#Sebastian Stan x ticklish!reader
pahtoosh · 1 year
mornings and kisses
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[image ID: a moodboard on a blue background. there is a photo of croissants and another of brownies on the left. the right side is a photo of a messy bed. a photo of sebastian stan with long hair is in the middle. /.end ID]
summer celebration masterlist
wc: ~360 words
warnings: i read this and then never wanted to get out of bed ever again !!
a/n: day 2 of my summer celebration!!! there are two pieces today, this one and then another drabble with lee!!! I'm so excited for you all to read them!!!
pairing: chef!daddy!bucky x gn!little!reader
summary: your daddy gets to sleep in with you
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾
You woke up with a big stretch and then closed your eyes again, turning to the side and hugging your stuffy close. 
Bucky chuckled, “Good morning, baby.”
You whined, not wanting to get out of bed yet. Then, you gave your daddy a confused look. Normally, you’d wake up by yourself on weekdays. Bucky’s bakery opened up early in the morning and you liked sleeping in, so your mornings typically started alone. You would read the note Bucky left for you on the nightstand, get ready for the day, and then call your daddy for a morning check-in. If you didn’t have any other plans, you’d walk to the bakery and spend the day hanging out with him while he worked. 
“Why you not workin’?”
“Tryin’ to kick me out, sugar?” Bucky teased. 
“Noooo.” You set your stuffie aside and cuddled your daddy. He was the best cuddler. His arms were big and strong from carrying stuff in the bakery. Also, he had a soft tummy that you loved to lay your head on. Bucky’s cuddling style was to trap you with his large body, acting as your weighted blanket. Sometimes you’d switch it up and you’d be the one trapping him, but he usually preferred the first one. 
With you resting comfortably in his arms, Bucky began to explain. “There was a power outage, the whole building’s out for a few hours.”
You nodded against his chest. It was nice feeling the vibrations of his voice as he talked. “You go back later?”
“Mhm.” Bucky kissed the top of your head. “But for now I just wanna be with my baby. I’m gonna give you alllll the morning cuddles and kisses we’ve missed out on.”
You giggled excitedly and pressed a kiss to your daddy’s chubby cheek. 
He returned the gesture. 
You kissed his other cheek then, and he did the same to you. You kept going back and forth like that until Bucky held you tight and kissed the same spot on your neck over and over again, making you squeal. 
He might take advantage of your ticklish spots, but there was no better place than in your daddy’s arms.
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sebastiansluts · 8 months
hi, I know ur not taking requests rn but hopefully you’ll at least give this a chance?
I’m just feeling really low and sad this week because stuff with my bio dad and icky trauma feelings and also trying to navigate being an adult on my own and not doing a super good job at it :(
It just makes me really wanna come home to seb and have him tell me I’m not doing a bad job and that even tho I’m 23 I’m not doing that bad and idk I just wanna feel his strong arms make me feel better with big bear hugs and have him kiss all over my face and giggle because his beard tickles :( other stuff that’s comfy and soft like that but idk I’m just really sad and yucky feeling rn
Sorry you're feeling yucky love, and that this is so late- hopefully it still helps <3
Sebastian Stan x Reader; really just fluff, kisses, hugs, praise,
“Hey baby, you’re home,” Sebastian said warmly from where he sat on the couch. You stood in the middle of the room, hesitating, and he frowned. “Come here, sweetheart, it’s okay.”
You sighed, walking towards him and sitting next to him on the couch, letting him pull you into his side. 
“What’s going on, sweetheart? You know you can tell me anything,” Sebastian said, tucking you under his chin and swinging your legs over so you were sitting on his lap. 
“I just…I feel like I’m doing everything wrong, that I’m doing a bad job at everything, and it’s all my fault,” you said quickly, trying to get it all out in a rush.
Sebastian immediately wrapped you up in his arms, a tight bear hug that lasted for minutes. He rocked you back and forth, humming softly, and you realized that tears had slowly been leaking out of your eyes, wetting his neck and shirt. You tried to sit up, to apologize, but he held you back, shaking his head. 
“You’re fine, sweetheart. You’re more than fine, you’re amazing, you know that? No, I don’t suppose you do right now. But baby, you’re doing such a great job, especially for someone who’s only twenty three, and I’m so proud of you.”
You were hiding your face in Sebastian’s neck, secretly loving and craving his praise, but he tucked his head down and kissed your pink cheek, beard scratching lightly and making you smile. 
“There’s my girl, there’s that smile I’ve been waiting to see,” Sebastian said, grinning down at you. “What, is my beard making you ticklish? Is it my kisses? Hmm?” he asked as he pressed more kisses to your face, beard tickling you more and more until finally you giggled.
Sebastian pulled back, smiling so wide his eyes crinkled, and you giggled again, pressing your face into his chest, smile wide. “I love you Seb,” you whispered, and his arms tightened around you, making you feel safe and secure. 
“I love you so much sweetheart,” he replied, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, breathing in deeply as he sat back in his seat, bringing you with him. “Should we watch some old tv? Let’s see what’s on today.” 
You and Sebastian spent the next hour watching retro tv, laughing at the silly plots and goofy characters. Afterwards, he helped you in the kitchen making cookies, although he was more of a hindrance than a help. He somehow ended up with flour all over his hands and face, handprints down his clothes, and his once dark hair was now stark white. 
You were laughing so hard you were crying, holding onto the counter for support as Sebastian just stared at you, still not sure how he got so covered. You dusted him off, then he helped you clean up all the flour somehow covering every surface of the room. Cookies baked, you took them out, and ate enough to get a stomachache, Sebastian carrying you upstairs to the bedroom, laying down with you and napping.
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tickles-in-ficland · 2 years
Summary: Chris tries to play matchmaker for Y/N and someone she has her eye on. Chris Evans Feat. Sebastian Stan x ticklish!reader. Part 3 to Destination: Laughter
Warning: some cursing, fluff otherwise.
Word Count: 2,941
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You saw the teasy grin your aunt was giving you, which made you blush.
“Tom? Holland?” she asked.
You nodded slightly. “Yeah. I mean he’s really nice and he’s cute and… ugh! It’s embarrassing!”
Your aunt chuckled quietly and sat next to you on the couch. “No it’s not Y/N. It’s sweet. I’m glad there’s someone else around here your age. I feel bad you’ve been cooped up in my office for weeks. You should be exploring LA and enjoying your summer.”
Returning her words with a soft smile you leaned over to lay your head on her shoulder.
“No! Don’t feel bad Aunt Y/A/N! I’m having the best summer ever. I’m loving this job. It makes me want to stay and make this my career.”
Your aunt smiled as she rubbed your back lovingly. “Well that makes me happy. and I’ll do what I can to help. And you’ve got the cast wrapped around your finger.”
You giggled at her statement. “Do you think I have a chance with Tom? I mean he’s famous and I’m just…. me.”
“Well I think ‘just you’ is pretty great. And so will he.” Your aunt said kissing your head.
“Thanks Auntie.”
“Now get back to work.” she said with a wink and slight poke to your side making you giggle.
Over the next few days all you could think about was seeing Tom again. You were enjoying getting to know each other and as your aunt had pointed out, it was nice having someone close in age on set. You tried not to make it obvious that you liked him but your pink cheeks when you saw him or the quiet giggle when he’d tell a joke wasn’t exactly keeping it hidden. Tom seemed oblivious though and for now that worked.
Taking a break from work, you watched one of the scenes being filmed. You were amazed and in awe of all the work that went into filming one scene.
“Hey Y/N!” Tom said with a wave as he spotted you by the monitor.
“Hey Tom.” you said with a shy smile as he came over to give you a hug.
“I didn’t know you were here today.” he said wiping the sweat from his brow.
“Yeah, I have some work to do later but I wanted to see you guys filming.”
“That’s awesome! How’d it look?”
“So good! Although you’re kinda getting your ass kicked.” you said with a tease in your voice.
Tom rolled his eyes with a smile. “Hey! I didn’t write the script.” he said putting his hands up on mock defense.
“Fair enough. It’s too bad. I’d like to see you beat Captain America.” you giggled, not knowing the latter was behind you.
Chris shushed Tom as he snuck up behind you, tasering your sides, causing you to let out a loud yelp and spin around to see his smug smile towards you.
“What did I just hear you say?”
“Uh, regarding?” you asked trying to play innocent.
“Something about getting my ass kicked.”
You covered your mouth, trying to stifle your giggles. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Narrowing his eyes playfully at you, Chris went to taser your sides but you dodged his hands as you waved at him and Tom.
“Bye guys!”
His eyes still narrowed in your direction, you stuck your tongue out at him.
“Oh that’s how you wanna play it huh?” Chris said as he began taking big strides towards you.
With a giggly shriek, you took off through the studio, not wanting to be subjected to Chris’ tickly wrath or have Tom see you like that.
“What was that about?” Tom asked Chris with a slight eyebrow raise.
“She’s very ticklish.” Chris said with a laugh. “It’s quite adorable. You should try it sometime.”
Tom blushed slightly. “I do love her laugh. And her smile.”
Chris looked down at the young actor. “You like Y/N don’t you man?”
With a small nod and heat risking in his cheeks, Tom shrugged. “She’s different man. I don’t know. She treats us all like people and not like celebrities. It’s refreshing. And she’s fun to be around.”
Chris smiled warmly, as they walked back to continue filming their scene together.
“I get it man. When I first met Y/N I too was pleasantly surprised when she didn’t fan girl over me. I think we’re so used to it, that when it doesn’t happen it catches our attention. Now she’s like a little sister to me. Why don’t you tell her how you feel?”
Tom shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe I will. Think it’d be a good idea to ask her to hang out?”
Chris nodded. “For sure. Just make it casual. Don’t rush anything and let things happen the way they’re suppose to.” he said patting Tom on the back.
As Tom walked back onto the set and spoke to the director before the next take, Chris saw Y/A/N sitting in a folding chair, writing some notes down.
“Hey Auntie” he said teasingly.
Your aunt looked up at him with a deadpan expression but a smile in her eyes. “Hello Christopher.” she said with a playful roll of her eyes. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah. Just wanted to say hi before we shoot our next scene. How’s the schedule coming along?” he asked.
“Pretty good. We should have all your promo finalized sometime this week. I’ve got Y/N working on it now.” she said closing her notebook.
“Speaking of, do you know if she likes anyone or is seeing anyone? I have someone I’d like her to hang with. Maybe someone from set?”
“Trying to play matchmaker?” Your aunt teased.
Chris grinned. “Maaaaybe. So does she?”
Your aunt smiled as she stood up from her seat, patting his arm. “An aunt never tells. You’ll have to ask her.” She said with a wink.
With a laugh to himself, he pulled out his phone to send a text.
Later that day, you sat at the desk, working hard to get everything done. You tucked your hair behind your ear and let out a sigh as you typed on your laptop. Your aunt had tasked you with organizing Chris’ upcoming press schedule and calling to confirm with the different publications and news outlets. It was a lot of responsibility but you were grateful that both she and Chris had faith that you could do it.
You had just finished the first day of the schedule so you closed your laptop and laid on the couch to rest your eyes for a few minutes when you felt your phone buzz in your pocket.
Opening the text message you immediately rolled your eyes with a smile.
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You closed your phone and shut your eyes again only to have your phone buzz again. This man was not going to let you rest.
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Blushing profusely and already flustered, you shifted in your seat. Truthfully, you loved when Chris tickled you but you’d rather die before you let him know that. You were so grateful for his friendship and never in a million years thought you’d be friends with someone you so greatly admired and were a fan of. If someone had told you even a few months ago that Chris freaking Evans would be like a big brother to you, you would’ve laughed in their face and called them a liar. With a quiet giggle you sent another text.
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Throwing your phone down, you attempted to shut your eyes one more time. The peace and quiet lasted all of five minutes before you heard a pair of feet running down the hall.
“Oh good lord.” you muttered as a you covered your face with your hands.
Before you could pull your hands away, you felt yourself being crushed under another person. You knew exactly who it was.
“Whahat ahahre you DOING?” you said.
“I came to find out who you’ve got a wittle crush on.” Chris said pinching your cheeks causing bubbly giggles to erupt.
“Chrhihis! Gehet OFF!”
“Alright alright.” he said with a chuckle climbing off of you and sitting next to you on the couch. “Now spill. I want the tea.” he said holding his pinky up as if he was holding a tea cup.
You raised your eyebrows at him with a laugh. “Trying to be Gen Z?”
“What? I’m trying to be hip with the lingo these days.”
You smirked at him as you shook your head. “Alright Grandpa.”
With a playful growl, Chris shot his hand into your side causing you to yelp and jump back.
“Quhihit!” you said smacking his hand away and scooting back further into the couch.
“Stop stalling Y/N. I want to know.”
“You know, it’s such a beautiful day.” You said said standing up and inching towards the door. “Let’s not waste it inside.” you said before bolting out the door.
“YOU LITTLE SH-“ was all you heard as you ran down the hallway, out of the building and across the lot to the studio where they were currently filming. You knew you were safe in there for now because a lot of noise can’t be made while shooting and you knew Chris wouldn’t risk ruining a take.
Catching your breath, you quietly made your way through the set, giving a polite smile as you passed crew members and some of the cast.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want Chris to know you were crushing on little Tom, but you didn’t want everyone else knowing and risk Tom finding out. The last thing you wanted to deal with was a heartbreak of rejection. You didn’t expect that he even knew how you felt but you didn’t want to risk making things awkward between the two of you as you were slowly building a friendship.
Lost in your own thoughts, you felt someone rest their hand on your shoulder. Turning to see who it was, your face flushed when your eyes met with Tom’s.
“Oh! H-Hey Tom. How are you?” you asked trying to appear casual but your nerves were firing a mile a minute.
“Hey Y/N!” he said giving you a quick side hug. “What’s got you so out of breath?” he said with a laugh.
“Trying to hide from Evans.”
With a smirk and a playful nudge Tom asked “What did you do?”
Your cheeks flushing pink again you tried to play it off with a shrug. “He’s just driving me crazy. Nothing new.” you said with a small giggle.
“That sounds about right. I’ve got to get back to my trailer for some touch ups. Are you free tonight? We should finish shooting early today if you want to hang.” he said nervously playing with his hands trying not to show his own feelings. He was thankful you didn’t seem to notice.
You nodded with a shy smile. “Yeah I’d like that. Just text me when you’re done. I’ve got some more work to do with my aunt for Chris’ upcoming schedule but I should be done shortly after you guys wrap for the day.”
“Great!” Tom said giving you a hug. You took a breath in, enjoying his scent and his arms wrapped around you before reluctantly letting go. “See ya later!”
You smiled to yourself while you walked away, lost in your own world. Turning the corner your eyes widened when you saw Chris heading in your direction talking with Sebastian. Cursing to yourself hoping neither of them saw you, you put your head down and tried ducking into one of the storage rooms only to catch Chris’ eye at the last second.
With a twinkle in his eye he marched towards you, which never ended well for you. You cursed under your breath as you plastered a fake smile on your face.
“Heeeeey guys.” you said giving them a small wave. “How’s it going?”
