#legacies jed icons
stereksouls · 2 years
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Jedetheus Icons
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legaciesthings · 1 year
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honoka-marierose · 1 month
May is quickly shaping up to be one of the biggest months for new comic book releases in a long time. Marvel alone is going all-out this month, kicking off the massive Blood Hunt crossover and celebrating the milestone 50th issue of The Amazing Spider-Man with the return of Spidey's greatest nemesis. Elsewhere, DC has big stories planned for two of Batman's most important sidekicks, while Image is launching several promising new projects like The Whisper Queen and Grommets.
Read on to see all the biggest comics of May 2024, and be sure to let us know in the comments what you'll be reading this month.
Blood Hunt
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Creative Team: Jed MacKay & Pepe Larraz
Publisher: Marvel
Release Date: May 1
As is tradition for Marvel, the first week of May brings with it the start of a major summer crossover event. Blood Hunt pits the Avengers and other assorted heroes against a resurgent vampire nation. For the first time, the many vampire tribes of the Marvel Universe are united under a common cause, and that's bad news for the human world. Expect some major heroes to be turned to the undead as this massive war unfolds.
Blood Hunt will unfold in the pages of the core miniseries by Jed MacKay and Pepe Larraz, but expect a lot of tie-ins to accompany that book. Most of Marvel's Avengers and Spider-Man-adjacent books will tie into the event, and several new limited series will also launch aside the main book.
Get Fury #1
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Creative Team: Garth Ennis & Jacen Burrows
Publisher: Marvel
Release Date: May 1
Garth Ennis doesn't often write for the Big Two publishers, but we're always excited when he does. That's especially true whenever Ennis delves into the grim and gritty world of Marvel's MAX imprint. Get Fury brings together Nick Fury and Frank Castle, arguably the two characters on which Ennis has left his greatest mark. In this Vietnam War-era story, Fury is captured by the enemy, leaving the military to dispatch Frank to bring him back by any means necessary. We're getting strong Apocalypse Now vibes from this book, which can only be a good thing.
The Whisper Queen #1
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Creative Team: Chip Zdarsky & Kris Anka
Publisher: Image
Release Date: May 1
It's hard to go wrong with a creative pairing like writer Chip Zdarsky and artist Kris Anka, and we're big fans of their work on The White Trees. At long last, the two are reuniting for a new story set in the Blacksand fantasy universe. In The Whisper Queen, a former assassin named Javro must hunt down the king's killers before her son is murdered by a ghostly threat known as the Dark Whisper.
The Boy Wonder #1
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Creative Team: Juni Ba
Publisher: DC
Release Date: May 7
DC's newest Black Label series comes from Monkey Meat creator Juni Ba. The Boy Wonder aims to present a fresh spin on the origin of Batman's son, Damian Wayne, and his rise as Robin. In this limited series, Damian is forced to confront the realization that he isn't Batman's first Robin and embrace the idea that he's part of a legacy bigger than himself. It sounds like a great primer for the character, and a worthwhile read for anyone who simply craves more of Damian's crimefighting adventures.
Doom #1
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Creative Team: Sanford Greene & Jonathan Hickman
Publisher: Marvel
Release Date: May 15
Jonathan Hickman's latest Marvel epic is quite the deviation from books House of X and G.O.D.S. In Doom #1, Hickman teams with Bitter Root's Sanford Greene for a very different take on the Fantastic Four's most iconic foe. This oversizedone-shot is set in the future, as Doom takes it upon himself to defend Earth from a ravenous Galactus. Can his mighty ego stand up to one of the most powerful forces in the Marvel Universe? We're about to find out.
Nightwing #114
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Creative Team: Tom Taylor & Bruno Redondo
Publisher: DC
Release Date: May 21
DC just celebrated the 300th issue of Nightwing, and now they're speeding straight ahead into one of the most important chapters of Dick Grayson's costumed career. This issue kicks off "Fallen Grayson," a story arc that explores what happens when Dick loses his ability to leap. Can he still be Nightwing when his city needs him the most? This is the climax of Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo's excellent run, so it's definitely a bittersweet moment for fans of what has easily been one of the best superhero comics on the stands.
