#ler!ruin hunter
lilianlay · 2 years
Tickletober day 7 - machine
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Aether and Ruin Hunter
Right now, Aether was on the field opposite the Ruin Hunter. More recently, Albedo revealed that strange Ruin Guardians and Ruin Hunters would appear in Mondstat, who weren't aggressive, on the contrary, they were friendly. But no one can distinguish between the evil ones, so you need to be careful. This is how traveler agreed to help the alchemist and deal with this situation.
As a result, he stands with a sword in his hands and waits for any movement from the "enemy". But the hunter just stood and Aether began to slowly approach him.
- If he hasn't attacked me yet, then he is harmless. Hmm, but I still have to be careful as I still don't know what to expect from him.
The blond stopped right in front of the hunter and looked at it.
- Hey, are you working? - he pulled his left hand to the machine and it immediately grabbed him.
- Wh-what? - traveler tried to free himself, but the hunter grabbed him by the other hand and lifted him above the ground. The sword was on the grass and now Aether was defenseless. He started cursing Albedo for that and would definitely tell him everything.
- L-let me go please. - but blond noticed that the second pair of hands began to approach him and he swallowed. Traveler closed his eyes and waited for his verdict. But then he started laughing out loud.
- NohohoHOHOHoho, nohohohot thahahahahat! - Aether began to squirm and wiggle his legs in the air. He is very ticklish and got a Ruin Tickler. Albedo will definitely pay for this!
- Ohohoho pleahahahahase, lehehehet mehehehe ghohoho, I cahahahan't. I'm vehehehery ticklihihihish. - but the machine didn't listen to him and continued to tickle his open tummy. And he thinks about changing clothes again.
It was the hands of a professional, Aether hopes that one of his friends will pass by and save him. But there was no one. The hunter's fingers sped up and the blond started screaming and laughing very loudly.
- PleheheheAHAHAHAHAHASE, PLEHEHEHEHASE STOHOHOHOHOHO - he threw back his head and snorted.
And literally in a couple of minutes the fingers remained and the ruin hunter put Aether on the grass. He felt a hand on his head and being stroked. The sword user smiled.
- T-thahahanks. - he was still giggling softly. - It was fun, mahaybe it cahahan be repeated sometihihime hehe. - after that, Aether chuckled. - I'll also bring my friend, he will definitely want to play with you.
For some time the traveler sat with his new friend, and soon he went to Albedo to tell him about his research and that next time he should go with him.
My sketch for last year's tickletober^^
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ticklystuff · 1 year
Ruin Grunter Tickle Headcanons
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hewwo since mihoyo refuses to give us more chili content i’ve recently gotten into a new rare pair! the ship name is ruin grunter (ruin grader and ruin hunter) and they’re both adorable so i decided to write a few hcs for my fave bois since there’s hardly any tkl content of them uwu hope you enjoy and maybe one day i’ll be able to write a full fic when i have time!
gray (the cute nickname hunter gave grader) is the ler of the two, but he still receives plenty of tickles from hunter. his worst spots are his stomach and feet, but he’s a ticklish ler and pretty much a sensitive ler! his hands are also really ticklish and he does this cute high-pitched squeal whenever hunter gives him kissies (he joins the ticklish hands club with mika and albedo) 
hunter is the lee and loves being tickled! his worst spot is absolutely his underarms and it doesn’t help that he has multiple arms for gray to take advantage of! the pointy appendage towards the back (i’m not sure what to call that) is also super sensitive and gray loves to sneak behind hunter and lightly trace his fingers just to get hunter to jump and shriek
just because hunter is the lee, though, doesn’t mean he doesn’t get back at gray from time to time! he has multiple advantages to him, such as multiple arms and the ability to fly and he loves to use his two arms to hold gray’s arms back while using the two spikes to drill into his sides and make him squirm
hunter is one of those lees that doesn’t like to admit that he enjoys being tickled, so gray loves to tickle hunter and won’t stop till he admits it. he can already tell though when hunter is having fun because of the way his lone eye flashes happily
DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON CUDDLING BETWEEN THESE TWO they’re so uwu it makes me wanna throw up but ya gray loves to give ticklish back kisses to hunter because of his cute little robotic giggles aslekdjflk i love them
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marshiestars · 2 years
*stereotypical epic movie trailer guy voice* This holiday season, things are about to get sexy.
*vine boom sound effect* No, not like that.
