razzlee-meow · 2 years
something small i wrote
ehhehjkahjehehehhehe lee! hank is invading my brain and i kinda wanna write something. im going to randomly post whatever i write down below. because i can.
i have lee!deimos coming up soon, i'm writing both. at the same time. so when this is done, i'll most likely be finishing the other one. hold on tight for that one!!!! :D
deimos is "bored outta his fuckin' mind" and hank is around. unluckily for hank, deimos found out they're ticklish, and boy this information does not go overlooked.
he/they pronouns for hank. | he/him for deimos.
"Deimos―" Hank inhaled sharply, spinning on their heels to face the other man behind him who had been aimlessly wandering around the base behind him, seemingly bored out of his mind. While they never minded the members checking up and wanting to converse with him, they did mind when they did it constantly. It felt like he was breathing down his neck. He needed to say something. "Go see Sanford."
Deimos only shook his head in response. "Can't. Sanford is out on business, 'member?" Hank faintly remembered the other man yelling out in the building that he had work to attend to. It's precisely when all of this mess started happening as well. If only they had been put together on the mission, they thought. "I'm bored outta my fuckin' mind, Hank!"
"Not my problem," was Hank's reply. The masked man sat down on a chair, pulling a small radio into his lap. It had been one of the agent's radios, one that they snatched off from their dead body. He wanted to see if they could use it for their own personal gain, getting information by pretending to be an agent, but before he could even think to do that, he felt two fingers jab into his sides. His normally dull eyes widened at the shocking feeling as he almost jumped ten feet into the air.
The noise that escaped his mouth was one he had probably never heard from himself, and that alone was enough to send the stoic member into a complete breakdown. His whole face, from what Deimos could see, was completely red as he tried to process what just happened. "No way, dude, you're ticklish?" He tried to stop himself from laughing but what else are you supposed to do when you find out the world's most wanted mercenary is weak to a few tickles?!
"Deimos, don't―" Hank tried to sound threatening, but it came out in a pathetic whine. They set the radio back down, as to not break it as they tried to bolt across the room. It didn't end very well as Hank's boot had gotten caught on one of the chair legs he was sitting on. Deimos stared on in absolute amusement. "Jeez, Hank. You're makin' this kinda easy on me, huh?"
Hank grunted slightly as he felt the other man's weight on top of him. He was definitely screwed now, at the hands of someone who had no intention of letting his ticklishness pass by. "Get off, asshole," Hank muttered as he struggled underneath him, their arms desperately attempting to push him off. The other gasped in mock offense. "Hank, you're so mean! How dare you! I think you need to learn some manners." Deimos gently slid his hands up the mercenary's shirt, his hands resting on their newly discovered sensitive flesh. Hank's body tensed, and his eyes widened behind his red goggles.
"Deimos, I swear to goHOHOohd!' His fingers had only gently dug into his bare flesh, and the most surprising noise fell out of Hank's mouth. Deimos stared at him, his mouth gaping open before hysterical laughter fell out of him. It took a moment for the younger man to recover, his breathy chuckles still lingering in the air. "Hank, did you just squeal?" The other turned away, frowning underneath the cloth on his face.
"S-Shut up, and get off!" Hank stuttered, their legs kicking weakly behind them. With a playful tint in his eyes, Deimos' fingers scribbled away at the man's torso, getting every inch of flesh he could possibly find. He was doing absolutely everything he could to send the poor person into hysterics - and judging from the loud laughter now peeling from the mercenary's lips, it seemed like it was working. Hank's laugh definitely contrasted with his stoic/edgy personality, being loud and almost a little high-pitched. "D-DehehehIHIHIHMOS! FUHUHUCK! NOT THEHERE!" Deimos had found a particularly sensitive spot right down by his hips, his sadistic grin only growing wider.
"Not where? Not here?" Deimos dug his fingers into his hips again, watching the man underneath him jerk upwards, his hands desperately trying to grab at his attacker's wrists. "Man, you're just so ticklish. I wonder how you've survived like this. You know how screwed you'd be if the AAHW found out about this? Oh, but it's okay - I'm wonderful at keeping secrets. World's best." Hank's face flushed ten times more at the teasing, shaking their head desperately as they continued to laugh.
"YOHOHOHOU'RE SUCH AN AHAHAHASS!" Hank cursed out, his laughter raising an octave as Deimos continued mercilessly attacking that one spot, vibrating his fingers right into their bone. "Oh, I'm an ass, huh? Is that what I am?" He repeated that question again, his hands moving back upward towards the taller man's ribs. His hands turned into a claw shape, and when he descended on their ribs, the reaction he got was unlike any other.
Hank shrieked. And not some slight, girly shriek. It was LOUD. Enough to burst eardrums probably, but Deimos had already been through this sort of thing with Sanford (who was ... maybe equally as ticklish as Hank was) and it only slightly made him cringe. If Deimos' smirk could get wider, it probably would. "Oh? What have I found here? Is this your worst spot? Here? Or right here?" Hank was sure to kill this man unless he ended up dying of laughter. His hands traveled up and down his ribcage, attaching himself to his writhing body. No matter which way they turned, his hands continued to follow them. How was he so good at this?!
"D-DEIHIHIMOS―" Hank was almost at their limit, tears pricking at the corner of their eyes. Their laughter had turned sort of wheezy, and their fighting had ultimately stopped. He seemed to have no more energy, considering he was just lying there taking it by now. Deimos cocked an eyebrow, his nimble fingers grazing lazily over his stomach. "Are you going to apologize?" He asked in a low voice. Hank's head shot upward. "Whahaht...? Why ahaham I apohohohlogizing?!"
