#leave thier private lives alone
superbcollectionbread · 8 months
nothing you imagine is true
its a private joke for one
My son and Pawelcheck and Bray
No one else has any idea who I am and that is as it belongs
I was a very angry person for many years , but I abandoned willful indulgence in negatives before I came back to California .The idea I have been "hiding"
Anything tbh is a bit of a reach .
I shared very openly how immature and childish I viewed things for a long time
And the fact of the matter is , had I been still inclined to complaint there is no way I would have made it 12 months let alone 12 years in my brothers home .
They are quiet time people.
Noise is not permitted company not enjoyed .
last place on earth I'd want to be , that just happened to be the far and away best possible circumstance for my son.
It is not happenstance however
That every single issue that anyone has
Comes primarily from thier own
Inappropriate attitudes
If you decide something is a certain way and decide not to open a dialogue because you can't be conf9dent that you'll get the truth
Thays your fault
And whatever confusion or
Problems arise from your prefernce to act unilaterally then you should be far more accustomed to learning how wrong you were .
My kids mom thought I was cheating
My brother and mother thought I
Had some kind of agenda
Or I wanted to be there or that I didn't want to work
when my kids mom said she wanted me to leave and wouldn't discuss (cheating) her reasons
I was devastated
And very open
I wanted to be better than interpersonal power struggles impacting the lives of the children I decided to have
Forgive me
But I think the responsibility is a little more important than bickering
And it was a huge failure for me
His mom can say
And think it's no big deal
She doesn't get to decide what is important to me
So because it didn't make sense to her that it would be so important to me
She decided
It was just an excuse and I must be bitter and angry and jealous
I don't do jealous
Any expression of secondary negative emotion like that was the same lingering regret sorrow and guilt for letting my kids down as I saw it .
And all sentiment of fixated obsessive dependency
Is a convenient perspective
I know this with absolute clarity because i was never in love with Emma ,
In fact a barely knew her
But I was committed to the 21 single mom on minimum wage
With no car or sipport from another soul
I was impressed and proud of her and be a life preserver and friend in her darkest time was a far better thing to do than run around the bar scene with pass around girls
But it was never very passionate or what either of us had hoped for or wanted
Jujus dad didn't pay child support for nearly her entire childhood
And when he picked her up on Friday he took her to his mom's house and took off
But he has always been welcomed in her Apts. And her home .
I not only prioritized whatever her needs were
I paid for all the birthdays snd Christmas and whatever else came up
And before I left
I paid off all the outstanding medical bills from her pregnancy with her daughter
Bought her a car andbliabed her money to buy the next
Consigned her lease so she could move to Orange county
And she fostered the continuance of the mentally unwell and dangerous for 15 year inwhich
If we spent an entirety of two weeks in each other's presence I'd be surprised
Never stepped foot into any of her homes
Neve called late or asked any questions and after she got married
I don't think i saw her even from a distance for more than 5 years
So I don't believe she believes what she says
Its just a fight to her
And the goal of a fight is to win
So that's what she's done
The fact she caused all this chaos and turmoil for no reason is simply more evidence of the fact that
I just never really mattered
My brother thinks I'm nuts
Why ?
Becausr he was sneaking around the house all night long putting his ear to my bedroom door like a psycho so I gave him something to hear
I don't know what the hell else he was wanting to happen
And i restricted my work availability to ensure i was the primary care provider for my child and to limit the time anyone else was allowed to do so because the same ,
Its just Steve attitude seemed to have attached to my son in thier estimation and i didn't appreciate it but couldn't complain when they didn't have to do anything if they didn't want to .
All that melt down over 3600 over 9 months
It may not mean anything to anyone else
But when someone serves my child
Simulated cheese to save 2 dollars it's annoying to me
The shit doesn't even melt In the microwave lol
And it was not for community use
So if that is the standard of your comfort then something else must be done
And when you allow your adult wife( young)
To express herself by bringing winter early at the drop of a hat
Your ignoring the toxicity of the environment your creating that the child is maturing within
Which is abusive
Yea fred has been spreading lies and rumors and causing problems for the sake of having some kind of agenda to attend
But I know now
Its the sinse
It smacks of his intolerance and entitled perspective
No one was ever suicidal
Nor did I ever claim I was
I said I felt like I should because
I was supposed to sign up at VA and get directed to housing services and mental health services and employment services
And start building my own life and instead they turned me away without explanation or direction
Leaving me no options
So I hung around cerritos because I knew the area
And wound up getting arrested and lied about and attacked by random people and bullied by one of my oldest friends until I had to find somewhere else to go and when I finally found the veteran village here
After walking from VA ( 13 miles)
They said
Im not sure if we have any vacancies
Id check for you but were throwing a barbecue party for the staff cuz it's a 3 day weekend so why don't you wander around until Tuesday morning and then I will tell you if I'm wasting your time
Like all this "help" that everyone wants to talk about winds up being lipservice too often
So after two years and 6 months on jail and almost freezing and almost having a leg amputated
And being called horrible names as a matter of convenience
I said damn I feel like I should just kill myself and she screamed
Then kill yourself and hung up
I mean just look at all the difficulties that came to a head
And that is the environment in which your buddy the rapist. Pedophile felt entitled to stage an elaborate personal assault on me
Its insane
And all these stupid ass it's thos it's that it's him it's her
With no real purpose other than to
Confuse aggravate and cause anxiety
And you think there is any grounds on which I would appreciate or understand
Your fucking stupid and nothing whatsoever happened to anyone as a consequence of anything I did or said so you can shove that shot up your ass
Just a stupid Hustle that came to freds attention when his father got busted for having child pornography hidden in his house
It is all retarded as hell and I'm only suffering based on the stupidity of it all
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beelstoecrust · 3 years
Reading you based on your obey me Kin
i will be ruthless and im not holdin back!! ok now say it with me😈
I kin Lucifer and I have a hard time reaching out to my friends for help even when i know i need it. I don't want people to get worried about me so i mask my issues and help everyone with thier issues, completely disregarding my own needs for a break. in the end i feel alone because regardless of saying im ok, i want someone to truly sit with me and ask me if im ok, but i fear that moment because im not used to dealing with my own issues
I kin Mammon and i just want to feel seen and loved. sometimes i do stupid/dumb things to get the seratonin that comes from making people laugh. i feel like no one ever listens to me and it makes me feel insignificant and like the last one to get picked. i truly want to be myself and fear that if im not the odds one out by doing little dumb things people will think im essentially worthless and most likely think im borning. I have a hard time talking about my feelings and want to so desperately, that if i do i won't know what to say or where to start due to the many emotions i've bottled up throughout my life
I kin Leviathan and i have very bad anxiety. i have a difficult time making friends and part of that reason is bc im scared they already hate me or want nothing to do with me. I know my interests are different from what is considered the norm but i so desperately want to talk and ramble about said interest for hours to someone who will at the very least listen. I get bashed about the things i like by my family and although i dont show it, this hurts me deeply. I lock myself in my room and indulge myself in my favorite things bc each character makes me wish i had certain aspects of them and makes me wish i lived an interesting life but bc of my anxiety it's extremely hard for me to do so. Im also used to being the last one picked and often assume i will always be the last one picked no matter how many times im reassured and deep down i want someone to relish in my own interests with me and truly love and care for me
I kin Satan and i have a horrible realtionship with my father. I Loathe my father and the tension arises every time we a near one another. A part of me feels terrible that i loathe my father because i know he has his own mind and emotions and i want to forgive him for what he's done but in the end I know it's fruitless to forgive him bc he has put me through alot of pain and hurt. i wish things couldve been different and we couldve had a normal bond. I also hide my emotions very well and am ashamed of ever feeling angry bc it makes me feel like i am horrible person. im also not used to affection and have only ever seeked or felt genuine affection from my pets. I also fear as if i have no personality and that im boring.
I kin Asmo and i feel like i need to act confident around others in order for them to like me because im too scared to show people my insecurities because i fear they will never view me the same again and leave me in disgust. I want everyone to like me and I also can't handle when someone doesn't want to be my friend or doesn't like me bc i feel if there's something wrong with me. the need to act confident and cute all the time makes me oblivious to the fact that my insecurities shine through at times and make me even more oblivious to the fact people like me for who i am, insecurities and all
I kin Beel and i have some form of sepreation anxiety towards my favorite person. i often get a sudden fear that something bad will happen to my fav person even though everything is ok. I get made fun of or scolded by my eating habbits and it makes me feel absolutely terrible because i'm trying. i also care very deeply for my family/friends and will do anything for them. i place unnecessarily guilt onto myself and perfer to do so, so that no one else has to bear the burden.
I kin Belphie and i act as if nothing matters but i secretly am very worried and care alot about my friends/family. I also stay up very late because i feel like i have no control over my life during the day and for some reason i feel like staying up late gives me some kind of control. I also hide my emotions with a sarcastic tone and usually think about the the mistakes ive made in my past while i cry in bed. i dont ask others for help emotionally and i want someone to care and listen to me as well as to relish in a calm peaceful life.
I kin Diavolo and i fear that telling ppl i care about them isn't enough to get the message across so i constantly gift people things in hopes to show them i care. i also fear gifting things too much drives people away from me, i also dont get included much with friends and feel as if i have done something wrong. i also feel very upset when a fun time is over because the feeling of happiness goes with that moment, so i constantly throw little parties and whatnot to relish in the joy but feel upset once it's over. i can also read people well and get put on edge or very cautious when i cannot read someone
I kin barbatos and i constantly take care of others never once letting myself take a break. I hide my emotions behind a smile in order to not worry others and because i dont want dont ppls sense of depency on me to be ruined. i rarely let myself take breaks bc i fear that i wont be there for the person i care about when they need me.
I kin solomon and i usually supress my emotions to hide the fact im not very used to being shown affection and that im not as confident as i seem. I also am a very private person but the fact im so secretive makes me disliked by some bc they think i dislike them. i also wish my friends would include me in more events with them and when they dont i bury myself in an activity to hide the fact im upset about it
I kin simeon and i want to know and make sure they everyone is ok. i know just how to push and pull people's buttons but i wont abuse this because i care about those people. i'm also very hard to read and perfer to give people advise rather than answers to their problems. The constant taking care of others makes me forget that i also need time to just myself. It takes alot and i mean alot to anger me but once it happens it's not very pretty.
I kin luke and I want to take care of everyone and often forget to take care of myself. People often dont take me seriously and so i often i find myself baking as a coping mechisim bc it makes me feel in control of little things. I also have a hard time admitting that i care about others and i'll unknowingly show my affection that i do care about them by giving them little gifts and advice. im also very oblivious to certain topics and are i get mad when i get left in the dark about certain topics.
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aphrodite1288 · 3 years
I know this is old but it's just me thinking and sharing my thoughts as a kd fan and you might not respond so anyhow i waq wondering why did jongdae was so surprised by ksoo kissing scene in hdm and said that he had never seen anyone he knows kiss in real life and they all lived together how come he never saw ksoo and ji kissing even once? So ks and ji never display pda even before thier other members
Dae meant the deep kiss.
You can't go around french-kissing your bae in front of your family and members.
It's korea they're a conservative country. Even in a non conservative country, you wouldn't want making ppl around you uncomfortable by making out and groping e/o it's disrespectful.
Just put yourself in the members'shoes, in a room with your friends or in a class with your classmates, if there's a couple making out in the back in front of everyone don't you feel uncomfortable?
Kadi respect their members. Especially that it's a gay pda and the world (especially korea) isn't (still) familiar with two men making out.
So JD was Talking about the deep kiss Ksoo shared with the actress in the drama. Not any type of PDA.
Kadi are very clingy to e/o but they are not the type to cross limits to deep kiss each other in the waiting room with staff or in the dorm with their 199302 managers. They're very respectful and considerate to their members who may not be too comfortable with Gay PDA.
I heard some band members were rude or unaccepting of their other gay members cause they were uncomfortable with gay PDA. And I even heard stories of members leaving bands even before debut cause their bandmates were homphobic.
And KD understand it's not always that you find ppl who would be okay with your gay pda. Also Kadi are very private. A private couple they kiss and hangout alone, when no one is around or looking at them. They try to stay professional around the members in shows cause they know they can affect the whole band's image. It's a huge responsibility on their backs. Also when in dorms they can still kiss and fuck in their room why displaying it to everyone in the living room? Some may not be comfortable with the gay PDA but still stay silent to not sound homphobic or rude.
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secondhand-trash · 5 years
Dead Romantics
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A/N: The idea came before the plot and I’m just writing this because this is a theme I really want to write about but don’t have the outlet for lol Hopefully starting a series out of this
(au masterlist)
Pairing: modern necromancer!Shinsou HItoshi x reader
Description: The young necromancer spent his entire life being all by himself, and now he had no idea what to do when an enthusiatic classmate went out of thier way to be his friend.