In a world where fictional characters interact freely, the colourful denizens of Sexyville are preparing... to have another great Christmas.
“ok, sexies. we gotta string lights, bake stuff, and decorate our trees. let’s get busy!”
But when misfortune strikes—
“Oh no, it’s even more broken than it looks!” "But we’re in the middle of nowhere! How will Santa find us without it?”
One Sexyman— “Oh, hey, Once!”
Must embark on an epic journey— “That’s it!”
To save Christmas.
*inspirational music* “North Pole, here we come!”
Get ready for the family-friendly holiday adventure of the decade! (No, really!)
Starring Hunter Owlhouse as Thistle Whistle: “Tell me again why that candy cane was so important!”
Sans Undertale as Pinkie Pie: “nah.”
Alastor Hazbin, also as Pinkie Pie (in, like, one scene): “Can’t stop Christmas from coming!”
Mettaton as Rainbow Dash: “Why, thank you! Thank you, darlings!”
Spamton G. Spamton as Star Catcher: “Consider it [Done]!”
Cameos from even more beloved Sexypeople!
And the legendary Once-ler Lorax as Minty: “This is something I have to do. I have to go find Santa Claus to see if I can make up for what I did.”
From the infamous creator of ‘After the Sweep’ comes a heartwarming tale of friendship copied nearly shot-for-shot from an obscure kids’ film that hardly anyone remembers:
“I’ve ruined everything for everybody.”
“leave town!” “Leave Sexyville? Forever?”
“Wait, Oncie, wait!”
*obligatory smash cut to black*
‘My Little Sexy: A Very Oncie Christmas’, coming soon to a niche corner of the internet!
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fluffallamaful · 3 years
I have an idea, the main reason they all fight so hard to win in the manhunts isn't because they're competitive, it's because the loser(s) gets wrecked as a punishment for losing. If Dream wins he gets to wreck all five hunters individually for as long as he wants or until they safeword. If the hunters win Dream gets wrecked by five lers until he safewords. :D
!!!! ok i love this concept of yours i have seen your post this it’s heckin epic
coz like, it’s just gives that whole extra desperation when they’re doing the final fight right?? and like when dream kills the dragon the hunters aren’t only bummed coz of the competitiveness, theyre also whining and groaning coz they know what’s coming next
also just dream being like “right, who’s first?” and all the hunters arguing over who ruined their plans the most, like throwing blame around at each other. but also they know that dream always goes hardest on the last person, coz you know, might as well make the most of it. so no one wants to be first and no one wants to be last eee
and then of course just little dreamie when he loses, trying his hardest to find reasons for why he didn’t lose, and calling it unfair but also not being able to steady his growing smile. and them teasing him with the same confident phrases that he had taunted them with all throughout the challenge and making him all flustered and 🙌🏼
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annalyticall · 4 years
Anime Newbie in her Twenties Ranks her First 10 Anime
With the recommendations of my sister @ging-ler​ and friends, I started watching anime just over a year ago and within that time I’ve watched a total of 10 - some clocking in at almost 200 episodes and some with only 12. I told myself a while ago that once I had finished 10 anime shows I would rank them like some Anime Newbie WatchMojo list, so, here we are. Really this is just an excuse to force more of my unwarranted opinions onto unwilling followers.
I should also preface this by saying I don’t think any of the anime I watched this year was bad, and I enjoyed a lot about every show even if I ranked some low. However, the top three anime on my list are the ones I would recommend to anyone following me even if they don’t watch anime.
10. Death Note
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Despite absolutely loathing the “protagonist” since episode one, I really enjoyed the first half of Death Note! The story was intriguing with all of its wild twist and turns and I found myself immediately invested in what was going to happen next. Unfortunately, after the death of who I thought was by far the best character, the show seems to go off the rails as it introduces new characters and contrived plot devices in the second half that were frankly hard for me to care about at that point. The ending was satisfying but I forced myself to sit through a lot of painful meandering to get there.
9. Cowboy Bebop
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Cowboy Bebop was the first anime I watched as suggested to me by @mcsherrybr​. The smooth and jazzy art, atmosphere, animation, action, and music were all a lot of fun, as were the lovable ragtag group of misfits that made up the main cast. I enjoyed myself a lot while watching this western/sci-fi melding pot of a show, and I only ranked it so low because the last few episodes were a huge disappointment to my found-family-trope-loving heart.