Deimos frowned, digging his fingers into Hank's side again, causing him to jerk forward and let out a loud squeal. "You know, for calling me an asshole! TWICE!" If only Deimos could've seen the face they shot at him, letting out a soft sigh as they rolled their eyes. "F-Fine, I'm s-sorry... just no more tickling, alright?!"
Deimos seemed content with this answer. He quickly stepped off the mercenary, grinning at all the 'damage' he had caused. Hank took off his goggles, wiping his eyes softly. "You better not tell anyone," Hank grumbled, letting out a huff as he rubbed his sides to get rid of the phantom sensation that was still there. "Fine, fine." He got back in return, his hand waving in dismissal.
"I'm back!" Sanford yelled at the front of the base, his loud gruff voice echoing through the halls.
"Ooh, San, you'll NEVER guess what I learned!"
So much for being the world's best secret keeper, huh?
(i'm re-reading this shit and idk if i like it but i'll post it anyways. i'll let other people decide if it's good or not hahah)
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pineishere64 · 1 year
What if I made a tickle fic where Deimos and Sanford use tickling just to tease 2BDamned?
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This would take place earlier in their relationship/friendship, but anyway I like to think that when Sanford is tickled he says the usual "No!" "Stop!" "Cut it out!" type of stuff, you know how it is. But here's the thing Deimos keeps taking it seriously. And every time he says something like that Deimos stops because he thinks Sanford is serious and he's worried about going too far and it's just off and on and Sanford eventually just has to be like "Just tickle me you fucking dork" and yeah...
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yallmakemyassitch · 2 years
The Merciless Mercenary and The Ticklish Technician
A never ever!
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So if anyone remembers this post, I said I would create a part two! Well I sorta lied and now I just have a bunch of incomplete panels for a comic, so sorry! Well I still like the art even though the last frame is unfinished, but I do remember how it was gonna go.
+ In the last panel, Deimos gets caught and let's out a might scream that could be heard throughout the base, alerting Doc and Sanford
+ Naturally, they think someone had breached their hideout and Doc goes to fortify all exits and entrances while Sanford follows the scream, armed and determined to assist his partner
+ But once he turns that corner, Sanford sees the questionable sight of Hank sitting on Deimos and mercilessly tickling him, digging into his the spaces of his ribs, kneading his stomach, burrowing deep into his underarms until he squawks
+ Deimos is cackling for Hank to stop but he doesn't and keeps going, not bothering with the presence of the bewildered Sanford...
The end(?)
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dokidobe · 9 months
Ler!Phobos and Ler!Deimos with the help of some wreaking demons tickle Lee!Titan
And ganymede just watches :3
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misshcrror · 1 month
hc + (📼) Our muses watch a movie/vhs tape together.
//. Depois que descobriu que Joseph era um grande medroso - o que tinha certa graça já que era filha de Deimos - a turca fez um acordo com o rapaz de que ao menos uma vez por semana iriam ver um filme de terror da preferência dela no chalé dela até ele perder o medo de filmes e coisas relacionadas ao terror midiático. Até mesmo chegou a dar alguns exemplares de livros da sua mãe, especialmente os que tinham ilustrações, para que ele pudesse ler. Claro que no começo era extremamente engraçado ver o filho de Poseidon pulando a capa jumpscare e ela acabou descobrindo que assistir filmes de terror com ele era mais divertido do que sozinha. Contudo precisou fazer um trato para que isso continuasse acontecendo: teria que ver animações com Joe em troca depois de todo o pavor que ele sofresse.
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razzlee-meow · 1 year
so i had an idea. the original idea for this fic was that "sanford pranked both hank and deimos, so he gets tickled as a revenge sort of thing" but then i got an even better prompt. so i scrapped it and made this.
happy (late) april fools everyone! this is for @yallmakemyassitch who wanted lee!sanford (what a cutie) and ler!deimos (also a cutie) so i decided to smush them together lolol and make this (hopefully) wonderful fic.
i hope it's good!!
deimos gets sulky that everyone is falling for his pranks except for sanford. then 2bdamned lets him in on a little secret, one that changes the course of events. let's just hope that sanford can pull through this one.
the whole gang is in this fic. there's some lee!deimos in the beginning with ler!2bdamned, but it's very brief. it's mostly sanford getting destroyed after a mission.
it ended up being longer than i thought it'd be. i feel like that's a running theme with mc fics.
there is implications of deimos having a crush on sanford bc eheheheheh *gay* its also not proofread. idrc. LOL. im going to bed.
they/them for 2bdamned || he/him for deimos and sanford || he/they for hank.
“Another one, Doc,” Deimos whined, lowering his head onto the wood of the bar they had in their lounge. Today was April Fools - and of course, as the biggest jokester in the group, Deimos just had to do something to each of the organization's members. They were mainly harmless pranks that he’d pull every year that managed to surprise them every year. Some of them included replacing the salt in the sugar container (he had gotten 2BDamned with that earlier, and boy was it priceless), putting paper signs on the backs of his friends, and even going as far as the change the shower head and add washable hair dye into it. Harmless little things like that really spiced up the holiday, but there was one person that he wasn’t able to prank. 
No matter what he had done, nothing seemed to work on him. All of the food pranks he had lined up got overlooked easily, and he seemed totally on guard the entire day. Hell, even Hank wasn’t this bad! He actually fell for the hair dye prank earlier, and let’s just say he wasn’t the happiest camper in the building after that. It wasn’t like he could stay mad at Deimos for long though, it was his day to shine, and he’d let him have that. The jumpscare pranks didn’t catch him off-guard, and if he even suspected that it was part of Deimos’ prank, he’d refuse it. 
