#lead distribution software
pingtree · 1 year
This is Affiliate tracking module integrated with lead distribution software, so you can manage your offers for all your affiliates who can market your offers and earn money. You can see the reports of conversions of traffic, clicks, revenue etc.
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Achieving Solar Industry Success: Mastering a High-Converting Leads System
The solar industry is experiencing rapid growth as more individuals and businesses seek sustainable energy solutions. In this competitive market, having a robust leads system is crucial for success. This blog will explore how to build a high-converting solar industry leads system that can propel your business to new heights.
Understanding the Importance of a Solar Industry Leads System
A well-designed Solar Industry Leads System is the backbone of any solar business. It not only helps in attracting potential customers but also ensures that these leads are nurtured and converted into loyal clients. By investing in a high-converting leads system, you can significantly increase your chances of success in the solar market.
Key Components of a High-Converting Leads System
1. Lead Generation Strategies
A. Content Marketing
Content marketing is a powerful tool for generating leads in the solar industry. By creating valuable and informative content, you can attract potential customers who are interested in solar energy solutions. Blog posts, whitepapers, and case studies can position your business as an authority in the field.
B. SEO and Keyword Optimization
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for improving your website's visibility on search engines. By optimizing your website with relevant keywords such as "Solar Industry Leads System" you can attract more organic traffic. Ensure that your content is not only keyword-rich but also provides real value to your audience.
C. Social Media Marketing
Social media platforms offer an excellent opportunity to connect with potential customers. By sharing engaging content and interacting with your audience, you can build a strong online presence. Utilize platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to promote your solar solutions and generate leads.
2. Lead Nurturing Techniques
A. Email Marketing Campaigns
Email marketing is an effective way to nurture leads and keep them engaged with your business. By sending personalized and informative emails, you can build trust and guide potential customers through the buying journey. Use segmentation to tailor your messages to different audience groups.
B. Webinars and Online Workshops
Hosting webinars and online workshops is a great way to educate your audience about the benefits of solar energy. These events can help you establish your expertise and build relationships with potential customers. Make sure to follow up with attendees to keep the conversation going.
C. CRM Systems
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are essential for managing your leads effectively. A good CRM system allows you to track interactions, segment your leads, and automate follow-up processes. This ensures that no lead falls through the cracks and that you can provide timely and relevant information.
3. Conversion Optimization
A. Landing Pages
Landing pages are critical for converting visitors into leads. Ensure that your landing pages are well-designed, with clear calls-to-action (CTAs) and relevant information. A/B testing different elements of your landing pages can help you determine what works best for your audience.
B. Testimonials and Case Studies
Including testimonials and case studies on your website can build trust and credibility. Potential customers are more likely to convert if they see that others have had positive experiences with your solar solutions. Highlight real-life success stories to demonstrate the value of your offerings.
C. Follow-Up Strategies
Timely and personalized follow-up is key to converting leads. Whether it's a phone call, email, or meeting, ensure that you address the specific needs and concerns of your leads. By providing tailored solutions, you can increase the likelihood of conversion.
What is a Solar Industry Leads System?
A Solar Industry Leads System is a structured approach to generating, nurturing, and converting leads specifically for the solar energy market. It involves various strategies and tools to attract potential customers and guide them through the sales funnel.
How can content marketing help in generating solar industry leads?
Content marketing helps by providing valuable information that attracts potential customers. By establishing your business as an authority in the solar industry, you can build trust and generate more leads.
Why is SEO important for a Solar Industry Leads System?
SEO improves your website's visibility on search engines, making it easier for potential customers to find you. By optimizing your content with relevant keywords such as "Solar Industry Leads System" you can attract more organic traffic and generate more leads.
How do CRM systems contribute to lead management?
CRM systems help manage leads by tracking interactions, segmenting audiences, and automating follow-up processes. This ensures that leads are nurtured effectively and increases the chances of conversion.
What role do testimonials and case studies play in conversion?
Testimonials and case studies build trust and credibility. They provide real-life examples of how your solar solutions have helped others, making potential customers more likely to convert.
