miguel being so desperate for Robby’s feedback on his college essay and so worried about hurting his feelings
- Miguel immediately reaching for Robby when the sewage pipe breaks
- Literally Miguel and Robby are never not next to each other, they’ve got more chemistry than any of the actual couples
- Miguel reaching for Robby in the background when Johnny comes in with the pink powder on his shirt
- More scenes where Robby is with Miguel and Sam and Tory are together than with the people they’re actually dating, I wonder why…
- Robby immediately putting his hand on Miguel’s chest when the Sekai Taikai announcement comes out
- Miguel looks so put out at the thought of having to fight Robby again
- He is so offended he got blown off for Robby’s actual girlfriend even though they had a pretty good reason not to train together
- Miguel seeking Robby out to make sure he knows that he’s not mad at him and doesn’t want anything to change their relationship
- Robby immediately checking where he stands with Miguel after winning the captaincy
- Miguel’s little smile when Robby is checking to see if he’s upset during the speech about Barcelona
- Miguel is so disappointed but he also can’t help being proud of Robby it’s so cute
- All the looks I can’t even count
- Really excited to see Shawn come back and have more character development
- Daniel being willing to give up the miyagi do name for Johnny is giving me major Lawrusso vibes and I’m not even a hardcore shipper
- Johnny in a Miyagi-Do gi is literally unbelievable
- Demetri’s shocked expression every time he does karate
- I’m not on board with Kyler’s mini redemption, not after what he did to Sam in season one
- Beer with blue and pink labels for a baby shower, only Johnny Lawrence
- Just laughing over the fact that Johnny even knew what tampons are
- Samtory is also amazing this season
- I’m excited about Kwans arc
- Me literally expecting Yasmine to walk in on Eli and Demetri making out when she shows up at the Dojo
- Kenny winking at Anthony
- Pissed we got a American flag Mohawk and not a bisexual/nonbinary pride one (not that that was ever gonna happen but it would’ve been nice)
- I still really hope Kenny somehow ends up with a Sekai Taikai spot after what Devon did and that Anthony and Kenny don’t have too many problems for too long over it
- While I wanted Hawk to have a spot as well- I was annoyed they just gave it to him instead of letting Kenny and him have a rematch which would’ve been more fair
- I’m worried that Kenny vanished
- ROBBY IS A CAPTAIN!!!!! I’m literally so excited as much as I love Robby and Miguel both there are so many reasons I want to see Robby get a win and I’m so excited for the possibility of him winning the Sekai Taikai
- Tory ditching Robby sucked, he’s been hurt by yet another person he cares about
- Also Daniel not letting her fight sucked, as long as Sam was okay with it they should’ve let Tory process how she needed to. Daniel made assumptions about the situation and while Tory was obviously emotional she was fighting for this specific memory of her mom that shaped her life not just using karate as an ongoing negative coping mechanism and the way everyone ignores what she’s saying she needs in that moment really rubbed me the wrong way
Finally I’m just going to say this is my favorite season yet and I’m more excited than anyone will ever understand to get actual Kiaz interactions. I feel like this season took me from I ship them because I think they’d be really compatible and they already have this super intense relationship to actually seeing moments between them that feel like more than friendship and it means so much to me I’m so excited!
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corroded-coffin · 5 months
the way cobra kai fandom absolutely IMPLODED because of the johnny/carmen baby plot is so bizarre to me... like you guys know you can just ignore canon, right? right??? the end of the world as we know it is not here and the whole final season will not center this baby, it'll probably be an epilogue thing?????
i'm deeply Meh about this particular plotline too and would prefer it to not be a thing, but to be honest it seems par for the course considering how aggressively hetero this show has been from day 1
so many "there's no way carmen/johnny (either/both) would want another kid" takes - why? and for that matter, y'all know that a lot of unplanned babies live perfectly happy lives, right?
i've seen arguments that they're not financially stable enough? they seem to be doing fine, and even so, poor people are allowed to have babies if they want to. also: they're like, besties with the larussos now, do you really think daniel OR amanda would just let their kid live in poverty if it came to that??
(sidebar: i swear to god i saw people saying that carmen having a top gun themed fantasy was unrealistic or weird when i literally could NOT escape the tumblr top gun renaissance which had a huge overlap with CK fandom??? at this point it just kinda sounds like you hate carmen???)
also like, idk how to tell people this but... lawrusso was never gonna be canon you guys. this show is written by a bunch of straight dudes as nostalgia bait. it does truly have some great emotional moments, but it's also at the end of the day a show for all of these middle-aged dudes to go "hey remember the 80s??? weren't they so EPIC????"
not to mention i'm pretty sure some of the actors (ralph and billy especially) have some sway over the way their characters are written, and i just don't see them being that bold. ON TOP OF ALL THAT - it's netflix! they are here to milk this cash cow for all it's worth and that means appealing to the lowest common denominator.
that doesn't mean you can't enjoy fanworks!!!! i ship them too!!!!! everyone is queer as FUCK in my mind and it's SO fun to explore that as a fan and no one involved with the show can ever take that away from you!!!! i just feel like a lot of people have these overblown expectations of what SHOULD happen in canon and then are disappointed when the show inevitably just does what it does. of course it would be fuckin Sexy if the show ended in a johnny-carmen-amanda-daniel polycule, but it not happening doesn't mean it's a Bad Terrible Show That Should've Never Been Made™, you know???
TL;DR: stop making excuses for hating on my girl carmen!!!!!!!!!!! and if you hate the Stupid Karate Soap Opera so much for not being as deep or groundbreaking as you'd like it to be, perhaps it's just time to watch a different show.
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thecranekick · 8 months
ok i’m gonna do it. it’s just. i’m going to try and articulate this the best i can without rambling. (edit - yeah this is way longer than i meant it to be.) unbelievably long and jumbled j*rmen/baby thoughts incoming:
i’ll start off by saying this: maybe i’m dumb but i feel like any development of a genuine romantic relationship between johnny/carmen has been done off-camera and we have no indication they’ve even done that. there is like, below zero amounts of relational development whatsoever and then suddenly she’s pregnant and he buys her a ring (where did he get it?? with what money???). i literally didn’t even notice the ring until i saw some gifs of the lawrusso moment. to me that’s a…huge deal? johnny’s never been married before, he never married shannon, he’s never had a traditional family like that…it doesn’t seem like him to just go out and buy a ring because he found out his gf of approximately 2 weeks is pregnant??? like damn these are like Big Life Decisions and you’d think we’d get more screen time on it rather than “oh this is happening now.” like you think we’d actually see him propose and tell his thought process out loud when he does it if they wanted it to actually be a plot line or show any type of genuine character development on johnny’s part. it just seems so random to me, so out of touch, and OOC and just forced.
also i can’t stand the way they had johnny “accidentally” ~spill the beans~ about the b*by to miguel and robby right after they beat the shit out of each other and were having their own moment, and now this is being dumped on them like? it is SO unrealistic that they’re both immediately happy like it’s just WEIRD? and it doesn’t even sound natural coming out of johnny’s mouth. he would never actually say that lmao. he’s dumb but he’s smarter than that? (i could write another essay on that). johnny’s face when they hug him and just his overall demeanor in that moment is so awkward and he genuinely is so weird about it. there’s no excitement, no joy, just??? weirdness??? isn’t that ‘supposed’ to be a happy moment??? coupled with the way he acts about it when the adults find out, and the way he tells shannon about carmen’s dream (not the fact that he tells her, the literal way that he tells her)…it’s just so insanely obvious.
another thing: there is a LOT of growing for johnny to do that can be done without having a newborn at this point in his life? it’s just such a stretch and so outrageous and yes i have a very strong opinion on this because it just doesn’t sit right with me at all for some reason. especially for robby’s sake. like in all seriousness an adult may be able to compartmentalize or like work through this, but robby has yet to work through the trauma he already has and yet i’m supposed to believe he’s gonna be chill watching his previously-absent father play super dad to this newborn? after he already has to watch him play super dad to miguel right in front of him (and continuously choose miguel over him?????) ????????? and is literally being forced to be okay with it and happy about it and get along with miguel???? like it’d be great if he and miguel could be friends because i do think they’d make great friends and get along, but that doesn’t mean robby has to like… feel good about the situation? just the whole thing is so wrong lmao.
also, why does carmen seem so happy and excited?? i could go on about it honestly, it’s so impractical and makes no sense and she is a very cautious and practical person every other moment of the show? but with this she’s just like “yay newborn with this 50 year old guy i met like a year or less ago, why the fuck isn’t he over the moon about this???????” also we’ve got no indication that she actually knows anything about him or his life or that there is any relationship outside of hooking up????? johnny actually confirms this when they tell miguel about their ‘relationship.’ he literally says they’re ‘hooking up’ and then carmen kinda gives him a look and he can’t even say it, MIGUEL has to say it and he’s like ‘uh yeah’ and literally looks like he’s going to throw up. the fact that carmen wasn’t like….upset about that is so strange because he never once alludes to wanting a relationship and she’s the one that’s pushing this like secular family weirdness, so for him to just be like ‘yeah we’re hookin’ up’ and not being able to even CHOKE out that they’re dating is so weird. it’s really, really weird considering we’re apparently supposed to believe that he’s now apparently ready to be married to her?? nothing is exactly wrong with either of them as people, but i just know for a fact they both want different things and are forcing themselves into boxes for each other.
the audacity of carmen to get upset at his trepidation about this is really irritating to me considering she clearly has no idea what’s gone on in his life, or maybe she doesn’t really care?? maybe she just wants to create this happy family bullshit????? idk before s5 i truly loved carmen so the way they’ve had her acting about this whole thing just doesn’t sit right with me and seems very OOC. also i don’t think real life johnny lawrence would be as calm as he was about it and like, not losing his shit at this point in his life. she’s actually lucky he didn’t freak the fuck out?? considering everything i think he was actually pretty damn supportive and cool about it. he literally could have actually lost his mind? all he did was look at the dad with the screaming baby in a carrier and look a little anxious about it? he’s not allowed to be……worried? nervous? intimidated? be so fucking for real right now.
