#leo x kamui
Hello~! Would you write for Leo, Ryoma, and Jakob (separate) with female Corrin running her fingers through their hair? Pre-relationship please; I’m interested in seeing how they would react 😊
I was supposed to delete stuff from this inbox but come ON you guys know me too well for me to want to get rid of anything. Not fair.
Also for Ryoma part I'm really sorry if I called it wrong but I have no idea what that thing on his head is if not a headpiece?
Leo, Ryoma and Jakob having Corrin run her hand through their hair
Corrin here is female
This scenario is pre-relationship
It was a faint moment but one that he would think back on constantly for many reasons. The closeness, her touch, her voice...
His typical... Problems with clothes embarrassing as they were found their way to his head.
It wasn't anything too noticable, he just got something small caught up in his hair, he had no clue about it.
That is until he felt Corrin's hand on his head "What are you doing?" He asked, masking his embarrassment by her gesture.
"There was a loose string in your hair" she showed him the evidence and he thanked her for her help.
"By the way, I had no idea your hair was so soft" she commented justifying why her hand lingered for a moment longer, but he couldn't think of a response in the moment.
He wanted to make sure Corrin feels welcome and comfortable in the new situation.
So, any way he could he tried to comply to her requests. Even if she wasn't asking for much he was happy to provide anything.
One time she asked him to take off his headpiece just because so far she had only seen him wearing it. The difference wasn't anyhow big but it satisfied her curiosity all the same.
Without even thinking about it, she ran her hand through his hair. It just seemed like the right thing to do at that moment.
Ryoma didn't comment on it, but Corrin said "You look quite different, but still handsome" her tone was polite, yet her words surprised him a little and he ended up thinking about it later.
"still" handsome? So normally she also considered him handsome? Was she really just being polite..? But he quickly recognized that he should perish the thought of going deeper into this...
He had the busiest day possible. And he was quite the mess despite not trying to show it. But of course for his lady he acted like nothing was wrong in the slightest!
She however, noticed how the ribbon in his hair got loose. So she decided to fix it for him.
He was surprised when he suddenly felt her touching his hair. But before he got to ask, she explained everything to him "I fixed your ribbon" her smile was truly to die for...
"My deepest apologies for the trouble, my lady. Next time... Could I ask that you tell me about it instead? There is no need to trouble you with something so trivial..."
Later on he'd find himself thinking about it. Was it just him or did she actually keep her hand there for longer..?
~Mod Bernadetta
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emblemxeno · 1 year
For now the Engage fandom is safe but I fear the moment we are gonna get the moment where people will fight over ships again. First we had Awakening where people who don't understand how time travel works were bugged up by the fact that Robin can marry the 2nd gen because "they are still babies !" since they apparently never learn what multiverse means nor watched many time travel media, or marrying Nowi or Ricken when you had the loli and shota models to do the trick. Same thing for Fates, people fighting over Kamui/Corrin x the Royals despite the fact that Leo is almost the only character Corrin had actual chemsitry with in the support conversation, still were not ok with the 2nd generation and marrying Hayato. Then 3 houses had a whole debate on whether Byleth can marry their ex-students or not, if marryin Rhea was incest or not because people don't understand how organ transplantation works, and so on. Now we escape the Anna and Jean controversy despite the fact that even in the japanses version you don't marry them because it's too soon and theu just stay friend (the exact same thing that Azura said to Hayato in their S support) but since Alear is still physically 17 and can only marry people who are elder than them, I am sure we are gonna have some problem here.
That's the thing I was wondering a bit about too, since Engage (at least from my experience) is surprisingly... chaste? Like, there's definitely material to work with, don't get me wrong, but after the S supports of the 3DS games and a good deal of the A ranks in 3H, the characters are decidedly more friendly than possibly intimate. Aside from Alear of course, cuz everyone wants a ride lol. But that's most likely because IS saw people liking the S supports and probably thought "oh it's cuz people like having digital wives" and made it avatar only.
But train of thought aside, discourse is inevitable cuz people will get mad that the "wrong" ships are being shipped and blah blah blah. Though I don't forsee it getting as bad as the 3H shipping discourse cuz man I still see people giving others the side eye for Dimidue ugh
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for Leo? tbh I'm 50% looking for song recs and 50% in live with him 😅
Oml of course I too am in love with him I understand.
Here's my LeoKamu playlist if that's one you'd like. Some of these aren't 100% accurate to canon but I have stories in my head lmao. Like "if I could tell her" is clearly one. Then "death by a thousand cuts" makes me think of when Kamui chooses revelation or birthright :(. The latter makes me especially sad 😭. But not all of them are specifically with Kamui in mind, only a few. Personally, I don't like using Kamui as a self insert outside of playing the game but it would be ingenious to not include some of those songs in a playlist entitled "LeoKamu"
Some songs are well known and some aren't. (always open to suggestions to add btw.)
To be specific and not just link to the playlist I'll list some of my favorites. "Suneater" by Leanna Firestone is my favorite because I feel like it fits him really well and also I love the knowledge that he would be annoyed by all the zodiac sign references lol. "Smitten" also by Leanna Firestone makes me happy because "you snored and it was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard" and when you wake Leon up in game he admits that he snores sometimes but also it refers to having crooked teeth so it's not 100% relateable to him. Dandelions by Ruth B. Gold Rush by Taylor Swift. Strawberry Blond by Mitski. Would you be so kind by Dodie. Gorgeous by Taylor Swift. And Tenerife Sea by Ed Sheeran.
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king-of-better · 7 months
Number.08: Bird -PHOENIX-
Heart Clover formally instates Taiga as Special Chief of GGG, with authority over both GGG Green, Gai now officially Chief, and GGG Blue, still under Akamatsu. Mikoto, among many others, is returning to active duty. J, Renais, and a few more Ruin Acolyte GGG members still need rescuing, and umbrage of earth continues. Due to the increased role of GGG Green, the Main Order Room has been renovated to accommodate them.
On the shuttle back to earth, Heart Clover, making note of Taiga's charms, offers to arrange Ms Cherry’s transfer to GGG. But Isogai Sakura refuses the offer. She isn't sure if her feelings for Taiga are gone, or of she has just matured, but she is happy I'm her current position, and seems to have a similar respect for Clover.
The first joint briefing begins. Liger believes he can get Disc X production up to requirements in a month. Umbrage has slown after the recovery of the two strongest Conqueror Acolytes, and with Disc X mass-produced should begin reversing. Akamatsu is very annoyed to see his father imply attraction to Hinoki and Tamara, angrily yelling he has enough siblings already (Liger has 28 children across the world, 20+ younger than Akamatsu), Yang moves proceedings to discuss the Umbrage. Taiga recalls the Battle of Jupiter, and how the Z-Master used THE POWER to send Zonder spores to earth, briefly turning half the population into Zonders. The Conqueror Acolytes are attempting essentially the same, turning earth into a seedbed for Zero Spores, to scatter them across the universe, so all intelligent life in the universe will be destroyed. With the need for Disc X now greater than ever, Akamatsu promises his father he can meet Sakura if he succeeds, something he has never allowed before. Liger had also managed to hypothesise something about Triple Zero while a Conqueror Acolyte, speculating that the Z-Master, originally a stress reduction system developed on the Purple Planet, had been made into a Conqueror Acolyte, and that was why it started wiping life out. There's no real way to verify, but he hopes to discuss it with Yang, Stallion, and the three doctors, and once things calm he wants to go to Jupiter and ask Leo. Entoji reports an estimated 26 GGG Green members not recovered, possibly all on Kushinada and leaderless. Hinoki scans the lost and sees Saginomiya Takashi is not among them, concluding Kamuy’s words had been delusions born of Algernon. Taiga has one more important thing to reveal, that Kushinada was regenerated into its original state, not Takehaya, but the Goldion Crusher, and the approval keys Taiga and Swan held are in J and Renais’ hands, Conqueror King King J-Der will surely use it in the next battle.
