lunacornfan2k24 · 1 year
I was wondering when you are going to post the next part for the Celebrity Crush series? I just love it so much 💕💕💕
Hello! 💖
Thank you!!! I never expected for it to get so much love from so many people!
I’m hoping to get the next chapter out by the end of June
I’m halfway through writing it so it’s looking good rn
I usually post about every 1-2 months and at this point that’s what I’m aiming for
Hopefully the premier of The Spy and The Liar: The Movie is on August 22nd which is about two years after the events for us irl but three years after the events for the characters
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malarkgirlypop · 9 months
Christmas Tag Game!
It's Festivus for the rest of us so grab your Chanukah bush, your mistletoe, your pagan ritual or whatever brings you joy and come gather round the fire and celebrate your pocket friends.
Tagged by @blood-mocha-latte, @panzershrike-pretz I think that was everyone. Whoops
Favourite nickname you’ve ever been given?
I get called Floss cause my hair looks like candy floss. It was also my camp name when I worked at an American camp, it was good times.
Where are you located?
What season is it where you are now?
Summer and omg it is fucking roasting!
Favourite tradition this time of year?
Putting up the Christmas tree, one year my brother did it and built it upside down somehow, don't ask me how, I was just as confused as you.
Favourite holiday food?
All of the summer fruit coming into season. Let me get my hands on some cherries and strawberries
Mulled wine, eggnog or hot apple cider?
A couple of years ago I made eggnog for my American neighbours. I feel like it tasted pretty good, but it was homemade by me, so who knows if it tasted right. They did say it tasted very good!
Turkey, ham or nut roast (Or Tofurkey?)?
Got to have the classic glazed ham!
Would you rather spend the december holidays in: a cabin in the woods surrounded by snow, or a house on the beach with sun and sand?
Well the latter since that is what I do every Christmas. But I would love to have at least one white Christmas, just to have the experience.
are you pro-snow or anti-snow?
PRO SNOW, LET IT SNOW BABY. (it won't here but one can dream)
have you ever built a snowman?
No, I'm very sad about that fact.
Skiing or snowboarding?
Ah neither, I have some stories about the one time I went on a ski trip with my school. Turns out that in fact that I am not intermediate after one ski lesson.
Do you decorate for the holidays?
I let everyone else do it cause it's so hot, but I love to watch and comment, sure they love that.
Favourite holiday movie?
The Grinch! Dinner with myself, I just can't cancel that again.
Favourite holiday fanfic?
There are? Give me them please!
If you were to star in a hallmark movie, who would be your love interest?
Scott Grimes! I mean look at him! We would have the best movie ever!
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No preesure tags: (i have no idea who has been tagged or not sorry!)
@next-autopsy, @venus-haze, @mutantmanifesto, @georgieluz, @footprintsinthesxnd, @sweetxvanixlla, @xxluckystrike, @aud-of-silver-lake, @b00ks1ut, @jump-wings, @lenabob, @liptonsbabe, @liptonwashere, @ronsparky, @ronald-speirs
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liebgotts-lovergirl · 2 years
Fire On Fire: Chapter 5
(Ch. 4), (Ch. 3), (Ch. 2), (Ch. 1)
Gallery II Taglist Application II Symbol Guide
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Summary: The truth comes out but neither expected the other's reaction... WARNINGS: Alcohol mention, general angst, fluff A/N: Tagging some of the amazing creators & friends whose work inspired me to start writing again: @wwhatev3r @brassknucklespeirs @softguarnere @holdingforgeneralhugs @rogue-durin-16 @auroralightsthesky @lenabob @legally-devorak @dustyjjumpwings @stillbandofbrothersthirsty @tvserie-s-world @toyes-lipring @hurricanerex666 @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @softliebgott @latibvles @mercurygray @sergeant-spoons @problematicfavesareproblematic @softspeirs
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Contemporary: June 3rd, 1944. Aldbourne, England. 
It didn't take her long to find him. 
Alix knew Joe well enough to know that he chain-smoked when he was upset and he'd want to sit down for a smoke before walking back to his billet, especially at such a late hour of the night.
She was a spy; she was supposed to know these things.
There was a quiet pond just a small ways from the pub which had a number of quaint wooden benches overlooking the water's edge. It was the perfect place for a late-night smoke to clear your head.
Despite being the middle of summer, nights in Aldbourne were usually brisk and as goosebumps prickled up her arms, Alix berated herself internally for forgetting to grab her fur wrap before leaving the house earlier.
In Philadelphia high society, fur was primarily for winter wear but with the drafty English air, the former model figured her mother would’ve forgiven her eventually. 
Squinting in the dim light, she was able to identify a lone figure occupying a bench by the water's edge and she surmised it was most likely Joe.
As she approached, the rhythmic click-clack of her heels on the pavement knifed through the stillness and the hunched figure turned, allowing the gentle glow of the moon to illuminate his face.
It was Joe Liebgott alright, and he looked like hell. 
He was pale as a ghost, save for the reddish blotches on his cheeks where tear-tracks glistened. His hair stuck out sporadically and Alix could tell he’d been running his hands through it, another nervous habit of his.
As soon as he saw her, he hurriedly swiped the tears away with his sleeve and only then did she notice the blood. 
It was crusted on the scraped and swollen knuckles of his right hand, with thin dried stripes all the way down his fingertips like crimson paint.
From what she could see, it looked like he'd busted his knuckles open punching something, probably a wall.
"Jesus, Joey, are you okay?!" 
Joe's expression hardened. 
"Don't worry 'bout it." 
Alix ignored him, stepping over the handful of cigarette butts that littered the ground by his boots and rushing to his side.
"Let me see your knuckles,” she insisted urgently. “I can help." 
Sitting next to him on the bench, she reached for his bloodied hand but he jerked his arm away.
"Like Hell you can."
"What's that supposed to mean?" she demanded, her temper starting to flare at his tone.
"It means don't bother, Alix," Joe spat and the young agent flinched. 
It was the first time he'd called her by her real name instead of a nickname and somehow, it stung worse than if he'd just cussed her out. 
“You should get going.” His voice was quieter now but just as embittered and he crossed his arms, staring hard at the pond’s surface. “Wouldn’t want your boyfriend getting worried.”
Alix bristled at the accusation. 
"He's not my boyfriend," she snapped. "I don’t even know him. But even if he was, what's it to you?" 
Snorting defensively, she muttered, "It's not like you give a shit about me beyond a quick fuck anyway." 
Joe's head shot up and he looked over at her with puffy, red-rimmed eyes. 
“Is that what you think,” he asked, his voice rising with indignation. “That I was just in this for sex?” 
“Santa Maria," the agent swore, throwing up her hands in frustration. "What else am I supposed to think when you walk into my life just to fuck me and walk out again like nothing ever happened?!”
"Goddamn it, Alix!” Joe sprang to his feet. "It was never about the sex! Don't you get that?! It was about you! It was about being with you!”
“Then why did you keep disappearing?” Alix pushed, her chest aching with half a year’s worth of suppressed heartache. “For weeks, Joey, not just days. Weeks!”
That was the final straw.
“Because I was falling in love with you, alright?!” Joe yelled, his voice breaking as the tears he’d been fighting began to spill down his cheeks. “And that scares the absolute shit outta me!”
