#leo wants to be a durmstrang girl too
rairolin · 2 years
🌟✨ doubletrouble.hphm (on inst) invited me in an art trade and..
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We made it painful and sweet for each other. She had to wait for like 5 weeks for my answer. I had to draw the angst of my childhood aka Tonks as a happy and pretty much alive kid hehehehegehegAAAAA 👁️👁️🔥
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The dark lord, Bellatrix, and Delphini all stood outside the McKinley’s manor, having been invited over for dinner to celebrate Maisie’s recent promotion, and knocked. Narcissa and Lucious had been invited as well, however most everyone knows Lucius has a tendency to be fashionably late.
Iona in sending the invitation made it clear most of the younger children had been scheduled to have sleepovers with friends and family, only the youngest Leo was at home and already put to bed for the evening. Iona, Aofie, Maisie, her brother Nathaniel, and their cousin James who’s only a year older than Nathaniel were home tonight.
They could hear through the door a small amount of yelling. “He’s going to kill me!” “He’s not going to kill you Nathaniel.” “Maisie I got drunk and told him at that party what I know from the portraits!” “First off you just turned fifteen years old what are you doing drinking?! Secondly if the portraits told you then they probably told many more, it’s probably common information.” “But it’s not! It’s that stuff about who he was! He said he could kill me and no one would care!” “Nathaniel I would care and Iona would care, I won’t let him kill you even if he does intend to-“ “you act like you could stop him Maisie!” “Nathaniel I do not think he intends to kill, especially not in our home. He said he could, he probably just wants you to keep that information to yourself or more likely it’s common information from the gossips and he wanted to scare you for behaving so foolishly.” “Maisie is almost always right, and I could always light him up if he tried,” another male voice spoke the cousin James, the one he recalled was a pyromaniac attending Durmstrung.
Then he noticed a shadow in the door and a voice, Aofie, “why are you three arguing in there about while leaving our guests at the door?” As the door opened the dark lord saw Nathaniel white as a ghost behind his family, Bellatrix chuckled as Aofie spoke “Iona will be out in a minute we’d temporarily misplaced the salad forks, delayed us a minute.” Maisie spoke as well, “so sorry for making you wait at the door. I’d like thank you for joining us this evening in celebration.”
The corner of Voldemort's mouth rose in a smirk as he heard the panicked yelling on the other side of the door. He had frightened the boy. Good. That had been his intent.
Maisie, the intelligent girl that she was, had been correct. Lord Voldemort had no intention of killing Nathaniel that evening, nor any evening in the immediate future. If the boy continued to behave as foolishly as he had that night, well, perhaps the decision not to kill would have to be reassessed, but he was not going to go about killing an underage member of a well-respected family for one indiscretion.
Not that the boy needed to know any of this.
Voldemort nodded politely as Aofie spoke. "We were not waiting long, it is of no bother. Pleasure to see you again, and you as well, Maisie. I believe congratulations are in order. It is always pleasing to hear of a member of a family such as yours rising so quickly within the Ministry." His gaze turned towards the boys. "Ah, hello again, young Nathaniel-" he made eye contact with the youth for a second too long for comfort before turning to James. "And you must be the Durmstrang student in the family - James, is it? I should introduce you to one of the Nott's - the young man is not much older than you and has quite the mastery of fire casting - though then again, perhaps putting the two of you in the same room might become a bit...destructive. Hmm."
Voldemort gave Delphini a look of caution - she was clearly about to giggle at the look on Nathaniel's face - before inquiring about the whereabouts of Lucius and Narcissa, making a comment about how Lucius was likely still styling his hair. Delphi did her best to control her smirk, knowing her amusement would most certainly assure Nathaniel that his life was not in immediate danger at this particular dinner party. And that was not the message her Father wanted to convey at this time.
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morningstarinwinter · 4 years
The real story of Danique Winter
I can't remember, but I somehow ended up talking about my real headcanon story of Dani with Moonie and she said I should share it. I'm afraid at first, then I realized no one cares to read it anyway lol so I will write about it.
It was the reason that I didn't finish her profile because when I entered the fandom, everyone is the mc and kinda stick to the plot.
First of all Danique is not the mc in the game. She isn't the one who has to enter the cursed vault shet. Because :
I don't like heroic character, help everyone and save the day? No. Not my cup of tea.
It gave me too much Gryffindor, which I don't like that😂
I wanted her to have relationship with her older brother because his character and the death of her mother, he is very protective of her. He will never leave her like the real Jacob. Speaking of him his real middle name is Deloy and the meaning of his name, Rasalas, is the northern star of the lion head (the constellation Leo)
Soooo she is just a friend of mc (a girl), which I just used my other oc to be them😂. Danique met them in year 1 because Rasalas knew her brother (they are Gryffindor) so he protects mc from the curious students since he has big bro energy. Dani and her then became friend, but she didn't enter the vault till year 3 because of her protective brother (They are 5 years apart so she did it when he graduated).
She is not an extrovert and full of positive energy, just somehow became friends with the canon characters because of mc🤣 And yeah, they are only her friends. In this canon, she is both a quidditch player and prefect. Because of her kickass and protective over bullied students, Professor Sprout then came and asked her to be one. My girl is too tired here so the now canon, she is not😂 About quidditch player, she is a chaser, but gained the role in year 2. (Because I want big bro and lil sis fought against each other in matches🤣)
Anddd she has 2 other handsome boi by her side! (Didn't think of the names too since they have a bit of role here😂)
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The first one has Dani's mom as a godmother. He is a Slytherin and 4 years older than her, 1 year younger than Ras. He is a French pureblood boy and a prefect. Acting like Dani's brother, he always fight with Ras, the real one, that he took care of Dani better than him (Nerd vs Jock, also Sly vs Gryff🤣)
The second one is the son of her dad's bff. He is 3 years older than her and studied at Durmstrang. His dad is a former curse breaker which now works at Romanian Dragon Sanctuary. Dani spend time there when she was young (after her mom died) while her dad is at work. She has the portkey to here at her house, so when her dad finished his work, he went there to pick her up. This also the reason why Bill and Charlie are in her closest friend list. She took them, mc and Barnaby there in the summer break at year 5. So Charlie can meet the dragons and Bill will take about curse breaking with her dad's bff and his son, which he also wanted to be the curse breaker, also share their knowledge from both schools.
Back to the main story, Dani help mc with the vault and almost die in year 6. Her protective dad then sent her to study at IIvermorny. She graduated and became an auror there. Just at the beginning of the war, she came back and fought with the Order.
About the relationship with Barnaby ;
My headcanon about Barnaby is that he is not that naive. What did you expect the one who lives in that kind of family? To be that pure bean?...I mean, I thought he had been taught to be the proper person like other pureblood familes. JC made him to be too dumb, smh. (Now beat me Barnaby stan) I don't know how to describe him in my canon, but he seems to be less puppy or innocent bean. He still be a cute pure boy, but less and a bit quiet preserved boy. Like, he did that only with his friends.
Dani and Barn became friends in year 2. She just somehow found him stuggle with some assignment and help him. They usually met at the black lake and took care of the creatures together. She has a crush on him in year 4, but didn't make a move. Meanwhile Barnaby liked her since year 2, but noticed that fact in year 3 at the vault. He is the one who asked her to go to the celestial ball with him. And after that Dani just freaked out and avoided him (she also did that in Artenique😂) because she is a shy ass and doesn't sure that Barnaby really likes her or just because they are in a good term and he is just mixed up the feeling. He then came to her and yeah, they ended up together.
At year 6 when she almost died, she didn't tell him about the exchange at Ilvermorny. She doesn't want him to wait for her and better let him have a relationship with other than a long distance one. (No, I just wanted an angst okay?)
They met again at The Leaky Cauldron after 5 years. Danique in short hair, sitting at the counter alone, was being flirted by some drunk wizard. Barnaby helpped the girl and found out to be his first love. She apologized to him and they became friends again. After Harry killed Voldy aka the war ended, they were there and he asked her if they can be together again since he still loves her. And the story end here, they have 3 kiddos which are....
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Didn't think of their names but ;
The first born is the cute Hufflepuff boi
The second one is sass Slytherin, threaten someone with cold smile
The last one is shy Gryffindor bc why not?
That's all. If you read till the end, thank you so much for interesting in my silly idea *bow*
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prongsies · 4 years
Star-Crossed ⁕ Chapter 10
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←Chapter 9 | Master list
"Concentrate, Harry” Hermione’s voice rang in the empty classroom as she tossed another book onto the wooden stool on the other side of the room from Harry.  
The bespectacled boy let out a frustrated grunt, he said angrily “What do you think I’m trying to do, ‘Mione? But no, I’ve got the image of a great big dragon in my head – Okay, try again” He faltered at Hermione’s glare, sensing her impatience to deal with his sarcasm.
“Accio quill!” He tried once more, watching as the book flew halfway across the room towards him before dropping onto the floor.  
“I have Arithmancy!” Hermione gasped as she glanced down her wrist watch in worry. She turned to look at Harry apologetically, “I would really love to stay and help you out, Harry but-”
“It’s alright” Harry replied with a reassuring smile. In an instant, the bushy-haired girl rushed out the classroom with her belongings, leaving Thalia and Harry in the room, “Aren’t you heading to you next class, Lia?”
“I’m not really looking forward to History of Magic” Thalia replied with a soft smile before directing her attention towards the book on the floor, flicking her wand towards it making it vanish, reappearing back onto the stool.
“So how are you and Fred?” Harry casually, deciding he needed a break before he goes back to attempting to summon the book.
“We’re... alright, I guess? We talked briefly today, he told me he trusts me but that’s about it” Thalia shrugged, fiddling with her wand in her hands, “I really don’t feel like talking to him more, though. Especially since I haven’t gotten a proper apology”
“That’s a bummer, from what I’ve seen in the World Cup, you would’ve been a perfect couple”
Thalia scoffed, “If Fred only knew how to get his big head out of his ass, right?”
This brought Harry to laugh, shaking his head towards the older girl who remained smiling, “How about you try it again, Harry? And I’ll go get us some snacks in the kitchen for us?”
“That’d be brilliant, Lia”
“So, how’d it go?” Hermione asked, joining them once again in the empty classroom which Professor McGonagall graciously lent to them for the night. The three had been switching up their schedules to accommodate helping Harry. Though for the most part, Thalia had been the one patient enough to really teach him.  
By the time Hermione had returned, it was near midnight.
“Well, the good news is that Harry had managed to summon the object...” Thalia trailed off, watching Hermione’s eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“And the bad news?”
“They may have been hitting me in the face the entire time” replied Harry.
The three continued until they were sure Harry got the hang of it, because if he’d ever need to do this tomorrow, he’d have to summon his broom directly from inside the castle rather than just a few feet ahead of him.  
Finally, by one in the morning, the three retreated to the Gryffindor common room, switching using a couch pillow perched at the bottom of the dormitory steps with Harry in the other side of the room near the portrait hole.
It was at 2AM when Harry finally got the hang of it, tossing a heavy book back towards Thalia, who caught it with ease, and directing his wand at it, “Accio dictionary!”
The dictionary was quick to dart out of Thalia’s hand, flying straight into Harry’s awaiting ones before it could hit him straight in the face again.
“Atta boy, Harry!” Thalia cheered, rushing towards Harry and Hermione who were both celebrating. “Now you’re ready”
“I just have to make it work tomorrow” said Harry, “The Firebolt’s going to be much further away and...”
“It’ll work Harry” Thalia reassured, wrapping an arm around Harry’s shoulder to pull him towards her, “Don’t let your nerves get to you, yeah? You should go and get some sleep now, you’ll need a lot of energy tomorrow for the First Task”
“No, it’s fine I’ll help you clean up” He motioned towards the common room where items were scattered all over the floor and the furniture.
“We got it, Harry” It was Hermione who spoke this time, “Lia’s right, you need to rest”
“Are you sure?”
“More than”
Breakfast in the Great Hall was full of excitement as the day of the First Task arrived. The students of the three schools were all buzzing in joy as they exchanged their theories about what they expected, and some – Thalia could see – were already placing their bets on the first champion to be declared the winner.
However, among the crowd were the champions. And while three of them talked excitedly among their friends and countless of students who approached them to wished them luck, Harry was in a far different state.
“Harry you look dreadful”, Thalia dares say as she watched him sit across from her, hair ruffled more than usual. There were bags underneath his eyes indicating his lack of sleep, and a paleness noticeable in his lips from the nerves.
Leo, who had been sitting in the Slytherin table waiting for Thalia to arrive, swung his legs over the bench to join Thalia, bumping shoulders with her in greeting, accompanying it with a smile. Upon looking at Harry, though, his smile faltered.
“You alright there?” Leo asked Harry, who was pushing his breakfast around with a fork.
“Yeah” Harry replied softly, “Just nervous”
“Well, I can assure you, you’re in a much better condition that Viktor had been last night” At the mention of the name, the three turned towards Viktor Krum, who was talking to fellow Durmstrang students and a couple of Slytherins in their table. Thalia noticed he did have the same tired eyes as Harry, and flushed cheeks, “He was a wreck, regretting that he even dropped his name into the fire”
“Are we talking about Potter regretting dropping his name into the fire?” Draco interjected the trio, peering over their shoulders to allow himself into the conversation.
“Don’t you have any other people to annoy, dear cousin?” Thalia said with a roll of her eyes, pushing Draco away from their table.
The blonde didn’t even budge from his position, his smirk growing deeper especially at the sight of Leo’s hand casually placed on top of Thalia’s. But that’s not what’s on his mind today – no, today he wants to aggravate Potter.  
“I bet you Potter will only last a minute in the tournament” He stated boastfully, staring at Harry who didn’t pay him any mind.
“Sometimes I wonder if you really don’t have it in your system to shut up, dear asshole cousin”
Draco’s smirk dropped, “I don’t understand why you’re always so mean to me”
“Try stop being a prick to others, maybe I’ll explain it to you” Thalia smiled teasingly at her cousin, who – although knowing she was not kidding – smiled at her. With one last glare towards Harry, he left the table, leaving them to return to the conversation.