Even though it's been 10 days since they were purified, only now have Gai and Mikoto been able to be alone. After discussing the surprise at the kids, Mikoto asks Gai what Ikumi had been speaking to him about. Ikumi had related Lamia speaking to him during the previous battle, and while he hadn't answered him about Gai, it was clear they held no ill will for humanity, just Gai, Gai thinks he knows the reason now.
Mikoto asks what the reason is, but instead of answering, he decides to finally have the talk. He asks her to marry him.
2 (cont)
Mikoto immediately agrees, but wants to know the rest. Gai explains that after the test Papillon and Swan ran on his Evoluder body, and samples analysed elsewhere, it was determined his genes are super dominant, any children he had would be guaranteed to be Evoluders, and if he has genes that contribute to disease or the like, those are also guaranteed to be passed on. He doesn't mention the possibility that, after the Evoluder population grows enough, of discrimination. And he also believes the potential for humanity to all become Evoluders in time, because of him, is why Somniums view him as the root of evil, and he only wants children with her anyway. She is also not really human, a Semi-Evoluder after mutation by the New Machine Species, though the name does not imply an actual link. There's no telling what might happen if G and Z fuse in the DNA of their children. He thinks, personally, that they shouldn't have children, but wants her to think for herself. She says they can get married after they save everyone, then laughs imagining J in regalia and Renais fighting over the bouquet. He does clarify he does want to have children, just they would have to be adopted, and recalls the words of Amami Isamu, that they will be their children, just coming to them a little differently.
Battles continue, and the dragons are deployed in mixed pairs, Shoryu moving between brothers and sisters as the situation calls for it, but Rairyu and Enryu chafe under the constant simulations, their AI blocks are not yet installed, as whole new units have to be prepared, the old, Triple Zero infested ones had to be destroyed. As such, they have been focused on training, especially for Shoryu to Trinity Docking with ChoRyuJin, GekiRyuJin and TenRyuJin, all of the dragons debate who Shoryu should pair up with. Hyoryu, as the oldest, tries to mediate, but then Enryu argues with him.
While Keita and Hinoki are on a mission in GaoGaiGo, Liger suddenly visits the Diving Chamber, joking about wanting to see Hinoki in her Dive Suit, but he seems tense. Gai asks him if he's seen Sakura, he has, but her current state troubles him, even if she has been in that since before Liger left, he didn't know until now, he wishes he could help his granddaughter,as much as he wishes he could save Renais. Knowing the danger his daughter poses, Liger asks Gai to do what he must, but Gai refuses, not just because he wants to save his cousin, but also because he doesn't believe this will end with Conquror King King J-Der. Liger realises he is correct. Ikumi has similar determination to save J and Tomoro, and recalls Renais’ words to him as the ES Missiles left, to treasure his parents, and believes she needs to take her own advice. Liger, encouraged by the boys, starts tearing up and leaves.
Mamoru and Ikumi, now alone. Feeling like Liger in his heart wants to forcibly enter King J-Der and scold Renais, Ikumi finds it hard to relate, he has never had a father, Mamoru relates a childhood incident when his own father had had to scold him.
Big Volfogg, fighting in South Africa alongside GaoGaiGo, reports in an emergency broadcast, that GaoGaiGo has become a Conqueror Acolyte.
3 (Cont)
The pink haze in the Bolivia Sepulchrum announces the new Conqueror Acolyte that has been born. Rakan puzzles over the increased danger while conducting research. He asks the haze what the new Acolyte is, and it declares it is Conqueror GaoGaiGo.
Ten minutes before, Wadatsumi hovers over Johannesburg, where a large horde of Zero Robos had appeared. GaoGaiGao fights, Hinoki and Keita having to deploy in it as Kakuseijin V2 had been having Linker Gel swapped. A Double Synapse Attack traps Zero Robos, Kaita revelling in piloting the King of Braves, debuts an original technique, the Crest Cutter, pulling off the mane parts from StealthGao II and using them as projectiles, Hinoki scolds him for damaging it. Fragments of Zero Robos suddenly engulf GaoGaiGo, and trap Volfogg. Recognising signs of Triple Zero corruption, Big Volfogg uses the Silver Moon to rip off his right leg before the corruption can spread, then uses Chou Bunshin Sappo, blasting the Zero Robos off GaoGaiGo, but sees, as Hana reports high levels of Z0-Similar, everyone can see GaoGaiGo is now a Conqueror Acolyte.
The mood is dire in the Big Order Room. The dragon siblings have had their bodies restored. Yamajii reports Conqueror GaoGaiGo disappeared near Tristan da Cunha, Porc-Auto and the Gun Machines unable to find it, with his leg now restored Volfogg plans to join the search. Mamoru is concerned for Valnar, Hinoki and Keita, and feeling responsible for their getting caught up, but Akamatsu insists he bears the blame, Yamajii privately noting his old boss has treated those two as his own kids. Taiga has to insist Akamatsu focus, as they need to work out how to save GaoGaiGo, and the existing plans to counter Conqueror King King J-Der need revising without GaoGaiGo, Keita and Hinoki. Hana suddenly leaves, and Ikumi signals Mamoru to follow, subbing for him.
Hana sits, trying to compose herself, and sends someone a message of her location, when Mamoru interrupts. He’s been aware of her poor health lately thanks to Alouette, and asks her to make their marriage official. Instead on answering though, Hana turns downcast and doesn't answer. Mikoto shows up, telling Mamoru that Akamatsu needs to speak to him. Mikoto, the one Hana had called, starts comforting Hana, and admits to the younger woman how she was always a little jealous that Gai got a little brother in Mamoru, but she didn't get her own little sibling. Hana comprehends, but doesn't relate, as her relationship with Ayame has always been as close as sisters, still, the fact Hana has come to her for advice makes Mikoto happy. Before Hana can explain her worry, worried the mention of baring the seed of the New Machine Species will be traumatic, the conversation is disrupted by an S-Class emergency alarm. The J-Ark and Division Fleet have appeared above Orbit Base, which is now under threat from the Conqueror Silverion Crusher.
Conqueror Acolytes Keita and Hinoki, immediately after being corrupted by Triple Zero, with no plan, flew Conqueror GaoGaiGo away, trying to avoid detection. They land at Tristan da Cunha and power down, hoping the Linker Gel will recover enough on its own. Keita descends to Womb Head, only to find Hinoki unconscious. A voice informs him they knocked her out using Flavum. What appears to be a child, talking over LC, appears, and also knocks Keita out. The figure, who had opened the external hatch using Viride, exits again, and then Deus takes an Animus Flower growing off his flesh, despite the fact he is not a human corpse, but a living Somnium. He takes the small Tempus Seed, and throws it on the ground, it takes root, becoming a giant tree. Deus uses Viride again, and manipulates the Super Neuromechanoid like a marionette, manipulating it into the tree, vanishing within. The tree resembles the ES Windows or Socius Road, yet different. GaoGaiGo vanishes, but Deus is interrupted by a figure emerging from the Socius Road, indeed, all 7 appear, now finally witness to his power, Tempus, having suspected their was more to the legendary Somnium and his knowledge of the future. Rather than answer, he invites them to follow, and leaps into the tree. Lamia resolves to see the future for the Somniums Deus intends to lead them to, and follows, the others joins, Sara, exhausted, insists Gajumaru follow rather than stay with her.
This is how GaoGaiGo, rendered into a Conqueror Acolyte, vanished from satellite tracking, and when GGG America’s intelligence Robo investigates all it finds is a bizarre withered tree. Even if they could have know where it had gone, GGG is about to face it’s greatest threat.
