#laying dormant while the update is in progress
ryllen · 9 months
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thank you soldier
have new year new festival alex 🎆
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Avid readers of tattlecrime find themselves desperate and reeling for clarity on the relationship between the so-called “Murder Husbands”, FBI Special Agent/Criminal Profiler Will Graham (@mongooseundertheporch) and psychiatrist/accused serial killer Hannibal Lecter (@yourtastefulcannibal)
A confused and concerned Will Graham continued to progressively state that he believes to be heterosexual, while Hannibal Lecter seems to be reacting far more neutrally.
Is it possible that there are romantic feelings? Most likely case seems to be that it’s either one sided from the respected psychiatrist’s perspective, and reciprocal feelings lay dormant while Will Graham continues to hide in his (alleged) closet.
Stay tuned for more updates on this foggy and twisted “love story” of the ages.
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inkybirdy · 2 years
I’m kinda worried, you talk about being tired a lot in recent posts. Please take care of yourself!
oh dear - I don't mean to worry anybody, but I really appreciate your concern! It's been a rough year but I'm okay, I promise. I'm working on taking better care of myself, even if the last few months have been fighting against me.
(though now that I'm thinking about it, I feel comforted when I find people with similar situations to mine that are open to offering their perspectives, so if you want an update/some frank conversation on lifelong chronic illness I'll put it under the cut)
I was super sick as a little kid (like, NICU ill, with RSV) and my family has a genetic cocktail of nonsense, so I've never been physically sturdy - and I didn't really have a consistent physician or medical care schedule so I ended up blindsided by a lot of things that got a lot worse as an adult because. Well, when you've always been chronically ill to some extent it's difficult to gauge what's normal.
(please keep in mind i'm absolutely an expert regarding medical stuff, and my medical care history has been... a varied patchwork with a lot of different people doing a lot of tests and guesswork.)
According to the doctors I saw when I started going in for regular check-ups in college, I was living with lungs and an immune system that weren't great to begin with and were otherwise kind of a time bomb. Basically, around the time that I moved out to live on my own and go to college, my health got significantly worse.
For instance, at one point one of my (extremely common) upper respiratory infections turned into pneumonia that lasted for over a month. I had to go in for breathing treatments and had to argue with my doctors against hospitalization because of insurance/school/work, etc. By the time I started recovering I was on a regular inhaler for the first time in my life and my reactive airways were more 'reactive' than ever with then-diagnosed asthma. Anything can set them off - changes in temperature, humidity, a cold, stress, exhaustion, dust, aerosols, etc. It's kind of like I'm one of those classic Victorian waifs ready to waste away from Ill Humor (tm), but I've got shit to take care of so I can't afford to lay around on a fainting couch.
Anyway, it kind of evened out to a new 'normal' for me for the last couple of years with minimal progression, until I got super sick again in December of last year. I never tested positive for COVID, but my doctors were pretty sure I had a fun salad of flu, upper respiratory and sinus infections, and pneumonia that lasted until like. February.
The fun part about being chronically ill and having an immune system that is constantly panicking is that it doesn't really like. Recover. Or, it takes a long time to bounce back. I have long-term damage from the pneumonia I had in college, and this was like that x4 - I've come to terms with the fact I'm going to be sickly for a long a time, and so far there isn't a whole lot that can be done about it.
Another doctor told me that when your immune system gets set back like that it can trigger other, 'dormant' conditions too - for example, a new thing that's developed since The Great Fuckening of December 2021 is a hypersensitivity to vitamin deficiencies and thyroid levels, which is a thing in my family but not something I've dealt with. Further, according to my latest doctor, straight-up narcolepsy. (Which like - I dealt with chronic fatigue a lot in college to the point that became a joke, but it was a lot less funny hearing it while sitting on an exam table.) But, because I'm already taking the highest amount of adderall that I possibly can for my weight, which I'm told is a pretty common treatment for it, there isn't a whole lot to be done about it at the moment to improve from where I already am in that respect.