Building a high-converting Solar Industry Leads System requires a combination of effective lead generation, nurturing techniques, and conversion optimization. By implementing the strategies discussed in this blog, you can enhance your lead system and achieve greater success in the solar market. Remember, the key to success lies in providing value to your potential customers and guiding them through their buying journey with personalized and timely interactions.
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leadangel · 5 months
The benefits of automation in lead distribution software
Here are some benefits of using lead distribution software in your business.
Saves time
The core job of the sales team is selling. Therefore, as a business owner or team leader, you shouldn’t assign them work that is not directly related to contacting and converting the lead. Implementing automation will save time by eliminating the need for manual data entry and lead assignment so that your sales team can spend more time on high-value tasks such as following up with leads and closing deals.
Increases efficiency
Bottlenecks arrive in the sales process due to errors. Most of the time, these errors occur due to manually doing things. When using automation in the system, you delegate time-consuming and boring tasks to the software, which brings efficiency to the process.
Improves lead quality
Software filters the leads based on predefined rules. It prioritizes the hot leads and sends cold leads in a follow-up system. This increases the quality of leads and ensures that the sales reps are contacting only leads that are ready to buy. When sales teams contact these hot leads, they convert them easily because they don’t need to explain the features and benefits of the product; potential customers already have that information because of regular follow-up.
Provides real-time insights
As a business owner or team leader, when you know what’s happening in the company in real-time, you will make better decisions rather than speculations based on outdated information. For example, automation provides real-time insights into the performance of your lead distribution efforts. Real-time insights also allow businesses to identify areas where they can improve and improve their process.
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abhishektoolyt · 9 months
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jemspreschool · 10 months
How does lead distribution software improve the efficiency of lead management processes?
Lead distribution software improves lead management efficiency by:
Automation: Automatically assigns leads to the right salesperson based on predefined criteria.
Speed: Ensures quick lead allocation, reducing response times and increasing conversion chances.
Fairness: Distributes leads evenly, preventing biases and ensuring equal opportunities for sales team members.
Customization: Allows tailored distribution rules to match unique business needs and strategies.
Prioritization: Integrates lead scoring to focus on high-potential leads, optimizing sales efforts.
Transparency: Tracks and logs assignments, enhancing accountability and visibility.
Collaboration: Assigns leads to the most appropriate team members, fostering teamwork and expertise sharing.
Scalability: Handles increased lead volumes efficiently as business grows.
In summary, lead distribution software streamlines processes, enhances speed and accuracy, and contributes to a more effective and organized lead management workflow.
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linwood-gillam · 2 years
Best lead distribution software and system | Lead Didtribution System | Ping Tree System
Best Lead distribution software, Ping tree system is proviging best lead distrituion system for lead buyers and lead sellers. Our lead distribution software is set to rules to auto-assign and route incoming leads for your sales team.
Category : Lead generation
Tags : Best Lead Distribution Software, Lead Distribution System, Lead Distribution Software Leads Distribution System, Leads Distribution Software, Lead Distribution, Distribution System Software Distribution Software, Lead Management Software, Lead Management Software Free, Lead Management System, Leads Management Software,Best Lead Management Software
For more information : https://www.pingtreesystems.com/lead-distribution-software/
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anarchopuppy · 4 months
all software should be open source wtf. u expect me to run this on my own computer without knowing what its doing???
car manufacturers dont weld the hoods shut to keep ppl from copying their engines. books arent written with a military-grade cipher to avoid plagiarism. and we dont let food have "secret formulas" anymore bc too often one of the "secret ingredients" was fucking lead
when ur distributing a product to the public u forfeit the right to hide whats inside it, u dont get to hand out a black box and expect ppl to just trust u when u totally swear it doesnt have a microphone inside
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leadsrain-blog · 4 months
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New simulations shed light on origins of Saturn’s rings and icy moons
A new series of supercomputer simulations has offered an answer to the mystery of the origins of Saturn’s rings - one that involves a massive collision in the recent history of the 4.5 billion-year-old Solar System.  
According to new research involving NASA and Durham and Glasgow universities, Saturn’s rings could have evolved from the debris of two progenitor icy moons that collided and shattered only a few hundred million years ago.   
They would likely have been similar in size to two of Saturn’s current moons, Dione and Rhea.   