With a mischievous smile as he approached you, Chris stopped in front of you with his hands on his hips. “You ran away from me before answering my question. You’ve been running from me all day. Hiding something?”
Sebastian looked between the two of you confused. “What question?”
Chris turned to him with a smirk. “Y/N has a crush on someone we work with.”
Sebastian’s eyes flickered over to you, now a mischievous smile on his face as well. You were so screwed.
“Who is it?!” he asked excitedly.
“That’s the problem man. She won’t tell me.” Chris said with a dramatic sigh.
“Well we’ll just have to make her talk.” Sebastian said with a wink.
“Exactly.” Chris said with a brief pause. “What I was thinking.”
Backing up and attempting to escape again, you put your hands up with a nervous giggle. “Guys. You know, it’s really not that big of a deal. I’m just gonna get back to work I’ll see you later!” you said turning on your heel.
Before you could make your escape though, Chris grabbed you and pulled you back against his chest.
A deep chuckle rumbled in his chest as he leaned down to your ear. “Not so fast. You’re not getting away this time.” He said before turning you to face him and leaning down to toss you over your shoulder.
“CHRIS!” you squealed hitting his back, which only mad him laugh. “Puhut mehe DOWN!”
Chris walked down the hall, and looked around for a place to put you down but a film studio doesn’t have a whole lot of open seating.
“Hmm. I guess here is a good spot.” he said placing you on the floor before pinning your arms down.
“Chrihis! Plehehease!” you said nervous giggles already bubbling in your throat. “What if you ruin a take?”
Chris smirked. “They’re not shooting at the moment. Which means fair game.” he said before shooting his hands into your sides and spidering up and down your rib cage.
“NAHAHA!!” you said kicking your legs on the floor, pushing at his hands.
“Woah dude. You weren’t kidding when you said she’s incredibly ticklish!” Sebastian said with a laugh watching you squirm under his co-stars hands.
“Gladly.” he said before fluttering his fingers in your neck.
“NOHOHOHOT WHAT I MEHEHEANT!” you squealed throwing your head back in a hard belly laugh.
Sebastian chuckled. “You should really be more clear Y/N.”
“Ihihi mehehean’t hehehlp ME!” you shrieked as Chris continued spidering up and down your sides.
“But this is way more entertaining.” Sebastian said with a wink.
“Watch this Seb.” Chris laughed before shooting his hands under your arms. You arched your back as a scream of laughter that could probably be heard through the building, spilled from your mouth.
“IHIHIHI CAHAHAHN’T!” you shrieked with loud laughter. “IHI AHAM GOING TO DIHIHIE!”
“Oh that’s a bit dramatic Y/N.” Chris said with a chuckle. “Just tell us who you’re crushing on and this all stops.” he said tortuously wiggling his finger into each rib, your laugh raising several octaves.
“It’s like she’s asking for it.” Sebastian said with a laugh as he leaned down and started rapidly squeezing the sensitive muscle above your knee. “Come on Y/N. Fess up.”
“GUHUHUYS!!” you scream laughed, your laughter turning silent. You smacked both their arms, tapping out of the playful torture.
The two men chuckled as they lifted their hands, giving you a chance to breathe. Taking in deep, hungry breaths, sporadic bubbly giggles still lingering as you felt the ghost tickles all over your body.
“I hahate you bohoth.” you giggled, covering your face in embarrassment.
“That’s not true. You love us.” Chris said with a wink.
You rolled your eyes. “Fine. But you’re both still so mean.” you said sitting up and curling your legs to your chest with a shy smile. “It’s Tom.”
“Tom?” both men echoed before wide grins spread across their face. “AWWW!” they both said in unison.
You covered your face in embarrassment only to have Chris taser your sides, causing you to yelp with a hearty laugh and smack at hand.
“Noho mohore! I might actually pass out.”
Chris rolled his eyes with a smile. “You don’t have to be embarrassed Y/N. It’s adorable. Why don’t you talk to him?” he asked helping you stand to your feet.
You shrugged, looking between Sebastian and Chris. “Because I’m scared of being rejected. We’re just becoming friends and I don’t want to ruin that.”
“Well he’d be crazy not to. You’re a great person.” Sebastian chimed in wrapping you in a hug. “Plus, if he doesn’t we’ll kick his little spider ass.”
Giggling at his last statement you returned the hug. “Thanks Seb.”
“Now if you two are done torturing me, I actually need to get done work done for YOU.” you said poking Chris in the chest making him smirk at you. “Before meeting Tom to hang out.”
The two men wiggled their eyebrows at you, oooh-ing and ahhh-ing. Rolling your eyes and giving the two the middle finger jokingly causing them to gasp while you giggled as you walked away.
Once you turned the corner Sebastian turned to Chris.
“Should we have told her?” Sebastian asked.
“What? That Tom confided in me that he likes Y/N? Nah. Let the kids find out on their own. It’ll be more fun when they both finally realize they’re equally crushing on one another.”
Finishing up your work for the day, you texted your aunt that you were done.
Closing your laptop, and putting it away in the drawer, you grabbed your bag and headed out and down the hall, pulling out your phone to see a text waiting for you.
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With a blushy smile, you headed home to get ready for the evening. You were excited for the evening ahead and unbeknownst to you, so was Tom.
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Sebastian Stan x reader? They are teasing him all day and he gets them back with tickles?
Sebastian Stan and Reader
Summary: Platonic tickle fic with big brother figure Sebastian and little sibling Y/N ❤️
"Aww, look at your little ponytail." You gently tugged on Sebastian's hair. "It's so tiny."
Sebastian pulled his head away. "Quit it Y/N."
"But it's so springy. Look?" You tugged on your costar's hair again. "Boing! Boing! Boing!"
Sebastian chuckled as he gently pushed you back. "What's gotten ihinto yohou today? Yohouve beheen pulling my hair ahall day."
"Ihi just lohove playing with yohour hair."
"When normal people play with hair, they usually ruhun thehir fingers through it." The older man gently pulled your hand into his. "Nohot bounce someone's ponytahail."
"Buhut it's soho much fuhun."
"Oh really?" Sebastian shook your hand. "Ihits just funny Y/N?"
You giggled at the shake. "Yeheah!"
"Aww. You know what else ihis fun?"
The older man smirked before he tugged you forward. He quickly pulled you into his lap before wrapping you in a hug.
"Sebastian! What ahare you doing?"
"You never answered my question Y/N."
"What question?"
"Do you knohow whahat else is fuhun Y/N?"
You squirmed in Sebastian's hold. You knew where this was going.
"Ahanswer the question Y/N," the older man sing-songed.
"Uhum---uhuh . . ."
"Cohome oooon."
"Hold ohon! Uhum . . . T-tick---."
As you struggled to get out the word, Sebastian's fingers brushed against your side. "Come on, you can do it."
Of all the days you could have chosen to wear a crop top to set, you were glad you had chosen today. Your most ticklish spot now had no protection from those skittering fingers . . . Not that you really minded all that much.
"Y/N." A finger poked your side. "It's impolite to ignore people whoho ahare talkihing to yohou."
"Eek! Hey!"
"Now answer my question. What's more fun than playing with people's hair?"
The blush on your cheeks darkened as you whispered, "Tickles."
"What was that?" Sebastian leaned closer. "I cahant hear youuu."
The older man dug into your sides. "Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner."
As those fingers destroyed your sides, you dissolved into laughter and squirms.
Sebastian chuckled. "Sehee how much fun this ihis? Much more fuhun thahan hair pulling."
"Thahat tihickles!"
"Ihi know." Sebastian spidered his hand on to your tummy. "But that's what happens when you leheave your most ticklish spohot exposed."
Your face burned even brighter. He knew how ticklish your stomach was. And that smirk made you blush even more as you readjusted so you could sit across his lap to expose your tummy even more.
Most people would think it odd to be so close to your co-star, especially someone older. But you looked up to Sebastian kind of like an older brother. He teased you, ruffled your hair, and treated you like a little sibling.
Like now when he booped your nose. "You know, if you wanted tickles, you could just ask. I'm always happy to do it Y/N."
"I dohon't knohow---."
Sebastian held a finger up. "Shhhh, just admit it and accept it. You've been teasing me all day and you chose to wear a crop top."
"It's a styhyle chohoice!"
"A style choice you barely wear on set."
You opened your mouth to retort, but every one you could think of wouldn't convince him differently.
"Sehee?" Sebastian's fingers started spidering across your stomach again. "You're juhust mad Ihi fihigured it out."
You squeaked before dissolving into bubbly laughter and kicks.
"Awww, who gave you permission toho behe this cute? It's unfair toho thehe rest of uhus who actually have to tryhy."
"And why should I hm? Gihive mehe one good reason why I shouldn't tell you how cute you ahare."
"Becauhause . . . Behecahause . . ."
Your costar grinned as his tickling sped up. "Just take your tickles like the kiddo you are Y/N."
You were certain your face would explode before you were both done. "Yohou jeherk!"
"For what? Pointing out the obvious? Telling the truth? Tickling you into oblivion? Being the best older brother around?"
"Yohou're aha jeherk!"
"Ahand you're just too ticklihish. Just a ticklish little baby. Yes you are. Yes you a---."
"Sebastian, Y/N."
Both of you froze and looked toward the dressing room door.
Chris smiled as he stepped into the room. "Two minutes until the next scene."
Sebastian wrapped you in a hug so you wouldn't jump out of his lap. "Thanks Chris. We'll be there soon."
"Sure thing. Oh, and Sebastian?"
Chris tapped the collar of his own shirt where his microphone usually was. "Might want to try turning off your microphone in between scenes."
Your eyes widened as Sebastian pulled out his microphone pack. Sure enough, the little light that indicated it was on burned almost as bright as your face.
"Don't worry. Everyone thought you two were adorable." Chris poked your exposed side. "And you better start speaking up about wanting tickles instead of picking on old Sebastian over here."
You squeaked.
Sebastian laughed. "Ihi'm nohot that ohold!"
"Sure thing." Chris ruffled your hair. "And if you're up for it later Y/N, I want a turn."
Your blush immediately reappeared as you hid in your hands. No one had ever asked for a turn to tickle you and you didn't know how to respond.
"Yohou think about it Y/N, I don't wahant to overstep if you're overwhehelmed. See you guys in two."
You're heart melted a little as you heard footsteps head away and out the door. You had a pretty good crew family.
"Alright Y/N." Sebastian stood with you in his arms. "Time to go."
"Ack!" Everything around you turned upside down as you were tossed over your costar's shoulder. "Sebahastian! But mehe down!"
The older man headed toward the door. "Hey kid, what do you think about the nickname Zeb?"
"Sebastian makes me feel like I'm being scolded. Whahat if you call mehe Zeb instehead?"
You positively beamed at the suggestion. "Really? A nickname for you?"
"Yehes. Now what do yohou think?"
You gave him two thumbs up that he couldn't see. "Ihi love ihit!"
Sebastian grinned and set you back upright. "Me tohoo kid. Now come on, before wehere late."
You two two raced down the hall to make it on time, but it was worth it.
Now to decide if you would take Chris up on his offer.
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t-wordy-kk · 3 years
I’ll Never Forget You:
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Here it is!! I stole the idea for this from @obsessedwithseb, and I absolutely LOVED writing it! Writing the reader as a cousin was definitely different than what I’ve written before, but I think I did a pretty decent job. I hope that I did your idea justice!
Word count: 2,749
(Warning: tiny bit of angst, but mostly fluff 😂)
Christmas was a time of year that you always loved. Between the holiday candle scents in the shops, the fresh smell of Christmas trees all over the city, the togetherness of your family, and your little childhood home in the countryside that had the perfect hills for sledding, you always said that Christmas was your favorite time of the year. But, despite all of the things you loved about Christmas, there was always one part of the day that always made things better. Every year, your cousin Sebastian would stay with you and your family from Christmas Eve to New Years, and you all would celebrate together. Since you and Sebastian lived on the same street as kids, you two were the best of friends and spent all of your time together growing up, but now that he’s a huge movie star, you don’t get to see him as often. But Christmas was a yearly promise, and you couldn’t wait any longer.
“Mooooom, when is Sebastian going to get here? He won’t answer my texts,” You yelled from your seat on the couch, flipping through the television channels to see if there were any good Christmas movies on. Eventually, you found Elf, and settled for that, but you were mesmerized by the color-changing lights on the Christmas tree in the corner of the room.
“He should be here soon, don’t worry sweetheart. You sound like you’re a young child again waiting for him to finish his homework in order to come over,” She replied with a laugh, putting the finishing touches on her annual Christmas dinner that, no matter how much you and your dad tried, couldn’t help with because she wanted to keep her special Christmas dinner secrets.
“I do not!”
“Yeah, you do.” Knowing exactly who that voice belonged to, you jumped up from your seat on the couch and ran to Sebastian, immediately jumping into his arms while he spun you around, eventually placing you back down onto the ground. “Hey munchkin.”
“Sebby, tell me everything, what movies are you in, how are your superhero buddies, can I go to set soon, is-”
“Woah, calm yourself now. I actually have news for you guys. I want you to meet my girlfriend, Alejandra,” Sebastian said as he walked over to the new girl in your home, who was standing next to your dad and shyly smiling. “Alejandra, this is my cousin Y/N that I told you about, and this is my aunt, who never lets anyone in the kitchen to help her cook.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you all,” Alejandra said as your mom gave her a long hug while you looked at them, slightly confused, but happy for Sebastian.
“When did this happen?” You asked, nudging his side while Alejandra made small talk with your parents.
“I met her while I was filming somewhere, I can’t even remember where, but we hit it off really well, and she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. She’s so kind, smart, caring, just perfect in my eyes.” Feeling a small pang of jealousy, you kept quiet and slowly made your way over, hoping to make a good impression so she wouldn’t absolutely hate you.
“Hey, I’m Y/N,” You said, awkwardly sticking your hand out, hoping she would accept the handshake you were offering.
“Alejandra,” She responded with a small giggle. “Sebby’s told me a lot about you, it sounds like you two always had fun while you were growing up, he’s always going on about all of the memories he has of something you did together.”
‘I was the only one who ever called him Sebby.’
“Yeah, we did so many things while we were growing up, some of the best memories that I have are with him.” Reminiscing on some of the memories, you didn’t feel the tear roll down your face until Alejandra reached a hand out to wipe it away.
“Oh, I didn’t mean to make you cry Y/N!”
“No, you’re perfectly fine, I promise that it’s happy tears,” You lied with a laugh, beginning to think that he was replacing you. Of course, he’s tired of the little kid he grew up with. No more best friends, just cousins that see each other every Christmas, which now he might even stop doing. “Hey mom, I’m going for a quick walk before dinner, I’ll be back soon!”
“Dinner will be ready in half an hour, so you might want to jog instead of walk!” She joked, causing your dad to let out a small laugh.
“I’ll jog just for you, mom!”
