#lesbians please stop shouting the d-slur at me. my heart can’t take it. I feel so scared.
sciderman · 8 months
Hi, this is the gender-confused anon and i just wanted to say thanks for the reply and also, no, the "sexualizing women" part definetly isn't something that's similar to the terf bullshit they spread, it's more of a "do i wanna be a girl, sometimes, or is it me fetishizing lesbian because of my cis man brain?" type of deal. Also i know for centrain i am not a trans woman, as there are days i am completely fine being more masculine (So ig it's more of a genderfluid or nonbinary thing? Perhaps.) but other days i wonder.
shrugs. lesbians are hot. I don’t think it’s only cis men who are of that opinion. you know who also has that opinion? lesbians, I think.
I don’t know what’s going on in your brain but I think as long as you’re careful that no one is getting hurt or insulted then you’re probably okay. just. you know. be respectful of other humans and don’t reduce them to objects of desire and remember that they are Layered People that are just as complex as you are and you’re fine.
maybe endeavour to make some femme friends first. (just friends). (don’t be weird about it). I don’t know you and what’s going on with you, but it feels like this disconnect you’re feeling might be because you don’t have femme friends? it’s very easy to see lesbians as more than a fetish if you talk to a real breathing lesbian who is not just a pretty fantasy on your computer screen. so - do something crazy. talk to your local lesbian. I promise they’re not as scary as you think. (and this is coming from someone who used to be scared of lesbians).
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(Y/n) and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week: Wednesday
Monday     Tuesday     Thursday (Part 1)     Thursday (Part 2)     Friday     Saturday     Sunday
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: panic attacks, swearing, getting outed, f slur and d slur, homophobia, puking, toxic friends
Word count: 5,160
(A/N): woah, thank you all so much for all the positive feedback, that really makes my day! 
The room was quiet with the exception of the clacking of the keyboard and the soft chirping of crickets outside your open window. The stars twinkled in the sky as the night droned on and on. There was a loud rustling outside your window, but your sleep deprived mind didn’t think anything of it. It wasn’t important at the moment, the only important thing right now was finishing your work. 
Throughout the night, you worked endlessly on your friend’s work. The essays were relatively easy because Adrian and Annie had luckily chosen topics that you’re somewhat interested in, so at least finding the sources was enjoyable. You had gotten your essay completely written and proofread, Annie’s outline finished, and Adrian’s sources analyzed. You would start on Sammy’s presentation after you finished Adrian’s outline. Hours upon hours passed by you as you worked, yet you didn’t notice the time once. You worked uninterrupted with no breaks. Well, one break to talk to your dad about how you weren’t hungry, but you got back to work right after he left your room. You couldn’t waste any more time than you already have.
Your eyes felt heavy as you typed on your keyboard, working on putting Adrian’s sources together cohesively so that the writing would flow seamlessly. You paused your typing to rub at your tired eyes so you could keep working, you couldn’t afford to fall asleep. You had to get these done as soon as possible if you wanted their forgiveness. 
The blaring of your alarm startled you out of your focus, making you fall backwards out of your chair with a yelp. Landing painfully on your back, you laid on the floor trying to calm your racing heartbeat. You looked out your window. Hints of pinks and yellows were starting to make a gradient with the lightening dawn sky. Shit, you were so focused on getting your work done that you didn’t take account of the time. You just knew today was gonna be long. At least after school volleyball practice was shortened because of finals tomorrow. 
You groaned as you pulled your tired form off from the ground. You made your way downstairs and plopped yourself down at your usual place at the table, burying your face into the crook of your arm. You felt yourself drift off into a blissful sleep, the wood of the table suddenly seemed very comfortable at the moment. Not long after, you were jolted out of your peaceful sleep by a loud crash. Jumping up and looking around with wide eyes, you saw Tubbo looking at you apologetically. There was broken glass in front of his feet on the floor. 
“Sorry, (y/n).”
You just stared at him blankly as you slowly blinked. Philza didn’t spare you a glance as he whisked the short boy away from the glass. “(Y/n), can you please go get the broom and sweep this up?”
You nodded, hauling yourself to your feet and walked over to the storage closet, pulling out the broom and dust pan. You mindlessly sweeped up the glass, your limbs feeling heavy. After throwing the glass away, you rummaged in the cupboard and pulled out a mug. The bitter smell beckoned you welcomingly, working its way through your nostrils and digging itself deep into your brain. Just as you were about to pour yourself a cup, a hand snatched the coffee pot away from you. 