2BDamned slid another drink over to the saddened technician, huffing slightly as they wiped down behind the bar. “Are you seriously sulking over not being able to prank Ford?” They asked, leaning their body over the edge. Deimos frowned, nodding against the wood as he slowly sipped from the glass he was given. As much as they wanted the hook-wielder to be prank-free today, it just didn’t seem fair that they all got pranked except for him. Doc let out a sigh, putting away his drinks as he patted Deimos on the head softly. 
“Listen, kid,” they started, watching the other’s head lift up slowly. “What if I told you that there was a way to prank him? Well, maybe not prank him, but I can tell you one of his weaknesses.” The way his eyes lit up was a sight to behold, and he grinned, his sharp teeth poking out. “Really?” he asked, tilting his head. He almost looked like a curious dog to them. It was almost endearing, to be honest, and even they couldn’t help but smirk underneath their mask. They dropped the cloth they were using to clean the tabletop, slowly making their way over to where he was sitting. 
“Yeah. Want me to show you how you’re going to get him?” 
The other nodded frantically. Without a warning, the Doc’s fingers grasped at the technician’s sides, squeezing with enough intensity to make the other squeal, his legs kicking upwards and almost hitting the underside of the table. A few seconds later, his mouth flew open and his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at Doc’s hands, watching their fingers wiggle in place. “Wahait, you’re tellin’ me…” 
“... that Sanford is ticklish? Yes, that’s exactly what I’m telling you.” They finished his sentence, shrugging like it was everyday information they knew. Well, in all fairness, they were their primary doctor and nothing got past them. Especially how ticklish they knew all three of them were, that was for damn sure. Deimos’ mouth was still open, the cogs in his brain turning as he processed this information. Sanford? Ticklish? 
He hadn’t even considered the possibility of it. Sanford was just the person to not be fazed by anything, being one of the ‘toughest motherfuckers around’, as the technician had said once. Suddenly, the door burst open to the base, and no one else but the man himself walked through, carrying around a heavy bag full of weapons. “I’m back from the mission,” Sanford yelled out, groaning as he carried the bag to the side of the couch. The timing was absolutely impeccable, and the tech stared up at the doctor. Doc tilted their head forward as if telling Deimos “now’s your chance” without actually speaking to him. 
Deimos hesitated for a moment, clearly still thinking about it. He shook his head. What was he doing?! This was his chance to finally get Sanford, and he was not letting this pass by! He lifted himself off the bar stool, tiptoeing over to the couch where the hook-wielder had sat down, staring down at the bag of weapons he had to sort out later. A few more steps and he’d be close enough to grab him… just a little closer. … one more step.
Without warning, Deimos tackled the other to the couch, essentially pinning him down underneath him. “What are you-! Agh-.” He groaned as he felt the weight of the technician on his waist. Normally, Sanford would be able to turn the tables easily in rough-housing sessions like this, but since he had just gotten back from a mission that required him to be a bit more active than usual, all of that energy had completely drained from him. 
“Well, I may or may not have heard someone say a little something about how I can ‘prank’ you this April Fools, so, of course, I’m going to take the chance I’ve got! Let's see," Deimos muttered, grinning basically from ear to ear as he picked out a spot to attack first. Eventually, his hands landed by his sides, just as Doc had done to him, and he squeezed.
The shriek that rang through the building did not disappoint.
Sanford threw his head back against the couch's armrest, suddenly unable to fight back at all against the ticklish sensations running up his sides. "aAHAHhhAHAHhAH- D-dEIHIMOS!" His voice cracked slightly as the other grabbed his wrists weakly, but that only really edged the other on, his little grin suddenly turning to a playfully sinister smirk. His fingers dug deeper into his flesh, and suddenly, he wished he hadn't worn so little on the daily. Sanford's back arched into his fingers (un)fortunately, and Deimos being the little shit he was with this information, vibrated his fingertips against the now visible bone of his lower ribs.
"What's wrong, Ford? Do you just happen to be a bit ticklish~? Just a wittle~?"
Deimos could even hear 2BDamned snort in the back, clearly amused with the reactions they were getting from the poor, tortured man. Sanford's bubbly laughter continued to pour out almost endlessly, his legs kicking out and digging into the cushions of the couch. As if he wasn't ticklish enough, he just had to start teasing him! It completely caught him off-guard and the whole room could see his face turn into a dark shade of red.
"nAHAAHAHA- StAhAHAHAHAHP yOHOHOU DUHUHUMBAHAHASS!" Deimos almost seemed offended. Almost. Considering he couldn't wipe the stupid grin off his face, it was quite awkward to try and act like that was something that truly hurt his feelings. He adored the reactions he was getting from the one squirming underneath him, watching him try to control himself despite his nerves telling him the opposite. "Oh, so you wanna throw insults, huh? Let's not forget who's in what position, now, yeah?" The other leaned forward, whispering into the other's ear softly which only sent him into more hysterics, scrunching his neck up to protect himself. He ultimately failed. "2B! Know any good tactics?"
"Fruit," was all they responded, trying to keep their own reactions at bay. Fruit? What the hell was that supposed to mean? As his fingers continued to roam all over the larger man's torso, the lightbulb finally went off. Ohhhh. Fruit.
His fingers suddenly stopped, and Sanford was given a moment to breathe. "Do you like fruit, Sanford?" The question sounded so innocent, but the grin that followed it was so sinister that it sent shivers down his spine. He looked back and forth nervously, his lips twitching upwards in an awkward smile. "I-I guess? Buhuhut that has nothing to do with-" his eyes widened in realization as he finally figured out what that meant. "No- no. No. Deimos. DEIMOS. Don't you dare." Sanford quite literally let out the most pitiful whine he had ever heard, but the technician continued testing his limits, pursing his lips as he slowly lowered his head down to his tummy.
