#leave me alone i like the idea of adrien x luka-
valenthewhore · 2 years
5 ᔕEᑕOᑎᗪᔕ
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↳ Vince Note: This was supposed to be ANGST but no- my mind and fingers said no <3 so you get fluff- there will be more parts- short series go brr- also I made this for pride month- Ik im late T^T
↳ FT: Luka x male reader
↳ Word Count: 2346
↳ Warnings: Confident!Juleka, everyone is aged up not for nasty purposes- just this kinda thing doesn't fit in the school universe of things, Pining!Luka, Adrien is implied to be Luka's ex
↳ Playlist: You Feel Romantic, Sharing Headphones with Luka Couffaine
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The crowd was in full swing as Kitty Section jammed out on the stage. they were barely on their 5th song of the set and everyone was feeling the moment. Luka felt the exhilarating rush emanating from the crowd. The best part of putting on these shows was seeing everyone happily enjoying themself. 
As they finished off the last song, he was breathless but nonetheless happy as can be. He grabbed the mic, “Thank you for coming Paris!”The crowd cheered which only made him smile wider from ear to ear. His eyes surveyed the venue as he and the rest of Kitty Section left the stage. People were already leaving and that was when his eyes landed on you. You looked flushed from the rush of the concert, and you too were smiling from ear to ear as you said something to a friend. It hadn’t been more than 5 seconds since he looked at you, but it felt like an eternity. 
“Luka c’mon the next band needs the stage-” 
It had been awhile since that night, and he couldn’t get your smile off his mind. He had performed many of these concerts before, each leaving the crowd smiling and cheering. Even the ones that didn’t go as planned left the crowd in such a blissful effect. “Luka you need to stop thinking about him-” Juleka strutted onto the boat, her brightly dyed purple hair in a ponytail with Rose following shortly after. “C’mon Jules- I let you rave about Rose all the time, let me have this.” 
“In her defense we are a couple-” Rose piped up in her cheerful voice as she started to place the equipment together with the help of Juleka. “Exactly-” Juleka reveled in teasing her older brother, “Besides- What if he’s not in Paris anymore?” 
“I’d have to move on I guess-” It had sucked, he’s lived in Paris his whole life, and not once had he seen you before. Either you had just moved to Paris or you were visiting. He really hoped it was the latter. “Where’s Ivan- He was supposed to have been here by now-” Rose said, noticing their drummer was missing. It was as if fate had placed a blessing hand upon Luka that day as he heard someone running up to the boat. 
“Sorry! Sorry!”
You were like some kind of angel… that was until you stepped onto the boat and immediately tripped over a wire that was loose. You immediately got up and picked yourself up. Everyone was looking at you as if they saw a ghost. Maybe your fall was more horrible than you thought and now you were beyond embarrassed. 
“Sorry for the intrusion. My name is Y/N- Ivan won’t be able to make it today!” You were so polite and Luka was ready to jump off the boat and into the seine. “We are all at a Nature March- and he hadn’t realized he left his phone here-” You continued feeling even more embarrassed. No one was saying anything and it was getting awkward. “He asked me if I could grab his phone and also tell you guys he can’t make it.” You finished with a smile hoping that would make everyone stop staring at you weirdly. 
Juleka cleared her throat and lightly shoved Luka on his side, jolting him back to his senses, “Oh um yes- Ivan’s phone-” With that Luka disappeared below the deck and into the kitchen where he promptly began to freak out. He made short paces from one end to the other, hand placed on his chin as he connected the dots, “Nature March… Ivan..” His mind was already racing to infinite possibilities. How did you know Ivan? How was this the first he’s heard of you? Was Ivan trying to pull on over on you- He wouldn’t right? 
“Luka if you keep hiding down here, you’re going to have to explain yourself to him,” Juleka came below the deck, arms crossed as she made eye contact with Ivan’s phone on a table not more than 3 steps away. 
“I can’t go up there. Fate is playing a trick on me-” Luka sighed slumping down on one of the nearest chairs. 
“What happened to the old Luka, by now you would have flirted your way into a 3rd date.” 
“I think I lost my edge-” 
“Don’t tell me you’re still messed up because of him, It’s been months, you have to find your groove again. He’s found his touring all of france for his fashion shows with her-” Juleka placed a comforting hand on her brother’s shoulder, “Just start with giving him Ivan’s phone- you know the thing the came here for- It’s already been 5 minutes” 
Luka let out a sigh and took the phone from her hand, “You’re right-” 
With that both of them walked back up to the top deck, one felt proud of herself for cheering up her older brother, the other felt like jumping off the boat was still a valid and promising option in this whole thing.  “Found it-” He walked over to you with his famous Luka smile adorned on his lips as he handed you the phone. 
“Thank you!” You gladly accepted the phone with a smile of your own, Luka’s knees sure felt very weak at that moment. Your smile was like music but for his eyes. “I’ll get this to Ivan! It was nice meeting you guys! Your last concert was my first one and it was off the chain!” 
“Really you liked it?” Luka asked more gladly to hear those words than he would outwardly admit. 
“Oh yeah! Ivan has been raving about your band for like ever and now that I’m in Paris I just had to check it out!” You pocketed Ivan’s phone, “I should be going, I would hate to miss much more of the Nature March-” 
“Yeah wouldn’t want that-” 
Just as you were about to start leaving Luke grabbed your hand, “Just a second-” He disappeared into the deck but this time didn’t take so long, and came back out with two paris of tickets, “Here- for our next concert if you are still in town by then- Maybe you can come backstage after? We’ll gladly sign something for you-” God when had he become so bad at flirting? 
You looked at the tickets in awe and gladly took them, “Heck yeah! I’ll see you guys then!” You waved off leaving the boat making sure not to trip on anything on your way out. 
“Look at you Luka, you did it!” Rose cheered him on giving him a pat on the back. “Yeah after I had to knock him back into his senses” Juleka hugged Rose from behind, “You did great too Jules-” She lightly patted the hands of her lover. 
“He’s coming to see me-” Luka was overjoyed. 
As the days went on, Luka was practicing more than usual. He would run through the set list hours before the rest of the band arrived and hours after they’d leave to go live their lives. On their break days he’d be coming up with new music to try and wow you constantly texting Rose for lyric ideas and thoughts on new melodies he was working on that would best fit you. 
“Luka you cannot be seriously working on that right now it’s 3 am and we have our concert tomorrow-” Juleka leaned against the door of his bedroom, “Have you even slept? Everyone else went to sleep 5 hours ago?” 
“Well it’s kinda hard to sleep J u l e k a- He’s going to be in the crowd and I want it to be perfect-” 
“Well it will flop if you fall asleep in the middle of it-” Juleka walked over to him grabbing all of his utensils and shutting off his laptop ignoring his protests. “Look- you obviously like him, he liked your music before you knew of his existence, just play like you regularly would and you’ll do fine capisce?” 
Begrudgingly he agreed, allowing himself to fall back on the bed, his eyes trained on the ceiling as he heard the click of his door. Would you like the concert? He put his whole effort into making this one the best one he’s ever done. He hoped he could see that smile again- 
“That goes over there-” 
“Yes ma’am” 
Juleka was busy making sure everything was going smoothly, their usual manager was expanding her fashion design career on a tour with Adrien Agreste all over Paris, so Juleka had to pick up the slack. 
Her eyes trailed over to where her brother stood looking out onto the crowd from the safety of the curtain. He was a hopeless mess over you and it was showing to everyone around him. Luka bit his lip so slightly as his eyes landed on you walking into the venue, your arms linked with Mylene's. You looked so happy he could stare at you all day. The way you laughed at something Mylene had said. The way you had gotten embarrassed at something and looked so shy. 
“C’mon Luka we are starting-” 
The concert ended like most of their usual ones with the crowd cheering their name and asking for an encore. Luka was breathless, his hand stretched out into the air, a rock and roll sign on a clear display. He was feeling such a rush and as hoped you had a great time too. As the crowd dispersed, you and Mylene made your way to the backstage. 
“You were amazing Ivan!” Mylene congratulated her boyfriend with a hug and just general affection that would make sad and lonely people hate them for existing. “Yeah you were all really great!” You continued averting your eyes from the couple- and instead you eyes landed on Luka who was smiling from ear to ear which only made you worried. “Is there something on my face?” 
Juleka nudged him slightly, “Sorry what did you say?” Luka cleared his throat with a cough and a hand to his mouth.
“Was there something on my face? You were kind of um staring-” 
“ No! No there’s nothing, just um exhaustion?” If he wasn’t sure why he would say exhaustion of all things. And his answer made the whole group chuckle. All except You, Ivan, and Mylene. The three of you weren’t sure what was wrong. 
“Um so anyways- Thanks for the tickets!! I’m glad I was able to make it to another one of your concerts!” You reached into your bag and pulled out one of their albums, “Truth be told I’ve been listening to your songs for months, since Ivan told me about you all and um if you don’t mind could you sign this?” You handed the album to Luka with a gleeful smile on your face, “Oh um could you all sign it-” You followed up with noticing how everyone was staring. 
Luka stared at the album in his hand, “Uh yeah yeah we can- pen- I need a pen-” with that Luka disappeared off somewhere to get a pen or sharpie. 
“So how’d you and Ivan meet?” Juleka handed you a can of soda internally realizing her brother would take forever to get a pen. 
“Funny story actually, we met a couple months ago at an ecologist convention. I was going to do a speech on climate change.  I was supposed to be on stage B but I got it completely mixed up and went to stage A” You fumbled with your fingers explaining yourself. “After the whole mix up was solved we all exchanged numbers and kept in touch,” Mylene continued for you as she was canoodling with Ivan. 
“Yeah after that Ivan told me about his band and since then I have been listening to all your songs!” You said excitedly. You really were happy for this chance to meet them all in person. Just a you were about to say something else Luka came back with the album in one hand and a sharpie in the other. He handed it back to you with a sheepish grin. 
“I already signed it for you,” He leaned over pointing at his signature that was just LUKA in bold letters. He didn’t even have to point at it, it took over most of the space which only made you stifle a giggle, “Thank you Luka, if I didn’t already know your name, I do now.”