“You shouldn’t be drinking this.”
“You let Techno and Wil drink it, so why can’t I?”
“(Y/n), you’re a full year younger than them and you haven’t eaten anything since breakfast yesterday.”
You felt your eye twitch, “I’m only a year younger than them! There’s literally no-”
“(Y/n),” his warning tone cut you off, putting the pot back into the coffee maker, “you aren’t going to drink this. That’s final. Get a glass of water.”
You huffed and pushed past him to the sink to fill your coffee mug with water. You’ve been drinking coffee for a while behind his back, so you were used to its effects on your body. You supposed that you’d just beg Wilbur to take you to the cafe so you could get your sustenance. He always relented for you. 
You heard him chuckle, “you’ll thank me when you’re older.”
You plopped down next to Tubbo nursing your mug of water, trying to make small talk with him. One by one, your brothers made their way to the table. Tommy was talking and gesturing wildly to Tubbo like he normally did, Wilbur looked as dead inside as you felt, and Techno made it a point to ignore you. When someone pissed him off, he can hold a grudge better than he could hold onto his knowledge of Greek mythology, and that’s saying something. Man is obsessed with Greek mythology. 
Breakfast went by in a daze with you struggling to keep your eyes open. At one point, you almost fell asleep sitting up, only to be woken up by Tubbo shaking your shoulder to get your attention. When breakfast was almost done, you had only eaten about half your breakfast. 
Drifting off again, you were startled awake by the screeching of the chairs against the wooden floor and loud shouts coming from your brothers. You didn’t have the energy to race them to the bathroom like you usually did, you’d just freshen up after they were done. You tried to stand up to go to your room to get dressed, but you were stopped by a hand on your shoulder forcing you to sit back down. Looking up, you were met with the concerned, yet stern eyes of your father. 
“You’re not leaving this table until you’ve eaten at least a few more bites and tell me why you’re so tired.”
“I just stayed up later than I normally do finishing up some homework, it won’t happen again.”
“It better not or else I will make you stay home next time. When’d you go to bed last night?”
You avoided his eyes, “around one thirty or two.” You couldn’t tell him that you didn’t actually go to sleep last night, he’d flip. 
“You know, you’re a terrible liar.” Shit.
Looking him in the eye, you spoke more confidently. “Three in the morning.”
You felt a sudden rage start to twist inside you as he started to lecture you about taking better care of yourself. He was treating you like a child and you were not having it. 
“-young kids like you need to- are you even listening?”
You set your jaw and willed yourself not to explode at him. “Dad, I’m not a child. I know how to take care of myself.”
You saw him narrow his eyes and purse his lips in frustration, “well, obviously you don’t if you’re not eating or sleeping well,” his eyes softened. “I’m starting to worry about you.”
“Well, you shouldn’t because I’m fine,” you snapped at him. “I’m going to get ready.”
You stalked out of the room and stomped upstairs. Passing a shocked Tommy and Tubbo, you made your way into the bathroom to get ready. The person that stared back at you in the mirror looked pale and had dark eye bags accentuating her tired eyes. She had red pimples dotting her face more than she usually did. She was ugly, revolting. The girl you remembered her being was confident in her appearance and walked with an air of importance. Now, she was a decrepit thing that was run down and scared of her own shadow. You couldn’t recognize the girl that stared back at you anymore. You should’ve been able to;  after all, she was you and you were her.
You rushed through your morning routine in the bathroom avoiding looking at yourself in the mirror. You opened the bathroom door only to be met with Wilbur’s chest, his hand poised in the air in a closed fist ready to knock on the door. He stepped back.
“We’re gonna be late if you don’t hurry up.”
You glanced at the clock on the wall. “Wil, we still have twenty minutes before school starts. We don’t have to leave for another ten minutes.”
He gave you a smirk, “well, you want coffee, don’t you? You look dead.”
“Oh thank god. I feel dead, I didn’t sleep at all last night.”
“When’d you go to bed?”
“I didn’t.”
“Christ, (y/n) I knew you were a dumbass, but not that much of a dumbass.”