“Just remember what we practice last night, Harry” Hermione piped in, ceasing her conversation with Ginny to look at the boy, who still hasn’t eaten from his plate, “and fill up, will you?”
“You’ll need it” You added, urging Harry to take a bite of his food. They accompanied him as he tried to finish his meal, talking about anything other than the task to distract him... which didn’t work since Professor McGonagall approached him, telling him to get ready for the First task.
“I hope he doesn’t get the Hungarian Horntail” Ron spoke when Harry had left, his eyes following his friend as he left the Great Hall.  
Thalia placed her fork down, throwing a confused look towards Ron, “They brought a Horntail?”
“Well, Charlie said-”
“And Charlie’s here?” Thalia threw her hands up in exasperation, “Merlin, of all the dragons he had to bring – I seriously need a talk with your brother”
“You can come see him with us later” Ginny offered, saving Ron from your frustration, “We’ll see him off after the first task. I’m sure he’d want to see you too”
Cheers filled the Gryffindor Table after that, as Professor Dumbledore urged the students out the Great Hall, instructing them to gather in the Quidditch Pitch for the First Task. By the time everyone had arrived, the pitch was much more crowded than before, everyone almost shoulder to shoulder in the small area. Despite the flood of people though, it’s still heavily cold that Thalia regretted not dressing warmer – as usual.
“You cold?” Leo asked, looking down at Thalia who had pulled her sleeves down to cover her freezing hands.
Thalia smiled sheepishly in response, eyes widening when she realized Leo was making a move to remove his scarf.
“It’s alright” Her hand on his forearm stopped him, “I can take it”
“Nonsense” Leo laughed, already wrapping his scarf around her neck before she could protest any further, “It’s much colder back in Durmstrang; plus, our coats do wonders in the cold”
“Are you sure?” Thaila asked, watching as Leo adjusted the collar of his coat to hide his neck – which actually looked quite warm.
Nerves filled Thalia’s system as Harry emerged from the champions’ tent, his wand gripped tightly in his hand as his eyes searched through the crowd. Cheers erupted from the Gryffindor section, all waving their personalized banners and flags in support for Harry.
The Hungarian Horntail Harry had so-unluckily picked was circling the golden egg perched in the middle of the field, its eyes watching Harry cautiously, ready to attack at any sudden movement.
Harry was careful though, maintaining his distance from the dragon as he raised his wand, summoning his broom with an “Accio Firebolt!”
It was quiet for a moment, the crowd waiting for anything to happen because Harry had been the only one to use anything other than his wand – the others readily attacking the poor dragons with magic.  
Thalia waited in her seat; her hands unknowingly clenched beside her as she prayed the bloody broom would show up now. That’s when a buzzing sound filled the air.
Everything happened so fast Thalia didn’t even get to process it. One moment, Harry had been standing on a boulder, the next he had mounted his broom, flying into the field as he strategized for a way to grab the egg harmlessly. Everyone was screaming by then, including Ludo Bagman who was bouncing on his seat in excitement.
“Wowee, the kid could fly!” He exclaimed, voice echoing in the large expanse of the field, “Do you see this, Mr. Krum?”
Thalia watched as Harry rounded the dragon, missing the heat of its flames by mere inches as he flew higher and higher. The dragon was having trouble catching up, its chains binding it to the floor making its attempts at flying after Harry almost useless.
Until the chains broke.
Harry was quick enough to dodge the dragon as it went after him, following him as he fled from the field and into the open area surrounding Hogwarts. From the stands, Thalia could see Charlie talking amongst his fellow dragon trailers, his face holding panic as he looked up and searched the air for any sign of Harry coming back.
However, it was Thalia who had caught his sight, watching him disapprovingly which made him smile. He sent a cheeky wave over in their direction – sending a flying kiss towards his brothers who gave him the middle finger back – before mounting his own broom. With one last teasing smile towards Thalia, he raced after Harry and the dragon, disappearing from the field as well.
“Fuckin’ hell” Thalia breathed out as she turned towards Fred, George, and Ginny, all situated on the seats above hers. “You Weasleys are going to be the death of me”
“Merlin, woman!” Charlie whined, rubbing the back of his head with a wince, “Didn’t your mother ever teach you manners – I've already gotten an earful from mum, I didn’t expect to get one from you, plus a hit in the back of the head!”
“Well, that’s your fault for bringing a bloody Hungarian Horntail to this tournament!” Thalia countered, crossing her arms over her chest as she glared up at Charlie.  
“It’s well-trained, Lia” Charlie stated proudly, a smirk on his lips, “I trained them”
“Oh, so that is why they’re so freaking grumpy”
A grin replaced Charlie’s smirk, and before Thalia knew it, she was pulled her into a hug by the older Weasley, immediately calming her down, “You worry too much, Lia” He pulled away to keep her at arm’s length, studying her face as he reached up to thumb in between her eyebrows, “You’re too young to worry about all of these”
“’Fraid not, Charles” She swatted his hand away, pulling away from the embrace.  
The rest of the Weasleys have left to return to the Gryffindor Tower, not wanting to miss the small celebration they’ve prepared for Harry in the common room. Thalia was less than enthusiastic to join them though, opting to stay and catch with Charlie a bit longer.
“I heard what happened between you and Fred” He said softly, cautiously approaching the topic that seemed far too sensitive – and fresh – at the moment, “I’m really sorry for his behavior, Lia”
“It’s not your place to apologize, Charlie” Thalia forced a smile, “It’s... it’s between the two of us... and as much as I love you guys, I really don’t want anyone else involved or taking sides”
“I know” Charlie sighed, “if it helps, Bill and I have talked to Fred already. He seemed very guilty for what he did”
Thalia remained silent, not having enough strength to deal with all of this right now. So, she simply sighed, sending a weak smile towards Charlie who stood in front of her, waiting for a response. “It’s great to see you again though, Charlie”
“As it is always a pleasure to see you” Charlie grinned. “Let’s not pretend I won’t spend the last few minutes teasing you about whoever Durmstrang that scarf belongs to”
“Alright, alright!” He laughed, throwing his hands up in surrender “So how’s school?”
“Well, you didn’t want me to ask!”
Master list | Chapter 11→
Taglist: @elf-punk @bloodorangemoonlight​ @peachesandpinks @levylovegood @marvelettesassemble
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lumosinlove · 5 years
Sweater Weather
part iii
Remus didn’t always have too much time for it, but there was nothing he liked more than sitting on the bench and watching Gryffindor City’s Hogwarts Stadium fill up with red and gold. The waves of chatter got louder and the seats filled, and it was a nice balance to the energy in the locker room as he walked back down the tunnel and through the doors, leaning against the wall with Moody. There, in case they were needed, but out of the way.
Even more than watching the fans, he liked watching the boys get ready. Kasey was down on all fours in a butterfly squat, full-pads making his body look huge and his head look tiny. Leo was down the hall some, throwing two balls against the wall and catching them quickly. Remus’ eyes blurred after watching for a minute and he looked away. Which turned out to be a mistake in itself.
Sirius was sitting in his stall, shirtless and knees spread to accommodate the stick he was taping between them. He didn’t have any of his pads on yet, typical Sirius, who always had to get ready at the last minute because he spent so much time on his stretches and sticks. He was just in his underarmour, the tight material leaving absolutely nothing to imagination. He had a Lions’ hat on backwards and stray strands of hair were sticking out of the front, casting shadows on his cheeks. He stuck his tongue out and wound the tape carefully around the blade of his stick, checking for wrinkles and creases every other turn. James was saying something to him with broad hand gestures, probably a play he wanted to get perfect tonight.
They all wanted to get everything perfect tonight. It was the home opener. The crowd would be wild, and the pressure would be on. Remus loved every second of it and he knew the boys did, too.
James let out a loud whoop then, clapping his hands together and and throwing his helmet on even though his pads were still hanging in his stall. “Let’s fucking go, tonight, eh boys? Durmstrang fuckers won’t know what hit them.”
He was met with a series answering shouts of approval, all of which amplified when Coach Weasley appeared through the locker room doors with the large lion on it. He grinned and held up a little slip of paper, tonight’s line up.
“Pots, since you’re already standing, why don’t you do the honors?” Arthur said, handing James the paper.
James hit his helmet on his head. “Alright, let’s see. Starting tonight,” the boys yelled and James dropped down a little, knees bent and voice low like the commentators, “in the cage,” there was another round of shouts and James wound up his arm and then bounded over to Kasey, “we have the man named for the sport of hockey itself, Kasey Winter.”
There were a series of “Yeah, Kase!” and “Be the fucking blizzard!” before James could continue.
“Next we have…on your left, Harzy!”
Harzy looked up from where he was lacing his skates with a little salute to the cheers.
“On your right,” James smiled around at them all, so wide that Remus could see where one of his outer bottom teeth was still missing, just out of sight. He pressed a hand to his own chest, “yours truly.”
“Alright, Potty-mouth!” Kasey shouted the nickname James had earned himself for his relentless chirping on the ice, name-calling and poking fun until the refs eventually had to call him on it.
“Your favorite D-man pairing, Kaner and our resident Finland-man, Olli!”
Timmy Kane and Olli Halla did some strange, complicated handshake.
“And your center tonight…the man, the myth, the one who holds the record for most marriage proposals by teenage girls at the glass,” Remus laughed at that and James ran back over to Sirius, pretending to take his stick just to see him flinch back, and taking his hat instead and placing it on top of his own helmet, “oh captain, my captain, Sirius mother-fucking Black!”
Everyone clapped a little, Arthur shaking his head fondly and Moody letting James run over and touch his leg for good luck, per tradition, and then it was really business time. There was some calmer chatter as everyone got into their gear and laced up, getting into the right headspace for a game.
Remus rifled through his own inventory in his head, making sure he would be prepared on the bench. He had extra blades for everyone, laces, sterile gauze, and a little box for teeth which he’d learned to keep the hard way (Olli Halla spitting a few directly into his open palm). He took one last look around the locker room before heading back to the mouth of the tunnel at the bench where the guys would pass on their way out for their lap-around introductions under the lights and warm ups. He could see some of the Durmstrang equipment guys over on their bench, and they exchanged nods that were friendly enough. Eagles games were always odd, not just for the competition—they had nothing compared to Lion and Snake games—but because their colors were nearly identical, and so the away-team always had to wear their more solid colored third-jerseys. Remus was glad they were on home-ice, so the Eagles would be the ones stuck in their nearly all goldish-yellow uniform, not the Lions.
Remus looked up at the stands, figuring his parents were out there somewhere, trying to keep Julian at bay, who was no doubt in his BLACK jersey and bouncing out of his shoes with excitement. At nine years old, Remus sometimes wondered if his little brother was a bigger Lions fan than even him, despite living halfway across the country from them.
He had a sudden fantasy of bringing Jules back to the locker room and Sirius being there, maybe James, too, and Sirius would give Jules a hockey stick maybe, and then smile at Remus—
“What’s with the face?”
Remus started, looking at Moody who had brought out the fresh bottles of gatorade and water.
“What? What face? Nothing.” Remus reached forward and started to help him line the bench with them. “I wasn’t making a face.”
“Alright, at ease.” Moody laughed a little. “Jeez, Lupin.”
Remus desperately tried to change the subject, “How’s the lucky leg?”
Moody scoffed, giving it a stomp. “It’s been kissed by Harzy, that’s what. Fucking crazy-ass.”
Remus laughed and sat down on the bench, looking up towards the jumbo-screen where they were showing a video of a few of the guys saying what they did that summer. James was on, giving a typically sarcastic answer. Something about hamburgers. When Sirius’ faces came on next there was a positive roar from the crowd and Remus felt flushed with their enthusiasm. Gryffindor loved their Captain, and they were just as eager to avenge him as the team was. It was pretty fucking thrilling to sit and watch it all, but if he could, Remus would be out there on the ice, fighting to get Sirius ever goal and point he could. He pushed that thought down just as the lights shut off and the music stopped, signaling the beginning of the Lions’ entry onto the ice, their first of the season. Remus’ heart pounded.
“Gryffindor!” boomed Frank Longbottom’s voice, one of their beloved announcer. Frank came with the team on the road, along with Marlene McKinnon. Butts and Kinzy were well loved by the team, and, maybe unfortunately for them, the subjects of many pranks, but Remus was sure they loved the boys’ attention as much as he himself did. The crowed boomed back in response and then the jumbo-screen bloomed to life, along with the lights and the lasers that streaked across the crowd and ice.
“Are you ready?” Frank asked the stadium, and then the jumbo-screen started counting down from ten with loud booms that quickly developed into a bass-heavy song.
“Ten…nine…” Remus found himself smiling, mumbling the numbers under his breath.
“Your Gryffindor Lions!” Frank drew out the words and the lights went crazy as the boys appeared down the tunnel.
Kasey came first, goalie mask propped on top of his head as he skated out onto the ice. Then Timmy, Finn, Leo…Olli, Brady, Evgeni, Kris, Tyler…
They all looped around the rink, warming up and pounding on the glass, laughing when the crowd pounded back. Remus liked watching the rookies the most, their eyes alight with the attention and praise.
And finally James, always second to last, and then Sirius, always last. Remus watched him come all the way down the tunnel, just in time for his name to be read out by Frank. Sirius raised his glove and knocked it into a few of the kid’s fists who had made it down by the glass, before scampering back up to their parents, delighted with having received a fist-bump.
Remus didn’t expect Sirius to look back at him, but for the split second between him being beside the bench and him being on the ice, their eyes met. And Sirius dropped a wink. And he was gliding away, dropping to one knee as he went and raising his stick a little, drawing screams from the crowd. They were happy to have him back. Sirius was cocky, and Remus didn’t like to admit that he loved that, but he did.
Sirius belonged on the ice, that much had always been clear, and when he wasn’t there, something was out of gear. Everything felt settled now, ready.
The lights came up after a bit and then Eagles filtered on, too, taking shots at their goalie. Victor Krum crossed center ice and met Sirius where he was talking to James, offering a somewhat stiff hand. Sirius smiled, so Remus guessed he had welcomed him back. The Eagles were good like the Snakes, but they weren’t assholes like they were. Remus watched Sirius pluck at Krum’s shoulder, no doubt chirping him for the bright yellow color, and Krum laughed, nudging him back and skating away.
