#ruin hunter
lilianlay · 2 years
Tickletober day 7 - machine
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Aether and Ruin Hunter
Right now, Aether was on the field opposite the Ruin Hunter. More recently, Albedo revealed that strange Ruin Guardians and Ruin Hunters would appear in Mondstat, who weren't aggressive, on the contrary, they were friendly. But no one can distinguish between the evil ones, so you need to be careful. This is how traveler agreed to help the alchemist and deal with this situation.
As a result, he stands with a sword in his hands and waits for any movement from the "enemy". But the hunter just stood and Aether began to slowly approach him.
- If he hasn't attacked me yet, then he is harmless. Hmm, but I still have to be careful as I still don't know what to expect from him.
The blond stopped right in front of the hunter and looked at it.
- Hey, are you working? - he pulled his left hand to the machine and it immediately grabbed him.
- Wh-what? - traveler tried to free himself, but the hunter grabbed him by the other hand and lifted him above the ground. The sword was on the grass and now Aether was defenseless. He started cursing Albedo for that and would definitely tell him everything.
- L-let me go please. - but blond noticed that the second pair of hands began to approach him and he swallowed. Traveler closed his eyes and waited for his verdict. But then he started laughing out loud.
- NohohoHOHOHoho, nohohohot thahahahahat! - Aether began to squirm and wiggle his legs in the air. He is very ticklish and got a Ruin Tickler. Albedo will definitely pay for this!
- Ohohoho pleahahahahase, lehehehet mehehehe ghohoho, I cahahahan't. I'm vehehehery ticklihihihish. - but the machine didn't listen to him and continued to tickle his open tummy. And he thinks about changing clothes again.
It was the hands of a professional, Aether hopes that one of his friends will pass by and save him. But there was no one. The hunter's fingers sped up and the blond started screaming and laughing very loudly.
- PleheheheAHAHAHAHAHASE, PLEHEHEHEHASE STOHOHOHOHOHO - he threw back his head and snorted.
And literally in a couple of minutes the fingers remained and the ruin hunter put Aether on the grass. He felt a hand on his head and being stroked. The sword user smiled.
- T-thahahanks. - he was still giggling softly. - It was fun, mahaybe it cahahan be repeated sometihihime hehe. - after that, Aether chuckled. - I'll also bring my friend, he will definitely want to play with you.
For some time the traveler sat with his new friend, and soon he went to Albedo to tell him about his research and that next time he should go with him.
My sketch for last year's tickletober^^
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ticklystuff · 1 year
Ruin Grunter Tickle Headcanons
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hewwo since mihoyo refuses to give us more chili content i’ve recently gotten into a new rare pair! the ship name is ruin grunter (ruin grader and ruin hunter) and they’re both adorable so i decided to write a few hcs for my fave bois since there’s hardly any tkl content of them uwu hope you enjoy and maybe one day i’ll be able to write a full fic when i have time!
gray (the cute nickname hunter gave grader) is the ler of the two, but he still receives plenty of tickles from hunter. his worst spots are his stomach and feet, but he’s a ticklish ler and pretty much a sensitive ler! his hands are also really ticklish and he does this cute high-pitched squeal whenever hunter gives him kissies (he joins the ticklish hands club with mika and albedo) 
hunter is the lee and loves being tickled! his worst spot is absolutely his underarms and it doesn’t help that he has multiple arms for gray to take advantage of! the pointy appendage towards the back (i’m not sure what to call that) is also super sensitive and gray loves to sneak behind hunter and lightly trace his fingers just to get hunter to jump and shriek
just because hunter is the lee, though, doesn’t mean he doesn’t get back at gray from time to time! he has multiple advantages to him, such as multiple arms and the ability to fly and he loves to use his two arms to hold gray’s arms back while using the two spikes to drill into his sides and make him squirm
hunter is one of those lees that doesn’t like to admit that he enjoys being tickled, so gray loves to tickle hunter and won’t stop till he admits it. he can already tell though when hunter is having fun because of the way his lone eye flashes happily
DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON CUDDLING BETWEEN THESE TWO they’re so uwu it makes me wanna throw up but ya gray loves to give ticklish back kisses to hunter because of his cute little robotic giggles aslekdjflk i love them
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caffichai · 5 months
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Regular Abyssal Hunter downtime activities
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rileyclaw · 1 year
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let the maze of my design carry you on 🪞
happy anniversary, labyrinth runners!
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Unseen Razor dailies is really annoying me for some reason. I wish I knew what exactly it is?
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thisblogisaboutabook · 7 months
Rainy Season
Azriel x Reader
An angsty little one shot. Azriel’s mate is tired of being at the bottom of his list of priorities.
Update: Due to popular demand, this is being made into a series!
Part 2
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The air’s getting heavy and we both know why
There was a time when an evening like this brought solace to my weary soul.
Azriel’s hand wrapped around my waist, caressing my stomach, pressing soft kisses to the juncture of my neck and shoulder. His hair tickling against my sensitive skin as we hid under blankets absorbing the incessant melody of drip, drop, drip, drop and the echoing pitter patter of rain drops hitting the roof. His warmth seeping right through to the coldest depths of my soul.