Deimos looked upwards, a raised eyebrow visible underneath his visor. "Don't 'what', Sanford?" Please fall for it, please fall for it, please fall for it. It was the only thing that he was begging for, and surprisingly, in a nervous mess between knowing that he was about to be tickled to tears and the teasing that Deimos hadn't stopped, he actually responded in a way that favored the technician.
"TICKLE ME-" Sanford's nose scrunched up as he realized his mistake. "WAIT, I DIDN'T MEAN IT- DEIMOS!"
"Well, if you want it so badly, who am I to judge?" Deimos, with the most shit-eating grin, lowered his head once more, his lips coming in contact with the other's toned stomach.
"Has anyone seen the weapons that Sanford picked up-" Hank, who had finally joined the party like everyone else, had gotten cut off by the sudden loud scream of Sanford. Their eyes darted toward the sight of the noise, staring at the other two messing around on the couch while the bartender laughed into their hand, clearly enjoying this a little too much. "What did you do?" He asked, his dark eyes shining through his red goggles. They calmed down long enough to respond.
"Deimos wanted to prank Sanford," Doc explained, their gruff, breathy laughter still ringing quietly in the area, "so I told Deimos that he was ticklish."
"YOHOHOHOU'RE SOHOHOHO DEHEHEAD, DOHOHOC!" Sanford yelled out between shrieks and squeals, pushing on Deimos' shoulders lightly to try and get him off. If there was one thing that the group could compliment him on, it was that he was damn persistent. Of course, in this situation, it didn't seem like a good thing. Especially for Sanford.
Deimos leaned back up, his own face slightly pink. "Has someone had enough tickles for today~? Or does wittle Sanford want some more~?" He stuck out his lower lip, pretending like he was pouting. The other only continued to lay there, resting his arm over his face as he regained his composure. Sanford took his circular sunglasses off, wiping the tears that had formed in the corner of his eyes.
Deimos hadn't even realized it but he was staring. Hard. How could one person even be this cute? How could it be possible? Sanford let out a shaky breath, stray giggles flowing through the room. "Whahat are you starin' at, shithead?" Sanford asked jokingly, shaking his head. Deimos jumped slightly, his face turning red. "Uh, nothing. Happy April Fools?" Deimos said nervously, removing himself from the larger one's waist.
"Oh, the day is still long, Deimos," Sanford replied.
"I still have a couple of pranks to pull myself."
It was quick to the rest of the group that the whole day was going to be filled with laughter. And honestly, that was alright.
It might've been one of the best April Fools they've had in a while.
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pineishere64 · 2 years
A sequel to "Company"
WARNING: This contains mild language and tickling. Nothing else.
Lee!Sanford and Ler!2BDamned
Sanford was sitting on the couch, looking at his phone. He was wondering what 2BDamned was doing. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around, only to see the unlicensed doctor behind. "Did I scare you?" he asked as the meat hook wielder shook his head. "Good, I thought you would be hanging out with Deimos." 2BDamned responded as he went to sit by Sanford. "He's playing World of Warcraft. Can't bother him whenever he's about to lose it." the taller man informed the medic. As he looks away, 2BDamned begins to remember the last time he was being tickled by Sanford. He then began to smirk and turned to the meat hook wielder. "Doc? Why are you looking at me like that?" Sanford questioned as 2BDamned would place his right hand on the right side. "2B?! Move your damn h-hand!" he exclaimed as the medic glided his fingers up and down on Sanford's side. "Don't you remember the last time you tickled me? This is payback." 2BDamned said as the taller man began to laugh. "DOHOHOHOC! MOVE YOUR HAND! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Sanford cried with laughter while the medic scribbled his fingers across his back and sides. "Holy shit Sanford, I didn't even know you could laugh very loudly." he told the meat hook wielder and continued. "I ONLY TICKLED YOU ONCE! AHAHAHAHAHA! STAHAHAHAHAHAP! HAHAHAHAHA!" Sanford exclaimed as the medic reached into his pocket. "Hold on, I gotta try something." 2BDamned pulled out a feather and brushed it across his neck. "BWHAHAHAHAHA! OHOHOHOH GOHOHOHOHOD! STOP! STOP!" the meat hook wielder cried as the unlicensed doctor was surprised. "Oh damn, Deimos was right." he said as he stopped brushing the feather on the neck, letting the poor Sanford to catch a breath. "Also, that's for tickling me last time." 2BDamned said as the meat hook wielder glared at him, then fell off the couch. "...Shut up…" he said as the medic turned to him. "Mind repeating that Mr. Sensitive to feathers?" 2BDamned questioned as he went to him. "I said shut up… doctor…" the meat hook wielder informed the medic as he tried to crawl away. As 2BDamned heard his word, he sighed and lowered his mask and bandages, then pulled him back by grabbing his right ankle. "You asked for it." he replied as he inhaled and blew raspberries on Sanford's stomach. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOHOHOHO! I'M SORRY DOC! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHEHEASE! PLEHEHEHEHEASE! I'M SORRY!" the meat hook wielder yelled as the unlicensed doctor scribbled his fingers across his ribs and stopped blowing raspberries. "I'll accept your apology, but for now, I must continue." 2BDamned informed Sanford and continued blowing raspberries. "NOHOHOHOHOHOHO! NOHOHOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEHERE! ANYWHERE BUT THAT!" the taller man cried. Afterwards, the medic stopped and moved his hands from Sanford's ribs. "You're unfair and mean 2B…" he said as he took his glasses off and wiped his eyes. "That's payback big guy, never try me." 2BDamned replied to him.
