#lee heeseung comfort
mochamvgz · 11 months
love you twice
; you hurt yourself the night before prom
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; lee heeseung x reader
; genre: fluff, comfort, high school au, established relationship, fem!reader, non idol!heeseung
; warnings: reader twists her knee no mentions of blood, cursing, self depreciative thoughts (reader considers herself a burden)
; 2k words
; perm taglist: @inkelea @bunreis @sobun1est
“fuck fuck fuck please tell me this isn't happening!”
you croaked, sitting on your bed and leaning against the wall with an ice pack on your now-swollen knee.
how did that happen, you ask?
funny stupid story: you were walking back home after picking up dinner, two packs of instant ramen, from the convenience store down the street. you were a few blocks from your place when you realised you forgot to get yourself a drink. as you turned on your heel to go make a detour back to the small store, you felt your left knee twist the wrong way and, with impeccable timing, a sharp bout of pain shot up your leg. you used the lamp posts lined along the street to get to your apartment, taking it easy so as to avoid tripping.
upon finally reaching home, you set the ramen on the countertop and grabbed the ice pack from your freezer, making your way to the couch to ice your throbbing knee.
coming back to the present—your eyes were getting watery as you panicked because senior prom was literally the next day!!!
you'd been looking forward to it since forever and the possibility that you might have to miss it—and potentially dissappoint your boyfriend who had been just as excited as you—was what made the tears finally spill out.
putting the ice pack down on the couch, you wiped them away with a sniffle and unlocked your phone, opening your messages app to let heeseung know you wouldn’t be able to make it tomorrow. however, your previous texts grabbed your attention, and you scrolled up to see text bubbles with far too many exclamation marks and plans to match fits. you felt the tears return and put your phone away.
“please let this shit be better by tomorrow” you whispered to yourself. dinner long forgotten, you made your way to the bathroom to wash up and go to sleep.
the hot air from the blow dryer hit your hair and exposed neck. yes, you were getting ready for prom. no, your knee wasn't much better. your plan was to power through because, one, you weren't about to miss out on something as monumental as senior prom and, two, you really didn't want to let heeseung down.
you'd asked him if you could meet him straight at school rather than him coming to pick you up because you knew that despite his excitement for the event, he would make you stay at home and take care of you.
your phone buzzed—you looked down at the screen to see a bunch of texts from none other than your boyfriend.
waiting for my uber
can't wait to see you all dolled up for me!!!
[attachment: 1 image]
a smile played on your lips as you replied.
you quickly finished putting on your makeup and called yourself an uber as well.
you got there before heeseung and were waiting for him not too far from the entrance. you were trying not to put much of your body weight on your injured leg, but, as a consequence, your other leg was beginning to cramp from the excess pressure. you persevered nonetheless.
just then, you saw heeseung enter and the first thing he did was look around trying to find you. your heart rate picked up.
god he looks so attractive in that damn suit!!
you smiled as you watched him look for you—you didn't make a move though, partly because of your knee, and partly because you found his confused face cute.
he turned to one of his friends nearby, probably asking if he had seen you. his friend scanned the area, spotting you almost immediately as he gestured towards you as if to say “there she is!” heeseung looked in the direction, eyes glancing over you without any hint of recognition as he turned back to his friend with a puzzled expression.
you chuckled at his silliness, finding the fact that he was so giddy he could barely think straight downright adorable. you were so whipped for this guy, it was hopeless. the feeling was definitely mutual, though.
his friend once again gestured towards you with a little more exasperation, most likely saying “she's right there dude!” your boyfriend's eyes roamed over the room once again, with more concentration this time.
he finally found you after turning back to his friend a third time and you swear the way his eyes lit up as he flashed you that smile he always saved just for you caused your heart to melt into a goopy puddle making a wide grin appear on your own face.
“there you are! you look so gorgeous in that dress i might faint! not that you don't look pretty in general.” he reached out to grab your hand.
“you're one to talk, just look at yourself!” you noticed he was bouncing on his feet with excitement.
“whoa there, calm down”
“sorry, i'm just really stoked to be here with you!” his smile turned slightly bashful.
suddenly, you hissed in pain and squeezed your eyes tight, balling your free hand up in a fist.
whoops, guess i shouldn't have stood for too long.
concern immediately overtook heeseung's face.
“you okay there honey?”
it took you some time to form a response as you were focused on processing the pain. when you did however, it wasn't an answer but another question.
“can we find someplace to sit?”
after you both were seated on a bench you found outside the venue, heeseung didn't repeat his question right away. he watched you massage your knee with worry etched on his face, not knowing what to do.
“do you wanna ice it..maybe..? i can get some ice from the drinks counter and wrap it in my handkerchief?”
“no no it's alright, i just iced it last night.”
“wait- last night??? you hurt yourself last night and didn’t think to tell me?? why did you even come?? you should’ve stayed home!”
you bit your tongue upon realising your error. you were trying to reassure him that it wasn't that bad but instead you had increased his worry.
you gave him a pained smile. “we’d been looking forward to prom for so long, i didn’t want to ruin it...”
heeseung fell silent for while after hearing those words, upset that you thought a mere event was more important than whatever injury you had.
“anyways, i think my knee is better now, let’s go meet our friends.” you broke the silence.
“you haven’t told me what’s wrong yet.” he pointed out.
“it’s not a big deal, really, i just twisted my knee while walking home last night.”
“do you.. want to try standing up?”
you nodded and he stood up first, offering you his hand as support which you gladly took and helped yourself up. you winced slightly as you did so.
“hey hey, take it easy.”
“hee, you know you don’t have to treat me like i’m made of glass.”
“i know, i’m just worried.”
you smiled at him reassuringly in a way that said ‘it’s okay, i’m good.’ but it ended up looking more like a grimace.
your boyfriend wasn’t having it,
“let’s get you home.”
heeseung shut down your protests and was adamant on getting you home so you had no choice but to comply. he offered to carry you but you instantly declined, not wanting to be burdensome to him, or well, not more than you already were being, from your perspective.
The cab parked by your apartment and heeseung helped you get out, you clenched your teeth, holding back a groan, as your knee pained from straightening after being bent for so long while you were seated. heeseung thanked the driver and paid the fare, helping you walk towards the lift after he was done, despite your insistence that you could manage.
once your door was unlocked, heeseung didn’t waste a single moment and picked you up bridal style, gently of course, he was careful not to make any sudden movements and accidentally send a jolt of pain towards your knee. again, he ignored your objections, focusing on taking care of you. he took the key out the keyhole on your front door and closed it behind you, taking off his shoes by the entryway. he carried you to your bedroom, setting your keys down on the kitchen counter on the way.
heeseung set you down on your bed carefully as you looked at him, your eyes shining with adoration. soon after, you directed your gaze towards the ground, letting your hair fall down to veil the majority of your face. you felt guilty; guilty for ‘ruining’ his night; guilty for ‘making’ him take care of you; guilty for ‘making’ him choose you over his own enjoyment; guilty for worrying him; and guilty for ‘being the cause’ of how ‘bored’ he was going to be for the remainder of the night.
thinking you were trying to hide your pained expression, your boyfriend squeezed your hand comfortingly, his heart breaking bit-by-bit as he realised you didn’t want him to see you be vulnerable. you felt tears pool in your eyes and you started blinking rapidly to get rid of them, you hated crying in front of someone. heeseung suddenly cleared his throat, startling you a little.
