#left swipe dat
99k4manii · 8 months
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L. O. V. E
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Warning: suggestive at the end | clingy-ish y/n | Just ony | pet names like: ma, mama ,baby ,bae
⚠️ not proofread ⚠️
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“Babyyyy” you dragged the “y” while you shook him just a little bit trying to get his attention “bruh bae move get off me” you made a lil stank face
“why you actin’ like that…” “cuz you shakin’ me knowing I’m playin’ the game, you being extra right now” “YOU extra I didn’t even do nothing ! not too much lil nigga..” you said Under your breath.
But what the crazy thing was… he ain’t even say nothing back like usually he would’ve said “watch ya mouth” or sum like that he just let you walk away!
Once you got off the bed you started walking towards the walk-in closet texting your homegirls back saying “y’all know what? Nvm I will be outside today!” They texted back said they pick you up at 6 it was only 3:46 but you know you take a while to get ready so you wanna start early.
You was in the closet looking threw all them clothes you had, but you wanted to make Ony mad since he wanna act up, so you picked out a certain outfit he probably wasn’t gon like.
He was already confused when he heard the shower starting because he knows your whole schedule and this wasn’t the time you usual start your showers, but he ain’t worry about it he just kept playin his STOOPID game.
But he got even more confused when you were scouring the drawers in front of the tv in your little towel, looking for who knows what, till he saw you bring out a white lacey thong which he didn’t care but he aint see you grab a bra maybe you already had one.. yeah…
You was in the bathroom doing washing your face then started doing skincare, you heard him get off the the bed and go down the stairs, “…boy so you don’t feel the need to come see what I’m doinggg??”
You had thought in your head but you started brushing your teeth then you took off your bonnet, unt unt unt, baby you betta fix dat lace fronttt! which you did it was super cute then you started doing your edges.
Your hair was so cute! You started putting that outfit on, it was 5:27, “DANGG time went fast” you said to yourself quietly then you heard ony coming back in the room walking to towards the bathroom.
“Oh now he wanna see what I’m doing..” you thought to yourself shaking yo head side ta side, he came up behind you and started kissing yo neck and holding it while he other hand went down your stomach.
“damn ma.. you look fine as hell.. where we going?” You was was feelin him but you forgot you was supposed to be mad so you moved his hand from youre stomach and fixed you lashes.
“Mama? I asked you a question.” He said sturnly which kinda turned you on because you love when he got that tone to his voice. “WE not going nowhere. IM going out wit’m homegirls” you said smacking your lips after.
“What’you’mean” he said letting go of you completely “exactly what I said” you took you phone swiping up from the wallpaper of you and ony. Checking your messages and the time. It was 5:53 your home girl texted you that they was almost outside.
“Watch out it’s time fo me to go.” You said with a lil sas he watched you walk away he didn’t stop you, he wanted to! But he didn’t. You started putting your shoes on, with your pretty anklet and the necklace with your name on it.
Your girls was out side so you left, he was mad. You knew he was mad. He was especially mad when he seen your instagram post twerking on one of your homegirls lap. with a caption saying : “if my man don’t wont catch it my bsfs will!” With another video under it of you with someone spreading money on yo back while you twerk.
He thought about running over to that party and picking you up right away. But he didn’t. Cuz you were in for it when you got home. Oh, you was REALLY in for it when you got back.
You friend dropped you off yall did your goodbye kisses & hugs then you was finna put the key in the door but it swung open, a strong arm pulling you in then picking you up.
“Ony whatdafuck??” You said as he threw you on the bed “first you was giving me attitude then you runnin ya mouth AND shakin ya ass on someone else?? You must be crazy. Gon head take off all dat shit like bro.. you ain’t even got a bra on wit that tight ass- mannn you pissing me off more and more.”
You rolled you eyes and started undressing. Let’s just say last night was memorable.
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HEY BABYESSS so if I make a pt2 it probably be of “last night” (I apologize if links don’t work I check every other day ta see jus in case!)
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anarchy-n-glitter · 5 months
The Good, The Bad, and...
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Summary: Lucy and The Ghoul encounter a shadowy figure from his past while on their way to New Vegas. This stranger, nicknamed Red Eyes, is intent on collecting a bounty on The Ghoul as a means to settle a feud between the two after they were betrayed by him. Will Red Eyes succeed, or will they have a change of heart based on their complicated feelings toward the man? (Cooper Howard x OC/reader) Words: 2,941
A/N: I forgot to post chapter 1 of this on here sorry guys. Anyway this is low key a Star Wars AU because as a Cad Bane fan I simply could not help myself so this is technically kind of a follow up to this fic. Enjoy!
Chapter 1
From the Desert Comes a Stranger
“I’ve taken down so many of dese clones over da years…” Her father began in his heavily accented manner, sighing, and pushing his hat back with his pointer finger as he glanced at her from the corner of his eye. The red of his irises were somehow muted by the red lenses of the goggles he wore, which made it hard to see the look in his eyes as it was. He quickly dropped to his knees and with a single swipe of his knife he removed something from the clone’s body. She couldn’t quite make out what it was before he pocketed it.
He turned around quickly, pointing his gloved finger up at her. She straightened up.
“Now, Ciella, what ya need to know is…” He handed her the bloodied knife, closing her fingers around the hilt and holding her smaller hand in his. It was one of the only times he made a tender gesture towards her other than the odd hug here and there. 
“Once you figure out one da rest are easy.” She had to wonder what the point of all this was. 
When they arrived on the site - an old, decrepit warehouse with a caved-in roof - her father was quick to corner the clone that now lay dying before them. He tried his best to grab the gun that was strapped to his leg, fumbling with it and managing to point it in her father’s general direction before he was gunned down. Two shots in the chest from the looks of it, shots that left the man (clone) heaving and wheezing on the floor with blank eyes, and she knew that’s what he wanted to happen. If he wanted to shoot the man in the head he would have. He was the fastest shot in the Wasteland, and it would stay that way for many years. 
“Now, I want ya to take dat knife dere and,” He finally stood and moved her closer to the dying man. “Yer gonna have to cut his throat, unless ya want to hear him scream. I’m not against it but it’s best dat we keep him quiet. Don’t want any stragglers comin’ in and takin’ us by surprise.”
Ciella drew in a deep breath as she knelt down beside the man. His blank eyes suddenly held so much emotion, it was a look she’d seen in her own eyes a few times before. Mostly on dark nights in the Jewel as she listened to the way men spoke to her mother… and the way her father spoke to her at times. It was the look she saw in the mirror after she saw how her mama took care of those men - their purple, mangled faces contorted in pain and their eyes bloodshot staring up at her, and their hands clutched around their throats. 
This man was in pain, and he was afraid of dying. 
There was a large tattoo on the side of his face, around his eye. It was a symbol, most likely belonging to whatever faction he belonged to since escaping his vault. From what she overheard her dad discussing, Vault 66 seemed to be defunct, with the clones created within revolting and escaping into the Wasteland. He had been hunting down the clones for the last five years, among other things. She never quite understood why anyone would flee a vault to live on the surface. 
Her father took the respirator off of his face, letting it hang below his chin. She felt more at ease at this, happy to hear his own, unmodified voice walking her through what she was about to do. Her heart was beating fast and felt like it had leapt into her throat. She glanced at the open ceiling and focused on the large, white moon that hung in the deep blue sky. 
Perhaps the sky full of swirling stars would be enough to comfort her.
“When he’s dead, cut off da part of his face with da tattoo and hand it to da Tin-Man. Den we can go home.” He instructed. Ciella hesitated. 
The clone looked at her, stared her down, silently begging her for mercy. He was just a clone, and he was wanted so he must have done something bad, right? She looked back at her dad, who had pushed his goggles up onto his forehead, revealing his bright red eyes staring back at her expectedly. Tufts of navy blue hair peeked out from under his hat and over his goggles and his lips were curved into a small smile. 
He actually looked like a supportive father for the first time in his life.
Ciella made her decision at that moment, and the girl at only eight years old turned around and drove the knife into the clone’s throat. His eyes widened and met her gaze for a moment and she felt her heart drop. He groaned and wheezed, the blood gurgling in his throat as the crimson substance dribbled from the corners of his mouth. A sputtering cough had his blood spraying across her face and she wasn’t sure if it was on purpose or not. She tried not to heave at the disgusting feeling. 
On instinct, she pulled the knife from his throat and drove it back into his flesh. Over and over. A larger, warmer hand wrapped around her wrist and stopped her mid motion. 
“Dere ya go.” Her father smiled wider as pride swelled in his chest. His baby would be a killer, just like he was. “After dis I’ll teach ya everyding I know.” 
The sun bore down unbearably upon the duo traveling along the Mojave Desert. It had been miles and miles of desert between the Griffith Observatory and the place the Ghoul was certain Lucy’s father was heading. The vaultie was starting to fall behind, clearly tired from the constant moving. It was hard to find shelter all the way out here, and unfortunately for her the Ghoul didn’t feel comfortable stopping out in the open. 
They had traveled through a few settlements at that point, each one growing more and more decrepit and sparse. The people were quieter and hid away in their own corners of the small towns, eyeing the Ghoul and his traveling companion wearily. The whispers and glares of the different townsfolk hardly made for good hospitality, if anything it was that fact that drove him away from each place. Something was happening, someone said something, and he felt it was too risky to stop for a few nights in any of the settlements.
The last place they’d been to was a day’s walk away at this point, and the talk amongst the people in that saloon made him deeply uncomfortable. Then there was the body. 
In the sandy dunes of the last settlement they had been to laid a man with sun kissed skin and snow white hair stained at the temples with red. The poor man had his brains blown out, by who…  well, let’s just say he had a good idea of who it was. It was clear the job was done quickly, the man clearly didn’t see them coming, and the fact the man’s armor and other supplies went untouched raised even more alarm bells. He got them out of there quickly and quietly.
Unfortunately for Lucy, the Ghoul was one-track minded at the moment. His family was out there, he could feel it. There was a reason he kept going for over two hundred years, and he would not let those years of anguish be in vain. 
He would kill anyone who tried to get between them. 
“There’s gotta be somewhere we can stop, right?” Lucy sounded hoarse, tired. He wished he could answer her truthfully. He hadn’t traveled this far into the desert before, and the way the sun seemed to hang so high in the sky for so long made him question whether anyone ventured that far, let alone set up shop. He shrugged.
The dunes seemed to stretch on for miles and miles, with only a few rocky formations on the horizon. A few dried plants littered the ground here and there, somehow finding the strength to grow in such a harsh climate. It was a wonder anything was able to grow and flourish after the bombs. Maybe he should have sent the vaultie to ask for some sort of transport back at the saloon instead of being stubborn like he usually was. 
“Maybe that person’s coming from a settlement down that way?” The Ghoul froze, feeling himself go numb. 
Among the dancing heatwaves stood a dark-clad figure on the horizon. 
They stood still, any discernible features hidden by a wide-brimmed hat and respirator over the figure’s mouth. The wind blew and kicked up dust and whipped the figure’s coat to the side, revealing the large holster against their hip. Their dark attire starkly contrasted with the bright blue sky and pale sand. 
The words of the men in the saloon ran through his mind. 
Someone’s lookin’ for a ghoul just like ya! There was a bounty put out not too long ago, I think it’s been taken offa the board. A lotta caps goin’ for that guy. He considered that a warning at the time. 
Anyway, it looked like the guy who took the bounty was Red Eyes. He had the goggles an’ everything, but we all thought he was dead. 
And Red Eyes was supposed to be dead. He died around five or six years ago. 
The figure in front of him was a ghost. 
Red Eyes stopped a good twenty feet in front of them, standing perfectly still. The wind shifted again and from beneath the wide-brimmed hat came a tuft of navy blue hair that blew in the breeze. The desert was all too quiet now, and it felt like something from one of his old movies. Red Eyes felt like an old western villain, dark and ominous, seemingly a force of nature. He worried the figure wasn’t only after him. 
“Lucy, you should head back.” The Ghoul muttered, putting a hand out to stop her from moving any further. She stared at the figure for a moment, suddenly afraid because of the Ghoul’s reaction. 
“It’s only one person.” She muttered. “Maybe they’re lost?” The Ghoul stayed silent. He would not repeat himself.
Her doe-like eyes flickered to him and she noticed the way his mouth was set in a seemingly permanent frown. His whole body looked stiff, like a cornered animal. She nodded, understanding finally, before turning on her heel to make a run for it. 