The Amazing Spider-Man #50
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Creative Team: Zeb Wells, Marv Wolfman, Nikesh Shukla & Various Artists
Publisher: Marvel
Release Date: May 22
Thecurrent volume of The Amazing Spider-Man reaches the all-important issue #50 mark this month, and it's shaping up to be a big one. This oversized issue features several new stories, including new material from guest creators like Marv Wolfman and Terry Dodson.
But the real news is that ASM #50 features the return of the Green Goblin. For years now, Norman Osborn has tried to prove that he's reformed and can be a crucial ally to Peter Parker rather than his worst nightmare. That all seems to be at an end, as Osborn becomes consumed by his sins once again. But is this simply a return to the status quo for Osborn, or do Zeb Wells and Ed McGuinness have another big twist in store? Hopefully we'll find out in issue #50.
Blood Squad Seven #1
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Creative Team: Joe Casey & Paul Fry
Publisher: Image
Release Date: May 22
Superhero deconstruction stories are nothing new in comics, but it's not often that we see them directed at the bombastic, gritty heroes of the '90s comic book explosion. That's what Joe Casey and Paul Fry aim to do with Blood Squad Seven. This new series focuses on a team of former superhero celebrities who flamed out after the '90s, leaving a new generation to try and take up the mantle in 2024. We're expecting a book that both pays loving tribute to the '90s and skewers the more over-the-top aspects of the era, and it should be loads of fun.
Grommets #1
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Creative Team: Rick Remender, Brian Posehn & Brett Parson
Publisher: Image
Release Date: May 29
We're immediately on board for any new project from Rick Remender, but this one looks especially intriguing. Grommets pairs Remender with comedian Brian Posehn and Tank Girl artist Brett Parson for a limited series steeped in 1980's skateboard culture and punk rock. The series is both a throwback to that bygone era and a timeless story of two Gen-X outcasts who find a new home in this scene.
Fall of the House of X Finale
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Creative Team: Various
Publisher: Marvel
Release Date: Various
We all knew the X-Men's Krakoan Age had to come to an end sooner or later, and that finale is now close at hand. May marks the end of both Fall of the House of X and Rise of the Powers of X, capping off a journey that began way back in 2019's House of X and Powers of X. Will the X-Men finally triumph over Orchis? What sort of future will there be for mutantkind when all is said and done?
May also marks the end of both the current volume of Wolverine and the Immortal X-Men epilogue X-Men Forever. We'll see Logan leap into his latest and bloodiest battle with Sabretooth in Wolverine #50, while X-Men Forever #4 promises to close out with even more startling revelations about Krakoa and its survivors. All of this paves the way for Marvel's X-Men: From the Ashes relaunch in July.
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doctorofmagic · 1 year
All we know so far about the new Doctor Strange series
It’s been a while since the new volume was announced but now we have the full solicitation and more covers for issue #1.
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Written by Jed MacKay and drawn by Pasqual Ferry, the story will be “centered around a shocking mystery that strikes at the very heart of Strange’s legacy and purpose”. The series will pay homage to the “hero’s psychedelic and otherworldly storytelling, taking readers to places only Strange would dare to go and introducing enemies only he could hope to defeat, including a brand-new threat that Strange shares a personal connection with.”
The new uniform was redesigned by Alex Ross himself.
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He also did the art for the main cover to promote the series, which is a homage to Frank Brunner’s cover for the Treasure Edition, as well as this pin-up.
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“It's been really exciting to have the opportunity to not only continue exploring the magical side of the Marvel Universe with the inhabitants of 177A Bleecker Street, but to follow the lives of the Stranges as the last year and a half has put them through the wringer. Pasqual has been putting together a truly magical book, and I'm super psyched to show people what's in store for Stephen and Clea Strange—and of course, we won't be giving them any time off after recent events..." MacKay says.