“you’ve got an ice pack in your freezer right?"
you nodded without looking up.
"i'll go get it real quick."
he didn't leave right away though, kneeling to unstrap your heels and taking them off so you could sit more comfortably on the bed and only then making his exit.
you were helpless against the onslaught of tears that followed—it felt horrible knowing you'd be upsetting him even more if he saw you in such a state, but you were powerless.
when heeseung got back with the ice pack and a glass of water, he froze at the doorframe hearing your sniffles, the pained sounds making him feel as if a heavy brick had just lodged itself inside his chest.
heeseung finally regained his sense of self and walked in, placing the glass of water and the ice pack on your nightstand. you wiped harshly under your eyes with the back of your hand as soon as you heard him come in, desperately hoping against hope he hadn’t caught you crying because that would be really embarrassing for you. you were known to be an optimistic, yet fierce and independent person and you hated showcasing any sort of vulnerability or weakness.
“does it hurt that bad?”
heeseung thought your tears were prompted by the pain, completely unaware of the tempest of guilt whirling inside your head. you made no reply, too busy internally cursing yourself for being so vulnerable and letting him see you cry. not receiving any sort of response, not even a nod or a shake of your head, only contributed further to his rising concern.
he knelt beside your bed, tucking away the curtain of hair shielding your face. you tried turning your head the other way but heeseung placed a finger under your chin, stopping you.
“hey, talk to me, please.”
“thanks for bringing me home and getting the ice pack, but you should probably head back before prom ends so i don’t ruin the rest of your night.”
“what? you think i’m just gonna leave you here?”
“i’ve done enough damage hee, i don’t wanna be a hindrance.”
your boyfriend scoffed at your statement; he was hurt you considered yourself a bother for him.
“you’re kidding right? you’ve got to be! i’m not going anywhere.”
his resolve was firm, not giving you room to argue with him any further, besides you were too tired to. you felt the waterworks return, rapidly blinking once again so as to not let them spill out. this time, however, heeseung noticed and sat in front of you on the bed, pulling you close as you buried your head in this chest, finally giving in.
“i love you.”
heeseung pressed a kiss on the crown of your head, blinking back his own tears.
“i love you too.” you mumbled into his shirt, causing him to feel the vibrations through his ribcage and right into his heart, making the brick in his chest disintegrate as you tightened the embrace.
"i love you more than anything, and you're worth so much more than you think."
heeseung was ready to say "i love you" twice and so many more times to you, he wouldn't hesitate even for a second to give you the love you deserved and you were prepared to do the same thing back.
; a/n: firstly, huge thank you to @sunny-reis (ik this is the hundredth time i'm thanking you lmao) for beta reading this for me!! this fic wouldn't be readable w/out u<33 gonna disappear again after dropping this (i won't be sticking around to reply to asks sorry :(( ) the brainrot was getting to me okay🙄✋currently icing my own knee as i'm posting this lmao. the fic is mostly based on real life events (some dialogues and details are basically copy-pasted from my actual convo with my bf lol) also can't believe this is my longest fic yet🤯🤯 anyways i hope you enjoyed reading 💌<33
© mochamvgz on tumblr | all rights reserved | do not plagiarise, repost or translate
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cupidriki · 4 months
⌞BRING ME BACK TO EARTH! ⌝ ⤷ Heeseung was a confident guy during his college days. He had a charismatic personality that made him popular among his peers, and he was accustomed to getting what he desired. But there was one thing that he craved more than anything else - you. Despite his cocky demeanor, he was willing to do whatever it took to make you his own.
@readbyjjk , @seunghancore , @sakanelli-afc , @ohsehunskz @cholexxc , @cupidhoons , @whokilledyuyan , @en-dream @mymeloem19 @eleanorheartschishiya @river-demon-slayer ⌇ 𝓣AGLIST (open)
#thats freaky
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As Heeseung strolled through the bustling hallways of his campus, time seemed to stand still as his gaze came to rest upon you.
As soon as he realized that you had caught him looking, he quickly snatched up his phone and hurriedly left the room.
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⌞ love at first sight. ⌝ .ᐟ
profile two back to smau
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uolarieclosed · 3 months
lee heeseung ☆ ! if you let me
━━━ in which you make quite the impression on lee heeseung who became head over heels in love with you …
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SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who first fell in love with you when you punched him in the face for being rude.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who couldn’t stop smiling while his friends took him to the infirmary. despite getting his shit rocked, he remembered your pretty face.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who really confirmed his feelings after you apologized with a pack of frozen peas upon seeing the large bruise forming around his eye.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who started pestering you everyday to go on a date with him.
“it’s just ice cream, jongseob told me you liked pistachio and i know a really good place.” heeseung followed you around the classroom. “you mean the same jongseob you were being an asshole to?” you halt, facing heeseung with a scowl—and he swore he felt his heart explode.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who finally got you on a date and was beyond ecstatic. however he’s never been more nervous; pacing around his room looking for the perfect outfit and standing in front of the mirror practicing his greeting to you.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who had to resist the urge to not kiss you after walking you to your door, but he was even more shocked when you kissed him on the cheek, running into your house.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who met you at your locker the next morning, handing you the latte he argued with a freshman over.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who writes down every little thing you tell him. ranging from your favorite foods to your sibling’s birthdays.
“you remembered?” you open the gift box that held your favorite lipstick inside—knowing it had been discontinued. “i listen to everything you say.” you wrap your arms around him, muttering a thank you.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who keeps his hand in your back pocket wherever you two go out and when he wants your attention, he spins you around by your belt hoop.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who holds your things over his head to get you riled up.
“you’re gonna have to jump higher than that angel.” he laughs while standing on his tippy toes.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who will embarrass himself for your entertainment. such as dancing to your favorite songs in public, letting you try your new makeup products on him, and allowing you recite all of the texts he sends you to your friends.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who gets more affectionate and clingy when he drinks too much at a party he shouldn’t have been at.
“have you always looked this beautiful?” “i can’t believe you’re all mine.” “i think i want you to have all of my children.” “shut up heeseung.”
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who wraps his embroidered uniform tie around you so no one even thinks of approaching you when he isn’t around.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who falls asleep with you in class so both of you get in trouble and he can sneak a couple kisses in detention.
