#ler!sebastian stan
valiantphantomangel · 3 months
Fic idea for you: You get stuck in an elevator with Chris Evans & Sebastian Stan. After talking for a while one of them accidentally finds out you’re horribly ticklish. Reader is a teenage girl.
BTW I LOVE your fics, they’re so good
A/n: so sorry that this took so long but here it is!! I'm working through every request that was send in so more fics to come in the next weeks!! Not proofread
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Bad luck
How in the name of all that's holy did you have the worst luck in the entire solar system, you do not know but there is one thing that you did know.
It sucks.
First your favorite mug handle just broke off when you wanted your morning drink.
That put you in a sour mood but clearly the gods were not done testing your patience yet, you managed to forget your lines not once, not twice, but three times in a row.
And now you were stuck in a God Damm elevator with two of the guys that loved getting on your nerves.
Absolutely wonderful.
"Well it's going to be a while before someone can come and get us so I suggest we just sit tight" Chris Evans mused as he sat down on the ground on your right side and Sebastian on your left.
"Great" i groan as i lean your head against the elevator wall.
"What got you in such a sour mood today?" Sebastian asked as he looked at you.
"You do not wanna know"
"Alright then, continue being moody" he said with a roll of his eyes as he gave you an innocent poke in the side.
At least that's what it was supposed to be, you flinched away from the contact and look between them, hoping they didn't notice.
"What was that?" Chris asked with a smirk as he looked down at you.
"Nothing, just a flinch"
"Oh really? So it wouldn't be that you're actually ticklish?" Sebastian asked with one and the same smirk as he pinched your sides.
A squeal left your mouth and you immediately knew you were screwed.
Chris pulled your upper body towards him, you back against his chest and Seb grabbed your legs and pulled them to his lap, throwing one of his own legs over yours to trap yours.
"Don't you dare!" You say with a nervous giggle. A blush already rising in your neck.
"But I thought you said you weren't ticklish" Chris said with a fake confused expression "We've got to check that" he tasered your side with one hand and with the other pinned your hands against your chest.
"STOPHAHHA ITHAHAHA" you screamed in laughter which only grew louder as Seb started to squeeze your knees.
"Tell you what, when we think that you're done being moody we will let you go" He said as Chris scribbled over your tummy.
"I think it is"
The terror duo continued to tickle you to pieces, working together to reduce you into a boneless giggling mess.
Chris suddenly blew a raspberry in your neck which tickled a hell of lot more because he had grown a beard for the movie.
You LOST it, wild cackles pouring from your lips until they turned into breathless hiccups laughs.
They let up and you sink into them, your face red but with a giant smile on your face.
"See, all you needed was some tickles. You look much cuter with such a beautiful smile then with such a grumpy face" Chris teased as he helped you sit up and lean against his chest.
You blushed brightly and hid your face in his neck which both he and Seb smiled at.
"Come on giggles, we still got some work to do but after that we'll have a mandatory movie night with the cast. We'll take over one of Downey's trailers" Seb chuckled before pulling you to your feet.
And just opened the door of the elevator with a click of the button.
"Wait! The elevator wasn't stuck at all!" You exclaimed as you stepped out.
"Of course it wasn't" Chris smirked before the duo walked off.
"Assholes" you grumble but with a smile before you also walk off to the into costume.
How you loved to be a part of the marvel cast.
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tickles-in-ficland · 2 years
Summary: Chris tries to play matchmaker for Y/N and someone she has her eye on. Chris Evans Feat. Sebastian Stan x ticklish!reader. Part 3 to Destination: Laughter
Warning: some cursing, fluff otherwise.
Word Count: 2,941
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You saw the teasy grin your aunt was giving you, which made you blush.
“Tom? Holland?” she asked.
You nodded slightly. “Yeah. I mean he’s really nice and he’s cute and… ugh! It’s embarrassing!”
Your aunt chuckled quietly and sat next to you on the couch. “No it’s not Y/N. It’s sweet. I’m glad there’s someone else around here your age. I feel bad you’ve been cooped up in my office for weeks. You should be exploring LA and enjoying your summer.”
Returning her words with a soft smile you leaned over to lay your head on her shoulder.
“No! Don’t feel bad Aunt Y/A/N! I’m having the best summer ever. I’m loving this job. It makes me want to stay and make this my career.”
Your aunt smiled as she rubbed your back lovingly. “Well that makes me happy. and I’ll do what I can to help. And you’ve got the cast wrapped around your finger.”
You giggled at her statement. “Do you think I have a chance with Tom? I mean he’s famous and I’m just…. me.”
“Well I think ‘just you’ is pretty great. And so will he.” Your aunt said kissing your head.
“Thanks Auntie.”
“Now get back to work.” she said with a wink and slight poke to your side making you giggle.
Over the next few days all you could think about was seeing Tom again. You were enjoying getting to know each other and as your aunt had pointed out, it was nice having someone close in age on set. You tried not to make it obvious that you liked him but your pink cheeks when you saw him or the quiet giggle when he’d tell a joke wasn’t exactly keeping it hidden. Tom seemed oblivious though and for now that worked.
Taking a break from work, you watched one of the scenes being filmed. You were amazed and in awe of all the work that went into filming one scene.
“Hey Y/N!” Tom said with a wave as he spotted you by the monitor.
“Hey Tom.” you said with a shy smile as he came over to give you a hug.
“I didn’t know you were here today.” he said wiping the sweat from his brow.
“Yeah, I have some work to do later but I wanted to see you guys filming.”
“That’s awesome! How’d it look?”
“So good! Although you’re kinda getting your ass kicked.” you said with a tease in your voice.
Tom rolled his eyes with a smile. “Hey! I didn’t write the script.” he said putting his hands up on mock defense.
“Fair enough. It’s too bad. I’d like to see you beat Captain America.” you giggled, not knowing the latter was behind you.
Chris shushed Tom as he snuck up behind you, tasering your sides, causing you to let out a loud yelp and spin around to see his smug smile towards you.
“What did I just hear you say?”
“Uh, regarding?” you asked trying to play innocent.
“Something about getting my ass kicked.”
You covered your mouth, trying to stifle your giggles. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Narrowing his eyes playfully at you, Chris went to taser your sides but you dodged his hands as you waved at him and Tom.
“Bye guys!”
His eyes still narrowed in your direction, you stuck your tongue out at him.
“Oh that’s how you wanna play it huh?” Chris said as he began taking big strides towards you.
With a giggly shriek, you took off through the studio, not wanting to be subjected to Chris’ tickly wrath or have Tom see you like that.
“What was that about?” Tom asked Chris with a slight eyebrow raise.
“She’s very ticklish.” Chris said with a laugh. “It’s quite adorable. You should try it sometime.”
Tom blushed slightly. “I do love her laugh. And her smile.”
Chris looked down at the young actor. “You like Y/N don’t you man?”
With a small nod and heat risking in his cheeks, Tom shrugged. “She’s different man. I don’t know. She treats us all like people and not like celebrities. It’s refreshing. And she’s fun to be around.”
Chris smiled warmly, as they walked back to continue filming their scene together.
“I get it man. When I first met Y/N I too was pleasantly surprised when she didn’t fan girl over me. I think we’re so used to it, that when it doesn’t happen it catches our attention. Now she’s like a little sister to me. Why don’t you tell her how you feel?”
Tom shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe I will. Think it’d be a good idea to ask her to hang out?”
Chris nodded. “For sure. Just make it casual. Don’t rush anything and let things happen the way they’re suppose to.” he said patting Tom on the back.
As Tom walked back onto the set and spoke to the director before the next take, Chris saw Y/A/N sitting in a folding chair, writing some notes down.
“Hey Auntie” he said teasingly.
Your aunt looked up at him with a deadpan expression but a smile in her eyes. “Hello Christopher.” she said with a playful roll of her eyes. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah. Just wanted to say hi before we shoot our next scene. How’s the schedule coming along?” he asked.
“Pretty good. We should have all your promo finalized sometime this week. I’ve got Y/N working on it now.” she said closing her notebook.
“Speaking of, do you know if she likes anyone or is seeing anyone? I have someone I’d like her to hang with. Maybe someone from set?”
“Trying to play matchmaker?” Your aunt teased.
Chris grinned. “Maaaaybe. So does she?”
Your aunt smiled as she stood up from her seat, patting his arm. “An aunt never tells. You’ll have to ask her.” She said with a wink.