Before Alix had time to comprehend what he’d said, Joe had turned away, squeezing his eyes shut and running a shaky hand through his hair as he struggled to regain his composure. 
For a moment, all Alix could do was stare at his back in stunned silence as the weight of his words began to sink in.
“But why…?” she managed to choke out finally.
Why would you love me?
“Why would that scare you?"
Her voice became small and she hated the way it sounded: Weak. Quivery. Scared. All of the things as an agent, she was trained never to be.
"...Am I that hard to love, Joey?" 
He whirled back around, the frustration gone and concern suddenly written all over his face.
"Fuck no! Are you kiddin' me?" 
Joe sat down next to her again, this time close enough that she could see herself reflected in the pupils of his beautiful, brown puppy-dog eyes.
Reaching out, he gently tucked an escaped curl from her bun behind her ear and Alix felt her heart skip a beat. 
"You, Alix Martinelli," he murmured. "Are the easiest fuckin' person in the world to love."
He flashed her a small, rueful smile and leaned back on the bench, digging a pack of his beloved Chesterfields out of his coat pocket.
"Hell,” he remarked with a sniffle as he fished around for his lighter.
“Everybody knows I’ve been stuck on you since your first day here. Didn’t even say a damn word to me but I saw that gorgeous smile and I was done for.” 
He chuckled softly, adding, “Tab and Popeye wouldn’t stop givin’ me shit about it.”
Alix's mind was racing, trying to make sense of it all.
All these abstract pieces, all these feelings, all that time…
“Joey, it’s been six months of whatever this—” she gestured to the two of them “— is but then tonight, out of the blue, you show up with…” 
She trailed off, unwilling or perhaps unable to finish the sentence.
“Mary." He filled in the name for her as he lit up his cigarette, completely oblivious, and Alix felt her mouth go dry. 
"Yeah. Her." 
"That was Tab's doing," Joe explained after taking a drag.
“He could tell I was losing my fuckin’ mind over you and he thought forcing me out on a double-date with him and some local girls might distract me or somethin'.” 
Taking a shorter drag, he let the smoke curl into the crisp night air and remarked dryly,
“As you can see, it didn't work.”
"Sure looked like it did with the way she was hanging off you," Alix muttered, trying and failing to keep the petulance and bitterness out of her tone. 
Joe leaned slightly closer to her to make sure she heard him.
"Not a bit. Like I told her and Tab, I already got my eye on somebody else."
He gave her a wink and she felt her cheeks starting to flush pink so she dropped her gaze, avoiding his eyes. 
It sounded too good to be true. There had to be a catch, there just had to be.
“But if you felt this way all this time, then why didn’t you say anything to me for so long?” she asked, expecting to catch him in a lie and prove to herself that the whole thing was some sort of mistake.
But when she cautiously looked up at him for an answer, he was gazing at her with those beautiful, sad brown puppy-dog eyes she loved so much.
"Because," he began. "I knew two things from the moment I met you. One: I knew loved you. Because how could I not? You're everythin' I ever wanted.  And Two…"
He hesitated for a second before saying quietly,
"Two: I knew you were gonna break my fuckin’ heart." 
Alix's forehead creased.
"I would never," she declared fervently but Joe just shook his head.
“Girls like you don’t end up with guys like me, Ziskeit. I’m not an idiot. You're a calendar girl, for Christ’s sake! You gotta practically beat guys off you with a stick! I've seen the pages people ripped out an' shoved in their pockets for safe-keeping. You're everybody's dream girl!"
He ran a hand through his hair.
"And you’re not just pretty either, you're smart too, crazy smart! With your OSS creds and your high-class schooling, you got one hell of a future when all this is over, y’know?”
Taking another slow drag, he exhaled a few seconds later with a grim-sounding sigh.
"And me, what do I got? I'm just some fuckin’ cabbie from Frisco. Nothin' special. Why the hell would a girl like you, who could have Gene Fuckin' Kelly if she wanted, want me? There’s a thousand other guys— classy, uptown types like your officer back there— who are better for you than I’ll ever be. You'll probably end up marryin' some big-shot attorney someday anyway. So I've been tryin' to stay away from you… and Jesus Christ, did I try!"
He shook his head again.
"Honestly Zees, stayin’ away from you was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do," he admitted. "And I couldn't even see it through 'cause I'm fuckin' selfish. 'Cause at the end of the day, I know I’m nowhere near good enough to call you mine, but goddamn it, Alix, I want to anyway!"
Alix’s vision began to blur and it felt like there was a burning lump in her throat that wouldn’t budge.
This was everything she'd ever wanted but it couldn't have come at a worse time. They were all jumping into a war zone any day now.
Should she tell him how she felt, despite knowing that one or both of them might not make it back home?
Should she open herself up to the possibility of letting him in, just to lose him?
She'd already lost her older brother to the war, could she stand to lose her boyfriend too?
She forced her gaze heavenward, warring internally with her head and heart until the tears passed. Finally gathering her courage, she slid over a little bit, inching closer to him like a bomb she was set to defuse.
Despite her nervousness, her heart had made its verdict clear from the get-go: 
Being his, even for a little bit, would be worth the risk.
"You are more than good enough, Joey," she murmured, tentatively reaching over to rest her hand on top of his before interlocking their fingers. "You're the only person I want."
He looked down at their intertwined fingers and back up to her eyes, searching her features fervently for any trace of deception. 
"No kiddin'? You really mean that?"
Alix nodded, beaming, and gave his hand a light squeeze.
"Of course I mean it! But we're still gonna have to keep things quiet, okay? I don't think either of us wants to get busted for fraternization."
Joe nodded in agreement, a lopsided grin lit up his face as the realization sank in: 
They were official. 
He looked more overjoyed than she'd ever seen him, more like a kid in a candy store than a soldier days away from war.  
"Still gonna be pretty fuckin' great though, even if we can't tell anybody we're going steady yet, huh, Zees?" 
Alix cocked her head curiously.
"I've been meaning to ask you what that means. I tried asking Muck because he speaks some German but he had no idea. You're always using it and for all I know, you could be calling me the world's biggest bitch in German or something." 
Joe chuckled.
"It's nothin' like that. Hell, it's not even German. But you're still gonna kick yourself when you find out."
Now Alix was really perplexed. 
"Because it was right in front of you the whole time." 
"Stop speaking in riddles, you asshole," Alix pouted.
"Fine, fine, just 'cause it's you," Joe teased, his brown eyes sparkling. "It’s Yiddish. The word is Ziskeit but sometimes I’ll shorten it to Zees. Still means the same thing, which is ‘Sweetness’. But we also use it to mean someone you cherish, like a sweetheart.”
Alix blinked in surprise. 
“Wait...So you mean this whole time…?"
"I've been telling you how I feel for around six months now and you had no clue 'cause it was in Yiddish? Yeah." 
Alix giggled and nudged at his shoulder playfully with her own.
"I never took you for a sap, Joe Liebgott!"  
"Neither did I," he quipped as he stroked the back of her hand with his thumb. "Guess you just bring out a different side of me, Zees." 
"Well that explains why Skip didn't recognize it then. He tried to tell me it meant 'Goose' at first and I told him he was full of shit."
Joe laughed. 
"Goose would be gandz. I can call you that instead if y-" 
"Joseph Liebgott, don't you dare."
The paratrooper jokingly pretended to mull it over for a minute before responding with a mischievous "No promises."
