rachi-roo · 7 months
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Black Clover: In the name of science!
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Summary: Sally decides to get her hands on Asta, requesting some help with her experiments~
Heh heh heh, oh I'm so meeean~ 😈
Tw: Rough tiggles, restraints, over stimulation
Requested Tags: 😚 @duckymcdoorknob @nataliewritez
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"Saaally? You here?" Asta called as he entered the lab that Sally had been granted by the clover kingdom when she agreed to work with them, developing magic tools.
The magicless wizard had been asked to visit and help Sally out with a few experiments. The lab was a large hall filled with piles of books and shelves stacked with various odd looking substances.
"Oh! Comiiiiing~ Hehe-!" Sally's voice cooed out from behind a messy looking display wall, diagrams, and drawings of human anatomy pinned to the surface.
Hearing her response, Asta smiled as he waited for her patiently. He jumped when he suddenly appeared behind him, grabbing his waist and applying pressure to the area, making him yelp and flinch away.
"We've got so much to get done! Let's see. Okay. Mhm. Yep, yep, yep. Nice and plump. You're perfect for this!" The scientist thought out loud as she circled Asta, lifting his arm and tracing the length of it, before doing the same to his legs, poking and feeling around his knees and chest. He didn't protest, no, he just let her do what she needed to do. It was part of their deal, after all. She helped them, so he helped her.
"Soho, w-what kind o-OHOf experiments ahare you pff- hah, up to today? Ehe!" He flinched and huffed as she poked and prodded him before stepping back to take notes in her handbook.
"Oh, you know. Important stuff." She waved off the question as she turned away, scribbling in her book again with a giggle. Asta raised a brow, taking a step forward to follow her, only to have his ankle suddenly snatched up by a familiar, viscous tendril.
He was tossed into the air before being grabbed by more tendrils, holding him down on the warm, slimy surface of Sally's magic Gel. Keeping him in an upright position, leaning backwards slightly for his comfort.
"WOOAH! H-Hey, hey, hey! What's-"
"Hmm... Oh! Of course, nearly forgot. You're not against being tickled, right?"
Astas eyes widened with excitement. No. He wasn't against it at all. Actually, he found it very enjoyable. He and the other black Bulls would often get into tickle fights, wrestling and tussling for victory. But why did Sally want to tickle him?
Doesn't matter. He thought as a smile grew across his face. A deal is a deal. How bad can some tickling be? He's helping after all.
"Go right ahead! I can take it!" He looked determined, a bright, toothy, grin plastered across his cheeks. Sally looked more than pleased to hear this.
"Wonderful!" She picked up a small sand timer with her slender fingers, holding it up to the light before flipping it over, letting the purple hazy sand inside start to fall.
"Then let's begin~"
Before Asta could brace himself, several tendrils snaked closer, poking and wriggling into his sides.
"Pff-! GyahaHA!" The reaction was instant. Asta was deathly ticklish. He wriggled and squirmed against the gooey restraints that held him still.
"Oho God! Ahahaa! EheeEHAHA!" Sally was wasting no time. Another attack began on the wizards knees, the goo forming into little hands, pinching that nerve filled spot just above the knee.
Asta kicked out suddenly with a snort, the goo quickly grabbing onto his ankles again, yanking him into place as they worked on the area.
"BWAHAHA! No! Nohoho!"
"Oooho? No? What do you mean?" Sally grinned, stepping closer to examine his mirthfull expression.
"Why do you say no? Didn't you say you could take it?"
"I-I cahan! I-It juhAhHAA! Ahaa!"
"It what, Asta?" Sally sang, tilting her head to see Astas flushed red cheeks, smiling at how his eyes were squeezed shut, leaving laughter creases across his scrunched nose. She reached a hand, softly pressing on his hip with her thumb.
"IT TIHICKLES! OHOMygodnoooOHO!" He yelled out through his giggling, shaking his head as his ears also came under attack, smaller, string like tendrils fluttering and flickering just inside and behind his little listeners.
Sally giggled at his reaction as she jotted down more in her book before tossing it aside.
"It tickles. Well, haha, duuuh~ That's the whole point, ya silly!" As she spoke, she started casually slipping Astas boots off, letting them drop to the floor with a thud.
"Wait- Wahait not there! Sally! AH! Sahahally!" The silver haired boy was caught completely by surprise as his soles were attacked, not by the Gel magic, but by two sets of smooth, rounded fingernails. His little feet kicking and wriggling to try escape.
"Gotta stimulate every part of your body, for accurate results~" Sally said, in a matter of fact tone. Asta just nodded in response, this was already so overwhelming for the little guy.
"Dahahamn ihit! NyAhAHAAA! OHO! Oho NO!" He was staying strong. That's his magic, after all! Never giving up!... For now.
"Gichi, gichi gooo~"
"UWAHA! D-Dohon't sAHA! Don't say that! NO!"
"Oh? And why not? Does it make your tummy flutter?" The tracing nails found their way up to Astas belly, dragging and skittering over the thin shirt he wore.
"Does it make everything tickle more? Gichi, gichi goooo~"
Holy shit. It did!
"Dahamn it! AHAA! H-How?! How are you doIIING THAHAT!?"