With a laugh to himself, he pulled out his phone to send a text.
Later that day, you sat at the desk, working hard to get everything done. You tucked your hair behind your ear and let out a sigh as you typed on your laptop. Your aunt had tasked you with organizing Chris’ upcoming press schedule and calling to confirm with the different publications and news outlets. It was a lot of responsibility but you were grateful that both she and Chris had faith that you could do it.
You had just finished the first day of the schedule so you closed your laptop and laid on the couch to rest your eyes for a few minutes when you felt your phone buzz in your pocket.
Opening the text message you immediately rolled your eyes with a smile.
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You closed your phone and shut your eyes again only to have your phone buzz again. This man was not going to let you rest.
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Blushing profusely and already flustered, you shifted in your seat. Truthfully, you loved when Chris tickled you but you’d rather die before you let him know that. You were so grateful for his friendship and never in a million years thought you’d be friends with someone you so greatly admired and were a fan of. If someone had told you even a few months ago that Chris freaking Evans would be like a big brother to you, you would’ve laughed in their face and called them a liar. With a quiet giggle you sent another text.
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Throwing your phone down, you attempted to shut your eyes one more time. The peace and quiet lasted all of five minutes before you heard a pair of feet running down the hall.
“Oh good lord.” you muttered as a you covered your face with your hands.
Before you could pull your hands away, you felt yourself being crushed under another person. You knew exactly who it was.
“Whahat ahahre you DOING?” you said.
“I came to find out who you’ve got a wittle crush on.” Chris said pinching your cheeks causing bubbly giggles to erupt.
“Chrhihis! Gehet OFF!”
“Alright alright.” he said with a chuckle climbing off of you and sitting next to you on the couch. “Now spill. I want the tea.” he said holding his pinky up as if he was holding a tea cup.
You raised your eyebrows at him with a laugh. “Trying to be Gen Z?”
“What? I’m trying to be hip with the lingo these days.”
You smirked at him as you shook your head. “Alright Grandpa.”
With a playful growl, Chris shot his hand into your side causing you to yelp and jump back.
“Quhihit!” you said smacking his hand away and scooting back further into the couch.
“Stop stalling Y/N. I want to know.”
“You know, it’s such a beautiful day.” You said said standing up and inching towards the door. “Let’s not waste it inside.” you said before bolting out the door.
“YOU LITTLE SH-“ was all you heard as you ran down the hallway, out of the building and across the lot to the studio where they were currently filming. You knew you were safe in there for now because a lot of noise can’t be made while shooting and you knew Chris wouldn’t risk ruining a take.
Catching your breath, you quietly made your way through the set, giving a polite smile as you passed crew members and some of the cast.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want Chris to know you were crushing on little Tom, but you didn’t want everyone else knowing and risk Tom finding out. The last thing you wanted to deal with was a heartbreak of rejection. You didn’t expect that he even knew how you felt but you didn’t want to risk making things awkward between the two of you as you were slowly building a friendship.
Lost in your own thoughts, you felt someone rest their hand on your shoulder. Turning to see who it was, your face flushed when your eyes met with Tom’s.
“Oh! H-Hey Tom. How are you?” you asked trying to appear casual but your nerves were firing a mile a minute.
“Hey Y/N!” he said giving you a quick side hug. “What’s got you so out of breath?” he said with a laugh.
“Trying to hide from Evans.”
With a smirk and a playful nudge Tom asked “What did you do?”
Your cheeks flushing pink again you tried to play it off with a shrug. “He’s just driving me crazy. Nothing new.” you said with a small giggle.
“That sounds about right. I’ve got to get back to my trailer for some touch ups. Are you free tonight? We should finish shooting early today if you want to hang.” he said nervously playing with his hands trying not to show his own feelings. He was thankful you didn’t seem to notice.
You nodded with a shy smile. “Yeah I’d like that. Just text me when you’re done. I’ve got some more work to do with my aunt for Chris’ upcoming schedule but I should be done shortly after you guys wrap for the day.”
“Great!” Tom said giving you a hug. You took a breath in, enjoying his scent and his arms wrapped around you before reluctantly letting go. “See ya later!”
You smiled to yourself while you walked away, lost in your own world. Turning the corner your eyes widened when you saw Chris heading in your direction talking with Sebastian. Cursing to yourself hoping neither of them saw you, you put your head down and tried ducking into one of the storage rooms only to catch Chris’ eye at the last second.
With a twinkle in his eye he marched towards you, which never ended well for you. You cursed under your breath as you plastered a fake smile on your face.
“Heeeeey guys.” you said giving them a small wave. “How’s it going?”
With a mischievous smile as he approached you, Chris stopped in front of you with his hands on his hips. “You ran away from me before answering my question. You’ve been running from me all day. Hiding something?”
Sebastian looked between the two of you confused. “What question?”
Chris turned to him with a smirk. “Y/N has a crush on someone we work with.”
Sebastian’s eyes flickered over to you, now a mischievous smile on his face as well. You were so screwed.
“Who is it?!” he asked excitedly.
“That’s the problem man. She won’t tell me.” Chris said with a dramatic sigh.
“Well we’ll just have to make her talk.” Sebastian said with a wink.
“Exactly.” Chris said with a brief pause. “What I was thinking.”
Backing up and attempting to escape again, you put your hands up with a nervous giggle. “Guys. You know, it’s really not that big of a deal. I’m just gonna get back to work I’ll see you later!” you said turning on your heel.
Before you could make your escape though, Chris grabbed you and pulled you back against his chest.
A deep chuckle rumbled in his chest as he leaned down to your ear. “Not so fast. You’re not getting away this time.” He said before turning you to face him and leaning down to toss you over your shoulder.
“CHRIS!” you squealed hitting his back, which only mad him laugh. “Puhut mehe DOWN!”
Chris walked down the hall, and looked around for a place to put you down but a film studio doesn’t have a whole lot of open seating.
“Hmm. I guess here is a good spot.” he said placing you on the floor before pinning your arms down.
“Chrihis! Plehehease!” you said nervous giggles already bubbling in your throat. “What if you ruin a take?”
Chris smirked. “They’re not shooting at the moment. Which means fair game.” he said before shooting his hands into your sides and spidering up and down your rib cage.
“NAHAHA!!” you said kicking your legs on the floor, pushing at his hands.
“Woah dude. You weren’t kidding when you said she’s incredibly ticklish!” Sebastian said with a laugh watching you squirm under his co-stars hands.
“Gladly.” he said before fluttering his fingers in your neck.
“NOHOHOHOT WHAT I MEHEHEANT!” you squealed throwing your head back in a hard belly laugh.
Sebastian chuckled. “You should really be more clear Y/N.”
“Ihihi mehehean’t hehehlp ME!” you shrieked as Chris continued spidering up and down your sides.
“But this is way more entertaining.” Sebastian said with a wink.
“Watch this Seb.” Chris laughed before shooting his hands under your arms. You arched your back as a scream of laughter that could probably be heard through the building, spilled from your mouth.
“IHIHIHI CAHAHAHN’T!” you shrieked with loud laughter. “IHI AHAM GOING TO DIHIHIE!”
“Oh that’s a bit dramatic Y/N.” Chris said with a chuckle. “Just tell us who you’re crushing on and this all stops.” he said tortuously wiggling his finger into each rib, your laugh raising several octaves.
“It’s like she’s asking for it.” Sebastian said with a laugh as he leaned down and started rapidly squeezing the sensitive muscle above your knee. “Come on Y/N. Fess up.”
“GUHUHUYS!!” you scream laughed, your laughter turning silent. You smacked both their arms, tapping out of the playful torture.
The two men chuckled as they lifted their hands, giving you a chance to breathe. Taking in deep, hungry breaths, sporadic bubbly giggles still lingering as you felt the ghost tickles all over your body.
“I hahate you bohoth.” you giggled, covering your face in embarrassment.
“That’s not true. You love us.” Chris said with a wink.
You rolled your eyes. “Fine. But you’re both still so mean.” you said sitting up and curling your legs to your chest with a shy smile. “It’s Tom.”
“Tom?” both men echoed before wide grins spread across their face. “AWWW!” they both said in unison.
You covered your face in embarrassment only to have Chris taser your sides, causing you to yelp with a hearty laugh and smack at hand.
“Noho mohore! I might actually pass out.”