“When I started working for Marvel a long time ago, there were three comics I had always wanted to draw: FANTASTIC FOUR, SPIDER-MAN, and DOCTOR STRANGE,” Ferry said. “Why Doctor Strange? Because his stories include all the elements I love as an artist—the fantasy, science fiction, and imagination. Above all, the fact that I could look at Steve Ditko’s work as a reference really motivates me! When he drew Doctor Strange, all the utopian and imaginary sceneries  were incredible. So this is a very special moment in my career, and I’m looking forward to seeing where the character is going to take us with this new narrative. I know a lot of artists, including myself, consider Doctor Strange a challenge, like there is a need to add something new to the character because it offers you that possibility. For me, Doctor Strange is a big challenge, but I embrace it.”
Doctor Strange #1
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JED MACKAY (W) • PASQUAL FERRY (A) • Cover by ALEX ROSS MARVEL ICON VARIANT COVER BY STEFANO CASELLI VARIANT COVER BY MARCO CHECCHETTO STORMBREAKERS VARIANT COVER BY MARTIN COCCOLO INFINITY SAGA PHASE 3 VARIANT COVER BY STEVE SKROCE TIMELESS DORMAMMU VIRGIN VARIANT COVER BY ALEX ROSS TIMELESS DORMAMMU VIRGIN SKETCH VARIANT COVER BY ALEX ROSS CHANGE YOUR REALITY! Stephen Strange is back! Reunited with Clea and Wong, it's back to business as usual for the Sorcerer Supreme. Have your children fallen into a deep nightmarish slumber? Are demonic refugees invading your home? Is your husband possessed by a satanic entity? Then call Doctor Strange! Join Jed MacKay (MOON KNIGHT, BLACK CAT) and Pasqual Ferry (NAMOR: CONQUERED SHORES, SPIDER-MAN: SPIDER'S SHADOW, THOR) as they begin a new chapter in the life of the Master of the Mystic Arts! 40 PGS./Rated T+ …$4.99
Now, my personal view. It’s Jed MacKay, so of course I know it’ll be good. Stephen and Clea are in good hands for SURE. It does feel, though, that the series will be focused on classic comics’ style, from Ditko to Brunner. Now, I do love Brunner’s art, it’s one of my favorite DS artists. But I’m not entirely convinced by the new design, especially for modern days. I’m not too familiar with Ferry’s art either, but as always, I’ll wait and see how it goes.
As for the story, am I concerned about who’s the person close to Stephen doing questionable things? Yes. I don’t have any idea of who they might be, though, but I do hope it doesn’t ruin the affection I have towards these characters.
Overall, I’m just glad that Stephen is back and he's reunited with Clea, Wong and Bats. Now I can expect way more cameos and team-ups, which makes me waaaay happier n.n it was a tough year for fans. I really love hurt/comfort, but boi, the comfort part is taking too long!!
PS: I see these MCU/MoM references and I despise them.
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stelacole · 2 years
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FREE to use edited with (my psd coloring, ask for the link) icons of ben levin as jed tien on legacies
like/reblog if using or planning on using
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opalinedaydreams · 2 years
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kiss4moony · 4 years
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xdhxhpxbrx · 2 years
My Preferred Endgames for Each Main Character in Legacies
But I know they aren’t happening 😭😭😭😭
Landon and Cleo
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How is it they actually found someone Landon had chemistry with, hinted towards it, but then just kill him off shortly after????? That’s rude.
Kaleb and No one
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Nothing against Kaleb personally, except when he kidnapped Hope, but I don’t like the writing or chemistry of his love interests. They better write a better one for him, but we know there isn’t time.
Dorian and Emma
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What the heck happened to them? They were just completely written off the show, and they were so adorable. Too underrated it hurts.
Sebastian and Lizzie
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They are both so gorgeous and have amazing chemistry that I can forgive Sebastian. Even though he already redeemed himself and hasn’t done anything worse than certain possible overrated TVD characters. So…. I still want them.
Rafael and Jed
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They definitely have chemistry and you can’t tell me Jed didn’t have a small crush on him. Honestly before I watched the show I knew Jed was also into guys and had a bf and I really fooled myself to think it was going to be Rafael. But it wasn’t 😭😭😭😭. But it should be.
MG and Ethan
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I really thought they were going in this direction. They have their moment and have good chemistry I truly thought it was going to happen, but ofc it’s a CW show. They limit their representation.