“You are so welcome-” it was almost like only the both of you were the only ones in the room, and the romantic tension in the room was oh so evident to everyone else but you. Juleka cleared her throat, shifting her brother out the way, “I wanna sign it too!” she gave you a slight wink as she signed her name in a cute flurry ending it with a heart and passing it along to the other members till it reached Ivan. 
“Oh yeah I almost forgot- I need to take leave for 5 days-” He signed his name on the album in a pretty plain way and handed it back to you.
“You are?” Luka questioned putting away his guitar into its case, a gleeful smile on his face from the prior exchange. 
“Yeah we are all going to London for a retreat with all the people in our group-” Ivan stood up helping the band pack away the stuff with Mylene’s help of course. “Well I am not going to stop you-” Luka finished slinging his guitar case over his shoulder, his eyes slowly returning back to you. You were absolutely beautiful in his eyes. He kept staring at you; he almost missed what was said. 
“Luka you should come to-” Juleka said as she wrapped a hand around Rose. 
“Come where-” Luka was lost, maybe he shouldn’t have checked out mentally while checking you out. 
“To London with us! It’s only a five day trip! And the convention could really use your lively music.” You beamed at him. 
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Taglist: @hangesidekick @straydestiny
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apricotgojo · 4 years
hi bestie.. 😃
so um , i saw this prompt somewhere and i wanted to send it to my favorite blog ! ( you ) so here it is!!
adrien with a s/o who’s from america ( new york specifically ) and she has a very veronica lodge type past. meaning she’s very proper and rich and silvertounged but very kindhearted and sweet and extremely loyal.
but she has a past where she used to be a bully in new york and bullied people if they didn’t fit in , and was practically the it girl from a movie? does that make sense?
however shes changed , yet one day during a akuma attack , her whole past gets revealed and videos of her being a complete BITCH and it being played off as hot by her classmates gets shown to the entire of paris?
what’s adrien doing? is she going to comfort her or leave her?
 I had so much fun writing this, but fair warning that it’s kind of angsty oops! thank u for the request nonetheless <333
Ship: Adrien Agreste X reader
Warnings: Swearing.
Tags: Angst oops
What should you do when your father is out on a business trip?
Throw a party.
And that’s exactly what you did. At least that’s what you used to do back in New York.   It’s something you were known for. Now since you’ve got the chance to start fresh with a new life in Paris you decided to bring an old tradition back with you and invite some friends over from the school you’re attending, and your boyfriend of course.
Adrien Agreste. You had no idea what you did to get such an angel in your life. You’ve been dating him for a few moths now and you could already see yourself becoming a better person around him. You came to Paris with the intention of leaving your past behind, starting new and fresh without the bullshit from your past. This was it. Nothing could fuck this up.
“Hey,let me help you.” You hear your Adrien say while you try to adjust the lights near the DJ stand.
“I got it.” You say and get on your tip toes to hang the last light. “There.” You say, a successful smile on your face.
“You really out did yourself huh?” You feel his arms wrapping around you from the back and you hum.
“Oh please Agreste, this is nothing compared to what I used to do in New York.” You say and turn around, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “I hope everyone likes it.” You say, more to yourself than to him.
“Of course they will, Ma belle.” He says and kisses your forehead.
You loved it when he called you nicknames, they just made butterflies burst around your stomach.
His soft hand reaches up to touch your cheek and he caresses it gently. You look into his green eyes which were soft and welcoming. He is so gorgeous.
Your noses touch and you sigh, touching his hand and smiling softly. “I hate to ruin the moment, my love but I have to go make a few minor changes before your friends come.”
He pouts at you. “But everything’s already perfect, can’t we spend some alone time together before everyone comes?”
You shake your head. “I promise you’ll have me all to yourself tonight , Agreste.” You smirk and watch as his cheeks glow red. You quickly kiss his cheek and giggle, walking away to the kitchen to make sure that everything is in place.
It didn’t take long before people started arriving.
“Claudia, start offering the drinks around to people.” You whisper to your maid before going to greet everyone.
A familiar bluenette appears, with an amazed look on her face while she looks around. You grin and walk towards her.  
“Marinette! You look stunning!” You say and give each other a friendly kiss on the cheek. She really did look stunning. You’ve never seen her hair like this before, let down and slightly curled.  She’s wearing a dress which perfectly hugged her body and the colour was gorgeous on her - A deep vermilion shade which complemented her fair skin. 
“Likewise.” She grins and looks at your dress. “Oh my god who are you wearing? This dress is gorgeous.” She gasps, eyes wide while she moved around to see the dress from the back and front.  You knew that she would comment on it, she had an eye for fashion after all.
“My father got this for me as a gift from South Korea. The designer is a family friend of ours.” You smile proudly. You didn’t want to brag about it but in all honesty you loved this dress too much not to show it off. 
You look to her side and see a blue haired boy standing kind of awkwardly next to her. “And you must be…?” You trail off, quirking an eyebrow at him.
“Luka, Marinette’s date.” He says nonchalantly and Marinette stops looking at your dress, straightening up with her face glowing red.
“Ah, I see. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Im-“
“I already know who you are.” He states and you furrow your eyebrows. You’re more than sure you’ve never met this guy before.
Marinette nudges him and you see him stiffen up.
“I mean, it was kind of a big deal when you came to Paris and everyone was talking about you so-“
Marinette sighs and grabs Lukas arm. “We’re going to get a drink, It was nice seeing you! Au revoir !” She says and walks away with Luka. You could hear her cussing at him from where you were standing.
Ah, of course. You knew that everyone was talking about you. The new rich bitch from New York who’s mother is in jail. That’s what everyone saw at first. Maybe they do still see it now. But maybe that’s why you fell for Adrien, because he never judged you in the first place despite all those rumors.
You turn around and see him, talking to Nino. He’s wearing the outfit you picked out for him.  Black shirt slightly unbuttoned with the sleeves rolled up, tan pants with a black belt around them and black converse.  His hair was messy but it looked so good on him and his cheeks were tinted a little pink, probably because of the few drinks that he’s had already.  Your eyes meet and he smiles at you. Right as he was about to come next to you, you feel someone tap your shoulder.
“Hi, Nadja Chamack. Did you move to paris because your mother is imprisoned for drug trafficking? Was your father denied bail?” The woman rushes to say while shoving a microphone to your face. You stare at her wide eyed. You didn’t know what to say.
“Hey, leave now before I call security, you shouldn’t be up here.” You hear Adrien say sternly while putting a hand on your shoulder.
“But was that the reason you came to Paris or was it because of the video that was spread of you-“
“Security!” Adrien shouts and two body guards grab Nadja and her camera man.
You stand there, dumbfounded as the body guards drag them away, the two cussing and struggling to get out of their grasp.
“Mon ange, are you okay?” Adrien asks, cupping your face with his hands, snapping you out of your thoughts.
 You look at him and clear your throat.
 “I’m fine, I need a drink.” You say and remove his hands from your face and start walking away.
He grabs your hand and looks at you, concern filling your eyes.
“No you’re not okay.” He says, kissing your hand and holding it gently. “What did they mean by video?” He asks.
Your body goes into full fight or flight mode.
“God Adrien! It’s nothing.” You snap at him. “just let it go, I don’t want to deal with this right now.” You remove yourself from his grasp and quickly walk away to the open bar.
You didn’t mean to snap at him but that conversation needed to wait until you two got more serious. You weren’t ready for it.
You grab a glass of champagne and down it, your face contorting because of the after taste.
You were about to get another one until you hear a scream.
“We want to know all your secrets! Don’t be bemused, it’s just the news!” A distorted voice says and you drop your glass on the floor when you see a dark purple monstrous figure coming your way.
“Shit.” You cuss and run away from the bar.
Everyone was screaming and trying to rush to the exit but everywhere was closed off with a purple like shield around.
You frantically look around to find a place to hide until you see a familiar blond with cat ears motioning to you.
Chat Noir. Thank god.
You were about to run to him until you started floating in the air, a purple bubble surrounding you.
You screamed and frantically hit it to try to escape but it was no use. 
“I got you now!” You hear the distorted voice say and let out an evil laugh.
You watch your phone float out of your hand and out of the bubble.
Fuck, fuck fuck fuck.
You were fucked.
The bubble that surrounded you explodes and you fell from it, right into the arms of Chat Noir.
“Hey I got you it’s okay” He says smiling at you and for some reason you were slightly comforted by him.
 Your eyes fill with tears and your throat begins to feel like it’s closing.
“She has my phone.” You croak out and your body starts shaking.
You see Ladybug swinging from the roof, throwing her Yo-Yo to try and grasp the villain but it was too late.
A screen appeared out of thin air and a video started playing -  you were in it, in your classroom in your school in New York. You knew exactly what this video was.
Your jaw clenched when it started playing.
“Awh look she’s crying guys.” You say in a condescending tone in the video. The girl, Sarah, was balling her eyes out in front of you while you smirk and stand in front of her, your arms crossed.
“H-How could you!” She sobs out.
“How could I what? Your boyfriend was the one with his hands all over me, I just gave him what he really wanted.” You say and chuckle.
“That’s not true he would never-“
“Cheat?” You cut her off, lean closer to her and put your hands on the desk in front of her. “hate to break it to you honey but he did.” You tell her and she sobs even harder.
“Maybe this will help you put you back in your place.” You say, grabbing her face, making her look at you. “You’re a nobody, a loser and you had the audacity to talk shit behind my back?”
Her lips quiver in fear and she was visibly shaking in the video.
“You think you could ever stand a chance against me? Think again bitch.” You say and let her face go, turning around and arranging your skirt.
“By the way, he’s a really good kisser. Such a shame.” And with that you walk away from her while people wolf whistle at you and mumble things under their breath.
You were still in Chat’s arms, he was looking at the screen, eyes wide and lips parted. It was like he was frozen. Tears were streaming down your face, you couldn’t move.
Everyone around you was mumbling and whispering things.
“She’s such a bitch.”
“I knew the rumors about her were true! She’s horrible!”
“This wasn’t the video I wanted! Where’s the proof where’s the-“ The villain gets cut off by Ladybug grabbing her microphone with the akuma in it and slamming against her knee. A purple butterfly emerges from it and she grabs it with her yoyo, turning it white.
    “Miraculous ladybug!” She chants and the place starts magically getting back to normal.
Chat clears his throat. “I need to go.” He mumbles and removes his hands from you. You nod and stare down at your shoes.
