#let's not even get into how Baela and Rhaena barely speak
lagosbratzdoll · 2 years
thinking thoughts
I have quite a few thoughts about Alicent Hightower, both the book and show versions of her character. Her actions remind me of the hyper-religious women in my own life, and while I sympathize with her somewhat in the show, I find her character cruel and callous. In the book, however, I respected her agency and choices, even if she annoyed me at times.
That being said, my main issues with the House of the Dragon show are the mistreatment of Laena, Leanor and Alicent's indecisiveness and lack of backbone. Rhaenyra's accusation that Alicent had been hiding behind her righteousness was spot-on. I'm sorry that Aemond lost his eye, but I do not think that the appropriate response will ever be knowingly removing the eye of a six-year-old boy. 
Alicent declares war against Rhaenyra because she believes she didn't tell her the whole truth about the pleasure house incident with Daemon. I wonder why she'd think she's entitled to anything from Rhaenyra, much less the truth.  She broke her trust and they are barely friends. While we know that Otto pressured her into going into Viserys' room, Rhaenyra does not, and in her mind, her best friend married her father only six months after her mother's death. Rather than trying to understand where Rhaenyra is coming from, Alicent breaks her trust once more and declares war.
Alicent ignores the violence her older son inflicts on his younger siblings, and she marries her 13-year-old daughter to her own violent rapist son.  Additionally, Alicent emotionally abuses her stepdaughter/friend for no apparent reason and aligns herself with an incel/murderer/oathbreaker, a kin slayer and a rapist despite going on and on about Rhaenyra's lack of morals. She knowingly crowns her violent rapist son, who she'd told was no son of hers, literally one episode ago.
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princesssszzzz · 1 month
Northern Heat
Word count: 6.4K
Warnings: Fire/Ice Smuttiness
Pairing: Baegan ~ Baela x Cregan
A flirty Baela spends a night with her tennis coach Cregan Stark after an unexpected encounter at a bar. Modern!AU
Read on AO3
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Baela leaned back in her chair, letting out a sigh as she sipped her iced latte. The sun streamed through the large windows of the campus coffee shop, warming her, the wooden tables, and the scattered groups of students enjoying their break. The place was lively but not too crowded, with the hum of conversation mixing with the sound of the espresso machine hissing in the background.
Aly took a bite of her toast, smirking at Baela. “So, you’re telling me you’re spending extra hours at tennis practice just to stare at his muscles?”
Baela laughed, trying to hide her grin. “I mean, have you seen them? The guy’s sculpted. And the way his shirt clings to him when he serves. It’s hard to focus on my backhand when I’ve got that in front of me.”
Netty sipped her cold brew, raising an eyebrow. “You know, you could just ask him out. It’s not like he’s your professor.”
Baela rolled her eyes, shaking her head, letting her growing curls fan her face. “It’s not that simple. Cregan is different. He’s not like the boys around here. He’s all about honor and doing the right thing. I think if I even hinted at something, he’d probably run the other way.”
“Or maybe he’s just waiting for the right moment,” Aly said, winking. “You’re the best player he’s coached. Maybe he’s more interested in improving your game than anything else.”
“Yeah, right,” Baela scoffed. “I’m there every other day pretending I need more practice just to spend time with him. He’s so serious about it too, like ‘Baela, you need to work on your footwork’ or ‘Baela, you’re getting too aggressive on your returns.’ Meanwhile, I’m just trying not to drool.”
Netty giggled at her ridiculous deep-voiced impressions of their coach. “You could always just stop pretending, and show him how good you actually are. Then maybe he’ll take you seriously as more than just a student.”
“Maybe,” Baela mused, stirring her drink. “But I don’t want to scare him off. He’s kind of old-fashioned, you know? And I like the way things are right now, even if he’s all ‘Coach Stark’ and nothing else.”
They let their conversation drift to other topics. The class assignments and weekend plans but Baela’s thoughts kept circling back to Cregan. She pictured him at the tennis courts, his focus entirely on her form and technique, those deep blue eyes watching her every move. He was always so composed, so controlled, and yet she couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more beneath the surface, something he wasn’t letting show.
As they finished up their lunch, Baela’s phone buzzed with a message from her sister, Rhaena, who was off on some exotic beach vacation with Garmund in her gap year. *Wish you were here, B! Sun, sand, and no worries.* Baela smiled at the thought, but she was content with where she was for now. She was right in the middle of her own little game, where every day with Cregan was another serve in a match that had only just begun.
“Ready to head out?” Aly asked, gathering her things.
“Yeah,” Baela said, standing up and slinging her bag over her shoulder. “Same time tomorrow?”
“You’re not seriously going back to the courts again, are you?” Netty teased her, speaking loudly so Aly wouldn't miss her calling out Baela.
Baela just grinned. “Wouldn’t miss it.”
As they left the coffee shop, Baela’s thoughts were already on tomorrow’s practice, wondering if maybe Cregan would notice that she wasn’t struggling with her backhand after all.
Baela’s silver curls bounced as she sent the tennis ball flying over the net, her lilac eyes focused on the game. The afternoon sun just barely lit up the courts, contrasting her Targaryen features and the rest of the world even more pronounced. She was used to standing out. No one else on this campus had her ethereal look, and she always noticed how it drew attention. But today, her mind was less on her appearance and more on the man standing on the other side of the net.
Cregan Stark watched her with his usual calm focus, brown eyes steady and unreadable as he returned her shot. His brown hair was slightly tousled from their practice, and Baela found herself studying him in a way she never used to with others. His features were common enough. The typical brown hair and brown eyes. On Coach Stark though, it looked different, more intriguing. She’d never paid attention to those details in anyone else until she met him.
As they rallied back and forth, Baela decided to break the silence between the loud ball smacking. “You know, I’ve always liked your accent,” she said casually, before sending another ball his way.
Cregan paused mid-swing, nearly missing the ball as it flew past him. A faint blush crept up his neck, and he shook his head with a half-smile. “I don’t have an accent,” he protested, even though his deep voice tinged with that unmistakable northern lilt.
“Oh, but you do,” Baela teased, stepping closer to the net. “It’s that northern charm. Makes everything you say sound so rugged.”
Cregan chuckled at her, trying to mask his embarrassment as he retrieved the ball. “I never noticed.”
Baela twirled her racket in her hand, enjoying the way she could get under his skin. “I’m sure the girls back home notice. You must’ve broken a few hearts with that voice.”
Cregan leaned, shaking his head again but this time with a playful glint in his eye. “You’ve been watching too many romantic dramas. I’m just a guy who talks about tennis too much.” He respectfully lowered his head while wiping his sweat, thinking Baela would move on to talk about something else.
“Well, speaking of,” Baela said, trying to keep the conversation going, “how much do you lift at the gym? You’ve got some serious muscles, Coach.”