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RAHHH DONT KILL ME FOR TAGGING THIS AS SANMOS CUZ IT IS AND IM OK WITH THAT So uh.. i found this older doodle in my drawing files for ms paint, and a friend of mine (cough cough @ghostpostspikminstuff cough) managed to convince me to finalize it. And now everyone else gets the privilege of seeing it GHHJRHJ This drawing gets to me on a physical level, idk why this specific drawing, but i melt. im trying so hard to not chicken out and put it under the cut
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see im brave /j
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gh0styyt0astyy · 2 years
Hello! I'm a little new around here, but I really like your OC! I saw you wanted requests, so I was wondering if I could ask for Deimos and Sanford ganging up on Eremis? (If not that's fine.)
Hi hi !! Thank u for taking an interest in Eremis !! It means a whole lot to me :-3!! /gen here is Eremis getting wrecked for u <3
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IDK the context for this so! Make up ur own story
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dokidobe · 10 months
hope this doesn't annoy you, but
ler phobos Lee deimos?????
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yallmakemyassitch · 3 years
Art request.. a tickle fight between sanford and deimos
(artist's note* as of now, requests are closed! [my inbox is dumped with shit and I need to clear it])
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something cute before I go to bed
have a nice night fellas :)
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thatonerandomfan4 · 3 years
Fandom: Madness Combat
Characters: Deimos And Sanford
Lee/Ler(s): Lee!Deimos, Ler!Sanford
Summary: Just The Bros Cuddling :) Until Sanford Gets Into A Playful Mood
Requested By: @/yallmakemyassitch
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AO3 Link:
They Were Just About To Get Ready For Bed. Sanford Was Just In Sweatpants And Socks While Deimos Was Wearing A Tanktop With Shorts. They Sat On Their Shared Bed And Scooted Next To Each Other. How Did They End Up This Lucky?
Sanford: "Hey Dee?"
Deimos: "Hm?"
Sanford: "I Love Ya." *He Places A Kiss On Deimos’s Forehead, Earning A Light Giggle.*
Deimos: "I Love Ya Too, Sanny." *He Placed A Hand On Ford's Cheek, Smiling Softly.*
Sanford Laid Down And Deimos Placed His Back On His Boyfriend’s Stomach. They Looked At Each Other And Just Smiled Widely, Sharing A Kiss. Oh How Gay They Were For On Another.
Sanford Admired Deimos’s Smile, Jokes, Silly Comebacks, Teeth, Hair….Well Just Everything About Him. San Loves His Boyfriend And Would Do Anything For Him, Even If It's Something Weird. Deimos Would Do The Same Thing. And Dee Admires Everything About San, Especially The Booba.
Whenever Deimos Says It Like That, Sanford Just Chuckles. Deimos Then Makes His Boyfriend Full On Laugh By Repeating It In Some Silly Way. Dee Loves It, And He Always Finishes Off With "Sanny's Hot, But The Hottest Thing Cooking In Town Is The Booba He's Holding." That Causes Sanford To Smack Him, Trying Not To Laugh Again.
They Love Each Other So Much, And Nothing In The World Can Change It. The Only "Problem" They Have With Each Other Is Being Playful Physically. Deimos Is Very Ticklish While Sanford Is Almost As Him…...You Know How This Plays Out. 
Whenever Sanford Takes Over, Deimos Is Usually Left In A Puddle Of His Own Laughter, Having To Wait 1-2 Minutes To Finally Stop. Whenever Deimos Takes Over, Sanford Has To Pry The Small Man Off Of Him To Make Him Stop. 
As Deimos Was About To Drift Off To Sleep, He Felt Something Wiggling Right Under His Navel. He Was Afraid To Look At It, And Just Pretended To Be Asleep With His Hands Behind His Head [Bad Idea]. He Then Felt Skittering In His Armpit As Soon As He Closed His Eyes, Forcing A Straight Face As He Turned His Head To The Side.
Sanford Snorted, Watching Deimos Do His Best To Not React. Dei Was Fine Until Sanford Started Placing Kisses On His Stomach. The Smaller Man Immediately Stifled Laughter As Ford Kissed His Stomach, The Small Amount Of Facial Hair Making It Tickle Worse. Deimos Did His Best Not To Burst Out Laughing When Sanford Blew A Raspberry On His Navel.
Ford Eventually Got Bored And Sat Up, Bending Deimos’s Legs So His Knees Were At His Chest. Dee Immediately Lost It When San Placed One Finger On His Arch.
Deimos: "Ahahaha! F-Fohohord!!"
Sanford: "Pff. You Break To Me Touching Your Foot Once? But You're All Quiet When I'm Attacking Your Most Ticklish Spot?. Take, How Interesting."
Deimos: "Sh-Shuhuhut Uhuhup!!"
Sanford: "What Was That, Deimos? You Wanna Repeat That?"
San Shoved Deimos’s Legs Out Of The Way To Attack His Stomach Again, Earning Louder Laughter.
Deimos: "S-Sahahahahahan!!! Stahahhahahap Ihihihihhit!! D-Dohohohohon't!!" *He Shrieked When Sanford Started Kissing His Stomach Again, Squirming A Little Bit*
Sanford: "Don't What?"
Deimos: "T-T….Tickle Mehehe!!"
Sanford: "Well If You Insist~" *Dammit. He Was Always Smooth With This Shit.*
Sanford Inhaled And Blew A Big, Wet Raspberry On Dee’s Navel, Earning A Shriek And High Pitched Laughter. San Followed That Big Raspberry With Smaller Ones, Wiggling His Fingers In His Boyfriend’s Hip And Ribcage.