Kasey was busy nesting his goal, scraping up the crease with his long goalie skate blades and catching the boys’ practice shots. Remus watched him for a minute, always enjoying how specific and protective Kasey was of his goal (he patted his posts whenever a puck got knocked askew by one, for god’s sake), but soon his attention was—predictably—dragged away by Sirius. Sirius had a routine, a strict routine, and there was few things Remus loved more than watching him go through it. Remus wasn’t sure he even knew about all of it, but he wanted to. He knew Sirius had to tape his own sticks, do specific stretches in a specific order, had to put his left skate on first, and during warm-ups he had to trace the Lions logo with a puck. He knew Sirius liked to have two pieces of toast with butter and honey an hour before games. Remus wished he knew more, secretly. He wanted to know how long Sirius’ pre-game nap was and what he looked like when he woke up from it—
“Earth to Remus Lupin.”
Remus’ slowly spiraling fantasy was abruptly cut off by James waving a glove in his face.
“What?” Remus stood up. “Sorry, what’s up, what do you need? James, face-off’s in like two seconds, you’re on first shift.”
“I just want some gatorade and it’s all red.” James practically pouted.
Remus huffed out a laugh and handed him a blue, shifting to the side as the other team members shuffled down the bench, coach Weasley slapping a few of them on the back. “There, now go!”
James whooped and skated off to take his position. Sirius was at center ice, eye to eye with Krum, the ref between them with the puck. They crouched, eyes on the puck, and Remus said a soft prayer to whatever god anyone could believe in.
The ref dropped the puck, and the game began.
Remus was on his feet the entire time. He was meant to be watching for any trip-ups, any hard hits, anything that might need to be looked at. Instead, he kept catching himself just enjoying the game, standing behind the bench. Sirius came careening over the boards, tapping Brady’s butt as he jumped onto the ice to replace him, and sat down heavily in front of Remus. He turned, sweat dripping down his temples.
“iPad,” he said, and one of the assistant coaches held it out to him. Sirius stayed turned, brow intense as he watched a replay of his latest shift, and so Remus got to study his profile. He loved Sirius in the heat of a game, loved how fast he talked. He leaned over to explain something to Olli, who leaned in like if he didn’t catch every word, he’d parish. Everyone on the team tended to listen to Sirius like that, like he was their leader through thick and thin.
“How’m I doing?” Sirius said as he handed the iPad back. Remus assumed he was talking to the coaches until Sirius’ eyes fell on him.
“Me?” Remus asked—stupidly.
Sirius smiled, “You.”
“You look great out there. You know you look great out there.”
James laughed, whacking Remus lightly in the stomach with his glove. “Way to call him on it, Loops.” Then the whole bench leaned back as Brady shoved an Eagles player nearly over the boards and into the bench. The crowd loved it, and James banged his stick on the boards after them. “Way to go, Shady-Brady!”
They were gone shortly after that, Coach calling for short shifts for the end of the first period.
“Keep ‘em coming boys, keep this lead!” he was shouting.
The Lions were up 3-1, and the atmosphere was electric. Remus loved this. It was the closest thing to being on top of the world there was, he thought. Suddenly, Sirius was on a breakaway up the ice off of a clean pass from Harzy. He skirted around number 16, number 3, with hard edges, and then he was nearly at the net—
Krum came out of nowhere, slamming Sirius into the boards.
Remus was on his feet in a second, pressing up behind Tyler and Evgeni on the bench.
It was a clean hit, but it felt like ages before Sirius got up. Remus didn’t even watch Krum take the puck, didn’t watch Kasey miss it, didn’t watch their goal-horn light up, didn’t watch the scoreboard change to read 3-2. He didn’t watch the Eagles celebrate.
He watched Sirius skate towards the bench. It was just for a shift change, but Remus looked over every part of him, checking for a limp, a wince, anything. He looked okay. James was on him in a second, skating shoulder to shoulder and talking to him. Sirius was nodded, even smiling a little, but Remus could tell he was shaken. To have something like that happen in the first game, and when he’d just gotten back…
The stadium filled with booing that felt like it shook the walls.
Sirius took his seat on the bench, but before Remus could get through his teammates and to him, the buzzer signaling the end of the first period was sounding and everyone was filing off the ice and back into the locker room. Good, Remus thought. He’d ask to see Sirius, he’d check him out fully, just to be safe.
Marlene was waiting for Coach at the end of the tunnel.
“Hey Arthur, who can we have for media?” she asked.
“Not Black,” Remus stepped in, “I want to check that hit.”
Coach nodded, “right. You can have Pots, or Kasey, I think.”
Marlene nodded and shot Remus a smile, which he returned tightly as he pushed between them and into the locker room. Sirius looked up at him almost immediately, like he had been waiting.
Remus only had to jerk his head towards the quiet and training rooms, before Sirius was getting up and following him. Remus held the door open to the quiet room. It was technically for concussion testing and protocol, and Remus hadn’t seen Sirius hit his head, but better safe than sorry. Sirius stepped inside and Remus closed the door.
“How do you feel?” Remus asked, then pointed to the padded observation table. “Sit there. I’m going to check your ankle and your head.”
“Does anything else hurt?”
Remus looked up.
Sirius loomed over him anyway, but he practically towered over him while wearing skates. Remus nearly had to crane his neck.
“What?” Remus asked, a little breathlessly.
Sirius raised an eyebrow. “It wasn’t a bad hit.”
“I know. But given your recent history I want to make sure everything’s fine.”
Sirius sat down on the bench and took his helmet off, laying it to the side along with his gloves while Remus bent to start unlacing his skates. Remus’ heart was still pounding, and Sirius’ gray desperate eyes filled his head. He wouldn’t be helpless this time. He’d fixed Sirius’ broken bone, and he wouldn’t let anything go amiss, not now.
“Durmstrang’s always a tough one to call, eh? Sometimes they’re brilliant and sometimes they’re…”
“Angry?” Remus supplied, carefully sliding Sirius’ skates off of his feet before rising.
Sirius laughed a little, “Yeah. For sure, yeah.”
“Look here.” Remus held up a small flashlight and a finger. Sirius looked, but right at Remus, not his finger. A small smile was still lingering on his face. “My finger, Black.”
Sirius laughed again but obeyed this time.
“When’s your birthday?”
“November third.” Sirius supplied easily.
“When is Pots’ birthday?”
“March twenty-seventh. When’s your birthday, Re?”
Remus chest fluttered a little. He clicked off the flashlight, satisfied. “March tenth.”
“Hey, you and James are birthday-buddies.”
Remus rolled his eyes, “Raise your arms. Touch your—”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” Sirius obediently brought his fingers to his nose and back out again a few times, then, without prompt, got up and walked in a straight line, toe to heel, and turned and looked at Remus expectantly.
Remus narrowed his eyes at him. “And your ankle? Tell me the truth.”
“Fine.” Sirius smiled and sat down in one of the chairs in the room to start getting his skates back on. “Really, Loops, I’m alright. It probably looked worse than it was.”
“It took you a bit to get up.”
Sirius shrugged down at his laces, digging his heel in to pull them tight, “I’ll admit, I was a little surprised. It’s the first real time I got hit since…you know. Since Snape. But you said it yourself,” He looked up at Remus then, sweat damp hair falling into his eyes a little, cheeks flushed, “can’t let the fear get to me, can I?”
Remus swallowed dryly. “Right. Yeah.” He watched Sirius until he was standing again and pulling his gloves back on, tucking his helmet beneath his arm. “Right, right. Sorry.” He opened the door, “Have a good second period, okay?”
Sirius paused beside him in the doorway, tall as ever with his skates back on and looking down at Remus. “Hey.”
Remus looked up at him. Sirius had a funny expression on his face, something soft and determined.
“Don’t ever say sorry for helping me,” Sirius’ voice was low when he said the words.
Remus caught one last glimpse of the odd expression, and then Sirius was gone, enveloped back into the energetic mass of the team.
They won 5-3, Sirius with three points, two goals and one assist, in the second and third period.
The locker room was ecstatic afterwards, and Remus was kneeling to tape up Kasey’s thigh for him when Arthur came out with the lion head. The lion head was this seasons team token, of sorts, an object that got past around the locker room after every game, depending on who played best that night. For the first game of the season, Coach was the one who handed it out. After that it would go from player to player. This year, the object looked like an overly-furry lion-mane and nose, maybe from some poor, cotton stuffed animal, sewed onto a baseball cap. Remus grimaced just looking at it. He didn’t want to think about how sweaty and disgusting that thing was going to become by the end of the season.
“Great game, boys. Great start to the beginning of the season.” There were some cheering and Arthur smiled, waving his hand, “As you know, it is my pride and joy making our season tokens.”
“What section of the wall is last year’s going on?” James said, making everyone laugh. Arthur’s creation last year had been a monstrous blend between a gladiator helmet that had a yarn lion tale glued to the back of it.
“Front and center, thanks for asking.” Coach said. “This year, we have…”
Kasey started a drumroll which the entire locker room eventually joined in on.
“Lion-cap. Gorgeous, isn’t he?” Arthur held it up. “And tonight…I’ve got to give it to the captain, don’t I?”
“Yeah you do!” James pounded the wall of his stall with his fist.
“Quite a hit, and beauties of goals. Sirius.”
Sirius laughed as he walked forward, just his underarmour on again, and put the hat on, crouching into a ridiculous pose so that James could take a picture. He looked hilarious in it, the mane fluffing out around his ears and the nose resting on the brim.
“Thanks, Coach.” He said, and then handed it off to Remus for safe keeping, per tradition. Remus was always put in charge of bring the token on roadies, and keeping track of who got it when.
Remus felt his phone buzz in his pocket and was pulled abruptly from the bubble of the team when he saw his mom’s name flash up. He slapped a hand to Kasey’s shoulder, telling him he was done, and slipped out of the locker room to answer.
“Hey, mum.”
“Hi, baby. Great game!”
“It was,” Remus smiled. “I’ll be right out to get you guys and we can get ice cream or something. I just have to—”
Remus pressed the phone to his shoulder, turning on his heel back to the locker room. Sirius was standing there, head poking out and smiling a smile that looked almost—shy.
“Yeah? Hold on, mum—Sorry, can I help?”
“Bring them back,” Sirius said.
Sirius rolled his eyes, “Your family. Bring them back, show them the locker room and stuff.”
“Oh.” Remus’ heart beat. He would love that. Julian would freak out. “Oh, I don’t want—”
“C’mon, the boys would love it. We can sign a jersey and stuff, or a stick.”
Remus’ mouth hung open for a minute before he heard himself say, “okay,” and Sirius grinned before retreating. Remus didn’t move until he heard his mom’s voice in his ear. He blinked a few times and raised his phone back up. “Hey, mum, do you want to…would you guys want to come back to the locker room?”
And so here Remus was, his parents and Jules in toe, walking down the all too familiar hallway.
Julian bounced up beside Remus, both hands around his arm. “Are we going to meet Sirius?”
Remus smiled, “probably.”
“Are we going to meet Pots?”
“Yep, him too.”
Remus laughed, “I think you could meet Kasey, sure.”
“Can I take a picture with them?”
“If you say please,” Remus said, because it was definitely what his mom would say. Once they reach the locker room doors, he looked back at his parents. Both were wearing BLACK jerseys, which Remus found unbearably endearing and also slightly embarrassing now that Sirius knew how Remus felt about him as a hockey player. There was no doubt he was going to think Remus had had sway over his parents’ jersey choice. His dad was clutching his phone excitedly to his chest, and Remus couldn’t think why he hadn’t asked to do this sooner. He was glad Sirius had said something, and he’d make sure to tell him thank you later.
“Ready?” He asked.
“Ready, ready, open the doors!” Julian whisper-yelled.
The sound wave once Remus did hit them like a wall, and Remus heard Jules quiet down a little, maybe with nerves as the reality that this was actually happening set in, and Remus turned around to put a comforting hand on his back. He could see that the media was just leaving out the press door, which Remus was thankful for because it meant that none of the players would be surrounded by cameras. He didn’t want this to look like a photo-op.
He made eye contact with Sirius almost immediately, and tried to smile in a way that didn’t look like he expected Sirius to come over or anything. Sirius had a routine, and that included winding down. He looked like he was about to leave for his twenty minute cool down on one of the stationary bikes, and Remus didn’t want to interrupt that. But then Sirius was grinning and motioning them over.
“Oh.” Julian said softly from beside Remus, and Remus patted his head softly and motioned for his parents to follow him over to Sirius’ stall.
Sirius stood when they got there, grinning warmly.
“Who’s this?” Sirius asked, holding his fist out for a dumbstruck Julian to bump.
“These are my parents, Hope and Lyall, and this is Julian, my brother.” Remus said, smiling a little at Jules’ expression. His heart was pounding. “Say hi, Jules.”
“Hi Padfoot. I mean—” Julian flushed.
Sirius laughed. “You can call me Padfoot if I can call you Jules. You play hockey, bud?”
Julian nodded frantically, “yeah, I’m a center, too.”
“Nice.” Sirius raised his eyes briefly to Remus’ parents and held out his hand for them to shake, “Hi, I’m Sirius.” As if they didn’t know, as if they weren’t wearing his last name on their backs, “Did you all enjoy the game?”
“That was such a nasty hit on you.” Julian said, eyes going from Sirius’ face to his locker to his pads to his stick.
“It was, wasn’t it?”
“Oh, we hope you’re alright.” Hope said with a very motherly disapproving frown.
Sirius nodded and, to Remus’ surprise, threw an arm around Remus’ shoulder. “Your son took care of me. Remus takes the best care of us, right James?”
James had come over with a protein bar hanging out of his mouth, but took a bite and chewed quickly when he put together who he was speaking to.
“Jesus f—” He looked at Julian whose eyes were practically hearts. “Hi,” James said again, laughing a little at himself, “you must be Loops’ parents.” James looked down at Julian again, “And older brother, I presume? What’s up, man? Here to try out?”