Sally just smiled, walking her fingers further up Astas belly, snaking around to his ribs and starting to massage her thumbs into the bone. Her dexterous fingers tickled SO much more than the sensation her Gel magic caused.
"NONONO! Nyaaaha!-... *gasp* AHA!" Astas body flailed helplessly as the tickling grew more and more intense. His ribs are toyed with by Sally's fingers and nails whilst his knees, sides, and tummy are under attack from the Gel. This was nothing like the fights he had had with the Black Bulls. Not even Yami was ever this intense!
"Oho! This is wonderful! I wonder how long you can withstand the sensation! You're already sweating, and your pupils are dilated! I can hear that you're running out of breath sometimes, too, hmm... We'll have to keep pushing! I need answers!" Sally had that crazed look about her. She was enjoying Astas suffering way too much.
Asta was determined though, he wasn't giving up!
"I can do thihis all d-!" A look of horror shot across his face as he felt her nails creep up to his underarms. His whole world was flipped upside-down.
"GYAHAHAAAA-!... *gasp* Aha! NOOOHO! No! Ahaha!" The feeling of Sally's nails scritching at his armpits sent him into a frenzy. Flailing and cackling with his whole chest.
"Oooh, you like this spot, huh? Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle~!" Sally sang, relishing Astas intense reactions to such a small gesture.
This was crazy! Astas eyes fogged up with tears of mirth as his body was bombarded with tickles. The Gel tendrils snaked up into his shirt and up the cuffs of his trouser legs, tickling his skin directly.
"SAHAHALLY! *hic* PleheEHASE! AAAHAAaahaA-!... *gasp* AHAa! Not therehereee...! *gasp* GYAAAHAAAHA!"
"Hmm, this won't do." Sally sighed, seeing that her sand timer had already ran out.
"Uuugh, I need more time! Oh!" She grinned, pausing her ticklish assault for a brief moment, simply flipping the timer again, giving Asta a precious moment of relief.
"Problem solved!"
"Sally... Haha... Please just, just gimme-"
"Now then~" She smirked up at him, immediately beginning to rake her nails up and down his soles again.
Several sand timer rotations later, Atsa was spent. His hair was a fuzzy mess, and his headband slipped, covering one of his eyes as he flailed and screamed with laughter.
"Oh wow! Your all sweaty! And- Oh look at that colour!" Sally grinned, cupping his cheeks, squishing them slightly as her torment finally came to an end.
"Woooowza, such a pretty pink! Do you feel dizzy? Sick? Or do you feel amazing! Are you gonna pee? Is anything numb? Do I need to cut open-"
"Nooo, no, no, that won't be necessary." Asta chuckled, gulping in a fresh breath of air before sighing, letting his head droop.
"I'm just tired now. And I feel tingly all over." He explained with a smile as Sally set him om the floor, he'd Gel magic shifting away and melting into nothing.
"Oooooh, tingly~ Good word! You're such a good test subject." She smiled, handing him a candy after he finished straightening out his clothes and putting his boots on.
"Happy to help!" He chimed.
"Anything that might help protect the people of Clover." He said proudly, head held high even after such an exhausting ordeal.
"So, what was all this working towards anyway?"
Sally paused, tilting her head and tapping her chin.
"You know.... I forgot~!"
---------------------☆ END ☆-----------------------
Thank you for readiiiiing! 🥰🩷 Hope you had fun! Love youuu!
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duckymcdoorknob · 9 months
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𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝔂 18: 𝓜𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬
I had to throw Lee Finral in there… Oopsies.
Oh no! Angst queen struck again and made it h/c! Whatever will you do?!
Anyways. Welcome back to tkcember. We’re about halfway through these fics. I’ve got 9 left after this.
—this do have some tickles below the cut ngl—
Tags: @chrimsss @giggly-squiggily @rachi-roo
It was no surprise that sometimes Asta got into a funk. He’s never once cried in front of his team, and he tries to stay as chipper as he can, but sometimes he just has his days.
This particular day had been absolutely horrid, with the young boy accidentally waking an hour later than he usually did. This threw his entire schedule off kilter.
He had to train twice as fast, which made his muscles sore and tender. He hobbled inside of the base, holding his sore shoulder. (2,000 swings really did a number on his dominant arms.
He missed breakfast and had to ask Charmy to cook something for him with his tail between his legs—Of course, the woman didn’t much mind, always happy to provide a meal.
He wordlessly ate his late breakfast and sighed. Maybe the rest of the day would be better?
To his dismay, it was very much not.
Asta ran his face through his hands as he took a bathroom breaks few hours later. It wasn’t fair. Why was the universe so against him? He had to hold in his anguish so he wouldn’t take out his frustrations on his teammates. He smacked his cheeks a few times and plastered on a smile.
“It’ll be okay! It’s just like a game of pretend. As long as I keep smiling, nobody will notice anything’s going wrong!” he chimed to himself in the mirror.
He finished washing his hands and exited the bathroom. His smile was painfully fake, but nobody who wasn’t focused on him would notice.
What he didn’t know is that his senior had heard his “affirmation” through the door as he passed by…
The whole squad sat down for lunch: rice, meat, and peas—courtesy of Charmy— with some almond sugar cookies for dessert—courtesy of Gordon.
Asta’s eyes lit up as he noticed the cookies; things were definitely making a turn for the better.