Word count: 2618 
Apocalypse//Cigarettes After Sex
Your Heart Is As Dark As Night//Melody Gardot
Cherry Wine//Hozier
Shinsou Hitoshi was the first and only necromancer to enroll in UA since its establishment many, many moons ago.
For an institution that pride itself in offering inclusive education to both human and magical children alike, the board of staff sure panicked when they read the boy’s application form. Shinsou remembered the slight awkwardness on the teacher’s face when they stiffly said that there was no curriculum or support for necromancers because, frankly, there never was one. And honestly, he was used to that look, he had got reactions way worse than a brief seconds of silence. Necromancers pretty much isolated themselves from the rest of society and for a good reason. Even after cohesion between humans and the nocturnal had made such progress in the past decades, many still saw those who interfere with spirits as taboo. His parents’ decision to let him go to a ‘normal’ school instead of receiving private tutoring caused quite the conflict in his family, whose bloodline traced all the way back to the first generation of those who communicated with the dead.
Shinsou grew up hearing kids whispering things behind his back like he wasn’t there but the worst part was always the look in their eyes when they knew that he heard everything. It was the look of fear, one that his parents warned him before letting him into the wide world filled with people. Just because he was warned doesn’t mean it hurt any less. There was a time when he would try so hard to fit into other kids, and spent night after night sobbing under his blanket when they still avoided him like the plague. But after many years, he had accepted the fact that people simply don’t want to befriend necromancers, and he had grown to enjoy being alone.
Which was why Shinsou Hitoshi had no idea, absolutely no idea why you were being so nice to him.
You were pretty much a normal average human who did not dabble in magic of any sorts and even if you sat right in front of him, he never expected to come in contact with you in any ways. In all honesty, he did not expect to come in contact with anyone in his class in any ways. He made the effort to occupy the seat far at the back in the corner, that way he could avoid being surrounded by people when they get into groups during break. It was a way of living he adapted, self-alienating was actually pretty pleasant once you get used to it.
So no, he wasn’t even sure why he’s still listening to you rambling on about some weird encounter you had with a ghost in the empty classroom when the rest of the class had gone to the canteen. As he watched your hands flailing in the air while reenacting the whole scenario, he wondered why he even responded to you the first time you turned around and tried to get him to talk.
“Shinsou? Shinsou!” you waved your hand in front of his face, bringing him back to reality. “Are you even listening?” you leaned forward, “you look even more dead inside than usual. Did you even sleep last night?”
Shinsou ran his hand through his untamed hair and sighed, he would have been napping by now if you weren’t here. “No, stayed up all night for some ritual.”
He tried to search your eyes for any signs of disgust, any signal of fear but he saw nothing. If anything, you always looked intrigued every time he nonchalantly brought up his family business to see if it would finally scare you into leaving him alone. “Ah, necromancy!” you tilted your head, “so it’s true that it could only happen at night?”
He only nodded. No one had ever asked him about that, how was he supposed to say that it was mostly for aesthetic purposes nowadays when you looked so impressed?
“You should definitely show me how it works one day.”
“What?” Shinsou choked out in disbelief. He knew that you had no idea how dangerous his field of practice could be but he definitely underestimated your lack of alert.
“It’s almost Halloween and my friend is an actual necromancer, we should have a séance or something. It’s festive!” you said, your excitement completely contrasting to the baffled expression of your friend.
“We’re not... Never mind,” Shinsou was about to reflectively say that he wasn’t your friend when his words were caught at the back of his throat. Something about your genuine goodness made him feel bad for pushing you away, which was strange because he never asked for any of this. He wasn’t going to lie, having an accepting person around for a change did feel nice. “Having a séance without a purpose is dangerous and necromancy is pretty much a ‘no outsider’ type business so there’s no way I’m letting you in on that.”
You let out a dramatic sigh and pouted. Shinsou rolled his eyes and you chuckled. Somehow, he wasn’t as annoyed as he tried to be and it confuses him to no end. He was trying to get you to stop bothering him, why was he still here entertaining you when he could be off doing something else?
Shinsou took a breath and tried to sound as stern as he possibly could, “If you’re not a client or another necromancer and I let you see anything, I’ll either have to kill you or marry you.”
You only shrugged, “Sounds good either way.”
He snorted. And as convincing as he tried to be, he could not even convince himself to ignore that fluster in his stomach.
“Just because you’re a necromancer, doesn’t mean you have a free pass to dig up graves.”
“Actually, it does, it’s in the law. (It actually is.)” He silently cursed himself for being foolish enough to fall for your whines and let you tag alone. To be fair, when you heard that he had ‘somewhere to go afterschool’, you really wasn’t expecting to end up in the middle of a graveyard but a normal person would have left at this point and you were still poking your head around him curiously as he looked around. “Why are you still here? For the last time-”
“Stop trying to convince me that we’re not friends,” you crossed your arms in front of your chest and smirked as you knew exactly what he was about to say, “I’ve been to your house and your parents recognizes me, your cat purrs when it sees me, I still have that book you lent me on my shelf, I actually managed to make you laugh once and I’m literally here to dig a grave with you, we are friends.”
Shinsou groaned and you knew that you had won. He would try to argue that you went to his house because he took a sick leave that day and the teacher asked you to since you were the only person he actually talked to in the whole class. His parents still remembered you because they were shocked when they answer the door to someone looking for their son who said that he had no interests in making friends with people from school. Till now, they would still ask Shinsou if ‘the nice kid he met at school’ would like to come over for dinner or not and he would always give an indifferent mumble to brush it off. The house cat purrs at anyone and the only reason he lent you that one book was because you kept bugging him about it and he wanted a bit of peace. He was only laughing at you because you tripped yourself on a flat ground. Finally, he did not ask you to come to the graveyard with him.
Now that he thought about it, he had been spending an awful lot of time with you recently.
You gave him a wide grin, seeing that it was the first time he ever admitted it out loud. He tried to ignore you and turned around to look for the items he was looking for, not picking up on the heat concentrating on the tip of his ears. He wasn’t actually digging up a grave this time, a little bit of dirt from the ground was enough for what he had in mind.
“What are you doing with that?” you asked as he kneel down to scoop up a small pile of soil next to a tombstone and put it in a small velvet bag.
“Trying to contact a spirit of some sorts,” he said, carefully choosing his wording, “there are questions I want to ask.”
You nodded and didn’t pry any further. He let out a relieved sigh, because he had no idea how he was supposed to answer your questions like it was nothing when everything he wanted answers for had to do with you.
The clock strike midnight and Shinsou sucked in a deep breath as he stared at everything that was laid out in front of him. He had done this many times and he knew that he would not fail, but some part of him was still nervous to see if this would actually help the million thoughts swimming in his mind at all.
Dusting the soil in a trail to form a circle, he lighted a candle and placed it inside the circle. Closing his eyes, he could feel the way his blood flow in his veins and the sudden chills that spread from his back all the way to the tip of his fingeres. As the numbness retreat and he felt the air circulating around the room, his slowly opened his eyes to see a blurry shadow.
Focusing his gaze on the silvery shadow, the figure slowly morphed and twisted like a stream of smoke before coming to form the image of a man. The man was dressed in a sharp suit with a silk bow and held a top hat in hand, old-fashioned but extravagant no less. His hair was carefully styled and every little detail on his coat was delicately crafted.
Ah great, a romantic.
“You called upon the spirits to get answers on the future I assume. Is that right, young boy?” the syllables rolled off the man’s tongue in a way that sounded tiresome to Shinsou’s modern ears.
“Well, yes, but I might have make a mistake.” This was stupid, how sad was it that he was looking for advice on his own feelings and he could only turn to people who had been dead for decades.
“Oh, a mistake you say?” the spirit looked amused by the clear distress on the necromancer’s face, “We both know that a ritual of that sort summons only the spirit that could respond to the deepest yearning of your heart. So why did you call me here, prey tell?”
“I need help,” he said though his teeth, “with this friend of mine.”
“Is it a friend or is it a someone more?”
Stupid ghosts and their instincts. “The thing is, I don’t know how I feel about them.”
“Ah!” The dandy yelped in excitement, “the dilemma of love and friendship, the problem every young gentleman must face!”
Shinsou paled at the ghost who was so excited in the face of his struggle. “It’s not a dilemma. I just, I don’t know if I even feel for them that way or I’m just getting attached to the first person who showed me a hint of kindness. Because I was still annoyed by them the last time I remember and all of a sudden I don’t even mind being around them and it doesn’t make sense-”
“Sounds like you fell in love.”
“But if that’s so then I’m just messing things up, wouldn’t it?”
The spirit raised a brow, “How is that so?”
“Well,” Shinsou tried to gather his thoughts, “there’s no way someone like them would want to get too close with someone like me.”
The spirit stayed silent for a while and it was like it could stare a hole into the boy standing in front of him, “But they already did, haven’t they?”
“From what you said, it sounded like that person actually want to be close to you. Why are you so convinced that they wouldn’t?”
For a while, Shinsou was lost with words. There were many, many reasons he could think of on top of his head on why people wouldn’t want to be close to him. He didn’t talk much, he looked like he hadn’t sleep in 300 years, he went looking for relationship advice from a dead romantic, many, many of them. But as he went through the many reasoning, none of them seemed like they would have work with you.
“Don’t mind me because I’m just a dead old man from the 19th century but perhaps you spent so long wallowing in self-loathing that you ignore all signs of said person fancying you as much you might hope them to be?”
It was nothing new but Shinsou stayed up all night thinking about what the spirit said to him. At heart, he still found it pretty pathetic that he got lectured by a ghost but what he said makes sense and for the first time since he gave up on trying to fit in, he felt extremely anxious while sitting through his many classes at school, knowing that you would most likely be around him for lunch.
As expected, you turned your chair to the back and sat down facing him once the bell for lunch break rang and people started to clear out of the room. “So, any success with the questions you wanted to ask?”
“Yeah, sort of.” he only uttered a quick response and you knitted your brow together.
“Is something wrong?” you asked, slightly concerned.
“Why weren’t you afraid of me?”
He looked right at you in the eyes and it almost pained you to think of what he had gone through to even feel the need to ask that. You could guess that he didn’t have the easiest time around people from how closed off he was before you annoyed him into letting his guard down but you wasn’t expecting the standard treatment he got to be fear.
You gently said, “Why would I be?”
He chuckled and you weren’t sure why it sounded to gut wrenching to you. “Everybody else is.”
“I like being around you.”
His eyes slightly widened, the leaping in his chest speeding up at your earnest. His brain went hay wired when you tentatively reached for his hand and rubbed soothing circles at the back of his hand. He wasn’t even aware that he wanted the contact so badly until his body acted upon him and held your hand in his.
A rush of warmth washed through you as the boy initiated any affection towards you for the first time. He brought his hold on your hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss at the back of your hand, sending a mad blush to your face. You would be lying if you say you never wanted this to happen when you brought up the bravery to talk to the gloomy kid sitting at the back of the room for the first time.
He quietly said in the most genuine tone you had ever heard from him, “Thank you.”
He smiled, and that sight alone made your heart melt.
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bigoltrashpile · 4 years
They are just doing everyday things and someone maybe s/o's sibling tells s/o thier dad ask them to call and they go to talk into thier phone "siri call dad" "calling daddy" "WAIT NO!" and the skele bois' phone ring.
Oh my god, this is the funniest thing I've heard all day!! I love it so much! Anyway, for the sake of convenience, I'm gonna say that you're all in the same room, and your sibling is old enough to understand the implications of calling your partner Daddy.
Mafiatale Sans: His face turns a light blue and he starts laughing nervously. Well, heh, he certainly does make a lot of dad jokes, ya know? When he gets you in a more private place, he teases you about, but you can tell he doesn't really mean it.
Mafiatale Papyrus: Starts spluttering and searching for excuses, face a bright orange. "WOW, LOOK AT THAT, SOMEONE ELSE IS CALLING ME THAT IS CERTAINLY NOT Y/N!! WHAT A COINCIDENCE THAT THEY WOULD CALL AT THE EXACT SAME TIME!" He's not the best at lying when flustered.
Mafiaswap Sans (Lucky): This smug bastard wiggles his eyebrows at you, giving you a knowing look. He answers his phone, looking you dead in the eye, and says, "Well Hello, Baby!" Your sibling makes a disgusted face and gags theatrically while he laughs at you. He'll probably hold that over your head for a little, making you blush at inopportune times.
Mafiaswap Papyrus (Slim): He just stands up and leaves. He doesn't want to have to deal with this. He feels called out, he doesn't want your sibling to laugh at him. Will probably jump out the window if theres one easily accessible.
Mafiafell Sans (Butch): He has a HUGE Daddy kink, so he for sure takes it in stride. "aw, you have me as daddy in your phone too? that's sweet of ya, baby, ya really know who ya belong to." Your sibling is absolutely disgusted, and your face is bright red. Butch is excited to have some fun with you tonight.