Debris that didn’t end up in the rings could also have contributed to the formation of some of Saturn’s present-day moons.  
Most contemporary high-quality measurements of Saturn have come from the Cassini spacecraft.   
It spent 13 years studying the planet and its systems after entering Saturn’s orbit in 2004.  
The Cassini craft captured precise data by passing by and even diving into the gap between Saturn’s rings and the planet itself.   
Cassini found that the rings are almost pure ice and have accumulated very little dust pollution since their formation, suggesting that they formed during the most recent few per cent of the life of the Solar System. 
Motivated by the remarkable youth of the rings, the research team turned to the COSMA machine hosted by Durham University as part of the UK’s DiRAC (Distributed Research Utilising Advanced Computing) facility.  
The team modeled what different collisions between precursor moons may have looked like.   
These hydrodynamical simulations were conducted using the SWIFT open-source software at a resolution more than 100 times higher than previous studies, giving scientists their best insights into the Saturn system’s history.  
Dr Vincent Eke, Associate Professor in the Department of Physics/Institute for Computational Cosmology, at Durham University, said: “We tested a hypothesis for the recent formation of Saturn’s rings and have found that an impact of icy moons is able to send enough material near to Saturn to form the rings that we see now.  
“This scenario naturally leads to ice-rich rings because when the progenitor moons smash into one another, the rock in the cores of the colliding bodies is dispersed less widely than the overlying ice.” 
Saturn’s rings today live close to the planet, within what is known as the Roche limit – the farthest orbit where a planet’s gravitational force is powerful enough to disintegrate larger bodies of rock or ice that get any closer.   
Material orbiting farther out could clump together to form moons.   
By simulating almost 200 different versions of the impact, the research team discovered that a wide range of collision scenarios could scatter the right amount of ice into Saturn’s Roche limit, where it could settle into rings as icy as those of Saturn today.   
Since other elements of the system have a mixed ice-and-rock composition, alternative explanations haven’t been able to explain why there would be almost no rock in Saturn’s rings.   
Dr Jacob Kegerreis, a Durham University graduate who is now a research scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley, said: “There’s so much we still don’t know about the Saturn system, including its moons that host environments that might be suitable for life, so it’s exciting to use big simulations like these to explore in detail how they could have evolved.”   
Dr Luis Teodoro, of the University of Glasgow’s School of Physics & Astronomy, said: “The apparent geological youth of Saturn’s rings has been a puzzle since the Voyager probes sent back their first images of the planet. This collaboration has allowed us to examine the possible circumstances of their creation, with fascinating results.” 
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The urinary tract infection business-model
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There were two competing visions at the dawn of the modern digital era: in one camp, you had people who saw computers as a way to empower people to push back against corporate and state control; in the other camp, there were the people who wanted to use computers to transfer power from the public to corporations or governments.
I’ve always been baffled by the technologists who pursued control over liberation: surely their own formative experiences were of the liberatory power of technology. After experiencing that power, how could these Vichy nerds lend their skills to the project of forging digital shackles?
And yet, there they were, from the earliest days. Back in 2017, Redditor /u/vadermeer was browsing a Seattle thrift-shop and unearthed a trove of early internal documents from Apple’s SSAFE project, an early, doomed DRM project from 1979:
The files (now hosted at the Internet Archive) are a chronicle of the battle between technologists pursuing user liberation and technologists who want to use computers to control their users. There are some great cameos from Woz:
SSAFE bombed, but the fight raged on for decades and rages on still. I’ve been in the thick of it for more than 20 years — literally. My first day on the job for EFF, back in 2002, was spent attending the inaugural meeting of the Broadcast Protection Discussion Group (BPDG), an inter-industry conspiracy to put all computers in chains, forever:
The BPDG’s mission was to create a standard for a Broadcast Flag a single bit that would be included in the headers for video files. If the flag was present, any device that encountered the video would have to restrict its playback, checking to see whether and under what circumstances that playback could occur.
In order to make this work, the group — an alliance of giant corporations from consumer electronics, IT, broadcast/cable/satellite and movies — would get a friendly lawmaker (Billy Tauzin, one of the dirtiest Congressmen who ever held office) to pass a law that required anyone building a video-capable device to seek out and respond to the flag.