“Thank you for saving me.” You say, forcing yourself to smile.
He didn’t even look at you, he didn’t even say anything as he left.
Did he think you were horrible too?
Oh my god.
 After the villains were taken away everyone left without even saying goodbye to you.
You sat down on the platform near the DJ stand and hugged your knees closer to your chest.
You hear footsteps walk towards you and you look up. His green eyes meet yours but they instantly avert to the side.
“You know, when we first started dating, everyone was telling me about these stupid rumors about you and I never wanted to hear them because I never believed you could be capable of that.” He says, a frown on his lips.  “I never wanted to be so fucking right in my life but I guess I was wrong.”
You were trying so hard not to cry in front of him. You knew that this would happen when he found out, it was like a gut feeling. Adrien Agreste is a good person. He likes to be surrounded by good people and that video just showed that you might not be the good person he really thought you were. Your heart ached.
“I’ve c-changed Adrien.” You stutter in a small voice, scared that you would break down if you spoke too loudly.
“Have you really?” he questions, looking directly at you. He was disappointed in you. “God, why didn’t you tell me this before!” He rubs his face in frustration. You’ve never seen Adrien so worked up like this.
“Because I knew You’d react like this!” You say, louder this time as you get up. “For fucks sake Adrien! I told you my past wasn’t perfect and I know I was a bitch but I was young and stupid and I know it doesn’t excuse my actions but I’ve grown from my mistakes. I came to Paris with the mindset of becoming better, finding out who I really am and starting fresh!”
You watch him part his lips to say something but You cut him off.
“Look me right in the eye and tell me you’ve never done a mistake in your life, Adrien.”
His lips close and he averts his gaze away from you again.
  “I know I should’ve told you sooner but I was too scared of losing you. Y-you made Paris feel like my home, you’re the reason why I make better choices, you helped me find myself.” Tears start falling down your cheeks and you look down. “And if I haven’t changed then I wouldn’t be looking stupid and crying over you and explaining myself to you because im genuinely terrified at the thought of losing the first person in my life who I’ve genuinely fallen in love with.” You sob out.
There was silence, apart from the sniffles and sobs coming from you.
“What did you say?” Adrien asks you and you hear his footsteps come closer.
“What?” You sniffle, looking up at him, furrowing your eyebrows. Your eyes were puffy and red and so was your nose. You haven’t cried like this in ages.
“The last part.”
“I’ve genuinely fallen in love with you? “ You mumble and widen your eyes. Oh shit, you’ve fucked up again.
“I know it’s sudden and I don’t expect you to return it back and I don’t know why I just said that but-“ He cuts you off with his lips smashing against yours.
It was euphoric. Probably the most genuine kiss you’ve ever felt in your life.
He breaks away, your foreheads touching and both of you breathless.
His pretty pink lips curl into a small smile and his face cups yours, wiping your tears away with his thumb.
“I love you too.” He whispers and kisses your forehead. “I’m sorry I overreacted, I just didn’t want to be wrong about you but I believe that you’ve changed, I know you’re heart is pure.”
And that’s when you realized that yes, your heart was pure again. Clean from all the sins you’ve did in the past. You didn’t know if it was his green eyes, soft skin, perfect lips or maybe the way he looked at you that has cleansed you but maybe it took pure love to find a pure heart.
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thesaltyoceanwaves · 3 years
Butterfly!Luka x Akumatized!Marinette Idea
Hi, I’ve had this idea for anti-hero/villian Lukanette for a month now, and it will not leave me alone, so I’m going to dump it onto you all.
So, AU where Bob Roth essentially locks Jagged Stone into a really crappy contract and starts ruining his career and reputation. He has some nasty blackmail on the guy too, and Jagged breaks it off with Anarka so she doesn’t get involved with it. The only interactions they have is Jagged sending child support, and even that is pretty low-key because he doesn’t want Bob to have leverage from that.
When Luka finds out who his father is and about everything happening to him, he’s absolutely livid. Art deserves free. People deserve to be free! He’s not a big advocate for violence, but he wants revenge against Bob Roth and everyone who benefits from him. And sometime, during all of this, he encounters the Butterfly miraculous. 
Like in canon, he can hear the song in everyone’s hearts. But with the butterfly miraculous, he’s far more attuned and bothered when a kind soul is pained.
Enter one Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Marinette has never been very popular or had very many friends (you can thank Chloe for bullying her all the time, and Lila who demands attention 24/7). But she’s a kind soul who only wants to succeed at her hobbies and passions, and fall in love with someone nice, get married and start a family. And while they don’t talk very much, Marinette thinks Adrien is very nice and develops a crush on him, just like in canon.
Chloe and Lila find out about this, and naturally, engineer a public confession turned humiliation, along with planting ideas in Marinette’s head that she’s cursed or something. 
Enter Psyche.
Luka hears the plea of a kind, but heartbroken soul. Upon hearing how her feelings had been taken advantage of, Luka, now Psyche, sends a butterfly to Marinette and transforms her into one of his Punishers.
Enter Bewitched*.
Psyche’s Punishers aren’t looking for grand conquest or anything like that. They’re discreet, to the point and simply want others to have a taste of what they deliver. There are no other user to oppose the two, and so they continue . Psyche might draw upon other close friends as their allies (Rose, Juleka and Ivan, I’m thinking for a full “anti-villian/hero” band AU) but generally relies on Bewitched.
Over time, the two grow closer, and Bewitched offers to help Psyche with his own problem. She’s a planner, after all, a master mind in the making, and can of course, help him engineer the downfall of a giant like Bob Roth. Some time during all of this, they meet in their civilian identities and fall in love, and all that good stuff.
Also, during all of this, Fu discovers the butterfly and peafowl miraculouses are missing, and recruits two heroes to recover them.
The only problem is that they might not really be the heroes most fit for the job. 
* = Bewitched is my take on akumatized!Marinette. I first wrote her for the “Nice Guy Adrien AU”. Her outfit is modelled after K-Pop singer NS Yoon G’s outfit from the “Reason to Become a Witch” MV. Her powers allow her to either curse someone she feels has wronged her (red) or familiarize someone she trusts (pink). She gets her name from the sitcom “Bewitched” which was used as the inspiration for early magical girl shows. Her name also means charm or captivate someone - in other terms, she had been “bewitched” by Adrien.
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I'll Hold You When Things Go Wrong
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Relationships: Luka Couffaine | Viperion x Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Luka Couffaine, Original Akumatized Character(s), Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir
Additional Tags: Identity Reveal, Reveal, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Identity Reveal, Luka Couffaine Knows, Protective Luka Couffaine, Luka Couffaine Loves Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Established Relationship, Fighting, Canon-Typical Violence, Akuma Attack, Akuma Possession, Original Akuma, Akuma Battle, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Akuma Villain Controls Ladybug, Controlled Ladybug, Mind Control, Mind Controlled Ladybug, Viperion is forced to fight Ladybug, Viperion, Lukanette, Vipernette, Viperbug, Kissing
Words: 1,366
The fight ended almost too quickly, the villain falling easily to Ladybug’s Lucky Charm and Viperion’s Second Chance. That alone should’ve raised some red flags but neither superhero had sensed anything amiss. Ladybug broke the akumatized object, a bright red glove, but no akuma emerged from it.
Something’s wrong.
I had the honor of being a writer in the @luckycharmzine! It was a lot of fun working with @nanoko-aishino to create an amazing matching story & artwork! You can check out her beautiful artwork along with all the other amazing works in the zine HERE! The zine is digital & free!
Special thanks to @jammies122​ for beta-ing!💖
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It started off as just another fight with an akumatized villain atop the roofs of Paris. Today's akuma was Controller, a red monochromatic person with the ability to control others by blasting them with a red beam of light. Due to the dangerous nature of the akuma's power, Ladybug and Viperion were tasked with taking them down while Chat Noir and the other heroes kept the civilians under the akuma’s control at bay. It would be a much easier fight if they didn’t have to worry about battling an army while also keeping civilians out of the crossfire.
The fight ended almost too quickly, the villain falling easily to Ladybug’s Lucky Charm and Viperion’s Second Chance. That alone should’ve raised some red flags but neither superhero had sensed anything amiss. Ladybug broke the akumatized object, a bright red glove, but no akuma emerged from it.
Something’s wrong.
Unfortunately, the alarm bells sounded a second too late. Before anyone could react, a red light struck Ladybug in the back. Viperion could only watch in shock as the superheroine’s eyes turned pure white and she adopted a monochromatic red palette similar to Controller. He had already used Second Chance, so there was no way he could go back and fix this.
Ladybug's face was void of any emotions when she turned to face him. Her white eyes were blank and lifeless, the sight made Viperion's heart drop. He had to fix this as fast as possible or else there would be no way to take down the akuma, and if they didn't defeat them then, there wouldn't be a way to free Ladybug. His mind raced, desperate to find a solution, any solution.
Crazed laughter broke him from his thoughts, eyes widening as the real Controller landed on the roof beside the unnaturally still superheroine.
"Ha! I can't believe you both fell for my decoy; I thought heroes were supposed to be smarter than this!" Giggles escaped them as they pulled the costume off of the decoy, revealing a controlled civilian. With a wave of their hand the civilian ran off, leaving the three of them alone. "And thanks to you, I now have the Ladybug under my control! This is too easy." Controller smirked at the snake hero, eyes wide as they mocked him. Viperion met their gaze, never faltering as he glared them down, body posed and ready to strike.
The villain giggled and launched themself towards him. He jumped to the side and spun around, hands reaching for their glove. But before he could wrap his fingers around it, the red villain cartwheeled out of his reach, their smile so wide it looked like their face was going to break. They raised a hand up, gesturing in his direction.
Next thing he knew he was on the ground, body sore as he quickly jumped back up. Ladybug was in a fighting stance, preparing to kick him again. He dodged, her foot grazing him as he backflipped away from her. Viperion attempted to meet her gaze but she just looked right through him.
"Ladybug, I know you're still in there! You have to fight it!" The teal suited hero pleaded. The red heroine didn't show any acknowledgment of his words, not hesitating as her fist flew towards his face. Viperion grabbed her wrist, stopping the attack before it could land. She struggled but he refused to let her go. "Please, I don't want to fight you…"
Controller chuckled behind him.
