#lente ui
receptenboek · 7 months
Cheesy Gochujang Noodles
Recept voor 2 personen (100gr = 178 kcal)
cloves garlic: 2 /6
gochujang: 1,5 tbsp /222
Olijf olie: 1 tbsp /54
250ml water (+ more if needed)
noodles (Lanzhou ramen - totoung) : 2 nest /700
soy sauce: 2 tsp /20
Squeeze of honey: 1O /32
mozzarella: 80gr /198
spring onion: 50gr /16
Wokgroenten: 400gr /144
Sesame seeds
Heat a pan over a medium heat then add the oil. Finely mince the garlic then add to the pan and fry gently for a couple of minutes. Add the gochujang and fry for 2 more minutes. Add in the water (*see next step for notes on water) and mix to disperse the gochujang.
Add in your favourite noodles and let them cook. *Add more water if needed, depending on the type of noodles you use and the size of your pan. If you’re using fresh noodles you’ll probably want to use less water.
Once the noodles are soft, season with the soy sauce and a squeeze of honey then add in the mozzarella and mix until melted.
Finely slice the spring onion then add that to the noodles, leaving a few for the top.
Serve up and top with the remaining spring onions and a sprinkle of sesame seeds.
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0 notes
anothermonikan · 5 months
feeling very objectum tonight. hello objectums. I love you
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fiannalover · 29 days
Ok no one ever talks about Atelier Games in this Website so I'm gonna drop my unscheduled unplanned unscripted ramblings and screenshots about the Yumia trailer:
Short Version: Yumia seems to be Very different from every prior Atelier Game, going towards a more Actiony, Traditional RPG and Linear Story Driven focus than even the Iris Series and Ryza, alongside maybe doing so to gameplay elements too. However, the vibes and themes are Excellent, so although this will likely be inevitably a controversial (and potentially newbie boom inducing) title, I'm ready to love it.
Trailer Screenshot rambling under read more
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YGGDRASIL, THE WORLD TREE! That's how you know it's a Traditional RPG (disclaimer: this tree has no name or given story relevancy yet, I'm joking around).
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We get to see some movement and world design moments alongside the initial narration, and in this regard, Yumia fully follows in the footsteps of Ryza 3, but More. Zipline segments from there are back, and I wouldn't be surprised if Yumia was Fully open world 90% after Ryza got about 85% of the way to being an open-world game.
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We get a sneak peek of the verse's Alchemy System here! We can't really say much about it: the Alchemy Core may just be an item a la the supplements of games past or a full game mechanic. If the latter, my immediate thought is that it would be again following up on Ryza 3, this time the key system, maybe on reverse, even: if they keys were an optional feature on the end of synthesis, the core could be the mandatory first step affecting Synthesis Results. We have to wait to get more info, but it's fun to think of.
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Here we have the part I feel has the most potential for controversy: Battle System. Very early on, we see Yumia shoot down a fox? Cow? Foxcow hybrid? With a crossbow in real time. No UI Elements were shown in the rest of the trailer, leaving us the question: after Ryza swapped the traditional turn base for ATB, is Yumia going to change it to Real Time Action RPG?
I actually don't think we can say for sure. Again, no UI Elements means that the ambiguous identity animal could just be a non hostile mob you can kill for materials, while actual enemies are fought in turns/ATB. I don't mind which one they go with (Atelier's cousin, Tales, shows Namco does great ARPG), but one way or another, I am GREATLY looking forward to seeing the Turn Based RPG Discourse join the already lovely Bad Takes On Atelier Landscape!
With those rambles on gameplay out of the way, let's talk about the OTHER very different element: the plot.
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DWAGON! Always an important Atelier Staple!
Someone get Vayne in here.
If we are to understand these screenshots as happening in chronological order, Yumia already starts the game in a commander position of a village that is preparing against something, and is promptly wiped off the face of the map. Even the most story/drama heavy Atelier games (that I played) (I'll get to you someday, Iris series) kept a generally light hearted and war crimes free atmosphere. We still don't know how it will work out in game, but it is already a very big tone shift.