You rolled your eyes, walking around him and into your room. You felt a stab of hurt in your heart. “Fuck you.”
Before you could close the door, he shouted out a cheeky “love ya too (y/n)!”
You took off all your clothes slowly and stood in front of your open closet deciding on what you should wear today. You figured that since you felt like absolute shit, you should probably put a little bit more effort into your appearance. Picking out your favorite flannel shirt and favorite pair of pants. Smiling at yourself in the mirror in your room, you felt slightly more confident in your appearance. You felt like you could walk around the hallways at school without as many peering eyes trying to figure out your every secret. But maybe that was just the sleep deprivation talking. You tend to be more impulsive and emotional when you’re sleep deprived.
You slung the backpack onto your back with less difficulty than in the previous days. Your back was healing faster than you thought it would. Now, it barely hurt and the swelling completely went away.
You went downstairs and slunk past the kitchen where Philza was talking to Tommy and Tubbo. You didn’t want them to notice you, you felt somewhat guilty for snapping at your dad. You slipped through the front door and hopped into the passenger seat next to Wilbur. You three usually rotated seats counterclockwise and took turns driving each day. Now, you were just waiting for Techno.  
“Well, you look less homeless today.”
“Thanks Wilbur, I just felt like looking a little nicer than usual.”
“Who’re ya dressing up for? Is it Adrian?” He asked with slight disgust. He hated Adrian almost as much as he hated Annie and Sammy. He thought he was nothing more than a fuckboy looking to get into your pants. Little did he know you were secretly a raging lesbian so deep in the closet that you’re froliking with Aslan through the flowerfields of Narnia.
“Wilbur, I’m gay why would I-” you froze, cursing your sleep deprived self for lacking a filter. Your breath caught in your throat and you felt anxiety start to seep into your veins and pump around your body, filling every single nook and cranny with dread. You could feel tears welling in your eyes as you stared at your shaking hands horrified at yourself. How could you just… just out yourself like that? How could you be so careless? So stupid?
You barely felt it when Wilbur reached over to press a gentle hand on your arm. “(Y/n), are yo-”
“I-tha-that was a joke, I’m not gay, I’m straight.” Your words came out in frantic jumbles, desperately trying to fix your slip up. Oh god, you really fucked up this time.
“(Y/n), brea-”
“I swear I’m not gay, I like men, I do. I-”
“(Y/n), breathe with me.” Wilbur’s firm, yet gentle voice demanded. He placed your hand on his chest and took in a deep breath, held it, and released it slowly. You tried your best to follow him, but after about ten minutes, you were slowly but surely calming down. It was a lot faster calming down from a panic attack when you had someone helping you breathe. You’ve never gotten help with a panic attack before, it was nice. Becoming more aware of your surroundings, you took notice of the soft fabric of Wilbur’s sweater, the gentle thumping of his heart, and his worried expression. You also became aware of the extra hand rubbing small circles into your shoulder from behind your seat. It was Techno.
Taking in a shaky breath, you took your hand out of Wilbur’s grip and clasped your hands tightly in front of you, shrugging Techno’s hand off from your shoulder. 
“...Can we please leave? I don’t want Dad or Tubbo and Tommy seeing me like this.”
Wordlessly, Wilbur started up the car and pulled out of the driveway. At the intersection, he turned in the opposite direction of the school. “Wilbur, where are we going? The school’s the other way.”
“We’re going to the cafe for some coffee, my treat.”
“But school starts in five minutes, we’re gonna be late if we go to the cafe.”
“Actually,” Techno’s deep voice chimed in, “school started ten minutes ago. If we’re already late, there’s no harm in skipping first block.”
“Tech, I literally have no idea what’s going on in stats.”
“I’ll give you my notes.”
“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to bother you.”
Wilbur pulled into the cafe’s parking lot, “don’t be stupid, (y/n). You can never bother us.”
You didn’t say anything as you left the car and headed into the cafe. You could think of plenty of ways you could bother your older brothers. You bothered everybody just by being in their presence. You just had that effect. 
Your brothers followed you into the cafe, glancing at each other worriedly. You three quickly got your orders and sat in the secluded back of the cafe. Soft jazz music drifted throughout the quiet cafe. 
“(Y/n), we need to talk about what happened. Was this your first panic attack?” Wilbur asked you gently.
“...No, I’ve had them before.” 