"Oh, but she wants to fight you."
Ladybug kicked his shins, causing Viperion to stumble back. She took advantage of this to free herself. Not wasting any time, she leg swiped the off-balanced hero. He hit the ground, the air forced from his lungs.
As he desperately tried to regain his breath, a loud beep sounded from Ladybug's earrings. Time was running out, they only had a minute until she would transform back.
Viperion swiped at her legs, knocking Ladybug to the ground. He took the opportunity to restrain her, his body securing her in place and preventing her from escaping. He desperately tried to snap her out of the villain's control. 
"Ladybug, please, you need to snap out of it! I-"
"BEHIND YOU!" Chat Noir yelled. Viperion's head whipped around a second too late. The villain kicked him off of Ladybug, allowing the bug heroine to resume fighting. Viperion got up, taking up a battle stance alongside the cat hero. The two sides were at a standstill until a bright pink light signaled the end of Ladybug's transform.
Without a second thought, Viperion leaped at Ladybug, wrapping his arms around her and quickly moving them both out of view of the villain as Ladybug detransformed. Controller made a move to follow, visibly upset by the sudden appearance of the black-suited hero.
"Ugh! You're ruining my fun!" The red villain stomped their feet, fuming like a child throwing a tantrum. Chat just smirked.
"But the purrty's only just begun!"
The sound of their bickering and fighting faded as Viperion kneeled on the ground, focused on keeping a red monochrome version of his girlfriend in his arms. Marinette fought against him, trying every trick she could to escape but he refused to let her go.
"Please, Marinette...come back to me…" He pleaded desperately, but his words still had no effect on her. So he did the last thing he could do, an idea based on the fairytales his sister's girlfriend was always talking about. Love was said to be a powerful emotion, strong enough to break any spell. So he brought his lips to hers.
The struggling slowed until she suddenly jerked back, eyes comically wide and cheeks red. Luckily, that was the only part of her that was red as the rest of her returned to her original colors. Viperion smiled, pushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
"It's okay, Marinette. I got you."
"Ah!" She hid behind her hands. "Viperion, what are you doing?! I have a b-boyfriend-" It was obvious she was trying to pretend their identities were still a secret, but the cat was no longer in the bag.
"It's okay, you know I'm Luka." He removed her hands from her face, using his hold on them to intertwine their fingers, although  Marinette still refused to meet his gaze.
"But we're not supposed to know each other's identities, it's not safe! What if-"
"It's okay, my love. Nothing bad will happen to us. I trust you with my life. I know you'd never tell anyone my identity." He removed one of his hands from hers , bringing it up to softly hold her face. "And your secret is safe with me, it always has been."
Marinette's eyes finally met his, wide in shock as her mouth hung open.
"What?! You knew?!"
"I didn't know for sure, but I had a pretty strong feeling. Remember our first date, the one that got interrupted by an akuma attack?" Marinette nodded. "Well after I saw you disappear into a bathroom and Ladybug ran back out a moment later it was pretty obvious. But mostly it's because you're so amazing and kind. You have such a beautiful melody that I can recognize you easily, with or without the mask."
"Oh, Luka," A smile finally broke Marinette's distressed face. "I love you." She brought her lips to his.
"My lady-" Marinette jumped back from Viperion while he curled his body around her, making sure she was hidden from view of the cat hero. "-the villain has been defeated, it's time for you to purr-ify the akuma."
"Just a minute, Chat! I'll meet you over there!" Chat nodded before disappearing back to comfort the freed akuma victim. Marinette pulled away from her boyfriend's arms, quickly feeding Tikki a cookie and transforming.
The akuma was purified and everything was fixed by Ladybug's Lucky Charm. After a well-earned "pound it" from the three superheroes Chat ran off, leaving Viperion and Ladybug alone on the roof. The snake hero leaned in; hands cradling her face as he once again brought their lips together. He pulled back just enough to smile softly at his lover.
"I love you too, Marinette."
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Raise Your Voice Against Liars
By BeeTeeDubya14 & Naruwitch On Archive of Our Own
@thebigpapilio asked me if I accepted submissions and I do! This is a Miraculous + Persona 5 crossover, that they have been working on with their friend! While I don't actually know Persona 5, I read over the first chapter and found it very interesting! I thought for sure you'd all enjoy it as much as I did! So here is the first chapter! If you like it please go on to Archive of Our Own and give them some love!!
"We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin."
-Andre Berthiaume
Chapter 1: L'Interrogatoire
Sae leaned back, puzzled by what the prisoner just said, “So the Phantom Thieves only stole the heart of Futaba Sakura…? And Medjed was in turn defeated by her real-world hacking abilities…? Well, this does correlate to the facts as we know them…” 
Sae grew quiet, and her next sentence was mostly to herself, though she said it aloud. “If he’s telling the truth, then Wakaba Isshiki didn’t commit suicide… did a third party target her life with the goal of destroying her research? Wakaba’s death was two years ago… that also coincides with when the incidents started occurring… does this other Metaverse user that Madarame and Kaneshiro mentioned… really exist…?”
With a frown, she shook her head before turning her attention back to the captive, “Earlier I mentioned those psychotic breakdown incidents that have alarmed the public. All of a sudden, people will lose consciousness, or become violent… A situation as incomprehensible as that can’t be explained away as ‘troubled social conditions.’ I suspect that these cases are all connected to a larger, man-made plot. The method involved always muddled the explanation, but your story has virtually confirmed its viability. Although, I wouldn’t have expected a new criminal to come to light from your testimony…” Sae leaned closer to the prisoner, “What did your group think of this other Metaverse user?”
“You mean the true criminal?” he questioned.
Sae scoffed, “How self-centered of you. The Phantom Thieves tamper with people’s hearts without asking consent. How is that different?”
Sighing, Sae then continued to focus on the prisoner. “Well… no matter how you thought of them, there can be no doubting your resolve. Are those incidents because of you or someone else…? Either way, I will get to the bottom of this.”
Sae shook her head, and pulled out her briefcase again, “Now let’s move on to your next crime.” She pulled out a folder, just as she had the last four times and laid it in front of the teenager, “Lila Nikenna Rossi. An Italian student who was studying at Collège Françoise Dupont in Paris, France. This is the first known report of the Phantom Thieves targeting someone outside of Japan. Your testimony regarding this incident will be serious. I’m sure you understand why. Not only is she your first foreign target, but also the youngest target out of all that the Phantom Thieves have changed the heart of. Answer me carefully. Why did you go after her?”
Despite all the grogginess afflicting him, Akira Kurusu managed to faintly grin.
“We owed some good people a favor.”
Chapter 2: Wake up, Get up, Get Out (Of) There
"Are you sure you're going to be okay in Hawaii, Marinette?"
"Yes, Luka, I'll be fine," Marinette smiled as she pulled her luggage off the security belt.
"Remember, if you need to talk, at any time, please do it, okay? I don't care if it's 2 AM over here. If you need-"
"Luka, you're treating me like a child," Marinette said bluntly, but no heat was behind it.
The guitarist gasped on the other line, "No, no! That's not what I was implying, I just-"
Marinette giggled. That's one of the things she really liked about Luka. "That overprotective attitude isn't going to change anytime soon, is it?" That said, although there were times where he went a little overboard, he usually knew Marinette's limits. It seemed that he needed a small reminder before she departed for her flight, though.
Ever since Chloe's stunt as Miracle Queen, she and Luka had been dating steadily for several months. After Adrien had made it official with Kagami, Marinette struggled to move on and accept that it was better to simply be friends with the model. She, of course, didn't want to use the older Couffaine as a fallback guy, and she had made that clear to him shortly before they made it official too, but… Luka had been there for her when no one else was. She had been in a dark place, and there seemed to be no way out. But Luka provided the light she needed to find the exit.
As for Chloe herself? Well… once word got out about Hawkmoth's near victory, and Chloe's involvement with it, many citizens and even government officials spoke out against the mayor and other members of his staff for action to be taken. The incident with the metro tunnel was also brought up, as Chloe was never adequately punished for intentionally endangering so many people. Mayor Bourgeois, to appease the masses, was forced to send Chloe away to a boarding school in Sweden, at least until Hawkmoth was finally dealt with. That's where she'd been for the past five months, and Marinette hadn't heard from the blonde since.
She shook her head, ridding herself of such thoughts before they could fester. She was going to Hawaii for crying out loud! And she was going to have a blast! Nothing was going to change that. Not Hawkmoth, not Lila, and her lies, nothing would get in her way of having a fun time.
The thought of Hawkmoth had her hand subconsciously wander to her purse, where Tikki and Kaalki were situated. She was so lucky (heh, that would garner a laugh from Chat) that Kwamis didn't show up on cameras, much less on airport security x-rays machines. She would have had a field day trying to explain that to a security guard.
Luka gave a breathy laugh over the phone, "Sorry, a force of habit. Sorry I couldn't be there to see you or Jules off personally."
Marinette smiled. That had been the original plan, but as luck would have it, Luka got called in for an emergency shift by his boss at the very last minute, and there were no other people who could fill in.
"No problem, sometimes life happens like that. Although, even on vacation, Hawkmoth's Akumas always have the worst timing."
She could see Luka wincing on the other line, "Yeah, considering that Hawaii is practically on the opposite side of the world, it looks like you're in for some long nights. So sorry, babe."
She had the news app on high alert at all times, so the second an Akuma alert went up, she'd teleport back to Paris to deal with the Akuma as quickly as possible. She was grateful that Luka would be on standby with Sass as well, especially when Chat Noir alerted her that he would be out of town for the weekend as well.
"Marinette! We're about to board! Please come and join the class!" Mme. Bustier called from the boarding gate.
"Gotta go, Luka, I'll text you when we land in Tokyo!"
"Okay, be safe! Love you!"
"Love you too!"
There were, fortunately, no accidents or disruptions as Marinette boarded the plane and found her seat. After buckling up, Tikki and Kaalki poked their heads out of her little purse. The bag was small enough that Marinette wasn't required to put it under the seat, so long as it stayed flung over her shoulder. The little red Kwami winked at her holder, and Kaalki nodded. Marinette smiled at her little companions and pretended to listen to the flight attendant give the safety instructions.