For the first time, Alix realized that her palms had been sweating from the nervousness.
Her first instinct was to wipe them off but she hesitated, biting her lip. A part of her knew she was being irrational but she worried if she let go, the spell would be broken and everything would be as it was before: Joe would leave again and it would be as though nothing between them had ever happened.
It would all have been just a dream.
But her palm was growing clammy and so grudgingly, she let go of his hand, waiting tensely for the other shoe to drop.
But Joe didn't disappear.
Instead, he draped an arm lovingly around her shoulders, resting his hand lightly on her tricep and Alix shifted so she could lean into him, releasing a sigh of relief she didn't realize she'd been holding.
Joe was kind enough not to acknowledge it.
"I didn't know you spoke Yiddish," Alix continued conversationally. "Seeing as you'd had some translation training, I always just assumed you spoke German."
"I speak both,” Joe replied as he absentmindedly traced little circles on Alix’s upper arm. “But German just feels more…distant, y’know? My family never uses it at home, just when we’re in public. We use Yiddish with the people closest to us since it’s a big part of our heritage. It  just feels… more meaningful, I guess, 'cause it's somethin' we don't use with everybody, y'know? Stop me if I'm not makin' any sense."  
“You’re making perfect sense, Joey,” she assured him softly. “And I’m honored that you use a Yiddish term of endearment for me. It means the world that you care that much."
Joe pressed a kiss to her temple.
"Why wouldn't I? I've only been sweet on you for what, six months now? I know people who got married in half that time!"
He chuckled.
"And don't worry, I got lots more pet names where Ziskeit came from too. We're gonna have you speakin' Yiddish like a pro by the time you meet my folks!"
Alix red lips quirked up into a smile.
"Yiddish is so beautiful, I can see why you hold it close. Honestly, English has never been strong enough to describe how I feel about you either, which is why I use Italian. Like, tesoro, which means treasure but we use it for the word Darling. And cucciolo, which is my other favorite. It reminds me of your adorable puppy eyes."
"I know what they mean," Joe divulged sheepishly, turning slightly pink. "I kinda asked Gonorrhea to translate for me 'cause I was hoping you felt the same as me but I was too chicken-shit to just ask ya in case I was wrong..."
"And you still didn't just tell me how you felt, even after you knew I felt the same?" Alix's eyes were huge.
"Yeah, 'cause I didn't believe him." Joe was cringing at his past self now. "I thought he was just fuckin' with me or somethin' 'cause there was no way in Hell a girl like you could ever feel that way about a guy like me."
He shook his head with a grin.
"I've never been so fuckin' glad to be wrong."
Alix was about to reply when a particularly strong gust of wind whipped through the nearby trees, stinging her bare arms with its chill. Starting to shiver in her spaghetti-strap gown, Alix silently cursed herself again for forgetting her fur and began rubbing her hands together to warm them. 
Having noticed her shiver, Joe immediately tugged his coat off and placed it around Alix’s shoulders. It was huge on her but the wool was cozy, still warm from Joe’s body heat. 
Hearing the approaching hum of voices from a distance, she hurriedly glanced over her shoulder before shrugging the coat off as a small pack of servicemen and their dates left the Crown, walking along the road behind them back to their billets. 
“C’mon Ziskeit,” Joe implored. “Put it on, will ya, before you catch a cold.”
Alix shook her head nervously, her eyes darting back to the group passing them by.
“What if someone sees?” 
“Let ‘em.” Joe shrugged. “They can’t write me up for givin’ a beautiful lady my coat when she’s cold, can they? Doesn't prove shit."
“Oh yeah?" Alix cocked an eyebrow slyly. "So did you let Mary wear your coat then too?”
Joe snorted. 
“You kiddin’ me? I wouldn’t even let her hold my jump wings.” 
Satisfied, Alix pulled the coat back on, enveloping herself in the warm wool. She was swimming in it, the thick material dwarfing her small frame like a sack.
The sleeves hung way past her hands and Joe stifled a laugh. 
"Jeez and I thought Perco made the coats look big!" 
"Oh so you let Perconte wear your coat too, huh?" Alix joked, a teasing glint in her dark eyes. "And here I thought I was special." 
Joe rolled his eyes playfully.
"You're a fuckin' smartass, d'you know that?" 
"Hey, you fell in love with me," Alix reminded him with a quick kiss on the cheek. "So you asked for it, Coat Whore.” 
Joe was about to respond when a commotion behind them cut him off. 
"In Banbridge Town in the County Down, one morning last July-" 
Both their heads snapped back toward the sound of the singing.
It was a clearly inebriated Joe Toye stumbling out of The Crown with an equally inebriated Don Malarkey by his side, the pair belting out a truly spectacular rendition of an Irish folk ballad while a bemused-looking Skip Muck was proudly harmonizing just behind them. 
"–down a bóithrín green came a sweet cailín and she smiled as she passed me by! She-" 
Alix grinned. Had it been any other night, she would've been right there with them. 
Her family's maid, Penelope, was originally from Ireland and she'd taught Alix several of her favorite folk songs as the pair hung wash together. Alix's mother, Clarissa, always scolded her for helping Penny with her chores because it "was beneath her as the lady of the house" but Alix didn't mind at all. 
On the contrary, she relished getting to swap stories and folk songs with the older girl, who had done so much more living in her 26 years than Alix had in her 23.
Penny taught her Irish folk tunes and Alix taught her some phrases in Italian to impress the Calabrian boy from the South side that Penny had her eye on.  It was like having a real friend, not like the sycophants at her boarding school who simply had to work their family’s connections into every conversation or they’d combust.
“–From Bantry Bay down to Derry Quay, from Galway to Dublin town–” 
As the voices of her best friends slowly faded into the distance, Alix leaned her head on Joe’s shoulder and admired the beauty of the moment----
The chorus of chirping crickets, the faint quacking of the ducks in the shallows, the laughter of her best friends in the background, the soft glow of the moon on the water, the earthy smell of the rolling fields beyond the pond, the warmth of Joe’s body radiating through his clothes as he wrapped his arms around her.
They were going steady now.
Her heart was so full that it felt like it might burst through her chest.
All of the months of waiting and hoping had been worth it. She wanted to cry and shout and jump for joy at the same time. 
But as more and more people began to file from the doors of The Crown, Alix took a worried glance over at the worn watch on Joe's wrist. 
"Madonna mia," she exclaimed. "It's already 11 o'clock and I still need to review my cover story and dossiers before tomorrow!" 
Joe stood up and gallantly offered her his arm.
"Mind if I walk ya home then, Ziskeit? Call me a sap but I can't let my girl walk home alone at night, even if she is a spy. I'd still go outta my mind with worry." 
Alix stood as well, smoothing the skirt of her dress. 
"One condition." 
"Name it." 
"You stay the night. I could use some cuddles from my boyfriend while I'm reading up on all the people I have to kill."
The paratrooper gave her a lopsided grin.
"I was hoping you'd ask, Zees. After I drop you off, I just gotta run back to my place real quick so I can grab my ODs for tomorrow and I'll be right back over. Ya won't even know I'm gone. How does that sound?" 
Alix ecstatically linked her arm with his.
"Sounds perfect."
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softguarnere · 2 years
just finished watching band of brothers and found your ficx - do u know any other writers to follow here?
