wiggly-giggly · 7 months
okay. hear me out on ler!vox. since we as a sys are so damn lee for this box of bolts.
something about you and him sitting beside each other , those claws hands of his “mindlessly” tracing against your sides, maybe even your stomach as he reads something on his phone or reads over some work papers. maybe he’s not up to launching an a full on attack, and it’s merely passive. something about him raising a “questioning” eyebrow as you giggle/laugh and try to pull at his hands . or try and swat them away, asking what you find so funny as if he’s not doing anything.
he could be flat out spidering your ribs with one hand whilst drinking his coffee with the other, a mischievous grin pulling across the corners of his screen at the reactions you have toward his handiwork.
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estelle-skully · 4 months
here you go my little rats
lee!Panda yayayayayay
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who wants me to draw lee ice bear next
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Hi! Do you think you could do a Cedric X Reader where he likes to trap Reader in tickle hugs until she falls to the floor and he follows her down and wrecks her on the floor?
The boyfriend
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"you know Y/N for someone who is very bratty your awfully ticklish" Cedric said with a grin as he tickled your sides while trapping you in a bear hug from behind.
"what did I do this timehihihihih" you giggle as you lean back against him, squirming in his hold.
"nothing but you're just too adorable for your own good" he said with a grin as he spidered up your sides and blew a raspberry in your neck.
"CedricHIHIHIH" you laughed loudly as you fell to the ground to try and escape his tickling which of course didn't work because the smug bastard just followed you down and pinned your back against his chest, giving him full access to all your death spots.
"Now where should I go next" he mused as he squeezed your knees which you laughed almost hysterically at and tried to hit him "Hey! That's not very nice!".
He pulled your arms up and wiggled his fingers in your armpit.
"NO HAHAHAHAH" you cackled as you squirmed around.
"Aww~ tickle tickle tickle~" he cooed as he scribbled over your tummy.
"CedricHIHIHIH!" You scream with laughter as you trash around.
"yeah that's my name" he grinned as he continued his tickle attack.
You continue to laugh for what felt like hours before your laughter went silent and Cedric stopped, pulling you up to sit on his lap with a fond smile while wrapping his arms around you gently.
"You are the worst" you giggle as you breath heavily, leaning into your boyfriend's embrace.
"And you are the sweetest, most adorable and coolest person ever" he smiled as he booped your nose and snuggled with you for the rest of the night.
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goldenbear228 · 7 months
i made tk art of poppy playtime
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He should’ve cuddle back idk what he was expecting 🙃
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tricks-tickles · 1 year
Are You Happy?
sudden burst of inspo be like:
sorry i dropped off the face of the earth(ish) apparently im limited to three fics per fandom haha
anyway south park amirite
(also psa im bri ish so idk how american unis work so the boys r 18ish here but im p sure i didn't get anything disastrously wrong)
word count: 1459
pairing: Lee!Craig/Ler!Tweek
Tweek sat on his bed next to his boyfriend, anxiously tugging on the base of his shirt as he studied Craig’s expression. Despite being the stoic one of the two, he had a strangely tense look about him. 
“Yeah?” Craig said, fiddling with his fingers.
“Uh, are you- ACK, okay? You seem kind of n-nervous?” Tweek asked, twitching a little. 
“Oh, yeah I’m fine,” He responded, still looking at his hands, “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“GAH- uh, because of your uni-university application?!” Craig had applied to the University of Colorado’s astrophysics course and was due to hear back at some point in the coming week. Although he had the grades for the course, he wasn’t sure about his personal essay and had been internally freaking out for a while. It was Saturday now, and his nerves were at an all-time high. He guessed it was starting to show.
“No.” He said, then paused, “Yes. I’m just worried I won’t get in.” Honesty is the best policy, or whatever.
“Of course you will!” Tweek said, winking out of anxiety. “You’re the- GAHAH- smartest guy I know!
Craig hummed, digging his feet into the bed. 