Chris rolled his eyes with a smile. “You don’t have to be embarrassed Y/N. It’s adorable. Why don’t you talk to him?” he asked helping you stand to your feet.
You shrugged, looking between Sebastian and Chris. “Because I’m scared of being rejected. We’re just becoming friends and I don’t want to ruin that.”
“Well he’d be crazy not to. You’re a great person.” Sebastian chimed in wrapping you in a hug. “Plus, if he doesn’t we’ll kick his little spider ass.”
Giggling at his last statement you returned the hug. “Thanks Seb.”
“Now if you two are done torturing me, I actually need to get done work done for YOU.” you said poking Chris in the chest making him smirk at you. “Before meeting Tom to hang out.”
The two men wiggled their eyebrows at you, oooh-ing and ahhh-ing. Rolling your eyes and giving the two the middle finger jokingly causing them to gasp while you giggled as you walked away.
Once you turned the corner Sebastian turned to Chris.
“Should we have told her?” Sebastian asked.
“What? That Tom confided in me that he likes Y/N? Nah. Let the kids find out on their own. It’ll be more fun when they both finally realize they’re equally crushing on one another.”
Finishing up your work for the day, you texted your aunt that you were done.
Closing your laptop, and putting it away in the drawer, you grabbed your bag and headed out and down the hall, pulling out your phone to see a text waiting for you.
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With a blushy smile, you headed home to get ready for the evening. You were excited for the evening ahead and unbeknownst to you, so was Tom.
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Sebastian Stan x reader? They are teasing him all day and he gets them back with tickles?
Sebastian Stan and Reader
Summary: Platonic tickle fic with big brother figure Sebastian and little sibling Y/N ❤️
"Aww, look at your little ponytail." You gently tugged on Sebastian's hair. "It's so tiny."
Sebastian pulled his head away. "Quit it Y/N."
"But it's so springy. Look?" You tugged on your costar's hair again. "Boing! Boing! Boing!"
Sebastian chuckled as he gently pushed you back. "What's gotten ihinto yohou today? Yohouve beheen pulling my hair ahall day."
"Ihi just lohove playing with yohour hair."
"When normal people play with hair, they usually ruhun thehir fingers through it." The older man gently pulled your hand into his. "Nohot bounce someone's ponytahail."
"Buhut it's soho much fuhun."
"Oh really?" Sebastian shook your hand. "Ihits just funny Y/N?"
You giggled at the shake. "Yeheah!"
"Aww. You know what else ihis fun?"
The older man smirked before he tugged you forward. He quickly pulled you into his lap before wrapping you in a hug.
"Sebastian! What ahare you doing?"
"You never answered my question Y/N."
"What question?"
"Do you knohow whahat else is fuhun Y/N?"
You squirmed in Sebastian's hold. You knew where this was going.
"Ahanswer the question Y/N," the older man sing-songed.
"Uhum---uhuh . . ."
"Cohome oooon."
"Hold ohon! Uhum . . . T-tick---."
As you struggled to get out the word, Sebastian's fingers brushed against your side. "Come on, you can do it."
Of all the days you could have chosen to wear a crop top to set, you were glad you had chosen today. Your most ticklish spot now had no protection from those skittering fingers . . . Not that you really minded all that much.
"Y/N." A finger poked your side. "It's impolite to ignore people whoho ahare talkihing to yohou."
"Eek! Hey!"
"Now answer my question. What's more fun than playing with people's hair?"
The blush on your cheeks darkened as you whispered, "Tickles."
"What was that?" Sebastian leaned closer. "I cahant hear youuu."
The older man dug into your sides. "Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner."
As those fingers destroyed your sides, you dissolved into laughter and squirms.
Sebastian chuckled. "Sehee how much fun this ihis? Much more fuhun thahan hair pulling."
"Thahat tihickles!"
"Ihi know." Sebastian spidered his hand on to your tummy. "But that's what happens when you leheave your most ticklish spohot exposed."
Your face burned even brighter. He knew how ticklish your stomach was. And that smirk made you blush even more as you readjusted so you could sit across his lap to expose your tummy even more.
Most people would think it odd to be so close to your co-star, especially someone older. But you looked up to Sebastian kind of like an older brother. He teased you, ruffled your hair, and treated you like a little sibling.
Like now when he booped your nose. "You know, if you wanted tickles, you could just ask. I'm always happy to do it Y/N."
"I dohon't knohow---."
Sebastian held a finger up. "Shhhh, just admit it and accept it. You've been teasing me all day and you chose to wear a crop top."
"It's a styhyle chohoice!"
"A style choice you barely wear on set."
You opened your mouth to retort, but every one you could think of wouldn't convince him differently.
"Sehee?" Sebastian's fingers started spidering across your stomach again. "You're juhust mad Ihi fihigured it out."
You squeaked before dissolving into bubbly laughter and kicks.
"Awww, who gave you permission toho behe this cute? It's unfair toho thehe rest of uhus who actually have to tryhy."
"And why should I hm? Gihive mehe one good reason why I shouldn't tell you how cute you ahare."
"Becauhause . . . Behecahause . . ."
Your costar grinned as his tickling sped up. "Just take your tickles like the kiddo you are Y/N."
You were certain your face would explode before you were both done. "Yohou jeherk!"
"For what? Pointing out the obvious? Telling the truth? Tickling you into oblivion? Being the best older brother around?"
"Yohou're aha jeherk!"
"Ahand you're just too ticklihish. Just a ticklish little baby. Yes you are. Yes you a---."
"Sebastian, Y/N."
Both of you froze and looked toward the dressing room door.
Chris smiled as he stepped into the room. "Two minutes until the next scene."
Sebastian wrapped you in a hug so you wouldn't jump out of his lap. "Thanks Chris. We'll be there soon."
"Sure thing. Oh, and Sebastian?"
Chris tapped the collar of his own shirt where his microphone usually was. "Might want to try turning off your microphone in between scenes."
Your eyes widened as Sebastian pulled out his microphone pack. Sure enough, the little light that indicated it was on burned almost as bright as your face.
"Don't worry. Everyone thought you two were adorable." Chris poked your exposed side. "And you better start speaking up about wanting tickles instead of picking on old Sebastian over here."
You squeaked.
Sebastian laughed. "Ihi'm nohot that ohold!"
"Sure thing." Chris ruffled your hair. "And if you're up for it later Y/N, I want a turn."
Your blush immediately reappeared as you hid in your hands. No one had ever asked for a turn to tickle you and you didn't know how to respond.
"Yohou think about it Y/N, I don't wahant to overstep if you're overwhehelmed. See you guys in two."
You're heart melted a little as you heard footsteps head away and out the door. You had a pretty good crew family.
"Alright Y/N." Sebastian stood with you in his arms. "Time to go."
"Ack!" Everything around you turned upside down as you were tossed over your costar's shoulder. "Sebahastian! But mehe down!"
The older man headed toward the door. "Hey kid, what do you think about the nickname Zeb?"
"Sebastian makes me feel like I'm being scolded. Whahat if you call mehe Zeb instehead?"
You positively beamed at the suggestion. "Really? A nickname for you?"
"Yehes. Now what do yohou think?"
You gave him two thumbs up that he couldn't see. "Ihi love ihit!"
Sebastian grinned and set you back upright. "Me tohoo kid. Now come on, before wehere late."
You two two raced down the hall to make it on time, but it was worth it.
Now to decide if you would take Chris up on his offer.