Hi Anon! First off, welcome to the fandom :) always exciting to have more people around here. The BOB fandom is full of amazing writers, so you'll have all kinds of fics to read. I'm not sure if you're looking for fics about the characters, reader inserts, or headcanons, so here's a variety of authors for you to check out (this isn't everyone by any means, so I'm sorry if I forgot to tag anyone!):
@brassknucklespeirs @upontherisers @liebgotts-lovergirl @mads-weasley @mercurygray @sergeant-spoons @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @lenabob @auroralightsthesky @softliebgott @web-gott @problematicfavesareproblematic @softspeirs @eugeneroehoe @himbowelsh @multifandomlover01 @holdingforgeneralhugs
And if you ever want to chat, I'm always looking for more BOB friends! Hope you enjoy your time here 💕🕊️
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msmercury84 · 2 years
I Double Dare You-A Rendezvous With Destiny
Leigh Spencer flees an abusive relationship, escaping with her life. When World War Two breaks out, she joins the WAACs. Spencer is sent to the U.S. Army's Camp Toccoa to work as a secretary for a new branch of the Army, the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment.
She has no interest in dating. Leigh's work and her regimented lifestyle keep her occupied. Spencer loves to sing and she hopes to become a USO performer. While Leigh looks and behaves like a lady, she can curse a blue streak when she's provoked.
One afternoon in October, Leigh runs into a handsome, brash Italian American from South Philadelphia who turns her regimented life upside down. Could this tough ladies' man with a reputation of being hot headed be her soulmate?
*This story includes a soundtrack of songs from the 1940s.*
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*This is the title page for my story. I recently learned that the motto of the 101st Airborne in World War Two was, "A rendezvous with destiny."
@marycorleone @bookfansworld @breadsprinkles @f1-and-shiz @softguarnere @stinkyrat09 @alluringmoonlightbabe @bliblabloopidoop421658 @belladonnange @bellewintersroe @lizziebitch33 @lenabob @yangofyang @vintagelavenderskies
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malarkgirlypop · 1 year
Warriors (Edward Tipper x F!Reader) Part 2
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Hola! Here is part two! Feels weird to finish a story since my other one is going on forever ahaha. I hope you like it @lenabob! Special thanks to my ghost reader @brassknucklespeirs who gets to be read these fics like a bed time story. You're my bitch! Even now when she is violently hungover she gets to proof read my work. Thanks boo, you have officially created a monster. Based on the HBO series and the actors who portray the characters, no hate to the men who served.
Y/N loads into the plane, struggling to climb the ladder due to the extra gear that had been given to all of the soldiers. Needing to be pushed from behind to get her into the plane. She takes a seat on the bench, her heart beating in her ears. Tipper sits beside her, he doesn’t say anything but takes her hand in his, giving her a reassuring squeeze. She looks over to the man, his face covered in paint, but still the same handsome man as always. His eyes crinkle at the sides as he gives her a smile, she can’t help but smile back. They keep their hands locked together. As the reality settles in. Soon they would be jumping out of this plane and into war. Some of them would make it and some wouldn’t, there was no guarantee. The engine of the plane roared to life being the only thing you could hear. 
“I’ll find you.” Tipper yells in her ear. Y/N nods. They had made a plan that they would find each other and stick together after they had landed. It was optimistic of them to think that would happen. The plane rattled, the men sitting in silence. Nervous looks on all of their faces. This was happening, everything they trained for was coming to fruition. The plane shuddered forward, taking off down the runway. After gaining enough speed the wheels left the ground as it soared into the air. It felt like the longest flight. Soon it was dark outside. Tipper and Y/N were still pressed together holding hands. They were savouring their last moments with each other before dropping into the mayhem that was war. The chaos soon found them though before they had even landed. The red light signalled on. Winters commanded everyone to their feet, readying them for the jump. Bomb blasts lit up the night sky. The bombs hit closer, sending the plane sideways, as the men got thrown off their feet. Scrambling to stand back up. Fire exploding around them, Y/N could feel the heat of the explosives as they blew. A gasp left her lips, from where she was standing she could see out the open door. A plane to their right took a direct hit. Splitting in half, the front of the plane nosedived towards the ground as the back of the plane followed suit. A blast close by sent shards of glass flying through the cabin hitting some of the men behind her. They cried out in pain. She begged the light to turn green, up here they were sitting ducks. She was ready to be out of the flying death trap. The plane flew up and down, swerving out of the way of other falling planes and debris making it hard for the men to stay on their feet. The light finally turned green, a sigh of relief leaving Y/N lips. The men jumped one by one. Tipper jumped ahead of her, sending her a tight smile. Soon she was falling out of the plane. She winced as bullets ripped past her, explosions blast nearby sending waves of heat in her direction. She couldn’t see anything in the dark of the night, disorientated from the scattered blasts of light from the explosions. Y/N looks to the ground where she was heading to land, finding a plane beneath her on fire. Yanking on her parachute straps she was able to dodge the fiery mess. She landed harshly on the ground, quickly removing her gear to get out of the open field she just landed in. Fumbling around she brought up the rope her leg bag was attached to. Only to find a frayed end, oh that’s just great. After walking in the dark for what felt like forever, Y/N finally stumbled across some of the other men, greeting them with the code word flash and their reply of thunder. They were a while away from their objective but they were able to locate where they were. They walked all night, strolling down the road the sun rose behind them leaving a beautiful burnt orange sky. They marched into the farm where the rest of the soldiers had gathered. Y/N eyes scanned the faces of the men who walked past, looking for a certain nose she had saved to memory. Y/N spotted Lieb who sat on a stone wall.
“Well look what the cat dragged in.” Lieb joked, giving Y/N a squeeze. She peered over the man’s shoulder as they embraced still searching. A helmet popped up from behind the wall, followed by a familiar face, Y/N almost pushed Lieb out of the way to reach the man. 
“Tipper!” She yelled at the man who hadn’t noticed her yet. His eyes flicked to her recognising the voice. 
“Y/N!” They rushed towards each other, Y/N jumped into his arms wrapping her legs around his sides, she could cry with happiness to see the man alive and uninjured. They sobered after hearing the other men fall into silence watching their intimate reunion. Y/N quickly unhooked her legs from Tip as he placed her back on the ground. Giving each other a sheepish smile. She looked over to Lieb who was grinning, she raised her eyebrows at him daring him to make a comment. Lieb made a face and shrugged his shoulders. As the rest of the men started chatting with each other again. Tipper and Y/N sat next to each other as they exchanged stories about how they had reached the farm. By nightfall the second battalion had secured Sainte-Marie-du-Mont, and elements of the 4th division were beginning to move men and material inland. They had given the soldiers an hour to rest and scrounge for any food they could find. Y/N and Tipper sat in the back of the truck with the other soldiers of Easy company. Malarkey was cooking some stew in a half cut gasoline tank. Y/N chuckled as Buck told them about poor Popeye being shot in the ass that day, when they were securing the guns. Malarkey started handing out his dish he had made. Tipper and Y/N stared eating, giving each other a surprised look of, wait this is actually kinda good. 
“Don’t look at each other like that!” Malarkey said as they exchanged a glance. 
“Look at each other like what?” Y/N laughed. 
“Like you're surprised it’s good. Of course it’s good, I made it!” Malarkey puffed out his chest in pride, making the pair laugh harder. 