“I don’t know about that…” He muttered.
“And besides! Maybe they’re just BUSY! Or running late or s-something.” He said, screwing up his face in a twitch. 
“Maybe,” Craig said, unconvinced. “You’re lucky you don’t have to worry about this.” Tweek had taken a gap year to work at his parent's shop and figure out what he wanted to do with his life. If Craig was accepted then he would follow him to Boulder, or wherever he wanted to go. Tweek was sure he’d follow Craig to the ends of the earth.
“AH- don’t mention that! It’s WAY too much pressure!”
“Right,” Craig said, “Sorry.”
Tweek twitched anxiously. He had almost no experience in comforting people and was way out of his depth. Craig probably didn’t want to talk about it, and he wasn’t sure what else to do. He gently tugged on his hair, thinking about what Craig had done for him when he was anxious. Slowly, an idea formed. 
“Craig?” He said, again.
“Um, do you want me to- ACK- cheer you up or some-something?” 
He looked at Tweek, a little bemused.
“You can try,” Craig said, curious as to what he would do.
Tweek took a careful breath in, then shuffled closer to Craig and, shivering slightly, wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Craig tensed, then sagged into his boyfriend's touch. Despite having been ‘together’ for around eight years, their relationship had only become real two years ago, and even still they were a little shy around each other. Tweek was too anxious to make the first move most of the time, and Craig had no idea how to, so they danced around each other until one of them stepped up. 
Craig had forgotten how comforting Tweek could be if he tried. When Stripe 5 had died Tweek’s hugs had been the only thing keeping him together. He sighed and shuffled closer to him, breathing in the smell of coffee. 
They stayed like that for a few minutes, until Tweek worked up the courage to enact part two of his plan. He placed his spare hand on Craig’s side and began gently tracing his fingers along his hoodie. Craig stiffened again, jumping when Tweek’s fingers twitched against him. 
“Honey, what are you dohing?” He said, stifling a giggle when Tweek’s fingers crept toward his stomach. 
“Well, you remember when- GAH- I was f-feeling anxious about nothing a few weeks ago, and you asked me if you could cheer me up? And I said yes so you started t-tickling me and you didn’t stop until you thought I was happy? And I kept- AH- saying I was happy but you were like ‘I don’t believe you, honey.’ and it t-tickled really bad? Do you remember that?” While he spoke Tweek’s other arm slipped from around Craig’s shoulders, making him squeak and slide down the bed as Tweek started pinching his side. 
“Nohoho,” Craig said, trying to bring his knees up to protect his stomach. Tweek noticed and shifted till he was sitting on Craig’s thighs to keep them down.
“No?! You don’t r-remember? It was only a few weeks ago- GAH-, you must have a pretty bad memory.”
He started scratching Craig’s stomach, making him laugh properly.
“I rehemehembeher!” He cried, his hands torn between covering his face and pushing away Tweek’s hands. He settled on tugging the flaps of his hat till it covered his eyes.
“Oh! G-good. Then you remember that- AH- you kept teasing me too? You were like ‘Does this t-tickle, babe?’ ‘How about here?’ ‘Are you having fun? You sound like you’re having fun.’. So, Craig, I want to a-ask you: are you having fun?”
“‘That’s not an answer, babe.’ That’s what you’d say.” Tweek said. He had to admit that he was sort of enjoying himself. Craig had tickled him, but he’d never worked up the courage to get him back. Now though, as he watched his boyfriend squirm and blush and laugh under his wiggling fingers, he understood exactly why Craig got him all the time. His laugh was somewhat monotone but it had a lightness to it that made Tweek feel all warm inside.
“Are you happy? Are you h-having fun? Do you- AH like this, baby?” He teased, drumming into his ribcage.
