#legend of Zelda x male reader
reallyromealone · 11 months
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Male reader, nsfw, smut, monster fucking, feral Sidon, biting, double penetration, aggressive fucking
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He was unfamiliar with Zora courting, the Hylian prince here on behalf of his elder sister for negotiations and hadn't realised that Sidon was courting him.
From foods to practically assisting him with /anything/ even if it was nonsense.
(Name) was just happy to spend time with the Zora.
(Name) was confused as he looked around the domain for any Zora to assist him but they all turned him away much to the Hylians confusion.
"Should we tell him?" A guard whispered to Bazz who shook his head "it's close to mating season, never get in the way of another Zora whose going to get their mate"
(Name) sighed and sat on the wet silver steps of the domain before spotting Sidon walking towards him "prince Sidon! Thank goodness you're here! I don't know why but every--WHOA!" (name) was lifted up and into sidons arms and carried off "Sidon! Why are you carrying me?!" (Name) said struggling before managing to sit up and eyes were wide at Sidons gaze, it was primal...
"Sidon...?"(name) was confused as he was brought to a room within the deeper parts of the domain, into the mountains where the inner waterfalls and private areas were and dropped on blankets and pillows "what is this" (name) asked as sidons head tail wagged a bit "mate" he said simply and presented (name) with foods "oh! It's mating season... wait isn't that basically like marriage?" (Name) spoke to himself and the shark grew impatient as he grunted and (name) looked at the mating gift "I can't deny... I have feelings for you too my little shark"
It was a blur, one moment he was eating the fish Sidon presented him and the next he was held up above sidons as the Zora's large tongue stretched him as his claws were to sharp to stretch him, instead those clawed hands bruised (name)s hips.
"Oh goddesses! Mh! More- o-oh!" (Name) shook as he came and Sidon put him in his lap and (name) felt it, two large cocks pressed against his back and one rubbing against his stretched ass "big.... he whispered as the Zora prince nipped him, causing (name) to whine at the sensation and reached out to tentatively touch the large cocks, curious on how one would get in him.
Sidon growled in pleasure as the beast within him pushed both cocks in, no warning as (name) cried in pain but held on, knowing his mate was not in the right space of mind.
But god did it also feel so good.
(Name) cried in pleasure as he was held in the giant Zora's arms as both cocks fucked into him at a harsh pace, stretching him wonderfully as he held on for deer life, Sidon covering his smaller Hylian body in bites and claims "pupupup" he whispered as (name) bit his lip, he couldn't get pregnant but... he wouldn't dare say that right now "Kiss..." (name) whispered as Sidons Large tongue dove into his mouth and invaded everything and anything he could.
He felt helpess as he twitched in the Zora's and let Sidon fuck him like a common whore.
He couldn't count how many times he came but it wasn't enough for Sidon who pounded into him relentlessly before cumming hard, flooding him with cum and it getting everywhere.
Sidon licked any wounds on (name) before guarding his new mate, warding off any challengers who may be after (name).
The poor Hylian exhausted and barely coherent as he passed out.
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beestriker015 · 4 months
Mipha x male Hylian s/o
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(Non-calamity AU)
Mipha’s feelings for s/o go all the way back to when she was young, having been introduced to him by her childhood friend Link.
“Wow! I’ve never met a Zora before! My name is s/o, what’s yours?”
Being the shy and timid girl she is, Mipha responds to him with a voice barely above a whisper.
“I-it’s nice to meet you s/o. My name is Mipha.”
“Same here Mipha!”
He flashes her a smile that makes the young Zora blush a little before she begins playing tag with him and Link, kicking off a long lasting friendship.
As the years have passed, Mipha and s/o have grown continually closer to the point that they started to see each other as more than just friends.
Mipha of course was the first to realize her feelings, and not knowing what to do, went to her friend Princess Zelda for help.
“I see. While I’m not much of an expert on romance, my advice is to tell s/o how you feel Mipha.”
“B-but what if he doesn’t feel the same way? Revealing my feelings to s/o could ruin our friendship, and I….I could bare it if that happened.”
She says sadly as the Hylian princess places her hand on the Zora girl’s shoulder.
“You’re assuming the worst Mipha. S/o cares about you greatly, and I doubt anything will change that. In fact, I happen to know that he has feelings for you as well.”
Mipha’s eyes widen slightly at this revelation.
“R-really? He does? Are you certain?”
She asks as Zelda nods with a small smile.
“Yes. Link told me that s/o confided in him that he is in love with you. Now that you know this, there isn’t a reason for you not to confess Mipha.”
“H-he loves me?”
The beautiful Zora blushes while holding her hands over her heart.
“Yes, and you love him too don’t you?”
“I…I do! Please excuse me Princess, but I must find s/o. I cannot contain my feelings for him any longer!”
She bids Zelda farewell before rushing off to find s/o, whom she runs into after he finished doing some sword training with Link.
“Hey Mipha! Link and I were just talking about you! There’s uh…something I wanted to say to you.”
“Oh? I was looking for you for the exact same reason s/o. M-may I go first?”
He nods as she looks at him with a flustered expression.
“S/o…you mean a lot to me, and through our time as friends I became developing…feelings for you. What I’m trying to say is that I’m in love with you s/o.”
When she finishes speaking, s/o blushes profusely before moving closer to her.
“Mipha, I love you too! In fact, that’s what I was going to tell you, but you beat me to the punch.”
A brief moment of silence follows as the two lean in and share a kiss as Link smiles at his two close friends finally getting together, thus marking the beginning of their relationship.
Naturally a very sweet and caring girl, Mipha is an amazing girlfriend to s/o, who is equally as great to her.
“How is your day s/o? Did you sleep alright? Have you eaten enough? Is your family doing well?”
She bombards him with questions thanks to her motherly nature when it comes to those she cares about, which s/o finds quite adorable.
“Yes, to everything Mipha. How about you?”
“My answers are the same as yours s/o, thank you for asking.”
Needless to say Mipha and s/o have a very cute and wholesome relationship, which Princess Zelda secretly gushes about to Link, who she has recently gotten into a relationship with thanks to some help from her two friends.
Despite s/o being a careful person who rarely does anything reckless, he still gets hurt on occasion, to which Mipha wastes no time healing his wounds.
“Ahh, that feels so much better. Thanks for taking care of my injuries Mipha.”
“Of course. I will always tend to your wounds whenever you get hurt. Just promise me you’ll be more careful s/o.”
Jealousy does exist between the two, but it’s never anything major.
Due to being different races, Mipha and s/o often worry about their significant other finding another Zora/Hylian they like better.
Luckily, they always communicate these fears to each other, leading to constant reassurance.
“Mipha, I love you for you, and I would never leave you anyone. My heart is yours, and it always will be.”
He says while gently taking her hands into his as she smiles softly at him.
“T-thank you my dear. You never have to worry about me doing such a thing either. The only person I want by my side is you.”
Dates can take place anywhere, but Mipha’s and s/o’s favorite location is Lake Hylia, where they often take a late night swim together.
“This is nice. The way the moonlight shines on the water is a beautiful sight isn’t it s/o?”
“Yeah, but it pales in comparison to how breathtaking you are Mipha.”
He tells her as she blushes deeply and chuckles.
“That’s so sweet of you s/o. I must say that you are quite breathtaking yourself.
Now it’s his turn to blush as the two hold each other close and lay down on the grass together after finally leaving the water.
Should any Hylian or Zora say something negative about them being together, the two will firmly yet politely tell them off, and luckily they also have Link and Princess Zelda to openly support their relationship if anyone were to take issue with it.
Mipha loves so many things about s/o, but the thing that makes her heart flutter the most is how well he gets along with her little brother Sidon.
Watching her boyfriend play with Sidon so happy just makes her fall in love with him even more.
“Catch me if you can s/o!”’
“Ok! Careful not to trip Sidon!”
S/o says while running after the little Zora near the base of Lake Hylia.
“Thank you for spending time with my brother s/o, it means a lot to me.”
Mipha tells her boyfriend with sincerity and gratitude in her voice.
“No problem Mipha! I absolutely love this little guy!”
Hearing that just cements her belief that s/o is the one she wants to be with forever.
Some time later, Mipha brings her boyfriend to Lake Hylia as she has several times before, but this time being extremely special.
“Ok Mipha, you said this was really important. Is something wrong?”
“No, not at all s/o. In fact I have something for you.”
She hands him a set of beautifully crafted armor.
“Woah. This is for me? Mipha, I don’t know what to say. Thank you so much. I-”
Realization sets in as s/o remembers what this armor represents, his face going red as he looks at his girlfriend.
“Y-you want to marry me? A-are you sure I’m the one you want Mipha?”
Shaking off her own blush, she nods and cups her beloved’s cheeks.
“Yes s/o, there is not a single doubt in my mind that I want you as my husband. You are the love of my life, and should you accept this armor, I want to be with you forever.”
“I feel the same way Mipha. That’s why I’ll gladly take this armor. I love you so much.”
“That makes me so happy! I love you too s/o!”
Mipha exclaims with glee before kissing s/o passionately.
Watching him slowly put on the armor, Mipha smiles warmly knowing that the Hylian she loves with all her heart will soon be her husband, and there isn’t a single thing that makes her happier.
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mattalit · 2 years
Link x Male Reader
A/N: repost from wattpad
Length: 1.4k
Originally Published: Dec 30, 2022
CW: none
(M/N) adored Castle Town--truly, he did!--but nothing ever happened there. The change of pace from his nomadic merchant life to having a day job gave him whiplash. He was used to adventuring! Exploring ruins! Killing monsters! Hell, he even used to party. But now, at the ripe old age of 20 (he was ancient, practically dead! His bones were already so sore), he had finally settled into a day job. Of course, this day job was only temporary. He wanted some peace for once, and he needed some extra rupees since his last scam attempt (an inglorious attempt, but still an attempt) had failed.
It was on that dreadful day that (M/N) had come across an adventurer. He was blonde and quiet, and he was rather attractive now that (M/N) thought about it. He had instantly tapped into his well-trained charisma.
"Hello, friend! You seem tired," he had called out. The adventurer looked up at him, but shook his head 'no.' "Ah! Good endurance, then, I see. Nice, nice. Perhaps you are short on supplies? I have some things that may interest you."
The adventurer did not look particularly interested in anything (M/N) had to say, but nonetheless (M/N) dutifully laid out his odds and ends. He was a natural merchant and would never give up the chance for rupees.
In all honesty, the only things (M/N) had that were worth anyone's time (or more specifically, this adventurer's time) were some bombs and arrows. The (H/C) haired merchant had laid out various other trinkets as well, and, through the wonderful power of lying, he planned to convince this blonde haired twink (although, reflecting on it, (M/N) would consider him more of a 'twunk,' but that would be a digression and of no importance to (M/N)'s misery) that these worthless trinkets were actually priceless.
Unfortunately, the man he had attempted to scam wasn't stupid or desperate. The adventurer took a quick glance through his wares, but when (M/N) tried to sell him an overpriced necklace--"It's related to the Triforce! A rare find, indeed, and priceless. I'm willing to cut you a deal, though!"--the adventurer wanted nothing to do with it.
The adventurer was uninterested.
"How much for the bombs?"
"10 bombs for 80 rupees."
The blonde stared at him. "Isn't that a bit overpriced...?"
(M/N) stared back. "No, sir." He blinked. "These are... special bombs."
"How so?"
"They're, uh... imported."
A quizzical look passed the blonde's face.
"...from the west...?" the merchant had hesitantly responded. Most fools he met were desperate enough to pay first, ask questions later, but... well, this was rather awkward.
The adventurer continued staring, knitting his eyebrows. "...Right. I'll give you 30 rupees for 10."
(M/N) hadn't bought the bombs--in fact, he wasn't sure how he acquired them, but it was most likely through completely legal means--but only 30 rupees? Man, maybe he was the one getting scammed. It was his last day before his new day job, though, so he wouldn't be losing anything important... and he didn't need the bombs...  (M/N) looked him over. Not incredibly tall, not much younger than himself... for once, the customer was cute.
"Hm... yeah, I can do 30 rupees." (M/N) held out the bombs. The adventurer held out 30 rupees. "Pleasure doing business, sir."
"Uh, yeah. I'll... be going then." The adventurer hopped onto his horse and, with his newly acquired bombs, rode off.
By the time (M/N) had counted how much he had been paid--the asshole had paid all in green rupees--the adventurer was already long gone. And, for the first time in his measly 2-year career, (M/N) had been underpaid. The man owed him 10 rupees! He had considered himself rather adept in the field of deals and business, but alas! he was distracted by the first pretty man he had seen in weeks! Honestly, the audacity of pretty men, (M/N) thought. (M/N) couldn't even be mad.
And so, after almost 2 years of scamming people, he himself had been scammed. The scammer becomes the scammee.
But that was weeks ago. Now, (M/N) was a temporary shopkeeper in Castle Town, covering the owner for the summer. He only had three days left at this point, but business had been slow all week. It was easy to succumb to boredom when you had perhaps three customers in an hour, most of which were older adventurers buying arrows, children buying deku seeds for sling shots, or the delivery man. (M/N) had found himself spending his days reading, daydreaming, and cursing that pretty man for scamming him.
He had to admit that the free time was nice. Compared to the nomadic lifestyle of a merchant, his day job had been a complete 180, but everyone needs a break sometimes. Plus, he was going to be paid enough to buy a horse! And food! And a new shield!
