#leauge of legends sett x reader
collidescopeeyes · 4 months
Hey all, know I've been quiet but I'm in the home stretch!! Just gotta survive three more days and then exams are over, pray for me 🙏
Anyway in honor of me spending my weekend fighting for my life trying to memorize formulas that look like alphabet soup:
Heartsteel helping you study headcanons
- Let's be real he ain't helping. Like he understands this is important and you need to focus but he also really, really wants your attention, are you sure it's not time for you to take a break? No? :(
- Like you'll be taking notes and you'll just see him in the background slowly vibrating out of his skin restraining himself from bothering you. But also, he ain't gonna leave unless you ask him to, he'd still rather hang out with you ignoring him than not spend time with you.
- Let him quiz you or something, please he'll do such a good job just pleeeease pay attention to him. Or just talk him about whatever it is you're working on, he'll do his best to follow along but really it doesn't matter if he doesn't understand, if having someone to bounce ideas off of helps you then he's absolutely there for that.
- Largely mollified if you work while sitting on his lap. He'll do his best not to be distracting, he promises. That being said, if you try to work one minute past when you said you were gonna stop your laptop is getting ejected and he will be pouncing on you, he's been so patient goddamnit.
- Will actually help you study. He's pretty well read so there's a few subjects he can help you with, otherwise he just sits next to you and keeps you on track. There will be no getting distracted by your phone on his watch, and you will be taking regular breaks. Mostly he's doing his own thing so he doesn't bother you, like mixing tracks with his headphones on, but trust me he Will notice if you start slacking off.
- Honestly he's the kind of guy who appreciates just spending time in the same space as you
- Recruits Alune to retrieve snacks. She's also very willing to help if it's a subject she's familiar with, but she's also very talkative with people she likes so Phel will shoo her away if she's distracting you.
- If he can, will help organize your notes or put together flash cards. Great at quizzing you, though he also tends to ask insane niche question that really tests your understanding.
- The only reason he had decent grades in high school was because he didn't want to upset his mom, so he knuckled down and worked his ass off. He sucks at studying otherwise, he never had the patience for it, so he really respects your determination
- If you tell him you're gonna work and then end up on your phone he Will notice. He knows all the tricks in the book, he used them himself, you are not gonna start after just one more video, you're gonna start now. He's pretty hard to argue with when he's got his Boss voice on.
- That being said, he ain't gonna be much help with academics–even the stuff he's great at, like songwriting, he doesn't really consciously think about; he just has an intuitive sense of what does and doesn't work, and goes purely off of what feels right.
- Any other support he can offer though, he's There. You want snacks? A quiet spot to study? Coffee on the hour every hour? He's got you, ask and you shall receive.
- He's drawing the line if you start going overboard though, working tired is worse than not working at all so you're gonna call it for the night and come back when you're back on your game.
- Another man who's likely to actually know the subject you're studying. He'll sit down with you and help you make a study plan, and then he'll make sure you actually stick to it. A firm yet gentle hand–he’s used to dealing with that lot, keeping you on track is easy mode comparatively. Also, he'll find a way to minimize potential distractions so sneakily you won't even notice, like you get the urge to go on your socials but your phone's somehow all the way over on the couch so it's too much effort.
- Offers to let you study at his place. It's a very quiet and relaxing space, and also he point blank bans any of the other band members from bothering either of you while you're working.
- You thought that thing about herbal tea helping with concentration was an old wives tale but whatever is in this little clay cup is legitimately a god send. He also makes his own wagashi, and it's so pretty you'd almost feel bad about eating it if it didn't taste so good.
- Helps you with flashcards and quizzes and anything else that will help you feel prepared. Will go out of his way to read up on the subject so he can help you better.
- This guy 100% has undiagnosed ADHD, I don't make the rules. Unlike Kayn who has some pretty obvious hyperactivity symptoms, Ez is one of those people whose like ‘nahhh I can't have that, I get on just fine when it's something I'm interested in :)) in fact I'm so good at studying things I'm interested in that I'll do it for hours at a time without taking breaks! :)) that's normal!’. So while he really wants to be helpful, he has horrible studying habits and honestly he's impressed you're starting before midnight the night before your test. If you need someone to keep an eye on your bad study habits, he is not the guy. If you need a quick confidence boost or moral support though, he's absolutely there for you.
- Extremely knowledgeable on a very specific and eclectic range of subjects. If you happen to by studying ancient history he will explode with excitement, babygirl he knows facts you couldn't even begin to be assessed on.
- He'll bring you your favorite snacks and drinks! Occasionally he'll start talking to you only to remember you're busy and cut himself off mid word–he doesn't mean to, it's just whenever he finds something interesting he immediately wants to share it with you.
- Second you say you're done he'll insist on doing something to celebrate, whatever gets your batteries recharged, whether that's going out and doing something fun or snuggling down and watching a movie, he thinks you deserve a reward.