Orbit Base confirms visual of J-Ark, Tsukuyomi, Takehaya and Hirume. GGG Green's Mobile Unit deploy immediately, but Mamoru, in Kakuseijin V2’s Cereb Head, doesn't immediately obey Akamatsu's orders, hesitant given the circumstances but as Akamatsu insists despite Sakura being in Womb Head, as enough Dual Impulses are generated, there's no choice, as Ikumi is required for a separate task. When Liger questions the decision, it's clear Akamatsu is regretful as a father, but has done what he must as Chief.
Aboard J-Ark, the man in armour acknowledges Gai and Arma have acted, the Cyborg woman recognises Koryu, Anryu and Porc-Auto’s deployment, those closest to them. But Soldato-J and Renais Kerdif Shishioh are still determined to follow the will of Triple Zero, and gripping the Keys to Victory, initiate Mega Fusion, Conqueror King King J-Der is born.
On GGG’s side, Fusion, Symmetrical Docking Sanmittai, System Change and Trinity Docking are initiated, then Gai orders Final Fusion, and for the first time in along time, Mikoto delivers the Program Drive, Hana and Alouette marvelling at the original Operator doing it. Taiga then approved the Goldion Double Hammer, which connects to GaoFighGar after Mikoto’s Safety Relieve. ShoChoRyuJin is leading the other braves, as Gai acts.
The Goldion Crusher will complete in 140 seconds, and there are 26 Conqueror Acolytes aboard Kushinada, the last of the missing GGG Green crew members, preventing use of Disc X, and attempts to hack have naturally failed. Hana, Alouette and Mikoto; Swan and Tamara; Entoji and Yamajii all work in concert. Taiga reassures a stressed Akamatsu, as Hyuma and Urchin, Liger and Yang, Kazuo, Tsuguo and Sueo all work with their counterparts, and Akamatsu regains his composure, and thinks for a moment he sees Sakura on the feed smile.
Formation G is still forming, but Liger notes the absence of the Goldy head, thus there is no control AI, this proves his theory that a body cannot be regenerated by Triple Zero if the spirit exists elsewhere, seen with Goldy now and Leo a decade ago. Without the control AI, the hope is Formation G cannot actually be used, as GaoFighGar charges.
Conqueror King King J-Der's head unit Plug Outs, the flaming aura shaping into a head that fills the empty gap, as the actual head unit docks into the empty space on the Goldion Crusher where Goldy would be, and Tomoro 0117 declares Curser Connect, as the Conqueror King docks. J and Renais grasp hands, and the J-Jewel and G-Stone resonate, the silver light twisting with the orange aura into a single glow, and the most devastating weapon ever seen on earth, the Silverion Crusher, is born.
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6 (Cont)
Conqueror GaoGaiGo “falls” along the river of time, it's two occupants mercifully unconscious, as otherwise the visual information would put a heavy strain on them, 7 smaller figures are falling behind them. Rice is astonished by the sight, and the truth it reveals, Deus is not immortal, but has travelled across time to appear in various eras. Rakan is more concerned with how such a rare Animus was acquired, but Deus explains he just happened to be born with it. Lamia is incensed by his neglect of other Animus plants, but Deus mocks the way the other Somniums care for humanity. Lamia finally challenges Deus in the fact he has seen humanity fall to the Dawn Aura. Deus says the first peril will be overcome by the Somniums and the humans, the second, against a flaming raptor, will destroy many of both, and the final one will eliminate the survivors. But he intends to do something about it again. They recognise he has changed humanity's fate before. Months ago he gave Chandi’s ward, Kei, several ideas, leading to GaoGaiGo overcoming the Conqueror Acolytes, he admits to be one of a few who have guided the flow of time for humanity to survive. Hiiragi approves of saving humanity, as Deus explains he is using Conqueror GaoGaiGo to divert history to a new course.
2005/04/11, GaoGaiGar has just defeated EI-02, but Shishioh Gai and Amami Mamoru witness a tear in space, the effect of Tempus, and the giant emerging. A fog enveloping the area means the GGG Bay Tower Base have no idea what is happening. Deus leaps off the Conqueror Acolyte, bidding his fellows to fight with the King of Braves. Forte, Ougu, Ahriman, Lume, Pondus, Turbo leap into action, appearing in front of Mamoru and GaoGaiGar. Mamoru, who has already had a bizarre day that started as a field trip to Yumenoshima. Gai has no idea what these new arrivals are, GGG found no trace of them in Galeon's black box. Ougu uses Sanctus, combining six Bettermen into their ultimate form, Betterman Cataphract. Deus intends to see Cataphract and GaoGaiGar defeat the Dawn's Hound, meaning humanity can study it and find a way to overcome it in 2017. Instead of doing as Deus suggests though, Cataphract rounds on GaoGaiGar, using Viride to knock Gai out via his cyborg body, then Flavum to knock out Mamoru and the former host of EI-02. Deus questions their madness, but while they seek to fight the Dawn Aura alongside humanity, they refuse to follow Deus’ plan, recognising his actions do not change history, merely branch it off, they refuse to survive into the new timeline and abandon everyone in 2017. Deus attempts to tempt them with the opportunity to save those who have already died, Pachira, Bodaiju and Seeme, and Hiiragi, Gajumaru and Yewya are briefly moved by the thought of saving their relatives, but they know that nullifying their sacrifice will be but an insult to them. Lamia also recognises that if history diverges they cannot return to that 2017, and this they would be abandoning the world Seeme and co died to protect. Deus considers, then decides to simply change history in another era, leaving them to their fates, and reaches for his Tempus Seeds, but the Ahriman tail has snatched the pouch, so they can leave for the future, Deus will have to wait it out until he grows a new Tempus Seed. Deus now will come for revenge on them, and leaves. Gajumaru expresses thanks to Lamia, as if they had stayed they would have lost Sara. They still cannot leave any trace of their interference in 2005. Gai and Mamoru will need their memories erased, and Lamia decides they will unite their power with humanity, gazing at the two Kings of Braves.
Gai refocuses his vision, wondering where the boy went and what he was. Mamoru had flown away the moment he woke. After this, the two will surmount many ordeals starting in 2005, their greatest coming in 2017.
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7 (Still)
The Silverion Crusher represents a massive threat to GGG, Mic, TenRyuJin and SeiRyuJin panic, but ShoChoRyuJin warns them to keep heart and follow the plan. Big Volfogg adds to his words, supported by GekiRyuJin and Big Porc-Auto. In GaoFighGar, Gai is reassured by his allies being with him again, as the Silverion Crusher activates. In the Main Order Room, Alouette reports to Taiga that Formation P needs another 400 seconds. Mikoto takes over managing GGG Green's units so Alouette can focus on Formation P. Mikoto recalls the bond she had had with Alouette when she was 5, lost when she lost her memory, and then the shock when the girl welcomed her back to the Orbit Base, barely recognising this dignified woman as the 15 year old girl. There is no hope of the Silverion Crusher being delayed long enough for long enough for Formation P, but then the Braves attack the 8 GGDs, Mamoru leading with a Double Synapse Attack, ShoChoRyuJin uses a Full Volley, Shuang Tou Long, Dance of Light and Darkness, Sonnenfinsternis, Daikaiten Daima'dan, Daikaiten Ma'rin and a Disc F Wave Riser follow on, successfully destroying the GGDs that emit the Crusher. Tomoro tries to prevent further interference, clashing with Big Volfogg once again. Triple Zero immediately starts recreating the GGDs at J’s roar, but the Braves are committed to continuing to destroy them, resisting the valley of attacks from the Conqueror King. Mamoru checks with Hana on Sakura's condition, but the risk is high that Kakuseijin V2, which onlyn uses Linker Gel, will be rendered inactive long before the GS-Ride reliant Braves are, Mamoru briefly wishes Ikumi was there so they could sustain longer, but knows his role is important.