(M/N) was granted no time to ponder his future. The ding of a bell indicated a customer (customers really had the worst timing) had arrived. (M/N) looked up to the newcomer.
"Hello, welcome! How can I... help you..." (M/N) trailed off. He was staring into the bright blue eyes of a blond adventurer, roughly his age, and beautiful.
Oh my god, it's this asshole.
(M/N) was, simply put, not impressed. What are the chances! The blonde adventurer looked around awkwardly.
"You owe me money!" (M/N) yelled, jumping up and pointing an accusing finger to the man.
The adventurer rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "I, uh, don't know what you're talking about."
(M/N) hopped over the counter. (He would have walked up to the man, but by hopping the counter, he was practically in his face already.) The (H/C) haired, newly reformed merchant sized up the adventurer. He was muscular, toned. And he had a sword. And, if he didn't use them, he had  bombs. (M/N) was already sure he couldn't take him in a fight. God, he is pretty. The merchant sighed.
"You're a terrible liar." (M/N) huffed and crossed his arms. More to himself than the adventurer, he muttered, "You're lucky you're pretty! Otherwise I'd kick your ass." He hopped back over the counter, ignorant of the semi-blush now coating the blonde's face.
"I'm, uh, sorry about short-changing you."
"..." (M/N) looked up at him again. "I'll be honest, I was planning to scam you anyways. I suppose I deserved a taste of my own medicine."
The adventurer let out a slight smile in response. (M/N) assumed the adventurer thought it was joke... but it wasn't. Oh well, what this guy didn't know didn't hurt him.
"I'm (M/N)."
"I'm Link."
"Where are you from? I haven't come across many people my age out adventuring."
"Ordon Village."
"Ah, south from here, right?" Link nodded. "I've never been. I'm from the northwest. The snowy mountains and all that." (M/N) paused. "What are even doing here anyways? This is pretty far from the last place we met."
"I could ask you the same thing."
The merchant rolled his eyes playfully. "You could ask anyone that. But if you must know," he said, dramatically leaning onto the counter, "I needed money and I hate snow. Very simple, really."
Link let out an airy laugh. "I'm just... exploring."
(M/N) nodded, staring wistfully into something in the distance only he could see. "I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I got this day job." He paused for a moment, thinking. "It's not all bad, though. Sometimes pretty girls visit. Pretty guys, too." (M/n) looked to Link, wiggled his eyebrows, and winked. Link looked away, but his ears were flushed red. "But I miss the old days. I'm only here for three more days and then I'm home free! Well, wilderness free, I suppose." (M/N) paused in thought for a moment. "Y'know... you're an adventurer..."
"...I am an adventurer."
"..." (M/N) raised his eyebrows.
"...Are you, uh, picking up what I'm putting down? I know we just met and all, but I'm a great companion! Well, if you wanted a companion." (M/N) tried to read Link's expression, but he had nothing. "A sidekick, perhaps? I'm particularly good at acquiring things, as you might have realized."
"Like what?"
"What do you mean, 'like what?' Like this!" The merchant grinned cheekily and lifted an item from behind his desk. "It's a bomb."
Link didn't seem impressed.
"I'm not sure I should be travelling with a thief."
"Oh, you're one to talk. You still owe me 10 rupees!"
"...That's fair."
"Besides," (M/N) leaned over the desk, unbuttoned the top few buttons of his shirt, and whispered through half-lidded eyes, "I offer other services as well." Link's mouth hung open in a mix of shock and embarrassment. (M/N) gave Link no time to respond before exclaiming, "So it's a deal! Pleasure doing business. Shake on it?" (M/N) put out his hand. Link hesitated, then grasped it with his own. "Meet me here in three days and I'll be ready to go."
And sure enough, three days later, the shopkeeper returned, and (M/N), with his sword and shield and odds and ends, was dismissed from duty. As promised, Link returned as well.
"Ready to go?" Link asked.
"You know it, pretty boy."
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 2 months
The Legend 🗡 of Zelda
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⏳Hero of Twilight Link ➳
🏹Hero of the Wild Link ➳
🧩(ToK) Sir Link ➳
👑Ganondorf ➳
🦌Mineru ➳
🦈Sidon ➳
🔍Tuaro ➳
Back to the Masterlist Hub?
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May I request some smut between Ganon and male reader with spanking and a size difference? I'm a little too embarrassed to ask this of some of the other requestable fanfics, but after reading some of your smut stuff, it makes me feel comfortable to request it here!
This is why I enable anon and open my blog to those like you. This is a place for all to enjoy and indulge!
I'm just glad you are comfortable after reading some of the stuff I've written! I hope to see you again~
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Title: For Every Rupee Stolen
Characters: Ganon x m!reader
Contains: spanking, size difference, restraints, role playing
Fandom: Legend of Zelda
Full request below the cut
All characters are 18+
Reblogs > likes
The ropes around your wrists behind your back and ankles were more than enough for you to already understand your error, but your position only solidified it.
You lay spread along the knees of the Great Demon King, your body bare with the air gently caressing your skin. The king’s menacing aura practically summoned goosebumps to your skin, nearly visible for him to see. You didn’t dare to move, to speak. You didn’t even dare to meet his gaze. You feared even a small sound would induce his next action, but there would be no need, for it wouldn’t be you that caused him to move, but rather his own actions.
His large hand found your back. Specifically, his fingertips. They slowly traced along your spine, eliciting shudders from your body. A shaky breath left your mouth, and his actions repeated, his fingers now trailing upward. It was teasing, tormenting. Hell, it was even a bit embarrassing. Though one would understand such feelings if they too were naked and at the mercy of the Gerudo King.
“I’m surprised…” His low voice rang through the air, knocking out the silence. It seemed louder than it was due to how quiet things had been that it caused you to jolt lightly. “I figured by now you would be begging me for mercy, pleading to release you.”
Do you dare speak? Could you even speak? Would you only embarrass yourself further by how you sounded, explaining yourself to him?
“Tell me…do you understand why you’re in this position?”
He opened the floor for you to speak, putting the spotlight on you now. Swallowing your fear, your mouth opened, but sound refused to come out. At least at first. It took you a moment, but soon, a voice sounded. For a moment you didn’t recognize it as your own.
“I…I was c-caught…stealing…”
“How deplorable…But who exactly were you stealing from?”
It was a confession of crime, a force of guilt. He wanted to drive it into you, for you to understand the crime you committed.
“I-I stole…from the Great Demon King…f-from Ganon…”
“And what a bold crime…Sneaking into my treasury to take whatever your filthy Hylian hands could touch. But you fumbled, your nerves got the better of you and you only managed to take a singular Red Rupee.”
Before your face, Ganon revealed the very gem you attempted to sneak off with. If your nerves hadn’t gotten the better of you, you would have taken more. You finally forced your gaze away from the offending gem, not ready to meet the fate that awaited you.
“Such a crime deserves punishment, don’t you think? And I can’t think of a more befitting punishment than…”
Your head shot up upon the impact, a wince of pain leaving you from gritted teeth as Ganon’s hand had whipped down, making firm contact with one of your ass cheeks. Your body trembled and your face flushed a deep shade of pink once it all started to connect.
“Do you get it now?” His voice was mocking, a tone that seemed to make you question what you did and didn’t understand. “One for every rupee stolen.”
“B-But I—!”
That attempted rebuttal earned you a firm hand over your mouth. Ganon effectively silenced you as he forced your head and body up to look at him. You had almost forgotten the size difference between the two of you, and now you felt like a mere mouse to his large stature.
“I did not give you permission to argue,” he stated with a glare. “You simply answer. ‘Yes, Sir.’ ‘No, Sir.’ In my presence, you are compliant. Do I make myself clear?”
Taking a shuddering breath in through your nose, you nodded with what room you had, understanding. Having your obedience, Ganon released you, letting you fall back to his lap.
“Now…starting with this next one, I want you to count for me. Understand that for every one I give you, you could have spent a year in the cellars for your sticky fingers.”
Slap! “Two!”
The pain was tolerable at the start. The first one was like a warning, but these were like a build up, each one getting firmer, rougher, harder.
Slap! “S-Seven!”
Your fingers would spread, clench into fists, spread again, all trying to fight the pain that was building with each impact, to fight the…pleasure?
Slap! “Ten!”
Your voice squeaked, from pain and desire. You couldn’t understand why, but as he continued, your cock would ache with every impact onward. Your hips slowly grinding against his leg
Slap! “Th…Thirt-teen…~!”
You were almost done. You were so close to being done, but the change in your voice…Ganon himself nearly faltered as he carried on. Your ass was growing redder by each slap, your legs trembling against the king’s body, and, embarrassingly, your cock grew hard, your body feeding into self betraying desires.
Slap! “S…Six…teen…~”
Slap! “S-Seven…teen…!”
Three more, just three more.
“Do you regret your crime, Hylian?” It was the first time Ganon spoke since starting, his own voice almost sounding…airy.
“Y-Yes, sir,” you breathed, but deep down, that was a lie. You secretly enjoyed the rush this gave you, the new exhilarating bliss that washed over your body. For a moment, you thought that if you weren’t counting, you be moaning more and more with every action, nearly losing yourself.
“Are you sure?” Before he continued with the punishment, his fingers pressed between your clenched thighs and found your erect cock pulsing against him, gently brushing the underside of it to the tip, where white pearled at the tip before having dribbled down against his skin. “Because I think some naughty Hylian is enjoying himself…~”
His fingers left you whimpering, your legs trying to shut his hand out but to no avail. “N-No, Sir…” Withdrawing his hand, Ganon returned it to your ass, gripping it instead of slapping it, causing you to mewl out. Your head hung, and your body lightly writhed.
“What a liar you are…~ But…perhaps we can come to an arrangement. If you can withstand the last three spankings of your punishment, I’ll allow you something nice…~”
You began to wonder what he meant by that, considering your mind was starting to become a foggy mess, but it almost instantly became clear when his hand came down to a rougher, more intense impact, causing you to cry out more audibly as your counting continued. “E-Eighteen!!”
Just two more, only two more.
SLAP!! “N-Nineteen!!”
One more…one more.
The pain of the final impact was unlike the rest. It was sharp, rough, and left you nearly screaming, but that may only be due to the others he had given you earlier. It may not have hurt so much if it weren’t for the rest, but now, you could breathe easy as it was finally over with. “T-Twen…ty…”
Your body fell limp against his lap, both overjoyed and disappointed that it was over. As you gathered your bearings, you could feel Ganon shift around before grabbing onto you and moving you around like a doll. You steadied yourself, finding your view now the room instead of the floor. Realizing your change of scenery, you gently writhed against his grip, almost growing flustered at the thought of him being able to move you around so easily.
“Ah, sit still now,” he breathed, adjusting you once more. “I just need to…”
Before he needed to finish, you felt something prod your hole from behind. You froze, breath hitching in your throat as you realized what he was doing. Before you could say anything, Ganon slid himself inside, the both of you either groaning or squeaking with delight as the two of you joined in flesh.
Neither of you wasted a second. The moment Ganon began to thrust into you, you rocked your hips with whatever room you had. The desire soon overtook you, and you opened you mind and body to the king, losing yourself to the ecstasy that awaited you. Your cock bounced as Ganon moved you against his thrusts, using you like a toy. The feeling, the friction, all sent you into a spiraling mess of desire and lust, and your mind lost all sense of the current world. Ganon didn’t let this go unnoticed either.
“I-Is this what you wanted this whole time?” he breathed, his fingers gripping into your flesh to keep you in rhythm with his movements. “T-To be used as the King’s toy? To be filled with my great cock?”
Your breathing mixed with your moans as you responded. “Y-Yes! Y-Yes, Sir!”
At that point, your little schemes caught up with you. Really, the theft was all a farce. The real goal was the King himself, not his loot. You had been infatuated with the King for some time that this was all you wanted: to be stuffed by the almighty King of Gerudos.
“Such a devious little one…~” he breathed a smirk growing on his lips as his actions quickened. “Then I’ll make sure…you’re thoroughly spent~”
It felt delightful to be at the mercy of the king, to have him move your body as if it were not your own. All you could do was enjoy the pleasure that came with it, the lustful friction of his cock deep inside of you as you both neared your end. Neither of you could wait any longer, and you two released in a dance of sound, a collection of groans and grunts as your bodies gave way to this wave of relief. Gannon spilled into you the same time you spilled into the air, your body trembling from both sensations as your eyes rolled back, your vision fading for the moment.
The next thing you realized was being wrapped up in a blanket, Ganon holding you gently as you both lay in his bed. You don’t remember getting in bed, but you weren’t complaining, seeing as you were all snuggled up to your lover.
“Well? Did that play into your fantasies as desired, dear?” Ganon teased, brushing a stray strand of hair from your face.
“Mm, very much so,” you replied, gazing up at him with a small smile. “I hope you enjoyed it all the same.”
“Oh trust me, darling. It was thoroughly enjoyable~.” The King pulled you in close in a loving, protective embrace. “Perhaps we could do it again sometime~”
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yandereunsolved · 6 months
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☾ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Yandere Dark Link 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ☾
"Who are you? Where am I?"
"As intoxicating as your fear may be, I wish not to harm you—yet."
"Where are you? I can't see you. It's so dark."