I’d turn around, pressing my bare breasts against his muscled chest. Our breath hitching as his sunburst eyes of brown, amber, and gold bore into mine, his soft lips whispering promises of forever.
Say that this storm is just passing through
But Azriel wasn’t here. He hadn’t been for 6 days, 23 hours, and 50 minutes now. It would have been laughable, comparing the past to now, if it weren’t so damned sad. In the beginning there’d been long, doting love notes with risqué quips regarding his intentions upon coming home, little gifts that he couldn’t resist bringing back from his travels, and the stolen hours where he’d sneak in a visit during the intermittent downtime on his missions. As a realist, I knew that it was not sustainable long-term but relished in it as the gift it was. Newly formed, passionate love that exceeded anything I had ever imagined upon finding my cauldron-blessed mate.
As the years went on I understood when the love notes became briefs and the thoughtful gifts became pecks on the cheek as he hurried through the door to exchange his leathers for clean ones, wipe down his weapons, and rest before his next mission. But time went on, as is inevitable, and distant were the memories of stolen moments away from missions, the desperate caress of his hands roaming my body as if he couldn’t quite believe I was fully corporeal before him - needing to touch me to reassure him that this was real. Now the touches were detached, perfunctory, another task on his never-ending to-do list.
Drop after drop we’re destroying this house and eachother.
The boiling point had been simmering for a while, left on the fire with reassurances of “Things are just busy right now”, “It’ll slow down soon”, “I would stay if I could, love. You know I would. I have no choice.”
But we both knew all too well that there was always a choice. There were times when Rhys let it slip that Azriel had volunteered for missions that his other spies were perfectly suited for, times when all I wanted in the world was to be curled up and listening to the rain with my mate.
Missions became tasks with the Valkyries, “chaperoning” Cassian and Nesta, and emotionally supporting the lovely doe-eyed fawn - Elain - who was the delicate cherry blossom of spring opposite of my wild summertime storm.
It wasn’t her fault. The trauma inflicted upon her, the loss of autonomy that came with being thrown into the cauldron and having her mortality stripped away without her say. The powers she never asked for overwhelming her senses. Hell, maybe it wasn’t Azriel’s fault for responding to the traumas of his past and the need to overcompensate for every ounce of blood he’s drawn by saving anything and everything that needed rescuing.
The problem lay with the fact that where Elain is a “seer”, my ability to “sense” when things are amiss was strong and Azriel’s intentions with her were becoming blurred. Feelings of lust had become more frequent down the bond along with flutters of joy and adoration. When it began I thought maybe things would look up in our relationship - he was missing me, fisting his cock to fantasies of taking me over and over when he returned home - but he only became more distant. He’d return more often than not smelling of jasmine and honey. The strength of the scent coating him correlating with the increase in enamored feelings slipping through the bond.
Six days ago when I’d asked him to skip out on training with Cassian and Nesta and whatever it was he and Elain would do - that was when the thunder clapped and the sky opened. “I can’t just stay home and cater to you all the time. I have duties to this court. Why can’t you find a hobby to occupy your time? Nesta reads and trains with the Valkyries, Feyre paints, Elain gardens and she evens bakes! Why can’t you be more like-“
He caught himself too late, immediately reaching out to place a gentle hand on my shoulder and apologize but it was too late for that.
Please, make it stop
It wasn’t that I wasn’t a forgiving or understanding person. i appreciated his dedication to his court and family and those in need but…
“Why can’t I be more like what? You can stop mid-sentence but you already said it all.” I looked down, shaking my head as silver lined my eyes. Gods, I hate that I’m an angry crier. “You want to know why I can’t be more like Elain in your eyes, Azriel? Because I exist in your fucking blind spot! I have been helping Feyre AT the studio, volunteering at a food pantry in Velaris, and teaching self-defense classes to women and children at the park but you wouldn’t know because you never ask me what I’ve been up to while you’re gone.”
He started to speak but I wasn’t finished. “The reason I cannot be more like Elain, or Feyre, or Nesta is because I’m none of them. I am ME. And you know what? I like me. I don’t want to be anybody else.” Trying and failing miserably to hold my head high I pathetically fell to my knees, shuddering as tears of rage flowed freely.
Warmth enveloped me as Azriel knelt down to soothe my quaking form. I let him if only because I didn’t have the composure to tell him otherwise as he began pressing kisses to my forehead. “I’m so sorry. I have been a terrible mate. I love all that you are- I- I’ll stop with Elain. She’s doing much better and Nuala and Cerridwen can keep an eye on her, so can Rhys and Cassian, and her sisters. It will be okay.”
That consolation attempt only drove the blade of bitterness deeper into my heart. Elain had so many in her corner and who did I have anymore? My chronically absent mate? The family I left behind to move to Velaris with Azriel? There was nobody close by.
“I think you should leave.” I sobbed out.
Azriel ignored the shaky command, continuing to hold me. Fuck - is this what it took for him to notice me? Breaking my heart so he could stitch it back up again?