GekiRyuJin and TenRyuJin are becoming unable to completely destroy their GGDs, but Alouette reports readiness. Akamatsu orders Formation P, and Mizuha, Wadatsumi and Yamatsumi launch from Orbit Base. While the newer Divisions had been developed to supplement Mizuha for Project Z by forming the Division Train, there was another function they had been developed for, planned by Yang and Takanohashi, then improved by Alouette and Liger. The Braves are ordered to break formation, ending the assault on the GGDs, and the Silverion Crusher is fully formed. Mizuha has formed a ring, with Yamatsumi and Wadatsumi filling the centre. The Silverion Crusher energy field becomes like a phoenix, and flies towards Orbit Base, but is met by the Protect Reflexer. Hyuma makes light of the UN Council proving useful, as after the GGG Rebellion, taking both the Division Fleet and the safety keys, the fear of them turning the Goldion Crusher on earth had lingered, even after Mamoru and Ikumi returned, so a method of blocking it, the Protect Reflexer, was created. The Reflexer sends the Firebird back towards Conqueror King King J-Der, or rather the space within the Reflexer is inverted, sending it back even though it moves in a single direction. The full force of the Silverion Crusher strikes the Conqueror King. They don't relax yet, and GaoFighGar, Ikumi aboard, flies towards the struck spot, using the Double Hammer to nullify the shockwaves, and flies right to the centre, and Conqueror King King J-Der, and closes in on it while there is an opening.
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7 (cont)
Conqueror King King J-Der was instantly regenerated by Triple Zero from it's becoming light via reflected Silverion Crusher, barely avoiding the fate of Pisa Sol. Most of Tsukuyomi and Hirume were lost, but King J-Der and Takehaya have already regenerated. The Braves watching are astonished, but take solace in the fact it was affected. J and Renais witness GaoFighGar flying in, and using Hammer Hell. J mocks the attempt to save them still, and activates the Plasma Swords, which pierce the Marg Hand and GaoFighGar’s torso, the aura and nails vanish. Mamoru screams in horror from the immobilised Kakuseijin V2. GaoFighGar is dead. J claims his final victory over Gai, his rival since his time as a Zonderian. However, J’s belief is wrong. Hammer Hell was not used with intent to extract J and Renais, and the death of GaoFighGar's eyes is due to a Fusion Out, and now Gai and Ikumi leap off the King of Braves into the bridge.
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On seeing Gai and Arma within, J and Renais also Fusion Out, recognising the operation has been all for this, bringing an even match of Gai and Ikumi against J and Renais, but claim victory thanks to Triple Zero. J pulls the Radiant Ripper, and Renais two Smython pistols, and Gai matches with the Will Knife. But Gai and Ikumi surprise them by instead starting their purification rituals. They both had to go to for the sake of purification, which is why V2 needed Sakura. However, they had never purified an enemy not in Core form. Ikumi's barrier and Gai’s knife block attacks, but even so, Gai’s ID Armour is being shredded, but they keep on. Deep inside, J wishes for Arma to flee, not seeking to kill, and Renais noting Hair could easily force her to stop. They falter for a moment, as the last word of the ritual is completed. The light of the ritual is visible to Mamoru, who knows they have succeeded. Renais opens her eyes to a young man offering her a hand, who apologises for earlier fighting, and says he'd like her to consider his hand Liger's. Renais rejects that, leading Ikumi to remind her of her last words to him, to treasure his parents, saying she must too. Renais discovers that unlike Gai as a Cyborg, she still has tear ducts. J takes Gai’s hand, and admits his final loss, not in this moment but at the Orange Site by being controlled by Triple Zero, while Gai was not. Gai accepts his words, and then apologises to Arma. While they reunite, Gai has Renais help him get to Takehaya and the other Acolytes there. J looks at the crying Arma and tells him that he isn't a warrior, but something else, a Brave. Ikumi finally welcomed J back.
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26 Zero Cores are recovered from Takehaya, but then Gai and Renais find a 27th in medbay, Gai has an idea of who it will be. Before he can call Mamoru over, everything shakes. He has Renais evacuate the Zero Core, and rushes into space recognising the sign from Jupiter, the Conqueror King moving on its own.
Ikumi, J, Renais and the Zero Cores are escaping in a lifeboat. Gai returned to GaoFighGar, but it is too damaged to fight, and everyone else has used their power up. Nobody had anticipated Conqueror King King J-Der moving after J and Renais were purified. Sakura in Womb Head mumbles that Cataphract is coming, as it emerges from a Tempus portal behind the Conqueror King. Gai has been unable to use his Evoluder abilities to make it move, so Cataphract appearing is a relief. Further, along with it, everyone in the Main Order Room is surprised to see GaoGaiGo, though as they reconnect Hinoki and Keita are still unconscious. Conqueror King King J-Der suddenly turns it’s attention away from Orbit Base, not at Betterman Cataphract, but the third thing that has come through Tempus. Mamoru and Gai are both shocked to see ther old partner, Galeon appearing. Shaking free from Cataphract, the lion charges to his partner who needs his assistance, and Gai in turn leaps across space from GaoFighGar to him, and uses Fusion.
9 (Cont)
GaiGar forms, and Gai can immediately confirm his suspicion about this Galeon. Akamatsu is confused by Galeon's presence given he was last seen falling in a wormhole, but Mikoto notes this isn't Genesic Galeon, Gai confirming. Hyuma wonders if it is a Replijin, but there is no telltale hypopigmentation, but Gai only knows this is the partner he fought with. Taiga approves Final Fusion at Gai’s request, Mikoto initiates the Program Drive, and and the backup 1st Generation GaoMachines are launched from Orbit Base, and for the first time in 11 years, the original King of Braves is born, the Brave Robos marvel at this sight, and catch the newest King of Braves sent drifting to them by Betterman Cataphract. ShoChoRyuJin retrieves it, but realises there is no trace of Z0-Similar. They cannot know Rakan had purified it before leaving 2005. If it had been possible for it to communicate with the Brave Robos, they might ask them to protect their hope. Mamoru knows he can rely on Gai and Galeon, and so docks Kakuseijin V2 in Orbit Base, and is sent to meet with Ikumi as the lifeboat docks to purify the cores, and then be ready for Keita and Hinoki when GaiGaiGo is brought back, so Mamoru leaves Sakura at Akamatsu's insistence, as they do not know GaoGaiGo and the Head Divers were both purified already. This decision is one Mamoru and Akamatsu will come to regret.
Tomoro 0117, still a Conqueror Acolyte, is determined to fight for Cosmic Law. Aboard the lifeboat, J begs for Gai to save his friend. Renais, knowing how difficult it is for J to ask for help, comforts him, and tells him to believe in the Braves.
Conqueror King King J-Der has discarded the remains of Takehaya, and instead prepares to launch all weapons in Orbit Base, the Protect Reflexer needs 302 seconds to start, and the Mobile Units are out of action, all they can rely on is Betterman and GaoGaiGar.
Gai uses his Evoluder abilities to optimize all of GaiGaiGar’s components, updating this Galeon, still missing Black Box data, to be compatible with the software of these 2017 GaoMachines. Unfortunately, as StealthGao II is on GaoGaiGo, the movement in space is hampered with only StealthGao. Lamia appears to promise his strength, and Gai accepts. Cataphract splits apart, then with the use of Sanctus, are now equipped to GaoGaiGar like an armour, Musou GaoGaiGar is born, able to move easily thanks to Pondus.
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Unknown to everyone else, Big Volfogg, while damaged, has entered Takehaya to rescue the very last Conqueror Acolyte, Conqueror Piggy.