“Were they always this intense? You’re still shaking.”
“That one was nowhere near as intense as the ones I usually have.’
“Usually? Do you have them often?” Tecno asked.
“Yeah, usually a couple of them a week since the middle of freshman year. Nothing I can’t manage.”
“So you’ve been doing this on your own for three years? You could’ve gotten us to help you.” 
You sighed, looking down at your steaming cup. “...I couldn’t’ve. Don’t get me wrong, I know you guys could help me, but I-I just couldn’t. No one was supposed to find out.”
“Promise us that you’ll come to one of us when you have an attack. We care about you, (y/n).”
“I… I’ll think about it. Thank you.”
The table fell into a comfortable silence as you all sipped at your drinks, the comforting taste of the bitter coffee dancing across your tongue.
“Ya know, we don’t care that you’re gay. A lesbian called me ‘actually pretty funny’ once and I’m still riding the high.” 
“Yeah, you’re still you. Nothing changes the fact that you’re our little sister.” 
You smiled as you felt warm inside. You knew your brothers loved you, but you didn’t know that they loved you for being you. You didn’t think anybody loved you unconditionally like that, and that made you feel genuinely happy.
“Thank you guys, for everything. I-I can’t put into words how much that means to me, I love you guys so much!”
“We love you too,” Wilbur smiled before he dropped it into a stern frown. “But if any girl hurts you, we’ll have a stern talking to her.”
“Yeah, we can’t beat up girls. We’ll put her in her place alright.” You snorted into your coffee, almost spilling it on yourself. Quickly setting it down before you could baptize yourself with the scalding liquid (though, you did consider coffee to be holy), you wiped at your teary eyes. 
“And that’s why I love you guys.”
“We’re serious, she’ll be wishing she got beat up after we’re done scolding her.” Wilbur said seriously before he broke into a grin and started laughing. 
The conversation carried on about your sexuality, how you found out, when you found out, if you’ve told anyone yet (they were honored that they were the first people you’ve told, even if you did it accidentally mid-panic attack). Eventually you had to go back to the school before your second block started. You three split ways to your separate classrooms. 
Annie and Adrian were locked onto you as soon as you walked through the door. They looked angry at you. What’d you do this time to piss them off?
“Where the fuck were you this morning? We were looking everywhere for you,” Annie seethed.
“Yeah, you wasted so much of our time looking for your sorry ass. You ditch us again?”
Oh, that. “Look, I didn’t mean to skip out on you guys again. It was a rough morning.” 
“That’s funny because we also had rough mornings, yet we still hung out with each other. You aren’t special.” Adrian rolled his eyes at you.
“It’s gonna take more to apologize. We don’t let things like the little stunts you pull go off scott free.”
“Oh, Annie I have the best idea,” Adrian squealed, bouncing on the balls of his feet excitedly. 
“What is it Dri?” Annie’s eyes shone.
“Our little (y/n) can set you up with one of her brothers and she can go on a date with me on a double date! It’s foolproof, not even someone as dumb as (y/n) could fuck it up.” 
“I don’t think that’s a good id-”
“It’s perfect Dri! Can it be with Wilbur? He’s literally so hot! Oh, the way his fingers can work that guitar…” Ew. The thought of Wilbur and Annie together made you scrunch up your nose with disgust.
“I’m sorry, but Wilbur’s actually dating Sally Fishmin right now. They’re actually really cute together-”
“God, how could someone as hot as Wilbur go for Sally Fishmin? She’s disgusting, always smells like fish,” Annie gagged, then gasped. “Wait (y/n) do you actually think that she’s more deserving to be with him than I am?”
“No, I nev-”
“Really? Cuz you just did. Glad to see you care about me, (y/n).”
“Annie, you’re literally so beautiful. I never said that you don’t deserve him. You deserve the world. I can’t split them up, but I can do more homework for you.” She perked up immediately, “awe, thanks love! That’s what happens when you actually put effort into how you look.”
“Speaking of, did you get that shirt out of the trash? It’s really not a look.” Adrian snickered to himself. There goes what little confidence you had. You actually thought you looked decent today. You felt grateful for your friends, they always told you the truth about how you looked when everybody else lied to you. 
