12 with whichever ship you want and YOU BETTER FUCKING GET OUT OF THAT BLOCK 🔪🔪🔪 no pressure ofc 😁
Since those are drabble prompts, I thought ‘hey, why not actually attempting one, instead of a ficlet?’. So here, have a double-drabble in only dialogue!
Haven’t done either in years, so that was a fun experiment. Enjoy :D
Not Quite as Planned
T, 200 words, Crack, Established Relationship | AO3
“Well, this is… awkward.”
“Oh, is it now, Tony? Is it?”
“Stop complaining, at least you only broke one leg?”
“I said I was sorry.”
“Yes, thank you. This makes it so much better.”
“Please, sarcasm doesn’t suit you, Bucky. Why are you whining like that anyway? You’re a Super Soldier; that leg will be healed in just a few hours.”
“You’re right, it’s not like we were interrupted during sex because you broke my leg.”
“To be fair, you wanted me to wear the armor in bed.”
“Because I trusted you after years of super-heroing to have your strength under control!”
“I got caught up in the heat of the moment! Do you have any idea how hot you are?”
“That’s not an excuse!”
“… So, no sex in the armor anymore?”
“What, who said that? Of course we’re doing this again.”
“But the next time I will be riding you while you will be tied up.”
“Sometimes you’re such an insufferable idiot.”
“Thank you.”
“That wasn’t a compliment, Tony.”
“At least I’m your insufferable idiot?”
“Yes, yes you are.”
“I love you too.”
“Shut up and take me to the med-bay now.”
Send me a prompt from this list!
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ad1thi · 4 years
"give me a character" -> SPENCER REID! bruh fxck me up
(also requested by @introverted-owl)
Dilaudid was not his first experience with addiction - and part of his reluctance to seek professional help is based on the fact that he was able to kick the habit in college and he thinks he should be able to do it again
He’s bisexual, and always known it - but chose to stay closeted because he didn’t want anyone to think he was weird (or weirder than they already did anyway)
Contrary to popular belief, he loses his virginity at a young age -- 16, to a PhD student in CalTech. That experience is how he discovered he was bisexual.
give me a character and i’ll give you three headcanons
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astrhae · 4 years
Rhae please, YOUR POEMS
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adsfndsknsd ana me @ YOUR TAGS
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no-gorms · 4 years
Hi, I've only had time to read "There's an App for That" now after so long and as soon as I've read those three worded breakup note for Hammer (the most apt for him), to which I almost choked on laughing, I rushed to send you this ask over here because I just had to -
Iconic. 😂
HA I LOVE HAMMER! I’d feel bad about making him the buttmonkey but he is the BEST at being the WORST. 🤣 Of course if there’s an AU where Steve runs a break-up app Hammer would be an...... appallingly easy recipient.
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alyisintrouble · 4 years
Aaahhh thank you, Ana! 🥰🔪👀
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dykeninthdoctor · 4 years
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your tony and steve make me fall in love every time i see them. the way you draw them makes them look captivating and attractive. they are absolutely gorgeous and i want to say, thank you very much for drawing them. (I have like a gazillion words to describe how i feel but all of them are jumbled in my head so im just screaming aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh as i try to express them in here. thank you really. you're so talented)
Thank you so much, this ask made me so happy😭😭 Awwww I'm perfectly okay with the screaming! In fact, I encourage any and all screaming in my ask box :D
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desicinema · 4 years
All of your gifsets are amazing! Thank you for taking time to make them and share them with us ♡
Thank you! 🥰🥰🥰 I’m glad you guys are liking them and I’m definitely having fun getting back to giffing Desi movies.
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youungbae · 4 years
Hiiii *waves* I love your YB Loser gifset very much. Was wondering if you take requests cause *fidgets* if I may ask, for GD maybe? Also from Loser? If not, it's alright. Don't mind me. Just dropping by to say I enjoy your Loser gifset is all ^^
Thank you! I made one here :)
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mjxlnir · 4 years
I love your comicedits so much! The colors you pick are so pretty ♡
thank you sm!!
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also, since we're publically yelling at each other now:
- make it happen
Give me the WinterIronScience I rightfully deserve, and I might consider your ~Buchesé~ request!!