So, altogether that means that at 'default' I'm very tired all the time, and I get sick pretty easily and pretty often. Like, oh-shit-another-bad-cold-every-three-weeks sick, or worse. It doesn't help that I have a pretty demanding job, which takes tolls on even very sturdy and healthy people that get into it. But. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I've managed to keep it from impacting my ability to do my job too much, but it takes a lot out of me. It impacts my ability to keep in touch with my loved ones, my responsibilities outside of work, my hobbies (I can't even count at this point how many times I've been too sick to run D&D or slept through it, or gotten really behind in my planning because I've been sleeping) etc. I have to be pretty careful about how I budget the energy that I have in a day if I'm trying not to overexert myself - it can be pretty demoralizing.
That all sounds very depressing, and some days are a lot more difficult than others - but it's also not all bad. For example, I was able to pick up writing Crown of Calamity initially while I was super sick, and being able to get into having fun with LoZ again has been great and something I've been able to do without a lot of time pressure.
And, most importantly, I'm an extremely lucky person. My two siblings are absolutely incredible. We have a lot of common ground with our struggles and a lot of understanding for one another, and I'm grateful that we're able to live close enough to one another that we can be there to help when one of us needs it. Not only that - but I have a job, and a place to live, and three annoying cats that I love, and very sweet online pals who check in on me.
So, while things have been difficult with my health stuff and everything outside of it that's been going on, I'm okay - or, I'm going to be. Every day I'm learning a bit more about my new iteration of 'normal' and I'm trying to get into better habits so I don't overwork myself, and I have family that I can ask for help when I need it.
I hope that this wasn't a big depressing dump - Instead, I hope maybe some of you guys can relate to it, maybe take some comfort in the idea that you're not the only one dealing with dumb chronic health stuff that doesn't really have a clear 'fix.'
And, I hope that you guys know how much I appreciate you! Whatever difficulties you're facing in this current iteration of "Oh Goddammit Why Can't We Have A Good Year" - please know that I'm rooting for you, and I care about you, too.
I don't really know how to end this, but - thank you again. Really, truly.
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If you liked Dragon Age Masterlist
If you’re anything like me, you’re into niche market, high fantasy, single player RPGs, preferably with a historical setting and romance options. So if you’re looking for a new game, here I am with some suggestions!
Sorted by studio:
Oblivion (2006)
“In the shadow of evil, a hero will rise from the ashes of a fallen empire. The gates have been opened, and the battle has begun. Only one thing can save the world from Mehrunes Dagon and the demonic hordes of Oblivion. The true heir of the Septim line must be found and restored to the Imperial throne. The fate of the world rests in the hands of one. Find him, and shut the jaws of Oblivion.”
The Elder Scrolls series were my gateway into RPGs and hold a special place in my heart. Oblivion features a wide open world, immersive combat, and the ability to customize race, class, and gender.
Skyrim (2011)
“The Empire of Tamriel is on the edge. The High King of Skyrim has been murdered. Alliances form as claims to the throne are made. In the midst of this conflict, a far more dangerous, ancient evil is awakened. Dragons, long lost to the passages of the Elder Scrolls, have returned to Tamriel. The future of Skyrim, even the Empire itself, hangs in the balance as they wait for the prophesized Dragonborn to come; a hero born with the power of The Voice, and the only one who can stand amongst the dragons.”
I have sunk so many hours into this game and still have not experienced all there is to experience. Just like Oblivion, Skyrim offers the ability to customize your character and find a play style that suits you. A huge open world offers tons of opportunity for exploration and questing. You could play this game many, many hours and not even touch the main quest if you wanted to.
Mass Effect Legendary Edition (2021)
Just do it. Just fucking do it I’m still sobbing I’ve never had a game wreck me in this way. I might possibly like it more than Dragon Age which feels sacrilegious to say but it was so good. You follow Commander Shepard (customizable) for three whole games and the choices have serious consequences. Also, romance. Truthfully this might be the most well written storyline I’ve ever seen in a video game. Also, same studio as Dragon Age.