As part of this proposal, all video-capable devices would also need to be “resistant to end-user modification” — that is, they’d have to have enough Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology to trigger Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), which banned removing copyright locks on penalty of a 5-year prison sentence and a $500k fine.
Strip away all the acronyms and obfuscation and here’s what that meant: if this group got their way, every computer would only run proprietary software (no free software/open source allowed) and if you tried to reverse-engineer it to change it to do your bidding in any way, you could be sent to prison for five years.
Under this system, whatever restrictions the manufacturer imposed on the use of their computer-enabled products would be the final word. It would be a felony for a rival to make a tool that plugged into their system and let you do stuff the manufacturers blocked, even if that stuff was perfectly legal.
For example, under this system, distributing ad-blockers would be a felony. If the manufacturer designed a computer — any computer, whether or not it was used to watch video, because the standard was video-capable not video-intended — so that the browser used the operating-system’s DRM to prevent ad-blocking, bypassing it would be a crime.
At the time, we warned that giving manufacturers the power to restrict how you configured your own digital products would lead them to abuse that power — not to prevent copyright infringement, but to shift value from you to them. The temptation would be too great to resist, especially if the companies knew they could use the law to destroy any company that fixed the anti-features in their products.
Sometimes, this was dismissed as fearmongering, with company insiders insisting that they knew their colleagues to be good and honorable people who wouldn’t ever abuse this power. I expected that: no one is the villain of their own story, and we are all prone to inflated assessments of our power to resist moral hazard.
But there was another response to our activism, one that was far more telling: “Yes, we are going to take away all the features you get with your digital media and sell them back to you one click at a time. So what?”
These people were in thrall to a specific ideology: the neoliberal doctrine that markets are the most efficient way to allocate resources, and anything that isn’t a market can be improved by turning it into one.
That’s the brain-worms that leads “entrepreneurs” to flood the entire IRS switchboard with thousands of auto-dialers and then auction off the right to be bridged into a call when someone picks up:
It’s the same species of brain-worms that causes “entrepreneurs” to make apps that let people vacating a public parking spot to sell off the right to park there next:
It’s the same species of brain-worms that causes “entrepreneurs” to make fake bookings for every hot table at every restaurant in town and then auction off the right to dine:
In the case of digital media, these brain-worms manifested as the certainty that we get too many rights when we buy or subscribe to digital media. The argument goes:
When you buy a book or movie or song or game, you may not want the right to sell it on the used market, or give it away, or re-read or re-watch or re-listen to it;
Because the only way to get media is to buy it outright, you might be paying more than you need to for that media;
Perhaps the seller would offer you a discount on a book you could only read once, or Christmas movie you could only watch in July;
The blunt instrument of sale means that there are lots of discount offers that never get made, so there are lots of people with less money to spend who are excluded from the market.
Put that way, it sounds reasonable, and indeed, in the margins, there have been some successes from the ability to transform an unconditional sale to a conditional license. You can “buy” a streaming movie on Youtube for $10, or “rent” it for $3; and you can pay $10/month for ad-free Spotify, $5/month for Spotify with some ads, or $0/month for ad-heavy Spotify.
But these are exceptions. Most of the pre-digital offers aren’t available at any price: you could buy a DVD and keep it forever, even if you never went back to the store again. If you “buy” a video on Prime or YouTube and then cancel your subscription and delete your account, you lose your “purchase.”
If you buy a print book, you can lend it out or give it away to a friend or a library or a school. Ebooks come with contractual prohibitions on resale, and whether an ebook can be loaned is at the mercy of publishers, and not a feature you can give up in exchange for a discount.
For brain-wormed market trufans, the digital media dream was our nightmare. It was something I called “the urinary tract infection business model.” With non-DRM media, all the value flowed in a healthy gush: you could buy a CD, rip it to your computer, use it as a ringtone or as an alarmtone, play it in any country on any day forever.
With DRM, all that value would dwindle from a steady stream to a burning, painful dribble: every feature would have a price-tag, and every time you pressed a button on your remote, a few cents would be deducted from your bank-account (“Mute feature: $0.01/minute”).