- Actually very studious, he knows how to knuckle down and get something done. If you have trouble keeping on track he can help with that. Like he gets this gaggle of dumbasses to meet deadlines, he's pretty good at figuring out what motivates people
- His knowledge base is mostly music theory and visual design, but he'll help out if he can.
- He'll invite you to his place and make you lunch as a treat, which is very motivating because he is a fantastic cook. Plying you with food is also his way of maneuvering you into taking breaks when you need them.
- He can tell when you start slowing down and need to call it for the day, and gently extracts you from your work by suggesting you take a walk and stretch your legs or something.
- Whole band is throwing you a party as soon as your exams are over, whether it's a celebration of your hard work or a ‘thank fuck it's over’ bash. There will be another party when you get your results back, they'll take any excuse for a party if it means you'll be there.
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Heya Can I please uh Get a sett x vastaya reader Scenario where she comes to his pit to fight because she needs money to help her tribe get rebuilt?
Ok so first of all thanks for the request and sorry for a very very late post and second if you're like referring to rebuilding houses in a tribe you actually can't cuz vastayan people live harmony with nature so that means no cutting trees and you get your needs from nature....... but I'll think of something like a money crisis or something.
Yeah sorry.........again.
For many years, your people live in peace. away from the dangers of the outside world but that doesn't mean you were selfish and un-kind, instead they used magic not for fighting but to offer help to other vastayan, they would take refugees, heal them, and take care of other Vastayans that were scarred by the war.
Decades past many happened in Ionia but being seculded in the hidden forest in the land, generations of your tribe have forgotten what's the outside world like and believe that it's only a myth.
Then an unexpecting day came. Since your tribe offers help more and more Vastayans seek their hand for help and that cause a problem.
A big problem.
There was too much population and your home became overcrowded after a new tribe came, said they were attack overnight and barely survived, it was no problem in sharing and rationing your supplies but nature had given too much.
Being the Chief's eldest daughter you volunteered to search outside your hidden home to find a way to help them.
So with a heavy heart your family and people bid you good luck and safe travel.
Days past you discovered many things and places, you found different kinds of Vastayans, good and also bad people.
One day you came to a Forest market you ask many people but some spoke in a strange language while some walked away from you until you meet this cute Vastayan couple named Rakan and Xayah, you were surprised that they can speak (mainly Xayah) using the old Vastayan Language.
From Xayah's stories she is looking for her lost tribe and planned on making a rebellion or something? While Rakan only follow and support his lover.
You told them about your problem and they suggested that you go far towards the main city, you took the suggestion and thank them for their help, bidding them good bye you turned into leave but not before Xayah called you back.
"Hey not being a bother or anything but you said there was a new tribe that came to yours right?, Is there perhaps a man-." She then continued to explain a man who she claim her father and ask if he was in the same tribe, shaking your head you said that you haven't see anyone that look like her father.
"Don't worry Xayah I'm positive they're out there somewhere and you'll find them I believe in you, just don't lose hope ok?". You re-assured her as she thanked you.
"Here Y/N don't forget to hide does ears and tail of yours, they're a dead give away." She held out a dark cloak made from a smooth Ionian silk, after that you waved them goodbye.
"Good luck and don't get yourself killed kid!! See ya, Hey Xayah wait for meeeeee!!!." Rakan shouted before chasing after his beloved.
"You do know I'm quite older than you right?." You asked him well more to yourself before shrugging it off and beginning your journey towards the city in Ionia.
It took a whole day getting there making you arrived at night. you then wore the cloak Xayah gave you and blend in with the crowd, it was similar as back in the Forest market but instead of Vastayan or shape-shifters that was walking around it was full on strange creatures that you believe were humans like the elders told in their stories and unlike back home with of trees and nature instead it was this weird tall structures and no Vastayan in sight.
then your ears hear this wired clinking of metal that you decided to investigate, looking around you found the source and saw a human passing three of those round gold things in exchange for a fruit then you saw another and another.
It was some kind of currency just like yours but a little different.
You then followed a big human man that was carrying a huge sack of those while being vigilant, you then came across a much more big architecture with a lot of suspicious people entering inside.
Moving forward, you see the man you followed giving it towards a round hat wearing man and seeing that some were doing it too.
You perk up along with other people when you hear a feminine voice at the passageway then people run towards the voice being unlucky you got shove in, you tried squeezing your body in the crowd, few tries you finally reach the end but loss you footing, you catch yourself by slamming your hand in a flat wooden furniture.
startled the man and the woman who you believe was yelling looked at you with widen eyes they talked to you in a much more different language, you look at them dumbfounded before shrugging you shoulders.
The woman rolled her eyes before grabbing a hold of your right arm and pulled you, being curious you let her.
Walking deep inside you tried talking to her but she didn't payed you attention, a short walk you were then push towards an opening.