CD Projekt:
The Witcher III: Wild Hunt (2015)
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I’ll let the website description speak for itself, but Witcher III was good enough that I didn’t mind being forced to play as a man (those who know me know that I exclusively prefer to play women and often dislike games where I can’t do so)! The characters that make up this story are captivating and suck you into their world, leaving you with some tough choices to make. Also, bonus points for romance! (Yen is one of my all time favorite characters, Triss never stood a chance for me. Sorry Triss fans 😂)
Divinity Original Sin 2 (2017)
“The Divine is dead. The Void approaches. And the powers lying dormant within you are soon to awaken. Choose your role in a BAFTA-winning story, and explore a world that reacts to who you are, and the choices you make. With five races to choose from, and an adventure playable solo or as a party of up to four, lay waste to an oppressive order in a world afraid of magic. Become the God the world so desperately needs.”
Full disclosure, I have not finished playing this one yet and will update when I do, but what I’ve played so far has been great! A classic, turn-based RPG that allows you a wide range of character customization. I find this game incredibly satisfying to be a rogue (my preferred class) because it lets me live my dream of throwing knives at people. Also, romance!
Baldur’s Gate III beta (2020)
“An ancient evil has returned to Baldur's Gate, intent on devouring it from the inside out. The fate of Faerûn lies in your hands. Alone, you may resist. But together, you can overcome. Gather your party.”
Fair warning, as of my most recent update to this post (March 30th, 2021) this game is still in a beta phase, which means it is NOT complete and has aspects that are missing, glitchy, or subject to change. With that being said, I’m so obsessed. It’s so, so good already and is only getting better. Another wide open world to explore with a group of companions with strong and sometimes clashing personalities, choices are abundant in this game and will affect how your party members think of you. This game so far gives me the feeling that choices are complicated and aren’t always easy to tell which is morally right, which I personally love. Also, I can be a sarcastic ass with a good heart, which is always fun. Astarion basically owns me now, but if you can resist him there are plentiful other romance choices as well! Customization is already a wider range than I’ve seen in most RPGs and they haven’t even finished the character creator yet, which has me SO excited for the finished product. Also - good hair?!??!! I love it!
Fable III (2010)
“Lead a revolution to take control of Albion, fight alongside your people, and experience love and loss while preparing to defend the kingdom against a looming threat. Your choices as ruler will lead to consequences felt across the entire land.”
I’ll be honest, this one isn’t my favorite on the list, but was good enough to still make it! This game allows you to choose between playing as the prince or the princess on a quest to save your kingdom from itself, and then a greater threat as well. The game takes place in a kingdom loosely modeled after industrial England, and what did score it some major points were (SPOILER WARNING - skip the purple if you don’t want to know!) that the last act of the game lets you play as the monarch, where you are forced to make some tough decisions in order to save your kingdom. It is very easy to back yourself into a corner, pinch pennies in order to fund the army and save the kingdom, but make your citizens hate you because of it. You’re gonna have to be very, very careful, which is something I did really enjoy about this game. (I’ve heard Fable II was better, and that’s also on my list to try, will update in the future!)
Fire Emblem Three Houses (2019)
“War is coming to the continent of Fódlan. Here, order is maintained by the Church of Seiros, which hosts the prestigious Officer’s Academy within its headquarters. You are invited to teach one of its three mighty houses, each comprised of students brimming with personality and represented by a royal from one of three territories. As their professor, you must lead your students in their academic lives and in turn-based, tactical RPG battles wrought with strategic, new twists to overcome. Which house, and which path, will you choose?”
Currently playing this one and I’m so addicted! This one is slightly outside of my usual taste but it has made me interested in playing more games like it. The player controls Byleth (you can rename them if you wish), who becomes a professor of combat and battle tactics despite their young age at a monastery and finds themself in charge of a house of students. Battles are tactics and strategy based and classes are highly customizable. I sunk like 30 hours into this game in the last three days. I won’t say more about the plot to avoid spoilers, but it’s been a ton of fun and also has slow burn romance
Greedfall (2019)
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This game destroyed my soul in the best way and when I finished it I immediately started a new game to play it again. You play as Lady or Lord De Sardet, Legate of the Congregation of Merchants and effectively the right hand of your cousin, who has been appointed governor of your new colony on the island. While I enjoy the combat in this game, which allows you the choice between one handed, two handed, magic, and pistols or rifles (save that ammo for when you really need it!), this game focuses heavily on diplomacy and relations. Be careful what information you give to whom and how you treat every decision. The enemies you make early on might be people you need on your side later. I also love that choices aren’t always clearly right or wrong, and often are more complicated than they first appear. Even the best intentions can sometimes go awry.