Anyone attentive would have easily noticed Asta’s off behavior. He was unusually quiet, and eating very carefully. (He did not want to risk dropping ANYTHING. Gods know that would likely be his last straw and he’d start crying right here and now.)
The anti-magic user finished his bowl of food and engaged in light conversation, only replying in short sentences. Finral watched his junior with a slight frown; Asta looked so uncomfortable, and had that stupid fake smile plastered on his face.
When it was time for the cookies to go around, the ash-blonde reached excitedly for one. As he brought it up to his mouth, it cracked in half and fell on the ground.
All eyes turned to look at him in confusion. Normally, he would’ve whined and reached for another one, but the boy’s chest was heaving a bit as his lip wobbled.
‘Not good’ Finral thought as he opened a tiny portal near his waist. The other end of the portal appeared at the same height on Asta’s side.
As tears pricked the corners of the anti-magic user’s eyes, they were quickly blinked away as a squeak left his lips. A pinch to his side had brought him back to reality. “Aaaaaa! I dropped it! Gimme another one! Please please pleeeeeease!!” He had tried acting like he normally did and made grabby hands at Noelle, who promptly scoffed and put one directly between his teeth. “fenk yew!”
The spatial mage smiled. Mission accomplished.
Asta ate the cookie happily, and Finral could tell that it instantly improved his mood a bit. Though, as his senior, he couldn’t help but be a bit mischievous… The brunette waited until the boy had finished chewing then opened another portal. He skittered his fingers across Asta’s stomach.
The ash-blonde giggled and slapped a hand over his mouth, glaring daggers at his senior. Finral smiled innocently at him, waving with the hand that was not currently tickling the boy.
“What are you doing?” he hissed, “this is so nohohot fahahair!”
Finral held a finger to his lips and grinned sweetly. He let two fingers pinch around the anti-magic user’s torso. Asta rested his head on the table as he giggled quietly.
Vanessa cocked an eyebrow at the resident feral child being uncharacteristically quiet. Her gaze shifted to Finral, whom she noticed had his hand through a hidden portal. She smiled in realization as she saw Asta’s shoulders heaving with laughter; Finral really was a really sweet guy.
The brunette snaked his hand under Asta’s grey tee shirt and traced his fingers up and down the swordsman’s sides and middle.
“Fihihihinrahahal.” The ash-blonde whined sotto voce, “Ihihihit tihihihickles!”
“What did you say, idiot?” Noelle quipped, turning her attention to him. It was at that point that she noticed the portal, and Asta’s giggling figure. Her face flushed as she went quiet. Asta looked… adorable like this!
“Fihihihinrahahal- plehehehease.”
Noelle looked at Finral until he caught her eye. She looked around the table to make sure all other parties were distracted before pointing to her own underarms.
The spatial mage smiled and shot her a wink of understanding. He mirrored the girl’s actions, taking notice of how many were watching. It seemed that Vanessa, Noelle, and Gordon had caught on and were spectating his little game.
Now, Finral was not an evil person; there wasn’t a lick of malice in his body. But he had to get Asta back for not respecting his authority all of those times… He had to find a way to get everyone to notice how giggly the ash-blonde had become.
It was time to go for the kill. He opened another portal and snaked his other hand under the boy’s shirt, bringing both up to tickle under his arms.
Asta squealed loudly and sank in his chair as he giggled helplessly. “Fihihihinrahahahal! Stahahahappihihihit!”
“Ey, Wheels, what’re you doin’ to the kid?” Yami asked, standing up and walking to the spatial mage.
“Nothing sir! I’m not sure what’s going on!” The brunette feigned innocence, trying to hide the portals he had made with the rest of his body.
“Ohhhh so that’s what’s happening?” Yami Cheshire grinned, “Let’s see if you can take what you can dish out.”
“Yami, no! Wait, hold on! Let’s have a civil, adult conversAHAHAHAHATIOHOHOHOHON! WAHAHAHAHAIT!”
The entire squad had definitely discovered the game, unfortunately at the expense of poor Finral’s dignity. The two mages laughed helplessly as the rest watched them with smiles.
After a few minutes, both parties were completely exhausted, with Asta lasting longer than Finral… as usual… In the spatial mage’s defense, Yami was absolutely ruthless, and went for his death spot immediately.
Everyone started to clear from the table, helping Charmy to clean up—or running away from duties in Luck and Magna’s case— and rinsing the dishes off.
Finral quickly grabbed four cookies from the platter, portaling them to his nightstand for later. He scribbled a note onto a napkin and portaled it into Asta’s lap, disappearing to his room shortly after.
When the ash-blonde had gone to stand up and take a break in his room, he noticed the small napkin and opened it as he walked the halls toward his bedroom.
‘My door is always open if you wanted to tell me what’s troubling you. Sorry about earlier… I couldn’t stand to see you fake smiling and not do something about it’
The boy’s threatening tears returned to prick the corners of his eyes as he turned on his heel toward his senior’s room.
When the ash-blonde arrived, the door opened to reveal a sympathetic-looking Finral, holding a cookie in his hand. The boy fell forward into the brunette’s chest, causing him to portal the cookie to safety. He knelt down and wrapped his arms around the boy, kicking the door shut with his foot.