AND ANOTHER MF THING. johnny literally made the same exact mistake in his mid-30s with shannon that he’s making in his mid-50s with carmen. he’s a grown-ass man and at this point knows how “protection” works etc, spent his whole life hooking up with girls and NOT getting them pregnant, like they make him look so damn stupid all the time and FOR WHAT? like i’ve said multiple times, yeah he’s a little ha-ha-dumb but he’s not actually genuinely stupid. they write him that way when it “benefits” their storyline, and literally change his character when it benefits other areas. it’s so inconsistent and frustrating. in what way, shape, or form is having him just repeat past mistakes (just on camera now) going to further his development as a person. if he didn’t know before he certainly knew after knocking up his girlfriend and having robby. like do you think he thinks that just….doesn’t happen?? carmen saying “these things happen johnny,” talking down to him like he’s a 12 year old, when yeah no shit he literally has a kid from the EXACT same fucking thing!!!!!!!!!!????????? likeeee uggghghghghhghhg PLEAAAAASE be so serious rn. they aren’t even really in a proper relationship!!! she knows nothing about him!!! nor has she ever seemed to care very much!!!!!!!! he literally told miguel they were “hooking up” and could NOT make himself say anything else!!!!!! because they AREN’T!!!!!!!!!!!! is the character development supposed to be him sticking around this time? even if the white-picket-fence life she’s pushing makes him miserable?? it’s clear that johnny cares about her like i’m not trying to say that he doesn’t, i think carmen just pities him and thinks she can “save” him by giving him a “real” life?? does that make sense??? like i just. idk idk idk.
i could scream about all of this for days but ANYWAYS tl;dr: johnny and carmen want very different things in life and have no romantic relationship established outside of hooking up and the whole thing is extremely weird
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puella-peanut · 1 year
Hi ☺️ I was wondering, how did you get into Silverusso?
So, I didn't get into Silverusso. Silverusso got into me.
Y'know, like how you get infected by chicken pox as a kid, and then once you get it you're immune to it? That didn't happen to me (I was vaccinated)--or actually, only the first part happened to me. I got infected Big Time with Silverusso fever, and Lord knows I shall never recover!! (I don't wanna either.)
Anyway, back in Ye Olde Days, I grew up watching the KK movies. (Well, I grew up watching KK1, and watched the other two once or twice at most, also the Hilary Swank one, since I disliked all after 1, lol.)
Anyway, Daniel LaRusso was my childhood, tween, and teenage girl-self's love (which in itself it So Very Odd because I never liked small little pretty boys, always going for ones that were older and looked far more rugged (lmao, like Kreese) or even handsome, tall, and sophisticated (like Terry, LOL)--ANYWAY--so when I heard of Cobra Kai, I KNEW I HAD TO WATCH IT. Then I saw the trailer for season one, and I thought it was gonna be trash, so...I didn't. Oof.
What got me to watch it? A very shallow reason.
I saw the trailer for season 4, and oh my gosh, is that TERRY SILVER?? Looking so TALL AND HANDSOME?? SILVER FOX DADDY??? And that was it. I was HOOKED.
I started off shipping Lawrusso (their AMAZING chemistry in season 1 and 2, but especially 1, is still fantastic!), but even while I liked it, I was slightly bored by it. Meanwhile, I was reading more and more on Terry, looking at all his scenes in season 4, spoiling it for myself, and loving every second. TIG was magnetic, he stole every scene he was in with his demeanor, his charm, his dialogue, the small little quirks of body and build--and that strange, sensual, unholy, tension soaked and oddly flirty chemistry he had with my baby boy, Daniel....oh boy. OH BOY!!
Silverusso stole my heart from the moment they shared their first interaction at the dojo. I watched that scene over and over even while I was still making my way through season 2. The CHEMISTRY between the two of them--off the charts! Daniel has more chemistry with Terry in this one scene (and of course the convenience store scene) then he has with any other character in the show, even his wife, Amanda lol. What the shit!
I mean, even when Terry and Daniel didn't share the screen with each other, their presence in the other's life and what had come of it some 30 years hence was undeniable and tangible. There was a...heat, an intensity. A dark caress across time. A shadow. It was alluring. Mesmerizing. The way Terry and Daniel bounced off each other, how easily triggered by their other they were despite trying to be composed and rational about it (well, at least Daniel lol). Insane. Illegal!
I hadn't fallen so hard for a pairing since Reylo (tall, dark, dominant and sinister Kylo Ren/Ben and brown haired, brown eyed tiny, pretty, spunky and sassy, tempted-by-the-dark-side Rey from Star Wars--another pairing that shares a LOT of similarities with Silverusso!).
So, I finally re-watched KK3 as soon as I finished season 3, and. Holy shit. The Silverusso was ONCE AGAIN OFF THE CHARTS. I totally forgot that Terry got into this zany scheme for Kreese, because once Daniel LaRusso got roped into this stupid plot, it was like the boy pulled something beyond everything else outta him. Ridiculous. Crazy! This goes way beyond cocaine, if you ask me.
I had so many questions--why is Terry so obsessed with this boy? Why does he stick so close to him all the time? Why does Daniel turn to putty at the sound of his voice, a touch of the hands? WHY IS TERRY SO TOUCHY FEELY?? Why does he look at Daniel Like That? Why is he such a Wolf to Daniel's naive Little Red? Was this intentional? If not, why does it come across this way? Ahem. It just goes on and on. And on.
I did NOT recall it being this dark and sensual as a little girl. Was this normal in family movies from the 1980s? (It's not.) If this was actually a good film (because let's be real, this movie is garbage lol), one made for adults, it would definitely be a dark, perhaps tragic coming of age/first love story. It had and has all the elements--it was simply the execution that made it fall so short, sadly.
But yeah. Ship for the ages here, folks!
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punkiexist · 2 years
so i watched housekeeper (1992) and was thinking about a lawrusso au; and like this is what i thought
modern + fake dating!au. they're in college; i thought johnny could be in architecture class and daniel in business;
daniel and johnny know each other and are always fighting about something but no karate involved (bc i have no idea how to write fight scenes sorry;
johnny was dating ali, they were highschool sweethearts and were the most annoying couple y'know;
but she broke up with him because, well, he’s johnny and there’s going to be a reason i just don’t know what it could be;
a few months later she’s dating again and johnny after crying like a baby (but no one can know that) decided to be an idiot and tell her he also had a date;
and he also says she’ll meet him in a party that some kid is throwing, because they're obviously going;
so. the next week he’s trying to find a date in every bar he knows;
and the rest of the cobras are there too, they’re supposed to help but they’re just laughing at johnny and not doing their job;
bobby + tommy told him to just tell her the truth;
jimmy + dutch are the ones that are encouraging him;
then he runs into daniel in one of these bars;
they are talking (fighting?) and something just clicks in joihnny's mind and he makes the best or worst decision in his life;
"larusso, do you wanna be my fake boyriend this weekend?"
"be my fake boyfriend so my ex will want me back! i wanna make her jealous!"
"dude... what the fuck?"
after a lot of talking he kinda agrees to do it and there's more plot and all but i'm lazy sorry;
they go to this party and ali see them and thinks that's all a lie and starts asking the cobras if they are really a couple;
dutch: "of course they are! all that fight was just sexual tension!"
tommy: "you should see them more, they stay in their own little world and forget there's people around"
bobby: "well, why wouldn't it be? it was always in front of us"
she even asks jimmy girlfriend, but even the girl says is real. so she just accepts it... does she?;
they start hanging out more and at some point they decide they're actually good friends;
sometimes daniel sleeps at johnny's just because ali lives in the same building johnny lives and she would see him;
because everything they're doing is to make her jealous;
which, by the way, is working;
then she starts invinting them to every party she knows because it would be nice to have more couples in their circle of friends;
in one of these meeting someone says they should talk about what they like the most about their partners;
and since daniel is the one that actually is always talking about what he likes about johnny, he starts but someone decides that johnny should say something for once;
and that's when johnny starts to panic because he's not a romantic guy and has no idea what to talk about;
so he talks about stuff they did like listen to speedwagon in daniels car while eating pizza after class;
he talks about when daniel slept in his house and decided to clean every thing and buy food. so when he and dutch woke up the whole apartment was actually clean and they had real food;
so they decided daniel should live with them forever;
he talks abou daniels food and how good it is. and everyone buys it because they can see they're in love;
and that's when it starts getting weird;
and just like in housekeeper everything starts to turn into a ball of lies and no one knows what to do anymore;
the boys are getting crazy because they say stuff that don't match what the other is saying;
bc johny actually likes daniel and doesn't know how to deal with that;
and daniel is just there. being himself. laughing and cleaning and cooking and being fucking pretty;
bobby is the first one to notice, and johnny can finally talk about it;
about how scared he is that daniel will be disgusted or something worse;
and then leave and tell ali about the fake dating;
and ruin his life!;
then the rest of the cobras know and decides that they're helping johnny get the d;
and there is a lot more, but i just don't know how to write about it sorry;
but yeah, lawrusso fake dating au when?