“it’s just us angel, the teacher left a while ago.” heeseung tightens his hold around your waist, keeping you on his lap while he leans in with a cocky smirk.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who shows up at your house in the middle of the night with bloodied knuckles and a torn lip. he jokes about how it reminds him of the day you punched him, to which you scold him.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who knows he’s a pain in the ass but he would do anything for you.
© 2024 uolarie
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sunrenity · 14 days
( 情 )ㅤㅤ..ㅤㅤAFFECTION  、they are fond of you。
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엔하이픈ㅤ୨୧ㅤℯnhypen x 𝒻em readerㅤ。。ㅤfriend! enha, fluffㅤ( none )ㅤ›ㅤ654ㅤ───ㅤℬookshelf
zehra's note.ㅤso sorry for disappearing omg 😭 i'll try to be more active tho!! ^^ also new layout??
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watches you from across the room with a quiet intensity, his eyes lingering on you as if committing every detail to memory. when you smile, his lips twitch up unconsciously, mirroring yours. heeseung's heart skips a beat at the sound of your laughter, his gaze growing softer, more tender. sometimes, he catches himself leaning forward, inching closer to hear your voice more clearly, as if he’s drawn to you by an invisible thread. there’s a warmth in his chest that he doesn’t fully understand but doesn’t want to let go of, either.
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keeps his feelings guarded, but his eyes give him away. they follow your every move, softening whenever they land on you. his expression remains neutral, but the slight curve of his lips betrays a subtle joy he can’t hide. jay stands a little taller, his posture relaxed yet ready to move closer if you need anything. whenever you speak, he listens with undivided attention, his usually serious demeanor lightening. the quiet fondness he feels is like a steady flame; not flashy, but undeniably present, warming him from within.
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his affection is loud and obvious, like sunshine breaking through clouds. his smile is wide and bright whenever you’re around, his laughter a little louder, his eyes twinkling with a mix of joy and admiration. jake often finds reasons to be near you, his steps unconsciously steering in your direction. he talks about you to the others, sharing little stories or things that remind him of you. when he sees you, his whole face lights up, and he feels a flutter in his chest — a delightful, comforting feeling that makes everything seem a bit more vibrant.
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tries to act indifferent, but it’s the little things that give him away — the way his gaze flickers toward you more often than not, the way his ears turn a slight shade of pink when someone mentions you. he’ll pretend to be busy, but he’s always within earshot, listening for your voice. when you’re nearby, there’s a calmness that settles over him, a quiet sort of peace he doesn’t want to acknowledge but can’t help but cherish. sunghoon might not say much, but his softened expressions speak volumes.
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wears his affection on his sleeve, his eyes sparkling like stars whenever you walk into the room. his whole face softens, his smile growing impossibly wider. sunoo doesn’t try to hide his admiration — he openly compliments you, finds excuses to be around you, and his laughter comes more easily in your presence. his gaze is warm, almost protective, and he lights up like a firework at the smallest things you do. the world seems a little brighter to him whenever you’re around, and he’s not shy about letting it show.
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there’s a quiet bashfulness in the way he shows his fondness. his eyes often find yours in fleeting glances, and when you catch him looking, his cheeks flush a gentle pink. jungwon tries to play it off with a soft, shy smile, but there’s a light in his eyes that’s hard to miss — a twinkle of curiosity and admiration. he listens intently when you speak, his focus solely on you, hanging on to every word. there’s a gentleness in his demeanor that comes out around you, as if you bring out a softer, more tender side of him.
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is curious about you, his gaze observant and bright with interest. there’s a playful edge to his expressions, a teasing smile that tugs at his lips whenever he watches you. riki likes to hover nearby, pretending it’s a coincidence, but his glances are deliberate. he’s intrigued by you, his mind always coming up with little ways to make you smile or laugh. beneath the playful exterior, there’s a subtle tenderness, a flicker of genuine warmth that peeks through whenever he thinks no one is looking — a small, unspoken affection that’s still finding its way to the surface.
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yuvany · 2 months
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What do they do when you feel overwhelmed with emotion? ;;;
pairing : enhypen hyung line x fmr ;; w.c : ~ 100/character ;; warning(s) : minor angst + fluff/comfort + not proofread!
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𝐋𝐄𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐆 does his best. He asks if you need something, and he asks how he can help. He feels just as upset as you just by looking at your saddened state. Heeseung sees you curled up on the couch, hugging your knees close as you sniff and weep in silence. Heeseung approaches you slowly with caution in his steps, his hand snakes its way around your shoulders, causing you to look up at him. He doesn't ask what caused you to be so sad, so he sits with you in silence until you're ready to tell him what happened while running his fingers along your back to comfort you. "It's alright, princess. Cry it out." He whispers, pulling you onto his lap.
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐉𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐒𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐆 frowns, knowing something, or someone had made you sad. He approaches your quivering state with a calm exterior, seating himself beside you. His warmer palm heats your spine, spreading a comforting feeling through your chest. You halt for a moment to look up at him, being met with his kind eyes causes you to burst in tears once more. He immediately hugs you close to his chest while muttering just the right words for you to ease the tension. "Do you mind telling me what happened, lovely?"
𝐒𝐈𝐌 𝐉𝐀𝐄𝐘𝐔𝐍 panics, immediately rushing over to you. He sprouts questions left and right, "do you want water?" "What happened? Why are you crying?" Poor guy is stressed, but calms down sooner or later. Brings you paper tissues and a glass of water without you having you request it. Wipes your tears with his thumb gliding along your cheekbones, and presses a soft kiss to your forehead, hoping for your mood to enlighten. Be ready for a cuddle session after.
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐍 is shocked when he hears your cries. He is unsure what to do, but he does what he can. Sunghoon awkwardly scoots closer to you after entering your room when he heard soft sobs. "Babe, what happened?" His voice is gentle when he speaks, his eyes holding nothing but gentleness. You choke out a response, and he is quick to embrace you in a soothing hug, letting your tears stain his shoulder, but he doesn't mind, his priority right now is for you to be comfortable. He feels your breathing stabilise, and the room become silent when your cries come to a halt. "Feeling better, hun?"
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Reblogs are much appreciated ! No spam liking as it shadow bans me,
Layout credits to @flwrstqr
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flwrstqr · 3 months
𝜗𝜚 ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁 MY MiRROR ALLERGY ୨୧ ENHYPEN OT7 ── 𝗂𝗇 𝗐𝗁𝗂𝖼𝗁 𝖾𝗇𝗁𝗒𝗉𝖾𝗇 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗍𝗌 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖿𝖾𝖾𝗅 𝗂𝗇𝗌𝖾𝖼𝗎𝗋𝖾 𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗌𝗆𝗂𝗅𝖾
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﹙ 𝓹𝐥𝐨𝐭 ♡𝓹𝐫é𝐜𝐢𝐬 bf!enha x fem!r. 𖥔 fluff, headcanons comfort ot7 works , ‎⸝⸝⸝ kissing, petnames, not proofread reader being insecure requested wordcount` 1120. 𓈃 ◌⠀⠀˖ 𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄 𓏵⠀
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heeseung notices you haven’t been smiling much lately and starts to worry. when you finally tell him you’re insecure about your smile, he looks at you with disbelief and says, “you’re joking, right, princess? your smile is beautiful. i could stare at it all day.” he gently grabs your chin, making you look into his eyes, giving you a look “please don’t feel that way,” he whispers before peppering your face with soft kisses.
rest of the members below !!