Before you could respond, the bell rang and everybody took their seats. Luckily, Mr. Todd assigned today as a work day for your final research essays. You had finished Annie’s and got Adrian’s thesis done before the bell rang. While you were working on their essays, they were mindlessly scrolling on their phones and texting someone. 
You, Adrian, and Annie met up with Sammy and went into the lunch room. You tried to line up in the lunch line with them, but they laughed and told you that you’re fat enough and you needed to lose weight. What did you do to deserve such considerate friends? You really owed them one for always looking out for and putting up with you.
While you were waiting for them, you pulled out your phone. To your surprise, Haley texted you a screenshot of her conversation with Unknown. You felt a chill run down your spine. All four pictures were of you. You rubbing your eyes as the light of your computer provided the only light in the room. Your bare back facing the camera as you stood in front of your closet this morning. You sleeping a day ago (you felt sick as you realized that whoever took the picture was standing directly over your bed). Lastly, you and Haley holding each other’s hand under the moonlight last night. Attached to the pictures, Unknown had typed “you have one more day or else sleeping ugly gets it. Do not tempt us.”
Hales : )
(Y/n), how the hell did they get these pictures of you
Did you seriously leave your window open???
Why wouldn’t you close your curtains
Oh god, do you think they saw us in your driveway????
Haley calm down 
Hales : )
I know you’re not telling me to calm down right now
You have a stalker
We’ll get to the bottom of this
Like I said, I don’t care if my pictures get leaked
I care about your pictures
Until we figure out who’s doing this, we need to lay low
Hales : )
Hanging out last night was a mistake
I shouldn’t have gave you a ride
I shouldn’t have tried to kiss you
I’m straight
And you are too
You said it yourself
We can’t talk anymore (y/n)
I’m not straight Hales
I’m gay
And I like you
Like you like you
Hales : )
I’m sorry (y/n)
But I’m straight
We can’t talk anymore
With each text she sent you, you felt your heart drop deeper and deeper into your stomach until you felt your heart shatter in your chest, the pieces lodging themselves deep within you and ripping you open from inside out. How could you be so stupid to think that soemone as perfect as Haley Andrews, arguably the prettiest girl in the senior year, go out with (y/n) Minecraft, a known trainwreck. Annie’s shrill gasp sounded right next to your ear, making you gasp and drop your phone onto the table with a loud bang.
The entire cafeteria fell into silence as they listened to Annie’s shrieking. Whispers started to meld together.
“(Y/n)’s gay?”
“How gross”
“Damn, I was gonna hit it”
“We have a dyke going to this school?”
You felt like you were suffocating as the whispers and Annie’s yelling jumbled together in a disorienting cacophony. Adrian and Sammy both glared at you from behind Annie with a hatred that you didn’t know they had for you. You tried stuttering an apology, but you were quickly shut up by Annie harshly slapping you across the face.
“I don’t wanna hear it, fag. You’re going to finish our essays and you’re never gonna talk to us again. Do you understand me?” When you didn’t respond, she slapped you again. “I asked you, do you understand me?” 
You frantically nodded your head, grabbed your backpack, and sprinted out the door without any real destination in mind. You sprinted before you found the bathroom that nobody used. Ducking into a stall and slamming the door, you felt yourself start to hyperventilate. You couldn’t feel anything except for the tightness of your chest. You couldn’t see anything. You couldn’t hear anything. You faintly tasted bile rising up in your throat as you bent over to empty your stomach. You threw up everything in your stomach until you were left sitting on the dirty floor painfully dry heaving. 
You sobbed on that floor for what felt like hours. Everybody knows your secret now. Your dirty, dirty secret. God, you were a pervert weren’t you? You made people around you comfortable by just being you. Faintly, you felt your phone start to buzz in your pocket, your shaky hands scrambling to fish it out. They were all texts from your brothers.
(Y/n) I heard what happened
Are you okay????
Please answer me
Where are you
Technology Sword
I’m gonna kill them
I swear to god they’re dead
Blood for the blood god
Pls dont do anything or hurt anyone
I’m fine
I’ll see you two after practice
Tell us where you are
I’m fine
I’ll see you two after practice
You silenced your phone and put it back into your pocket, once again feeling yourself start to dry heave again. Your sobs and gags echoed throughout the bathroom. This is by far the worst panic attack you’ve had yet, and it doesn’t seem like it’s gonna stop anytime soon. You heard the final bell ring and students start to rush to their lockers to get home, so you tried to muffle your shaking sobs the best you could. You had at least an hour before you had to go to volleyball practice. Until then, you would stay in the bathroom trying to ground yourself. 