"The realm of shadows, where all evil things lie. This is where the monsters your companion so... 'valiantly' fights spawn from."
"You are an enemy of Link...? S-Show yourself!"
"Dear one, you can't see me here. I can see you. All of them can see you, but none will harm you. For I am their ruler."
"Y-You didn't answer my first question."
"I am him."
"I am his darker version, his counterpart. Some call me "Dark Link", but down here I am addressed as Unknown."
"Now, now, I don't want to bore you with such a frivolous backstory. There are only two things of importance you must know. Number one, Link will never find you among all of this darkness. You will not be saved, ever. He will forget about you and wander back to his Hylia carbon copy. Two, you are mine and mine only. Understand?"
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flowering-thought · 7 months
Part fourrr-
Lowkey not sure how my insane simping for Ganondorf when TOTK came out would lead to this
This is the final part but maybe I'll make more stuff about it one day just probably not anytime soon-
Hehe welcome to part 4! Drama and reunions and an ultimatum as well. I wonder what will come to pass hm? Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
AFAB reader and reader is described as feminine and chubby/plus sized.
Yandere themes, slight gore??, angst and tears, eventual fluff, pregnancy and birth-
Yandere Ganondorf x Archeologist Reader (part three)
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Just when you thought you wouldn't feel that familiar sensation of falling, that light that blinded you and took your consciousness appeared once again.
You felt like you were in a dream. Visions of Zelda becoming a dragon crossed your mind, her tears falling to the ground and those visions were soon combined with the sight of Ganondorf being sealed away.
You wandered through what looked like red fog, the sounds of monsters and the clashing of swords echoing in your consciousness.
You were dreaming, you knew that, and yet you didn't know what you were dreaming of.
Apart of you wanted to forget everything, you wished that nothing had gone wrong. And the whispers echoing in the red fog along with the constant sound of fighting affirmed that.
You heard his voice, the voice of the man you fell for in an Era you never thought you'd experience.
"Why? Why did you leave?"
"We could have been happy together!"
"If you had just let me protect you-"
The constant whispers became louder but suddenly went silent. Erie silence until the fog cleared, and what filled your vision was the sight of the man you love hunched over with his knees on the ground.
"Can't we just go back to what we were?"
You were about to touch him, to beg and plead with him. You wanted to cry as you reached out, using your arms to cover him and bury your head into the crook of his neck.
You cried as you held tight, never wanting to let go.
"I wanted to be with you forever." You whispered, "I wanted to live peacefully with you, just you and me." You confessed between sobs, your hands balling tight.
"But you wanted power. You wanted authority. I would have done anything to stay with you if you had just believed in me." You confessed.
And as sudden as the fog disappeared, it came back, rushing your senses as everything went black.
You suddenly woke up in a bed that was all too similar to Purah's in Lookout Landing. You noticed how tightly you held the sheets, letting go to wipe the tears from your cheeks.
Link sat by your bed, shoulders, and head drooped as you guessed he probably fell asleep while watching over you. Purah sat at the small desk she had set up, writing in her own journal until she realized your movement, getting up before she checked on you, her brows furrowed in worry as she felt your forehead.
"Where have you been? I've been worried about you." She asked, her hands running through your hair, "Link told me you and Zelda were still missing. That you both disappeared.".
Upon looking at her you burst into tears, your lips pressed together in an attempt to stifle the cries coming from your throat.
She hugged you close, pulling you up to sit up with her, she felt you burrow into her, all the comfort made you feel safe, you felt like you could finally just rest.
But when Link woke up and more people came to check on you finally you told Link everything that happened on your end. You told him of Ganondorf, you told him of Zelda and how her power returned you due to the secret stone.
And then you remembered how Zelda turned into a dragon, a lump filling your throat as your mouth opened but no words came out.
Link told you of what happened while you were gone, how he found memories from a dragon's tears, ones that showed him visions of the past. He told you how Rauru gave him his arm and how he led him to shrines of light to regain the strength he lost. And as well as the secret stones that are now in the hands of four sages.
You wanted to tell him about Zelda, you wanted to tell the truth but something in you couldn't say it.
So instead, "Find the rest of the memories. I don't think I should be the one to explain the rest. What happened is too hard to explain." You said. There was a slight frown Link showed but he nodded and agreed with you.
You got up and went to see the four new sages, and watched as Link explained that they would have to wait to rescue Princess Zelda whom they saw in the castle as things weren't adding up. And yet many of the sages disagreed, trying to convince Link that it couldn't wait.
You picked up what was going on and knew that it had something to do with Ganondorf. You watched as they argued back and forth, Link mostly silent as he listened to their advice and suggestions.
"I think maybe you should go." You stated, watching as everyone halted their rising voices of frustration. Link looked to you to let you explain, "It won't be easy to get into the castle but I think there may be something I can do to stop this mess." You say, your fists clenching by your side.
You knew it would be risky, but maybe if you could convince Ganondorf, you could stop this nightmare. But you didn't want Link to know how far you'd be willing to go to prevent bloodshed, so you weren't going to try to talk to Ganondorf until Link couldn't try to stop you.
"I can stay out of the way but I think there might be something in there that could help get Zelda back." You added, trying to seem convincing. Not to mention since you now know that the castle was built on top of the place of the final battle this entire time it might be true that something hidden inside the castle could help. But for now, you just needed to convince Link to bring you along while the sages secured the property since you prolonged Link going into the castle to see what was happening.
You kept a hand over your stomach unconsciously, your mind wandering to what to say. "I'm going with you Link. I'll stay out of the way just like I did when we traveled! But please I need to be there with you just in case." you insisted.
Link shook his head, his brows furrowing as you took his hand, "Please Link you don't understand. There are things I can't yet explain so please just take me with you." you begged, giving his hand a squeeze.
Link didn't want to, you could tell in his expression but he could also see something in yours. He could see a desperation he had never seen before adorning your face and as much as he wanted to keep you safe a part of him knew he had to agree. So much to Links' displeasure, he nodded, giving you a squeeze back before he let go of your hand.
Before long the sages stayed near the entrance to the castle, mentioning a plan in case things go wrong and that they would survey the castle for any signs of something going wrong.
Luckily you and Link were used to traveling together. You knew to stay a few paces behind at all times and help carry most of the inventory except for certain elixirs that were better staying with Link if he ever got into a pinch.
You held onto the food and medical supplies, often you also carried the map and extra arrows as well. You and Link figured out early on in your travels that it was best that he didn't carry too much and way himself down when fighting. You also tended to help remind him when the sun was about to go down or when the weather was about to turn.
Somehow you were better at certain things while he was better at others. Staying a few paces away tended to make sure Link was in control of the situation if a monster appeared out of nowhere.
But as you gathered some supplies and eventually joined Link on his way to the castle. He reminded you that the castle itself is filled with more powerful creatures; so to stay as away as possible and if he has to check out a room to stay behind in the already cleared room.
Which honestly sounded the best. According to everything that went on with the leaders/sages of the others who informed you about things happening around Hyrule you came to understand that Ganondorf was not only trying to make things more advantageous for himself but also seemed to me looking for something.... or someone..
It unsettled you that the castle felt the same as before, just as dangerous and dark as it felt when Link had gone to rescue Zelda all those years ago. You stayed paces behind as rooms were cleared and as you watched Link battle monsters. And as "Zelda" appeared and words were left behind by "Zelda" you were more certain this was a trap and you were wondering if Link knew that too. After all, Zelda never had this kind of demeanor and Link knows Zelda just as much as you do, maybe even better than you.
You watched as he fought and would toss health elixirs if you thought that he was getting too hurt. You hated that you could only watch but still tried to provide as much as you could.
But unknown to you, a familiar figure watched on, his fists clenched at the sight of you and that damned Link.
You looked the same as the day you left, the same as the day he was sealed. And he knew you had to have come back recently, as at the beginning he saw it, the sight of you and Zelda falling and reaching for each other.
And he saw the light that enveloped you both as you disappeared.
He only realized it too late that you were there. But he knew that he couldn't reach for you then, if he did it risked something changing. He didn't know fully what would change, but he knew better.
And he saw it from a distance, the sight of your form descending from the skies in a pool of light, the same clothes you wore back then, the Gerudo attire you wore around the village. He can still remember the sight of you with that precious sun umbrella the kids made you, your feet having a light spring in their step, and the bright smile you had as you walked around the village in front of him.
He watched carefully as both you and Link made it through the castle, all the way to the final destination.
The throne room before the hundred years of sleep was beautiful as you heard from Link. You once asked him to describe it to you and you sketched it out on your notebook. You also would look at the paintings for the place used to look.
You both knew that the sanctum only had a few entrances and exits, so instead of following Link to a place you couldn't help you asked if you could hide in the place above, the place where the big hole in the ceiling allowed access to the throne room, where you could freely drop health elixirs or aid should he need it. You could also see if you could signal to Tulin if needed as he was patrolling the skies of Hyrule castle.
So you found a place where the gloom couldn't reach near the hole and sat down, keeping low to the ground made you feel less like you'd fall over and more hidden.
You watched Link enter the throne room, watched as Zelda appeared and approached, her voice echoing off the walls of the castle;
"Link! At last... I've been waiting for you to arrive... There's something I want to show you.." was what you heard as you leaned over the edge to get a better look, a glamour coming over the castle as though by magic appeared, the throne room that Link had once described to you now appeared before your eyes, the same floor you were on transformed to the castles former glory.
You watched as "Zelda" grew closer, never knowing where she would appear next, Link stood on guard, feeling as though he definitely wasn't safe.
"Hyrule castle.. Perfect and glorious... Does it bring back memories of our time here?" She asked, you thought for a moment you could hear the malice in her voice. "Take a good look Link... for it's the last thing you will ever see."
You listened and peered over the entrance from the ceiling, watching as the form you had seen below Hyrule castle appeared like a puppetmaster above the fake Zelda, her body going limp as though the strings that held her were cut.
You watched her body disappear and held your breath, watching as Ganondorf spoke to Link, you couldn't help but clench the edge of the ledge. You wanted to cry at the sight, your mind going blank before Ganondorf summoned what looked to be shadows of himself to attack Link.
You watched carefully as Link fought, your heart beating anxiously. What you had yet to notice was the figure of Ganondorf behind you, his weakened form watching you carefully before pulling you away from the ledge.
Startled you whipped you head to see who on earth was there only to see him.
The love of your life, the only person you had come to love in your short life. Tears welled in your eyes but you refused to cry in front of him, rapidly blinking and trying to think of something else, "What are you doing? Stop this!" You yelled, moving away from him quickly.
You saw the hurt in his eyes quickly be subdued, his form standing there eerily silent. "Stop this? You cannot be so foolish my love." He spoke, his voice nearly making you tremble as he grew louder.
"This has to be done. You ran away, you ran and let me be sealed for nearly ten millennia. Was our love so fragile that you could dare to do such a thing?" He shouted.
You watched as he took a few steps closer, his hands reaching for your shoulders. Despite how angry he was, despite how much you had hurt him, his grip was only tight and not painful. You thought for a moment you could feel his hands trembling.
"And now you've carried the fruit of our love all the way to now. Haven't you little vai?" He added. Your hand unconsciously reached down to your stomach, your eyes blown wide open.
"Had I known you would not stay in the past after allowing me to be sealed away I would have come to greet you. The sight of you falling into that abyss still haunts me but I understand that you had not yet known who I was when you fell." He states.
You didn't think he knew as much as he did, how could he know you hadn't birthed yet? How could he know that when you and Zelda fell you had yet to know who he was? Or had he truly pieced it together with a few guesses?
You shut your eyes, thinking of how to respond. And then a thought popped into your mind. So you shook free of his grasp, staring straight at him with determination.
"You're right Ganondorf. Watching you get sealed away was one of the worst things I could have ever witnessed. I regretted it. I wanted us to be happy." You confessed, watching as he grew impatient at your words.
"Then how could you stand by! How could you watch?!" He yelled, his hands clenching into fists at your words. "Because you left me no choice." You claimed.
"Because if you could so harshly kill when things were going so well then how could I know our future would be secure? You didn't trust me. You didn't trust that I wouldn't stay, you didn't trust me in the slightest."
You watched as his eyes widened and his shoulders hunched over, his hands clenching at his sides.
You moved closer to the entrance in the center, glancing over the side to see that Link was still occupied with the Phantom Ganons', he looked worried when he caught a glimpse of your figure up above.
You then looked straight again at Ganon once more, taking a breath in and out before continuing with your words, "I want this to end Ganon. I want us to live together once more." You confessed.
You watched as his features turned hopeful, stepping closer to you with excitement that could make him nearly burst. "Yes! Yes! I want that too!" He beamed.
You smiled a little, seeing a glimpse of the man you loved. "Then you must do something for me. And if you do this we can be together with no one else to interfere." You persisted, weight added to your words and Ganondorf nodded eagerly, "What is it? I'd do anything my love!" He stated, outstretched his arms to reach for you.
"Throw away the secret stone and stop this. Throw it away and come with me to live somewhere. We could have a home in the plains! We could live near my hometown or even far away from a village! Just as long as this does not continue. This cannot continue." You begged.
You watched as he hesitated, as his hands stopped and his eyes filled with uncertainty.
Tears filled your eyes once more, a rough laugh leaving your lips, "Can you truly not throw away power? You cannot do that to live with me in peace? To live in a place to call our own and raise our child together?" You scoffed.