Of course, there was no market for the right to buy a book but not the right to loan that book to someone else. Instead, giving sellers the power to unilaterally confiscate the value that we would otherwise get with our purchases led them to do so, selling us less for more.
The Broadcast Flag was actually adopted by then-FCC chairman Michal Powell, so we sued him, along with our allies at Public Knowledge and the American Library Association, and kicked his ass, and the Broadcast Flag died in 2005:
But the dream of the Broadcast Flag never died. All the streaming apps on your phone come with the same restrictions that the Broadcast Flag would have imposed on over-the-air videos.
It’s much worse on your big screen. Your cable receiver is a gigantic, energy-sucking, wallet-draining piece of shit; the average US household spends $200 on these clunky, insecure devices, and every attempt to “unlock the box” has been thwarted by Hollywood and the Copyright Office:
The UTI business-model didn’t take hold in most markets, but it’s alive and well in your cable box. That box is mandatory, and modifying it runs afoul of DMCA 1201, meaning you can go to prison for five years for helping someone unfuck their cable box.
Back when PVRs like Tivo entered the market, viewers were as excited about being able to skip ads as broadcasters and cable operators were furious about it. The industry has treated ignoring or skipping ads as a form of theft since the invention of the first TV remote control, which was condemned as a tool of piracy, since it enabled viewers to easily change the channel when ads came on.
The advent of digital TV meant that cable boxes could implement DRM, ban ad-skipping, and criminalize the act of making a cable box that restored the feature. But early cable boxes didn’t ban ad-skipping, because the cable industry knew that people would be slow to switch to digital TV if they lost this beloved feature.
Instead, the power to block ads was a sleeper agent, a Manchurian Candidate that lurked in your cable box until the cable operators decided you were sufficiently invested in their products that they could take away this feature.
This week, Sky UK started warning people who pressed the skip-ad button on their cable remotes that they would be billed an extra £5/month if they fast-forwarded past an ad. The UTI business model is back, baby — feel the burn!
This was the utterly foreseeable consequence of giving vendors the power to change how their devices worked after they sold it to you, under conditions that criminalized rivals who made products to change them back.
Back in 2004, Wired published a special edition featuring reviews of new digital AV technology, almost all of which was encumbered with DRM. I had worked as a Wired reviewer on and off for years at that point, and I published a blog post taking the magazine to task for failing to note that all the features that it was praising in these devices could be taken away by the manufacturer at any time:
Then editor-in-chief Chris Anderson defended the move, saying that DRM would encourage rightsholders to make their media available, and this was a net benefit:
I replied, saying this wasn’t the point: if you’re a trusted reviewer and you’re telling readers, “Buy this device because it has these three excellent features,” you have a duty to warn them that any of these features could be taken away due to factors beyond your control, leaving you without any recourse:
This is a case I’ve made to other reviewers since, but no one’s taken me up on my suggestion that every review of every DRM-enabled device come with a bold warning that whatever you’re buying this for might be taken away at any time. In my opinion, this is a major omission on the part of otherwise excellent, trusted reviewers like Consumer Reports and Wirecutter.
Everywhere we find DRM, we find fuckery. Even if your cable box could be redesigned to stop spying on you, you’d still have to root out spyware on your TV. Companies like Vizio have crammed so much spyware into your “smart” TV that they now make more money spying on you than they do selling you the set.
Remember that the next time someone spouts the lazy maxim that “If you’re not paying for the product, you’re the product.” The problem with Vizio’s TVs isn’t that they’re “smart.” The problem isn’t that you’re not paying enough for them.
The problem is that it’s illegal to unfuck them, because Vizio includes the mandatory DRM that rightsholders insist on, and then hide surveillance behind its legal minefield.
The risks of DRM aren’t limited to having your bank-account drained or having your privacy invaded. DRM also lets companies decide who can fix their devices: a manufacturer that embeds processors in its replacement parts can require an unlock code before the device recognizes a new part. They can (and do) restrict the ability of independent service depots to generate these codes, meaning that manufacturers get a monopoly over who can fix your ventilator, your tractor, your phone, your wheelchair or your car.