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This part with the wolf man enemy stands ou too for Yumia's capacity as an action protagonist. I'd say this is the most unambiguous show of strength a series character has shown. like yes, Ryza is described as a capable fighter from Ryza 2 onwards, Vayne clearly knows how to fight, but most of their actions are gameplay land. Ryza 2 ALSO leaves it clear that, story wise, Lent is the group's Actual Trained Powerhouse Fighter.
In contrast, both story and gameplay parts of the trailer leave it clear Yumia is physically capable of holding her own, another evidence of how the game is set to be tonally different from predecessors, doubly so as you realize Yumia has no companions with her on this trailer. I even to get to wonder if she'll make her journey fully solo, which would be something COMPLETELY new for the series.
But what is similar?
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This part of the trailer, alongside the title's focus on memories, gave me wonderful Ayesha and Ryza 2 memories, my favorite games in the series.
Both Ayesha and Ryza 2 put a big focus on ruins and the memories of yesteryear they hold. Ayesha is set in a dying world filled with buildings left behind by those who killed it. Ryza 2 has you scouring each and every inch of the ruins in search of the memories of people who lived there, their lives, their stories, how they connected to each other.
Yumia seems like it will be focused on that: holding on to the memories that others have entrusted to you, and using them to find what if your right future, your envisioned land. Truth and Ideals, in a way.
Yumia is going to do a lot of things likely radically different. But I'm sure it will keep the core parts right: the alchemy, the light, slice-of-life elements amidst the action, the somber, atmospheric ambience of Dusk and much, much of what the Ryza Trilogy constructed.
And I can't wait to see more.
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delightfulwombatyouth · 4 months
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Thank god it's Thursday (I have Friday off)
Got paid. 80-90% of my paycheck and my next paycheck will be thrown at my CC debt but after that it should be fine in that it will be less than half a paycheck (assuming no big bills).
I want to get back to where I was in the middle of lent. No drinking, no smoking, get off coffee again - I think the extra cortisol is just stressing me out more than I already am with little benefit.
I have worn so many hats this week. Sys admin with backup and restoring stuff, general IT with fixing our phones, took a phone call to talk to a customer about a new project they want (they liked the work I did for their coworker), database administrator stuff regarding ETL stuff and then general UI/scripting issue help with other people's projects. Today I should be pretty free to just focus on only 2 different projects which is nice.
Will be making my first ROTH IRA contribution today and some more into my dividend/investments. Think I'll be over $10 a month in dividends now, easy street here I come! Lol
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amzomolhic · 1 year
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have a little special M.A.R.T shop UI!
I thought this little shop fit with the undertale vibe I definitely could have lent into it more but I do like this allot!
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spheciform · 1 year
Funny thing I opened the app right as you answered that
Other cool games for the DS that make use of both screens
The world ends with you, 999 Zero escape in it's last puzzle, rhythm heaven, probably more that I'm missing shdkd
Oh people have been talking about all of those in the notes and I think that's so cool!! Twewy in particular has been getting a lot of love! A second shoutout in my heart goes to bravely default. They didn't really do anything too special with it (unless you count the bravely second system which is made crucial to play the second game) as a DS game but putting it on the switch absolutely fucked up their UI to the point that I never played bravely default II because the UI was that bad. Look at this shit.
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They had to do a lot of reorganization to fit it on one screen, which is partially why it feels odd, but the thing I missed the most was being able to tap any ability a job gives you and get a quick blurb about it rather than having to manually select it each time- something small but that added up when each job gives you like twenty abilities, in a game that one of the gimmicks is combining job classes to make the most insanely gamebreakingly busted combos possible.