“Don’t hold back,” he murmured, rubbing Asta’s back reassuringly, “Tell me what’s going on, Asta. It’s okay, just cry it out…”
So, he did.
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dreamyeuphoricll · 1 year
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Anime Quotes ❤️
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its-the-same-picture · 2 months
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Marks Of Progress (Black Clover)
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Heyo! I'm home today! (Weather chaos), I felt a bit inspired as of late and decided to take a mini break from Candy Hearts to write about Asta and Luck! I need to do more Lee!Asta content, and here we are! I hope you like it!
CW: Scars, body insecurity
Summary: Asta's feeling a bit off regarding all his scars from battle. Thankfully he has someone like Luck to make him feel better.
Cloud 9 (Taglist peeps)
@duckymcdoorknob (Thank you for the inspiration, friend!)
“Asta! Asta Asta ASTA!” Luck all but bolted at him the minute he saw the shorter wizard, bouncing on his heels. “I’ve been looking for you! Come on- let’s fight!”
“Heh? But I just got back-” Asta barely had time to respond before Luck’s hand was on his wrist, pulling him with him towards the door. “At least let me shower first!”
“No way! You’ll only get sweaty all over again! It’ll be a waste!” Luck grinned over his shoulder at the other, pausing when his eyes landed on his arm. “Whoa- what’s that?”
Along Asta’s arm stood a brand new scar. Long and curved, it raced up the side of his arm from mid-forearm to elbow. The color indicated it wasn’t fresh, but there was no denying it was there to stay.
“Oh that?” Asta nodded at it. “Got it the other day during a mission. I forgot to duck, hehe.”
“Pfft! Why would you need to duck? You’re already so short!” Luck cackled at his joke, choking on it when he saw Asta’s face. “Eh…ehem. Sorry.”
“No, no you’re fine. It’s just…” Asta rubbed the back of his neck, eyes trained on his arm. Alongside his new one, faded scars lined his once smooth skin. Short ones, long ones, curved marks and fresh wounds. It wasn’t just his arms- he felt them all over. Memories of powerful enemies and near death experiences ached with each phantom pain. “Do you think it’s a bad thing? How scarred up I am?”
“Why would it be?” Luck asked, tilting his head in thought. His smile shrunk to a more curious one, brows furrowing as he took in the question. “I think scars are awesome! Well- the pain isn’t great. And healing can be a real pain in the butt…” Luck hummed, rocking on his heels. “But each one tells a story! When you’re the Wizard King, the kingdom will want to know about all of them!”
“You think so?” Asta looked up, starting to smile at Luck’s words. “You don’t think they’re…I don’t know…ugly?” Asta flushed at the word, hating how subconscious he suddenly felt.
Luck tsked, releasing his hand before shrugging off his Black Bull vest. Now derobed, he yanked up his shirt, baring his torso to the other. “Check me out! I got scars too!” He pointed at the one along his stomach. “That one’s from that one guy we fought- the one who sent me flying. Oh! And this one-” He pointed at his hip, gesturing to the curved burn creeping up from his waistline. “This is when me and Magna went into that super cool dungeon! I walked into a trap, hehe!”
“What about that one?” Asta pointed at the scar just beneath Luck’s belly button, a mark so faint you almost didn’t see it.
“That…I don’t remember.” Luck blinked, poking at it some. “I think I got knocked out- somebody probably harvested my organs. The point is-” Luck smiled at Asta as he let his shirt fall. “Our scars don’t make us ugly! They’re marks of progress! Little reminders of the progress we made in our journey to get stronger! Nothing about your marks are ugly, Asta. Remember that.”
Asta blinked, letting it all sink in. He didn’t expect to receive a pep talk today- from Luck of all people too! It made him feel all sorts of feelings- the biggest one was loved.
Giving him a wobbly smile, Asta nodded, not trusting his voice. “Thanks, Luck…”
“Hehe, no problem! Now that we’ve talked about mine, what about yours?” The blonde reached out, poking Asta’s upper arm. “I know you got one here from that battle with the witches! Oh, and this one!” He poked his shoulder. “That was when you were training with the Vermillion captain! How cool!”
“Ah! Luck, what are you do-ihihng?” Asta jerked with a giggle when Luck’s fingers poked down his back. “Stop it tihihihckles!”
“This one, and this one, oh, can’t forget about this one!” Luck danced around him, prodding at the back of his ribs and hips. “All reminders of how badass you are, Asta! What’s this one? Or this one?”
“L-Luhuhuhuck! Luhuuhuck, cohoohohme ohohohon!” Asta giggled helplessly, wrapping his arms around himself as the older Bull relentlessly tickled him. “I geheheheht it! Now stahhahahap!”
“But I’m not done! There’s one here- move your hands!” Luck laughed, abandoning all sense of oblivion as he grabbed Asta’s sides, worming his fingers against the fleshy parts. “I wanna see those battle scars!”
“Ah! Ahehahahhahaha! Luhuuhuuhck!” Asta cried, grabbing at his friend’s hands as he squirmed. “Nohohohohow yohohoohu’re just behehehehehing stuhuhuuhuhpid- Ahehahhhahah dohoohohohon’t!” Luck’s fingers charged, little tasered zaps further electrified his nerves, sending fresh waves of ticklishness up his body. “Yohohohohohou suhuhuhuhuuhck!”