Tomoro unleashes the simultaneous volley, but everyone aboard Orbit Base remains resolute, and the attack is blocked by Musou GaoGaiGar’s Protect Shade, but the J-Quath breaks through the barrier, but is glanced off the torso Lume's cell layer, and Forte’s arm grabs it, launching it back via Broken Magnum, ripping into the robo, Tomoro resisting by Triple Zero enhanced Generating Armour. Before the Conqueror King can unleash another volley Musou GaoGaiGar has closed the distance via Pondus' gravity and Turbo’s wings, Ahriman stretches out into a Crush Ripper to pummel King J-Der, and creates a crumble point. At Lamia's prompting, Gai uses Hell and Heaven there, combining the right attack and left defence energies, supplemented by Forte in the right and Ougu on the left, and rips into the torso, extracting Tomoro and the Jewel Generator. Conquror King King J-Der is now, separated from its power sources, left to crumble to dust.
The half destroyed purple Robo, floating in space, expresses gladness he can fight with Tomoro 0117 again, and looks down at the core block he has recovered from the final Acolyte.
Ikumi and J are glad to be reunited, the three of them had become a group by coincidence on earth, having lost their original partners when the Red Planet fell. But they can be a trio again, once Tomoro is restored and they will bring J-Ark back eventually. Renais observes The reunion, and is confused briefly by the Robo who comments on her warm look at the reunion, not initially recognising her partner, who had just been a car when she left earth, but is now a full Vehicle Robo able to combine with Gun Machines. She mocks him, but Chasseur’s Lion Reine finally feels home.
On a corner of the deck, a small silhouette approaches Sakura, still in V2’s Womb Head, noting the other Somniums have returned at last. He has waited the last 12 years for Cataphract to come back. He notes Lamia has overcome two of the ideals, but will make sure the third is harder, and so Deus grabs Sakura.
The Bettermen fibrise and fall off from GaoGaiGar, the Somniums floating in empty space. Gai Fusion Outs and meets Lamia face to face. Lamia tells Gai he only helped him to defeat the Conqueror King, Gai senses this is true. Gai already understands this Galeon is from 2005, not the one who disappeared into the wormhole as part of the Conqueror King, but questions how this happened, as Galeon never disappeared, Rice explains they will return it to its proper place, and warns not to let it be destroyed, before the Somniums all vanish via Socius Gate. He doesn't question their saying the battle is ongoing, knowing he must once more face Conqueror King Genesic.
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stardrawsrmblogs · 3 years
I made this 💙💗
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hannahbell221 · 7 years
Friends please
I want more tumblr friends to talk about Fire emblem and Rune factory 4. Message me
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virtualfungus · 2 years
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sekai gakupo??? that was a very nice chara-design exercice but not sure how to feel about it!
wxs gakupo with his big ass head, urgh.
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triptothemun · 3 years
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Honestly I think this is the best art I've EVER made. Please RB if you like it, it really helps me out. Commissions open!!
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rainbowdonkee · 4 years
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We got a sneak peak of a Corrin and Leo card! These 2 character were voted the most popular Fates characters in Japan, I'm happy they have a card together!
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Your inbox says closed, but your event thing just came across my dash. I’m a bit confused, so please just disregard/delete this if I’m not supposed to be sending it in.
Otherwise, would you mind if I asked for a morning kiss between F!Corrin and Leo? (If you do multiple at once, I would also like to request a confession kiss for Chrom and F!Robin.)
Have a good day! :D
Since it's different prompts and different pairs I'll make it into 2 separate posts!
Morning kiss with Leo and Corrin
This is a part of 3x Valentines event (All slots are taken)
Corrin here is female
Ever since they got married it became Leo's "responsibility" to wake up his wife. He was actually one to ask Jakob and Felicia to leave that part of her morning routine to him.
It was a privilege to be the first person she sees each morning... Because unlike her he usually gets up much earlier.
So he'd be starting his day much sooner. But as soon as it's "her hour" he was ready to drop everything to wake her.
Usually he woke her in the classic way, this day though he decided to try something else.
She was laying perfectly for it as he leaned in to kiss her softly. She was surprised by it but she was very happy about it.
So much so, that she returned the kiss a little too eagerly. It surprised Leo, but his reaction only made Corrin let out that ever so beautiful laugh.
"Good morning, my love" he looked at his beautiful wife, while still being flustered over getting so surprised by her.
"Good morning" she stretched and took another closer look at him, giggling once again- earning his confusion.
"Is something wrong?" he asks.
"Not at all, it's just that your collar inside out"
~Mod Bernadetta
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buddingflowerelise · 6 years
Leo: Corrin texted me “your adorable” so I texted them back and said “no, YOU’RE adorable.”
Camilla: And?
Leo: And now we’re dating. We’ve been on three dates. All I did was point out a typo, but I like them so I’m not going to say anything
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time for character tag dumps ( and some ship one’s ) part 2.
. * ⋆ — you have such trashy innocence (in character: kaiyo) . * ⋆ — you have such trashy innocence (headcanon: kaiyo) . * ⋆ — you have such trashy innocence (aesthetic: kaiyo) . * ⋆ — you have such trashy innocence (musing: kaiyo) . * ⋆ — we find solace in each-others past and scars (leo x kaiyo) . * ⋆ — so everything that makes me whole / belongs to you (lian x kaiyo)
. * ⋆ — let’s fall victim to the charm of a kitsune (in character: nishiki) . * ⋆ — let’s fall victim to the charm of a kitsune (headcanon: nishiki) . * ⋆ — let’s fall victim to the charm of a kitsune (aesthetic: nishiki) . * ⋆ — let’s fall victim to the charm of a kitsune (musing: nishiki) . * ⋆ — i'll give my heart and soul / i'm yours  (tomomi x nishiki)
. * ⋆ — you’ll love the world even if it destroys you (in character: kamui) . * ⋆ — you’ll love the world even if it destroys you (headcanon: kamui) . * ⋆ — you’ll love the world even if it destroys you (aesthetic: kamui) . * ⋆ — you’ll love the world even if it destroys you (musing: kamui)
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king-of-better · 7 months
Number.05: Grudge -URAMI-
Hinoki sends Keita a message, saying she may need to cancel her upcoming vacation, but isn't allowed to tell him about the current situation, instead hoping he will visit her, but erases that, as Keita, being a civilian, cannot come to Orbit Base, she instead requests some goods if he can send them. She does worry her message isn't affectionate, but is annoyed Keita doesn't reply consistently. She goes to get breakfast, heading for Orbit Cafe, and finds Kamuy hanging around the women's residence block, she feels her relationship with him has been tense since the day Conqueror Mic appeared, she feels her old tendency to blame this on herself.
That day, Hinoki had been about to answer him when the alert rang out. She had been about to take on other bio engineering duties given the emergency situation, but Kamuy refused to let her leave. She can see he is agitated, and decides to listen songs will calm down. She is shocked when he enquires about her relationship with Keita. She is worried she is about to receive a confession, but he instead wants advice on his partner not messaging since returning from Jupiter, Hinoki feels given his old comrades in GGG Green’s current status he should have bigger concerns, instead he kept going on about his woes until after combat had ended, and her opinion of him changed from being a friendly colleague to one she had disdain for, yet he seemed not to notice, continuing to bother her until this ambush. She steps past him now to the elevator, when he suddenly tells out she will be alone again.
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Sara and Gajumaru are on an island and sense Algernon, the death of hope coming. Gajumaru is anxious that Sara will be lost into the Socius Road again if she continues using it for Lamia’s goals, she has pledged herself to Lamia after he saved her from that before, she refuses to fall until their time comes, he seeks to see the Time of Patria come with her.