Cregan raised an eyebrow, clearly caught off guard by the question. “Uh, I don’t keep track. Just enough to stay fit, I guess.” She grinned at his obvious lie and attempts to remain humble.
“Come on,” Baela pressed, moving closer to him as if she could coax the information out of him with her proximity. “And what about outside of tennis and working out? Do you live alone, or do you have someone waiting for you after practice?”
Cregan’s expression softened, and he let out a small sigh, recognizing the direction she was steering the conversation. “I live alone,” he said simply, his tone still guarded. “And most of my time outside of coaching is pretty quiet. Not much to tell.”
Baela tilted her head, studying him with those lilac eyes that always seemed to see more than people wanted to reveal. “Quiet’s not so bad,” she said softly, letting the moment linger between them.
Cregan cleared his throat, sensing the need to bring the conversation back to safer ground. “So, about your backhand,” he began, but Baela just laughed, cutting him off.
“You really can’t help yourself, can you?” her smile making it clear she wasn’t offended.
“It’s my job to make sure you’re ready for your next match,” Cregan replied, a hint of his smile forming. “And you’ve been slacking on your right footwork.” Baela rolled her eyes, but there was warmth in her voice as she said, “Alright, Coach. But one of these days, you’re going to have to stop hiding behind the tennis court.”
Cregan’s gaze met hers before she moved, and for a brief moment, the professionalism he clung to wavered, revealing a flicker of something more. But just as quickly, he composed himself, nodding toward the baseline. “Let’s see that backhand, Targaryen.”
Baela smiled, turning to take her position. “Whatever you say, Stark,” she called over her shoulder already planning her next move, both on and off the court. -
The drive out to the small, off-the-beaten-path bar had been filled with laughter and loud music as Baela, Aly, and Netty left their school and annoying classmates far behind. They were in the middle of nowhere now, hours away surrounded by fields and old farmhouses that looked nothing like the sleek buildings they were used to in the city.
“This place is so different,” Netty said, leaning forward from the back seat. “It’s like we’ve stepped back in time or something.”
Baela grinned, her lilac eyes scanning the quaint, almost hick-town vibe of the area. “Yeah, it’s kind of nice not having to deal with any of those idiots from school, though.”
“True,” Aly added as she navigated the narrow road slowly, trying not to crash. “I swear, if I have to hear another guy try to impress me by talking about his car, I’m going to scream.”
They all laughed, the kind of carefree giggle that only comes when you’re far enough from your usual world that it feels like nothing can touch you.
When they finally pulled into the gravel parking lot of the bar, the place looked like something out of an old movie. Wooden beams, dim lighting, and a jukebox playing some country song in the corner. It was perfect for a night of just being themselves.
As they grabbed a booth and ordered drinks, the conversation turned to family. A topic that was always full of drama for Baela.
“So, what’s the latest with your mom?” Aly asked, taking a sip of her drink.
Baela shrugged, a smile tugging at her lips. “She’s good. She spent so long raising me and Rhaena, so we’ve been telling her to ignore my dad and go be a model, do whatever makes her happy. I even told her to cheat on him if she bumps into hot actor or something.”
Netty snorted into her coke. “Goddamn, Baela. That’s cold.”
“Why not?” Baela said with a laugh. “It’s not like he’s ever around. He’s too busy doing whatever dirty work my uncle has him wrapped up in. Pretty sure he’s a criminal, honestly.”
“At least you’ve got money,” Netty said, half-joking. “I mean, I grew up broke. Had to hustle for a scholarship just to get into our school. Now I steal food for fun, even though you keep offering to pay for everything with your dad’s credit card.”
She giggled at her kleptomaniac tendencies, almost getting her and Aly arrested once at a mall.
Baela rolled her eyes but smiled. “You know I don’t care about the money.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Netty waved her off with a grin. “But where’s the fun in swiping a card?”
They all laughed again. It was nice to let loose, especially with the chaos of their lives. As they settled into the vibe of the bar, they listened to Aly rant about bailing her cousin out of jail before Baela spoke again. She decided to share something that had been gnawing at her.
“Speaking of cousin drama,” she began, lowering her voice a little, “Aegon’s been following me around again, trying to.” She widened her eyes. “Well, you know.”
Aly and Netty exchanged looks of disgust. “That’s messed up,” Aly said, shaking her head. “He’s so disgusting.”
“Yeah, tell him to back off,” Netty added. “Or better yet, just smack him.”
Baela sighed. “I know, it’s just yuck.”
Before they could dive further into that conversation, Baela’s attention was suddenly caught by a loud burst of deep laughter from the bar. Her eyes widened when she realized it was Cregan, clearly drunk and surrounded by a group of guys. He was louder than she’d ever heard him, his usual stoic demeanor replaced by something much rowdier.
“What?” Baela started, blinking in surprise.
Aly followed her gaze and grinned. “Well, well, if it isn’t Coach Stark letting loose.”
Netty peered, trying not to look too hard. “He’s hot even when he’s a mess. Bless him.”
Baela felt her heart skip a beat. She had a crush on Cregan, sure, but seeing him like this was a shock. She’d never imagined him as anything other than the serious, honorable guy he was on the tennis court. This side of him, drunk and loud, was completely new.
“I’ve never seen him like this,” Baela muttered, still trying to wrap her head around it.
Aly nudged her with a smirk. “Maybe now’s your chance to see what he’s really like.”
Baela hesitated, watching as Cregan laughed with his friends, his brown hair looking disheveled and his usually sharp eyes completely relaxed. It was weird seeing him so unguarded, but part of her was curious, maybe even excited, to see this side of him.
“Go on,” Netty urged, "Go say hi.”
Baela took a deep breath, then nodded. “Okay, but if this is a disaster, I’m blaming you two.”
With that, she slid out of the booth and made her way over to the bar, her heart racing. As she got closer, Cregan looked up and noticed her, his expression shifting from surprise to something softer.
“Baela?” he said, his voice a little slurred but still familiar. “What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” she replied, trying to sound casual as she leaned against the bar.
Cregan chuckled, though it was rougher than usual. “Just, having a night out, I guess.”
Baela smiled, but she could feel the awkwardness in the air. He was shocked to see her there. This wasn’t the Cregan she was used to, and it threw her off. “Well, it’s good to see you, Coach. Didn’t think I’d run into you here.”
“Yeah,” he said, looking into his drink. “Didn’t think you’d see me like this, either.”
There was a beat of silence before Cregan looked back up at her, his usual guarded expression slipping away for just a moment. “You having a good time with your friends?” He peered over at the two girls failing to hide that they’d been watching him.
Baela nodded, sensing a vulnerability in him that she hadn’t noticed before. “Yeah, we needed to get away from school for a bit and get a drink.”
Cregan smiled faintly, then gestured to his drink. “Want a round? My treat.”
Baela was about to say no to be polite, but then she saw the way his eyes held a glint of something. Curiosity got the better of her, and she found herself nodding. “Sure, why not?”