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ticklishprincey · 4 months
What lees do you typically write for
I'm open to suggestions, but here's a list of all I can think of currently: (Lees first, lers listed after) ✎Helluva Boss ✰Blitzo - Moxxie, Stolas, & Fizzarolli ✰Moxxie - Millie & Blitzo ✰Fizzarolli - Asmodeus & Blitzo ✰Thinking about a lee!Stolas fic but idk ✎Hazbin Hotel ✰Alastor - Rosie, Husk & Lucifer ✰Lucifer - Alastor ✰Husk - Angel Dust & Alastor ✰Angel Dust - Husk ✎TMNT/ROTTMNT ✰Donatello - Raphael, Mikey & Leo ✎Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/Trials of Apollo ✰Nico Di Angelo - Will, Hazel, Reyna, Percy, Jason & Leo ✰Hazel Levesque - Nico, Frank & Leo ✰Will Solace - Nico & Apollo ✰Leo Valdez - Nico, Hazel & Jason ✎Encanto ✰Camilo Madrigal - Literally anyone but Dolores is my top choice ✎Dear Evan Hansen ✰Evan Hansen - Connor & Jared ✰Connor - Evan, Jared & Zoey ✎Black Butler ✰Ciel Phantomhive - Sebastian (help I have no idea how to spell his last name) ✎Gravity Falls ✰Dipper Pines - Ford, Mabel & Stan ✎FNAF (mainly security breach tbh) ✰Reader - Sundrop, Moondrop, Glamrock Freddy & Monty ✰Sundrop - Moondrop ✰Moondrop - Sundrop ✰Gregory - Glamrock Freddy, Sundrop & Moondrop ✎MHA/BNHA ✰Todoroki - Izuku & Bakugou ✰Izuku - Todoroki, Bakugou & All Might ✰Shinsou - Aizawa & Denki (keep in mind I am a stupid American boy with now idea how to write these names) ✎Twisted Wonderland ✰Jade Leech - Floyd ✰Floyd Leech - Jade ✎Voltron ✰Keith Kogane - Lance & Shiro ✎Sanders Sides ✰Virgil Sanders - Logan, Patton, Janus & Remus ✎Avengers ✰ Peter Parker - Tony & Loki ✰ Thinking about a lee!Loki fic but idk ✎Trolls (the third movie) ✰Branch - Floyd, Clay, Bruce & John Dory ✰Maybe Floyd idk
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sprite-periodt · 2 years
Since you were kind enough to send me an ask, I figured I'd return the favor! 3, 6, 12, 22 :3
Yayyy I got an ask :3. Thank you sm!! Now let's begin
3. Would you prefer punishment or reward tickles? Aaa that's hard. I would love to be a brat just to mess with a ler and then get mercilessly wrecked and teased till I can't think or speak for doing so but I also crave validation and being told I did good so I would love to be good and get soft and gentle t-words as a reward. So what I'm really saying is it depends on my mood lmaooo.
6. Are you easily able to admit you like it? Absolutely not! Lmaoooo. If you put me in a position where I have to admit it I literally turn into a flustered mess.
12. If you could be tickled by/tickle anyone(real or a fictional character!) who would you choose? Oh my fucking gosh lemme tell you. As far as fictional characters go I would love to be t-worded(wrecked or soft) the most by Natasha Romanoff the Black Widow herself(you may say ofc and if you are shut up??🙄), Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop and Wanda!! Also wouldn't mind getting t-worded by Nobara Kugisaki from Jujustu Kaisen and Mikasa from attack on titan! And real people. Literally all the members from Mamamoo( Solar, Moonbyul, Wheein, and Hwasa)bro omfg /)//////(\. I feel like Bang Chan, Lee Know, and Felix from Stray Kids would be the best lers🤔. Also literally a majority of the Marvel cast. And that mostly applies to the actors for all the Marvel characters I listed previously lmaooo. So Scarlett Johansson, Florence Pugh, Hailee Steinfield, and Elizabeth Olsen! (I know I've literally mostly listed females but shut up lmaoooo. I'm feeling very gay these days. But just for shits and giggles I'll throw in Sebastian Stan too)
22. Soft cuddly tickles or rough more intense tickles? Again just depends on my mood. These days though I find that I'm craving soft cuddly ones but there are days when I just need to be completely wrecked hehe🙈.
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writersclubhq · 6 months
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deêm boas vindas para ARTHUR ROWAN, ETHAN ANGHEL, RICHARD GRIFFIN & KHAN AMPHAI KITTISAWASD! jazz e stitch, vocês tem 24h para enviar o blog dos seus personagens. não se esqueçam de ler nosso checklist, e de se divertir bastante!
ei, aquele vindo ali é ARTHUR ROWAN?  porque as últimas fofocas que me contaram sobre ELE é que tem TRINTA E QUATRO ANOS e que é um PILOTO DE CORRIDA.  e, pelo pouco que conheço, sei que é ENGRAÇADO e HONESTO, o que compensa o fato de que é IMPACIENTE e ARROGANTE também, mas, quem sou eu para julgar a vida alheia, não é?  ele até se parece com AARON TAYLOR-JOHNSON.
ei, aquele vindo ali é ETHAN ANGHEL? porque as últimas fofocas que me contaram sobre ELE é que tem QUARENTA E UM ANOS e que é um PROFESSOR DE QUÍMICA NA UNIVERSIDADE. e, pelo pouco que conheço, sei que é AMIGÁVEL e ENGRAÇADO, o que compensa o fato de que é POMPOSO e IRÔNICO, ÀS VEZES também, mas, quem sou eu para julgar a vida alheia, não é?  ele até se parece com SEBASTIAN STAN.
ei, aquele vindo ali é RICHARD GRIFFIN? porque as últimas fofocas que me contaram sobre ELE é que tem TRINTA E DOIS ANOS e que é um ASSISTENTE SOCIAL. e, pelo pouco que conheço, sei que é ESFORÇADO e PRESTATIVO, o que compensa o fato de que é IMPULSIVO e RÍGIDO, ÀS VEZES também, mas, quem sou eu para julgar a vida alheia, não é?  ele até se parece com DYLAN O’BRIEN.
ei, aquele vindo ali é KHAN AMPHAI KITTISAWASD? porque as últimas fofocas que me contaram sobre ELE é que tem TRINTA E DOIS ANOS e que é um EMPRESÁRIO. e, pelo pouco que conheço, sei que é GENTIL e SOLIDÁRIO, o que compensa o fato de que é ORGULHOSO e POSSESSIVO também, mas, quem sou eu para julgar a vida alheia, não é?  ele até se parece com MILE PHAKPHUM.
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sedaliahq · 1 year
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boas vindas a sedalia! os seguintes personagens foram aceitos e seus fcs encontram-se ocupados. players, enviem as contas em 24h.
fcs: seulgi, sebastian stan, madelyn cline.
veja só um dos preciosos morangos de sedalia, JIAE IM! você tem 28 ANOS e atua como AJUDANTE DE JARDINAGEM por aqui, correto? ficamos felizes que sedalia segue sendo seu lar desde BUSAN, COREIA DO SUL. tenho certeza de que as pessoas adoram lidar com sua boa SIMPATIA, e espero que ninguém se assuste com seu jeito DESASTRADA. um vizinho contou que você gosta muito de GATOS, LICOR E LER FANFICS, e que também odeia INSETOS, MÚSICA ELETRÔNICA E INVERNO, é verdade? gostaria de saber para não cometer um erro futuramente… bom, aproveite o dia em MIDDLE ARCADIA! nos vemos por aí! ( SEULGI, ELA/DELA ).
veja só um dos preciosos morangos de sedalia, ANDREW SARGEANT! você tem 40 ANOS e atua como DELEGADO por aqui, correto? ficamos felizes que sedalia segue sendo seu lar desde NOVA YORK. tenho certeza de que as pessoas adoram lidar com sua boa CRIATIVIDADE, e espero que ninguém se assuste com seu jeito OBTUSO. um vizinho contou que você gosta muito de DOCES CONFEITADOS, MONTAR QUEBRA-CABEÇAS E CONCERTOS DE MÚSICA, e que também odeia MONOTONIA, ANDAR A CAVALO E DIAS FRIOS E ÚMIDOS, é verdade? gostaria de saber para não cometer um erro futuramente… bom, aproveite o dia em MIDDLE ARCADIA! nos vemos por aí! ( SEBASTIAN STAN, ELE/DELE ).
veja só um dos preciosos morangos de sedalia, SAVANNAH HOPE MITCHELL! você tem 24 ANOS e atua como DONA DA BOUTIQUE C'EST SAVIE por aqui, correto? ficamos felizes que sedalia segue sendo seu lar desde sempre. tenho certeza de que as pessoas adoram lidar com seu bom ALTO ASTRAL, e espero que ninguém se assuste com seu jeito PRIVILEGIADO. um vizinho contou que você gosta muito de CHÁ GELADO, COLECIONAR OBJETOS ANTIGOS E RAROS PARA DECORAR A BOUTIQUE E FILMES DE TERROR SANGRENTOS, e que também odeia CLIENTES PECHINCHEIROS, ACORDAR MUITO CEDO (9PM É O IDEAL) E A COR LARANJA, é verdade? gostaria de saber para não cometer um erro futuramente… bom, aproveite o dia em GRAMPLETON! nos vemos por aí! ( MADELYN CLINE, ELA/DELA ).