Walking out the door, you looked around, embracing the winter environment around you. To your left was the small shed that you would always hide in whenever you and Seb played hide-and-seek as kids. Looking to the back of the house, you saw the large hill that you would sled down, always falling off of the sled and rolling the rest of the way down. There was a medium-sized tree to the right of the house that you both planted together when you were beginning preschool, and watching it grow with you was the best part of your childhood.
Anytime there was ever a problem, the tree would get to hear it. A bully that stole your juice box, the tree was your comfort when you arrived home. Any boy that hurt your feelings because of a breakup, or any girl that broke Sebastian’s heart, the tree would hear all of the rants that you both shared. It had grown enough when you were teens for you to install a tire swing, and it has been there ever since, still hanging to this day. As all of the memories began to flood back into your mind, you felt more tears begin to fall, seeing that Sebastian had his girl now, and it was time for you to realize that they were each other’s, leaving you with the memories on the tire swing.
“I came back early,” You announced, walking through the door while you held your emotions together.
“How was your walk, Y/N?” Alejandra asked from her seat on the couch, where Sebastian had an arm wrapped around her waist.
“It was pretty good, it’s kind of chilly, so that’s pretty much my reasoning for coming back so soon.” You weren’t technically lying, it was still winter, so the chill in the air was in its full bloom.
“Come join us munchkin, there’s plenty of room on the couch,” Sebastian said as he waved you over, giving you a smile. Little did you know, he was trying so hard to figure out why you were being this distant, any other time he was with you, he couldn’t get you to leave his side. But this time, it was different.
“Okay, sure.” As you sat down, you realized that this could be a good thing. If Sebastian was truly serious about this relationship, the least you could do is get to know her. “So, Alejandra, what do you like to do?”
Once your mom called you all into the small dining room for dinner, you felt much better about your new acquaintanceship with Alejandra. She seemed like a good match for Sebastian, but you still couldn’t get rid of the nagging thought in the back of your mind that Sebstian was leaving you for good. Throughout dinner, you noticed that he kept looking in your direction, likely trying to determine what was going through your head. You tried to not make it obvious, but he could tell something was off.
“Dinner was wonderful, thank you so much Mrs. L/N,” Alejandra said as she went into the kitchen with your parents, insisting on helping with cleaning up and washing the dishes, leaving you and Sebastian alone in the living room together.
“So, something’s up, what’s the deal? You normally don’t leave me alone when I’m here with you, now I can’t get you to talk to me.” Walking over to your seat on the small bench next to the tree, he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and looked down at you.
“Everything’s fine, I don’t know what you mean Sebby. Or is that her nickname for you now?” You asked, a small tear rolling down your cheek.
“Is this about Alejandra? Do you not like her?”
“No, I really like her, she’s great. I just, I-”
“If you don’t like her, don’t lie to me and tell me you do. I need you to be honest with me Y/N, I’m dead serious.”
“I don’t want to lose you, okay! You’re the one I grew up with, not only my cousin but you’re my best friend, Seb. I just don’t want you to forget about me, even though that’s the lamest thing ever. But I saw her with you and I didn’t want to ruin it, cause she’s meant for you. And I know you guys are gonna go off together all over the place and probably make your own Christmas tradition and I won’t be there and-”
“Woah, slow down Y/N. I’m not gonna forget about you, do you think that I’m gonna forget the girl who I’d ride around with for hours on end in the middle of the night? The one who I constantly threw into the water at the beach? The person that I spent the entirety of my childhood with because I literally lived three houses down? There’s no way in the world that I would forget you. Just because I’m with Alejandra doesn’t mean that anything’s going to change, okay?”
“I-I’m sorry for t-taking it that far Sebby, I just-”
“Hey, no crying. Not while I’m here, that is. Take it to the tree,” He mentioned, causing you to giggle. “Whatever tradition we end up coming up with, it’s never going to make me miss this, because this time of year with you is the one thing I always know that I can look forward to. And I’m never going to leave you behind, we’re always going to be texting and calling back and forth, I already know it. And I’m sure I’ll be able to pull some strings and get you to set a time or two.”
“Then I can see your boyfriend. By the way, how has Evans been?” You asked with a laugh, Sebastian giving you an eye roll along with a smile.
“He’s been fine, but he’d be mad if he found out you were mad about this.”
“I’m not mad, I’m just being my wonderful, overthinking self.”
“I know she came in with me unannounced, and that’s my fault. And I could tell you were upset about this over dinner, so I got you a little something. Feel free to open it.”
As you got off of the bench and looked under the tree, you couldn’t help but feel a little bit guilty for your actions, despite the reassurance that flooded through you. You knew she was nowhere near a bad person, you were just getting in your own way.
“You wrote me a letter, how nice of you. Maybe I’ll buy you a postcard next Christmas,” You sassed, looking at the paper and beginning to read it in your head.
“No, use your voice and read it. That was my point of writing this, you know.”
Standing behind you, resting his hands on your shoulders while reading the letter to himself, you began to read it out loud.
“To my munchkin Y/N: I know that you are mad about me bringing Alejandra to stay with us for the week. But, when else would you have gotten the chance to meet her? All I ever talk about is the stupid stuff we’ve done growing up, and she really likes you. I can tell that you feel like I’m going to stop caring for you, and that’s a total lie. I’m always going to care for you, you’re like the sister I never had, but better. Everything we have done is never going to leave me, and I will never leave you for as long as I live. I got you a little present to cheer you up, but it isn’t anything physical. I was thinking long and hard about what to get you, and then it finally hit me. There’s one thing that always makes you happy, so I gift to you a visit from...the tickle monster.”
Unable to say the last few words, a strong blush immediately rose to your cheeks while Sebastian dug into your sides. Falling off of the bench with a loud shriek, Sebastian took this as the perfect opportunity to straddle your waist, continuing his torture on your sensitive skin.
“But you need cheering up, munch! I’m just trying to help you!” Seb yelled over your laugh, gently scratching his fingernails along your stomach, your laughter turning to giggles. “See, I’m not torturing you.”
“Buhuhut you ahahARE PLEHEHEASE!” The giggles soon turned back to laughter, which turned silent as he began drilling his fingers into your ribs, making sure to add extra pressure in between each one. Your arms shot down in an attempt to protect yourself, but that was a failed effort, as it only added to the ticklish sensations coursing through your body.
“Please what? Please continue? I’m happy to oblige!” Turning himself around on your waist, he lifted one of your legs, despite the desperate kicking you provided, beginning to brush the fingers on his free hand along the underside of your knee.
“Do you promise that you’ll stop being a grouch?”
“I wasn’t beheheing grohouchy,” You answered, the strong laughter turning to light giggles as he lightly dragged his fingernails along your waistline, having turned back around to leave your sensitive knees alone.
“If you’re sure, then I’ll stop.”
“I’m sure.” Finally removing his fingers, Seb quickly removed himself from your waist, offering you a hand to help you off of the floor. Accepting his hand, he pulled you up while wrapping you into a hug.
“Y/N, I promise that I’m never going to leave you, okay? I would hate myself more than you know if I ever did that. I can’t live without you, you’re the best family friend that I’ve ever had.”
“Ah, combining the titles, how slick of you,” You joked, receiving a playful glare.
“Watch it, or I’ll tickle you again with no hesitation.”
“Noted. Thanks for being here for me Seb, I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Probably live a long and boring life.”
“You’re probably right. Ready to keep celebrating the holiday?” Looking into his eyes, you saw the childish delight you both managed to keep, giving you the answer before he even said anything.
“Always. Let’s open these presents!”
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fluffymcu · 4 years
I love you (Sebastian Stan x reader)
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A/n: I am in such!!!! a Sebastian mood. This man is my everything I’m in love with him 🥺
Summary: Sebastian is determined to tickle the crap out of you when your dog isn’t around to protect you. Idk I’m bad at summaries :/
Warnings: none? Maybe slight kissing?
You enter the living room and find Seb on the couch watching tv. He had the volume low because you were taking a nap. But now you were up and energized and ready to hang with your hubby. You sneak up on him and you wrap your arms around his neck from behind the couch.
“Hey chubby dumpling!” You greet, Seb blushing at the nickname you always called him, making you laugh.
“Hey.” He mumbles, rubbing his temple with his thumb and forefinger as he blushes.
You round the couch to sit down next to him, one leg crossed under the other, you and his knee touching.
“How was your nap?” He asks sweetly. You continue to make conversation for the next 20 minutes, laughing and talking about plans you need to take care of, until eventually it leads to Seb peppering kisses around you face, slowly leading down to your neck. As soon as his lips found themselves on the sensitive spot, you burst out in giggles, just like he knew you would.
“Seb! Stohohop you know that tihihickles!” You whined, trying to squeeze his head out.
Seb chuckled and reached out to taser your sides making you scream. “Ahh! Seb stohohop!” With his fingers in your sides and his beard scratching at your neck, the feeling was unbearable.
Sebastian then decides to be cheeky and playfully bite your neck. You squeal and slap at his chest. “Ohohow! You’re a jeheherk!” Just then, your labradoodle waltzed into the living room and saw your desperate state.
The curly haired dog lets out a short bark, startling Sebastian. He finally stops his antics and you take the opportunity to scoot away from him, still giggling. “Jesus!” He huffs, looking at your dog warily while your dog does the same. “See, this is why I don’t like your dog.”
You giggle and turn your attention to your giant puppy. “Stinky boy! Come here!” You coo, hugging him when he jumps on your lap. You lean closer to him and whisper. “Good boy.”
Sebastian hears this and narrows his eyes at you making you laugh. “Don’t think I’m done with you. I’ll get you soon. He can’t always be here to protect you.” He sang. You giggled and held Stinky Boy tighter in your arms and poked Seb’s stomach with your toe.
“Stinky Boy is a good dog. You need to start showing him some love. Just like I love Betty.” You say, running your hands through his fur.
“Well, because.. Betty is better. She’s sweet and-“
“Stinky Boy’s sweet!”
“Yeah well, he’s sweet to you, but whenever I get close to you he barks at me. Betty doesn’t do that, she loves you.” He said as he pointed at his dog who was taking a nap on her bed.
“Stinky loves you too.” You smile, carrying him closer to Seb to try and hand him over, but as soon as she puts him too close to Seb, he barks, startling Sebastian again.
“Ugh, see?!” He waves his arms as you pull Stinky back into your arms and laugh. “He doesn’t like me when I’m around you.” He whines.
“Well, maybe if you spent more time with him, he’d see you as a master too.” You smiled. Seb quickly shook his head and raised his hands in defense.
“No thank you. That’s why I got Betty. She loves me and that’s all I need.” He smiled. You rolled your eyes and sighed, getting up from the couch still holding Stinky Boy in your arms.
“Ok well, I’m gonna go take a shower and I’m taking Stinky with me and I will always have him around me for the rest of the day.” You sassed, sticking your tongue out at him.
Seb smirked and shook his head. “I doubt that. You can’t keep him by your side all day, he’s gonna have to leave you alone eventually. And when that happens... I’ll be there.” He teased, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
You pursed your lips as your face heated up and you marched to your shared bedroom, leaving Sebastian to chuckle.
It had been about 2 hours since you showered and you’ve managed to keep Stinky by your side. Every time Sebastian would walk into a room, you would call Stinky to your side and you’d hug him tightly. Every time that’d happen, Seb would clench his jaw and and looked at you mischievously. He wasn’t going to give up that easy.
Stinky Boy had to go pee so instead of just letting him out and risk being caught alone, you had to go outside with him.
“Okay Stinky, go potty!” You pointed out to the backyard, the dog quickly running out into the bushes to do his buisiness. Little did you know, Sebastian had quietly gone out to the patio and was creeping up behind you.
A second later, you were snatched up from your feet and you let out a surprised scream. Seb laughed as he quickly took you inside, making sure to close the door so Stinky wouldn’t come in. “Nohohoho!” You giggled desperately as he threw you on the couch and straddled your waist.
Seb was laughing along with you as he grabbed your wrists and held them to his chest. “2 hours. For 2 hours you had me waiting for you to be alone. You know that?” He teased and wasted no time before digging into your belly.
Letting out a scream, you pulled and pulled to get your hands out of his grip but it was futile. “Stahahahap! It tihihihickles!!” You squealed, squirming around as much as you could.
“Huhhh I would hope so! That is why I’m doing this after all.” He teased, pulling a goofy face. He moved closer to your sides, settling in digging in between your ribs, making you cackle.
“NAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAP!!! SEHEHEB STOHOP IHIHIT!” You screamed out, trying again to pull your arms out of his grip.
Seb only laughed and held your wrists tighter. “You can’t get out. You’re just gonna have to deal with it.” He smirked, quickly switching between one armpit and the other. It was driving you insane.
He then brought your wrists down a bit so he could lean down and blow a raspberry on your neck. You squealed and melted into the couch, wishing you could get out of his hold to at least fight back. “PLEHEHEHEASE I CAHAHANT!” You were shaking your head side to side as he scooted down a bit to squeeze your thighs.
“Ohoho, it tickles, doesn’t it?” He teased, forming his hands in a fist and tasing his knuckles in the middle of your thighs. It was the most unbearable thing ever!
You shrieked, convulsing on the couch and you burst into hysterics, violently kicking your legs as much as you could with his weight on you. Sebastian also burst out into laughter at your reaction and gave you a break, but not before blowing an abnormally ticklish raspberry on your belly button.
You were now officially a puddle of giggly laughter as Sebastian got off of you and sat next to you on the couch chuckling. “That was fun.” He sighed. You scoffed and threw a pillow at him which he easily caught with a laugh.
“Nohot for me!” You giggled.
“Oh come on, Admit it. You had fun. You were laughin’ the whole time.” He smirked.
“Oh my god, you’re such a jerk!” You laughed, pushing at his shoulder with your foot. He smiled, grabbing your foot and scribbling his fingers on your soles. “Okayokayokay stohop!” You quickly squealed, pulling your foot away. Seb chuckled and stretched his hand out to help you up. You took his hand as he helped you sit up and you took a minute to catch your breath.
After a few moments, Seb grabs your legs to pull you closer to him and he positions you where you’re sitting on his lap. He then wraps his arm around you in a hug and kisses the top of your head, then your forehead, and just before he lands in your lips, you bring your finger up to stop him.
He furrows his eyebrows slightly as he looks at you. “Kiss?” He pleads. You smirk and look at him thoughtfully, giving the impression that you’re gonna give in, but you’re not
“Let the dog back in first.” You smirk. Seb audibly sighs and rolls his eyes before getting up and letting Stinky back in. He immediately runs in and jumps with you in the couch. Seb comes back in a second later and sees you cuddling.
“See! Now I can’t do anything because your dog is here. And he’ll attack me if I try anything.” He throws his hands up in mild frustration. You giggle at his frustrated state and just shrug.
“Well, Stinky Boy wants to cuddle with me too. Right baby?” You coo at your dog, who’s looking as happy as can be. Seb rolls his eyes and puts his hands on his hips. After a few moments, you set Stinky down off the couch and lead him to the bedroom where you close him in, then coming back to the living room and throwing yourself in the couch. “Alright, Chubby, come on.” You wave to Sebastian, inviting him back in the couch.