“It’s very good, thank you Don.” Y/N thanked the chef as they grinned at each other. Tipper nudged her with his arm as they shared another chuckle between them. 
Easy company sit around the monument in the middle of the town, waiting for instructions to move. Tipper and Y/N are stuck to each other. 
“This is my first time in France.” Tipper says as he sips on his canteen looking around the town. 
“Me too, is’t it nice we get to see France together.” Y/N jokes, Tipper elbows her. 
“You know what I mean. Weird to think the only reason we are here is because of the war. I don’t think I would’ve travelled to France if it wasn’t for this.” Tipper ponders. Y/N nods her head. 
“Well we wouldn’t have met if it wasn’t for the war.” Y/N thought out loud. 
“Should we cheers to the war then, for letting us find each other?” Tipper held out his canteen, and Y/N clinked them together. 
“To the war!” They mumbled together.
“Let’s go first platoon, Easy’s moving out! On your feet!” Welsh yells from in front of them. They help each other stand making their way in front of Welsh to listen to his command. Welsh tells the soldier’s they are on light and noise discipline, and that they are taking Carentan. The men move out following behind Welsh. Y/N nerves return, this will be the first time in combat. 
Night falls quickly, as they march towards their next destination. Everyone followed orders keeping quiet, the only sound that could be heard was the crunching of ground underfoot and the distant echoes of gunfire. Everyone was on high alert as they walked. Due to the poor visibility of night Y/N eyes flitted from one thing to another. Her brain used to trick her when she was younger, when she would be lying in bed unable to get to sleep her mind would race. Thinking about monsters lurking in the shadows, her eyes would land on a darkness in her room which looked like a man standing in the corner. She would be quick to turn on her flashlight pointing it in the direction of the shadowy figure, only to find her coat hung over the back of her door. Her eyes did the same on this walk, any bush or tree that looked oddly human shaped would make her jump and point her gun in it’s direction, only for her eyes to adjust and see that her brain was showing her things that weren’t really there. The other men would continue their walk past her as she glared at the humanoid bush, cursing it for being so creepy. Tipper stayed close, walking behind Y/N. He would wait for her as she assessed her surroundings, not making any jokes or teasing her for thinking everything was alive, because he felt the same. 
D-day plus 6, that was when they finally came upon Carentan. The small town was desolate, smoke rising from the centre, due to old fires finally burning out. There was an unmistakable air of kenopsia around the town. Crouching down just outside of the town the platoons waited for instructions. The signal went for the ambush to begin. In a group they charge down the entrance to the town, soon to be met with enemy fire. Y/N and Tipper dive into the ditch as men fall to the ground around them. Y/N ducks as she is pinned down by the rivals fire. 
“GET MOVING!” Winters screams at the men. Y/N rises to her feet clambering out of the ditch, running into the field nearby to find another entrance into the town, other men follow her lead. Y/N barges through a side gate into a back road. Y/N pins herself to the side of a building. Peeking her head round the corner she spots gun fire from the top window of the nearby shops. Raising her rifle, she lines up the shot. Squeezing the trigger letting her round fire into her target. The shooting from the shops stops. The soldier across from her is shot as he collaspes to the floor. 
“Sniper!” She yells to the men behind her, as she glances around trying to figure out where the shot came from. She spots a man lying down hidden in a stairway with his rifle propped up. That’s him. She turns her fire to the sniper, raising her rifle once again. Hitting him with precision, the man slumps down unmoving. Machine gun fire hits the building Y/N and the men cover behind. They duck back further behind the wall to ensure they aren’t hit. Y/N gives the men a signal telling them to wait, when the fire stops she knows they are reloading. Popping around the corner she takes out the machine gunners in the lower shop window. Now with the machine gun down they are able to move further into the town. They move forward as a group, keeping low. Some of the men split up to clear the other building close by to ensure all of the enemy were gone. Y/N glanced around at the men who were with her, faces all familiar but the one she desperately seeked was not there. Y/N turned her attention back to the task at hand, Tipper will be fine, stop worrying. 
Tipper ran with Lieb, also scanning the faces for Y/N but he hadn’t seen her in a while. She had gotten out of the ditch so fast he couldn’t keep up. He knew she would be safe though. 
“Tipper take Liebgott, start clearing these buildings.” Welsh ordered the men, as they took cover in a doorway. 
Tipper got down on his knee propping the bazooka onto his shoulder aiming for the building across from them. The sound boomed from the weapon as the rocket soared into the structure blasting a hole through the front of it, sending debris flying into the street. Tipper was on his feet again moving to clear out the next house. A loud rumble shook the ground they ran on. 
“They got us zeroed! Spread it out! Spread it out!” Lip yelled from a high point. The whistling sound piercing through the air signalling bombs were being dropped from the sky as they hit the town the men were in. Bombs rocked the town blowing the street and houses to pieces, the men fled from the street, trying to get out of the open. Tipper watched as a soldier standing in the street got torn to pieces from a shell landing next to him, his legs stayed planted to the ground while his body flew into the air landing on the ground next to his legs. Tipper looked away from the horrific scene, trying his best to not think about what he had just witnessed. 
Running towards a pharmacy, Lieb and Tipper kick in the door, ensuring the building is clear. Guns at the ready, they sweep the inside. Tipper moves to the back of the building, opening the back door. A sheet flaps in the wind making the man gasp in fright, as he staggers back. Lifting his gun. 
Tipper yells, “Hello?” to the green shed in the back garden. “Anybody there?” he calls again before firing a couple of shots into the structure. 
Y/N sees Lieb leave the pharmacy. “Where’s Tipper?” She calls to the man, he motions behind him to the building. Her eyes fixed onto the window trying to see if she could spot the silhouette of the man. Moving towards the building she makes her way to the doorway. A whistling sound catches her attention. SHIT. Tipper stands just a couple of metres away. Everything slows as she runs forward towards him. Lunging forward she captures him in her arms tackling them to the floor as the shell hits, sending them flying further back into the building. They groan as they lie on the floor together. After getting her bearings again, Y/N crawls up to be closer to Tipper’s face. Y/N scans his head and torso looking for any injuries. Tipper does the same grabbing her face in his hands giving her a once over with his eyes. 
“You ok?” He pants, too stunned to speak, Y/N nods her head. “You saved me!” he says shocked. 
“Of course I saved you idiot.” She replies. He shakes his head in disbelief, pulling her into a tight hug. 
“I love you, Y/N.” Tipper whispers into her ear. Y/N pulls back to see if he’s being genuine. His eyes shine as he looks at her.
“What?” Y/N asked, baffled by his confession, he loves me? 
“To tell you the truth Y/N, I have loved you ever since we collided on Currahee. I had just been waiting for you to figure it out.” He confesses. She’s speechless, looking at the man that she has loved now for years. Their eyes looking from each other to their lips. They moved forward gently, finding each other in the middle. Their lips press together softly, as they hold each other close. Letting the world around them fall away for just a moment. They pull away, only to collide again. This time with more lust and need. Y/N gripping her fingers into the back of Tipper’s hair, needing him closer than they were currently. Tipper’s hand slipping under her jacket to grip her hips rocking her forward. They part once more, panting, “I love you.” Y/N whispers back.                        