Craig was sure he was going to die. Tweek’s fingers were sending little bolts of lightning through his body, darting around so he couldn’t catch them. Worse, though, was the teasing. He was sure it wasn’t as bad when he did it to Tweek, his stomach was full of butterflies and his face was burning hot. Tweek rarely called him pet names, so he was sure he was about to combust. But the worst of it was that he was enjoying it. It was fun to have Tweek be so playful and close to him and to have all his anxiety chased away by his uncontrollable laughter. Not that he was going to say that to him though. 
“Are you- ERK- ignoring me?” Tweek said, grinning impishly. His fingers wiggled upwards, then lifted entirely.
Craig panted, pushing up his hat and catching his breath.
“Ihihi’m nohoht ihignohoring yohou.” He giggled.
“Then answer my q-questions, love,” Tweek said, still smiling as his fingers twitched in the air above Craig’s chest.
“Whahat were thehey again?”
“Do- AH- do you like this? Are you h-having fun?” 
“Uh,” Craig trailed off, pulling his hat down again, “Maybe…” He whispered. 
“What was that?”
“MahahABYEHEHE!! TWEEK!” He squealed at Tweek’s fingers suddenly wiggling into his underarms. Craig slammed his arms down and arched his back, trying to squirm away from the unbearable feeling. 
“Oops, I d-didn’t catch that.” Tweek said, using his pointer fingers to rub little circles into the divots of Craig’s underarms. 
“And you’re happy?” 
Tweek squeaked, blushed, and toppled off Craig, falling to the side of him. He shifted and turned to face him, where Craig had done the same.
“Do- GAH- do you mean that?” He said, shyly.
Craig took a few deep breaths, “Yeah,” He said.
He tried to adjust his hat but ended up taking it off and throwing it somewhere vaguely behind him. Instead, he leaned forward, kissing Tweek softly. 
He made a content noise and leaned a little deeper into Craig. At that same time, the doorbell rang and Craig’s mother called him downstairs.
The two boys looked at each other before racing down the stairs and stumbling into Craig’s kitchen, where his mother stood holding an envelope.
Craig took a deep breath in, crossing the kitchen and ripping it open. Tweek felt his heart hammer, nervous on Craig’s behalf. His eyes scanned the text before he closed the letter again and gently set it down on the counter. The tension was so thick you could have cut it with a knife. Slowly, he turned to face Tweek. 
Tweek’s heart sank. There were pinpricks of tears in Craig’s eyes and he was ready to offer the ultimate sympathy when a smile took over his face and he announced, in the driest, most monotone voice,
“I got in.” 
Everyone erupted in cheers. His mother, his father and sister (who had come to see what all the fuss was about,), and Tweek. 
They all rushed forward and Craig found himself crushed between all his favourite people. 
Tweek caught his gaze and smiled, his eyes glittering.
“I t-told you there was nothing to worry about. You’re the smartest guy I know.”
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squiggly-mctwig · 2 years
Beware of the teenage mutant ninja blanket!!
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tickletastic · 1 year
Fandom: The Bear
Ship: SydCarmy if you squint
Summary: Some food upsets Carmy's tummy and Syd just wants to help, so she rubs his tummy like Sugar used to. Day eleven of Miya and Mia’s Tickletober: pumpkin!
When Sydney brings him a piping hot bowl of thick, orange soup, gorgeously plated and smelling delicious, Carmy knows exactly what’s in it. There aren’t a whole lot of bright orange vegetables that one would use to make soup, and it couldn’t be squash, since it’s usually a lighter shade, leaning more on the yellow side than the orange one. 
It smelled and looked incredible, and with the way that Sydney’s eyes were wide and excited, there was no way he could say no to trying the soup, he had been doomed from the start. He picks up the spoon, the warmth of the soup having made the metal warm to the touch, bringing it up to his lips and blowing away some of the steam, reveling in the heat radiating off of it, warming his lips.
When he finally puts the spoon in his mouth, he has to close his eyes and savor it, leaning back in the office chair and throwing his head back. "Sydney, this,” Carmy gestures to the soup bowl with the spoon, “this is fuckin’ great, chef.”