The Ghoul watched as the stranger glanced in Lucy’s direction. Red Eyes observed her, seemingly studying her like an unbothered predator eyeing a nearby animal knowing it couldn’t do anything to stop it. He grit his teeth and took a few steps forward, spurs jangling with each stride. 
This was not good. 
“Now I know that fancy getup you got on is not yours.” He began through a false bravado, flashing teeth that used to be a pearly white. It was so easy for him to slip back into a role, something he had been doing this entire time. Yet, this time, he was given the chance to play the good guy. It felt unfamiliar somehow, after all, it had been several years since he’d done such a thing. He was almost grateful for this stranger’s theatrics. “Who might you be? Cause you sure as hell ain’t Red Eyes… he’s dead.” 
He knew all too well who this was. 
Red Eyes looked up, the red goggles reflecting the bright sun and making it impossible to see past their lenses. More of the stranger’s hair seemed to flow from behind them, long strands of navy waving in the wind like a flag. Their stance shifted from one of leisure to subtly looking like they would pounce. The stranger moved their coat away from their hip, revealing the large gun strapped to their form. 
“I’d be careful where I was sticking my nose if I were you.” The heavily modulated voice called out. “Or lack thereof.” 
The Ghoul bit his tongue. “I’m assuming that corpse we found back there was you, then? Certainly wasn’t the handiwork of any ol’ fiend.” 
“Wasn’t much work.” Red Eyes spat quickly. “Was a clone. They're easy. Woulda gotten in my way.” Their accent, even through the voice changer, was thick. Louisiana, most likely from the New Orleans area. 
“You’re here for me.” He didn’t feel the need to ask. He threaded his thumbs through the belt loops on his trousers, opting to seem more relaxed than he was. He knew Red Eyes would see right through his guise.
“Isn’t that obvious?” Their hand twitched beside their gun. He eyed them wearily.
“Well, I’m not goin’ willingly.” A low, rumbling chuckle sounded from the stranger. 
“I never said I was gonna take ya in alive.” They answered, voice cold with an edge to it. He fought the urge to argue, to call their bluff, for doing so would be too risky.
Truthfully, Red Eyes had every reason to want him dead. It had been a few years, five to be exact, since they last saw each other. Five long years since he turned the fellow bounty hunter in for killing a crime lord. Five years since he left them for dead. This would be a fitting end for their little rivalry, even if it wasn’t always that way. 
But he wouldn’t go down just yet. Not without a fight. 
He had to find another way to fight them. A quick draw duel would mean a death sentence for him, unfortunately. Red Eyes was and still is the quickest draw in the Wasteland. He would have to throw them off somehow, say something to really disarm them. 
He did the only thing he could think of, and instead of indulging in the stranger - instead of going for his gun - words that he never thought he would say slipped from his dry, cracked lips.
“Ciella, I’m sorry.” 
Red Eyes froze. Their hand was still dangerously close to their gun’s grip. Over the wind, he vaguely heard the sharp, uneven intake of air from the figure. The breeze picked up again, blowing open the stranger’s coat to reveal the figure of a woman. 
“It’s a bit late fer that, isn’t it, cher?” It most definitely was her. “I came ta finish the job. I shoulda known a coffin wouldn’t hold yer ass.” 
Cooper held back a laugh. Ciella Bane was an ally at one point, and maybe even a friend, but the moment her picture was up on one of those boards he knew their partnership was over. Someone was offering a hefty reward for whoever could bring the bounty brat in, preferably alive. 
That was his mistake. He knew he probably should have killed her while she was sleeping and taken the smaller reward for her corpse. Killing her like this would be a pain in the ass. 
“You wanna take off that ridiculous getup and let me see you?” He taunted, much to Ciella’s dismay. He just had to hit her where it hurt, get her emotional and in her head so she missed when she inevitably shot at him. However, it had been a few years, he couldn’t be sure that trick would still work.
Though with dear ol’ daddy not around to give her more of his tips and tricks he doubted she would have improved much more than the last time they brawled. 
Ciella scoffed. “The last thing you’ll see are these goggles. Everyone’s gotta know it was Red Eyes who took ya out, ghoul.” She spat, though there was a sadistic playfulness in her voice. Cooper rolled his eyes. 
“I got places to be, girl.” Cooper countered with equal venom. He was getting antsy, and he felt she was wasting his time. “Let us through and…” He stopped.
What would he do? What could he do? What could he possibly offer her where she wouldn’t be on his trail while he and Lucy trekked the Wasteland on a wild goose chase? Ciella coming back from whatever corner of the world she ran off to after burying him alive was the last thing he wanted. 
“Let us through and we can finish this some other time. I’ll tell you where I’ll be and you come find me.” He offered finally, feeling the weight of his words in his chest. He wouldn’t give up finding his family so she could have her petty revenge, but maybe one day, when everyone around him was gone and he knew his daughter was safe and could live a happy life, he would go to Ciella and let her put him out of his misery. 
“We do this here and now.” The bounty hunter replied. “That head o’ yers is fetchin’ a pretty penny. Figured it was better I did it than some chem addicted fiend on the street.” Her words were purposefully inflammatory. She was doing the same thing he was. 
She straightened up again, mimicking the stance of a cowboy in a western getting ready to draw, and Cooper knew what it meant. She wasn’t giving him a choice. They’d done this dance once before, and unfortunately for him it didn’t end well. 
The Ghoul sighed and moved his coat from his holster, and he mirrored her stance. “This ain’t gonna go the way ya think it will, sweetheart.”
“I doubt that.” That same, robotic voice answered, yet he knew she was still all too human underneath. 
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shadowphoenixrider · 6 days
Eye to Eye
(Being a mutant means sometimes the most mundane things become more difficult than they have any right to be. Thankfully, others are always there to help. A fic I wrote because my brain went: 'Gambit must really struggle if he gets eyelashes in his eyes because his sclera's so dark'. This is the result - set back much earlier in Shadow/Gambit's relationship. Enjoy!)
"Agh, merde!" Gambit swore, suddenly sitting bolt upright on the couch. A sharp whistle from his body let me know that whatever it was, it was painful.
"Hey, you alright?" I asked, quickly tucking a bookmark into the pages of my novel, and tossing it aside, scooting over to him.
"Got somethin' in my eye..." He grumbled, rubbing at it. "Fuck, dat hurts."
"May I see?" I moved closer, trying to push the insistent trilling to the back of my mind.
"Sure, but I don' think' ya be able to see anythin'..." He muttered, turning towards me. He opened his eye as much as he could, clearly irritated by whatever it was, and I realized that he was correct.
Gambit's black sclera completely obscured anything that would have adhered to it - even his blood vessels were faint against the darkness. Thankfully, however, the flesh of his eyelids remained as expected, as I gently tugged his lower one down to inspect it. It was clear, and his upper one was as well...so whatever it was, it was stuck to his eye.
Where I couldn't see it.
Gambit cursed again, squeezing his eye shut.
"We're gonna need to find a mirror." I said, tugging at his arm. "I can probably locate whatever it is with my powers, but we're gonna need some help to get it out. How'd you feel about touching your eye with your fingers?"
"Prefer not to..." He grumbled, going willingly with me. "Agh! But if it stops dis hurtin'..." Gambit jammed the heel of his hand into his eye. "Fuck!"
"Please try not to touch it." I said, leading him upstairs towards our dorms - the bathrooms all had mirrors and they seemed the closest. "You might move it into a worse position. I know it hurts, Gambit, but please try."
"Easier said den done, petite..." He muttered, but I did notice him managing to pull his hand down several times when he instinctively went to rub his now closed eye.
I quickly led him into my bathroom, and despite the cramped quarters, I hopped up onto the sink counter to get a better look.
"Open." I commanded softly. His eye slid open as warily as before, although they were much more watery from the build-up of tears. This time I placed a hand on his cheek, thumb close to the corner of his eye. My powers flashed under my skin as I reached out into his body, sinking part of my awareness up into the cells of the delicate organ.
Guide me. Where is your pain?
His nerves flashed quickly in sequence, and whilst they weren't as exact as I'd've liked, I pieced their signals together to map the shape of a very familiar object, stuck to the left side of the eye globe.
"Ah, it's an eyelash." I murmured, swirling a finger in a circle around the area. "It's over there. I just can't see it clearly. You up to touching your eye? Just need to sweep it off."
Gambit lifted his own finger up, trembling as he tried to steel himself against the unpleasant sensation. I gently encouraged his lacrimal glands to pump some more tears out to help dislodge the troublesome object and make the experience perhaps a little less unsettling. His fingertip drew close...Before he shut his eyes hard, flinching.
"Merde! Sorry Shadow, I can't-" He winced, screwing his face up in an expression I completely understood.
"It's okay. There's a little trick that usually works, if you'll let me?" I asked.
I very gently took hold of his lower eyelid, and, using his nerves' impulses as a guide, swiped it down over his eye, herding the eyelash down and off the globe, into the more easily accessible flesh below. After quickly washing my fingertips, I quietened the pain and irritation impulses down just enough for me to scoop the eyelash free, holding it up to the light.
"And there's your culprit, Cajun. One teeny little eyelash." I glanced back to him, watching him rub at his eyes. "Feeling a bit better?"
"Yeah. Much." He narrowed his eyes at the small curved hair balancing on my fingertip. "Tonnerre mes chiens, how do somethin' so small hurt so much?"
"Nerve densities." I explained, squeezing it between my fingers to get it to spring away onto the floor. "It's like with paper cuts. They hurt like hell compared to deeper cuts as they cut or injure more nerve endings than other places. Think of it like why we feel things better with our hands and fingers rather than our arms - the deeper nerves are more to conduct signals, whilst the ones at the end of the branches are the sensory ones."
Gambit hummed, watching me with probably polite interest as I rattled on. He smiled.
"Thank you for ya help, petite," he said, his voice rumbling pleasantly. "Sorry for disturbin' ya from ya book."
"Hey, no worries. I'm happy to help." I smiled back. "This is what I'm here for."
"Ya be here for more den jus' that, petite." Gambit replied. "You one of our friends now."
It was then my mind cheerfully pointed out that Gambit and I were in my dorm bathroom. Alone. And he was standing kinda close. Anything could happen.
I felt a blush rise into my cheeks.
"Y-Yeah. A-Anyway, we should go, before someone comes looking for us and finds us here." I stuttered shyly.
Gambit's dark eyebrow lifted.
"Why? Ya think dey gonna start gettin' ideas?" He asked teasingly, offering a hand to me.
"Oh I dunno Gambit, what else would people think, seeing us come out of my room together?" I challenged, taking his hand as I hopped back down. "Thank you."
"No problem, petite." He gestured for me to walk ahead. "Well, if dey do be thinkin' we be up to no good, den we be very put together for it." He pointed out.
"I don't think that'll stop them, though..." I muttered, stepping out of my dorm first to let the Cajun pass.
"The thought bother you?" He asked, watching me shut the door behind him.
I paused, considering it. Gambit was a very handsome man, far too handsome for anyone like me to pull. He could swagger into any bar and come out with the most gorgeous people in there on his arms swooning over him - I, a scruffy nerdy gremlin, was far, far beneath his notice.
Yet...the thought that he might be interested in me more than just in a friendly manner did send a hot spark through me.
"...No." I admitted, feeling the heat creeping into my face. "There's a lot worse people to paired with in the rumour mill." A smirk pulled at my lips. "Like Wolverine."
Gambit barked out a laugh, a noise that thrilled me with pride.
"Aw, dat hard-headed Canuck ain't so bad." He chuckled, arching an eyebrow. "Not ya type, petite?"
"Not for me, no." I shook my head. "I'm sure he'd tick boxes for a few people, but not me."
"What is ya type den, mon amie?" Gambit asked casually as we began to walk back to the lounge.
"Men and women. Tall women who could destroy me in a heartbeat or snap me over their knee mostly!" I laughed weakly, especially when he grinned.
"Ohh, dat's why ya keep blushin' whenever Storm walk into de room or Rogue smashes anythin'!" He teased, before his grin softened. "Dey good choices, mon amie. You've a good eye. Although, ya know dey'd never hurt you on purpose, right?"
"I know." I nodded. "The strength is like the initial attraction, but it doesn't mean anything if they're not kind." Gambit nodded as well.
"True dat." He glanced back to me. "An' ya taste in men...?"
I looked back at him. There was something about the question that was...off. Not in the bad way, more in the 'why is he suddenly so interested' way.