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malarkgirlypop · 1 year
Warriors (Edward Tipper x F!Reader) Part 1
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Hey hey! This is requested by @lenabob, thank you so much for letting me write this for you. I hope you enjoy it. This is the first part and there will be a second part coming. It was interesting to do Tipper he isn't a big character in the show but re-watching it he does pop up a fews more times than I expected, and now I love him as well. He's a cutie. I like his nose, idk why but I do. This is based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters no hate to any of the men who served.
“Who is she?” The men whisper about Y/N like she’s not even there. She fidgets under their watchful gaze. She’s never been one to stand out in the crowd. Growing up with three other older sisters who were always told they were beautiful and perfect. She couldn’t quite fit into the mould that her sister left for her though. Y/N never stuck around inside too long, finding activities like playing with babies and dolls boring. Y/N enjoyed running around pretending she was a warrior in a magical land. She was a knight sworn to protect the kingdom, and she would do just that. Her Mother did not see it fit for a young girl to be playing in the dirt outside pretending to sword fight imaginary creatures, always trying to put her in pretty dresses. The dresses never lasted long though, it was hard work defending the kingdom and a dress was not best suited for the vigorous activities. Her Father on the other hand enjoyed the more tom-boyish daughter, as he always had wanted a son. Her Father decided that she would be the son he never had. Being a veteran himself he would take Y/N out to the shooting range, teaching her how to shoot with all different types of guns. When Pearl Harbour was bombed Y/N knew that this was her chance to defend her kingdom in real life. She had signed up for the Army immediately, to her Father’s delight and her Mother’s disgust. However the Army did not see her fit to be a soldier and passed on her admission to a different branch. This kept happening to Y/N, after receiving so many letters rejecting her, she had become disheartened. Then one afternoon as she laid on her bed imagining being able to serve her country like she had always dreamed, her Father burst through her door waving a letter in the air. She had made it. The acceptance had come from the Paratrooper branch of the army, it was new, never been done before. Now here she was unpacking her bags in Camp Toccoa. She was ecstatic when she had arrived but her excitement was slowly eaten away by nerves. She didn’t see any other female recruits, the men as she walked through the campground had all stared and pointed as she made her way to the barracks. She had to brush them off though, she was here for herself and her dream, these men would not stand in her way. So that was her goal to be the best of the best and prove to these men she was not some meek woman. She was assigned to Easy company, and goddammit how the odds were not in her favour. Easy company was under the direction of Captain Sobel, a hard headed asshole, who had no problem working them to the bone. Easy company had become notorious for having no weekend passes due to the lovely Captain Sobel. He would make them stand in the hot Georgia sun in full gear sweating their asses off. His loud voice travelled through the Camp and could be heard from the other side.
“You people are at the position of attention.” Sobel boomed as he marched down the line of soldier’s. Eyes forward, chin up. Thought Y/N, don’t do anything to draw attention to yourself. Y/N grew more nervous as Sobel walked down the line closer to where she was standing. 
“Private Perconte, have you been blousing your trousers over your boots like a Paratrooper?” Sobel asks Frank Perconte as he presents his gun for inspection. 
“No, sir.” Frank answers, as Sobel towers over the short man. 
“Then explain the creases at the bottom.” Sobel retorted. Frank's face remained neutral. 
“No excuse, sir.” He replied. Sobel takes Frank’s mistake to lecture him. 
“Volunteering for the parachute infantry is one thing, Perconte, but you’ve got a long way to prove that you belong here. Your weekend pass is revoked.” The silent groan can be felt from the other men. Y/N bites her lip, sighing internally, Sobel seems to be in the best mood ever yay, sarcasm dripping off of her thoughts. Sobel trails down the line, picking out the men and revoking their passes. Sobel stops in front of Liebgott who stands in front of Y/N. She holds her breath pretending to be a statue so that Sobel won’t notice her. Sobel enjoys one thing punishing Easy company, but one thing he enjoys even more is picking on Y/N. Being the only female in the whole camp, Sobel seems to see her as an achilles heel. He thinks that the higher up’s were out to get him, by giving him the only female private. After Sobel finishes yelling at Liebgott his eyes lock onto Y/N. 
“Name?” Sobel asks like he isn't familiar with the female private.
“Y/L/N, Y/N, sir.” She says as she presents her gun to the Captain. He looks her up and down trying to find an imperfection to pick out. But she ensured that everything was polished perfectly before leaving the barrack. Ha! Nothing to find there Sobel. Y/N smirked internally. 
“That top looks too big for you, private.” Sobel yells in her face. 
“It’s the smallest size they offer, sir.” She says back calmly, looking over his shoulder, not making eye contact with the man. 
“Well you're a girl, why don’t you sew it and make it smaller.” Her jaw ticks, he always makes comments like this, little digs to get under her skin. The first day he had met her he asked her if she was lost and that girlfriends weren’t allowed to come on camp to visit. Even though she was in full uniform. 
“Sorry, sir.” She replied. 
“Pass revoked, Y/N.” He hissed in her ear. Sobel yells at the men that they aren’t fit for war. Then in good old Sobel fashion revokes everyone's weekend passes. 
“Get into your PT gear, we’re running Currahee.” Screams the man as he marches away. Leaving Winters to direct us, giving us two minutes to get ready for the run.
Y/N’s lungs scream and legs ache as she ascends Currahee. She enjoys the burn, the climb is tiring but she is one of the fitter privates in the infantry. 3 miles up and 3 miles down. Y/N runs next to Liebgott, they don’t speak as they run, but knowing another person is also in the same boat physically gives them a boost of energy. As she makes the top she spots Sobel standing there with his timer glaring at the men. She scrambles up the last bit putting her hand on the sundial, as she turns to go back down the hill she just ran. She collides with another human, sending her on her ass. The man helps her up to her feet. 
“Sorry.” She pants. 
“No you’re fine it was my fault.” The man also smiles, as he puffs. 
“WHY ARE YOU TWO CHIT-CHATTING, GET A MOVE ON!” Sobel yells, sending them back down the mountain. The down hill, harder on the knees, is less tiring. 
“I don’t think we have met?” The man says as they run. 
“I’m Y/N, and no we probably haven’t met.” She says wondering why the man is talking to her. The rest of the guys just ignore her, leaving her to her own devices. 
“Nice to meet you Y/N, I’m Edward, but everyone just calls me Tip, or Tipper.” He says sending her a smile. Not looking where he is going the man stumbles, Y/N is quick to grab him by the arm to stop him from tumbling down the hill. 
“Thanks, I should probably be looking where I am going huh?” He chuckles, she sends him a small smile, increasing her pace to get away from the man. He keeps up with her though. The rest of the run she makes it her mission to leave him behind, but he keeps pace. Sending her smiles as they go. 
They make it back to base, Y/N looks to go have a shower. 
“If I knew any better I would think you were trying to get away from me?” Tipper says as he looks up at her with his hands on his knees.
“Get away from you?” She chuckles awkwardly, “What? No.” she says sarcastically. Y/N takes her chance while the man is recovering to dart away to hop into one of the showers. 
Y/N gets to use the Captain’s showers due to the rest of them being communal. She was glad when they made that decision. On her first day she didn’t realise it was communal, and walked in to find many, many bits and pieces that were unfamiliar to her. She had stifled her scream and snuck out before the men noticed her arrival. She had spoken to Winters about the situation, not finding the most comfort in confiding in Captain Sobel. Winters had sorted it out for her in a discreet way which she was very thankful for. 