Mafiafell Papyrus (Noir): Abandons all subtetly and jumps out the window. Nope. Not today, Satan! He wanted your sibling to have a good impression of him, but how can they when they know of what goes on behind closed doors? He'll never admit it, but he's incredibly embarassed.
Mafiaswapfell Sans (Scar): He's the living embodiment of the "This is fine" meme. He has a pained smile on his face, and he's internally screaming. When he gets you alone though, he gains more confidence. "You Naughty Little Pet, You Know I Prefer 'Master'." Dont point out his embarrassment earlier, he'll get all huffy.
Mafiaswapfell Papyrus (Hound): He just starts to sink down into his chair, like he'll turn into a turtle if he tries hard enough. He can't believe you saved him as Daddy in your phone! He refuses to look your sibling in the eyes for the rest of the day.
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softboywriting · 6 years
Fireproof // Part 11 The End
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven| Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten
|My Masterlist|  
A/N: Thank you so much to everyone who has read and commented and loved this fic. Your kindness and support saw me through to the end. Thank you again~♥
It’s been weeks since you’ve moved in with Shawn and he was still being tutored by Jenna, the state appointed partner for his classes. Shawn had requested a new partner several times but got denied each time. So now you were trying to divert his classes any way you could. Somedays you just wouldn’t answer the door when Jenna showed up, other days you would just say Shawn wasn’t home and forgot about class. Shawn really hated her and with good reason. She never listen to him, she corrected every little thing he did wrong by calling him out and explaining why it was wrong in extensive detail. She was just plain mean most days and it stressed Shawn out like crazy. The breaking point comes when Shawn walks into his bedroom and slams the door hard enough to make the shelves on the wall rattle.
“What is going on?” you ask softly, pulling your headphones out of your ears and staring at him from the armchair by the patio doors.
“Get her out of here. I’m done. I’m not taking any more classes from her,” Shawn says, voice low and threatening.
You uncurl yourself and drop your book on the floor to walk over and lay your hand on his chest. “You don’t have to talk about it. I’ll have her leave, okay?” He nods and you walk past him out into the hall to the living room.
Jenna is sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table, a book open and she’s reading over it as if Shawn hadn’t just taken off angrily. She looks up and raises her eyebrows. “Is Shawn coming back out for the rest of his lesson? Or should I just pack up and go because ‘he’s not here’ now,” Jenna says with a little sneer.
“Get out of my house,” you say, pointing to the door.
Jenna closes her book. “This isn’t your house.” She tucks away her books and papers into the tote bag she always brought along. “But I’ll take my leave and be back on Friday.”
You cross your arms and look her over. “You won’t be back. Don’t ever come back to this house. Shawn is no longer going to take lessons from you.”
“Are you saying he’s going to go against state law?” Jenna asks as she crosses the room to stand in front of you. “Because abandonment is punishable by law and he will be fined and if found, forced to take classes he hasn’t compl-”
You hold your hand up, cutting her off as you say, “Anything is better than watching him spend another minute with a horrible witch like you.”
“Oh I see!  This is about jealousy. You’re jealous he spends two hours twice a week with me all alone,” Jenna grins, thinking she’s won some sort of fight. “You need to get over yourself sweetheart.”
You set your jaw and tighten your crossed arms. “This is not about jealousy. I’m not worried about Shawn being around you. I have better things to worry about.”
“Good, because I wouldn’t start anything with a student like him.”
You raise your eyebrows. Just what did that mean? “Excuse me?”
“He’s a freak and his attitude is horrible. I don’t know how dragons raise thier kids but-” The sound of your hand colliding with Jenna’s face crates a loud slapping noise throughout the room. Silence falls as her hand comes up to her freshly welted face and you stand with your fists balled at you sides. “Get out, now!” you shout and Jenna turns and hurries to the door, throwing it open and leaving it open as she briskly walks to her car. You stand there with your jaw clenched and hand throbbing from the contact. She’s luck you just slapped her because your other option had been strangling her to death.
For weeks Shawn and his father fight the board of adaptation. It’s one meeting after another until finally one day you find a letter in the mailbox addressed to you. It’s an assignment letter. You had been assigned to Shawn once more.
“Shawn!” you yell, running into the bathroom where he’s showering. “Shawn! I’m your partner! They assigned me!”
Shawn pulls back the curtain and snatches the letter with a wet hand. He reads it over, a smile spreading across his face. It’s excellent news and everyone is happy about it, but that happiness doesn’t last long. Because while you’ve been accepted as Shawn’s partner, you had not been accepted as his mate by everyone. Not that everyone ever would.
Word spreads fast about you and Shawn being officially mated. For the most part, the community is accepting. But there are some who think it’s wrong. That humans have no place living within the dragon community. But these are the same people who think that Shawn is an abomination so you can’t really see why they even care about who someone they consider an outcast is mated to. It really just boils down to the fact you’re a human and you know it.
The only time something happens that settles badly with you is at the local market in town. You and Shawn had gone in for some snacks for your movie night when a couple of young guys walked over and started asking questions about you.
“Hey, is this your girl?” the blonde asks, eyeing you up and down.
Shawn puts his arm around you and pulls you close. “She’s my mate. Can we help you?”
“Nah, I was just wondering why you would pick a human instead of a dragon. I mean, obviously you don’t care about the purity of dragon bloodlines.”
This guy had some nerve just coming up and insulting you out of the blue. “What is your problem? Why do you care about our relationship?”
A brunette next to him just chuckles. “We care because humans are toxic. Your kind shouldn’t be allowed within these communities. You take away from our people and heritage.” “Oh fuck off,” you scoff. Shawn’s grip tightens on you. “I’m not taking anything from you or your heritage. It’s the twenty first century, humans outnumber all races at this point. Intermixing is bound to happen. Don’t think your race is special.”
The blonde smirks and licks his lip before looking to his friend. “Y’know there’s a reason why humans can’t usually carry dragon children. They’re too weak. It’s nature saying that it’s wrong.”
“Can you just fuck off?” Shawn says, steering you away from them and walking toward the registers. You glance back and they’re snickering, knowing they’d gotten you riled up. What assholes.
The next few weeks leading up to Christmas are quiet and peaceful. Thankfully no one else in the community has approached the two of you or treated you any differently than anyone else. You and Shawn finish up his required classes and he takes his tests a few days before Christmas, passing them all with flying colors. The same week he is also offered a job with Draconic Iconic, a high end clothing line that tailors to half-breeds and makes custom clothes to fit everyone with tails to horns and everything in between. He would be the newest model and spokesperson for their collections. You are offered a job as a private partner for a student living in a nearby community who was disabled and would not be able to attend an academy next year.
Christmas morning rolls around and you cannot wait to spend it with Shawn. As if you hadn’t spent literally every day with him since the beginning of the fall. It was still such an exciting idea. Your first christmas as a couple. And your first christmas not being single and opening presents alone from your parents.
You’re up before Shawn and you can’t seem to stay still in bed because you want him to hurry up and wake up, but you don’t want to actually disturb him. It doesn’t matter in the end because he wraps and arm around you and tugs you against him. “You wanna get up?” he mumbles against your hair.
“Really badly.”
“First one to the tree gets to pick any gift they want,” he says as he tickles your stomach before rolling off the bed and running for the door. You scramble out of the blankets, laughing while you chase after him. Once you’re close enough, you pretend to fall and he stops. “Babe, are you okay?” he asks as he hurries over to you and helps you up.
The moment you’re on your feet, he knows you’re faking. There is a split second where he registers that he’s been played but it’s a split second window that allows you to take off toward the living room.
You sit down quickly and start tearing open a box, the first one you see with your name on it and it’s from Shawn’s mom. It’s a pair of slipper socks. You hear a chuckle from behind you and you see his mom already awake and sitting in her armchair smiling at you as Shawn plops down next to you. “These are perfect! My feet are always so cold. Thank you Karen.”
“Alright, my turn.” Shawn says as he picks up a box from you. “Oooo what could it be?” He shakes it a little before opening. It’s a bottle of lavender and sandalwood body cream. “Babe, are you trying to say I have dry skin?” he giggles and you push his shoulder.
“Oh you know you itch at your scales alllll the time. I thought maybe you could use this before bed and its lavender so it’s relaxing and the saleslady said it was super hydrating.”
Shawn raises his eyebrows at you and smirks. “So you wanna relax me in bed huh?”
“Shawn!” you yelp and smack his leg. Karen chuckles from her chair as she gets up to go help Manny in the kitchen where you can smell bacon cooking. You reach for a small box and Shawn snatches it away from you with his tail. “Hey! Not fair!”
“Oh don’t not fair me. You fakes injury to get here first. Besides, that one is for last.”
You roll your eyes and he narrows his. “Why last?”
Shawn holds the box up and away from you. “Because I said so.”
You let out a huff and stand to get it from his tail’s grasp. It’s no use because he pulls it away as soon as you can get close enough to reach it. He drops it in his hand and you step over him to sit in his lap. “I want it now.”
“People in hell want ice water,” Shawn quips and you glare at him. “I said last.”
“But Shawnnnnnnnn...” you stick your lip out in a pout and blink back tears you’ve made surface in the corners of your eyes. He actually falls for it because he drops the box into your lap to cup your face.
“Babe, no, don’t cry. You can have it. I promise, don’t cry.”
You smirk and he knows he’s been played again but you have the box now and he can’t do anything about it. “Let’s see then...” you pull the paper off and open the little lid beneath. Inside is a small black band with a small shiny piece of rose quartz set in the middle. “Shawn...this is beautiful.”
His face turns red and he looks down at it, grabbing your hand to help you slide it on. “It’s not like...an engagement ring or anything unless you want it to be. I thought maybe it’d be like a promise ring or something. I just wanted you to have something so I’m always with you and maybe you’ll look at it and think of me. I-I don’t know I-”
You cup Shawn’s face and kiss him softly. “It’s perfect. I love it. But I don’t need a ring to think of you. I always think about you.” He leans his forehead against yours. “And if I say I would like it to be an engagement ring?”
“You don’t think it’d be too soon for that?” he asks nervously.
You shake your head and look down at the ring. “Maybe it is too soon, but that doesn’t make me want to be yours forever any less.”
Shawn grins big and wraps his arms around you, pulling your chest to his and burying his face in your neck. “Will you be my mate and my wife?”
“Yes, of course I will,” you mumble into his skin and he lets out a little half sob.
“I loved you when I met you. I never thought this would happen. I’m so happy right now,” Shawn says and wraps his tail around both of you. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Shawn,” you pull your head back and kiss him on the nose. “Merry Christmas.”
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go-redgirl · 4 years
Pelosi on Mail-In Ballot Push: ‘We’re Now calling It Voting at Home’ Breitbart ^ | May 25 2020 | TONY LEE
OPINION:  No! No! No Nancy Pelosi, we will not be voting by Mail-in Ballots as long as you ‘crooked’ Democrats are in Congress.  
We will be voting as usual with ‘ safe distancing’ gloves and a mask at the ballot box.  You crooks will never get the opportunity ‘rigg’ our voting system.  
No one in this country trust the Democrats in this country with something as precious as individuals voting rights in this country.
Safe distancing, gloves an a mask to cover your mouth is all that’s needed.
To: knighthawk
Here we are five months before the election and people have had ENOUGH and they are going out and living life, enjoying themselves.
In November this will be a distant memory.
There is ZERO reason to shut down polling places when “social distancing,” masks and hand sanitizer are the perfectly acceptable methods to keep Walmart, Safeway and ACE Hardware open.
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:07:59 PM by ProtectOurFreedom
To: knighthawk
Nope. Let them kill it in the SEnate, and then if it gets by McConnel, the President will veto it.
Of course, Nanzi knows this.
She’s banking on the DNCMedia carrying her water by saying not allowing vote by mail is a. Racist b. Sexist c. Hurts the poor d. Hurts the unemployed e. Kills Grandma f. Is voter suppression (which turns it completely on its head)
The real answer is to NOT allow it, Mitch.
She and her fellow media Trump haters can pound sand.
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:10:33 PM by Alas Babylon! (The prisons do not fill themselves. Get moving, Barr!)
To: ProtectOurFreedom
Their chicken shi## followers will be voting from home, Im going out to vote and in light of what we all have witnessed with our Marxist Nazi mayors and governors WE NEED A LANDSLIDE THAT WILL SMACK THIER DEAD GRANDMOTHERS
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:12:10 PM by ronnie raygun
To: knighthawk
Voter fraud, mail fraud…the potentials are endless.
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:13:23 PM by Ouchthatonehurt
To: knighthawk
Pelosi on Mail-In Ballot Push: ‘We’re Now calling It Voting at Home’
Cheating from home.
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:14:30 PM by SmokingJoe
To: knighthawk
All voters means anyone who is registered. This means non-citizens.
We know there are roughly 50 million non-citizens in this country now. If we allow this to go through, we would be giving the democrats another 15 points toward the final election results.
