#legate fasendil
mukuuji · 2 years
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Requests from my followers #1
General Tullius, Legate Fasendil, Dar-Ma and Lucien Lachance
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kookaburra1701 · 1 year
Legate Fasendil.
First Impression: Unfortunately for the dear legate, I ran into him for the first time very soon after completing Siege on the Dragon Cult so I thought this guy was another infiltrator. I didn't do anything about it, but I kept expecting him to give me an obviously bogus quest so he could then stab me in the back later.
Impression Now: He is one of my faves. I love that Bethesda managed to give at least one of the camp Legates an interesting backstory. And if he was a Legionary 159 years before Skyrim, that means he's probably coming up on 180 years old at least which is getting into middle age for an Altmer. I feel like he's been ready for retirement for awhile, but crises keep happening and he feels compelled to stay in the game just a little while longer.
Favorite Moment: There's a very limited number of moments for him, but this line is my favorite: "Home? Home to me is a hot cup of ale at the end of the day and five minutes without someone needing something from me... Cyrodiil is a beautiful place, full of diverse peoples and histories. But so too, Hammerfell and Skyrim, and every other place I've been. Don't get me wrong, every country has its dark corners. But that's why we're here. To bring order and civilization, and to protect the people."
It seems that here's another reason he might not be retired yet - he's been a wanderer all his life with the Legion, and has never felt any particular attachment to any one place...so what would he even do with retirement?
Idea for a Story: He will be making an appearance in a fic I'm working on featuring Hadvar's Imperial Legion officer training before the events of Skyrim! Because of his long lifespan, he has a vast amount of institutional knowledge, and he enjoys passing it along to new officer candidates. Hadvar ends up liking him very much.
Unpopular Opinion: I don't know if there's any popular or unpopular opinions about Fasendil!
Favorite relationship: We don't see any relationships in-game, but I have thought about what Fasendil's relationship is to the other Legion officers and veterans in Skyrim.
Favorite headcanon: Fasendil was in Rikke, Galmar, and Ulfric's chain of command during the Great War. I think of Fasendil as quite fond of Ulfric and views Ulfric's capture by the Thalmor as a personal failing that has had devastating repercussions.
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oxalisvtesblog · 1 year
I like Hadvar, he's so sweet.
I like Skjor, he's so badass.
I like Fasendil, he's so dashing.
I like Tullius he's so… rude, irritable, insensitive, unsocial, awkward when he's drunk, mansplaining, actually quite impossible.
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Top 10 Skyrim Characters
tagged by @ark-sided, thank you for tagging me.
Minor characters edition. Not in a particular order. Long post.
Fultheim He's just some guy stay at the Nightgate Inn, who happened to carried a Blades sword. Totally not suspicious at all, haha. When you asked him about the the Gourmet, he'd tell you "He just wants to be left alone. But no… that's not really it. It's like… he wants to talk. Likes people and all. But he stays separate, because he's supposed to. Kind of sad, really." and I was like NO U! You're lonely and sad. You want to hang but you're trying to hide from the Thalmor! You're talking about yourself!
Einarth He's one of the Greybeards. They all took a vow of silence. When Arngeir refused to help us, he yelled at him, just because I'm the Dragonborn. Thank you, master Einarth.
Sondas Drenim He's a miner in Darkwater Crossing. He noticed his colleagues have bad coughs. He saw this before and knew what to do. He immediately wrote a letter to White Phial for medicines. He's so nice and caring.
Orgnar He works in the Sleeping Giant Inn. Tired of Delphine bossing around. Same as us.
Legate Fasendil He is a High Elf and the Imperial Legion officer in the Rift Imperial Camp. Most officers in camps don't talk much, but he has a lot of stories to share. We can talk about war, his home, his opinion, some history, and the battle at Hammerfell.
Alethius He is dead. His body can be found at the entrance to Nchuand-Zel. He's probably killed by Nimhe, the Poisoned One. According to his death scene, and my mediocre detective skill. The researchers were under attacked by frost spiders. He escorted all of them through the door safely (for now, or then) and closed it from the outside, battled the spiders and died like a hero. Rest in peace, soldier.
Talsgar the Wanderer He brings the music out of cities to everyone across the world. One time I request a song at Darkwater Crossing, everyone lives here gather to listen his music. I really appreciate that. He's strong, too. He can defend himself effortlessly. He's good with sword. He can cast Stoneflesh, Lesser Ward and Healing spells. He's just so cool.
Fjola She is a Nord warrior and the bandit leader of Mistwatch. She kinda just dump her old husband but left without a word. She found some bandits, beat them to submission and become their leader.
Aventus Aretino "Aren't you a little young to do the Black Sacrament?" "Yes. Yes I am."