Luckily, you managed to calm down to the point where you stopped crying and dry heaving. You were only shaking slightly. You felt numb and completely drained from your panic attack, practice today was going to be a struggle. You cautiously walked through the empty hallways jumping at every little noise. When you finally reached the locker room, you made a beeline past Zara and Jazzy to your locker. You pulled out your uniform and changed in one of the bathroom stalls.
Practice went by with the girls on the team giving you sympathetic looks and Haley ignoring you. Not that you noticed, you were ignoring everyone and putting all of your focus on the ball. The entire practice, you felt light headed and drained. Fortunately, practice ended right as you felt like you were going to pass out.
You changed as fast as you could and pulled out your phone.
Come outside, I’m here to pick you up
You felt a dread pool in your stomach as you stared at the text. Did he find out? Was he going to kick you out for being gay? Wilbur and Techno wouldn’t let him do that to you, right? Reluctantly, you left the sanctuary of the bathroom stall and rushed out of the locker room and out of the school. Sure enough, your dad’s car was parked in the parking lot. You glanced over to where Haley’s car was parked last night and saw glimpses of you and her chasing each other and laughing into the night sky without a care in the world before you ripped your gaze away to stare at your walking feet.
You reached your dad’s car and sat in the passenger seat. Your dad grinned at you. “Hey hun, how was practice?”
You merely shrugged your shoulders at him. You didn’t have the energy to talk to anyone at the moment. You felt extremely drained.
“What’s wrong, did something happen? You can talk to me.”
“...I’m just sad that the season’s over tomorrow.”
“Don’t be sad kid,” a gruff voice coming from behind you made you jump. “That’s pussy shit.”
You yelped and whipped your head around to look at whoever said that. Your uncle’s cocky grin greeted you. You felt yourself grin back at him. 
“Uncle Schlatt!”
“The one and only.”
“How was your business trip? You’re home early.”
He rolled his eyes, “boring as hell. I’m so fucking glad I got out early, I woulda blew my brains out if I had to stay there any longer.”
“Schlatt!” Philza reprimanded him, glancing at him through the rearview mirror.
“What? I’m just telling the truth. I woulda!” He defended himself.
Your dad gripped the steering wheel. “You didn’t have to say it in front of (y/n).”
Schlatt scoffed, “please, she’s heard me say worse.” 
As they bickered, you felt yourself zone out as you looked out the window. Houses and street signs passed by in a blur as the car moved down the road and pulled into your driveway. You got out as quickly as you could and made your way into the house alongside your uncle and dad. As soon as your uncle walked through the door, Tubbo barrelled into him and pulled him into a tight hug. Schlatt laughed loudly and bent over to pick him up into a hug. You smiled at the father and son as Philza gestured for you to follow him into the kitchen. He opened the oven to check on something cooking inside of it and turned to face you, leaning against the counter.
“So what’s really wrong?”
“I already told you, I’m sad the season’s almost over.”
“It’s something more than that,” as you opened your mouth he quickly added, “and you can’t say that it’s because you’re tired. I wasn’t born yesterday.”
You sighed and mimicked his actions. “...It’s just been a long day. I really don’t wanna talk about it.”
Without warning, he pulled you into a warm hug, your face being shoved into his shoulder and him rubbing circles into your back. “That’s okay, just talk to me when you’re ready. I won’t push you.”
That broke you. Throwing your arms around him, you started to sob into his shoulder. He started to rock you back and forth whispering reassurances into your ear. 
“That’s good, let it all out.”
“I love you so much.”
“I’m here for you.”
With each sentence to fall out of his mouth, you felt more at ease and safe. Your dad always did a great job at making people feel safe, that was just his natural talent. After a while, you pulled away from him.
“Do you feel better?”
You smiled tiredly at him, “Yeah, I really needed a hug.”
He turned around to check on dinner, “I bet, you look like you’ve been to hell and back. You don’t have to tell me what happened, but just know that I’m always here for you and I love you.”