"Why, are you thinking to be my wingman?" I asked, arching a brow at him.
"If ya want me to, petite." He smiled enigmatically. "If ya tell Gambit what to look for, he more den happy to help ya."
"Well, I suppose since my usual wingmates are unavailable whilst I stay here, I guess you can be one." I shrugged.
"It can be hard to judge. But they have to be kind, above all else." I paused at the door leading into the room. "Like, they can pretend to not give a damn, but when the chips come down you know they'll come through." I glanced back at him. "I'm...not really looking to date anyone at the moment, though. Just...enjoying being single."
Gambit's expression was unreadable, a carefully schooled neutrality that befitted his code-name.
"Dat's fair." Was his soft reply. He nodded, and his cocky bravado returned. "But you let Gambit know if ya lookin' for someone in de future!" He flashed me a winning grin. "Gambit always happy to help. Enjoy ya book, mon amie!"
"Thanks, take care!" I called back to the Cajun as he swaggered off. I smiled, watching him go, my eyes dropping unbidden to his backside. Damn, he looked good in jeans!
I shook my head. Don't go thirsting for things you can't have! I scolded myself. Let's just enjoy what we have already, okay?
Moving back onto the couch, I stretched my body out along it, now I didn't have to be concerned about getting in someone's private space. I picked up the book I'd left, and tried to return back to the fantastical tales of The Edge, and not to the gorgeous, devil-eyed mutant with a brilliant smile...
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
Can you do a little story about rocket fled au ash steling some pokemon. I really like that au.
Mmmmm sure!
The pokecenter was always quiet at night. The thrum of technology being the only loud noise that echoed in the walls.
Ash crept by, keeping his body low as he crept along the floors.
His suit was purely black, and while he didnt need a mask, he knew it was still possibly for those Mew-damned cameras to catch a glimpse of him.
And then it would be over.
He tapped the floor once, watching Meowth turn around.
Pikachu followed a second after, confusion littered across his tiny bright colored face.
Meowth nudged Pikachu over to the edge, closest to edge before he darted off, falling onto all fours as he sprinted across the center in a familiar pattern.
His partner was so smart.
Ash tapped again, Pikachu glanced over and at Ash's waving hand, hesitantly crept back to him.
He didn't blame the mouse, he was still fairly new and didnt know Ash's full process yet.
He smiled, gave the Mouse a little nod and waited.
Pikachu perked up, surprise coloring his face as the lights flickered.
Ash clicked his tongue and Pikachu followed beautifully, bith of them racing around the main service desk quietly and into an unfamiliar room.
Pokeballs all lined across the area, and Ash focused slightly.
He glanced over as the door creaked open, a proud feelig bubbling in his chest as Pikachu immediately turned, fur sparking gently only to fall when Meowth grinned at him.
Ash vaguely swiped over the pokeballs.
Meowth sauntered over, poking Pikachu's nose and then his own, moving over to sniff each and every pokeball.
Pikachu hesitantly followed, eyes closing as he too inspected each one.
Meowth grabbed one, then another, then anothee, handing them ovee to Ash as Pikachu passed over one.
Ash nodded, motioning outwards, and the three of them crept back to their roims.
Meowth broke off midway, and As Ash slipped back into the room with Pikachu in tow, the lights outside the room flickered heavily once more before steadying in strength.
A minute later, Meowth pounced into the room, grooming his paw proudly as the door locked behind him.
"Dis gets easiah and easiah every time." Meowth grinned, nidging Pikachu. "Your first heist went well, once we get more in the zone. You'll be a pro."
"We only takes a handful of Pokemons. The ones that smell less like humans are the ones that are forgotton or left behinds. The Nurse's wont realize dere gone for a loooong time."
"Pi pichu."
"Nah din't worry's about it. You'd be surprised by how many trainahs dont realize dere pokemon is missing till its too late."
"Let's see our haul." Ash stopped them, even as Pikachu looked increasingly nervous. "Meowth."
Meowth saluted him, digging into the bag at the floor before handing Ash a familiar looking device.
He slapped it onto he pokeball, taking out his Pokedex and tapping the device.
The pokemon underneath registered under his name.
4 pokemon, a strange haul but not an unfamiliar one.
"Dad's gym being here gives us the opportunity to get really strong pokemon." Ash explained to Pikach, removing the device from the Pokeball and passing it to the next. "And it looks like we got an interesting one."
Pikachu peaked over, as did Meowth when he pounced onto the bed.
"Magikarp- Of course," Meowth scowled. "Why do trainers insists on getting these things just to leave dem behind."
"Theyre assholes." Ash grinned, "Probably aiming for a Gyarados against my dad."
"A Fearow?" Meowth swiped at the screen. "Its probably weak."
"We need a flying type."
"Dat's useless against your dad."
"I know."
"Pi pikachu."
Ash glanced down, face scrunching up."
"A Beedrill... Really? Of all the things-,"
"Dey could be strong," Meowth sighed, shaking his head. "Give it a shot kid."
"Shuttup," Ash scowled. "Let's see what Pikachu brought."
He swiped left again, only for his face to color in surprise.
"Is dat a Flareon?"
"Looks like we got a decent one." Ash hummed, ignorig Meowth's twisted face.
"Flareons are da weakest of da Eevee trio. Dey learn next to nothing!"
"So are Meowths," Ash shot back, rolling his eyes. "I taught you to be strong without looking at your moves. But with all 4 of these, we can at least get a decent start. All of these except Flareon aren't gonna look too weird. But we can always futz this for a traded pokemon."
"Pi pikachu?"
"Yeah, you did good." Ash smiled, rubbing his new partnee's head and watching the mouse melt under his touch.
It was a good start after all
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itsohh · 2 years
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A/N: Female reader, I was up to like 6am last night doing an essay for uni so I’m a dat bit behind on the project I’m working on. That being said if you have sent in requests I have received them (●'◡'●)👍
Day 3: Knife play
Word count: 1533
Warnings: NSFT, Smut, knife usage
It was the split-second movement in the corner of your eye which had you on guard. Just in time for Taina's pistol to be aimed at you. Your wrist smacked against her and with a kick you sent her back. Taina let out a grunt before she came at you with lightning speed. With a knife in her hand, she swiped at you, narrowly missing you each time but preventing you from raising your rifle. No one was better than her at hand to hand. Yet that fact didn't stop you from trying. Her knife nipped the side of your cheek and you saw the slightest hesitation in her eyes, one that you used to your advantage and kicked her in the chest. She fell back but recovered, her brows narrowed when you wiped away the small trail of blood with your thumb. It wasn't deep enough to get stitches. Tania dove for cover as you fired your rifle at her but your advantage was short-lived when her grenade flew over the top of the metal table and dazed you on the ground. A groan left your mouth as she dove for you, her pistol holstered and knife at your throat.
"Where are they?" She hissed and you couldn't help the lopsided grin that appeared on your face. Taina had pinned you down, her knees on both sides of you in mount while her hand gript the collar of your shirt.
"God your so hot like this." You mumbled out and the knife pressed harder against your throat but still not enough to break the skin.
"Tell me, where they are."
"Honey I'll tell you anything you want if you do this to me later." A burst of energy shot through your body as adrenaline surged throughout you. It was what you needed to snap you out of your wounded, dazed state In the split second before she realised what had happened your fingers found your pistol and fired it twice into her stomach. "Sorry about that." You mumbled as you pushed her off of you. Her now eliminated from the match. "Finka?" Your hand went to your ear for coms.
"God you're a lifesaver but she's gonna be so pissed later on." You laughed as you gathered yourself.
"Good luck." You heard a voice laugh. Tori no doubt.
"We have already lost Amaru, focus." Eliza cut through the coms. With a quick dusting off you stood back on your feet and continued onward.
When you eventually found Taina, she was in the training room. Her gear had been stripped away to her basics while her makeup had been poorly washed away. She glanced over to you before she hit the dummy. Hard. "Hey honey, no hard feelings?" She hit it twice again before she picked up her towel and started to clean up. Taina ignored you the entire time before she stormed out of the room. You followed her at a leisurely pace. She wouldn't talk now, not while in such a public place, not while she was in full control of her emotions. Taina was the one to fight with a teammate in public but not one when it came to relationship matters.
The door wasn't held open for you but she didn't lock it which was her silent invitation to let you in. "Taina-" The door was slapped closed the second you were in her door. She grabbed you by the collar and shoved you onto her bed. An oof left your lips and she pounced on your, knife once again against your throat. You dared to swallow as her eyes bore into yours.
"Did you mean what you said?" Thick tension filled the air as she waited for your answer.
"Only if you tell me why you're so angry." She huffed and leaned back, the knife dropping from her throat.
"I hesitated. I'm angry at myself." She looked away from you and then grabbed your shirt again. "And then you! Say shit like that while I try to interrogate you."
"What can I say, I'm weak to beautiful women with knives at my throat. Can you blame a girl?"  She narrowed her eyes at you.
"I can not afford to be weak nor distracted on the battlefield."
"Well, then why don't you take out your frustrations here?" You reached up to your wrist and slowly pulled it towards you. When the blade came close to your face your tongue trailed over the flat side of it. She tore her hand back before her knife slid down your chest, slowly sliding through the thin material. With the flick of her thumb, she detached the clasp in the middle of your bra. The knife trailed down between your breast, a light scrape with it.  Her hair curtained her face as she leaned down against you. "My hand could slip at any moment." She whispered against your ear. Was she trying to scare you?
"It won't."
"How can you be so sure?" Her free hand found your breast and pinched the nipple. The knife trailed from your ear down your jawline and she pressed a single kiss just below your ear.
"The woman whose job it is to perfect the blade messing up? How embarrassing." You tease and you could feel her tense up. He retreated back up and looked down at your half-bare form. The blade flicked around in false annoyance. In a swift movement, the blade slid down centimetres from your face and cut into her pillow. You looked up at her without a flinch. "You really know how to get a girl going Caveira." Her hand gript your hair as she shoved her face against yours. She bit down on the bottom of your lip and dragged back before she let go and pushed her lips against yours. Her tongue slipped in between your lips.
Taina rolled her hips against yours and parted from your lips only to remove her own shirt. "Oh, so you get to keep your shirt?"
"Stop talking." You would have responded but his lips prevented you from doing so. Just as hard as she pressed against you she ripped herself off leaving your lips slightly swollen. Taina unmounted you and tore the knife from beside your head. "Remove them or lose them." She gestured to your parents and you scrambled to remove them. She waited, tapping the blade against her cheek until you were completely bare. From your ankle up to your thigh. Her eyes flickered to yours and she lowly moved it to your core. Taina's eyes focused on the blade between your two wet lips. Your breath hitched as the point bushed them apart. She smiled at the sound and your frozen form.
She retreated the knife before she flipped it around and pressed the knife handle into you. With her hand careful of the sharp blade she gripped right where the blade met the handle. Laying down on the bed she hummed and slowly moved the handle on and out of you, watching as you squirmed in front of you. "Taina please." You whimper out, for exactly what, you weren't sure.
"Hmm, perhaps this is what I'll have to do to you next time I'm forced to interrogate you." The groves of her knife could be felt inside of you and a smirk settled onto her face. Her name left your lips and she continued to fuck you with the blade. Desperate for more, your ground down against the hilt but her free hand grabbed onto your pelvis to keep you still. The hand was pulled from inside you and she licked the handle, amused at your impatience state. Still slightly wet she hummed and drew the blade over your skin only to place the cold side of it against your breast. A hiss left your mouth from the contact.
She hummed before he placed her knife to the side. Back in front of you, she entered two fingers for only a moment before she licked them. Taina's warm breath could be felt before her mouth met your cunt, lapping at your juices. She focused on your entrance, cleaning you before she pressed a kiss against your clit. The calm before the storm. Suddenly, she gript both hands into your thigh and dived on. She licked your clit without mercy, without stop. Curses left your mouth as you rocked against her. Her grip tighten and pinned your thighs to the bed.
You changed out her name as swirled her tongue against your clit, alternating between flicks of her tongue and placing the entire base of it against you. Her eyes flicked up to you as your legs tensed and your back arched off the bed. Relaxing bliss spread throughout your core and your body fell limp against the bed and she finally let you go. Your eyes blinked a few times to see Taina at the end of the bed, examining you as she decided what she wanted to do next. "I hope you didn't have plans for tonight. If you do, well I suppose you have plenty of time to think about the consequences of running your damn mouth."
