#led diode replacement
rcard2yman · 2 years
100 - 277Vac, 29.4W, 700mA, 24-42V, [0-10V, TRI...], IP64 LED Driver
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bjdmn2man · 3 months
AC/DC led driver circuit, light emitting diode, high-power LED
100 - 277Vac, 55W, 100 - 1800mA, 18-54V, [0-10V], IP66 LED Driver
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rbrt2orien · 2 years
100 - 277Vac, 29.4W, 700mA, 24-42V, [0-10V, TRI...], IP64 LED Driver
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Scientists advance affordable, sustainable solution for flat-panel displays and wearable tech
A research team led by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has developed "supramolecular ink," a new technology for use in OLED (organic light-emitting diode) displays or other electronic devices. Made of inexpensive, Earth-abundant elements instead of costly scarce metals, supramolecular ink could enable more affordable and environmentally sustainable flat-panel screens and electronic devices. "By replacing precious metals with Earth-abundant materials, our supramolecular ink technology could be a game changer for the OLED display industry," said principal investigator Peidong Yang, a faculty senior scientist in Berkeley Lab's Materials Sciences Division and professor of chemistry and materials science and engineering at UC Berkeley. "What's even more exciting is that the technology could also extend its reach to organic printable films for the fabrication of wearable devices as well as luminescent art and sculpture," he added.
Read more.
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andmaybegayer · 2 years
Business in the front, party in the back. Yes, I'm leaving the button like that. It's fine.
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This is a Qualcomm Quickcharge Trigger, based loosely on this design, but only rigged for 12V.
When you press the button, it negotiates up from 5V to 12V from any QC 2.0 compatible charger.
Why? The 12V supply that runs my desk is a noisy, cheap pile of garbage that whines at 18kHz all the time, and my hearing is still good enough to hear that all goddamn night. Finding quiet 12V supplies that don't develop inscrutable hums a few months down the line is a crapshoot. On the other hand, cellphone chargers are usually impossibly quiet. I have a loose QC phone charger that I don't need for anything else, so if I can convince it to pump out 12V I can use that to run my desk. Hence, this pile of junk.
Tested and working, all I have to do is press the button to get it to put out 12V. Eventually I might get a 9V zener diode and an LED and set up an indicator that tells me if it's in 12V mode, but for now I'll lean on the fact that I built it and I know how it works.
This is NOT fully wired correctly, as in if you plug the USB cable in upside down it will not trigger correctly. Fixing this is not too hard but would require me to fuck around with the protoboard more than I already have and dealing with protoboard is miserable. I'll just put some alignment markers on the cable I'm using I guess.
I'll have to sit later with a hacksaw and cut this section of protoboard out. Bleh. Building a case for things like this is what makes me wish I had a 3D printer. The exposed pins on the bottom are a short risk so this will get a chunk of cardboard two-way taped to the bottom.
If you ever get a chance to stock up on industry standard barrel jacks, do it, I use these things everywhere.
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Quickcharge is a dying protocol, being replaced almost wholly by USB-PD, but USB-PD requires putting an actual microcontroller in the mix whereas this can be done fully analogue, and I believe that even QC 3.0 is still simple enough that a human with some buttons and a few resistor ladders could query basically any voltage it can supply (which is many)
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vintage-tech · 1 year
today’s project: upgrading the light in a View-Master
So as you may recall, recently I obtained a View-Master model F, produced 1959-1964 and the last model that was made out of Bakelite plastic, which uses a battery-powered light source internally rather than making you point the back of the thing at a window.
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The light inside is a standard 3 volt flashlight bulb (the kind that has been around for a century) nestled between two C-cells. It does adequately well when the batteries are fresh. This photo taken with flash:
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But we live in a modern era where more powerful LED bulbs are available and use a fraction of the energy. How about we swap the old incandescent...
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...with a LED model? Amazon carries them for a few bucks but I noticed that Temu has them for $2.48 so I invested. :-D
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The size is a match in base diameter (since it’s supposed to be a direct replacement for flashlights) and pretty close to the same length, so this should work nicely. So inserting the bulb to confirm it fits properly...