The globalist will forever be sending us there non-productive members. We will cease as a country.
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:14:33 PM by Flavious_Maximus
To: knighthawk
We’re now calling it a “Slightly Pre-Owned Food Sandwich”.
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:15:06 PM by Mr. Rabbit
To: knighthawk
To quote my favorite Senator John Kennedy (R-LA.the “the short answer, NO! the long answer, HELL NO”.
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:19:29 PM by GOYAKLA (Winning not whining!)
To: knighthawk
Honestly, this is so important, that we should all be willing to protest this with civil disobedience. Absentee ballots can be filled out by ANYONE, and the number of these that will be circulating to illegals etc. will be astronomical. Plus, you just know that these will be counterfeited like crazy. There will be more ballots being mailed in then there are voters.
Voting SHOULD require effort. It SHOULD require proof of citizenship. It SHOULD require voter verification. We SHOULD shut down this election entirely until this is solved. If the Botox B*t*h thinks it's too unsafe to go to the polls, then we should delay the election.
 posted on 5/25/2020, 2:22:36 PM by neverevergiveup
To: knighthawk
Voting is a PUBLIC act of private selection of a candidate. It is a voluntary act of the Citizenry (real citizens)by a process described in the U.S. Constitution.
It is not-— “voting at home”. What utter bull crap. One goes to a precinct to physically vote— where a physical record of a registered voter (limit one vote per citizen per their one precinct) records their vote. Anonymously.
What this biotch is proposing removes.. PROOF of citizenry, and anonymity as well as the ability to have far more “ballots” to be COUNTED as “votes” which are NOT and would never be... legal votes. One person one vote.
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:31:57 PM by John S Mosby (Sic Semper Tyrannis)
To: knighthawk 
“Voting at home” aka: Massive DemoRat vote fraud.
 posted on 5/25/2020, 2:35:30 PM by Signalman
To: knighthawk
This is voting from the cemeteries. 
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:36:30 PM by CMailBag
To: knighthawk
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:38:14 PM by Dogbert41 (Jerusalem is the city of the Great King!!!)
To: knighthawk
We are now calling it massive voter fraud to allow Dems to have power forever..kind of voting. 
We rent out a guest house out back, had many tenants throughout the years, even though they no longer live here we still get their ballot info delivered every election season..so I could vote in all of their names if I wanted to
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:38:46 PM by Sarah Barracuda[ Post Reply 
To: knighthawk
I dont want to vote at home.I dont want several layers of unsecure people getting their hands on my ballot.
 posted on 5/25/2020, 2:43:57 PM by Secret Agent Man (Gone Galt; Not Averse to Going Bronson.)
To: knighthawk
Pelosi on Mail-In Ballot Push: ‘We’re Now calling It Voting at Home’
Hell... if it's that simple then we really DON'T need Senators or elected Congressional Representatives now, do we?
The American people can REPRESENT THEMSELVES by replacing the Government reps and just vote on issues from home that are presented by the executive branch. /s
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:45:48 PM by VideoDoctor
To: knighthawk
She should be more worried about the Chinese communists nuking her district in the upcoming world war.
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:48:34 PM by july4thfreedomfoundation (I'm triggered by liberals and other assorted moonbats.)
To: knighthawk
It’s called ‘stealing the election’ Democrat-Communist Party style
 posted on 5/25/2020, 2:50:02 PM by yardboyd (Call me a rose.... or leave me alone.)
To:  Flavious_Maximus
This would be the end of a Republican winning any significant election again. The fraud and abuse seen already is absolutely disgusting.
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:56:09 PM by shanover (...To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.-S.Adams)
To: knighthawk
When things aren’t going well Democrats always change the name instead of the policy.
posted on 5/25/2020, 3:01:41 PM by SaxxonWoods (Just sit in your house until the food stops coming and then starve. You'll be safe.)
To: Flavious_Maximus
All voters means anyone who is registered. This means non-citizens.If they're registered voting by mail won't make any difference. It would be just as easy to vote in person.
 posted on 5/25/2020, 4:49:47 PM by semimojo
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shrio-o · 4 years
(camera rolls with the drone view over the abandon silent mumbai city)
(post doomsday news voice playing)
( womens reporter voice):-The number of confirmed deaths has passed 2 billion worldwide due to corona virus The goverment has called a state of emergency-
 All residents are required to report to their designated Quarantine
(men reporter voice):-Panic spread worldwide after a leaked report from the World Health Organization showed that the latest vaccination tests have failed.
Riots have continued for a third consecutive month and winter rations are at an all time low!
(screen slowly black out)
( one year later)
(camera rolls on the terrace of building tower)
Sia:- (staring at abondon city) sign.!
viki:- (teasing) quite a view right.! ik but you need to focus on watch.. shrika would be back any min from supply run.
sia:- ah sorry ! i was distracted..
viki:- what it is?.
sia:- nothing just...
viki :- speak up dude think of me as your lowkey therapist
(both laugh)
sia:- nothing V .. i was recalling that once this view was used to be cheerfull..all those traffic noice , cool breez and ineffabe sunset .. but now it just scares me
viki:- damn.. thats deep
sia:- (chuckles) yeah.
viki :- hey look there someone trying breach in our area ..
sia:- i'll alert the gaurds .. (turning radio on) south east petrol come in.. there is a visual of break in by wall
(radio voice):- copy that
viki :- i'll better check in.. you stay here be our eyes they can be in numbers
sia :- okay copy that .!
guards :- (shouting) heyy you .. this is a private camp.. you are not allowed to tresspass here we need to see your hands in the air or we will capture you in force
stranger :- No.! dont hurt me i didnt knew .! i'll go..
(viki rush to scene )
viki :- whats going on..!?
guards :- you were right.! we found a intruder
viki:- (shouting) who are you..? and why are you here?
stranger:- (cracking voice) i..i am krutika.. i didnt mean to break in .. i thought this place was abondon .. i hvent eat anything from 2 days pls dont hurt me..
(sia on radio):- whats going on.!?
viki :- there is a women .. she says she hvent eat anything in days.. she doesnt look infected she have a mask on.
sia :- okay. take her weapon and take her to doc for the test..
viki.:- but..
sia.:- viki.! its not our move to make let shrika deal with her..
viki:- alright fine..!
(2 hours later)
sia:-Ready to open the gates..! i can see shrika come through
(gates open, bike roars )
(shrika returns with some foods supply n meds)
(shrika to guards) :- santize the bike and supplys A.S.A.P guys we hit the lottery today.!
(sia and viki heading towards shrika)
shrika :-- waasssup guys why the serious face .!
sia :-(tense voice) we need to talk
shrika :-okay..?
viki :- there was a breach in today
shrika:- who was it?
sia :- nothing to worry about.
shrika :- how can you say that..! we have talked about this..
sia:- calm down tiger..! hear me first .. she said she didnt had any food in days we took her in to doc for test
shrika :- so you took a complete stranger to our only doc we hve just cause she is hungry ..! huh goddamnit sia.! viki what the hell.!
viki :- look i know this is weird but sia is right she was about to passout she was week at that time
sia:- and you'll be suprise to know she is not infected
shrika:- for real?
(sia shakes head)
shrika :- okay i need to talk to her..
sia :- fine but go easy she was in trauma she is just in stable condition for now..
shrika :- okayy mommy terisa ..! can i go now?
sia :- (chuckles) go to hell tiger !
(few moments later shrika enter the room while krutika is resting)
shrika :- wake up .! sleepy head rest times over..
(krutika shooks)
shrika :- woh.! relax i thought you were awake..
krutika.:- who are you .?
shrika :- ohyeah. mybad.. am shrika i am founding member of the camp you tried to break in..
krutika:- oh am sorry i didnt mean to i am..
shrika.:- yeah i know who you are .. and i need to ask you some question if you are capable to answer?
krutika:- yeah sure and thanks for the food and meds
shrika :- yeah not a problem we are all still human so far.. (pause) i guess.?
(both chuckles)
shrika :- okay let get you some air and we have hell of a view
(both walk to terrace.. krutika felt relief viewing the scenery)
krutika :- its been long since i had a cool breez with this view
shrika:- so krutika tell me how did you survive till now
krutika:- i wasnt actully surviving..
shrika:- uhm?
krutika:- before all this went down my parents stock the food which could hve been enough for us for 8-9 months we took this matter lightly like everyone else cause we thought it would end one day like any other pandemic. but it got worst day by day.. people didnt follow the rules nor my parents
they went out to buy things we already had ..
and one day it got real the thing i feared they were positive on that virus ..people from goverment took them to the quarentine centre and i was locked in the house.. people started showing hate towards me .. i was terrified by what was going on .. as the days past one by one all systems were stared going down first all social media then internet. it was hard to communicate with by parents and one day commution line and tv shut off... i was sacred and confused at the time. i started notice people leaving their home with families i thought to go out but i realise they were still mad at me..
shrika.:- yeah i figured it now.. you lived in south mumbai it was a complete lockdown zone there any kind comunication of was cut cause of riots.
krutika:- i didnt know that i thought if i go out there will be the people who will express there anger upon me so decided to stay till my parent show up.. days past then months my supplies were running out i thought they have kept my parents forcefully in the hospitals so last months i decided to move out.. i knew my father had a gun in his drawer i grab it and i got out of the house after almost a year.. i saw that my building was completely abondon. i was living there all alone.. i moved on foot to the hospital i was told i parents were kept in..i realize that the town was completely abandon.. the shops were looted most of the properties were destroyed.. when i reached the hospital i lost the hope in me completely..
i was devasted to found out the hospital empty as hell.. from that day i went scavenging over the places for food n water till you guys found me..
shrika :- i guess you are still unaware of what happened out here.. people were leaving there homes cause they were out of supplies.. they were going to thier relatives or refugee camps organinize by the govements.. it went well for days but then riots overrun the camps cause you know hungry and angry people are no less then zombies .. people betray , killed eachother for every grain of food
krutika:- is that why you carry that crossbow ?
shrika :- (chuckles) ha.! No .! i dont kill people but now a days people have lost the faith in humanity they wont think twice before what they will do to you so you have to do some thing you dont want to..
krutika:-uhmm.. wait u just told me they had number of refugee camps my parents could be still living in one ..!
shrika:- am sorry to say.. but there is no camps left.. i know its hurting but now we can't help..
(shrika facing the view) :- before the doomsday this i used to love watching sunsets but now i have just lost the feels i used to get ..you know we blamed other countries for the conspiracies of spreading the virus but all we had to do is stay home and survive was that too much to ask for..? but no people when out go on riots and here we are..! everybody not dying cause of the virus anymore but hunger... everyone here living in this camps have lost sombody but what in this freakshow we can do now otherthan rebuild ..
but you know You can still rise with us. Remember, when you're lost in the darkness... look to the light !
(camera outzoomes with a pretty sunset to screen blackout)
(last of us theme song playing)
#Daysgone #script #mumbai #coronavirus
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00sheven · 4 years
real horror show.
my last post got me thinking of the old days. since I dont really have anything new to talk about, ill talk about this. you'll get posts like this from time to time. it's just random shit that crosses my mind during the day, or night when I'm suffering a mind full of racing thoughts taking me in 30 directions at once.
once upon a time.
going back to my past. at this point it seems like a millions years ago. I closed this chapter in my mid 20's
I was angry and I had no conscience and I was strung out. I started at an early age. I was barely in my double didgets when I committed my first burglary. I did it alone.
my friends and I in gulfport used to sneak out in the middle of the night. we used to rob a candy truck up the street from where I lived. at the end of one summer we were so burned out on candy we threw trash bags of it away. one of my friends and I robbed a houses while the people in it were asleep. we almost got caught.
there used to be a lady that lived up the street. she was married. she used to let us come over to her house and feel her up. her husband came home once and my friend and I had to hide in the closet.
I got drunk and smoked my first joint with those guys.
by the time I was in my mid teens I was hanging out with older people doing any kind of dope I could find.
me and my friends in anahiem were breaking into cars and stealing bikes to get money for drugs. at this point I pretty much stopped going to school.
one night I was walking across the park going to meet my friends when I was confronted by two guys who were really angry at me.
one was yelling at me and the other was standing off to the side. out of the blue he hit me in the face with something. I found out later they were nunchucks. when I regained consciousness there was some girl yelling at them.
turns out a week or so before that my friends and I were under the influence of pcp and some of the older tougher guys started shit with them. I didnt remember because I was lit. but they remembered me.
I was sent to live with my dad in Washington. my mom had enough of me so I moved from anahiem. I was going to be put in "a private school" (placement) for a year while my dad went out to sea. I was supposed to live with him in Jacksonville florida when he got back. he died in transit while we were visiting relatives in kansas for the hollidays.
after about a month my mom picked me up and we went to texas where this school was. I was 16 at the time.
the goose's age.