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 years
Advent Calendar: Day 7 @tangleweave​
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“So, uh…” Nothing good ever really starts that way. So in that moment, when Beth has barely set her purse down and kicked her crocs off at the door, and finds Eddie standing beside the stairs, hair slicked back, wearing a gorgeous Armani tux ~one she bought for him for the first benefit evening he suffered through for her~ and looking for all the world like he’s swallowed bees, Beth feels her heart tick up its pace, hammering like the sea tide in her ears. She watches him as he pulls out his phone and he swipes a few times. He glances from the screen to her face. Nervousness practically drips off him. “Sometimes, a gift isn’t just’a gift. It’s a key to a new world. A young heroine, a Nutcracker-turned-prince. The small but mighty army of mice. The beautiful conclusion of a sugar plum celebration. It’s a story so good…” Whatever else was written on his phone is tossed aside as he smiles at her. “Look, Beth. I know it’s not Moscow, but it’s still your favorite ballet. Curtain call in three hours, figured that would be enough time for you to get dolled up and ready to go. Merry early Christmas?” It takes several seconds and then a few more for Beth to catch up with everything he’s said. To net from the stream of his conscience the meaning of his words. But when she does? The exhaustion of a pre-holiday emergency room shift ~shorter than usual, but also more brutal~ simply melts away. Her eyes prickle with tears as her heart lodges in her throat. First of all, not many people know that the Nutcracker is her favourite ballet. Nor that her dream is to see it in Russian, danced by the Bolshoi. And she knows for a fact that tickets have been sold out for weeks now. She’d checked for a matinee performance. Her hands come up and cover her mouth with the tips of her fingers.
“I’m getting the feeling that…now wasn’t such a good time?” “Oh, Ekie,” she whispers, and his answer prickles the small hairs at the back of his neck, just where his hand goes to rub. It doesn’t stop her from dashing up to him, throwing her arms around his waist and pulling him down enough that she could kiss him. ~*~ He survives the first fifty minutes inside the packed War Memorial Opera House with his body mostly intact. Maybe his arm is a little numb because from the moment the curtain rose, Beth leaned into him, her head on his shoulder, absolutely lost in the beauty and pageantry on the stage. There’s no missing the sigh she breathes when Herr Drosselmeyer appears, it’s the same one that graces his ear when his lips glide along the shapely bones of her collar. Not even a surprise to him. A mysterious old..er…man who is the catalyst of the whole story. A good guy or a bad one left up to imagination. Sweet or Sinister? A merry magician or a scheming sorcerer whose motivations are never quite clear? He knows how she would answer if asked but all he does is press a kiss to her brow. He excuses himself to the men’s room, where he splashes a little water on his face and removes the near invisible ear-plugs. It isn’t that he hates the music, but in getting her orchestra-pit centre stage tickets, he’s playing a deadly game with the welfare of his Other. Still, he doesn’t want to ruin his girl’s gift, either. So it’s a compromise he felt best about. ~*~ The cab drops them off in front of the townhouse and before the door is even closed, her shoes are dangling from her fingertips. She slides an arm around his back as they drift toward the door. One dark tendril oozes around her skin under her coat-sleeve. “Dat was amazing. Mahalo nui loa, Eddie.” “I did good, huh?” “More dan good.” They pause on the doorstep, light streaming through the glass and the middle of the wreath, spilling onto them as she tip-toes up for a kiss.
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toollistai · 9 days
What is AI Dating Photo Analyzer?
Photoeval is an AI tool that analyzes your dating photos and provides you with personalized recommendations.
It has been trained on millions of dating photos and understands the factors that lead to a left or right swipe.
When you upload a photo, you'll instantly receive a rating from 1 to 10 across multiple dimensions (facial expression, background, grooming and style, etc.), a detailed explanation of the rating and actionable recommendations to improve your photo.
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reneleijen · 1 month
Onderzoekers kunnen exacte locaties van gebruikers van datingapps achterhalen
Vanwege de vakantie even gemist maar toch vermeldenswaard is het nieuws dat bij meerdere datingapps de locatie van gebruikers simpel te achterhalen is. Onderzoekers in het project Swipe Left for Identity Theft, uitgevoerd door onderzoekers van de KU Leuven, bekeken vijftien populaire datingapps (Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, Grindr en andere) die allemaal de ruwe locatie van gebruikers aangeven. Met…
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voidthewanderer · 5 months
Forbidden Fruits
→ Word Count: 1502 → Warnings: X (Explicit Sexual Conduct) → Characters: Ripper, Sweetjane → Prompt that was received, unfortunately, my fingers moved faster than my hands while cleaning up my tumblr drafts. Prompt was to use the sentence "Shh, do you want someone to walk in on us with your cock in me?”
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All was quiet in The Slog. With the exception of the guards, everyone had been asleep; the fruits of their labor (full pun intended) sitting in baskets in the communal kitchen, drying off to be divided off between the trade and settlement use in the morning. Rather… most everyone had been asleep. A particular duo had been up, tanned ghoul leading his wife quietly to one of those baskets to steal a few of the tarberries. A small handful each wouldn’t have been missed…
Ripper placed about eight tarberries in Sweetjane’s hand, grabbing his own before making his way over to the couch and flopping down; grabbing Sweetjane’s wrist and pulling her down to lay against him chest. She had to stifle her laugh, not wanting to wake anybody. The two silently enjoyed the fresh berries, every so often stealing kisses between their bites.
A low hum came from the ghoul as he pressed his lips just above her collar, “Damn… ‘s been a while doin’ stuff like this.”
“What’s dat?” Sweetjane returned the hum, amused.
“Sneakin’ outta th’ house with the woman I love? Forgot how fun it was.”
Rolling over, the albino woman rested her hands against his chest, “Ya did dis often?”
“Oh yeah,” he chuckled quietly, “’Specially when I was younger. T’ be honest, Cody probably would’ve come along when we’d actually planned t’ try for him if we hadn’t.”
His hands fell to her hips, lightly massaging her skin. She tucked against him as he did, nuzzling her nose against his collarbone. Lips lightly brushed against her forehead, “C’mon, before we get caught stealin’ th’ produce.”
Lips connected for a moment before Sweetjane reluctantly pushed herself up from the couch. Ripper pushed himself into a seated position, eyes trained on his pale wife’s frame. He swallowed, eyes flicking across her body as she danced across the floor. Well… nothing said that he couldn’t relive his youth just one more time…
Just as Sweetjane neared the kitchen counters, she could hear the quiet footsteps rushing up behind her, arms tight around her waist. She let out a gasp, covering her mouth to muffle her excitement once Ripper lifted her up off the ground, spinning around for a moment before dropping her back to her feet. Pulling her into a hip sway, Ripper pressed his lips to her shoulder for just a moment. As his lips left her skin, she turned, pushing the ghoul back towards the chairs that’d been sitting in the corner.
Ripper fell back against the chair, wife quickly seated against his lap. Hips shifted lightly and a soft groan was heard from the ghoul. He gripped at her hips, holding her steady, “Tesoro…”
“Easy, Chiriklo… Take yer time…”
Despite the request to be slow, even Sweetjane really couldn’t restrain herself. Ripper’s sweatpants were awkwardly shimmied down as Ripper went to cup her breast. A rough thumb brushed against her perking nipple, hand otherwise gentle against her skin. His free hand fell between her legs, gently rubbing against her.
He felt her chest expand slightly in her inhale, bucking against his hand slightly. There was caution as he slipped his middle finger inside of her, spreading her open slightly with his ring and index finger. He curled his finger slightly, massaging her slowly before shifting his hand slightly to press his ring finger inside as well. She released her breath as he slowly pumped his fingers inside of her. The hand that’d been fondling her breast traveled to her back, gently pushing her forward so he could lightly nip at her skin.
“Rippa…” she whined quietly, rolling her hip against his hand. He stilled, thumb swiping against her bud to stop her from talking. He growled against her skin, “Ya said t’ take my time…”
He wasn’t going to say how much he just wanted to drop her down onto his cock, completely press inside of her and just hold himself still… savor in her warmth…
Attention was brought to his wrist, feeling her hands trying to pull his hand away from her groin. He did oblige, hand trailing to her ass to grip it tightly. Sweetjane seemed to have read his mind, though was a bit less calm in what his thought was. Ripper moaned out at the sudden feeling of tightness on his cock; covering his mouth at the last minute realizing just how loud he’d been.
“Shh, do ya want someone ta walk in on us wit yer cock in me?” The teasing croon in Sweetjane’s voice only pushed Ripper to grip tighter at her ass, biting at her breast again. He pulled back, lightly licking where he’d bitten, shifting to press his lips beneath her jaw, “Ya started it…”
She drew herself along his cock, making him take a sharp breath to swallow his groan, “An’ I kin finish it…”
“Take your time,” he teased. He saw her brow perk, moving to do the exact opposite of what he’d said. Both hands shifted to her ass, gripping the soft flesh tightly as he pressed his face against her chest; licking, kissing, and biting hungrily at her breast. Sweetjane had to bite her lip to keep her own voice down, knowing he wanted to return the favor she’d given him. She wasn’t going to give him that satisfaction… Not in the pool house anyways.
The duo were acutely aware of the guards shuffling about outside as they patrolled their posts, the soft movement of fabric against the bed sheets when the other ghouls of the settlement would move about in their sleep. Nothing that sounded inherently like someone walking on the tile near the living space, however…
Fingers gripped at Sweetjane hips tightly as she drew herself up Ripper’s cock; him almost forcibly pushing her back down so she was seated in his lap. Sweetjane held her breath, rolling her hip against his to rise anything from him. She watched his jaw clench and his Adams apple bob as he swallowed down his groan. His yellowed eyes seemed to pierce the dimness of the night, flicking about her body as he just admired the woman that he had his cock deep inside.
“Rippa… We gotta finish eventually…”
“Yeah… just… fuckin’ hell, you’re amazing…”
Another roll of hips and Ripper bucked his own upward, knocking Sweetjane off balance slightly. As much as he wanted to just completely lose control, the risk was too great to be caught. Not that he hadn’t caught others in the act as well… but it was different when he was the one in it and with his spouse at that.
Ripper finally let Sweetjane take back control, letting her keep as such until they both finally reached their climax. The duo did still take their time to situate themselves before sneaking back off to their home. That had been worth it… Sweetjane took note of the additional pep in her husband’s step. Settling for the night was quite easy as well…
As the morning came to an open, Ripper seemed to be the last one to actually roll out of bed for once. He’d noted that both of the kids and Sweetjane had already headed up to the pool house for breakfast. As he stepped out of his home, he’d seen Crow walking out of theirs; a surprising sight for him. Normally Crow was helping in the kitchen for breakfast. He called over to them, seeing that they were waiting for him to step over.
“C’mon, let’s get some grub, ‘m starvin’,” Ripper lightly ribbed his friend, though they didn’t seem to move. He glanced back to them, concerned, “Ya alright, Crow?”
He could see that they seemed to be holding back some sort of emotion… though what it was wasn’t exactly easy to tell. Finally, a smirk perked at their lip and they nearly saw the color drain from his face; the words escaping their lips easily, “Have fun last night?”
“You gotta be kidding me…”
“Did you forget that I learned how to walk quietly?! I just wanted a drink! Your wife’s a pretty lady, don’t get me wrong, but I really didn’t want to see her tits. Or you two fucking for that matter.”
“Ey, ain’t like ya never saw me naked b’fore; wouldn’t be any different than if we were all together in a communal shower. But… let’s keep this to ourselves, alright? Know me an’ her both don’t mind stuff like that, but actually gettin’ caught is a different story.”
Ripper tucked Crow against his side, “B’sides, I saw you an’ Arsen that night we had that picnic too. Surprised, kinda figured ya were a strictly bedroom kinda ghoul. Makes us even.”
The younger groaned, “Can we just go to breakfast please? I’m sure Sweetjane and the kids are waiting. Arsen’s probably about ready to freak too; told him I wanted to sleep in.”
This rose a laugh, “Yeah, c’mon, let’s go. Maybe once the day’s started, we’ll forget all about this.”
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Now would be a poifect time to swipe dat Pikachu!
But Jessie and James blasted off somewheres and left me all alone!
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deymitstrueyn-blog · 1 year
그게 뭐야?
Title palang mapapatanong ka na.
"What it is?".
