#let's see if enies lobby holds up
gwydionae · 8 months
I love that my sister randomly sent me a video of my nephew playing his cello, having taught himself the short ditty that plays over each live action One Piece title card, and the only "dialogue" is her going "ARRRR" like a pirate at the end (with me nephew making a GRRR face in response).
(BTW this is a "watch out for lots of One Piece posts sorry not sorry" warning, lol.)
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rkiveinmarvel · 5 months
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abala - roronoa zoro. des. angst--fluff, pre/post-timeskip. they like each other but are too idiot to notice. situationship with zoro?! establishing a relationship with zoro!! classic straw hat shenanigans. fem reader. notes. soft!zoro is canon zoro (argue with the wall ;P) I just finished enies lobby, ily usopp. n e way, happy holidays everyone. this was supposed to be a full blast angst but i changed it midway nyahahaha.
hope you guys will love this, as much as i loved writing it. this is a bit experimental because it is my first time writing for that mosshead. happy holidays!! "abala" is a Filipino word (ayeee) meaning "bother" so, yeah. excuse for any typo
w.c: 2.4k (yays?)
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You’ve been part of the Straw Hat Pirates since it was just Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, and Sanji. They found you and your small boat drifting across the vast ocean. At first, you were cautious, puzzled, and quite tracing your step on why a pirate would help someone like you, as you tried to fight or figure out what they were planning the captain, Luffy, offered you to join him on his ship: just for the short time but when you rode the waves with them, you grew to attach.
Especially, with the certain swordsman of the crew.
As the year dances in the tip of your hands and you ride the secrets of the sea, the pirate hunter and you begin to conquest the edge of the ship together: training, napping, sitting, and taking a walk together, despite the swordman’s short for words he finds it comforting that you were listening, you were talking to him, you were there. So, it surprised him when he saw you again for the first time in two years, he felt like breathing again, like a part of him was lost but then it was here again.
You were there again. 
As Surprise engulfed the emotion in your heart, all you did was give him the softest smile he could imagine as he walked closer to you, he just stared at you. “Did you get stronger, Roronoa?” He chuckled as he glared at Sanji, of course he did. He did get stronger. 
A nod was given to your question as he tried his best to ask about you. “Did you…?” The silence and the proximity were highly noticeable, despite the crew having a full-blast reunion it felt like it was just him and you. You and him, it made him smile that a tint of red was seen in your cheeks as he asked the question, he felt like he would die to see you blush again, laugh again, and smile again: he didn’t believe in gods nor kneel with them for a plead, but just this once, he thanked the gods you were here and you were okay. You then just gave him a thumbs up and he knew: you’ve gotten stronger.
As the crew continued to voyage and learn the secrets of the sea in the morning, the nights belonged to you and Zoro: how you would hold his sober soul, how he would carry your head as you drifted to sleep, and how he would tightly grip his sword the moment your sleep showed you discomfort, he wanted you to be safe, to be okay, to be by his side. 
But among other things, Zoro was a man talking with no words coming out of his mouth. How could he speak when your tears reached his wounded arm, how would he wipe your tears as you held the cloth to stop him from bleeding, was it just his hallucination?
No. You were crying as you tended his wound, he wished he didn’t make you cry. “I’m okay.” it came out in a whisper as he uttered it. “I’m okay..” He repeated as he hoped it reached your ringing ear. “We’re safe.” And there you were again, he breathed as the moonlight met you. You were there again like you’ve always been. Zoro stared at you, letting you shower his thoughts, letting you drown in his dreams, without meaning to he rested his head on your shoulder as he continued to utter things that made you okay. As the night dipped unto the darkest shade, you stared at the moon and him: and thanked the goddess that he was fine and you met him.
You slept next to him that night, memorizing his heartbeat, feeling the warmth of his breath, his soft mutters when sleeping, it remained in your ear like a tattoo. “Will you stop staring…?” He uttered when he met your longing gaze as you lay your head on his chest. You shook your head “I want to keep seeing you, I’m scared that if I close my eyes you’ll go away.” You chuckled lowly.
He smirked as he nodded. “I won’t go away, you won’t get rid of me that easily.” It was an honest statement and you knew that but nights like this make you wonder if Zoro wants to put an acknowledgment on this, on whatever this is, the stares, holding each other every night, kissing in the corners of the ship, getting warmth in any time of the day: what was it? You never made it clear and he also didn’t, you just accept what comes in this game you two created. You kiss his cheek as you two sleep in each other's arms.
“Uh, you finally decided to help us!” Nami groaned under her breath when you entered the room with Franky and Usopp, working on Nami’s updated clima-tact. “Sorry, Zoro needed something,” You confessed as the three nodded, the time passed by and it was late in the afternoon when Usopp and Franky left you and Nami; in the beat of the silence, Nami turned to look at you.
“You and Zoro, huh?” It was way too quiet, it was getting uncomfortable, the quietness. You covered it with a chuckle and shook your head. “Me and Zoro, huh…not sure.” Nami immediately got what you meant. As you looked at the ceiling and talked about your concern. “We do things that most people would think only couples would do, it’s fun because I got to see Zoro the way you guys haven’t seen him.” you teased as Nami rolled her eyes. “But he never made it clear.” The air turned serious Nami just nodded, and as you continued your concern, Nami made a comment that made you think.
“Don’t you think you’re being a bother to Zoro?” Nami immediately regretted the moment those words left her mouth. “I mean not that kind of bother but a bother in which he doesn’t know that you want to be more with him like he thinks it’s normal to act like that towards each other but—” But the more she explains the more find yourself spiraling at the question, was it you? Were you being a bother to him? Sure, he never planned to break down his walls for someone like you but…maybe you were being a bother to his dreams that’s why he never said anything. That must be it.
You were a bother.
Unbeknownst to you and Nami, a certain cook and a swordsman was having a conversation in the kitchen, one that only occurs when the two decide to set their pride aside. “So, what do you plan?” Sanji asked as he continued to cut onions and garlic. “That’s why I went here, to talk to you about telling her how I feel..” Sanji blew some smoke and turned to look at Zoro. “Just tell her what you feel, stupid Marimo.” Zoro glared at him and nodded.
“What if she–”
“You’re really that dense if you think that she doesn’t look at you the way you look at her. It’s annoying at this point, I mean, what did she even saw in you–for crying out loud.”
“You think…?”
“Shitty swordsman, I see. If a lady likes someone, her eyes tell. It actually surprised me that you two aren’t dating yet…” Sanji shared as he nodded and pointed a knife at the green-haired swordsman.
“I–I wanted to, I’m just—whatever, this is bullshit.”
“Don’t you think you’re being a bother to her, mosshead?”
“A bother…?”  Sanji nodded as he blew some smoke. “You kept leading her on, don’t you think that you’re bothering her?” The cook repeated leaving the green-haired man confused and quite frustrated. As the hour pass by, Zoro was left alone in his thoughts in the deck of the ship, as Brook played something from his guitar, he noticed you laughing, singing, and talking along the crew: you were a breath of fresh air and he wants to orbit around you. A little sigh left his mouth but before he can even wear his well-known persona, a certain ship archaeologist has stood beside him. “Been staring at her for a long time.” Robin commented as she looked over at Zoro.
He just nodded and continue to watch you laughing with whatever Usopp have told you, singing to what tune Brook was playing, agreeing with god knows what Luffy do, and listening to whatever Nami had to say. He was in trance as he look at you, he was being pulled closer, like he only wants you. “You should tell her.” Robin said, as if she knows what the swordsman was thinking.
Instead of saying anything, he looked at you as he tried to make the words that he wants to say to you but as his mind travel closer to what he wants to say a lingering loud voice was riding behind his head: that you’re all that he dreamed of but is he the one you wish for? That you were kind, calm, and you felt like home but he was broken, distanced, and impatient, is he even worthy to hold your hand like he did before, to kiss you, to hold you? He wasn’t sure if he did deserve you, but as the loud voice overthrown by the laughs and waves on the ship. He said something to Robin.
At the corner of the ship you catched Zoro uttering something to Robin, it seems like the two are having a serious conversation, taking what kind of expression Robin was wearing, but after Zoro’s utterance to Robin, she have this determined look on her face, as if she finds out something she already expected. It made you curious, but as you look away, Usopp noticed that you seem so out of focus despite the fact that you’re hanging out with the crew. “Oi, why?” Usopp asked.
You played the ice in your cup as you inhaled deeply. “If you’re worried about Zoro, don’t. That guy may be stupid be he’s not stupid enough to not notice what’s going on with the two of you.”
That took you off guard. “What if he is stupid, ‘Sop?” 
“Well, he’ll figure it out.” Usopp smiled as he poured you a drink. “That’s what he always do, right? Especially when receiving a direction.” With that, it was your turn to laugh as you gave Usopp a nod: a thank you.
The moon have finally distanced itself to the sun and the creatures of the world have gone to a slumber but not for the two members of strawhat. “Did you had fun today…?” You asked as you watched the stars glimmering at the night sky. Zoro turned to look–no, stare at you. “It was something.” You laughed and turned to him. 
He nodded. “You were hanging out with Brook and Usopp all the time.” 
“I’m sorry.” You laughed as you heard his reasons. Without meaning to, Zoro leaned closer to you as you just let him be. “I don’t want this.” He whispered.
