#les msierables
Enjolras DID reciprocate Grantaire's feelings, you all are just trying to make me sad ;-;
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kugirocks · 7 months
Knowing Kyle Adams played Ned Ryerson in Groundhog Day at Paramount Aurora and now Grantaire in Les Misérables on tour proves his range as the loveable but responsable dad/big brother character and I love it.
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Having thoughts about how Terzo most definitely is a whore for Broadway shows and will shamelessly recite parts of phantom of the opera, west side story, les msierables, etc during sex with his partner. Slay for him.
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arqueervist · 4 years
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Historical musical bingo card
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alicedrawslesmis · 5 years
Sketching Les Mis Chapter 4.1.2 - Badly Sewed
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1. It's him! His majesty the Pear! 
2. Okay so first off, I read "badly sewed" and thought it had to do with the Sewer Digression somehow before I read it a second time and I was trying very hard to understand what those two things had to do with each other.
3. This chapter had Victor Hugo giving a lot of punches in the face of the bourgeoisie. Basically he said that the bourgeois statesmen, satisfied with being in power, took their seats and by that, they halted the revolution. (He also mentioned he doesn't consider the Bourgeoisie a social class because what defines the Bourgeoisie for him is their conformism, and that is not in itself a condition of class in his opinion. That's... a weird way to look at class but tbh I wish he had said more about that because I think he might be onto something specially since nobility and Bourgeoisie in those days were more easily separated and a Bourgeois in the eye of the government is more like a peasant than a noble. Money and means is not necessarily what Victor Hugo uses to describe social class. I think I better keep that in mind for later).
Anyway, they sought out another sovereign to replace the last one. Louis-Philippe D'Orléans was a safe choice (unrelated note: Orléans is one of the two main families that make the Brazilian monarchy and Idk how related Louis-Philippe is to our kings but it's a fun fact for ya). I mean compare this portrait of Charles X with Louis-Philippe and tell me this pear isn't a bourgeois king:
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Lafayette crowned Louis-Philippe and that was that. There is also a weird bit that makes it seem like Hugo is saying the separation of church and state is bad because? It gives more power to the king? Idk what Victor Hugo is talking about like, half the time
4. Victor Hugo defines the time of the July monarchy as a halt. A double state of perpetual rest and perpetual vigilance. No progress and a fear of revolt. "A halt supposes battle yesterday and battle tomorrow."
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So last year I did an entire art series based on the premise of grief and loss of fictional characters. Of course meaning the entire work is Les Miserables. I love it and am finally getting to share it now. Also y'all probably can't see it but I sign all my work with a simple R. Both a Grantaire reference and my initial. Pretty sure my friends, family, and professors weep over this. I'm proud of it so I hope y'all like it.
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centrifuge-politics · 5 years
Brick Club 5.1.1
Oh, you already know I’m back on my bullshit.
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Now, I know functionally nothing about the Revolution of 1848, but it’s my understanding that it actually succeeded, for a brief time at least, in establishing a republic. So I don’t understand why Hugo calls it an ochlocracy and insists it was an attack on ‘right.’ I’m kidding, I know exactly why! Welcome to Victor Hugo is wrong about violence, installment number yada yada etcetera.
The elitism of this chapter, “But how excusable he feels it, even while opposing it…we persist, we are compelled to; but the conscience, though satisfied, is sad, and the performance of the duty is marred by an oppression of heart.” This is pure, uncut upper class liberalism. The masses, the rabble can’t possibly know what it best for them, so it is up to us, the wise, to protect them from themselves by siding with the ruling class to stamp out their poorly thought through revolts. Try revolution again when you’re educated and civilized like me. This is absurdly patronizing and it’s the exact same mentality that allowed the bourgeoisie class to halt the Revolution of 1830 in its tracks. It’s a fear of the working class gaining any actual power masquerading as false concern for the greater good. In Hugo’s case, specifically, he has a general distaste for what he considers mob rule. It seems like he wants the working class to act like bourgeoisie when they revolt, to have a platform and a plan and a consensus (because the bourgeoisie definitely all agreed with each other, right). But that takes time, resources, and support, even if we ignore that the government had outlawed political gatherings. We’re talking about desperate starving people! And a bourgeoisie middle class that is only ever motivating into effective action when it comes to undermining the working class, never when helping them. Hugo explicitly advocates this: “The exasperations of this multitude which suffers and which bleeds, its violences in misconstruction of the principles which are its life, its forcible resistance to the law, are popular coups d’état, and must be repressed.” All violence is not equal.