You stumbled before getting blinded by a golden light you raised an arm to cover your face, turning back you looked and see the woman on the tunnel motioning you to walk, looking behind you see a stone platform.
"Huh?." you pipe up looking back at her, you point yourself and then towards the platform.
She nod her head yes then showing you her thumbs pointing upwards before turning around and walked back, you look down at you hands and trying to copy what she did while walking towards the platform.
( ՞ਊ ՞)→ Sett's POV :
Another night with a line people that aren't strong enough to beat me.
"Welp who can say no to money anyway?." I chuckled cracking my knuckles and do small stretching.
I look below on the balcony to see a cloaked figure walking in the middle of the pit, I see their attention in their hands.
You're fighting me and you're already scared?, pathetic.
I scoff before walking back and down towards the pit.
A few seconds later I walked out and face them.
"Hey! you're the first contender?, Guess this will be an easy win." I stare at my clenched fist after wearing my golden brass knuckles.
Smirking I turned my head but to my surprise they we're still busy with the hands.
"Oi!, Are ya' listening to me or you're deaf?." I shouted by now the people were listening to me watching in interest.
I growled, losing my patience I stomp towards them right arm pulled back.
"I said are ya' deaf or stupid?." Reaching them I throw my right straight to there face. before my knuckles can touch there face they simply blocked it with their palm.
They looked up making me see their- I mean her face, she looked at me with her E/C colored eyes before glaring at me, She jumped back looking at her palm then back to me.
"Heh, good to have your attention. Now can you fight?." I punch my hand to my palm smirking, she tilted her head then she move to take off her cloak.
Once the clothing was off my widen when I see a pair of ears on top of her head like mine with a long thick fur tail swishing behind her.
"Vastayan?." I growled "then I guess I'll be lying when I say this won't hurt." I then charge at her.
We both begin to fight I keep punching her but she dodges fast while we were does this she keep talking in a weird ass language I can't understand.
She then growled in annoyance before tackling me with a surprising strength, strandling me she clunch the neckline of my clothes and smash her lips on mine.
I stared with wide eyes at her. the kiss didn't last long she quickly stood up and talk finally in a language I can understand.
"Sorry I had to do that it was the fastest way I can learn you language." She apologize before holding out her hand at me.
"Here let me help you." She said I grab it and she pulled me up without breaking a sweat.
"So your telling me? You came from your invisible home-."
"Hidden actually-."
"To find what exactly?." I asked feeling a tick mark growing in my forehead still feeling a little embarrassed from the kiss earlier.
"Something to help them like finding extra supplies using that." She pointed behind me and I turned my hand and see the money we collected from different bets.
"Ya want Noxian money?." I questioned
"If that's what you call it yes." She said without hesitation.
"Ha! Look girly I ain't a charity work I own that money and I'm not just about to give that to some Vastayan tribe, they can starve for all I care." I puff out my chest laughing at her.
"Fine then I'll do anything you want but in exchange I need a few sack of those what about that?." She growled not liking what I just said about her tribe.
"Hmm, guess I can't let a good deal like that fly away then exchange for maybe 5 of those you have to fight in my pit for a whole month, deal?." I hold out my hand.
"I do not know how long this month you are talking about but sounds delightful to me, sure!." She grab my hand tightly and shook it with great force.
"Ok! Ok! Stop it." I snatch my hand away shaking off some off the pain from her grip.
How is she so strong?!
"Be here tomorrow early in the morning then we'll talk business." I turned around walking away from her, but few steps away I can hear someone following me.
I look over my shoulder and see her behind me.
"Why are you following me?." I asked gritting my teeth.
"Well since we made a deal it's a tradition to follow the dealer for a better end of-". I cut her off.
"You don't have a place to sleep do you?."
"Yes! Can I sleep with you?". She didn't even feel ashamed of herself.
Sett's a bit OP but...........
Yeah I don't have a good reason
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fckmefull · 3 years
woke up and chose violence
Rating: Explicit
Categories: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Fandom: League of Legends
Characters: Darius, Jericho Swain, Braum, Samira, Shieda Kayn, Sett, Zed, Sylas, Vladimir, Malcom Graves, Draven, Khada Jhin
Additional Tags: Blood and Gore, Blood and Violence, Plot what Plot/Porn without Plot, Smut, Shameless Smut, Violence, Canon-Typical Violence, NSFW, Murder, Fetish, Kink, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags Contain Spoilers
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-01-12
Updated: 2022-01-12
Words: 840
Chapters 1/12
Once in a while the Council will decide they want a new Champion. A new shiny thing to dangle before their enemies eyes. You are one of the chosen to battle in the Arena. A battle to the death, which will be followed by the Arena Ball.
Surprise, surprise, you're the shiniest of them all.
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Heeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy @onemainsettplayer If you're out there somewhere I'm sorry I lost your ask but I screenshot it instead but now I can't find you.
Sett x summoner reader
Since summer came early you decided to spend time on playing League with you friends before your parents force you to find a summer job.