You felt your eyes tingle a bit, as if a tear was leaving you eyes. 
“I don’t want being a bother to you.”
Is this what heartbrea–
“I want this to be real, woman.”
Before you can say anything, you felt a taste of booze in your lips along with a so-familiar lips. As you returned the gesture, he smiled at the kiss. 
“You’re not being a bother…” You whispered as you hold his cheeks. “I also thought I’m being a bother to you but, you makin’ this move. You never fail to surprise me, marimo.” You teased as he just looked away and nod.
"Seems like the crew caught up in our mess." You laughed as you snuggle closer to him. "I told Robin about this, it seems like Nami and her had a bet on whatever this is." He hold out your hand and kiss it lightly.
He never said anything, instead he just kissed your forehead. “Mine.” He whispered. For once, he thanked all the things that aligned because he met you, that even though you’re everything he’s not, he can finally call you his and call him yours.
— FIN.
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finally a story about the loml! hope u guys like this!
⚘ masterlist 1 | 2 | 3
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licorice-tea · 5 months
The Way Things Go
Pairing: Kaku x reader
Content: huge spoilers for water 7 and enies lobby!!! kaku calls reader “miss” but gender nuetral pronouns are used besides that, reader is a strawhat, flirting and things!
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: this is going to be a mini series covering the reader’s arrival in water 7 (with the straw hats ofc!) to the end of enies lobby. basically, how the reader meets kaku, falls for him, learns his true identity, etc. it’s been a WHILE since i watched the water 7/ennies lobby arcs so im sorry if some things aren’t accurate!! also this is very self indulgent, ik he doesn’t have a ton of fans but seeing him in egghead put me back in my kaku era😇 enjoy! <3
Part 2
You walk towards the doors of the shipyard nonchalantly, but with clear direction and intent. “I need to help find a shipwright who can evaluate the Going Merry and tell us what it’ll cost to fix.” Just a few minutes ago, you’d split up from Nami, Luffy, and Usopp in favor of heading straight to the shipyard while they went to find a place to exchange all of your “stolen” treasure for berries, first. Which is how you ended up standing outside a set of massive doors and an equally tall wall to what you had been told was the Galley La Shipyard. However, after finding no buttons or opening mechanism, you try and fail to push open the incredibly heavy doors.
“Afternoon, miss. Are you looking for a way into the Galley-La Company, by chance?”
You turn around expecting someone older, who has lived a life and now finds no reason to speak in anything other than proverbs and make casual small talk using the same dialects that were popular half a century ago. But instead you’re met with a young man, no older than 25, and a nose reminiscent of Usopp’s. He’s tall, with pretty eyes and strawberry blond hair. You notice the words “Galley La” stitched on the front of his baseball cap, and realize he must work there.
“Hi! Yes, I’m looking for a way into the shipyard.” you nod earnestly.
“Allow me to introduce myself then,” the man removes his hat and holds it to his chest as a gesture of respect, “I’m Kaku, one of the shipwrights of the Galley La Company.” Then he extends his hand toward yours, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, miss…?”
“Y/n,” you take his hand and shake it once, “and the pleasure’s all mine.”
He smiles and (ever so slowly) lets go of your hand, then brings two fingers up under his chin in a pondering expression. “Say, you look awfully familiar miss y/n. Don’t tell me… you’re a model!”
You giggle at the compliment, “Only on wanted posters!”
“Ah, we get plenty of pirates around these parts, but I’ve never met one as pretty as yourself.” he punctuates his comment with a wink.
You smile and shake your head, “I’m sorry but I’m kind of on a time crunch; would you be able to let me into the shipyard? My crew and I need repairs on our ship.”
“Certainly, miss. Wait here, and I’ll have the doors open in a jiffy.”
As the shipwright leads the pirate through the yard, he makes quick work of getting closer to you. It doesn’t take long for Kaku to boldly rest his hand on your lower back as if to guide you in new directions. At one point he even hooks his arm around your shoulders to turn you toward a particular construction area, but his flirting does not go unnoticed.
“Next on our tour,” he gestures forward at a building with one hand, with his other on the small of y/n’s back, “this is where we design some of the new ships.”
The building is one of few within the large, outdoor shipyard. Kaku opens the door for you and announces to his fellow shipwrights, who are hard at work designing various ship parts inside, that he’s brought a guest. The building isn’t very large inside, either- just a few tables decorate the interior, all covered in blueprints and drawing tools. You wave politely around the room and even excuse yourself for the intrusion, but your tour guide puts his arm around you once again and assures you that it’s no bother. And he’s right; the ship designers either pay you no mind or kindly explain what they’re doing as  you make your way through the room. Their work is intriguing, and extremely detailed- almost artistic, in a way.
Kaku catches the glint in your eyes and asks, “Are you an engineer? Or- no, an architect?” he incorrectly guesses your occupation, but his attempts are cute at the very least.
You laugh and smile, “No, I’m not. But this work is really amazing… there’s just so much attention to detail; it’s very…”
“Beautiful?” he offers with a proud grin.
“Hm. I was going to say skilled, but yeah, beautiful.” You continue in a slow lap around the room to observe the blueprints and the shipwrights drawing them. When the two of you exit, you give another wave by the door and thank the shipwrights for letting you see their work. Kaku stays behind and winks at his coworkers, who all grin or shake their heads in amusement at his clear pursuit of the visitor (you), before following you outside.
He jogs to catch up and falls into step alongside you. “So, what do you do then if you don’t mind my asking, miss y/n?” Then, he takes on a teasing tone: “Besides pirating, of course.”
“I do plenty.” You joke back. Sure, you could tell him your dream and your role on the crew but… where’s the fun in that? Besides, you barely know the guy.
“You’re awfully mysterious, miss y/n.” He not-so-discreetly observes your profile as you continue walking through the shipyard. “Say, how long are you and your crew in town?”
“Oh, well.. however long it takes for our ship to be repaired, I guess.” Then, your gaze meets his with a somewhat knowing expression. “Why do you ask?”
Kaku smirks, “I’d like to get to know you better.”
With a smirk and a hum of acknowledgment, you both continue walking side by side with an added air of flirtation in every brush of your hands or shoulders. You reach the end of the shipyard, and turn around to head back. On the way back to the front entrance, Kaku agrees to personally asses the Going Merry free of charge, “just for you.” The two of you make plans for him to come to the place where the Straw Hats hid her later that evening when he has time. Finally, you two have done a complete lap around the Galley-La Shipyard, and you find yourselves back at the entrance.
“Thank you again for agreeing to check out our ship. She means a lot to us; my crew and I.”
He puts his hands in his pockets, sort of mimicking your own nonchalant demeanor; “It’s no problem at all, miss. In fact, it’ll be my great pleasure to work for you.”
You giggle at his flirting once again, and bid him farewell. “Well, I’m going to go find my crew mates. I think they probably found us some hotel rooms by now.” (You’d all planned to stay in a hotel while in Water 7, in order for repairs to be carried out.)
Kaku nods, “Then I hope you’ll come visit me when you have the time. Or would you prefer it if I came to you?”
“…You don’t have to do that.” Awkward laughter escapes your lips.
“No, but I sure would like to,” he takes one of your hands and surrounds it with both of his, “if you’ll let me.”
This has your mouth gaping as you search for the right response… He’s so straightforward, unlike most of the young men you’ve met on your travels. “W-well, ok.”
“Ok? So, that’s a yes then?” He chuckles, trying to lighten the mood and ease your nervousness (though he does find it endearing.) “I could only accept your enthusiastic consent, miss y/n, if I were to go ahead with courting you.”
“I- Courting me?” you hold back a laugh, not wanting to tease him for his old fashioned way when you find it so charming. “Then, yes. I enthusiastically agree.”
He grins, “Swell! I think I’ll swing by your Going Merry around 5, shouldn’t talk long to asses damages and give you a quote on how much she’ll be to fix. How about we meet then?”
And you nod, “Sounds like a plan.”
“It is one.” He leans in conspiratorially and wriggles his brows, “One could even call it a date.”
You hide another smile by biting your lip and take a step back. “Right… Well, I’ll see you then!” With a wave over your shoulder, you’re off. He watches for a moment as you disappear into a more crowded area of the street and chuckles to himself.
What a sweet guy. A little old fashioned, but very polite, and so tall and handsome and- sigh.
You’re already falling for him.
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cheesecakeluvrs · 10 months
Crazy SaNami theory
Nami and Sanji will get married or at least spend the rest of their lives together
It’s one of the biggest pieces of evidence for all Sanami shippers that they crashed each others weddings and in each of those scenarios Sanji carried Nami bridal style (she is also the only person he has carried bridal style in the whole entire series)
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There is also that scene in wci when Sanji thinks that Nami is proposing to him, in which he of course says yes. This also happens again but only in the anime so it’s not manga cannon but Nami says “Once you come back with us, I’ll drive you like a horse” to which Sanji responds “does that mean you’ll never let me go”. Also, in both situations Nami never really denies it but usually when Sanji is acting like this she just ignores it or just goes along with it so it’s not any proof but I just find it funny that the possibility of spending the rest of their lives together was mentioned twice in the same arc in the anime at least. Plus the arc was all about a wedding.