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The pause screen just felt cluttered in comparison too. There's so much dead space and nothing stands out enough to feel important, the text color is incredibly low contrast against all the heavy textures, it's just a nightmare. Which is so funny because they did open beta demos to get feedback(which I participated in), overwhelmingly the feedback was "your UI Is Bad And Unreadable" and they in fact did not make it better. As a side note it is sad what they did to the aesthetic of the game once they scaled it up for the switch- the low poly models in the original two games were at least simplistic and cute, and the hand drawn portraits in the pause menu and aesthetic choices overall lent itself to a very cosy sort of storybook feel, meanwhile the heavily detailed but still scaled down models of bravely default II feel almost uncanny and lost a lot of charm IMO
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werewolfetone · 2 years
You know how the IRA (or rather Irish republican movements, armed or not) had supporters around Europe, the Americas and in Africa? I wonder if there were similar networks of solidarity during the 18th and 19th century, during the "first" Irish republican revolutionary movements, do you know?
There were, but the support didn't really happen for the same reasons. A lot of the foreign support that the IRA got was either from people who had some personal connection to the place they were fighting/what they were fighting for, or from people who understood that colonisation and unjust military occupation = bad. The United Irishmen did have a network of foreign support, but it was more because they were founded on ideals of liberty, equality, fraternity; the rights of man; non-sectarian allegiance, etc, and so they got support from people who also believed in those things. For instance, the French government of the 1790s did not support the United Irishmen because they loved Ireland personally or understood that what the British had done there was evil, they supported them because they wanted to plant 'the seed of liberty' in another country. It was the same with the Americans, who lent some support as well, they did it because the United Irishmen believed the same things as them and therefore they wanted to help them. (source being Theobald Wolfe Tone: Prophet of Irish Independence by Marianne Elliot)
There were also networks that more resembled the solidarity that the IRA got, mostly within Britain, but again those were mostly because groups like the London Corresponding Society and Scottish Friends of the People held very very similar views to the United Irishmen, and therefore wanted to help them. Those groups also saw themselves as trapped under the same repressive regime as them and therefore would lend solidarity because of that, which is probably the point at which the UI come the closest to getting the kind of support people gave to the IRA. This came especially from Scotland where the Scots were dealing with very similar problems to Ireland right up until Ireland had an armed rebellion and Scotland didn't. (sources being The English Jacobins by Carl B Cone and Handful of Rogues by Hector MacMillan)
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captain-astors · 1 year
I don’t feel like tagging anyone, but I’ll do this, 
tagged by @takatsukisdesk
Three ships: Furutui, ZazieMeryl, and whatever you’d call Beyond x Mikami I guess. All of them are rarepairings at best and crackpairings at worst, with a population of me and at most 5 other people but I’m THRIVING. 
First ship: Probably Yukito and Touya from CCS. I haven’t been at this for long, but man I wanted what they have as a 12 year old. Still do. I want to ride on the back of someone’s bike and be worried over frequently as my health declines because I am turning into the moon.
Last movie: The Adam Project I believe? Good color palettes. Don’t remember much of what happened.
Currently reading: 
Dune (again)
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (again) 
Dracula (Not dracula daily, I’m reading the book of my own volition again by complete coincidence, I didn’t know what dracula daily was until about a week ago.) 
William Shakespeare's Star Wars “The Empire Striketh Back” (For the first time) 
The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases.
Tokyo ghoul :re 4-7 (Again, but I have physical copies now, so the translation’s different. Furuta’s somehow less of a misogynist and more of an asshole in this one.)
Trigun Maximum 
Last song/album: I’ll give you the last three! “Killer Queen” by Queen “Can’t Stop” by The Red Hot Chilli Peppers and “Mr. Grieves” by the Pixies. I’m on a certain kind of kick right this moment, but these aren’t the typical genres I listen to.
Currently watching: Cowboy Bebop, Death Note. 
Currently consuming: Water, and every old character examination comparing Ui Koori to Anakin Skywalker because they’re not wrong and that’s the funniest part of it. 
Also old fan theories for how the ending was going to shake out, because they’re all so much more satisfying (for me) than the actual ending. I get that the lesson is to live but why does everyone who inconveniences Kaneki either die or disappear. 
Currently craving: NARRATIVE FULFILLMENT FOR MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS and absolutely any food. 