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cookietastic · 2 years
Thank you @dykesynthezoid
This seemed fun so I'll try it out 😭
3 ships:
1. Lawrusso- I'm a basic bitch. Leave me alone😭. Come on fam it's rivals mixed in with 35 year history mixed in with in with the problem with toxic masculinity mixed in with breaking the cycle of abuse mixed in with different ways of coping and realizing they aren't healthy (ex: Johnny drinking and Daniel totally thinking that pretending everything is fine or going from 2-10 VERY fast)- Just smacking Lawrusso on the head like " this bad boy can fit so much shit-damn go to therapy together."
2. Samtory- Wanna rewatch the series again and focus on them more really adore them/love their dynamic. Like it's funny walking into the show and seeing Robby and Miguel interacting and going on this is supposed to be our Johnny and Daniel? And then you see Tory and Sam interacting and you're like not only is this supposed to be our Daniel and Johnny but also- hello?👀
3. I have list, but to mix it up with different fandom- Grayghost- Danny, and Val really was that end-game feeling. I remember jokingly saying they had to keep Val out of season 3 as much as possible because if Danny even made eye contact for more than 1 minute, that would be it. It's funny cause they seem like the most natural relationship out of the whole show, yet the one they want people to like last minute is the one they had a whole episode on why they shouldn't be together/not ready for that.
1st ever ship:
Damn- I don't know to judge this one. Cause it can range from anywhere to I thought they should be together when I first saw something or searched content for it. Going with Alice and Kyo from Alice the 19th aka the manga set I found at goodwill at 12-
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I am 1000% sure 12-year-old me should have not been reading this with all the dark shit happening
Last song:
Little too cringe to put here lmao
Currently reading:
Well listening to- Paper Backs From Hell by Grady Hendrix talks about the history of Horror from paper backs in the 1970s-1980s and dealing with topics of art on the covers grabbing your attention as well as the wild stories within them.
Little book summary
Take a tour through the horror paperback novels of two iconic decades . . . if you dare. Page through dozens and dozens of amazing book covers featuring well-dressed skeletons, evil dolls, and knife-wielding killer crabs! Read shocking plot summaries that invoke devil worship, satanic children, and haunted real estate! Horror author and vintage paperback book collector Grady Hendrix offers killer commentary and witty insight on these trashy thrillers that tried so hard to be the next Exorcist or Rosemary’s Baby. Complete with story summaries and artist and author profiles, this unforgettable volume dishes on familiar authors like V. C. Andrews and R. L. Stine, plus many more who’ve faded into obscurity.
Last movie:
I was supposed to watch Friday the 13th yesterday
I could be wrong cause my friend and I saw a bunch of movies that weekend but "Lost cat corona," which now has one of my favorite movie quotes said/top 10, aka "HAVE YOU SEEN MY FUCKING CAT?"
Currently consuming:
Crustables and gummies fruit snacks- Because I have the diet of a 4th grader on summer vacation
Currently watching:
Art videos- I like listening to things while drawing, and artists rambling about stories or their own art experiences are one of them.
Currently craving:
Go Go Curry 😭
I'm always so happy when I get to do these things/when people tag me! But feel like I'm annoying when tagging people- Just know you don't have to do this! 😭
@we-serve-spirits @babyhellboy @schnuffel-danny @snaileo @raveyardantics @they-bite
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multivstx · 2 years
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marry mouser & ralph macchio: beyond the bonsai
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So, Cobra Kai thoughts.
Glad Lawrusso was so much better. No fighting. Johnny stuck up for him. So many feels.
Wish Amanda and Daniel had divorced. She doesn't get him, and never has. She should know by now to listen when he says that so and so needs to be stopped. Her last minute turnaround means NOTHING to me. NOTHING. WHERE IS KUMIKO WHEN YOU NEED HER?!
Tory and Robby would have been tried as adults in real life, so anything related to them is ridiculous. They both should still be serving hard time.
Not pleased Kreese is getting out. He may haves been innocent of attacking Stingray, but the man is evil. He deserves jail.
Unpopular opinion, I get why Kenny is being so aggressive with Anthony. Anthony started it by bullying him, and there are consequences to your actions. Not saying Kenny is handling it properly, but as someone who was bullied, I SO gets it.
The baby Lawrence/Diaz thing. VERY NOT ON BOARD. NO NO NO NO NO. NO INFINITY.
SO GLAD Daniel kicked Terry's ass. Especially using the crane kick. Very well deserved.
Do not like that they fucked up Sam and Miguel. That's my ship. They better not do it again.
I needs to watch again, I will haves more thoughts to share.
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ereiniel · 2 years
Wet n' Juicy
This is the All-Valley 100 Amnesty Week entry that got away from me. It was originally meant as an entry for the "Tech Support" prompt and, well, this happened instead. I hope you enjoy this little bit of Lawrusso shenanigans, inspired by a funny story my boyfriend told me about some tech support he had to do for his ex-father-in-law. I don't know anything about the real Wet n' Juicy Toolbar (or if that's even the correct spelling for it), except that it made the computer run much slower because of malware. Enjoy!
“Baby, I need you,” Johnny whispered anxiously into the phone.  He kept clicking his mouse across his computer screen, but the stupid thing on his desktop wouldn’t go away.  As he clicked, the pictures kept changing, each picture worse than the one before.  The accompanying sound effects were atrocious, and he couldn’t turn those off either.
Daniel was in a video meeting with some representatives from Doyona International, on a big screen in the upstairs conference room, when Johnny’s call came in.  Amanda had been doing most of the talking, but he still needed to be present and at least appear like he was engaged and interested, and not thinking about what he wanted to do to Johnny when he got home.
He excused himself from the meeting and, motioning for Amanda to continue without him, grabbed his phone and went out into the hallway to take the call.  “I need you too, John, but I’m in a meeting with the Doyona people right now.  Can’t this wait until I get home?”
Johnny shook his head emphatically.  “No, it really can’t.  How much longer before you can come home?  This thing is fucking multiplying.” 
“Why are you whispering?  And what do you mean, ‘multiplying’?”
Johnny’s face burned.  “The kids are here right now and I don’t want to have to explain this to them.”
What could Johnny possibly have pulled up on the computer that he didn’t want the kids to see?  “Johnny, are you watching porn on my computer?” Daniel asked incredulously.
“No, asshole, this is my computer.  I know how you get sometimes when I call you at work, so I called Lyle first to ask him for help, but he just told me I was a dumbass and hung up on me.”
Daniel sighed.  “Why do you keep calling that pawnshop guy for your computer problems?”
“Because he’s the one who sold me this lemon,” Johnny said, like it was obvious.
“He’s a small business owner, not the Geek Squad.  He probably won’t know what to do for something like this.  What even happened?”
“I clicked on something on the computer, and this naked chick just showed up on my screen and won’t go away.”
“So you are watching porn on the computer while the kids are in the house.”
“No, I’m not!” Johnny protested, ducking his head down like he was trying to hide from it.  “It’s not porn.  It’s … it’s this thing called the Wet n’ Juicy Toolbar.  I have no idea how it got here, but every time I click on the screen, another one shows up.  I’ve got like six of them now.”
“‘Wet n’ Juicy Toolbar’?  Really, John?  What the hell did you click on?”
“I don’t know!  I just clicked on a bunch of shit when it showed up.”
Daniel hurried into his office and stood by the large window overlooking the showroom floor, out of view of anyone in the conference room.  “Johnny, I’ve told you so many times already not to ‘click on a bunch of shit’ whenever you see random stuff pop up on your screen.”
“Well, how else was I supposed to get rid of it?”
“Maybe try closing the window like a normal person instead of clicking on everything that appears in front of you?”
“Yeah, okay,” Johnny mumbled.  He clicked on the window and, instead of going away, small windows started popping up all over his desktop, and the ‘sexy’ sound effects from the Wet n’ Juicy Toolbar got louder.  “Holy shit!  Why did it open like 200 more windows?”
Daniel sat down and put his feet up on his desk.  His boyfriend really was a disaster when it came to anything technological, and yet he was so talented in other areas.  “Did you click the X?”
“Uh.  I think so?” Johnny shrugged.  “I clicked on something, anyway.”
That did not sound promising.  “Don’t click anywhere else on the window if you want to close it,” Daniel said, as patiently as he could.  He sat up with a start when he heard what sounded like screaming from Johnny’s end.  “God, what the hell is that noise?”
Johnny scrambled to hit the button for the volume control, only to turn it up even more.  Another frantic click on the computer screen caused the picture to change again, this time to two women doing something with a cup that he couldn’t figure out, and the sound effects doubled.  “It’s the sound effects from this toolbar thing.  Do people really get off on this shit?  It sounds like a nature show.  How do I turn it off?”