“Aww, so mean! And after I made you feel better!” Luck giggled like a child, bouncing with Asta as he worked his hands up to his ribs, zapping him here and there to get those loud cackles and squeals from the swordsman. “You’re just like Magma! He calls me all sorts of things when I do this!” His eyes danced as he shot his hands up all the way to Asta’s armpits, buzzing the tips of his fingers there.
“AHEHAHHHAHA LUHUUHUUCK!” Asta all but shrieked, spasming so hard he fell backwards. Luck followed him down, saving him from a concussion with a leg slide. This also trapped Asta in his lap. Two for one! “COOHOHOOHME OHOHOHOOHOHN! DOHOOHOOHN’T TIHIIHIHIICKLE MEHEHHEHEHEHE!”
“Why not? It’s so fun!” Luck giggled, amused by the way Asta’s cheeks pinkened, his smile massive. He curled and squirmed like a bug, feet kicking and hands balled up into fists. And his laugh- loud and happy sounding! If Magma’s wasn’t hilarious to listen to, Luck would say this was his favorite sound yet. “You sound funny, hehehe!”
“LUHUHUHUUHUCK ENOHOOHOHOOUGH!” Asta wailed, the hairs on his arms starting to stand from how much charge he collected. Seeing this, Luck retreated his hands, letting Asta roll off his lap and into a ball on the floor. “Ehhee…eheehhehe…thahahahnk you.” Asta huffed, spreading out like a starfish.
“Aww, you’re welcome Astar!” Luck cooed. “If I knew you’d thank me for tickling you, I’d do it more often!”
“Thahahat’s not what I mehaant!” Asta glared some, the look lacking any real malice. “I meant…Thank you. For what you said about my scars. It helped.”
Luck nodded, smiling to himself. If you looked close enough, you could see the faintest blush touching his cheeks. “It’s just something a good friend always told me. SO!” Luck shot to his feet, bouncy energy returned. “Let’s go train! I wanna show you my new magic!”
“Okay okay.” Asta snorted, reaching out a hand. Luck took it-
“AH WHAT THE HELL?” Yami roared from what sounded like the toilet as the entire base went dark. Muffled screams and yells could be heard around the space, Noelle’s shocked squeal and Finral’s cry of surprise. Upstairs, something thumped loudly, Magma cursing up a storm could be heard seconds later.
“LUCK!” A chorus of voices all yelled, making the blonde pale.
“Asta…” He turned to the smaller man.
“RUN!” Asta grabbed his hand, booking it to the exit. They broke out into the sunlight, laughing like children as the rest of the Bulls hollered after them.
Thanks for reading!
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strawhatboy · 1 year
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scarareg · 2 years
TOP 13 Shonen Men That Would Be Perfect Boyfriends
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Alphonse Elric
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Midoriya Izuku
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Tanjirou Kamado
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landoguy75 · 2 years
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My anime workout inspirations
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perfettamentechic · 4 months
24 maggio … ricordiamo …
24 maggio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2023: Tina Turner, Anna Mae Bullock, cantante e attrice statunitense naturalizzata svizzera, tra le più famose e acclamate interpreti femminili della musica rock. All’età di dieci anni cantava già nel coro della chiesa della sua città, dove il padre Richard era pastore. Con una carriera lunga più di mezzo secolo, che va dagli anni sessanta agli anni duemila, è stata definita “la regina del rock…
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gohashisenju · 1 year
Check out my video on my Youtube Channel
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rachi-roo · 7 months
Lee!Asta fic, anyone? ( ̄▽ ̄)👉👈
Coming soon~
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duckymcdoorknob · 1 year
Might I perhaps request a small iced tea with light ice for the event? Id love some brown sugar on that! The names on the order are Asta and Noelle!
I know you said maybe on writing for her, so feel free to deny this request if it doesn't seem appealing! Thank you!💙
I love how I always say I don’t like a character and then they get a redemption arc
Anyways YES
CW UNDER THE CUT: This do have some tickles in it ngl.
♫ -ᥕᥲі𝗍ᥱr, ᥕᥲі𝗍ᥱr, ⍴ᥱrᥴ᥆ᥣᥲ𝗍᥆r- ☕️
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It was official. The I’s were dotted, the T’s were crossed, her name was signed in flowy ink at the bottom of the page. There was no going back now.
Noelle was just about ready to kill Asta.
Now, she wasn’t going to kill him literally, but she could kill him for not listening to her.
She nagged him to go to bed, but the boy didn’t listen. Instead he trained from dusk to dawn, refusing to get a wink of sleep that night.
And oh how Karma had now come to bite him in the ass…
Captain Yami was giving another lecture on the importance of mission successes. He explained the star system, and how the Bulls were record setters for their negative stars.
Asta tried his damndest to fight the inevitable sleep that was threatening to overtake him. His head lolled forward with every passing moment as his eyes repeatedly closed.
The royal took notice of his barely conscious state. With a swift scooch to her right, (which when asked, she blamed it on a bug) Noelle sat directly next to her teammate.
“Asta,” she hissed. “Wake up.”
The ash-haired boy opened his eyes with a light gasp and a jolt. He looked at Noelle with panic in his eyes, but relaxed when he remembered where he was. “Oh, hi Noelle.”