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐉𝐀𝐘 (박종성)
jay notices you keep covering your mouth in photos. at first, he doesn’t think much of it, but then he starts noticing you doing it every single time. concerned, he finally asks you about it. when you admit that you’re insecure about your smile, he looks at you and says, “are you kidding me? you look beautiful with your smile.” he pauses, then adds softly, “do you know the reason why I fell in love with you? because of your pretty smile.” he looks into your eyes. “love, you’re beautiful the way you are.” with that, he kisses your forehead softly.
𝐒𝐈𝐌 𝐉𝐀𝐊𝐄 (심재윤)
jake notices you covering your smile, and he gently says, "baby, i want to see your pretty smile." you hesitate, but he persists, "what's wrong?" when you finally admit that you're insecure about your smile, he immediately reassures you, "don't be, because i love your smile. It's one of the things I love most about you." with that, he leans in and kisses your lips softly, letting you melt into his kiss.
sunghoon notices how you often cover your smile. he's always been able to pick up on the smallest things about you. one day, while you're both sitting together, he decides to bring it up. "hey, why do you keep covering your smile?" he asks, his eyes full of concern. you admit you're insecure. he tilts his head, genuinely curious. "why are you insecure about that? your smile is pretty, and i love it. it's the prettiest thing about you. his words make your heart flutter, and you can't help but smile, this time without covering it.
you and sunoo are sitting together, chatting about random things, when you decide to ask him a question that's been on your mind. "what do you think of my smile?" you ask, trying to sound casual. sunoo looks at you, his eyes lighting up. "your smile? i love it. it's a smile that lights up my whole day and gives me butterflies in my stomach." you feel your heart flutter at his words, but the insecurity still lingers. "really? because… i'm actually really insecure about it." his eyes widen in disbelief. "are you serious? your smile is beautiful. i love it," he says, gently taking your hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. a small, genuine smile forms on your lips.
you're feeling insecure about your smile, so you finally tell jungwon, your boyfriend. he listens attentively, his expression softening as he gently takes your hands in his. "hey, don't say that, baby," he murmurs earnestly. "your smile lights up the room, you know? it's one of the things i adore about you." he brushes a stray hair from your face, his thumb tracing a soothing path on your cheek. "you're beautiful just the way you are, okay?" his reassuring words calm your nerves, and you can't help but smile softly as he pulls you into a warm hug.
you sit beside riki, nervously avoiding his gaze as you fidget with your fingers. he notices your unease and gently tilts your chin up with his finger, making you meet his warm gaze. "what's on your mind?" he asks softly, concern evident in his eyes. you bite your lip, hesitant to voice your insecurity about your smile. riki smiles reassuringly. "hey, come on, let's turn that frown upside down," he says earnestly, his voice gentle yet firm. prompting you a soft laughter from your lips. "it's uniquely you, and that's what I love about it." his words dissolve your worries, and you find yourself smiling more freely.
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loveyni · 1 month
heeseung is for ,,,
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heeseung!! • jay • jake • sunghoon • sunoo • jungwon • ni-ki
a/n. the last installment of this little series! thank u for being patient hee loves, i hope that this was worth the wait ^^
୨୧₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩⋆ ──
heeseung is for those with the most contagious laughter, everyone is victim to laughing along at the slightest giggle of theirs.
heeseung is for those who HEAVILY judge their friends' significant others because they understand how they need to be treated and won't settle for anything less for them.
heeseung is for those who go hard at karaoke, even if they don't particularly sound the best. it's only straight vibes as soon as the mic reaches their grasp~
heeseung is for those take the lead when no one else wants to (who will sacrifice their own comfort for yours?) ((i know heeseung would)).
heeseung is for those who will go out occasionally on weekends, but mostly prefer staying in to either play games or doomscroll on SNS.
heeseung is for those who are always compared to their "smarter" or "more talented" relatives (comparison is a thief of joy; you are perfectly fine as is no matter what anyone says).
heeseung is for those who are hesitant to love shamelessly because the possibility of them getting hurt outweighs everything else (may someone who gives you that security to love freely come along soon, if they haven't already)((how's that avoidant attachment style going for you?)).
heeseung is for those who should just rest tonight because there will be chances to try again tomorrow and the days that follow (you have worked tiredlessly, get some shut eye).
── ୨୧₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩⋆
🖇️ taglist: @laurradoesloveu @river-demon-slayer @dissoc1ating
a/n. and~~ this series is wrapped up! thank u for all the love thus far <33 i am endlessly thankful for all of the kind words in regards to this series ^^ my requests are also open, so pls tell me what u guys wanna see next!! until next time ><
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yeokii · 7 months
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꒰ synopsis ꒱ all hopes were crushed when you realized there was no way to get close to your crush, choi beomgyu. your advances to get close to him never seemed to work. so, you decided to get closer to his best friend, heeseung, by joining the broadcasting club. but as scripts change, so do crushes, and you end up falling for his best friend instead.
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▸ auditions are open . . . !
ㅤ❕MATCHMAKER ── crush bsf ! heeseung x reader
fast forward  ⃕ [ genre ] : written, fluff, angst, 90s au, unrequited love
meet the members ! beomgyu, gaeul, jungwon, taehyun, juyeon [more tba.]
warnings 𖧷 [only in this scene] unrequited love, yn kinda uses hee, thats all I think
ㅤhe's a real catch ▹ est. 2OK ❨ 이희승 ❩ ⌗ catch adore you here!
⌕ [ archives ] one result found . . . hi (still on hiatus kinda) js came here to post the fic teaser :D (im prolly gna post this after mocks or after my igcses) also ty @yenqa sewlmate for writing the synopsis (ly dookie) send an ask or comment to be added in the taglist !
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THE FALL OF NINETEEN-NINETY SIX MARKED A PIVOTAL MOMENT IN YOUR LIFE. Ever since you came into the world, you never really could grasp the concept of love.
You wrapped your head around the myths and tales your mother would read to you every night. You thought that every princess would have her own shining knight in armor. So, after thirteen years of living, where was yours?
Your knight in shining armor, or knights in shining armor, existed within the pages of the comic books you read. You often wondered if they would magically pop out of your books and transport you into their world. Similarly, you wondered whether any of the characters from your adored TV shows would step out and bring you into their lives.
So, it wasn't a surprise when your jaw dropped to the ground as you saw the most beautiful man in your life (well, technically, boy). If the epitome of beauty was a fourteen-year-old boy, it would be Beomgyu.