“Yeah.” Julian said softly, clearly barely able to think, and they all laughed.
Remus, on the other hand, was much to pre-occupied with Sirius’ arm which, having slid away from his shoulders, was now briefly a warm, pressing weight between his shoulder blades, before it disappeared completely as he slapped the seat of his stall.
“Well I’m certainly not going to have a spot on this team if you’re playing, so you might as well take a seat. Let’s see, what will he need to be a Lion, Pots?”
James crossed his arms, pretending to think hard. “Jersey, definitely.”
“Oh, two, I’d say.” Sirius added, “And a couple sticks, don’t you think?”
Julian, now seated snuggly in Sirius’ stall, was red-cheeked with happiness.
“On it.” James said, and winked at Remus as he left to get a few of his and Sirius’ jerseys and sticks to sign.
Sirius on the other hand, crouched down to Julian’s level. “Hey, Jules, do you know how awesome your brother is?”
Julian grinned up at Remus, then back at Sirius. “Yeah.”
Sirius nodded back, “He does practically everything for us. Gets us new skate blades, makes sure we have what we need on the road, keeps us healthy.” Then Sirius looked at him with a similarly fond and happy expression that Julian was wearing, and Remus felt a little like he might cry which would be completely and utterly embarrassing. “He’s pretty great.”
Remus felt his own cheeks flush. “Okay, okay, thanks.”
Hope laughed from beside him, squeezing him in a one armed hug. “Never could take a compliment, could you, Re?”
“That was a lot of compliments.” Remus laughed, running a hand through his hair. He couldn’t stop looking at Sirius and Sirius wasn’t looking away.
Remus felt like he was back in Sirius’ car, unsure what it all meant.
“Hey, did you know I’m your brother’s favorite player?” Sirius asked Jules.
“You’re mine, too! We both have your jersey!”
Remus flushed and had to look away from Sirius and his raised eyebrows then, pretending to watch James come back across the locker room with the gear. He didn’t want to hear what Sirius had to say about that.
James and Sirius were both at Julian’s level for a good fifteen minutes, signing things, taking pictures, and talking hockey. Kasey even came over before leaving to sign the jerseys and offer one of his own sticks. Remus didn’t know how Julian was going to carry it all.
His parents eventually left for their hotel with promises to meet him for breakfast the next morning and their favorite pancake spot—really everyone’s favorite pancake spot—in Gryffindor. Remus watched them walk back to their car until they turned out of view, smiling to himself at Jules’ insistence that he carry all three sticks and wear both jerseys at once.
Remus stopped by the exercise room on his way back to lock up the office for the night and, as expected, Sirius was there. He looked fresh off the bike and was on one of the mats, stressing his fingers towards his toes. Remus knocked lightly.
“Hey,” Sirius said with a grin.
“Hi.” Remus walked in a few more paces and leaned against one of the treadmills, scuffing the toe of his sneaker against the floor softly. “I don’t want to interrupt you or anything, but I just wanted to thank you. For earlier. You—You really made my little brother’s life, there. He loves you guys.”
Sirius stood, dusting off his leggings and picked up his water bottle from the floor. “I hope he’s not the only one.”
Remus bit back a smile, and his heart clenched. If only Sirius knew what he was saying.
“Of course,” was all Remus could think of to reply.
“You’re family seems great, Re. Really.”
“They are,” Remus replied before he thought about what that statement probably meant, coming from Sirius. Sirius who didn’t have a family like that. Remus felt guilt and the want to strangle anyone who didn’t love Sirius properly swirl in his chest. Sirius deserved so much. Look what he would do for just one kid who he never even met, for Remus, who he barely knew outside of his work.
“I’m headed out soon.” Sirius said. “Do you need a ride?”
Remus shook his head, “Moody said he’d drive me.”
Even though everything in him was screaming at him to lie and say yes, he didn’t want to explain that to Moody.
“Ah.” Sirius said, nodding. He looked, if not disappointed, something like it. “Okay. Well, let me know, eh? Any time.”
“Thanks, Sirius.” Remus was aware of how soft his voice sounded, but there wasn’t much he could do about it with Sirius’ gray eyes on him.
Sirius smiled, a soft and lopsided thing, and Remus’ heart flipped in his chest. As Sirius left for the showers, Remus got back to his desk. On it, was a hat.
It was a Lions hat, red with gold piping and the gold lion. On the bill, in the gold sharpie that the team used for signing, was a messily scrawled message and a signature. Sirius’ signature, complete with the number twelve.
I’m glad I’m your favorite, it read.
(A/N: Ah, slowly but surely....:)
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danceworshipper · 4 years
Gracie Chiva - HPHM Profile [Redone]
(information is as of sixth year - same universe as Tessa and River)
Name: Gracie Tessa Chiva
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: August 17th, 1973 at 3:28 am (leo)
Species: Human/Witch with altered DNA
Blood Status: Pureblood
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Ethnicity: White - German, English
Nationality: British
Residence: Chiva Manor, a heavily warded house in the wizarding part of the English countryside
Personality Type: ISFJ-T (the defender)
The Mage
Wand: 13 3/4 inches of rowan wood encasing a unicorn tail hair core, reasonably supple. The wand is a light color with intricate carvings on the handle and a small peridot sticking out of the front end. This is her only wand, as if her wand breaks she will die immediately. A few different people have put protective spells on it - the peridot is one of them, from Ollivander himself
Animagus: Osprey
Misc. Magical Abilities: Legilimens, very strong. Her Occlumency isn't as strong as it could be, but it's much stronger than Tessa's
Boggart Form: Tessa covered in bloody gashes, gagging and clearly dying
Riddikulus Form: the blood turning into fruit punch while Tessa whines about her shirt being stained
Amortentia (how she smells): Gracie would smell like citrus, poison, and strong wind
Amortentia (what she smells): She smells a mixture of pine trees, spearmint gum, and puffskein fur (Merula)
Patronus: Unicorn
Patronus Memory: the first time she and Tessa were ever allowed to go wandering in the woods on their own. They found a creek and spent the afternoon barefoot, eating berries and splashing each other
Mirror of Erised: Herself, truly happy and looking like she was never cursed
Specialized/Favorite Spells:
- Accio
- Crucio
- Sanguinem Non (stops bleeding, however intense)
- Depulso
- Gelida
(picture made using the zepeto app)
Tumblr media
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 118lbs
Physique: Skinny, slightly thinner waist than Tessa. Her strength comes more from magical ability than actual muscles
Eye Color: Unnaturally green
Hair Color: Bright white
Skin Tone: Deathly pale, has barely noticeable freckles around her nose
Body Modifications: Two piercings in each earlobe and a cartilage piercing in her left ear
Scarring: Small scars on knees from various childhood injuries, a thin line around her ankle from getting caught in a rope, and a small line on her right middle finger from a cooking incident
- Her wand, either gripped tightly in her hand or tucked in her waistband
- Her pocket knife, hidden in her robes/shorts
- About twenty Galleons
- An icy blue cracked marble to fidget with
Fashion: Gracie likes to look good, but also likes to be comfy. When not in her uniform, she's most likely wearing a thin sweater/shirt depending on the weather, and black skinny jeans or shorts. She frequently wears black fishnet tights, and black heeled ankle boots. Her hair is usually worn down. As for jewelry, she has a necklace with a gold key that unlocks a box full of Vance's childhood memories that he hid for her before he disappeared, mostly of the two of them. She also wears large gold hoops in each of the two piercings, and a gold stud in her cartilage. Makeup-wise she wears dark red lipstick, blush, and heavy dark eyeshadow and mascara. If she hadn't been cursed she might not wear any makeup at all, but as it is, she's insecure about how pale she is and wants to bring some color back to her face
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
- Chiva Family
- Black Family
- R (seventh year)
- Current student
- Future Dark Arts Professor at Durmstrang
- Future author
Hogwarts Information
Class Grades:
- Arithmancy: E
- Astronomy: O
- Care of Magical Creatures: O
- Charms: E
- Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
- Flying: O
- Herbology: E
- History of Magic: E
- Potions: O
- Transfiguration: O
Quidditch: Knows how to play, but is not on the team
- Potions Club
- Dueling Club
- Tutor for a few select first year Slytherins, including Aiden
Favorite Professors:
- Professor McGonagall: Despite not being her Head of House, Gracie would much rather turn to McGonagall for advice than Snape. She appreciates McGonagall's teaching style, and her relative lack of prejudice about house/upbringing
- Madam Hooch: When Gracie was first cursed, Madam Hooch was the one to help her calm down and start to accept her changed appearance. Hooch's yellow eyes and whiteish hair are not common either, so the similarities and Hooch's successful life helped Gracie see that she would be okay
Least Favorite Professors:
- Professor Snape: Gracie has never liked her Head of House. Snape is cruel to many of her classmates, grades based on his own opinion of the student, and makes learning in the classroom nearly impossible
- Professor Dumbledore: In the beginning, she didn't mind him, but as the years went on and he proved to be more and more useless during dangerous times, Gracie lost all respect for him. The final straw was when he told her that none of this would have happened if she had left it alone, because she knew that this wasn't her fault and if not for her people would be dead (Redacted's death doesn't happen in my canon)
Twin Sister: Tessa Gracie Chiva
- Tessa is younger by eight and a half minutes
- Despite them being the same age, Gracie feels much older and more mature than her sister
- Tessa quit everything to do with the vaults after defeating the second one in third year, so she hasn't seen the horrors that Gracie has
- As such, Gracie feels extremely protective to her sister and tries to always keep her safe, far away from any danger. This is part of why she runs away in seventh year
- Gracie hasn't told Tessa about her crazes and unnatural sadistic urges yet. Tessa finds out a little information shortly before Gracie disappears
- Gracie loves her sister more than anyone else. When they fight, she's always the first one to start crying. She would do anything to protect Tessa, whether it be suffer immense torture, die, anything
- She's also jealous of Tessa's relative innocence
Older Brother: Vance Riley Chiva
- He's five years older than the twins
- As a little girl, Gracie worshipped Vance. He was older and cool, and he spoiled her
- The news of Vance's disappearance shattered her heart, and when she found the key, she spent hours going through all of the memories using her mother's pensieve
- Gracie's main motivation to start looking for the vaults was to find Vance. After finding him and seeing how different he was, she stopped caring about him and only continued to protect Tessa and her friends
- The first spell Gracie learned outside of class was the sticking charm, which she used to stick the clasp of her necklace to the back of her neck. She doesn't undo the spell until the very end of sixth year, when she loses all hope of getting her brother back
- The love she once felt turns to hate fast, but she can't bring herself to throw the key away, so she gives it to Tessa
Younger Cousin: Aiden Carter Darkling
- Aiden is the son of Rachel Chiva, Jason's sister. Rachel and Aiden's father divorced while he was still young, but it was relatively amicable and he comes around for holidays
- Gracie tutors Aiden and a couple of his friends in Potions
- She's always had a liking for the kid. She sees a bit of herself in him, from before she was lost to the vaults
- They aren't the closest, but other than (some of) her immediate family, Aiden is the only family member Gracie doesn't hate
Mother: Clarissa Vanessa Black
- Clarissa passed on her Legilimency to her children
- Gracie's relationship with her mother is strained these days
- They're actually closer than they used to be, with Gracie's favorite parent having been her father as a kid
- Clarissa legally separates from Jason after his arrest, and once she's wiped her hands of him, she and Gracie get closer
- Gracie knows about her mother's girlfriend. Clarissa's upbringing made her too afraid to ever come out, but she's bisexual and began dating her childhood friend Margaret (again) after Jason was arrested
- Gracie also knows that Margaret's husband didn't die of illness, but she never tells anyone that Margaret poisoned him because she had good reason to
- The silent acknowledgement of "I know about you and you know I know but we won't mention it" is the main sense of closeness she and her mother have
- They'll never be as close as they should be, but Gracie does love her mother and her mother does love her
Father: Jason Harvey Chiva
- Similarly to Vance, Gracie loved her father a lot as a kid and looked up to him
- He was an Auror, and a good one. She would beg to visit his office with him and learn about cases
- Despite being pureblood and approving of the Death Eaters, Jason was loving toward his children and never brought up his past
- Jason began acting strangely after she was cursed, but Gracie ignored it
- All the love Gracie felt for her father vanished the day she watched him murder their family friend, a week before she turned thirteen
- After turning him in to his Auror partner, Thomas, they discovered that Jason had killed eleven people in his search to find out who cursed his daughter
- Thus began Gracie's horrible trust issues. Even Vance hadn't ruined her ability to trust completely, but after her father the only two options were trust completely, or not trust at all. Gracie has never trusted another authority figure since (and also has major daddy issues)
- Gracie kills Jason when he escapes from his transfer (she's twenty two). She hates herself for it, but not because it was her father - he deserved it. She's upset that she broke her promise to never kill anyone again after Rakepick (even though both were totally justified - Jason tried to kill Margaret and Rakepick tried to kill most of her friends)
Love Interest: Merula Snyde
- In first year Gracie hated Merula. Merula was mean to Gracie's new friends and was boastful about being the best even though she clearly wasn't, and it was obnoxious having to share a dorm with her
- In second year it gets a bit worse, but then it gets a bit better too. It gets to the point where they don't hate each other and can coexist peacefully, but they still dislike each other
- Then third year starts
- Gracie gets off the train, grabs her stuff, starts heading for the castle, and bumps into Merula
- Merula snaps at her
- Instead of being annoyed, however, Gracie is frozen staring into Merula's eyes with a jolt in her heart
- Well, shit
- Gracie spends that whole year conflicted about if it was actually a crush, or if it was just strange feelings from a strange situation, and eventually lands on being bisexual and indeed having a crush on this girl she used to hate.