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. Keep lying to yourself and everyone else. I bet you conveniently missed all the articles lol.>> You're right, that was a great PR novel, Alexandra paid handsomely to get her name out there. Get this, she doesn't even get a tag in People searches:
Only one article:
Ler me see about Us Weekly:
Nothing? Seb fandom told me that Alexandra paid a lot of money for this PR novel. I hope she's suing the CAA.
5 on Daily Fail
Huge PR RS!
(Her name is Alejandra, not Alexandra, i am sure you will find something more with the correct name.. but in any case it really doesn’t matter because, again, nobody cares outside his fandom… just remember the joke DM made because nobody knew the name of the gf when they spotted him)
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valiantphantomangel · 9 months
A/n: this is my delayed Christmas gift to you all, I hope you enjoy and a happy new year 🎊 🫶.
New years shenanigans
"Y/N get out of bed, the fireworks are about to start!" Robert yelled from downstairs and you groan before pulling a pillow over your head to silence the shouting.
You and the marvel cast were invited by RDJ to spend the night at his mansion to celebrate the New Year and watch the fireworks since his mansion looked over the city.
But you being you, got tired and decided to take a nap (over sleeping and not wanting to leave the warmth of the bed) and now it was almost midnight when the fireworks would start.
"I swear to god come down now or me, Hiddleston and Evans will come and drag you down!"
"But this bed is so warm" you whined softly as you snuggled further under the blankets.
"Alright that's it" Robert yelled and you heard 3 pairs of footsteps coming upstairs, you squealed and quickly pulled the blankets over your head to hide before the door was opened.
You heard them coming closer before Tom Hiddleston ripped your blanket off and tackled you onto the bed as you tried to run away.
"Now that's not very polite Little Dove" Tom mused as Chris Evans pulled your arms over your head and Robert took your feet in a chokehold to keep them still.
"SorRYHAHHAHAHA" i burst out laughing as Tom suddenly digged into my ribs.
"What did you say? I couldn't quite hear you there, did you hear her Evans"? Robert said with a grin as he traced your soles.
"Nope I didn't understand a thing" Chris grinned and tickled your neck softly.
They all faux gasped and you knew you were done for, all of them went full in on your death spots.
It. Was. Torture.
Your scream of laughter went through the mansion as you trashed around, your face red from all the laughing.
"Are you going to come out of bed now?" Tom asked with a smirk as he looked down at you.
"You promise?"
They let you go and you immediately curled up into a ball "i hate you guys" you mutter with some soft giggles as the ghost tickles slowly went away.
"You love us, now come on or we are gonna be late for the fireworks" Chris smiled and pulled you to your feet.
You all rushed downstairs to the rest of the cast who stood outside, counting down the last seconds of 2023.
"They got you too huh"? Scarlet asked as she wrapped her arm around your shoulders.
"Yeah" you said with a soft chuckle.
"Those three are a serious pain sometimes" Sebastian said as he stood next to you.
"Oh you love us" Chris grinned as he punched Sebastian shoulder and quickly stood next to Hemsworth for protection as Seb looked at him daringly.
You all hugged each other as the sky littered with fireworks, illuminating the night's sky.
And as you stood there, in the arms of people who truly loved you, you couldn't believe how lucky you are.
The marvel cast is a family and you were honored to be part of it.
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simplee-dreaming · 3 years
Your New Colleague
A/N: This was something I basically dreamed about the other night and I had to write it. I decided to use Sebastian Stan because I always think he'd be a good ler. But, in this fic, he's not a celebrity, just a normal(ish) human. Hope you enjoy!
Word count: 1339
Summary: Your new job is making you stresed so Seb helps you unwind.
It was finally the end of a really long week. This was your second week of your brand new job. The first week was okay, it was just training and it seemed simple enough. But this week was a lot more hard work, it was emotionally draining. You hardly knew anyone yet, except for the one guy you met on your first day, Sebastian. He kept checking up on you to make sure you were settling in okay.
“Sooo, you’ve made it to the end of week two. How was it?” Seb asked, approaching your desk.
“Awful. I feel like I’ve messed up so much. I can't seem to get the hang of it,” you said, hanging your head.
“Hey now, it’s only your second week. You’ve literally just finished training so you’re not going to be perfect,” he said, comforting you.
“I’m just so stressed right now, I feel like screaming,” you replied, forcing back the tears that were trying to form in your eyes. He thought for a moment.
“Tell you what, I know the perfect place to unwind after a harsh day of work. Do you fancy joining me?” he asked.
“Um, yeah, sure. Where is it?”
“It’s not that far, but it’s a secret. Come on, I’ll drive us both.”
You followed him out to the carpark, got into the passenger seat of his car and he started to drive off. You sat in silence for a few minutes, whilst the radio played, before you piped up.
“So, uh, where exactly are you taking me?” You asked.
“Can’t tell you, it’s a secret place,” he responded.
“Oh god you’re not some sort of serial killer are you?” you asked, he chuckled.
“I promise you I’m not,”
“Are you sure you won’t torture me or something?”
“Hm, now that would be telling,” he said, winking at you.
“How would you kill me? Axe off all my limbs? Drown me? Sacrifice me to the devil?” you asked, he laughed louder this time.
“Nah, they’re too harsh. I wouldn’t want to hurt you someone as sweet as you...I’d probably tickle you to death or something,” he responded. You felt your face flush but thankfully it was too dark for him to see.
“Oh?” You responded.
“Yeah, you’re far too sweet for me to actually hurt so I’d rather just hear you giggle and squeal,”
You blushed harder.
“But what if I’m not ticklish?” You asked, confidently.
“I highly doubt that somehow,” he said, smirking.
“But what if I’m not? Then your plan is foiled,” you said, pushing your luck.
He scoffed and reached over with one hand to gently tickle your tummy. You squealed and twisted your body as much as the seat belt would let you. He laughed.
“Knew it,” he said, turning to you.
“No, you just caught me off guard and made me jump,” you said, blushing again.
“Okay. Well, I’ll give you warning this time. I’m going to tickle you in 3...2…”
“Wait no that’s not…”
Seb reached over and squeezed your side this time. You squealed loudly and tried to twist away again. He stopped and laughed.
“Still not ticklish?” he asked.
“No. No I’m not,” you said.
“Yeah yeah,” he teased.
He suddenly pulled up in the middle of an empty field.
“Here we are,” he said, turning off the engine.
“Oh god you really are going to kill me,” you said, he laughed again.
He got out of the car and you followed him a bit further into the field.
“This is what I call the field of screams,” he said. You looked at him, eyebrow raised.
“No, I’m not going to hurt you. I tend to come here by myself sometimes. No one is ever around so it’s a great place just to stand and scream until you feel better.” he informed.
“Ohhhhh,” you said, scanning the empty field. You jumped when he suddenly belted out a scream.
“That’s a bit better. Now you try,” he said, gesturing at you. You took in a deep breath but let out a faint scream.
“Oh come on, I bet you can do better than that,” he said. You breathed in again but the scream wasn’t much louder.
“Here, like this,” he said before letting out a really loud scream.
“Sorry, guess I’m just paranoid of someone hearing,” you said.
“Nah, I can assure you there’s no one around,” he said before yelling again.
You drew in a deeper breath and screamed a bit louder.
“That’s better! Now keep building on that,” he said. You tried again and failed.
“Tell you what, let’s try this,” he said. He positioned himself behind you. “I’m just gonna help you with your posture so you can let out a louder scream,” he said. You nodded.
He placed his hands on your stomach.
“Breathe in,” he instructed. You obeyed.
“And….tickletickletickle!” He said, suddenly clawing at your stomach. In fairness, it did make you scream, but you also fell back onto him in a fit of giggles.
“WAHAIT NOHO!” You cried, he started gently squeezing your stomach. “THIS ISN’T FAHAHAIR!”
“It’s helping though isn’t it?” He asked, his hand now moving up to your ribs. You slowly sank to the ground in a fit of laughter.
“No?! Guess I’ll have to try harder,” he said, following you to the ground. He knelt down next to you and shoved his hands under your arms. You slammed them down to your sides.
“AHAHAHA NOHOHOT THERE!!” You shrieked, kicking your legs out.