Napakaraming tanong sa isip ko kung handa na ba talaga akong pumasok muli sa isang relationship, kahit Hindi ko sabhin sa kanya na ung totoo alam ko sa sarili ko yung totoo.
tinatanong ko din sarili ko kung " Ano na naman ba ito?" "handa kana ba talaga?" Alam ko sa sarili ko it's not easy to enter this world again kaya binabakuran ko din. "Guard your heart self"
ito na naman ako sa kaboredan ko
nag install ako ng badoo pero hindi na ganon nakakaexcite kasi nga auko na last na sya nakaka pobia na kasi so dahil denemonyo ako ng kapatid kong abno nakigaya ako nainspired ako sa kaharotan nya🤭🤣. So dahil bored si badoo, nagactive ako sa tantan tho dati kasi ang weird ng tantan masyadong bulgar ung location. ang kyut lang ng grapics nya ngaun. So jump na agad tayo dun sa swipe left and right konteng aus ng profile tapos oks na un. then ito na tamang swipe right d ko type to actually auko ng may tatoo kahit maliit pa yan ayaw ko ng may tatoo anywhere or kahit sang part ng body. ewan nagiinarte ako pero common na lately ung may tatoo kahit sino meron na. FYI d ko alam paano kmi naging match!
basta nag PM lang sya ng Follow ko daw sya sa IG? hello ako inutusan mo? balakajan hahahha umandar na naman kamalditahan ko so aun sabi ako nalang follow nya then boom sabi nya followback naisip ko pota ano nahanap ng followers sa IG? judgemental ka self hahaha🤣
edahil nasa mood ako okaaaay edi followback naman ako hahaha I remember that date Aug 12.
then ito na humarot na sa IG hahah 1st move nya kaya oks lang. 🤭
Nakakatawa lang na kung iisipin mo ang liit ng mundo! Nag ask sya san ako working that time and that time hindi ko pa sinasabi kung saan alam nya agad then aun mas nauna pa sya skin dun ako lang pinalad hahaha siguro. Hindi ko alam paano sisimulan ung Parehas kaming into ML, into khiphop alamnya mga hiphopers ng koreans like jk, jaypark ang cool lang then one time nag aya sya watch ng concert kay jaypark Gusto ko naman talaga and kaya gawan ng way pero gusto ko take it slow aun pass muna pero hasap gusto ko umattend nun. tapos that time din nag ask sya kung into dogs ako dunno maybe nakita nya sa IG ko. then Aug 30 Our first meet up leche.yan ung nakakahiyang meet up namin may dala akong bag at malaking bagpack hahaha tho di naman kami nag lakad nag stay lang kami sa isang place, pet cafe not into totally sa.mga aso kaso takot ako lalo na ung malalaki aun so far Hindi pala sila dapat katakotan dapat lab lab sila. napansin ko lang sa knya sa first meet up, ui parang ex ko lang aa sakto lang di payat, nakikita ko ung pagkagentleman nya di ko na describe ako nalang magiisip nun..🤙🙈
after ng meet up namin na yan hindi ko alam kung sanay na ba ako sa meet up or comfortable lang ako sa knya I feel safe. 🤭 Day by day puro kmi ML dun kami nagkasundo sa ML mga dimunyu! HAHAHA. So ito na hindi naman ako atat sa meet up again or let us say wala pa sa plan ko ult next meet up nmin. Chill lang ako dat time, bago kamo magkita akala ko message nya lang ako sa messenger ko hahah naloka ako nung inadd nya ako omoooo chill pa din ako hanggang sa itanong nya kung kelan kami pd ulit kita, actually hindi ako nag expect na gusto nya ako makita ulit. hindi naman sa makapal ang mukha ko or assuming lang siguro ako pero feeling ko from the 1st time na nagkita kami crush na nya ako. 🤭🙈
What it is ewik!!!
after a busy week nagtanong na naman sya skin kung sama ako sa jaypark, syempre hindi kasi take it slow.so far akala ko natuloy sya hindi din pala hahaha Maybe kung sumama ako baka sumama din sya. nakakahiya din kasi mahal ng ticket dba? auko naman umabuso mabait tayo self. nag initiate sya ng meet sa actually nag ask ako sa kanya sabi nya nakaka oo na daw sya skin kaya tuloy na. So aun Sep 21 This month lang naman Di ko alam pero OKADAte yan e.. napakawalang hiya ko pag kasama sya I dunno tapos ngaun makikita ko hype Cancer din pala, lakad maka photographer. Di ko na alam pinagusapan nmin basta nag ML lang kami sa okada hahah ganern!!! Alam ko next day jaypark na e at alam ko that day my lakad pa sya kya nung magkasama kami e ang pungay ng mata. ano kyah kaya pa?🤣 Consistent sa pagiging gentleman si kyah pansin ko lang. 3Rd meet up e unexpected kasi Eastwood Day na gusto ko lang sumulyap talaga sa knya buti nung morning nag pm sya na kung tuloy ako sympre sabi ko oo why? nakakatuwang sumagot syang sama daw hahaha lols syempre sabi koo sige Lunch out (Lunch out scenario: Dahil auko naman ipakita sa kanya na PG ako nagulat kasi ako sa rice hanep isang puno, binawasan nya siguro mga 3-4tablespoon un, tapos ask sya na tikman ko ung order nya sabi edi nagtikim ako nilagyan nya ng mangga something ung kutsara ko. gusto kong kiligin pero konte lang dapat. so aun nag eat kmi unexpected ung eat na un kasi nga I was thinking kelan kaya kami magsasabay kumain then it happened unexpected. nakakailang lang kasi tinatanong nya ako kung masarap ba? and habang kumakain ako nakatingin sya sakin. tagal naming tambay dun and ung muntik na namin malimutan magbayad hajahha I guess nakakahiya kung hinabol kami dba? HAHAH)
hehehz tapos nowhere to be found and boom nag asya sya mag KTV parehas kming wala sa tono hahahha first time ko un and nag enjoy ako ng sobra lakas lang maka taxi ng tao na to.. waldas e samatalang ako oks lang ordinary bus. What it is? feeling ko nag tatanim sya ng feelings skin hindi naman ako assuming when it comes to love pero gusto ko muna mas kilalanin pa sya ung dun ko malalaman kungbseryso ba sya e wala pa naman stang Go signal kung manliligaw ba sya e.. soon daw sana makarting sya dto. Actually nag ask na sya kung kelan sa dec para mafile ng leave ako naman nag jojoke lang 🤣
nkita ko lang din bakla ba to..mejo silahis kasi sana naman hindi jusko nakakaurat na nga ung isa sa sobrang skin care pati ba nman ikaw,
Gusto ko.lang taasan ung bakod na aakyatin mo kung seryso kang nagpapakita ng motibo. playing safe pero kung bigay kana ni God skin why not Everthing that God gifts from God is worth keeping.
Ito kasi ung pumapasok sa isip ko kung niloloko ko lang sarili ko, "gumanti ka pero hindi sa knya sa ibang tao, naghanap ka ng rebound para magheal ka pa." diba parang sama sama kong tao.
Sa tingin ko naman heal na ko, Legit!🤭 Siguro dahil sa ginawa nya nung una na halos ubos ako, Na ngaun e umiyak lang naman pero hindi na sa sobrang sama sa loob siguro.
ito naman ung iniisip ko pag dating sa knya.
"Sya ba handa pumasok sa serious relationship na hinahangad ko, " Baka kasi mauwe na naman sa salitang " Hindi pa ako ready" "Hindi pala ako sanay sa LDR" "May priority pa ako" tpos ang ending may bago na or binalikan na ex after nyo ko ipafall.. kainis kau!🤣 Ito kasi ung sinabi nya Kaya hindi pa ko naggf til now pero oks na ko" after 4 years what should I think? iniisip ko baka nabigla lang to.
to be continued..
Its been a while Gonna share somethings sweet tonight.
Hindi ko na naman alam paano ko sisimulan to basta ung huling share ko dto is nung nag eastwood kami at nag karaoke and sa pagkakaalam ko ung kwneto ko na un is last nov ko na nasulat.. So dahil mahaba haba din ung kwento ko ngaun sisimulan ko na muna pabahagya.
It all set end of nov na luluwas ako para sa final pay ko yet hindi matuloy tuloy due sa conflict sa agency ko. lagi sya nag aask about kelan ako luluwas that time hanggang sa ito na nag bigla syang sabi ng pupunta sya dto with friends nya and that time (ayan nag set na sya tapos nga nga din) kaya ung response ko nalang that time let me know kung matutuloy kau so atleast mag prep ako. and so on habang papalapit ung set nyang date nag ka seryosohan na ng I mean tinuloy nila ung plan pagpunta dto. so aun Dec 5 daw pupunta sila dto 2weeks nag advice na sila and ung plan ko incase mauna ung back pay sabay ako sa knila pabalik dto. then aun na nga papalapit na si Dec 5, I smell fishy lagi like ang sweet sweet nya sken ung mga banat nya wagas simula nyan parang takot talaga ako auko na mag take a risk talaga pero dahil pucha rupok ko crush ko talaga sya e.Di lang talaga ako showy pag dating sa kanya ngaun so nagcontinue kami ng usap hanggang magkita kmi fast forword 1week bago magkita dami conflict dahil short budget talaga ako ako na nagsabi wala akong budget para sumama and any case pag may budget ako baka do ako payagan kasi solo ako na girl. then aun isip isip ako buti nalang one of my friends join the outing so atleast problem solve. sabi nya kasi decude ako kahit saan basta sumama ako naiiisp ko bat kelangan maging sweet aware ako na torpe sya pero hello kaya ba nya talaga when it comes to me?😔 (sana naman ikaw na ung last ko pagod na kong makakilala ng bagong tao tapos iiwan din ako) so ito na the worst na nangyare bago mag dec5 binagyo kami sa Quezon ang daming trials like 2weeks before the outing my probs and 2 days before my bagyo and nabago sched ng kasama ko that time nawawalan na ko ng pag asa shit! dec 4 nagusap kmi dahil bumagyo walang net so hirap ako mag online. I told him close daw ung sunshine resort and disappointed ako pati sya sympre then ito na sabi ko feeling ko walang open na beach since galing sa bagyo and sya I think pool lang meron so you decide kung tuloy nyo. sabi nya pag ayaw ng kasama nya sya nalang daw magisa. (napaisip ako like ano ba confuse na confuse na ako) sabi ko sa knya seryso ka jan ikaw lang magisa hahaha after an hour nag decide sila hahaha tuloy daw sila bahala na daw sa location and pati ung kasama ko nag Go na din hahahah pagkakataon nga naman. sana before and after consistent sya mga ginagawa nya hindi ung pag malapit lang kmi magkita tsaka daki kwneto. hays
so bago mag dec 5 walang wala akong antok pucha grabeng insomia o dahil excited ako hahaha walang tulog ang agap gumising hahaha
fast forward dec 5
D-DAY hahhaa prep tapos sunduin sila around 10am nag start na ko sunduin sila and since wala net edi text hahaha so aun sunundo ko sila jusko tawa ako ng tawa ayaw magreply naka baba na pala sa bus LT. gulat sila pag ka tawag ko sa name nya sa 7/11
asa bahay na kmi syempre good friends. we've waiting jade for 2hrs hell hahahha
fast forward gusto ko man syang katabi sa bus pag alis namin kaso hindi e hahaha ang bagal nya e haha kainis
walang namang kasweetang naganap nung nag island hoping kami kasi mga ngarag na nagntravel kami for 3hrs hanep hahahha
so fast forward dun na tayo sa sunshine beach around 8pm prep kami dinner then drinks ganern so dahil puro dare un mejo lasing ako and alam kong duling na ako nung nag punta kami sa tabing dagat. hahah dunno what happened pero pag kakaalam ko lumabas akong kasama sya and holdhands kami tapos naupo kami dun sa gilid may sinasabi sya di ko na maalala potangina bingi ko dun.
sound sweet kasi pinapamper nya ako ung head ko nasa shoulder nya o dba mainggit kau hahhah basta my sinasabi sya nun na di ko maintindihan kasi masusuka na ako hahhah mas concern ako sa denture ko hahah sabi ko nga tara na dun sa room gusto ko na matulog.
nung naglalakad kami alam ko magkalau kami tapos alam ko siring na alakad ko fuck self hahaha nilasing ako.
basta pag ka higa ko dun bagsak na ko tas ung una imbis na unanin ko e niyapos ko tas nakatalikod ako sa knya syempre dapat dun ako sa taas e.ewan bat nasa baba na ako hiyang hiya ako nun kasi bat nasa baba ako meaning magkatabi na kami sleep.. that time wala na akong oake din kasi gusto ko na mahiga tapos mejo naggcng ako ung arm nya nilagay nya ung ulo alam mo un kau na magnimagine basta ang sweet dun sa part na un. tapos nagising ako talaga sabi ko asan si sissy sabi nya andun tulog na . tapos humarap ako sa knya pero walang kahit anong moves from me namalayan ko lang nilagay nya ung kamay ko sa bewang nya tapos naka patong ung kamay nya sa kamay ko habang nakahug ako sa knya, parang ung friend nya tumingin. alam ko tulog na un e nagsng lang.
around 1am nagising ako sobrang sket ng ulo ko tapos ung hair ko inaaus nya kasi pawis na pawis ako. hahah alangan naman mag hubad ako dba? okay na un atleast mejo conservative pa dn tayo.
nung nagising ako lagi akong tumatalikod sa knya actually auko mag isip sya ganon ako kadali. maggsing ako naka hug sya saken like jowa ba kita? hindi ko na inalis since crush ko naman sya. hahaha then un around 3am wala akong antok papikit pikit nalang ako sya ang kulit kulit nya basta ang sweet na nya lagi tapos one time pikit ako ung kumot nakatakip sa mukha ko aware akong gusto nya akong ikiss aware din akong nag smack sya e. tapos yun na walang naganap na kung ano hanggang magumaga na.