Daniel was surprised and honestly quite relieved that the kids hadn’t heard, or worse, gone in there yet to investigate.  He heard a crash and a shout from Johnny on the other end, and quickly moved the phone away from his ear as Johnny let out a string of curses.  “Did you just throw the computer on the floor?  John, that isn’t –”
“No, it fell,” Johnny said, exhaling shakily.  “And now it’s playing a video …”
“I’ll help you when I get home.  I just need to get back to my meeting, and the sooner I’m done, the sooner I can come home to you,” Daniel promised, pursing his lips against the laugh that was threatening to escape.  “Until then, enjoy your Wet n’ Juicy Toolbar.”
“Are you laughing at me?” Johnny said defensively.
“No, I swear I’m not laughing at you,” Daniel reassured him, even as he bit down on his lower lip to stifle his mirth.  He leaned back in his chair and shifted his legs on the desk, failing to notice that a small console on the desk next to the lamp, marked Showroom PA, clicked on and lit up.  “But what I want to know is …”
“What’s that?"
“Why would you want that Wet n’ Juicy Toolbar when I have a wet and juicy toolbar for you right here?”
The showroom floor fell deadly silent for a few seconds before everyone downstairs erupted in cheers.
“Oh, fuck,” Daniel cursed, dropping the phone and scrambling to turn the PA mic off.
Down on the sales floor, Louie let out a big whoop and raised two enthusiastic thumbs-up over his head.  “Yeah, cuz!” he crowed, tugging his sleeve away from Anoush’s restraining grip and raising his arms in an expansive gesture to indicate Daniel’s office above.  “That’s my cousin, everyone!  Daniel LaRusso, the best automobile salesman in the Valley!”  Employees and clients alike milled about, speaking in hushed whispers and, after a few moments, thankfully went back to looking at cars.
“Here, have a look at this one, I think you’ll really like this model,” Daniel heard Louie’s booming voice say to a small group of potential customers.  “It’s got power steering, automatic windows, heated leather seats, and a sunroof.  It doesn’t have a wet n’ juicy toolbar, but it does have a Bose sound system and Sirius XM free for six months …”
Mortified, Daniel dropped to the floor, out of sight of his employees and clients, silently praying for a hole to open up in the ground and swallow him whole.  He didn’t know how long he sat there, curled up in a ball, but he stayed there and waited for Louie to shut up and the sounds on the showroom floor to go back to normal.
“You’ll be glad to know,” Amanda said as she appeared in the doorway to Daniel’s office, “that Doyona not only accepted our contract, they gave us an amazing price, and it’s good for ten years, not just the five we were asking for.  They’re also giving us the distribution rights, in advance, to a number of luxury makes and models that won’t be available until the end of the year.”
Daniel breathed out a sigh of relief.  “Mandy, you’re amazing, you know that?”
“Don’t thank me.  I wasn’t the one who got us the deal.  In fact, they were driving a hard bargain until you made your, uh, ‘announcement,’ and then they suddenly seemed very interested.”
“Holy shit, they heard that?”
“Look, I don’t know what Yuna told them, or how she was able to explain to her colleagues what a ‘wet n’ juicy toolbar’ was in Japanese, but the Doyona people gave us way more than we asked.  Thank your boyfriend for me, would you?”
“I will,” Daniel said weakly.  “Thanks, Mandy, you’re the best.”
Amanda grinned.  “You do know what’s going to happen now, though, don’t you?  We’re going to get another delivery of one hundred sausages from Tom Cole.  One hundred wet and juicy sausages.”
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aestheticsuwu · 3 years
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My Baby, My Sweet Baby
Robby Keene x Doug Rickenberger
Christmas Au.
Side Pairings: Lawrusso,Elimetri,ToryxAisha samiguel,MitchxMikey.
A sleepover wasn't his idea. The original plan was to have his boyfriend over to stay the night while his Dad and Daniel are out of town but his Dad didn't like that plan so much.
"hmmm...Let me think about it ... NO!."
"You didn't even think about it! I thought you liked Doug."
"I do, the kid prove he's worthy of dating my only child but that doesn't mean i want the to leave the two of you alone . I was a teenager once..." Johnny didn't think he needed to continue to get his message crossed.And by Robby's flush face it was accomplished .
"Fine." Robby huffed .
Johnny couldn't handle looking at his son sad with his shoulders slumped and frowning.  Looking like a kicked puppy.
"Invite him over-" Johnny smile at  how quickly Robby eyes lighten up ."-im not finished, Invite him and your friends over, you can have a sleepover. Also you and Sam are in charge of Anthony."
Daniel would've been proud of Johnny how easily he managed the situation.
"I'll take it , i guess." Robby sighed. A sleepover? He never had one before lets see how this one goes, Robby thought.His legs taking him to Sam to plan it.
The plan was simple and easy when the parents leave their friends will come over and from there they will free ball it.
Amanda was weary about the kids being alone on their own but Robby assured her that he will keep everything in control mainly Anthony.
Daniel trusted Robby to be in charge it was the only way he felt in peace knowing the kids wouldn't get in trouble while he and Johnny had a day on their own.
Both adults left early to their trip which Johnny planned. It was the afternoon when everyone had arrived with their sleeping bags and arms full of junk food and games . Except his boyfriend .
Robby checked his watch for the time, Doug was 15 minutes late .
Sam had decided to fix the sleeping arrangment for everyone could be comfortable.  The new house they live in isn't huge only had 3 rooms .
Moon,Yasmine,Miguel in Sam's room and Tory,Aisha and Doug in Robby's . And Hawk,Demetri and Anthony would be in the living room .
The door bell rang grabbing Robby attention , yelling " I'll get it!" and sprinting to the door.
"Were you trying to be fashionably late?"Robby grumble instantly seeing his boyfriend on the doorway.
"uhhh no thats Yasmine style not mine, and i was with Mikey helping him get ready for his date with Mitch, Im sorry Baby." Doug said and walked in .
" Your lucky i love you or i would've just dump your ass." Robby joked , closing the door behind them.
"I love you too ." Doug laughs fondly over Robby who just rolls his eyes before giving him a hug .
" Guys , Were making cookies so get your gay asses in here. " Tory yells from the kitchen not wanting to risk going to see what Robby and Doug were up to .
" Whose idea was it. You want to change into something comfy" Robby ask Doug who nods . Robby had bought a matching pyjamas set for couples for them to wear later, He didnt want to be those cheesy couple like he said when he was single but now he got himself a mans so he could do whatever he wants.
In the kitchen everyone was in one corner reading instructions or listening to instructions . Yasmine was gossiping with Demetri . And Doug just leaned on his back making him double over the counter and the their hands interlace.
They wasted 5 minutes to listen on the gossip about some cheerleader getting pregnant with her boyfriend bestfriend that is in love with her boyfriend who also likes him back . It was confusing .
Then Hawk decided to make baking cookies more fun by making it a competition .
"Why do you gotta make everything a competition ?" Robby whined making everyone agree with him.
" Sounds like something someone would say who can't bake for shit. " Hawk taunts in which Miguel hypes him up for no reason with just saying "Daaaaaaamn."
" Sounds like im going to kick your ass."He said in which Tory and Doug copied Miguel.
Anthony just laughed at them and decided to be on Hawk's and Demetri  team . That traitor. Miguel,Sam and Moon were overconfident on winning with having experience in baking and Miguel helping his YaYa in the kitchen, so they paired up.
Robby didn't want to say he was on the loser team but he also couldn't say his team will win. Tory and Him had never baked in their lifes only Aisha and Doug but his boyfriend concentration usually wasn't the best when Robby was around so that meant that left them with Aisha.
Looking over to the others who were already making the dough and were chatting with their team , Robby really felt they were going to lose.
" We are going to lose." Doug says it before he could, which was better for him he didn't want to be the downer.
"Wow , Doug. With all that positivity your sounding just like Mr.LaRusso. " Sarcastically Tory says who had flour in her tied up hair that Hawk threw at her .
" Ok we can win this , im not losing , so Doug stop eating Robby's neck and use those muscles for the dough. Robby you will be in charge of decorating and Tory you will help me ." Aisha ordered but somehow  her tone changed sweetly when she talked to Tory.
Unfair . Robby bets if Tory was kissing her she wouldn't be complaining . When it was time to put the cookies in the oven they were fighting who would go first but Anthony put his trays in while the rest were to busy arguing.
The pressure was on Robby when he had to decorate the Christmas tree shaped cookie with frosting which was not easy at all . He tried to use his artistic skills.
Yasmine didn't move a finger in the kitchen saying she would be the judge .
 Hawk's team cookies were chocolate chip cookies that looked perfect except they tasted awful because Demetri added salt instead of sugar . Making Yasmine almost puke which was hilarious to everyone.
Sam's gingerbread man's looked awesome and way over the top to Tory, in her opinion . Yasmine just commented it was a bit too dry , speaking like she was in the next great baker something like that.
Which now thinking about it maybe that's why Hawk wanted to do this , that guy was not so badass.
They were next . Tory insisted to present the sugar cookies which looked alright and did taste sweet not salty.