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I don’t ever see this theory ever happening because in the future I see Nami is just going to be a single mom like Belemere traveling the seas until she maps out the world. A lot of people also think that Nami is going to have 3 kids because she is often connected to the number 3 but Sanji is also connected to the number 3 a lot soooo…
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Many people also say that if they did have a relationship it would be like Shakky and Rayleigh which I 100% believe in plus in the Nami at 60 good timeline she has the same hairstyle as Shakky.
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Since wci I think that if either of them got in a relationship then the other one would be a huge obstacle because they have such a special relationship that I feel like wasn’t put there for nothing.
We know that Nami is a very forgiving person as we can see with Jimbei and Usopp which highlights how hurt she was by Sanji even more. Nami specifically was super hurt by Sanji and I don’t know how people don’t realize they have a special relationship after these scenes in wci. If Nami really just doesn’t care for Sanji why was she specifically the most hurt by him leaving.
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I think that besides Luffy, Sanji is the person that she trusts most in the crew. Nami is always hiding behind Sanji and she can always count on him to help her out. We also know that Nami sees very highly of Sanji (as we can see in enies lobby when Sanji can’t fight Kalifa) so he has always been someone that she can count on.
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So this is a huge factor on why she was so hurt because trust is very important to Nami and with one of the people that she would least expect to betray her ended up doing so she was very shocked and hurt.
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That is why I think that Sanji’s catch during the wedding is so important because it is Sanji proving to Nami that although he had to betray her that one time from now on once again he will always be there for her. This scene also just had a very romantic tone with the sparkles and everything in the anime, plus Pudding even getting jealous.
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With that scene I feel like Sanji and Nami’s relationship has just changed a lot with them just being very touchy with each other (even more then they were before). A lot of the times they are touching they aren’t like Sanji hugging her with heart eyes or Nami grabbing onto Sanji because she is scared, it’s just them holding onto each other in a very romantic way too. (Nami defo touching his 🍑 in that picture below lmao)
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Sorry, I strayed off a lot with that one point but back to the original theory, in a technical standpoint them staying with each other for the rest of their lives works very well. This is going to include a lot of points from another theory that Sanji and Nami are going to travel the seas together but we know that no matter what Nami, after Luffy becomes the pirate king is going to go off on herself or with others to map out the whole world. So is she just going to go by herself to travel the seas, will she be with any other people? Well who is able to replace every single role that Nami isn’t going to be able to fill while charting her maps? Sanji. I just can’t think of really anything else she could do. She could just do it all herself but it would be quite hard to fill all those roles at the same time. She could just find someone else to go with her but I can’t think of a single person that can fill every role that she needs who she trusts.
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Well thank you for reading all this and what do you think Oda will end up doing with Nami’s future? Do you think she will go alone? Or do you think she will go with someone? And if so who? I would love to hear if anyone has anything to add to this or prove wrong. Anyways live laugh love SaNami.🧡💙
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blacklegsanjiii · 4 months
ooh angsty reveal idea for warlord!Sanji!!! mb the warlords are all somehow captured (idk how but lets imagine) and theyre boutta be executed for betraying the world gov and when Sanji hears he freaks and insists they go help. strawhats agree cause of jinbei asking plus knowing boa and mihawk. are vry suprised when Sanji interrupts the execution by diving flaming-feet-first into the podium screaming to not touch his parents
ofc they rescue the warlords and coup de burst the hell outta there and all of the crew are furiosly interrogating sanji + warlords on what the hell just happened. after all the initial chaos is over warlords ask what sanjis been up 2 since they last heard. with every new self sactificial act theyre sideeying him a little more. he did not mention any of this
side note but even if sanji wasnt raised by kuma surely he at least hung around him a bit. prbly is upset at finding out his whole backstory during egghead and wants to help
First Kuma: yeah they were around each other but it's definitely not the Kuma Bonney called "Daddy" until Egghead. But when Sanji and Jinbei find out they help, as does the crew. Of course. Sanji and Jinbei are both upset so they give him the denden numbers for the other parents and send them off.
OMFG YES! Sanji gets up first thing in the morning and the newscoo is waiting for him to buy the paper. He does and sees the headline that four former warlords are going to be executed so the first thing he does is ring Perona on her transponder and ask if she wants to help. Then he goes and wakes Jinbei up with and shows him the headline once they're in the galley with coffee. Perona of course agreed to help so now it's just a matter of convincing the crew and getting to the execution sight. Neither of which should be too hard but then again, this is going to be like Ace's execution.
So when the crew is let in for breakfast Jinbei asks Luffy who agrees. They helped save Ace after all so he can return the favor. Luffy even calls up Ace and when they approach the meeting spot Ace and some White Beard commanders are there and so is Perona, who promptly gives Zoro shit.
"So what's the plan?" Vista asks.
"We grab them and go." Luffy says simply and Marco groans because Ace nods in agreement with his baby brother.
"Is he always like this?" Perona asks Sanji.
"Yeah, you should have heard him on the way to Dressrosa." Sanji answers and Perona sighs.
"Any better ideas?" She asks and when no answer is given they go make their way there. The warlords are brought onto the execution platform and seem a little to calm to be on their way to death. Suddenly Sanji is gone and Perona is flying with her ghosts spearing through marines. Luffy and Ace rocket forward as Luffy cheers and Ace yells at him to wait.
And then Sanji is kicking a marine off the platform with his fire feet as Sengoku and Kizaru look at him. Crocodile looks smugly up at them as Doffy is laughing his ass off and yelling about "the kid showing up" and now Sanji is fighting two admirals in front of all his parents.
And once the warlords are free? Mihawk grabs the first sword he sees and goes to help Sanji while yelling at Doflamingo to string the marines up. Crocodile and Boa are excellent distractions. Very excellent as they draw attention away from Mihawk and Sanji. Bitch Boy Akainu is upset as he tries to join the fray but Luffy and Ace have a particular grudge with him that they're happy to take care of now.
"When the hell did you learn to set yourself on fire?!" Mihawk demands.
"Enies Lobby!" Sanji calls back.
"We will be having a proper conversation about this later!" Mihawk warns him over their fighting with admirals.
"Can we focus on this first, please?" Sanji yells as he dodges Sengoku.
"If we must." Mihawk answers.
Once they do get on the Sunny Jinbei tells all the warlords to hold on because the ship can fly for about a minute.
"Oh fucking hell. First our kid and now the fucking ship?" Crocodile demands as the warlords grab hold of whatever part of the ship is closest as the coup de burst happens. Once they're sailing away and a good distance Chopper says he wants to look over all the devil fruit users, Jinbei, Sanji, and Zoro. Boa asks why Mihawk doesn't need a check up and Chopper just looks at Mihawk and then at Boa and says he can't get sick from seastone and unless he's like Sanji he should be fine. Jinbei is nodding solemnly and Sanji is so fucking pale, like thanks for ratting him at you fucking assholes; or it might be the blood loss because he is bleeding from the head and has cuts from Kizaru all over.
"I guess there's no better time for that talk than now." Mihawk says to Sanji. "Set your legs on fire again, I don't think the others caught that bit."
"I saw them in Dressrosa, it's not my fault they put us all separately." Doflamingo laughs.
"You should have called and told us, that seems important enough!" Boa points at Jinbei.
"We were escaping Tottoland and on our way to Wano. Sanji and Luffy were both very injured." Jinbei argues.
"What was going on with that anyway?" Perona asks Sanji. "Because I didn't even get to see you at Thriller Bark and I had to spend two years with that idiot." She points at Zoro.
"Oi!" Zoro yells.
"Do you know how directionally challenged he is? Did you kick him in the head too many times? How is he the first mate?" Perona demands.
"Hell if I know, I'm the cook!" Sanji defends themself.
"I like how they didn't object to kicking Roronoa in the head too many times." Crocodile says to Mihawk.
"I'm still more intrigued by Sanji setting themself on fire." Mihawk says.
"My poor baby! You should go first, look at all this blood!" Boa wails as she grabs Sanji.
"Would you believe me if I said it wasn't the worst?" Sanji asks as he tries to shove her off.
"Oo, tell me more." Perona grins as she floats beside them.
"Now you've done it. Out with it, I haven't seen you since Alabasta." Crocodile gestures with his hook.
"Nevermind this is the worst I've been injured!" Sanji yells as Boa squeezes them tighter.
"Didn't you break your back on Drum island?" Usopp asks.
"Yeah, he has plate holding his spine together which is why Chopper was so upset that God guy shot him with lightning like five times." Nami says.
"Oh! In Wano that bird guy sent you through like four buildings!" Luffy says.
"Didn't you snap your leg in Wano as well?" Robin asks as Mihawk sighs and Doffy laughs.
"Oh my gosh, you're so dumb. No wonder you made such a bad zombie." Perona huffs as Mihawk pinches the bridge of his nose.
"Do you regret getting them off a rock yet?" Doflamingo laughs.
"I'm wondering how I let Zeff talk me into being a parent and then parenting with you four." Mihawk answers.
"Shouldn't have brought them to Warlord meetings then." Boa says sticking her tongue out and squeezing Sanji tighter.
"Truly this is all your fault." Crocodile agrees and Doffy nods while laughing.