I lent my only snack to my friend, and now I have to wait until I’m finished with a couple tasks to find something to eat. If I could have anything, I’d have a nice slice of cheese pizza.
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Films préférés de 2022 - Mars
Un mois particulièrement goldé : animation japonaise, Eric Rohmer, et cinéma coréen entre autres.
Jin-Roh, la brigade des loups - 1999 : Le Petit chaperon rouge version SF, j'ai bien aimé. Et globalement si vous cherchez un dessin animé sur un conte, voilà ce qui devrait vous changer de Disney
Ida - 2013 : AAAHH CE FILM ! Il est beau il est beau ! Il va y avoir des gens qui vont me dire "gnegnegne mais il ne se passe rien" ptdr on s'en fout c'est beau, c'est dépouillé, c'est lent, c'est magnifique !
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Le rayon vert - 1986 : Premier Rohmer de ma vie. Le personnage de l'héroine est insupportable et c'est ce ui fait son charme je trouve.
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A propos d'Elly - 2009 : OH CELUI LA AUSSI PTN REGARDEZ LE. Plus sérieusement, il est tellement prenant. Pas spécialement effrayant mais ça prend tellement aux tripes. A la fin, les bruits des vagues je ne pouvais juste plus les entendre.
Poetry - 2010 : Une petite mamie toute choupie atteinte de la maladie d'Alzheimer se prend d'amour pour la poésie. La petite histoire toute mignonne au début tourne vite au vinaigre quand son petit fils est accusé d'avoir violé une camarade de classe. Il est bien.
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Conte d'été - 1996 : Des amourettes de vacances entre étudiants. Sympa, bien aimé aussi !
Lou et l'Ile aux sirènes - 2017 : Encore un animé (il y en a pas mal). C'est coloré, c'est délirant, vraiment sympa !
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Dans un recoin de ce monde -2016 : CELUI-LA CELUI-LA. Dans l'esprit du Tombeau des Lucioles, je pense ne pas avoir besoin d'en dire plus.
Patéma et le Monde inversé - 2013 : Un animé de SF, assez classique mais toute l'histoire est bien ficelée !
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enkeynetwork · 9 hours
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receptenboek · 7 months
Broccoli Noodles
100gr = 120kcal
BENODIGDHEDEN: 100gr = 122kcal — Broccoli; 520gr /140 — Gehakt: 200gr /464 — Lanzhou ramen Noodles (Tatoung): 2 bundeltjes /700 — Lente ui: 40gr /13 — Olijolie: 1 dopje /54 — Bouillon (tellofix): 1 tl. /6 — Ketjap manis: 3x el. /98 — Knoflook: 1 teentje /3
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BENODIGDHEDEN: 100gr = 120kcal — Broccoli; 520gr /140 — Gehakt: 200gr /464 — Lanzhou ramen Noodles (Tatoung): 2 bundeltjes /700 — Ui: 100gr /58 — Olijolie: 1 dopje /54 — Bouillon (tellofix): 1 tl. /6 — Ketjap manis: 3x el. /98 — Knoflook: 1 teentje /3
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0 notes
kaoarika · 22 days
Early this sunday I watched a video about a lost pc game with the twist that it wasn't real at all, and tbh? I almost fully believed it was real, although I did notice that the creator/fim maker wasn't making obvious comparisons to some contemporary media where it lifts some homages in this vid or perhaps that weird pc game about a museum of pretty weird stuff that certain streamer I usually watch played ages ago, but it surely had similar vibes of that pc-cd games' wild west from the 90s.
I say I almost "believed it" because of the vibes the "game" had that I could have totally bought because there suuuuure were many pc games with these same weird creepy vibes.
I certainly remember playing a variety of pc games for kids when I was a child both at home and school (including games for Mac), many of which I barely remember their names but sometimes I remember vague things or atmospheres. Some of which tended to be more "brainy" like stuff that I wanted to replicate when I used to look for flash games in the early 2010s, other were more edutainment-like stuff that certainly makes me think of the stuff I see US-centric youtubers be more nostalgic about (that I certainly KIND of remember... but mostly scratching?)... and, ofc, there were also pretty local-made stuff specifically made for schools that were like activity centers where you also learned stuff within.
