#less than perfect
momentsbeforemass · 1 month
The one
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I admire people who come up to me after Mass, to share something that’s weighing on their hearts. Something that’s come between them and God.
Maybe it’s a death. Divorce. A child that’s off course. Financial problems. Someone said something that cut them deeply. Or just a slow drift away.
I admire them, because it takes great courage to do that. To name your burden. And even more to share it with someone.
It’s hard to do that with anybody. For some of us, it’s even harder to do that with someone in Holy Orders.
For a lot of us, there’s an impression that judgment is waiting. That any hint of “less-than-perfect” will be met with a barrage of “what’s-wrong-with-you” and “you-should-have.”
The impression exists, because some people have received just that from us.
For everyone who got that. Who got scolded when they asked for help. Who got pushed away when they needed to be lifted up.
I am so sorry. We weren’t there when you needed us. We failed you.
We failed, because we didn’t follow Our Lord’s lead. The example we see in today’s Gospel. Where the shepherd leaves the 99 sheep. To take care of the one that has gone astray. Who receives that one with joy.   
You have a right to expect that from us. If we are living in God’s love, if we are full of God’s grace, it’s what you will receive from us.
In your charity, pray for us. Pray that God will fill us with His grace, to always receive that one with joy.
And know that even if we have failed you, God never will.
Today’s Readings
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userghouls · 7 months
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Less Than Perfect 1.16 - Breaking Up ↳ 2002-2006
Bonus: blooper
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wisdomofiroh · 1 year
The best thing you can do is be less-than-perfect. Live's just more fun that way.
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daily-crabbys · 6 months
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This Friday's meme is: the perfect being
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frothytundra · 8 months
When A Car Gets In The Way
There was a glorious sunset tonight. I could see it through my patio doors as I was making a broccoli soup. I went out onto my patio to take a picture, but most of my pictures were dominated by a car that was within the frame. I am glad that someone with a white car was visiting someone in my building, but I am sorry they parked right in the middle of my field of vision. The broccoli soup…
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lecameleontv · 8 months
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En octobre 2017, l'actrice Andrea Parker est venue avec son mari soutenir sa partenaire Sashaa Pieterse, de la série Pretty Little Liars, qui dansait dans l'émission américaine Dancing With the Stars.
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Elle était déjà dans le public en 2013 pour soutenir son partenaire de la série Less Than Perfect.
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En 2024, c'est James Denton qui se déhanchera sur les plateaux de la version française Danse Avec les Stars !
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alias Mlle Parker dans Le Caméléon
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fiona-fififi · 5 months
Okay. I'm about to say something that's probably going to get me run out of the fandom, but.
I don't actually think Tommy leaving their date early had anything to do with him not wanting to pressure Buck (regardless of what he claimed later). Instead, I think it had everything to do with Tommy being annoyed and no longer into it that evening, and I think that is both okay AND significantly more interesting than taking him at his word later and framing it as some selfless act by a sanitized elder gay shepherd just trying to do right by Buck.
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 2 months
so five and lila being a thing is going right next to allison literally sexually assaulting luther in the box of things we are absolutely under no circumstances accepting as part of canon right
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stiffyck · 2 years
Guys why aren't we making Scar a red panda hybrid
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intermundia · 8 months
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(Star Wars: Crimson Reign #3 - The Archivist)
the concept of jedi as celebrities is so interesting to me, mostly because they're monks of an order whose philosophy is grounded on egoless service and humility. one jedi should be roughly the same as any other when sent on a mission, because the jedi serve the force. there may be slight differences in methodologies, yes, but fundamentally, they're not there to make a name for themselves as anything other than as representatives of the jedi order.
but of COURSE it makes sense that the galaxy would be obsessed with them. a mysterious group of wizards who use flashy swords and make peace through persuasive words and heroic deeds? of course people wrote books about them, watched shows about them, adults gossiped about them, and kids pretended to be them when playing. so the question of how all that knowledge was wiped away within a generation is a good one, and the comic presents a good answer:
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(Star Wars: Crimson Reign #3 - The Archivist)
the earnest goodness of the jedi comes across to many as sanctimonious. they're too responsible with their power, too cool and restrained. they don't lash out with anger on behalf of those they love, you know? they don't smile enough, too serious. they're seen as the embodiment of "we have food at home" energy. the reality of the canonical order as gentle and joyful, surprisingly playful and open, isn't sexy enough to redeem their moral authority.