“Awww, poor Y/N. I thought you weren’t ticklish?” He teased. You cackled as he sped up his wiggling fingers.
“Is this a bad spot?” He asked, though he clearly knew the answer.
“Please what?”
“Please stop what?”
“THIHIHIHS!” You screamed.
“And what exactly is this?”
You were too flustered to say “tickling” so you just lay there and kept laughing. He had gone back to tickling your tummy with both hands and you shrieked loudly.
“Oooh, this is a very ticklish tummy,” he cooed. He bent down and blew a big raspberry which made you scream.
“Cootchie cootchie coo,” he teased, his fingers spidering up and down and across your tummy.
“STOHOHOHOP PLEASE!” You cried, clutching onto his arms. He laughed with you but eased his attack.
“Got you to scream,” he sang, winking at you. You gently kicked him but kept giggling.
“You’re so mean,” you said, catching your breath.
“And you’re so ticklish, what’s your point?” He asked. You accidentally let out another giggle.
“Aww, you’re cute when you’re flustered,” he teased. You blushed again.
“So why didn’t you properly ask me to stop?” He asked. Your face was almost scarlet at this point.
“Ohh, you can’t say it, can you? You can’t say tickle?” He caught on. You gently shook your head.
“I can, just not when I’m really flustered,” you said, quietly. He awed at you and you kicked him...again.
“You do realise I’m going to be taking full advantage of this at work now, right?”
“No, please don’t, it’s embarrassing!”
“Alright, I’ll be sneaky about it. No one will know...unless you want them too?” He asked, a puzzled look on his face.
“No!” You responded, quickly. He laughed.
“Don’t worry, I won’t say a word. But it’s not my fault if they do end up finding out though..” he said. You sighed.
“Alright tickle bug, let’s get you home before it gets too late,” he said, offering you a hand up.
“Don’t call me that,” you said, blushing once again.
“Fine. How about giggles?” He asked, you glared at him. “What? It’s either that or tickle bug.” He said, shrugging,
“FIne, giggles it is,” you said. He chuckled and pulled you in for a hug.
“Anyway, did I succeed in making you feel better?” He asked. You nodded, smiling.
You walked back to his car and he dropped you home. But that certainly wasn’t the last of his tickle attacks.
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Bucky and Reader: Found Family (Switch! Reader and Bucky)
Bucky, Sam, and Peter (Lee! Peter, Ler! Bucky and Sam)
Upgrades (Lee! Peter 1, Ler! Tony)
Bedtime Tricks (Lee! Peter, Ler! Irondad)
Sebastian Stan and Reader (Lee! Reader, Ler! Sebastian)
Andrew Garfield and Reader (Lee! Reader, Ler! Andrew)
Ironfamily: Tickle Monster Vacay (Lee! Morgan, Ler! Tony, Switch! Peter 1 and Harley)
Caught in a Web (Lee! Peter, Ler! Tony Stark)
Ticklish Understanding (Lee! Philip, Ler! PT Barnum)
Rise and Shine (Lee! Peter, Ler! Tony)
Marc and Reader (Lee! Reader, Ler! Marc)
Attention (Lee! Tony, Ler! Peter)
The Breakfast Fate (Lee! Peter, Ler! Tony)
Movie Shenanigans (Lee! Tom, Ler! Andrew and Tobey)
Until We Get It Right (Lee! Tom, Ler! Andrew and Tobey)
Trying Out Tickles (Lee! Merlin, Ler! Arthur)
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t-wordy-kk · 3 years
I’ll Never Forget You:
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Here it is!! I stole the idea for this from @obsessedwithseb, and I absolutely LOVED writing it! Writing the reader as a cousin was definitely different than what I’ve written before, but I think I did a pretty decent job. I hope that I did your idea justice!
Word count: 2,749
(Warning: tiny bit of angst, but mostly fluff 😂)
Christmas was a time of year that you always loved. Between the holiday candle scents in the shops, the fresh smell of Christmas trees all over the city, the togetherness of your family, and your little childhood home in the countryside that had the perfect hills for sledding, you always said that Christmas was your favorite time of the year. But, despite all of the things you loved about Christmas, there was always one part of the day that always made things better. Every year, your cousin Sebastian would stay with you and your family from Christmas Eve to New Years, and you all would celebrate together. Since you and Sebastian lived on the same street as kids, you two were the best of friends and spent all of your time together growing up, but now that he’s a huge movie star, you don’t get to see him as often. But Christmas was a yearly promise, and you couldn’t wait any longer.
“Mooooom, when is Sebastian going to get here? He won’t answer my texts,” You yelled from your seat on the couch, flipping through the television channels to see if there were any good Christmas movies on. Eventually, you found Elf, and settled for that, but you were mesmerized by the color-changing lights on the Christmas tree in the corner of the room.
“He should be here soon, don’t worry sweetheart. You sound like you’re a young child again waiting for him to finish his homework in order to come over,” She replied with a laugh, putting the finishing touches on her annual Christmas dinner that, no matter how much you and your dad tried, couldn’t help with because she wanted to keep her special Christmas dinner secrets.
“I do not!”
“Yeah, you do.” Knowing exactly who that voice belonged to, you jumped up from your seat on the couch and ran to Sebastian, immediately jumping into his arms while he spun you around, eventually placing you back down onto the ground. “Hey munchkin.”
“Sebby, tell me everything, what movies are you in, how are your superhero buddies, can I go to set soon, is-”
“Woah, calm yourself now. I actually have news for you guys. I want you to meet my girlfriend, Alejandra,” Sebastian said as he walked over to the new girl in your home, who was standing next to your dad and shyly smiling. “Alejandra, this is my cousin Y/N that I told you about, and this is my aunt, who never lets anyone in the kitchen to help her cook.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you all,” Alejandra said as your mom gave her a long hug while you looked at them, slightly confused, but happy for Sebastian.
“When did this happen?” You asked, nudging his side while Alejandra made small talk with your parents.
“I met her while I was filming somewhere, I can’t even remember where, but we hit it off really well, and she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. She’s so kind, smart, caring, just perfect in my eyes.” Feeling a small pang of jealousy, you kept quiet and slowly made your way over, hoping to make a good impression so she wouldn’t absolutely hate you.
“Hey, I’m Y/N,” You said, awkwardly sticking your hand out, hoping she would accept the handshake you were offering.
“Alejandra,” She responded with a small giggle. “Sebby’s told me a lot about you, it sounds like you two always had fun while you were growing up, he’s always going on about all of the memories he has of something you did together.”
‘I was the only one who ever called him Sebby.’
“Yeah, we did so many things while we were growing up, some of the best memories that I have are with him.” Reminiscing on some of the memories, you didn’t feel the tear roll down your face until Alejandra reached a hand out to wipe it away.
“Oh, I didn’t mean to make you cry Y/N!”
“No, you’re perfectly fine, I promise that it’s happy tears,” You lied with a laugh, beginning to think that he was replacing you. Of course, he’s tired of the little kid he grew up with. No more best friends, just cousins that see each other every Christmas, which now he might even stop doing. “Hey mom, I’m going for a quick walk before dinner, I’ll be back soon!”
“Dinner will be ready in half an hour, so you might want to jog instead of walk!” She joked, causing your dad to let out a small laugh.
“I’ll jog just for you, mom!”
Walking out the door, you looked around, embracing the winter environment around you. To your left was the small shed that you would always hide in whenever you and Seb played hide-and-seek as kids. Looking to the back of the house, you saw the large hill that you would sled down, always falling off of the sled and rolling the rest of the way down. There was a medium-sized tree to the right of the house that you both planted together when you were beginning preschool, and watching it grow with you was the best part of your childhood.
Anytime there was ever a problem, the tree would get to hear it. A bully that stole your juice box, the tree was your comfort when you arrived home. Any boy that hurt your feelings because of a breakup, or any girl that broke Sebastian’s heart, the tree would hear all of the rants that you both shared. It had grown enough when you were teens for you to install a tire swing, and it has been there ever since, still hanging to this day. As all of the memories began to flood back into your mind, you felt more tears begin to fall, seeing that Sebastian had his girl now, and it was time for you to realize that they were each other’s, leaving you with the memories on the tire swing.
“I came back early,” You announced, walking through the door while you held your emotions together.
“How was your walk, Y/N?” Alejandra asked from her seat on the couch, where Sebastian had an arm wrapped around her waist.