"Boa, please don't break Sanji's back...again, apparently." Jinbei says while rubbing his face. Boa sticks her tongue out at him as she follows Chopper to the infirmary with their child.
"How did he even break his back?" Mihawk asks.
"He kicked me and Nami out of the way of an avalanche." Luffy shrugs.
"I wanna hear about the lightning." Doffy smiles.
"Um, some guy on a sky island was going to use it on me and Usopp." Nami says weakly.
"Didn't Cook-bro also have a building fall on him while you were in his body?" Franky asks Nami who pales considerably as Mihawk lets out a long sigh.
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entomjinx · 11 months
Luffy and his perception of love
Small thing from twitter because twitter is exploding and I realized I never posted it here. Inspired by my urge to subvert expectations and this post:
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Luffy's perception of what it means to be loved may be warped by all he's been through. His own love is pretty much unconditional, and he cares so deeply for others. However, when it comes to being loved himself-
He thinks he has to earn it via fighting or persistance.
Before I delve into individual characters, I'd like to acknowledge that Luffy is probably the most emotionaly intelligent person in the manga, but also that trauma can affect how a person views themself, leading them to hold themselves to higher/different standards than others.
Let's start with Garp. Garp constantly puts him through training as a child and tells him he must be a marine. He uses his "fists of love" on him to try and make him obey. The one time we see Garp look even remotely affectionate is when he thinks Luffy will become a marine, only for him to get even angrier upon Luffy declaring he wants to be pirate king. He also left him alone in the jungle all the time, and even threw him down a ravine.
Dadan makes a point of loudly declaring she doesn't want them around, which is an obvious lie to the audience, but not as much to the kids. The "If you don't hunt, you don't eat," rule in the mountain bandit's hideout also helps reinforced that important things (food, love) must be earned.
Luffy followed Ace around for three months, being hit with attacks meant to seriously injure him so that he'd be forced to stop following. Many of those attacks may have killed him were he not made of rubber. When he caught up to Ace and met Sabo, they threatened to kill him for knowing about the treasure. Instead, they leave him behind for Porchemy to find.
They spent all that time moving their treasure because they expected Luffy to tell Porchemy it's location. Instead, Luffy went through several hours of torture and refused to speak. If not for this, Ace and Sabo wouldn't have let him be their friend, let alone call him brother and love him. (and while we, the audience, know that Luffy might have broken through to them another way, Luffy doesn't. He would think that not giving into the torture is the biggest part of why he was allowed to be their friend, and later brother.)
He had to blackmail Zoro into joining the crew at first, and Zoro threatened to make him commit hara kiri (suicide via disembowlment with a blade) should Luffy get in the way of his dream to be the greatest swordsman.
He had to free Nami from Arlong for her to join the crew for real.He argued with Sanji at every turn until he wore him down (I refuse your refusal). Robin didn't call him (or anyone) by name until post Enies Lobby, choosing to only refer to him as "Captain."
He saved the lives of most of them, or offered them a way to complete their dreams.
He fights tooth and nail to gain their trust and friendship, because he thinks that they love him the way he loves them if he doesn't. Which could be a major part of why the strawhat grand feet's willingness to follow him confuses him. We know he values freedom above all else, and that he wants them to do what they want, but he still doesn't understand why that choice was following him... because he hasn't done enough to earn that.
Yes, they were all involved in the chaos that was Dressrosa, but that doesn't equal loyaty to that degree.
If it did, Law would finally admit they were friends, and not just allies. Hence his continued insistance of friendship and even though Law says they'll be enimies in the future at the end of Wano, Luffy ignores it. He knows it'll just take so more persistance, because that's what's worked in the past. Growing up in the Gray Terminal would have taught Luffy that people who are nice right off the bat or who suddenly switch to being nice probably want something from you, and while he is canon attitude leads him to not care most of the time, he's definitely aware of it. So he expects people who will eventually care for real to be meaner at first. as if "Real love is always earned and never just given" is a true statement in his mind.
On top of all this, Luffy hates being alone. So of course he fights so hard for these friendships, for the love that he has for his crew and friends... because without them, he'd be alone. What other choice does he have?
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nicorobinmywife · 1 year
Can you do a time where robin and nami betrayed that person that person nami steals him before Luffy and that person wasn't a bad person and robin paralyzed that person because she thought he called the government but it was someone else before crocodile and their reunion being nami after Luffy beats arlong and robin after enis lobby
when you forgive Robin and Nami for the things they've done to you in the past.
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Summary: you meet them again after a few years and they apologize for some mistakes they made in the past.
Characters: Nami and Nico Robin. GN reader
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you are a captain of a pirate crew and you met Luffy, forming an alliance with him, and then you meet a girl on his crew that you never forgot.
Nami never thought she would see you again but you were right there in front of her.
she didn't know what to say or how to react, the last time you saw each other she kinda stealed your money, this happened before she met Luffy.
you never held a grudge against Nami, you just wanted to understand her motivations.
Later, Nami took the chance and went to talk to you privately.
she apologized and explained that she only stole your money to save her village and not because she is a bad person, and that if need be she would give you back your lost money.
you smile and say it's not necessary, you're just glad to see her again.
after that you get closer and more intimate, Nami is very happy that you forgave her, after all, how could you not forgive the girl who stole your heart?
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always having to run away from the world government, Robin learned not to trust anyone, which made her a little paranoid.
before meeting crocodile, Robin worked with you in another criminal organization.
you got very close and Robin didn't know how to deal with the new feelings, she let her paranoia get the best of her.
she didn't want to get attached to you and decided to run away again and find a new place to hide.
you didn't give up and looked all over the world for her and when you finally found her, she snapped at you and told you to leave her alone.
" - I'm sorry Y/N, but this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you.... Treinta Fleurs... Clutch!" - yes she used her powers on you and ran away after hurting your body, she had no choice, all she wanted was to survive.
years later, you meet again in new circumstances, Robin is already a new person and has found companions who will protect her.
you didn't hold a grudge against her, deep down you knew she's not a bad person.
Robin called you to talk to her privately and said she is sorry for mistrusting and hurting you in the past.
she told you all her story and why she had to betray people to survive before meeting Luffy.
you say you understand her motivations and that these events should stay in the past.
Robin wants to start over with you again, maybe inviting you to read some books with her? you have a lot in common.
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honey-deku · 1 year
Late at Night
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Robin x gn reader
CW: sfw, pre time skip, pre Enies Lobby, mutual pinning, double sided angst, tears, heart ache
Robin doesn’t make a move due to her believing she’ll have to leave the crew eventually; she doesn't let herself get too close to you and it tears both of you up on the inside
Word count: 1181
Image Source: One Piece chapter 320 ____________________________________________________
“Do you ever feel alone Robin?”
The hairs on the back of Robin’s neck stood sharply when you asked her. How was she supposed to respond to that, a question that came out of left field and from all the people, it came from you.
She took a deep breath before answering your question truthfully.
“Of course.” She paused for another gasp of the cold air. “Do you feel that way right now?”
She only came outside for a breath of the night air to fill her lungs and calm her nerves, hoping to soothe her concerns about the world government that would eventually come for her.
Instead Robin found you outside, leaning on the guardrail of the Going Merry, staring longingly at the black sea, the black void ahead of you.
Robin walked to your side to accompany you on this night. She looked up to the sky to catch a glimpse of the stars scattered erratically, placed so haphazardly above the two of you.
You turned your head away from her as you responded, not wanting Robin to see you be so vulnerable.
“Maybe. Is it bad that I do?”
“No. Not at all.”
“It’s weird.” you started. “I feel so alone. I could be surrounded by so many people and yet I feel nothing.” 
“I think it’s normal to feel that way sometimes.”
Robin wanted to so badly hug you, so badly comfort you. She always had a soft spot for you that was different from the one she had about Chopper; he was a cute, intelligent, and empathetic doctor and she loved spoiling him.
With you, she wanted to give you a kiss. She wanted to hold your hand. She wanted to try so many things with you first. She so badly wanted to stay by your side and show how deep that love ran for you. You were that irreplaceable crew member who, like her, was tight lipped about your past and cared for the well being of the crew, putting yourself after the others, a trait she found very comforting and admirable.
As for you, you always felt like Robin treated you with more affection through her actions than the other members, not exactly playing favorites but definitely… different. Another part of you kept thinking otherwise, thinking it was all in your head, that she didn’t return the feelings, carrying doubt on your shoulders.
You dropped plenty of hints in the past but Robin never seemed to notice; other times it looked like she would ignore them. You weren’t sure what to make of it but you just assumed it was your wishful thinking that she would like you back or confess first despite the lack of response you’d receive from her.
Recently, you backed off on the hints, taking one yourself and leaving Robin alone, not knowing how much it hurt her deep down.
You let out a deep breath, watching the warmth disappear into the cold.
“It’s funny” You spoke up. “Late at night, a restless feeling takes control of me and I can’t fight it.” You smiled, looking up at the night sky, hoping to look cool in front of Robin as you said that.
“You too huh?” Robin smiled. “I couldn’t sleep either right now.” she said, following suit and looked up, trying to find any constellations she recognized.
Robin had a wretched feeling in her gut, something telling her that this would be one of the last nights she’d be spending with the straw hats before her eventual departure. Something about the town of Water 7 sent chills down her spine, like she shouldn’t be there. 