Assassin’s Creed, Syndicate (2015)
“London, 1868. In the heart of the Industrial Revolution, lead your underworld organization and grow your influence to fight those who exploit the less privileged in the name of progress”
Another one that I’ll admit, I haven’t finished, and is definitely the odd one out on the list because it’s set in Victorian England, but I was having fun with what I had played so far before Greedfall distracted me. In this game, you alternate between controlling twins Jacob and Evie Frye as you explore and liberate London while meeting famous historical figures and running a gang on the side.
Assassin’s Creed, Origins (2017)
“Ancient Egypt, a land of majesty and intrigue, is disappearing in a ruthless fight for power. Unveil dark secrets and forgotten myths as you go back to the one founding moment: The Origins of the Assassin’s Brotherhood.”
In the spirit of honesty, I haven’t started this one yet, but I am so confident that I’m gonna love it when I do that it’s here anyway. I’ve purchased it, and will get to it soon, I swear! In the meantime, I wanted to put it here because I’m confident some of you will enjoy it. Will come back with a review once I know more.
Assassin’s Creed, Odyssey (2018)
“Write your own epic odyssey and become a legendary Spartan hero in Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey, an inspiring adventure where you must forge your destiny and define your own path in a world on the brink of tearing itself apart. Influence how history unfolds as you experience a rich and ever-changing world shaped by your decisions.”
Y’all this game owned my soul for a while. I’ve sunk so many hours into it. You have a choice to play as either Kassandra or Alexios and navigate the wonders of Ancient Greece. The world is stunning, the choices are important, and this game took a big step for the assassins creed series in becoming a true RPG. I can’t recommend this one enough, you should absolutely go for it!
Assassin’s Creed, Valhalla (2020)
“Become Eivor, a legendary Viking warrior. Explore England's Dark Ages as you raid your enemies, grow your settlement, and build your political power in the quest to earn a place among the gods in Valhalla.”
This game is brand new, hot off the press, and has already been a massive hit. I have only JUST started playing it and am about an hour in, but so far so good! It’s here on my recommendations list because of its wild popularity and because I’ve already enjoyed other games in this series, so I feel confident that some of my fellow dragon age fans will enjoy it. Will update again once I get further in.
Other games on my To Be Played list (otherwise known as things I don’t want to recommend because I know almost nothing about them but will update here after I know more)
-Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2
-Horizon Zero Dawn
-Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag
-Fable 1 and 2
-Kingdoms of Amalur
-Breath of the Wild
-Crimson Desert (not out yet but I’m intrigued)
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goldheartsrp · 5 years
As we are working through updating the site, we will be posting some of the lore changes we’ve made due to things like new information from books and comics, things we had difficulty with in previous incarnations, or simply new ideas we want to explore! We’ll be posting the changes here so keep you eyes peeled for things that may affect your characters. 
Below the cut is the changed lore for the Vessels of the Evanuris. If you have any questions please let the staff know over the discord or through an ask! 
When Solas created the Veil, he created a prison for the Evanuris within the fade. A city, of sorts; a monument to the hubris and corruption that had overtaken the other gods. While this prison was enough to hold back the gods and their blighted malice, it did not account for hidden relics left behind.
Each member of the Evanuris had in their service a weapon, a tool, a focus for much of their magical ability. The Foci allowed the Evanuris to wield great power even by the standards of the ancient elvhenan but that power came at a price -- the Evanuris sacrificed a small part of themselves into the Foci. A splinter of their spirit resided within the Foci, a consciousness that has not faded throughout time. The Foci were largely considered safe, after all, the spirit inside the artefacts kept anyone from stealing it; it would lash out at anyone who tried to wield the magic locked inside if the splinter of the soul was not connected with the rest of the whole. 