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Indeed. Discovered that the battery diagram on the case is opposite of the polarity of the LED bulb, and since diodes limit electricity to going in only one direction I had to rotate the batteries so it’d light up. And it does! This photo taken without flash:
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Putting the back back on the View-Master, inserting a reel, pressing the light button and pulling the advance handle, then... Mighty Mouse will save the daaaay!
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I considered getting another LED for use in my slide viewer, but decided against it after I gave it a try with this bulb. The View-Master puts the light between the viewed objects so it’s indirect on the eyes, but in a slide viewer it’s directly behind the object so the light is too strong to look at without some extra filter added.
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ammg-old2 · 1 year
For most of the history of civilisation we’ve exploited a pretty small selection of metals, including copper and tin for bronze-age tools, iron for steel, and lead, gold and silver. Our repertoire has begun to diversify over the past century or so, with the widespread use of aluminium and other new metals. But in the past few decades the number of different metals we wield in our technological society has absolutely exploded. A modern smartphone contains more than 30 different elements. These include carbon and hydrogen in the plastic casing, silicon for the microchip wafers, and copper wiring and gold contacts. But there are also small amounts of a large number of other metals, each exploited for its own particular electronic properties, or for the tiny, powerful magnets used in the speaker and vibration motor. This means that if you own a smartphone, you have in your pocket a substantial fraction of all the stable elements of the periodic table. And it’s not just modern electronics that demand a huge diversity of different metals. So too do the high-performance alloys used in the turbines of a power station or aircraft jet engine, or the reaction-accelerating catalysts that we use in industrial chemistry for refining oil, producing plastics or synthesising modern medicinal drugs. Yet most of us have never even heard of many of these critical metals – elements with exotic names like tantalum, yttrium or dysprosium.
The concern is that unlike widespread resources like iron or nitrogen, several of these elements crucial to the modern world may become prohibitively scarce. These have become known as the endangered elements. In response to the Mendeleev anniversary, the European Chemical Society (EuChemS) has released a version of the periodic table (see above) to highlight the elements that are most at risk over the coming decades.
Helium, for example is considered to be under serious threat in the next 100 years. It is the second most abundant element in the universe, but preciously rare on Earth because it is light enough to simply escape from the top of our atmosphere. The helium we do use is effectively mined from deep underground, usually along with natural gas, as it is produced as radiation particles from the decay of elements like uranium. Helium is very useful – as a cooling liquid for the superconducting magnets in hospital MRI scanners, for example, or as an extremely light gas for weather balloons and airships. But once it leaks into the air it is lost for ever, and there are concerns over meeting supply in the future. With this perspective, its frivolous use in party balloons seems almost painfully wasteful.
Many of these endangered elements are the sort of exotic metals used in modern electronics, and indeed the supply of 17 elements needed for smartphones may give cause for concern in years to come. Particularly worrying is the fact that many of those facing potential scarcity are exactly the elements we need for the green technologies to replace our reliance on fossil fuels – those used in rechargeable batteries, solar panels, and the powerful magnets within the motors of electric cars or generators in wind turbines. Gallium, for example, is needed for integrated circuits, solar panels, blue LEDs and laser diodes for Blu-ray Discs. Indium is used in everything from TVs to laptops, and in particular the touch-sensitive screens of modern smartphones and tablets. It is estimated that at current usage rates, available indium will be used up in 50 years and will become very expensive to collect and purify.
Except for helium, the problem isn’t that these scarce elements actually become lost to the planet, but that they become too expensive to mine or too dispersed to recycle effectively. “Rare earth elements”, such as yttrium, dysprosium, neodymium and scandium, are actually relatively plentiful in the Earth’s crust but aren’t geologically concentrated into rich ores. This means that they can’t be extracted economically in many areas of the world. And once they have been manufactured as tiny components within an electronic device, they can be even harder to reclaim and recycle. EuChemS calculates that 10m smartphones are discarded or replaced every month in the EU alone, and so serious action is needed to tackle these challenges of elemental scarcity.