" It taste alright , a bit to sweet." Yasmine said casually , sitting down with perfect posture .
" Sweet like forgiveness right. " Tory said , her voice dripped in a sweet voice but with an underlying tone.
The three of the damn just chuckled knowing Tory full intention with saying that .Yasmine smile dropped and a guilty expression took over.
Atlast Tory trick worked , making them winners . The kitchen ended up in a mess with flour and eggshells all over the place and the sink filled with dirty dishes.
Sam offered the idea to watch a movie instead of cleaning up in which everyone was quick to agree.
Robby made a signal to Doug to follow him. He didnt feel like watching anything he simply wanted to lay down with his boyfriend to cuddle and a kiss here and there.
in the room ,He didnt bother to change into the pyjamas he bought . Way to tired to do anthing but to lay down in bed.
" Im going to change." Doug had some sweats in his hand and was about to go to the restroom to change which Robby thought it waa ridiculous.
"you could do it here." Robby offered , laying back on his elbows to look at Doug who gave him a look with a raised eyebrow.
"Wow , i corrupted my sweet innocent puppy, shame on me." Doug said while shaking his head . As if he was ashamed , the guy was nothing but shameless
"Shut up, its not like i haven't seen you naked before." He huffed making the latter laugh as he changed.
"Dont pout." Robby stick out his bottom lip more for the effect , "Give me your shirt." Robby ask-more like demands-is the same either way , and swiftly catching the shirt and puts it on to sleep and takes off the sweats he had on .
Robby turns his back to Doug and reached behind him to grab one of his arms to hug him. Making the taller boy hum in content in having the short boy in his arms.
"tell me." He quietly says .
Tangling their legs together and placing a kiss to Robbys hair Doug says "I love you Robby Swayze Keene ." , It never failed to make Robby feel so warm and happy . He never got tired of hearing those words.
Doug had started saying i love you every day for Robby  so he could feel that it was real and what they had wasn't going away or fake. That he was here for the long run.
"To the moon-.." Robby says softly , already feeling he could fall asleep , lullabied by the comfty bed and Doug beside him .
"And back."
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thorniest-rose · 3 years
Can I get a snippet of a mouthful of wildfire? :3
Yes Noora, anything for you! <333
So this is the Jally fic I’ve been working on in the background while writing my lawrusso fics, and includes this little thing I posted the other day, about Johnny writing letters to Dallas while Dallas is in prison:
The morning Dallas gets out, with a cuff on the back of the head from one of the guards, and his jacket thrown back in his face, the first thing he sees is the boys waiting for him out by the gates. He didn’t expect them to come. He’s never had a family before, at least not one that’s ever mattered, but the sight of them - Soda, Steve, Two-Bit - makes his chest clench. 
They look nervous, smoking quietly as they wait, but the moment they see him, they flicker into action, running over to holler joyously and grab at him, the whole lot of them howling like a wolf pack, shaking him hard and ruffling his hair. Even Darry, who’s always been the most reserved out of the lot of them, smiles at him from a distance.
The only piece that’s missing is Johnny. The eager little puppy should have been climbing him like a tree right now, all shy smiles and big dark eyes. He knocks away the hand Two-Bit’s got in his hair and says, “Where’s the kid?”, ignoring Steve when he crows that the rest of them aren’t good enough.
But that’s when he sees him, half-hidden behind Sodapop, hanging back while the others crowd around him. He’s looking away, his little hands shoved into his pockets, the collar of his jacket turned up high. 
“There you are, you little fuck,” he says. “Why you hiding?”
Johnny turns to face him, says, “Oh hey Dally.” Trying to sound so tough, as if he hadn’t written a letter to Dallas every single day he’d been gone. Pouring out his big, bruised heart in every scrap of paper he could get his hands on. 
Dallas felt annoyed at first - how the fuck could Johnny expect to survive when he was that soft? But then he started to look forward to them. Would pace his cell until one of the guards delivered that day’s letter to him and Dallas could set eyes on that looping, dreamy scrawl, telling him about wildflowers and constellations and train tracks. Always sneaking in at the end how he missed Dallas so, so much. The words so open and earnest Dallas had to fight the urge to bite down on his knuckles until they bled. 
But here he was now, staring at the ground like Dallas wasn’t even there.
“Come here,” Dallas says, hooking a finger under Johnny’s collar and bringing him in for a hug. He tells himself he doesn’t need it, doesn’t need to feel Johnny close and warm after months of not seeing him. It’s the other boy that needs it. Touch-starved, eager-to-please little Johnny, their pack baby. 
Johnny goes stiff when Dallas pulls him in, and for a second Dallas thinks he’s going to stay like that. Playing dead like he felt threatened. But then he melts, goes soft, and he’s knocking himself against Dallas to hug him back. It doesn’t even matter that the others are watching: the kid clings to him, shoving his head up under his chin as he grabs at his jacket, pressing each one of his fingers into Dallas’s back. It’s like he’s trying to convince himself Dallas is real. That he’s not going to suddenly fade into smoke and leave Johnny there.
“Dally,” Johnny whispers, so threadbare and low it comes out half-moan.
“Hey there,” Dallas says, as Johnny starts to quiver in his arms. “Hey, it’s okay. I wasn’t gone for that long.”
“It felt long,” Johnny says. “It felt like you were gone forever.”
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hi! i've been following your blog bc of harringrove for a while and i really resonate with your taste in fic so, since i've just recently dipped my toes in lawrusso... could you rec me a few of your fav fics for the ship? i always feel pretty overwhelmed when starting in a new fandom, so i thought i would ask. thanks in advance! 😘
I am honored (and terrified) to help you get ankle deep in lawrusso fics.
Under a cut because it was a lot of scrolling when I made this.
in the business of date-crashing by narcissablaxk, T, 4706 words
“Spotted: newly divorced Mr. LaRusso at Home Depot at nine a.m. on a Saturday,” the message said. The picture was blurry but there was no denying that he was looking at a picture of Daniel LaRusso, in jean shorts and a baggy flannel shirt, his hair mussed and, if he looked closely, a streak of grey by his temple.
It was a good look.
“DILF,” was all Hawk’s reply said, and then a flurry of little picture emoticons that Johnny didn’t understand.
He had to use the Google to figure out what a DILF was.
Probably the first fic I read in this fandom. It's very fun.
He's My Karate Husband by lostmagician, E, 1945 words
What the hell was going on? Was this another one of Johnny's pranks? The worst part was that Johnny seemed unfazed whenever he said it—like he was just stating the way things were.
(Or: the one where Johnny keeps calling Daniel his karate husband, and Daniel doesn't understand why)
Also a fun story.
Safe Word: Cobra Kai by Zerrah, M, 5288 words
In a bout of overprotectiveness, Daniel follows Sam to an unconventional club, and gets more than he bargained for.
One where Johnny totally knows what Daniel really wants.
Love by Amymone, G, 1165 words
Johnny just wants to tell LaRusso that he loves him. What could possibly go wrong?
It's cute.
The Last Coors Banquet in the Valley by LulaMadison, M, 29436 words
During the zombie apocalypse Johnny Lawrence searches for the last Coors Banquet in the valley, but instead he finds a 16 year old kid living alone in an abandoned apartment block. He decides to teach the kid how to be a badass Zombie killer.
(I know some people don't like major character deaths in fic, but there are no 'on screen' character deaths in this fic, although any person not listed in the tags above is assumed to be a zombie or missing. Spoiling it slightly, but any character listed in the tags above isn't going to die.
There also isn't a lot of horror in this because it's not really about Zombies, it's about finding love and family at the end of the world :-P)
A much-needed zombie au.
I Can Give It All To You, Baby by succor_punch, E, 10873 words
Daniel finds the photos. *** Whatever pervert directed this photoshoot knew what they were doing. The next pose has Johnny leaning back against a rock wall with his leg half-hitched up and he looks every inch like a prime, sex-on-a-stick alpha male. White baggy trousers that offset his tanned chest, which is... shiny. Did they fucking rub him down with oil?
It's good and also now a series.
We have been down together in my sleep by trinityofone, E, 4226 words
Listen, it wasn’t Johnny’s fault that he never realized how much he’d love getting fucked.
Lovingly what it says in the description.
Fellas, is it gay... by momma_66, T, 1933 words
To goad your karate rivial into asking you to prom and then both of your egos are too big to back out? Is it gay, fellas?
A fun take on rival daring each other to go to prom together and finding the pics +30 years later
Paler than Grass by the_sound_of_inevitability, E, 4047 words
It’s just the two of them. He told himself he didn’t need an entourage to hand over the damn form, that he was going to keep his cool.
His cool lasted all of two seconds under LaRusso’s gaze.
But then, it never lasts. Whenever he sees LaRusso it’s like an electric charge.
Inspired by the deleted scene of Daniel asking Johnny why he likes intimidation. Canon compliant... until it isn't.
What if Johnny bullying Daniel was a thing they got off to?
Tit For Tat by t_time, E, 2487 words
“I can fix the car for you, at no cost. All I need in return is a little favor.”
Johnny tensed. “What kind of favor?” He asked slowly, not sure he wanted to know.
Daniel leans forward now, smile sliding off his face. “Suck my dick, Johnny.”