But it wasn’t just his face that made your thirteen-year-old self swoon over him, it was also the way he acted. You loved the way he conversed, his smooth way of talking at a young age and the way he smiled at you every time he made jokes with his friends. You loved how his eyes lightened every time he’d pull a silly prank.
But the problem was, he never talked to you. You admired him from afar. You never actually had the guts to talk to him, as if. You were content with watching his funny actions from a distance.
There were some moments when you pushed aside your nervousness and talked to him. You remember having butterflies in your stomach the moment you first talked to him. There were times when you both were paired up as project partners for a biology assessment and at that moment, you swore you could’ve worshiped the floor that your biology teacher walked on due to her giving you an opportunity like this.
You knew this was an opportunity to make your move. And you did. You brought him small snacks with little notes on them. Gave him gifts regularly. Maybe even took lessons from your best friend on how to subtly flirt with him. You really thought you had him. Because whenever you used to play out these little acts, you saw the subtle smile on his face. You were so close. It’s like the universe laid it out for you. Gosh, how lucky you were!
Luck. The luck that you thought you had. If luck was a person, you would’ve tackled it to the ground already. Because the day you were about to confess to him was the day he announced his new girlfriend. 
His first girlfriend. You doubt you called it ‘love’ since the only thing she cared about was that he was popular and pretty. That’s it! All that girl could get from Beomgyu was his looks and his reputation. You could’ve scoffed at the sight.
Beomgyu was so much more than that. He was loyal, kind, and trustworthy. And she went for his looks. Even though she had him, you felt as if she was missing out on so much. You were partly sad due to them getting together and also due to Beomgyu getting used to his looks.
So, you were practically prancing when you heard the news of their breakup a month later. Did you care that Beomgyu was absolutely heartbroken? Well, yes, but you felt relieved that Beomgyu was finally unleashed from that mean troll's wrath.
And as he got older, he grew more handsome. And God did you love it. When you entered high school he was a completely different person. He had gotten more flirty and way more pretty. He was way out of your league. 
Out of the years you were in this crappy high school, you made absolutely no improvement in your and Beomgyu’s relationship. Beomgyu, who kept getting new flings every summer and tons of situationships seemed to discard your existence. One could only say ‘What the fuck?’
Your thoughts swirled, and you had a collection of emotions roaming around your head until your best friend jolted you back into reality with a gentle nudge on the shoulder.
“Are you even listening?” Seori’s voice cut through your thoughts, annoyed, since she had to explain what she was talking about in the first place.
“Sorry, what were you saying?” You blinked, focusing your attention on your best friend.
She sighs, “I was saying that I think Doyoung is going to ask me out.” Seori pouts “Why does he not get that I don’t like him that way, jeez.”
Her ramble about her current boy toy washed out in the background. You were once back in your thoughts until you saw him heading into the cafeteria. Beomgyu entered the cafeteria, his smile widening at something his best friend said. 
Lee Heeseung, Beomgyu’s best friend. His ride or die. As long as you can remember, they were attached to the hip. They were basically the package deal. If Beomgyu was the life of the party, Heeseung would hold up his hair while he threw up in the host’s toilet. While Beomgyu was the exact depiction of a social butterfly, Heeseung remained aloof, keeping people at arm’s length. You could only wonder how he dealt with Beomgyu’s outbursting personality.
“Earth to Yn!” Seori snapped her fingers in front of your face which once again, brought you back to reality.
“Sorry.” You sheepishly smiled looking at your best friend's annoyed face. Your friend followed the gaze you had fixed before looking over to her. And her eyes followed the trail of your alleged ‘man’–– Beomgyu.
“Him again.”A sigh erupted from Soeri, having enough of your rambling over your four-year-old crush.
“I’m sorry, alright!” You pouted, your back hunching over the disappointing development between you two which was nowhere to be found. “He’s just so cute, God!”
Your sigh was followed by your best friend. Not long after, your best friend’s fed-up expression converted into a rather eager one.
“I got it!” She exclaimed, her hand hitting your back while she practically screamed. You winced in pain as a few fellow students gave you judgemental stares.
“All you have to do is be close with his best friend, Lee Heeseung.” She slowly said, almost like a mastermind coming up with a villainous plan–well, you would consider your best friend to be some sort of evil criminal.
But this, this opened new angles in your head. It felt like the universe–or more like your best friend–laid it out for you again. Your once unsolvable puzzle showed a new direction, and the missing piece was all in front of you. 
Okay, maybe you felt bad that you were going to use Heeseung like that, even looking forward to it. But, you were really desperate. To the point where you would actually be eager to attend Sunday mass just to ask God for Beomgyu to like you back or even spare one glance at you. Well, what could you do? 
Out of excitement, you pulled Seori in for a hug with a squeal while giving her a kiss on the cheek which she in return, yelped. “Seori, you’re a genius!”
“Yes, I know.” She laughed a bit, escaping your tight grip on her before wiping the spot you kissed her hastily with her hands.
“I mean, how hard could it be?” 
You smiled and your gaze wet up to the boy you loved for most of your life, then slowly to the equally handsome boy.
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adore you tags . @wonsbaer @isoobie @armydrcamers @heegyuwrld @nxzz-skz @txtlyn @enhastolemyheart @positivelyinlovewithjungwon @sumzysworld @eleanorheartschishiya @petalsofink @bluujeans @jvjsssnaa @iamliacamila @m3chigo @oldjws @kyrjnie @heartswonn @aeminju @en-dream @yeahsspider @imstupidcheesecat [closed]
tags . @flwoie @zuyairus @bubblytaetae @yenqa @haknom @redm4ri @hanniluvi @haechansbbg @taejaysreads @shinunoga-iie-wa @teddywonss
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minhosimthings · 6 months
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Girl Dad!Enhypen headcannons
Pairings: Enhypen × fem!reader (sep.)
Warnings: fluff fluff I'm choking on this fluff, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of birth, mentions of food, also swearing because I can't handle myself lol
A/N: alright bitches I am high on baby fever so if I'm dying IM TAKING Y'ALL DOWN WITH ME. Tagging @jaeyunluvr for obvious reasons.
Stray Kids version!
Lee Heeseung
Is SO Bambi eyed when you tell him you're pregnant
Like 🥺 this be him, all teary eyed and happy
As if he didn't rail the brains out of you last night but whatever
He was already a simp for you but now that you're pregnant?
"My wife is my entire life and I will walk through every element in this world for her and I would destroy this entire world for her did you know that I love my wife?"
SO EXCITED WHEN YOU START SHOWING He cries over how soft you look sometimes
When I say he sings to your belly at night- (he rants about how the baby kicked when he sang his fav song to the guys)
And gets so starry eyed when baby kicks at his favourite song
Literally the best during birth, he's such a cheerleader
Sobs literal rivers when he holds the baby
"She looks so much like you."