But yet, standing next to you, Robin’s rapid heart beat slowed to a calmer rhythm, calm enough to quell her vicious worries for the moment at least.
The silence that surrounded you two was more peaceful than tense, you two just got each other, you two clicked and understood each other without even exchanging words. 
Your gaze returned to the dark horizon ahead of you, stretching your arms above your head to get the blood pumping once more. Completely unintentional on your part, as you lowered your arms and hands back to the guard rail, your hand fell on top of Robin’s, making you both flinch a bit from the contact.
“Ah… Sorry Robin, I wasn’t trying anything funny.”
She chuckled at your modesty, finding it adorable. “It’s alright, you can hold my hand. I don’t mind.”
You stared at her in awe, was this a sign? You were perplexed to say the least but hey, you didn’t want to make her feel awkward or uncomfortable. You’d rather enjoy the moment. 
“Well alright then.” You smiled as you placed your hand on-top of hers again. “Thank you.”
“What are you thanking me for?”
“For being here, for being a good nakama.” Your thumb rubbed her chilled knuckles. 
Oh how she wished you hadn’t said that, how she wished she didn’t have to leave sooner or later and desert this crew like all the others. Robin almost wanted to cry as her guilt and anxiety ravaged her conscious.
She took another deep breath as she removed herself from the situation, bringing her hand that you held back to her sides. Your darkened expression didn’t go unnoticed by her.
“I’m going to go back to bed. Don’t stay out too late ok Y/N?”
You tried hard to make your voice sound unfazed by her guarded demeanor, “I won’t. Good night Robin.”
“Good night Y/N”. The archeologist turned around and retreated back to the women’s quarters.
As you heard the door shut softly, your lips pouted, the tears in your eyes threatening to spill out and run down your face as your throat burned. All self control broke loose. 
Did you do something wrong? Was it something you said to her? You couldn’t wrap your head around what had just happened; the faint warmth of her lovely affection suddenly being replaced by that cold, professional attitude she always bore, within a matter of seconds.
You knew it was probably a one sided affection but it still didn’t lessen the heartache you felt. You knew well that matters of the heart were finicky and risky and in your experience, often leads to complications and tragedy.
As the tears rolled down, swallowing your dejected feelings, you tried your best not to sob too loudly lest you wanted to draw the attention of the crew.
Near you was a disembodied eye on a wall, also shedding a tear at your plight. Robin herself leaned against the wooden door she had stepped through moments ago. With all those years of being an assassin and hiding from authorities, she had much better control of her breathing and emotions but it all hurt the same, if not, maybe more so since she knew, and could only imagine, how shaken you’ll be when she one day has to leave. 
All those unanswered questions and unresolved feelings will haunt you so long as you live and there was nothing Robin could do to change fate.
this short fic was inspired by this one song
not to be a music theory nerd but i tried to emulate the same cadences of the song into the fic: starting out melancholy, slowly building up to a more cheery tone just to go back to gloom again
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kazimakuwabara · 1 year
The Prince and the Clown
Summary: Usopp tries to get a pep talk from Sogeking to confess his feelings to Sanji. Too bad things go south, when Sanji walks in. (SanUso, 1.2k work) written for @Sanusoweek, and a thank you from @lessons-from-moths for giving me this idea!
 “This is it! Today’s the day!” Usopp repeated.
 A lower, slightly more masculine voice, rumbled with agreement, “Today is the day!”
 “I tell him!” Usopp insisted.
 “You tell him,” the second voice agreed.
 “H-He’ll know!” Usopp rasped, his voice sounding less determined and just a little more scared.
 “Usopp…” the second voice cautioned, already sensing the downhill spiral.
 “And h-h-he’ll… he’ll….”
 “H-h-h-h-h-h-h-heeee… Heeeee wiiillllllll…?”
 Usopp spun around, glaring at his reflection in the mirror. Usopp was holding the Sogeking mask to his face, and pointing back at himself through the mirror, “Usopp! Where is your bravery? Have you not stood upon the tower of justice and saved the fair princess Robin?”
 Usopp lowered the mask, revealing his pouting face, “That’s true Sogeking… I did… but-”
 The mask went back up in the mirror, and Sogeking bellowed, “Did you not battle A God who struck you with thunder, and save your loyal retainers, Nami, and Sanji?”
 “Well… yes… kind of. I helped…” Usopp muttered.
 “There is no kind of about it!” Sogeking bellowed, hands on his hips, and nose titled high, “You are brave! Brave Captain Usopp! You have overcome, and will overcome again! You must simply… act! Confess! The trials you've gone through in battle, can be taken home with you in your heart! Let those triumphs embolden you!”
 Usopp threw the Sogeking mask to the ground, and pointed accusingly at the mirror, “But this is Sanji! This is telling him, I love him! This isn’t simple! I could ruin our friendship! He could hate me! He’s a lady’s man, and I’m not a lady! What would he see in me Sogeking? What would I offer? What could I offer? A wimpy, clingy, coward, is in love with him! Give me a break! He’s a prince and I’m… I’m…”
 From behind him, Usopp swore he could hear Sogeking ask, “You’re what, Usopp?”
 “...A clown,” Usopp answered mournfully. “Clowns don’t get Princes… especially clowns that fought their kings and made everyone sad...” Usopp bit on his lip, sniffing as another wave of fresh guilt washed over him. Enies Lobby wasn’t even a day behind him.
 He’d messed up so badly… how could he ever be worthy of Sanji? If Usopp was just himself, if he didn’t have the weight of his betrayal still laying heavy on his back, maybe there’d be a small chance. Maybe… maybe all those smiles, those soft conversations under the stars, the grinning at each other from across the deck, maybe that meant something. But Usopp had turned his back on his friends. He’d let his inner turmoils boil up, and had spewed all that suffering onto his very best friends…
 It didn’t matter if he apologized.
 He’d hurt them all… Sanji included.
 Usopp’s shoulders sagged, his eyes on the floor of his new workshop. He scuffed the ground with a toe, and sighed.
 Usopp felt hands curl like claws around his shoulders, and he was spun around. He screamed as he was turned, flailing about as he was pushed back against the mirror, too dizzy to see while in motion. He only quieted, when his terrified eyes registered Sanji’s incredibly red, and incredibly angry face.
 As the silence stretched out, Usopp realized with horror, Sogeking had not been the one to ask Usopp: You’re what, Usopp?
 Usopp might have sunk to the ground and curled up in a ball on the floor, if Sanji wasn’t keeping him on his feet.
 “Who says you’re a Clown, you idiot!” Sanji hissed.
 Usopp cringed into his shoulders, “S-Sanji, I-”
 “Who says a Prince and Clown can’t work out? Who says a Clown can’t apologize to a King and be welcomed back home, huh? Aren’t you a storyteller? Don’t you like a happy ending? Why would any decent story end where the Clown gets shunned? He worked hard dammit! The Prince would see that the Clown had made up for his mistakes. The Prince would see that the Clown made a mistake, but still want him to come back! Why won’t it work out for them!?” Sanji demanded.
 “H-How long have you been in here?” Usopp squealed, his heart beating too fast, and the gears in his head spinning into overdrive.
 Sanji sighed, face flushing all shades of red, and eyes still angry, “...I was bringing you a snack. Your door was open.”
 “Usopp…” Sanji started, but then stopped. After a moment of his useless mouth flapping, he sighed, and let Usopp go. He pulled a cigarette from his coat, lit it, and took a drag. After an exhale, in which he politely turned his head so he wouldn’t get smoke in Usopp’s face, he tried again, “Usopp… where’s my confession?”
 Usopp blushed, shameful tears pricking his eyes, as his knees started to knock together, “I-I don’t need to confess if I already know the answer!”
 Sanji swore, and tossed his still lit cigarette on the ground, Usopp watching it bounce and roll under his work desk with surprise. A cool hand was on his chin, and Sanji leaned over him, his forearm pressed above his head. Usopp had just a moment to look into stormy blue gray eyes, before Sanji was kissing him.
 The kiss was possessive, devouring, and desperate. It was not a simple meeting of lips. Sanji, his breath still slightly tinged with nicotine, kissed Usopp with a demanding tongue. Their lips joined, and it was as if the cigarette was lit between them. It was so warm, it burned, and that heat traveled into Usopp’s whole face, down his throat, to his belly, and to his toes.
 Usopp swayed forward, off balance by the demanding need of the kiss Sanji had placed upon him. Sanji used Usopp’s unbalance to his advantage, and yanked the sniper into his arms, one hand sliding around the back of Usopp’s sweaty neck, while the other hand pressed into the small of Usopp’s back and pulled.
 Usopp’s body was pressed flush against the chef’s, and his hands sought purchase clumsily. At first, he settled one hand in the crook of Sanji’s arm, and then drifted up the lapels of Sanji’s jacket, his thumbs stroking the material of the fabric. Sanji’s tongue stroked Usopp’s tongue, and Usopp’s hands curled higher. Sanji seemed to kiss harder as Usopp’s hands moved, and by the time Usopp’s hands were around Sanji’s neck, Sanji was biting Usopp’s tongue until a surprised whimpering moan slipped past his lips.