- She knows she's bisexual and not a lesbian because she had a small crush on one of the boys in her neighborhood, but that fades pretty quickly after getting back to school
- In fourth year, it starts becoming more apparent that Merula shares her feelings
- Gracie takes a risk and asks her to the Celestial Ball, and Merula says yes
- She and Merula had a lot of fun at the ball, and Gracie's heart nearly exploded during the slow dance
- A week later, Rowan is pissed with the pining and rants about it to Ismelda of all people, who then tells Merula to ask Gracie out before she gets murdered
- Merula does, very hesitantly, and they have their first proper date a few days later. It's awkward and they're scared, but once they open up it's easy to tell everything is mutual
- They have their first kiss that summer while Merula is visiting Gracie
- Fifth year, the night before going into the Portrait Vault, Gracie and Merula are awake, terrified that they'll die the next day
- An impulsive decision leads them to the Room of Requirement (Tessa had found it by accident the year before) and they lose their virginity together
- They don't die, and surviving together brings them closer
- Sixth year problems arise
- Merula is losing her mind, trying to be independent and refusing to be at all affectionate in public, but still clinging to Gracie at night with nightmares
- Gracie also wants Rakepick's head to rot on a stake, but Merula is letting her anger control her and Gracie doesn't know how to help her
- When Gracie runs away in seventh year, Merula will go insane
- When Gracie comes back, Merula will punch her in the face and then hold her close and not let go for over an hour
Best Friend: Rowan Khanna
- Gracie met Rowan in Ollivander's. Rowan walked in just as Ollivander told Gracie her wand wood and Rowan excitedly declared that they had to be best friends
- Being young and relatively sheltered, Gracie said alright because she didn't know how friends really worked
- They did become very close pretty quickly
- They wrote each other letters every day until school started
- Rowan is the only one to know the full extent of Gracie's curse, because she forced it out of her
- Rowan can be pretty scary when she wants to be
- They both know things about the other that no one else does, and they can (and have) talked about everything, even extremely uncomfortable subjects
- Gracie is almost scared by Rowan's level of loyalty, but tries to show her the same
- Gracie mentioned being terrified to be cornered by Rakepick or someone else, so Rowan didn't leave her side at all for a week
- The next time Rowan said something about being afraid, Gracie did the same thing
- Rowan made Gracie teach her the blood healing spell in case Gracie ever can't come back from a craze in time
- The two of them are so close Merula was at one point pretty jealous, but she can recognize that they're just very close friends
Rival: Olivia Green
- The first time Gracie heard of Olivia was when Vance complained about her dating Duncan
- After learning about the vaults and Olivia's involvement with Vance and Duncan, Gracie was determined to find out what happened to her. It takes until seventh year to find out
- (this could all change depending on where Jam City takes the story, but this is where I'm going for now)
- Olivia joined R a year before Duncan died, two years before Vance got trapped in the Portrait. She knew how bad they were, but R was the only place she felt she could grow her power and protect what little she had left, so she faked her own death in order to not be caught by any professors or other authority
- Neither Vance nor Duncan know she's alive
- Over the years Olivia grew cold and ruthless, but she still has a small soft spot for her old friends
- Gracie tries to hate Olivia for everything she's done, but can't help but agree with her reasoning
- Olivia is the one who convinces Gracie to join up with R in seventh year, which is when they end up becoming good friends instead of rivals
School Rival: Diego Caplan
- Gracie hates this boy with everything she has
- He's a flirt with no shame and an ego stretching for miles
- Every time he duels her she makes sure to kick his ass extra hard
- She really doesn't like that he and Tessa are good friends because she thinks he has ulterior motives (he used to, but not anymore)
Enemy: Patricia Rakepick
- Gracie's lack of trust/respect for authority means that Rakepick being brought in for the vaults felt like a direct threat to her. As Rakepick recruited her, Bill, and Merula, Gracie tried to play nice but it's clear she hates the woman
- It's likely that if Bill hadn't knocked her wand out of her hand, Gracie would have killed Rakepick in the Portrait Vault
- It wasn't a craze. She was just furious
- Gracie is as determined as Merula to kill Rakepick (stupid canon mc too weak to murder)
- Joining R will be uncomfortable at first, because Rakepick will taunt her, but they'll learn to work together
- No matter how the game goes, Gracie's adventure with the vaults will end in killing Rakepick
- Tessa Chiva
- Rowan Khanna
- Merula Snyde
- Ismelda Murk: they could be considered friends, but they aren't as close as they could be
- Liz Tuttle: Liz was close to both of the twins at first, but now is way closer to Tessa
- Ruby, the family Crup
- Clara, Vance's toad
- Elaura, an owl
- Lemmy, a moke (he's more Tessa's pet really)
- a bunch of creatures in the Reserve that Tessa and Liz coparent, and Gracie tags along sometimes
Closest Canon Friends:
- Jae Kim: a year of spending hours together everyday will do wonders for a friendship
- Penny Haywood: they've been drifting apart, but they spend a lot of time together in the Potions Club
- Charlie Weasley: they were partnered for a Charms project in year two and kept hanging out all the time after it was done
- Olivia Green (while in R)
Closest Non-Canon Friends:
- Tessa Chiva (technically not canon because mc has no siblings besides the Jacob character)
- Rosalie Sonnenschein: a German model who is one year older and attends Durmstrang. First generation part Veela with a very strong natural allure, which she trains Gracie to resist once it becomes apparent that she's affected
- Justin Freed (while in R): a young man one year older than Olivia. He's mean but he's funny, and he helps Gracie get adjusted to the whole group. He's a bit too egotistical and slightly overprotective over Olivia and Gracie as younger women, even though they're both fully capable (and stronger than him)
(Storyline has to be in a different post because of tumblr's dumb text limit)
Marriage and Children: Before the wedding, Gracie timidly approaches Margaret, who married Clarissa two years prior, and asks if they can take her name since neither Gracie nor Merula want to be associated with their fathers anymore. Margaret tears up and tells her of course they can. Gracie gets married to Merula at age twenty five, becoming Gracie and Merula Miller. They get married on a beach, with ice cream cake instead of traditional wedding cake. Penny calls them up one day with the news that she's been working on a potion to allow a woman to become pregnant from another woman and asks them if they'd like to test it. At age twenty six, Gracie nearly passes out watching Merula give birth to their oldest daughter, Destiny. Three years later their second daughter, Dahlia, is born
Career: Gracie becomes the Dark Arts professor at Durmstrang at age twenty three. She's mocked by the other professors for being young and inexperienced, but after she kicks one of their asses in a duel they back off. She's a talented professor, and her curse actually allows her to be a test dummy of sorts for her students so that they're able to learn both from the book and from experience. After marrying Merula they move to Germany to be near Gracie's family, so she ends up being very talented at Apparation
The Second Wizarding War:
- Gracie is out of the country when the war happens, and only returns when she gets word of Bill's attack, leaving Merula and the kids in Germany to be safe (and avoid risking Merula run into her parents, because Gracie knows that Merula would try and duel them)
- She does not participate in the Battle of Hogwarts because if she did, she knew Tessa would too and couldn't risk her sister getting hurt
- She's horrified to discover that Olivia and Justin were some of the people who escaped Azkaban, but relieved that neither of them were spotted in the battle. Olivia shows up on Gracie's doorstep the day after the battle and begs Gracie to forgive her for everything, including killing Justin when he tried to join the Death Eaters. Gracie forgives her, and uses her Legilimency to figure out the best way to get Olivia out of her jail sentence
- Merula hates Olivia quite a bit when she realizes that this Olivia is the one in R (not because she was in R, but because she and Gracie hooked up a few times while they were there together), but is able to get along with her - especially when Olivia takes a great interest in Rosalie
Old Age and Death:
- Gracie dies at the age of one hundred and seventeen from natural causes. After her death, her wand snaps in half by itself
- Major introvert
- Craves touch, but won't ask for it unless she's super close with the person she wants it from
- Tries to think logically whenever possible
- Might be a bit of an adrenaline junkie
- When she gets upset, making her laugh is the best option
- Sentimental as all hell, borderlining on being a hoarder
- Prefers animals to humans most of the time
Misc Information
- Gracie is bilingual, fluent in both English and German
- She can play cello. She can also sing, but doesn't like doing it in front of other people
- Gracie's misophonia developed around age nine, but didn't start becoming a real issue until the anxiety and depression joined in at age eleven
- By the time Gracie meets Fleur, she's so good at blocking out Rosalie's allure that she doesn't even notice Fleur's. Speaking of Rosalie, she and Olivia do end up marrying
- Gracie nearly kills Tessa the first time a craze is strong enough to target a family member. Tessa falls off of a small cliff and ends up in a coma the day Gracie joins R
- Gracie doesn't find out about it until the next time she actually sees Tessa months later because the craze was strong enough to disorient her, and oh boy does she hate herself when she finds out
- Gracie never officially broke up with Merula when she joined R, but wrongly assumed she would find someone else. Gracie casually hooked up with a couple people in the meantime, including Olivia
- Olivia gives Gracie an amethyst necklace a few months after she joins R, and Gracie charms that one in place instead of Vance's
- Part of why Olivia was able to convince Gracie to join R was because Gracie had recently failed suicide and was desperate to find a way to get R away from Tessa and her friends. If she couldn't die (and get them to stop targeting her friends to get to her, was the faulty reasoning), she might as well join them and be able to warn her loved ones of upcoming attacks
- Vance jumps in front of Tessa during the last fight with R and dies without saying goodbye, which messes both of the twins up for a while
- Gracie's interest in being a professor stemmed from Rowan's. Rowan became Head Girl :) and lived a long happy life as a professor :))))))))
- Rowan also smacked Gracie when she came back from R, which is fair
- Gracie's favorite muggle thing is orange soda
- Gracie likes pineapple pizza
- She has a sweet tooth, but she really likes sour candy as well
- Her favorite color is blue and she feels like it's a betrayal to her house
- Gracie is forever a dog person because of Ruby. She had previously been a cat person
- She writes a lot of poems as she gets older, and eventually tries out creative writing. She loves it and publishes a few books
- Everyone in her immediate family is left handed besides her father
- Her natural body temperature is a few degrees lower than a normal human's. As such, she sweats more and is always warm to the touch (I don't think it makes sense, but that's how it works for me so...)
- She's obsessed with night. She loves being outside at night, looking at the stars when the air is slightly cooler and feeling alone and insignificant in the universe (it comforts her to know she doesn't matter - it's the depression talking)
- Loves thunderstorms
- Believes in aliens 100%
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paradiisecircus · 4 years
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look who it is, katerina vulchanova ! the only child of clara ivanova and pyotr vulchanov. she is a 26 year old professional quidditch player, who is a durmstrang alumni, who sides with neutrals. some describe her as generous, but she has also been called a gossip. they are in hogsmeade because she’s chilling with her teammates.
𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒄 𝒊𝒏𝒇𝒐
name : katerina petrovna vulchanova
nicknames : kat, katya, rin
age : twenty-six
gender : cis female
birthdate: eighth of august, nineteen ninety-six
birthplace : pleven, bulgaria
nationality : bulgarian
orientations : bisexual / biromantic ( female. )
relationship status : single
𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝒊𝒏𝒇𝒐
blood status : pure-blood
school : durmstrang
house : n/a
years attended : 2007-2014
positions attained : quidditch captain
occupation : seeker for the falmouth falcons & the bulgarian quidditch team ( captain )
wand : sycamore && veela hair, ten inches
boggart : a quidditch accident ending her career
patronus : kestrel
alignment : neutral
zodiac sign: leo
mbti type : estp-a ( the entrepeneur )
language of love : physical touch
theme song : siren song by maruv
height: 5 ft 10 in
favourite song : spektakl’ okonchen by polina gagarina
favourite show : big brother
favourite movie : movie 43 ( hilariously bad. )
your birth : the talk of the industry after the ill-fated world cup. the amount of quidditch talent in that girl’s veins , daughter of two of the bulgarian players who made it to the final of the ‘94 world cup — they tried to keep it as secret as they could , of course , but being a quidditch player in europe is a high status of celebrity. so you grew up in the eye of the cameras, and . . . well, it shows.
you mastered the camera-smile much too young, but it serves you well now, inevitably following in your parents’ footsteps. seventh-year hotshot seeker in the 2014 cup just like krum 20 years before you, but here is the kicker before you return to durmstrang : you win. 
( there’s not a triwizard tournament you can beat your parents’ friend at, unfortunately, but they always say you should take the w. )
what they don’t necessarily tell you is that it’s not just power that corrupts. or maybe they do, they just don’t tell you that fame is power, too, and the person you are in the world becomes more and more distant from the person you are inside. they say never meet your idols, and this phenomenon of personal corruption is precisely why.
you’re a gossip, who likes to talk about people, drink firewhiskey, sleep with girls, and spend your money. ( and play, of course : you’re hooked on the adrenaline, couldn’t give it up if you tried or wanted to. it’s an addiction, one of many you’ve indulged in now. ) you’ve got a name for yourself as a heartbreaker, perhaps due to being your teammate’s wingwoman — you’d say he’s worse than you, but it’s a debate — and messy ends to relationships without exception.
( you sleep with boys, sometimes, but that’s more occasional. women are goddesses, men are . . . well, they’re okay. sometimes. )
they say, too, that the british & irish quidditch league is the most competitive. you’ve never been one to turn down a challenge. you’re already the captain of your national team. what about striving to be the falcons’ captain — the falconer, heh — too ?
all this that’s gathering around you isn’t your problem. it might become your problem, but the only thing you’ll really try for is sport ; and after this got in the way in ‘94, you’d think you’d be more wary of cato slytherin’s followers . . . well, not yet.
( it will hit you, one day soon, and you’ll regret pretending to be blind to it. )
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deripmaver · 7 years
Victuuri at the Battle of Hogwarts, part 2 (Rating: M)
The world became a clanging cacophony as soon as they left the corridor. It was as though they’d stepped through a stage curtain and suddenly, there was the audience - but instead of cheering came the shriek of battle, the clanging of spells against every surface.
Yuuri grit his teeth, linking his hand with Phichit’s for comfort, and steeled himself for whatever awaited them in the great hall.
A quick scan of the surroundings yielded chaos - Yuuri could barely pick out bodies among the swarm of black and blue and red and gold, the lights spurting up like fireworks into the cavernous hall.