He opens his eyes and looks up at Sydney, and she is beaming, obviously trying to hide the wide smile on her face. “Well, I-” she trails off, looking down while she scratches the back of her neck, “no notes, chef?”
“No notes,” Carmy confirms, going in for another spoonful, “just that it’s fuckin’ delicious.”
Sydney grins helplessly, letting out a satisfied huff, “thank you, chef. I hope we can discuss putting it on our fall menu.”
“Discuss?” Carmy asks, raising an eyebrow, “consider it already there.”
“Alright,” Sydney nods, her smile splitting her face, “alright, yeah. It’s there.” She does an awkward half-nod half-bow and turns around, closing the office door behind her. 
Carmy puts the bowl on his desk, believing that the temptation won’t overcome him. He’ll pour it out later, he doesn’t want to make the issue worse than he already has with the two spoonfuls. At least that’s what he tells himself, but an hour later the bowl is completely empty, Carmy having continued to tell himself that it would just be ‘one more spoon’. Half an hour after that, he’s laying flat on his back on the office floor, groaning as his stomach grumbles loudly, the soup disagreeing with him completely. 
There's a soft knock on the door nearly two hours after Sydney brought him the soup, and he barely even hears it. “Yes?” he calls out, listening carefully for a response. 
“I’m on my way out, just wanted to check on you before I left,” Sydney’s soft voice responds. Carmy barely has time to process that the handle has started to turn, that the door has slowly started to crack open.
“Car- Carmy?” Syd says when she notices Carmy on the ground, a pinched expression on his face. “You okay, dude?”
“Yes, chef, don’t worry,” Carmy responds, putting a hand up and waving Sydney off. 
“Are you sure? You don’t really look that great? Is it food poisoning? Oh my god, did I give you food poisoning?” Sydney spirals, eyebrows knitting with worry. 
“No!” Carmy interrupts, “no, chef. It’s just-” he hesitates, unsure of whether he should tell her the truth, “I’m allergic to pumpkin.”
“You’re- wait- I just- I gave you pumpkin soup, oh my god I should have told you it was pumpkin, Carmy I’m-” 
“Sydney,” Carmy says firmly, reeling her back in, “I knew, I knew it was pumpkin.”
“And you still ate it? Why would you do that?”
“You looked excited about it, chef,” Carmy explains, though he finds himself unable to hold eye contact while he says it, “I wanted to give you my opinion on it.”
“You could’ve just told me,” Sydney sighs, putting her bag down so she can sit criss-cross next to Carmy, “you have absolutely no self preservation skills.”
“I would’ve tried it at some point, Syd,” Carmy laughs, “and it was definitely worth the current situation.” 
“What kind of allergy is it?” Sydney asks, putting the back of her hand to Carmy’s forehead, “are you like, going to die or something?”
Carmy barks out a real, surprised laugh, shaking his head. “No, just gonna have a pretty bad stomachache for a few hours.”
“Is there anything I can do to help?” Sydney’s hand unconsciously starts pushing Carmy’s hair from his face, the two of them taking no notice of it. In any other scenario they would be shying away, embarrassed by the closeness, by the vulnerability, but right now, they can just be like this, on the office floor. 
“Well,” Carmy’s face notably reddens, a hand coming up in an attempt to shade it from Sydney’s eyes, “Sugar used to rub my stomach if I ended up having some pumpkin. She could never keep me away from mom’s pumpkin pie as a kid.”
Sydney’s fingers still in his hair, and she leans forward so her head is hovering over Carmy, “would you- would you feel comfortable with me doing that?”
Carmy’s ears turn red, and Sydney thinks it might be the first time she’s ever seen him flustered rather than frustrated. “Uh, yeah. I- it might help.”
“Okay,” she says, smiling down. The hand that had been in Carmy’s hair continues to brush away his curls, while her other one wanders down to his stomach, her flat hand rubbing in circles over the soft spot. “Like this?”