As they stood at the bar, drinks in hand, Baela couldn’t help but feel like she was seeing a new side of Cregan.
Baela twirled on the dance floor, her silver curls catching the light as she moved to the beat of the tenth unfamiliar country song. She didn’t care that she didn’t know the words. All she cared about was the feeling of freedom that came from being miles away from campus, far from the prying eyes of their annoying classmates.
Aly and Netty danced alongside her, laughing as they tried to keep up with the rhythm. The bar was small and a bit rundown, but it had a certain charm that made it perfect for a night like this. It was just the three of them, letting loose and enjoying the night without a care in the world. No cousins. No school.
As Baela spun around again, she caught a glimpse of Cregan at the bar. He was alone now and was watching her, his brown eyes fixed on her every move. The intensity of his gaze sent a shiver down her spine, making her heart race. It was a look she wasn’t used to from him, one that was far from the usual stern and professional expression he wore during practice.
He was still sitting at the bar, his drink in hand, but he hadn’t taken a sip in a while. Instead, his attention was entirely on her, as if she was the only other person in the room. Baela’s stomach fluttered at the thought. She wasn’t used to seeing him like this, and it was throwing her off balance in the best way possible.
When the song ended, Aly and Netty finally decided to take a break, leaving the dance floor and giving Baela a knowing look as they headed toward a booth in the corner. “Go talk to him,” Netty whispered with a grin before she and Aly retreated to the bathroom to give Baela and Cregan some privacy.
Baela hesitated for a moment, her heart pounding in her chest. Then, summoning her courage, she made her way back over and slid onto the stool next to Cregan. His eyes followed her every move, and the heat of his gaze was almost palpable.
“You guys sure know how to make a statement.”
She blushed at his comment, feeling a little more emboldened by the alcohol coursing through her veins. “Well, it’s not every day we end up in a place like this. We figured we’d go big or go home.”
He gave her a lazy smile that sent another shiver down her spine. “You certainly did that.”
Baela bit her lip, noticing the way his gaze lingered on her mouth before he finally took a sip of his drink. “You're different tonight,” she observed, her tone curious. “Looser, I guess.”
Cregan’s smirk deepened, and he leaned in a little closer, his voice dropping to a more intimate tone. “Maybe that’s because I’m not on the clock. No reason to be uptight when I’m off-duty.”
Baela raised an eyebrow, still not entirely convinced. “Or maybe you’re just drunk.”
He shook his head, the smirk never leaving his face. “I’m of sound mind, I promise. This is just what we do in the North. We drink, we let loose, we have a good time. That doesn’t mean I’m not in control.”
Baela felt her pulse quicken at his words, the flirtatious edge in his voice catching her off guard. “You’re not worried about getting too carried away?”
Cregan’s eyes darkened slightly, his gaze never leaving hers. “Depends on what you mean by ‘carried away.’”
Baela swallowed hard, her mind racing to keep up with the sudden shift in their conversation. This wasn’t the careful, measured Cregan she was used to.
“So,” she began, trying to keep her voice steady, “what would you do if I told you I wanted to get carried away?”
Cregan’s smirk faded into something more serious, more intense. “I’d ask you if you were sure that’s what you really wanted.”
Baela’s breath caught in her throat. She wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol talking or if she was really feeling this way, but suddenly, the idea of getting carried away with Cregan didn’t seem so crazy.
Before she could respond, though, he leaned back slightly, giving her a moment to think. “No one knows you’re my student here,” he said, his tone softer now. “It’s just you and me.”
The realization hit Baela like a ton of bricks. No one in this bar had any idea who they were or what their relationship was supposed to be. They were just two people in a bar, sharing a moment that could go anywhere.
“I’m not used to seeing you like this,” Baela admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
Cregan reached out, tucking a loose curl behind her ear. “Maybe it’s time you got used to it.”
Baela’s heart skipped a beat at his touch, her resolve crumbling under the weight of his words. She’d never seen this side of him before, but now that she had, she wasn’t sure she could go back to pretending he was just her coach. Not when he was looking at her like this.
Around them, the bar continued to buzz with activity, but for Baela, the only thing that mattered was the man sitting beside her. The man who, in this moment, wasn’t just her coach but something much more.
As the night wore on, the bar began to empty out, leaving only a few stragglers nursing their last drinks. Netty and Aly finished their dancing, cheeks flushed and smiles wide, before grabbing their things and heading toward the exit. They waved at Baela on their way out, giving her one last teasing grin before disappearing into the night.
Baela watched them leave, then turned back to Cregan, who was still sitting beside her. He signaled the bartender for another round of drinks, a mischievous grin on his face. “You might be a tough girl, Baela, but you’re still a city girl through and through,” he teased.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Baela shot back, raising an eyebrow.
He chuckled, shaking his head. “You said you wanted a cocktail or martini earlier. But this place? It’s all about the beer.”
Baela rolled her eyes, though she couldn’t help but laugh. “Fine, but only because you’re buying.”
Cregan grinned as the bartender set down two new frosty mugs of beer in front of them. “See? You’re getting the hang of it.”
They clinked their heavy mugs together, the cool beer a stark contrast to the warmth of the bar. The conversation flowed easily between them, and before they knew it, hours had passed, and they were the last ones left inside.
Eventually, Cregan tossed some cash on the counter, and they made their way outside into the cool night air. Baela couldn’t help but notice the old, beat-up truck parked in the lot, its paint chipped and rusted in places. She smirked, pointing at it. “That yours?”
Cregan glanced at the truck, then back at her, a wry smile on his face. “Yeah, what’s wrong with it?”
Baela laughed, shaking her head. “Nothing, just… it’s a little different from my new BMW, that’s all.”
Cregan smirked, leaning against the truck. “Your family’s got more money than mine for sure, but we’ve been around here longer. This old boy’s been through a lot.” He patted the creaky frame.
Baela grinned, appreciating his honesty. “Well, let’s see if it still runs.”
Cregan opened the passenger door for her, and she slid in, the worn leather seats creaking beneath her. As he climbed into the driver’s seat, she couldn’t resist making one last jab. “You sure this thing’s gonna make it out of the parking lot?”
Cregan shot her a sideways glance, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “It’s got a few more miles in it, just like me.”
He started the engine, the truck rumbling to life with a low growl. As they pulled out of the parking lot, Baela turned to him, her expression softening.
“Hey you don’t have to drive me home, you know,” she said, her voice teasing, trying to sound seductive.
Cregan glanced at her, a playful smile tugging at his lips. “Oh? Where am I taking you, then?”
Baela leaned back in her creaky seat, her heart pounding in her chest as she looked him in the eye. “Your place.”
Cregan’s grip on the steering wheel tightened ever so slightly, and the flirtatious banter between them suddenly charged with yet another tension. He didn’t say anything for a moment, just kept his eyes on the gravel road as they drove through the dark streets.