Looks at his daughter as if he would end the world for her
Singing lessons are basically free for her and Heeseung sobs to you every night about how good she's been getting
Loves to have Karaoke dates with her and teaches her how to make music
Brags so much
"Y/N can you take your husband please he's been talking about his child for hours now we are tired" "hey guys do you know what she did yesterday-"
He died inside when she tried to hit a high note and succeeded
10/10 dad, must marry Heeseung I have a ring
Park 'Jay' Jongsoeng
Do I hear the best girl dad in the entire world?
When you tell him, he kisses your face so much
WORSHIPS YOU you are a Goddess in his eyes
normally Jay wouldn't let you do anything but now? He will ravage the earth if you lift even an atom
"what are you doing out of bed?" "I have to pee Jay for god's sake-"
Belly massages are free and unlimited with a husband like him
And so is the food because he will cook everything you ask for as if it's the last thing he'll do
Builds the bassinet properly, and makes sure to turn you on because mooscles SHUT UP IM HAVING A MOMENT
Asks his mom for advice if he doesn't know what to do
Is a brave boi during birth like he is NOT hesitant to do any shit you want
Cries part 2
And I mean he sobbed his entire water weight out of his body when he held his tiny baby
"I have two princesses to take care of now"
Takes care of everything, and I mean everything
Not a surprise to see your baby girl strapped to his chest by a harness 24/7
Daddy-daugher dates are a must!!
His phone storage is literally just her
"Hey guys look at this picture of my baby"
Sim "Jake" Jaeyun
Jake.exe has stopped working
Literally just stares at you when you tell him, so much so you have to wave your hands in front of him to snap him out
Congratulations dear reader, because now your husband is basically attached to your belly
"Baby did she kick-" "bro I just moved chill"
Double congratulations because now Layla and him are fighting for your attention
Literally so lost in everything related to women, pregnancy, and birth but he tries
And by that I mean, he stares at you doe-eyed while you explain everything
Most likely to faint during the birth because lord he can't handle this, he's a princess babygirl
Sobs part 3
"she has your eyes" JAKE STOP
Layla and baby besties forever which makes Jake weak in da knees
Will not leave your baby alone even for a second like he's attached to her now
Loves shopping for her
Literally spoils the shit out of her do y'all see this man buying diamonds because I do
"Baby, of COURSE we have to get her matching outfits how else will we do movie night without matchy pajamas"
Jake come home the kids miss you
Park Sunghoon
Yay you have officially broken Park mf Sunghoon
When you tell him, he's literally just 😶😶
No thoughts, brain has evaporated
But then-
You're like chill mf what the hell
Will literally carry you everywhere no matter if you tell him to put you down
"Hoon I can walk-"
*already picking you up* "sorry can't hear I'm deaf"
He makes so many plans, and organises literally everything
Also will get confused on how to build the cradle thingy
He's shit scared of birth, but will definetly allow you to squeeze his hand as hard as you want
Sobs part 4
She looks like you part 3
I'm crying just imagining hoon holding her tiny hands and guiding her through the ice
Your daughter is a fashionista thanks to her dad
Spoils her shitless part 2
Kim "Sunoo" Seonwoo
My dude is so chill
Probably the normalest out of all of em
Hugs you and kisses you all over
But inside he's screaming crying throwing up shaking kicking his feet in the air
Literally treats the house like a military base once you staart showing
*talking to Enha* "If anything goes even the slightest bit wrong I will murder all of you."
So obsessed with literally just watching you because in his eyes you're so adorable
Gets so cocky over helping you like he's so proud, showing off his muscles and everything
Sunoo please you're my age STAPHH
Will probably be disgusted by birth but he's a strong sailor he pulls through
Mentally breakdowns while holding your child because omg she's so tiny!!!
Mint choco lover agenda lessons starts from day 1
No child of Sunoo's is gonna hate mint choco
Daddy-daughter dates are a MUST
Loved bonding with her so much
Will definitely do her hair if she decides to grow it long
Sunoo I am a weak woman STOP
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wonwayne · 9 months
how enha takes care of you ☁️
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pairing : ot7 x gn!reader genre : fluff, comfort, humor warnings : mentions of food word count : 1k
a/n : requested by anon! kind of kicked it off with this hee drabble but had so much fun writing for all the members. for today’s purposes, let’s keep y/n sick and alone in their apartment 🫶
💭 heeseung
my little philosophy is that significant others can be two types of caregivers — one actively tries to treat your illness, the other is emotional support
each has their own merit ofc
but hee is miraculously both
sincerely believes he can rizz you to health
he’s being a bit selfish, he worries, for making you smile all the time
because it heals him more than it heals you
but he makes up for it by making sure you eat like a king (for all three meals a day!) until you feel better
also cuddles with you in bed to keep you warm
if whatever you have is contagious, he is definitely getting it
last but certainly not least: he sings to you. acoustic covers + snippets of his self-produced music, you’re getting it all 😌
almost makes you wish you were sick more often
💭 jay
arrives at your place with like fifty grocery bags (okay maybe not fifty, but… a lot)
big believer in sleep as the best medicine so he lets you be for the most part
but as soon as you wake up and come down to the living room
say hello to a FEAST
literally no room left on the dining table and he’s still doing something in the kitchen????
“jay i can’t… consume all of this” “don’t worry, eat as much as you want for now and i’ll put the leftovers in the fridge”
at this point what is there left to say except “can you just be my husband already”
you’re about to dig in and suddenly he’s standing over you giving you the death stare
“... did i… do something wrong?” “seriously?” your heart stops before he goes, “what happened to my thank you kiss?”
UGH he’s such a softie
💭 jake
is worried SICK and cannot hide it
refuses to leave your bedroom once he first enters it unless absolutely necessary — must stay by your side at all times !!
not the most experienced but the effort is very much there
“should we take the medicine together? would that be easier?” and you KNOW he hates taking medicine
“babe why would you take nyquil. you don’t have a cold.” “idk it can’t hurt can it?” it very much can (don’t do this kids)
he drinks it with you anyway (clinks the medicine cups and says “cheers!”… what are you going to do with this man) and tries his best to fight the drowsiness
ends up dozing with his head on your lap, kneeling by the bed
peak puppy position i tell you PEAK
💭 sunghoon
what matters is not so much how he takes care of you but how he looks so good while taking care of you: simple white dress shirt, sleeves rolled up just to the elbows, hair slicked back a little from washing his face, setting damp towels on your forehead and his forearm veins emerging as he wrings them… help me
it’s the wuthering heights bedridden cathy victorian era aesthetic okay
speaking of books why do i get the feeling that sunghoon would read to you
or simply talk to you about his day or childhood memories or anything to keep you comfortable and entertained
idk i feel like he’d want to remind you of his presence in a “i’m here for you” type of way but without being intrusive… is not at all offended when you fall asleep to his voice
don’t you just love when sunghoon.