“It was pretty good, it’s kind of chilly, so that’s pretty much my reasoning for coming back so soon.” You weren’t technically lying, it was still winter, so the chill in the air was in its full bloom.
“Come join us munchkin, there’s plenty of room on the couch,” Sebastian said as he waved you over, giving you a smile. Little did you know, he was trying so hard to figure out why you were being this distant, any other time he was with you, he couldn’t get you to leave his side. But this time, it was different.
“Okay, sure.” As you sat down, you realized that this could be a good thing. If Sebastian was truly serious about this relationship, the least you could do is get to know her. “So, Alejandra, what do you like to do?”
Once your mom called you all into the small dining room for dinner, you felt much better about your new acquaintanceship with Alejandra. She seemed like a good match for Sebastian, but you still couldn’t get rid of the nagging thought in the back of your mind that Sebstian was leaving you for good. Throughout dinner, you noticed that he kept looking in your direction, likely trying to determine what was going through your head. You tried to not make it obvious, but he could tell something was off.
“Dinner was wonderful, thank you so much Mrs. L/N,” Alejandra said as she went into the kitchen with your parents, insisting on helping with cleaning up and washing the dishes, leaving you and Sebastian alone in the living room together.
“So, something’s up, what’s the deal? You normally don’t leave me alone when I’m here with you, now I can’t get you to talk to me.” Walking over to your seat on the small bench next to the tree, he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and looked down at you.
“Everything’s fine, I don’t know what you mean Sebby. Or is that her nickname for you now?” You asked, a small tear rolling down your cheek.
“Is this about Alejandra? Do you not like her?”
“No, I really like her, she’s great. I just, I-”
“If you don’t like her, don’t lie to me and tell me you do. I need you to be honest with me Y/N, I’m dead serious.”
“I don’t want to lose you, okay! You’re the one I grew up with, not only my cousin but you’re my best friend, Seb. I just don’t want you to forget about me, even though that’s the lamest thing ever. But I saw her with you and I didn’t want to ruin it, cause she’s meant for you. And I know you guys are gonna go off together all over the place and probably make your own Christmas tradition and I won’t be there and-”
“Woah, slow down Y/N. I’m not gonna forget about you, do you think that I’m gonna forget the girl who I’d ride around with for hours on end in the middle of the night? The one who I constantly threw into the water at the beach? The person that I spent the entirety of my childhood with because I literally lived three houses down? There’s no way in the world that I would forget you. Just because I’m with Alejandra doesn’t mean that anything’s going to change, okay?”
“I-I’m sorry for t-taking it that far Sebby, I just-”
“Hey, no crying. Not while I’m here, that is. Take it to the tree,” He mentioned, causing you to giggle. “Whatever tradition we end up coming up with, it’s never going to make me miss this, because this time of year with you is the one thing I always know that I can look forward to. And I’m never going to leave you behind, we’re always going to be texting and calling back and forth, I already know it. And I’m sure I’ll be able to pull some strings and get you to set a time or two.”
“Then I can see your boyfriend. By the way, how has Evans been?” You asked with a laugh, Sebastian giving you an eye roll along with a smile.
“He’s been fine, but he’d be mad if he found out you were mad about this.”
“I’m not mad, I’m just being my wonderful, overthinking self.”
“I know she came in with me unannounced, and that’s my fault. And I could tell you were upset about this over dinner, so I got you a little something. Feel free to open it.”
As you got off of the bench and looked under the tree, you couldn’t help but feel a little bit guilty for your actions, despite the reassurance that flooded through you. You knew she was nowhere near a bad person, you were just getting in your own way.
“You wrote me a letter, how nice of you. Maybe I’ll buy you a postcard next Christmas,” You sassed, looking at the paper and beginning to read it in your head.
“No, use your voice and read it. That was my point of writing this, you know.”
Standing behind you, resting his hands on your shoulders while reading the letter to himself, you began to read it out loud.
“To my munchkin Y/N: I know that you are mad about me bringing Alejandra to stay with us for the week. But, when else would you have gotten the chance to meet her? All I ever talk about is the stupid stuff we’ve done growing up, and she really likes you. I can tell that you feel like I’m going to stop caring for you, and that’s a total lie. I’m always going to care for you, you’re like the sister I never had, but better. Everything we have done is never going to leave me, and I will never leave you for as long as I live. I got you a little present to cheer you up, but it isn’t anything physical. I was thinking long and hard about what to get you, and then it finally hit me. There’s one thing that always makes you happy, so I gift to you a visit from...the tickle monster.”
Unable to say the last few words, a strong blush immediately rose to your cheeks while Sebastian dug into your sides. Falling off of the bench with a loud shriek, Sebastian took this as the perfect opportunity to straddle your waist, continuing his torture on your sensitive skin.
“But you need cheering up, munch! I’m just trying to help you!” Seb yelled over your laugh, gently scratching his fingernails along your stomach, your laughter turning to giggles. “See, I’m not torturing you.”
“Buhuhut you ahahARE PLEHEHEASE!” The giggles soon turned back to laughter, which turned silent as he began drilling his fingers into your ribs, making sure to add extra pressure in between each one. Your arms shot down in an attempt to protect yourself, but that was a failed effort, as it only added to the ticklish sensations coursing through your body.
“Please what? Please continue? I’m happy to oblige!” Turning himself around on your waist, he lifted one of your legs, despite the desperate kicking you provided, beginning to brush the fingers on his free hand along the underside of your knee.
“Do you promise that you’ll stop being a grouch?”
“I wasn’t beheheing grohouchy,” You answered, the strong laughter turning to light giggles as he lightly dragged his fingernails along your waistline, having turned back around to leave your sensitive knees alone.
“If you’re sure, then I’ll stop.”
“I’m sure.” Finally removing his fingers, Seb quickly removed himself from your waist, offering you a hand to help you off of the floor. Accepting his hand, he pulled you up while wrapping you into a hug.
“Y/N, I promise that I’m never going to leave you, okay? I would hate myself more than you know if I ever did that. I can’t live without you, you’re the best family friend that I’ve ever had.”
“Ah, combining the titles, how slick of you,” You joked, receiving a playful glare.
“Watch it, or I’ll tickle you again with no hesitation.”
“Noted. Thanks for being here for me Seb, I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Probably live a long and boring life.”
“You’re probably right. Ready to keep celebrating the holiday?” Looking into his eyes, you saw the childish delight you both managed to keep, giving you the answer before he even said anything.
“Always. Let’s open these presents!”
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softestavengers · 3 years
Outnumbered (avengers cast x reader)
Hi!! First of all, I love your writing it’s AMAZING. I was hoping to request a fix where the reader finally gets to go to a reunion with the avengers cast (like evans, Tom Holland, Sebastian Stan, Lizzie, Scarlett,etc.) this would probably take place for whenever covid is no longer an issue. And with everyone together in one place a big tickle fight ensues with the reader being the main target 😊 not sure if you right for the actors or just the characters but just thought I’d send in this idea. Thank you so much!
I’m SO sorry this took literally forever!! I’m sorry if it doesn’t include every single cast member, I’m still learning how to write with multiple lers/lees! I hope you enjoy!
“So, what you’re saying is, you actually missed us?”
You could hear the teasing grin in RDJ’s voice from behind you as you stood at the kitchen counter, pouring yourself a small glass of red wine. You rolled your eyes playfully, spinning on your heel to face him. 
You were overjoyed to finally have this reunion with your best friends. With over a year of quarantine and a vaccine finally being distributed, the COVID-19 pandemic was finally finding its way to an end. And with it, isolation began coming to an end as well.
“I guess.” you hummed, taking a sip of your wine. You thought about your next remark before swallowing. “But I don’t miss Evans scaring me all the time, that’s for sure.”
From the living room, you heard Evans bark out a laugh. “You never get used to it!” he yelled back, folding one leg over the other as he lounged back on the couch.
You shook your head and strutted into the living room, eyeing the fully occupied sofa where Tom and Anthony sat next to Chris Evans. “Move over and let a gal rest her legs, will you boys?” you asked, pouting slightly.
“Only if you say you missed us.” Tom gave a cheeky smile, taking a large gulp of his wine.
“Holland, you’re supposed to sip it, you unholy swine!” you proclaimed, setting your glass down on the coffee table so you could cross your arms. Everyone began to snicker at your sass.
“Who gave him alcohol?” Anthony piped up. “Someone get this kid a juice box.”