Carmy melts into it, his eyes fluttering shut, “uh- yeah, thank you.”
They sit like this, on the dirty office floor, for nearly half an hour, Sydney humming quietly, Carmy thinks the song might be Queen. Eventually his stomach stops hurting so much, and he feels himself pulling into sleep. 
Sydney, worried he’ll fall asleep on the grimey floor, scratches his tummy in an attempt to get his attention. Instead, his eyes open wide and his hands flail everywhere, curling up on his side with a giggle.
Sydney’s eyes go just as wide as Carmy’s getting on her knees so she can better see him. His face is red again, though there’s a grin trying to poke through his firmly clamped lips. She puts her hand out again and claws over his side and he shouts, falling back on his back so he can bat her away. 
This time, though, she doesn’t stop, tickling his tummy when she can reach it, otherwise spidering over his sides and ribs, poking in between the gaps he leaves unguarded.
“Syhyhyd! Whahat gihihives?” Carmy giggles, squirming as far as he can towards the desk. 
“What are you talking about? I’m just shaking you awake,” Sydney teases, spidering up Carmy’s arm to his neck.
“Noho!” Carmy squeals, hands doing everything but successfully grabbing Sydney’s. Sydney can’t help but laugh along, finding it so rare to see this side of Carmy. Eventually, when Carmy’s laughter has become more snorts than giggles and tears stream down his cheeks, she slows to a stop, standing up and offering him a hand. 
“C’mon,” she says, hauling Carmy up when he accepts. He’s still giggling when he stands, putting a hand on the door to steady himself.
“Thahahat- that wahas evil,” he pants, grabbing his coat and phone before following her into the kitchen. 
“I think you earned that for not just telling me you were allergic to pumpkins, chef.” 
“Whatever,” Carmy grins, shooing her away while they walk out of the back door. He stops to lock the door with his key, fishing for it in his pocket. “See you tomorrow, Syd.”
“See you tomorrow!” She says before walking to her car, unlocking the door, and hopping in. “Oh, and chef?”
“Yes, chef?” Carmy responds.
“Take some pepto bismol!”
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imageofvoid · 6 months
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Ok bom dia café da manhã tumblr (não, eu não acordei agora)
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wishitweresummer · 2 years
Alright! :D I just thought of the cutest lee!dream image that I turned into a concept
So let's say Dream had been rewatching certain football games, for what reason I have no idea because I don't watch football. Sapnap had been waiting all day for him to stop or at least get bored so he could watch a movie, he even offered to watch something they both like to watch it together. It takes him a minute or two to realize that he's refusing in order to push his buttons. When Sapnap makes a move for the remote, Dream hugs it to his chest and lays on his front, blocking it from Sapnap’s reach. After trying to reach under him or roll him enough to grab it he was almost ready to give up because even if he grabbed it Dream had a vice grip on the damn thing. That was until he heard his mischievous giggling in the couch cushion paired with his current position of sitting on his lower thighs (right above the knees) he hatched an idea. Starting with light tracing on his back while taking his time explaining all the ways he's gonna wreck his shit if he doesn't hand over the remote. If the anticipation doesn't get to him he starts doing exactly as he said but in a random order so he can't prepare for it. And when he turns to give the remote to him Sap uses the opportunity to get his tummy
Gahhh so cute~~~
Sleepy thank you thank youuuu <33333
Sap and Dream tickle stuff is always so fun cuz they have to know each other the best. Exactly what to say and do to make the other one crazy.
Dream can’t staaaand anticipation and Sap starts with the light tickles, so eventually Dream is not even sure if this is the “wrecking” or if there is more to come. The thought of not knowing has Dream so frantic. And Sapnap’s light tickling is still torture.
“Ooooh I’m gonna get my fingers in these little ribbies!!” Actually starts just fluttering his fingertips at the side of his neck. Poor Dreamie he can’t take teasing at alllll. Sapnap just fakes him out every time, and Dream only gets more gullible as the giggles and snorts take over his thinking.