Seb’s facial expression brightens up as he sees Stinky is gone and he grins, taking his place on the couch and taking you back in his arms, peppering your face with kisses again before finally landing on your lips. “I love you. Very very much.” He says, smiling fondly.
“I love you too, Chubby.” You giggle.
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marvelgiggles · 5 years
Forgive Me?
Bucky Barnes x Reader
@notmeblahh​ sorry this took so long! @iguessweallcrazyithinktho​ your prompt is next!
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You felt so relaxed and at ease sitting by the pool at the Avengers compound. It was a beautiful summer day and there wasn’t any training, no missions to prepare for, so you finally had time to do something that you never do, relax. You decided to take advantage of this time because who knew when you would get another opportunity. Although you were a little nervous because you lived at a compound with a lot of men, and when those men get together and get bored they act like teenage boys. With Natasha and Wanda gone somewhere you would have to fend for yourself with whatever they have planned. 
Suddenly you felt a pair of hands grab your wrist and a cold sensation on one of your ankles and you were pulled off the chair you were relaxing on. You opened your eyes to see Steve and Bucky with grins on their faces as they were walking toward the pool.
“No! Guys put me down.” You urged and tried squirming out of their grips but they were Captain America and the Winter Solider.
“But Y/N you must be so warm sitting out here in the sun. We thought we’d help cool you off.” Bucky said as they both threw you into the pool and you felt the cold water seep into your bones. You popped up out of the water frustrated and saw Cap and Bucky exchange a high five and laughing. You just got up out of the pool and went to go clean yourself up. You figured going back outside wasn’t a smart idea so you just went into the living room to crash and watch movies the rest of the day. All of a sudden you heard quick footsteps and someone jumped onto the couch with you and you bounced up a little from the weight change. You noticed Bucky sitting on the other end of the couch with a smile on his face.
“There you are Y/N. I've been looking for you. Do you wanna do something?” He asked as if nothing happened earlier.
“Nope. I just want to watch some movies.” 
“What’s with the attitude?”
“I don’t appreciate being thrown in a pool on one of the rare days that we get to relax and have no responsibilities.”
“I’m sorry. Do you forgive me?” He asked more sweetly that he needed to but you refused to give in so easily to his charm. You ignored him and just continued to watch your movie. “Fine if you won't apologize to me I guess I will just have to make you.” Suddenly you were lying on your back, with your arms pinned above you, and him sitting on your thighs. 
“Get off of me.” You protested and pulled on your arms to try and break free. 
“I didn’t hear an I forgive you. What do you say Y/N.” He sang and patiently waited for you to apologize to him but you were too stubborn. “Okay fine. If you won’t apologize, I can just make you laugh.”He said as he placed his metal hand on your side. You gasped, you didn’t think he’d stoop this low, but it wasn’t uncommon either. “Do you think if I push right here, you’ll giggle?” He said as he pushed a finger into your side. You flinched away but didn’t make a sound. “I guess I didn’t find the right spot. I should look around a little more.” He continued to tease you as he continued to poke around your side, knowing Bucky he wasn’t going to give up until you broke, and after a while you finally did.
“Buhuhuck. Stahahap.” You giggled and tried to squirm away from him as he continued to poke your sides.
“Oh look I got you to giggle. Now the question is can I make you laugh too?” His teasing was off the charts, you felt a blush forming on your face as you tried to hide your face by one of your arms. You felt his fingers slowly walk up your side to your ribcage and vibrated his fingers in-between each bone. Your laughter became more high pitched and sounded more like a Tickle Me Elmo.
“While this is super cute. It’s not quite what I’m looking for.” He finished tickling your ribcage but continued to move upward to your armpits. You looked at him with horror but you knew your reaction wouldn’t be what he was looking for. He didn’t stop his journey and your laughter became more snorts than laughter. You heard Bucky laughing above you, clearly enjoying the torture that you were experiencing from him. He finally stopped as you eagerly took in as much oxygen before he started up again. “Forgive me yet?” You shook your head, you wouldn’t break this easily. “Okay. I gave you a chance, I won’t be so nice next time.”
“This is being nice.” You rolled your eyes at him.
“Oh, so that’s how you want to play. I think I will go for belly laughter instead then.” You felt terror spread throughout your body only because Bucky was the only one who knew exactly where and how to tickle you for belly laugher to come out. He pulled up your shirt and moved the waistband of your shorts down just a little. “Last chance, Y/N.” He sang as he gently dragged one of his metal fingers side to side on your waist line. Your belly laughter was immediate and uncontrollable and the coldness of the metal only made it tickle more. You couldn’t form any clear thoughts and block out the intensity of tickles and just when you thought it couldn’t get any more torturous, you felt more fingers dragging across your waist. There wasn’t any chance that you couldn’t get the words out to forgive him but you were desperately trying to get your arms out of  his grip and squirm away from his hand. “Ready to surrender yet Y/N.” You were just able to nod your head, you wouldn’t be able to take this for much longer. His fingers finally stopped their actions.
“I forgive you.” You somehow got out with all of the extra giggles still leaving your mouth.
Bucky just grinned and cuddled you into him. “Thank you Y/N. Now what movie are we going to watch.”
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lovinmcu · 5 years
New life in Cali, Ch 6
Chapter 6
Pairings; Chris Evans x reader,  Sebastian stan x reader
Warnings; flirting and a lot of fluff
A/N; Writing away tonight. I hope you enjoy!
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So you and Brittney arrive around 12:30 and a lot of people have arrived. Wow, this was no little party. Sand volleyball, beach house had food and open bar, the grill was going. Chris was excited to see you and Brittney work your way to the pool house, saying a few hellos to familiar faces along the way. Chris hugs both of you and introduces you to his friend, which of course you already recognize, it is Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan. Both looking nice in their trunks. Sebastian is one of those on your celebrity crush list. You blush a bright red, smile and walk away to get ready for the pool.
Both of you change and put away your things, leaving only your cellphones and towels out.  Call dibs on a chair with your towels and head to the bar. You both stretch out in your chairs, sipping on your drinks and laughing with the other ladies at the stupid things the guys were doing. About an hour of holding down the pool chairs Chris calls you from the pool.
“y/n come on in the waters great!” He said as he splashed water your way. 
You lower your glasses, “Looks hot from here,” you smirk and push your glasses back on your nose, getting giggles from all the other ladies next to you. Then all of a sudden, two of the guys, you weren’t sure who, pick you up out of your chair and toss you in. You come back up to the surface and catch Chris and Mackie laughing like they’d done something sneaky, you glance at Sebastian and he points to the other two and shrugs. “Alright, if that’s how it’s going to be!” You smack the water, acting mad. Chris and Mackie nervously chuckle. “You two, and me and Brittney, in a game of chicken.” You give a devilish grin. Because this was no longer about teasing Chris as much as it was getting him to notice Brittney. Everyone gets in the water, the guys acting smug like they know they have this, while you and Brittney talk strategy. “We have to get Chris to lose his footing on the way to the deep end, but if all else fails, I’ll tickle Mackie, he looks like he’s ticklish,” you say through laughter. 
“Wait, I’m on the bottom?” Brittney questioned. 
“You got this!” You gave her a wink and got ready. Brittney did exactly what you had wanted her too so it was nothing to take down the guys, but end the end, Mackie took you down with him and you all splash with a bunch of laughter. Chris helped Brittney up and I caught him smiling at her, maybe your plan was starting to work. Now, you set your sights on Sebastian. 
You smiled and moved through the water to him, he’s crotched down toward the pool, laughing at his friends getting their butts kicked. “What is so funny?” You smirk, reaching your hand out, hoping he’ll take it, and he does. Then you pull hard and send him crashing into the pool with you. Glancing back at Brittney and Chris, they’re still talking away, he’s flirting with her by touching her arm. Sebastian comes up, you shoot him an evil grin. 
“You’ve done it now!” He chases after you through the water, grabbing you by the waist. “What was that for doll?” Sebastian says.
“Just trying to get your attention!”
“Well, it worked. Now what?” 
“I don’t know, maybe taking on these two?” Pointing toward Chris and Brittney. Another round of chicken played out. This one was much more of an even competition, in the end, you and Sebastian won out. 
“Victory drink?” Seb said to you, once you got off his shoulders. 
“Oh, hell yeah!” You laugh and go to get out of the pool. You grab your towel, while he picks you both up some beer. You all walk and talk and flirt. Afterward, you’re pretty dried off and realize you are starving. After all, you’ve been there for 4 hours. Seb, never really leaving your side take a plate into the house to eat quietly. 
@thejemersoninferno  @thummbelina​ 
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Window to your soul(mate) - Ch. 6
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x reader
A/N: Hey!! I just finished crying over Picnic on youtube, so here, have some Seb. And since it’s Cevans official last day as Cap, let’s have some of him too. 
Warnings: Fluff and slow burn.  It’s safe to assume that all my stories are going to have at least a little NSFW, 18+ and language. Just how I write.
Summary: 3 months after moving to New York City, Y/N feels like she has finally found her footing. She has a great apartment, is making friends and has a steady enough job to pay the rent. She’s even gotten used to the empty apartment across from hers…but all that changes when a handsome film star returns home after months of being away.
Master list
Ch. 1   Ch. 2   Ch. 3   Ch. 4   Ch. 5
Gif not mine, credit to owner
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“Honey, I’m home!” The shout rang through the apartment followed by the slamming of the front door. 
Sebastian visibly winced, his face screwing up in a pained expression as Y/N gave him a curious look. “Alright, whatever happens next, I am not responsible for it.”
“What does that mean?” Y/N asked as her brow furrowed even further. 
“Winter Boo Bear!” the voice called out again.
“You know what, I think you had the right idea,” Seb moved further into the room and leaned against one of the walls. “Let’s stay in here all night.”
“Ooooh, no,” she teased, her face breaking out into an impish grin. “Anybody that can embarrass you this much without even being in the room is someone that I have got to meet.” She began to walk away, turning into the hallway and disappearing for a moment before her head popped back into the open door to smirk at Sebastian. “’Winter Boo Bear’? Do any of your friends actually use your name or does everyone just have a different animal for you?”
Sebastian watched her head disappear again and listened to her chuckle retreating down the hallway. “This is karma,” he muttered to himself. “She was embarrassed by me seeing her naked in the window so now the world is embarrassing me in front of her in return.” He huffed and pushed himself off of the wall, taking one last look at the glorious celestial images before closing the door and following Y/N’s retreating back. 
As he entered the living room, Sebastian saw that Mackie had started to introduce his previous guests to the new comer. Y/N stood slightly outside the group, watching as the enthusiastic man shook hands with Lizzy.
“Ah! There she is,” Mackie said with a satisfied smile. “Y/N, how could you leave me like that? I was stuck looking at Tom’s ugly mug instead of your beautiful face.”
Y/N laughed and shook her head exasperatedly before turning to Sebastian with a wink. “The force is strong with this one, Seb.”
“Don’t take him seriously; he’s a scruffy-looking nerf herder,” he parried back.
Y/N raised her eyebrow and gave him an impressed look. “But can he bullseye womp rats? That’s the way to every woman’s heart, ya know.”
“I’m missing something,” Lizzy stage whispered to the group of men. 
“Dude,” the new comer said. “Star Wars. They’re making Star Wars references.” He strolled forward confidently and stuck his hand out to Y/N. “I’m Chris Evans. Nice to meetcha.”
Chris’s hand wrapped around Y/N’s tightly, his broad chest flexing under his t-shirt as he shook practically her whole arm. She couldn’t help but marvel over his muscle definition; the man looked as if he really had been injected with a super soldier serum. 
“Y/N, Seb’s...or should I say Winter Boo Bear’s new neighbor.” She turned to glance over at Sebastian and saw that his face was scrunched up and he had his hand over his eyes. 
“Had to teach her that one, didn’t you Evans? She already got Sea Bass from Mackie.”
“Aw, don’t be like that,” Chris teased as he clapped a hand to the other man’s shoulder. “C’mon, what if I get her to promise she won’t call you that?”
“How might you arrange that?” Y/N asked with interest. 
“Depends on you,” Chris replied as he gave her an appraising look. “What would you want in return?”
Y/N pursed her lips and tapped an index finger against them in thought. “Hmmm...too broad. I don’t know what’s on offer yet. How about we hold onto that thought until the end of the night and I’ll let you know?”
Chris nodded agreeably but from the other side of the room Mackie called out, “Hey, baby, you know what’s on offer over here. Everyone loves chocolate.”
The small crowd of people burst into laughter as the charismatic man winked cheekily at Y/N. 
“Dinner before dessert, Mackie,” Chris called out and wrapped his arm around her shoulders with a casual familiarity. The man had an easy charm about him that relaxed everyone and made Y/N feel as though he was an old friend reentering her life after several years of separation. “Speaking of which, I’m starving. What’s a guy have to do to get fed around here, Seb?”
“We were just waiting on you, man,” Seb replied patiently, his hands tucked into his pockets as he watched Chris pull his neighbor away towards the dining room. 
“Awesome! Come sit next to me, Y/N. I’ll entertain you and keep you safe from Mackie and Seb’s terrible flirting techniques.” He jostled the woman under his arm playfully and both shot smiles over their shoulders at the remaining members of the group. 
“I haven’t been lucky enough yet to witness Seb’s flirting skills,” she replied with a chuckle. “Guess I still have that to look forward to.”
Sebastian watched as Chris and Y/N led the way to the dining room, the rest of his guests trailing happily after the pair with quiet banter of their own. Standing alone, he tried to shake off the slightly foul mood that was beginning to come over him. It was an odd thing; he had felt fine when he was alone with Y/N in his NASA room but before finding her there and again when they had rejoined his friends, Seb found himself edging towards displeasure. He hadn’t liked Mackie flirting so outrageously with his neighbor despite knowing that was just the other man’s personality. Usually Sebastian found his antics very entertaining; more than one interview had been ruined by Mackie running his mouth and Seb cutting up over it. Tonight however...well, the man was just getting on his nerves. Even more unusually, Seb found that Chris was bothering him as well. Chris always got along with everyone, but still, what right did he have to swoop in and claim Y/N? Sebastian frowned to himself and rubbed his hand over his eyes. Why did he care how Chris acted towards her? He had no claim on her himself.
“Yo, Boo Bear- you gonna come eat or what?” Chris poked his head back into the room alerting Seb to the fact that he had been standing alone for several minutes while his guests seated themselves.
“Yeah, yeah, of course.”
Walking quickly across the room, Sebastian mentally shook himself and tried to get his thoughts back in order. It didn’t matter how Chris and Mackie acted around Y/N. This was just a gathering of friends. Evans and Mackie were his friends and Y/N was someone he was just getting to know...a potential friend. They could all laugh and talk and flirt as much as they wanted and it wouldn’t bother him one bit. 
Nope, he thought to himself, unaware of how tightly his jaw was clenching, I won’t be bothered at all. 
A sharp poke to the side brought Sebastian out of his haze of deep thoughts. He had been sitting at the dinner table with Y/N on one side of him and Tom on the other for the last hour or so, listening to the conversation flowing around him in a detached way. The food was good and most of his mind had been focused on that until the prodding finger nudged his torso, miraculously finding a spot that just happened to be quite ticklish. 