You held yourself tightly as tears fell down your cheeks, Ganondorfs' mind quickly trying to come up with words to say.
You took a step backward towards the ledge, staying on the edge as you glanced at him, "A week." You stated.
"I will return to the castle in a week and if you do not have an answer for me then..." You gulped before speaking again, "Then I'm afraid I'll have no choice but to never let myself love you again."
Ganondorf reached out for you only for you to yell out Link's name, you tilted backward and allowed yourself to believe Link would catch you. And luckily he did.
At that moment the rest of the sages burst in, helping Link defeat the Phantom ganons and allowing you to stay safe.
You had only wished that you were not crying at that moment.
It was soon that you made it back. And you didn't know how to answer any of Links questions. So you merely told him to finish gathering the dragons' tears. That when he collected them all he would come to understand what had happened.
You didn't have the heart to answer what happened to Zelda. And hopefully by forcing him to look for the memories he wouldn't be back before the weeks' end.
You were sure he would also try and do the tasks that Purah had wanted him to do as well, such as checking Kakariko village now that it was confirmed that the Zelda everyone had seen was a fake.
You decided to get a carriage ride back to your village, soon arriving at the entrance to Hateno Village.
You wanted to meet with the village chief wanting to discuss about your home and the wish to sell it. While it was the last thing your parents gave you, the memories you had there weren't something you wanted to keep. You often felt rather lonely in that house. Maybe that was the reason you could so readily leave.
The reason you wanted to sell was so you could build a new home elsewhere, hoping that Ganondorf would say yes to your proposal.
So that's what you ended up doing most of your week, looking for places on the outskirts of villages, including your own, where you and Ganondorf would not be bothered. You even looked at just land itself, knowing you had enough money left over to hire someone to build your house should there be the need.
While you were hopeful that Ganondorf would say yes you were also preparing yourself for him choosing power over all else.
What you didn't know was about a singular Phantom Ganon hiding in the shadows watching your every move.
While Ganondorf wanted to trust you and your words he wasn't sure at the beginning when you proposed such an ultimatum to him. What if it was a trap? What if you truly despised him now?
Yet with every move you made you only showed hope about him accepting your request.
He watched as you traveled quickly from carriage to carriage, often sitting with food storage in the back of a wagon to travel fast enough. He saw how you looked at every house and land, taking into consideration how you thought he would feel about each one.
You never looked at places in Gerudo nor in the northern regions, always looking to the southeast or towards the central region. He also saw you consult with a midwife on the best things to eat and what to not do.
His only dilemma was wondering if he could throw away such power.
He loved you, yet that dark part of him wanted both you and power, telling him he was strong enough to take both. But then he would remember the look on your face at every bad thing he did. That look of sorrow and distrust made his heart squeeze.
He slightly wonders what would have happened had he believed in you, had he asked what your wishes were. And had he listened to you, would you both still be wrapped around each other? Would you both be lying in bed preparing to welcome the child growing within you?
But it was too late to have regrets. He had to focus on the now, as the decision he made could allow him to lose you forever.
He knew that Link was remarkable. As much as his pride didn't want to admit it, he had to, or else he'd end up dead. Link was not only strong but extremely skilled. If he were to fight with Link? He's not sure who would make it out of the two. Not to mention that the goddess Hylia strongly supports Link, and with the help of the sages it is likely Link could make it to him unscathed.
But who would win? It's an answer he's not sure he wants to know.
He needed his strength back. If he's going to answer his lovely little vai, he should at least look the closest to himself as he was back before he was sealed.
Soon he would have to make a decision. And let's hope for his sake he makes the right one.
As the week past you made sure to always have a ride back to lookout landing.
You made it back just before the deadline and started the trek to get up to Hyrule Castle.
You wondered how you would even make it up without running into any monsters but you were sure if you took some secret paths through the castle you'd be able to make it through.
So you embarked on your journey, slowly finding different paths to take if you run into any moblins or bokoblins or even lizard kin.
Most paths seemed to be oddly cleared out and it didn't take long for you to reach the sanctum without a scratch.
You wished it had been this easy the other day but you pushed that thought to the back of your mind before gazing at the entrance of the sanctum. You took a breath in and out and then walked in, finding that the sanctum looked as it did when "Zelda" had made it look new again.
You glanced at every corner, taking in how gorgeous the castle once looked. To think that such a glorious castle once stood here tall and mighty, yet 100 years without care and monsters running rampant was enough for it to fall into such disrepair.
And a certain tall man leaned behind you, wrapping you in his arms tightly, his once sickly form restored to what he once was. You hadn't even heard him or detected him, and now you stood there being held in his arms.
As much as you wanted to stay there, to let the warmth of his body comfort you, your anxiety would not stop until you heard his decision.
You took his wrist gently in your hand and guided his arm away from you, taking a step away from him before turning around and lifting your head to face him.
You saw it on his face, that look of love and warmth that you weren't able to see for what felt like such a long time. Those eyes that looked at you with kindness and warmth.
Your heart beat fast, the anxiety pooling in the depths of your stomach and creeping around your heart continued on despite how much the sight of his love for you made your heart ache for him.
Before you could even speak, his hand rose to the secret stone embedded into his forehead, his fingers fixing themselves around the stone before grasping it tightly. You watched in shock as he tore the stone from its place, a scar left behind by its place before he took your hand in his and placed the stone in your palm.
You could feel tears rushing down your cheeks, your fingers clenching around the stone and your palm tightly, the relief flooding you as sobs escaped your lips and your knees gave way from shock.
He caught you as you sobbed, his face worried as your other hand clenched at his robes and broken sobs of words you struggled to get out escaped your lips, "I... didn't think!" You sobbed, your sentences broken between heaves.
Ganondorf watched as you tried to form words before he eventually took you into his arms. He hated making you cry but the relief that you showed at his actions was worth it
He carried you out of the castle, a certain hero arriving at Lookout landing only to watch as soldiers and others gathered towards the gate, their enemy holding one of their comrades close to his chest and standing tall in all of his glory.
Link instinctively drew his sword, his hands wrapped around the hilt tightly, his teeth clenched as he prepared to fight. You quickly wiggled out of Ganondorfs' grasp, making him let you down as you presented the secret stone that once belonged to Sonia.
When the shock of Ganons' willingness to give up the stone vanished what filled you was a certainty that if you took the stone to the temple of time that you would be able to get Zelda back. Something in you just knew and after everything that had happened, you knew it couldn't wait.
"With this, we can get Zelda back. We need to go to the temple of time right now." You asserted. You could tell by the look in his eyes he had seen all the memories. And that while he knew the relationship between you and Ganondorf could be skewing your judgment, he saw something in you that knew something he didn't. And he trusted you just as much as he trusted Zelda.
So after telling everyone that Ganondorf was no longer an enemy and to stay put for you would explain in detail later, you and Link used the Purah Pad to go to the temple of time.
Standing at the decaying temple felt unreal as just a short time ago you had stood at its gate with Zelda, it's decayed form such a staggering difference to its current form. You allowed Link to lead the way for you through the temple, shaking your thoughts as you stelled your mind. Soon, coming to the place where Zelda had once pushed you back to the present time. For you it was only a little over a week, but for others, it's been longer since they've seen her.
So with Links' help to the platform where he once laid his sword, you slowly approached, a familiar dragon appearing suddenly wind rushing as you held the stone over the altar and finally placed it atop the surface. There was a light quick to blind you until you and Link were floating amidst what looked like clouds of green, the Dragon of Light floating before you.
You see Links' hand glow, Rauru and Sonia appear behind him, lending him the power needed to restore Zelda, the dragons' form slowly disappearing and Zelda's form returning.
And as just as quickly as Rauru and Sonia had appeared, they gave a sad look towards you before fading away.
And as everything unfolded, another blinding light appeared, revealing Zelda on the alter where you had placed the secret stone.
And it's as though you could finally let out a sigh of relief.
Soon you would explain everything to Zelda, who would in turn explain to Link and the rest. Many felt uncomfortable letting Ganondorf go unpunished but considering the possible alternative of him attempting to rule all of Hyrule made them allow it under certain conditions.
He wasn't allowed anywhere near the Sky Islands nor Hyrule castle. It was decided that he could not travel to Gerudo either. Most of the southeast of Hyrule he could travel to. And after lots of talking with your husband, he agreed.
Zelda and Link would help make a system of precautions about where the secret stones would be held and who could access them.
And you had asked for a home to be built north of Zelkoa Pond on the outskirts of Hateno Village. In the end, you wanted to remain close but at arms' length.
The home took time and You and Ganondorf would stay at the lab atop the hill. He would often go down to chop wood for materials and began talking with a few of the villagers about farming.
As the months flew by and your home was built and furnished, Ganondorf made a bassinet himself for the nursery and slowly became more open to the villagers. You had started feeling more and more comfortable around Ganondorf as you watched him become his old self. The man you loved.
As your pregnancy advanced you watched him become more protective. He'd worry over every little thing you carried and if you ever showed any hint of discomfort he'd force you to sit down in a plush rocking chair he had built himself. He had started to work a lot with wood outside of farmwork so he had made much of the furniture inside your home.
Ganondorf had formed a habit at night where he would help you get nice and comfortable, fluffing up pillows and making sure you were pampered before bed. And once you were comfortable he would lay down carefully, adjusting himself till his feet lightly dangled off the bed so he could position his ear next to your stomach.
The grin that would adorn his face in these moments always made you happy.
And blissful moments would come often now that you had no worry about time traveling or Ganondorf getting ahold of the secret stones. You had made a point to Zelda before that you did not want to have the knowledge of what would be done with the stones.
It wasn't only so you wouldn't slip up or maybe tell him accidentally. It was so you didn't get comfortable and think that it was safe enough to tell him. You knew that you were incredibly weak when it came to Ganondorf, just as he was for you. So you would help with any other research, just never the secret stones.
It made things more peaceful and less stressful in your mind, never having to overthink it.
And then your water broke.
Ganondorf was outside working on something in a shed he built to work on things to make in when he heard you calling for him, the panicked tone in your voice made him drop everything before sprinting and slamming open the door nearly off its hinges.
He saw you holding onto the dining table, using it for support as you stood in a pool of liquid and held the bump on your stomach tightly, contractions beginning to become painful.
Purah who had been staying in the village for a short time arrived quickly, already sending word to Zelda and Link about the state you were in.
And every step of the way you clenched Ganondorfs' hand the tightest you've ever held it. He hated seeing you in pain, his body hunched over the bed you laid in and the sweat forming on your forehead.
He hated that all he could do was sit there. It's why he held onto your hands and let you squeeze him.
All you would hear from him were loving coos and encouragement, the occasional dab of a wet cloth across your forehead before a kiss followed.
And with a certain push brought one life into the world, one that cried the moment they came into the world.
You cried as you held your child, a boy with Ganons' distinctive red hair but with your lovely eyes. And when he looked down at the bundle in your arms he was so glad they had inherited your eyes. His hand carcasses your hair, tucking strands behind your ear as he leaves kisses on your forehead and cheek, leaving one across your sons' forehead as well.
It was a fresh start, a completely new beginning.
You and Ganondorf could now let go as the babies' cries stopped and everything finally felt peaceful.
That lingering thought in the back of your mind would later come into question. As your son was now the first male born to the Gerudo in quite some time..
But as you gazed at the loving child in your arms you put away all those thoughts that would make you anxious, you decided no matter what to protect them. Ganondorf came close, enveloping you both in a hug, smiles, and tears of relief adoring his cheeks as everything settled into place.
You hoped this peace would last for a long time.
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bagerfluff · 9 months
Lay With It Him
BotW Link x Male Reader
Prompt - Remember
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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It took a while for Link to make it to the forest. Link didn't know how to get there so he went back up the mountain and looked to see if he could find it from up high. Link found the forest then he rode back down the mountain and to the forest.
Link got to the forest right as the sun was starting to set. But Link didn't want to wait for the sun to rise so he entered the forest. The forest was like a maze. Twist and turns everywhere. Monsters around every corner. Link didn't know how long he went down a path just for him to realize he went down already.
Link was tired and bruised when he found a clearing in the forest. The only cover was the branches of trees that were multitube feet away. There was a rock, the moon was shining on the rock. But what caught Link's eye was a statue. It was a statue of a boy. He looked to be around Link's age.
When Link got closer he realized that he boy had a sword and a shield on his back. Like Link. When Link got even closer he recognized the face.
It was him!
Link found him. But what was wrong with him? Was he alive? What caused him to look like this? Did he choose this? Was he cursed? Link had more questions then answers. Link sighed. he found him. But did he? He couldn't talk to him. Link crawled on top of the rock and sat next to Y/n.
What could he do?
Maybe he should just leave. He got what he wanted. But he didn't get all of it. Link laid his head on Y/n's shoulder. Link closed his eyes. Y/n smelled like roses and freshly cut grass. It was then that Link felt something moved.
Link opened his eyes and saw that you were rubbing your eyes. How? you were stone just seconds ago. What happened? Did Link do this. "How long was I asleep?" you asked while turning to the guy next to you. Your eyes widened when you realized it was Link.
You whispered with tears brimming your eyes. The tears fell when Link pulled you in a hug. You hugged him back as tears fell from your eyes. He was back.
"I don't know you", Link started, tears also slowly falling from his eyes, "But I know I love you".