 At his moan, Sanji echoed it, with a low guttural groan of his own. He sounded pleased, and relieved, like Usopp's pleasured sound did something to him. Usopp whimpered again, and Sanji answered it with a groaning, husky sound that Usopp couldn't attach a label to. That sound sent a full-body shiver down Usopp’s spine, and he felt himself, lifted off the ground until he was on the balls of his feet, Sanji pulling Usopp as if he was trying to bring him in and absorb him.
 This kiss broke off with a harsh gasp, Usopp dazed, and Sanji looking flushed and panting hard.
 They held each other for a moment, breathing in each other’s space. Sanji’s expression was soft and yearning, and it was all on Usopp. Usopp tightened his arms around Sanji’s shoulders.
 “Usopp?” Sanji prompted, voice rough.
 ��Give me my confession, so I can answer it.”
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i-am-minty-fresh · 6 months
For the strawhat relationship thingy maybe luffy and robin??(platonically ofc)
she is kinda like a mother figure but i also think she works equally as well as just a friend
idk but i think theyre really silly and want to hear what you think as well
Okay I have the flu right now so this might not be as long as I want, but you’d be strained to call it short.
Robin and Luffy hold a special place in my heart for being the most explicit example of what being friends with Luffy can do to a Motherfucker. When Robin initially joins the crew she manipulates Luffy into taking responsibility for her, and manipulates everyone else on the crew using their abject flaws when facing an enemy (Sanji loves women, Usopp and Chopper are children who like having fun, and Nami likes money). She runs into an initial problem with getting on the good side of Zoro because Zoro believes in action above all else (like how he almost killed himself to prove Nami wasn’t bad in Arlong Park). As viewers we aren’t meant to trust Robin, and so we don't ...up until Skypeia.
Skypeia is the first time that she takes an action that would put herself in danger to protect the crew…she’s growing attached.
And who can blame her! Luffy’s heart isn’t a log pose it’s, an eternal pose meaning it doesn’t sway to unrelated distraction islands and is always accurate. He knows that Robin is a good person because she helped him not die of poisoning from Crocodile without any real reason. He’s never been afraid of her….
He’s never been afraid of her.
From Robin’s perspective this will wear off soon. She has lived her life as a dead woman, never belonging anywhere because she’s the devil’s child. She’s never been a person as much as face to throw darts at in every pirate bar and marine headquarters. She’s seeked after for either her knowledge or her power…Luffy wants neither.
Think about that. He doesn’t want either. Like what we saw with Sanji when he asked him to join his crew without (actually) seeing him fight or eating his food. Luffy wants good people on his crew and he’s not been wrong yet.
But at the same time, Luffy doesn’t dismiss either her strength or her knowledge. He understands her to be an absolute force of nature but doesn’t expect her to use that if she doesn’t want to. Luffy puts the crew's comfort above what they provide for him (which is the reason the Water 7 Usopp fight happens but that’s for another time), meaning she can kill everyone here if she wants but she can just sit in her chair and read her stories while Luffy takes care of it.
Before Enies Lobby, Robin might have assumed that Luffy underestimated her which is what her leaving was supposed to emphasize, ‘I’m too much work and I’m sorry you had to find that out now…we had fun and now it’s over’ she thought that once Luffy and Co. found out about CP9 and the buster call and her polyglyph knowledge they would take the easy way out by leaving her to die. They didn’t sign up to deal with an actual fugitive who was the sole survivor of a genocide, and she can pay them back for all that they’ve done for her by saving their lives one last time…
So they save her ass and teach her the meaning of friendship and what naught and now Robin’s in so deep she’s at like Zoro levels.
She’s crazy, she’s feral, she’s demented as fuck, and you know what she also is? A straw hat. Her crew loves her and respects her not just as a psychopath willing to break everyone’s spines nor as one of the few people in the world who can read the Road Polyglyphs necessary for Luffy to become King of the Pirates, but as another member of the spontaneous strawhat crew.
For Luffy specifically she does in fact act like a mother, but she’s like a perfect combination of mom’s that Luffy has had. Makino and Dadan. Dadan let Luffy run wild without bandaging his wounds because he doesn’t like being coddled like a child very well. Dadan’s all mama bear, violent and protective over what she has left of her cubs. Makino has that ‘normal’ mom vibe. Comfort and serenity. Someone to clap when Luffy does something cool and read to him when he’s all tuckered out. Neither of them taught Luffy the insane moral compass that he has, they only helped him grow along with it. With Dadan it was more about learning to leave the other guy bloodied and beaten, never let anyone mess with what’s yours. With Makino it was about compassion and believing people have good intentions, leaning on others whenever you need help.
Robin does both. She pets Luffy’s hair and indulges in his childish antics but she’s also raw power and protective strength. Luffy taught her to stop only using her powers for herself (more or less as a form of self-soothing, only focusing on herself as a defensive mechanism to keep herself safe) and so now she’s gonna use those powers for others. Her family. Luffy relies on her the same way he relies on any member of his crew, and in return he’s got an elite force of killing machines that will watch the world burn in order to protect him.
I don’t know if this made a lick of sense because I’m kinda drowsy and blinking in and out of consciousness but hopefully this explains everything! (I might re-read this later and re-write it when I’m not off my rocker).
Thanks for the ask!
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danwhobrowses · 4 months
One Piece Chapter 1107 - Initial Thoughts
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And we're back from another break
A break of a lot of implications; Gear Fifth is back, Bonney controls all Pacifista, and Giants! Things are feeling like they're hitting a threshold, but still not enough to call an incident, so there must be more to unfold
let's unwrap it then!
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too!
A Law and Bepo cover page now, Law's sleeping on another animal so Bepo's already got the bat out
The giants are on the move, and not just our Little Garden duo but our Enies Lobby duo of Oimo and Kashii
Gonna be kinda awkward when the Giant Warrior Pirates meet Grand Fleet members the New Giant Warrior Pirates, unless they merge into a super Giant Warrior Pirates crew
Usopp catches sight of the giants and is elated to see them again
Also a panel to recap Little Garden for those faint of memory
Edison makes a point that their arrival is likely from Media Coverage, and that the crew is likely being painted in a bad light
Usopp though knows the giants aren't here to fight, they are here to help, and is thus compelled to make it go smoothly
Every time Lilith hits Brook's head I feel like it makes a bobblehead noise
Lilith though is still concerned about stopping the ship, before it burns up on the barrier
Jinbe also laments that they can't afford to dilly dally
Disappointingly, Zoro is still fighting Lucci
It's not just a Zoro-fan thing, you can't go from beating King - a Lunarian and a Yonko commander - to still fighting Lucci, a government assassin Luffy's beaten twice
Also 'I'm in a hurry' is not a good excuse, both men feel like they're in control of the fight
Lucci thinking Zoro is anything like dead weight is folly anyway, the man has met the grim reaper
Back on the coast, 30 ships have been sunk by Pacifista
Vice Admiral Nine-Chins (TCB called him Red King) takes helm on strategy and leads with battleships, lamenting having to attack their own weapons
Back to Luffy though and he wants to know why Bonney is crying
Bonney asks him why he didn't tell her he's Nika, which Luffy doesn't know the name
Also reminder that Bonney still hasn't told Luffy about her time with Sabo at the Reverie
He also roasts Bonney about her Nika punch, so Bonney asks him to show her how it's done
Social Media went mad about Luffy laughing while Vegapunk got stabbed but he literally just didn't notice, now he has he's shocked
Yeah the holier than thou shtick doesn't work on Luffy
And apparently so doesn't the Eye-Shot thing
A Dawn Gatling rocks Saturn and it doesn't get old seeing him get smacked
The Bonney Retrieval Squad use this as a chance to get out of dodge
Vegapunk however believes his number's up, and asks them to leave him
Kizaru, dude, like, let it go
Sanji this time blocks a direct blast, only took like half a year for Sanji fans to get to this fight
Though I daren't go on twitter right now given how Sanji fans will compare this to Zoro still fighting Lucci (even though Raid Suit Sanji could barely fight King)
We could've done more with Franky too, rather than make him a reaction guy
'Light doesn't hold a candle to love' - dude she's 12, simmer
Kizaru laments the expectation that they'll have to bring more heads now, but Sanji's lighting his cigarette so you know he's down for action
Well there's our Blackbeard answer; Devon and Van Augur only
She taps Saturn on the leg after some mockery and that's 'mission accomplished', all that build up just to touch a leg
Jokes aside though this can be big, Teach wanted an in with the WG and now his Kitsune crewmember can transform into one at will, that's some carte blanche there
Saturn notes how Devon wasn't one to be a subordinate, but when Devon notes that Teach is special, Saturn makes a note about his lineage
Possibly another Buccaneer? Or something more? Something Devon is at least privy to as well
Classic evil plan though, they want the whole damn world
Before Saturn can spike them though they warp out, but not off the island, Augur still has limits
Caribou No!
The guy goes full sycophant on the duo, claiming hero worship and a desire to be on Blackbeard's crew, man just wants off the island
I would laugh like hell if Blackbeard also shoved him in a barrel though XD
Well a lot more is happening, including some more battle lines being drawn.