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ad1thi · 4 years
Adi, I have a bone to pick with you. I've been Spencer Reid clean for years and now you're injecting him into my veins again. My heart can't take it 💀
jdskssj its not my fault i thought I'd buried my hyperfixation back in JUNE but guess not 🤭🤭
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astrhae · 4 years
"My heart has forgotten how to beat without yours beside it" IS YOURS!???? OHMYGOD RHAE!! Do you know long that quote sat with me after i read it the first time and my noob ass didn't even read the tags to see THEY ARE YOUR OWN WORDS!!! *clutches chest* please im gonna like go cry in the corner or something cause
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ANA I DON'T DESERVE YOU aksjsjdjdhd that's the shortest poem i've written and it's titled summer ghosts in my notes and you can bet it's stevetony inspired
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alyisintrouble · 4 years
Hi Aly! Hope you're having a good day. I love your gifs especially of pewds (floor gang ouh!). I was wondering if you take request (if not, pls ignore this but if yes), can you please make a gifset of felix making swedish pancake followed by him realising it's a common slavik pancake and not specifically swedish? Tysm and i wish you a beautiful week ahead ♡
Hello, Ana!
Aaaww, thank you, oh my god 🥺🥺🥺 And yes, I do take requests and thank you for leaving one, just posted! Don’t be shy to drop in some more, if you want! :3
Have a good time! xx
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dykeninthdoctor · 4 years
Sending you 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 cause your tags sent me good feels so tq 💛
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did you really cry or was that just a manner of speech cause i need to know. for scientific purpose. (also 3/4th of the time i wrote that i was fucking numb so yeah, maybe 'unwanted paintings' applies here :P)
since you asked openly and not over dm, i am going to answer openly and not over dm. but first i wanna ask: do you really think i would lie in my tags? sure, sometimes i’m a bit of a drama queen when it comes to angst, but when i say this made me cry - then i mean it.
it didn’t make me cry because of sadness (though, the story is bittersweet and does carry a certain sadness with it therefore), but because it’s just so damn beatifully written, that i was simply overwhelemed with feelings.
i wish you would look at your writing the same way as i, and your other readers, do. because sentences like these:
It’s trust that leads to expectation, leads to betrayal, and then pain. If you’re lucky, maybe forgiveness in the end.
The last part of it was true. 80% of it - minus the ‘happy’; substitute it for ‘alive’ and it would be 100% right.
Funny thing is, when love lies, it hurts the most.
(and at this point i could just quote the entire damn fic and all other you wrote while i’m at it) - sentences like these rarely come easily to someone just like that as if it was nothing. some people are just born with a natural given talent, others only have a certain skillset they know how to use but need to work on and improve frequently. i, for example, am definitely the latter. sure, a little bit of talent must be there, otherwise i probably wouldn’t be able to write at all, but it’s not the same. you - you on the other hand are the former.
if - and that’s a big if - i could come up with lines like these, i’d need to work on them for-fucking-ever. i would try it out once and twice and would edit it for hours over days until they came out the same way as they did for you here. you? you basically just vomit them out and then look at it in disgust, even tho you just literally puked the most beautiful flowers, but all you see is your own vomit.
some artists learn to do art early on. they use references and read helpful tips and work on their artwork for years. and some of them have enough skill and natural given talent to make it big - in fandom, or outside of fandom. some of them won’t and they’re okay with it, because they have fun with what they’re creating. sure, when i was younger i did dream to become a big name, which is something i know now it’s not gonna happen. i’m writing because i have stories to tell and have fun doing so. (and yeah, ngl, the child in me will never stop dreaming of more, but i know how to stay realistic.)
and then there are artists who take a brush in their hand for the very first time and just let their hand lead - and create a masterpiece. because they just have an eye and a feeling for it - it’s always been there, they just needed to pick up a brush. that’s you, ana.
and i’m not saying that your fics are 100% perfect, becasue even the most talented artist looks at a line and changes it, or adds another clolor they didn’t think of before, to give it something that missed before (i have actually no idea what artists do, i’m just metaphoring here - just go with the flow), which is something you don’t do. you don’t edit your writing, don’t polish it, don’t leave it for a few days and come back to it, look at what is missing/what needs to be changed. (or you rarely do, at least.) your writing is raw.
but even the rawest piece is pure poetry and you write some of the most beautiful pieces i have ever read. and ana; i’ve been reading fanfiction since 2007. those big names who are known for their poetic wrtiting? yeah, they are fucking amazing, but i would take your fics over theirs any day.
you could be a big name in fandom - and fucking hell, outside of it too - if you wanted to easily. but you know what’s the main problem? you treat your writing like it’s some garbage - the love is missing. and we as the reader, we see this. it’s like looking at a gorgeous painting, but being distarcted by the smell of the dumpster it was thrown in.
if we weren’t friends i would fucking hate you out of pure envy. i totally do envy you for your talent, but unfortunately i love your fucking dumb ass too much. feel honored, bitch.
look, i know how you feel, i know what issues and problems you’re struggling with - but once, just once, i wish you would take a step back and look at your own writing from my perspective and see the beauty of the things you create for yourself.
because your fics are worth it, damnit.
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