The water mage sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Asta, I told you to get some sleep,” she spat in a hushed tone.
“Was busy,” the boy replied, a yawn ripping from his throat. “Had to train, then do chores.”
Noelle frowned lightly in sympathy. She knows what it’s like to have sleepless nights, albeit for different reasons. Her nerves keep her up for nights on end, and Asta is always there to hold her and stay with her until she feels safe.
Naturally, she decided that it’s only fair that she helps him as he does for her. She just wondered how she should do it…
The water mage had little time to plan, however, as she noticed the anti-magic user drifting off once more. His head lolled around his neck as it became as heavy as a brick. “Hey,” she muttered. “You’ve gotta stay awake or else Captain Yami will kill you.” she gave a gentle squeeze to Asta’s knee.
What Noelle wasn’t expecting was Asta to jump with the slightest squeak. “H-Hey… no’do that,” he slurred. “Tickles.”
‘Tickles, eh?’ Noelle thought to herself. Perhaps now she knew how to keep her teammate awake. She sighed as she wrapped her arm around the sleepy boy’s waist, resting a hand on his hip.
The plan was working well. If Captain Yami looked their way, she would give the ash-blonde a ticklish squeeze, instantly waking him up for a few seconds. Eventually, Asta was more alert, and giggling slightly every time he was squeezed.
“N-Noehehelle… plehehehehease.” The anti-magic user whimpered, a yawn following after. “Ihihim awahahahake. Ihihi swehehear.”
“Shhh, pay attention.” The girl soothed, bringing her hand up to squeeze just under his bottom ribs.
A choked yelp echoed as Noelle realized she may have just tweaked a bad spot. Eyes fell on them, and she felt her face heat up.
“You two wanna stop playing and pay attention? Surely you can wait five minutes to torment your teammate, Noelle.” Yami’s gruff voice cut through the awkwardness in the air. The girl could do nothing but nod in reply, embarrassment hit on her cheeks.
Yami returned to his lecture, and the attention left the pair.
“Hehe, that’s what you get!” The boy teased.
“Asta I will torment you for the next ten minutes if you don’t shut up. That I promise you.”
“Is that a threat? I bet you wouldn’t carry it out,” the magicless Bull teased.
Game on, Asta…
The girl simply smiled, adjusting herself to sit behind her companion. She placed her hands on his lower ribs and waited patiently. She leaned in close to his ear. “You don’t have a single clue as to what kind of monster you’ve just created.”
The ash-blonde’s face flushed as he squirmed a bit in her hold. “I-I was kidding. Don’t HNGH- D-D-Don’t ti-hihickle mehehehe.”
Noelle smiled evilly as she began to softly tweak the ribs under her fingers. “What do you mean, Asta? You need to stay awake and listen to captain Yami.” She replied in a hushed tone.
“N-Noelle.” Asta replied through gritted teeth, “I promise I’ll stay awake.”
“Are you sure? You look a little tired…” the water mage gently raked her fingers up and down the boy’s back.
Asta fought to keep his laughter in, only light giggles escaping him as his Noelle listened to Yami’s explanation with innocence.
Noelle kept Asta on his toes, opting to switch between pinching his hips, and prodding at his ribs. The ash-blonde boy could barely maintain his composure, weakly grabbing at Noelle’s wrists. His tired state weakened his reflexes, and he finally fell backwards against her and giggled quietly.
After another three minutes of Noelle’s agonizing touches, Yami broke the group from their meeting. The girl smiled with a ring of menace and moved her hands up to the top of Asta’s ribs. Finally, his true laughter came pouring out.
“Nohohoehehelle!! Hehehey!” The anti-magic user whined, arching away from her fingers. “Nohohot fahahahair!”
“Plenty fair! This is what you get for not going to sleep. And what about me not being able to carry it out?”
“Okahahahay! Ihihihi gihihive uhuhup! Nohohoho mohohore!”
It’s a fond smile, Noelle lifted her attack and gently rubbed at the spot she had just been touching previously.
The magicless boy went quiet, his eyes closing against his will. Relishing in the foreign feeling of contact, Asta was quickly out like a light.
“Okay, now you need to go to sleep,” the water mage reported. “I doubt that you’ve slept for more than 24 hours.”
No reply came from Asta, leading Noelle to exhale fondly. “Okay, let’s go, you big lug.” With a great deal of effort, she managed to place the boy on her back and trudge off to his room. Noelle laid him down on his bed, and attempted to leave.
However, a big resistance pulled her backwards. Looking downward, she noticed Asta’s arms wrapped around her waist, and pulling her back toward him. It’s a blushing face, she sat down next to him. He effortlessly pulled her close to him, resulting in a yelp from the girl.
Noelle sighed as she began to run her fingers through Asta’s hair.
Maybe a little nap wouldn’t hurt.
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lucklessrat · 9 months
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Posting this here early since I don’t need to worry about fighting the algorithm on tumblr.
Lethean, my drow moon druid weretiger durge (all words that mean things)
Some details about Leth:
Pronounce “Lee-thee-in,” he’s named for the river Lethe, one of the 5 rivers of Hades in greek mythology.
Lethean is very old, probably close to 400yo. But even before he lost his memory, he wasn’t sure how old he was. He spent a large chunk of his life living as a tiger, and he didn’t keep track of time during this period.