Sanford Pulled Back From His Navel, Just Wiggle His Fingers All Over The Smokers Stomach. Dee Laughed Brightly And Loudly, Kicking His Legs Softly And Smacking Sanford's Arm. A Few Minutes Went By And Sanford Finally Stopped, Letting Deimos Breathe.
San Held Onto Deimos As He Caught His Breath, Grinning Like A Little Shit. Once Deimos Was Alright Again, He Lightly Smacked Sanford's Face.
Deimos: "You Always Do That."
Sanford: "Yeah, But You Love It~"
Deimos Couldn't Deny That. The Two Men Shared A Kiss Before Drifting Off To Sleep, Holding Each Other The Entire Time.
Doodle Included:
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estrelasdetinta · 4 years
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Feliz aniversário! Com amor, morte.
Todos os nomes presentes nessa postagem são de alguns dos meus personagens originais. Qualquer semelhança com outro personagem já existente, é apenas coincidência. Obrigado pela compreensão!
O tipo de pessoa que não gosta de socializar.
Prefere ouvir música e ler algum livro em casa do que sair.
É táo sincera que as vezes precisa de um filtro para evitar problemas.
Tem poucos amigos, mas faria tudo que estivesse ao seu alcance por eles.
Sarcástica e debochada até demais.
Sempre julgando as pessoas.
Não liga muito para se vestir bem ou não, só usa o que acha confortável.
Mas sempre consegue ficar estilosa por algum motivo.
Não sabe como demonstrar que gosta das pessoas.
Constantemente cansada.
Pode parecer ser capaz de te matar, mas ela é um amor.
“Nossa, como você está péssimo! Essa é a sua cara de sempre? Desculpe, as vezes eu me esqueço que você é desprovido de beleza.”
Muito tímido, porém um amor de pessoa.
Não consegue se impor na frente das pessoas e sempre recorre aos amigos.
Se preocupa muito com sua família.
É um artista frustado.
Trabalha até demais e, muitas vezes, faz o trabalho que nem é dele.
Extremamente romântico.
Gosta de dar presentes em momentos aleatórios para as pessoas com as quais se importa.
É péssimo com palavras.
Prefere demonstrar seu carinho pelas pessoas com ações.
Sempre está com alguma parte do corpo ou da roupa suja de algo.
Muito desastrado, mas tenta o seu melhor para nem sempre quebrar algo.
“Eu não sei como essa mancha de tinta foi parar aqui, eu sequer mexi com tinta! Será que peguei algo que já estava sujo e não vi?”
O típico irmão gêmeo introvertido.
Sempre muito ciente e atento ao seu entorno.
Extremamente super protetivo quando se trata da sua família e dos seus amigos.
O tipo de pessoa a qual você pode confiar a sua vida.
As vezes, acaba agindo como se fosse seu pai.
Muito esforçado e preocupado.
Não gosta de falar muito.
É muito sério e os momentos em que ele sorri são mais raros do que deveriam.
Mas é muito solícito e simpático.
Quando criança, fazia bagunça e arrumava brigas junto com seu irmão, mas hoje é extremamente responsável.
Se preocupa muito com a sua aparência, pois gosta de estar bem apresentável.
“Você está chorando? O que foi que aconteceu? Venha aqui, pode me abraçar se for fazer você se sentir melhor.”
A amiga e-girl do grupo.
Pintou o cabelo por causa de alguma decepção amorosa e, desde então, nunca mais parou.
Seu guarda-roupa é majoritariamente composto por roupas pretas e cintos com correntes.
Ela é a definição da expressão “não julgue um livro pela capa”.
O tipo de pessoa que usa uma meia rosa com estampa de unicórnios com uma bota preta com espinhos.
Sempre está com um sorriso no rosto.
Adora socializar com as pessoas, mas, dependendo da situação, é muito tímida.
Tem uma autoestima muito elevada.
Sabe ser bem debochada, mas nunca a ponto de ser mal educada.
“Você acha que eu deveria usar esse vestido ou esse macacão? Eu sei que vou ficar linda com qualquer um, mas com qual você acha melhor?”
A definição de “a alegria da festa” em pessoa.
É muito sociável e adora conversar.
Ser o centro das atenções é a sua atividade favorita.
Conta piadas sem graça em toda e qualquer oportunidade.
Possui um gosto musical impecável e sempre escolhe as melhores músicas para tocar.
Troca as cores do seu cabelo como se estivesse trocando de roupa.
Narcisista é apelido.
Se você estiver tendo um dia ruim, ele é a pessoa certa para melhorar o seu humor.
Pode até ter bastante dinheiro, mas é muito humilde.
Bateria em alguém que tivesse sido preconceituoso com ele ou com seus amigos facilmente.
O tipo de amigo que pede os seus resumos para estudar porque “não teve tempo” de fazer os próprios.
“E se eu fizesse corações no meu cabelo? Eu sei que faz pouco tempo que eu platinei, mas eu já cansei dessa cor, quero mudar!”
A típica amiga que age como se fosse a mãe do grupo.
Sempre se preocupa muito com tudo e todos.
Faria de tudo para ver as outras pessoas sorrirem.
É muito carinhosa e amorosa com seus amigos e com sua família.
Muito educada e simpática com todos, mesmo com aqueles que acabem a tratando mal.
Tem um coração muito bom e enxerga o melhor nas pessoas.
Fala alto e de forma animada quando está conversando sobre seus interesses.
Apesar da aparência adorável, ela bateria em alguém se fizessem algo com aqueles que ama.
Ama crianças.
Usa roupas vintages.
Sua estação favorita é o outono por causa das cores.
“Eu amo esse livro! A história é tão bem escrita e... Desculpe, estou gritando, não estou? É que eu fico animada com essas coisas.”