His heart swelled as he saw Chris, an older friend of his from Ravenclaw, still sensual even in the way he sent colors flying from his wand. And there was Leo, gasping as he lead a limping Guang Hong away from the fray, blood as red as the Gryffindor robes he wore dripping from his lip.
Even JJ, a boisterous Slytherin who had lead a well-meaning, if idiotic, attempt to reconcile between Death Eaters and muggleborns before everything got too bad, had apparently picked a side - and Yuuri couldn’t help the spark of fondness as he saw JJ’s hands shake as he shot a non-verbal stunning spell at a mass of cloaked black.
Yuuri and Phichit ducked just in time to avoid an evil flash of green, then dodged the resulting debris as stone crumbled to dust above them. Yuuri snarled at the black-clad figures coming towards them and ran his thumb along his wand - the sweet cherry wood that formed its length, the dragon heartstring pulsing in time with his own.
“Stupefy!” he shouted, eyes flashing in determination as a spurt of red light knocked one Death Eater back.
“Expelliarmus!” Phichit shrieked, and another flash of red made a second’s wand go flying. Yuuri finished that one off with gritted teeth and a stunning spell that cracked louder than a thunderbolt in his ears.
Twin red lights, twin stunning spells, hit the third, and Yuuri’s heart jolted in his chest as he caught the flash of emerald green underneath the black cloak - slytherin robes. He wanted to unmask that Death Eater, wanted to shake them until their eyes rattled, and shout, did you know me?
I was your housemate, did you watch me grow for seven years and want me dead the entire time, just because of some dumb blood purity rules?
Yuuri had made friends in his house, despite its reputation. The fact that he’d been sorted into Slytherin had been a shock, though as a wide-eyed eleven year old he couldn’t have known that much less understood why. He loved his house, loved former slytherin Professor Cialdini who always took time to make sure Yuuri understood not just the mechanics of magic but the intricacies of the strange new world he’d found himself in - a world that wasn’t always kind to people like him.
He loved it, but that hadn’t stopped his heart from aching when he was told they’d made mudblood the new common room password, no matter how harshly Professor Cialdini had disciplined the then head boy and girl for going above his head and changing it.
And that hadn’t stopped his dorm-mate of six years from selling out his family’s location to the Death Eaters, forcing them to go into hiding and Yuuri to barely escape with his life and his wand, confining him to a year on the run, not sure who to trust or where to go.
The Great Hall was lit up like Christmas, red and green lights from disarming and stunning and killing. Phichit moved with such grace as he twirled right into the thick of it, Yuuri following with a shield charm that protected his friend as he sent out spell after spell.
They’d attracted a cluster of Death Eaters - Yuuri’s was a familiar face on wanted posters throughout Wizarding Britain, his anti-state propaganda decried in the Daily Prophet in numerous scathing articles about his filthy blood, the supposed love potion he’d slipped Durmstrang’s Darling to make him join the resistance.
Some had skull masks, others proudly kept their faces uncovered. Yuuri didn’t look at them - he didn’t want to see his classmates poised to kill him. He didn’t want to think about Viktor, the way they’d dragged his name through the mud, targeted his friends and family because they knew it would hurt Yuuri more than any personal insult could.
Beyond the Death Eaters was a bright red flash of robes, and for a moment in the delirium Yuuri imagined a shock of silver hair and piercing blue eyes - only to freeze at the grizzled old face and bald head.
Yuuri’s heart stuttered and he struggled to keep the shield up against the onslaught of spells. Yakov caught his eye and turned to him, striking terror deep into Yuuri as he raised his arm.
He’d need to re-do the shield charm which was rapidly weakening, he’d need to protect Phichit-
A bright red light, and Yuuri almost shrieked. He couldn’t do nonverbal spells, he couldn’t move fast enough, he was helpless-
The light slid past his ear. There was an agonized howl, and Yuuri swung around in terror to find a Death Eater crumpling behind him, green sparks from an unfinished spell fizzling out at the tip of his wand.
Another pop of red robes, then a third, then a fourth - and the cluster of Death Eaters surrounding them turned, only to be stunned by four jets of brilliant scarlet light and a resounding cry of Stupefy from the group.
“Wow, Yuuri,” Phichit breathed, “I thought they hated you.”
Yuuri barely had time to think before it was over. The gaggle of enemies that they’d been fighting were all out cold on the ground, and Yakov Feltsman was striding towards Yuuri with a determined glare in his eye.
Somehow, that was even more terrifying. Yuuri kept his wand up, ready to strike if need be.
Yakov stopped short right in front of Yuuri, took a deep breath, and said, “I’m sorry for how I treated you, before.”
Yuuri didn’t speak. His eyes widened, but he didn’t put the wand down.
“I’m sorry,” Yakov continued, with obvious effort. “For questioning your integrity, both as a wizard and as a person. And I’m not saying this just because of how happy you’ve made Vitya - I’m saying this because you’re a great wizard in your own right, no matter your blood status. I should’ve realized that sooner.”
Then, without missing a beat, he deflected a stunning spell just before it connected with Yuuri’s skull. Yuuri yelped and flinched away.
“I’m sorry too,” piped up a witch with a shock of red hair - Mila, Yuuri remembered, stomach churning as he remembered her nasty looks. “And so’s this little kitten.”
Yuri, whose barbed tongue would have hurt far worse if he hadn’t been eleven when Yuuri met him during the Triwizard Tournament, scowled up at Mila. He nodded, though, and shot a sheepish look in Yuuri’s direction.
“Good,” Yuuri spluttered out, unable to quash his petty vindication. “Because we’re getting married. As soon as this is over.”
Yakov didn’t say anything for a moment. He didn’t even snort and exclaim, you’re eighteen, he’s twenty-one - you’re far too young to be getting married.
“Vitya disappeared just before his birthday,” Yakov said, slowly, finally, “To fight against You-Know-Who, we figured out. We found a collection of your columns, some bewitched recorders that played back what you said on air about the resistance. We didn’t approve of what they were doing to muggleborns before, but… You convinced us to fight, officially. I’m happy for you both.”
Yuuri didn’t know what to say. A lump formed in his throat, and he took a deep, shaky breath - then he hugged Yakov. Yakov made a noise of deep, deep surprise, and his body stiffened for an instant. He relaxed into it though, his hand patting Yuuri on the back tentatively.
“Do we really have time for this?” Phichit protested. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for you but-”
As if on cue, there was a loud crack, an explosion of color and sound that Yakov and Yuuri barely managed to deflect before they were hit.
“Oh, you fucking bastard,” Yuri snapped, “Stupefy! Beka, come with me!” Phichit moved to follow them, but Yuri turned to him, lip curling in contempt. “Stay here - you’ll slow us down”
Phichit glared, not quite forgiving their slights against Yuuri so easily, and snapped, “How about we see whether Durmstrang or Hogwarts teaches its fifth years better?”
Yuri looked skeptical.
Phichit, red-faced, grabbed him by the lapel and shouted, “What, afraid a half-blood might be better than you?”
Yuri blinked, then he snorted, no malice in his expression. “I’m a half-blood too,” he muttered. He shook Phichit free and said, “You better keep up.”
Phichit ran after him, red light spinning from his wand like ribbons and hitting Death Eaters in the chest, the face, the legs.
“Levicorpus!” Phichit shouted, and there as a wail as a black-cloaked figure flew into the air, suspended by the ankles. Yuri ran up to him and punched him in the face, repeatedly.
“Ooh, that looks fun,” Mila giggled, winking in Yuuri’s direction.
Graceful as a gazelle, she leapt over a tumbled tower, and spat out, “Incendio!”
Fire, white hot and terrifying, fanned out in an arc from her wand. There were yelps, shouts of pain as the Death Eaters scrambled to escape the ring of fire.
A warm wind from the flames rustled Yuuri’s hair, and he blinked at the heat on his cheeks. Yakov nodded at him, and Yuuri understood immediately - the two of them stood back to back, surrounded by a crescent of black cloaked figures.
“Stupefy!” Yuuri shouted, recognizing the familiar flash of red from Yakov’s wand, as well.
“Protego!” Yuuri cried as a barrage of red descended on him at once. He stumbled back at the force of multiple spells at once, and Yakov reached a hand back to steady him as they moved in circles.
“Avada Kedavra!”
In a split second, Yuuri reacted, tackling Yakov to the ground just in time to miss the killing curse. It hit a death eater across the way, and Yuuri’s stomach lurched at the way she collapsed to the ground, crumpling like a broken table.
“You idiot,” a Death Eater snapped. “Once we’re over, the Dark Lord will-”
Red light hit him, square in the chest, and he gripped at it like it had stopped as he fell back.
Yuuri grinned at Yakov, who nodded back at him, and Yuuri raised his wand as something flew from midair-
Everything was dark.
Yuuri froze. His hands reached out, but Yuuri couldn’t see them through the thick black. From somewhere around him, he heard Yakov snarl, “Peruvian instant darkness powder.”
“Lumos,” Yuuri cried out, though he couldn’t see his wand in his hand, couldn’t see anything. “Lumos!” he cried again.
An ear-shattering crack resounded from right behind him, and the next thing Yuuri knew, he was flying through the air - outside the circle of darkness powder, in an arc above the Death Eaters-
His head hit the wall, and everything went black.
It could have been moments, it could have been longer, but Yuuri came to with a splitting headache and an agonized groan. Everything was blurry, and a fumbling hand pressed to his face revealed he’d lost his glasses. There was bright red in front of him, a slim figure with blonde hair and a stocky silver haired man.
“Viktor,” Yuuri mumbled under his breath, patting around him for his glasses. His wand, too, where was his wand? Without his glasses, he had no hope of finding his wand, but without his wand, his glasses were as good as gone.
His heart hurt as he lay there on the ground, head throbbing angrily and a wet trickle of blood dripping from his hairline. He knew that wasn’t Viktor - it had only been his muddled, pounding head wishing for someone who Yuuri had no idea if he was even still alive.
Yakov and Yuri fought frantically in front of him, while Yuuri pat around for his glasses.
Another shriek of a spell, and Yakov stumbled away, hit. Yuuri heard Yuri’s voice, high-pitched and terrified, and in his split-second hesitation he’d been separated away, fighting desperately as two Death Eaters closed in around Yuuri.
Where was his wand?
Yuuri whimpered, managing to bring himself up to his knees. The face above him was a blurry, grotesque skull.
“I read some of your pro-mudblood filth,” the Death Eater snarled. He brought his wand to Yuuri’s forehead, tapped it twice. Yuuri moaned in pain as another dull throb made the world around him fade at the edges. “I can’t wait to split you in two and show everyone how dirty your blood really is.”
Where was his wand?
Then, Yuuri paused. The Death Eater breathed in, out, in, his rattling breaths sending waves of hot terror down Yuuri’s spine-
I’m a muggleborn. I lived the first eleven years of my life without a wand.
Yuuri tackled him.
The Death Eater hadn’t been expecting it, clearly, and he let out a girlish shriek as Yuuri pulled him down to the floor. It was so hard to see, everything was blurry, but Yuuri heard the clattering of a wand and a discharged spell fly off into the distance as the Death Eater dropped it in his shock.
Yuuri grabbed him, rolled him onto his back with surprising ease. There was little resistance, little to indicate that the Death Eater had even been in a physical fight in his life. Everything hurt, an awful throbbing agony, but Yuuri clenched his hand into a fist and punched.
With shaking hands, Yuuri pulled off that ugly mask to reveal the blurry face beneath it. He hit the fuzzy white skin again and again, not pausing when bright red bled into the whirl of indistinguishable color in front of his eyes.
The wand had fallen just out of reach, and Yuuri pressed his knee into the Death Eater’s chest to reach over and grab it-
Yuuri’s head split in two. Or, at least, it felt like it was splitting, a slow, agonizing burn as bits of skull chipped off and the flesh tore-
His body was on fire, hurting almost as bad as his head. Needles, stuck through his joints, his nails ripped off in bloody crescents, teeth pulled out from his gums. It was real, it must’ve been real, because Yuuri tasted blood on his tongue as he screamed.
The world convulsed around him, the black swirl in front of his eyes scrambling back to join a second just a few feet away. Splotches of red shook and quaked, trying to get closer to the edge of his vision but being unable to. Barriers of noise and noise and noise and pain.
Suddenly, everything stopped. For just a moment, there was cool blackness, a warm wet trickle down his cheeks and chin, the stone floor soothing against his burning flesh. No sound, no light, no world.
Yuuri gasped, deep and shuddering, and rolled over onto his stomach.
“Accio, Yuuri’s glasses!”
A white hand held out his blue frames, and Yuuri quaked as he took them - or was the world around him still spinning?
Yuuri put the glasses on and blinked up to see-
“Viktor,” Yuuri breathed. Then, tears filled his eyes, blurring them all over again, and he wailed, “Viktor!”
Viktor helped Yuuri to his feet, pressing sweet kisses to his hands and the wet corners of his eyes.
When had he started crying?
There was a puffy burn scar on Viktor’s cheek, and some of his hair had been singed, but he was there, alive, so blessedly alive. His expression was terrifying - a deep, piercing fury that Yuuri had never seen before, and though Yuuri could feel the warmth of his skin the ice in his eyes could’ve frozen fiendfyre.
Yuuri turned, pressed so comfortably to Viktor’s side, and all the color drained from his face. The Death Eater who had been torturing him was staring, stock-still, blood spurting from a slice that had cut clean through his clothing to carve a deep X into his flesh.
“Viktor,” Yuuri breathed, “Did you-”
“Hush, my love,” Viktor murmured, kissing him on the nose. The look in his eyes made Yuuri’s heart jolt wildly in his chest, chilled to the bone in fear. “I’m here now. I’m here.” Then, he turned to the terrified Death Eater with his wand out. “Avada Kedav-”
“No!” Yuuri shrieked, cutting him off with a desperate kiss. “Viktor, no!”
Viktor’s eyes didn’t soften, his gaze didn’t waver. “He never should have done that to you.”
“I know,” Yuuri cried, voice cracking into a sob, “I know, but Vitya, please, I’m here. I’m here, and I’m okay. I’m alive. We’re both alive. Look at me, my darling, look at me.”