It is telling that Hugo is only upset at the “June Days” of 1848 and doesn’t say a word of the events of February. You know, when the bourgeoisie happened to be on the side of the working class. Come June, it becomes “a revolt of the people against itself.” This idea is insidious because, yes, there may have been some incompatible interests among the lower class (according to some sources, and let’s just say I have an axe to grind with Frédéric Bastiat), but that’s hardly grounds for uniformly condemning an entire people’s movement the way Hugo is trying to. It shows a rather sloppy and narrow minded idea of what the working class was actually demanding and little understanding of how much the structure is designed against them.
It’s really difficult to pin down what criteria Hugo uses to judge a rebellion. He hates the Jacqueries and, to a lesser extent, June 1848, but he loves 1830 and, once he came around, 1832. I’m not a historian but as someone who studied class conflict and political movements, these uprisings are only superficially different in the specifics. The ‘big idea’ is all the same. What the specifics seem to affect, however, is how willing the bourgeoisie middle class are to support any given uprising. I’m speculating, but they’re fickle and Hugo is fickle right beside them. He’s always willing to say the right things, until it comes to radical action to back up those words. I’m very much speculating, but perhaps his tolerance of 1832 stems partly from the fact that it was mostly headed by relatively well-off, educated students. I don’t know enough to really bring down the gavel on that but there’s, at the very least, a pattern in his arguments. He expresses a distaste for “civil war” in this chapter—just like our moderate liberal Marius—which just comes across as a disparaging dismissal of class conflict between the bourgeoisie and working class. Recall the chapter detailing the rise of Louis-Philippe after the July Revolution. In it, Hugo mourns the fact that the knowledge of the wise was overtaken by the greed of the able. I vaguely remember arguing that this was a poor distinction that leaves the working class out of play entirely, despite being the ones who did the work. He does much worse here, actually advocating that the wise join the able in dismantling the revolutionary work of the working class for their own good. The poor don’t get to be wise or able, just oppressed and miserable foot soldiers for a philosophical struggle. Hugo might not be explicitly saying this, but it’s the logical conclusion of all his arguments.
I’d offer a more robust rebuttal but, as I’ve come to expect, Hugo has already provided it for us in 4.13.3 through Marius. He thinks, “outside of that holy thing, justice, by what right does one form of war despise another?” Put it this way: how can you condemn the revolution of the poor while supporting the “honest man’s” violent repression of it? “Oppression is the foreigner…despotism violates the moral frontier,” whether it comes from monarch or bourgeoisie. “Men must be aroused, pushed, shocked by the very benefits of their deliverance.” Hugo might do well to take his own advice—if he wasn’t being facetious in 4.13.3—rather than assume it only applies to those he believes know less than him.
And I guess I can talk about the two barricades. To cut to the chase, one is unbridled violence, the other guerrilla cowardice and Hugo approves of neither. He appears to have a fearful respect of them, however, and his description of the Saint Antoine barricade filled me with righteous antifa rage, “the spirit of revolution covered with its cloud that summit whereon growled this voice of the people which is like the voice of God.” This is meant to be a grim sight, but there’s something about a three story, seven hundred foot barricade built from the ruins of polite society, a testament to the people’s suffering bristling with fury and bitterness, “a mob of flaming heads crowned it; a swarming filled it; its crest was thorny with muskets, with swords, with clubs, with axes, with pikes, and with bayonets...It was a garbage heap and it was Sinai,” that just gets my fucking blood up. I love it. It’s the finale of the 2012 movie but howling.