Dec 6 na and prep na para umuwe. and my lakad pa talaga ko nyan konteng swimming lang so aun nag jamming naman kami sa labas kyoooot nasa IG un e. hehheh seeing him dancing ang kyooot kainis.
so aun pauwe na daan muna sa silangang nayon kumain jusko kung hindi lang ako bangag e baka dami ko din nakain.
so dto na sa bahay around 12nn sabi ko sabay ako paluwas sabay kami and alam nila mader at pader thon I think good naman sila (looking forward toooo)
bus 1pm
ito ung parang sa Kdrama lang na moment e. ung hihiga ako sa shoulder nya tapos ung head nya lalagay nya din sa head ko ang kyooot holding my hands ganon. first time in a while i feel secure dito.
hanggang sa makarating sa mnila.
since hindi na abot sa agency edi sabi ko di na ko uuwe sa taguig kasi anong oras na. tapos dun nalang sa barkda ko sabi nya smen nalang. since nag insist sya grab ko na kumain muna kami sa labas tapos aun nagpunta na kami sa knila nakilala ko mama nya hiya ko pota diko alam anong sinabi nya sa mama nya tapos sabi nung taga dun sa knila iba na naman yang kasama mo. lol edi wow. so aun na nasa knila na ako fastforwrd nalang ito na matutulog na sabi nya matutulog na daw sya hahah pero wag ka andun sa hihigaan ko tapos laro daw kmi ML haha. lol maya maya parehas ng bagsak and madaling araw na un nung nag haharot nanaman sya ung react nung kapatid nya sa shoes ko tas ung may sumilip sa kwrto tas ako kunware tulog nalang pucha hiyang hiya ako e. so aun na sabi nagising na kami and papikit pikit sya ung mama nya pumapasok sa loob ng room tas kita siguro nun na nagka hag ako kay eeeee and bumalik ulit nakita nya naka hag saken si eee. dunno parang wala akong maiharap na mukha taena! ang clingy oag kami lang hahhah pinipiga na ako sa sobrang hug tapos nagsmack na hahahh syemore iniiwas ko un pero dun din nauwe sa first kiss. hays hanggang dun nalang muna un.. so aun prep na kmi kasi uwe na ko at daan pa ko agency akala ko nga idadaan lang ako tas bahala na ako hinatid pa din ako sa gateway for taxi aun at un na ung huli nq pagsasama namin ulit.
natutuwa ako kasi sobrang bait nya ito ung first time na kakilala.ko friend and fam nya in person. wish ko lang sana hindi sya magbago sana lang mag level up pa kmi ung as in pang forever na. mag grow together!
Im looking forward for upcoming events with him
masaya ako. its been 1 week and ang hirap pag may namimiss ka. 😶
It's been a while, May na ngaun ung kwento ng January up to now wlaa pa. And I don't really know san ako magsisimula kasi ang dami ng nangyare January nagkalabuan kami tapos Feb 8, nag kita kami lumuwas ako All set staycation then feb 9 andito sya sa Quezon hinatid nya ako jamming with fams ko that time hindi pa totally malinaw anong meron kami masyadong madugo kasi ung nangyare after nyang pumunta dito. Nagkalinawan naman and March I was going to move on I mean I was planning to ignore him na dahilejo tagilid ung response nya and naapektohan na din body clock ko. So aun that time kasi biglang nagbago I Don't Its just happened. Biglang Good kami he was plan to go here again nag assume ako oo na baka manliligaw na 'to. Still hindi ako sure pa magulo ginulo nya ako nag set sya alijiban somewhere kasama friend nya nung nagtanong sila about jan auko na din talaga sumama kasi gusto ko na ng peace of mind at Wala naman akong mapapala pero okay naguusap pa din naman kami pero sa loob ko I was just okay na 'to wala lang din naman sa kanya 'to. hindi ko alam kung bakit biglang umayon saken ang tadhana. Dahil lumala ang Pandemic na corona virus na yan hindi natuloy ung plano nila and hindi naman ako nabigla kasi iniisp ko nga san ako ako kukuha ng budget para sa gala na un e tengga ako. So ayun hindi natuloy sa loob loob ko naman ang baet ni Lord saken, syempre in a good way un pero in a bad way kasi covid yan e ang panget pag sinabi kong good way dahil kay covid. So aun dahil hindi natuloy inisip ko lang aah di tuloy wala na kaylangan 'to di na ko kakausapin nito. mas mapapabilis ung moving on stage ko for him. Pero hindi!!!!😔 April, Continue usap kami and biglang nagbgo sya. hindi ko din alam anong nangyare bakit biglang interested sya from Day 1 na nagkita kami to ilang beses na kmi nagkita. To the point na inaabot na kmi ng magdamag magusap from my ex's to his ex's ewan ko hindi naman ako nag babackread kasi. So aun biglang ganon biglang vc out of nowhere biglang load nakakagulat I was like ano to dahil ECQ kaya ganto. sa ngaun kahit yan isipin ko parang nahuhulog na ko🤦🏻 hindi ko alam ano ako after ECQ. ano kami pag may work na sya ulit.
to be continue emotional attack!🤦🏻
11:13 / May 12
0 notes
i yam typing this from my macbook i got from a stranger on offerup who told meh to meet him at Astoria "outside the station n tht it would b easy to 1dentify them cuz he would b wearing a orange Jumpsuit" like some HAUTE prison couture shit. he Had a thicc new yorker accent n treated it lik a drug deal, he kept looking over his shoulder n sped off once u gave him the monies. LIL DID U KNO the mf macbook would have SPANISH ACCENTS ON IT but it would work perf fine except now the shift button or camera dont work Cuz after this gala, u n one of ur best fwendz were cuddling with alcohol on tha bed and spilled it on the dam thing. u just got told yr jobs closing down cuz they gettin sued and u can't join zoom calls via camera but u just hope for tha best cuz ny unemployment takes 5evvaaa. y kant i just b a rockstar? like hot n paid for it?? Being a rockstar gf is not in tha cards for me anymore tho.
42nd st smells like star anise and herbs ur Dad would brew into tea and ur just trying to get to pacific trimming .. U pass by ur old sugar daddys warehouse n U give urself a ol lil chuckle cuz Ya rly did pull dat shit. Randos at tha store wanna take pix with u n ur still shy n flattered n find it hard to associate with the person on camera vs person in tha mirror, am I tha only one who feels this cognitive / bodily dissonance. ??.?
i curated this list thinkin ab the musician i met lastlast winter who wanted to show me his music, i said sure, n he played me his entire album on his guitar for just a little over an hour while telling me he could order us "the worst coke he's ever done in his life which includes suicidal ideation during the come down.' he apologized profusely afterwards n gave mediocre head. Yes , we have matched on tinder 3 more times. why do i keep swiping rite u ask. Trust me all my toxic traits are still unbenognst to me myself Ni, ok.
one good thing ab living in nyc is that when u need to cry on the subway, no one cares, No one asks u why u have bandages on ur wrists And no one asks if Yr ok after they shove ya real hard cuz they prob need 2 get somewhere real soon . I think i've learned to enjoy tha silence n the weight of what new yorkers rly mean when U catch them staring then they look down rite away. I think it means that they're showing respect tht u most likely wanna be left alone. It's an unspoken code .Band aids fall off the ankles of beautiful women, no one asks to give them tha extra one in their bag. Subway performers, singing their hearts out n expressing themselves so raw and well r ignored. i dont own headphones anymore so i Kan pay attention. i think it means something 2 show someone u listen.
...U may hav fallen on a strangers lap on tha C train this week Cuz ur new rock platforms made ya SLIP n SLIDE but ur reminded Ur not the only fucked up one in tha head cuz a few months ago someone sat on ur lap thinking u were a got dam seat too. Subway vibes.
H3AVen was S000 fun in tha CLOUDS w bali bby n Lust sick puppie dancing on stage with yr friends n letting them wear ur pink n glittery tiara just like lindsey Lohan in mean gurls. [these days i rly wish i wuz like regina george. but just the part when she gets hit by a bus.] speaking of lindsey lohan. I SAW THEM ON A PLANET FITNESS COMMERCIAL WHILE STREAMING MI SAD LIL PEEP MIX. likeWTF. tht wuz kinda lit. TIL NXT WEEK MAYB fwendz. ty 4 reading ;3
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gbeckyg · 4 years
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8 notes · View notes
robynlilyblack · 2 years
Worth the wait
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Severus Snape x fem! professor! reader
[Requested – see request here]
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Summary: Y/n has been friends with Severus since they were 11, much like him she suffered from a one-sided love but will that change that they are now professors?
Warnings: swearing, kissing, mentions of sex and suggestive themes
A/n: 4.2k words, this is set bit before Harry comes to Hogwarts, non voldy au and the reader is an ex Slytherin. Tamara and Caleb are made up characters. It’s my first time writing for Snape so I hope you like it and let me know how I did x
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Tamara’s writing – italics
Caleb’s writing – bold italics
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You picked up one of the shards of chalk from the pot and began writing the plan for your first lesson whist casually taking bites of the muffin you had quickly swiped from the kitchens earlier. As you wrote you failed to see the body that was standing just inside the door, so when they spoke it startled you, making you break the chalk against the bored
“You misspelled Animagus”
You swivel around eyeing your old friend before turning back to see you indeed spelt it wrong and not only that you also wrote the incantation around the wrong way as well “Bugger” you curse making him let out a small huff of a laugh at you
You pick up the duster and clear the whole board deciding to redo the whole thing but with a spell instead, giggling after you mutter the incantation “There goes trying to add a personal touch” you shrug turning back to him
“You were always a better talker than writer” he notes
“I had to be, have you heard yourself talk? I love you, but your voice is dreadfully boring” you tease crunching up your nose at the end
He rolls his eyes “I was coming to ask if you got breakfast but I see you already stole some” he shakes his head “As per usual”
“It’s technically not stealing anymore, I’m a professor now” you give him a triumphant look as you take a bite
“Hiya Miss” one of the boys from your class strolls in casually but tenses seeing his other professor “Sir” he shakily nods walking quietly over to his desk
Merlin Sev, you’re like their boogieman, you lower your usual ward to let him hear your thoughts to which he gives you a look, almost like he’s proud of how scared the kids are of him before heading to leave “Goodbye Professor Y/l/n” he says formally
“Bye Professor…” Sevy “…Snape” you smile to yourself, you don’t even need to see his face to feel the eye roll “Morning” you turn to greet the boy who seems more like his usual self now Snape has left
He gives you a smile as you take a seat at your desk, observing the rest of the class the pour in looking rather groggy, although it was a Monday morning what did you expect? While you sat pretending to look busy when in reality you were doodling, you let yourself daydream about the man who just left your classroom.
You and Severus had known each other since you were 11, after you just so happened to sit next to each other at the welcome feast in first year. You remembered it well, his miserable face as you were eating dinner, to which you later learned was because he was apart from his current best friend at the time. You hated seeing people sad so at breakfast the next day you sat next to him again and made a little waffle house which managed to make him crack a small smile, from then on out you had joined his and Lily duo becoming an unlikely trio.