“I’m 24!” Tom protested, glaring over at Mackie. “You’re an ass.”
“Whats a girl gotta do to find a seat around here?” you groaned, turning to the other couch where Scarlett and Elizabeth were perched. They both immediately scooted in opposite directions, leaving a space in the middle for you.
“See? The ladies always have my back.” you glared at the boys, sulking as you sat between the two girls. “Where’s Sebby?” you asked, suddenly noticing Sebastian’s absence.
“Probably on his phone on the toilet.” Tom giggled, pantomiming typing on a phone and pretending to be engrossed in it. Evans slapped his shoulder.
“If you guys aren’t busy talking shit, maybe I’ll join the party.” you heard Sebastian Stan himself proclaim as he appeared at the hallway entrance. “And y/n, you know I hate being called Sebby.”
“But I haven’t seen you in ages, Sebby!” you retorted, unable to hide your grin. “This quarantine had my memory a little rusty. Perhaps yours is even worse, considering you’re canonically 106 when you’re Bucky.”
“Watch it.” he warned, pointing at you. “I’ll still get you.” he took on a threatening tone.
You raised an eyebrow challengingly. “I’m not scared of you.” you sassed, folding your arms across your chest. You could practically feel the playful tension that began to fill the room. On your right, Scarlett barked out a laugh.
“Oh y/n, you must never learn.” she shook her head, wrapping an arm around your shoulders casually. She leaned close to your ear and whispered “Everybody in this room knows something that could end you.”
At her words, you felt your stomach drop and heat rise to your cheeks. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” you mumbled, though you knew you were already defeated. Especially when you glanced up to see Sebastian stepping towards you with a menacing grin. 
You felt Lizzie wrap her arms around you from the other side. “You don’t, do you?” she feigned shock, resting her head against your shoulder. “I think she needs a reminder, don’t you guys?”
You could feel everybody’s eyes on you, your heart pounding in your chest, and the burning in your face. You knew exactly what was coming, and yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to protest. It had been such a long time since..
“You know what happens when you cross us, y/n.” Sebastian snapped you out of your thoughts, and you immediately began to squirm when he lifted his arms and began to wiggle his fingers threateningly. Elizabeth’s grip on you instantly tightened, and you found yourself stuck.
“W-Wait!” you gasped, letting out a squeal when Scarlett’s fingers began to ghost over the side of your neck. You shrugged up your shoulder, but she only responded by switching to the other side.
“Oh, now you want to protest?” RDJ suddenly spoke up from the other side of the room, his face remaining stone cold as he spectated. “It’s no secret that you practically beg for this every single time.”
“Exactly!” Seb exclaimed, his fingers gripping your sides and squeezing ruthlessly. “It must have been so hard for you, having to wait for this for so long!”
You shook your head, giggles bubbling through your gritted teeth. “Y-You’re all crahahazy!” you cried, still squirming in Elizabeth’s grip.
“Crazy?” Evans suddenly gasped from behind the couch, nearly making you jump out of your skin. He must have snuck back there whilst you were occupied with your other three assailants. “How rude of you!”
You shrieked when you felt his fingers dig into your shoulders, your hands immediately flying up to shove at them as you shrunk back against the couch, squeezing your eyes shut. “Stohop! I hate all of yohohou!”
“Poor baby y/n,” Elizabeth’s voice crooned in your ear. “I can’t imagine the torture it must have been, needing tickles for so long but having no way to get them.”
You swore you could feel your entire body heat up at her words, and you screamed when she suddenly began blowing into your ear, and Sebastian’s menacing fingers switched to your knees. You kicked your legs about in a fit of laughter.
“STOHOP! NOHOHO!” you choked out, now thrashing desperately. Four people tickling you at once was almost too much for you to handle. Almost.
“But you loooove it!” Evans exclaimed from behind you, his hands moving down to shake his fingers into your ribcage.
“TOHOM! HELP MEHEHE!” you reached out to someone, anyone. “ANTHONY!”
Both men glanced at each other, the same grin crossing their faces.
“No thanks.” Anthony folded his arms behind his head. “I’m having a good time with Holland over here.”
“Sorry y/n.” Tom shook his head. “I don’t want to fall victim to those creeps.”
“Keep that kind of talk up and you will.” Sebastian glared back at him, making Holland raise his hands in surrender and roll his eyes.
“GUHUYS!” you screamed. “I CAHANT BREATHE!”
Slowly, the tickles began to stop. You felt Elizabeth’s grip on you loosen, and you immediately jumped off of the couch, collapsing onto the floor and taking in huge gulps of air. You buried your red face into the carpet, unable to look at anyone.
“Now look what you guys did! You broke them!” RDJ exclaimed, gesturing to you. 
“I... I-I hate you guys.” you huffed, slowly sitting up. You dusted yourself off, regaining your composure. “Now, who’s first on my revenge list?” you glared at Scarlett, Elizabeth, Chris, and Sebastian. 
“Not it!” Chris exclaimed, raising his hands. You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Thanks for volunteering.” you grinned, advancing towards him.
“WAIT! I’M INNOCENT!” Chris exclaimed as he took off across the house, with you hot on his heels.
You had definitely missed this. Though, you could never admit it.
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mystey-here · 3 years
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spideynut667 · 2 years
Tom Holland tickle headcannons
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Kinda hides the fact that he actually likes being tickled
But yes he does like it depending on the person
Because obviously he doesn’t like when a random fan comes up and tickles him
Worst spots are his underarms and ribs/sides
If you get too close to his neck/behind his ears he’ll scrunch his shoulders up like a turtle
His costars came up with the nickname “Tickle me Tom” because if you tickle him lightly, he’ll giggle like a tickle me Elmo doll.
Seb was the first to come up with the nickname and when he first mentioned it Tom was like wtf does that mean?
of course now he knows cause he looked up a video!😊😊
Most popular leers for him are RDJ, the Chrises, Benedict Cumberbatch, Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan
Of course his family tickles him all the time and it was especially popular when he got his Spider-Man tattoo!
Get ready for some Tom Holland lee stories dating all the way back to The Impossible in 2012!
Just because Tom Holland’s ticklish doesn’t mean he doesn’t get to be a ler too!
This boi is vicious and when I mean vicious, I mean VICIOUS!
If he gets a laugh, he’ll tease and tickle harder.
“Does that tickle, darling?”
“Ooh! I think I found a sweet spot!”
Sometimes he likes to tickle lightly until it becomes unbearable
He loves to tickle his younger brothers and sometimes Tessa, but of course she doesn’t give a reaction.
He especially loves to rub backs and shoulders when he’s done
If it’s you, his brothers or Zendaya, he’ll plant a kiss on your cheek or forehead
sorry more lee than ler but I really get happy when I think of a ticklish Tom!😊😊
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Caramba não sei nem por onde começar!!! Primeiro a parte entre STAN e S/N!! Muitooo Boa, os detalhes, as emoções Ahhhh!!! Ela falando que não amava o Niall acabou comigo, tava com ódio mortal!
Olha palmas para o Sebastian por um término desse pq eu tacaria 3 pedra na cara kkkkkkk Mas ela falando que ama o Niall pro ex fiquei: Ohhh garota se decida por favor!!! Mas entendo ela ter se importado amiga com sabastian na hora lá.
Por último estou com Niall de não acredita! Acho que ela merece sofreeeeeeer. Magina fazer isso com meu irlandês e fica de boa correndo pra ele com lhe convém, Niall tá certíssimo 👏🏻👏🏻
Me desculpe por demorar tanto para ler😩😩 Mas obg por nos agraciar com mais um capítulo e social mídia impecável ♥️♥️♥️♥️ Vc é incrível, amo vc 🥰
gostei muuuito de escrever a parte dela com o Seb (tanto a briga quanto a “reconciliação”).
KSKSSKSKSKS S/N NEM É COMPLICADA, NÉ? mas tem um coração batendo dentro dela (mesmo que seja todo bagunçado)
entre para o #TEAMNIALL Cah! o moço tem que reivindicar seus direitos também, né!!! ela fez o coitadinho de gato e sapato e acha que tá no direito de ficar bravinha com ele??? tava enganada...
imagina, meu amor! não tem com que se desculpar. eu que agradeço por destinar um tempinho para ler e comentar a história comigo. impossível mensurar o quão importante é isso para mim! te amooo ❤️😍
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