It was a good day for Sanji stans, they are finally gonna get Sanji vs Kizaru while Zoro still deals with Lucci. I'm still disappointed that there's no real reason for his delay, but Oda's never about power scaling, Zoro's delayed because the plot demands he be delayed, much like how the plot demands that Brook doesn't just make an ice pillar, the plot demands that Nami could just use Zeus to carry the crew and the Sunny out of Egghead or the plot demands that Atlas doesn't give Franky the light punching tech foreshadowed at the start of the arc.
In a way it is annoying and a tad lazy (much like off-screening the Seraphim whose value dips every chapter and York's capture - who has been ominously missing) but we do have to remember that Oda is still somehow human. I like Sanji and it'll be a good fight, but I do prefer there to be parity and logic, like just give them both a strong opponent? Let Usopp fight Lucci like he challenged in Enies Lobby to will Luffy to fight.
The Blackbeard stuff does feel underwhelming in the moment, but it's definitely a long term thing, disappointed in Caribou too because he showed slight semblance of a heart but now he's gonna spill all about the Ancient Weapons to Blackbeard and endanger more of our allies, should've left him in Wano and brought Carrot instead... Still notable absences for Stussy and Kaku though, Robin is healing up but still wanna see her well. We're still a question mark over Law, Bepo, Perona, Moria, Drake and most of SWORD & Tashigi too. And the sleeping giant is slowly continuing its awakening.
Things continue to happen at a rumble, but something big has to burst forth as a result.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 1 year
Usopp and Robin for bingo
Ooh, a pair of fun ones to talk about! Let's hit Usopp first. I've mentioned a couple of times Usopp has one very special distinction for me. His big moment of meeting Oimo and Kashi are where I first caught up to the manga! He's someone I've come around a lot on. A big part of that owes to an irl friend who's a big fan and he's her favorite. May not be one of my favorites on the crew, but I think he plays a very important role in the series and is one of the more interesting members of the ensemble narratively:
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Usopp is so funny! I love this gag of his lies becoming true and honestly I think that's one of the most important threads in the series. Manifesting dreams and all that, there's a reason he was called a God before Luffy. And Izo of all people recognized his as such so I'm going to take the pretty, pretty gunman's word for it. Still very intrigued by that plot thread from Wano by the way. It could factor into Usopp's overarching story we're likely polishing off in Elbaf. Either way, plunging deeper into a burning building to rescue Kin'emon and Okiku, holding the line even in the face of overwhelming odds, and being the one to finally drop the curtain and just shout at those maudlin samurai was such a beautiful moment. And one that cemented Usopp as a "Brave Warrior of the Sea." Nations think of him as nothing but. Being recognized by a marksman on the same level as his father is on par with winning a big fight in terms of growth.
That said, I did say wasted potential for a reason. One thing I don't think Oda is really good at are very cerebral fights. Strategy, that sort of thing. He's clearly very influenced by Akira Toriyama & Dragonball when it comes to them I was never a big Naruto fan, but I always liked Shikamaru's fights. Wish we could see more of that out of Usopp. We got it one time in a very cool way; challenging Luffy. That's one of the coolest moments in the series and I love how well Usopp hangs in with someone so far out of his league. Enies Lobby also gave us some good use of Usopp as a sniper. Wish we had more of that. The big short and learning haki in Dressrosa was such a pleasant surprise! Sad thing is Syrup Village gets it right but we never really see Usopp making use of terrain, positioning, etc. much beyond that. And I wish we could have more of him being the ship's gunner. It was a damn shame to finally get a good naval engagement in Whole Cake when Usopp was absent.
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knightofsuperior · 2 months
We Are on the Cruise, but No Matter where We Go, We Can Never Stop Getting into Trouble
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Fandom: One Piece, The Legend of Heroes/Trails, Trails in the Sky, Crossbell Duology, Trails of Cold Steel
Rean Schwarzer just wants to survive in a world of seafaring marauders, evil governments, and dangerous creatures of all stripes. The Goddess will not let him do it alone. Or: Trails, by way of the Grand Line.
Read the fic here and check out an excerpt/my thoughts below!
“You’ve been out of the game too long. It’s disappointing that a scion of that legendary pirate is so out-of-touch.” A snap of a newly formed finger echoed through the alleyway. “Tashigi, read ‘em.” “Yes, Captain.” A bespectacled swordswoman exited from the crowd, holding a stack of papers. Clearing her throat, she began flipping through the papers… no , Rean realized. Those are… “Buggy the Clown. Beryl ‘of the All-Seeing Eye’. ‘Crusher’ Crawford—” “Wait, what?! ” Rean snickered. “I have a hunch your old commander picked that one.” “That absolute bastard.” “—and Rean Schwarzer, the ‘Ashen Chevalier.’” Tashigi looked up, ignoring the startled mutterings of her squadron and the stunned looks on those surrounding Rean. “Jeez. They’re just going to put that out there, huh?” “You… you are a very curious one, aren’t you?” “What the hell’s a Chevalier?” “ Silence! ” Tashigi shouted, slamming her scabbard onto the ground. “You are all hereby placed under arrest, and will be escorted onto the first ship bound for Enies Lobby by morn. We suggest you come quietly.” The smoke, now fully formed into a very familiar face for Rean, chuckled. “If you don’t, I wouldn’t mind so much. I always wanted to see how we’d stack up in a real fight, Commodore Schwarzer.” Rean placed a hand on the hilt of his blade, taking a deep breath. “Captain. I hope you’d understand, at least, why I made my decision.” “I might,” Smoker conceded. “You do have a way with words. We can talk all about it once you get to Impel Down.” Rean sighed. “Well, can’t blame a guy for trying.”
Author's Note: This was supposed to be an episodic series of short fics involving wacky One Piece adventures for Rean Schwarzer and the Cold Steel crew.
Then my One Piece hype just HAD to kick into Fifth Gear.
Now, it's heading toward full-blown AU-series-remake status.
Well, with a few deviations and detours along the old path anyway...
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eiacez · 2 years
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~ fluff, modern au, established relationship
~ wc: 0.7
~ a/n: i believe he is unbothered when it comes to clothes, i mean remember that episode in post-enies lobby arc? that cropped top with mama printed on it? yeah, that. (although it’s a filler, but so what?) looks good on him too.
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When you say Zoro is unbothered by any type of tops you give him to wear, you really mean it. That was something you noticed long ago and you giggled secretly while he wore the cropped top you gave him.
It looked cute on him, really cute. He’s buff, that’s a given, but when he wears something like that? It emphasizes his chest and biceps and triceps. Of course it was an eye candy, like hello?
From that day on, you waited for him to speak out about the tops you give him every time you two go out for a simple walk or stroll along the malls. Though it didn’t come, so today, after many weeks of making him wear cropped tops, you will talk about it.
“Hey, babe, what do you think about my clothes today?” You walk out of your shared bedroom to show him your attire. He was seated on the sofa, busy scrolling on his phone. But then he looked up at you and tilted his head.
“It’s okay. Why?”
You twirl around, “That’s all? Won’t you criticize it? I mean this top is a tube? And these shorts almost show my, you know.”
“So? I don’t see any problems about that? You can wear anything you like. Doesn’t even matter, I’m here for you anyway.” He put his phone in his pocket then crossed his arms, manspreading while looking at you nonchalantly.
“Aww, that’s sweet of you.”
“That’s part of me loving and caring for you, so naturally…” he raised his brows, “Why’d you even ask that?”
“Oh nothing really. I just want to know if you’re willing to match my clothes. Well, not exactly you wearing this kind of tube.” You pointed to your chest.
“We’ll be late, but okay. Give me something.” He sat up straight while holding his hand out.
Amusement fills your mood and expression. This man is willing even after straight up asking him. You were right to assume he’s unbothered by his clothes.
“Are you sure though? Won’t that make you “less of a man”?” You make quotation marks out of your hands. He grimaced a bit.
“It’s just clothing? Besides, you always make me wear cropped tops these days. I don’t care.” He crossed his arms again. At that, you giggle and lean in on his face.
“I can’t believe you actually noticed that. I thought you don’t mind and just go wear whatever.”
“As long as we wear something, (Y/N). Now go and get me those clothes you’re referring to and let’s go already. Luffy and the others are already at the beach resort.” He stood and went into the kitchen.
“Aww, Zoro! I find you adorable!” You giggle again while he grumbles and if you’re facing him right now, you might even see the redness on his face.
In the end, you gave him your favorite cropped top that you bought solely for him, and the color? It was a raging red with a design that has a specific type of flower that isn’t too big and too small. Plus pants that match with this top, obviously.
While he was wearing it, you had that big grin and a giggle escapes you continuously. His face was just neutral and somehow, there was a tinge of pink on his cheeks.
It was obvious that Zoro looks buff as hell, but with this cropped top? He looks less intimidating and somehow buffer, if that makes sense.
The two of you finally arrived at the beach resort. Zoro was really unbothered by the fact of him wearing that red cropped top. And his number one hater? That man Sanji is quick to notice Zoro’s clothes and tease him about it. Your boyfriend insulted Sanji in return and that was another casual and usual banter between them.
“Nice cropped top he got there. I’m thinking that the girlfriend bought it though.” Robin sits beside you and sips on her juice.
“Looks good, right? Thank you for the compliment by the way. You and Robin giggle at that.