The technical term for these unlock codes is “VIN-locking,” and the “VIN” stands for “vehicle identification number,” the unique code etched into the chassis of every new car and, these days, burned into into its central computerized controller. Big Car invented VIN-locking.
VIN-locking is the major impediment to securing the Right to Repair. Manufacturers of all kinds bootstrap the DMCA — a Clinton-era copyright law — into a new doctrine that Jay Freeman calls “felony contempt of business model.” Removing DRM is illegal, so any business model that hides behind DRM is illegal to thwart:
With Felony Contempt of Business Model, repair is just the tip of the iceberg. When security experts conduct security audits of DRM-locked devices, they typically have to bypass the DRM to test the device.
Since bypassing this DRM exposes them to legal risks, many security experts simply avoid DRM-locked gadgets. Even if they are brave enough to delve into DRM’s dirty secrets, their general counsels often prohibit them from going public with their results.
This means that every DRM-restricted device is a potential reservoir of long-lived digital vulnerabilities that bad guys can discover and exploit over long timescales, while honest security researchers are scared off of discovering and reporting these bugs.
That’s why, when a researcher goes public with a really bad security defect that has been present for a very long time, the system in question often has DRM — and it’s why media devices are so insecure, because they all have DRM.
But these days, “media device” has ceased to be a meaningful category. As we warned Chairman Powell in 2003, soon every device would have a general purpose computer inside it, and any rule regulating “media devices” would regulate everything.
Cars are media devices. Many new cars sell with Sirius XM players built into their media centers (mine did, and I was bombarded with calls and letters from Sirius begging me to subscribe to it). These players have DRM. They also have incredibly grave security defects.
Security researcher Sam Curry and his colleagues discovered that they could hijack Sirius XM-enabled cars, armed only with the VIN number that was printed on its windscreen. Sirius’s authentication sucks and once you authenticate to an in-car Sirius-enabled app, you’re in:
Curry and pals were able to plunder personal information from connected cars, lock and unlock them, and execute other commands available through the cars’ telematics systems. A similar hack of Jeep cars in 2017 let attackers seize control over steering, brakes and accelleration:
The auto industry itself admits that its products gather so much information on you — the contents of your phone, the places you go — that any breach could endanger your very life. Indeed, they made this claim to try to scare Massachusetts voters away from passing Right to Repair legislation in 2020:
The same structural factors that make cars dumpster-fires of slapdash security are also present in your phone, and, thanks to the 2017 decision to standardize DRM in browsers, in your browser:
This all starts with the idea that the problem with “content” is that Congress gave us, the public, too many rights under copyright, and that nickel-and-diming us to buy those rights a la carte would fix this problem. 20 years later, the benefits of this system are thin gruel indeed, and the costs keep mounting.
Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
[Image ID: A wood-paneled living room with a large flat screen TV on a stand. Before the TV sit two small boys with their arms around each others' shoulders, sitting crosslegged on the carpet in front of the set. The screen of the set displays a giant arcade machine '25¢ Push to Reject' coin-slot. Above the set, the glaring red eye of HAL9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey oversees the scene, ringed with a burned circle.]
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thebibi · 9 months
"None of the men can function without Mina's continued involvement" ...except Van Helsing.
In fact I'd say the one person who doesn't become hindered by Mina's exclusion is Van Helsing. Obviously its wrong to exclude her, but I think he geniunely doesn't realize how much she contributed to the group.
Van Helsing did the work by meeting Mina and her husband and asking for their diaries. He absorbed the information he needed and passed it on to Jack for fact checking. As far as he's concerned, he gave all the relevant people the information they needed to figure out where Dracula is and how to start fighting him. He distills information to what needs to be said and Jack enforces it.
But Mina goes one step further, she makes sure Jack's diary is included (which connects Renfield), Jonathan's adventures in bribing people, as well as distributes the manuscript to Quincey and Arthur. She effectively clears the information gap. Everyone knows everything. This is way more information flow than Van Helsing could have ever anticipated, and in fact I think for him this process is a one time thing that doesn't need continuous updating.