It wasn't long before she watched from her window seat the plane take off from the tarmac. Once the pilot said they were at cruising altitude, Marinette pulled out her MP3 player and headphones and leaned back with a smile, the soft melody of Luka's guitar strings lulling her to sleep.
Marinette was awakened by the thump of the plane landing.
As she traversed the airport "with" her classmates (they were all hanging around Lila and leaving her alone), she noticed a pattern in the dress of many passersby, most of which were likely Japanese locals given that they were in Japan at the moment. Black & red seemed to be a common staple at this airport, more than occasionally accompanied by the words "Take Your Heart" and a weird logo of a domino mask and top hat. The words "Phantom Thieves" were sprawled across many of the logos too.
Marinette wanted to ask around as to what it all meant, but she didn't know a lick of Japanese and had places to be, so she moved on. She'd just look it up at the hotel.
She sent a quick text to Luka to let him know she'd arrived safely and was on her way to the hotel they'd be staying at for the night. Then she switched to the web, typing "Phantom Thieves" into the search engine. She found quite a few interesting things in a place called the "Phan-Site." There was apparently a group of vigilantes out there in Japan - Tokyo, specifically - calling themselves "The Phantom Thieves" with the power to "change people's hearts" (which seemed to mean making said people confess their crimes. How that worked, Marinette had no idea). So far, the Phantom Thieves had only taken down four major targets, their names, and information listed on the site. Marinette didn't recognize any of them, but when she typed up the names, she was immediately glad that these people had had "a change of heart."
The first, theorized to be the Thieves' very first target, was a man Suguru Kamoshida. He was apparently an Olympic volleyball medalist that taught at a high school called Shujin Academy. The Thieves targeted him because it was revealed that he was physically abusing and even sexually assaulting several students at the school. One of them even tried to commit suicide right in front of the student body because of it. Thankfully, this student survived their attempt. According to separate reports, the school was well aware of the abuse but didn't do a thing to stop it. Then, about a week after the suicide attempt, Kamoshida confessed to everything! The abuse, the assaults, everything.According to reports, it was like he was a completely different person, almost like his personality had changed entirely. He was now being held on bail and awaiting trial. Marinette hoped he went away forever!
The second person was a former artist named Ichiryusai Madarame. (Now that she thought about it, she could have sworn she saw his name on some art pieces at the Louvre for a limited time Japanese exhibit). He cultivated his own fame and fortune by sacrificing the livelihood of children. He took young artists into his home, a tiny shack, and then stole and plagiarized their work, passing it off as his own. Apparently, one of his victims was his own foster son. Just like with Kamoshida, Madarame, shortly after one of his exhibits closed, confessed to these crimes, his personality having shifted completely. Even though he seemed to show remorse, Marinette hoped he got what he deserved. This man reminded her too much of Bob Roth, especially when he stole Kitty Section's music and her costume designs.
Next was Junya Kaneshiro. This target was apparently what really allowed the Phantom Thieves' popularity to take off. He was a mafia boss that even the local authorities were struggling to arrest, even though his crimes were common knowledge in the Shibuya area. Then suddenly, he one day turned himself into the police. This one didn't have as much information. The police apparently tried to keep the arrest on the down-low due to the circumstances. The only reason the public found out the Phantom Thieves were involved was because of an abundance of calling cards that were scattered all over Shibuya. Kamoshida and Madarame had received similar cards before they confessed as well.
Finally, and this happened about a week ago, a group of international hackers, under the name Medjed, attempted a cyberwar against the Phantom Thieves and Japan itself. They threatened to ruin Japan's economy through a cyber attack unless the Phantom Thieves surrendered and revealed their identities to the public. They had set a deadline and everything. Then, the day before the deadline would have expired, the Phantom Thieves apparently stopped them, as Medjed's website was hacked with the Phantom Thief logo all over the webpage. Whether that was done by the Phantom Thieves themselves, or an avid supporter, no one knew, but Medjed was stopped, and Japan's economy remained stable.
Despite being vigilantes, Marinette genuinely believed the Phantom Thieves were helping the public overall by exposing corruption like this. Who knew what would still be happening if these people were still allowed to roam free? She didn't know how the Thieves convinced these people to confess their crimes and had no clue what "steal your heart" meant, though she had a feeling it wasn't something natural. Their actions seemed to be non-violent, though. None of their victims showed signs of physical injury or torture when they confessed. That was likely another reason the Phantom Thieves were receiving so much public support.
Marinette had learned a lot about destiny from Fu (it still hurt a little bit not referring to him as Master, even in her head), and the fact she was temporarily in the place where something this momentous, something this clearly magical was going on… she needed to look into this. But how? Nobody knew who the Phantom Thieves were, much less what they looked like! You could supposedly communicate with them via a proxy on the Phan-site, but no one has officially met any of them face-to-face. They seemed to be masters of blending into the crowd, not to mention the police weren't getting solid leads either.
What was even more confusing was that Tikki and Kaalki didn't know anything about this whole thing either.
"I've never heard of "changing people's hearts" in the way it's described here," Tikki admitted, referring to the Phan-Site.
"Hmm… maybe Ziggy knows something? She's the kwami of Imagination, so she's the one most connected to the mind," Kaalki suggested.
"Alright, I'll talk to Ziggy when we get back to Paris," Marinette nodded. She hoped the Goat Kwami had a possible answer.
"Hmmm… I wonder if Kagami knows anything about them," Marinette wondered aloud, glancing over at Alix, who was snoring in the bed next to hers. Surprisingly, Alix had volunteered to room with Marinette, which shocked her. She and Alix were friends, but not like how she and Alya used to be. Now that she thought about it, though, Alix may still listen to Lila's stories, but it seemed to be more out of politeness than actual interest now. If anything, for the last month or so, when Alix and Lila interacted, the skater just looked bored with the Italian. Could it be that the skater was catching onto Lie-la's lies?
Deciding to check if her theory had merit, Marinette sent a text to the fencer, asking if she had heard of the Phantom Thieves or not. She got a reply a few minutes later. Kagami had heard of them, but she didn't know much about them either. She and her mother had been living in Paris for about a year and a half, and the Phantom Thieves had only surfaced only a few months ago, so she didn't have much information apart from a few Japanese news articles and some online searches.
Marinette sighed and began to put her phone away when an Akuma alert blew up her screen.
"Perfect timing, Hawkmoth," she muttered sarcastically as she got up and tiptoed to the bathroom. She turned on the light to make it look like she was simply using the toilet before letting the two kwamis slip out of her purse, "Let's deal with this quickly! Tikki, spots on!"
One magical transformation later, Ladybug stood in all her glory in the tiny Tokyo bathroom. She quickly pulled out Kaalki's glasses and slipped them on. "Tikki, Kaalki, unify!"
It was about thirty minutes later that Ladybug (Lady Horseshoe with both Miraculous active) stepped back into the hotel bathroom. By the time that she had gotten to the actual fight, Luka, clothed as his new hero alias Kobra, had managed to corner the Akuma and figure out where the item was. One Lucky Charm later, and two shots of Second Chance, according to the snake hero, the Akuma was purified, and everything returned to normal in Paris.
She was also equally grateful that Kobra seemed calm after the fight ended. There had been fights in the past that had left the hero shaking, eyes wide with barely masked horror. One fight had him clinging to Ladybug afterward for about two minutes before she convinced him to let go of her. Even after that, it had taken the night being alone, lots of tears, and cuddling for Luka to finally calm down and accept that everything was okay.
During these moments was when Marinette was reminded that the Snake Miraculous was sometimes considered the most dangerous of the Miraculous. Not only did it make the holder a problematic opponent in combat, but the mental load it carried for the holder itself could take its toll over time. Luka had seen some things as both Viperion and Kobra, some that took more time to process and work through than others.
It had taken Luka a while to understand that he could talk to someone about what was going on. Due to his own family dynamics, and his selfless nature, Luka wasn't used to talking about his own problems, and usually preferred to work through them on his own. Over time though, this wore the guitarist down, to the point that he couldn't hide it anymore. This was one of the factors that convinced Marinette, as the Guardian, to make Luka a permanent holder. Sass had been an excellent help for Luka to process the many 'bad endings' he was forced to witness as part of his power. However, there were sometimes days where talking to the little kwami wasn't enough, which was why the couple had the rule of calling the other whenever they needed to speak. Even if it was in the middle of the night.
Other factors contributed to this decision too, but Marinette was too exhausted to dwell on them for now as she snuck out of the bathroom. To her relief, Alix was still asleep and seemed oblivious to what had happened.
After grabbing a macaroon for Tikki and a sugar cube for Kaalki (both of which she picked up in Paris), Marinette quickly climbed into her own bed and was asleep within seconds.
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pessimisticlatte · 5 years
Glass Roses ~ Chapter 11
~ Marichat ~ Adrienette ~ Lukagami ~ Alynino ~ Chlobrina ~ Nathalie x Emilie ~ Gabriel x Being Set Alight
Mari swung onto Luka’s houseboat and found him reclining under the darkening sky on a beach chair with his guitar in his lap and his earbuds in his ears. Seeing Mari’s black clad feet, Luka looked up and shot her a smile, Marinette dug the Snake miraculous box out of her pocket. Adrien was dropping Pollen off to Chloe and telling her to meet at the Eiffel Tower, so Marinette would head to Kagami’s and get her after Luka had his miraculous. They’d bumped into Alya and Nino, patrolling together of course, as they rav over the rooftops together before splitting up. Alya and Nino had pretended, pretty well, that they hadn’t known who Ladybug was beneath the mask, even if Mari was blushing more furiously than she ever had in her entire life. 
“Ladybug? Is everything alright?” Luka placed his guitar gently on the ground beside him and pulled an earbud out, leaving it hanging out of the neck of his shirt. “Yeah, Echo, Ladybug is here. Give me a second.”
“Echo?” Mari remembered the song Luka let Nino play today, she’d only understood the lines in English and French but she’d understood enough to know that it was a love song.
“My girlfriend,” Luka grinned, running a hand through his dark hair. “She wants you to know what she can hang up if you need her to.”
“What’s her name?” Maybe Marinette’s curiosity was getting the best of her or maybe she was looking for a way to delay the inevitable unveiling that was coming once everyone met at the Eiffel Tower.