“Ah,” he gasped and looked over to find Y/N looking at him incredulously, one eyebrow raised. “What?”
“Are you really going to make me quote ‘Rent’ lyrics again?”
He mirrored her expression, lifting his eyebrow quizzically and stared back at her in total confusion. “Uh- no idea what you mean.”
She sighed gustily and pushed a hair behind her ear. “Well then, you leave me no choice. ‘Excuse me, did I do something wrong? I get invited then ignored all night long’? You know...minus the space science lecture, that is, Professor.”
“I’m not ignoring you,” Seb replied taken aback. 
“No...you’re kinda ignoring everyone actually.” Y/N leaned in, moving her head closer to his so that she could whisper conspiratorially. “I don’t think you’ve said more than 5 words to anyone since Chris arrived. If it really bothers you that much, I promise I won’t call you Boo Bear.”
He couldn’t help but give a small laugh at that, shaking his head as his tongue slipped out to wet his lips. “It doesn’t bother me. I wasn’t ignoring anyone intentionally, I was just lost in thought.”
“What are you two whispering about down there?” Mackie’s voice called from the other end of the table.
Y/N and Seb looked up to find the faces of his 5 friends all gazing back at them inquisitively. 
“Nothing, nothing,” the woman replied casually with a wave of her hand. “Just asking why Seb’s being so quiet.”
The comment earned a hearty laugh from most of the table causing Y/N to look around in confusion. 
“Are you serious? Sebastian is always quiet,” Lizzy commented with a shake of her head. 
Y/N’s brows knit together in confusion. “He is?”
Mackie was nodding enthusiastically. “Absolutely. Out of everyone in the Marvel cast, that man down there is the most like his character. Hell, we’ve spent entire press tours together and I think he spoke less in those weeks than he did in ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’.”
Sebastian gave a casual shrug, his cheeks heating slightly under Y/N’s skeptical gaze. “People tend to notice my resting murder face and that I don’t talk very much.” 
“But...but you’ve always talked around me. I think this is the least I’ve ever heard you talk.” She was leaning in again, her lips close to his ear as though trying to keep this information between the two of them. 
He gave another shrug, beginning to look nonplussed. “I mean- I talk when I have something to say.”
The beautiful woman let the topic die with another confused shake of her head, returning her attention to Chris who was animatedly telling a story about his latest project. 
“It’s great,” he said enthusiastically, “a real old school Hollywood romance. I’ve been told I’m a hopeless romantic, ya know, Y/N?” He shot a wink over at her and nudged his shoulder against hers playfully. 
“Oh really? You might have to demonstrate some of that romance and prove me wrong then because I’ve spent the last three months bemoaning how all the good guys are either taken or gay...wait, are you either taken or gay?”
Chris laughed delightedly and clapped his right hand over his heart. “Not to my knowledge. I tell you what, next time I’m back in town, I’ll take you out and show you how a gentleman behaves. That sound alright?”
“Hey, hey, hey!” Mackie was looking across the table at them in outrage. “Back of the line there, Evans. I called dibs before you even got here, isn’t that right Tom?”
“I’m ashamed to say he did actually call dibs the moment you left the room, Y/N,” Tom stated while having the decency to look slightly abashed. 
“No one gets to call dibs on my neighbor,” Sebastian broke in, his brow furrowed and no hint of playfulness dancing in his blue grey eyes. The scene became suddenly tense, Y/N glancing between Seb and his friends as everyone in the room sensed an undercurrent of unease that hadn’t been there a moment before. Wow, good job on not being bothered, he thought angrily to himself. “I just mean-c’mon guys, you just met her. Treat the lady with some respect.”
“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that, I’m no lady,” Y/N teased half heartedly, in an attempt to make Sebastian laugh. When he didn’t respond to her poor joke, she cleared her throat nervously, unsure what had just happened. “Right, well, uh - ignoring that disturbance in the force; anyone want dessert?”
WTYS tags: @ajosieface  @lolabean1998  @shynara51 @secretoktober @infinitelyforgotten   @just-a-littlebit-of-everything
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Dating (also having sex with) Sebastian Stan would include...
Pairings: Sebastian Stan x Reader (Is that correct. I have no idea)
Warnings: 18+ obviously Sex? I mean come on it's in the title. Otherwise just fluff and some swearing.
Word count: around 1300 ( I did not plan for it to be so long.. )
A/N: My second attempt at these, I’ve done one with Chris Evans. And people seemed to enjoy it?? so I thought why not make one with the ever so dashing Sebastian. I did get carried away and it became longer than planned haha. Whoops.
Also, this was giving me anxiety just sitting in a document staring at me, so here it is!
I’ve written a more detailed version of the Sebastian SMASH thing since people seemed to love that part of it, so if you are interested, here’s the link. 
Want to read my new series? Here’s the link.
TAGLIST IS OPEN for both my permanent and my series. Currently, those are the only taglists I have. Contact me either by an ask or message specifying which one you prefer x
Interested in reading more of my stories? Well you can find them right here
(Gif is not mine - found it on giphy. But look how cute he is)
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Him wanting to keep you out of the spotlight, but is also more than okay with PDA.
In fact, he can't seem to stop himself from kissing you or touching you at all times.
Him not taking you to walk the red carpet, but going with him to the after parties.
Will bring you to as many places as possible, photoshoots, travel destinations etc.
But still trying to protect you from the paps.
 Meeting your families and him having a hard time keeping his hands to himself.
Sebastian: “I know you haven’t done anything, but can you please stop looking so goddamn kissable, my parents are here.”
TEASING is his favorite thing ever. He just loves mischief, especially when it comes to you.
Will use your sweet spots as a way of teasing.
Will randomly just poke your side or smack your butt, you glaring at him and he just grins.
Has an obsession with your butt. Loves touching it, stroking it, smacking it, squeezing it. Looking at it, a lot.
Also has an obsession with just placing his hands on your lower back, just above your butt and just resting his hands there. He did have a tendency to sneak his hands up under your shirt to stroke your skin, which drove you mad. And he knew.
 Blushing whenever you complimented him.
Will try to help in the kitchen, and is a good cook, but he will spend most of his time annoying you instead of helping.
Sebastian grabs a meat hammer, looking over at you. “Do you want the onions SMASHED or chopped?”
“Sebastian! Don't you dare!” You scold him, but it's too late.
Sebastian yells “SEBASTIAN SMASH” as he slams the hammer on the poor innocent onion, sending bits of onion flying everywhere, even hitting you in the face. You glare at him and he just laughs so hard that he has to hold onto the table so that he won't fall over.
“You are cleaning that up yourself, asshole.” You say and turn to your food.
He feels bad and comes over trying to soothe you, kissing your shoulder and wrapping his arms around you. You ignore him. More kisses.
“I'm sorry, kitten. Forgive me”
Ignoring him
More kisses and apologies.
More ignoring him until you get an idea
You lather your hands in tomato sauce, without him noticing, and turn to him.
Leaning in to kiss him, but instead, you smear the tomato sauce all over his face.
his eyes widen.
“Oh no, you didn't kitten. This means war” And then a food battle happened.
Calling you kitten, sweetcheeks - mainly to annoy you. Darling, and babe a lot.
He is a very chill dude.
Fun and a goofball, but also just a very relaxed and calm person.
Very mature, but also a five-year-old at the same time.
you: “Oh god, how can you manage to switch from cute to sexy in under a second?”
Sebastian smirks and shrugs.
Sebastian keeps saying I want a divorce whenever anything mildly inconvenient happens or you annoy him.
You aren't married though.
Sebastian: “I want a divorce”
You: “Um, we aren't even married?”
“I still want one. I can't live this way y/n.”
“Then sign the papers. But I get to keep the bed”
“What? No way. Not fair “
“Well, life isn't fair Hollywood. Live with it. You want a divorce, then live with the consequences”
He pouts and mumbles as he wraps his arms around you, holding you into his chest from behind.
“Please don't divorce me. I love you.”
“Wouldn't dream of it, silly man. But you are going to have to marry me first big guy.”
All the kisses.
The giddy silly kisses, the deep kisses, knee-buckling kisses, quick kisses in the food aisle as you meet over the tomatoes.
He had a tendency to kiss the corner of your mouth a lot and you freaking loved it.
Also nose kisses, and nose nuzzling.
Just all the really gross and sweet little gestures, he was all for them.
Has a particular spot on his back that is very ticklish. Whenever you touched it he would collapse or squirm. Also practically scream out loud.
So you, of course, made it a habit to touch it often.
He also giggled like crazy when you tickled his feet, especially his toes.
And his knee pits, you knew all his weak spots and you loves tickling him.
Just the idea of making this sexy hunk of a man turn into a giggling little boy begging for mercy drove you mad and you loved it.
He secretly did too, the fact is he could very easily overpower you but he let you tickle him.
SEXY TIMES (woop woop)
Loves sex and will always be up for it, unless he is literally so exhausted that he physically can't.
Loves to make you writhe underneath him, torturing you in the best way.
Calls you kitten a lot, especially during sex.
Talks a lot during sex, mainly praise and exclamations of pleasure and such.
Not afraid to guide you or tell you exactly what he wants, and will encourage you to do the same.
Which you do and he loves it when you take control over your own pleasure.
He fucking loves when you are in control, surrendering to you is like a drug that he can't get enough of.
Seeing you explore his body, feeling your fingers on his skin, your tongue licking and tasting him.
God, he would have that every hour if he could.
His weak spots are, just underneath his belly button, his hips, his neck just under his left ear - the earlobe is one as well, and just beside his Adam's apple.
and you will use those to your advantage.
Loves going down on you and just exploring your body with his mouth and fingers.
Would spend all his time between your legs if he could.
Very open to different toys, being tied up, blindfolded, maybe some light spanking.
Generally just a bit of a kinky dude.
Will not use degrading words or anything like that, he wants you to feel good and loved.
But will come home sometimes after a hard day and just ask you to suck his cock.
Which you do. And you could do the same and he would gladly return the favor.
He could never resist your pleads and would be on his knees in seconds.
Sometimes you would just sit down, spread your legs at him and he would frantically run over to you and take care of you.
Sometimes he would want to fuck you hard, pounding into you in a ruthless way.
Other times it will be all slow and sweet lovemaking.
I think he would be a nice mix of hard, brutal sex and gentle, loving sex
Whispering love you’s between kisses as he thrusts into you, his face so close and his whole body resting on you. His hands in your hair. Your legs wrapped around his waist and your hands in his hair and stroking his neck.
A very varied sex life, that, of course, isn't always mind blowing because he is only human but it's good don't get me wrong.
Hair pulling kink and praise kink- or are those more my kinks? who knows.
VOCAL AS FUCK - growls, moans, swearing, groans, he would make so many noises during sex, and loves when you do the same.
 OKAY DONE WITH THAT ( I could keep going, but I don't want it to be too long) ((TOO LATE))
I think he would be very supportive and sweet boyfriend.
He has his faults, of course, just like any others, but I feel like he would work hard on being a very loving partner.
Sorry - I’m absolutely not sorry.
Hope you liked it!
Don’t be afraid to leave any sort of feedback, I would love to hear your thoughts xx
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@bibegone / @holland-stan-posts / @sergeantjbuckybarnes
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picassho-18 · 6 years
Blood Petals (6)
Chapter 6: Recovery and Retribution
Summary: (Mob Boss!Bucky Barnes x Assassin!Fem!Reader) When the famous death hungry assassin, the Blood Mistress, and the charismatic mob boss of Brooklyn city, James Barnes meet, heads will most definitely roll.
Warnings: language, lots of talk of abuse and torture, blood, fighting and violence, cliffhanger
Word Count: 1577
A/N: So this is officially my favorite part so far, this series is drawing to a close but oh so excited to bring you guys to the finish line. Enjoy the cliffhanger my peeps, oh and sorry its a little short
And PLEASE leave feedback, I live off that stuff
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Something was nudging your side, and you grumbled, not opening your eyes. Trying to ignore it and stay sleeping, but when the hand slid down to your hip and gave it a soft squeeze, you squeaked, bolting upright, flinching away.
Bucky threw his head back, laughing loudly, deep from his chest, “After all these years I still know where you're ticklish spots are!”
Grumbling, you sat upright, rubbing your eyes, “It’s only because I wasn’t conscious. Remember Bucky, I’m a blood hungry deadly assassin that could kill you in your sleep.”
He giggled. The man had the audacity to giggle at your threat. He reached forward and brushed a loose piece of hair out of your face, “You know Sunshine, it’s hard to take your threat seriously when you have bed hair and look this sleepy.” You shot him your darkest scariest glare, and all he did was smile.
You grumbled, getting up and starting a pot of coffee. Walking back into the room you saw Bucky sitting comfortably on the couch, his feet kicked up on the coffee table you had stitched him up on not too long ago.
Sitting next to him, you lifted up his shirt, checking all the bandages, making sure nothing needed changing. He stopped your hand, causing you to look up at him.
“I noticed some packed bags by the door. You were gonna run, weren’t you?” he arched an eyebrow at you, knowing exactly what you were going to do if he hadn’t been attacked and landed at your doorstep.
“Uh, yeah. I was.”
He pulled you hands off of his stomach, and cradled them in between his fingers, “Why?” his eyes begging for an answer.
“I just, couldn’t face you. I had gone so long without you in my life, and I thought I would be able to take just a single job from you, but you sucked me back up into your life, and I couldn’t force myself to leave. I really just thought you would have been mad, that I kept the secret from you, that I never let you know that I survived.”
“Sunshine, baby, I could never get mad at you.” He pulled you closer, enveloping you into a hug, reminding you of how huggable he was in the past. “I’m just glad I know now. And Y/N, know that I’m not gonna let you go a second time, okay?”
Your lip started to quiver at his words, and you pulled away from him, giving him a watery smile, “That’s fine by me. I think I’m tired of running. There’s just gonna be some past demons I’m gonna have to deal with.”
“Knowing you, you’d deal with it all on your own, even though I could easily help, being the Brooklyn Mob Boss and everything. Just know that I’m here, and completely willing to help kill however needs killing.” He gave you his bloodthirsty smirk, the one you were quickly falling for.
“Sure Buck, but I won’t pull you into this. I need to take care of this on my own.”
“Okay” he bowed his head and took a deep breath, “Fine. What are you going to do now?”
A grin appeared on your face, the bloodthirsty smirk returning.
“I’m gonna kill some people.”
After leaving Bucky in your flat, though it took lots of convincing on your part, you were now slinking into a known Hydra controlled facility. In your comfortable stealth suit, loaded to the max with knives, guns, and any weapons you owned, you snuck past a room, peering through the window briefly to get a look, to see if it had changed at all since the last time you had been here. The sight caused a ripple of fear to run through you, it had not been changed at all, the chair in the middle of the room, surrounded by the harmful torture weapons you so dreadfully remembered.