The battle with Conqueror Mic has served as a wake-up call for GGG Blue. Despite the power of Disc F and Disc X, Mic was one of the weaker of GGG Green’s Brave Robos, but as a Conqueror Acolyte he had matched GaoGaiGo, this the simulations must be improved, new equipment refined. Stallion has awoken and is allowed to communicate with the Main Order Room after a few days. Like Gai, seeing Mamoru and Ikumi has been a shock, Gai sympathises. Akamatsu requests his father's protege tell them all he can.
Stallion recalls losing consciousness at the Orange Site, then awakening with the others somewhere in the northern hemisphere, and they all cried, not from the joy of returning to earth, but mourning for what must be be done. Yang reassures Stallion he is not responsible for his actions, but the rocker scientist explains he and Mic had been tasked with reconnaissance, having anticipated GGG Blue would have been developing counter strategies for them, this was so he Conqueror Acolytes could gauge their abilities. After the communication ends, Urchin is worried about Hyuma being and enemy, Yang fears the current Brave Robos will not be able to match GGG Green’s, Akamatsu fears Taiga will be a great opponent as his command has constantly been compared to the great man’s, Yang has moved past himself being compared to the top 10 scientists Leo, Liger and Takanohashi, he also believes the Conqueror Acolytes cannot predict the Somniums. Alarms ring out, as Z0-Similar is detected at Puna Geothermal Power Plant and Dubai Mega-Solar Power Station. Gai recalls the time the Primevals divided attention between Mexico and Egypt.
Wadatsumi and Yamatsumi launch, the Main Order Room remains at Orbit Base. Gai is headed Hawaii, with new equipment on Wadatsumi, while Yamatsumi is headed to Dubai, with only the dragons. GaoGaiGo is out of action with Ikumi hospitalised.
Alouette relays info from Nozaki and Hirata to Gai, there appears to be a single Acolyte plus weaker signals believed to be Zero Robos, she believes Hawaii a distraction, and advises Gai clean up then rush to Dubai. The Plant has already become a Zero Robo, so Gai goes ahead of Wadatsumi in PhantomGao, and Fusions into GaoFar when he spots the plant, and on hearing the plant was evacuated, call the GaoMachines, and Equips DrillGao II, bursting straight into the structure, and Alouette provides guidance to reach the target zone.
Puna Geothermal Power Plant began operation in 2009, right before the Invisible Burst, and was one of the few power plants to withstand the EM fields, though it's targeting seems less due to it's symbolic value and more down to a large amount of raw material for Zero Robos. GaoFar Drill emerges into an open cavern there are no records of, but clearly artificial. There is 50m lead colour robot, and a familiar orange one half the size, Conqueror Acolyte Goldymarg. Goldy jokes that this time he waited for Gai to turn up, rather than being the one on standby, Gai grimly noting his frequent partner is the same as always. Conqueror Goldy declares Gai is the biggest obstacle to the Acolytes goals, so they need to get rid of him first. A scuffle begins, and Gai orders Final Fusion. Alouette initiates the Program Drive, while everyone else in the Main Order Room is focused on GGG Blue already struggling in Dubai. Goldymarg is frustrated he didn't manage to deal with Gai before Final Fusion. DD Kit Number 02 is also sent, the Dividing Driver is used to open up the ceiling, recalling the experience with Isolde accelerator. Conqueror Goldy’s matter of fact statement of Gai being the biggest threat does disturb Gai, but he rejects his belief the newer Braves are no threat, then orders the use of the Tool GGG never expected to use. Akamatsu notes Alouette making preparations and wishes he could have been the one to order deployment, but Yang notes this tool is under GGG Green’s auspices. Doublemarg is launched from Wadatsumi down to the battle site, an orange Tool Robo loaded with a Simple AI like the Pliers or Gun Machines, no Super AI was able to be taught from scrap, and there was no one around to create an AI from. Conqueror Goldy is not amused. When Goldion Hammer was destroyed by Repli-GaoGaiGar in Kyoto 10 years ago, the Marg Hand was recovered, but with Goldy’s AI moved to the Goldion Crusher, Marg Hand was left behind on Orbit Base, and to back up GaoFighGar in the new battle GGG Blue restored it into Doublemarg for this battle. Conqueror Goldy realises they are not totally identical, Doublemarg having a smaller hammer in its right hand in addition to the one mounted on his back, and is confused on how GaoFighGar can possibly handle two hammers, and is also confused by two orbs mounted on each hammer. Conqueror Goldy turns into the Marg Hand and docks on the lead giant, a Zero Robo made from the underground power plant, condensed down to a size to withstand Conqueror Goldy, it is now dubbed ZR-05. Gripping the Goldion Hammer, ZR-05 is filled with the power of the Goldion Hammer as well as the power of Triple Zero, Alouette detects it can make anything around it into light in seconds, Gai decides to use the G-Double Tool, and approved the Goldion Double Hammer.
In the Yokohama Sepulchrum, the Somniums can sense two Conqueror Acolytes have appeared, and even that Evoluder Guy was in a deadly battle. Rice goads Lamia on the fact that they must eliminate the root of evil, but it is not of benefit to them for him to fall to Conqueror Acolyte. Yewya questions Lamia on his hesitation, sensing from hin first his missing Seeme, and Deus, the name of an ancient Somnium of legend who communicated to Lamia where the root of evil was. Rakan points out to Lamia that he must know of Deus’ fate, but Lamia is more concerned with the timing of the Dawn Aura coming. They decide to act, Gajumaru intends to guard Sara, but is convinced to help fight. They prepare to act, as Lamia thinks to himself nothing must obstruct the time or Patria, be it the root of evil, Conqueror Acolytes, nor a legendary Somnium.
Alouette uses the safety relieve via two key cards, and Doublemarg separates. The Marg Hand docks, then grips the Goldion Double Hammer in the middle. Conqueror Goldion Hammer unleashes a Gravity Shockwave, but it is immediately dispersed, and realises with a shock the Double Hammer has an internal Goldion Motor, reduced greatly in size from the original. Gai reveals another function, activating the Double Hammer Clacker Mode. The two spherical parts, the clackers, detach connected by a tractor beam, whirl around and repeatedly clash into eachother, annoying Conqueror Goldion Hammer, which tries another negated shockwave. Gai has been stalling, Alouette finally report the Zero Core is in the Marg Hand, finally allowing GaoFighGar to go on the offensive. Goldy is mid-goad when the Marg Hand is severed from ZR-05, as the Double Hammer has the properties of the Hammer and Motor, able to turn a single spot to light, GaoFighGar swiftly makes ZR-05 into light, and prepares to use Hammer Hell and Heaven, but Conqueror Goldy decides to System Change back into Goldymarg, declaring he has his own sin to atone for, and everyone else in GGG agrees with the Cosmic Law. Gai is painted, but continues to fight as Goldy tries to make him light able to unleash the power thanks to Triple Zero via tackle, successfully destroying the simple AI block of Doublemarg. For a moment Gai believes all he can hope for is to take Conqueror Goldy out in a suicide attack, when Sara’s scream rings out the Limpid Channel, Hiiragi emerges from a portal, and becomes Betterman Pondus, and somehow resists Goldy, due to his own gravity manipulation.
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4 (Cont)
Gravity Control, which challenges Grand Unified Theory, was successfully performed in 2005, when Dr Hirata Akiko successfully completed her work on the Higgs boson, which Shishioh Liger was then able to apply that to a gravity control mechanism keeping Orbit Base in place. The inverse, anti-gravity, still only exists in theory, but Betterman Pondus is using it as a biological function. Conqueror Taiga could not have foreseen this. Gai acts, dropping the Double Hammer to use Goldion Magnum, which strikes and grabs ahold of the head of Conqueror Goldymarg, and with a massive effort, rips out the AI Block. Goldy’s body fall, Betterman Pondus, at his limit, escapes to the sky. After the Marg Hand returns, still holding the AI block, Gai again plans to use Hammer Hell and Heaven, only to be wanted by Alouette that Conqueror Goldy is self-destructing, it seems the Zero Core has overloaded the GS-Ride. Gai refuses to leave them, even though he knows they have taken this route knowing that, there's no time to switch out Marg Hand to uses Hell and Heaven, and shielding them with GaoFighGar would be a last resort. Another Socius Gate opens, and Betterman Ahriman emerges, breaking into Conqueror Goldy’s torso, and extract the Zero Core right before detonation, GaiFighGar manages to shield Goldy’s AI block and head, and the Zero Core when Ahriman throws it to him. Rice teases, Gai questions Betterman helping him, but gets no clear answer, wondering if Lamia alone sees him as an enemy. Alouette reminds him he has 2 minutes before the Dividing Field collapses.