8. Violet Evergarden
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Violet Evergarden, following the story of a child soldier learning to love, is absolutely beautiful to look at and listen to. The music in this anime is, for me, THE best music from any show on this list. This is also the only anime that made me sob several times while watching it. The collection of short episodic stories that explore the deep facets of human love and connection are incredibly resonant and will stay with me for a long time. However, the strength of the small story arcs made the rushed overarching war story and finale weaker in comparison. Similarly, the memorable characters introduced in the one-off side plots were more interesting to me than the cast of rather bland reoccurring supporting characters. While I will remember a lot of great individual moments, I can’t seem to remember a single character’s name besides Violet’s, but that might also be due to being one of the shorter entries at only 12 episodes.
7. Hunter x Hunter (2011)
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Going from one of the shortest anime on this list to the longest, Hunter x Hunter was an great and engrossing story during the entirety of its 160+ episodes. It’s colorful and playful, but can also be very dark and at times even heart-wrenching. Because it contains so many distinct arcs, there is a wide variety characters and stories to get attached to, and some, like the Chimera Ant Arc, I even cried over. But this also left me with issues regarding the pacing. The show has great action and introspective moments but will often drag with long drawn-out pauses between fights to explain simple concepts (though I understand that’s a common trope in old shonen anime in general). The world-building is rich but also caught me off guard with some strange ideas, and admittedly not all of them I liked. Some eccentric characters and concepts rubbed me the wrong way and ended up hindering my enjoyment of the show. Overall though, it was a lot of fun and I left with a few more endearing favorite characters, like Leorio and Killua.
6. Erased
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Also a 12 episode anime, Erased was amazingly impactful for how short it was. Even as I followed the unfolding murder mystery, I was also touched by the meaningful themes and kind-hearted characters I met along the way. The already-strong story is accentuated with great symbolism, art, and music. The only problem I had was with the mystery itself; I was able to tell who the true killer was within the first 4 episodes, which didn’t lend itself well to suspense and I spent the remaining episodes frustrated that the main characters couldn’t see some obvious clues.This is a minor problem, though, since the finale has less to do with mystery and more about the morals and resolution of themes that I felt was satisfying.
5. Demon Slayer
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Demon Slayer is gorgeous. The stunning art style, fluid animation, and breath-taking music are all valid reasons to watch it, but the main character Tanjiro and his unwavering devotion to find a cure for his sister-turned-demon Nezuko are the reasons to stay. Tanjiro is unbelievably gentle as he shows even the evil demons he has to slay a hard-fought kindness, and it’s those tender moments between all of the amazing action sequences that really elevate this show for me. The issues I have lie with the rest of the cast. While I love some supporting characters, like the pig-headed Inosuke and the stoic Giyuu, others have very niche personalities that can get annoying if they’re on screen for too long, which they definitely tend to be. Still, the bond between Tanjiro and Nezuko is so strong that it gets me through even those dragging scenes.
And it’s written by a woman!
4. My Hero Academia
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Hey so this might come as a shock for anyone who’s followed me for a while: My Hero Academia is not my favorite anime! I do love it a lot - it’s the only anime on this list that has inspired me to read the manga, write fic, and buy merch. There are so many lovable characters and exciting arcs in this show that there is bound to be something for everyone to enjoy, both inside and outside of canon. It’s a wonderfully paced and animated deconstruction of the superhero genre and besides its deeper themes and commentary, there’s also just a lot of endearing teenage goofin’ to be had, and the show balances the tone of these two almost-equally engaging aspects of the story fairly well.
The downside, for me, is the show’s sexualization of female characters, especially the teenagers. With the likes of pervy fellow classmate Mineta, it’s a flaw that’s hard to avoid and takes up an unfortunate amount of screen time. There are in-universe characters that protest against this behavior, and the female characters are still well-written for the most part, but that doesn’t make up for the canon material including it at all. It’s not a huge part of the show but it’s present enough that it really knocks the ranking down for me.
3. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
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Out of my top 5, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is the only one that is complete. Because of that, I can tentatively say that so far, it is the best completed story on this list. From beginning to end, the pacing was perfect - the action never dragged, the characters were never unnecessary, and the plot twists were never unearned. I found myself more invested than I thought I would ever be for the large cast of characters, and everything, including its ending, was satisfying to watch. The animation is fluid and lent itself well to the most impactful scenes, especially involving the flame alchemist Roy Mustang. It’s also written by a woman! Really, the only nitpicks I have were with tonal problems - serious moments would sometimes be ruined by too much slapstick or visual gags.