Opening the game you found an interesting announcement, It said 'New patch notes 1.XX.XXX Download to experience the new gameplay'.
From the start of new year The Dev in Lol keep surprising their fans with new updates knowing them you gladly started Downloading the new patch.
Patiently waiting for it to download, you jump for your seat when you see your computer screen glitching, you stand-up and work on fixing it when a bright light shot out from the screen blinding you for a moment and then feel a force pulling you before you black out.
Groaning you feel an aching pain growing in your back, you slowly open your eyes and above you, you see different silhouettes of people blocking out the sun.
Wait sun? But last thing I know I was in my room
Raising a hand you rub your head with while hissing in pain, slowly letting you vision clear.
"HEY YOU OK?!" A voice shout out beside you.
Your adrenaline activates and you quickly sit up punching the owner of the voice while screaming.
"Ow! What the heck lady!?".
"It was you fault anyway, Ezreal".
Panting you clutch your chest where your racing heart is while your head was filled with questions.
Ezreal, as in the Ezreal in Lol?
As your vision cleared you see a blonde boy few meters away from you in the ground holding his cheek, looking around you're met with different champions from League.
You see Lux standing near Ezreal scolding him. Tristana , Lulu and other yordles looking at you with curiosity while some who are a bit away from you were looking at you with interest.
"Excuse me but are you perhaps a new champion?".
Turning your head towards the soft voice you see Sona floating beside you, you decide to hide the fact that you're an ordinary person.
"I think? I don't know maybe my Head's a little mixed up". I mumbled before standing up.
She hums before gently pushing you somewhere, while walking you observe your surroundings and you find yourself in the summoners rift.
"Here take a seat and let's wait and see if your patch downloaded yet". She said before floating away.
you nod sitting at the stone stairs on the spawning point before putting your hands in your lap.
'wait?! My patch?!'.
You tense when you hear a deep voice causing you to leave your thoughts.
"Hey, your the new champion right?". facing them your greeted by Sett's handsome face.
Turning red you quickly shake your head yes before looking down in your lap, then you feel him sit beside you.
"Then what's your name?". He asked while looking at you.
You stammered before stuttering your name.
"Y/N? No title or anything?". He questioned leaning close.
"I don't think I-i have one yet Son- I mean the floating girl said my patch haven't downloaded yet o-or something". You look at him begging yourself not to look stupid.
"Huh, guess your like me that also happened to me as well". He explained telling his side of the story how the Dev took a lot of time on making him.
Time pass and the two of you got along well, you were surprised when he would still approached you when you said that you might be a human (same species as his father).
It's fun to watch when he got into a fight with Rakan or some tank champions and you get jealous sometimes when he get flirted by Evelynn or other female champs.
But who are you kidding his hot ofcourse he'll get flirted everyday by them.
Then a day came when you confess that you're not a champion to Sett and telling him how you got here.
"Wait so your not like one of us?". He asked in disbelief.
"Yeah sorry I didn't tell you at first". You mumbled.
"Hey it's ok you don't have to feel bad about it just because your alot different from us doesn't mean we'll treat you bad for it". He smiled down to you while putting a hand on your shoulder.
"Thanks Sett". You chuckled patting his hand.
"and if you're really a summoner then you gotta tell me all the best combo in my skills". He smirks punching his fist to his other palm.
"What?! No Sett that's cheating!". You laugh pointing at him.
"No it's not". He countered.
"Yes it's!". You shot back.
Guess staying there for a bit will be fun.
Stay safe out there guys!!
I forgot I opened my ask box🤣🤣🤣
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The reason why I put Sett's name in Adorable Home for my partner's name is just so I can get this.
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In my notification box!!!😍😍😍
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I got nothing to lose
so here a Sett x Reader Tangled AU.
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My baby cousin came to visit for Chinese New year and I was too busy to watch over her so I decided making her watch all Disney movies then Tangled happend and I tried drawing in my phone and this happened.
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Can you do a Mecha kingdoms sett x reader??? •~•
Ok I've done my research and made a few adjustments instead of 3 kingdoms it's gonna be 4 where the reader came from and instead each of the kingdom or the other champions making the robots it's gonna be the reader who made them
Also in my defense Mecha Kingdoms is alot like Power Rangers but it's more awesome.
Here ya go
Srry the title sucks ⬇️
The Metal Fighter
The Creator
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For years 4 kingdoms have been fighting each other for power even the outer territory joined as well.
Being the only child in the family I decided to join the army to bring honor to for them.
But the general found another way for me to help my kingdom after seeing that I can't bring myself to kill another.
I was in charge of making brand new weapons to aid the soldiers in the battlefield.
In the middle of the fight between my kingdom and 3 more the ground suddenly rumble made us stop in mid fight, soldiers and the generals looked at each other in confusion forgetting the war for a second.
then the monsters came, a big Leviathan emerging from the seas following more as they started destroying everything in their path, creating havoc, screams all around the me, some running a way too scared that they might lose their life.