Runil He's a priest of Arkay in Falkreath. He's an old kind elf respected and loved by all. From Falkreath to Skaal, people put him in their mind. He try his best to hide his history of being a leader of Aldmeri battlemages. He regrets and ashamed of what he did back in the Great War. Strangely, Runil seems to had a prophetic dream of dragons and the Dovahkiin. Like what? Who you really are and what does it all means?
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thequeenofthieves · 2 years
Celine: How do tall people people possibly sleep at night when the blanket can't possibly cover you?
Fasendil: Celine, it's four o'clock in the morning.
Celine: So, you can't sleep, huh? Is it because of the blanket?
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icewept-a · 2 years
i had the snow prince as a muse first back in 2017 ( up until 2020 ) but i had him named fasendil. i felt the needed to update/revise some things but do you know how hard it is to use the right name??? i keep wanting to call him fasen / fasendil instead of aren / arenthil.
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skyrim-said-that · 2 years
Skyrim unromanceable husband ELIMINATION ROUND
thats right, i finally am doing a poll. ive decided that im going to take my fucked up skyrim husband list and put them all in a bracket to decide on the ultimate husband. after which i will be unpinning the list. the matchups will be as follows:
Group #1
competitor #1:Rune
competitor #2:Kharjo
Group #2
competitor #1:Brunwulf Free-Winter
competitor #2:Jon Battle-Born
Group #3
competitor #1:Veezara
competitor #2:Ondolemar
Group #4
competitor #1:Glover Mallory
competitor #2:Dremora
Group #5
competitor #1:Valdr
competitor #2:Gwilin
Group #6
competitor #1:Ancano
competitor #2:Celann
Group #7
competitor #1:Borkul the Beast
competitor #2:Miraak
Group #8
competitor #1:Faendal
competitor #2:Captain aldis
Group #9
competitor #1:Erandur
competitor #2:Urag Gro-Shab
Group #10
competitor #1:legate fasendil
competitor #2:Ralof
Group #11
competitor #1:Hadvar
competitor #2:Brynjolf
Group #12
competitor #1:Nazir
competitor #2:Neloth
Group #13
competitor #1:Malacath
competitor #2:Shadr
Group #14
competitor #1:Neetrenaza
competitor #2:Arnbjorn
Group #15
competitor #1:Paarthurnax
competitor #2:Savos Aren
Group #16
competitor #1:Ungrien
competitor #2:J’zargo
Group #17
competitor #1:Durnehviir
competitor #2:Kodlak Whitemae
Group #18
competitor #1:Sanguine
competitor #2:Valindor
May the best fake dream husband win
(teldryn was removed bc he won sexyman so it felt fair and also i had an uneven number) (also remember YOU PEOPLE chose all this. it was a COMMUNITY list)
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umbracirrus · 6 months
Random Friday WIP go-
I have had just a massive writing inspiration moment today after about two, three weeks of just having no writing fuel (hence why I've been drawing my OCs!). And because I'm really happy with this and the turn in events, I want to share some of my WIP today.
I'm trying to write some of the story of my Dragonborn Aevra, and I'm actually hoping to maybe post the first chapter of it soon because things are going very well with gettng it written! It's going to be called 'As a leaf would scatter to the wind'... I just kind of liked the visualisation of a leaf getting blown around matching Aevra trying to get her life in order with the chaos which unfolds around her.
"Ah, General… Not too long ago, we received a missive addressed to you. I am glad that you arrived when you did, I was just about to have a soldier carry the message to Solitude for your attention," the Legate stated as he approached the General, the only person of the convoy who had so far dismounted their horse upon their arrival. "Here."
Tullius frowned as he took the rolled-up parchment from the Altmer's hand, before unfurling it where he stood. There was a slight tension as he then released the bottom of the paper, allowing it to naturally start curling back up, and clenched his fist by his side. He then turned around, and cast his eyes across them all. "There has been a change in plan. We are no longer escorting the prisoners to Cyrodiil." Quiet whispers were cast between soldiers who were close enough to each other to talk. Had something happened? Was the missive directly from the Emperor? Were they needed elsewhere? "We shall instead be making our way to Helgen, where preparations are being put into place to… pass on judgement."
That particular phrasing, and the tension in his tone of voice conveyed to Aevra exactly what wasn't being said. She had no doubt that many other of her fellow soldiers also knew what was being implied. Her hands tightened around the reins of her horse as she took in a quiet but sharp inhale.
The prisoners were to be executed.
Silence hung heavy and thick over the group, until the General gave a brisk "as you were," to everyone, which set forth the bustle of unpacking any carts and wagons, checking over supplies, ensuring that the prisoners were moved somewhere secure for the night, and setting up tents to account for the camp exceeding capacity until they were ready to move on to Helgen.