The rest of the family flooded the kitchen after a while of you two talking. Dinner went by with Schlatt laughing loudly and telling stories about the people he met on his business trip. Every now and then, Wilbur and Techno would glance at you, but you ignored them. You just wanted dinner to end so you could pass out in your bed. Once dinner was over, you helped your dad gather everybody’s plate and put them into the sink. The rest of your little family went to the living room to start a game of Monopoly. The last time you all played that ended in fresh bruises and shed tears.
“I think I’m gonna go to bed, I have to get some rest for finals tomorrow.”
“But (y/n), it’s Monopoly! You love Monopoly,” Tommy exclaimed.
“That’s alright, you look dead on your feet kid. Go get some sleep.”
“Thanks Uncle Schlatt. Goodnight everyone, love ya.”
A flurry of goodnights and love you’s follow you as you leave the room and drug yourself up the stairs. Without a second thought, you closed your curtains and plopped face first onto your bed. You passed out without even making sure you were fully on your bed.
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lana-b-bana · 5 years
31. "you haven't lost me." for Lana x Reader. thanksss ❤
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A/N: There’s some pretty serious stuff in this. Homophobia, getting kicked out, mentions of guns, the d slur, the f slur, the q slur, swearing, the typical 1950s lesbian stuff. Be careful, please.
The experience of being a youth, fully enamored with the world, is like no other. You are alive every day, living your best life, and you let out a big laugh simply because you can. Sorrows hit you, and they drown you sometimes. But that’s alright because drawing and swimming is part of the human life. The best feeling in the world, though, is when you are with Lana.
The word “girlfriend” doesn’t even accurately describe what you are with Lana. She is your best friend; you can laugh into the rising hours of the day with her, but there is also fiery romance. She is your lover; there is that love, but the word “lover” suggests she is some kind of mistress, but you two are practically married in everything but law. Wife is more like it, even though you two are ridiculously young. But who cares? You don’t. She loves you, and you think her eyes are made out of stars.
One of the seven wonders of the world is her lips. You are sitting behind your house, and she is sitting on top of you. Lana can’t stop giggling, and her laugh is something Sappho dreams to write about. Her eyes are a warm brown as she says, “Keep quiet, baby, I don’t want our parents to find out.”
You tug her hair, bringing her even closer to you. “Like your bob doesn’t let everyone within a ten-mile radius know that you’re gay.”
Her roar of laughter is muffled by your playful kisses. Your hands intertwine. She is so beautiful, all you want to do is shout to the streets that she’s yours. You don’t want to hide anymore. Even then, the world cannot damper your enthusiasm for life and for Lana.
“What the fuck is this?” Your father’s loud voice makes you and Lana jump away from each other. Your heart is in your throat, or is it in your ears? All you can hear is blood pumping. It lets you know you’re alive, but you feel like you are going to die. “Y/N Y/L/N, explain to me why you’re acting like faggots with this queer! You better have a good fucking explanation!” 
You risk a glance at Lana. For the first time you’ve seen her, she looks scared. Terrified. Her eyes are wide open, and you are struck with the fact that she is young, like you. “S-Sir, please—”
“Don’t talk to me!” Your dad has a vein popping out of his neck as he howls. “No dyke will talk to me!”
“Dad, please. Please don’t do this.” You’re going to cry. You’re going to start bawling in front of your dad and girlfriend. “It’s not what you think, Daddy, I swear.”
“It’s not what I think?” If you thought your father was mad before, he’s furious now. “I saw you two with your tounges down each other throats! Tell me what I thought, then!”
Things can’t get any worse. Oh, but they do. Your mother comes outside, glancing between the three of you. “What’s happening here, sweetheart?” She directs her question to you, and your breathing slows. It’ll be fine. Your mother has always loved you, even when you cut your hair short, even when you stole a necklace from the store (it was a gift to Lana), even when you went through your teenager puberty phase. She was kind and gentle and couldn’t even hurt a fly.
“Momma, I—” You glance at Lana. Are you going to just be a coward and blame it on Lana? 
You would never. She’s your world. You knew what you were getting into, but you hoped for differently. You love her, and that means sticking with her through anything. “I’m in love with Lana, Momma. Daddy caught us kissing. I hope you understand that I’m a lesbian, but that’s how it is.” You grab Lana’s hand, even though she’s gaping at you. You know she would rather take the fall, but you choose the truth. You choose her.