Although you were a pureblood you were lucky your parents were quite like the Greengrass’, who taught you not to believe in pure-blooded superiority. As the years passed you grew fond of your best friends, one more than the other, around your 4thyear you developed a crush on him, maybe it was the way his hair had grown out or his growth spurt but your little heart fluttered every time you saw him. Of course, with the flutter came the ache as you watched him tirelessly pine after Lily, the same ache you felt when he gushed to you about how he loved her or cried in your arms when he had lost her to James.
You didn’t mind that she dated James, they made perfect sense together but what you never forgave her for was all those years she led him on. She never had to say it but you knew she was aware of his feelings and fuelled them with every ‘I hate potter’ rant she went on. When he called her a mudblood and left him, you didn’t blame her, in fact you refused to talk to him for almost a month before you finally forgave him, as unlike her you understood the pressure he was under as everyone that wore a green tie did.
As your memories of the man flooded your brain you were brought back to the present by one of your students huffing as they half slammed their bag down as they sat “Ugh I hate him!” she hisses to her friend
You look up with a tilted head “Hate who?” you inquire making her jump and go wide eyed, clearly not thinking you would hear her “Come on, give me the goss it’s been rather dull lately” you say earning small giggles from the class
“Professor Snape just gave me a detention” she huffs as your eyebrows lift, now why doesn’t that surprise me?
“Whatever for?” you question with small smile
“I didn’t even do anything wrong” she complains “I just tripped and hit my funny bone off of the wall and yelp ‘fuck’ in pain”
You start laughing before you remember you are supposed to be professional “Sorry…” you compose yourself “Perhaps I can have a word with him and get you out of that” you throw her a wink to which she smiles before a hand goes up across the room “Yes?”
“Miss, I don’t mean to be rude but how do you work with him, he’s so…” the boy trails off as he tries to word it
“Mean” someone else finishes bluntly
“And scary” another adds
You chuckle “He wasn’t always this grumpy, sadly that trait came with age” you joke rolling your eyes making the students look at you in confusion
“How long have you known him?” one asks
“I was in his year, same house” you explain with a smile
“Wait, you were a Slytherin?” someone asks in complete shock
“Yes” you smirk “Why do I not seem very Slytherin-y” you knew full well you weren’t a typical Slytherin, in fact many would mistake your happy nature for that of a Hufflepuff or your wit for a Gryffindor
“Well you’re just so light and breezy” one answers making the rest of the class nod in agreement
“Yeah you’re like the anti-Snape” that one makes you giggle because it was true, you two were polar opposites yet you worked perfectly
“Plus, you wear a lot of yellow” you turn to look at the boy
“Wear a lot of yellow?” you exclaim, moving your cloak revealing your rather lovey yellow jumper “Where could you have possibly gotten that idea from?” you question with a smirk
The class chuckles before a boy called Caleb speaks up “So what was he like in school?”
“Well he was always a bit doom and gloom but he had his moments” you start smiling “Like one time I managed to convince him to sneak into the kitchens for food or made him throw a dungbomb into the classroom of that bitch of a professor that used to teach Ancient Runes” you shake your head, merlin did you hate that women
The class erupts in laughter before the girl, Tamara, next to Caleb speaks up “You really convinced him to do all that?” she looks at you stunned
“I did bat my eyelashes a bit and give my best puppy eyes…but eventually yeah” you say proudly nodding
“So, were you too ever…you know…more than friends?” Tamara asks hesitantly as the rest of the class leans in
That ache returned as you gave a fake smile to hide the hurt and disappointment which flashed across your face for a mere second “No” you shake your head “We’ve always been friends, nothing more…now” you clap your hands together “Lets teach you troublemakers how to cause more trouble as Animagi”
The sadness in your tone doesn’t go over everyone’s head, Caleb and Tamara pick up on it writing little notes on the margin of the former’s parchment
I think she used to fancy him
You think? Who would want to bone that miserable sod
As you speak you hear a small giggle from Tamara but that was nothing new, her and Caleb were good students so you overlooked the little messages and continued to teach
What if that’s why he’s a miserable sod? He just needs a girl to make him all soft, you heard her she managed to convince him to do all that stuff
We have him tomorrow maybe we could bring her up?
Good plan, hey we are kinda like Emma
Like the book Emma from Jane, Tamara sees his confusion crossing it out, never mind she was a matchmaker
Maybe we could match each other up too x
Ew gross
Offence taken doll
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The next day Tamara and Caleb take their seats in class getting there early so they can speak with Snape who was currently sitting at his desk waiting for the rest of the class to slowly filter in
“Sir” Caleb gains his attention
Snape sighs closing his eyes “Yes?” he replies not bothering to look up
“Did you know Miss Y/l/n while you were at school?” he asks watching his professors expressionless face closely, both he and Tamara noting the small upwards twitch of his lips when your name is said
“Yes, we were in the same year” he says plainly
“She told us she was a Slytherin but that doesn’t really make sense” Tamara speaks up, her words making the man glance up at her for a mere second
“She was in Slytherin. I’m sure if you both did your research you would know people are put into houses for the qualities they have and/or values they accept, not their personalities” he says shortly
“So what values does Miss Y/l/n possess that makes her Slytherin instead of say…a Hufflepuff like us?” the boy asks trying his best to claw any kind of emotion from this stone of a man
Snape took a deep breath, if he was being honest even he had doubted why you were in Slytherin to start, hell even Dumbledore had forgotten when he met you again for your interview “Miss Y/l/n is… intelligent, can read people rather well” or a bullshit detector as she would call it “and she’s very determined when he puts her mind to something she will always succeed”
The young duo listen intently, noticing his usual monotone voice is a little lighter than before, as well as the corners of his lips turning up as he spoke about you, as he finishes he returns to his cold exterior once more “Enough questions, if you asked these many questions in class many both of you would actually pass”
The two students nod quickly, taking the rather direct hint allowing him to go back to his writing, while he mindlessly grades papers letting his body go into autopilot his mind wanders. When he first saw you, it was at the welcome feast in his first year whilst he was rather upset he still remembered you cheering him up the next day. He always liked that you never prodded or forced him to say why he was so sad that night, the reason of course was Lily, it wasn’t that she shouldn’t have been in Gryffindor, or that there was anything wrong with it, but it was the fear that the house difference would eventually tear them apart
He remembered your happy expression as you tried to introduce yourself, you seemed too light to be in Slytherin, it was like there was no darkness in your heart at all. This was proved right time and time again, you were one of the few people that could actually make him crack a smile and fewer who could make him laugh out loud. As time went on his feelings for Lily kept growing, she was his first love, the love he wanted returned more than anything, he would have done anything to have her. As for you, he trusted you most, you were a constant that made him feel safe and if he was being honest with himself, you were his best friend.
He didn’t blame you for not talking to him after he slashed out at Lily, nor did he blame her after he had calmed down, he just was so embarrassed after James had embarrassed him publicly, in front of her for the umpteenth time. He was miserable for that month you didn’t talk to him, so much he took Barty and Evan up on their offer to drink his sorrows one night, which was how he stumbled his way up to your dorm and begged for you to be his friend again. Back then his drunken self was adamant on going to you and only you, the redhead never crossing his mind in that moment, of course he never worked out why that was until he was much older.
You, much to his delight, forgave him but not before you gave him a good telling. During those years he knew now he didn’t appreciate you enough, nor did he treat you the way you deserved. It wasn’t until after Hogwarts he ran into someone from school who asked if you and he were still together, apparently everyone, even Lily and James, thought you both were an item at one point. The conversation made him final see it, every fake smile, every twinge of disappointment, every little glint of heartbreak in your eye, and how he had broken your heart over and over again
He knew missed his chance with you, too busy pinning hopelessly after another to see you were there and so much better for him that Lily ever was. She brought out his obsessive, jealous, darker side while you made him feel safe, light and sure of himself. You both still kept in touch after Hogwarts but through letters as you decided to travel for a bit and during those years apart he missed you dearly. Eventually he did reconcile with Lily, even becoming Godfather to her second child.
He was offered the position as potions master a few years before you took the job as McGonagall’s teaching assistance and then offered a full-time position. When he saw you again you were all grown up, yet personality wise you were exactly the same and his stomach filled with the familiar butterflies he used to feel around Lily accept these were much stronger. He was sure your crush was long gone by now and he thought maybe his would dissipate with time however he was wrong, as the crush faded away it turned into something else, love but a pure untainted one this time
As his mind returned to the class room and he began the lesson, two makeshift matchmakers were scheming
He likes her, you saw this face that’s the first time I’ve seen him show a positive emotion
Okay now we know she fancies him and he fancies her so we need to get them together, they sit in thought for a minute, any ideas?
None, you?
Not one, lets meet tonight and think x
Okay but this isn’t a date
Of course doll, call it anything you want ©
You’re an arse
Love you t       , Tamara pulls the parchment away from him and shoves it in her bag
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Over the next weeks you and Severus kept running into each other more often, both called to the some disaster or emergency that was 9 times out of 10 not even happening, once you both ended up locked in the store room together. Tamara and Caleb were running out of ideas, clearly their idea to make you spend more time together alone wasn’t working. Neither one of you was going to confess this way and with Snape’s ability to use non-verbal magic and their locking skills rather obsolete, they couldn’t lock you in a room long enough. They were going to have to think of something big and that something big happened to be a little bit of paper
You sauntered into Severus’ classroom, his last class of the day had ended so you decided to annoy him until it was time for dinner. Walking up and around his desk you hopped onto it, patiently waiting for him to finish the paper he was grading. He didn’t need to look up to know it was you, besides he’d recognise your perfume anywhere. He quickly finished what he was writing, placing his quill carefully to the side before he looked up at you, you were smiling away as you absentmindedly looked over all of the potions displayed on the wall.
His class room was always very dark and dingy, but the light reflected off of the glass vials and your presence brought life into it. You looked pretty like that, little crinkles at your eyes as your let your legs swing almost childlike from his desk, he couldn’t help but smile a little.
Almost feeling his eyes, you turn your head and look down at him happily “Done?” you ask
“Almost” he sits back in his chair, back achy from grading terrible papers for the last few hours whilst the class had private study for their upcoming exams
You nod “How about you take a break for a bit, it’s almost dinner anyway” you convince him but little did you know he’d probably do anything you said, within reason of course, if you asked him to kill someone he’d question it a bit first, it’s you though, you’d most likely have a good reason to commit murder
What are you thinking about Sevy? You leave your thoughts open and unguarded
Snape let out a small laugh, he had taught you how to shield your thoughts from legilimens like him, and much like a lot of things you used it for comedic purposes, like the times you would think funny things or images to make him laugh in class which you still did now as professor but at teacher meetings instead, but you also used it for general conversation like this or to check on him from afar
“I’m thinking you’re right” he stands up, closing his eyes as he stretches missing the way. your eyes trail over him before returning to his face as he reopens them “Would you like to…” he stops spotting something on the floor
Your eyebrows knit together “What is it?” you ask watching curiously as he walking over and picks up a fallen piece of parchment
Snape huffs as he picks it up, unfolding it as he expects this must he someone’s notes or homework but is greeted with yes notes from his class but also a conversation in the margin
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You really think she still fancies him?
Miss Y/l/n?
Yeah duh
You heard her when she was talking about him in class it’s obvious
You think he likes her?
We should ask her more tomorrow she seemed to cut the conversation short and get a bit upset when we asked if they were a couple
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You watched his mouth part in shock as he read it and you could swear you could see an actual dusting of blush on his cheeks “What’s so interesting?” you ask startling him out of his daze “Come on what’s the gossip?” you hop off of the desk and walk up to him attempting to grab the parchment but he rips it away folding it “Hey!”
“Umm” he tries to find the words “It’s nothing of interest just some…” he pauses thinking of something “…inappropriate drawings”
You tilt you head starting to laugh at your friend’s embarrassment “Well now you have to show me” you look at him with an amused smile “Come on, gimmie” you make grabby hands at the piece of paper
Your words barley register, mind too busy running around with the fantasy of you and him together, a fantasy until now he hadn’t let himself hope could become reality. Could you really still like him, even love him after all this time?