Who could ever stop tickling Dream while listening to those funny wheezes though? It’s a different noise every time. A fun surprise with every squeeze and poke.
Once Dream can’t handle it anymore he twists to give up the remote. Maybe there’s no more tickling? He thinks maybe…not knowing juar drives him nuts.
Once Sapnap pries away the remote and gets Dream fully on his back he can finally get to the good stuff. Game time baby.
“Touchdown!!!” (That’s a raspberry, right on the bellybutton. Nearly a game-ender when Dream almost launchers him off the couch.) “Go team go go!!! (That’s Sap’s fingers all crawling together fast fast fast around the sensitive jumpy little tummy.)
Poor Dream all flustered from all the anticipation, light tickles, and teasing. He shrieks about Sap having the remote and he’ll watch whatever he wants!!! He’ll even watch some “dumb Valorant streaming” if he wants!!! (that one was a mistake, that one earned him another minute of wheeze-laugh inducing tummy tickling.)
Sap will eventually find it in his heart to give mercy…eventually. He goes from real evil to real sweet fast. Dream’s cute little blushy face and messed up curls?? Melts his playful aggression right away. He lets the little puppy curl up into his side and put on another game. They spend the rest of the night with soft giggles and a lot of sports commentary as Dream explains everything on the screen and Sapnap is only slightly bored, but finding entertainment with his hand slid carefully up Dreams shirt while they snuggle.
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estelle-skully · 3 months
Sweet Victory
im shaking and quaking in my boots about this one chat, im very proud of the plot 👉��
summary: Chloe and Ice Bear have tickle fights all the time. The thing is, though, Ice Bear always wins. So one day, since he feels bad, he decides to let Chloe win… even though it’s humiliating for him
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One late Sunday afternoon, Chloe and Ice bear are hanging out at her house, as usual. They had just gotten back from a trip to the mall, and now they’re figuring out what to do now that they’re home.
“Hmm… we already played charades earlier… and there’s no new movies out, to my knowledge…” Chloe muttered to herself, pacing back and forth in front of the couch where Ice Bear was sitting. She glanced at him and sat beside him. “You have any ideas?”
Ice Bear shrugged. He honestly didn’t care. Chloe sighed and rested her chin in her hands. Then she perked up. “Hey, I have an idea…”
Ice Bear tilted his head
“I’d like another tickle fight rematch. I bet you, uhh… five dollars I’ll win this time!”
Ice Bear wasn’t so sure about that, but he was down for a rematch. It was fun humbling her sometimes. He nodded.
Chloe grinned wide and launched her attack right away, aiming for his sides, but Ice Bear was quick to catch her, pulling her into his lap and using a single claw to lightly trace circles on her belly- Chloe instantly erupted into a fit of frantic giggles and kicked her legs wildly, which was no help. Ice Bear cracked a small smile at her laughter, already knowing he was gonna win this (pretty one sided) tickle fight.
“n-nohohoho! Ihi can’t lehet y-you win agahahain!” Chloe exclaimed, now trying to wiggle free. Ice bear held her a little tighter, but now he was starting to feel bad. He just wanted his friend to be happy
but god damn, if he actually allowed her to get him… it’d be so embarrassing
still, this wasn’t fair. Whole ass polar bear vs. little girl.
Her reaction better be worth it.
Hesitantly, Ice Bear loosened his grip (without stopping tickling, though- he was still gonna put up a bit of a fight) until Chloe was able to freely move around. As soon as she realized this, she shoved Ice Bear’s paw away and flipped over so that she was facing him. She poked and prodded at his tummy and sides, beaming. Caught off guard, Ice Bear failed to stifle a surprised yelp. He had forgotten how ticklish he was. Chloe instantly caught on and aggressively scribbled her fingers across his belly, and this time he tried not to laugh, flopping over so that he was lying on his back across the couch with Chloe perched on top of him- the sudden movement had caused her to momentarily pause her attack, but she continued when she caught her balance.