“We love each other, we really do. Please don’t hurt Y/N—”
“You have one minute,” your father says. He’s quiet, for some reason. This sends more shivers down your spine than his anger. “One minute.”
“Don’t call me that.” He glares at you like you’re a pest. An annoying dog that got in his way. “You’re no longer my daughter. You love this dyke? Then you can live with her.”
You turn to your mother. Your loving mother. She doesn’t meet your eyes. “Momma, please ...”
“I think you better go.” She bites her lip, but that’s about it. Your mother cannot even face you as she practically disowns you. “We raised you as a good Christian girl, and you know what the Bible says.”
You do know what the Bible says. You’ve practically memorized the paragraph she’s referring to: “and man will not lie with man, as that is an abomination”. But she’s your mother. She can’t do this. She’s supposed to love you, no matter what. 
“Momma?” You’re crying now, and you fall to your knees in front of your parents. You try to hug your mother’s knees, but she backs away like you have a disease. To her, you do. “I love you, but I love Lana, too. Please understand. I can’t ... I have nowhere to go. Please ...”
“I think we better go,” Lana whispers, tugging at your arm. You follow, but you can’t stop crying as reality hits you. Your parents love their prejudices more than their own flesh and blood. “Come on, sweetheart, let’s go.”
Your father shoves past you, and his long strides lead to one place. His rifle. “You have thirty seconds.”
What the hell? Your own dad isn’t going to shoot you, right? Still, he’s still glaring at you. “Twenty-nine. Twenty-eight. Twenty-seven.”
You run upstairs. Your hands are shaking as you think. What do you bring? There’s not enough time. One set of clothes. A photo of you all together. You wear a bracelet Lana gave you. Any spare cash you see. Your favourite book. That’s it.
“Nineteen. Eighteen.” As your dad keeps counting, you hear Lana interrupt him. She’s a genius, but you have no idea what her brilliant mind is thinking of.
“Sir, ma’am, before we leave, I’d like to say something. I don’t care if you listen but I’m going to say it anyway. Y/N and I are in love. Our love is stronger than anything else in the world, including your hate. You’re her parents, and you’re tossing her out? I hope that sometime along the line, you think about this moment and you cry. You weep because your Neanderthal minds are too dimwitted to understand that our love is pure and good. And most of all, I hope you’re ashamed. I hope you’re ashamed because you’re tossing out your daughter because she loves me. You think I’m the Devil, sent to tempt Y/N? Well, the Devil sure does look a lot like the both of you. No one has the right to judge us, not even God. He sure has a hell of a lot more sins than we do. So fuck you all to hell.”
Your Lana always has a fiery tongue.
Your parents are stunned into silence. You would laugh if you weren’t crying.
Lana spots you and her hard, nasty sneer melts as she gives you a gentle smile. “Let’s go, my love.”
“Yeah. You dykes are going to get the hell out of my house.” Your father starts to bring up his gun to his shoulder.
You look back. This is the last time you’re ever going to see them. Your father, with his gun pointed at you, a dark scowl on his face. Your mother, crying into her sleeves. Your house, already quiet and suddenly empty. You can’t muster up the energy for a speech like Lana, so all you say is: “Goodbye, Daddy. Goodbye, Momma. I love you.”
They don’t say it back.
— — — — — — — —
When you stop running, you start crying again. How could you not? Everything you’ve ever loved is left behind. Your school, your parents, your friends, your home. Nothing will ever be the same. You say something similar to Lana, and her eyes soften like chocolate on a summer day as she says, “Hey. You haven’t lost me. Not now, not ever.”
She’s right, you think. Even though this wasn’t how you wanted things to go, all you have is Lana. That sounds terrifying but exhilarating. She’ll be your home, your love, your life. And she’s left everything behind too. “I love you,” you tell her, eyes watering, but mouth in a shaky smile.
“I know. I love you too, sweetheart.” Lana smirks. That cocky asshole.
With that, you start running again, hand-in-hand. It’ll be a tough life for you two lesbians, but you’re running towards a better future. A future where your love is not forbidden. A future where you don’t have to hide. A future where you don’t have to tear down your gay flag. A future where it stands unfurled, uncaged, unclosed, standing bright and tall, just like you and Lana.
Behind your backs, the sun rises. A new day, a new life. Young love. There’s nothing like it.
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