On the other hand, the Faubourg du Temple is silent but no less angry. It simmers. The insult of ‘coward’ fizzles when you’re taking precise and deadly fire from hidden guerrilla fighters, it comes from a place of fear. And Hugo says it right, “Not one of the eighty cowards thought of flight; all were killed.” Don’t even mess. “Admitting that the gloomy and gigantic insurrection of June was composed of an anger and an enigma.” How can you possibly hate this? Unless you have something to fear from the people’s will made manifest. I’m getting dramatic but I’m so into these barricades.
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hey-there-hunter · 7 years
Courfeyrac: You and R don't have any pet names, huh?
Enjolras: No! We don't!
Courfeyrac: Uh, what do bees make?
Enjolras: Honey?
Grantaire, from the another room: Yeah, sugar?
Courfeyrac: Never lie to my face ever again
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oulious · 7 years
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A Group Which Barely Missed Becoming Historic (1/10) 
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clenster · 7 years
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This canon era cheetah-clothed Grantaire is brought to you by @pilferingapples (prompter) and @twofrontteethstillcrooked (who did all the research I was too lazy to do). 
Imagine he is at a costume party going as a british dandy or something.
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autumngracy · 7 years
Characters/Pairings: Javert/Jean Valjean
Chapter Summary: “Resolution” - The unfortunate situation caused by Thénardier draws to a conclusion.
Chapter Warnings: some graphic (bloody) content
Summary: Curiosity causes Valjean to seek out Javert after he leaves him at his house, and what he sees at the river changes everything he thought he knew about the man. Now they must struggle to understand one another (and themselves) as their worlds come crashing down around them.
Fic status: a WIP
Posting schedule: one chapter every week and a half to two weeks.
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naginisfate · 5 years
Happy Barricade Day ✨
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kugirocks · 5 years
"Every living minute..."
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mediumalto · 8 years
Les miserables 🙃
Thank you!
Favourite Character: Eponine but M. Thenardier would be amazing to play
Least Favourite Character: Cosette
Favourite OBC Cast Member: Colm Wilkinson
Favourite Current Cast Member (If Applicable): 
Favourite Song: Empty Chairs At Empty Tables or Drink With Me
Least Favourite Song: A Heart Full Of Love
Favourite Act (If Applicable): 2 I guess??
Favourite Ship: Eponine and Marius (yes. I said it)
Least Favourite Ship: Cosette and Marius
If There is Something I Would Change about The Musical: Make more songs in the range of altos! But that’s seroiusly a minor thing
Ratings: 9/10
Send me a musical!
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dear google and youtube, please learn les mis fandom slang, i dont have enough time to type out “les miserables original french concept album”
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alicedrawslesmis · 5 years
Sketching Chapter 1.3.4 - Tholomyès Is So Happy He Sings A Gross Spanish Song
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1. There isn't a lot to add. They're all in love. Hugo is nostalgic about his youthful love affairs. Everyone is doing the "playfully steal kisses from their partners" shtick. It sounds like those Fragonard paintings of noblemen in their gardens chasing each other around. There is a hall or mirrors and some entertainment in a farm somewhere. They find themselves a swing and swing the ladies on it.
2. Except for Fantine, she is so in love she can't have fun.
3. No but this is supposed to mean she's so in love this is serious for her, unlike everyone else who takes love on their stride.
4. Tholomyès is upset Fantine doesn't want to swing so he sings a song about ladies' legs.
5. Favourite gets all offended by Fantine not wanting to swing. Kinda like when I tell people I don't like drinking or smoking and they act like I've insulted their lifestyle or something. Can you please chill Favourite. "Put on airs" my ass.
6. They keep teasing the surprise. This is so upsetting.
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