I was there under a year. I escaped with a friend and hitchhiked to California.
my mom had remarried and moved to chino while I was in Washington and texas.
I moved in with them in the summer of 85.
I didnt live there long. I moved in with a friend and lived in his closet. i used to get high with most of my friends parents. we didnt have to go to school.
I started hanging with the local punks.
I joined a local gang and started going to shows and parties. lots of fights lots of violence.
I remember going to a back yard party in hacienda heights. it was a set up. I got jumped by at least 10 dudes. my friend almost had his throat cut. it was the first time I was shot at.
most of the key members of that gang (middle class kids) graduated high school and went off to college.
a couple of the guys and I went to college too.
we joined another gang from L.A., one that had been around. one that has a reputation. it was the real thing. I did that for about a year or so and decided to get out. I was dealing with being broke and homeless. plus a few months after I got out I had some drama with them. it bums me out to think about it.
after that I took a step back. my chino friends were serious enough. there was a lot of drugs and girls and drugs and parties and drugs... well you get the picture.
I was probably 23 or 24 now.
I had played guitar since I was in my early teens.
a friend offered me a job playing bass in thier band.
a couple of years after that my sister had moved in with my mom with my neice who was maybe 2 or 3 at that time. everyone worked so they needed some to watch her during the day.
it got me off the street.
it was a wild ride, I had to at the very least live 5 to 6 lifetimes in that time period.
of course this is the barest of minimums as far as cliff notes go.
I look on it with mixed emotions. sometimes I'm proud of it.
i look back on those days with a longing. I had power, money, sometimes. most of the time I didn't need it. my family took care of me.
I feel that way when on the rare occasion I speak to some of them. it's kind of like one of those psycho conversations you hear in mob movies when they are talking about horrific shit and laughing and reminiscing like it was an old football game.
did I hurt people. yes.
sometimes I just cringe thinking about it.
at the very least I know what I'm capable of doing. good and bad.
I know my darkside very well.
I am not my past.
I am not that person.
but it made me who I am today.
and I accept it.
I think it made me a better person because I have a unique understanding of poverty, violence' self medication, anger.
dont judge. you weren't in my shoes. you didnt have to live through it. well I take that back there are a couple of you that read this that were there.
I'm not trying to glorify it.
the only reason I'm posting it is because it illustrates some of my background so you as a reader can get to know me better.
isn't that the point.
its record of my time.
here's a song that reminds me of those days.
Running away, something better ahead
But you gotta think fast before it's too late
Just one cut around your head
Just one minute and you'll call me dead
You better watch out for the razors in the night
You better leave out the razors in the night
Backstreet boys wear boots and braces
Razor blades and angry faces
Too much tension, too much fear
What the hell are we doing here
Murder is the biggest prize in sport
Cause violence is the only game you've been taught
A pool of warm blood is your prize
Or a cold blade across your eyes.
if you would like a taste of the 80's as far as the L.A. punk scene went (which was riddled with gang violence) check out this book. keep in mind we all knew each other back in those days ( and if you didn't know the person personally you knew at least 10 if their friends) when it was for real.
one of my favorite jokes is "I was punk rock when it was called HEY FAGGOT.
believe me it was not the popular choice when I got into it. you were hated, and beaten up. now it's just a phase kids through. a fashion trend. it is everything that was despised when it started.
I wasn't in LMP either.
a clockwork orange bedroom scene beethoven
blitz razors in the night
discos out murders in trailer.
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ashiversary · 7 years
Guardian Angel
He had seen her at school before, but had never really noticed her until the5th grade. She had broken the nose of the boy who had dumped him from his wheelchair. He was immediately taken with her. She gave him a small, shy smile as she helped him into his wheelchair and, Arceus, that smile was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. He still thought of her smile from time to time, a small spot of brightness in his overly pretentious private school. He hadn’t even gotten the chance to thank her by the time the teachers had whisked her away to the principals office. She was expelled for helping him and he never saw her again, butt he had always remembered that girl, his red headed guardian angel…
Carl couldn’t breathe. He felt as cold as if he had been tossed in an icy river and left to drown. When he had arrived on the roof of Valor headquarters he had expected Team Rocket… not the girl he had been pining over for the last 15 years. He had heard about Amelie, Noire’s beautiful and dangerous assistant, but he had never for a moment considered that she could be HIS Amelie. She looked different of course; she was a grown woman now, but she was definitely the same person.
An explosion to his left pulled him back to the moment. His veritable army of natu swarmed the roof and began to assess the damage for him. The smoke blocked Carl’s view of the battle between Candela and Team Rocket executive. He wheeled himself forward through the smoke staying as close as possible to the edge of the roof and away from the area that had been damaged by the blast. Despite his caution he felt the roof give way and one wheel of his chair began to tip… and then he was pulled backward to safety. All he saw through the smoke when as turned around was her red hair. “Don’t tell anyone about this,” she said. A gust of wind brought fresh air allowing Carl to see hersoft smile, one that was so at odds with her tough tone .
“Worried about your reputation?” Carl teased, quirking an eyebrow.
“Something like that,” Amalie laughed at his question and disappeared into the smoke.
He saw her fairly often after that, usually in battle, but sometimes just around the city, but she was never alone. He couldn’t just approach her when she was always with other members of team rocket, especially Noire. Spark may find Noire amusing but Carl, however, didn’t have a death wish. Amelie was still entirely out of his reach….Until one day when she wasn’t.
Carl had been meeting with some young trainers at a Valor gym on the edge of the city who were still deciding on what team to join. Two had decided on Mystic and the other still had yet to make the decision, but was likely to join Mystic as well. He may not have recruited them but his gym visit wasn’t an entire loss, as when he left standing not 20 feet away was Amalie. She was alone and out of uniform, waiting at a bus stop. Carl’s heart beat as fast as a racing ponyta and he had only a few moments to make a decision before the bus came. Should he approach her? What would he say? The normally suave man was tounge tied and was about to lose his first opportunity to really speak to her.
“Staring isn’t going to get you anywhere you know,” Amelie said, her tone light and teasing. Carl looked up having hardly noticed that Amalie had even approached him. She was wearing a soft pink tank top and black yoga pants that she looked much too good. He tried hard not to think about the way her arms crossed under her chest highlighted her perfect breasts. Instead he tried to focus on her amused expression. “What? The silver-tounged Valor doesn’t have anything to say to the evil Team Rocket assistant?”
“Well, I can think of better uses for my tounge,” Carl said without really thinking about it. Maybe the first real conversation he had with her shouldn’t be taking this turn so quickly…But it made Amalie laugh, and she had a beautiful laugh, rich and warm.
She placed a hand on his shoulder and bent down to whisper in his ear, “Id like to see those ‘better uses’ sometime.”
Carl shivered at the feeling of her warm breath on his neck. He leaned his head closer to hers and whispered, “Don’t you mean feel them.”
Amalie chuckled and straightened up, “Do you like Korean food? There’s an incredible all you can eat Korean BBQ place a few streets over and I haven’t eaten yet.”
“I believe I’ve heard of the place, but never been there myself,” Carl said.
“Always a first time right?” Amelie responded as she began walking away. Carl wasn’t entirely sure what had just happened, but he was enjoying the view of Amelie’s backside in those tight yoga pants. She turned back to him and asked, “Are you coming or not, Carl?”
“I wasn’t aware that you even knew my name,” he said as he quickly followed her. Amelie just rolled her eyes (eye?) and lead the way.
The date had went well… if that’s what it was. At first Carl wasn’t entirely certain about weather it was one or not. He eventually had decided it was, in fact, a date, but since he didn’t even get a kiss it was a somewhat disappointing one. Amelie wasn’t entirely what he had expected, either. As a child he had pictured her as a sweet, good girl with a bit of a vigilante streak, but after seeing her with Team Rocket he started to picture her more coldly. The real Amelie was neither of those things, of course, real people were seldom entirely good or bad. She was surprising open considering thier enemy status and he felt he had gotten a decent picture of her personality. Amalie was as tough as Steel type Pokémon, but was also a rather nice person when not trying to kill you. She had a sharp sarcastic sense of humor and her teasing had a bit of bite to it, but Carl just matched it with his own and quite enjoyed the banter. He couldn’t say when was the last time he had had so much fun just sitting and talking with someone. As the date ended and she had stood up to leave she told him that Tuesday’s were her day off and that she had already slipped her phone number into his pocket. Amelie fascinated him. How much of that was simply his childhood crush he couldn’t be certain, but he knew he’d never forgive himself if he didn’t find out.
Almost every Tuesday after that day Carl and Amelie spent time together. Even if it was just a few minutes to meet for coffee they tried to find time in their hectic lives to see each other. Most of thier conversations revolved around thier bosses and their numerous complaints about them. They had agreed early on that nothing they said to each other would make thier way back to thier respective teams, so they could speak somewhat freely. It wasn’t as though either would divulge any team secrets, anyway, but Noire’s childish antics were a topic of endless laughter. It wasn’t long before dates turned into “sleepovers” and sleepovers turning to into romantic weekends in a rented cabin whenever they could get away for a few days.
Carl woke up in his apartment with Amelie curled up against him; her soft body warm against his bare skin. He stroked her head, running his fingers through her silky hair and just enjoying her company. It wouldn’t be long before the alarm went off and they would both have to return to the real world. A world where they they were enemies in constant battle. But for right now he was going was just going to enjoy this quiet moment with the woman he loved.