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eaglefairy · 1 year
Orlina tiptoed through the lair, looking around suspiciously.  Eclipse, Apollo, and Shimmerscale had just departed for their annual trip to the Night’s Festival in the Tangled Wood with anyone who wanted to go, which left Orlina and everyone else not interested in the party back in the clan’s lair.
More specifically, Diode had stayed behind this year, which Orlina knew could only mean one thing:
The beginning of this year’s prank war.
Diode was one of the most gregarious and energetic nocturnes Orlina had ever met.  She often left the lair for weeks at a time going adventuring, always meeting new people and bringing the wildest stories back to their cozy forest home.  She had just come back from another such trip right before the Night of the Nocturne, meaning that she had no interest in leaving again so soon.  Unfortunately for Orlina, that meant that Diode was celebrating the holiday around home, which meant she’d have to be on the lookout for mimics and other pranks for two entire weeks.
Orlina poked her head into her workshop, scenting the air suspiciously.  Past experience had taught her that she could still smell the bitter tang of mimic powder even when it was camouflaged by her stores, as long as she was anticipating it.  She was greeted by the normal pungent smells of her ingredients and stepped in more fully, confident that nothing in her lab had been disturbed while she was away.  After putting away the herbs she’d gathered that morning, she spent a few minutes taking stock of what she had, noting what she could try to find herself and what she’d have to ask someone else to go out and find for her.  She noticed that she was almost out of cerith shells and groaned internally.  That was an ingredient she’d have to source elsewhere, and likely for a fair bit of treasure to boot.  It would all be worth it though if it helped her finish her latest concoction.  With an irritated lash of her tail, she turned around and walked out of the workshop, idly wondering what she’d eat for lunch.
Orlina leaped backwards and hissed, wings flaring up and out to make herself look bigger.  A brightly painted board depicting a roaring Flowering Pohip swung back and forth on strings in front of her, gently creaking in the breeze.  Orlina stood still for a few seconds, her heart pounding rapidly in her chest.  Her shock and confusion was interrupted by high-pitched giggles from a nearby tree.
Orlina glared upwards, her surprise quickly being replaced by anger.  “You!” she shouted at the shimmering purple and white shape in the branches.  “I’ll get you for this!  You’ll regret starting this prank war, Diode!”
“Oh, I think I’ll only regret it if you can catch me!”  Diode shouted back.  She easily dodged backwards as Orlina launched herself into the air and found herself led on a rousing chase through the trees.  Orlina knew that she had very little chance of actually catching her foe; Diode spent her days haring off around Sornieth, and while Orlina spent her fair share of time looking for ingredients in their corner of the Viridian Labyrinth, that didn’t exactly constitute strenuous exercise.  Before long, Orlina was left catching her breath among the trees, with Diode nowhere in sight.  Heaving a theatrical sigh, she turned around and headed back for the lair.
When she got back, she grabbed a snack and took it with her to her workshop.  She still had more work to do today, which apparently now included thinking of revenge pranks to pull on Diode.  Upon entering her workshop, Orlina stopped in surprise when she saw a neatly stacked pile of cerith shells on her work bench.  “How did these get here?” she muttered to herself, poking one of the shells with a suspicious claw.
A soft sound behind her made her whirl around, wings half-raised in anticipation of another prank.  She lowered them almost immediately when she saw who it actually was: another nocturne, though this one smaller and with bluer scales and darker wings than her sister.
“Hello, Abyss.  I didn’t expect to see you here.  I’m sorry if I startled you by moving so fast.”  Orlina spoke clearly and softly, hoping not to scare away the other dragon.  Abyss was far, far shyer than her sister, preferring to stay in the waters around the clan’s territory.  She had probably only come out this far onto land because half the clan was gone for a few weeks.
Abyss settled back on the floor, folding her wings back up from where they’d been raised in preparation for a hasty flight.  “For you,” she whispered, raising a claw and pointing at the stack of shells on the workshop bench.
“You got those for me?”  Surprise bloomed in Orlina’s chest for the second time that day, though this was a far more welcome occasion than the first.  “Thank you!  How did you–ah, did you see my list that I wrote?”
Abyss nodded.  “Diode…she, um…I saw her, earlier.”