That's what he was feeling. Love. He loved you. He didn't know anything about you. But he knew he loved you. And that was all he needed. You guys spent a couple more minutes hugging until you pulled away. "How long was I asleep for?"
You asked. Link told you. Your eyes widened as you looked back to the path that Link came on. You pushed your self of the rock and looked towards Hyrule Castle.
"Their all dead" you said, with more tears brimming your eyes. Your friends, all of them, dead.
Expect Link.
You still had Link.
While Link rode you back to town he tried his best to explain what had happened when you were sleep. You were shocked when you heard it. Link had forgotten everything, but you remembered. Why? he tried to remember what happened before you fell sleep but you couldn't.
That was the only thing you didn't remember. It was weird. But that wasn't the main thing that you were worrying about. The main thing was Link. Hundred years ago you and him were dating. You were boyfriends.
But were you still?
You hadn't broken up, but Link didn't remember you. But he said he loved you. But how can you love someone you don't know? That you didn't know. But you and Link didn't speak of it. You both got into town, ate, slept in the inn, then Link asked you if you wanted to travel with him.
You said yes.
You couldn't say no, not to Link. But after a while of traveling you needed answers. Were you and Link still dating? At first you didn't want to over whelm him. He had a lot to remember. But you had to ask. The thought was keeping you up at night.
So one night, when the moon and stars shined upon you and the Hero of Hyrule. You asked him. "Hey Link?" You started, looking away from the food Link had made. Link looked up at you and nodded, telling you that he was listening.
"What are we?" You asked. Link looked confused.
You caught up on it immediately, over the years you could tell what Link was feeling just from his face a body language. "Hundred years ago we were dating", you stated, looking back down at your food "Are we still?" You asked with tears in the corner of your eyes.
You didn't want to lose Link, you loved him. More then anything. Hell, you found a way to stay alive and young for hundred years. But all of that could have been for nothing. Link looked down at his food before placing it down and moving closer to you. You looked up into his eyes. You always loved Link's eyes.
Blue was your favorite color. "I might not really know you", Link grabbed your hands and held them in his, "I'd like to get to know you". Link looked down at your hands.
"And I's like to date you. If you want to date me?" Link asked looking up at you with hope in his eyes.
Tears fell out of your eyes as he hugged Link, pulling him close, scared of losing him again.
"Of course. I'd love to date you" you whispered.
Link smiled and held you close. It might take time. But you too would get to know each other again. You loved each other. And they say that love can do anything.
Maybe even keep someone alive for hundred years.
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moonyhasmanyanimals · 6 months
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You poor soul, how could this happen?
You were once so full of life and you're pretty eyes are all dull, like you weren't yourself
it's ok, I'll just rebuild you.
Make you how you were before, make you happy again
My sweet princess
I know my master is mean but you are going to far, you're just being immature
No, my name isn't Dark Link silly
It's unknown
Call me that, anything but that disgusting mortals NAME!!
I am the the head knight of the dark army and you will not call me Link or dark Link, not even that awful name dink that those bastards call me.
No, i am your love, your lovely, you're unknown darkness in your heart, I'm not his, I am yours and you are mine!!!!
Just a lovely intro into Unknown, well... My unknown
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Any possible way I could get Ganondorf sucking his partner's manhood & swallowing, then getting it from behind?
I tried to get this to a thousand words and was so close. I hope this is acceptable but if you wanted a more submissive Ganon I'll try again.
Content: BJ(receiving), doggy(giving). Use of the word cum, small top and big bottom? Implied power bottom/switch Ganondorf. Nonspecific/mixed interation of Ganondorf. I use Ganon and Ganondorf interchangeably here. Use lube my dudes. Overstimulation.
Reader Info:second person You/your pronouns,Dominant Reader, has a penis, masculine terms. Ambiguous race(hylian,gerudo, etcetera). Dick size not mentioned. Mentioned to curse but doesn't have dialogue.
3rd Person(He/Him) Will link when finished.
It didn't take much convincing to have the Gerudo King kneeling between your thighs. You don't quite recall the words nor how you said them but they must of been persuasive for him to be this eager. Despite his large strong hands on your hip and thigh, and the fact you know he could easily flip the roles, you felt irreparably in control. One hand gripping the sheets beneath you, the other slipping its fingers into his vermilion hair. You then tug, pulling his head forward. Ganondorf is stubborn, patient and enjoying your displeasure at being teased. He relents to only tease your tip one last time. Circling his tongue around the crown, licking across the slit before sucking. You sigh relieved as he closes his lips around your cockhead. Now he doesn't mind you guiding his head it's just something to tease you with later. His amber eyes never looking away from your face as he takes your cock to the root and pulls back to the tip.
Fair enough to you, as your eyes don't move his form. It was in the rare moments Ganondorf wasn't guarded, his hair wasn't up nor was he suited in his armor. Instead clothed in loose fabrics that accentuates his body showing each flex of muscle underneath. A plus is that you know just how easy it is to just slip those off. An ease akin a tissue paper wrapped present.
Your breathes and soft sounds as well the lewd wet noises of a mouth working your cock are the only sign to any passing underling to what's happening. Feeling your thighs tense under his hands he increases his efforts at the sensitive parts of your manhood. Ganon smirks as you curse, your cock giving a telltale throb. You buck, rut and roll your hips into Ganon's awaiting mouth. A few thrusts in and your cock spasms once dry, second pumping your cum as far as your length reached.
Ganondorf waits for to finish painting his throat before he pulls back letting fall from his lips as he stands up. Catching your breath you watch through half lidded eyes as he slowly slipped his robe off letting you trail your eyes over any newly exposed flesh. The fabric falls to the floor revealing him in his entirety. His chiseled physique, strong broad shoulders, down his torso the thick happy trail leading your eyes to his own manhood. You know he's aroused but the pure weight and size makes him hang. Ganondorf's voice pulls your attention back to his face.
"Surely you have more to offer then that," his deep baritone might be enough to get you going again by itself. He doesn't wait for your answer for he already knows it. You get off the bed quickly, amusing Ganon by your eagerness. You move into position gently brushing his hair off of his back seeing the scars lined across the skin. They were a few shades darker than the rest of his skin. You press a kiss against a prominent scar causing Ganondorf to tense beneath you before relaxing. He's still unused to tender touches like this. You press your fingers against his ass slowly pressing in at first. Your free hand moves to stroke yourself the rest of the way erect. You don't take you time not this session at least, maybe once he's more comfortable with soft touches you'll go slow. Possibly make love, but now it's not what your king wants from you. You have to judge of it's enough. Removing your fingers and lining your cockhead to his entrance only his own saliva lubricating your cock. You push forward as far as you can your body pressing against his firm buttocks. Your hands against his waist as you lean your weight onto him so you have some leverage to move your hips against his.
You leisurely speed up your thrusts with each smack of your hips. You push against Ganon's back he complies and arches his back for you. Your hands now on his hips as he holds up his torso with fold arms. Now able to push deeper from the vantage point you made you rut against his ass trying to find the best angle. You settle for now and focus on fucking into the large man. It felt great with him under you. This close you could really take in the angles and curves of his body. Makes you feel strong with such a powerful king under you.
Your hands on his hips guide them in movement with your trusts allowing you to hit harder inside. Ganondorf occasionally looks over his shoulder at you noticing either how focused or blissed out you are. He's clearly amused by how hard you're trying to be rough with him. Din deemed him the most powerful for a reason after all.
Thrusts grow slightly sloppy as you near your second climax. You feel the build up, tingles running up your spine originating from your cock brushing against Ganon's insides. Your grip on his hips tightens. Ganondorf doesn't need the warning he knows the signs.
"Go on, give me it all. It's want you want isn't it?" You're unsure if Ganondorf's tone is mocking or genuinely encouraging but you're too close to really care.
Ganondorf feels you tense against him before you cum. Not quite as much as the first time. The king seems to drain you like that. You try to continue moving as you climax until it's too much. Pulling your sensitive cock from him staining the sheets with the last remnants of your second orgasm.
You ground yourself post orgasmic bliss as Ganondorf moves guiding you down onto the bed where he laid.
"You can go again, dear? For your king," Ganondorf says it in more of a command than a request. You know you can simply decline but who are you to deny the Dark Lord his due?
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reallyromealone · 8 months
Ganon omegaverse 3
Fandom: the legend of zelda
Warnings: omegaverse, male reader, Zelda isn't good in this
(name) wasn't sure what to do, with these new freedoms he previously lacked back at Hyrule Castle, Ganon letting him wander around the palace AND THE CITY! With guards of course but still! He wasn't allowed to leave the grounds back home... Well he supposed this would be his home now.
That was something to get used to, things he was noticing back with his sister that left a sour taste in his mouth...
Why did she do what she did?
Why did she lock him away the way she did?
(Name) didn't know if he would get the answers he wanted to know or at least honest ones...
"Over the years we have expanded the town, it's not as big as Hyrule Castle town but it is impressive on its own" a guard explained as she showed him around the merchants row, before the palace entrance that surprised (name) at how accessible it was "unlike Hyrule Castle, we firmly believe the people should not be barred from visiting the palace-- of course there's times where it's not possible such at night but closing the palace from its people seems unreasonable to us"
"We believe in transparency to the people, of course they can't go anywhere they want in the palace but they are welcome to visit the throne room or see the public areas with the understanding of respect"
(Name) was fascinated by this information, the palace he knew was very closed off and from what he knew, very different from the rest of the kingdom in terms of wealth, the valley was much more forgiving and attentive to their people.
Zelda was a good queen, he knew this but he also knew she often focused on her own adventures and left the responsibilities to her second in command.
"There's so much I must learn..."
"And you will in time, you will have the rest of your life to learn" (name) nodded as he was slowly brought to the private dining area, unlike back home it wasn't stiff and cold, regal still but it felt....warm.
There was a low table with many bowls and plates with delicious looking foods as Ganon waited for his fiance to join him "how was your day, my star?" Ganon had grown to call (name) pet names, my beloved, my star... Many sweet words that made (name) flustered, his body warm with each sweet word.
"We went throughout the city today, one of the vendor ladies gave me this! I tried to pay her but she refused, she said "a gift to our future queen" the piece in question was one the made Ganon nearly blush, it was a fertility amulet.
"It looks very lovely on you" Ganon said as he led the Omega to sit in his lap, the Hylian dwarfing in comparison as they began eating, (name) finding he quite enjoyed spicy foods that the desert offered "try this!" Ganon already knew what all the foods presented tasted like but gave into his mates whims, eating the food presenting "very good, my love" his words rumbled through (name)s body, Ganon liked having his omega perched in his lap, so small and cute...
Ganon liked having (name) accompanying him during his royal business, include him on things and let him know how things worked And have an intimate knowledge in Ganons life.
"Our trade routes should alternate to this come winter months" Uberosa pointed to the map, an alternative map to get to the Bazaar "the merchants coming from the east have been notified through notices at inns and ranches" she explained as (name) looked curiously at the large map "This will also be the route we take for the wedding, I assume?" The concept of the wedding was both nerve-wracking and exciting at the same time, to think they should have been married for much longe...
Ganon gently pumped out pharamones as to calm the Omega, knowing he was nervous about his sister but Ganon knew she wouldn't try anything as to not disrupt the peace.
Going to war with the Guredo was a death wish after all.
"The wedding will be held at the temple of time now that it's been restored" Uberosa pointed to the map and (name) seemed excited, having never gotten to see it repaired.
Ganon worried (name) would grow bored when Ganon had to leave him, but the Alpha was pleasantly surprised to see (name) helping the teachers with the pups, the little girls wanting (name) to play with them the second they saw him as he was the only Voe outside of Ganon himself who they were allowed to look at, omegas were always deemed safe to the Guredo people.
"He will make a fine dam, brother" Uberosa said as Ganon gazed from a window, a soft look on his face "he will raise wonderful children if they get his attitude... God help if they turn out like you" the elder teased as Ganon huffed with false annoyance "he will be wonderful"
"Any word from the princess?"
"She's been quiet, she made many people upset with her actions and is most definitely doing damage control" he said methodically and Uberosa laughed slightly "she could have started a war, thankfully her brother is less selfish"
"His priority is always those around him, like a true Omega"
"You better spoil him to make sure he cares for himself"
"I already have things on the way"
Ganons clothes were going missing, mainly his shirts, thankfully he had an abundance due to needing to change from the heat.
Something Ganon took notice of was that (name) hadn't started nesting while here, weeks passing and the Omega seemed nervous when offered nesting materials "I-im allowed...?"
"Why wouldn't you be allowed, little one?" Uberosa asked the other who bit his lip, Ganon having a bad taste in his mouth as (name)s words confirmed his suspicions "w-wouldnt it be an inconvenience? I'm a royal Omega, it's unsightly for us to nest, no?"
"(Name), nesting is a basic instinct for all omegas, it doesn't matter what status you are, not nesting can affect your physical and mental wellness" Uberosa knelt down to the sitting Omega who seemed uncomfortable "I... I just don't want to inconvenience you all with my Omegan problems..."
"You have never and will never be a problem to us" Ganon was serious as he was half ready to start war over this but knew better, soon (name) will never have to deal with that again, he would be free to do as he pleased.