“Sev?” he turns back to look at you who still has their hand out waiting for him to give it over but now as a concerned pout “I swear if they’ve said anything bad about you I’ll dye their robes pink, they’ll never know it was me” you put your hands up defensively as you try to make him laugh to which you succeed
He places the piece of paper down on the desk behind him before turning back to you with a look you had never seen before. His eyes filled with something you’d only ever imagined in your head, Sev? You think but he moves a little closer making you back up until you hit the desk behind you. Letting out a gasp as your hands reach back to grip the edge of the table, watching your friend closely, what are you doing?
His body is barley inches from yours as he looks down at you looking up at him confused yet with soft eyes “Something I should have done a very long time ago” he leans forward a little
You gulp a little as he edges closer, are we going to…, you think as your noses are mere millimetres from touching
“Yes” he breaths out as he captures your lips, it’s gentle, tender at first before you begin to melt into him, as you do his hands find their way over yours as he deepens the kiss
After a few mind-blowing seconds your kiss is interrupted by the sound of a door hitting the wall making Severus step away from you quickly, chest heaving a he tries to compose himself, turning away to walk back to his desk letting you deal with it.
You turn to two familiar students, letting out a chuckle as you see Tamara hitting Caleb as he must have been the one to cause the small ruckus “Can I help you?” you say with a smile plastered on your face living off of the high that the love of your life just kissed you
“Sorry Miss…we…” Caleb seems to struggle to find a good excuse to Tamara steps up to his rescue
“I left some of my notes here” she explains
You nod, eyeing Severus who has his head down pretending to work before walking over to the table and picking up the parchment holding it up “This it?” the girl nods as you unfold it quickly scanning the contents before you approach and hand it over “Thank you” you whisper to both of them making them grin “But please keep this to yourself until we tell Professor Dumbledore” you ask
“Yes miss” “Of course” they reply quickly taking their leave and looking rather proud of themselves before Caleb attempts to slip his hand into her which causing her to swat it away playfully before actually taking it
You close the door to the classroom, letting out a small giggle as you turn back to Severus who has finally looked up, his bright red cheeks slowly fading. You head back to the desk, standing in front of his chair as he swivels it out and around to look at you, watching with furrowed eyebrows as you take your wand out and mutter spell on the door to lock it
“What are you doing” he tilts his head, corners of his lips turning up as he the mischief in your eye
“Something I’ve been dreaming of doing for a long time …and…” you glide your fingers over the edge of his desk while swaying noticing his eyes scanning over your motions “…something I may have fantasized about the moment I saw you behind this desk for the first time” you confess, tugging your lip between your teeth
“And what would that be?” he eyes you
“This” you say shortly as you plop yourself on his lap, legs straddling his own
You giggle at his eyes going comically wide for a moment before his hands go to steady your hips as your own settle on his chest playing with the edge of his robes “You could take me on a date first” he jests making you make a false shocked expression
“Professor Snape! I am a classy girl get those dirty thoughts out of your…mhm” your cut off by one of his hands leaving your hip to pull your jaw in for a kiss
As you pull apart you see him grinning “I like this” he notes
“I should hope so” you mutter pouting
“Of course I like this” he squeezes your hips “I meant I like that I finally have a way to shut you up”
“You little…mhm” he cuts you off with a kiss making you pull back “Hey you can’t just…” he does it again “…kiss me…” and again “…to shut me…” yet again “…fuck it” you concede letting your hands glide up into his hair as his pull you closer by the waist
After a few minutes you break away to catch your breaths, I’ve loved you since we were 15, you confess taking one of his hands off your hip and clasping your own around it, looking down at them as you rub little circles with your thumbs
He smiles as his heart flutters using his free hand to tilt your head back up as he leans you’re his forehead against yours, I love you too, more than you could ever imagine, and I’m sorry for taking so long to realise you were always the one for me, always
You smile brightly as you hear his words in your mind, words you had been dreaming about hearing for so long, nudging your nose with his as your reply, you were always worth the wait, always, he smiles nudging his own nose with yours before capturing your lips once more
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purple-babygirl · 3 years
I was just imagining daddy!Bucky baking with little!reader. he has to go out of the kitchen for something, and he explicitly tells her not to touch the batter. But when he comes back he sees his giggly and mischievous little baby covered in it😋😋
Like, "even I don kno how dat happen dada"🥺🤭
Pairing: Chubby!Pâtissièr!Daddy!Bucky Barnes x little!f!reader
Word count: 665
Warnings: ddlg dynamics, finger licking, mentions of oral (f receiving). +18 content.
A/N: i blame my period.
no licking
“You don't?” Bucky raises a playful eyebrow and she shakes her head, shrugging innocently.
She's sitting in her spot on top of the cool counter, acting oblivious to how the bowl magically moved closer to her and how some of its contents was dripping down her apron.
Bucky has left the kitchen to tend to a matter at the counter and left his girl with the cupcakes, resting batter, and one rule: don’t lick the dough; the eggs in there are raw. It even rhymed and everything.
“So you didn't touch the batter we were supposed to pour into molds and bake in the oven, bonbon? Maybe swiped your finger in there once or twice?” He bites back a smile as his thumb wipes the corner of her mouth, the sticky vanilla batter coating it.
His cock stands in attention at the image of her lips covered in his cum instead.
“I don' know how dat got here,” she says, her shoulders going up again and Bucky can barely hold his laugh back.
“So you didn't dip any fingers in the batter?”
She shakes her head, giggling cutely as she hides her hands behind her back. She knows Bucky is kinder than to ever punish her. She knows she is going to get away with it because he loves her too much.
“But your apron was clean when I left, bonbon,” Bucky points out, slipping his thumb between his lips, nearly groaning at the taste of his own work.
He doesn't miss the way her eyes follow the finger or the way she swallows when it makes its way inside his mouth.
“I don' know how dat got here either,” she lies, her voice low and her eyes breaking eye contact to watch her now sticky apron and her dangling feet instead.
Bucky chuckles, stepping closer until his tummy is pressing to her knees, big hands caging her in between himself and the counter.
She loves when he does that. It makes her feel even littler, the way Bucky looms over her. She automatically parts her legs so he can stand between them and her breath hitches when Bucky leans forward.
“So if I were to hold your hand right now, I'd find it clean?” He whispers, a teasing smile playing on his pink lips as his nose caresses hers.
She nods, unable to register his words or moves, her gaze fixed on his handsome face. She's lying and Bucky knows, but he isn't upset about it. If anything, it flatters him every time she can't contain herself around his sweets.
Bucky easily slides her arms from behind her back before opening her right palm and taking a sniff, “smells like vanilla to me, bonbon.”
She doesn't even get the chance to make up a lie before Bucky's tongue is on her forefinger, licking from base to tip. He closes his lips around the smaller finger and moans, making her swallow again when his tongue swirls around the digit, cleaning it up.
Her heartbeats are faster and her other hand slides up Bucky's full belly, resting on his chest, “Dada.”
The word is but an angelically soft whimper to the chef's ears and he doesn't allow her any more, letting her finger go and slotting his mouth over hers.
Bucky takes his time kissing her, his tongue lazily stroking hers and he can't get enough of her taste. His big hands start feeling up her thighs, slipping underneath her dress to touch her over her panties.
“Dada,” she mewls when Bucky's lips kiss along her jaw.
“You snuck a taste of my batter, bonbon; now I want a taste of you,” Bucky tells her, lifting her waist up swiftly to get her panties out of the way.
“Daddy,” she breathes, “we- we're in the shop.”
“You gotta be quiet then, bonbon.” Bucky winks before sinking to his knees between her open legs, “because I'm about to eat this pussy like it's my last meal.”
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Hi hi. May I request for online dating with Ran? Maybe like the first time he went to tinder or something. I can see that he's busy but just imagine he and rindou was bored and they decided to prank people in that dating site. But then he met you 👁️👄👁️
I HAVE A wHoLe story for this one. Might be a little long, but I LOVE IT.
Courtside (Part 1): Ran Haitani x Fem!Reader
wc: 1k
tw: NSFW a little
song recommendation:
Ran's swiping for the hell of it.
Just swiping to be a menace along with his little brother, maybe catch some girls who are willing to fuck on the first night... nothing serious.
It doesn't help that he's at a basketball game in a box seat, watching the entire thing with minimal interest. He's just here to waste time, like Rindou and the girl who is sitting beside him. She didn't know that she's the fourth girl he's brought to these outings, but Ran imagines if she finds out, she won't care.
Being seen with the Haitani brothers is enough clout to seal your fate for the rest of your life.
It's only at halftime - where they play games with those t-shirt launchers and make the crowd excited enough to come back that he sees you.
Not in person, but on the app.
Your smiling face, pretty lashes, silver poms held at your side as you pose for a professional picture... a cheerleader. The friend in his pants does a full salute, and Ran looks over to his brother to see if he noticed the change in his demeanor. But Rindou is too caught up with the girl at his side, murmuring into her ear and making her giggle while the shot clock buzzes down below.
Swipe Right.
As soon as your picture disappears and is stored in the mountain of likes he's given - and mostly instantly matched with - Ran's violet eyes catch you jogging across the court, looking just like you did in the profile picture.
And now, his whole body is at attention, watching you dance with your teammates on the court, all smiles and excitement. At one point, he even swears that you shake a pom in his direction, flipping your hair to the left and pulsing your chest twice.
"Oh, shit."
Ran stumbles to the bathroom at the end of your little performance, jerking his cock furiously to the thought of your hips rolling over his, your chest pressed against his bare skin, lips moaning his name.
Ropes of cum find their way into the toilet, his balls desiring a quick release that he never even thought he needed.
And in his post-orgasm haze, he realizes exactly what he wants to do. He has the money for it, the clout, the resources, the connections... All he needs is to find someone who could point him toward the right person so he could get to you.
You and your vice-captain walk into the conference room, both of you in your best business outfits. You chose a dress that would show off your legs, and Muna chose a jumpsuit that would show off her curves.
Because somehow... she knew who would be in that meeting with you. But when she said "Haitani", your mind didn't ring any bells. Nothing sounded off for you. All you heard was that they were brothers - not twins - and they'd be adding themselves as a major sponsor of the cheer team. Not the basketball players. The cheer team alone.
You're faced with two unusual men, one looking at you with a small smile, the other staring at Muna's bust with a look on his face that screams 'I want to fuck you'.
"I'm Ran Haitani," the one with the lazy smile and short, black and white hair mentions, standing up and extending his hand. "And you must be y/n."
"I am," you affirm, shaking his hand slowly. "And you are..."
"Rindou." The lavender-haired man stands briefly, shaking your hand once and then focusing back on Muna's chest. "Pleasure."
"Ladies, I brought you here because the Haitani brothers are interested in sponsoring the cheer team for the year." You look over at Lewis, and he gives you a wide-eyed expression, expecting you to "ooh" and "ahh" over the offer. But you know better than to give men fake flattery.
You take a seat across from Ran, who seems to have his shit together, and clear your throat.
"How much money are you giving to the team?"
"As much as you want," Ran begins, whipping out his checkbook.
"What do we have to do for this money? Be your personal escorts? Show up at your functions? Parade around with you on the court?"
"Not a damn thing," he whispers, clicking his pen.
"Not a single thing?" You eye the man carefully, and he slides the checkbook across the table to you.
"Courtside seats would be nice," Rindou butts in and Ran slides his eyes toward his brother.
"Sitting with the B list celebs and in semi-comfortable chairs?" Muna adds, looking equally confused. "You'd want to stay in your box, Mr. Haitani."
"Please," he chuckles. "Call me Ran."
Lewis is looking between the two sides of the table in awe, his forehead breaking out in a sweat.
"Ran," you begin sitting back and tearing out a check from his padded book. "How do you get your money?"
"What I do with my time is my business," he replies, chuckling again. "Shall I ask for your sum before you write it in the space?"
"I thought you had money," you begin, scoffing. You write a figure of numbers in the box above the "dollar amount" line, then slide it over to Ran for him to sign. He looks at the sum briefly, then motions for the pen in your hands. You push it across the table, and he grips it in one hand, signing on the line and then handing it to Lewis.
"All of that goes to the girls. None of it should find its way into your pockets, or else we'll be back for the sum. With interest."
When Ran leaves the room with his brother, you can't help but be amused at how flustered he had Lewis in such a short amount of time, and how fast he'd figured you out.
"You drive a hard bargain, Ms. Y/n. How did you get him to sign over this much to the team?" You consider the six-figure sum thoughtfully.
"Ran wants something. He's just being shady and isn't ready to share it. Watch to make sure that check doesn't bounce."
a/n: yes, there will be a part 2 at some point.
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