Penelope and Josie
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I’m sorry, but I personally believe this is the most chemistry, passion filled, loving Josie ship on the show. And I cannot give up on them to save my life. I wish Penelope came back 😭😭😭.
Hope and Clarke
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I freaking love them with all my heart. They have the iconic enemies to lovers trope. Amazing development. Great chemistry. Funny bickering and ughhh did I say great chemistry? Because they do. They also truly understand each other. Clarke was one of the only honest people about becoming the Tribrid and Landon being in Malivore, when her friends were the ones lying to her and not accepting her fate. Hope is truly the only person we’ve seen care about Clarke. And they would of been just so iconic if they were given the chance. Ugh I’m mad there isn’t enough fan fictions of them 😭😭😭 Because I know the chances we even see Clarke before the series end is low. 😭😭😭 This is my Legacies OTP and can’t be topped.
Alaric and Death
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I hate Matthew Davis. He needs to leave TVDU and never come back. And Alaric is just so bland to be a sole character from TVD that made it to Legacies. Also Alaric is just annoying. He needs to go.
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aurea-corde · 4 years
why you should watch legacies
Hope Mikaelson:
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Our resident Bad Bitch™ who had the world’s most dramatic art hoe dad until her parents died for her character development, rip. Comes from a line of the most ancient and terrifying supernatural beings in the world including witches, vampires and werewolves, making her all three, or a tribrid - she has the range! Likes painting and punching, not necessarily in that order. Canonically bisexual queen just trying to cope with her trauma like the rest of us (to varying levels of success).
Josie Saltzman
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Openly pansexual smol witch who struggles big time with putting others before herself and crushes on powerful girls. Extremely powerful but doesn't know it. The actress who plays her (Kaylee Bryant, born Kaylee Kaneshiro) has Japanese heritage through her grandfather and speaks it in the show as well.
Lizzie Saltzman
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The queen bee/HBIC and Josie’s fraternal twin, also a witch. Has bipolar disorder and all the best one-liners in the show. Implied bi by Josie. Also the only valid influencer, I said what I said.
Penelope Park
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A chaos-loving witch with a heart of gold. Knows all the tea on campus and is only mean sometimes. Will pepper in the fact that she is gay (technically bisexual). Frequently referred to as the evil ex of Josie but is also the only one looking out for her. Their relationship is the first time I have ever seen two Asian girls be not straight on a show.
Landon Kirby
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The baby supernatural (his species is a season 1 spoiler) whose life reads like A Series of Unfortunate Events. A wholesome nerd just sipping that loving Hope Mikaelson juice and supporting his friends. The actor who plays him is the only Iranian-American I have ever seen in a lead role on TV.
Rafael Waithe
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Soft boy werewolf who is just going through a lot. V emotional but can beat the life out any alpha. Adoptive half brother of Landon with the resilience to match. Also sipping the loving Hope Mikaelson juice.
Milton Greasley, aka MG
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Our canonically neurodivergent vampire and national treasure. Loves respecting women and hyperfixating on Dracula in front of his class. We see his struggle with impulse control explored in the context of being a supernatural which is neat. 
Kaleb Hawkins
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A whole king that can sing! Vampire jock with the snark to boot. Has declared himself to be MG’s entire family. King of the barbecue, in the sense of both meat and roasting other people. Always watching his friends running into danger with disastrous results, helps them anyway. 
Alyssa Chang
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Our favourite mean girl and witch who’s too powerful for her own good. Staunchly refuses to be nice to people which is very iconic of her (although we don't see her physically until season 2). Does yoga from behind bars and once read a bad boy vampire so hard he tried to leave the school.
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If I had a nickel for every time a character played by an Asian person (other than Josie) was mean on this show, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot - but it’s weird that it’s happened twice. Werewolf alpha male poster boy whose hobbies include throwing heavy things and making out with Alyssa Chang.
Dorian Williams
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Innocent human teacher just Caught Up In this Mess. His powers include a Master’s degree in library science and putting up with supernatural teens.
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A literal baby boy. Have I mentioned how baby he is? A smol witch and inexplicably Lizzie’s best friend. Everyone protects him, as they should. Will square the fuck up to the Krampus.