Y/N slipped under the warm stream of water, letting it ease the tension in her muscles. She washed and stood for longer than she knew she should’ve enjoying the water running over her skin. She grabbed her towel drying herself down, she opened the door to grab her clean uniform to put on. Her hand searched outside of the door, finding just the metal wall. Wrapping the towel around her she poked her head out of the door. The hook that was holding her uniform was now empty. Y/N looked around flustered, did they fall off the hook? Did they get blown away? She had to get into her uniform quickly because she had to be in the mess hall in 30 minutes for dinner and if she was late she would definitely be punished. These thoughts swirled in her mind. FUCK. She cursed. She had another uniform in her barrack that she could get into and then get to dinner in time. But that would mean that she would have to walk to her barracks that was a fair distance away, in her towel! A groan left her lips and she banged her hand against the door. She poked her head out further, it seemed that there weren't too many people around, maybe she could sneak to the barracks and no one would notice. She would have to be strategic. Y/N wrapped her towel around her tightly, ensuring everything was covered. She stepped out of the shower, sneaking down the stairs. Ok, she thought, I am an undercover spy, who is on a mission to get to HQ (the barracks) without being spotted. Y/N pushed herself against the wall, looking from left to right to ensure the coast was clear. Coming out of her hiding spot she darted from tent to tent. Being able to stay out of sight. A few close calls but no one had seen her. Her barracks were in sight, but she had become cocky. I could just make a b-line for it and no one would see me. Y/N started hastily walking to the barracks, almost there, almost there. 
“Y/N?” She heard from behind her. She stopped dead in her tracks not daring to turn around and see who had spotted her. The sound of footsteps approached her, she willed her legs to move and hide but she was frozen. A jacket was thrown around her shoulders. She peered over her shoulder. Tipper stood beside her looking concerned. 
“Y/N what are you doing out here in a towel? You do know you’re in a camp full of men?” He asks, keeping his eyes on hers. 
“I went for a shower and my uniform went missing.” She explained. The sound of a group of men came from behind them. They were still listening, as the men grew closer.
“Quick!” Tipper said in a hushed voice, he put his arm around Y/N dragging her to the tent she was aiming for. They burst into the room before anyone could see them. They looked at each other, cracking up in laughter. Tipper waited outside for her as she quickly dressed. They made it to the mess hall on time. Y/N grabbed her food and looked to go sit at her table, where no one else sat with her. Tipper grabbed her arm. 
“Hey come sit with me.” He said pulling her in the direction of the table where other men called for him. 
“I’m not sure, I don’t think they would want me there.” She motioned her head in the direction of his friends waiting for him. 
“If they say anything, I will make sure to kick them in the shins.” He says wiggling his eyebrows, making her giggle. She sighs, nodding her head. Tipper and Y/N sit down together and the table is quiet. Y/N clears her throat and looks down at her plate of food pushing it around. 
“Guys this is Y/N.” Tipper introduces her to the table, they watch her unsure. She gives them a tight lip smile in greeting. 
“Sorry for my friends, they must’ve forgotten how to talk to a woman since we don’t get out on the weekends. Sobel huh?” Tipper nudges her with his elbow. 
“Hey, I know how to talk to ladies.” Liebgott protests from beside her as he sits down, squashing her between the men. 
“Your Y/N right?” Liebgott asks with his mouth full of food. She nods her head. 
“You know I have never heard you talk.” Frank says from across the table. 
“Well you’ve never talked to me so…” She trails off. The other men laugh, giving Frank a hard time.
“I think Sobel picks on you the most.” Lieb says to her. 
“Well it’s hard being the favourite.” The men chuckle at her joke. The men are funny as she sits there and listens to their silly banter. After the meal ends she feels a little less alone than she normally did. Tipper walks her back to her barrack. 
“I didn’t get to thank you earlier, for saving my ass, literally.” They chuckle at her joke. 
“No thanks necessary ma’am.” He pretends to tip his fake hat. She giggles, butterflies float around her stomach. She straightens, no she can’t have feelings, this is not the time. She clears her throat, sobering herself. 
“Goodnight.” She says hurrying into the barrack, he stands outside smiling at her.
After months of basic training Y/N finally got to do her first practice jump. It was thrilling to say the least. All of her hard work finally felt like it was paying off. Standing in the line getting ready to jump from the plane, her heart was in her throat. She went through all of the motions she was taught, clipping herself to the line, checking the man in front of her, waiting for the green light. She was fifth back, watching her fellow soldiers making their leap, she couldn’t wait till it was her turn. Tipper was in front of her, he had given her a cheeky wink before his jump. She couldn’t remember if she had smiled back at him, so focussed on her own turn. She stood in the doorway, waiting for her cue to leave. The light turned green as the instructor gave a loud GO. Y/N had jumped, going into autopilot she followed the instructions ensuring she had the right form. The shoot deployed as she floated down. In that moment she was allowed a second to herself. Taking in the view of the rolling fields, the feeling of the wind on her face and the sweet smell of fresh air. She was so proud of herself. After the jump the men and her had gathered in the bar to celebrate. She drank with Tipper and the other men. Over the past couple of months she had grown closer to Tipper, her crush getting bigger as she did so. She played it well, just being his friend. But sometimes she wished she had the courage to lean over and kiss him. However she didn’t want to ruin the great friendship she had with him, and she didn’t know how he would react to such a confession from her. So she let it be, keeping her feelings locked up and enjoying the little moments they had together. He was so funny, always had a witty line to say, and then other times he was so sweet she could melt. He would do little things for her. One time when she was having a hard day he picked her some wildflowers from the meadow nearby to cheer her up. There were also the little touches they shared, he would lean into her as he spoke, hold her by her hips as he moved past her. This confused her more, but seeing that there were no other female recruits, she couldn’t figure out if that's how he was as a person or if he had feelings for her as well. They cheered as Bill chugged his beer, flashing his new jump wings badge in his teeth after doing so. They had all got their wings after their jump. Showing that they were real paratroopers now. 
Soon they were being shipped off again, literally. This time to England. The ship was hot and stuffy, as the men were crowded into the hold. The journey was long, they did anything to pass the time. Gossip, smoke, cards and fights. 
Tipper and Y/N lounge on the lower bunks playing cards as a fight breaks out behind them. Y/N glances over to see who is involved, Lieb and Bill and being pulled away from each other. Y/N only heard parts of the conversation, mostly paying attention to trying to beat Tip in their game.
“What’s all that about?” Tipper asks, looking over at her.
“Bill called Sobel a Jew. Liebgott took offence cause he’s a Jew too.” She reports what she had heard to Tip, as she plays her card. 
“Pfft, fighting over Sobel that’s smart.” Tip replied sarcastically.  
Easy company goes through more rigorous training in Aldbourne England. Doing more practical training rather than physical fitness. Learning battle strategies, weapon handling, digging trenches and doing practice assaults. 
Y/N is in the group led by Sobel for the assault. Y/N checks her watch, they are late. They were supposed to be at the rendezvous point by this time, but are currently running in a field nowhere near it. They ran beside a field of cows, hi cows. Luz halts to group as Sobel tries to find his bearings. Y/N makes eye contact with Tip who is Sobel’s runner, poor guy. Where are we? Y/N mouths to Tipper who shakes his head at the very lost Sobel. 