Orlina struggled to follow Abyss’s thoughts for a moment, but it quickly became clear when she picked up the scent of remnants of paint from Abyss.  “Oh, you helped her with the prank?”  Abyss’s wings pressed defensively close to her body and Orlina rushed to continue, “Oh, no, I’m not mad about it.  We do this a lot; it’s a bit of a tradition between your sister and I, to prank each other when we’re both still here during the holiday.  It’s all in good fun.”
Abyss relaxed upon hearing Orlina’s words, though she still remained standing in the doorway for a bit.  Seeing the wooden Pohip still hanging outside her workshop behind Abyss gave Orlina an idea.  “Although…if you’re still feeling guilty for helping to prank me, why not help me design a prank to pull on your sister?”
Abyss rushed into the workshop upon hearing that, and Orlina gave her a toothy grin.  This year’s prank war was shaping up to be glorious.
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loup-venant · 1 year
Hier, j'ai démonté le clavier de mon ordinateur. La touche D était un peu récalcitrante et ne s'enregistrait pas bien quand j'appuyais dessus.
Je l'ai depuis des années, c'est un clavier mécanique rétro éclairé d'une compagnie dont les produits sont relativement médiocre en terme de qualité. J'ai un jour renversé un bol de flocons d'avoine trop près de ce cher outil de tous les jours. Autant dire que le lait végétal a les même effets que n'importe quel autre liquide qui se serait malencontreusement retrouvé coincé à chercher un chemin de sortie entre les touches et le fond du clavier.
Ma patience a cet instant n'a pas été des plus exemplaires, j'ai gardé le tout branché et me suis contenté d'éponger avec une serviette ce qui était visible. Il semblait encore fonctionner et ça aurait été un détail dans la vie si quelques jours plus tard les touches 0 et . du pavé numérique ne s'étaient pas soudainement offert des vacances au retour alors encore indéterminé.
Mais en l'ouvrant hier soir, ma curiosité s'en est allé bras dessus bras dessous avec mon courage. Et dans les règles de l'art pour peu que s'en soit un, vis après vis déposées sur un schéma dessiné rapidement sur une feuille de papier pour les replacer au bon endroit, j'ai inspecté l'engin et tous ses recoins. J'ai nettoyé à l'alcool la carte électronique qui contient tous les switchs en insistant un peu sur celui de la touche d.
Là, j'ai reconnu les victimes de ma négligence, le 0 et le . du pavé numérique. J'ai alors ouvert mon bouquin favoris pour me sortir de toutes les situations, internet. Après de nombreuses heures, je trouve un guide d'un gars qui ouvre le même clavier et qui répare façon mc guyver les même touches que les miennes, si ça s'est pas beau. Seul hic, je suis novice en électricité et les mots résistance et diode font autant de sens pour moi qu'un texte de loi.
J'ai tout de même compris de mon cher guide anglophone que s'assurer que la diode responsable pour ces deux touches soit capable de faire le même boulot que les autres diodes pour d'autres couples de touches. Détail qui m'a fait sourire et comprendra qui pourra, la diode en question était nommée d66.
Elle semble faire son job normalement, que faire alors ? Les soudures des deux touches affichent des traces assez marquées de corrosion. Je décide alors de dessouder le tout pour remettre de l'étain neuf. Néanmoins il faut bien comprendre que cette diode n'est pas plus grande que 1mm sur 0.5mm, et ses trois pattes sont à peine visible. J'en arrache évidemment une en la dessoudant. La chance devait bien tourner à un moment où un autre. Un peu désespéré, je la teste tout de même. Elle semble vraiment continuer à fonctionner. Je me décide alors à la replacer en imaginant simplement faire monter l'étain jusqu'à l'endroit où la troisième patte se trouvait. À cet instant elle me saute des mains vers mon sol en osb. Il fait nuit et ma seul lumière vient d'une part de la led de mon téléphone et d'autre part de ma lampe d'ambiance. Ce qui pourra vous projeter sans mal je suppose dans mon état d'esprit du moment "c'est fini..."