Aevra quietly dismounted her horse, then reached into a small pack attached to the saddle to pull out a carrot to feed him before she took him to the camp stable for the night. She smiled and gently patted at his mane as he ate, before giving him a tired smile. "I wonder if you are aware of the part we have played in history over these past few days, boy…" She closed her eyes as she got yet another nicker in response, most likely a request to feed him the rest of the carrot over continuing her musing. She extended her hand out for him to get what he wanted, but continued nonetheless. "These old bones of mine have taken part in far too many 'once-in-a-lifetime' historic events already. What's one more, hm?"
The horse nuzzled at her after a few more moments of standing there, and she took that as a sign of needing to get moving. There were things to do, and she wasn't going to accomplish any of them if she were to remain stood still.
Just as she went to move, she heard a voice to her side.
"Soldier, before you go-" She paused as she looked at the General, who was now stood in her vicinity and looking directly at her, making her curious as to what he was wanting to say. In that brief, quiet moment, another soldier approached her, and quickly offered to take her horse off her hands as he took his own horse to the stables. As she handed over the reins, the General gave his orders. "I need you to go and get us some more firewood. I don't doubt that Legate Fasendil doesn't have enough for the extra numbers in the camp tonight. If we have none spare, chop some – and be quick about it. How you Nords can stand this cold, I have no idea..."
Nodding at her orders, having to stop herself from chuckling at his mumbling afterwards about the temperature which she was presumably not meant to have heard, she made her way over to where she knew the quartermaster to be holed up from her previous stint in the camp a few months back. He would know if there was enough wood, and would most certainly have an axe to spare if there wasn't.
A simple, menial job to get her mind off what was to come. There was nothing better. It would make the nice, warm meal afterwards all the more deserved.
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1000fiction · 2 years
Drabbles Masterlist.
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Aela the Huntress: 1
Ambarys Rendar: 1
Argis the Bulwark: 1 2
Brynjolf: 1 2 3
Cicero: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Enthir: 1 2
Erandur: 1
Farkas: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Legate Fasendil: 1
Gelebor: 1 2 3 4
Ghorbash the Iron Hand: 1
Lord Harkon: 1
Isran: 1
Malborn: 1
Marcurio: 1 2 3 4
Maul: 1
Miraak: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Neloth: 1 2 3 4 5
Ondolemar: 1 2 3
Ralis Sedarys: 1 2 3
Rune: 1
Serana: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Sheogorath: 1 2
Teldryn Sero: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Torvar: 1
Ulfric Stormcloak: 1
Veezara: 1
Vilkas: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Ysolda: 1
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Spicy content ahead. Minors DNI.
Ghorbash the Iron Hand: 1
Serana: 1
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kookaburra1701 · 1 year
7, 14, and 23 for the ask game
7. A popular fandom opinion that you agree with Legate Fasendil is the GOAT. I don't think I've met anyone who knows about him who doesn't like him.
14. A ship or character that you started liking because of someone else (give them/their works a shout out!)
You Are Every Move You Make by fourcatproductions started changing my brain chemistry around Urag. The pairing is a May/December Urag/OC romance, and it scratched my need for orc smut DEEP.
23. Give kudos to someone who was especially welcoming when you first got involved in the fandom
@thana-topsy was very welcoming, and managed to overlook me going absolutely feral in his fic comments on AO3 to welcome me to tesblr and give me leads on TES discord servers to join. He also put up with the FIREHOSE of wild Elder Scrolls ideas I'd had no one to talk to about for almost a year while looking for TES fandom online in Discord DMs. YOU'RE ONE OF THE REAL ONES MY FRIEND
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Confession: I really appreciate the inclusion of characters like Legate Fasendil. Yes, he's an Altmer, but he's loyal to the Empire and has no love for the Aldmeri Dominion or the Thalmor. Not unlike the various Nord characters who oppose Ulfric Stormcloak.
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snowberry-pie · 4 years
legate fasendil is super cool and i love him why don’t people talk about him more
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thequeenofthieves · 2 years
Me: What's your type?
Legate Fasendil: I have a wife.
Me: So what's your type?
Legate Fasendil: My wife.
Me: I meant if you were single, what would your type be?
Legate Fasendil: Celine.
Me: And Celine is?
Legate Fasendil: My wife.
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mutantenfisch · 5 years
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Repost from deviantArt! This is actually an ass-old thing I made during Summer Break in 2016!
EDIT: Turned one huge file into 5 smaller ones and painted a quick sloppy and anachronistic sports-bra for Rel.^^
Anyway, I think it's pretty obvious for which panels I've actually used references and which were drawn less carefully. My vicious scanner adds to the trouble and not let us get started on my laziness....