“Tipper.” Yells Sobel turning away from Tip who is standing right next to him. Y/N groans internally, how do you not know who your runner is? 
“Yes, sir.” Tipper says pulling out the map so they can figure out where we are. Sobel double takes over his shoulder realising that Tip is right behind him. 
“Give me the m….” Sobel starts to command but Tipper beats him to it, already handing him the map.   
“Perconte, Luz. Get the men, get ‘em ba-, take cover behind those trees.” The man fumbles. George and Frank start moving out the men to behind the trees Sobel pointed at. Y/N follows the men as they make their way over.
“Perconte, Sobel’s lost again right?” Y/N asks Frank as they gather behind the shrubs, crouching down, keeping quiet. 
“Yeah he’s lost.” Frank replies annoyed at the incompetent Captain. 
“Fucking Christ.” Y/N mutters to herself. 
“Luz, Luz.” Franks calls the man. “Can you do Major Horton?” he asks as Luz comes to stand by him. 
“Does a wild bear crap in the woods, son?” Luz says mimicking Horton. The men laugh at his impression. 
“Shh shh shh,” Frank shushes their giggles, “Maybe the good major can goose this schmuck. Get us moving?” Frank tells Luz his idea. 
“No way.” Luz starts to try and get out of doing the impression. The other men egg him on. George gives into the peer pressure, agreeing. Y/N and the rest of the men whisper excitedly as Luz shushes them.  
“Is there a problem Captain Sobel?” Luz imitates the Major’s voice. Everybody giggles, covering their mouths to keep quiet. 
“Who said that? Who broke silence?” Sobel screams across the field. 
Tipper grins, holding in his laugh. Knowing Luz as a close friend he recognised the impersonation. Holding it together he informs Sobel, “I think it’s Major Horton, sir.” Putting on a straight face. 
Sobel is stumped, “Major Horton? What is he-, did he join us?” He stutters. 
“I think maybe he is moving between the platoons, sir.” Tipper carries on with the ruse. 
“What is the goddamn hold up Mr. Sobel?” Luz yells again after a period of silence. Y/N trying her best to contain her fits of giggles, pressing her face into her hands. 
“A fence, sir. Sir, um. God. A barbed wire fence.” Sobel shouts back. Tipper looks down at the ground trying to cover his grin. 
“Oh, that dog just ain’t gonna hunt.” Luz says again in his amazing impression of Horton. Stifled laughter can be heard amongst the men. 
“Shut up, shut up.” Luz tells them when the laughing is getting too loud. “Now you cut that fence and get this goddamn platoon on the move!” Luz screams in his Horton voice. 
“Yes, sir.” Sobel follows the man’s command, Tipper still trying to contain his own laughter. 
“Where are my goddamn wire cutters?” Sobel was frustrated at being caught by the “Major”. 
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softguarnere · 1 year
hey anon who asked about ships, I think @lenabob and @hxad-ovxr-hxart do ships if I remember correctly!
@lenabob and @hxad-ovxr-hxart are both amazing writers! If they have their requests open, you can definitely expect to get something awesome from them 🤗
Thanks for your help Anon!
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softguarnere · 2 years
not sure if you did this already, but if I didn't — cast your mutual as easy boys 😳
I had waayyy too hard a time making up my mind with these 😅 This isn't everyone by any means, but I tried my best hehe
Joe Toye - @lieutenant-ains I know you love him, and at this point, I just kind of associate the two of you together
George Luz - @lenabob I love seeing your memes on my feed! Your BOB content makes my day
Bill Guarnere - @brassknucklespeirs I was sooo indecisive about this one, because I felt like there were so many ways I could go with it. But I feel like you gotta be Guarnere because the vibes just fit (and let's face it: I feel like our dynamic gives off chaotic-south-philly-italians)
David Webster - @mads-weasley You're just such a good writer and I love your writing style, and idk I just think it would work, ya know?
Joseph Liebgott - @bartons-never-miss It would be pure sacrilege to cast anyone other than his wife as Liebgott
Lewis Nixon - @eugeneroehoe This may or may not be partly because you were one of the first requests I ever got and it was my first time writing for Nixon. I just really like your energy!
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msmercury84 · 2 years
A Letter to Leigh's Father
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Bill awoke when the sun was beginning to rise. He got out of bed, taking care to not awaken Leigh. Guarnere put on the uniform trousers and the uniform shirt he had worn the night before. He picked up his duffel bag and headed downstairs to the kitchen.
He placed the bag on the floor and opened it, extracting one sheet of V Mail stationery, a V Mail envelope and a pen. V Mail accounted for the majority of letters sent since war broke out.
Those in military service were allowed two free sheets of V Mail forms per day from the Post Office or the Army Post Office. Letters were written on pre-printed forms.
Then the letters were sent to other V Mail offices overseas where the forms would be photographed and the image would be stored on microfilm. Images of the letters were then printed smaller than normal, but large enough to be legible.
All letters had to be read by censors to ensure that no confidential information about military activity would be made public. It typically took letters about a month to get to the intended recipient.
Bill wrote the address on the envelope. He composed the letter to Cal Spencer:
Dear Mr. Spencer,
As you already know, I love your daughter with all of my heart. Sir, I would like to ask you for your daughter's hand in marriage.
If you give us your blessing, we will get married after the war is over. I will work hard to provide a home and money to support her. Mr. Spencer, I promise to treat Leigh with the respect she deserves and to be a gentleman and a devoted husband for the rest of my life.
Bill Guarnere
Bill carefully folded the letter and placed it in the envelope. He placed the envelope in his duffel bag, then he took a bath. Once he was dressed in a clean uniform, socks and his boots, Bill fixed breakfast for himself and Leigh.
Spencer was pleasantly surprised with breakfast in bed. She noticed that Bill seemed to be in a particularly good mood. Leigh got ready to go to work and Bill reported for training at the Army base. He took the envelope containing the letter to the Army Post Office.
One month later, Cal Spencer received the letter from Guarnere.Later that night, Mr. Spencer sent a V Mail to Guarnere, saying,
Dear Bill,
Louise and I gladly give our blessings for you to marry Leigh. We know that you will be an excellent husband for our daughter and we're happy to welcome you into the family.
Best Wishes,
Cal Spencer
Four weeks from that day, Bill got the letter from Leigh's father. Guarnere was elated to read the good news. Had Cal refused, Bill was prepared to elope with Leigh. Guarnere felt that having Spencer's permission to marry Leigh was the proper thing to do. It was official, Bill could marry the love of his life.
@lizziebitch33 @wontyoutakeitback @alluringmoonlightbabe @bellewintersroe @lenabob @cagzzz107 @stinkyrat09 @breadsprinkles @ethereal-jumpwings @sparkycorleone @havaneselover08
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softguarnere · 2 years
I was tagged by @upontherisers to share 10 blorbos from 10 fandoms 💖 Thanks for the tag!
Aristotle Mendoza - Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
Joseph Liebgott - Band of Brothers
Claire Fraser - Outlander
Piper McClean - The Heroes of Olympus
Katherine Howard - Six
Anne Shirley Cuthburt - Anne with an E
Monica Long - Yellowstone
Snafu - The Pacific
King Arthur - (pretty much from any book on Arthurian Legend)
Hestia - (from Greek Mythology)
I'll tag (but only if y'all want to!): @brassknucklespeirs @eugeneroehoe @lenabob
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