This was why you weren’t able to tell Bucky what had happened to you. Not only was it much too painful to even think about those memories, he would have demanded to come with you in his weakened state and kill every single Hydra member, and you just know that would have ended with his death. So you withhold the information he so dearly begged for from you only hours ago. Bucky Barnes was hopefully never going to know that Hydra tortured you for years after your abduction and your parents murder. If you had anything to do with it, he never would find out.
You took a deep breath, and crawled away from the room that you had spent years in as just a child, screaming for them to stop.
With a few more focused breathes, trying to calm your racing heart at the previous sight, you snuck into a surveillance room silently. A grin came to your lips when you saw two Hydra members chatting with each other while they barely gave the monitors showing the cameras scattered around the building.
Grabbing a barbed metal cord from a pocket, you unfurled it, giving it a pleasant tug before crawling behind the bigger man. Quickly, you wrapped the cord around his neck, pulling it tight with one hand before, kicking the chair of the other man at the same time. While tugging the cord impossibly tighter, digging the barbs into his neck, you continued to drag him around as you continually beat the other man.
A swift kick to break a knee, another punch to the stomach sending him doubling over. Holding his stomach in pain, you grabbed his hair in your free hand , and whipped his head downward, blasting the side of his neck into your knee, breaking his neck immediately.
Giving one last glance at the blue faced man, that now stopped gasping for breath, you released your hold, pulling the cord out of his bloody neck, watching as his lifeless body slumped to the ground.
Not giving them a second thought, you pulled a chair to you, sitting in it, observing the monitors in front of you. Settling down, kicking one of the man's limp arms away from your foot, you pulled your chair in, and started to type away, trying to figure out how much the facility had changed since you last were here.
The more and more you look, the more it looked like nothing had changed. You checked every room, trying to get a head count of how many men were on the premise, and it quickly was a rising number. Far more than ever before. It was making you slightly apprehensive.
Why would they have this many men here? What were they planning?
Mindlessly, while you were observing the rest of the footage, you pulled a rose tucked in your hair. Without looking, you held it against the man with the bloody neck, letting the white petals become wet with the blood. You rested it on desk, smiling slightly that you were finally fighting back against the organization that caused you grief, pain, and misery for years and years. They truely ruined your life, and you were just so glad that you were finally doing something about it. An this was going to send the message that you were here and ready to fight.
After gaining all the knowledge you need for the day, you clicked on the hallways to your exit, making sure they were clear of any men, before leaving. Right when you were about to get up from the chair, a morbid curiosity overcame you and before you knew what you were doing, you were clicking on the specific rooms camera you purposely avoided. It was the room. The room that held the two most horrific and merciless people you had ever come across. Brock Rumlow and Alexander Pierce.
Once the screen showed the room they were in, the headquarters of the Hydra mobster king, and his right hand man, your breath stopped. You were looking right at your personal abusers. The men how drugged you, brutally beat you, tortured you mentally and physically, and practically almost killed you daily for years.
An involuntary wave of fear ran over you, sending goosebumps to rise on your arms. It was scary, devastating really to see the man who had held you prisoner for years, but it was a whole nother thing to hear in speak. At the moment, he was talking harshly with a prisoner, who was chained up and held in front of him by some of his men. The way Pierce was talking the way he raised his voice, and threatened very violent things, was sending you back in time, memories rushing up from your past.
One of the guards that was standing at the door caught your attention as he walked up to the Mob King. You cocked your head in confusion, looking closer to what he was doing as the guard leaning towards Pierce and started to whisper in his ear. You tried to read his mouth, but couldn’t from the angle, and inched closer to the screen.
Pierce chuckled darkly at the guards words, sending your blood running cold as his lips turned upward in his famously evil grin.
He slowly turned his head, and at your completely shock, looked right at the camera, making eye contact with you, grinning like a madman who was about to get exactly what he wanted.
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HELLO LOVES! I have written a list of 50 random prompts of which I hope you will request for me to write for you! Be warned, this is random as hell but I can see all them all happening aha so request away! I love you all! (I write for Marvel and The Greatest Showman!)
1.     “I am fine!”
2.     “I think the black and white filter…it’s all dramatic!”
4.     “Pfft…I’m not jealous”
5.     “Orange juice or apple juice?”
6.     “The view is breathtaking…”
7.     “Darling?”
8.     “Your ….. inspires me”
9.     “Your hugs make the world feel okay again”
10.  “Can we get a puppy?”
11.  “I told you not to wear those heels….”
12.  “Fairy lights are totally appropriate all year round!”
13.  “I think you have a Nutella addiction….”
15.  “What’s so great about books anyway?”
16.  “The rain washes away the dirt to start again.”
17.  “What’s a chip butty?”
18.  “Maybe you should rethink the fluorescent orange socks babe….”
20.  “Do you have dreams about our future?”
21.  “Want to hear a joke?”
22.  “She who dares, wins.”
23.  “I’m not getting on that death trap”
24.  “Hey peaches, I can’t wait to meet you, I’m your daddy.” 
25.  “If you tap your fingers one more time, I WILL KILL YOU.”
26.  “Do you have to Instagram another coffee?”
27.  “Your eyes are like deep pools of joy.”
28.  “What’s a dream catcher for?”
29.  “This is too fancy….”
30.  “Girls can’t do that…..OH REALLY?”
31.  “Is that a scrapbook?”
32.   “You’re going to be a wonderful mum/dad”
33.  “I totally didn’t lose it….”
34.  “Please don’t leave me”
35.  “I’m dying”
36.  “Kiss me you idiot.”
37.  “Stop buying notebooks…”
38.  “So this is your ticklish spot?”
39.  “You’re naked….”
40.   “It said...DO NOT ENTER”
41.  “Jiggly bits.”
42.  “More ice please”
43.  “Is that me as your phone screen?”
44.  “As you wish.”
45.  “I have weirs toes! I love your weird toes!”
46.  “Will you marry me?”
47.  “We are all made of stardust.”
48.  “You’re damn fierce.”
49.  “So you’re trying to make me meatballs with chicken…..”
50.   “My darling wife…”
103 notes · View notes
forever-rogue · 7 years
When Will the Stork Come?
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Request: Could u do a Seb x reader where their daughter really wants a baby sister like she keeps on begging seb to give her one and seb then goes to the reader asking but the reader isn’t to sure thank you.         
A/N: I love this request, I think it’s so cute! I hope you guys all enjoy it! Let me know if you’d like to be added to my Permanent Taglist! Requests are open :) xx
Word Count: 2.3k
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Warnings: None
“Yes, darling?” Sebastian glanced in the rear view mirror and looked at his daughter happily sitting in the backseat. He had just picked her up from kindergarten, and she was still buzzing with energy from being surrounded by a horde of other five-year-olds.
“Do you know what a stork is?” she asked as she stared at him intently, a serious question clearly on her young mind. Sebastian was intrigued by her strange inquiry but he could see the spark in her bright blue eyes, which mimicked his almost perfectly.
“Yes, I do. It’s a big white bird with long skinny legs,” he chuckled softly as he started their drive home. She had her little face pressed to the window watching the scenery go by, “why do you ask?”
“We were talking about animals in class today and there was a picture of a stork in our books,” she suddenly had a mischievous grin on her little face, “but, daddy, do you know what storks do?”
He paused for a moment, not quite sure how to answer her question, or where exactly she was going with her line of questioning, “no, Aya, what do they do?”
“Someone said that they bring babies!”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah!” she gave him her full attention, her little body trembling with excitement, “does that mean the stork brought me too?”
“If the stork brings babies then he must have, right? How else would mommy and I have gotten you?” he laughed at her excitement, hoping he was handling the situation right. He hadn’t exactly been prepared to have this conversation quite yet.
“Can I ask you something?” her voice was smaller now and she appeared a little more nervous. He raised his eyebrow at her.
“Of course, baby, anything,” he reached back and squeezed her little hand, which caused her to immediately cheer up.
“Can you and mommy ask the stork to come?”
“What?” he paused for a moment trying to comprehend her words. He was a little surprised at her sudden request.
“Lots of other kids in school have little brothers and sisters, because the stork came. I think it’d be nice to have a little sister! Don’t you and mommy just have to the call the stork and ask?” Aya beamed at him as she eagerly waited for his response. He was both amused by her request and touched that she wanted another little one to be a big sister to.
“Well, Aya, I think it’s nice that you want a little sister,” he smiled at her in the mirror, to see her bob her little head of brown curls, “but there are a lot of things to do and think about before we could do that. But, I promise you, I will talk to mommy about it, okay?”
“Yes! I think mommy will be excited,” she clapped her hands.
Sebastian pulled up in their driveway and put the car in park, an amused expression still on his face. He got out and grabbed out Aya, and she eagerly ran into the house ahead of him.
As he walked in the door, all he heard was Aya happily shouting, “mommy, the stork is gonna come!” So much for subtlety he thought to himself as he went to look for Y/N.
Y/N  walked back into their bedroom after putting Aya to bed. She had a serene expression on her face as she took in Sebastian, lying on the bed, face buried in his book. Nothing made her happier than her husband and daughter. She always swore she had gotten way too lucky with him, while he was sure he was the lucky one.
“Seb?” she asked as she joined him in bed and pulled the covers over her. He bookmarked his page and set the book down on his nightstand. He turned his attention to her and pulled her into his side, as she rested her head on his chest.
“Yes, my love?” he kissed the top of her head as he inhaled her familiar scent - his favorite scent.
“What was Aya going on about earlier? About the stork coming?” she raised her eyebrow a little bit as she felt his chest vibrating with laughter.
“Oh! She said that they were learning about different animals in class, and they talked about the stork and how the stork was the one who brought babies,” he paused for a moment to try and gauge her reaction. She remained silent, so he continued on, “she was asking if we could call the stork. Aya wants a little sister.”
“She said she wants us to call the stork?” Y/N giggled a little bit, imagining Sebastian’s reaction to their ever curious daughter, “that’s so cute. She’s such a little dreamer.”
“Yeah, she’s definitely something,” he agreed, “she gets it from her mother!”
“Oh, Mr. Stan, I don’t think so. That girl is 100% her father, looks and personality,” she playfully slapped his arm as he started gently running his hand up and down her arm.
“Well, Mrs. Stan, I like to think I’m pretty cool,”
“I mean, I guess, you did convince me to marry you after all,”  she leaned up and give him a quick kiss.
“I told Aya I’d talk to you about it,” he admitted sheepishly. He had never really thought about it before, but he was not opposed to having more children. It was never something he and Y/N had a determinate number on, but they had always said that they would see how it feels and how things good. They were well in their life; consistent schedules and plenty of time to be together and they weren’t exactly short on resources. But once Aya had brought it up, and he gave it some thought, he realized he did want another child, they were ready for another one.
“Oh? And is this something you’ve thought about?” she hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. She hadn’t really thought about having another child, not that she was necessarily opposed. Y/N just wasn’t sure if she could handle having another one.
“I mean, not really terribly much. Just since Aya brought it up,” he shrugged his shoulders lightly, “but I’m not opposed to the idea.”
“You’d really want to another one?”
“I think so, yeah. I think we’re ready, and I think Aya would be a great sister. How do you feel about it?”
“I don’t know, Seb,” she said quietly, she didn’t want to crush his spirits but was still somewhat unsure, “I don’t know if I could handle that.”
“We’ve done a great job already, I think we could handle another one,” he said confidently as he waited for her response with baited breath.
“Another baby would be a lot of responsibility. And a lot of work. What if I end up being a bad mother?”
“You would not be a bad mother, my love. You are the greatest wife and the greatest mother,”
“Sebastian, the idea just makes me so scared. Everything went so great with Aya, but what if this time it’s the opposite,” she sighed as she moved to look in his eyes. All she saw was love and sincerity.
“I think everything will go great,” he smiled at her and kissed her lips gently, “you have me every step of the way. I know that together we can do this. Plus, this time we’ll have a little helper.”
“Fair point, she’d make a good sister,” she agreed, “do you really think we’re ready?”
“I do,” he sounded so confident, it placed more confidence in Y/N, “but if you’re  not ready, then we will wait. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. And if we decide to only have Aya, then that’s fine too.”
“You’re a great man,” she grinned as she propped herself up on her elbows. Y/N leaned over gave him a peck, “a great husband and a great father.”
“I love you so much, Y/N,” he grinned at her, just as stunned by her beauty as he was the day he let her all those years ago.
“I love you, Seb,” she snuggled back into his side, “there’s no else I’d ever want as the father of my children.”
“Children?” he paused for a moment.
“That is if you’d do me the honor,” she started laughing at his stunned reaction.
“I’d love too,” he grinned as he started tickling her sides, “does that mean we can start trying for another?”
She giggled at she tried to push his hands away; he knew she was way too ticklish, “whenever you’re ready.”
“I’m ready,” he smirked as he propped himself up so he was leaning over her. He smiled down at her and pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. He observed her for a minute before leaning down and placing a sweet kiss on her soft lips, “I love you.”
Y/N was making breakfast the following morning, as Aya bounded down the stairs and ran to give her a big hug.
“Mommy!” she grinned as wrapped her little arms around Y/N’s legs and clung on tight to her.
“Hello my little love,” Y/N stopped what she was doing and bent down and picked her up, peppering her cheeks with kisses. Aya giggled and held on tightly to her, “did you sleep well?”
“Yes! I had a good dream,” she nodded her little head as Y/N set her back down. She skipped over to the table and sat down in her accustomed spot, eager for breakfast.
“Oh, what was it about?”
“I can’t tell you,” she giggled and hid her little face behind her hands.
“You cheeky little thing,” Y/N stuck her tongue at Aya, which cause her to giggle harder. She fixed a plate for her and brought it over to Aya, who started wolfing it down, “slow down there, partner.”
“Sorry,” her smile was sheepish, “did you talk to daddy?”
“About the stork?”
“Mhmm,” she hummed though a mouthful of waffle.
“I did talk to daddy,” she admitted as she put her arm around Aya’s chair, “do you think you’re ready to be a big sister?“
“Well, daddy and I decided that we’re going to call the stork and see if he can bring a little sister or brother. Daddy said you wanted a little sister, but sometimes the stork decides, and we get a surprise. Does that sound okay?”
“So I could have a brother or sister?” she put her fork down and focused her attention on Y/N, her little eyes wide.
“Okay!” she agreed with a smile and went back to eating, “but when will the stork come?”
“Well, once we call him, he takes a while to come. Sometimes it feels like a long time, but we just have to wait patiently,” she leaned down and kissed the top of her head. In that moment, she knew she was ready for other child. That child would have the greatest sister and father in the world.
“Is it because he’s busy and all the other people call him too?” she got an intense look on her face as she tried to process what a long time would be.
“Exactly,” Y/N agreed, “so what do you think? Does that sound like plan?”
“Will you tell me when you call him?”
“Of course, Aya. You’ll be the first person we tell,”
“Yay! I’m so excited, I can’t wait to tell everyone!” she stuffed the last bite in her mouth and jumped up. Before running back to her room to get her things for school, she stopped and gave Y/N another hug, “I love you, mommy!”
“I love you too, Aya,” she replied to her retreating back, “don’t run!”