It took another week for (name) to try and make a nest, shy and nervous about it though happy Ganon gave him a spare room connecting to the bedroom "such a beautiful nest my Star" Ganon comforted (name) who looked at him for approval, his mood something new to Ganon compared to the others he was used to "we will get you even more nesting materials if you desire" he would have the finest materials sourced for his mate, anything for him.
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 year
Support from the Back Line (Male!Reader x Twilight Princess!Link)
Requested by @jayfeather965 for  Life with Twilight Link as he prepares to kill ganon then in the following days and months afterwards.
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The progression of the Twilight has been a strange event indeed for Hyrule.
And its sudden pushback even stranger.
No one but you truly seems to know what's going on - that a lone swordsman aided by scattered people across Hyrule has been fighting back the Twilight and liberating everyone.
It's shocking really, that these world-changing events are happening, almost in the background, with life just continuing on as it does.
It can be nearly impossible to go to the market and buy and sell, when you take a moment to think that the fate of your town, your nation, your whole world - is all on the shoulders of someone else.
However... it doesn't make you feel helpless or hopeless.
Because you're one of the scattered people helping him.
You guided Link around Castle Town when he returned as a human, helping him to Telma's Bar and warning him to avoid the racist Doctor Borville.
And whenever he came back to town to deliver bugs to Agatha or sneak into Jovani's house, he would come to you.
You help him gain supplies and the things he needs, and provide him a place to rest for a few hours.
acquaintance became companionship became love.
So Link comes into town and now seeks you out just to see you, not even when he needs something else.
He seeks you out for kisses, for cuddles and comfort, for meals that remind him of home.
And you enjoy his company, though he speaks rarely, and he yours.
He lingers at your home, and finally tells you that he's getting ready to face the final threat. He's returned from the Twilight Realm and is ready to take on the Demon King.
"You'll come back to me, right?" you say, less a request and more an order. He smiles and nods eagerly, taking you in his arms.
He kisses you for the first time then. A promise to return for more.
It's a day like any other, it seems, when he returns and just pulls you to your bed to sleep.
In the days and months that follow, Link returns once to his home village to bring the kids and Ilia back and say his goodbyes.
And he comes to you.
He still rides around Hyrule on adventures now and then. Missions for the Princess, who tasks him with helping reunite the scattered peoples.
But no matter what, you know he'll return to you.
He has a home with you, a place to truly belong.
And with him, you have a purpose and drive.
You build a home together, and once he starts staying with you for longer between adventures, you turn his heroism in another direction - you help out the people in Castle Town, the friends that come to visit; simply making the world a better place in a time of peace.
Link speaks rarely, but it never bothers you. You can read his face and sometimes it feels like you share a mind.
His love for you shines in the things he does for you, unconsciously and consciously. You are foremost in his mind, even when he's not thinking.
You are his.
He is yours.
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mattalit · 2 years
Link x Male Reader
A/N: repost from wattpad
Length: 1.7k
Originally Published: Feb 23, 2023
CW: none
In his line of work, customers were infrequent, and new customers were almost unheard of. Regardless of the "untapped potential", as (M/N) often called it, of the Poe industry, it was an unsurprisingly under-utilized--or perhaps useless?--and unheard of industry, and his parents, when he visited them, would often remind him of that. Despite his parents' disfavor towards his particular career choice, (M/N) found it liberating: he had little to no competition, which meant more money for him; he had lots of free time, which he used to peruse different hobbies; and he was alone, which he liked. Well, he was alone outside of cases such as now, where a customer--a new customer, in this case--had wandered into his modest little shop in Castle Town.
The surprise of a new customer was largely (M/N)'s own fault. His shop was never open at the same time twice in a week, he never advertised (outside of an obligatory pamphlet in the Kakariko Village Graveyard, of course), and the only sign that indicated there was a shop here (and more than that, what the shop was) was posted in fine print on the door. All of this, combined with the obscure nature of the Poe industry, led to few, if any, customers in any given day. And when there were customers, they were the same regulars he had come to know since the founding of his little Poe boutique--all were sketchy, most were scummy, and one was crazy. To explain his regulars would be a digression, though, and something (M/N) could not ponder upon due to the current circumstances--that is, having a customer. Now was not the time for thinking; now was the time for quality Customer Service. So, kicking his feet back and forth from his perch on the counter, (M/N) put on his best Customer Service smile.
"Welcome! Are you here to sell or to buy?"
"Uh, I'm here to sell."
(M/N) did a once over his new customer. Blond. Obviously active and reasonably buff. Cool sword. An adventurer... I should send him on a quest. I'm sure he's not busy with other things.
"Of course. What do you bring me today?" the Poe merchant asked.
The blond held out a bottle.
"Oh! Let me see that." (M/N) grabbed the Poe and held it up to the light. Hmm. Orange aura. He tapped the bottle. Not too small, yet not a lot of space for it in this bottle. He ran through his mental list of local Poes. Rare! A Big Poe. Just what I needed. "Young man, you've brought me quite the specimen."
"What's it worth?"
"To your average person? Nothing. To me? 50 rupees, and if you want, 100 points on your tab."
"Yessir, 'tab.' For Big Poes, which this is a Big Poe if I've ever seen one, I'll give you points on your tab. If you get 1000 points, I'll give you a special gift!" Without giving his new customer time to object, (M/N) continued, "Now, what's your name? I'll get the paperwork."
"It's Link."
On the top of the blank paper (official blank paper, mind you), (M/N) wrote, Link (blond twink) 100 points as of XX/XX/XX.
And now, it was time for (M/N) to sucker this new customer into doing his dirty work.
"...and you're all set, Link. A pleasure to meet you, by the way. I'm (M/N). Now, you seem like the adventuring type..."
Link sighed. As a worn out hero, he was used to this opening phrase, and it always led to some request. He was not particularly excited to undergo more (arguably) meaningless tasks, but he had little else to do now that he saved the world from evil or whatever. Perhaps something less dramatic would help him relax.
"What do you need me to do?"
Thank the Heavens! He took the bait.
"I'm looking to employ someone to do some hunting for me."
"Go on."
"A client of mine has requested 10 Big Poes from me. Unfortunately, they are particularly hard to find, and even harder to capture. Seeing as you've brought me a Big Poe, though, you are clearly more than capable. If you can get me 9 more, you'll have 1000 points and win a gift! Of course, I'll pay you accordingly for each Poe; I might even throw something extra in. I'll consider it an internship. What do you say?"
Now, Link didn't consider himself to be a ghost hunter, but in times like these, when his only choice was to eternal boredom or an "internship" with a some odd man, he was willing to do anything,
"I'll do it."
"Consider yourself employed, then! Welcome to the team, intern."
(M/N) wasn't expecting to see Link back so soon. Of course, it had been a week since Link had brought in his first Big Poe, but from what he had seen, a week to find a Big Poe was a new form of efficiency. He almost doubted the man even brought a Big Poe back.
"Back so soon?" The Poe merchant dropped his hood down, revealing his messy (H/L) (H/C) hair, and gazed questioningly at the adventurer.
"I think I've found a Big Poe."
"Oh, glorious! Hand it over." Link held out a bottle and (M/N) grasped it.
The merchant tentatively tapped the bottle. Hmm. He stared at it. Orange aura. He shook it. Definitely large.
"I dare say, Ghost Hunter, you've found us a Big Poe. You're exceeding my expectations," (M/N) said, pouring the Poe into a crate.
"I've, uh, had some experience with ghosts."
"In the Kakariko Graveyard?" Link nodded. "That's the bulk of my experience, too. We don't have Poes or ghosts where I'm from. Too cold, I suppose," (M/N) said, leaning back against the wall. "Anyways, I'm giving you a bonus for your hard work. 75 rupees. Oh! And 100 points to your tab. Keep it up--there's more where that came from."
Link gladly accepted the rupees it, placing them into his wallet. "So, where is it 'too cold' for Poes? I've seen Poes all over Hyrule."
(M/N) looked at Link and tilted his head. "You can't tell? I'm not from Hyrule. I'm from somewhere much more North. It's a small town. It doesn't rain there; it only snows."
"And you came all this way to sell... Poes?"
"To sell and to buy Poes, yes," (M/N) responded indignanty. "It's a niche interest of mine." He glanced up and down at Link. "And what about you? You're awfully pretty compared to the people around here. Where are you from? What do you do?"
Link considered telling the truth about his majestic adventures, his conquest to save this very apocalyptic town they were currently in, but he decided against it. Despite the idiosyncrasies of his newfound "employer," he wanted to put his temple-diving, life-risking adventuring days behind him... at least for a while.
"I'm from a small village in the south-east, near the forest. I'm an adventurer."
"An 'adventurer', mysterious! Y'know, if I was pretty like you, I'd be doing a different sort of business." (M/N) leaned forward, arms crossed, and offered a flirtatious wink. Link flushed a dark red. Before he could respond, (M/N) was already dismissing him with a wave of his hand. "Anyways, a pleasure as always. I expect to see you again soon with more Big Poes! Scurry long now."
And a week later, (M/N) did see Link, who brought a Big Poe. And a week after that, another Big Poe. And a two weeks after that, two Big Poes. And now, Link was prepared to drop off his seventh.
Unlike his usual visits to the shop, though, the torches were unlit and no light escaped from the windows. Regardless of what is considered "acceptable" when no one appears to be home, Link, with a key gifted to him by (M/N), unlocked the door and tentatively opened it.
"(M/N)?" he called into the darkness. He did not receive a response.
Link closed the door behind him, and, in the soft glow of the moonlight, crept across the room. Again, he called out.
"Ugh," a tired voice called out, "Link?" Lantern light floods through an open door into the store, and the hunched frame of (M/N) followed it. He wore a pair of shorts and nothing else. He rubbed one eye and lazily looked at Link with the other. "It's awfully late to be doing business."
Link blushed lightly in embarrassment. "Oh, uh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you'd be asleep."
(M/N) gave him an odd look. "Link, it must be, what? Three in the morning?" He sighed. "What are you doing here?"
Link didn't respond right away. While he had, in fact, showed up to do business, he didn't want to admit that seeing the merchant's sleepiness.
(M/N) sighed again. "Oh, whatever, it doesn't matter. Come on, Link, let's have a sleep over."
Link hesitantly followed (M/N) into the adjoining room. (M/N)'s room was small, containing a mat and blankets serving as a makeshift bed. A milk crate next to the bed served as a table. Haphazard stacks of books on ghosts and supernatural creatures filled up a corner.
"Sorry it's so small," (M/N) said, scratching his naked chest. "I'm not exactly, uh, used to company." He eased himself onto the mat, laying down with his arms behind his head. He gave Link a once over. "I hope you don't plan on bringing a sword to bed."
"Oh! Right." Link discarded his sword and shield and outer layers of clothes in a corner. To avoid scandal and remain modest, he left his pants and undershirt on. Then, when (M/N) patted the space next to him, sat down. Link's body was noticeably tense, and he seemed unsure of what to do.
"For a ghost-killing adventurer, you're awfully new to sleep overs," (M/N) joked. "Don't worry, pretty boy, I don't bite." He extinguished the flame in his lantern, then furrowed his brows in thought. "Well, unless you're into that."
Link didn't respond, but taking a deep breath to relax, he laid next to the (H/C) man. The dark itself served as a shield against the outside world, and for a moment, Link felt safe.  It was a simple moment of peace, free from adventuring, free from responsibility, and free from near-death experiences. I could get used to this, he thought.
He felt an arm slowly make its way around his waist. "Is this okay?" came (M/N)'s gentle whisper.
"Yeah," Link replied breathlessly, "it's okay."
"Good." (M/N) softly tugged him closer and let out a content sigh that tickled Link's neck. "Good night, Link."
"Good night, (M/N)."
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dreamdepot · 5 months
New Story: Dreams of the Kingdom
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[Link x Male!Reader]
Power. Wisdom. Courage. The legend of Hyrule has always been the story of three. Where does that leave you, oh mighty prince of the wild?
A sequel story to Prince of the Wild.
Edited 7/5/2024 - Links have been updated
Chapter 1: The Slumbering Beast
Chapter 1 is now up on Wattpad, A03, and below the break
For links to the prequel Prince of the Wild, please see the following links:
Wattpad AO3
The ballroom was filled with laughter and music. The moonlight streamed down through the windows on the festivities. You straightened your crown, trying to make sure you looked just right in your reflection on the window. Tonight was going to be special; you just knew it.
The music swelled with a flourish of the violins. People glided across the polished marble floors, twirling to the beautiful piece. You could see your best friend, the royal poet and maestro Sharpe, absolutely beaming as he conducted the orchestra.
You let your eyes wander over the crowd. Your father, King Rhoam, was stoic as ever, watching from his own corner. Princess Zelda, your younger sister, was happily chatting with Robbie and Purah, no doubt sharing research notes. Impa and Mipha were laughing over drinks while little Sidon chowed down on snacks. Revali was attempting to dance with the ambassador from Hytopia, but it was impossible to tell who was worse at it. Daruk was drinking each of the castle guards under the table. Apparently, none of them ever heard that Gorons were unaffected by Hylian liquor. Your heart swelled with happiness, though it still felt a little empty without the one who was most important to you.
“Waiting on someone, sparrow?” Urbosa asked, gently laying a hand on your shoulder. She had a knowing glint in her eye as she sipped her Noble Pursuit.
“You wouldn’t have happened to-”
“I believe I saw him walking towards the Sanctum.” Your heart skipped a beat, and you were ready to run upstairs, but Urbosa’s grip held you back. “Don’t get into trouble, sparrow. You still need to make an appearance later tonight.”