Finally, he nodded, his voice low and steady. “Alright, Baela. My place it is.”
Cregan’s truck rumbled down a winding, tree-lined road, the headlights cutting through the darkness as they made their way to his place. Baela stared out the cracked window, the cool night air streaming in slowly. Her thoughts raced as she tried to make sense of everything that had happened that night. The sudden shift from playful banter to something far more intense and intimate was throwing her off but in the best way possible. She was finally getting what she wanted.
When they finally pulled up in front of a large but modest weather-worn house, Baela couldn’t help but smirk. The place had a certain rustic charm, but it was clear it had seen better days. The paint was peeling in places, and the porch looked like it could use some work. “Wow, Coach,” Baela teased, stepping out of the truck. “Ever think about renovating? You know, joining us in the 21st century?”
"It’s a little rough around the edges, but it’s home,” he replied, his tone still playful. “It’s got character.”
Baela followed him up the loudly creaking steps, her eyes flicking to the worn wood beneath her feet. “Yeah, it’s got...something. Might want to start with replacing these steps before they collapse.”
He unlocked the door, shaking his head with a grin at her comments. “I’ll get right on that, Princess.”
Inside, the house was just as she’d imagined. Cozy and dated, with an old-fashioned feel that spoke to the house’s long history. The furniture was sturdy but clearly well-worn, and the decor was simple, with no frills or unnecessary luxuries. Her parents would hate to live in a place like this. It was a far cry from the sleek, modern interiors she was used to, but there was something undeniably charming about it.
Baela took it all in, walking around the small living room as she shrugged out of her jacket. “This place is definitely you, Cregan. Rugged, a little rough around the edges, but solid.”
Cregan appreciated the flattery, leaning against the doorframe as he watched her. “You’re full of compliments tonight, aren’t you?”
Baela turned to face him, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Just calling it like I see it.”
He shook his head, grinning while staring at her. “Make yourself at home, then.”
She walked over to the old couch, running her hand along the worn fabric before turning back to him with a teasing smile. “May I?”
Cregan raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest. “It’s sturdier than it looks.”
Baela didn’t miss the way his eyes followed her every move, the tension between them thickening with each passing moment. She bit her lip, feeling a thrill at the way he looked at her like he was seeing her for the first time. With a playful glint in her eye, she slowly reached for the hem of her shirt, pulling it up and over her head in one smooth motion.
Cregan’s breath hitched as she tossed the shirt aside, leaving her in just her bra and low-rise jeans. “Baela.”
She smiled, reclining on the old couch as if it were the most comfortable thing in the world. “You said to make myself at home.”
His eyes darkened, the air between them sparking up as he pushed off the doorframe and took a step toward her. “Baela.” He repeated her name.
She leaned back, resting her head against the arm of the couch as she looked up at him, her voice soft and teasing. “Yes?”
Cregan’s jaw tightened as he closed the distance between them, the space shrinking until he was standing right in front of her, looking down at her with an intensity that sent a shiver down her body.
Baela’s heart pounded in her chest as she met his gaze, the banter between them fading into something far more serious, far more sensual.
Baela watched as Cregan stood over her, his usually guarded expression replaced with something raw and intense. The tension that had been simmering between them finally reached a boiling point, and she could feel the electricity crackling in the air.
She tilted her head back, her silver curls spilling over the arm of the couch as she gazed up at him, a soft, teasing smile playing on her lips. “Are you just going to stand there, Coach? Or are you going to join me?”
Cregan’s eyes darkened, the usual restraint he showed around her nowhere to be found. He slowly knelt beside the couch, his hands resting on her knees as he gently pushed them apart. His touch was careful, almost reverent, but there was a hunger in his eyes that made Baela’s heart race.
“You’re something else, Baela,” he murmured, his voice low and rough. “You know that?”
She laughed softly, the sound light and breathless. “I’ve been told that once or twice.”
Without another word, Cregan leaned down, his lips brushing against her skin as he kissed a slow path along her inner thigh. Baela’s breath caught in her throat, her teasing demeanor slipping as a shiver of anticipation ran through her.
The scruff of his beard grazed her skin, the sensation both ticklish and incredibly intimate. She let out a surprised giggle, the unexpected feeling breaking through the seriousness of the moment. “Your beard,” she whispered, her voice full of laughter. “It tickles.”
Cregan paused, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he looked up at her. “You like it?”
She nodded, biting her lip to stifle another giggle. “It’s different. Good different.”
With a low chuckle, he returned to his slow exploration, his hands firm and sure as they guided her hips closer to him. Baela’s laughter faded into soft gasps as the sensation of his mouth on her skin sent waves of pleasure coursing through her. The playful banter between them melted away, replaced by something deeper, more intimate.
Time seemed to blur as they lost themselves in the moment, the connection between them intensifying with each passing second. When Cregan finally moved to kiss her, his lips claiming hers with a fierce passion, Baela responded eagerly, her hands tangling in his hair as she pulled him closer.
She moaned into his mouth, tasting him. He tasted like mint and the faint traces of cinnamon, a mix that uniquely seemed like him. It made her crave more and when his hands trailed down her back to remove their clothes, she let out a small sigh of satisfaction, arching into him unconsciously. She felt him smirk against her mouth before he deepened the kiss.
Cregan lifted her effortlessly, guiding her onto his lap as he settled back against the worn couch. Baela straddled him, her hands bracing against his shoulders as she gazed down at him, her silver curls framing her face. She could feel the heat of his body beneath her palms, his breath warm against her lips as he looked up at her with so much desire.
His dark gaze traveled down her body, making her blush slightly, but he quickly caught her eye again. He smirked as if he knew exactly what was going through her mind. “You’re beautiful, Baela,” he breathed. “Everything about you is gorgeous.”
Baela flushed even darker as she bit her lip, moving in to kiss him again. She kissed him long and deep, feeling him respond hungrily as one hand came up to cup her breast, her hips grinding lightly into him. Her breathing quickened as he began to caress her, rubbing against her intimately. His erection pressed firmly against her stomach, which elicited a soft whimper from her. He smiled against her lips. “What do you want?"
He whispered huskily again when she didn't answer, too preoccupied with nipping him with kisses. "Tell me, baby."
Baela shook her head against his lips. She couldn't breathe properly, her chest heaving with the need for air as he continued kissing her senselessly. She ran one hand up his chiseled arm as he held her against him, his fingers digging into her hip bone.
He pulled away just enough to say, “Come on, you're always so brave. Don’t be shy now, tell me what you want.” His voice sounded hoarse and it took everything in her not to squirm in pleasure, her arousal flaring even more. “Please tell me what you want.” His tone was pleading and it sent a shiver down her spine.
“You know what I want Stark.” The words were barely audible as she fought to stay sane.
“I want to hear you say it, Baela. Please.”