He’s a miserable bastard, but he’s also kind of a dad. Typical rude jackass who will do anything for you type personality. He is also just barely resisting the urge mainly by recklessly directing it at whoever is a threat to “one of his.” This is not always received well.
He gets along best with lae and shart (they’re all ruthless, rude, and impossible to hold a polite conversation with) and it takes him the longest to warm up to asta and gale (he finds them insufferable). Wyll and Karlach he just instantly puts in the “im your dad now” category (most of them end up in that category eventually anyway). He has a huge issue with Halsin for being 1. Taller than him and 2. An archdruid (he’s jealous), but he gets over it.
If he likes you, his default term of endearment is “kid,” which literally everyone hates. Only Jaheira and Halsin are exempt from this—he addresses Halsin as a peer, and Jaheira as if she were older than him.
Aaaand yes, he romanced astarion lol. (“You know, i didnt care for you when i first met you.”)
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shintaru · 3 months
characters I’ll write for + tags ~ prompt list
Who wants to be tagged for which characters when I post the finished project?
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Juwan Jang 🦈 TJ
Kazuma Takeda
Sung kwon Monster @jesusownsme @cozyunderworld
Mahon Jo
Humming bird
Jo Jay @ankita607
Junsu Lee / June Lee
Minu yoon
Shelly Scott Dom kang @cozyunderworld @samuelseowife
Hyuk Kwon @inosukehana Wooin yoo @cozyunderworld Vinny hong @ankita607Joker (Hajun) @cozyunderworld @inosukehana
Light Calvary
Owen knight @catsrkool @rossesnd Camilla Nelson
Harry shepherd
Chris D’ Char ~ @rossesnd @cozyunderworld @inosukehana
Noah Austin
League of street
Sangho Choi @cozyunderworld @koiiiiijiii Hwangyeon Choi @koiiiiijiii
Juwon ryu
Kenji ikusaba
Kaneshiro Takeda Ryohei Hachijō Hyōma Nagase
Daniel Park @koiiiiijiii Vasco @koiiiiijiii Jay Hong @koiiiiijiii Zack Lee @koiiiiijiii Jace Park @koiiiiijiii Jiho Park @koiiiiijiii Mary Kim Vin Jin @koiiiiijiii Jaegyeon Na @koiiiiijiii Samuel Seo @vynnyll @samuelseowife @koiiiiijiii @dessmq Eli Jang @koiiiiijiii Johan Seong Jong Gun @vynnyll @koiiiiijiii Joon Goo @koiiiiijiii Jake Kim @vynnyll @koiiiiijiii DG @eugueen @koiiiiijiii Eugene @koiiiiijiii Ryūhei/Nōmen @koiiiiijiii Magami kenta @koiiiiijiii Seonji Yukcho @koiiiiijiii Cho Yisu @koiiiiijiii Cheon taejin @koiiiiijiii gongseob ji @koiiiiijiii gapryong Kim @koiiiiijiii jinyeong park @koiiiiijiii
Jaekyung Kim dan Heesung Yoon gu Baek Junmin
Kuroko’s basketball:
Tetsuya Kuroko Taiga Kagami @cozyunderworld Junpei Hyūga Teppei Kiyoshi Ryōta Kise Yukio Kasamatsu Shintarō Midorima Kazunari Takao Daiki Aomine @cozyunderworld Shōichi Imayoshi Atsushi Murasakibara @cozyunderworld Tatsuya Himuro Seijūrō Akashi Reo Mibuchi Makoto Hanamiya Kotarō Hayama Katsunori Harasawa  Chihiro Mayuzumj  momoi satsuki Alex Garcia 
Gaara @aishabbbb kankuro Sasuke @aishabbbb itachi @aishabbbb Kakashi hatake jiraiya Sai Pain sasori orachimaru
blue lock:
Michael Kaiser  shidou Ryusei Meguru Bachira  Rensuke Kunigami Yoichi Isagi  Ryosuke Kira Zantetsu Tsurugi  Reo Mikage  Seishiro Nagi Rin itoshi Sae itoshi Jinpachi Ego pablo cavazos ikki Niko Akira Endoji Jin Kiyora Jingo Raichi Oliver Aiku
one piece:
Luffy @ydkm00 Sanji @hi3431 Zoro Law @nah-idwin Eustass Kid Boa Hancock  Nami  Nico Robin Shanks  Portgas D’Ace  Vivi Nefertari  Crocodile  Smoker Donquixote Doflamingo  Paulie Dracule Mihawk Koby  Pell Hina  Sabo  Katekuri Koala Perona corazon
Osamu Dazai Chuya Nakahara Saigiku Jouno Atsushi Nakajima Doppo Kunikida Ranpo Edogawa Poe Bram Stoker Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
Hell’s paradise:
Gabimaru Aza chobe Aza Toma Yamada Asaemon Shugen Yamada Asaemon Sagiri Yamada Asaemon, Tenza Yamada Asaemon, Shion Yuzuriha
Miya atsumu @cozyunderworld Miya osamu Aran ojiro Semi Eita Suna Ushijima wakatoshi Tendou Oikawa toru Tanaka Mad dog kyotani Kentarou Kunimi Akira Bokuto Koutarou Akaashi Keiji daishou suguru Nishinoya Kuroo tetsuro Kenma Kageyama tobio Hinata shoyo Tsukkishima kei Terushima yuji Kita Hoshiumi Yamakoto Lev haiba Haiba Hiroo
Gojo Choso Toji Yuta Sukuna Naoya that one hot guy with the mask Nanami
Aether Childe ZHONGLI scaramouche Kaveh alhaithum
Windbreaker anime:
Burning kabaddi:
@duaajpeg Tatsuya Yoigoshi Kei lura Masato ojo Shinji date Ren takaya Manabu Sakura Yu eikura Yuuki hitomi
Grimmjow Ichigo Renji
Black clover:
Langris vaude Leopald Julius Vangeance Yuno Nozel Asta Luck Magna Klaus Jack Zora
Outer banks:
Rafe JJ Pope
Bruce Wayne (bale) Dr. crane (cillian)
Harry Potter:
Draco Voldemort Fred George Harry
Suicide Squad:
Joker (Leto) Harley (Margot)
Jojo’s bizarre adventure:
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fuckyeahmexico · 11 months
Acapulco necesita muchísima ayuda. Tras el paso del huracán Otis, el famoso paraíso guerrerense quedó terriblemente afectado. No hace falta que salgas de la CDMX para apoyarlos. En diferentes puntos de la capital se han montado centros de acopio que estarán recibiendo productos y víveres.