A garotinha perfeita.
É muito sonhadora e por isso vive no mundo da lua.
Perde a atenção facilmente.
Gosta de fazer amigos, mas é muito tímida para socializar por conta própria.
É apaixonada por música.
Sempre tem algum acessório no cabelo, seja um arquinho ou uma presilha.
Se preocupa até demais com o que os outros pensam.
Ama animais e sonha em adotar um gato algum dia.
Tem medo de falar alto com as pessoas e por isso, as vezes, acaba falando um pouco baixo demais.
Muito insegura com a sua aparência.
Tem um coração muito bom, praticamente feito de ouro.
“Desculpe, você estava falando comigo? Eu não prestei atenção, estava pensando em outras coisas. Será que você poderia repetir?”
O famoso irmão gêmeo extrovertido.
Muito popular (principalmente com seus interesses românticos).
Conhece até as pessoas que você nunca viu andando pelo bairro.
Adora conversar com as pessoas e não cala a boca por um segundo que seja.
Está sempre com um sorriso no rosto.
Era uma criança bagunceira e continua sendo quando adulto também.
As vezes não percebe quando é sarcástico e debochado com as pessoas, o que tende a causá-lo alguns problemas.
Odeia quando o ignoram.
Extremamente estiloso.
Se auto intitulou o irmão mais interessante.
Gosta de fazer os outros sorrirem, principalmente com piadas ou elogios bobos.
“Quantas vidas você têm? Como assim apenas uma? Jurava que você era uma gata! Viu, agora você não está mais chorando.”
É uma pessoa muito séria.
O tipo de pessoa que é extremamente observadora que percebe os mínimos detalhes das coisas.
Fica irritada fácil, mas sempre se segura para não arrumar alguma briga.
Xinga as pessoas em outras línguas quando fica muito brava.
Muito inteligente.
Ela é a amiga que todos do grupo pedem ajuda na hora de estudar para a prova.
Sempre está se esforçando ao máximo para fazer tudo certo.
Não é muito carinhosa, mas isso não significa que ela ame menos seus amigos e sua família.
Gosta de contato físico, mas nunca vai admitir que precisa de um abraço.
Trabalha o dobro do necessário para conseguir melhores resultados.
Muito focada nos seus objetivos.
“Sabia que você tem uma pinta perto do seu olho? Eu não sei se você já reparou nisso, mas eu achei charmoso.”
A amiga a qual você pode confiar para qualquer coisa.
É ótima em guardar segredos.
Tem uma memória invejável e sempre se lembra de tudo, até dos mínimos detalhes.
Extremamente inteligente, parece até o Einstein.
Adora ajudar as pessoas.
Faria de tudo por aqueles que ama, mesmo que fosse algo contra a lei.
Mas é muito certinha e nunca faz nada de errado.
É muito estudiosa e sempre está com um livro em mãos.
Sabe responder qualquer tipo de pergunta que você fizer.
O tipo de pessoa que sabe o que vai acontecer e quando vai acontecer.
Dona dos melhores conselhos.
“Se eu fosse você, levaria um casaco. Eu sei que está fazendo sol, mas, acredite em mim, vai esfriar mais tarde.”
O típico garoto que julgam ser e-boy, mas, na verdade, ele só gosta de se vestir de preto mesmo.
Gosta só de bandas de rock e grupos musicais desconhecidos.
Mas escuta outros estilos de música por causa dos amigos, apenas finge que não gosta.
Odeia exatas.
Trata a vida como se fosse um livro de poesias.
Tem muitas habilidades artísticas.
É muito bonito, mas não acredita nas pessoas quando dizem isso a ele.
Um amigo extremamente leal e preocupado.
Age como se fosse o pai do grupo e protege todos aqueles que ama, independente da situação.
Apesar de dar medo nas pessoas por conta do seu estilo e da sua aparência séria, ele é muito gentil e amável.
É apaixonado por plantas, mas tem dificuldade de mante-las vivas por muito tempo.
“Eu sou super simpático, mas se você encostar um dedo nela e se eu ficar sabendo, comece a planejar o seu enterro.”
Mal humorada.
É fácil deixá-la irritada.
Fica triste facilmente, mas sabe esconder bem quando está mal.
Não sabe lidar muito bem com os seus sentimentos.
Sente as suas emoções de maneira intensa e isso, as vezes, acaba por causar alguns problemas.
Não sabe lidar muito bem com elogios e por isso fica corada facilmente.
Inocente até demais.
Apesar de não parecer, seu hobbie favorito é jardinagem e ela é muito boa nisso.
Sabe lidar muito bem com crianças, mas as evita ao máximo.
Não dorme direito.
Constantemente acredita que as pessoas a sua volta não gostam dela.
“Eu não sei porque eu estou me sentindo assim, eu só estou! Eu não sei lidar muito bem com sentimentos. Só me ajuda, por favor?”
Amada por tudo e por todos.
Sua presença é capaz de iluminar o ambiente em que ela está em meros segundos.
É uma pessoa muito simpática e amigável.
Mas sabe ser muito fria quando precisa.
Odeia ter que se abrir para as pessoas.
Uma ótima atriz.
Completamente apaixonada por coisas fofas.
Sempre usa uma quantidade um pouco exagerada de acessórios.
Mesmo não gostando muito de socializar, ela tem um carinho muito especial pelas pessoas.
A rainha dos animais e das plantas.
Sempre da sermões nas pessoas sobre jogar lixo no chão e não ser respeitoso com a natureza.
“Eu sei que eu já tenho presilhas de cabelo demais, mas essas são tão lindas! São frutas! Olha só que gracinha essa presilha de banana e essa de uva.”