In which Johnny is as broke as his car is, and Daniel wants his dick sucked. Written for a Kink Meme prompt.
A bit of a darker Daniel here.
When the Fires Burn Low by petofi, T, 7113 words
A couple years after high school ends, Johnny is lonely and touch-starved. He goes to a beach party where, deep into the night, people will start putting on a blindfold and undressing while other people touch them.
One night Johnny puts on a blindfold, not knowing that a certain karate rival is watching from the other side of the bonfire.
Poor touch-starved Johnny and a kind Daniel.
Snake pit by dedlit, E, 49098 words
Sets after season 2.
1st Arc: Daniel strikes a deal with Kreese and starts loosing control over himself...
2nd Arc: Johnny is back in town, Daniel's downward spiral continues...
3rd Arc: Daniel and Johnny recover, heal and slowly something new can start...
A much darker fic, so well written, poor Daniel, but it does work out
little larusso is a cobra by narcissablaxk, T, 3844 words
When Anthony asks Johnny to teach him some karate to take care of a bully, Johnny agrees, even if it means keeping it a secret from Daniel. That is, until he finds out who the bully is.
It's good and fun.
Functional Flexibility by LMT, M, 23692 words
“How about you, LaRusso?” Johnny says. “What’s *your* secret weapon? Your crane kick of sex?” Knowing that the conversation will go nowhere good, Daniel just tells him that he will never, ever find out. Even if he buys shots all night. ************************** ((After Daniel and Johnny discuss some newfangled ideas about sexuality, which were definitely not in vogue when they were kids, things get weird.))
It's not Lawrusso, but it is a fascinating look at their relationship and both Johnny and Daniel as characters.
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pinktintedmonocle · 4 years
Dedicated Followers of Fashion - A Cobra Kai Lawrusso Fanfic - Chapter 1
Daniel raised an eyebrow.  “That jacket is certainly something.  Where did you even get that?”
Johnny shrugged.  “Can’t remember.  Had it since the nineties.”
“Oh yeah?  Thought you didn’t own any clothes bought after 1989?”
When Johnny wears his sleeveless denim jacket to sparring practice, long buried feelings begin to emerge between him and Daniel.  As they try to deal with their emotions, a few iconic outfits from their past make a reappearance.
Set post season 3, so beware spoilers if you haven’t finished it yet.
“John Lawrence, here for the modelling gig.”
The receptionist looked at Johnny over the top of her wire rimmed glasses, pursing her lips in disapproval.
“You’re late.”
“Yeah, I know.  I ran outta juice half a mile from the nearest gas station and me and my friend Bobby had to push my Firebird – ”
“Just sign here”, said the woman, pushing a clipboard towards Johnny.  “Then take a left down there to get to costume and make-up.”
She pointed towards a corridor with a blood red nail and Johnny squiggled his signature then set off, walking briskly.  He knocked on the door and it was quickly opened by a harassed looking man in a brightly patterned shirt.
“Are you the model? You’re very late you know, we were expecting you almost an hour ago.”
“Yeah, I know”, said Johnny. “But my car -”
“I don’t care, just get in here”, said the man, dragging Johnny into the room and starting to unbutton his shirt.
“Right, we need to get your clothes off and the baby oil on. Miranda!”
A small woman with a measuring tape around her neck materialised out of seemingly nowhere, brandishing a bottle of oil.  Together, Miranda and the man prepared Johnny for the shoot, styling his hair and oiling him up.  They gave him a pair of low rise designer jeans to change into; he quickly took off his own very much not-designer jeans and pulled them on.
“Right!” said the man, clapping his hands together and surveying his handiwork.  “I think you’re all good to go!  Oh – apart from one thing -”
He handed Johnny a sleeveless denim jacket and Johnny shrugged it on over his bare chest before the man pushed him out of the room and Miranda led him to the set.
After the shoot, Johnny walked up to the photographer.
“Hey, look I was just wondering if there are any more jobs like this going.  It’s just I could really use the money and -”
“Oh, there are plenty of jobs like this going.  For people who show up on time”, said the photographer, glaring at Johnny before walking off.
Back in the dressing room, Johnny scrubbed the baby oil angrily off his chest.  He tugged his own jeans and shirt back on before his eyes fell on the denim jacket, now draped over the back of a chair.  He slung it over one arm and left the building, more than ready for a beer with Bobby.
“Maybe our new logo could be an eagle eating a snake”, suggested Johnny, picking up a pencil and beginning a crude sketch.
“Needs to have a bonsai in it”, said Daniel, not looking up from his phone.
“Alright.  How about an eagle sitting in a bonsai eating a snake?”
Daniel tutted.  “An eagle can’t sit in a bonsai, Johnny. It’s too big, the bonsai would just topple over.”
Johnny dropped the pencil and huffed, crossing his arms.
“Yeah, well, why don’t you try and come up with some ideas, LaRusso, rather than just staring at crap on your phone?  What are you looking at, anyway?”
“Your Facebook page”, Daniel answered without missing a beat.  “And you’re right, it is crap.  Why is there a photo of you pouting while standing in front of a mural of some angel wings?”
“Oh shit, thought I’d got rid of that one”, said Johnny, pulling a face.  “Can you delete it for me while you’re there?”
Daniel sighed.  “No, Johnny, I can’t delete it for you, that’s not how it works.”  He was for silent for a moment, still scrolling, then smiled.
“This one of you and Miguel is nice, though.  You at a concert or something?”
“Yeah, Dee Snider, the most badass rocker ever.” Johnny stuck his tongue out and raised his hand to his mouth, two middle fingers held down, mimicking the pose in the photo.
Daniel rolled his eyes. “That jacket is certainly something. Where did you even get that?”
Johnny shrugged. “Can’t remember.  Had it since the nineties.”
“Oh yeah?  Thought you didn’t own any clothes bought after 1989?”
Johnny threw the pencil at Daniel across the office they had set up in Miyagi-Do.  The smaller man caught it easily and scowled, but Johnny just grinned.
“Maybe I’ll wear it for you sometime, LaRusso”, he said with a wink.
“Lucky me”, Daniel muttered, looking back down at his phone.
Johnny wasn’t sure if it was just a trick of the light, but it almost looked like there was a faint blush on Daniel’s cheeks.
Johnny could tell before he even got out of bed that it was going to be a swelteringly hot day.  He woke in the early hours of the morning and couldn’t get back to sleep, the sheets sticking uncomfortably to his skin.
Eventually he got up and munched on cereal while aimlessly scrolling through Facebook on his laptop. (He had recently learnt that the box which asked him ‘What’s on your mind?’ was not a space for private thought, and that anything written in there could be seen by anyone else on Facebook. He discovered this after typing ‘How to take down Kreese and also what is cotton candy made of’ and Daniel had replied thirty seconds later with ‘You’re an idiot, Johnny’.)
As the heat continued to build Johnny took a cold shower before selecting an outfit for the day’s training.  He threw on shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt and was just about to walk out of the bedroom when the denim jacket caught his eye, crumpled up on the floor of his closet.
Maybe I’ll wear it for you sometime, LaRusso.
Johnny picked it up, and before he could change his mind he shoved it into his gym bag and headed out of his apartment.
“Good work today everyone”, said Daniel, nodding approvingly as the students filtered out of Miyagi-Do, wiping sweat off their foreheads and glugging from water bottles.
“Yeah, getting badass”, agreed Johnny.  “Barely any pussies among you now.  Well, apart from maybe you.”  He pointed at Demetri.
The pale boy looked offended.  “Hey, what’s wrong with me?  I thought I did pretty well today!”
“You did, Demetri”, Daniel said reassuringly, patting him on the back as he left and frowning at Johnny.
Johnny just smirked and glanced towards the house, thinking longingly of the ice cold Coors Banquet waiting for him in the newly installed refrigerator.
“Hey Sensei!”
Johnny turned to see Miguel standing in front of him.
“You wanna come over to mine for dinner tonight?  My mom says you’re welcome to join us if you don’t have any other plans.”
“Not tonight, kid. I’m gonna stay here for a bit, work on some new moves with LaRusso.  But another time, yeah?”
“Yeah, of course”, said Miguel with a smile.  “See you later, Sensei.”  He started to walk out of the dojo, waving goodbye to Daniel as he went before looping an arm around Sam’s shoulders.
When the kids had left, Daniel turned to Johnny.
“You hungry?”
Johnny shrugged.  “I could eat.”
He followed Daniel into the house, allowing his eyes to trail down the other man’s petite form.  It had been a while since Johnny had seen Daniel train in anything that wasn’t a tracksuit or a gi, but due to the temperature Daniel was dressed similarly to Johnny in shorts and a sleeveless workout top.  Johnny watched as Daniel’s long legs carried him out of the yard and inside, a slight sheen of sweat glinting on the tanned skin.  Johnny bit his lip and fetched his longed for beer from the refrigerator, taking a swig.
“You want a cold one, LaRusso?” he asked.
“Do you have any beer, or in fact any form of alcohol, that isn’t a Coors Banquet?”
“Then I’ll stick with water”, Daniel said dryly.  He turned around to start preparing the dinner and Johnny held up his middle finger behind his back.
As Daniel busied himself Johnny opened his gym bag, reaching inside and pulling out a towel to wipe the sweat off his brow.  He paused when he saw the jacket, scrunched up in the corner of the bag along with a can of deodorant and a packet of corn nuts.