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Some of my live reactions I wrote down while watching VLD S4
"remember purely intelligence gathering, do not engage" is that Keith? proly who else would you have to say that to (plus look how small he is compared to other two, also p sure I spotted his lil knife handle) I noticed other Marmorites have fanny packs does this mean it's a genetic instinct thing for Keith or he learned it from his mom or from dad who picked it up from mom or just a logical thing to do for those who think smart about being prepared aww Keith, need to be more sneaky dude, learn from Lance. But wonderful knife throw oh my gosh Keith, such good boy, poor boy struggling with Marmora protocol ooh boy tell him aww Shiro AWW Pidge, Lance! Please be more understanding pls don't make that face Keith can they not know about his BoM missions? oh they should, so why RAZZLE DAZZLE TIME! pfft drama queen "It's rigged to blow!" yep gotta be for sure now, this boy knows his bombs Regris... also nice parallelism from parade to mission gone wrong go Keith pls Coran "I said I don't want a lecture" oh no does he want to go grieve for Regris (and maybe blame himself? he did mention at least planting tracker fore leaving) yep Keith's da bomb boy oh poor dear you need to realise their importance of moral so you can better explain to them and they can finally understand you you tell her boy poor Shiro... imagine having to listen to your family suffer and you can't do a thing awww yissss! it had to be Shiro's mental state of mind that prevented himself "we have–... I have to take it" oh Keith Keith...no also this "catch phrase" says so much bout his thinking and personality "I can't tell you how much that means to me " screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee– *group hug* quiznakin dead I love you all! I love vld so much aww Pidge "Reunion" yas yas yas YOU STFU! you are the best nerd Pidge "hey Pidge?" Fuuuuuck (yeah fuck it at this point I'm straight up saying fuck) *sigh* feels oh dear Matt is also hot and cute, I'm Love (also is his voice  different? maybe just because he's not in terror or excitement thrill) srsly dude, easy money for info not your goods and you want to fight someone strong enough to get that security footage "auspicious occasion" need to integrate that into my vocab use for small things to makes them feel more important not just the eyes but yep no te-osh look at that girl go, saving countless lives and gaining alliances oh ho ho hacker Holts "most powerful processor" ahh wise Matt, truely a man after my heart no no no no no no no no no no no please be visiting a grave please be visiting a grave please no heart break (top 5 tragic anime death, I am so sorry I am trying not to break down over a character I've fallen so hard for) oh oh oh!!! thank you thank you thank you smart siblings so clever thank the ancients but srsly my heart, too much in a few minutes yay! Thank you thank you thank you!! "well I'm one of the paladins" smirk ahh Jinx holts "let's show em what the holts are made of" I love y'all so much bloody brilliant nerds okay okay okay cute pics but also Sheith/Broganes in background!?! Nice Holt backstory, now I’m itchin for Shiro and Keith’s so nice to know for sure how she got his glasses aaahhh ha hah! fuckin nerd such a heavy feels ep, wonderful can Haggar please realize and go back to her Honerva happy times "memory reminants deep to claw out" hmm you would know like Spirit Away radish god lift scene Hunks laugh! so pure very appropriate reaction Matt but also fuckin nerd (bet he loves anime, I would know) yes yes Lance the Allurance vibes!also a ruval has appeared? Alluraatt? Mallura? "wayward son" blasts Kansas nerdy siblings such pure excitement fuckin puns... Please Pidge may I marry your brother srsly great husbando material right there Alteans love for milkshakes and misunderstanding of them and Kaltenecker, too adorable oh That's an adorable expression Lotor hmm sad aw yeah Smirk™ no Narti please don't betray Lotor "what are we, animals" siblings, I love proud Hunk is such a good look haha he keeps trying even after he misses, like I would prefer to practice in private so so glad they got the video game working, knew the geniuses could do it hopefully it's Kova not Narti spying amazing smarties ah sibling like Lance & Pidge what where did they get second chair no pay attention this only happens when Lotor is involved aww Narti no oh ho ho Outlaw Lotor "The Voltron Show" amazing I hope it's kinda like the AtLA play RAZZLE DAZZLE! i miss keith (sorry I love him too much) "legend not documentary" LOL hahaha funny I just mentioned him "just act really moody" First Pidge now Coran, dude if two smartest people in the castle say so, it is law Keith is emo confirmed (also proof he is not an emotionless meanie) "holds bayard dashingly, oh" awwww Lancey living for the show so cute Coran. Coran please no no no don't take the suspicious drugs! no I thought of you as one of the wisest Stop! Leave Coran alone! your feelings are very validated but you do not need to continue for so long do you? you don't know his side I do not fancy this ep of putting Coran down aww Alfor fanboy Eww! No! look! the Purple alien who Lance winked at & ate Hunk's delicious food, dating a space cowboy (also can someone draw Keith or Lance or both in space cowboy gear) geez Coran that voice Thank you Rhys Lance is all about that life whaaaa okay that is an awesome performance Shiro is so acrobatic!? Look at Lance lovin it Go Go Power Rangers! cute Hunk Bii-Boh-Bi. oh my too cute Too good, Voltron on Ice stick signature signing "Loverboy Lance? It's perfect cause it's true" oh geez that is so lance but I also heard some Jeremy suave in that These nick names... amazing Shiro the Hero!! We've been saying that! Cuz it's true! aww I don't care for humerous hunk so much, being for comic relief sterotype but still cute cause it's Hunk "now put on this tight shirt and get out there" fuck. Coran knows his schist oh my lioness...pole dancing Lance Yes Please. Admire that muscle strength aww Coran please rest "except for you Shiro never you, you're our most popular character" Wow. writers tossin in that shade priorities Lance pfft that's obviously "get ready we're on in five" come on Lance oh I hope Keith saw part of their shows and is thinking fondly of his friends Varkon?!!? you think Plaxum was dreamily watching Lance? (ofc I ship it) *bii-boh-bi shurg* mood "help me bii-boh-bi, you're my only hope" wonderful bii-boh-bi, the true mvp I love this Voltron Show theme music aww I love you Coran but don't talk to Bii-boh-bi like that! ah fuck I just quietly squealed Keith to myself as an automatic reaction to seeing his face, I love him too much "Pidge and I can handle that" cute! (Punk!) "pow pow pow! easy peasy" I love you Shay! (Alluray!) aww Axca's trust for Lotor (ship? ship, I'm so sorry I love shipping) Rolo! Nyma! Beezer! daww Pidge holy crow Fandom totally predicted Matt being the smarts of Pidge with the humour & flirtiness of Lance oh what special window for the cute dog? they important or just reppin? ah I love Allura's leadership/inspirational speeches "no pressure" I feel ya Hunk Yass! Hunk smash! oh oh Female Galra Commander!! ahh cute doggie leading the charge!! "a third of the rebel forces have been decimated"...no war is truely sad "copy that we're in route" I'm still sad but Keithy! look it them so bad ass Aww yiss!! Keith is ready to pilot, gaze upon that beautiful smile of eagarness, such a precious boy *galra holding breath,sweating while hoppin away* pfffft same "see if the blades can use thier cannon to take down the sheild" woah. that voice. very nice voice also I love captain dog so much!? great thinking Allura! man they work so well as a team now, I love them so much. I've missed the full out transformation sequence aww no Zethrid, Ezor, especially Axca Keith to the rescue! smirky smirk™ woah! wicked Lotor "good" oh no oh no oh no no no, oh schist what's that mean!?!? "A new defender" who it be!?? nice sheild reflect the way I feel about Lotor is the way I feel about Yagami Light argh Zarkon actually made a wise decision ugh woah!! Lotor's determination is a match to Keith's! "awake Naxzela!" Oh shit wad up!? What she doin?? oh no please don't be a huge bomb/quintessence drainner Listen to Lance's instincts please Listen to Hunk oh good only looks like gravity field please please oh no look at Team Voltron go! come on bring on the magicalAllura No! Allura! Team! "are you okay?" Allurance!! hexamite!! Fuuuuck I hate when my bad predictions are right! Bloody bomb oh gosh oh gosh "10 solar systems" oh schist "Victory or Death is the Galra way. They never stop attacking " yes yes! exactly Keith put your galra culture thinking to good use! wow look at Keith being a great leader as soon as others don't pressure him You go Keith go be a great Leader when you need to, please recognize the greatness Shiro sees in you Look at Lance thinking awww his wonderful encouragement, this is why you are wonderful!! also great Allurance material right there! Magical girl Allura!! "Thank you Lance" "that was all You" I love them so much "What the ruggle is that?" new vocab "evasive manuvers" oh it's doggo captain coool I thought it might have been Axca "we're not going to make it" No! Please God no! Please! if this is a Keith Sacrifice, God Please No! This atmosphere I can't!!! Please No!! Don't you fucking dare make that face Keith!!!!! No!!!! aaaaaahhhhh please! No!! No!! No!! Stop making that face!! "Maybe not with our weapons" SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE– "Wait Keith what are you doing? Keith no!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! S A M E!!!! Holy Crow!!!! Holy Crow!!! Holy Crow!!! Holy Fuckin Crow!!!! I can not Iliterally can not all these emotions so strong and in such a short time I  am dead thank you Lotor I love you so much female commanders
"I think it is time we had a discussion" oh yes please. So good. They finally get to meet each other's beautiful faces Also I hope Matt tells the team how Keith was about to SmAsH his FigHTer into the fLiPpiNg PArTicLe BArRiEr!! Can we see the team’s reaction? Please dreamworks A much more preferable "cliffhanger" compared to previous seasons Thank you for this break seeing as I've already been slain
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airbnbfestivals · 5 years
Looking for some advice on a concept I have for hosting my own AirBnB with roommates in Chicago
Okay. This is going to maybe be a little bit long winded, but hopefully some people on reddit can help me decide if this is a good idea or not
So, I recently decided that I want to move out of the larger, garden, studio apartment that my fiance and I are currently renting from a private owner.
Chicago is not a cheap city to live in. Living alone is generally not possible unless you are very well off, or happened to jump on something a long time before management companies took over most of the city.
It so happens that a good friend of ours is also looking to move and we had started discussing moving in together.
I started thinking about maybe getting a larger apartment to host an AirBnB room because the more space you rent in Chicago, the cheaper the space becomes per square foot.
And this is my concept (or at least the basics) for what I hope is a good idea:
Firstly, All 3 of us are skilled, creative individuals that live, somewhat, alternative lifestyles. This is kind of the audience I would be hoping to appeal to the most. I am a photographer, graphic designer, and digital artist . My fiance is an illustrator, and charcoal artist. Our friend is a handyman, woodworker, and excellent cook. I want to create an amazing space for those that are interested in a being in an environment that is intended to spark creativity. I will speak mostly on what I wish to offer since I have not discussed this with anyone else yet
What I am hoping to find in a space to make available is something with a very large living area. Perhaps even 2 seperate living areas. I want to be able to offer a studio/creative space with included supplies for other artists to use during thier stay.
I happen to work at one of Chicago's (and arguably the nation's) most famous punk rock venues/bars that is located in Chicago's fastest growing areas that is not too far from the heart of downtown as well as a very strong artist based neighborhood. My workplace alone opens up a world of entertainment opportunities. I was thinking that finding a place near there would be perfect for the type of crowd I could attract. I was thinking of doing partnerships in order to offer perks such as free access/vouchers to this venue as well as other places in the area. I could place out fliers and whatnot of upcoming events in the area.
I was looking at experiences and was wondering if people package them together with room rentals?
I happen to have gotten my start in photography shooting live concerts, so it's sort of a specialty. I was thinking since I work at a music venue, I could help other people interested in learning to do so. I could also just tag along and shoot the show for them if they would like some photos to remember it by. I could really do this with a lot of different types of photography based experiences. I could teach just about any element around the subject or take people on photo walks and whatnot.
One big question I have: Is leaving access to expensive audio/video equipment a bad idea? What happens if any of it gets stolen or damaged? Would maybe charging extra for rental be a solid plan?
Traveling photographers and videographers are not able to travel with everything all the time to get a job done. Even if they have all thier own gear, they can not do much editing while they are away since mobile options are not good and handing the tasks. I would plan on having a very powerful workstation PC with access to many standard creative software. This would open up a world of possibilities to other types of visitors. Video game developers, software coders, web developers, animators, concept artists, graphic designers, ect...... Along with creators being able to work with content, I can create a great gaming PC that would be able to play anything you can throw at it to the most ultimate settings. And, if I am able to put this workstation in a large studio area, I can create a great VR experience.
Which also brings me to my next feature. I want to make my entertainment space a gamer's station/film buff's retreat. I'm picturing a wall of gaming systems with games and movies. Of course, much of the content will most likely have to be stored digitally just to save on space.
With one of the residents being a great cook, I figured prepared meal packages or even cooking classes might be a good idea. Do visitors of your shared spaces generally use your kitchen or just go out to eat? I was thinking that maybe some traveling cooks may enjoy having access to a well stocked, state of the art kitchen.
I'm going to stop here because I could go on and on with ideas. And I know that not everything I hope for with happen, this is just the start of an idea.
Oh, and one other thing. We have cats. Is that generally a deal breaker for most people? They are feral rescues, so they don't seek attention from strangers at all.
Original post here =+-+= Get $20 off your first AirBnB stay.
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ikagrp · 5 years
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Welcome, Tee! You’ve been accepted as your first choice of Alycia Debnam Carey as Sofia Monroe. Please send in your account within the next 24 hours.
Also, please follow these tags: ikag starter, Ikag social, ikaghh, ikag important, ikag task, ikagfollow, ikagunfollow and   ikag event
hi hi henlo it’s me , ya gal :)) tee, she/her, twenty-one, aest !
things have FINALLY calmed down irl so !!! i’ll have lots more time ! :) i’ll probably be able to get online a few hours a day, and i’m always around on IMs to chat / plot !!!
wow SO long at this point?? maybe six years !
Please keep this layout for us. So that it is easier for us to update everything.
FACECLAIM: alycia debnam carey
SECONDARY: i don’t have anyone in mind but ! i’d be happy to rework her a lil if alycia is taken ! <3
NAME: sofia monroe
AGE: twenty-three
BIRTHDAY: december 13th, 1995.
HOMETOWN: sylva, north carolina
PETS: n/a!!
tw: religion, homophobia, abuse, mental illness, self-harm.
sofia comes from humble beginnings. somewhere in the middle of six children, their house was full - full of people, full of chaos, full of rage. her father was a big man, both in the literal and figurative sense. he could captivate a room when he spoke, a preacher by trade. everyone in thier small, bustling town she grew up in knew her father by name - and he was highly regarded in their community. but nobody knew the truth. because the monroe’s family home, hidden away just outside of town, was the furthest thing from heavenly. 
and sofia always did her best. to be a good little christian girl - to be the exact kind of woman her parents wanted her to be. quiet, obedient, meek. and for a while, that’s exactly what she was. in her younger years, she did exactly what she was told; tried to be the least of her parent’s worries, and to avoid her father’s dangerous backhand. sofia became a one woman disappearing act, only materialising when she was demanded to, and then vanishing just as quickly as she came. it was easier that way - safer. her loneliness as a child drove her to more artist pursuits. sofia always loved piano, but the sound of it would often infuriate her father, so she rarely dared to play. where she found her one true love, though, was in art. she would spend hours sketching, and playing around with colour. saved up her pocket money to buy watercolour sets and paint brushes. it was the only thing nobody could take from her - this talent, this creativity of hers. despite all she had been through, sofia still saw colour in everything.
but oh - the growing pains of youth. as she bloomed into a young woman, sofia found herself become harder and harder to contain. once obedient, she eventually became defiant in the face of her father and all he believed. ripped the ribbons from her hair, traded her bible for art history books. sofia was done being compliant. and oh, she knew she would suffer for it. she knew every time she raised her voice in her father’s opposition, it would end in a bruised cheek she’d be forced to cover in the morning. but she didn’t care. sofia was done being everything they wanted her to be. but there was only one problem: the girl had become so good at disappearing, she couldn’t remember who she was to begin with.
