#legal penalties
lawofficeofryansshipp · 7 months
Understanding Florida's Residential Eviction Statute | 561.699.0399
Landlord Tenant Evictions Palm Beach County | Eviction Attorneys Are you a Florida residential landlord? It’s essential to know about Chapter 83, Part II of the Florida Statutes, which outlines the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants. This section of the law covers important issues like rental payments, lease agreements, security deposits, evictions, and other aspects of the…
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howdoesone · 10 months
How does one navigate legal regulations and restrictions on sports gambling?
Sports gambling has become increasingly popular, but it is important to understand and comply with the legal regulations and restrictions that govern this activity. Navigating the legal landscape ensures that you can engage in sports gambling in a safe and legal manner, avoiding any potential legal consequences. In this guide, we will explore key considerations for navigating legal regulations…
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anik211 · 1 year
No more Greenwash! Act Now or Face Penalty
Greenwashing can mislead consumers and divert attention away from genuine sustainability efforts, leading to negative consequences for both consumers and the environment.
In recent years, consumers have become increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of their purchasing decisions. This has led many companies to adopt sustainability initiatives and promote their eco-friendly products and practices. However, with the rise of “green” marketing and the growing demand for sustainable products, there is also a risk of “greenwashing” – the practice of making…
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thecruellestmonth · 5 months
Does the mass-murdering criminal Jason "Red Hood" Todd canonically support the death penalty?
No, I can't find evidence that Red Hood supports the death penalty.
There is a difference between murder (illegal) and state-sanctioned killing (legal). Red Hood commits unlawful homicide. The death penalty is lawful homicide. Jason is a murderer. The death penalty is not legally considered murder. Commissioner Jim Gordon is a decorated military veteran, not a murderer.
Committing violence ≠ wanting the government to have the right to commit that violence. Batman and his allies brutalize criminals; they don't necessarily support the state brutalizing criminals. Red Hood kills some criminals; Red Hood doesn't necessarily support the state killing criminals. Catwoman doesn't necessarily support the state committing burglary. Et cetera.
The death penalty is administered by the criminal legal system. Jason does not like the criminal legal system (see some of his run-ins with the police). He grew up as an impoverished child who didn't believe in the system, he was raised by Batman to believe that vigilantes can make a difference that the system can't, and he became an adult criminal who still doesn't believe in the system. He's not interested in using the criminal legal system. He isn't interested in giving more powers and privileges to an abusive system that has wronged him and the people he cares about.
When Jason started up his villain business, the death penalty was legal in Gotham City. (See Detective Comics #644, The Joker: Devil's Advocate, Batgirl 2000 #19, Punchline #1.) The death penalty was also in place during his Robin run. Jason didn't argue in favor of the state having the right to kill prisoners, and the death penalty never addressed his complaints about the status quo.
Jason has rescued people from wrongful* imprisonment and the death penalty. Again, based on his own firsthand experiences, he has many reasons to believe that the system is broken. *Some of us would argue that locking any people in prisons tends to be wrongful and inhumane by default, but we could choose to accept the standard premises of crime fiction as without endorsing it as moral instruction.
Jason Todd is a criminal: a mass murderer, a terrorist, a villain. He does evil. He doesn't represent or support the legal system. He probably has the least political capital out of all the Batfamily-associated characters. He doesn't promote the death penalty. He commits murder—illegally, as a criminal, state-unapproved.
Some recent comics related to the topic:
Gotham Nights (2020) #11 "One Minute After Midnight", written by Marc Guggenheim
Red Hood and Nightwing team up to investigate the case of a man wrongly convicted of murder and sentenced to be executed. Both of them disapprove of how the broken criminal legal system botched this case.
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Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #8 (2023), written by Matthew Rosenberg
"You familiar with Hannah Arendt's concept of Schreibtischtäter? Desk murderers? It's people who use the state to kill for them, so they don't have to get their hands dirty."
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overtake · 3 months
Some f1 fans cannot handle being reminded that this is a competitive sport, not daycare. Sometimes people have to do things that will hurt a driver’s feelings, seem unfair, or piss off other competitors when there’s points and millions of dollars on the line. You can still be disappointed and upset without acting like the decision made on objectively sound sporting reasons requires a trip to the hague. If you cannot handle that this sport is not actually hair braiding and gentle parenting when push comes to shove, you might enjoy another hobby better.
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
Arkham Asylum pisses me off. I get so unbelievable angry thinking about how their legal system has nothing to do with how America's legal system is supposed to work (though Gotham is extremely corrupt... perhaps it's just a reflection of further corruption in their legal system?).
For those of y'all who haven't studied this, most of the folks who end up in Arkham Asylum would've just gone to Blackgate. Having a mental illness does not equate an insanity plea. Insanity is a legal term, not a mental health term.
By law, insanity is the defendant's inability to understand what they were doing, the consequences of what they were doing, or what is right and wrong due to a mental illness or disability at the time of the crime.
Therefore, the Joker knows exactly what he is doing, what the effects of his actions are, and that they are considered wrong in the eyes of the law. He is not, by legal terms, insane. Posion Ivy definitely wouldn't be in Arkham as well as a ton of other rogues.