You blushed but nodded. “Of course, you know I’m always professional.”
“Of course,” Urbosa said. She brushed a stray bit of your hair back and smoothed some wrinkles off your coat. “Go, I’ll cover for you.”
You barely got out a “thank you” before dashing out of the ballroom to the stairs. The music grew fainter and fainter as you made your way up the castle. A giddy bubble of happiness felt ready to burst out of your chest. You were Prince [Y/n] Daltus Hyrule, Lord of Akkala, Order of the Picori, Colonel in the Grand Hylian Army, Defender of the Holy Triforce, and Champion of the Goddess Din – but the most important title of all was Boyfriend of the Hylian Champion. Reaching the top of the steps, you pushed the doors open as quietly as you could.
“Link?” you called out. The torches were all lit inside, but all was quiet. You shut the door and entered. “Link? Are you here?”
No response.
You frowned, walking past the thrones, ignoring how the shadows danced on the walls. Suddenly, a wooden training sword clattered to the ground right at your feet. You looked up, seeing the knight grinning from the upper floor. “Oh, you’re on!”
You picked up the sword – slightly upset it was a single handed one instead of your preferred claymore – and mounted the stairs, charging up to the hidden lounge above the Sanctum. Link met you halfway, your swords clashing with a dull thonk. You drove him backwards up the stairs, slash after slash. Link laughed with each one, parrying them effortlessly.
The two of you clashed, when you saw your chance. You parried his blows, and…
…pulled the small rug from under him. Before he could get up, you pointed your sword at his chest. “Finally!” You shouted. “I win!”
“One out of – what, a thousand?” Your knight grinned.
You shrugged. “Hey, I’ll take it.” You helped him up and pulled him into a hug. “You didn’t get hurt when you fell right?”
“No, I’m fine,” he laughed. “Takes more than a practical joke to hurt a knight, your majesty.”
You took his hand and started leading him downstairs. “We should head back before Father gets upset.” You reached for the door but stopped. Someone was standing on the balcony overlooking Hyrule Field.
“Hello?” You let go of Link’s hand as you walked over to the balcony. The music seemed to fade away as you got closer. The figure didn’t seem familiar. “Oh, pardon me, but all guests should be downstairs. I’d be happy to show you the way.”
“There’s no need for that, I’ve been waiting for you,” a rumbling baritone voice said. The figure turned, revealing a wall of a man with a piercing glare. It felt like he could see you through to your soul. Your head throbbed with a migraine. For some reason, your left hand – the hand emblazoned with the mark of the Triforce of Power – felt like it was burning.
“Who are you?”
The moonlight turned a bloodstained red. “Of course you would forget me, but I certainly haven’t forgotten you and your treachery.” He reached out, firmly gripping your chin and tilting your head up to look you in the eyes. Panic rose in your throat looking into his glowing red and yellow eyes. He let out a low rumble of a laugh. “Don’t worry, I’ll be seeing you soon to take what is rightfully mine, little prince.”
The world swam and grew dark as a terrible laugh filled your ears. A scream tore from your throat. Pain shot through your body…
“[Y/n]! [Y/n]!!” Link shook you gently. “It’s okay! I’m here, I’m here…”
You gasped for air, looking up to see your handsome knight looking down at you. He wrapped you in his arms. “It’s okay, it’s just a nightmare. You’re going to be okay.”
You held him close, not caring how tangled you were in the sheets. It was still late, and the moon hung outside your window – thankfully still its normal pale color.
Your heart slowed as Link held you and stroked your hair. “Big spoon or little spoon?”
You told him your preference, and the two of you shifted to a more comfortable cuddling position. “It was the same dream,” you finally said.
“The royal ball and the stranger?”
“Yeah,” you said. “He knew me. I… I don’t know how to explain it but looking at him felt like… pure evil… It was almost like the Calamity.”
Link nodded. “Do you want to go talk to Symin about it? He helped Zelda when she had those nightmares last year.”
“Maybe,” you said. “I’m just confused. He knew me, Link. He said he was going to take what was ‘rightfully his’.”
“I’m sure it’s just a silly dream, but…” Link frowned and pressed his hand to your forehead. “Hmm doesn’t seem like a fever, but maybe the gloom is getting to you.”
“It’s not the gloom,” you said, pushing his hand away. “Maybe I’m stressed out? Maybe… maybe I’m just missing them.”
Link sighed. “I miss them too.”
“I did beat you this time though.”
Link snorted. “So, you’re saying you can only beat me in your dreams?”
“Shut up,” you laughed.
The two of you stayed quiet for a moment, just enjoying the cuddling. It was hard to believe it had been five years. Five years since you woke up in a cave, five years since you found Link without his memories, and five years since the two of you saved Hyrule and your sister. The life of the “lost prince” was never dull with Hyrule’s greatest swordsman as your boyfriend and Princess Zelda as your sister. The three of you had helped to rebuild most of Hyrule, bringing the people back together and creating a semblance of a government. Your New Hyrule Trading Company was now run through the Stable Association, a union-run business, giving you more time to train the new militia taking care of monsters across the land – not to mention helping your sister run things. “Helping” may be a bit generous, as Zelda was much more suited to academics than government and diplomacy. Most of the time, you and Link helped to set treaties and lead major reconstruction projects while Zelda focused more on educating Hyrule’s children and surveying old ruins.
Everything had been going well for a time, until a few months ago. Certain caves and old wells began to leak an odd crimson mist. At first, it seemed harmless, but then the sickness came. There were a few isolated cases that seemed to clear up quickly, but over the past few weeks, reports were getting worse. The mist was only growing thicker and more toxic. Purah named it the gloom, and it seemed to be tied to the malice that Calamity Ganon once produced. The difference was that this gloom was toxic and lingering. It seemed to seep from underground, though no one could figure out where or why. The worst of it came from the depths of Hyrule Castle. Whatever it touched, it devoured in decay. Your pride and joy, the construction of New Castle Town, was rotted back to rubble. Each time you had Hudson Construction try to rebuild it, they never got past laying the foundation before the houses would begin to decay. Residents were forced back to build a new settlement called Lookout Landing, just south of the ruins. Even then, it was little more than a lightly fortified trading and research outpost.
“Hey, I can tell Zelda to postpone the expedition,” Link said.
“No!” You said, then paused. “I appreciate the thought, but it’s too important to investigate the gloom. We need to get to the bottom of it – literally.”
Link rolled his eyes. “Right, but if you need to rest, you need to rest.”
“I know, but I promise I’ll be fine.” Link frowned, staring into you. “Okay, I’ll go see Symin after the expedition, but I promise I’ll be fine.”
“Good.” Link smiled, leaning forward to give you a gentle kiss.
The two of you talked for a little while more before you both drifted off into a gentle sleep. While Link may have been next to you, something still made you feel restless.
The next morning seemed to pass in a blur, and you weren’t truly shaken from your thoughts until you were descending into the depths of Hyrule Castle.
“This gloom keeps getting thicker,” your sister, Zelda, commented as you descended. She held the torch for you and Link. The two of you remained calm, but you were both on high alert. The weight of your Sword of the Six Sages was a comfort, not knowing what could be around the next corner. “We’ve been descending for a while now… These tunnels are deeper than I thought. What could be down here?”
“I have a feeling even Father didn’t know about these tunnels,” You commented as you passed some luminescent moss. “Some of this looks older than even the Sheikah tech.”
“I wish we were coming down here to explore for more academic reasons instead of trying to find the source of the gloom,” Zelda said, scanning over the wisps curling around her feet. “Though here, it seems almost misty and not concentrated enough to harm us…”
“What’s the plan then?” Link asked.
“We’ll keep going. With it coming up from beneath Hyrule Castle…” Zelda paused, then turned to you and Link. “We do not know what waits below, so we need to be ready for anything. But I know I’ll be okay with both of you. Let’s go solve this mystery.”
“That said, it may be best for you to stay behind one of us.” You drew your secondary weapon, an Eightfold Blade, and took the lead.
“As you wish… General,” Zelda said with a little laugh.
“You appointed me as head of Hyrule’s military, let me do my job, Princess,” you snarked back. You led the way deeper. Water dripped down the walls, leaving chalky stains. You could see just ahead that the cave looped into some ruins. “I bet no one has been down here in centuries…”
“Exactly, isn’t it exciting?” Zelda said. You smiled, happy to see your sister in her element. You couldn’t begin to count the number of ruins you explored with her over the past few years. While her obsessions may have moved on from the Sheikah, the promise of a new discovery always got her excited.
Before you could take another step, you heard something you hadn’t heard in five years. It was a familiar chime. Both you and Zelda turned to Link, seeing the Master Sword begin to glow. “It must be sensing something,” Zelda muttered. “I knew we had reason for concern…”
“Maybe we should have investigated the castle sooner,” you added. “Perhaps something from the Calamity is still lingering here.” Zelda shifted uneasily.
Link was always quick to notice when your sister was worried. “We’re going to be okay. If it really is something left over from the Calamity, it can’t be that strong with Ganon sealed away. Between the three of us, I know we can handle it.”
“Of course,” Zelda said, “I needn’t worry with the two best swordsmen in Hyrule around. All the same, we should proceed with caution.”
“Onward then,” you said, though you swapped from the smaller blade to your primary weapon granted to you by the Great Deku Tree: the Sword of the Six Sages. Link too drew the Master Sword and joined you in front of Zelda. It was best not to take chances. The soft white glow from your sword and the soft blue from the Master Sword was a small comfort to the three of you in the dark caves. With that, you continued deeper into the ruins.
As old as they were, the ruins were well preserved and mostly still standing. A few walls had collapsed to rubble, but the path was still clear. The gloom had grown a little thicker but clung to the floor and merely wrapped around your ankles, harmless for now. Zelda paused for a moment to observe the architecture. “Easily older than the Sheikah, and this unique style… wait!” She knelt at a fallen relief. “Something is written here… yes. I think this may be from the Zonai!”
The farther you walked, the better condition the ruins were in. “Yes, yes!” Zelda said, getting more excited with each step. “These carvings are absolutely Zonai in origin. I can’t believe we’re finding evidence of one of the oldest civilizations known to history directly under the castle.”
“The Zonai built those labyrinths, right?” Link asked.
“Yes, and they were said to worship the dragons. It’s said the Zonai had godlike powers and at one point lived in the sky. Unfortunately, we still know so little. Many history books on the Zonai give us more stories than factual history.”
Soon you came to the end of the hall, where two towering statues stood. Zelda stopped to inspect them further. “Is this what the Zonai looked like? They seem so different than us, and such large ears… I wonder if they were associated with the ancient city-state of Skyloft? Or perhaps they were some sort of precursors to the Oocca Civilization?”
You had a different question on your mind. “If they lived in the sky, why are they here underground?”
“An excellent point…” Zelda muttered, lost in thought. “Let’s see what else is ahead.”
You looked at the statues and for a moment, they seemed to shift. Their eyes seemed to glow with the faintest light, watching you. You rubbed your eyes and they appeared normal again. “Maybe it is the gloom,” you muttered to yourself.
You caught up with Link as the three of you made your way down the stairs, deeper and deeper. The ruins opened into a massive hall. Suddenly, you heard a familiar chittering. “Heads up,” you said, easily dispatching a keese. Link nodded, charging the second while you cleaved the third and final. You sheathed your sword, watching the keese fall to the ground.
“You aren’t hurt, are you?” Zelda asked.
“Zel, they’re keese. Link and I take care of keese like every day.” Still, she looked the both of you over, before giving a nod of approval. You couldn’t fault her, since you knew you’d be doing the same to her and Link if the roles were switched. With the monsters dealt with, you could take in the room. One wall was mostly covered by fallen rocks – likely from the Calamity – but the rest of the room was filled with sprawling carvings.
Zelda turned and let out a little gasp. “Look at these murals.” She walked the torch closer, letting the light dance across the eerie images. “The written histories of the Royal Family include stories of a great war fought long ago.”
Your many hours of tutoring in the Castle library played back in your head. “This isn’t just any war, Zelda,” you frowned looking at the murals. Zelda may have been the brains of the family, but you certainly knew the stories of your kingdom inside and out. You stopped before a carving of a wave of monsters. “This was clearly a very bloody one, and if we’re in the oldest part of the castle, it might be… Zelda, you don’t think it’s… that legend, do you?”
“What legend?” Link asked.
You felt a pit growing in your stomach. “The legend of the Demon King… an evil to surpass Demise.”
“Precisely,” She said, running along the walls. “It’s said that our ancestors – the first of Hyrule’s royal family were born from a union with the gods who descended from the heavens. These murals tell a similar story, and if they are accurate, then the gods mentioned were the Zonai… They must have forged a relationship with the Hylians of that time, working together to establish the kingdom of Hyrule!”
She turned to where the murals started to depict a man with a grotesque wave of red behind him. You felt a chill go down your spine. It couldn’t be possible… he couldn’t be the man from your nightmares. “This figure,” Zelda continued, “He seems to be stealing something of incredible power from the young kingdom. This all aligns with what I’ve read during my studies… and this!” She said, running back to the last panel. “And this shows the Demon King, and a fierce battle against him. If the creature depicted here really does represent the Demon King, then…” She stopped and gasped. “Incredible! This mural must be the great war recorded in the royal histories! This is the First Imprisoning War and the events that led up to it! This is a huge discovery!”