When the Veil went up and the elvhenan civilization slowly collapsed, these Foci were lost throughout Thedas. As the ruins of elvhenan civilization were ransacked and looted by the modern Thedosians, some artefacts were carried far and wide across the continent while others lay forgotten in undiscovered temples. 
In recent years, some of the Foci have found their ways into the hands of elves and elf-blooded individuals;  while the foci remain dormant currently, these individuals feel some sort of connection -- an affinity, even. These new owners have started hearing whispering, almost as if from a distant force. Indistinguishable, but longing to reach out, connect. 
On Gold Hearts we are approaching vessels as a tiered system; members can reserve a member of the Evanuris but they will not immediately be vessels of the gods but rather, they will possess the artefact of their reserved God. As the story progresses we will be integrating the “awakening” of the Vessels in site events and missions. Until the “awakening” the Gods and the Vessels should be viewed as two separate entities rather than one person. The different levels of “awakenings” will be available for purchase from the point store with the characters getting new abilities and story and event opportunities.
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Chapter 37: In Devil’s Grip
“An abyss which in our language is called shin’en.”
37-1 Raining down like a hailstorm.
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This chapter throws Graviton enemies at you. Luckily, I was able to roll Iskar, an A-class Photon unit, when the Wild Beast adventurers got introduced. I know people at the time were pissed that there were lower class units (which would dilute the pool) but… look, not everyone would whale for the higher units nor has the patience to max SB/Luck everyone.
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In lieu of not having A’misandra nor Amina, I maxed out the Whitewyrm Wand and stuck it on Zafitte^ to make her something of a healer. The otomo casts Tera Heal, chain; so with that and Giga Regen, my party won’t be hurting for healing.
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Someone asked me if I’ll tackle the two Animata bosses. I did fight them, but I dunno if I’ll post up any updates about them. Probably not.
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It starts with a small number of these new enemies.
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Pretty self-explanatory, I think.
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I do like how you can see the two black Animatas in this stage’s background.
37-2 Scorching barrier stretched across the sky.
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Nothing good, evidently. Anyway, in this stage twisters will spawn as you progress through it, starting with this one, adding one more as you move on,
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and ending with four on the field.
37-3 A sharp gaze drilling into his back.
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The whispering leader sensed a sharp gaze
drilling into his back. It was Pa'keppar.
 “Chief! How long do you plan to go on hiding here?!”
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We’re introduced to some new enemies.
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The Incapacitators, who only attack rows
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...and Fragmentors, whose Powered Point Jammer skill will make the bar charge slower than normal for three turns.
37-4 Want us to stand back and do nothing?
A fallen Spirit with burned wings and
molten Negas lay in front of you.
 They sacrificed themselves to destroy
the barrier generator.
 “Why have you done this... for us?”
 No one could have known the answer.
All that remained was the path these
unexpected benefactors had given
their lives to clear for you.
 ---Audience room
 "While we're talking here, much blood may be
getting spilled, all for our sake! Chief, how can
you be so insensitive to their suffering?"
 "Thanks to their sacrifice, peace will be
brought to our lands, and we will be protected.
There is no better solution."
"You really think that?! You trust the word of
a devil who leaves death in her wake, and
want us to stand back and do nothing?"
 "Would you rather send our people to certain
death? I don't understand you, Pa'keppar!"
 "And these strangers who throw away their
lives for us, do they not matter to you?!"
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Four of the five fights here are against the level 79 Incapacitators.
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Finally, for the last floor, there is a stronger Incapacitator. Three rows! Golly!
37-5 Became tears that fell from his eyes.
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It’s noble of them, but certainly foolhardy. Still, it’s good to know there are people who are behind the crew’s backs.
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The fights here are against Incapacitators and Fragmentors.
37-6 Filled with the remnants of unconscious feelings…
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And we meet, and get a name for, the second riftworlder.
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There are only three battles, but there are a decent number of enemies. The twisters are more of an annoyance, but it’s still something to look out for.
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Especially in cases like this.