“Kagami, Kagami Tsurugi,” He said her name like it was the most beautiful thing he’d said or heard in his entire life. “It’s a new thing, we started dating a few hours ago and we just never hung up.”
“Can you put her on loudspeaker?” She was happy for Luka and Kagami. It wasn’t a pairing she’d expected but today had been full of surprises, she had no idea what was coming next but she hoped that it wouldn’t leave her reeling. Mari held the Snake miraculous box loosely in her hand and felt a faint pulsing where the Dragon miraculous rested against her leg.
“Uh, sure,” Luka unplugged his earbuds and tugged the through his shirt, the carefully bundled earbuds replaced his phone as he pulled it out of his pocket and tapped the call with Kagami onto loudspeaker. “Did you ear that, Echo?”
“Affirmative,” Kagami’s voice filtered through the speaker of Luka’s phone.
“Chat Noir and I are calling a meeting tonight at the Eiffel Tower,” Kagami released a confused hum. “We want you two, you and Luka, there with your miraculouses.”
“But we don’t have our miraculouses,” The cogs in Luka’s head were turning as Kagami responded. Well, that answered Marinette’s question of Luka and Kagami knowing their superhero identities. Kagami tended not to be an open book though so it wasn’t a surprise.
“I do,” Mari held the Snake miraculous box out to Luka, who took it in his hand reverently. “I dropped by Luka’s house to give it to him and I’ll be by yours soon, Kagami, to give you yours. Chat and I want you to keep them.”
“Keep them?” Luka raised an eyebrow. “But we’ve given them back after each battle?”
“Chat and I can’t fight Hawkmoth alone anymore, we’ve called Rena Rouge and Carapace to meet us at the Eiffel Tower too so we can discuss everything. But there is a small...catch, if you will,” Marinette started toying with the belt slinging her yoyo around her waist. “We want everyone to reveal who they are underneath the masks. I know I’ve said that it’s not safe but since the Miraculous Guardian gave his guardianship to me, things have changed and it’s not sustainable anymore.”
“Makes sense,” Luka supplied, still looking very confused. 
“You can tell each other who you are now, you are a couple after all, or you can wait until all of us are together. It’s up to you. I have to head your way now, Kagami, or Chat’ll worry,” Marinette met Luka’s eye and winked. “See you guys very soon. Oh, and when I say Eiffel Tower, I mean the top of it.”
“Alright, let’s wait until we’re at the tower, Echo, is that alright?” Luka’s voice faded into the background as Marinette used her yoyo to swing herself onto a nearby roof and run to the Tsurugi residence.
Standing with Alya, Nino and Chloe on top of the Eiffel tower, Adrien paced back and forth looking out toward the horizon.
“Dude, chill,” Nino was lying on the ground near where Adrien walked a beaten path into the metal below them. “She’ll be here soon, it’s not like you put a time on when we had to be here.”
“Chat, pacing isn’t going to bring Ladybug here any faster,” Chloe had peeled one of her gloves off and was filing her nails. She’d chosen to give her long-sleeved suit gloves, probably so she could do exactly this. Behind Chat, the sound of feet hitting the landing they were on sent him whirling to face the newcomer. Or newcomers.
“Unlike the rest of us, he can’t climb up here,” Ryuko said, Viperion lounging in her arms with a lazy grin. Unceremoniously, Ryuko dropped him and sent the teal clad snake-hero thudding to the ground. Viperion didn’t protest or anything, he just laid on the ground and looked at Ryuko like she hung the moon.
“Was dropping him necessary, Ryuko?” The teasing voice of Ladybug behind him had Adrien snapping his head to face her so quickly he almost gave himself whiplash. Adrien ran toward her and lifted her into her arms, a choking laugh leaving his girlfriend’s lips. “He-hey Chat...can y-you put me down? I c-can’t breathe.”
Alya and Nino shared a smirk as they watched Chat gently release Ladybug and set her down on her feet. Viperion still hadn’t looked away from Ryuko but the dragon-hero had a ghost smile and a ‘finally’ look on her face; Queen Bee scoffed at the display and whispered something about Chat being absolutely insane.
“Alright, so everyone is here,” Marinette looked around the group and made sure that everyone was accounted for. “Has Chat not explained to anyone what we’re doing?”
Queen Bee raised her hand and then lowered it when Alya shot her an agitated grimace.
“I’ll take that as everyone knowing,” Mari looked at Adrien, who shrugged. “We’re going to find out each others identities tonight. I know I’ve said in the past that it’s not safe but that’s changed now and it is imperative that we trust each other completely. We might have found a way to defeat Hawkmoth but Chat and I can’t do it alone. Paris has more than just us now, it has all of you too,” Mari met each of their eyes in turn. “And if we don’t stand as one, we will all fall.”
“Us showing you who we are means we have a lot of trust in you guys. You’ve proven yourselves to us,” Chloe looked at her feet guiltily, saying that she’d proven anything was a stretch seeing as she had almost completely revealed her own identity on several occasions. “You too, Queen Bee, you’ve proven yourself too.”
Nino peeled himself off the floor, Alya unhooked herself from the railing she’d been leaning against, Ryuko pulled Viperion to his feet, and Chloe put her nail file away, tugging her glove back on. The six of them stood in a circle, Nino to Marinette’s right and Adrien to her left. Nino nodded at Marinette and Adrien.
“Wayzz, shell off,” A green light flared from Nino. Beside him, Alya followed suit.
“Trixx, let’s stand,”
Then Luka.
“Sass, scales slow,”
“Longg, hold your breath,”
“Pollen, back to the hive,”
“Plagg, claws in,”
And, finally, Marinette.
“Tikki, spots off,”
  The group looked at each other, drinking in the true identities of the people around them. Adrien reached his hand out to Marinette, which she took with a soft, nervous sigh before meeting the eyes of her friends.
“So…,” Her voice wobbled. What if this ruined everything? Before Mari could continue, Alya sprinted forward and pulled her into a hug, a loud squeal resounding off the metal around them. 
“I’m so proud of you, Mari,” Alya squeezed Marinette as tightly as she could and pressed a tear thickened kiss to her best friends cheek. “I’m always proud of you but I’m especially proud right now.”
“Al, Mari needs to breathe too,” Nino looked at the girls as he clasped Adrien’s hand and pulled the blonde boy into a loose hug. Alya let go, her eyes sparkling with tears as a huge smile curved across her face.
“This wasn’t what I was expecting but I don’t think that anyone else could be Ladybug if you weren’t, Marinette,” Chloe stepped in front of Mari, her voice soft and a sincere smile across her glossed lips. For the first time in her entire life, Marinette Dupain-Cheng watched Chloe Bourgeois open her arms toward her, inviting her once enemy in for a hug. A strange but not uncomfortable warmth began to grow in Mari’s stomach as she wrapped her arms around Chloe and rested her head on the other girls yellow clad shoulder. “Thank you, Marinette, for trusting me.”
“Thank you, Chloe, for giving me a reason to,” Mari squeezed Chloe gently, the blonde girl laughing. Alya looked at Nino, who shot her a wink and a grin; this was an incredibly weird sight to behold but Chloe was bound to grow out of her bitchiness eventually, they were very lucky that it was recently. Pulling out of the hug, Chloe caught Marinette’s hand and squeezed it, mouthing ‘thank you’ to the dark haired girl as she stepped away. Mari turned to face Luka and Kagami. “Are you two alright?”
“I guessed who he was the minute I saw him,” Kagami’s voice was even, steady, despite the sarcastic half smile playing on her face. Luka was still looking at his girlfriend like she hung the moon. “I mean, who else would choose a stringed instrument as a weapon?”
“Luka,” The group agreed, even Chloe, who really hadn’t known him before this point. 
“What did you need to tell us, Mari?” Nino pulled Alya into his side and slotted his girlfriend under his arm with a kiss to the crown of her head. Adrien grabbed Marinette’s hand again and interlaced their fingers, the movement wasn’t lost to the group around them. “Congrats, man, I knew you had it in you.”
“That only took forever,” Chloe didn’t sound jealous as she rolled her eyes. 
“Weren’t you already dating?” Kagami’s face was deadpan, complete seriousness in her tone. Adrien looked at her with such an amount of incredulous annoyance that Mari, Nino and Chloe were completely taken aback. “I’m kidding, you dumbass, I’m happy for you two. As Chloe said, it only took you for-fucking-ever.”
“Did Kagami just make a joke?” Alya’s eyes were blown wide open, she struggled to keep herself from laughing as she feigned complete surprise. 
“She does that,” Luka brushed a piece of Kagami’s hair out of her eyes, painting her naturally pale cheeks crimson. 
“I feel left out,” Chloe undid her ponytail and let the thick blonde waves of her hair fall to her shoulders. “If I knew this was going to be a quadruple date, I would’ve brought Sabby.”
“Nothing’s stopping you now, Chloe,” Marinette shot a wink at her. “But we need to get to the serious shit so I can go home and sleep.”
Sitting in a circle on top of the Eiffel Tower, lazy autumn wind whooshing around them, Marinette and Adrien told their friends what they’d learnt.
Lila was furious. Something had happened in the last day or so and now Adrien and Marinette were dating. They’d turned up to school separately but seeing Marinette practically fly across the courtyard and into Adrien’s arms with a mix of cheers and jealous gasps around them had been enough to tell her their dynamic had changed. Adrien hadn’t let go of her hand all day and kept pressing kisses to Dupain-Cheng’s knuckles, causing a blush to spread over her cheeks. The more times Lila saw them together, the more the rage in her stomach bubbled and boiled, threatening to wipe her out.
Gabriel Agreste had once told Lila that an Akumatized Marinette would be a masterpiece and would bring Ladybug and Chat Noir to their knees. Even the thought of Marinette being a masterpiece as a ruthless villain made Lila seethe, she was the masterpiece. She was the one who would destroy the heroes that had failed her so much, she would be the one to hold Adrien’s hand and laugh at his jokes while her eyes shone with love. But that disgusting, overrated, moronic girl had him in a web, probably one she built out of lies far more dangerous than Lila’s. This wasn’t the end for Lila Rossi or her plans. She would win, come hell or high water, and she would tear the world to pieces to get what she wanted; what she deserved.