“Azriel.” I stated firmly.
He met my eyes.
“You should leave.”
His look grew puzzled. “I thought you wanted me to stay - to spend time together? Please, Y/N. Let me make this better.”
“I need space. Give me one week.”
“One. Week.”
Azriel’s shoulders slumped, head hanging low for several minutes before realizing that my decision was firm.
“I love you.” He said before heading out the door.
Like clockwork as 7 days, 0 hours, and 1 minute were up, the front door to our home opened and Azriel’s footsteps padded in behind me, my gaze remaining fixated on the rain falling outside the window. A lump formed in my throat as I avoided turning to meet his gaze.
So dance one more dance and tell one more lie.
Azriel stepped around me, wordlessly extending a hand, patiently waiting as I avoided his gaze a moment longer before taking it. His shadows began humming faintly, increasing their melody and reaching a crescendo as Azriel began dancing with me through the room.
Say that you love me even if it’s not true
I let myself melt into the warmth of his chest. The thick air remained heavy upon my soul but I could have this. I could let myself enjoy this moment.
We wordlessly danced through the room in the soft glow of the fae lights.
We made our way through the hall into our shared bed that had become so neglected.
“I love you, Y/N.” he murmured as he laid me down, stripped bare underneath him.
“I love you too, Azriel.”
Wish I could just say it and words were enough to keep you from being the one giving up.
The middle of the night left me restless as he lay soundly asleep beside me. My senses tugged me toward his bag that he’d discarded at the entryway. I brought out his dirty clothes from the week only to be greeted with the fresh scent of jasmine and honey.
Like the sky letting go for no reason
I packed my essentials and voyaged out into the pouring rain. Its patter on my skin washing away the salty tears streaming down my face. Following my senses to where the love was true back to my Summer Court home, my family. As free as a summer storm.
It's just the rainy season.
A/n - I know there are plenty of Azriel x Reader and Elain fics out there. It was rainy and dreary here yesterday and this song was in my head for the first time in like 10 years so…. I wrote this.
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wingedcatp · 2 years
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Commission for Luca Check out my carrd co to find me on other sites Commissions currently opened!
Posted using PostyBirb
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madcat-world · 4 months
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Dino Crisis Remake fanart: part 2 (3 of 3) - Alexander Forssberg
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Hey sorry we put your non-stereotypical black male character in fandom and they turned him into either an oversexualized caricature of hood niggas or a demure meek black boyloser.Yeah they totally stripped him of his depth and agency and even afrocentric features and call it their artstyle.They also say they do it for feminism but only stan white girl characters and bash black girl characters to uplift them and use the black boy ones as their voices for it.No no they say gross stuff about transfems and think lesbian is an insult too and speak over black women who side with black men over them and treat black men who aren't snowbunny chasers as misogynists because they see white cis girlhood as the only minority.And they even think reverse racism is real but not actual racism.Yeah i'm so sorry bestie,it's so sad
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spockvarietyhour · 7 months
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2029 In Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
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otiksimr · 3 months
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Kind of just general rendering/shading practice.
Legendary pokemon are legendary yes but before all of that they're animals living and breathing like the rest of us. All of the stories talking up these beasts make people forget that they're still mortal creatures.
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photogenicfirecracker · 7 months
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My mhs2 nargacuga, blacksoot!! She's the absolute mvp with that stealth honestly
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rolling-harbinger · 2 years
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Hunter probably was the only one in the group who was actually really happy being in the human realm, since he didn’t have any family to come back to on the boiling isles, unlike them.
But by the end of it all when they finally do get to come back home, earth is ruined for him, and now all of those happy memories in the human realm are going to be overshadowed from the death of flapjack and what happened with Belos. He doesn’t even look back when he enters the portal, the human realm is just going to be a sad memory now.
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hirayaea · 4 months
Jeremiah: Xavier, please, you just need to wear this costume and wave to the crowd!
Xavier: No.
Jeremiah: It’s for charity! Do your duty as Prince of Philos, why don’t you?!
Xavier: I said no.
MC: Oh, Xavier, I finally found you! Here’s our matching masks for the charity event later!
Xavier: Matching… masks?
MC: Yeah, didn’t Jeremiah say? We’re going to have a play sword fight to amuse the kids! You and I will be the Moonshade Duo! Pretty cool, right?
Xavier: …Yeah.
MC: Get dressed soon, okay? Anyway, see you later!
Xavier: …
Jeremiah: *sighs* I guess I’ll ask someone else, huh—
Xavier: Quiet. And give me that.
Xavier: Why did you even decide to pack my Moonshade Duo outfit?
Jeremiah: You never know what world we’ll arrive in, what disguise you’ll need!
Xavier: But… it’s pointless without the pair outfit.
Jeremiah: Stop sulking, Captain! I made these, so I can make her another one once the time comes!
Jeremiah, after seeing Lumiere land in front of him during the day of the incident: You— I thought you didn’t like— you actually wore it on your own?!
Xavier, brandishing his sword: Not. A. Word.
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we have a full collection!
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tapolc · 1 month
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