Maybe I’ll wear it for you sometime, LaRusso.
Lucky me.
He took it out of the bag and pulled it on, feeling the rough denim scratch against his skin, before strutting back into the yard and sitting on the deck.  He sipped his beer as the early evening sun beat down, trying and failing to think of something that wasn’t Daniel LaRusso’s legs.
Daniel soon emerged from the house and strode over with two plates of food.  When he caught sight of Johnny he stopped mid-stride, mouth opening and closing a few times before he settled on just shaking his head.
Johnny grinned. “What?  Told you I’d wear it for you sometime, LaRusso.”
“You’re ridiculous, you know that Johnny?” said Daniel, joining Johnny on the deck and handing him a plate and cutlery.
“I’m ridiculous?  You’re the one who has a dojo in an ornamental garden.”
“What, as opposed to a more sensible location for teaching children karate, like a public park or a seedy strip mall with faulty wiring?”
Johnny ignored the jibe and poked at his dinner with a fork, wrinkling his nose in distaste.  “A salad?”  He put the bowl down.  “Think I’ll go and grab a burger.”
“Really, Johnny?  You want something hot in this heat?”
“Maybe I do”, Johnny replied, making eye contact with the smaller man.
This time the blush that bloomed on Daniel’s cheeks was definitely not a trick of the light.
After a moment Daniel coughed and looked away.  “Come on Johnny, eat your salad.  It’s good, I swear.”
Johnny pulled a face again but still speared a carrot and a lettuce leaf with his fork and popped them in his mouth, munching nosily.  As green stuff went it actually wasn’t too bad.  Not that he would ever tell Daniel that.
After dinner they discussed potential new moves they could teach their students for the tournament, Daniel diligently writing them all down while Johnny lounged on the deck, nursing another Coors Banquet.  (“Why don’t you just teach them that move you used on Kreese, the one that made his arms go limp?  Then we’d win no problem.” asked Johnny.  Daniel had rolled his eyes.  “Funnily enough, temporarily paralysing your opponent is considered an illegal move in a karate tournament for children.”  “But you can at least teach me, LaRusso.”  “I’m not doing that, Johnny.  You’d use it on anybody who annoyed you, which would mean practically everyone in the valley would have numb limbs.”)
Eventually Daniel put the pen down and stood up, offering a hand out to Johnny.  
“You wanna try putting some of these moves into action?”
Johnny nodded and clasped Daniel’s hand, letting the smaller man pull him up.  As he did, Johnny let his thumb rub gently over the back of Daniel’s hand for just a moment, noting with interest the slight but noticeable hitch in Daniel’s breathing as he did so.  He thought of the blush from earlier, the way the pink tinge had spread prettily across Daniel’s olive skin, and swallowed thickly.  The sensible thing would be to ignore these feelings, to push them back into the distant corner of his mind where they had been dwelling for the past three decades.  
But Johnny Lawrence was not good at doing the sensible thing.
Daniel started to warm up while Johnny did a few half-hearted stretches of his own.  Then they got into position in the middle of the yard.
“You gonna be able to move properly in that, Johnny?” asked Daniel, eyes flicking up and down Johnny’s denim clad torso.
“I can move in anything, LaRusso.  Don’t think you’ve got an advantage over me just because you’re wearing some fancy-ass designer workout gear and $300 sneakers.”
“Whatever, Johnny. You wanna start with the new set of kicks?”
They trained for about forty minutes, moving from the kicks to a new punching technique and then into some blocks (“Can’t we just keep punching?” Johnny had asked.  “’Cause you know, the best type of defence is just more offence.”  Daniel raised an eyebrow.  “That’s the winning attitude that got us into this mess to begin with.  Come on Johnny, let’s just try it my way, OK?”)  
The sun was low in the sky but it was still baking hot, and Johnny could feel the sweat running down his chest, exacerbated by the heavyweight denim.  It was worth it though.  Johnny hadn’t really planned what would happen once he’d put the jacket on, but the first time Daniel’s bare skin had come into contact with the fabric he had let out a breathy little gasp.  Johnny had then deliberately started to make sure his jacket touched Daniel whenever possible, and by the time they had worked through most of the new moves Daniel was looking dishevelled, hair unruly and falling into his eyes, skin slick with sweat, breath ragged.  He lashed out with a front kick and Johnny blocked as planned, but rather than backing off he spun Daniel around and pulled him into an embrace so the smaller man’s back was flush against his chest before dragging his jacket slowly over Daniel’s damp skin.  Daniel shuddered and let out a small whimper.  He went to move away but Johnny grabbed his wrist and pulled him back in so that they were face to face.  Johnny let go of Daniel’s wrist, moving his hand instead to the other man’s waist, letting his fingers rub over the slight swell of softness at Daniel’s middle.  
“Johnny”, Daniel breathed, voice breaking, eyes wide, leaning in just ever so slightly.
Johnny gulped.  This was dangerous territory; flirting was one thing, but they were now on the verge of something else entirely.  An image of Carmen and Miguel flashed into his mind, happily chatting away at their family meal, and he felt a sudden rush of guilt. Daniel was still staring at him with those big doe eyes, and he suspected that if he went in for a kiss the smaller man wouldn’t resist him.
Instead he stepped back, arms dropping to his sides, almost tripping over a rock as he put some distance between him and Daniel (who designs a dojo with freaking great lumps of stone in it, anyway?  And Daniel had the nerve to criticise him for being unsafe).
“Uh”, he said, throat dry, voice coming out low and scratchy.  “That was good.  I mean, good – uh – session.  With the new moves.”
Daniel just stared at him for a moment before he seemed to come to his senses.
“Uh, yeah”, he said, clearing his throat.  “Good, uh, good work Johnny.”
“Uh, yeah.  You too”, said Johnny, gesturing vaguely in Daniel’s direction.  They were both silent for a second and then they both spoke at once.
“It’s getting late, I should –”
“So I need to get back –”
They smiled tightly at each other.
“See you tomorrow, LaRusso”, Johnny said awkwardly.
“Yeah.  Tomorrow.”
Johnny fetched his stuff from the house and left by the front door, slinging his bag into the back seat of his car.  He pulled out of the driveway, glancing for a second in the rear view mirror.  Daniel stood in the doorway, watching him, an unreadable expression on his face.
At home, Johnny peeled off the denim jacket and threw it back into the closet.  He grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and drank it in one before cracking open another and sitting down in front of the TV.  He let a mindless action film wash over him until he felt his eyelids start to droop and he drifted off on the couch to dreams of long legs and big eyes and a soft New Jersey accent that just whispered Johnny, Johnny, Johnny over and over again.
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lupinblacktheone · 3 years
What we want, have and need - chapter 15
Notes: This is the fifteenth chapter of the Lawrusso and Sam/Robby long fic that I’m posting on AO3 and on Tumblr. You can read the next chapters on AO3 or the previous chapters on Tumblr here. I hope you enjoy this!
Dealing with grown-ups sucks
Turns out Amanda’s boyfriend, Max, is a total douche. Samantha realizes that in the minute her mother pats her shoulder and says:
“I miss him too, honey.”
They know it isn’t quite true. Amanda respected Daniel’s father figure and admired his history, but she never connected with him like Daniel and Sam did.
“What’s wrong with her?”, Max asks Amanda, pulling her close to him.
“Daniel’s father died when he was eight. When he came to the Valley, he became friends with Mr. Miyagi, who acted like his father, so he was a important figure to Sam as well until he died.”, she whispers, taking a little look at Sam to make sure she is out of earshot.
“So, she’s still mourning someone she isn’t even related to?”, his eyebrows go up. He’s talking loudly and his tone isn’t soft. “She should move on.”
“Because I wanna be sad because my grandfather died?”, she retorts, looking right in her enemy’s eyes.
“He wasn’t your relative at all. He was just a lazy old man who decided to take care of an orphan.”
Amanda tells him to shut up, but Max keeps talking. Sam isn’t listening to a single word he says. All of her rage and sadness merge into a massive ball of determination and Cobra Kai energy. She front-kicks Max between his legs and when he’s lying down on the fancy rug, curled up like the whining baby he is, she bends over to whisper on his ear.
“Don’t you dare talking about my family like that ever again. Understood?”
He doesn’t answer, he just whines. Sam marches to her room and packs up. When she leaves the apartment, she slams the door behind her back.
There are big, warm tears coming down her cheeks. Her chest shakes with the strong sobs coming from within. Once Sam gets in her car, her mind starts working apart from sorrow. She has to find somewhere safe to spend the night. Since she doesn’t want to bother Daniel – he already has a plateful of problems to deal with –, she does the most logical thing she can think of and drives all the way to Reseda.
She calls Robby and sobs when he picks up.
“I get it. Come here”, and he hangs up.
Thirty-five minutes later, she walks through the drizzle to get to the doorbell. Robby lets her in and is about to ask what happened when he remembers why Johnny left the apartment so quickly earlier.
The boy just hugs her and waits patiently for her to calm down and babble:
“H-he talked sh-shit about Mr. Miyagi so I kicked his balls.”
“I’m proud of you, no matter what”, he kisses her on the forehead. “I assume your dad doesn’t know where you are.”