Viktor turned to him, finally, meeting his gaze so intently that Yuuri almost flinched back. He widened his eyes, took a deep, stuttering breath. All of the cold, bone-chilling fury seemed to melt out of him, and he shook as he brought his trembling hand up to Yuuri’s cheek, running his thumb along Yuuri’s pink lips.
“I,” he stammered, “I, oh my god, I almost-”
Yuuri kissed him, quick and deep, memorizing the shape of his lips and the taste of his mouth. “I’m alive,” he breathed into Viktor, and Viktor laughed with tears in his eyes. “And you’re alive, and I love you.”
“I love you too,” Viktor murmured back.
They pulled apart far too soon, but the threat of battle hadn’t left even though they were together. Viktor stared in contempt at the two Death Eaters, trembling as they watched him, and sent them both flying with non-verbal stunning spells in a brilliant flash of red light.
Time stood still, with Yuuri watching Viktor and Viktor watching him. Suddenly, the chaotic battle became ordered, every moving piece following a set path with only so many outcomes - and Yuuri found he could follow all of them. His spellwork was precise and cutting, flames to clear an area, stunning to stop a stray Death Eater from coming up from the side and surprising them.
There was Yakov, alive if a little bruised, sending out brilliant arcs of scarlet and green while Yuri shot quick bursts of stunning spells like machinegun fire. Phichit and Otabek and Mila, back to back to back, Phichit giggling as he shot the rubble at the cloaked figures around him, his wand a slingshot of deadly accuracy. Fire, beautiful and deadly, a triumphant arc that illuminated Mila’s bright red hair.
Chris, Leo, Guang Hong, JJ - and Professor Cialdini, eyes sparkling from across the hall, his big booming laugh resounding like thunder as they all pushed the Death Eaters back, back, back-
Purple, green, red, blue, gold. The hall was alight with spells like fireworks.
“Yuuri, you’ll write to me, won’t you?”
Green and silver, blue and silver, yellow and black, red and gold. Viktor’s face lit up in brilliant colors, shimmering off his silver hair, as fireworks signalled the last inter-school dinner before Durmstrang and Beauxbatons would depart back to their homelands. He looked nervous, so unlike him, and he fiddled with the end of his long braid.
“Of course,” Yuuri breathed, still wondering if he was caught in a beautiful dream. Viktor and him - beautiful, wonderful Viktor. Yuuri still had braces, for god’s sake. What did Viktor see in him?
“You are a talented wizard,” Viktor smiled, as if he could read Yuuri’s mind. “You doubt yourself, but you never let that stop you. Please, Yuuri, never stop surprising me.”
“I won’t,” Yuuri assured him, wondering what that meant. Behind him him, a grizzled old man wearing the Durmstrang red glared at him, and a mixture of nausea and determination churned in his gut. “Um, Viktor…”
“Yes, my Yuuri?” Viktor asked, eyes sparkling.
Yuuri kissed him, then, with the beautiful lights illuminating his face. Viktor made a noise of surprise before melting into the touch, his arms wrapped around Yuuri like the warmth of his winter cloak.
I have him, Yuuri thought, and no one will take him away from me.
The battle ended with a great cry that faded into a whisper.
A resounding chorus, echoing through the Great Hall from outside. “He’s dead,” they called, a chorus of voices. “He’s dead, he’s finally dead-”
In the aftermath of the battle, there was a terrible stillness. Where movement had been frantic before, now it was slow, sluggish. Those who had medical knowledge flitted about to shell-shocked fighters, patching up scars and healing the worst of magic-burns and convulsions.
Then, there was the task of seeing to the dead. Bodies, pulled out from under rubble. Even the mourning was quiet, the subtle sobs and grief-stricken muteness.
Someone attended to the burn on Viktor’s cheek, to Yuuri’s nose, which he hadn’t even realized was bleeding. His head throbbed, and Yuuri felt the strange need for an ibuprofin. He wondered if there was a magical equivalent.
Yuuri still hadn’t found his wand, but there was time. There was… There was all the time in the world, now. No frantic hiding, no quick disapparition to the middle of the forest, no manuscripts submitted under the cover of nightfall to people Yuuri had no idea if he could trust.
“What,” he thought out loud, “Do I want to do first? Now that it’s over?”
“Marry me,” Viktor said, automatically.
Yuuri pondered that. “But I want my family at the wedding, and they’re still in hiding.”
“Okay, so we get your family, and then we get married,” Viktor nodded sagely.
“What about Makkachin?” Yuuri fretted. “He’s supposed to be our ring bearer.”
Viktor burst out laughing, earning him a glare from the nurse spreading some foul-smelling ointment on Viktor’s face.
“Okay,” he agreed, “First your family, then we get Makka, then we get married.”
Yuuri felt Viktor stiffen from his position, resting his head on Viktor’s thigh. He blinked up to see a flurry of red approaching.
“Yakov,” Viktor said, stiffly.
“Vitya,” Yakov growled. “Yuuri.”
Yuuri smiled up at him. “I’m glad you’re okay,” he mumbled.
Viktor blinked at him in surprise. Yakov cleared his throat, a little sheepish.
“I figured I owed you an apology as well,” he sighed. “For… For doubting you. For not seeing Yuuri’s strengths.”
“Yakov saved me,” Yuuri mumbled, running his thumb over Viktor’s thigh.
Yakov rubbed the back of his neck. “Yuuri was a great help during the battle. You should’ve seen it - he’d lost his wand, and his glasses, but he tackled this massive Death Eater. Would’ve knocked him out cold, too, if there hadn’t been a second one behind him.”
The memory of the cruciatus curse flashed in Yuuri’s mind and he shuddered, full bodied.
Viktor’s hand gripped his shoulder, warm comfort in the drafty hall. Yuuri grabbed the hand, squeezed it.
“Well,” Viktor said, flatly. “I guess I’ll invite you to the wedding, then.”
Yakov laughed, a surprisingly soft sound. Viktor smiled at him, tentatively. It was a quiet sort of peace, and the couple watched Yakov as he walked back to his gaggle of Durmstrang kids. Yuri was flat on his back, snoring loud enough that they could hear it from their seat across the hall.
A house elf wandered towards them, carrying a steaming bowl of something. Yuuri blinked as the elf placed the bowl in front of him, and a familiar smell wafted up.
“Is this,” Yuuri breathed, “Is this…?”
“Katsudon,” the house elf squeaked, bowing low. Viktor smiled and handed the elf a coin, who took it with a grateful salute.
“Oh my god,” Yuuri moaned, eyes and mouth watering.
“Are you surprised?” Viktor asked, eyes twinkling like starlight.
Yuuri nodded, dumbly, and shifted positions to sit up. “I love you, Vitya,” he whispered, wiping away a sudden flood of tears from his eyes.
Viktor turned to him, and Yuuri saw his eyes were watering, too. He kissed Yuuri, holding up a piece of pork cutlet with chopsticks and bringing it to Yuuri’s lips. “I love you too, Yuuri,” he said, voice cracked.
They shared the katsudon by the twinkling starlight of the Great Hall ceiling.
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prongsies · 4 years
Star-Crossed ⁕ Chapter Seven
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←Chapter 6 |  Master list
Thalia wasn’t able to get any sleep that night, staring at the ceiling of her four-poster bed as she recalled where she went wrong, in which part of that day did Fred start treating her differently. Did she really force herself into the Weasley family? Last she recalled, Bill, Charlie, and Percy seemed pretty fond of her – and so were Ginny and Ron.  
Molly had expressed her love for her countless of times – was all of it fake?  
She was distracted by a knock on their dorm room. Wiping her tears away, she glanced towards her clock that read 5AM, as she slowly peeled herself off her bed. Illuminating her wand as she opened the door, she was surprised to see Ginny standing on the other side, offering her a tired – yet sleepy – smile.
“George told me what happened” Ginny whispered, walking in, following Thalia onto her bed, “I thought I’d offer you some of my company”
“Thank you, Gin” Thalia replied, lying down beside Ginny, who had already slipped under the covers, making herself comfortable.  
They were face-to-face now, Ginny smiling at Thalia, “We love you, you know?” She whispered. “Fred, George, all of us – me, especially. You practically grew up with us. You're- you're not just a friend. Merlin, you risked your life protecting us back in the World Cup”
“That’s... that’s something people do, Gin – it's a given”
“I can name a handful of people who wouldn’t jump in front of Death Eaters to protect others at the top of my head – a hundred of them, even! If you’d give me some time to make a list”
“You don’t-” Thalia giggled, “You don’t have to, Ginny. Besides, Fred was probably just stressed out. He's always wanted to prove himself as something more, you know? And I guess he saw the Triwizard Tournament as the proper opportunity to do so”
Ginny stared at her for a moment, eyes wide, studying her, “How do you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Defend him... even if he’s hurt you”
“I guess” Thalia didn’t know how to properly word her reply, “I guess he means a lot more to me than an argument – that our conflict is far less important than our friendship”
Ginny hummed, failing to stifle a yawn as she buried herself deeper under the covers, “You’re way too good for him, Lia... and I can’t wait to be there when he realizes that”
She woke up hours later, feeling a bit lighter in her chest as she pulled herself out of bed. Noticing Ginny had left, probably to get breakfast, she pulled on her comfiest clothes – mainly a pair of jeans and an oversized sweater – dragging her feet down the dormitories and out the Gryffindor Tower. The walk to the Great Hall had been peaceful, since majority of the students have already gotten up before her, leaving the hallways almost empty, aside from a few students who have finished breakfast early.
It was easy to spot Ginny among the crowd of students, since the moment she entered, the younger girl was already waving her over. With a smile, she approached her, greeting George and Lee with a good morning.
“Lia,” George started, turning his attention towards Thalia as she poured some cereal into her bowl. “I’m really sorry about last night”
She looked up towards him briefly, giving a smile, “You shouldn’t be the one apologizing, you weren’t the one saying any of those things. You were even trying to stop him but he wouldn’t listen”
“And he was a prick for not doing so” Lee added from across her, shaking his head. “I don’t know what’s gotten into him - do you, George?”
“I’m afraid I have no clue” He shook his head, “He wasn’t like that last summer”
“S’far as I can remember, he couldn’t get his hands off you” Ginny pointed out, smirking up at Thalia whose couldn’t help but smile at the memory of Fred clinging onto her on the sofa, refusing to let go even when Thalia made a move to stand so she can greet Charlie.
A few moments of silence passed between them as they ate their breakfast, Ginny and George sending looks towards one another behind Thalia, before Ron’s voice cut into their group.
“Lia, Krum’s looking at you” He croaked out, earning a laugh from Thalia and Harry - who laughed into his drink.  
Thalia looked up and peered towards the Slytherin table, to see that Krum was indeed looking at her. What caught her attention more, though, was the same Durmstrang boy from last night, who immediately broke his gaze towards her shyly when he had realized that she was looking.  
Out of curiosity, she watched his interaction with her cousin, Draco, who seemed to be arguing with him. It caught her by surprise though, when Viktor had stood up, forcing his friend up as well, dragging him towards their direction with Draco leading the way.
“Merlin’s beard he’s coming this way!” Ron shrieked, hiding his face in excitement as Viktor Krum neared. 
She didn’t think much of it as the trio got closer, her attention drifting further away when Harry and Draco began their usual row. However, when Draco called her attention, she was quick to look up, eyes landing on the Durmstrang boy for far longer than she intended to, before darting towards the smirking Draco Malfoy, who had caught her stare.
“Good morning, dear cousin! I’d like to introduce you to someone...”
Fred stirred awake from his short slumber, stretching his aching back as he looked towards the clock in their dormitory. He cheered internally, realizing there was more than enough time for him to catch breakfast, even if he was nearly an hour late. He glanced towards his brother’s bed as he left his bed, muttering profanities while he slipped on his sweater, blaming his brother for his need to rush since he wasn’t woken up.
He caught sight of the cauldron on the floor in between their beds, confused as to why it was there, with a moss-like green liquid inside it, until the events of last night started to sink in slowly. He couldn’t escape as the foul words he had said to Thalia started pouring into his memory, his harsh and sharp voice snapping towards her.
“Shite,” He whispered to himself, rushing to put on his shoes as he walked, nearly stumbling in the process. He rushed out the dormitories and out the Gryffindor common room, running towards the Great Hall where he was sure he would find Thalia.
He smiled when he saw her in their usual spot laughing at Ron with Harry. Their attentions directed somewhere Fred was unsure of. He was about to follow their gazes when a shoulder bumped into his roughly, putting him out of balance.
It was nearly impossible for him to hold back his gawk, realizing that it was actually Viktor Krum. The Bulgarian Seeker turned back to look at Fred, mumbling a “sorry” as he continued to drag his friend towards...Thalia's direction? by the collar.
Fred couldn’t spare a laugh even when his younger brother had shrieked into his hand, disbelief in his face to see Krum was approaching them. By that time, he become much more curious and wary, especially upon seeing Draco Malfoy lead the group.  
He heard Harry snap, “Sod off, Malfoy” as he neared his siblings, standing just a few ways away from George and Lee.  
“As if I’m here for you, Potter” Draco sneered, snapping his head towards Thalia who wasn’t paying them much attention.  
“Good morning, dear cousin! I’d like to introduce you to someone...” The blonde moved aside to showcase the Durmstrang, patting the bloke’s shoulder. “This is Leo Kurroff. He said he found you bloody gorgeous -”
"I’m sure the lad could speak for himself” Thalia interrupted.  
Fred could practically see the way her eyebrow raised just from the tone of her voice which breaching the fine line between sarcasm and dead-seriousness. He knew where this was going. He knew Thalia, who had claimed far too many times that relationships weren’t her thing and that she’d wait until graduation to find someone.
He smirked, waiting for Thalia to reject the poor man, who had now turned red in embarrassment. He leaned on George’s shoulder, his twin glancing briefly at him before returning his attention to the scene. Merlin, they’ve seen how she’s rejected people before! that poor seventh year Ravenclaw a year ago, and those two Gryffindors in their year – watching this is going to be fun.  
“Well, out wi’it, boy!” Lee teased from his seat near the Durmstrang, Leo,, elbowing him in the arm.