I looked around in fear as I see people getting killed everywhere and more dead bodies fell in the ground, I stare at the general without noticing the tail of the monster coming straight down on my figure.
The general started screaming at me but his voice was muffled by the chaos emitting around the battlefield then he run towards me.
It was like the world spin around us in slow motion before I knew it he push my body roughly aside making the large appendage crush his body instead of mine.
I stare in horror on the tail in front of me after the Leviathan flew away I see the bloody body of my general.
I kneeled down screaming while the tears in my eyes fell down on his face, he was still breathing but hardly, he took a hold of my hand to get my attention away from the large wound in his stomach I looked at him.
"please.....(Y/N) run..sav...save your life.....your mother needs..you...I promise her..th-that I'll bring...bring you back..alive". He tried saying between his breath but I can see him trying to hide his pain.
"No! You won't die! you save me! You'll go home with me, still alive and breathing!".
I glared at the figure of the monster that continued to kill more soldiers who tried to run away.
"I'll fix this General, they'll pay for this".
"N-no....(Y/N)!" He shouted.
I stood up and run trying to dodge other soldiers in my way but I trip on a dead body I looked down a see blood in my hands and in my armor this made my eyes prick with tears growling I push my self up and keep trying.
Once I reached my equipment, I started working on the cannon I made, tears still covering my sights but I wipe them away.
Finishing I pushed it and aimed directly at the flying creature as I wait for the right moment.
While it was busy I took the chance and fire at the unexpecting bastard, the ball hit it straight in it's head.
It roar in agony as blood came out in the wound, it turned his head a saw me, screeching in anger he then fly straight at me.
I reload the cannon with a bigger and special cannon ball that I made ,stood my ground waiting for the Leviathan to come near me.
By now the people were looking at me especially the ones on my side with fear in their eyes knowing that they may lose the only woman in their army.
The Monster open it's mouth getting ready the burn me with it's fire, the orange light glowing under it's throat.
I aimed and fire in it's mouth, the cannon ball entering in before exploding inside it's throat.
The Leviathan fell down on the ground, scaring and making the others fly away back to the seas.
The soldiers from the other kingdoms was standing in silence before mine shouted in glee as they run towards me the others joining us by shouting as well.
The soldiers surrounded me while shouting congratulating but I paid them no mind as I pushed them aside trying to reach the General.
Reaching the end of the crowd, I sprinted in search for his body, the others looked at me befor following me.
I turned my head around before spotting his coughing figure, I run towards him I slid on my knees not minding the pain.
"General!- I...I did it I killed-". but he cut me off.
"Ha....I knew you were.... special kid.... that was.....brave of...you-". I then started coughing roughly by now the soldiers surrounded us.
"Stop! stop talking please! save your breath! We can stil-!" But he grab a hold of my hand stopping me.
"N..no it's too late..(Y/N)..... it's time". He groan while his body started getting heavy in my arms before I knew it the light in his eyes faded away.
I looked at him letting my tears fall down on his face.
Even for just a moment the soldiers and other surviving general forgot about their hatred towards each other and payed their respect to the fallen.
Months past the Kingdoms decided to postponed the war to gather there minds about the creatures that emerged from the seas.
It was after the funeral for our soldiers when the high council of my kingdom paid me a visit and asked for help.
I was gonna refuse them at first but they said that after they heard the news of me killing a Leviathan that decided they needed me to help them make something to fight them off after all they will come back at some point.
So I agreed and here I am looking at some strange matter that was glowing.
"This was from the gods, they gifted this to us and I was wondering if you can make something that would help us in fighting the Leviathan". They gestured at the pile.
I started working with the help of the greatest minds in our kingdom by making gigantic robots that can be controlled that we called Avalons.
After finishing the last of the 5th Avalon, we decided to find 5 worthy people to control them, a man named Jax came to us and volunteer to join when he heard the news that we were looking for worthy people.
Well he was since he is the greatest weapon master in the land.
But things didn't go well when we found out that the others were stolen.
I was devastated, after all the hard work I put through they stole just it like that!?.
The high council decided to help me by sending out spies to find them.
The first one that came back with the help of Jax was named Garen a ruthless warlord that led the army of the Vercentia Kingdom deciding that we should put our difference aside and fight against the Leviathans together for the sake of humanity.
Good man.
Next was from the Dawnrise Kingdom, Leona but not willing tho she keep saying that her kingdom made it and she only joined to united her kingdom and help destroying the beast that roam our land.
I didn't argue, too busy worrying about the other stolen robot that I let her brag about her kingdom.
The third was from the mercenary named Draven that only wanted to join just for fun.
that was a 50-50 for me.
and last was by force we found my Avalon from a man named the Savage Wolf.