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astronomeasy · 4 years
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🔎 Vocês sabiam que Marte possui dois satélites naturais? 😎 Isso mesmo, dois! Enquanto a terra possui apenas um (Lua), nosso vizinho vermelho possui dois, porém não são grandes. Phobos e Deimos, ambos foram descobertos no ano de 1877. Phobos tem 22km de diâmetro e Deimos apenas 12km. 🤓 . . #astronomia #astro #ciencia #brasil #pmw #curiosidade #jupiter #planeta #terra #brasil #livro #ler #conhecimento #leitura #bbb #fiqueemcasa https://www.instagram.com/p/CBTzfBglc5f/?igshid=9n9b19id174z
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apuqlq · 4 years
Só mais um número em um gráfico.
Brasil, 05 de Abril de 2020.
Olá, me chamo Deimos, ou melhor dizendo, me chamava.
Se estamos aqui, se você está lendo isso, finalmente estarei em paz e não se preocupe quanto a céu ou inferno pois eles não existem, não se culpem, vocês fizeram tudo que estava ao alcance de vocês, eu que era um caso perdido, eu já não suportava mais minha vida a tempos, todos sabemos, eu tento me matar desde 2016, de inicio vocês não sabiam, não tinham percebido e não os culpo, eu escondia bem, não queria que ninguém soubesse, de qualquer modo, agora todos sabem,  hoje eu não me matei, encerrei minha dor, egoísmo? Talvez mas vejam pelo meu lado, não seria egoísmo da parte de vocês me
querer vivo sofrendo pra evitar um possível sofrimento de vocês? Pensem nisso.
Clara, te agradeço por tudo que você me fez, pelos remédios, por toda a sua ajuda, sei que somos distantes mas eu te amo demais!
Helen, desculpe-me por toda essa distância, sei que já fomos carne e unha. é que meus últimos anos foram os meus piores anos e tenta por favor se reconciliar com o papai, vocês só terão um ao outro de agora em diante.
Luciana, você ainda é tão pequena, não vai entender isso por muito tempo, mas imagino que vá sentir minha falta, quero que você cresça normalmente, queria eu poder te proteger pra todo o sempre, mas infelizmente eu não poderei, a vida não é tão simples quanto parece, seja a garota incrível que tenho certeza
que você vai ser, te amo demais minha pequena.
Mãe e Pai, vocês que me trouxeram a vida, sinto muito por ter de acabar com ela. Infelizmente eu não consigo suportar mais, minha vida se tornou muito complicada.
Ao restante, desde que me entendo por gente eu sou um atormentado, alucinações, pensamentos negativos, sempre fui muito calado, nunca fui de muitos amigos e nem de dar abertura a ninguém tão facilmente, mas acho que o inicio do fim da minha vida chegou naquele dia, quando não respeitaram uma criança, não respeitaram o pouco de puro que tinha nela, aquela violência me destruiu por dentro, abriu meu primeiro buraco no peito.
Mas de todo modo eu quero dizer que eu perdoei a pessoa que fez isso, entendi que os problemas dele devem ser bem maiores que os meus.
Enfim, logo depois disso eu passei a sentir nojo de mim, não só pela violência que eu sofri, mas por me sentir uma abominação, eu tinha tido uma relação homoafetiva, sem meu consentimento ainda por cima, eu me sentia sujo, impuro, alguém tão sem dignidade que não mereceria nem mesmo o céu depois de morto. 
Hoje eu sei que eu não sou uma abominação, hoje eu sei que eu sou normal, é comum sofrer essas violências (infelizmente) e muito mais comum ainda ser gay, bi e etc.., independente da sexualidade ou identidade de gênero, é normal, não acho isso errado, até porque não é errado, errado é viver triste por fingir ser alguém que eu não sou, errado é seguir um Deus que me abomina, errado é mudar meu eu, por algo sem nexo.
Bom, isso tudo que passou me fez me perder de mim, minha vontade de viver se tornou inexistente.  
Com 7 anos eu já havia sido diagnosticado com depressão mas acho que não demonstrei o suficiente, pois não se atentaram antes de ser tarde demais, POR FAVOR, não se culpem, por favor, todos tem vidas próprias e ninguém é obrigado a ficar prestando atenção no outro o tempo todo.
Continuando... com isso eu comecei a comer muito, meu peso foi lá em cima e minha autoestima no chão, me sentia feio (não que ser gordo deixe alguém feio, eu só não me sentia bem assim, principalmente com os bullyings), não conseguia correr sem ter falta de ar, andava muito devagar, não saia da cama fácil, não que ultimamente eu tenha saído, mas enfim, eu não vivia. 
Mas definitivamente, o que me destruiu de vez foi sofrer preconceito, sofrer bullying, eu já me odiava por ser gay, por ser gordo, não precisava dos outros falando isso repetidas vezes.
Isso foi o ápice pra mim, passei a me cortar e me isolei, me fechei completamente, fiquei com pouquíssimos amigos, e passei a mais que nunca querer dar um fim nisso tudo.
Hoje, depois de tudo isso que passei, eu perdi minha vida, deixei de ser um dos mais inteligentes da sala e virei o repetente, não consigo mais escrever, ler, e até os poucos amigos que eu tinha, eu perdi, se tenho 3 amigos, são muitos, inclusive amo todos eles, eles foram meus pontinhos de luz no meio disso tudo, cada um deles me fez aguentar mais um pouquinho, inclusive peço desculpa por os deixar. Peço desculpa por ser um fracote, não se culpem jamais, nem amigos, nem familiares, o culpado disso tudo sempre fui eu e sempre serei, apenas eu.
- Apenas um qualquer.
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