Leo cleared his throat, looking paler than he did seconds ago, before rushing out, “Willyougoonadatewithme?”
“Excuse me?” Thalia laughed softly, she was smiling at him in amusement now.  
Fred looked down to see Ginny and Hermione giggling behind their hands as they watched Leo rub his face in frustration, before shifting to Ron who was nearly hyperventilating at his close proximity with his favorite Seeker. 
Leo took deep breaths in, before stepping forward, looking far more confident than he had been moments ago. “Will you go on a date with me?” He asked clearly this time.
By now, they have gathered the attention of nearly half the Great Hall, including the professors’ in the staff, who were watching the scene unfold in front of them. It felt like no one was breathing in the silence of the hall, all eyes towards them as they waited for Thalia’s response.
Fred couldn’t help but think about how much of a shame it was Leo decided to ask her out publicly, which would equate to an ever more public rejection. His thoughts left his mind when he saw Thalia open her mouth, grinning as he waited for the big fat ‘NO’ to leave her mouth. Here it comes, and-
“I don’t see why not?”
A wave of emotions washed over Fred, sending chills down to his toes as his grin faltered. He could barely hear Leo ask a ‘really?’ in disbelief as he felt his eyes dart anywhere but there – anywhere but the scene in front of him. 
Maybe it was the guilt of last night’s events that caused his reaction? Or the lack of sleep? Or the fact that Thalia has been making more guy friends this year while Fred and her were drifting apart?
In the corner of his eye, he could see Ginny looking at him in both disappointment and worry. But his mind was fuzzy to the point where he had to steady himself on George’s shoulders for a moment.
“You alright, Freddie?” Fred hadn’t even noticed that Viktor Krum and the others had left – hell, he didn’t even realize he had his eyes shut tightly as he tried to regain his steady breathing.
He didn’t respond. Instead, he met Thalia’s eyes, who stared back at him with pure concern in her face. He could read her like an open book. Her eyes were pained as she looked at him, even if she tried to hide it. He couldn’t stand seeing it – he couldn’t stand looking at her. So he did what is probably the second worst thing he had done to her in the span of a few hours. He ran.
Master list | Chapter 8→
A/N: Jordan Fisher as Leo??? Yes please!!
@elf-punk​ @bloodorangemoonlight​​ @peachesandpinks​​
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prongsies · 4 years
Star Crossed ⁕ Chapter Eight
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←Chapter 7 | Master list
Thalia hadn’t seen Fred for the rest of the day, even when lunch had arrived. By afternoon, she joined Ginny and Hermione in the entrance hall, watching the students who dared put their names into the goblet of fire. They were mostly there for Ginny, though, who insisted they watch alongside her even if the two were less than interested – they brought their choices of books along with them, which helped immensely with the boredom.
“I heard the veela dropped her name in just this morning” Ron whispered in their little group as he and Harry sat on the seats below them.
“For the last time, Ronald, she is not a veela” Hermione argued, shutting her heavy book, “If anything, she’s at least a quarter – which doesn’t count!”
Thalia sighed when their banter started escalating, trying her best to focus more intently on her book before Ginny started shaking her forearm to grab her attention. Confused, Thalia turned to the ginger, eyes wide in question before someone cleared their throat from behind her.
“I was wondering if this seat was taken?” Leo, whom Thalia had been introduced to earlier, asked as he motioned towards the vacant space beside her.
“No. Please” Thalia smiled, shutting her book. She looked around, realizing he was alone, “Decided to drop your entourage?”
Leo laughed, “Yes. They were quite a handful. I feared you would be too weirded out to speak to me”
Thalia noted his faint American accent, “No offense, I know this is way out of the blue but are you American by any chance?”
“A keen ear, you have” He replied, tapping Thalia’s ear – which shamefully made her blush, “Yes - half. Mum’s Swedish and my dad’s an American”
“Hey, Leo!” Ginny called out from beside Thalia when she noticed the awkwardness in the air start to thicken. See, upon Leo’s arrival, Hermione and Ron’s quarrel had stopped – deciding to pay more attention towards the two, the nosy buggers they are, “Did you know Thalia’s our star chaser?”
“Oh, really?” Leo grinned towards Thalia, eyes sparkling in interest, “I play beater back in Durmstrang”
Thalia couldn’t help but stare into his brown eyes. She didn’t feel like herself suddenly, corny as it may be, she felt herself swooning over the boy in front of her.  
“I love beaters” her eyes widened at her sudden slip of the tongue. She heard Harry and Ron snort into their hands, not even trying to hide the fact that they were listening to the conversation. “I mean – beaters are cool, you know”
“Thank you, Thalia” Leo laughed.
Thalia never thought she would be thankful to see the twins emerging from the doors with another trick up their sleeves right until that moment. As they barged into the room screaming about how they ‘got it’ - by it, they mean the aging potion – Thalia felt herself release the breath she was holding, watching Leo’s attention turn towards the two.
The attention soon darted towards Viktor Krum and Professor Karkaroff, who sauntered into the room. The room dissolved into murmurs as Viktor stepped over the Age Line, pausing slightly to gauge the blue wisp that surrounded the goblet, before reaching over to toss his parchment in.
Stepping out, he turned to look at Leo, corners of his lips tugging up invisibly. “Leo, Adam has been searching for you” He looked at Thalia, “Thalia,”
With that, he walked ahead – out the Entrance Hall with Professor Karkaroff.  
Leo stood from his seat, bowing in front of Thalia as he grabbed her hand softly, bringing it to his lips as he spoke, lips brushing onto the back of her hand, “I hate to be parted from you so early,”
Thalia couldn’t help her smile as he pressed a lingering kiss onto it, his eyes staring back at Thalia as he slowly let go of her hand. He bid the others good bye as he left, making sure to turn back towards Thaila with a wink.
“Merlin’s beard” Ginny breathed out, still staring at the spot where Leo had bowed. Thalia could still feel his lips on the back of her hand, and the tingles left from his growing beard brushing against it, “Thalia... Merlin’s beard, Thalia”
“I felt like I was witnessing a fairy tale” Hermione added breathlessly, looking up at Thalia with wide eyes.  
Their moment was cut short, however, when Fred and George Weasley were thrown against the hall with screams, both bearing long white beards that strangely resembled Dumbledore’s. They were quickly ushered out of the room towards the Infirmary, where Madam Pomfrey had been tending to under-aged students that have attempted to go through the Age Line as well.
The Infirmary was silent when Thalia walked in, the doors slamming shut behind her as she marched towards the two beds at the end of the room – the only ones occupied, well, except for the other one where a Slytherin was fast asleep.
“Came to gloat?” Fred asked sarcastically once Thalia was stood in between them, a stern expression on her face.
“I told you two not to do it” She said blankly as she crossed her arms over her shoulders. “You’re lucky you got off with beards and a couple of bruises!”
“Well, it’s your fault”
“Here we go again,” George uttered from his bed, clearly done with his brother antics. “Fred, please just shut your mouth”
“Well, it is her fault” Fred’s hand flew to motion towards Thalia, who stared back at him in disbelief, “If you hadn’t completed the potion last night, this wouldn’t have happened”
“You asked for my help!” She exclaimed exasperatedly, arms unclasping from her chest, “The least you could’ve done is say thank you”
“Well, thank you, almighty Pallas” Fred replied sarcastically, mocking a bow from his position, “You could’ve stopped us if you weren’t so busy with your boy toy”
“Fred” George warned.
“Be careful what you say next, Weasley”
“You’ve changed, Thalia!”  
By now, Thalia was sure the Slytherin in the other bed has woken up, considering Fred’s voice was increasing in volume.
“I’m the one who’s changed?” She looked towards George, who didn’t seem to know what to do – considering he’s confined to his bed as well, “You’re the one whose been acting like a prick ever since the Triwizard was announced”
“You’re the one acting all easy. First with Diggory, and now with that- with that Durmstrang boy!”
“I said what I said” The older twin replied arrogantly, challenging Thalia with a look.
“There is nothing wrong with making friends, Fred Weasley” Thalia replied angrily, not being able to control herself as her feet took her to Fred’s bedside, her finger jabbing his chest repeatedly. “Merlin knows you wouldn’t be one from the way you’ve spoken to me recently”
“Great!” Fred slapped Thalia’s hand away, “I never wanted to be your friend anyway!”
“Brilliant” George muttered defeatedly.
“You’re a prick, Fred Weasley” She practically growled at him, “Best of luck trying to find anyone who can stand you, you dick, because I. AM. DONE”
“Finally!” Fred exclaimed when Thalia stormed off, watching her flip him the bird – which he returned as the doors slammed shut.
A few beats passed between them in the quiet hospital wing, until the Slytherin from the other bed spoke up, “That was a dick move, mate. I may be in one of the foulest houses but I’d never go as far as degrade a woman’s worth”
“I’m not even gonna say anything to you two about what happened in the Infirmary a while ago” said Ginny firmly through gritted teeth when the twins joined her for dinner. Thalia had moved a couple of seats down the table with Lee Jordan, Harry, and Hermione, all huddled up in conversation. He sees Leo Kurroff had abandoned the Slytherin table as well, sitting beside Thalia as he spoke comfortingly to the girl.
“I don’t know what’s going on with you, Fred Weasley” Ginny broke his gaze, “But you better pull it together. I've written to mum already so expect a howler tomorrow morning”
With that, she left, moving towards Thalia who smiled down at her.
The Great Hall was silenced when Professor Dumbledore stood from his seat, approaching the goblet that has been moved from the entrance hall.
“Well, the goblet is almost ready to make its decision” he said, motioning towards it as its blue flames started flickering angrily, “When the champions’ names are called, I would ask them please come up to the top of the hall, and go through into the chamber” He motioned towards the door behind the staff table, “Where they will be receiving their first instruction”
Fred’s eyes darted towards Thalia, watching her laugh with Leo and his own friends – even with Ron and Ginny.  
The flamed inside the goblet suddenly turned red, sparks flying from it. A tongue of flame shot up, releasing a piece of parchment into the air. The whole room gasped, watching as the headmaster snatched the parchment mid-air.
“The champion for Durmstrang...” Professor Dumbledore started, “Will be Viktor Krum”
Cheering and applause erupted in the room as Viktor stood, walking towards Professor Dumbledore who congratulated him. Fred could see Thalia looking up at Kurroff in concern, her hand on his forearm comfortingly. Fred didn’t notice how his hand started gripping his spoon tighter when the Durmstrang placed his own hand over her, squeezing her hand reassuringly while mouthing an ‘It’s okay’
Viktor disappeared into the chamber as the clapping died down. Then, the fire turned into a bright shade of red again, shooting out a piece of parchment once more “The champion for Beauxbatons... Fleur Delacour!”
Once again, the Great Hall was full of applause and cheers as the ‘veela’ got up, smiling at everyone as she made a beeline towards the chamber.  From his seat Fred could faintly his younger brother’s mention of her in their little group, followed by one of Hermione’s snide remarks as she dismissed the topic completely.
They were enveloped in silence again as the goblet spat out their last champion, Dumbledore catching the paper with such ease. “The Hogwarts champion is... Cedric Diggory!” Dumbledore announced.
Applause erupted in the hall as Cedric stood from his seat, hugging his friends as he made his way towards the staff table. He passed by Thalia, to whom he gave a brief hug, before rushing towards the door, disappearing as well into the chamber.
“Excellent!” The headmaster exclaimed once everyone had calmed from their excitement, “Well, we now have our three champions. I am sure I can count upon all of you to give your champions every ounce of support you can muster. By cheering you champion on, you will contribute - “
But he stopped speaking. The students – even those who weren’t paying attention – turned to look at him, confused as to why he was just standing there, staring at the goblet.  
As the flames of the goblet turned bright red again – they understood why.
“I thought there were only three champions” Fred heard Thalia’s attempt at a soft voice as she spoke to Lee and Leo, who both shrugged, equally confused.
A paper flew from the Goblet, which Dumbledore caught hesitantly. He stared blankly at the parchment, unaware of the students and staff staring at him, waiting for the name to be read aloud.
He cleared his throat, stating – almost inaudibly, “Harry Potter,”
There was no reaction, no one dared to speak – to question it.  
Then, Thalia stood up, “What?” She exclaimed, voice laced with concern and worry. She looked back at Harry who seemed mortified, knowing full-well he didn’t even put his name into the goblet.
Dumbledore shared a look with Thalia, before calling out again. “Harry Potter! Harry! Up here, please!”
Harry got up from his seat, stumbling slight as he made his way to the staff table, before stopping to look at Dumbledore. “Well, through the door, Harry” The older wizard said with a forced smile.
Harry moved, walking into the chamber, and disappearing inside.
Thalia joined the others as they waited in the Gryffindor common room for Harry to return. She was quiet – a hundred thoughts running in her mind all at once. She spoke to Harry about the tournament before, and he had expressed his opinion on the matter. He told her he wouldn’t want to join even if he was at the right age, knowing he’s had enough of all the trouble he had endured for three years in a row.
Now here he was, a Hogwarts champion – the second one.
Was the goblet cursed of some kind? Confunded, maybe?
Her thoughts were broken by the sound of applause and whistles, as Harry crawled into the portrait hole with a prominent frown on his face.  
“You should’ve told us you’d enter!” She heard Fred bellow, catching the boy looking both annoyed and deeply impressed at the same time.
“How did you do it without getting a beard? Brilliant!” roared George.  
Suddenly, everyone else followed through with their own questions, bombarding Harry with nonsense she knew he didn’t want to deal with right now.  
“Enough!” Thalia bellowed, smiling satisfactorily as the common room silenced. She rose from her armchair, clutching her book in hand as she stepped in front of Harry, shielding him from the students who tried to grab at his robes. “Don’t you see the boy is upset? Leave him to rest, will you?”
“Thank you, Lia” Harry mumbled, offering Thalia a tired smile, “I really am tired, guys. I’ll see you tomorrow”
With a wave, he squeezed himself out of the crowd that formed, stopping by the foot of the staircases to peek at Thalia, watching as she disappeared up to the girls’ dormitories, ignoring everyone else along the way.
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