💭 sunoo
i have one very specific idea for sunoo and i’m kinda obsessed with it
MINT. TEA. (if you know you know… mint tea is the sinus relief GOD)
and ofc as our resident mint choco lover, how could he not
“baby i made something for you!” you peer into the mug and you’re like 🤨 “you didn’t add chocolate syrup to this did you” “wtf i’m not a monster why would i do that??”
his discography and food preferences beg to differ but he truly does give you pure, steaming mint tea
it is so perfect i promise you will fall in love with him all over again
mint aside we all know this man is a human vitamin like i cannot imagine you staying sick for long
no need to binge tv (it makes your head hurt more anyway), just have sunoo spill all the drama to you for seven hours straight and you’ll be good to go
💭 jungwon
makes you wonder, did this boy have a medical degree this entire time and just not tell me??
knows exactly which medications help with which symptoms, gives you all the immune boosting foods, pulls up with a weighted blanket and a heating pad and a plushie to hug— you’re getting the best sleep of your life no question about it
listens to you so well “i miss what it was like to breathe” “it’s frustrating, isn’t it? as soon as one nostril clears, the other fills up, and it never seems to end” “YES ohmy— [cough] god, yes, you get it :(”
at the same time i think won is the most likely to avoid skinship when you’re sick bc yeah that stuffy nose does not sound fun
is smart about it though; prepares a bubble bath for you and then sets up the heating pad and everything on your bed while you’re in the bath
becomes 143x touchier once you’re back to normal (“i missed squishing your cheeks” “i missed squishing your cheeks!”)
💭 niki
crashes at your place to make sure you’re having a good time
it’s either you watching him game or movie marathon together
you don’t say it but you are so inordinately grateful that he’s caring enough to chill with you on days like these, you know he’d rather do dates outside and play pranks on you every other hour, but he’s giving that up just for you
would share a tub of ice cream with you if you’re craving it, although he voices his concerns first “is it… right to eat cold stuff when you have a cold?” “it defrosts in my mouth don’t worry” “okay you do you”
basically a good old sleepover
every time he checks your temperature he sings his part in fever (he’s humorous like that)
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boydepartment · 10 months
idk who but imagine ______ shamelessly shouting from across the room (better if there were people) that he loves you and since you’re embarrassed and don’t notice him he then starts to shout why you’re not saying it back 😭
HEESEUNG OR SUNGHOON. im leaning towards heeseung.
this man LOVES to embarrass you in goofy ways like that. remember enha was in poland and they told heeseung to fix the umbrella by running super fast and HE DID??? EVEN THO THERE WERE PPL THERE?????
i just know he’d love to be like, “y/n i love you :)” and when you get shy in public and just smile at him, you see a slight mischievous glimmer in his eyes and know it’s OVER FOR YOU.
almost immediately he’d raise his voice (in a goofy endearing way) like, “Y/N DO YOU NOT LOVE ME?? MY HEART!!!!!! ITS SHATTERING!!!!!” probably getting on his knees and grabbing your hands
heeseung loves to goof off and act dorky around you, it’s his love language :3 i stand by that
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cupidriki · 2 months
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syp the little things heeseung would do as your boyfriend. warnings heeseung being a flirt, kissing, skinship, reader can speak a foreign language on one part wc 501 (🎧)
note would you guys want another verson for the other members? >0<
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• to me, i feel like HEESEUNG would be a touchy guy, like when you two are cuddling his hand will always be on your waist or face, pulling you closer, letting you feel his heartbeat.
• and with his angelic vocals, he wouldn’t let it go to waste. imagine you couldn’t sleep and HEESEUNG notices, even if he’s sleepy, he’ll give you a sweet, assuring smile and lays your head on his chest, his angelic like voice filling your ears.
• imagine while trying to teach words in your mother tongue, HEESEUNG gets lost in your eyes and while you’re trying to make him pay attention, he just smirks and says "you're beautiful" in your language. pressing his lips against yours, turning the lesson into a gentle makeout session.
• would make playlists for you. like songs that remind him of you or songs that both of you enjoy, HEESEUNG would also make it pretty, the playlists picture being a hello kitty couple photo or the title being something like “ H + your initial “
• HEESEUNG will play any game as long as it’s you. dress to impress? he’s gonna argue with kids with you as his duo, escape skibidi sigma obby? he’s gonna buy robux to skip a stage when you can’t seem to pass a level ><
• i feel like HEESEUNG isn’t the jealous type but occasionally gets jealous. like lets say you’re meeting an old friend from high school but to hee, your friend is getting a little too touchy. but when your friend starts to visibly flirt, he just scoffs, walking over to the two of you, wrapping his arms around your hips while making eye contact with the other male. “i think me and my lady should go, nice meeting you tho.” guiding you to the exit, not letting you say good bye to your friend.
• i also think he would be so love struck by you to the point that when he’s playing a game with the other members and you walk in, he just stops, letting himself die in the game while the other members yell at him. “bro what the fuck! we just lost” jake yelling while HEESEUNG could not care less, laying you on his lap, resting his chin on your shoulder.
• i don’t know why but i unironically think HEESEUNG would have those “i ᰔ my girlfriend “ shirts and those “taken ->” shirts with you next to him, letting the world know he’s yours.
• he would role-play with his toy story toys with you, not being afraid of showing his childish side because he trusts you, willingly to show you all of his colors.
• his dates would be romantic, mostly a quiet place because he loves being with you and only you. like a picnic by the beach or a movie night at home.
• and lastly, would go on one knee, giving you his everything and his vulnerable side. as time skips, you two are married and a little older, cuddling but with a son between you two.
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021894s · 5 months
hi! can i request texts of s/o telling enha that they don’t want to have kids when they start talking about their future together? this could be hurt/comfort or angst, or both. i’m fine with whatever endings you pick
tysm for your request!! I loved fulfilling your request! hope you enjoy 🫶🏻
telling enha hyung!line you don’t want kids
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taglist: @cornenhapovs @myjaeyuns @magssu @leeknowsgfsblog @luminouskalopsia @jentlecoeur @heeslut4life @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @jaeyungxrl @rapmonie2047 @anormieee @nishislcve @leesura @en-happiness @kimsunoops @heelariously @rikiwaify-blog
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sunrenity · 1 month
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ㅤ୨ৎㅤ no matter what, you two will always stick together.
𝓁ee 𝒽eeseungㅤ✶ㅤ female readerㅤ 。。。 ㅤest relationship, boyfriend! hee, fluffㅤⓘㅤskinship, confession, kissingㅤwcㅤ1233ㅤℬookshelfㅤzehra's note.ㅤso so sorry for not being active that much 😓 i'm on vacation with my family which is why i haven't been active and didn't write & post anything for a week (or more...).