Sebastian stepped into the kitchen from the hallway where he had been watching his two favorite girls. He walked up behind Y/N and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“She seemed way too excited,” he chuckled softly in her ear, “I’m glad she’s so happy.”
“I know, getting to her to wait patiently will be the hardest,” she turned around so she was facing him.
“Same for me,” he agreed as he rested his forehead against hers, “last night was the fun part.
“Wow, Seb,” she laughed as she smacked him softly.
“Like you didn’t enjoy it,” he smirked and wiggled his eyebrows at her.
“Oh I did, but we might have to try again, who knows?”
“I will not be opposed, trust me,” he gave her peck before pulling back as Aya emerged holding her backpack, ready to go to school.
“Cheeky bastard,” she whispered softly in his ear, just so Aya couldn’t hear, “have a great day at school, my love!”
“Thank you mommy,” she grinned as she grabbed Sebastian’s hand and started pulling him towards the door, “don’t forget to the call the stork!”
Sebastian burst out laughing as he followed his daughter out the door, leaving Y/N shaking her head, with a smile on her face. She hoped whether they added another daughter or son to their little family they would have the spirit of her Aya and Sebastian. The two people who made her the happiest in the world.
  Permanent Taglist: @ruinerofcheese @supernatural508 @courtneychicken @nerissa98 @ssweet-empowerment @santa-crew @mannatgalhotra @wearegoldeninthenight 
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fluffymcu · 4 years
Always (Bucky x Reader)
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Summary: so this is kinda sad. Okay the whole thing is sad but I’m just in a sad mood lately so I wrote this Bucky fic. Basically the reader finds out that Bucky has been hiding most of his emotions from her and she finds out how much Bucky is really hurting. And the reader tries to comfort and reassure him, and pick up his very heavy heart. This is not a tickle fic, sorry, but it does mention it.
This is probably the longest fic I’ve ever written 👀
Warnings: Angst? If that’s the word for it, just sadness. Bucky’s past. So yes, very sad.
With Bucky’s sad past, you were impressed at how happy Bucky would be. You always called him your “Happy Boy” because despite his backstory, he still managed to keep moving forward and focus on the positive. He always made you laugh, laughed along with others, and he was always out and about doing something to keep him busy. You’d wake up to the water running in the sink in your bathroom and watch as he’d walk out with his toothbrush and go back in with a pair of clothes. You’d eat breakfast together, along with the team and in the evenings you’d go on your evening runs. He’d never let you go out running by yourself, especially when it got dark. So he’d always go with you to protect you.
He loved to challenge you to races when you’d go, and of course, he’d always win. You’d get salty, cause you’re a sore loser, and he’d always just laugh and scoop you up and tickle you until you got over it. It was almost always like this. You never suspected anything about his behavior. You always thought he was just your happy and positive Baby Buck.
Yes, you knew that Bucky hid things about his past to a certain extent. And yes, he’d have nightmares but you always assumed that that’s what comes with trauma like that. But you never really pushed him to go into detail because he’d make it seem like it didn’t bother him much since he was always so happy.
But it did. It bothered him a lot.
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Today was one of his worst days. He had had a very graphic nightmare of one of the innocent people he had been sent to kill on a mission. Usually he’d have many of those nightmares almost every other night, but for some reason, last night’s hit different. It was like it brought so much more guilt and pain than usual. And then all the emotion flooded in. The guilt. The horror. The terrifying feeling of not being able to control your own body. The feeling of your brain knowing exactly what you’re doing without knowing what you’re actually doing. Being drowned out of your own thoughts by orders forcefully put in your head. Bucky grimaced at every painful feeling going through his body.
My head will be dead forever.
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Whenever he’d have days like this, he’d always hide it by taking a “workout day”, which consisted of him spending most of the day in the gym down in the basement since everyone else always used the gym on the 2nd floor. That would give him the privacy he needed to just feel what he needed to feel and ride out the wave. It was hard, but he had to force himself to feel better. Even if he felt horrible, he’d have to swallow it and move. That’s what HYDRA taught him.
Thankfully, you weren’t in the compound today. You were out doing errands and had a doctors appointment later on today so it guaranteed your absence for most of the day. He sat on the ottoman in your shared bedroom and clasped his hands together and hung his head low. Tears stung his eyes as the nightmare replayed in his head over and over again. Every possible thought he has every had about HYDRA raced through his mind, the feeling becoming unbearable. He shut his eyes tightly and brought his hands up to rub them and he finally broke down in tears. His shoulders shook with every breath and sob he let out. He shook his head at himself, slightly annoyed that this exact situation happens every few weeks. He felt so alone, but he didn’t want anyone to feel burdened by his problems. He believed that if he shared how he truly felt, and let go of some of the negative thoughts he kept in, that’s everyone would push him away. And he didn’t want that. He needed people. Friends. Things to at least temporarily distract him from the horrors he remembers every day.
Your doctor had called that morning saying that his client before you had cancelled so the appointment could be moved earlier. You gladly accepted and got your appointment over with. You drove your way home and you set down the shopping and grocery bags at the kitchen and the living room, and you headed upstairs to your room really quick to charge your phone that was about to die.
But as you entered your bedroom, your eyes widen in shock as you see your beloved Bucky basically whimpering in his own arms. You stopped in your tracks at the sight of him. He was sitting on the ottoman, his legs curled up a bit and he sobbed. He was hugging himself tightly, his head ducked into his crossed arms. Your heart shattered. This was so out of character for Bucky. To say you were confused would be an understatement.
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“Bucky?” You gasped lightly. He startled at your voice and looked up at you with a frightened expression. He quickly got up and took a few steps towards you.
“Y/n? What-” he panted, his face contorted. “What are you doing here?! You had an appointment.” He says, his voice cracking and full of surprise. You just stood there, staring at him in shock and confusion. You were at a loss for words for the moment and Bucky realized it, quickly gulping and looking away in guilt. You quickly snap out of it.
“I-umm. I-” you blink. “The Doctor. He- he called me and told me that I could come in earlier because his... Bucky, are you okay?” You ask, the last part only able to come out as a whisper. Bucky quickly nodded and put on a smile. Only this time you could see right through it.
“Yeah,” he breathed out a laugh. “Yeah baby, I’m fine. Just a..little rough day today. Allergies and whatnot.” He waved off. You looked at him through narrowed eyes, an indication that you knew he was lying.
“Bucky.” You started. “You are not okay. You were just sobbing! Why?” You ask. You made sure to keep your voice level but this was very concerning for you. What was he not telling you?
“Doll, I-” he started to protest but you grimaced.
“Bucky don’t lie to me. Just-” You took a sharp breath, softening your expression. “Just please. Tell me what’s bothering you. Let me feel what you feel. Don’t hide it from me. Please.” You plead, taking his hand and guiding him to the foot of the bed, motioning for him to take a seat. “Sit, please.” With a sigh, Bucky complies and takes a seat on the foot of the bed. You stay standing up, standing in between his legs and you caress his head, rubbing your thumb over his cheekbones. He looks down at the floor, letting out shaky breaths. He was close to breaking. You look at him with sad eyes. “Tell me whats wrong, baby.” You whisper. And that was all it took for him.
Bucky’s eyes immediately teared up and soon enough, large tears were flowing down his cheeks. Your heart broke in half and the sight of your Bucky breaking down in tears and you straddled his lap quickly before pulling him into a tight hug, him quickly embracing you. You rested his head into the crook of your neck as he let out quiet sobs.
“I just want them to stop.” He sobbed. You sighed sadly, knowing what he was referring to. Bucky struggled with nightmares a lot. He’d never really tell you what he’d see because sometimes they were too graphic and he didn’t want you to know of those. And you were fine with it. You were always there to hold him close and comfort him until he fell back asleep. But you never really knew the extent of his issue until now. It was the first time you’d seen Bucky truly broken and it made your heart crack to think of all the times he’d put up an act to seem alright when inside, he’d never felt so dead inside.
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You sigh and hug him impossibly closer as you feel his tears staining your shirt. You stayed like this for a bit before you spoke. “Talk to me buck.” You cooed. After a moment, Bucky pulled away slightly and took a deep breath, a moment with just the sound of the strong wind outside and passing cars.
“I know I’m free of what they put in my head; that they won’t be able to control me anymore. But everything else is still there. And it hurts-” he paused,having to take a sharp breath to keep himself together, bowing his head down and keeping his gaze on your legs. “It hurts because even though I feel a big weight lifted, knowing that I’ll never have to be afraid of being under someone’s control again and use me to do injustice, there’s still the weight of living with all the bad things I’ve done in the past. And it just feels like I’ll never be truly free.” He explained, his voice cracking with every word.
You fought back your tears, afraid that if he’d see them, he’d feel bad and stop talking about it. You didn’t want that; you wanted him to tell you as much as he could because he should never have to go through this by himself. You were in this together. “Oh, Bucky.” You whispered, rubbing your thumbs over his stubble. You slightly nodded, silently motioning for him to continue.
He gulped, gripping your thigh absentmindedly and thinking for a moment, trying to swallow the thick tight feeling in his throat. “It’s like the memories I want,,,I don’t have. And I’m just stuck with these... nightmares. All I remember is the pain and torture I went through. I know I must have some good memories, back in my time before it all happened, but... they didn’t let me keep them. All I remember is screaming. And the cries of the innocent people I killed. And the torture they put me through.” He paused. “...I just wish I could remember something good.” He sobbed, wiping his tears quickly and glancing up at the small book on his nightstand.
He’d read the book almost every other night, since it contained few memories that he was able to remember. Most of them were of Steve, and his sisters. Some of his nights out dancing and a few of the war. But there were only so many memories he had. “Even the ones I have in my memory journal don’t feel real.” He sighed.
Bucky was only sharing a fraction of the pain he’s gone through over so many years. And you knew that. You had already felt horrible inside. If only you were there to witness these things being done to him. It would truly end you.
He had gone through so much. And you could only imagine the number of times he tried to escape from HYDRA or resist their authority, only to be tortured and beaten as punishment, kept in inhumane cells until he eventually gave up hope that he would ever be free. The thought of being forced to accept that you were now owned by an organization that terrorized thousands. Their property. Their puppet. Like an animal, not being able to speak for yourself. Not being able to want something. To have something. They took it all away and left him with nothing but horrors to keep him up at night. Just the thought of all this made your stomach twist into a horrible knot. But you knew that whatever you were feeling, Bucky felt it worse. He’d lived it.
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You swallowed the knot in your throat and shook your head lightly. “I’m so sorry James.” You sympathize, playing lightly with a strand of his hair, knowing playing with his hair always relaxed him. Bucky sighed as he hung his head slightly.
“I just wish I wasn’t so weak.” He mumbled. Your eyebrows furrow at his statement and you use your hand to lift up his head to look at you. He wasn’t weak. He was anything but weak. He was a super soldier for god’s sake. His strength, speed, and agility was elite. But part of you knew what he was referring to. So that’s what you needed to address.
“Bucky, it’s okay to be weak. You don’t have to be strong all the time. It’s not healthy. You’re not allowing yourself to feel.” You started, looking deep into his beautiful blue eyes which always held a certain softness in them. “You can always talk to me, Buck. You can’t go through this alone. None of what the Winter Soldier did was your fault. I know it’s hard to believe that but it’s true. You have to be considerate with yourself. I know, and everyone else knows that you would never hurt an innocent soul in your right mind. It’s just what those monsters used your body to do. All of those lives? Their blood is on HYDRA’s hands. Not yours. And I’m not just throwing words in the air, Bucky. This is the truth.” You said, nodding your head with confidence.
Another tear fell from Bucky’s eyes at your words. It hurt him because he wanted to believe it. He wanted to convince himself of it so bad. But for some reason there was a part of him that wouldn’t let him. He would just keep feeling the guilt of it all. Part of him just wanted to blame that all on HYDRA too. But he knew that he had the power to change it. It would just take time. But today was a rough day. The sadness and guilt hit him harder than expected, to the point where he couldn’t fake it, so he had to take a break to let it all out. Which lead to you finding him in the bedroom. A big part of him was glad that you found him there and lent a listening ear to him but a small part of him couldn’t help but feel like he was putting a big load on you. Suddenly a wave of sadness overcame him once again, a million different thoughts running through his head. Why do I have to feel so negative? She’s just trying to help. Why am I being so dramatic? Stop being stubborn and accept the help. I’m probably bothering her. Only I’m strong enough to deal with this. Just let her help you. It hurts too much. Why am I thinking so much? Stop. Just- never mind. I don’t even know.
You stayed silent, patient to hear any response he had to give, just taking in his features. He looked so tired and broken. You couldn’t understand how you didn’t see right through his act. He was so good at it, you didn’t even think twice before going along with it. You felt so guilty that you didn’t take time to look beyond. Maybe you could have noticed something off about him sooner. Just maybe.
“I’m sorry you have to see me like this.” He started after a moment of silence. Your brows furrowed slightly. “I should have kept it-”
“No!” You whisper, holding his face in your hands, brushing his long hair away from his face. “No Bucky. Please, never apologize for feeling. Bucky, that’s what I’m here for. I’m here to comfort you.” You hum, your eyes tearing up a bit.
“But I’m supposed to be your happy boy. That’s who you love. That’s who I try to be.” Bucky smiled halfheartedly, his eyes drooping with sadness. You shook your head with a small smile.
“No. That’s not who I love. I love you, James. And I love everything that comes with you. Every little thing. I don’t want you to hide your emotions for me. I don’t need that. I want you to share what you feel so that I can be there to comfort you just like you’ve always comforted me. This isn’t a one-way relationship, Buck. We both have to give. Give me a chance to give.” You whispered, a pleading tone in your soft voice. You couldn’t stop the tear that fell from your eye as you spoke your next words. “I’m so sorry that you have to go through this every day and I wish I could tell you that everything is okay but I can’t. They took that from you.” You said, another tear slipping. “But I will always be here for you to help you push through one day at a time and cope with it. Never feel like I don’t have time or interest for your feelings, Bucky. And I’m sorry if I made you feel like you couldn’t talk to me. But I’m here.”
Bucky reached up to wipe the tear from your eye, you melting into his touch. “It’s not that, doll. I know you want to help me.” He sighed, slowly returning his gaze to your legs. “I guess it’s when I was being trained by HYDRA they just kinda taught me to never show weakness, and sort of deal with everything myself. It’s just become a habit I guess.” He shrugged sadly.
You looked into his sad, tears stained eyes. It would take some time, but you knew, that now that he had told you everything, with your help, they’d get through this. And that hope was all you both needed to keep pulling through. You smiled weakly and grabbed his face in your hands before landing several soft, short, but passionate kisses on his soft lips. “Well, I’m here for you Buck. Always.” You assured, earning a small smile from him.
Bucky brought a hand up to rub at his face, rubbing away tears and tiredness. “All this emotional stuff made me so tired.” He sighed, making you giggle lightly, his heart swelling at the sound of your laugh. He looked at you exhaustedly. “Can we take a nap? Me and you?” He pleaded. You smiled sweetly and nodded.