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freddieslater · 3 years
I just watched Legacies and oh my god, why was this episode actually so much better than the last few ones have been? I like this show again?? Okay, I'll try and coherently list my favourite parts:
• Kaleb and Hope interaction!! I love this duo with my whole heart and their scenes were actually so good. Kaleb putting his hand on Hope when he realized she was about to lose it, and then him trying to ask her what's going on, and understanding when she says she can't lost her home. Give me more of them.
• Cleo. Every single one of Cleo's scenes. Especially with Hope, oh my god, I ship it so much. Their little smiles at each other, the fact that Hope was the only one willing to be honest with Cleo without sugar coating it, and Cleo helping Hope try and break down why she's breaking down. Give me this ship.
• Josie was adorable in that outfit. The jacket actually reminded me a lot of one that Maya wore though which is kinda funny considering she spent most of the episode with Finch, Maya's ex, and Ethan, Maya's brother. But speaking of
• I really enjoy Finch's character so far. She's very different and interesting and I can't wait to see more of her. My mum keeps saying she looks a bit like Freya and now I can't fully unsee that either, by the way. But no, I really wanna see more of her and I'm excited for her and Josie.
• And still on a similar note: Ethan! I'm really liking his scenes so far! I want him and Josie to have a good friendship, and so far, they do! That locker scene at lunch was so sweet. I have a feeling he's going to be introduced to the supernatural world at some point, probably through Josie, and hopefully he finds out what actually happened to his arm!
• DORIAN IS BACK, BABY!! I have missed him so much, god. Headmaster of Mystic Falls High and still with Emma. It's what he deserves.
• MG, oh my god. I love that he's saying no because it's what he deserves after everything. He should be selfish after everyone's taken him for granted. It was nice to see him standing up for himself, but also I had a little ouch at his scene with Wade and Jed, because I love those boys as well and seeing them sad hurts me. And LIZZIE. Oh boy. I mean, it was a necessary conversation, but still! Ouch. And his face was hilarious when he realized that them sleeping together had been an option before he said no, poor boy.
• Gabby!! Or is it Gabbi? Either way, I know I am going to enjoy this little ball of sass. I didn't quite catch how she knows Penelope but I love it, and I love that she and Wade are like best friends??? That's so sweet!!
• Gunter trying to kill Alaric.
• The vague mention of Damon.
• Lizzie in general to be honest.
• And Hope.
• And finally, my boy, Landon. God, I just loved him so much more than I already do. I get it now when people say they actually like him when he's not with Hope, because something about his scenes in this episode felt so much more interesting than they have recently.
• He and Ted are an iconic duo to begin with anyway, incredibly hilarious, especially because Landon is a smug little dick around him and it's beautiful.
• Just casually sipping the milkshake while Ted has a tantrum. Shaking the tip jar and telling him to sing.
• Their fight to get the key was... hilariously beautiful. But their actual fight, oh my god
• When I tell you, I died. Seeing Landon with so much anger and aggression? The way he looked at his hands when he quickly backed away and fully grasped what he had just done? Honestly, Aria's acting kills me every time. That scene was really powerful and I want more of that Landon.
• I just enjoyed everything about this episode, like, there wasn't a single scene that I wasn't squealing or wide-eyed in tense shock at. Give us more episodes like this one and I will actually start enjoying this show properly again!!
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legaciesthings · 1 year
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hannahrph · 3 years
*•.¸ CLICK HERE for 9 gif icons (80x80) that have been added to my BEN LEVIN gif hunt for his role as JED TIEN in LEGACIES SEASON 3 !! bring the total gifs to 177 !! if you find these helpful, please fill the ♡ with some love or hit the reblog button !! ADDED: EPISODE 11 & 13
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doctorofmagic · 1 year
May 2023 Solicitations: Doctor Strange confirmed appearances
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Jed MacKay (W) • ANDY MACDONALD (A) • Cover by Alex Ross
Wong and magic super-spy Pandora Peters are reforming S.H.I.E.L.D.’s covert mystical organization. Their first mission? Find a supernatural serial killer who not only destroys magic but eats it! Who is this horrifying monster? And what future danger does it spell for Doctor Strange?