based on my inbox and the way people respond to some of my posts about the jedi, the resentment that this engenders in the population of the GFFA feels very real. there is actual HATRED directed toward this fictional group, irrational and out of all proportion. the comic suggests that people jump to hate those who make them feel guilty and self-conscious, because lashing out absolves yourself of confronting the reason you secretly know you'd be judged and found wanting, and that seems accurate.
i would insert a thousand examples here of the jedi not deserving this reputation, but the canon behavior of the jedi doesn't matter, the galaxy cheered as they died anyway and lots of fans love to hate on them. the mere concept of them and their philosophy is enough to alienate people, and i think that's a shame, but understandable. i'll love them enough to make up for it haha
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asciidot · 8 months
what about yellow teeth? my teeth always stayed yellow and that + my poor mental health made brushing just so nightmarish
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momentsbeforemass · 4 months
Less than perfect
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It’s easy to fall into “all-or-nothing” thinking. Of seeing things as either one thing. Or another.
Of treating everything like a light switch. Either it’s on. Or it’s off.
Most of us do it as a matter of habit. We treat that “either-or” thinking like it was a universal truth - if you like this thing, then you must automatically hate some other thing.
We even do it to people. Usually without really thinking about it, we act like “if you’re not for us, then you’re against us.”
Jesus turns that way of thinking upside down. Instead of over-simplifying things (and people), our Maker understands that not everything or everyone is quite so “black-and-white.”
Jesus comes at it this way - “whoever is not against us is for us.”
Jesus asks us to look at things (and people) not in terms of what isn’t right, but in terms of what is right. Not to ignore what is truly wrong. But to make common cause with what is right.
To seek out the good. Even if it’s less than perfect.
Jesus is calling us to see each other the way that He sees each of us.
Today’s Readings
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oceanwithouthermoon · 2 months
yk when i think about it, especially when im watching the anime with people who havent read the manga, the reason a lot of people who only watch the anime and didnt read the manga misinterpreted saikis character so badly is definitely in part because of how damn fast paced the anime is 😭
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like that little smile and eye shine frame is there for not even half a second in the anime, so its easier to miss it and assume that he really did only finish those workbooks to get coffee jelly ☠️ its much more clear if you get a good look at how he reacts here that hes just a silly little tsundere and a fucking liar
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kinkandkreep · 1 year
♡︎ 𝙲𝚆: 𝚍𝚞𝚋𝚌𝚘𝚗
Miguel is such a considerate, attentive lover. 
He kindly gathers your hair up for you so that it’s out of the way as he forces you to choke on his girthy cock. 
Your comfort is important to him, so he makes sure your head rests snuggly on the fluffy pillow he so generously provided as he pounds you into the mattress. 
He compliments you often, practically worshiping your body and even letting you decide which color rope you think suits your complexion best.
He thinks you’re beautiful, every part of you! Yes yes, even the bruises. 
He takes pride in how well he cares for you, even though you can’t always see how blessed you are through your tears. (Which Miguel is always sure to gently wipe away for you.)
He lavishes you in the finest jewelry and most expensive gifts, never expecting anything but your obedience love in return.
Not to mention, your family simply adores Miguel. What’s left of it anyway.
Family gatherings are always such a joyous time! Especially when you disregard the nervous edge to everyone’s smiles and Miguel’s never-loosening grip on your waist. 
Without a doubt, Miguel O’Hara is the perfect love, he makes you tell him all the time.
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KISS X KISS X KISS: Love ii Shower (2023) Nagumo Shoma + face caressing / being worshipped
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
Time’s the kinda guy to be doing cool sword tricks in his room, cut himself, and then go to his wife holding his bleeding leg like “🥺 don’t be mad but I am sort of actively bleeding out and dying rn-”
alternatively he didn’t want to admit his stupidity, so Malon thens finds him face down on the floor in a puddle because “it was fine” and “i didn’t need a healing potion”. it depends on the day
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