#let him starve
dragon-spaghetti · 3 months
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I think Angel should be allowed to go batshit,, as a treat 💖
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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soaps-mohawk · 26 days
i am gonna be like 100%, I don't see Simon liking being cuddled by anyone but Johnny and eventually omega. Having a hand or foot casually touching him? Sure. But laying on his chest, curling up in his side or back? Absolutely not. That's for his man and his lil lady.
Oh absolutely. He might do a little post coitus snuggle when it comes to Price and Kyle, but like laying on the couch or cuddling all night in bed?? That's reserved for Johnny and (eventually) the reader. If Kyle fell asleep and his head drooped onto Simon's shoulder after a long day, or on their way home from an assignment, sure. He'll let him stay there. But full on dick to ass spooning?? That's reserved for Johnny only. Being spooned?? That's the reader's job. She's the only one allowed to go full jetpack with him.
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fumifooms · 8 months
My world shattering when I realize that Chilchuck is underweight
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Post-canon Chilchuck stops dieting and gains weight real
Edit: I am going to SCREAM
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vldsideblog · 5 months
I think Keith would fall asleep if someone started playing with his hair.
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tennessoui · 6 months
thinking about a soulmate canon au where you find your soulmate via touch and the jedi order is a bit more pious and has a very respectful no touching culture that obi-wan absolutely abides by. meanwhile anakin is raised on tatooine before coming to the temple and he's really used to touch, and it drives him a little insane, that no one touches him casually in the temple but he learns to abide by it as well and follow his master's example
only for him to fall head over heels for padmé as soon as they touch in aotc and he thinks his reactions to her are due to them being soulmates so they get married because padmé doesn't really know what finding her soulmate feels like either, but anakin's touch and attention feels good (and maybe he unintentionally uses the Force to convince her) so they must be soulmates
meanwhile obi-wan saved his padawan's life when he was like sixteen and was knocked unconscious and tossed into an ocean or something so obi-wan gives him mouth to mouth to resuscitate him---and discovers instantly that they're soulmates....but anakin's out cold and doesn't feel it so obi-wan's left alone with the realization that he's some kind of monster, being the soulmate of a child and anakin can never ever ever know.
so canon happens as canon does but with obi-wan knowing and keeping this secret to himself and carefully making sure he never touches anakin while anakin gets all of his touches from his wife and obi-wan watches from afar knowing he can never tell anakin or anyone else
but palpatine works it out and definitely tells anakin once he's Fallen and killed his wife and also been barbecued (by his soulmate), which makes vader obsess with finding obi-wan (more than he is in canon)
and he finally captures him and has the acolytes chain him up in mustafar. vader visits and asks if obi-wan cut off his arms so he couldn't touch him and know, and it's obi-wan's worst fear and biggest regret that anakin finds out they're soulmates, but now he has no control over the situation. not as vader approaches, not as he takes off his helmet, not as vader leans close and brushes what remains of his lips against obi-wan's cheek
and it feels just as good and right and perfect as it did the first and only time they touched, except now obi-wan isn't sure who the monster is. maybe it's both of them
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nelkcats · 1 year
Danny's Pizzeria
Ghosts get bored, a lot, and sometimes even Ghost Kings get ideas from their videogames in childhood. So, when Lunch Lady commented that she didn't have enough ingredients to cook for a "half human" (read, him) the halfa traveled to another dimension and gave them to her without much trouble.
Then Lunch said that she wanted to experiment, and he got her new ingredients, from all possible places (always asking Clockwork if it really was edible).
The funny thing was that several ghosts wanted to try the new "pizza" flavors that the King had been enjoying. So he just opened a pizzeria in the Realms. The thing is, the ingredients cost money, and while he could pawn the gold from the vault, Clockwork told him that he shouldn't leave "haunted" materials everywhere.
So he just expanded his pizzeria to various dimensions. The menu sounded strange anywhere outside of the Realms, with the most exotic ingredients. But he needed money, and it was the simplest way that didn't include bewitching an unsuspecting poor man.
Of course he, along with other ghosts made the deliveries (it depended on who wanted to travel, mostly Johnny and Kitty). Pizzerias just popped up at any moment before disappearing (even though his business was doing fine online) simply because he thought disappearing buildings was fun.
No wonder Billy Batson freaked out when he noticed the pizzeria next to the Rock of Eternity. That John Constantine fainted when he saw it next to the House of Mystery or that the Watchtower investigated the establishment that had appeared on the Moon (Of course, Flash ordered). But hey, the ghost king need some kind of entertainment.
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kankuroplease · 6 months
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Young Tsau Mito Sketches
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atomkatzchen · 10 days
"ohoho arthur has a small waist"
my guy he has not eaten a proper meal in 4 months.