J'ai pas ouvert ce clavier pour rien, me dis-je, mon courage est là et je me met à quatre pattes. Je prépare la fouille d'un premier balayage des yeux. Je ne voit rien. En même temps, sa taille et la texture du sol n'aidant pas, j'avais peu d'espoir de la retrouver du premier coup d’œil. Après une recherche plus minutieuse, je retrouve la fameuse diode. Sa troisième patte n'a pas repoussé entre temps mais j'arrive à la replacer et elle semble toujours fonctionnelle. Les deux touches aussi on reçu un petit coup d'étain.
Je branche alors le clavier sans vraiment y croire. D'ailleurs, à cet instant je me dis juste que ça serait fou que ça fonctionne après l'avoir autant charcuté.
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LED sign board makers, glow sign board manufacturers
LED Sign board makers near me | GA Signs and Advertising   
A LED sign board, also known as a LED display board or LED billboard, is an electronic visual communication device that displays texts, images, and videos in real time. The board comprises multiple light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that illuminate to produce images and texts. LED sign boards have revolutionized the way businesses, organizations, and individuals communicate with their target audience.
LED sign boards are available in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles to suit different needs and environments. They can be indoor or outdoor and can be used for a range of purposes such as advertising, marketing, event promotion, real-time information display, and more. LED sign boards can also be used to display emergency alerts and messages in public areas, providing an effective and immediate communication tool.
One of the key advantages of LED sign boards is their ability to grab the attention of people. LED sign boards are bright and eye-catching, making them an ideal choice for businesses and organizations looking to promote their products and services. LED sign boards also offer greater flexibility than traditional sign boards as they can be programmed to display messages and images at different times of the day.
LED sign boards are also energy-efficient, making them an environmentally-friendly option. They consume less energy compared to traditional sign boards, and their lifespan is much longer, reducing the need for frequent replacements. In addition, LED sign boards are low maintenance, requiring only periodic cleaning to keep them functioning optimally.
Another advantage of LED sign boards is their ability to display real-time information. Businesses and organizations can use LED sign boards to display real-time stock quotes, weather updates, news headlines, and more, providing valuable information to their target audience. LED sign boards can also be integrated with other communication technologies, such as WiFi and Bluetooth, allowing for remote control and programming.
LED sign boards are also cost-effective in the long run. Despite their initial high cost, the ownership cost is much lower than traditional sign boards, as they consume less energy, have a longer lifespan, and require less maintenance. In addition, businesses and organizations can reach a wider audience with LED sign boards, increasing their chances of attracting new customers and generating more sales.
However, there are also some limitations to LED sign boards. They can be affected by weather conditions, such as rain and snow, and may not be visible during bright sunlight. In addition, LED sign boards can be distracting, especially for drivers, and may cause safety concerns if not installed and used properly.
In conclusion, LED sign boards are an innovative and effective tool for businesses, organizations, and individuals to communicate with their target audience. They are energy-efficient, low maintenance, and cost-effective in the long run, and provide real-time information and greater flexibility compared to traditional sign boards. While they have some limitations, they offer a range of benefits that make them an ideal choice for anyone looking to communicate effectively with their target audience.
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rcard2yman · 2 years
100 - 277Vac, 29.4W, 700mA, 24-42V, [0-10V, TRI...], IP64 LED Driver
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ankit20222 · 2 years
Best Interior designing Comany in Patna - Zee Architect
Zee Architect is Best Interior Designing Company in Patna.
Building construction Building construction is one of the first considerations for interior designing. It’s imperative to know how to create a sound foundation in order to achieve a long lasting structure that doesn't have to be renovated. There are several materials that can be used to construct a building. Each material offers its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Wood is considered a low cost option that provides many benefits. However, wood requires maintenance and repair over time. Concrete is a strong and durable choice that comes in various types. It can be installed quickly and easily, but concrete costs money. Metal comes in different forms including steel and aluminum. These types of metal offer good durability and high strength, making them ideal options for building construction. Glass is lightweight and shatterproof, thus serving as a great alternative for windows. Ceramic tiles are hard wearing and fire resistant. They're also water proof, making them perfect for flooring. Brick is versatile and beautiful, and they make excellent foundations for buildings. Stone is durable and beautiful, but it takes a lot of effort to build with stone, especially if done properly.