Yamatsumi heads towards Dubai’s Mega-Solar Power Station, the main source of power for the Middle East since it was completed post Invisible Burst, it produces more than 800 megawatts. Shoryu, Getsuryu and Nichiryu deploy, with Mamoru out of action and Porc-Auto in maintenance, Shoryu nearly crashes into a structure that shouldn't exist, his older/younger sisters following up with him, Nichiryu performing her inherited crashlanding.
The Orbit Base determines the plant has massively increased in size, this tower at least. The situation reminds of ZX-05, the Spine Primeval. Alouette apologises to Akamatsu that ZR-05 has already been designated, making this ZR-06. Yang and Urchin set Shoryu in analysis, but suddenly a master beam attacks where Shoryu was hovering if not for his sister's warning. When that is followed by a barrage of missiles, a decent guess is made of the identities of the Conqueror Acolytes in charge of ZR-06. Shoryu dodges the missiles until his sister's can defend him. Getsuryu and Nichiryu recognise their opponent is their sisters. Standing some way away, Conqueror Koryu and Conqueror Anryu are intrigued by their sister’s maturity despite being younger, but of the four Koryu is actually the most childish, due to her development slowing during the Futsunushi Incident. Conqueror Anryu unleashes a Cherbourg Rain, the chaff interfering with communications. Shoryu impulsively flies up, near the tower, so he can contact Yamatsumi for support, but his sisters are surprised to see the sio descend through the smoke, based on Yang’s advice, thus misisng Shoryu. The sisters board so they can join him.
Shoryu finds no sign of Yamatsumi, and decides he must go back to his sisters to help. The Conqueror Acolyte sisters, knowing of GBR-05, debate if Shoryu is their older brother or younger. Koryu is again wired into a weapon of destruction in ZR-06, but of her own will to uphold cosmic law and begins focusing the plants mirrors to a single spot.
Aboard Yamatsumi, the sisters see what is happening and call for their brother to dodge, he somehow senses, but can do nothing as he is engulfed in the focused light.
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Shoryu bursts into tiny pieces, Conqueror Koryu and Conqueror Anryu apologetic as they watch from atop ZR-06, as Getsuryu and Nichiryu are launched at them via Mirror Catapult, and land atop, seeing Koryu is wired into ZR-06.
Yang sees this now the chaff has cleared, and realises that rather than using Koryu to power ZR-06, it is supplying power to her so she can snipe Orbit Base, an attack likely to destroy her as well. Zero Cores have been detected in Koryu’s left leg and Anryu’s right leg, where their driver seats would be. The order is given to extract the Zero Cores, prevent the attack, and recover the Super AIs.
So Conqueror Koryu can ready her next shot,Conqueror Anryu fights to occupy her younger sisters, who are furious over Shoryu’s loss. After damage to Anryu, Koryu decides they should finish things. The younger dragons look at eachother.
Hana reports Getsuryu and Nichiryu are at SympaRate 100%, a rare occasion, believed to be due to the rivalry the two developed due to frequent solo operations. Akamatsu orders Symmetrical Docking.
With Conqueror Koryu still wired into the tower, Conqueror TenRyuJin forms, while Getsuryu and Nichiryu form the silver and gold SeiRyuJin. The two sisters declare their intents, and battle begins, Conqueror Tenryujin immediately intercepts an attempt to grab the Zero Cores in her shoulders.
Conqueror TenRyuJin goads SeiRyuJin, and the discussion turns to their older brother, GekiRyuJin, changing the order of objectives Yang have him of his own accord, and SeiRyuJin tries to remind TenRyuJin that her primary objective should be preserving human live. This seems to at least give their sister pause, and the offensive units drill into Conqueror TenRyuJin’s shoulders, and forcibly remove the Zero Cores, the defensive units catch them. Nonetheless SeiRyuJin is bewildered her sister has allowed this to happen, and is caught off guard when Conqueror TenRyuJin then charges her and knocks her from the tower.
On Orbit Base, witnessing SeiRyuJin fall, Yang and Urchin advise Akamatsu to break the seal, he orders Trinity Docking.
Acting to preserve the Zero Cores, SeiRyuJin stores them in her shoulders. Shoryu reappears, having feigned destruction via Remote Projection Beam Unit Utsusemi, and Trinity Docking begins, forcing Shoryu’s Super AI into slave mode. GBR-05 was originally a power-up unit for ChoRyuJin, intended to serve as a Glianoid, Shoryu almost takes vehicle mode and docks on SeiRyuJin’s back, ShoSeiRyuJin is born. 10 years after the plans for the development of ShoChoRyuJin were shelved to prioritise Goldion Hammer development, the combination is finally born.
Yang had ordered Shoryu to feign destruction, as the sisters SympaRates only synced when Shoryu was in trouble.
Conqueror TenRyuJin witnesses ShoSeiRyuJin form and decides to change objectives, firing further missiles, but ShoSeiRyuJin can disrupt their homing, instead destroying some of the mirrors used for ZR-06’s weapon. Conqueror TenRyuJin disconnects from the tower.
In the Main Order Room, Yang notes the shift in priority, and what is coming.
Conqueror TenRyuJin unleashes the Dance of Light and Darkness, ShoSeiRyuJin dodges, but is bombarded by the attack reflected off countless mirror fragments, and so ShoSeiRyuJin is caught, and Conqueror TenRyuJin mourns her sister as the Socius Road appears.
Rakan, Gajumaru and Yewya witness the “dolls” struggle as they come to land on top of ZR-06. Gajumaru and Yewya consume Animus Seeds.
Betterman Turbo and Betterman Lume arriving is seen in the Main Order Room, Akamatsu boring them appearing here the same as in Hawaii, and wonders what their goal is, but intends to take advantage.
Rakan decides to grant the fools power, and uses Pectofolex Sanctum, merging Turbo and Lume into a combined Betterman, Conqueror TenRyuJin feels a visceral disgust at seeing Turbo-Lume, and ShoSeiRyuJin emerges, having again hidden herself using Utsusemi. Conqueror TenRyuJin is surrounded.
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Turbo-Lume acts first, a vacuum slice that Conqueror TenRyuJin opts to dodge, but more are sentz, even those are dodged, but it gives ShoSeiRyuJin an opening to use Broken Breaker, a counterattack is made with Cherbourg Rainstorm, Turbo-Lume blocks by creating a vacuum, and ShoSeiRyuJin uses Protect Protector to stop them. Disappointed by the opposition, Conqueror TenRyuJin opts to return to preparing to strike Orbit Base.