Her breath hitched as his fingers slipped in between them, finding the opening between her legs. The cool air made her shudder as his fingers brushed against her sensitive skin. “Oh, god.”
She sighed before speaking again. "Fuck me."
“Yes,” he said immediately, pressing his lips hard against hers to emphasize his agreement as he licked his way around her breasts, kissing every inch of her exposed skin until his mouth found her nipple and lined himself up to her opening.
Baela cried out, arching upwards into him as she arched against him. His fingers teased her, teasing her until she begged him to thrust inside her. He complied instantly, sliding deep inside her. They both gasped and then moaned together, panting with the intensity of their pleasure. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck as they moved together.
Cregan’s grip tightened, his eyes never leaving hers as he moved with her, their bodies perfectly in sync. Baela’s breath hitched as the intensity of the moment threatened to overwhelm her, but she refused to look away, wanting to capture every detail of this moment between them.
They rocked slowly, building up the speed as they rode the waves of their passion. His hands gripped her bottom as he pulled her in tighter, driving into her relentlessly, his cock stretching her further as they continued their erotic dance. She groaned softly, the pleasure unbearable as her climax peaked. She buried her face in his shoulder as she trembled and convulsed, tears prickling at the corners of her eyes from the force of her release. She only wanted this, to make sure this wasn't fleeting.
He groaned as well, his entire body trembling as his climax crashed over him. After a few minutes, he leaned back, resting his weight against her as he struggled for breath. His face glistened with sweat, his chest rising rapidly as he tried to calm himself. Baela smiled fondly as she smoothed the damp strands of his dark brown hair off his forehead.
The tension that had built up between them over the past weeks finally found its release, their connection had deepened with every touch, every kiss, every shared breath. The playful banter, the unspoken longing, the undeniable chemistry. All of it came together in a perfect storm of emotions that left them both breathless.
Baela let out a soft, contented sigh as she rested her head on his shoulder, her silver curls brushing against his cheek. Cregan wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as they sat there in the quiet aftermath, the tension between them finally giving way to a comfortable, shared silence.
After a long moment, Baela lifted her head, her lilac eyes meeting his with a playful smile. “I guess your old couch isn’t so bad after all.”
Cregan chuckled, pressing a kiss to her temple. “Told you it was sturdier than it looks.”
Baela laughed, the sound light and carefree as she nestled against him, savoring the warmth of his embrace.
The soft morning light filtered through the thin curtains of Cregan’s bedroom, casting a waking Baela up. She stirred, a lazy smile stretching across her face as the events of the previous night came flooding back. She felt the warmth of the blankets against her skin and the comfort of the old, worn-in bed beneath her. It was surprisingly cozy for such a rugged place, though she had a feeling that might have had more to do with the man than the bed itself.
The sound of footsteps drew her attention, and she turned her head just in time to see Cregan walk in, still naked, carrying a tray with breakfast. Baela couldn’t help but burst into laughter, the sight of him so casual and at ease making the moment feel both surreal and ridiculously charming.
“Well, good morning to you too,” she teased, her lilac eyes sparkling with amusement. “You always serve breakfast like this, Coach?”
Cregan grinned, setting the tray down on the bed before leaning down to kiss her on the forehead. “Only for special guests.”
Baela rolled her eyes playfully, sitting up and taking in the spread before her. Eggs, toast, and a few slices of bacon. Simple, but it smelled delicious. She grabbed a piece of toast, nibbling on it as she looked up at him, curiosity getting the better of her.
“So,” she started her voice light and teasing. “How does a guy like you end up being a tennis coach? I mean, you don’t exactly fit the stereotype.”
Cregan chuckled, sliding back into the bed beside her and leaning against the headboard. “Honestly? I don’t know. It just happened. I played a lot of sports growing up, and was pretty good at it. One thing led to another, and the next thing I knew, I was coaching.”
Baela raised an eyebrow, clearly not satisfied with his vague answer. “That’s it? No secret passion for tennis? No dramatic backstory?”
He laughed, shaking his head. “Nope. Just a guy who’s good at sports and wanted a job.”
Baela was about to press him further when something suddenly dawned on her. Her eyes widened, and she dropped the toast onto the tray, sitting up straight. “Oh my gods, I left my phone at the bar! Netty and Aly have probably been calling this entire time.”
Cregan smirked, clearly not as concerned as she was. “Don’t worry about it.”
“What do you mean, ‘don’t worry about it’? I need my phone! What if someone took it?”
He leaned in, his grin widening as he brushed a strand of silver hair behind her ear. “Baela, it’s fine. I own the bar.”
She blinked, her mind trying to process what he’d just said. “What?”
Cregan nodded, clearly enjoying her confusion. “And most of the northern part of town, too. It’s a family thing.”
Baela stared at him, utterly shocked. “You’re kidding.”
He shook his head, still grinning as he leaned in closer, his lips brushing against hers. “Afraid not, Princess.”
Baela’s mind reeled as she tried to wrap her head around this new revelation. Cregan wasn’t just a coach. He was practically the king of this small town. And here she was, sitting naked in his bed, having spent the night in his arms.
Before she could ask any more questions, the older man kissed her, his lips warm and insistent against hers. The shock of his revelation melted away, replaced by the familiar heat of their connection. Baela kissed him back, her hands finding their way to his chest as she pulled him closer.
As their lips parted, Baela couldn’t help but smile, the surprise still lingering in her eyes. “You really are full of surprises, aren’t you?”
Cregan chuckled, his forehead resting against hers as he looked into her lilac eyes. “Stick around, Baela. You might find there’s a lot more to discover.”
Baela smiled softly, shaking her head in disbelief as she pulled him in for another kiss, the rest of the world fading away as she lost herself in the moment.
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
alright things i liked
baela pointing out that jace is not the first bastard to inherit a seat that isn’t his by blood. that was a fun convo and i loved the back and forth and i love that she comes at it like “why are you moping do you think you’re the only bastard in the fucking world” and jace is like barely able to argue his point that LIVING that reality is so much more draining than she realizes, he’s too busy daydreaming about strangling ulf to death over the kitchen table.
everything helaena did. sensing daemon is having a dragon dream and using it to get him back to rhaenyra’s side, the way she really was listening to alicent’s idea about running away to essos together, letting her mother speak her piece in her defense, then going out onto the balcony knowing aemond is going to corner her and giving him the dressing down of his LIFE while he cries, all very good.
abigail thorne. omg. am i mad she’s not sabitha frey? yes. was she still hilarious? also yes.
ulf and hugh and addam. trying to find their place, trying to bond with their dragons and each other, unsure of their footing. addam looked ready to turn to goo in his chair. hugh wincing at every “lowborn” quirk ulf has. ulf going ham on acting like ulf bc he’s nervous & telling jokes to cover it. loved it.
alys alys alys. crying at daemon’s bedside at what’s to come, at what she’s going to face next. do you think she saw simon’s death and wept for her silly uncle. does she grieve her cousins before they have even died. does she weep at daemons bedside knowing she’s leading him to his end.