Flooring Flooring (Best Interior Designing Company in Patna) is the next consideration for interior design. Materials include; carpet, wooden floors, laminate floors, ceramic tile, linoleum, vinyl, parquet, and bamboo floors. Floors are a big aspect of any home, and choosing the wrong type could cause problems down the line. Carpet tends to wear out quickly, but is relatively cheap and easy to install. Laminate and wood floors are popular choices due to their ease of installation and affordability. Both provide soft comfort underfoot. Vinyl and plastic tiles are less expensive than other flooring choices, but they tend to crack after a few years. Ceramic tile is durable and beautiful. Linoleum and parquet are both highly durable. Parquet is not recommended since it's difficult to clean and maintain. Bamboo floors are eco-friendly and natural, but they require additional care.
Furniture Furniture is a huge and often overlooked part of interior decorating. If furniture is chosen poorly, it can ruin the look of a room. When purchasing furniture, consider ergonomics and style. Ergonomic furniture helps prevent back pain and repetitive strain injuries. In addition to being comfortable, furniture should fit the space well. A good rule of thumb is to buy items that are at least two times larger than the area where they've been placed. Style is everything and choosing a style that fits the person and the environment is half the battle. Modern furniture is trending right now. Traditional furniture styles include; Victorian, Regency, Transitional, Arts & Crafts, and Mission. There are so many different pieces of furniture available for purchase. You can get anything from simple benches to multi-functional desks, beds, tables, chairs, stools, cabinets, shelves, etc.
Lighting Lighting is another important aspect to interior design. Different types include; incandescent, fluorescent, halogen, LED (light emitting diode), and CFL (compact florescent light). Incandescent lights work well in dark rooms, but don't produce much light. Fluorescent bulbs last longer and look nicer than traditional lighting, but they need frequent replacement and are pretty loud. Halogens use less electricity and produce bright light, but the light quality isn't as good as other types. CFLs produce less heat and consume less power than other types of lighting. LEDs are a newer technology and produce brighter light without consuming much electricity. They tend to be more expensive though. Some people have reported issues with LED bulbs burning out after a year or two.
Home automation Home automation is becoming increasingly popular. People want to live efficiently and this includes saving energy. Automation makes this possible. Technology is advancing at a rapid pace and home automation solutions are no exception. One of the biggest advancements in home automation is smart thermostats. Thermostats can control heating and cooling remotely while giving homeowners the ability to schedule heating and cooling. Smart light switches allow you to turn lights on and off using your smartphone. They can even give you feedback about how much power you've saved by turning off unused appliances. Motion sensors detect when someone enters a room and turns off lights automatically. Most modern homes already have internet access, which means you can control some appliances remotely through your phone. A smart home can save you thousands of dollars each year due to reduced utility bills.
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Zee Architect is Best Interior Designing Company in Patna.
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edisonlighting01 · 19 hours
What are the Luminous Technologies in LED Lighting
The evolution of lighting technology has seen significant advancements, with LED lighting emerging as a frontrunner due to its efficiency, longevity, and versatility. A key factor behind the success of LED lighting is the sophisticated luminous technology that underpins it. This article delves into the luminous technology used in LED lighting and its various applications, emphasizing the importance of finding a reliable LED light supplier in Dubai to meet the growing demand for high-quality lighting solutions.
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Understanding Luminous Technology in LED Lighting
Luminous technology refers to the various scientific and engineering principles used to generate light in LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting systems. Unlike traditional incandescent bulbs that generate light through the heating of a filament, LEDs produce light through electroluminescence. This process involves the emission of light when an electric current passes through a semiconductor material.
Key Components of Luminous Technology in LEDs:
1. Semiconductor Material: The core of an LED is a semiconductor material, typically made from gallium, arsenic, or phosphorous. When an electric current is applied, electrons in the semiconductor recombine with electron holes, releasing energy in the form of photons (light).