In the Main Order Room, the confirmation of what they suspected, that Taiga Kotaro is commanding the Conqueror Acolytes, is still disappointing, but everyone is still determined to get their real selves back. Tsuguo contacts Main Order Room and reports Kakuseijin GaiGou is ready to Dive, so Mamoru leaves for the hanger. Yamajii is confused by this, not paying attention during the briefing on the topic as he was in sickbay, but Hinoki is annoyed Kamuy, who was in the briefing, didn't pass the message on. Yamajii is surprised to see Hinoki in her Dive Suit on screen. For her part, the 27 year-old keeps her composure, but is privately surprised she used to wear the scant clothing without embarrassment as a teenager, only managing to force herself to wear it now because she knows it's functions. Mamoru is being placed in GaiGou’s Womb Head as per normal, and Hinoki in the Cereb Head as substitute Head Diver for Ikumi, as the only other Dual Kind active in GGG Blue, this is a role she has been prepared for regularly. Mamoru arrives in his own Dive Suit, Hinoki hasn't seen him wear it in person since he was a child, and finds herself flustered seeing his physique, trying desperately not to compare him with Keita now. Mamoru goes over their briefing, Hinoki confirms she is okay in Cereb Head, especially since Womb Head is calibrated for Mamoru's abilities. Before they can Dive to backup ShoSeiRyuJin, a sudden emergency situation is declared on Orbit Base.
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In Dubai, Conqueror TenRyuJin is overpowering both ShoSeiRyuJin and Turbo-Lume, when Rakan suggests he could assist Gajumaru is surprised Yewya refuses, as she wants to keep on eye on him so he does not become Lamia’s enemy. ShoSeiRyuJin is faring worse, and knows she cannot draw the battle out, and charges on Conqueror TenRyuJin, who targets her, but is distracted by a compressed oxygen explosion from Turbo. ShoSeiRyuJin has rationalised that they are united with Betterman in not wanting them to succeed. Turbo-Lume’s continues attacks warps ZR-06’s structure, causing Conqueror TenRyuJin to fall, and so focus on Betterman, unleashing a Primrose Full Moon, but Lume is able to use a similar technique, and form a shield, able to use the energy from the attack to keep it up ad infinitum, as Conqueror TenRyuJin can thanks to Triple Zero. However, this struggle causes Conqueror TenRyuJin to ignore ShoSeiRyuJin, who forms her two sets of units into a double halo around her, her sister notices her too late, and she unleashes a Sonnenfinsternis. Conqueror TenRyuJin switches focus, leaving her open to Turbo-Lume, using vacuum blades to target the joints, but they're stopped by Double Lime à Ongles. ShoSeiRyuJin is now targeting Conqueror TenRyuJin’s knees, due to her regeneration she ignores it, instead planning to wait for ShoSeiRyuJin to run out of power and then corrupt her. She is this surprised by her Magni Nagelfeile, mirroring her own energy blades, but Conqueror TenRyuJin still holds her own. Suddenly, ShoSeiRyuJin reaches into the small wounds she has opened in Conqueror TenRyuJin’s knees, where their Vehicle Robo chests are, which hold their heads, their AI blocks. With fingers around her AI blocks, Conqueror TenRyuJin uses her last resort, having predicted this was ShoSeiRyuJin’s goal, the Dance of Light and Darkness spreads everywhere, accepting mutual destruction. Instead, the beams are reflected in different ways to how Conqueror TenRyuJin predicted, thanks to Turbo-Lume's interference. She instead opts to attack point blank, but ShoSeiRyuJin uses Küssen Eklipse, the two halos form one and crush the missile trailer and maser arm, then reaches in and forces both AI blocks out. Conqueror TenRyuJin seems about to explode. Rakan suddenly lands and decides to test Pectofolex Clarus, a cooling light that seems to dissipate the Triple Zero corruption, preventing the explosion. Gajumaru is briefly incensed he didn't do this before but it is a new technique. ShoSeiRyuJin reports the recovery of the AI Blocks and Zero Cores to Orbit Base, but realises their is no response.
Sakura speaks of a grudge.
Keita has taken a half day, and sends a message to Hinoki asking when they can meet so he can tell her something important, but it refuses to deliver.
Hinoki is moving in darkness and zero gravity, her only light the PsiWatch on her thigh. She finds the 26th floor M block, Mamoru uses his abilities to punch through the wall here so they can proceed. After the sudden failure of systems 15 minutes ago, the two agreed to come here together, after determining it seemed the GS-Ride had failed, backup power had kicked in yet communication hadn't been restored, meaning this is deliberate sabotage. And so they have come to the Intelligence Division Command Room. After Evoluder Guy was able to counter hack UN control of Orbit Base 10 years ago, the decision was made to make Orbit Base’s core systems a closed network, so the attacker must be in Orbit Base.
Sakura begs not to go, as blood will pour.
In the Main Order Room, Yang has concluded an agent of the Conqueror Acolytes is aboard Orbit Base, Akamatsu doesn't want to consider it, Urchin makes an aside comment Yang ignores, unsure if it is a joke or serious, and reminds that Orbit Base has a Protect Shade, which could have blocked Conqueror TenRyuJin’s Maser beam, and GGG Green all knew it had been perfected after the ZX-05 incident. At present the Main Order Room do not know ShoSeiRyuJin has already won the battle. In sickbay, Sakura calls out from the Manage Machine. Mamoru and Hinoki arrive at the Intelligence Division Command Room, and are greeted by Kamuy, Hinoki had already had her suspicions, both due to his position making it easier for him, and his recent behaviour. Both Mamoru and Hinoki beg him to explain why he is helping the Conqueror Acolytes. Kamuy denies this, but admits he he suggested the plan to them saying they would succeed if they attacked at this moment. Mamoru cannot understand, Hinoki believes it is her fault for not giving him advice, but tells him to just take it out on her, not Orbit Base. Kamuy is annoyed by her conceit, he hates GGG for leaving his brother for dead at Jupiter, Saginomiya Takashi was among those MIA after that battle, angry didn't search for him after Susanoh went down. Mamoru knows this is true, but also that recovery was impossible for those lost in space, KIA was the true status accepted by GGG. Kamuy claims he enlisted with GGG to destroy it from within, and claims this plan was suggested by his brother, as a Conqueror Acolyte. Hinoki tells Mamoru to stop listening, Kamuy’s motives do not make sense, the Primevals are responsible for Takashi’s death, and his fridge should be against the then members of Gutsy Galaxy Guard, the same Conqueror Acolytes he is cooperating with. She has already recognised the signs. Kamuy has Algernon, Watchman #26 confirming. Mamoru moves to use his power to immobilise Kamuy, but he summons Porc-Auto and the GunMachines to defend him, Porc-Auto grabbing Hinoki. Porc-Auto is aware, but has no control over his body, and Kamuy has made the Gun Machines consider Mamoru non-human, a valid target. Hinoki recalls this is the moment someone would come to save Herz unsure if she wants her saviour to be her lover, or the Somnium with her brother's DNA. Mamoru doesn't give up, using his G-Stone abilities to drain the power from the GS-Rides, apologising to Porc-Auto GunShepherd and GunHawk as they shut down. He then destroys Kamuy's control devices, states firmly he is a human, and has Hinoki start work to restore Orbit Base.
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In the aftermath, Hinoki has had Kamuy restrained in sickbay, Akamatsu notes they will need to be aware of others with Algernon. Urchin request status on Dubai and Hawaii, being informed ShoSeiRyuJin returned to Yamatsumi with the AI and Cores, which have been placed in sealed G-Liquid containers to await purification, and TenRyuJin’s body recovers in near-original condition. GaoFighGar has returned to Wadatsumi with Goldy’s AI Block and Zero Fire. Akamatsu is restless that they handled this so well, surely the Conqueror Acolytes can of more than that. Understanding Akamatsu’s instinct, Yang orders Mamoru and Hinoki back to standby at the Diving Chamber, and soon a mass outbreak of Zero Robos is detected at G-Island City.
Sakura voices death comes for Keita.
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stardrawsrmblogs · 4 years
I thought I could make a cute, edgy and dark Leorrin moodboard because I love them so much 💖💖💖💖
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ariannadi · 7 years
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A couple of Christmas cuties ❤️💚 
I’ve been working on this for the last three weeks and can’t think of anything else to do with it SO
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