sofia became erratic. she started sneaking out, drinking, smoking, sleeping with men far older than her. she was fifteen years old and on fire. a darkness slowly began to creep in, although it felt to sofia like it had been there all along. she started failing all her classes, blowing off her friends (of which there were few), and getting into all sorts of other trouble. a school psychologist diagnosed her with manic depressive disorder - bipolar, as she would later come to understand it. they offered her pills, but sofia refused to take them. and her parents? well, for the most part, they tried to actively ignore their daughter’s histrionics - but once people around town started talking? it was impossible for them not to acknowledge it. so, they shipped her away to boarding school across the country. the furthest place they could imagine: new york. so, sofia packed her bags, and off she went. and perhaps she should have been excited, being able to get herself so far away from her family. but she didn’t feel anything anymore. not a damn thing. 
it was a whole new world, for sofia. she’d never left north carolina, and new york felt like a different planet. and her school? a private, all-girls anglican boarding school for trouble youth. nothing much scared sofia anymore, but the idea of it was daunting. strict housemothers promised her parents the school would turn sofia into a proper, upstanding young lady. but once she got there? for the first time in her life, she felt like she belonged somewhere. she finally found her place, amongst all the other misfits. and for all her failings - her sarcasm, anti-social tendencies, and dark glances - as withdrawn as she was, sofia made fast friends. one of which, was a girl named lara. lara was everything sofia wasn’t: confident, outgoing, charming. but the pair just fit. it was like sofia had known her her whole life, or at least, she wished she had. they spent their every hour together, both night and day. and for the first time in a long time, sofia could feel again. still numb, but now aware of what she was fighting for. she actually wanted to get better. flourishing, creatively as well. her art finally getting the recognition it deserved, and her grades picking up. she had her down days, of course, but for once? sofia found herself looking forward to her tomorrows.
but there was a problem. a big one. sofia was in love. she was in love, with her best friend, lara. the girl was everywhere: in the photos on her wall, in the pages of her art journals between pressed flowers, in her dreams. but sofia was convinced, she knew the girl could’ve never felt the same. hell, she hoped lara didn’t like her back. that way, sofia could simply live her entire life pinning over her, never crossing that line. because deep down, even though she would constantly insist she thought religion was ‘bullshit’, she was still afraid. still that little girl, scared of going to hell. and she knew, at least according to her father, that being gay was an unforgivable sin. she regressed back into herself again, doing her best to avoid lara all she could. but she couldn’t leave the girl alone. loving her was the only thing that made sofia feel alive. and she kept the secretly closely guarded, until one night, she slipped. after stealing a bottle of sacramental wine from their chapel’s tabernacle, the pair snuck out to drink on the roof. and under the moonlight, the confession spilled from drunken lips. and by some miracle, sofia’s feelings were reciprocated. and that? that was just about as close to god as she had ever felt. 
her relationship with lara was kept a closely guarded secret. they both knew what was at stake: expulsion, rejection from their family - even their friends would surely turn their backs on them. but sofia was over the moon, despite all that. even if she had to keep it a secret, what the had was real. the only person she ever dared tell was her psychiatrist, and even then, it wasn’t until she and lara had been dating for six months. because surely, he could be trusted - right? he was a doctor, he had to keep her secret. but he didn’t. the next day, sofia and lara were both pulled into the principal’s office, and asked point blank whether or not the allegations were true. sofia told the truth. but lara? lara lied. she denied her and sofia had ever been together - insisted that sofia’s feelings were one sided. sofia was outraged, betrayed. but more than anything? she was heartbroken. she loved lara with every ounce of her being - would’ve done anything for her. clearly, lara didn’t feel the same way. or maybe she did, and she was just too afraid to admit it. in the end, it didn’t matter. sofia’s family was informed, and she was forced packed her things and head back to sylva. 
the following months were the worst of sofia’s life. with only four months left until graduation, her parents enrolled her in public school. a different school that her siblings, naturally. her father wanted as much distance between sofia and the rest of the family as possible. and oh, her father. his abuse grew even more terrifying that she ever could’ve imagined. her arms still carry the wounds of those few months, in the forms of cigarette burns, surgical scars from a broken arm, and her own self-harm. sofia counted down the days until her graduation, after which she had plotted an escape. found work as a waitress at some diner, picked her father’s pockets after he would pass out drunk on the couch. and her nights were spent writing letters, to lara. lara, who she was still so painfully in love with. but she never heard back, not once. meanwhile, her mental health had plummeted. without access to mental health professionals, sofia went undiagnosed, but was now undoubtably suffering from both depression, and ptsd, in addition to her bipolar. but still, she hung on. at a certain point? sofia kept on living out of spite, more than anything else. and that was a good a reason as any, she figured.
finally, after a painstaking few months, graduation rolled around. sofia didn’t even attend, although made sure to pick up her certificate, before she disappeared. if nothing else, she had that. and she didn’t have much else, honestly. a few hundred dollars, the clothes on her back, and a few precious keepsakes. and with that, she vanished. into the night, without even leaving a note. they didn’t deserve that - none of them. and sofia knew: when her parents and her siblings found her gone, they would rejoice. seventeen years old, she set her sights on the only place in the world that had ever made her happy: new york.
her first few weeks in the city were the toughest. she slept rough for a while, although did her best to keep up appearances while desperately searching for work. eventually, she found somewhere willing to hire her as a waitress. it wasn’t much - hardly even a living wage - but it was something. and sofia did her best to earn her keep, a hard worker. moving into a small room in a share house downtown, she finally had a roof over her head again. she didn’t even have a bed, but hey! all in good time. despite her misery, sofia found herself clawing for those little moments of joy again. she managed to save up a little money, make a few friends - and hell, if nothing else, she always had her art. she still carried that sadness with her, but over time, she found it easier to ignore. or maybe she was just getting used to it. well, most days, anyway. what she really needed? well, she needed a doctor. but that cost money, and her pride. plus, after what happened last time? she was terrified. even coming out to her closest, most open-minded friends was a daunting task. but eventually, after a long, long time, she stopped being afraid of the word ‘lesbian’.
and new york was full of beautiful women - and sofia? well, she had unlimited opportunities to take advantage of that fact. but she was still so afraid. terrified of getting hurt all over again - of being betrayed by someone she trusted so intimately. it almost killed her last time, after all. so kept her distance, for the most part. the furthest her ‘relationships’ ever went were a few drunken hookups, followed by radio silence on sofia’s behalf. and it’s not like she wanted to break things off so soon, but she couldn’t help herself. it was the only self-defence mechanism she had; the only thing that guaranteed she’d never get her heart broken again. 
her five years in new york passed in such a blur, sofia struggled to believe it. after taking on a second waitressing job, she managed to save up enough to move into a slightly bigger place with a few friends - with furniture this time, which was a win. and still, all her free time went to art. most days, it was the only thing that eased her pain. mental illness still plagued the young brunette, no doubt. by now, she thought of it as an old friend. and oh, she hides her pain fantastically. masks her insecurity with false bravado and heavy sarcasm, so convincingly you’d scarcely second guess her. in an attempt to detach herself from her own pain she can come off as cold, occasionally. but the truth is? sofia is softer than she’d ever like to admit. more tender than her poor, poor heart knows how to handle. she cares desperately for her friends, and she’s endlessly loyal to the people that matter. but still, sofia can’t stop sabotaging herself, over and over again. ruining her own chances at love, and happiness, and success. but she’s desperate to change her ways, and maybe (just maybe), a fresh start in london will finally turn her around.
n/a ! but i’m super down for connections :)
aa i was going to bring maeve back, but my muse for her is dead af at the moment so!!! here’s my new babey ! ! love u gaLS sm <3<3
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I finished!!! game time was like something like 138 hours but I spent a good dozen or so hours pausing the game to check my phone or wandering off to make dinner. 
I this said last night in a sleepy 4am haze, but I really enjoyed the ending. It was fun to play. The only time I died was when I accidentally fell into a chasm bc I didn’t realize a goddamn fiend was gonna come barreling out of the hall and ruin my “melee everything” scheme and I scooted myself right off a dang platform and respawned directly in its mouth. Whoops. When the Archon called up the Architect I was very Oh god not another one but then I didn’t have to actually try to kill it ever just avoid it, so that was fine. I LOVED how everyone came out to help at the end. It always seems unbelievable to me that your pals are content to hang back for the boss fight (ME2 I thought did well with having everyone else away on different tasks, and the ME3 citadel mission where everyone goes together is one of my favorite parts of the trilogy). And getting to run around with Kandros (who i love but duty calls and we can never be together) and Reyes (im still Very Sad i had to break up with him) and the Salarians!! and then your team coming in at the end :333 ah. It was a very feel-good, exciting culmination, and I think it fit the tone of the rest of the story well. Part of me was half-expecting disaster like you have to sacrifice Scott or a bunch of citizens or something, and while I eat that sort of tragedy up, I’m glad there wasn’t any for this game. 
Incidentally, all of my screenshots of Scott somehow turned out like this, and so I’ve decided this is a chronic problem his whole life and he has 0 good photos ever even when the rest of the fam comes out lookin great:
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ah, Scott. someday i’ll play as him with this Ryder as his sister and it’s gonna have to be a wild ride.
Romance: I romanced Vetra!! I love her a lot as a character but I just kept wishing for more content. And I know I always crave more romancey content but I did feel like her romance arc had a lot less than what I knew people were getting from Jaal’s, especially because it takes you over halfway into the game before you get anything from it. Four flirt opportunities where she doesn’t really flirt back, my Ryder was dying and convinced her crush would never be reciprocated (hence the brief fling with Reyes). But I did LOVE the scenes you do finally get with her, the climbing date was soooo sweet, and I could not stop laughing when she tries to make you dinner. I’m never telling my beautiful girlfriend she doesn’t know how to cook steak. NEVER. she did it perfectly, i love cow. But I just wish there was a scene where YOU could do something for HER. Lexi even tells you that you should show her she’s appreciated and doesn’t have to take care of everyone all the time to be worthy of being liked but then you... never get a chance in game to really do that. Sigh. I definitely have a lot of inner-headcanoning going on for thier relationship. Though Vetra wants to eventually settle down and have a home and i’m... not so sure that’s in the cards for this Ryder. I may tweak the characterization of my Vetra-romance-ryder in some ways and redo this Ryder with Reyes for real next time. I think next up is gonna be a Jaal playthough though.
But, OVERWHELMINGLY, the relationship I was absolutely most fascinated by the whole game and spent way more time thinking about than romance, was the relationship between Ryder and SAM. I went into endgame thinking that the game really hadn’t gotten into that aspect nearly as much as I wanted, AND THEN!!! SAM GETS DISCONNECTED! And it’s revealed they took over WAY more control of the Pathfinder’s physiology than anyone had even guessed!! it’s not just “SAM can take access of enough systems to stop and then restart your heart” it was “SAM is so intertwined with you that they are integrated into these systems already and their absence makes it almost impossible for the Pathfinder to cope without.” I LOVED IT. I was so ready to address that, like, did Ryder know? Did SAM do it by choice or was it just an effect of Alec’s modifications? 
And then... nothing. You’re linked back up with SAM. No one questions it. You don’t get to talk to Scott about how SAM is different for you than him now. Or at least, not that I’ve found??? to be fair I can’t seem to find Scott post-endgame yet (where is he hiding???? i’ve been all over Meridian after leaving/going back), and I still need to go check out the colonies and see what people there have to say. But it really seems like everyone sort of was like “whew, glad that’s sorted out, SAM’s back and htis could never possibly be an issue again so we will all forget about it and never bring it up again.” There was one colonist before (Fawkes) who was one of the only non-main characters to ask a really detailed question about SAM/what the future of AI is gonna look like in Heleus and I was so psyched for that convo. There’s a couple dialogue responses you can take, I went with:
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becuase I really like the idea that Ryder starts to think of themselves as not just Ryder, but a Ryder-And-SAM partnership. There’s a lot of sacrifice in that. You’re admitting that your body is not just You anymore, but a team where both sides are valued.
I’ve spent a lot of the game thinking about Ryder’s internal dialogues with SAM, and the dynamic it would add to their relationship. You don’t have a voice that lives inside your head (and gives you its 100% undivided attention while you’re in the field) and not end up talking to it all the time. SAM asks you questions back on the Tempest when you talk to them and I bet they would when out and about as well, just privately. There’s a line in one of the Vaults where Ryder starts talking to herself and then catches it--
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--because she gets more and more accustomed to not being the only one in her head. SAM is always there. More than that, they always have your back, and are ready to feed you whatever you need to get the mission done. They’re not just a voice, they’re a tool; and they’re not just a tool, they’re a support system. Maybe Ryder knows just how intertwined SAM is becoming with theer body, and isn’t just aware, but welcomes it. The Ryders are a fucked up family who aren’t good at talking to each other, but SAM means you never have to be alone again. Someone is always there for you, protecting and watching out for you. 
So in the final mission, when SAM is ripped away from Ryder--it’s not just a physical effect. It’s like losing a part of your soul and a best friend and a, in some ways, a parent--because SAM learned through Alec Ryder before anyone else--and in other ways, a child--because Ryder is responsible for teaching SAM what it means to be a person and how to navigate the world. And I wish you could convey that emotional distress (even if less complex) in the game, and that Ryder was as worried for SAM’s well being as they are for Scott’s when they race to stop the Archon. Becuase in a lot of ways, I think my Ryder would have grown closer to same than she ever did with her brother.