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Poor Bahl was on the verge of death when I cleared this part of the stage.
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I guess if you’re not aware of the other floor positions or you like to clump your units together, the twisters could make moving them around a little annoying.
37-7 Come forth into this world!
“What did you create using the Animata?”
“Heheh... You don't know? I will show you.”
 The man cut off a cube of space and blew into it.
Smoke began to fill it, turning from grey
to purple, and then to green.
 “The life breeder hatched something interesting...”
 An awful sound, like scraping metal,
sounded. It echoed through the ground,
vibrating everything.
 “Come forth into this world!”
 The smoke-filled cube burst open, flesh
and mechanical parts combining into
some kind of bio-machine weapon.
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Despite the story, we won’t see anything new in terms of enemies. Maybe it’s just to demonstrate that all the enemies the party’s been fighting were all Shin’en’s creations. Anyway, have a screenshot of Zafitte^’s Heigh-Ho attacks.
37-8 Horrified by how frozen solid she was.
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Yeah, Mutoh is not a good person. This is of course meant to be tragic, but I feel it’d have a bit more of an oomph if we got to see what poor To’toa looked like.
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The party, of course, has no idea that this is all happening. They’re still fighting off Incapacitators and Fragmentors.
37-9 I have a bad feeling about this.
 "Now I must go. I want to get good
seats for the wonderful show!"
 The man disappeared. As if pulled by
a string, the remaining feathers flew
up and drifted back to the ground.
 "Where the hell did he go?"
 The battle ended suddenly.
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“No! Don't do that!”
 The lizard chief never noticed that all his
actions played right into the demons' hands.
 Now, the planet's power which had long been
dormant would be unleashed.
 It came dancing down from the sky,
penetrated the ground and spread far and
wide, just as the demons wanted.
 The ground shook with a rumble.
"What is it this time? This noise is horrific..."
 The ground split, and mystical light spilled
out from the chasm.
The light resonated with the two Animatas
sailing the skies in the distance.
 "I have a bad feeling about this."
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So, 37-9 has only three battles, but the light mentioned in the pre-battle text isn’t just for fluff.
This line from, presumably, Mutoh, leads into a gimmick that this stage has. Every turn, the light mentioned earlier will blind the party and do 500 damage to them. It’s not too serious and can be healed off easily, but it’s something to be aware of, nonetheless.
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Here’s a nice screenshot of what Graviton attacks look like, as well as the stage gimmick. Anyway, for the first two fights, it’s against the usual enemies.
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And here is the boss of this part, Energos. Supergravity Breath is a 3x multiplier attack that also displaces your units, while Gravitonball is a 2x Graviton and weapon (staff) attack.
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From my notes, Energos seems to consistently follow a pattern as such:
1. Supergravity Breath, Area (1) > Move
2. Supergravity Breath, Ring > summon reinforcements (2x Fragmentor lv 77) > Move
3. Supergravity Breath, Area 1 > Move
4. Repeat
Definitely make sure you clear out the adds as they come in, so you don’t get overwhelmed.
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I believe that once you knock Energos’ health down to around 50ish%, it will start using Gravitonball, which will hit two of your units – for my run here, it started doing so at 99665/205790 HP. The wiki notes its skillset has stuff like Gravitonball (2), (3), etc. that seem to imply that as it gets weaker, Gravitonball will begin hitting more of your party until it’s attacking everyone.
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Energos will continue to do its thing, by the way. But if you managed to wear it down to this point, you can finish it off. Of course, if you so wished (and had the units), you could use tap skills to one-shot it from full health.
37-10 Before you could answer, you were hit by an infernal heat wave.
So. Going into this, I have to admit I was a little worried because Iskar was my only Photon unit. But then RNGesus smiled upon me:
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And I rolled her! So, not only is Sayu a great mage, but I think her character design is pretty great! (On the other hand, I don’t care for her recode’s art. It is obviously fanservice-y design, but I felt that it came at the cost of being creative.) When she was released, Sayu was actually one of my white whales for Terra Battle and I’m stoked that I managed to roll her.