larys and aegon. the whole scene was so good, the way larys is really trying to convince aegon to leave & fight another day and he has like a VERY solid plan but aegon is so completely shaken up bc he just had no idea aemond hated him that much, this is just what love is to him, is this constant push pull of humiliation and abuse that hes still as blind as he was when he was a child to the way his actions affect aemond.
alfred brune just nervously disappearing into the crowd after Daemon gets everyone singing “god save the queen” is so fucking funny. man is like “oh i misread that one HARDCORE i am about to get ate by a fucjing DRAGON while those two watch and fuck nasty” his ass is GRASS lmao
things that were booty, ass even
every single scene helaena had should have come earlier in the season. there’s no reason alicent & helaena couldn’t have had this convo in the last episode instead of alicent fucking off to the godswood for a swim.
i think it’s fine In Theory that alicent goes to rhaenyra and basically surrenders. she’s been shut out of power, she’s lost control of aemond, she’s terrified for helaena’s safety, and otto who was her rock & partner in all things has been gone for a long while. she’s floundering, her shitty boyfriends have abandoned her, she thinks her only shot is to work out a surrender with rhaenyra. COMMA BUT. caving to rhaenyra saying “i’m gonna have to execute aegon” was dumb & ooc. i’m tired of all these little trips between KL and dragonstone. i think that confrontation lacked a lot of punch, alicent was FAR too calm. idek what they’re doing w alicent’s reactions half the time tbh, this feels once again like being unable to let an actress just look ugly for a minute. even during a scene where she should ostensibly be nervous and freaking out, she looks immaculate & prettily distressed. i’m very much over it esp with how often we’ve seen rhaenyra look banged up or windswept or tired or whatever this season.
officially fridging marilda just takes so much intrigue out of the hull boys & alyn specifically. marilda is the only baseborn or lowborn character we get in the book that isn’t shit talked and this is likely due to alyn making SURE his mother is respected. to cut all of that for….what? more manpain? unacceptable.
pls tell me why tyland gets more haha jokey scenes than baela and rhaena get for any scenes at all. baela fights and SURVIVES the last dragon battle in westeros. rhaena is the last dragon rider until dany. they are powerful political forces just as their grandparents and parents. but they just do NOTHING it is so FRUSTRATING.
in theory i’m fine with aegon thinking sunfyre is dead and then finding out he’s alive bc sunfyre has come to rescue him from something. but if sunfyre doesn’t show up WAY EARLIER than the swan dive, if they CUT SOMEHOW THE SWAN DIVE and we don’t get to see aegon snot-crying and screaming as he holds baela’s burnt open face against a headstone and screams that he’s going to kill her for killing sunfyre while she’s glaring and daring him to fucking do it then, you all will never know peace from me. i will literally never stop bitching i will become the most annoying poster on this website i will find condal and hess and i will-
all build up and for WHAT. did they forget that even tho s6 ended with a bunch of shots of people’s armies moving there was an entire fucking battle that happened and then cersei committed religious terrorism??!!!
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thecountesstribe · 3 months
House of the Dragon 2x3 episode reaction. I have alot of thoughts, bare with me.
The episode was eh but that's mostly just because it's the calm before the proverbial shitstorm.
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I'll always feel for Rhaena, she finally was able to speak although, I wanted more dialogue from her, it's fuckin owed atp HBO, but you could feel her resentment, her anger and her frustration during her scenes. I feel so bad for her cause the only people that are really looking out for her are Rhaenys and Baela. Daemon don't give af, Rhaenyra is trying to find a balance between being a mother and queen but you could see that there is a distance between her and Rhaena even though she lived with them instead of on Driftmark with Rhaenys. When Rhaena first accepted the “mission” and walked off you could tell Rhaenyra wanted to tell her something but it looks like she doesn't know how to talk to her, which is fuckin sad. So those headcanons of her probably only having her brothers to talk to and Luke by extension makes her situation even worse. The glass child fr. So she's most definitely claiming a dragon this season and honestly good on her. Although if they do write Nettles out I'm gonna be pissed. That scene with Baela and her warmed my heart though. Another thing Rhaenyra totally brushing her feelings aside and being like my sons, my sons, my sons is totally not helping her character either. I'm honestly mad they fumbled the majority of the team black relationship dynamics. Rhaena going to ward is literally foreshadowing her future in the dance so I'm not mad at her, she did become everything Rhaenyra wanted her to be, was literally the last of the Targaryen's future and history before Dany came along. I know one thing though they better give her Morning idgaf what they gotta do. That is one important part of the plot I won't forgive if they rewrite it.
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Honestly I don't give a damn who gets pissed but fuck Corlys. I said what I said and I'm not taking it back. I don't ever want to hear another “Rhaenyra and her bastard boys usurped Rhaena and Baela”, Corlys is just as misogynistic as the rest of the men in the realm. In the books the succession of the Driftmark throne was up in the air but they rewrited it in the show and yes Baela and Rhaena didn't have a claim to it cause Laenor was Corlys firstborn in the show and he did legitimize his boys but he had an opportunity to make Rhaena Lady of the Tides, she would've been either way had she married Luke as intended but he didn't and you wanna know why? Take a guess, exactly. It goes without saying. I understand him not naming Joff, he's heir to the throne in case anything happens to Jace but he could've named Rhaena and he didn't. So fuck him. Also foreshadowing for the end of the dance.
I wish y'all could've heard the long drawn out exhale that I let out knowing we gotta be see Larys Clubfoot ( the old man was so real for that name 🤣🤣😭😭🤣) more on my television screen. So Crispin, Clubfoot and Gwayne and Aegon, I can't win. Battle of the incels and they're failing upward while we lose 💔. I'm sick. The only thing I like about Gwayne is him irritating crybaby Cole and immediately clocking that there's something going on with him and Alicent. He's messy, I could appreciate that.
Young Rhaenyra was a nice little surprise even though the context for the scene was dark. Daemon getting his death notice in Harrenhal (also foreshadowing) and his dream sequence was peak if you ask me.
I need Rhaenys to never ever in her life speak on Luke's name again. I understand what she was trying to say but even having the audacity to insinuate that it's Luke's fault the war even started cause he took Aemond's eye (he was literally trying to protect his brother and her granddaughters) and that Otto and Weak King Vizzy T council wasn't planning to usurp and kill Rhaenyra from the start is blasphemy to the highest degree. Her clocking Rhaenyra's council was good though. The men in this show are just so ughhhhh. Why did they give Rhaena and Rhaenys an off screen goodbye when she was one of the most important people in her life and especially since she's gonna y'know...
Helaena telling Alicent she forgives her is so gonna hurt when we remember in future episodes. This is gonna greatly contribute to Alicent's suffering especially when Helaena goes off the deep end. She's going to realize she had a hand in destroying one of the purest and greatest things in her life and we the viewers are gonna be hurt.