Think of it this way: Van Helsing's information is like an academic website that requires special software / a pay wall to use it. He and Jack have the privilege of being able to use it, but not anyone else. Van Helsing can upload the Harkers work onto the website but only limited people would be able to use it. Mina however, has designed a Wiki page with all the information Van Helsing has. It may not be as authentic (because she typed it all up and did away with the exclusive phonograph cylinders), but its able to cross-reference everything and thus lead to more people using it.
Van Helsing doesn't fully realize how beneficial Mina's model of information sharing truly is.
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Unlock the full potential of your lead distribution software by learning how to add funds from buyer login in Ping Tree Systems. This video provides a step-by-step guide to streamline your funding process, ensuring efficient and seamless transactions. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, our detailed walk through will help you master the system quickly. Enhance your lead distribution strategy, maximize your productivity, and boost your sales with these expert tips. Don't miss out on optimizing your Ping Tree Systems usage and taking your business to the next level. Watch now and become a pro in no time!
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leadangel · 5 months
What is lead distribution software?
Lead distribution software is a specialized tool designed to streamline the automated distribution of leads or inquiries to sales teams, agents, or partners within a business. Particularly beneficial for organizations dealing with a high volume of leads, this software ensures a swift and efficient allocation of leads to the most relevant sales representatives.
In practice, the software receives leads from diverse sources such as web forms, landing pages, email campaigns, or phone calls. Utilizing predefined rules or criteria, it automatically directs these leads to the appropriate individuals or teams. These rules may take into account factors like geography, product interest, lead quality, or the availability of sales team members. The primary advantages of lead distribution software include enhanced lead response times, improved lead conversion rates, and the establishment of a systematic and timely follow-up process for leads. Additionally, the software offers analytical capabilities and reporting functionalities, empowering businesses to monitor and assess their lead distribution performance. By leveraging these insights, organizations can make informed, data-driven decisions to optimize and refine their overall sales processes.
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csprslvt · 10 months
teachers aide pt 2.
Chapter 2
Summary: a peaceful class is ruined
Warnings: mentions of drug use, owen is the worst, foul language
It was almost every day now, that you snuck into Ellie’s dorm smoking your worries away. You never seem to get tired of her chill attitude and calming words when you vented about certain little things that bothered you, and she could never grow tired of you. She thought your complaints were humorous, she laughed and smiled at you adoringly. At this point she wasn't hiding her not so little crush at all, but there was a simple boundary of “Don't ask, don't tell” between the two of you. And so, she was yet to confess. Though she wanted to make her feelings known she felt like it was unrequited, and for certain couldn't handle the heartbreak, especially when she saw you for class almost every day. It would be incredibly awkward to confess, be rejected and then see you as her teacher's aide.
So, she would gladly take whatever she could get, and if that meant being your dealer and totally platonic cuddle buddy, she was okay with it. For now, it was enough.
Abby on the other hand, preened for your attention. She became more vocal in class, gentler, kind, she seemed to think she had made you uncomfortable in the past, so she completely kept her remarks under control. She was a little jealous of Ellie, the two of you seemed so close, your conversations were less stiff and to the trained eye, almost familiar. Still, you had an image to keep up, being 22, almost graduating and trying to be taken seriously in a class full of 19–21-year-olds you wanted to make a good impression for your future.
Today in physics, you had a lab, cosmic shower array reconstruction. You were leading the lesson, talking adamantly to the class.
“Okay, the high energy protons and atomic nuclei that move through space with light and speed are called…?”
“Cosmic rays!” the class filled in.
“Correct, today we will be attempting a cosmic ray shower array reconstruction. Now everyone should have their computers ready to go and a notebook. Is anyone missing either of those things?”
“Great! Please open the web browser written on the board. After that we will be creating a map grid to represent the site being hit by cosmic rays. If you do not know how to do this, just yell and I’ll come to you.”
No one said a word except for Ellie.
“Y/n, help.” she said with a lazy smile gracing her features. You caught Abby’s eyes on you as you approached Ellie.
“Ellie, you know how to do this.”
“I know how to do it…when I'm sober.” She whispered. You looked around before responding, “If I have to come to class sober, so do you.”
Ellie giggled,” You gonna help me or not?”