I think more of the stuff that was part of our collection of pc games, stuff that was both original and certainly burned CD copies/bootlegs of others. My parents bought us some games that they got from clearance sales (ie Lode Runner), and we also got others that were originally "lent to us", but we eventually became their new owners (ie The Neverhood, a Magic School Bus game, as well)... from the bootlegs? I mostly remember one of those SEGA compilations for PC, the first time I played Sonic 2 or Shining Force 2, and ofc, Age of Empires 2, lol, and that endless summer of 2000 or 2001 when we didn't have TV Cable, and me and my family playing rounds of that game on our Windows 2000 PC.
But I certainly tend to think of the unknown ones that I don't recall their names and that I might have played a few times but the "vibes" is what I mostly remember these days. Maybe it was because our PC at the time didn't have speakers or they weren't compatible anymore with our PC or they had errors that my 6-7 year-old mind couldn't understand (and we only had ONE family PC, as you may have in the late 90s/2000s). Some of them gave me those "creepy" vibes because of the user interface, or simply because I was intimidated for the English (because 90% of them were in English) that wasn't on my early-elementary level. I even vaguely remember giving a shot at MYST but, lmao.
But this one I remember the most (and I thought about that one in the video) in specific is an exception and I even think I got its original name (because we had an Spanish localization) and I don't even know why the IP owners sold a license for a game that went a bit of a "dark route" in it, lol. It was the late 2000s and I even remember beating the game one night and the thing that got stuck with me is that it used a typical "bad future" scenario and the illustrations of the UI were dark for a children's game, lmao. Ofc, I mean, the game had "edutainment" purposes, and it definitely should teach some kind of lesson? but GOOOOD... why, lmao?
Want to know what IP it was?
It was a The Pink Panther PC game.
Something about shenaningans of a villain doing harm, a camping place and stuff about the environment, lol. I was entering into my late teens and it left me such an impression... I cannot imagine how that much of an impression should have left to kids, their intended audience, lol.
I mean, there were PC games that could have scared kids that weren't really "horror" (and I mean, The Neverhood, for example, but the ambience, the clay, the lack of music in certain parts of the game, the BAD ending...?), but... still???
But then I remember that museum game that Vinny played and... frick, I can totally buy that there was a creepy game of a dinosaur museum that miiiight have been too creepy made by an independent studio that may have not done anything else later on... and setting aside lost media and such, there are TONS that I don't even remember what they were named in the first place? How many have gone under like this fictional example???
THAT'S WHY THE VIDEO WORKS. Not even as "analog/digital horror"... there was stuff like this that has gone unnoticed and are completely lost these days.
(this goes hand in hand with that box of CDs and floppy disks for PC that got all moisty because the waterleaks of my house, two months ago, and finding plenty of stuff that I don't think work anymore these days... most of these were bootlegs, SURE... but OTL)
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recipecollector-cor · 23 days
Gefrituurde Asperges met Krab en Sesamolie
Gefrituurde Asperges met Krab en Sesamolie Verwen je smaakpapillen met deze gefrituurde asperges gecombineerd met delicate krab en een aromatische saus van sesamolie en gember. Dit bijgerecht brengt verfijnde smaken samen in een heerlijk knapperig gerecht. Dunschiller of aspergeschillerkoksmessnijplankWok 5 verse asperges½ blikje krab1 eiwit1 lente-ui of een stukje prei1 plakje verse…
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gezondheidstoestand · 5 months
Unieke en Smaakvolle Koolhydraatarme Creaties
In een culinaire wereld waar gezond eten steeds belangrijker wordt, zijn koolhydraatarme recepten bezig met het veroveren van hun plek als smaakvolle, innovatieve alternatieven die tegemoetkomen aan diverse smaken en dieetvoorkeuren. Door de kunst van het creëren van heerlijke gerechten te omarmen terwijl de koolhydraatinname wordt geminimaliseerd, bieden deze recepten een verleidelijk scala aan opties om smaakpapillen te prikkelen en het lichaam te voeden.