“I had no idea you were this ticklish!” She exclaimed, “I always knew Panda and Grizz were, but you never really gave any ticklish guy vibes, you know? But I guess I was wrong! The world is full of surprises!” Ice Bear was crashing out at this point. He finally allowed himself to laugh, hesitant to try to push Chloe away because he was afraid of accidentally hurting her or something. She giggled at his laughter.
“How is your laugh so monotone? It’s kinda funny”
She maneuvered her hands down to Ice Bear’s hips and he started kicking a bit, his laughter sounding more giggly. Chloe grinned at that too. It was funny seeing him like this. She ruffled the fur on his belly, which somehow also tickled him and he snorted.
“Your fur is so soft,” Chloe said, “You should let me tickle you more often.”
Ice Bear just shook his head, having completely forgotten that this was in fact a tickle fight and that he could easily get her back if he wanted to. Chloe on the other hand hadn’t even noticed, she was having too much fun turning her usually mysterious and quiet friend into a flustered giggly mess.
“I wonder where else you’re ticklish…” She turned around and glanced at Ice Bears kicking paws. Then she turned back to face him with a mischievous grin.
Saying that Ice Bear low key feared for his life in this moment would be an understatement.
Before he could stop her she whipped around, now sitting on his knees, and simply poked one of his paw pads-
“aAH!” Ice Bear yelped. That was the loudest sound Chloe had ever heard him make. Intrigued by this, she went to fucking town, tickling his poor beans like there was no tomorrow.
“C-Chloehehehehe!!” His laughter shot up an octave and he threw his head back, completely unable to hide his reactions now. He covered his face with his hands out of pure embarrassment
to be honest, though… laughing like this didn’t entirely suck. And it was making Chloe super happy.
no more than a few seconds later, Ice Bear was practically dying. “Ahahaha- I-Ice Behear gihihives up-!”
Chloe stopped right away, leaning back and turning her head to see his now bright red face. His paws still tingled and he still couldn’t stop a few extra giggles from slipping out. Chloe lunged forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, giving him a hug. He hugged her back.
“Told you I’d win,” She said.
“Ice Bear.. uhh… let you win”
“I highly doubt that. You were hysterical! It was hilarious!”
“Don’t tell Ice Bear’s brothers”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever… now where’s my five bucks?”
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The end!! This was so fun to write omg!! Damn finishing a fanfiction is the best feeling in the world. Hope you liked it!!
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fanficsandfluff · 1 year
whenever the universe decides 'hey... you know what? i'll put a tickle scene in this media you like. as a treat.'
why the fuck
is it always the most cringe scenario with the worst characters
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goldenbear228 · 7 months
Tickle thoughts :
POV : it’s an average Tuesday (or something)
Velvette : *p^ssing off Vox bc she bored af*
Vox : *p^ssed off* if you don’t f^cking stop I’ll-
Velvette : you’ll what LCD boy? [look it up]
Vox : *tickles the f^ck out of her*
Velvette : *f^cking d^es*
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radiant-fanon-maker · 2 years
My One-Thousandth Post!!!
Malak getting attacked by the [tickle] bosses
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Mama Bear: Nothing much. Go for it, children...
Malak: Go for- WHAAHAT!!
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tickletastic · 8 months
Is this just my hc or does Sydney (from the Bear) blow the best raspberries
omg she totally does, i think she'd be such a good ler because she has that attitude that's somehow awkward/serious and funny/teasy at the exact same time. like she'd be so deadpan about everything while tickling someone, and she's absolutely a master of raspberries
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ticklerfluff · 9 months
as a ler, I have to say having a beard has helped me out a lot with tickling. I've already got two hands for wiggling over your ticklish spots and lips for blowing raspberries at the ready at any given moment, and now I have something else, too? It almost seems unfair, but it's highly effective, as I've found out.
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chemicalarospec · 4 months
sacre bleu...
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a fic i once loved deleted...
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