Didn't expect to get a full blown view of Aemond hanging out but okay I guess. There he goes again not addressing his problems (his bum ass older brother, his nuisance, his bane of his existence) and going to take it out in somebody else though 🥱.
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Sept Rhaenyra had the same energy as Arryk pretending to be Erryk and you can't convince me otherwise. I know they were gonna do a reunion between the two but Rhae still trying to be a pacifist and not knocking Alicent's head about even a little bit was stupid to me. She literally tormented her and her children for years! What more was there to say? Get in the field Rhaenyra!! Do you guys really think Alicent didn't know Viserys wasn't talking about her son Aegon? Let's all bffr for a second. She knew and they wanna chalk up the entire dance to it being a mistake is rather irritating. Alicent being prideful and can't admit to her wrongdoings even after the fact that Rhaenyra told her the prophecy is not in the least bit surprising. It just cheapens the outlook on the whole “Dance of the dragons” honestly.
I hate the fact that the writers spun the show into an Alicent vs Rhaenyra situation when the whole gist of season 1 and the books was Rhaenyra vs Misogyny. Women not being allowed to rule because they're women y'know.
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In terms of screen writing HOTD IS WEAK and I'm blaming the writers for not reading the source material before putting pen to paper. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying they can't rewrite certain stuff, it's a given with the limited amount of episodes per season, sometimes you do need new plots to shock the viewers and you can't really get into everything but at certain points it's downright ridiculous. Spinning the conflict into a misunderstanding is stupid and I stand by that.
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bohemian-nights · 6 months
Are we going to ignore the fact they took away what made Baela the Brave, Baela the Brave.
Where's her pet monkey? Where's her short hair? Were's her beating the shit out of squires? She literally had to be bound at some point so she wouldn't jump Aegon's ass on the way to King's Landing. (It was foul of them, before you confuse me as someone who thinks that tying a 16yo up means she's somehow a "girlboss doomed by the narrative") Where's this energy in the series?
Rhaena having little to no lines, just standing there smiling and toasting Weak Boy #2 so people praise her for how loyal she is, never getting another scene speaking of herself and her feelings except for when she's little and sullen about deadbeat Daemon ignoring her because she has no dragon.
The only scene where Baela speaks of what she ACTUALLY wants to do during the war which is fight for Missy Anne (she literally sold your inheritance and the throne you've been instructwarded for years for but pop off queen) IS CUT OFF.
I would've loved if we had like, one scene of Rhaena leaning forward to whisper in Luke's ear asking him for a dance because my girl loves dancing in ep.8, but noooo they had to make it wholly about the fight between the boys because WHHHOOOOOO CARES about the last dragonrider.
Just a note, Rhaena is not the last dragonrider. She’s the last Targaryen dragonrider before Daenerys, but the books have not stated who exactly is the last dragonrider before her is.
Fans just say that to give the middle finger to Nettles(once again proving how they only like the girls when it’s time to dunk on others), but it’s actually between her and Nettles on who is the last dragonrider for 200 years.
Other than that I agree with most of your rant, though it does seem like they are giving Baela her book spirit in S2 and Rhaena will be getting her book arc.
Let me just say that they should be as popular as their Team Green counterparts even being underdeveloped(Helaena is barely given anything as well and yet her team props her up), but they’re not because they are Blackish.
The whole reason why they are treated poorly and used as props is because they are Blackish now and everyone from the showrunners down to the demented fans that populate this cesspool of a fandom has a misogynoir problem.
Team Black in particular has an anti-Blackness problem, but pointing this out gets you gaslit to death and labeled a bully(ain’t that ironic) so I’ll leave it there.
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justblaterando · 3 months
Looking at the usual craziness of the hotd fandom for the new episodes made me realize I might have an issue w the show that might be unpopular or at least unnoticed…
The lack of personalities for like half of the characters we are supposed to care about.
For such an abundant cast half of it is relegated to make the scene look fuller in the background, relying on the over abundance of content for them online for all the infos that would make them actual flashed out characters. I think the fandom frenzies of who has the higher moral high ground perfectly feeds into it, people are so obsessed into proving their faves are better and their enemy are monsters y’all hyper analyze and throw random tropes at any lucky frame you get, make edits of anything and everything treating any assumptions made by people that like the same characters as you as canon.
I wonder what fans without a presence online and knowledge of the book get from the show, what they do and don’t remember, how they read certain aspects that the internet community has already given for certain.
This thought mainly came from the maelor question and baela and rhaena.
For Maelor, from what I understood the writer have stated that they had to change B&C partially cause it would have been weird to add a child that hadn’t been already introduce. I find this pretty ridiculous as I don’t think anyone but the obsessive side of the fan base would have realized aegon and haelena had one more child than in s1, the twins were barely in it, I’m half sure their name hadn’t even been stated and that many wouldn’t even have realized who’s kids they actually were due to how irrelevant they were made out to be, adding another one at the last minute wouldn’t have changed anything to viewing experience and I think many would agree with me here.
For rhaena and baela is another story. Their issue came to mind due to a bunch of edits I came across about them in the new episode, I couldn’t stop myself from wondering how the heck were people acting like rhaena crying for lucerys or baela being with Jace were such deep moments. They are supposedly protagonist of the war and they have yet to speak one line the both of them since the recasting, frankly had I not read all the infos about them or watched edit I would have even forget their name, I have seen multiple post pointing out moments in which the show showcases their personalities but frankly they are nowhere to be found, the actresses are giving everything they can with the materials but they were given nothing to work with, literally. How can the audience be expected to recognize a difference of importance with rhaena crying for Luke compared to the others if the only interaction we have ever seen between the two is them standing next to each other, and baela acting like a vallette to Jace isn’t that much better, at least there if you squint you can came up with a multitude of HC about it but let’s be real that was nothing. I have seen multiple edits about it, and I have never had an issue with fans creating entire cosmos out of thin air but it feels like the show is over-relaing on the fans work to improve its shortcomings.
And frankly I don’t buy the ‘there isn’t enough time’ excuse, or any other genre of this excuses ‘they don’t have enough budget’ ‘it was the only way to not traumatize the child actors’ (it wasn’t and it is frankly tiring seeing everyone accuse others of very vile things just for disagreeing) Got and many others well written shows were/are masters in showcasing characters and moving the plot forward in even the most ‘mondane’ scenes without wasting any second, Hotd and many new shows seem unable to do so but they should very much work on it or we will find ourselves w another dany goes crazy moment.