I didn't have the room to put all my thoughts into the panels (and I'm quite sure there is already too much text), so be prepared for the off-commentary of each panel.
1. : This is basically my first attempt at drawing meric faces. I just didn't get her mouth right, though, so her expression is something like a failed attempt of a badass expression.
2. : Yes, that guy is supposed to be Hadvar. I don't know why he's blushing, maybe he just feels ashamed for his always-pissed commander. Or because Rel's wearing an amulet of Mara...
For Relmaris I had in mind, that she is probably the daughter of a travelling merchant/apothecary couple who left Morrowind during Red Mountain's latest eruption and didn't want to go to Solstheim, since they had "enough snow and ashes for more than one life". She grew up mostly in Cyrodiil and got into some trouble with the Thalmor there, because of how her parents raised her, religiously.
3. : This is, to be honest, the most fun part in-game - sneaking into camps, caverns and so on, taking out thugs while they can't do anything and increasing your archery and stealth abilities on the go. 
4. : Yes, I really disliked Cicero when I first met him and it was exactly the other way around with Ulfric Stormcloak (whose body is supposed to be shown there, too...). During the progress of the game and the story, I began to sympathise with Cicero, even though he's ...difficult.... as a follower and my sympathies for Ulfric faded more and more. There are other people and factions I maybe dislike as much as him and his purpose, or even more, but since I wanted to bring in this Don McLean reference so badly, Ulfric was the one who took the shortest straw.
5. : Legate Fasendil. I think he is the dream of many Dragonborn characters (and their creators). For an Altmer he is incredibly sexy and I as a player really enjoyed seeing such a masculine elf. Revyn Sadri, on the other hand, was really cute when Rel first stumbled into his shop and she likes his straightforward fair-mindedness. 
Biography-wise I imagine Rel to really fall for the legate, since they have many things in common (being far from a home they barely know/remember, hating the Thalmor, having seen many terrible things...) but on the other hand I think Revyn is better for her as some kind of anchor in her troubled life. I must say, because of the conversation you have with him, I think he hasn't always been a trader. His commentary on the size of the house (and Rel lives in Proudspire Manor) made me assume that he might know even better and probably more noble houses.
6. : I think this quest is everyone's favourite. I enjoyed the part about Gleda most. And Sanguine is such a cheeky trickster. I remember, back when my first Dovahkiin met him and joined in the drinking game, I was like "WTF? Why am I in Markarth now? And I did WHAT to WHOSE statue????". With Rel now, I experienced something new as a player: When Rel was hiking in the mountains of Reach, an Argonian called Deep-In-His-Cups approached her and brabbled something about a hat. She talked him down to 750 Septims for the worthless hat and he walked away. This guy was even stranger than the madwoman who wanted me to use Sheogorath's Wabbajack on her.....
7. : Whole-heartedly the College of Magic! Rel is officially Arch-Mage now and I think her former class-mates are just the cutest kids in Skyrim. Especially Onmund and Brelyna. And now, after installing the English version, I was very positively surprised about Onmund's voice. I didn't expect one so pleasing to my ears as his. And J'zargo, you suicidal little cleptomaniac, you. As a follower you were really cool, but would you please stop jumping into Rel's way when she's casting flames?
8. : There it is - hobbity, silver-eyed me, wearing a Bowie-shirt. Since I only just started playing Oblivion, I really have no idea, what would happen if these two met, so I chose the other option instead.
9. : I think this is really self-explanatory. Anyway, when I was wandering through the volcanic fields of Rift for the first time, I was laughing so hard at this sight. Unfortunately, back then my other Dovahkiin, accidentaly stole a piece of clothing from the hunters and had to kill all of them. Rel doesn't make this mistake, that's for sure!
10. : I admit, this is my favourite drawing of this whole thing and I do ship them. Very hard. I didn't want to put a mature content on this, nor cover their perfect bodies, so go with the Barbie-breasted version instead. If Mattel can sell nippleless adult-women-shaped dress-up-dolls to children, I can upload this drawing to tumblr. Or not, apparently. So here’s the ugly sports bra version.
11. : Khajiit. What else can I say. I love them. Their faces, their accent, their background (minus the Skooma smuggling) - they are the best invention for this game, ever. And I would be really happy, if The Elder Scrolls VI played in Elsweyr and we get to see more than just this one breed of Khajiit.
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icewept-a · 2 years
i used to have arenthil’s name as fasendil because i just stole it from legate fasendil, an altmer npc in skyrim. decided to change it when i remade but have i almost called him fasen when making posts? yes, plenty of times.
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skyrim-said-that · 2 years
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