As I mentioned before, my Top 3 are shows I would recommend to anyone who’s unfamiliar with anime simply because they’re good solid stories with almost no distracting anime tropes. This is a good place to start.
2. The Promised Neverland
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The Promised Neverland is deceiving; on the surface it looks like a sweet show about a bunch of adorable kids playing together in the spacious green backyard of their quaint orphanage. Once you finish the first episode, however, you will quickly discover that there is definitely something more sinister lurking under the surface. This show is an expertly executed dark horror/thriller that always had me on the edge of my seat. The cute aesthetic never distracts from the suspense, in fact, it adds to the discomfort when the horrific visuals and expressions are contrasted against the character designs. I loved all of the characters, including the antagonist, who manages to be just as sympathetic as she is menacing. The sound design and music are also beautiful and adds so much to the rich atmosphere. I am definitely excited to see where this series will go!
1. Mob Psycho 100
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ONE, the creator of Mob Psycho 100, said the single word he used for the concept for the series was “kindness”. Kindness shines through so much of this story following the life of Mob, a super-psychic kid that just wants to fit in, and I adore every second of it. While many shonen anime stories force the child protagonist to get stronger, become more powerful, and fight in battles against hostile adults, Mob Psycho 100 says “that’s stupid. Kids shouldn’t have to be traumatized by immature power-hungry adults. The only strength that anyone should pursue is strength of character, motivated by self-love and love for others.” And it says it with the most beautiful animation I have EVER seen in a show. The simplistic character designs mean the animators can have as much creative freedom as they like with expressions and movement, and they absolutely use that freedom. Humor is a large part of this mostly-comedy anime, but it makes the serious and introspective scenes so much more important when they do happen. The shifts between these two tones never feel awkward or imbalanced.
Mob Psycho 100 has inspired me to become more experimental and joy-seeking with my art, as well as just become a better person in my own life, which I can’t say for many other anime or many other pieces of media period. Even though a Season 3 hasn’t been officially announced yet, I can still safely say Mob Psycho 100 will forever hold a special place in my heart.
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Monster Hunter assistir filme Online Grátis Português
Assistir filme - https://monster-hunter-pt.blogspot.com/
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Vou começar dizendo que sou um grande fã de caçadores de monstros. Monster hunter é dirigido por Paul W.S Anderson e estrela Milla Jovovich como o papel principal. Comparando este filme com seus filmes anteriores, fica claro que é realmente muito melhor. (O que não é uma coisa difícil de fazer, considerando o quão ruins seus filmes anteriores foram) Sim, ele ainda não consegue segurar uma cena por mais de 2 segundos e usa excessivamente a câmera instável. Mas é uma grande melhoria em relação ao filme anterior: Resident Evil: o capítulo final. (Que eu não consegui nem terminar de assistir por causa da forma como foi editado) No geral, este filme está bom, realmente não é nada de especial. Mas, como fã de Monster Hunter, eu adorei. Isso se deve à natureza dos jogos e da história, que o jogo realmente não tem. Portanto, é bastante interessante ver como ele consegue preencher a história que é esparsamente mostrada nos jogos de caçadores de monstros. O que eu amei é a quantidade de fan service que o filme teve e que eu não quero estragar. De recriar cenas de cutscenes dos jogos a ter algumas coisas bem conhecidas que estão no jogo, isso trouxe um sorriso ao meu rosto. Agora vamos discutir o elefante na sala: os militares dos EUA. Eu sinto que essa parte do filme não é nem tão ruim, e não demora muito para que eles se livrem do aspecto militar do filme e se tornem um caçador de monstros. Eu senti que o filme realmente atrapalhou qualquer desenvolvimento de qualquer personagem, o que os torna realmente descartáveis. O resto do filme tem algumas cenas de ação boas com muitos visuais excelentes. (considerando o orçamento de 60 milhões) Fiquei realmente surpreso com o visual e os locais. Eles realmente parecem reais e são de longe a melhor parte disso. Além disso, as criaturas são realmente precisas para os jogos e se movem e soam exatamente como elas! Minha maior reclamação com este filme é o clímax, ou a falta de um. O filme realmente não parece que pode se sustentar por si só e é minha maior reclamação.