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1. Knapperige Courgettekoekjes met Kruidige Yoghurtsaus
2 middelgrote courgettes, geraspt
2 lente-uitjes, in dunne plakjes
1/4 kopje amandelmeel
1/4 kopje geraspte Parmezaanse kaas
1 ei, losgeklopt
1/2 theelepel knoflookpoeder
Zout en peper naar smaak
Olijfolie om te bakken
Plaats de geraspte courgette in een schone theedoek en knijp het overtollige vocht eruit.
Meng in een grote kom de uitgeknepen courgette, lente-ui, amandelmeel, Parmezaanse kaas, losgeklopt ei, knoflookpoeder, zout en peper.
Verhit olijfolie in een koekenpan op middelhoog vuur.
Schep lepels van het courgettemengsel in de pan en druk ze met de achterkant van een lepel plat tot koekjes.
Bak 3-4 minuten aan elke kant, of tot ze goudbruin en knapperig zijn.
Leg de gebakken koekjes op een met keukenpapier beklede plaat om overtollige olie te absorberen.
Serveer de koekjes warm met kruidige yoghurtsaus om in te dippen.
2. Pittige Bloemkoolrijst Roerbak
1 bloemkool, tot rijst verwerkt
2 eetlepels kokosolie
2 teentjes knoflook, fijngehakt
1 kleine ui, in blokjes gesneden
1 paprika, in dunne plakjes gesneden
1 kopje broccoli roosjes
2 wortels, julienne gesneden
2 eetlepels sojasaus of tamari
1 eetlepel sriracha saus (naar smaak aanpassen)
2 lente-uitjes, in dunne plakjes gesneden
Sesamzaadjes ter garnering
Verhit kokosolie in een grote koekenpan of wok op middelhoog vuur.
Voeg fijngehakte knoflook en blokjes ui toe aan de pan en bak tot ze geurig zijn.
Roer de bloemkoolrijst, paprika, broccoli roosjes en julienne gesneden wortels door elkaar.
Bak, regelmatig roerend, 5-6 minuten of tot de groenten knapperig en gaar zijn.
Klop in een kleine kom sojasaus en sriracha saus samen.
Giet de saus over het bloemkoolrijstmengsel en roer goed door.
Bak nog eens 2-3 minuten, zodat de smaken goed kunnen mengen.
Haal van het vuur en garneer met plakjes lente-ui en sesamzaadjes voor het opdienen.
3. Mediterrane Gevulde Paprika's
4 grote paprika's, gehalveerd en zaadjes verwijderd
1 kopje gekookte quinoa of bloemkoolrijst
1 kopje cherrytomaten, gehalveerd
1/2 kopje fijngesneden komkommer
1/4 kopje in plakjes gesneden Kalamata-olijven
1/4 kopje verkruimelde feta kaas
2 eetlepels gehakte verse peterselie
2 eetlepels olijfolie
1 eetlepel citroensap
1 theelepel gedroogde oregano
Zout en peper naar smaak
Verwarm de oven voor op 375°F (190°C).
Meng in een grote kom gekookte quinoa of bloemkoolrijst, cherrytomaten, komkommer, Kalamata-olijven, verkruimelde feta kaas, gehakte peterselie, olijfolie, citroensap, gedroogde oregano, zout en peper.
Vul elke halve paprika met het quinoamengsel en druk voorzichtig aan.
Leg de gevulde paprika's in een ovenschaal en bedek met aluminiumfolie.
Bak in de voorverwarmde oven gedurende 25-30 minuten, of tot de paprika's zacht zijn.
Haal uit de oven en serveer warm, gegarneerd met extra gehakte peterselie indien gewenst.