“That’s correct.”
“You can pick the movie while I call him.”
“I don’t feel like watching anything.”
“I’ll fix you the bed, then.”
“Where you’ll sleep?”
“Huh… on the couch?”
Sam gives him her best puppy eyes, asking him to stay with her tonight. Robby loves to sleep holding his girlfriend, but his mattress isn’t wide as hers. It won’t be a comfy night, but Sam’s worth it.
He gathers all the pillows they have and piles them up in the bed, along with some sheets. After Sam’s tucked in by the book, Robby leaves Mr. L a voicemail – he doesn’t seem to be able to pick up his phone right now for whatever reason, according to his recorded message – and lies down beside her. Without a second thought, Sam clings onto Robby’s body.
Johnny doesn’t know what time is it when he arrives, he just falls into his bed, beginning to snore immediately. He doesn’t even see there’s a car parked near Robby’s Camaro. He only notices something is wrong when he picks up his phone and sees tons of missed calls and messages from Daniel, asking if he knows where the hell is Sam.
“Hey, man. How are you?”, he asks when Daniel calls again.
“Did you get my texts?”, his voice is trembling and probably, his hands too.
“Yeah”, Johnny rubs the back of his neck. “I’ll ask Robby if he knows anything about it. Just a sec, I’ll call you back.”
He – kind of – tip-toes to Robby’s room. On training days, the boy usually wakes up early and sometimes, leaves even before Johnny is awake. Today, he knows the boy is still asleep and he feels sorry for waking him up.
“Huh… do you know where…”
Johnny does his best to keep his voice as low as possible, but sensible ears capture the sound. Robby doesn’t move, but the big spoon who is hugging him raises her head.
“Shhh!”, she commands. “You’ll wake him up.”
“What the hell, Sam?”, he whispers, pretending he’s mad at her, but he’s trying not to laugh, actually. “Whatever. We’ll talk about it during breakfast.”
He goes back to his room, calls Daniel and lets him know his daughter is safe.
“Don’t you worry. I’ll give them the traditional parental lecture later and make sure she gets home alright.”
“Thanks. If you don’t mind, can you ask what happened?”
“Yeah, yeah. So, about last night…”
“Seriously, Johnny. We don’t have to get through all that for no reason.”
“I have to go. Talk to you later.”
Daniel feels grateful that: A) Sam is safe; and B) They don’t have to discuss the hours they spent on Johnny’s car talking about the potential dojos and listening to REO Speedwagon.
When Johnny goes to the kitchen, Robby is having a hard time trying to reach the coffee pot on the top shelf while Sam fries eggs and ham to the three of them.
They are talking about something that’s hard for an external viewer to understand, but it seems important, as if they were a couple in a sixteen-year long marriage. Johnny had only seen something like this on TV and on the houses of some friends – Tommy’s parents were really in love – and he’s glad that Robby and Samantha are able to have such a deep connection.
Johnny grabs the cutlery, wiling to gather courage enough to sum up the elephant in the room.
“So, what happened last night?”, his eyes go from Robby to Sam.
The girl explains briefly the situation with Max. Robby pays all the attention he has in his father’s expressions, that vary on a wide range, including wrath and happiness.
“Well done, kid”, he high-fives her.
“I assume this is an example of the typical Cobra Kai camaraderie”, Robby says. He wonders whether they are aware of his presence or not.
“C’mon, son. Can’t I be proud of my best student?”, the man laughs.
“I bet that if you told my dad about something Miyagi-like you did, he would congratulate you as well”, Sam puts a slice of ham on her plate with the softest voice in the world.
“True”, the boy pours coffee in his cup.
“I’m glad we could clarify this question”, the sensei looks at Sam, who is probably holding Robby’s hand under the table. “Your dad wants you to go home.”
She pouts a bit, but the understands that he must be worried about her, so the girl gives her boyfriend loads of kisses before getting on her car and driving home.
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edith-moonshadow · 3 years
I was tagged by the wonderful @withoneheadlight Thank you so much 💜💜💜
1. why did you choose your url?
My favourite old lady name is Edith, I’m not saying only old ladies are called Edith just that it makes me think of a little witchy old lady living in a sweet little cottage in the woods with rose bushes, a little herb garden and a creaky old apple tree out the back with her two black cats Oswald and Liebchen. She wiles away her days doing little crafts, enjoying old films, dancing around the house to music and baking sweet treats for the little tea parties she has. Moonshadow is two things, I love the moon, can’t resist her siren call and my brother loves old computer games especially old FMV ones from the 90′s, in particular and we have played a game called Phantasmagoria (1995) a million times, we quote it as though it were an old movie we’d watched to death and in it there’s a wee old man called Malcolm Wyrmshadow which I thought was a great name so I kinda stole it but combined it with my love of the moon.
2. any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
I recently started a side blog purely for my writing which I called @ediths-writing-desk
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
I’m not too sure many years but I left for a while and this blog has only been going since February when I wanted to do Cross-stitch to accompany the prompts I filled for Harringrove Week Of Love
4. do you have a queue tag?
Not really the only thing I queue occasionally are stories but I don’t tag them as queue 
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
As somewhere for my writing because I was solely on Ao3 and not engaged in fandom at all, originally it was for the cross-stitch plan I had but eventually I wanted to engage in fandom more but I’m kinda shy and I overthink way too much so 😳😳😳
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I love the H&M photoshoot and in particular this picture, I love his slightly annoyed expression, his beautiful ringlets, the way he’s standing and Billy in the lifeguard outfit gets my vote.
7. why did you choose your header?
I’ve recently fallen in love with Cobra Kai and the Lawrusso ship and that gif is a moment that I love from early on where Daniel grabs Johnny and he just goes to him. It’s such a small moment that infers so much.
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
Apparently it’s the first part of Sugar Baby Omega Steve
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I’ve no idea but everyone seems wonderful 🥰🥰🥰
10. how many followers do you have?
I’m not sure
11. how many people do you follow?
22 🥺🥺🥺  I’m still pretty new
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
Way more than I should 😳😳😳 
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
No not a thing I’m interested in doing
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts
I scroll past
16. do you like tag games?
17. do you like ask games?
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I have no idea
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
Not on people specifically but their work 😍😍😍
20. tags?
I’m not too sure who to tag, whoever would like to do it 💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️
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aestheticsuwu · 4 years
Tumblr media
I knew I loved you then ,But you'd never know
The Switch AU , M-Preg Lawrusso AU
Being unlucky in love, Daniel has decided to have a baby using artificial insemination. Johnny hates the  idea, but he isn't capable of telling him .  let alone   that he's in love with Daniel.
At Daniel's artificial insemination party, Johnny gets very drunk and stumble upon the sperm donor's sample in the bathroom. Johnny was way too drunk to know what he did that night, Daniel once pregnant , Decides to leave California and move back to Newark .
Now 7 years later, Daniel has moved back with his son Robby . Johnny can't help but notice the many striking similarities that he and Robby share.
Johnny bought ice cream for both of them , as he walks alongside the pup he smiles as they both had the same flavor of ice cream . Another thing to add to the list of what they had in common .
 " Do you want to talk  about your new school ? . "
Looking down , He notice  how short Robby is for his age  . He probably gets it from Daniel , He bets he still can't reach the top shelf . He remembers thinking the kid would be a replica of Daniel , Like a mini Bambi . Although Daniel is mini himself .
Robby was like a puppy hence the nickname he had given him .
He watches as the kid answers him , entranced with his cone .
 " Why? " The pup questioned him with ice cream all over his face . He make a mental note to clean him up before Daniel comes to pick up Robby .
 " Because you're a kid and there's nothing else to talk about. "
" I don't want talk about it " He know what's up when Robby closes him off and his guess is right once the kid answers him .
" What's his name ? "
" Jake , how'd you know ? " Chuckling at the amusement of Robby's face . He finds a food stand near them and ask for some napkins . Leading the pup to one of the benches to wipe off the sticky mess  .
"  I know a thing about bullies , why haven't you confronted him ? "
" He's way taller and bigger " He watches how the pup frown , and he kinda thinks Daniel doesn't know a thing about it . The kid didn't want to worry him , he definitely had the same heart as Daniel .
 " You know karate right , Mr. Miyagi and Daniel taught you didn't they . "
" Grandpa Miyagi and  Dad says it's only for self defense , that I shouldn't use it to get into trouble . "
He knew a thing about that , if it weren't for both Daniel and Mr. Myagi he probably would've gone through a different path .
Looking at the direction where Robby is looking at , he gets an idea .
" How about for now we see those loser fall off their skateboards and come up with a plan , what'd you say , pup ? "
His eye widen with excitement and he smiles so wide he doesn't realise he droped his ice cream . Picking him up to plant him on his shoulders , he  promise him to buy him another if he didn't tell Daniel .
He thought to himself , this couldve  been him and Daniel lifes , all three of them in the beach and maybe adding a little princess to the dream .  If he wasn't to scared to admit his feelings to Daniel .
Sidenote : Another Lawrusso Movie AU Moodboard. Movie is From The switch . I was undecided if I should use Sam , Miguel or Robby. also I think it's fanon that Johnny called Robby 'pup ' when he was a kid so decided to add that . hope you guys like it
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