Então, depois de derrotar Rathalos no filme, um Gore Magala aparece e eles começam uma grande batalha. (Que é construída como um final) Mas então o filme simplesmente termina !? Estou absolutamente perplexo por que eles fariam uma escolha como essa. O filme carece de qualquer encerramento ou ato final de sentimento. Não consigo imaginar que nenhum diretor ficaria satisfeito com um final como esse. Então, por favor, entre no filme sabendo que a luta de Rathalos é o final e defina suas expectativas quanto a isso. De qualquer forma....
Então, se você quiser apenas ver alguns designs de criaturas incríveis e algumas lutas decentes. este filme é para você!
Como um filme normal, eu classificaria isso como 4/10, mas como um fã de caçadores de monstros, eu classificaria como 7/10. É por isso que estou classificando-o como 6/10, porque para mim foi acima da média. (E uma obra-prima para os padrões de Paul WS Anderson) Obrigado por ler e Feliz Caça! Monster Hunter é um novo filme de ação e fantasia dirigido, escrito e produzido em parte por Paul W.S. Anderson, o diretor de Resident Evil e Event Horizon.
No filme, o capitão Artemis (Milla Jovovich) e sua unidade militar são transportados para outro mundo graças a uma estranha tempestade. Neste mundo, eles são atacados por monstros gigantescos e perigosos, que eles acham difícil de impedir com suas armas militares. Quando Artemis conhece o misterioso Hunter, ela descobre que todo monstro pode ser derrotado de alguma forma. Artemis decide se juntar a Hunter para derrotar os monstros e, com sorte, encontrar um caminho de volta para seu próprio mundo.
Paul W.S. Anderson fechou as adaptações para o cinema da série de videogame Resident Evil em 2016. Com este filme ele parece ter iniciado uma nova série de videogame. A maioria das adaptações de videogame acaba mal e costuma ser mais divertida para quem está familiarizado com o videogame em que o filme se baseia. Infelizmente, este também é o caso deste filme, porque falta ao filme uma história real e uma explicação clara do que exatamente aconteceu no filme. Pessoas familiarizadas com o videogame ou jogando-o provavelmente podem entender este filme um pouco melhor.
Paul W.S. Anderson montou este filme junto com o editor Doobie White de uma forma confusa, assim como fez em seu último filme Resident Evil. O filme salta de uma cena curta de ação em movimento para a próxima. Isso só torna o filme mais difícil de acompanhar e, como o filme é em 3D, pode causar dores de cabeça para algumas pessoas. Eles também usam muitos efeitos desnecessários de câmera lenta para transmitir o filme mais emocionante, mas infelizmente a câmera lenta apenas torna o filme desnecessariamente longo. Os monstros do filme parecem bons, mas você pode ver que eles foram colocados no filme com CGI, então nem todos parecem ser confiáveis.
A atuação também não é muito proeminente, porque nenhum personagem obtém uma história de fundo clara, estrutura ou desenvolvimento posterior no filme. Quando um monstro ataca o grupo e há vítimas, você não sabe exatamente quem eram. Eu fui e assisti isso sem nenhum conhecimento sobre Monster Hunter. O começo parecia muito promissor. Mas então ficou um pouco pior, por exemplo:
Monster Hunter - filme em português Monster Hunter youtube movie Monster Hunter filme completo em Português Filme em portugues Monster Hunter Filme cristão Monster Hunter gratuitamente Dublado Filme Monster Hunter em Português Monster Hunter - filme em português Monster Hunter filme completo dublado online Monster Hunter assistir filme completo dublado Monster Hunter assistir online legendado Monster Hunter assistir online dublado Monster Hunter completo dublado Monster Hunter completo online Monster Hunter Assista o filme
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election-rp · 4 years
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                                                                                               🏵𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐸𝓃𝒹🏵
ᴛᴏ ʙᴜɪʟᴅ ᴀ ɴᴇꜱᴛ ᴡᴇ ᴘᴇᴄᴋᴇᴅ ꜰᴇᴀᴛʜᴇʀꜱ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴏᴜʀ ᴄʜᴇꜱᴛꜱ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀ ʙᴏᴏᴋ ᴛᴇᴀʀɪɴɢ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ᴘᴀɢᴇ ᴡᴇ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇꜱᴇ ꜰᴇᴀᴛʜᴇʀꜱ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ɢʀᴏᴡ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴀ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪꜰᴜʟ ᴄᴀɢᴇ