"WAIT HE BOUGHT MY AVALON FOR HOW MUCH!!??" I screamed at Jax and the spy when I heard that he only bought my Avalon to show off.
"A half price (Y/N), a HALF price". Jax repeated his words.
"OK! That's it I have enough of this they stole my master piece, I let Leona believe that her people made it- which is a LIE and the only good thing about this is that Draven and Garen are the only one who willingly joined". I shouted.
"Draven only joined for fun tho". Jax pointed out.
"That's beside the point". I growled.
I stomp towards where the Avalons were stationed and luckily the 4 were there as well.
I see a red haired man a standing near the one of the Avalon.
"You! are you The Savage Wolf?" I shouted while pointing at him.
Sett's POV :
Hear someone calling me by my Title, I turned my head to look and see a fuming woman stomping towards me with a man and Jax behind her
"Yeah what about it?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.
"Your him huh?". She stop a few meters away from me then she rolled up her sleeves and said.
"Good". She smirks before charging and jump on top of me.
Surprised by the sudden weight I fell on my back but she grab a hold of my collar and roughly shook me.
"WHO THE HELL WITH THE RIGHT MIND WOULD BUY MY FUCKING AVALON FOR A HALF PRICE?! HUH THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!? YOU-". before she can punch me Jax pluck her off me his arms around her waist while she keep trashing in his hold.
and here we are standing around talking about how we deal with The Avalons while the woman whose name was (Y/N) pouts besides Jax with a bump on her head.
"We should join forces by using the Avalons to fight off the Leviathans when they come back". Garen proposed.
"I supposed that will do, my people made my Avalon for that purpose". Leona agreed.
"Whoa hold on why don't I get a say in this!?". (Y/N) shouted catching our attention.
"They're MY Avalons! I also get to decide how they should be used". She throws her hands up.
"Excuse me? Yours? my Avalon is made by the finest scholars in my Kingdom that they gratefuly gave to me". Leona step forward infront of (Y/N).
"Well news flash 'Princess' your people are a bunch of stupid idiots and a liars, I made them with my own bare hands and they decided to stole them from me". She fight back also stepping forward.
"Oh? and what proof do you have that makes you the creator of this technology?" Leona tested looking smug as she cross her arms.
"Proof? Oh I'll give you a big ass proof". (Y/N) smirks snapping her fingers before saying.
"Activate Insta-Kill". She said.
then out of nowhere the Giant robots came to life and positioning in a fighting stance as the lights inside the machine turned red.
"INSTA-KILL MODE ACTIVATED". all the robots spoke in since.
I looked at each one of us and see they're faces written in shock -well except me, Draven (who was smirking) and Jax(?).
I smirked towards (Y/N) who was now looking smug seeing Leona's shocked face, her eyes looked at my direction, my smirk widen when she rolled her eyes, her smug face turning to frustration.
'heh, What a woman'
months past by we agreed to join forces and used (Y/N)'s Avalons to fight off the Leviathans after they came back.
After a long day of fighting a bunch of them that came to close to the Estercrest Kingdom.
I was watching (Y/N) fix the boosters on the back of my robot.
"Hey girly! need a hand" I shouted up to her.
"No thanks!". She shouted.
"I don't want you destroying my robot more". She grumble but I heard her anyway thanks to me being half Vastayan.
"Ya know it was kinda your fault!" I shouted cupping a hands to let her hear me more.
"WHAT?! HOW THE HECK WAS IT MY FAULT?" she stop working and peer down from the platform where she worked.
"Cuz you distracted me sweetheart!" I wink at her clearly knowing that she can see me doing it.
"Wait What?!". She shouted but her hand slip from the ledge dragging her body down.
I quickly run and jump up to catch her mid air, catching her in my arms, I landed on the ground with her arms wrapped tightly around my neck.
"You can open you eyes now". I whispered in her ear.
She shivers and cup her ear while she looked at me.
"D-don't do that!". She stuttered her face turning redder by the minute.
"or you can say thanks for me saving your life". I smiled down to her.
But she shove both of her hands in my face and got out in my arms.
"Ok first of all how would I distract you?! Your the one that doesn't even listen to me! cuz you go and do you own-". She continues to blabber about what I said.
I only rolled my eyes before I neared her, she didn't even notice me.
"Your cute when you're angry".
Then I kissed her on the lips cutting her off while kissing her I opened my eyes to see her's closed, I smiled before parting a little my face still close to her.
She opened her eyes and looked in mine.
"Y-you..k-kissed m-m-me". I heard her stutter under her breath.
"Cuz I like ya". I winked before I turned and started walking a way leaving a tomato face girl.
"SETT!!!!!". She screamed behind me
It's kinda long srry hope you liked it.
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Fight for Love
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Sett x Fem! reader
part 1
*Warning I post for a long time I'll try to find sometime tho*
Living as an orphan never really made your life easier but it wasn't after you met (friend's name) who is also an orphan like you, the two of you easily made a bond of friendship and made a good combination, you were raised on an orphanage in Demacia and thankfull that you were born after the Rune Wars ended.