Maybe from now on, you’ll make him wear other types of clothes that break the norm. Not just him, but you too will do it. You’re both in this together after all. Just a ’couple thing,’ you guess. A bit cheesy, but when you two do it, it’s actually not that bad.
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– eiacez
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blacklegsanjiii · 4 months
Okay okay youve awakend brain worms in me, hear me out:
Sanji escaping the dungeon a few weeks earlier causing him to be in the grandline instead of east blue and meeting none other than ✨Robin✨ maybe sanjis somehow being hunted by germa or smth so theyre both on the run and they make a pact to help each other (which is rocky at first cause they both have hella trust issues) but slowly opening up to each other more and more and being each others only trust person...
Idk!! Im reallt loving all your different sanji situations especially since i see him as a barbie character (he has so many jobs!! Lmao) and ive always loveedd his friendship with Robin since i imagine them both having a bit of a morbid humour
Fuck that's good. That's so fucking good ommmggggg.
17 year old Nico Robin picking up a starved and beaten 8 year old Sanji. Both of them flinching at touch no matter how kind or anything. After a year they're probably close and sharing beds/blankets/stuff like that. Doesn't mean it's not hard or anything. Sanji suffers from nightmares every night and is running on very little sleep most of the time. Robin doesn't know how to comfort him at first because sometimes when he wakes up it's straight into a panic attack.
Robin explains Ohara and the buster call, Sanji explains Germa and his issue with bugs from the mask. Robin pulls this impossibly tiny child to her and holds him as they both cry. This is the first time they really touch each other without flinching and such. If they're running from Cipher Pol or the marines or even Aokiji Robin makes sure to always hold the younger's hand. Makes sure to keep him with her at all times.
They spend a lot of time traveling and reading and Sanji gets better at cooking and feeding them and Robin only gets smarter. Sanji gets a bounty as well, guilty by association and the theft and everything else. He's got to have a name like Robin does but I don't know what.
Eventually they wind up in Alabasta working under Crocodile. Ms. All Sunday and Mr. Prince are excellent workers, highly skilled and still able to do what they love. I imagine Robin also taught Sanji to read the poneglyphs in case she dies. Sanji tells her about the All Blue. They have a pact with each other, if one dies the other will try to fulfill the other's dream. It's a lot of weight on their shoulders. Ohara and Germa, the government, the history they have.
When they ask to join the Strawhat crew Luffy lets them when he finds out Sanji can cook and Robin is an archeologist. They don't mesh well at first. Zoro trusts them on the Captain's word but he picks fight with Sanji because he doesn't use weapons and he and Robin are on edge.
When they run into Aokiji he looks at Sanji and Robin. Aokiji mentions off handedly that Sanji's bounty might be getting updated. They leave and Enies Lobby happens and Robin and Sanji are tense. They just are. It probably falls apart and Sanji says it should have been both of them at once because that way they wouldn't have hurt the crew twice, Robin agrees. Luffy yells at both of them for that, saying that they are apart of his crew and won't let them leave until they're dreams are accomplished.
Skipping ahead to WCI Robin goes with Luffy instead of Nami. Robin is dead set on bringing up what happened in Enies Lobby against Sanji because how dare there be a double standard. Even when she finds out they have Cipher Pol over them again. Then she finds out about the cuffs.
How dare Judge and Big Mom? How fucking dare they. Those are his hands, his greatest treasures and tools. Sanji explains that he wants to save his family and they do, Robin doesn't like it because she saw Sanji fresh out of the dungeon, a skeleton wrapped in paper skin covered in bruises and cuts. Robin will let Judge live but on the escape when Judge is saying that shit?
Robin pulls him close and traps him in her arms and threatens him. Devil Child Nico Robin is not one to be played with, especially when it comes to the only person she really truly trusts. So she makes it very clear that she is letting him live this time but if she sees him again? IF they even happen to be in the same town? He will be killed, it will be painful. Sanji is letting her because this is Robin's turn to be protective.
On the way to Wano they're sitting next to each other and Robin mentions that if she was allowed to she would have killed him then and there for how she found Sanji. Sanji nods and apologizes for the trouble and Robin frowns at him. Something akin to "Remember Enies Lobby?" where Sanji mutters that it still should have been both of them. Robin pulls him close and mutters that this should have been both of them too.
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aces-sweetheart · 2 years
heat of the moment
♥  pairing: ace x gn!reader
♡ description: ANGST; The originally civil discussion quickly descended into a near-screaming match lacking any logical arguments and letting the winner be decided by who could say the most hurtful things the loudest. Ace won.
♥  warnings/info: angst with happy-ish ending, ace is mean in this zoinks, post-enies lobby spoilers.
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You liked to think you were pretty good at reading Ace’s mood after being with him for so long. You knew when he needed to be by himself, when he needed a shoulder to cry and anything else to help him. But apparently that wasn’t the case. Both of you were breathing heavily, the only sound filling the tense atmosphere of the room. Your argument had no doubt been heard by the rest of the ship, maybe even the nearby islands.
The argument started over him wanting to pursue Blackbeard. Thatch’s death had hit him hard and he insisted the traitor had to pay. Everyone on the crew, including Pops, begged and pleaded with him not to do it; it was too much of a risk. But Ace, stubborn as ever, wouldn’t have any of it. You were the last hope to stop him.
It hadn’t started off as an argument; you calmly told him you didn’t think he should go on a manhunt for Blackbeard and that was all it took for him to snap. He was tired of everyone trying to change his mind and the fact that even you, the love of his life, was trying to stop him infuriated him. 
His voice rose before he could think twice. The originally civil discussion quickly descended into a near-screaming match lacking any logical arguments and letting the winner be decided by who could say the most hurtful things the loudest.
Ace won.
“Why does it matter what I choose to do? It’s not like we’re even a couple.” The scathing remark on the tip of your tongue withered and died. You couldn’t even speak, your mind desperately trying to process what he just said. 
“What do you mean?” It was impossible to keep your voice under control. It shook as you tried to hold your tears back. 
“I mean I don’t want to be with someone who looks down on me so you have no right to say shit about me or my decisions. Now get out of my room, I have to pack.” The look in his eyes was what floored you the most. The usual soft gaze he reserved only for you was cold and harsh, no hint of fondness in it. But the look didn’t match the tears brimming his eyes or the trembling of his bottom lip.
You had seen him do this before; he was shutting down. Right before your eyes he was rebuilding the walls he spent so long knocking down. You felt helpless in that moment; how could you even stop him? He was so headstrong and stubborn that it felt like you couldn’t do anything to change his mind. Instead you did the only thing you could; you ran.
Your feet carried you out of the cabin. So many emotions flooded your mind as you ran past your confused crewmates, their concerned expressions blurred. You didn’t stop until you reached the stern of the ship. There was nowhere else to go; you were in the middle of the ocean and it would be days before you would reach solid land. The realization made another wave of tears stream down your face. You fell to your knees sobbing. 
You weren’t sure how long you cried for until you heard someone approaching you. Without looking up, you knew who it was. Heavy footfalls caused by his signature black boots usually made you smile in anticipation but now they filled you with a sense of dread. The last person you wanted to see right now was your apparent ex-boyfriend yet there he was. You stood silently and turned your back to him. Your arms rested on the railing and you kept your eyes on the moon reflecting off of the sea, hoping he would leave. He didn’t
Instead he came to stand next to you although a few feet apart. Neither of you said anything; what could you even say at this point? The damage was done. But he had come out here with a purpose and he wouldn’t waste this oppurtunity. 
“I’m sorry.” He said simply. All you did was nod in acknowledgement and wait. It wasn’t easy for him to admit he was wrong and it was even harder for him to accept the fact that he hurt someone he loved so you gave him some time to collect his thoughts. You could almost hear the gears turning in his head over the crashing of the waves against the Moby Dick.
“I shouldn’t have said what I did. Everyone has been telling me not to go after Blackbeard and then when you did it, I snapped. I was out of line for taking my frustration out on you and hurting you. Just because it was in the heat of the moment doesn’t make what I said okay even if I didn’t mean it.” By now his breathing was shaky and he was crying. Again you nodded, taking in everything he just said.
“So you don’t want to break up?” You finally responded, worry lacing your voice. 
“No. I want to be with you if you’ll let me.” His body turned to look at you and your watery eyes met. You both looked like absolute messes, the effect of the fight apparent. He slowly inched closer to you, giving you a chance to back away. When you didn’t he moved over even more and lightly grasped your hand. Your grip was weak, just barely reciprocating, but he could still feel your fingers lightly wrapping around his. “I clearly have my own issues to work on and I promise to. I won’t let my anger get the better of me next time and I especially won’t take it out on you. Even if you don’t want to be together anymore, I have to apologize.” That was all you needed to hear.
“I still want to be with you too but you do have things to work on.” His breath hitched and his hand began to slide out of yours. You quickly grabbed it and rubbed your thumb against his warm skin. “And I’ll be by your side the whole time.” A sigh of relief left him and more tears trailed down his freckled cheeks. You reached over to wipe them away with your free hand and he did the same for you before leaning in to kiss your forehead. You both weren’t naive enough to believe that things would go back to how they were; they’d be a bit off for a while. But seeing the sincerity and love in Ace’s eyes assured you that you two would be okay.
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