Na noite do luau, inúmeras coisas haviam acontecido. Poucos minutos antes de saírem para a praia, Florence e trará no quarto de Hunter, completamente desesperada, aos prantos. Contará ao, agora irmão postiço, tudo o que havia descoberto a respeito de seu namorado, Noah era um agente secreto, mandado ali para acabar com a seleção, tudo de ruim que havia acontecido nos últimos meses era por culpa dele e da agência para a qual ele trabalhava e apesar dela ter acabado tudo entre eles, ela não podia deixar que algo ruim acontecesse a ele, afinal por mais destroçada que ela estivesse, ela não o queria morto e sabia que, somente o fato dele ter contato tudo a ela fazia com que ele tivesse assinado sua sentença de morte. Hunter prometera ajudar, somente porque Florence havia pedido. Ambos foram atrás do rapaz, que agora estava na garagem da casa pronto para partir, antes que dissesse ao Morissett como as coisas seriam dali para frente, Hunter desferiu um sono na cara do gestor de conteúdo. “Marque bem minhas palavras, eu só estou ajudando porque a Florence me pediu, o agente Maddox cuidará de tudo, você irá trabalhar para nós agora se quiser ficar vivo.” - Noah olhava de Hunter para Florence, dividido entre abraçá-la, conter o sangue que escorria de seu lábio inferior e aceitar o que Hunter estava lhe dizendo. Vários carros do FBI começavam a estacionar na frente na mansão e encher a casa de proteção. Todos estariam seguros, o agente Maddox aproximou-se, deu a volta no carro e entrou, sentando-se atrás do volante, esperando por Noah, que aproximou-se de Florence pela última vez para se despedir.
Após a partida de Noah, todos voltaram para dentro, para os últimos preparativos para a grande noite. Florence não iria comparecer, não se sentia bem, porém passou todos as informações e comandos necessários para Noel, afinal ele era muito mais competente do que ela julgará quando o conhecera. Uma hora depois, a festa começou, todos estavam bem arrumados, a decoração estava impecável, tudo estava perfeito. A festa começou e todos se divertiam. Era passível ver as amizades que todos haviam formado, amizades que seriam levadas para toda a vida, assim como era possível ver alguns casais que a seleção havia formado, talvez de formas não convencionais mas que não diminuía em nada o amor que havia ali, Noel, Maeve e os gêmeos que a oriental esperava eram provas disso. Depois do por do sol e do jantar, Hunter se levantou e convidou a todos a se juntar a ele em outra área próximo a grandes letras presas ao chão, porém, por ser noite, era quase impossível de se ler o que as letras formavam. “Gostaria de dizer que estou muito feliz com a presença de todos aqui nesta noite. Há oito meses atrás, todos nós viemos para essa ilha com um objetivo diferente, por um motivo diferente, mas hoje estamos aqui pelo mesmo motivo! Devo anunciar que me apaixonei.” - Ele fez uma pausa olhando a todos ali presente. A cada um deles. “Cada uma das selecionadas tomou um lugar especial no meu coração, mas todos sabemos que eu não posso escolher todas”. - E dito aquilo ele riu, sendo seguido pelos outros. “Eu podia ficar aqui a noite toda falando das qualidades maravilhosas de cada selecionada, alem de agradecer a cada uma por ter se inscrito, por ter me dado a oportunidade de conhecê-las, e por se certa forma mudarem minha vida. Sou completamente grato a vocês.” - Ele sorria com carinho para as moças que ali se encontravam. “Não quero me delongar mais, creio que todos aqui querem se divertir, por isso quero pedir que...” - O sorriso dele aumentou quando ele estendeu a mão chamando sua escolhida, ao mesmo tempo que levou a outra mão ao bolso da calça. “Lavínia Miller...?” - Ele a chamou e quando ela segurou em sua mão e se aproximou, ele se ajoelhou. “Você me faria o homem mais feliz da face da terra e se casaria comigo?” - Pediu enquanto os letreiros atrás dele se iluminavam, revelando as palavras atrás deles: Will you marry me?
A seleção estava encerrada, Hunter havia escolhido sua noiva, sua futura esposa e ela havia aceitado. Todos estavam felizes pelos dois, até mesmo as outras selecionada. O futuro de todos era incerto, mas eles tinham uma única certeza, que dali pra frente todos manteriam contato, seriam amigos e daqui 5 anos eles voltariam para a ilha de St John para celebrar aquela amizade e o tempo que viveram juntos como uma grande família feliz.