But things didn't go as planned after (friend's name) revealed their secret to you that they were magic users which was bad for Demacia was a place where they exclude people who uses magic.
Because of that you made a plan to leave your birthplace with your friend for their safety, it wasn't really that hard for you never really knew your parents and you don't really have any friends or people you don't want to leave behind except your other friend Lux (she hides her magic pretty well) and her Brother a Demacian soldier, Garen.
You two will travel together across the land of Runettera and might meet new people on the way.
but before that you have cross the Demacian's border and enter The Empire of Noxus, you could have avoided the place but you needed supplies for your trip.
You and your friend entered the empire fear growing inside of you stomach knowing that The empire was known for being a brutal and an expansionist empire and their love for power and strength, it doesn't matter what is your social status, if your rich or poor as long as you show your strength you are noticed.
but you did meet a rather funny Yordle named Kled and his un-trusty steed Skaarl.
You were finding a way to buy supplies but you don't know if they take Demacian currency but Kled beat you to it as he said.
"What if you play betting here Little lady? Things like that won't let you go home empty handed." He said after he heard you talking about your problem.
"Betting?." (friend's name) ask.
"Yeah betting, illegal transactions, pit fights and what not it's all legal here my friend just don't get caught or ya'll be good as dead." He said before chuckling like crazy as Skaarl just sits at his side.
"Pit fights?." You asked with your eyes shinning and a smirk written in your lips.
It's been a while since you fought especially in Pit Fights it was trilling at that time but since Demacia doesn't support it was hard enjoying them without the soldiers raiding to early in the fight and you stop after Garen found out about it.
"Eh? you sound a little excited there, you fight girl?". He looks at you with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.
"Me? fight? no no no no I bring Chaos sir that's what I do". You said smirking with your arms crossed.
"Oh! feisty I like you even more girly! now I got a deal for ya, you join the pit fight and I'll be watching if you win against the champion then I'll talk to my friend to help with your problem no strings attached! so deal?". He said looking at us a smirk still plastered in his face.
You look at (friend's name) they look at you with a small frown but you already made up your mind after you heard Kled's proposition.
"Deal!". You smiled excited for the fights and faces you'll get to punch people without any consequences.
Kled then spits on his hand shoving his now covered spit hand infront of you but it didn't faze you one bit instead you spit yours too and shakes his to close the deal.
"Now that's what I'm talking about a sane man would run but I see you ain't the runnin' kind" his one eye glinting with excitement.
*the info's here are not made up if you want to know about Lol please visit them and get to know the game It's more fun and exciting
also Lol isn't mine they belong to their rightfull owners*
Hope you enjoy this😁
EDITED: 01/18/20 I found some typo and fixed it srry
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fckmefull · 3 years
going to sleep with a bit of popcorn
Rating: Explicit
Categories: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Fandoms: League of Legends
Characters: Darius, Jericho Swain, Braum, Samira, Sheida Kayn, Sett, Zed, Sylas, Vladimir, Malcom Graves, Draven, Khada Jhin
Additional Tags: Blood and Gore, Blood and Violence, Plot what Plot/Porn without Plot, Smut, Shameless Smut, Violence, Canon-Typical Violence, NSFW, Murder, Fetish, Kink, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags Contain Spoilers, Explicit Language, Public Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Stair Sex, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Fingering, Oral Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Face-Fucking, Blow Jobs, Public Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Breathplay, Multiple Orgasms, Hair-pulling, Nipple Play, Nipple Licking, Nipple Piercings, Barebacking, Internal Cumshots, Cum-Dump, Come Swallowing
Language: English
Status: Published: 2022-01-12
Updated: 2022-01-12
Words: 3703
Chapters 2/12
Once in a while the Council will decide they want a new Champion. A new shiny thing to dangle before the enemies eyes. You are one of the chosen to battle in the Arena. A battle to the death, which will be followed by the Arena Ball.
Surprise, surprise, you're the shiniest of them all.
You've won the battle and fucked Darius, who is next?
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Are we allowed to have a Obsidian dragon Sett (the new skin) x possible Water dragon reader please •~• (sorrrrry I’m just a big sett simp sometimes)
Yeh we are but his lore and the others hasn't come out yet so I don't know their story BUT I will make your request when it does come out don't worry also almost everyone that comes across Sett simps for him so don't worry I'm with ya😁.
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(Y/N) : *sucker puch Sett in the face*
Sett : *holds cheek*
Sett : I-i think I'm in love.
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Fighter reader : *snaps opponents head with their thighs*
Sett : damn that's hot
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Ok hear me out
Moder Au! Pro-Wrestler Sett (or superstar I think?).
What do you think?