Zelda started fiddling with her pack. Link took the torch for her as she fished out her Purah Pad, Purah’s fantastic upgrade to the Sheikah Slate. You on the other hand stood frozen at the last panel, staring into the gargoyle-like grin of the monstrous Demon King. You took a shaky breath. “First Imprisoning War?” Link asked you.
“The First Imprisoning War sealed the Demon King. The Second sealed the king of thieves – who once tried to steal the Triforce from the Sacred Realm. Right, Zelda?”
“Yes, exactly, though some scholars suggest the Demon King and the king of thieves could have been one and the same – not that I necessarily subscribe to that theory,” she said, snapping photographs of the mural. “Why are you so jumpy?”
“No particular reason,” you muttered back. Link placed his hand on your shoulder, asking a silent question. “Later,” you whispered to him. He offered you a smile that helped to calm you.
“The part I don’t understand,” you said, steeling yourself, “is what he stole.” The three of you walked back to the third panel. “These objects… what do you think they are? Tears of Light? They don’t look anything like the Triforce.”
“Another excellent question,” Zelda said, lowering the Purah Pad. “Perhaps this was before our ancestors discovered the Triforce? Or perhaps it was hidden away. I would hate to think of what could have happened if the Demon King had stolen it.”
“Yeah,” you said, instinctively rubbing the tattoo on your hand. The power thrummed through your body for a moment, but it didn’t make you feel any better.
“Only more and more questions,” Link said, handing the torch back to Zelda.
“Maybe we’ll find more answers farther ahead,” she said. “Let’s keep moving deeper.”
This time, Link took the lead with Zelda while you brought up the rear. Your hand twitched and your gut twisted. It wasn’t like you to be so unnerved by something like that, but something felt deeply wrong, and the deeper you walked, the more the feeling grew.  
The three of you exited the staircase and entered into a massive chamber. “Oh Hylia…” Link muttered. A twisting ribbon of light drifted from some kind of pyramid collector lined with runes, feeding into a skeletal glowing arm with a warm green-blue light. Most disturbing of all was the desiccated corpse the hand was pinned to, digging into the chest. Dark clouds of gloom spilled from the wound.
“What is that...” Zelda murmured. “How long has this been under the Castle?”
As the three of you drew close, the arm’s light faded, and it fell to the ground. A glowing tear shaped stone popped out of the arm’s bracer, bouncing on the floor to Zelda. She tapped it hesitantly before picking it up. The stone glowed with warm golden light in her hand.
Suddenly, the three of you heard a crack and a heartbeat. You and Link instantly moved in front of Zelda, drawing your swords. The corpse cracked, its fingers starting to move, then its arm, then its spine, until finally, the head snapped towards you, demonic eyes glowing in your direction.
A burst of concentrated gloom and malice burst from his chest, rushing straight for Zelda. Link stepped in, shoving you away and knocking it back with the Master Sword. It doubled back, crawling up Link’s arm, burning away at his skin.
“Link!” You shouted, preparing to swing your sword at the gloom.
“No! It’ll get you too, don’t!” Link summoned every ounce of strength and swung the Master Sword at the gloom again.
You could hear a crack, and the Master Sword’s blade shattered in his hand.
The tip of the sword flew from the mess, slicing across the corpse’s cheek. You and Zelda rushed to Link’s side, helping him to stand. You tried not to look at the terrible burns on his arm, keeping your attention on the monster in front of you.
“Was that the sword that seals the darkness?” A raspy voice came from the corpse. “A blade that shatters so easily against my power cannot save you from me.” His eyes scanned across you as he tried to pull himself up. “Zelda… and you, who carries that fragile sword is Link. Rauru placed his faith in you and that was all you could do?” He turned his eyes to you, and the monster seemed to smile.
Suddenly, the eyes felt very familiar. You could hardly choke out the words. “It’s him.”
“Ah… [Y/n], you do remember me. And here you are, right where I want you. Millenia of preparation, all coming down to today. Oh, how I’ve waited for this moment.”
“How do you know our names?” Zelda asked.
He didn’t answer. Instead, he summoned a miasma of pure gloom and malice, releasing it from his chest into the runed pyramid above. The caves shook and a terrible earthquake tore through the walls. Boulders tumbled from all above you as the ground started to give way. You looked up and could see the stars as the corruption forced Hyrule Castle into the sky. As the gloom dissipated, the altar collapsed, and the corpse tumbled into the darkness below.
The earth still shook as Link fell to his knees, the decayed Master Sword still in hand. “Link!” you and Zelda both shouted, but it was cut off by a scream, as the ground gave way. Both of you began to fall back into emptiness. Link leaped after you, reaching out to catch you. He opened his hand, stretching out…
Your fingers barely missed his.
You turned to reach Zelda, but the stone glowed bright and she disappeared in ribbons of light. Link tried to reach you again, but the glowing hand seemed to regain its power, holding him aloft before yanking him upward in a burst of light.
You fought to stay calm, hearing the demented laugh of the monster somewhere deep below you. You pulled your left hand close to your chest. A familiar warmth spread through your body as your hand began to glow with a golden light.
A familiar voice whispered in your ear, albeit more urgent than the last time you heard it. “Sleep. He won’t get his hands on you today.”
As your consciousness began to fade, you wanted to ask what she meant. Instead, as sleep overtook you, there was only one thought in your mind.
Link, Zelda, please be safe.
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Do you think it would be possible for me to request Ganondorf x masculine hyrulian readerwith size difference + whatever other kinks you wish to add?
I adore reading your fics for those of us who use masculine, nonbinary, and neopronouns! So far, I've probably read almost all of them, and look forward to what ideas you have in mind for this! Thank you for such a wonderful set of stories!
Of course that's possible! I'm quite the fan of size differences myself, especially with our Great Demon King~
Thank you for your kind words, guest! It's an honor to serve this community.
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Title: A Hylian's Fantasy
Characters: Ganondorf x m!reader
Contains: size difference, roleplay, restraints, fingering, slight degradation,
Fandom: Legend of Zelda
Full request below the cut
All characters are 18+
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It was times like these that you forgot just how terrifyingly tall the Demon King was.
The demon king had destroyed your tent, having ripped the shelter from its stakes and tossing it aside. You were lucky to escape the crumpled fabric just in time, quickly standing to your feet with sword in hand.
Now you stood just some feet away from him, your hand clenching tightly to your sword as the other gripped the steel shield. You weren't sure how he found you or why he was even after you.
"I see you found me," you stated, getting into fighting stance. "Care to explain why you're always on my ass?"
"How vulgar." Ganon chuckled darkly, not even fearing you. "Not even a 'hello?'"
"Not unless you explain why you've been tailing me!" At least the few times he's spotted you, you've managed to make an escape, but this time, it seemed like he wanted to fight.
"Do you really think I owe you any explanation?" Ganon tilted his head, looking down at you both literally and figuratively. "You are a nothing pesky Hylian, but I simply require your services for something."
"Could have stated that before..." you huffed, not once faltering your stance. "But as if I'd work with you!"
"Oh my dear..."
"...it's not about working with me." You didn't realize he had moved behind you. You whirled around only to realize just where he stood. Your head ended up just below his chest, and you had to crane your neck up just to see his face. You were about to jump back when the flat of his blade kept you still.
"Come, let's take a little walk."
Ganon led you back to an enemy enclosure, one that was gussied up more like a shelter than a hideaway. He fastened a set of shackles on your wrists behind your back after taking your items, leaving you with nothing but the basic attire you wore.
"Gh...so...what's the Demon King need with a 'pesky Hylian' like me?" you asked, adjusting to the restraints."
"Oh it's quite simple, really. There's actually something...special about you." Ganon tilted your head up, forcing your gaze to meet his. "Yes...very special."
You shook your head away, glaring at him.
Ganon merely chuckled, setting himself on the cot that resided in the shelter. He beckoned you over, and though hesitating, you stepped over. He reached for you, grabbing and setting you on his lap. Despite the both of you sitting up, you still felt small compared to him. His form was massive, and you straddling him felt like an accomplishment given your shorter stature. One of his large hands caressed your body, slowly slipping down to the hem of your pants.
"See...I think you'd be perfect as a new...toy for me~" At his words, his hand slipped in, past your boxers as well, and gripped one of your cheeks.
You gasped as red tinted your face, writhing lightly. "A-As if I'd ever--!"
"Ah ah ah...you haven't even given it a chance~" One of his fingers carefully worked its way into your ass, making you gasp and rest yourself on his chest. His fingers were larger than average, and you swore it felt like someone shoved their dick in you straight away. You moaned softly once he began to move, body subconsciously rocking against his finger. "Ah see~? And you almost didn't want it~"
It honestly felt too good to pass up, not to mention with how pent up you were. You welcomed his finger, even urging him for more.
"P-Please...~ J-Just a little more~"
If one finger wasn't enough for you, then two it'll be. Ganon added a second, steadily thrusting them. You practically bounced against his fingers, burying your face into his neck to muffle your moans. He kept this up for a moment until he deemed you ready, carefully taking his fingers out of your ass to literally rip your pants off your body, tearing them at the seams. Though you didn't seem to mind, for you knew what was about to come.
After a small bit of maneuvering, Ganon's cock sprang from his bottoms, pressing flush against your ass. It was enough to get you to sigh out, teasing it with gentle hip gyrations.
"My...someone is quite needy, isn't he?" Ganon teased, lifting you up to position you over his cock.
You shuddered at the fact he could lift you with ease, but again, you didn't mind. Your mind was too blissed out to even care at the moment. In fact, you were begging him to fill you.
How could he deny such an adorable, broken man? Well he spared no second, pulling you down while thrusting up at the same time, filling you to the brim. You arched back, broken moans filling the air as Ganon could clearly see the bulge forming from your stomach. He chuckled at the sight.
"Such a mess you are now~ Look at you~" Without wasting another moment Ganon began to move, thrusting at a steady speed as to not break you so soon.
Ganon was a lot but nothing you couldn't handle, or rather, you would be made to handle it, but not that you were complaining. His cock filled and stretched you so much, you didn't have a single complaint. It felt so heavenly, so blissful. At this point, you'd gladly be a toy for him.
"That's it, that's a good boy~ You're taking my cock so well for a worthless little Hylian~"
You found yourself once again resting on his chest, unable to form proper thoughts from the feeling of him stretching you open so wide. All you could do was call for him, call for the Demon King and tell him how good he felt deep inside of you.
Your chanting and praise seemed to really aid him, as he could feel himself about to cum very soon.
"Come on~ Just like that~ Cum with me~"
You didn't need to be told twice, as when he ordered it, you came with a muffled shriek, your body quaking against him.
The two of you laid on the cot after cleaning up. Your shirt was a mess so you had borrowed a portion of Ganon's top wear, but that didn't mean much as you laid on top of him under the blankets.
"So...did that satisfy all your little fantasies?" Ganon asked, rubbing your back in a soothing way.
You nodded tiredly, snuggling into your king. "It was perfect~"
The two of you had had this planned out for some time. You were a traveler that Ganon sought after, and he'd do anything in his power to make sure you were his.
"Though you fell a little to easily~" Ganon teased.
"Oh hush." You gave him a light hit to the chest. "How could I not with how big your fingers are~?"
Ganon simply gave a soft chuckle before rubbing your head. "Rest up. We'll get home later."
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yandereunsolved · 7 months
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⋆·˚ ༘ * ❁ Yandere Sage ❁ ⋆·˚ ༘ *
"Sage—! No.... no, please."
"... Starlight, wake up. You're having another nightmare."
"I... L-Link, Sage, you're... you are you. Thank the Goddess."
Fuck the Goddess. "Another nightmare?" If Hylia truly cared for you then why would she torture us both? Why would she give you so called 'prophetic' dreams that may never come true?
"Y-You were covered in malice. There was blood everywhere and Ganondorf was dead!"
"Hmm...? Why is Ganondorf being dead... a bad thing?"
"The Gloom hands were listening to you. You weren't human anymore. Y-You were—"
"A monster?" Darling, I'm already a monster, but I'm your monster. Your Goddess made me a monster. I haven't been man since I first was awoken to save Zelda.
"Standing over the dead bodies of the Chain. Y-You were kissing me. They were all dead, Sage! Dead. What i-if it was more than a nightmare? What if that will happen? The Chain has done nothing but help us, Wild especially."
Wild? The man that is nothing more than a shell? He doesn't even talk! He's a weaker version of I and yet you give him so much attention. Is he better than me? Do you love him more?
"You worry a lot, little priest(ess)."
That sounds like a dream. The Chain has been nothing more than a distraction since they first appeared here. Taking you away from me. Helping you. Protecting you. Loving you. That's my job.
"I am not going anywhere. Come watch the stars with me. The ones that you fell from." My starlight. My angel. My god(dess).
"T-The Gloom hands. The others."
"You can see them right there. They're sleeping. And as for the Gloom hands... if I could control them... that'd make my job a lot easier."
"O-Okay, you're right, Sage. You're always right."
Yes, I am. If you only listened about us joining this stupid Chain. I could have you all to myself, but no. You wanted other Links who could help me. You're too sweet for your own good.
"How are you feeling? Being the hero and all."
"I feel like I kind of want to eat a rock right now." and slaughter all of your worst enemies.
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