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99
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Variant Cover by MIKE HAWTHORNE
Adam Warlock and Doctor Strange must escape Soul World! But in order to do that, Adam will have to fight Eve head on! Without the Soul Gem, does Adam stand a chance?
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99
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Superstar creators Jonathan Hickman and Bryan Hitch team up!
The Illuminati must form once again to stop the Maker from his plans to destroy – or perhaps rebuild – the universe, with Miles Morales at the center of it all! Bryan’s work on THE ULTIMATES helped redefine super hero comics for the 2000s - wait until you see what he and Jonathan have in store for this decade! Including new data pages by Jonathan Hickman - plus exclusive behind-the-scenes material on the world-building that has gone into this project!
56 PGS./Rated T+ …$8.99
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Relive the debut appearances of even more pop-culture icons as we celebrate the legacy of the House of Ideas with MARVEL TALES! In INCREDIBLE HULK (1962) #1, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby unveil perhaps their most tragic hero of all. Is the Hulk man, is he monster…or is he both? In JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY (1952) #83, Larry Lieber joins Lee and Kirby to bring the mighty Thor from Norse myth to the Marvel Universe! In TALES OF SUSPENSE (1959) #39, Lee, Lieber and artist Don Heck introduce Tony Stark – and show how, to save his own life, he must build the invincible armor of Iron Man! In STRANGE TALES (1951) #110-111, Lee and Steve Ditko present the psychedelic world of Doctor Strange, Master of the Mystic Arts! And in DAREDEVIL (1964) #1, Bill Everett teams with Lee to show how blind youth Matt Murdock becomes the fearless adventurer known as Daredevil!
104 PGS./Rated All Ages …$7.99
Despite the many solicitations, I don’t think it will be a busy for Stephen (at least, on the confirmed appearances) because, well, Ults will be confused on Miles Morales, not the Illuminati. And the other one is just a reprint. Stephen will be certainly more featured in Warlock, which is nice to see again since they share a history. And that’s it!
(also furry!Stephen sos)
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The Vampire Diaries
Elena Gilbert
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennet
Stefan Salvatore
The Originals
Hayley Marshall
Cami O'Connell
Rebekah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Davina Claire
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Hope Mikealson | Icons #1, Icons #2, Icons #3, Icons #4, Icons #5
Lizzie Saltzman | Icons #1, Icons #2, Icons #3, Icons #4, Icons #5
Josie Saltzman | Icons #1, Icons #2, Icons #3, Icons #4, Icons #5
Milton 'MG' Greasly [Coming Soon]
Cleo Sowande [Coming Soon]
Ethan Machado [Coming Soon]
Ben [Coming Soon]
Jedidiah "Jed" Tien [Coming Soon]
Landon Kirby [Coming Soon]
Penelope Park [Coming Soon]
Extra: Characters as Other Characters:
Josie Saltzman as Elena Gilbert, Hope Mikaelson as Elena Gilbert, Lizzie Saltzman as Caroline Forbes [Coming Soon]
Jed Tien as Stefan Salvatore and Kaleb as Damon Salvatore [Coming Soon]
Crystal Reed
Dove Cameron
Lili Reinhart [Coming Soon]
Yelena Belova
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Kate Bishop
Peggy Carter
Teen Wolf
Scott McCall [Coming Soon]
Stiles Stilinski [Coming Soon]
Allison Argent [Coming Soon]
Lydia Martin
Malia Tate
Kira Yukimura
Liam Dunbar [Coming Soon]
The 100
Clarke Griffin [Coming Soon]
Bellamy Blake [Coming Soon]
Lexa Kom Trikru [Coming Soon]
Octavia Blake [Coming Soon]
John Murphy [Coming Soon]
Raven Reyes [Coming Soon]
DC's Legends of Tomorrow
Sara Lance [Coming Soon]
Ava Sharp [Coming Soon]
Zari Tomaz (#1) [Coming Soon]
Zari Tarazi (#2) [Coming Soon]
Astra Logue [Coming Soon]
Spooner [Coming Soon]
Nate Heywood [Coming Soon]
Nora Darhk [Coming Soon]
Amaya Jiwe [Coming Soon]
Charlie [Coming Soon]
Behrad Tarazi [Coming Soon]
Arrowverse Mis.