Eso no es todo, aquellos animales que viven en refugios, también merecen recibir ‘una patita’ de ayuda. Aquí te decimos cómo puedes aportar y dónde.
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Centros de acopio en CDMX para ayudar a Acapulco
1. La Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), anunció que abrió un par de centros de acopio a partir del mediodía de hoy, jueves 26 de octubre. Están ubicados al lado de las astas bandera del Estadio Olímpico Universitario y en el Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco.
2. En horas recientes fue creado el perfil de Instagram @hazelbienxaca por la activista Saskia Niño de Rivera. La iniciativa destinada a reunir víveres tanto para personas como para mascotas damnificadas del puerto. El centro de acopio está en la calle Sierra Gorda 495, Lomas de Chapultepec, alcaldía Miguel Hidalgo. De 8:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m.
3. El restaurante ‘Degú, cocina de casa’, también ha instalado un centro de acopio. Estarán reuniendo víveres en la calle Huichapan 25, en la Condesa, muy cerca del Parque España. Enviarán un camión a Acapulco con todo lo reunido el día 3 de noviembre. Más información en su Instagram: @degu.cocinadecasa.
4. Atma Yoga, estudio con 2 sucursales en CDMX, también se unió a Degú e instaló centros de acopio, ubicados en la calle Yucatán 69, colonia Roma Norte y calle Goldsmith 38, en Polanco.
Por su parte, la Cruz Roja Mexicana anunció que en las instalaciones de la Sede Nacional recibirán productos para los afectados. Se localiza en la calle Juan Luis Vives 200, Colonia Los Morales Polanco, alcaldía Miguel Hidalgo. Todos los días de 8:00 a.m. a 8:00 p.m.
Lee también: Huracán “Otis” afectó 80% de hoteles en Acapulco, reporta la gobernadora de Guerrero
¿Qué cosas debo llevar a los centros de acopio?
Aunque toda ayuda sirve, es recomendable primero revisar comunicados o redes sociales de los centros de acopio para tener conocimiento de los artículos que recibirán o que son de primera necesidad. En general, se está recolectando lo siguiente:
Para el hogar: escobas, cubetas, cloro, jabón en polvo, guantes de plástico, fibra, cepillo tipo plancha, limpiador para pisos, jalador, recogedor, franelas y jergas.
Alimentos: aceite, arroz, frijol, lenteja, azúcar, sal, agua embotellada, leche en polvo; enlatados como atún/sardinas, café soluble, chiles, mayonesa y mermelada; en sobres como sopas de pasta, cubos de consomé, harina para atole y chocolate en polvo.
Higiene personal: rollos de papel higiénico, jabón de barra, pasta dental, toallas femeninas, zacate, toallas húmedas, desodorante, pañales, rastrillos, peines, cepillos dentales y toallas faciales.
Artículos de primeros auxilios: gasas, vendas, suero, agua oxigenada, alcohol, desinfectantes de heridas, gel antibacterial.
Herramientas: carretillas, barretas, palas y picos.
Ropa en buen estado.
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Ayuda a un refugio de Animales en Acapulco
Porque los seres humanos no fueron los únicos que vivieron el devastador paso de Otis. Cientos de perros, gatos y demás animales también severamente afectados, por lo que ellos también necesitan ayuda.
La organización comunitaria ‘Patitas Felices Acapulco’ se encarga de proteger y salvaguardar a animalitos en situaciones vulnerables en su refugio temporal. Ahora, están pidiendo ayuda para poder comprar alimento para las mascotas y para poder reparar los daños de su refugio.
Si deseas ayudar, puedes hacer un donativo a las siguientes cuentas, a nombre de Elsa Cristina Salgado Gama:
Spin de Oxxo: 4217 4700 4909 3640.
Banamex: 5256 7833 6571 9690.
Clabe interbancaria: 0022 6190 3723 2878 82.
Fuente: El Universal
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