Mari sat on one of the benches in the courtyard, her legs stretched across Adrien’s lap as she sketched and he scrolled through the pages of Luka’s music notes. The feigned contentedness in her posture was veiling the unease sludging thickly through her veins, she felt Lila’s eyes on her. A cold, calculating stare that make Marinette’s skin prickle and her heart beat unevenly. She glanced up from her sketchbook and looked at her boyfriend through her lashes, the light caught the subtle waves of his hair and highlighted the streaks of copper and wheat and ash in his golden locks; he was so beautiful, the pout of his lips and the slight bunching of his forehead as he thought, the way the computer screen reflected in his green eyes, Marinette wanted to paint him but there wouldn’t be enough time in the world to do justice to the person before her.
“What’re you sketching, Mari?” Adrien peeled his eyes away from the screen and tipped Marinette’s head up by hooking his index finger gently under her chin.
“You,” A simple enough answer. She was sketching him but, just like the idea of painting him, it wasn’t doing him justice and she wasn’t sure if he’d appreciate the amount of attention she was paying to his lashes, ears, and cheekbones. 
“You’ll have to show me when you’re done,” Adrien squeezed Marinette’s shin gently before returning to the computer resting on her legs.
“A-adrien, we haven’t actually talked about how we’re going to contact Nathalie,” Mari chewed her lip, anxiously. She didn’t want to wait long enough for Gabriel to Akumatize someone, especially if that someone was a rabid Adrien Agreste fan who wanted to pop her head off her shoulders for taking the model off the market.
“All handled, Princess,” He shot her a wink which did absolutely nothing to calm her anxiety.
“Burner phone, I’m waiting for a reply right now,” Adrien grabbed his bag and pulled a cheap smartphone out of the front pocket, showing the message bank to Mari. All the message that he’d sent said was ‘Nathalie Sancoeur, this is Chat Noir, Ladybug and I want to help you take down Hawkmoth, reply as soon as you receive this message’. “Mum generally doesn’t take ultra long to respond unless she’s in a meeting or something but I didn’t actually check her schedule this morning so I have no clue if she’s in one or not.”
“Good thinking,” Mari grinned at him.
“Why thank you, mi’lady,” Adrien poked his tongue out at Marinette with a cheeky smile. 
“Shut up, you insufferable dumpster cat,”
“I’m your insufferable dumpster cat,” 
“I knew I’d made a mistake,”
“Good luck returning me without the receipt,”
“You didn’t come with a receipt,”
“Well, count yourself lucky that I didn’t because now you can’t return me at all!”
“You’re an idiot,” Marinette wriggled forward slightly and pressed a kiss to Adrien’s cheek. “At least you’re pretty.”
~~~~~TAGLINE~~~~ @lady-charinette @katieykat513 @mochegato @a-star-with-a-human-name @nifflerstorm @aussie-lesbian @imgaydontshoot @maniic-pixie-dream-girl @hnbutt 
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whitetigerdemoness · 5 years
The epilogue! Just wrapping some loose ends up.
A fox will tell you a thousand lies without once saying anything that isn't true.
Master Post of All Chapters
“Today the most sensational trial of the decade concluded with a guilty plea from Gabriel Agreste, better known to most as Hawkmoth. Mr. Agreste has been sentenced to serve only ten years of prison time, a most controversial decision. One month ago his final akuma rampage killed no less than forty one people, this reporter included. By only one deciding vote the jury has decided ‘not guilty’ to the accusations as thanks to Ladybug no permanent damage was found to be done. Additional charges included-”
Nathaniel tapped the x in the corner of the video to close it and shut his eyes with a sigh. Nadia looked tense in the report, clearly not agreeing with the verdict, and he sympathized with her. That same sympathy was why the jury had voted the way they did. Mr. Agreste may have pleaded guilty, but he still had very good lawyers. They spun a thrilling tale of desperation and love, a man grieving his fallen wife (who had secretly been a superhero) and doing anything he could to revive her. The fact that Paon was now a public hero (the peacock miraculous being repaired) only helped matters for him. With Hawkmoth gone Paon was more of an everyday hero, using her sentimonsters to help with things such as construction and rescuing kittens from trees, but the city adored her. Knowing Mrs. Agreste personally Nathaniel knew she did it out of guilt for what Gabriel had done to the city to revive her. 
Speaking of heroes he knew personally, Marinette had been lightly hinting that he and Marc should come out with her, Adrien, and Luka on a double date. Nathaniel supposed being the embodiment of a luck based superhero was good for something. Nathaniel was felt he was lucky just to have one boyfriend. A boyfriend he was currently hiding on the school roof to avoid. Not that there was a problem with Marc! No the problem was entirely with Nathaniel, or rather his memories. In his final moments, Reverser had attempted to use his powers to allow Nathaniel to keep his memories of his time as an akuma. Due to the miraculous cure it had half worked. One moment he could be looking into Marc’s dazzling green eyes in the art room, and the next he would be looking into a different, otherworldly pair of green. His treacherous mind giving him flashes of warm lips and an even warmer body against his own. He was sixteen, male, and not at all equipped to deal with sudden feelings bowling him over out of nowhere.
So he did what any boy his age would do in that situation and ran away to hide on the roof in hopes that the cold air would help those ‘feelings’ go away. Why did his akuma self have to be so-so...bold! Penknight might have been able to just kiss his boyfriend whenever and wherever he wanted, but Nathaniel sometimes worried his heart was going to explode just holding hands. Sure, he was a little more confident in private, but a sudden urge to heavily makeout in the middle of a public space? Not possible. 
“Nath?” Marc popped his head around the corner. The sound Nathaniel made was not manly. The bastard had the nerve to laugh at him. Face burning, Nathaniel scooted back to where he had been sitting before Marc decided to jump-scare him halfway across the roof. Said boy sat down next to him, their shoulders touching.
“It happened again, didn’t it?” Marc asked, resting his head on his knees. “Judging from the look on your face before you ran I’d say it was a pleasant memory.” He teased.
“It um,” Nathaniel coughed to try and prevent his throat from closing up, “It was.” They both blushed and looked away from each other.
“...You know,” Marc began “One of these days you’re going to have to actually give me more details about what you keep seeing other than ‘hrk’ ‘gack’ ‘hnnng!’ and changing the subject. I mean, with how red your face goes I can guess, but it would be nice to have it confirmed if I still have my virginity or not.” ‘Hrk’, ‘gack’, and ‘hnnng!’, plus more were included in the intelligent reply Nathaniel tried to stammer out. His only consolation was Marc looked just as embarrassed. 
“We-” The redhead started, then took a deep breath for strength. “We didn’t go...that far. Hawkmoth was...watching.” Nathaniel left out the part where the villain had been gone for several hours, leaving the two to their own devices. He was in the area of 90% sure they hadn’t gone farther than making out, and fervently hoped he was right. If just remembering kissing sent him into fits, he would probably die if he suddenly recalled...other things. Time to change the subject.
“So um, you usually don’t come after me when I get overwhelmed from remembering stuff. What are you up here hiding from?” Marc had offered, when the flashbacks first started, but Nathaniel needed the time alone to sort out what he was feeling, after.
“Berger and his cronies are here.” Ugh, that man. 
“They really don’t seem to care about those restraining orders, do they?” Nathaniel sighed. “Who are they after today, Adrien, Lila, or us?” While Adrien still roamed the city as Chatnoir, only a select few knew who was behind the mask. The Wah Wah were more interested in him as the son of Hawkmoth and Paon. The interviews and public admissions to her identity the first time she had become Volpina had really come back around to bite Lila in the ass. She had been publicly declared innocent of any all and crimes committed while Volpina, as cured akumas were acknowledged to have no memory or control of their akuma actions, but the zealous Office of Akuma Affairs hounded her without mercy. Nathaniel had zero sympathy for her, as she had outed him and Marc as Penknight and Prism the first chance she got to try and take some pressure off her own skin. It didn’t work, and now all three of them had to deal with idiots stalking them.
“Anyone they can sink their claws in I guess. Principal Damocles was arguing with them by the entrance when Rose let me know they were here. I figured freezing my ass off up here with you was the better alternative than trying to sneak past them.” Marc grumbled, pulling his knees in tighter. Early March in Paris was not the best weather to be sitting around outside without a coat in. Nathaniel hesitantly put an arm around him. Marc snuggled into his side with a sigh. 
“Sorry, the roof seemed like a good idea at the time.” Nathaniel apologized. Marc didn’t reply, only scooting closer. “We could probably sneak into the library from here if you would like to go back inside?” 
“Oh my god yes. If I stay out here any longer I’m going to be a popsicle.” Marc wasted no time jumping to his feet and pulling Nathaniel along with him. Letting himself be pulled along, Nathaniel smiled, grateful that this entire ordeal had ended on a happy note.
“Thank you so much for letting me wait for Marinette! She’s been so helpful tutoring me.” Lila waved to Mr and Mrs Dupain-cheng, her smile fading as she climbed into Marinette’s room and out of sight. She didn’t know how it had happened, but after being cured she had lost her place as the class favorite to Marinette. She had tried every trick she could think of, saying that Nadia and Jagged had been forced by Penknight to claim not to know her. That Hawkmoth had manipulated her for his own ends. That she was just a poor victim in that awful fiasco, but nothing had worked. The class had neatly split down the middle between her supporters and Marinette’s. Heck, Nathaniel had been outright hostile to her.
She had used his animosity as an excuse to switch classes and while her new class was happy to give her the admiration she deserved, she could not, would not, accept that Marinette had beaten her. Glancing about the girl’s room she looked for anything she could use to incriminate her. To blackmail her. Hell, even to just plain HURT her. She picked up a ladybug bug shaped box on Marinette’s desk and looked for a way to open it. Figures the girl would be a Ladybug fan. Running her hands over the spots, she felt one give slightly. When she pressed again a compartment opened, revealing a silver and purple butterfly pin. 
The compartment came all the way out and could be folded over into a small box. Much more convenient than taking the entire thing. Lila pocketed the first box and reached out to touch another spot, only to hear footsteps coming up the stairs. Hastily, she set the box back on the desk just in time for Marinette to appear.
“What are you doing here?” Marinette growled. 
“Marinette! I came to apologize.” Lila turned up the charm. “This past month, in my new class, well some distance from the situation really made me realize how horribly I treated you and-” Marinette cut her off.