“Of course.” You hummed, sighing as he leaned back on the bed, wrapping his arms around your waist to bring you with him. You both layed there, chest to chest and his arms wrapped securely around you.
A moment of silence passes before Bucky closes his eyes, an neutral expression on his face, and sighs. “Thank you.” He whispers. A smile gradually grows on you and you hug Bucky closer to you.
“We’ll get through this, Buck. I promise. It might not ever completely go away, but...it’ll be easier to handle. And I promise I’ll always be there with you every step of the way.” You assured, letting your eyes close and drift off. Bucky’s smile grew at your words, as he finally felt at peace. Like he could finally rest without feeling that usual heavy pull at his heart. Maybe we can get through this. He thought. After that, sleep quickly overtook him and for the first time in years, he slept with only good thoughts in his mind. He wasn’t gonna have to fight this battle alone anymore.
And that felt good.
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marvelgiggles · 5 years
Don’t Leave Please!
(Sebastian Stan x daughter!reader)
@pinkpandas135​ I hope the age I picked is okay with you and what you had in mind.
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You were starting to get bored. You have been sitting in your dad’s trailer for such a long time. You’ve watched TV, played on the iPad he left in his trailer for you to use, but it’s not easy keeping a six year old entertained for very long. You were so loved by the other cast members when they got a break from filming they came and hung out with you. They played dolls with you, played kitchen with you among other scenarios. I mean they were actors after all. Although, when you were on set with your dad you never left his trailer. He was afraid that some crazed fan would kidnap you so they could get to meet him, another reason is that the lot was so big he was scared that you would get lost.
However, you were old enough to wander around on your own. You set out to explore the set and made it a game to see how long you could avoid any of the other cast members seeing you. You were having the time of your life as you ran around the trailers and snuck your way onto set. There were so many cool new things you couldn’t understand why your dad wanted to keep all these things from you. Little did you know that you dad was frantic looking all over set for you. He came back to his trailer to find you missing, his heart dropped through his trailer floor and he couldn’t think straight. He got the whole cast and crew to look for his princess. 
Now that it was starting to get later in the day and you noticed that no one was around you were starting to get scared and wanted your daddy. You remember that your dad told you if you ever got lost and scared to stay where you were so he could find you. He always found you. You curled up in a ball under one of the coffee tables on set. 
You heard your name being called by someone, but you couldn't recognize the voice so you curled up further into a ball. “Y/N!” You also saw a pair of feet get closer and closer to you. “Y/N/N. It’s okay, it’s Mr. Evans. If you come out I can take you to your daddy.” Chris said with a gentle voice making you pop your head up and peak out to make sure it was him. You liked Chris he was a lot of fun and liked playing with you so you would feel comfortable with him. Evans looked at you and gave you a sweet smile and held out his arms so you could run into them. You quickly ran into this arms and he picked you up while you snuggled into his shoulder. 
Chris made his way back to your dad’s trailer. “I found her.” Sebastian quickly looked toward Chris and saw you in his arms. He quickly reached for you and once you were in his arms he hugged you also desperately and kissed your head multiple times. Chris left your dad’s trailer so you two could have some alone time together.
“Baby, don’t ever do that to daddy again.” He whispered in your ear.
“I’m sorry daddy. I didn’t mean to.” You said on the verge of tears, you hated to make your daddy sad. 
“Oh baby, it’s okay.” He said kissing your hair. “I was just scared that I lost my favorite girl.”
You grabbed his face in your hands, “I promise I won’t do it again daddy.” He touched your noses together, the thing you always did when you two made a promise. “I’m sorry I made you scared.” 
“Well, I’m going to have to punish you for making me worry so much.” You dad said as you felt his fingers lightly walking up and down your sides. You started to squirm in his arms and giggle.
“No! Daddy!” You squealed as he walked over to the bed in his trailer and plopped you down on it. You felt one of his hands on your tummy and in your armpit. He had no mercy on you, as knew the best way to tickle you, he was your dad after all. You couldn’t stop giggling and you tried to curl into a ball to avoid the tickly sensations throughout your body, but you were so small you couldn’t do much of anything.
“I’m sorry princess but you have to learn your actions have consequences.” You dad said as he quickly moved his arms to both sides of your ribs and started squeezing. You desperately tried to knock his hands away and wriggle all around the bed. “Oh no. Does this tickle too much? Why can’t you stop wriggling, it can’t be that bad?” Your dad teased you, as you continued to giggle uncontrollably.
“Stahahap! Dahahahady!” You started to kick your little legs to try and get your dad to stop tickling you.
“What’s this?” You dad asked as he quickly grabbed both of your legs. “Why these look like ticklish little feet.” He said as he ran a finger up both of your feet. You squealed and tried to pull your feet away. “Looks like I was right.” You felt five fingers quickly run up and down your feet and you let out deep belly laughter, it made your dad’s heart swell with happiness as he listened to your adorable belly laughs. After a while your laughter became silent from how hard you were laughing. Your dad let your legs fall back to the bed as he grabbed you and snuggled you close while you recovered from the ‘punishment’ you just endured. 
Both of you stayed in this position even long after you regained your breath. “I love you daddy.” You felt your dad’s arms squeeze even tighter around you.
“I love you too baby.” 
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hellomissmabel · 7 years
Debut part II/II
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Pairing: Bucky x reader
Warnings: Someone being called a slut. Fluffiness overload.
Word count: 1.7k
Summary: You’re a small town actress catapulted to fame when you land a role in an immensely popular TV show. After turning down the flirtations of the lead male character, the media paints you as a bitch and you end up being bullied by his fans. Struggling to stay true to yourself, you find comfort and friendship in one of actors who makes his debut on the show.
Find part one here
All Sebastian Stan’s characters & fics can be found here
A/N: Written for @bbparker aka @bxckybxarnesstar
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You can hear him playing the piano even with the door closed, the melodic movements of his fingertips creating an ecstatic atmosphere, never mind if it’s a slow or sad song. Yesterday you caught him playing ‘Last Christmas’ by Wham and today he’s playing ‘All I want for Christmas’. He doesn’t stop when he notices someone opening the door, continuing with marvellous rhythmic intent.
When you sit down next to him on the bench, he eventually nudges your side and stops playing with both hands, his left hand resting on your knee while the right finishes off the song and ebbs into another one of his own creation. The silly tunes make you giggle and with a quick peck to his cheek, your fingers ache for the same workout and you join in to the best of your abilities.
“What took you so long? You’re nearly half an hour late?”
With a deep sigh, you tell him the break-up scene. You gave Brady shit about how he started seeing Dixie behind your back, yet Brady also had a field day barking at Harley for kissing his half-brother August. The necessary dramatics ensued and Harley slapped her now ex-boyfriend right across the cheek.
“I didn’t enjoy hitting him, you know. Even though he deserved it,” you admit to the brunet as you miss a couple notes, noticing how he’s smiling from ear to ear. “He called me a slut.”
He stops playing as he notices the melody you’re playing is horrendous. “Well, if it’s any consolation, I thoroughly enjoyed making out with you.”
Caressing the keys of the piano with absent-mindedly, you think back to the moment where he confesses his love to you. It’s the plot twist of the entire fifth season and supposed to feed the fans throughout the entire sixth and seventh. You didn’t rehearse your first kiss with Bucky like you did with Steve, because you actually like Bucky and didn’t want all the kissing to dull down the special moment between Harley and August.
And maybe you were a little bit selfish too, because you’ve been taking piano lessons from Bucky for almost four months now and you’ve only grown fonder of the brunet with the baby blue eyes. “Me too,” you chuckle, leaning your cheek on his shoulder and listening to him play song after song. “You never did tell me why you started playing the piano,” you ask him after some time has passed.
Humming along to the melody, you feel the soft press of his lips to your hair. “I’ve never told this to anyone before, so…” He drops his hands to his lap and coughs. “My mother, euhm, she’s… a music teacher. I never really had a taste for music, didn’t consider myself to be very musical either. Until she passed away… Then music became a way to stay in touch with her.”
Looking up at the pianist, you cradle his cheek in the palm of your hand and smile sadly. He gives you a tight-lipped smile in return and presses a chaste kiss to your lips. “Don’t worry about me, babe. Worry about your lack of rhythm.” His warm lips find yours again with a tiny wink. “Which song do you wanna play next?”
“I do my best but I’ve never really had a sense of rhythm,” you smirk in a teasing tone, your fingers rapidly conjuring up the first song that pops into your head. “How about –“
“Cut! Cut, cut, cut! Cut!”
Tony comes barging in on the set, pushing past the camera crew and elbowing his way towards where you and Bucky are sitting at the piano. “I need more chemistry! Y/N, Harley just left the guy she’s been seeing since first year for his brother, the love of her life. I need you to be more broken up about it. And you,” he turns to Bucky, pointing a stern finger at him, “You have to be more charming! You just stole your half-brother’s girlfriend! I wanna see you flirt your way into her pants for God’s sake!”
“Alright, let’s just take a break first, okay?,” Peggy saves the day. “We’ve been shooting since 5 a.m.”
You and Bucky slide off the bench and both head into different directions, Bucky being called to the wardrobe department because Tony doesn’t like the way his jacket fits around his shoulder. Natasha and Maria as well as the other dancers aren’t on set today so you feel a little lost without your usual crew. You can’t exactly go sit with Sharon and Steve, their mutual scene up next after you finish up with Bucky.
So you head over to the makeup department where you find Wanda scrolling on her phone, checking out guys on Tinder. “Hi there,” she pipes up, a little startled when she sees you leaning against the door frame with a knowing look in your eyes. “Just… checking my e-mails. How was your scene?”
“Checking your e-mails, hm?,” you wink knowingly. “With that big of a smile? Come on, Wanda, please…” Sitting down next to her on one of the chair for the makeup artists and hair stylists, you look over her shoulder at the guys she’s checking out.
“You’re not with Bucky?,” she asks you after swiping left on a certain Sam Wilson, the millionth aspiring actor on Tinder, the perks of finding a boyfriend in Hollywood. “You usually practice in between scenes and never spent any time with us anymore.” With a fake pout, she nudges your side with her elbow and smiles cheekily. “Is there something wrong in paradise?”
“No, he got called to wardrobe for a new fitting,” you grin as you poke her back in the ribs. “And there’s nothing going on between me and Bucky.”
“Right,” she chuckles dryly as she locks her phone, the face of a certain Clint Barton vanishing as she closes the app. “Now, missy, you get your ass to the rehearsal room and text Bucky to join you. Tell him you wanna practice the scene again to please Tony and so that you can all go home early.”
Pushing you out of the room, she stands her ground and even pickpockets your phone to do the dirty work for you, sending a quick text to Bucky who immediately replies with an ‘OK’ and a smiley. “You can thank me later, Y/N.”
With a soft groan you make your way down to the rehearsal room at the far end of the hallway, right next to Peggy’s private office. You arrive just in time for you to sit down at the piano and start playing the show’s theme song, the only song you know by heart, before Bucky gets there too and stands behind you with his hands on your shoulders and his lips pressing an affectionate kiss to the crown of your hair.
“You did great, you know. Tony’s just on edge because there’s this new show airing tomorrow that supposed to be the next Pretty Little Liars. Now we’ve all got to be more sexy, more scheming, more dramatic,… More fake if you ask me…,” Bucky chuckles dryly.
You stop playing as soon as you feel and focus on his touch. “But I thought we were the next Pretty Little Liars?,” you feign sadness as Bucky takes a seat next to you.
“No, Y/N, we are the next Gossip Girl,” he corrects you with an amused smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “Huuuuuuuuuuge difference!”
Ardently he erupts into a play of tones and tunes, trying to impress the girl next to him. “You know, I did enjoy kissing you, Y/N. Too bad it was only on set…,” he throws his bait at you to see if you’ll bite. “And I’m not saying that just because we’re supposed to be the new power couple on the show. I’m not Steve.”
He glances at you from the corner of his eye to see a small smile break through your stoic, surprised façade. “C’mon Y/N, at least admit you liked kissing me, too.”
You place a hand on top of his and he halts his movements, looking at you with curiosity and hope in those beautiful baby blues. “I really liked kissing you, Bucky. And I never really thanked you for teaching me how to play the piano, so…”
Leaning in very close, you give the brunet the impression you’re going to kiss him. There’s chemistry in the air and an electrifying pull between you and our co-star, yet as your lips just about brush his, you lean back again and start playing the piano. “But first, practice!,” you chuckle with a girly giggle.
Bucky’s lips chase after you when you leave him hanging mid-air, his eyes already fluttering closed, and when he figures out you’ve played him, he laces his arm around your waist and pulls you into his side. His fingertips tickle you, drawing high-pitches squeals from your lips as you’re very ticklish.
“Practice? Practice, hm? I’ll show you some practice?,” he chimes in a sing-song voice before the soft press of his lips on yours catches you off guard. Instantly you melt into him, hands splayed on his chest and gently fisting his shirt while Bucky cups your cheek in one hand and holds your neck with the other.
Gasping slowly when the pianist elicits a low moans from your lips, he deepens the kiss and caresses your tongue with his. “How’s that for practice, babe?,” he chuckles as you are both panting slightly.
“Practice makes perfect, they say. So let’s try again, even if it’s just to keep Tony satisfied with your charms,” you joke playfully, a seductive tone to your voice as the piano lessons are long forgotten and another searing kiss from Bucky takes your breath away.
Tag list: @melconnor2007 @learisa @mrshopkirk @dont-speak-just-read @buckyappreciationsociety @beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep @lovemarvelousfics @pleasantdreamqueen @petersunderroos @movingonto-betterthings @palaiasaurus64 @ssweet-empowerment @lovemarvelousfics @rrwilson66 @petersunderroos  @reniescarlett   @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @barnes-heaven  @that-sokovian-bastard @abovethesmokestacks @marvelrevival  @marvel-fanfiction @justanotherbuckydevotee @barnes-heaven  @heartmade-writingbucky @buckyywiththegoodhair @captnbarnesrogers @a-little-hell-to-raise @knittingknerdy  @winterboobaer @hymnofthevalkyrie  @feelmyroarrrr @justareader @howlingbarnes  @themcuhasruinedme @buchananbarnestrash @hollycornish   @delicatecapnerd @tomhollandzs  @aletheladyinred @xbergiex @promarvelfangirl @capbuckybuchanan @pegasusdragontiger @salty-holographic-stickers  @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @autijahnerd13s-blahg @sophiealiice @sarahmatthews7 @lumelgy @kudosia @daringtodreamawake @moonbeambucky @suz-123 @breezy1415 @always-an-evans-addict @thegreentgirl @yourtropegirl @4theluvofall @curvybihufflepuff @caplansteverogers @amrita31199 @isnt-the-blog-youre-looking-for @pineapplebooboo @thefridgeismybestie @supernatural508 @supernaturaldean67@cant-decide-at-this-moment @mehrmonga @specs15 @kanupps06 @imnotinsanehunny @sarahgracej @jasura @nerdyandproud9 @geeksareunique @jesspfly @badassbaker @whenallsaidanddone @ailynalonso15 @thebookisbtr @animechick725 @wheneggsymetbucky
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