Am I saying that they shouldn't go to a mental health facility to assist any mental illnesses they may have? No. Our legal system is messed up and does not focus on rehabilitation. I could get into all of that, but we're arguing fictional legal systems based on real-life systems.
It's just incredibly weird and off-putting that they base Gotham on America's legal system but fail to account how the insanity plea works.
I do like how they highlight mistreatment in places such as Arkham Asylum and Blackgate (similar to how prisoners and patients of mental health facilities get treated in real-life American settings).
Does any media of DC discuss why there's such blatant disregard for the legal system they base their fictional legal system on?
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kemetic-dreams · 2 years
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Ledell Lee (July 31, 1965 – April 20, 2017) was an American man convicted and executed for the 1993 murder of his neighbor, Debra Reese. He was convicted in 1995 and the Arkansas Supreme Court affirmed the conviction in 1997, but numerous questions have been raised about the justice of his trial and post-conviction representation. Issues have included conflict of interest for the judge, inebriation of counsel, and ineffective defense counsel. A request to postpone the execution in order to test DNA on the murder weapon was denied by a circuit judge. After Lee's execution, it was proven that the DNA on the murder weapon belonged to another person, an unknown male.
Controversy over judge's conflict of interest
According to the ACLU:
Additionally, Lee was tried by a judge who concealed his own conflict of interest: an affair with the assistant prosecutor, to whom the judge was later married. Mr. Lee's first state post-conviction counsel introduced the evidence of the affair by calling the judge's ex-wife, who testified about the affair after opposing the subpoena. That lawyer, however, was so intoxicated at the hearing that the state moved for him to be drug tested after he slurred, stumbled, and made incoherent arguments. The inebriated lawyer also represented Lee briefly in federal court, where he raised the important claim that Lee was ineligible for execution because of intellectual disability. Lee won new proceedings because of the lawyer's drunkenness, though his representation did not improve afterward. His next lawyers failed to introduce evidence of the affair, giving up one of many of Lee's important arguments, and never pursued his innocence or intellectual disability claims.
"This is a story of the judicial process gone totally wrong," Lee's lawyer said. "The kinds of attorney failures here: an affair with the presiding judge by the prosecutor, gross intoxication by defense counsel, and wild incompetence undermine our profession as a whole. Mr. Lee has never had the opportunity to have his case truly investigated, despite serious questions about guilt, and his intellectual disability."[11][5]
Throughout the legal challenges, the family of Debra Reese hoped that the execution would go through as scheduled.
                                 HE WAS INNOCENT 
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toytulini · 12 days
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call this outfit "You Will Stop For Me. I Know You Can See Me"
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faultsofyouth · 9 months
Me: the death penalty is bad
me when I read the Wikipedia pages about dark web porn: we need to kill these men yesterday
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nayru-s-clay-tablet · 8 months
I cant remember if it was ever said or if you mentioned it somewhere, but why was Ganondorf exiled from Gerudo? The one lady who was able to return home early with a flower killed a man so I’m curious about what Ganondorf actually did. It’s implied in the beginning that he kills and robs men who wander into Gerudo, so I’m very curious
I had to clarify this over on Comicfury today, too 😅 While it was explicitly stated in the Zine/character profiles that Gan was exiled for murder, I... don't actually know if it's been directly stated in the main comic >_> For some reason, I thought on that page you're referring to that Zaneta directly stated that Gan did kill someone, but...... looking back, no. She didn't.
It kind of makes sense that it's never come up because Gan is in no hurry to tell anyone (especially Link), buuuut yeah.
It will be stated outright and discussed more in this chapter, but it really should've been stated earlier. ...might go back and edit the dialogue with that page.
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zahri-melitor · 1 year
Okay brainstrust, is the commonly repeated “crime went down in Crime Alley when Red Hood was a crime lord! Actually Jason is right about the benefits of organised crime!” take actually from anywhere in comics or is it just pure fanon and right wing authoritarian propaganda spouted by Jason fans who want to prove Bruce wrong about the ‘No killing’ thing?
(I mean there’s also the secret third option that it’s both, but if there’s any canon basis I’d love to know, even if it IS in, say, RHATO)
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pointless-letters · 1 year
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CORONATION: Geoff from Eastbourne very generously taking account of human rights there.
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nagdabbit · 11 months
when things look bleakest, and i feel like shit, i reach for the one thing i know will truly bring me peace
that clip of mitch mcconnell having a whole stroke on live tv
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jewish-unicorn · 8 months
by the way i live in the uk, so im very intrigued to hear what everyone else thinks of it
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mediapen · 22 days
read more on enough idiot tweets to now be receiving all of online americas worst takes about The World. new in: eu food standards are just about hyper local protectionism, there are no eu farming subsidies, being amused by someone in the netherlands who implicitly thinks where they are is germany is classism,
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satans-poptarts · 28 days
i was born to be a piece of shit stoner dude who wears the same outfit to every event and can't talk to girls. i was instead born as most of that but also a lesbian
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