“I don’t believe any of that for a second.” She fumed. “What are you really doing here?”
“Marinette” Lila sighed. “Can’t we ever put all this passed us and be friends?” She smiled.
“Not until you prove you’ve actually changed. Sneaking into my room while I’m not here is a terrible start.”
“If we can’t have an honest conversation, I should just go…” Lila trailed off, schooling her expression into a remorseful one.
“Please do.” Marinette was not moved. She did hold the door open for Lila and walk her all the way out, no doubt to keep an eye on her. Lila didn’t mind. She might not have gotten anything world ending from this trip, but maybe she could at least pawn the pin in her pocket for some cash. The thing looked as though it was made of real silver, sure to be worth a good amount.
Oh yes, she had a good feeling about how this was going to end.
Well there you have it, that's it for Holloa. Will there be a sequel? Perhaps. It is canon that there is a Hawkmoth several years in the future. Not sure how I would go with making that Hawkmoth Lila without her knowing who Ladybug was, or at least where to get the rest of the miraculous since she picked up the Butterfly from Marinette. Oh wait I do have an idea....hm. Maybe. I'll think about it ok. Lila makes the most sense out of everyone to be Hawkmoth 2.0
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Luka Couffaine 1
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Title: Marinette's Investigation
Pairing: Luka x Fem!Singer!Reader
Fandom: Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir
Warnings: Angst (like my soul) , Fluff
Summary: Marinette is convinced that Y/n is intrested in Adrien. She comes up with a plan to expose Y/n for her true intentions but messes up.
A/n: Wrote this little drabble at 2:44 AM So my braincells will die. Or are dying Also will not have any Akumatizations here.
I walked towards the enterance of the school and heard people whispering. I blinked in confusion. What is going on?
I turned to Alya my best friend and tapped her on the shoulder. She jumped insuprise but, calmed herself after seiing myself.
"Hey Alya? Whats going on? Why is everyone so excited?" I asked her confused at the excited students buzzing through the halls. "Oh! You havent heard?!" She Gasped dramatically. I shook my head no as a reply. "Nope! But Can you tell me what's going on? Please?" I groaned already wanting an answer. I crossed my arms and tapped my foot impatiently. She sighed and put her phone away. She withdrew her hands and smiled at me. I mtioned for her to go on. "Well So Mari you know Y/n the singer right?" She asked her eyes filled with hope. I smiled and nodded. I hummed while nodding giving her a short response.
"Yeah? What about her?" I stated nonchalantly. Alya's smile stayed on her face.
"Well your not going to believe this but! Shes coming here! Because she wants to meet Kitty Section and study here!!" She belted out practically bouncing off the walls. I blinked in suprise at her statement. "R-Really! Thats amazing! Wait how did you know this?" I chirped but then had a teasing grin. Alya smiled and pulled out her phone. "She Just tweeted this a few months ago and has been keeping everyone up! And today she's coming here!!" She gushed. I smiled.
"Oh Alya I cant wait then!" I chirped suddenly the students inside flocked towards the entrance of the school. I had lost Alya and Was left alone. I sighed and went towards the stairs to get a better view.
I sighed in relief and looked from above. "Phew! Thats much BETTER?!" I almost screamed. There she really was but she is way too close to Adrien!
I nervously shifted in the car. I hope I can find Luka here to play with his band Kitty Section for my Concert that ends here in Paris. I took a few deep breaths before being snapped out of my own thoughts.
"Hey Earth to Y/n? Are you okay?" A voice spoke. I looked to the voice and it was Adrien. He is a member of Kitty Section and so is my boyfriend Luka. I jumped and looked at him nervously. I sighed and shook my head. "Hey its gonna be okay! I promise I'll be with you throughout the entire day!" He said reassuring me about today. I took a deep breath and smiled.
"Yeah.. Sorry about freaking out.. its just I haven't been to a real school in a very long time.." I mumbled looking at my hands again. "Hey its gonna be okay! I havent been here awhile either but your gonna love it here! I promise!" He declared. I burst out laughing and smiled at him.
"O-okay! P-promise?" I stuttered holing my hand out my pinky finger sticking out. "Hahaha.. Don't worry! I Promise!" He laughed at my silly action and intertwined our pinkies. I smiled at him returning my suggested gesture. The car had suddenly stopped and I walked out behind him sticking as close to him as possible.
"Here take this and don't let go okay?" Adriend said Sticking his hand out and nodded. I hesitated but grabbed his hand as we got through the crowd and inside my first classroom for the day. He let go and smiled. "See? Not so bad right?" He teased playfully trying to poke my cheek. I swatted his hands away with a silly noise. He laughed and I giggled. This isnt so bad.
Well boy was I wrong!
It was Lunch time at my new school. I stuck close to adrien because he is my clisest friend now. Besides He's basically my best friend now. I smiled as he took my hand and we walked together towards the Lunch room. I took my Tray and walked with him to the tables keeping to ourselves now that everyone has calmed down.
Suddenly chairs were pulled out and People sat in them. The girl with Navy Blue pigtails squinted her eyes at me. I blinked in nervousness.
"O-oh! Hello? I dont think I have met you!" I smiled warmly at her. Her gaze still strong and my nervousness grew.
"Oh Y/n this is Marinette my good friend!" Adrien chimed into the akaward tension hoping to break it. I smiled at the bluenette.
"Well Its very nice to meet you Marinette!" I smiled at her her gaze softened hearing Adrien's voice but kept her hard gaze once I had opened my mouth. I stopped smiling and frowned but smiled softly.
"I think I'll go Home early.. I'll see you soon at practice" I smiled at Adrien still feeling Marinette's cold gaze on me as I get up and leave. I sigh. "She hates me and I havent done anything wrong.." I mumbled walking home but then smiled at my memories to reunite with Luka.
The Model looked at Marinette with a smile. "Marinette! Isn't she amazing" Adrien smiled then hearing a cough and there was Luka. He blushed in Embarrassment.
"O-oh! Luka! Sorry Your girl is really something!" He smiled sheepishly. He smiled and nodded taking a seat next to the model.
"Y/n is Your Girl Luka?" Marinette curiously interjects. Luka simply nodded. The green eyes male nodded.
"Mhmm! She is a really good friend Luka I wish I had a relationship Like Yours!" Adrien groaned jokingly. The bluenette from across her eye twitched in annoyance hearing the mentioning of the new girl slip everytime from her crush's mouth.
"Well She is the one for me and after all I would do anything for her.." Luka Softly spoke with a small smile his mund going towards the sweet memories with his said partner.
The Bluenette had a Plan in her head to finally expose the new girl for lying about who she was and her relationship with her two friends to bring peace to her self.
Her Plans were now in Motion.
I walked towards Luka's boathouse with a smile. Finally getting to see Luka after awhile of being away is the Female's dream come true. The said female stepped onyo the boat only to be met with an angry Kitty Section Along with an Upset Luka and Shocked Adrien. The girl Blinked in confusion.
"Did I come at a bad time?" The Female Questioned and The band turned to her with anger. There was the bluenette from earlier. Y/n Shrunk and felt small compared to the people.
"How could you do that to Luka?" "Is he not good enough?!" "I thought you were cool" "Think about your actions carefully" The members of Kitty section Lectured the girl. Y/n looked over at Luka and looked at him with confused eyes.
"Luka what's going on? Why are they mad?" She squeaked in fear. Luka sighed in anger and stood up and glared at her.
"Marinette's been telling me that you have been flirting with Adrien.. I think its better for us not to be together Y/n.." He stated coldly and walked to his guitar.
The girl was left stunned and her tears fell from her eyes. "Thats not True... You can even ask Adrien.. He was the only one that had shown me around because you are always busy.. I thought we were really meant to be..I-I.. I guess this is goodbye.. Im sorry!" She cried out and ran off the Boat. The members looked at the singer that had dashed off the boathouse in a flash then turned towards the trio.
Milan now with the three girl that were present looked at eachother and grabbed Marinette dragging her downstairs while the Guys tried to calm the now growing tension between Luka and Adrien.
"Marinette! What did you do?" Alya Interrogated the bluenette. Marinette laughed nervously.
"I thought that would help Luka out.. Y/n was flirting with him.. I think.." She Softly spoke. The four girls Groaned. Juleka stepped forward.
"Marinette.. Luka has never been happier with her since you rejected him Why would you do that?" She crossed her arms with anger. Marinette shrank in her seat feeling the cold gazes.
"Oh shoot.n My jealousy got in the way.. I gotta fix this now.." She Sighed covering her face in embarrassment. The girls before her nodded.
Suddenly a crash was heard upstairs causing the girls to run upstairs.
"WHY THE HELL WOULD UOU FLIRT WITH HER YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE HER YOU JERK!" Luka Yelled at the keyboard player. Adrien glared at him shaking his head.
Luka Finally calmed down and saw the girls and Marinette looking away in embarrassment. The male sighed and stopped his rage and ran off in search for his girl.
"I-I-I thought he Loved me.." I sobbed. I hugged my knees to my chest looking at the city of Paris in the Eiffel Tower.
'Ive never felt so fucking used in my life' I thought sobbing into my arms.
"He does love you.. He just believed a girl over his own true love.." a Familiar voice spoke. I turned and saw the male himself.
I turned away from him coldy. "What are you doing here? I thought you were at practice Luka.. and that you were done with us.." I whispered looking at the night sky. His footsteps grew closer and his arms wrapped themselves around me.
"I'm an Idiot you know... I shouldn't have said that.." Luka Sighed in frustration. I listened to the male ramble on. I blinked away my tears.
"Yes and you believed her over me Luka.. Do I even Matter to you anymore?" I mumbled my tears glistening in the paris lights that showcased the Eiffel Tower.
Luka took my hands in his almost hesitating. My head now facing him as I look at him in suprise.
"Oh Y/n.. you silly girl.. Of course you do matter to me.. Your My Muse.. My Girl.. My everything Y/n.. I wouldnt know if I didn't have you with me.. I'll be a mess...What Im trying to say is Je'taime Y/n" He breathed out.
"So... Will you give me another chance?"
Sidenote: Will someone please give me a Request I'm running out of Ideas and Since I'm currently still writing Thr Ron Weasley x Reader I just got Major Writer's Block So Requests are open!!!
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