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Feb 3. Prompt: King. Word count: 80 @jegulus-microfic
Regulus had argued with James when they were furnishing their home that they didn’t need a King-sized bed, especially since Regulus always needed to be close to James at night. He caved when James had given him that look, and Regulus was a weak, weak man.
But now, with Harry cuddled between them and their cat Bean claiming a corner of the bed to herself, he couldn’t be more grateful for a large bed to keep his entire family close.
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wisebeth · 2 months
why does the pjo series have to unnecessarily villainize goddesses (hera & athena) or show them as silly ladies (aphrodite & demeter) BUT posiedon and apollo are somehow shown as the coolest/most likeable gods, even though arguably, they're right after zeus on terms of corruption?
ares shown as the worst god after zeus and hera amuses me. last time i checked, he was the patron god of amazons and literally killed a man for attempting to rape his daughter but guess who cursed women for rejection? apollo. guess who raped women when they said no (aside from zeus)? posiedon.
#all the gods and goddesses in the greek mythology are flawed in their own way#it doesn't make sense why the books were so unnecessarily biased towards certain gods?#it bothers me specifically that hera and athena are SO unnecessarily painted as villains#while posiedon is ‘cool’ dad ‘great’ lover ‘decent’ god ‘reasonable’ than other olympians#i get it he's the main character's father of a children's fantasy novel so rick painted him in a good light#but my man? then why are you painting other gods who are arguably just as bad as him as WORSE#shut up i feel strongly about it#i love the percy jackson series#but i hate how the gods are portrayed#is trials of apollo a good series? yes#does it make sense why he's shown as a human-like god with redemption arc#while hera is reduced to ‘evil stepmom’ and ‘bitch to annabeth’ even if apollo is JUST as bad as her?#no#and aphrodite is not some ‘silly fangirl’ whose personality revolves around shipping percabeth#she is powerful terrifying and cunning who can bestow some of worst revenge on those who offend her#demeter is not a silly crop goddess#her love for her daughter was so strong it almost ended the world and destroyed mankind#shes in charge of harvest and agriculture without her humanity will starve to death#shes just as powerful as the big-3 or at least she should be#posiedon is not this cool perfect rational god#medusa would disagree demeter would disagree pasiphae would disagree odysseus would disagree#apollo cursed women posiedon raped yet ares killed a rapist BUT nooo let's make ares the bad one#percy jackson#rr crit#greek mythology#heroes of olympus#trials of apollo
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 3 months
I love when I become a fan of something and there seems to be endless content
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cupiowaffles · 23 days
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I love Wilson and his costumes so much it's unreal. He just looks good all the time
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hephaestuscrew · 6 months
I go back and forth on whether I think Securité was the first time Minkowski and Eiffel hugged. Because on the one hand, I think that by the end of season 2 Minkowski and Eiffel are friends who are deeply important to each other, and that Eiffel is a physically affectionate person, and that Minkowski gives really good tight hugs when she wants to. And if Minkowski and Eiffel didn't hug before Securité, then it seems probable that neither of them would have hugged anyone at all in 864 days. 
But on the other hand, there are still emotional barriers between them by the end of Season 2. Eiffel isn't expecting Minkowski to hug him in Securité and he doesn't initiate a hug himself. And if you don't expect to hug your friend after you've been presumed dead in deep space for over 200 days, then when would you expect to hug them? 
Minkowski apologises after hugging Eiffel in Securité. And it's not completely clear if that is just for the tightness of the hug and the lack of warning, or if she's apologising for hugging him at all. Eiffel says "it's all right. Don't apologize for hugging", and that could mean it isn't a big deal because they've hugged before, or it could be giving her permission for a new way of interacting. He could be telling her that it's all right, they can be people who hug each other.
We don't know whether Minkowski and Eiffel ever hugged before Securité, but we do know that she carried him to the lab during his Decima attack in Do No Harm. We know that as he convulsed after collapsing, she told him "It's okay, I've got you", which I think implies she was holding him. And going all the way back to Cataracts and Hurricanoes, we know that when he nearly drowned in his spacesuit, she brought him inside. There's just something so emotional to me about the idea that before Securité, Minkowski might have only ever touched Eiffel in a gentle or affectionate way when he was unconscious and at risk of dying. And then, after he gets stranded on the shuttle, for a while she thinks he is dead, or as good as. He's lost in deep space where none of them can reach him. And when he returns, this time she grabs hold of him and she doesn't want to let go.
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kotalketz · 4 months
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I have been busy working on new merch for my store so uhhhhh.. quick doodles for potential au ideas i have in this noggin' of mine
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minzart · 4 months
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In my mind they perform togheter at least once in the past
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