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ladymorghul · 1 year
I’m curious about the greens thoughts on their cousins. I’m sure Daeron won’t be portrayed as hating them. Honestly if he has any scene with Rhaena that might be the only non-hostile black/green scene which is hilarious. Aegon only annoyed Baela to bother Jace so despite Aemond’s eye, even though the girls are shown on screen with team black it’s really been greens vs Jace, Luke, and their mother so far. I feel it’ll be a big deal that Aegon is being merciful to Baela and not blaming her for what Daemon did. He should see them as victims of their father and the situation he put them in if they want to make Aegon sympathetic to viewers. It’s interesting if Aemond isn’t antagonistic to Rhaena about his eye. If they hint at Daemon/Aemond’s future fight and Aemond hears about Rhaena being treated as less than for not having a dragon, I can see him being more sympathetic towards her and feeling guilty for telling her to ride a pig. Possibly bringing that up if he ever has a scene speaking to Daemon. I don’t understand why they would insert the girls into the fight, have him be mean to Rhaena and there’s no follow up?
Everyone is focused on Jace vs Aegon and Aemond but I want relationships between Aegon/Baela and Aemond/Rhaena to be developed. They are all legitimate Targaryens but barely any contact? It’ll feel like Targaryens split apart if they actually get a chance to speak without Jace or their parents involved. HBO forcing the characters to only interact with their side is so boring. It’s weird because there’s no Daemon scene telling his daughters to dislike their cousins since he hates Otto. Not even “Aegon’s a perv don’t let him close he’ll try to smack your butt” 😂There’s no Alicent scene telling them to stay away from Baela and Rhaena because “their father is volatile”. It’s a waste because it’ll add a lot to all of their characters and remind the audience these people on opposite sides are related so it’s very tragic. They should have interacted at Laena’s funeral and HBO definitely need to insert some dialogue between them during the war somehow.
I’m curious about the greens thoughts on their cousins. I’m sure Daeron won’t be portrayed as hating them. Honestly if he has any scene with Rhaena that might be the only non-hostile black/green scene which is hilarious.
i feel like daeron would be polite, but depending on the circumstances, he'd keep a stoic look about himself, especially because he comes in later, after the war started. however i do not think he actually harbors bad feelings towards either rhaena or baela.
Aegon only annoyed Baela to bother Jace
i mean, yes, sure, he 100% knew that would annoy jace but why do i feel like aegon would have been down for it. 💀😂
I feel it’ll be a big deal that Aegon is being merciful to Baela and not blaming her for what Daemon did. He should see them as victims of their father and the situation he put them in if they want to make Aegon sympathetic to viewers.
honestly very good point. idk what happens in the book exactly, but it could be a way to give aegon a moment of self awareness as to how all of them were, to a degree, pulled into this war by circumstances which they didn't control themselves. not really sure what direction they're gonna take with aegon yet, but i do hope they do more to add to this character
It’s interesting if Aemond isn’t antagonistic to Rhaena about his eye. If they hint at Daemon/Aemond’s future fight and Aemond hears about Rhaena being treated as less than for not having a dragon, I can see him being more sympathetic towards her and feeling guilty for telling her to ride a pig. Possibly bringing that up if he ever has a scene speaking to Daemon. I don’t understand why they would insert the girls into the fight, have him be mean to Rhaena and there’s no follow up?
i think it's because it was never about rhaena. he'd been bullied for a while, he'd just managed to claim the biggest dragon in the world, his cousins and brother and nephews were always together and he was an outsider, my take is that he was finally feeling that ego boost he craved and it brought up that long buried anger + new confidence.
so him insulting rhaena was more, imo, an "you were all friends and kept me out and jace and luke were bullies and brought me a pig so if you want your dragon back you should ask them to find you a pig too"
but yeah, i do think it'd be interesting to know older aemond's thoughts on rhaena feeling left out because of daemon and not having a dragon.
Everyone is focused on Jace vs Aegon and Aemond but I want relationships between Aegon/Baela and Aemond/Rhaena to be developed. They are all legitimate Targaryens but barely any contact? It’ll feel like Targaryens split apart if they actually get a chance to speak without Jace or their parents involved. HBO forcing the characters to only interact with their side is so boring. It’s weird because there’s no Daemon scene telling his daughters to dislike their cousins since he hates Otto. Not even “Aegon’s a perv don’t let him close he’ll try to smack your butt” 😂There’s no Alicent scene telling them to stay away from Baela and Rhaena because “their father is volatile”. It’s a waste because it’ll add a lot to all of their characters and remind the audience these people on opposite sides are related so it’s very tragic. They should have interacted at Laena’s funeral and HBO definitely need to insert some dialogue between them during the war somehow.
agree with everything you said. the first season was very rushed, did very little to explore characters and dynamics and is overall an action orintated show, which i doubt will change that much in future seasons
as someone who's obsessed with certain complicated dynamics, i would have loved to see more of what you described. there's a lot of potential with so many characters, a lot of situations. unfortunately... we did not get it
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bohemian-nights · 11 months
I really don’t ship anything from HOTD. Viserys x Aemma? They’re creepy in the books and her c-section turned me off of both them and Viserys in general. Viserys x Alicent? Once again they’re creepy and he acts as though their children don’t exist. Alicent x Criston? Could be interesting but I have a feeling the writers are going to forget they tried to do that. Alicent x Rhaenyra? It’s a crackship that somehow became canon in the worst possible way. Rhaenyra x Criston? Interesting until they actually fucked. Rhaenyra x Harwin? Didn’t get enough about Harwin to actually care about them. They had great chemistry but we didn’t see their relationship develop and the effects of that relationship caused a lot of damage. Rhaenyra x Laena? They only interacted once and Laena like the rest of House Velaryon was done dirty. Laena x Daemon? The way they did them in the show makes me sick. They both always looked miserable. And poor Laena committed suicide and this awful fandom went “giRL BoSs.” Rhaenyra x Daemon? Just disgusting 🤢. Rhaenys x Corlys? I don’t like Rhaenys or Corlys all that much to care enough about who they’re in a relationship with and im 99% sure he cheated on her. Jace x Baela? They’ve yet to actually interact as “adults.” Also I don’t care enough about them individually (especially since they barely speak) to care who they’re in a relationship with. Luke x Rhaena? Same thing as Jace and Baela. Jace x Helaena? They’re stans while usually nice are naive thinking the Dance wouldn’t have happened and that in turn pisses me off. Helaena x Aegon? Again 99% sure rape “duty” is taking place. Helaena x Aemond? Pretty sure this was someone else’s storyline to begin with and as duty bound as these kids are?? While I have an unfortunate feeling the writers might have done this I don’t really like it like that. I’d also like to point out that almost are the crackships from this show (save Ratched) are better than the canon ships.
The ships are a dud. So far the only thing I ship specifically from this show is Alicole (and yeah I have my doubts that the show will develop them even though they should and let that Rhaeicent die). Everything else is disgusting to unshippable(let's not get into how some of these shippers are racist psychos who make their ship a million times worse).
Bring in Dettles, Alysmond, Alyn and Baela, and my crackship that will become canon Rhaena and Gwayne cause this show needs it.
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