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I also managed to roll Kir’ue, an SS class unit who debuted same time as Iskar. The more the merrier, really! I won’t complain about having another person to cover Photon.
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Some had wounds so grievous they were
unable to move at all.
 The harbinger of death shook the world,
settling down right in front of the you.
Its dark aura filled those who witnessed
it with fear.
 As you stopped to catch your breath,
you were just about to be assaulted by
yet another vicious heat wave when
someone called out...
 “Everyone, get back!”
 Hearing the voice, you jumped back and
dodged the heat beam by the smallest
of margins.
 “Pa'keppar, why are you here?!”
“I will explain later. For now, we must
stop that!”
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For 37-10, you get a pretty interesting little mechanic here. This message pops up – in a display of unity for their fellows on this planet, any Lizardfolk units you have will have their attacking stats buffed by 1.3x, and their defensives buffed by 1.5x.
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Compare S’naip^’s normal stats at level 90: 434 Attk, 245 MAttk, 291 Def, 254 MDef. It’s a pretty nifty buff, and it’s worth packing a Lizardfolk party, though as you can see I only brought S’naip along. This is partly because I didn’t really have a lot of good Lizardfolk units, and I felt Ma’curi might still be a bit fragile even with the buffs.
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There are three battles; the first two are against the usual enemies. They aren’t too bad, but the twisters can be annoying if your units get knocked into them.
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For the third battle, the boss is faced – Relic.
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Relic follows a pattern, as well:
1. Supergravity Breath (SGB), 1 column > Move
2. Synergy Wave, 1 row > Move
3. Axionball > Move > Summons a Fragmentor
4. Repeat?
5. SGB, 1 column
6. Synergy Wave
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While Relic won’t summon back the other adds, the Fragmentor’s Powered Point Jammer is annoying, so definitely kill them.
As you weaken Relic, it will add moves to its pattern.
7. SGB, Border - did this @ 205471/308420 HP
8. SGB, column
9. Synergy Wave
10. Energy Emission, All + Fragmentor summoned
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Just keep at it and you’ll make it through.
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  Their only consolation lay in the fact
that even after being toyed with by
malicious beings, Pa'keppar's group's
spirit wasn't broken.
 Although the two devils plaguing their
planet are not gone for good, for now
at least the Lizardfolk can enjoy a brief
respite from terror and strife.
 Pa'keppar spoke in a voice strong and
filled with resolve.
 “We will pull through. We will never
give in! And one day we will reclaim
our skies!”
 So what was the meaning of that encounter?
The lizard planet has a long and sordid history
of sacrificing lives and grudge-bearing, and
history likes to repeat itself.
 What was it all for?
 “If you find others in the same predicament
as ours, please help them like you helped us.”
 The only thing that can be said with any
certainty is that in this endless universe,
there are many other tribes and Animatas
that you have not yet come across.
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So I had the feeling this is an in-story nod to the recoding mechanics. It’s just a little strange that it pops up now instead of earlier, given you get access to recoding as soon as you clear chapter 20. And prior to lambdas getting removed from the pool, you could roll them from the Pact of Truth... Oh well. With the threat to the Lizardfolk world beat back, so ends chapter 37. 
Next time: grief.