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the sun had long dipped below the horizon, leaving behind a canvas of indigo sky dotted with glittering stars. the air is cool and crisp, and the quiet hum of the evening embraces the two of you as you sit on the rooftop of your childhood home. the very rooftop where countless memories were written — memories of scraped knees, stolen glances, and a love that blossomed between innocence and time.
you lean back, your head resting gently against heeseung’s shoulder. his arm, warm and familiar, drapes protectively around your waist as if he's afraid to let go, afraid you might slip through his fingers like sand. he has always been like that, ever since you can remember — always holding on, always close. and you, in turn, never mind. how could you, when heeseung’s presence feels like home?
“you remember when we used to sneak up here and count the stars?” you muse, your voice barely above a whisper, not wanting to disturb the tranquility of the moment.
heeseung chuckles softly, the sound sending gentle vibrations through your body as he turns his head to press a lingering kiss against your temple. “how could i forget? you were terrible at counting back then,” he teases, his breath warm against your skin.
you nudge him playfully, smiling despite yourself. “hey, i’ve improved since then.”
“mm, sure you have,” he replies, his voice playful but laced with that tenderness you’ve come to recognize as his way of showing just how much he cares
the stars seem to blink in approval as silence settles comfortably between you. there’s no need for words when you can simply bask in the warmth of each other’s company. and that’s how it has always been. from childhood best friends to lovers, your connection has always been a steady undercurrent, strong and enduring, no matter what life throws at you.
heeseung is the boy who shared his snacks with you during recess, who helped you patch up your knees when you fell from your bike, and who wiped away your tears when the world felt too overwhelming. and in return, you’ve been his anchor, his constant. through scraped knees and awkward first crushes, through heartache and growing pains, you’ve stuck together, never wavering.
and now, as he presses a soft kiss to your cheek, followed by another to your jaw, you feel that familiar flutter in your chest — the same one you felt the first time he’d shyly confessed his feelings to you under this very sky, so many years ago.
you were seventeen, the world still a mystery yet to unfold, and heeseung was by your side, as he always had been. the two of you had climbed up to the rooftop on a summer night, the heat of the day lingering in the air, but the breeze was cooler up there, wrapping around you in a comforting embrace.
heeseung sat beside you, quieter than usual, his hands fiddling nervously with the hem of his shirt. you glanced at him, noticing the way his jaw clenched and unclenched, a tell-tale sign that something was weighing on his mind. but he hadn’t said anything yet, and you didn’t want to push. so, instead, you gazed up at the sky, letting the silence speak for itself.
minutes passed like this, and just when you thought maybe the moment would drift by like any other, heeseung took a deep breath. he turned toward you, his eyes wide and unsure but filled with a softness that had always been there, even when you were just kids.
"y/n..." he started, his voice barely above a whisper, as if the words themselves were fragile. "i... there’s something i’ve been wanting to tell you for a while."
you blinked, heart skipping a beat as you turned to face him fully. his face was bathed in the yellow light of the sun, and in that moment, you could see every bit of the boy you had grown up with — the one who used to steal glances at you when you weren’t looking, the one whose laughter was always the loudest when you were around, and the one who, in that moment, looked like he was about to step into something new.
heeseung swallowed, his adam’s apple bobbing as he leaned closer, his gaze flickering between your eyes and your lips. "i think... i’ve liked you for a long time. more than a friend." his words were tentative, a confession laced with uncertainty, but there was a conviction behind them that made your breath catch in your throat.
your heart raced as you processed his words, a warmth blossoming in your chest. this was heeseung — your best friend, your confidant — and yet, in that moment, you saw him differently, as if a veil had been lifted between you.
before you could find the words to respond, he leaned in, hesitating only for a moment, his breath mingling with yours. his lips brushed softly against your cheek, tentative and sweet, and your eyes fluttered closed at the sensation. a second passed, and then he moved just slightly, placing a delicate kiss on your jaw. your skin tingled where his lips had touched, and you felt something inside you shift, like pieces falling into place.
it was subtle, but it was everything.
he pulled back, eyes searching yours with a vulnerability you hadn’t seen before. "i’m not sure how to do this... but i know that i don’t want to lose you," he confessed, his voice barely louder than the wind rustling the trees below.
you smiled, feeling the same flutter in your chest you felt whenever heeseung was near — only now, it was different. now, you knew exactly what it was.
you reached out, taking his hand in yours, fingers lacing together as they had done so many times before. but this time, it felt new. it felt like a beginning. "you won’t lose me," you whispered back, your heart steady now. "we’ll figure this out... together."
the smile that broke across heeseung’s face then was brighter than the sun above, and as he leaned in to press his forehead against yours, you knew, without a doubt, that this was only the start of something even more beautiful between you.
back then, neither of you knew how to navigate the transition from best friends to something more. it had been awkward at first, filled with nervous laughter and shy touches. but heeseung, in his gentle way, had always known how to make you feel safe, how to make everything feel right.
his lips brush against your neck now, and a soft sigh escapes your lips before you can stop it. his hand finds yours, fingers intertwining like they have done a thousand times before. and yet, the simple act still sends warmth flooding through your veins, a sensation that never grows old.
“we’re going to be okay, right?” you whisper, your voice barely audible, but you know he hears it. he always does.
heeseung shifts slightly, his eyes searching yours as if trying to memorize every detail, every curve of your face. his gaze is intense, but not overwhelming, filled with a quiet determination that makes your heart stutter. “of course we are,” he says softly, his thumb brushing over the back of your hand. “we always have been, and we always will be.”
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letters2won · 7 months
౨ৎ Heeseung as your MC partner
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pairing: idol!hee x idol!reader ⋆ genre: fluff ⋆ warnings: none
¡ requests: open !
꩜ soso sweet and polite when you guys first meet
꩜ definitely is admiring how good looking you are, even doing a double take as he tries to go over his lines
꩜ watches you with love and admiration in his eyes as you interact with the group your interviewing with a big smile on your face
꩜ when you two get comfortable with each other, the jokes and conversations flow more easy
꩜ he’s such a tease too!!! the silly pick up lines on his card gives him chances to flirt with you and best believe he’s going to use them up to the max
꩜ “We should go out for coffee sometimes..” “Heeseung don’t finish that line for the sake of me and our viewers..” “Because i like you a LATTE!” and cue him winking at you as you hide your face behind your card
꩜ the fans live for your guys interactions and chemistry, never a dull moment with the two of you together. Even behind the scenes Heeseung can be seen clingy into you like a lost puppy
꩜ brings you random gifts outside of MCing, would ask if you can hang out and just pull up with a bouquet of your favorite flowers or maybe the bracelets he saw you eyeing the last time you two went window shopping
꩜ you would surprise him one day with mini toy stories figure with a shy smile and he almost got down on one knee to propose
꩜ the flirting between the two of you would be more apparent to the fans which would make them ship you guys even more plus fan edits and theroies
꩜ You guys eat the edit up every time you see one, giggling to yourselves like highschool students and even after you get together you two will be head over heels for each other <3
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leaderwon · 8 months
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non!idol!enha x gn!reader
enhypen texts when you do this trend on them
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masterlist request
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