Once talking a very high Ellie through creating a map grid, you returned to the front of the lab.
“Anyone else?”
Silence once again.
“Perfect! Now as you can see, the areas hit by cosmic rays are shown by color circles. Is everyone on the same page?”
There were a variety of nods and murmurs in agreement, you smiled, class was going suspiciously smooth so far.
“Now all we have to do is create a graph of the time map versus intensity, after that analyze the data. I will give you all some time to do so, again if you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to ask. I'm here to help!” You smiled reassuringly at no one in particular, you heard a few yes ma'ams and okays in the audience. Owen had not bothered you yet today, so you considered the lab successful so far. After a while you could tell the class was waiting for more instruction with an uprise of off topic conversations.
“Seems like we are all set with that step, agreed?”
No one said otherwise so you continued, Ellie actually seemed very interested in the cosmic rays and was playing around with the placement sites.
“Since we are all familiar with REXTOR software, you'll use that to reconstruct the rays. After that, create a lateral distribution function plot. Examples of which are on the board as are the instructions so you can all take it at your own pace. Lastly, record your observations and we are all set!”
The class seemed happy with the lighter workload, you assigned smaller, more personal lessons than the Professor. It's probably why they listened so well to you. You walked around the lab, helping students who called for you with great patience and smiles. Days like these reminded you of why you loved your job. Everything was going so perfect, too perfect. That was until Owen opened his stupid mouth.
“Abby it's really not that serious, ask her out.” He was supposed to be whispering but he was loud enough to get other students' attention, Abby turned to him and flushed.
“Owen, shut the fuck up!”
“C’mon Abs just do it, or I’ll call her over.”
“Oh my god Owen I swear to god I will fucking beat you ass if you do.”
Mel was in between the two, holding in laughter, you pretended to not hear them.
“I'm doing you a favor… y/n! Over here!”
God fucking damn it Owen.
“Owen shut up oh my god!” Abby immediately faced the other direction, clicking random buttons on her computer as if she was focused.
“Y/n!” Owen spoke loudly, multiple people turned to face you, you internally groaned and walked over to him. You couldn't ignore him now.
“Is something the matter?” You spoke softly, using fake interest.
“Abby has to ask you a question.”
“Oh my god.” Abby mumbled, face totally and utterly red.
You turned to Abby, playing dumb.
“Are you having trouble with the lab?”
The caring, gentle look in your eyes caught Abby off guard. She could stare at you forever; she was completely and totally mesmerized by you.
“Uh..yea! Yea yea uhm I was wondering-”
“She was wondering if she could take you out on a date.” Owen said with a stupid smirk you wanted to slap off his face. You could feel your entire body heating up with embarrassment, Abby's pale skin turned bright peach and glared at Owen, seeming genuinely pissed off.
You took the awkward silence as a cue to walk away. Ellie gave you an amused look, and you hoped she hadn't heard the entire conversation. As well as everyone else in the entire class.
After recovering from the interaction which took about 40 entire minutes, class came to an end. Everyone logged off and Abby was giving Owen the silent treatment while Mel sat there uncomfortably in between them. Just as you were preparing to leave Abby pulled you aside. “Hi, can we talk for a second?” she was fidgeting with her hands, large muscles slightly flexing with every movement.
“Sure!” You said, trying to be welcoming. As the rest of the class cleared the lab Ellie gave you a look. She already knew you would be visiting her again later.
“I'm really sorry about Owen, he's always in people business.”
“Yea, I've noticed, I appreciate the apology.”
“What he said was entirely inappropriate and I'm, like, super pissed at him.” Abby was trying her best to seem genuine, she really did feel like Owen’s behavior was foul.
“Thanks Abby.” You didn't really know what else to say.
“But I would like to take you out, to make up for the humiliation. Just lunch or something, wherever you would like, on me.”
Your eyebrows raised in surprise, “I don't know it that is-”
“If you're questioning it being appropriate or suitable, I would argue that sneaking out of Ellie Williams’ dorm at 6 am is also inappropriate and not suitable.” Abby said jokingly, and you released a smile.
“Okay, just this once Anderson, only if you keep that…6 am exit secret.”
“You have my word.”
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