Kara Danvers [Coming Soon]
Lena Luthor [Coming Soon]
Caitlin Snow [Coming Soon]
Frost [Coming Soon]
Mia Smoak [Coming Soon]
Felicity Smoak [Coming Soon]
Oliver Queen [Coming Soon]
Thea Queen [Coming Soon]
Barry Allen [Coming Soon]
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salvatoreschool · 3 years
‘Legacies’ Kaylee Bryant on How Playing Elena in the Salvatore Musical Helps Josie
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Get ready for Salvatore: The Musical on Legacies, a play being put on by the town’s high school for the young and gifted in an homage to the Vampire Diaries franchise. And its lead role of Elena (Nina Dobrev in Diaries) is none other than Josie, played by Kaylee Bryant.
“I was definitely apprehensive and nervous at first because obviously Elena was what started it all,” Bryant tells TV Insider. “But I’m so glad I got the opportunity to, in a weird way, embody Elena, whether it be by Josie-proxy or not.”
Here, Bryant takes us inside the musical and talks happiness ahead for Josie.
What did you want to bring to the role of Elena?
Kaylee Bryant: The reality is Elena is Josie’s aunt, so if you were taking your aunt as a character, how would you do that? It was fun to add the extra layer of working with Ben Levin as Stefan [originally Paul Wesley] since Jed, who he usually plays, had a huge crush on Alyssa Chang, who Josie killed recently.
Can embodying Elena help Josie in some way with what she’s been going through?
When I was told Josie was playing Elena, I was a little confused, very much like Josie is. I didn’t see much relation between them, but the more I dug into it, as Josie does, the more I realized they’re constantly trying to figure out what is best for themselves as well as everybody around them, and finding that balance. It very much helps Josie come to terms with her next steps and what she needs to do to be healthy.
What can you preview about the monster-of-the-week?
It isn’t a physical battle, it’s more of a battle of wits. It involves this school a lot more than the average monster.
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Is there a specific moment from The Vampire Diaries you were excited to do?
The most iconic line that came out of The Vampire Diaries was “Hello, brother” by Damon [originally played by Ian Somerhalder] to Stefan and [vice versa], so we have an entire song called “Hello, Brother” with Ben Levin and Chris Lee [who plays Kaleb] that I get to be a part of. It’s such a catchy song.
How has Josie’s dark magic chapter changed things between her and her sister Lizzie [Jenny Boyd]?
Their relationship is a beautiful thing because it’s so flawed yet so perfect. Even though Josie did awful things to Lizzie, Lizzie stays by Josie’s side no matter what. The fact Lizzie steps up and says, “You’re done casting, my sister needs to play the lead,” says a lot. Their dynamic this season is very much about Josie coming to terms [with things] and maturing, and Lizzie learning to be OK with that.
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Josie’s relationship with her father, Alaric [Matthew Davis], had to change as a result of what she does, too.
Absolutely. Alaric really steps up and says, “I’m here as your father as much as I am your headmaster, if not more so.”
So, will she find happiness in her love life?
[Let’s just say] I really hope the fans are as excited as I am to see Josie in a new relationship with somebody they don’t know.
Will Josie continue struggling with using her magic?
That’s pretty much her entire arc the beginning of Season 3. She gave up her magic but is still living in a school filled with magic, and if we know anything about what Kai Parker [Chris Wood] went through, magic isn’t just something she deals with like a regular witch. It’s more like something she’s addicted to — once she starts, she can’t stop. Her friends and family are used to her being the answer to all of their magical problems that once they realize she isn’t there for them in that way, there’s a whole other level of readjustment for everybody.
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How would you want Josie portrayed in a Legacies: The Musical?
I don’t know… We were all left to our own devices and had so much fun that I hope if that ever does happen, whoever plays Josie just has a really good time.
Legacies, Thursdays, 9/8c, The CW
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opalinedaydreams · 2 years
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many many thanks to @tvdiariesedit for letting me use their icons to put backgrounds on!! 💛
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