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nyc-urbanism · 6 years
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THE TUNNEL TO NOWHERE 🚇 Yesterday we launched our story on the East Side Access project (link in bio) with maps from the 1968 Transit transit expansion program that proposed constructing a tunnel under the East River to bring the Long Island Railroad to Midtown. Construction started on the tunnel in 1969, and half a century later the tunnel hasn't seen a single LIRR train. Here's the story of the Tunnel to Nowhere. The '69 expansion plan called for a double-decked tunnel – a four-track immersed tube under the East River and Roosevelt Island. The tunnel’s top level would be used by the IND 63rd Street subway line (today’s F and Q) and the bottom for the new LIRR East Midtown connection. With funding secured, construction on began in October 1969. While construction on the tunnel progressed, the MTA was planning a Third Avenue LIRR terminal, dubbed the Metropolitan Transportation Center (more on that tomorrow). Disagreements over the Transportation Center and an emerging fiscal crisis delayed the construction of the tunnel, which took over two decades to complete. By 1980, it was reported that the lower level tracks in the tunnel would never see a LIRR train. The New York Times referred to this as a “dead-end to nowhere:” In 1989, twenty years after construction started, the 63rd Street tunnel opened with F train subway service and a new station on Roosevelt Island. But with two vacant tracks below, terminating at 29th Street in Long Island City and 63rd Street and Second Avenue in Manhattan, the lower level would lay dormant for the next three decades... Visit our website to read about the entire history of East Side Access, get an update the status of construction, and see recent construction photos, and an illustrated description of the concourse and tracks 150 feet below #GrandCentralTerminal. Stay tuned for more on East Side Access all week! Visit our website (link in bio) to read the whole story. (at 63rd Street Tunnel) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu7D0EYFnJ4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ti5jo2ye6xe6
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snastle · 7 years
Festival of Snails - Part 3
@batcrooks​ @duskthicketbonepicker​ @missblindbat-fr​ ;)
Lore update is under the read-more! Things are progressing for Snastle and her clutch, only three days until something incredible happens...
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Snastle let out a low trilling whistle, not piercing as a bird whistles, but breathy, like the half-formed whistle of the wind through trees. It was an expression of contentment in her own tongue. She had made it to the breeding ground and laid her eggs safely. Not all of them had been laid, she had mated with dozens of her kind before her hibernation, and many fertilized eggs filled her chamber, dormant and no bigger than a piece of fruit. Those could stay a while longer, but...
She tucked her head underneath her shell, where she had gouged a huge crater from the deep soil of the mudflats. Usually dry as a bone, the soil here was damp with the slime she had exuded into it for the past several days. The slime coated the pit in a shimmering web, protecting the eggs from the drying clay, and holding the edges of the pit stable. Her shell dug into the earth on all sides, its weight fully supported as it formed a lid on her nesting chamber, so her body could wriggle freely as she laid her eggs.
Extending her lower tentacles, she felt the air. Damp and humid, but warm from the sun above and the volcanic activity below. Perfect temperature for a clutch of eggs, and the soil had been deep and crumbly, easy to dig through, just as she remembered. This was why the mudflats at Dragonhome were her favourite breeding grounds. Gently she ran her feelers over the smooth,  rubbery surface of the largest egg. This was the egg that gave her all the trouble. The large the eggs became, the faster they grew, and this one had begun to grow so large as to become sincerely uncomfortable. It was easily five metres in diameter, and the hatchling inside looked healthy as could be beneath its translucent shell. She watched in adoration as it wriggled happily.
Lacking a shell entirely, it appeared to be more like a slug than a Snailith, but with a raised patch sitting over its back like a saddle where the shell should be. When the egg hatched  she would build its first shell for it, after getting to know each other for a few weeks in the comfort of the nesting pit. Galena had been speaking to her of the dragon clans and beastclan groups who had expressed interest in entering a symbiosis with her hatchlings, and she would consider that carefully when helping her little ones with shells that suited them, which the young snailiths could then add to and change as they grew.
There were several other eggs, some a little over half the size of the largest, and a couple of smaller ones that had slipped out accidentally. The hatchlings within were ready to be released, they just weren’t as well incubated as their siblings of the same clutch, and would begin life smaller. She recoiled her feelers and drew her eyes in tiredly, resting for now. It would still be three days before the shells of her eggs would harden to brittleness in the air and crack, the little snailiths within spilling out onto the shimmering surface of the soil, breathy whistles chorusing their confusions and curiosity. She would speak to them, learn about them, teach them the nature of the land and how to shape their whistling into a whisper recognizable to Dragons as speech. And then she would help to shape them to fit the life they wanted to live, and she would see them off into the world. And all the while she would leach her moisture into the soil while she lay in the dry heat, making it comfortable for her beloved babies.
Listening to the sound of the dragons bustling above her, setting up market stalls all around the base of her shell, she drifted into an exhausted sleep. She trusted her partner clan absolutely, and knew that she and her eggs were as safe as could be.
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