Antes de mais nada gostaríamos de agradecer todos os players que participaram dessa seleção, desde o começo, não importa o quanto jogaram. Foi uma ótima experiência para todos nós da central e esperamos que tem se divertido e se distraído enquanto durou, da mesma forma. Mas... infelizmente... até as coisas boas chegam a um fim e esse final que escrevemos foi com o objetivo de darmos ao menos um desfecho para alguns personagens e claro, para a seleção em si.
Entendemos que, infelizmente, todos temos problemas e empecilhos em OOC, que muitas vezes nos impedem de fazer as coisas que gostamos ou queremos fazer e o RP não é exceção, todos passamos por momentos bons e ruins, sol e chuva, dia e noite... Mas os dias passam e as coisas melhoram, mas por enquanto, é com uma certa melancolia que ficamos por aqui, pelo menos nessa história, simplesmente não temos como continuar um jogo sem jogadores, basicamente só o pessoal da moderação que anda postando e... se as coisas vão ser assim, preferimos encerrar com dignidade agora e trabalhar em outros projetos
Enfim... acho que já falamos demais, fica aqui nosso agradecimento com todo carinho a todos vocês, mas em especial quem ficou até o fim conosco, é claro. Fiquem bem, o que precisar só dar um toque, estamos com vocês! Afinal de contas, quem sabe não voltamos a nos ver na Tag logo logo?
O que nos leva a um outro assunto... Como disse, novos projetos, no caso, nova equipe também. Tivemos alguma mudança na nossa liga de moderação durante o Election e agora essa equipe do final está planejando um novo jogo, uma nova seleção, mas definitivamente diferente de todas que vieram antes... Não vamos dar spoilers, queridos, mas quando virem Aurun Selecion pingando na tag, saberão que são nós. Por favor, dêem uma olhada, se for a praia de vocês... bom... Bora plotar!
Até lá, até breve!
Aelin, Jay e Mia.
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ask-nightmare-ler · 4 years
Nightmare Ler's backstory
Mary, this was her name. She was a pretty girl, around 20 years old, long brown hair and... She was a werewolf. It wasn't her fault, a wolf bit her shoulder. Everyone in the herd had become a werewolf. None of them was born this way, neither the Alpha.
One night, Mary decided to go in a café. There she met Mark, and they fell in love.
A few months passed, Mary was at Mark's house. That night there was a full moon.
When Mark discovered that Mary was a werewolf he abandoned her, but she was pregnant.
She tried it explain everything to the herd but the Alpha just beat her.
Finally, after 9 months, he was born. There was a full moon, so the boy was born in his wolf form.
"How do you want to call your son Mary?"
"Nightmare Ler. His name will be Nightmare Ler. "
He grew up in the forest, not able to see the human world. The Alpha hated him. Everyone in the herd hated him.
"He's dangerous. His father is a human. His mother ruined the herd. " these were Alpha's words.
Night's only light was his mother. But then something happened.
Night was only 8 at that time. He was hunting with his mother until a man approached her. Night was hiding in the bushes.
"Mark! Oh my dear, you came to see your family, right?"
"No Mary. I came here to do what I had to do years ago. " he said taking out a rifle.
"Mark please. Think I our son!"
A shoot on the head. Mary was dead. She died in front of her son's eyes.
"NO! MOMMY!" Night came out of the hiding. He went near the mother's dead body crying.
"Trust me little one. You are the monster here. "
From then, he was alone. He was scared. No one wanted him.
"Alpha! Alpha! "
"What do you want?"
"There's a storm... Can I sleep with you? "
"BE A MAN!!!" He said punching him.
"S-Sorry A-Alpha...."
When he became 16, he also became the best hunter in the herd. But he was also a rebel, everything the Alpha said it was wrong Night did it. Why? Because he wanted to go out. Because he wanted to forget the herd.
At 16 Night discovered his homosexuality, so now the herd only hated him more.
At 18, he finally get out of the herd. He searched his father and found him. So... He decided to visit him at night.
"What do you want from me?!" Mark said at the wolf coming closer to him.
"Oh shit... Nightmare Ler, is that you???"
"Please Night... Don't do it... I'M YOUR FATHER! NOOOO! "
"Mommy was right. Werewolves are the best killers..."
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