2. Phosphor Coating: Many LEDs, especially those used in general lighting, are coated with a phosphor material. This coating converts some of the emitted blue or ultraviolet light into other colors, resulting in the desired white light.
3. Heat Sink: Effective thermal management is crucial for maintaining LED performance and longevity. A heat sink dissipates excess heat away from the LED chip, preventing overheating and ensuring consistent light output.
4. Optics: Lenses and diffusers are used to shape and direct the light emitted by LEDs, enhancing the uniformity and coverage of the lighting.
5. Drivers: LED drivers regulate the power supplied to the LEDs, ensuring stable operation and protecting against voltage fluctuations.
Advantages of LED Lighting Technology
1. Energy Efficiency: LEDs consume significantly less power than traditional lighting solutions, making them an energy-efficient option. This efficiency is a result of the direct conversion of electrical energy into light with minimal heat generation.
2. Longevity: LED lights have a much longer lifespan compared to incandescent or fluorescent bulbs. They can last up to 50,000 hours or more, reducing the need for frequent replacements and maintenance.
3. Environmental Impact: LEDs are free from harmful chemicals like mercury, which are found in fluorescent lights. They are also fully recyclable, contributing to a lower environmental footprint.
4. Versatility: LED lighting is highly versatile, available in a wide range of colors, shapes, and sizes. This versatility makes LEDs suitable for various applications, from residential and commercial lighting to specialized uses in horticulture and healthcare.
Applications of LED Lighting
1. Commercial Spaces: In offices and retail environments, LEDs provide bright, consistent lighting that enhances productivity and customer experiences. Adjustable LED panels and downlights are popular choices for these settings.
2. Residential Areas: Homeowners use LEDs for everything from general illumination to accent and mood lighting. LED strip lights, recessed lighting, and smart bulbs are common in modern homes.
3. Outdoor Lighting: LEDs are ideal for outdoor applications due to their durability and low power consumption. They are used in streetlights, landscape lighting, and security lights.
4. Industrial Settings: Factories and warehouses benefit from the high efficiency and long lifespan of LED high bay lights and task lighting, which improve visibility and safety.
5. Automotive Industry: LED headlights, taillights, and interior lighting are increasingly common in vehicles, offering brighter and more reliable illumination compared to traditional lighting.
Choosing an LED Light Supplier in Dubai
Given the rapid adoption of LED technology, selecting the right LED light supplier in Dubai is crucial for ensuring access to high-quality products and expert guidance. Here are key considerations when choosing a supplier:
1. Product Range: A reputable supplier should offer a wide variety of LED lighting solutions, catering to different applications and preferences.
2. Quality Assurance: Ensure the supplier provides products that meet international standards and come with warranties. High-quality LEDs will offer better performance and longevity.
3. Technical Support: Look for suppliers who offer comprehensive customer service, including technical support and installation guidance.
4. Sustainability Practices: Choose suppliers who prioritize sustainability in their product offerings and business practices, reflecting a commitment to environmental responsibility.
By understanding the luminous technology behind LED lighting and partnering with a reliable LED light supplier in Dubai, businesses and homeowners can enhance their lighting solutions, achieving greater efficiency, sustainability, and aesthetic appeal.
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haininglujia · 2 days
T5 LED split high light efficiency lamp 16w
Color temperature: 6500k, 4000k, 3000k
Voltage: 220-240V
Pipe diameter: 16mm
Length: 1.2 meters
Luminous flux of lamp: 160 lumens/w
Warranty: 30,000 hours
Power saving, energy saving and durable
Utilizing light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as its light source, this lamp boasts numerous advantages over traditional lighting options. LEDs are renowned for their energy efficiency, consuming significantly less power while delivering equivalent or superior illumination.
What sets this lamp apart is its "split" design, suggesting it comprises multiple sections or modules. This design potentially allows for greater flexibility in directing light, making it suitable for various settings, from office spaces to residential environments. The split feature may also enhance the lamp's longevity and ease of maintenance, as individual components can be replaced if necessary.
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Group 5, Jinyang Village, Dingqiao Town, Haining City, Zhejiang Province, China.