Deze unieke en smaakvolle koolhydraatarme creaties laten zien hoe inventief en gevarieerd koolhydraatarm koken kan zijn. Van knapperige courgettekoekjes tot pittige bloemkoolrijst roerbak en mediterrane gevulde paprika's, deze recepten bieden heerlijke alternatieven voor traditionele koolhydraatrijke gerechten zonder in te leveren op smaak of voldoening. Ontdek de eindeloze mogelijkheden van koolhydraatarm koken en ga op een smaakvolle reis naar een gezondere levensstijl.
0 notes
helmy2200 · 6 months
Export van uien | Egyptische ui Export | Egyptische uien 2020
Uien export
https://youtu.be/J8-FLxQeQLs Wij exporteren uien van de hoogste kwaliteit in de markt we zorgen er altijd voor dat onze producten voldoen aan de vereiste specificaties We exporteren uien van onze boerderijen en van sommige leveranciers en zorgen ervoor dat onze producten van de hoogste kwaliteit zijn om Het handhaven van onze reputatie eerst en om onze klanten tevreden te stellen hebben we uien geëxporteerd naar een aantal Europese landen, waaronder België, Engeland, Duitsland en enkele Arabische landen
Uien exporteren foto's
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Schrijf je in om het laatste nieuws van ons te ontvangen Wij kunnen de benodigde hoeveelheden van de hoogste kwaliteit leveren doordat wij al vier jaar werkzaam zijn in de exportmarkt en daar voldoende ervaring in hebben. We hebben ook uienleveranciers die al meer dan vier jaar met ons samenwerken met goede ervaring in Europese specificaties En ze zijn zich volledig bewust van de samenwerking met ons en wat we willen van de specificaties en onze eigen boerderijen, We gebruiken onze leveranciers in geval van enorme hoeveelheden We bieden altijd de beste prijzen in de markt met behoud van de kwaliteit natuurlijk hebben we een klantenbestand waarmee we al meer dan drie jaar samenwerken en dit komt door hun vertrouwen in ons en onze kwaliteit en onze onvergelijkbare prijzen
Specificaties en details Productnaam : Egyptische ui  Varity : Rode Ui / Gouden Ui / Lente-ui  Grootte: 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 mm Verpakking: Mesh Bag Verenig gewicht: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 KG Een container 40 ft 25 Ton
Enkele van de verschillende uienvoordelen van de geneeskunde website
Een van de belangrijkste voordelen van uien is dat het grote hoeveelheden antioxidanten bevat, quercetine (Quercetine) en flavonoïden, die bijdragen aan het remmen of vertragen van de schade aan cellen en weefsels in het lichaam Studies hebben aangetoond dat quercetine in uien bijdraagt aan de eliminatie van vrije radicalen in het lichaam en remt ook oxidatieve processen geassocieerd met atherosclerose en coronaire hartziekten. Ook op vitamine E, een krachtige antioxidant op zich, die de schadelijke werking van mineralen in het bloed neutraliseert, zijn er andere bronnen van quercetine dan uien, namelijk appels en thee, maar recente studies in Nederland hebben aangetoond dat quercetine, dat afkomstig is van uien, in het lichaam wordt opgenomen met een kwaliteit die twee keer hoger is dan die in thee, en zelfs drie keer die van appels. Voor meer informatie E-mail: [email protected]  Telefoon : 00201022275025  : 00201100331487  Read the full article
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diyshelf · 9 months
Ovenschotel met nasi goreng, kippengehakt en ei - Libelle Lekker
Tumblr media
Ingrediënten (4 personen)
500 g kippengehakt
2 el geraspte gember
3 el hoisinsaus
1 el sojasaus
1 kl chilivlokken
2 el olijfolie
Peper & zout
400 g rijst (gekookt en afgekoeld)
1 ui
2 teentjes knoflook
3 lente-ajuin
1 wortel
1/2 bosje koriander
150 g diepvrieserwten
2 el sojasaus
4 eieren
1 el sesamzaad
2 el arachideolie
Peper & zout
0 notes