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Fight for Love
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Sett x Fem! reader
part 3
"warning 1st time writing fight scene*
As Agul started running towards you, you took a deep breath and close your eyes feeling the world slowing down.
you hear the calm beating of your heart, the muffled voices of the all the people around the arena and the stomping of the larger man coming closer to you.
Agul noticed this and that made him a bit cocky he made the first move by sending a punch directly at you but what happened next shock the spectators around you.
you suddenly open your eyes which was now swirling in a beautiful gold color and caught the large fist with your open palm before it could land in your face, the force blew some of the sand away.
Agul's face was written with shock all over as well as the people, same with (friend's name) face.
you smirk and used his arm pull him to your side before punching him in the nose and heard a crack before the force of your punch flew him away.
landing on his back he cluch his nose screaming in pain while blood gush out from his nostrils.
"haha now that felt good." you said before hissing in pain as you flap your hand.
'man did that pull a muscle or something?'
suddenly you hear the people screaming again but not for Agul but for you.
"seriously? Tch figures." you roll your eyes but a sound made you turn you attention away from the crowd.
"y-you." Agul grunted as he tries to stand up with his other arm while the other still cluching his bleeding nose.
"YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs and charge towards you at full speed.
you frown before crunching down, your left knee nearly touching the floor and your right knee in the same height as your chest.
As the screaming fighter neared you, you ready yourself waiting for the right moment, not a second later he was right infront of you was the time you push all of your strength in your legs and jump high disappearing from his line of vision.
While seeing that he had a slow reaction time you took your chance to kick him behind his head in mid air which made him kneel down in pain and you landed on your feet when gravity pulled you down.
you huff a little but you weren't exhausted I mean your fight just started.
You look at your opponent, seeing that he was still in pain you tried to end with a finishing blow with another kick in the head but you didn't see his hand reaching for your foot, before you can even back a way it was already too late you feel a hand grabbing your ankle, losing your guard he pulled you down and throw you away.
You flew and landed on your side the sands flew around you making you cough.
Agul started laughing as he stand up cranking his neck side to side looking at you.
growling in anger you stood up patting away the sand that clung in your clothes.
"I'll give you more don't worry." you said under your voice before sprinting towards him.
not taking any chances you jump again before using both of your feets to kick him in the chest, he losses his footing but before he could land on his back while in mid air you twisted your body and grab a hold of his arm giving all your strength and throw him.
Agul's body flew away from you and drove straight to the stands, the people run away not wanting to be crush by a heavy weight man.
A cloud of dust surrounded his form before clearing after a few seconds, the people neared his figure to see what happened.
He was totally knocked out while the cement under his body crack into his shape bruises and blood covered him.
People gasp and looked at you slightly panting figure in the center of the arena, it was silent for a few minutes before a loud voice rang out from the stand behind you.
You looked and see your friend whooping for you with their arms waving around like crazy and a large smile on their face.
the people then started to join them as they cheered for you and chanted your name.
"LADIES AND GENTELMANS!! I GIVE YOU OUR WINNER!! (Y/N)!!!!!!." The host scream announcing your Victory while Kled beside him frown and covered his ears but poor Skaarl who can only whine instead.
Time past and you find yourself walking in around the bustling streets of Noxus again but with a slightly heavy bag of Noxian coins in your hand.
"I can't believe you can fight like that!!." (Friend's name) shouted as them carry the supplies you already bought for your trip.
"well It's been a long time since I fought someone as big as that guy so I might be lacking a bit." you looked down in your hands.
"lacking a bit!? You throw him like he's a skinny twig! I mean are you blind? he looked like he weights a few- no not a few a hundred freaking tons if you ask me!!." They said while acting dramatic.
"ok ok maybe I did but I never actually did something like that, I always ended my fights by either kicking or punching them out." you said slightly scared about your new strength.
"don't you think it might involve your-." but you cut them off.
"no! We don't talk about them, we don't mention them or even think about them!." you shouted knowing where this was going.
"but maybe something about them can explain this-!" They tried to tell you again but you don't want to listen to them anymore.
"Well I don't care they left me for dead might as well think they're dead too!." you turned to look at them but the quiteness of your surrounding made send chills down your spine.
You looked around and see that both of you were in a dark alley and no people near you.
"What? what's wrong (Y/-Hmp!?." (Friend's name voice was suddenly muffled before they were pulled in the darkness, the supplies they carried fell from their grasp.
"Huh!? (Friend's name)!? Hey! Let the-Hmmmmp!!!." you tried calling out to them but a cloth covers the lower part of your face.
You tried to wiggle them off but when you caught a small wift of a strong scent from the cloth it made your head dizzy and you see your sight blackening but before you lose your consiousness you fell your body being thrown on a shoulder like a bag of sack and caught a weird symbol of a gold snarling beast embodied in their cloak.
Before completely surrendering in the darkness.
same as always LOL is not mine the champions, their stories, and place are not mine and please support them.
Hope you enjoyed this😁😘
EDITED:01/18/20 I find some typo and fix it srry
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