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Stacking LEDs instead of placing them side by side could enable fully immersive virtual reality displays
Take apart your laptop screen, and at its heart you'll find a plate patterned with pixels of red, green, and blue LEDs, arranged end to end like a meticulous Lite Brite display. When electrically powered, the LEDs together can produce every shade in the rainbow to generate full-color displays. Over the years, the size of individual pixels has shrunk, enabling many more of them to be packed into devices to produce sharper, higher-resolution digital displays.
But much like computer transistors, LEDs are reaching a limit to how small they can be while also performing effectively. This limit is especially noticeable in close-range displays such as augmented and virtual reality devices, where limited pixel density results in a "screen door effect" such that users perceive stripes in the space between pixels.
Now, MIT engineers have developed a new way to make sharper, defect-free displays. Instead of replacing red, green, and blue light-emitting diodes side by side in a horizontal patchwork, the team has invented a way to stack the diodes to create vertical, multicolored pixels.
Each stacked pixel can generate the full commercial range of colors and measures about 4 microns wide. The microscopic pixels, or "micro-LEDs," can be packed to a density of 5,000 pixels per inch.
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adtronics · 3 days
Illuminating The Outdoors: Exploring The Marvels Of Full Color LED Displays
In the bustling city streets or serene countryside landscapes, outdoor full color LED displays stand as luminous sentinels, capturing attention, conveying messages, and weaving narratives with vibrant hues. These technological marvels have revolutionized outdoor advertising, entertainment, and communication, transforming static environments into dynamic canvases of creativity and information. Let's delve into the captivating world of outdoor full color LED displays and uncover the magic they bring to our outdoor spaces.
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A Symphony of Light: Unveiling the Brilliance
Imagine strolling down a city boulevard illuminated by a dazzling array of LED displays, each pulsating with life, broadcasting advertisements, artworks, or vital information. These displays, composed of countless tiny light-emitting diodes (LEDs), seamlessly blend together to produce vibrant, high-resolution images and videos. Unlike traditional billboards or signage, full color LED displays offer unparalleled versatility, capable of showcasing dynamic content with stunning clarity, even in broad daylight.
Beyond Advertising: The Power of Engagement
While outdoor full color LED displays are often associated with advertising, their potential transcends mere commercialism. These digital canvases serve as platforms for artistic expression, community engagement, and public information dissemination. From interactive installations to cultural showcases, LED displays facilitate immersive experiences that captivate audiences and foster a sense of connection with the surrounding environment.
Enhancing Events: Creating Memorable Experiences
In the realm of events and entertainment, outdoor full color LED displays play a pivotal role in elevating the spectator experience. Whether it's a music festival, sports event, or cultural celebration, these displays serve as dynamic backdrops, enhancing performances, and amplifying the energy of the crowd. With their ability to showcase live feeds, instant replays, and real-time updates, LED displays ensure that no moment is missed, enriching the event experience for attendees.
Sustainability and Efficiency: Lighting the Way Forward
Beyond their aesthetic appeal and functionality, outdoor full color LED displays also offer environmental benefits. Compared to traditional lighting and signage solutions, LED technology is energy-efficient and eco-friendly, consuming less power and producing minimal heat. Additionally, the longevity of LED displays reduces the need for frequent replacements, further reducing waste and environmental impact. As sustainability becomes increasingly important in urban planning and design, LED displays emerge as a shining example of innovative, eco-conscious technology.
The Future of Urban Landscapes: Illuminated Possibilities
As we look ahead, the integration of outdoor full color LED displays into urban landscapes promises to redefine the way we interact with public spaces. From smart city initiatives to digital placemaking projects, LED displays will continue to shape the aesthetics, functionality, and ambiance of our outdoor environments. Whether it's transforming a drab city square into a vibrant cultural hub or enhancing the nighttime skyline with dazzling visuals, the possibilities are limitless. In conclusion, outdoor full color LED displays represent a convergence of technology, artistry, and functionality, illuminating our outdoor spaces with creativity, information, and engagement. From bustling city centers to tranquil parks, these luminous installations enrich our surroundings, inviting us to explore, connect, and experience the world in a whole new light.
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