Anyway, I wish the game hadaddressed these things more, but I also accept that like--this is a trope that I just am REALLY into and have been for ages. It’s not gonna be what everyone wants as the main focus, and it just wasn’t the big story they were trying to tell. At the beginning of the game the descriptions of SAM hyped me up so hard because they reminded me very strongly of my favorite short story, Silently And Very Fast by Catherynne Valente (which, if you haven’t read it, it’s really amazing and you can read the first part here (the other 3 parts are linked at the bottom of each chapter), or I can send a pdf of it if you want, it’s really good people read it please and then tell me about your Emotions). The story veered off not long into the plot of the game (I, along with many others, suspected for a while that SAM would turn out to be like the mother’s consciousness integrated into the AI or something) but I stayed pretty invested in it as a major part of my Ryder’s experience in Heleus. 
And like, I guess this would be something I’ll probably end up doing fic about now since the game didn’t give me as much as I wanted (and I only meant to write a short paragraph about it here and now i have like 9 whoops), so I’ll probably keep thinking about it with the rest of my Ryders. There’s so much potential there. Jade Ryder really grew attached to SAM, but there’s also potential for resentment there--SAM is always watching, Ryder essentially gives up any aspect of privacy in their life, even if SAM is polite enough not to comment on it.
wow this got away from me. anyway. that’s the game!!!!! i’m running around making sure i’ve talked to everyone still. I need to go check up on the colonies and stuff, but I did pretty much everything else before the last mission, so there’s not much to play. Just some assignments that don’t have navpoints. and then start thinking about my next Ryder!!! I played Jade Ryder as pretty logical and professional, with a tendency to open up more with people as she grew to know them better, though she struggled to be open/heartfelt when talking to Angara when her natural conversation style with them flopped hard at first. I think my next Ryder who I still need to name is gonna be way more casual/joke-y (tho i think Ryder is HILARIOUS no matter what, it’s so fun to have such a lighthearted protag) and probably more reckless and prone to following their whims. Gonna have to re-battle the CC though which I’m not so much looking forward to. 
oh also re: the second picture: i FUCKING LOVE that you beat the architect on Elaaden so hard it shoots itself into orbit and slowly decays and you can just sit there and watch it slowly fizzle in the cold vacuum of space
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narisblog · 7 years
Master list of my favorite Destiel fanfics
Twist and Shout-  What begins as a transforming love between Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak in the summer of 1965 quickly derails into something far more tumultuous when Dean is drafted in the Vietnam War. Though the two both voice their relationship is one where saying goodbye is never a real truth, their story becomes fraught with the tragedy of circumstance. In an era where homosexuality was especially vulnerable, Twist and Shout is the story of the love transcending time, returning over and over in its many forms, as faithful as the sea.
Sophomore Slump- Sophomore Castiel Novak is pretty sure college can't get much worse. He has crippling social anxiety, only one good friend, and to top it off, he's still a damn virgin.Everyone knows there's a glory hole in the back of the club in town. Shy little Cas musters up the courage to go back there one day, convinced that maybe he could practice his blowjob skills. You know, just in case he ever happens to find a partner. He just didn't expect to blow tough jock Dean Winchester...(Inspired by a Supernatural Kink Community prompt from Nov '15.)
Bittersweet-  Omega Freshman Dean meets Castiel a young, broke, lonely Alpha English teacher & the attraction is immediate. As thier emotional & physical bond slowly grows they find love, passion & acceptance. While Cas is pushed toward an arranged marriage with another Omega, Dean is sold off & Cas must find Dean at any cost. Destiel, taboos, Mpreg Dean, Hero Cas, scandal, obsession, soul mates, knotting, male heat, Daddy Cas.Please note, this will be a slow build between Castiel and Dean. Instinct but also a bond and deep love with bind them together.
Silence of the Bath House- Being the king of a kingdom at war was stressful and Castiel had taken to walks for some peace and quiet. The problem was finding the right time of day to do so. One night on a walk, Castiel ventures down to the empty bath house; only to find it isn't empty like it should be. "Would you mind if I joined you?" Castiel asked. “You want to? Is that allowed?” “I’m the king, I can do as I please.” Dean frowned slightly at his response. “If you don’t want me to, I’ll return to my own bath.” “No,” Dean blurted, “If you want to, I’ll— I’d be alright with that.” “Good,” Castiel smiled.
Marked- Every omega must be mated by the end of their 20th year. Those that don't, end up sold or traded to neighboring clans. Hoping to avoid mating entirely Castiel finds himself a few weeks away from turning 21 with options running thin.
Unsolicited- In which Dean Winchester gets an unsolicited dick pic from an unknown sender which is both totally not disappointing in that it's a really nice dick pic, and incredibly disappointing in that it's clearly a downloaded picture of his favorite porn star. There's absolutely no way it's actually this porn star sending it to him, right? Right?
Heat of the Moment- In which Sam plans a family vacation at a horse ranch, Cas gets his first human illness (sort of), and Dean finally pulls his stupid alpha head out of his ass.
A Collection of Short Stories vol. 1: The Alphabet of Shameless Smut & Sexy Times-  This will be a collection of 26 stand-alone short stories - one for each letter of the alphabet - that explore the many sexy relationships of our favorite angel and his boyfriend. Each story will be between 1,000 - 5,000 words. Tags are added for each chapter. The title of the chapter will give you an idea of what it's about so feel free to skip around if you'd like.
Dean’s Hormones- This is just a smut part from previous tension in the last story. It doesn't have vital information, if you are not comfortable with smut then you don't need to read it.Otherwise, enjoy.Dean has some sexual tension built and only his Alpha can help him.
The Best Years of Our Lives, My Ass- AU after Season 8, episode 6, "Southern Comfort." Dean goes to sleep in a motel room in Texarkana, and he wakes up 17 years old, in his childhood bedroom in Lawrence, Kansas, 1996. He has no idea how he got there, why his parents are still alive, why his brother is an adorable freshman with no memory of his adult life, and why the only ally he has in this place is the angel he left behind in Purgatory – somehow also 17 years old. They have to get out, that's the important thing. Only, falling in love with his angel wasn't a part of the plan....
Why do I go to extremes?- In a world where Weres are basically pets to humans, having sex with one is clearly off limits. In the same world, Dean Winchester lives with this enormous secret that no one has yet to find out. Too bad that a chance meeting will have him confronted with that secret in the most blatant of ways.Or,The one where human Dean has a fetish for fucking Alphas and where Alpha Castiel might not be as clueless as some seem to think.
Have Love, Will Travel- Castiel Novak is a reclusive writer with a childhood so tragic it's left him terrified to leave his home—until his overbearing brother, Gabriel, drags him out for a night on the town full of booze and strip clubs, and he encounters Dean Winchester, a mesmerizing and mysterious stripper with secrets of his own. Both men find themselves inexplicably drawn to each other, and soon Dean's private dances for Castiel become much more, as both men confess their troubles and find solace in each other's company. But neither can seem to find the courage to take their relationship further than the intimacy of the club's VIP Room—and just when Dean's own brother gives him the excuse he needs to finally admit his feelings, Dean discovers something that brings it all crumbling down. Will they find a way past their demons and their trust issues, and back to each other?
Dark Forest Heart- The wolf that rescued Dean from a Wendigo attack keeps hanging around, even after Dean’s healed. For such a large thing, he’s quiet. For an alpha, he’s respectful. Despite himself, Dean finds himself drawn to the wolf and friendship easily grows into something more.
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espytalks · 7 years
some ideas about carter and his family (some details may change as i learn more about things, and how to go about them)
Carter is an only child, raised by a single mother
He would help his mom in the shop after school and on weekends. he enjoyed helping her, and he learned how to knit and crochet at a very early age.
She treated carter very well growing up. She did her best to be a good mother, and he turned out alright.
I don’t have definite names for his parents yet, but their last name is tonkins. (it’s based on the name of an actual cat breed, the tonkinese. i chose it mainly because it sounded like a good last name. feel free to look it up though. they’re some nice cats.)
the placeholder names are margaret and kevin.
margaret and kevin met when they were young adults. they were very attracted to each other, and rushed into a relationship. 
Kevin had and still has anger issues. he would get mad and argue when things didn’t go his way, and arguments with margaret would sometimes get physical.
Margaret loved Kevin, and believed she could “fix him” and his anger problems. she dealt with the abuse, because aside from that she thought he was a good person. That if she loved him enough, he could change.
Within a year of them being married, they had a child. things got stressful for them both after that.
Kevin had a hard time getting and keeping jobs. they were able to manage with what he could get, and the shop, but only barely. 
The breaking point in thier relationship came a few years into thier marrage. the anger issues kept getting worse. He would hit her more often than not.
she kept at it until one day carter got hurt. not very severely, but enough to make him cry. (he was very young. i’d say around 4)
She had enough. she took carter and left kevin. it took some effort, a lot of pain and tears and heartbreak, and encouragement from her friends, but eventually she broke off all ties with him, and divorced him. She may have gotten a restraining order at some point, but i’m debating that.
She never told carter what happened. he asked, but she told him she’d tell him when he’s older. She passed away without telling him, when carter was around 20 years old. 
he had stopped asking at some point, because he could see the topic bothered her.
Margaret died of a genetic disease that runs in her side of the family. ( i want to keep this part very vague, if possible.) Carter knows it’s genetic, and is scared that he has it, too. 
He eventually tells becky about this, because it’s hindering him getting too into thier relationship. it takes a lot of convincing to get him to admit this. 
after this, they get tests done, and the results come back negative. he’ll live.
also in their relationship, the topic of carter’s dad gets brought up. Becky knew margaret very well, because she spent a lot of time over at carter’s house when they were kids, but she never knew or asked what happened to carter’s dad.
she brings up the idea of finding his dad. carter is curious, and after some convincing, he hires a private investigator to find his dad.
I’m not too sure yet about the rest of this, but Kevin is alive. the rest is some thoughts, and could change drastically as i figure it out.
Kevin lives in  a small, cheap apartment. he has a sitty job, but a somewhat stable one, and makes enough to live, plus enough to support his drinking habits. (him being an alcoholic may change)
he may have tried at some point to get close to his kid when they first separated. this may have been why margaret got a restraining order. I don’t know how that works though, so i may have to look up info on that to see if that would mean carter wouldn’t be able to meet his dad in the future. (the weird things ya google for reference, amirite?)
carter doesn’t go alone to meet him. he brings becky.
i have vague ideas of how the conversation might go. my most clear idea is the climax of the visit, where carter blows up at him, telling kevin off for what he did to the two of them. He even goes as far as calling him an asshole, which shocks becky completely, because carter doesn’t curse. (he stutters and hesitates at this, too. it’s not an easy choice to make, but he feels it justified at the time. he regrets this for several years, despite becky telling him she’d say the same.)
Everything goes quiet at that point. Kevin looks furious, Becky is shocked, and carter had started crying halfway through his rant, and is trying to look mad but he’s crying too hard to look intimidating.
I want there to be some sort of redemption for kevin at this point, but that may change. He lets out a breath, leans back, and admits his faults. like, he sounds genuinely sorry for what he did, and he really did love margaret. He didn’t even know she was dead. 
(carter brought the blanket, which was made after she died. it’s a story that doesn’t fit with what i’m talking about right now, and requires some explanation first. carter brings this up in his rant though.)
after kevin tells his side of the story, and asks for forgiveness, carter could choose to trust him, or becky could convince him that kevin could be lying to get sympathy from him, and they should just leave.
abuse could be a sore spot for becky, and after finding out how margaret was treated, she’d be mad at kevin, and wouldn’t want to forgive him. 
if they leave him, he’s out of the story for good. it doesn’t get brought up, and carter doesn’t feel good about the whole thing. becky tries to help justify this, but carter feels guilty, and betrayed by his father. He wouldn’t want to hate kevin, despite what he did.
If carter chooses to forgive him, Carter agrees to help Kevin with his anger issues, and substance abuse, and gets him the help he needed decades ago. 
Kevin would be an actually good person, underneath his tough exterior. it’s what margaret fell in love with, but she didn’t know how to actually bring that out.
it’d be a very tough journey, and there’d be many setbacks, but after years of hard work, Carter would finally have a good relationship with his dad, and becky would learn to forgive him, too. 
becky trusts carter, and she would stay with him despite this choice, but it does affect their relationship at first. she’d mainly be mad at kevin, though.
maybe i’m just a sucker for happy endings, and i believe in people being good more than what is realistic, but i like the idea of carter befriending his dad. Everyone has a reason for acting out, and being who they are. Not everything is black and white. And the idea of someone, with the help of people who care about them, becoming a better person, sounds like a very nice idea to me.
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