#lets recite the bee movie script together
komajordan · 2 months
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Media I’ve Experienced in 2024 (February) SPOILERS
Same as last time, in order of when completed on a scale of 1-10
Clone High (2023) Season 2 (8/10)-Like a lot of people I wasn’t really on board with Clone High’s revival. If you want to know my thoughts it’s honestly a 6, it has some good jokes but it’s weighed down by more forced and obvious comedy. Season 2 however really surprised me, there were a ton of jokes I found funny, brought in some fanservice like Skunky Poo coming back and Cloney Island being fully realized, and a ton of the character chemistry works.
Bumblebee (10/10)-I never thought a solo Bumblebee movie with humans would work but it turned out to be pretty heartwarming and emotional. Charlie and Bee’s relationship felt real along with some fun action scenes.
Clone High (2002) (9/10)-I tried to watch the original Clone High back in 2022 but my memory got clouded by a lot of personal stuff at the time. So checking the original out felt like a reminder of what the show used to be. The bait-and-switch comedy is top notch, Gandhi’s prescience will always be welcome, and by God the emotional soundtrack makes a ton of scenes even funnier.
Hello Kitty:Roller Rescue (5/10)-Pretty basic beat-em-up, cute soundtrack and visuals, nothing too special. I’m probably just spoiled from playing Island Adventure.
The LEGO Movie (Rewatch) (10/10)-I watched this movie on the exact day of its 10 Year Anniversary and by God, this movie is as funny as I remember it. And after I just watched Phil Lord and Christopher Miller’s other work in Clone High I can definitely tell I was spoiled from their comedy from age 8 too. The animation still looks great and I can basically recite the script from how many times I watched it in the past. While yes I’m biased, it’s a very sentimental type of bias that I can never let go.
The Lost Boys (7/10)-The Lost Boys is an old but fun movie. It captures the feeling of adolescent summer fun on the boardwalk along with the relatively small sense of horror of the vampire cult.
Us (9/10)-Back on Halloween last year I watched Get Out and I thought it was good as a psychological thriller but not really scary to me. Us on the other hand was a step-up in my opinion. The doppelgänger plot is really cool and the way the tethered family goes around terrorizing everyone felt thrilling. And man the twist, I’m not gonna spoil it but that twist felt like a complete game changer.
The Marvels (2/10)-This movie is not good but not the worst MCU movie ever. Personally I liked the interactions between Kamala, Monica, and Carol even though I’ve grown to dislike Carol overtime. But otherwise the villain is forgettable, a lot of the fight scenes are complete white-noise, and a lot of scenes are completely cringy and predictable.
Epic Career Quest (7/10)-Waking up after a Super Bowl aftermath was weird for me. I don’t know the general opinion is on this series but I found it entertaining. The characters being mismatched kind of works for me as someone who likes these types of ensembles like Drawn Together. And as a growing adult their messages about imposter syndrome and making your goals really stuck with me.
Terrifier (6/10)-I don’t know if this is a personal thing after seeing so much Invincible and Mortal Kombat but the violence here literally had no effect on me. Sure, this movie is scary but the plot kind of drags for me personally.
Terrifier 2 (8/10)-This movie is a step up in terms of scares and production value. Not to mention there’s more of a plot when the first was just a simple murder plot here it’s an extensive plot about people’s perception of Art The Clown and who he is. Where this movie falls flat for me is the sword thing, I personally thought that was an asspull and kind of out of place in a serial killer movie that a fantastical item just doesn’t fit.
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur Season 2 (8/10)-Moon Girl Season 1 was a fun show that does a lot of cool superhero stuff while also doing enough to stray away from Marvel to make it its own. What do I think of Season 2? It’s on the same level. Nothing really noteworthy, they still do fun things, visuals are nice, and some of the plots are interesting.
Megaman X4 (9/10)-Probably my favorite Megaman X game given what I think about future games. The gameplay is fast paced and fun, the bosses are challenging but fun too, and the transition from SNES to PS1 translated greatly. And the cutscenes exist, if you know you know.
Jujutsu Kaisen (9/10)-Yeah I decided to ride the JJK train and unlike Naruto I do understand the hype. The animation is fluent especially with the domain expansion and curse enemies. I loved characters like Gojo, Maki and Nobara from their entertaining personalities. And Where Our Blue Is will always be one of my favorite songs in anime.
Freddy Vs. Jason (7/10)-The human parts suck especially if they get in the way of crossovers. But Freddy and Jason when they show up together they make the most out of them fighting each other and killing others. Not to mention the setup that has Freddy provoking Jason to getting into Elm Street works really well.
Venom:Let There Be Carnage (3/10)-If I described this movie in one word it would be annoying. Venom is a very obnoxious character who constantly screams and complains about everything. The cliche drama between Eddie and the rest of world is insufferable. The only remotely good part of the movie is the effects on Carnage as it was done pretty well. But other than that I have no desire to watch this one again.
Re:Cutie Honey (8/10)-Kill La Kill mixed with Ghost in the Shell. I honestly thought this was animated by Trigger. But in all honesty I love the fast paced action and character moments.
Resident Evil Revelations (4/10)-Boring. The ship location gets old and I wasn’t scared even once. I honestly like RE6 more than this considering that game has a lot of variety and fun gameplay. This game is so slow and unfulfilling.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (9/10)-I love how subversive this anime is. Flipping magical girl tropes to be grim dark was a unique twist and made the characters more real than the traditional magical girl stereotype.
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caaveatimptorr · 2 months
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your wish is my command >:)
mike heard crygor say "draw me like one of your french girls" as a joke once and he has never let it go. whenever penny hears him say it she starts cracking up
dribble has small scratches all over his body (especially his arms) from spitz making biscuits
all of the Volts play splatoon together
meanwhile ashley and penny play minecraft together theyve beaten the ender dragon together before
cricket cant read. yes im stealing that from the fact that pit from kid icarus cant read shut up i think its funny
penny has asthma. self projection (ノ ̄▽ ̄)
ashley is one of those people whos always really cold. not just her personality but poor girl is freezing to death so she keeps a jacket tied around her waist when shes not wearing it
kat, ana, lulu, and 9-volt have their own little band called Rockstar Heroes
jimmy can recite the whole bee movie script from memory. no im not joking he can do it trust me
ashley has a heart locket she always wears. not telling from who tho ITS FROM MY OC AAAHRKNFKNG
trans!!!!!! jimmy!!!!!!!!!!!! with his very accepting family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
would you guys find interest in learning about my warioware oc Wyvern?
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moonnightyoongi · 4 years
yours | mark
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love me like im never gonna leave, love me like im yours
word count: 2k
genre: angst (mainly), fluff, swearing (tehe)
a/n: just can’t stop thinkin of mark
based off the song yours | alina baraz
It had happened more than once, in fact you were definitely somewhere in the double digits but you couldn’t stop. Everything about him was intoxicating, the way he looked at you and the way he smiled at you, the smirk he had on his face when he would open the door to you - it was cocky and even though you hated it nothing could make you turn around and go back home. His voice was smooth and no matter what you asked him he never stuttered, there was a simple answer to everything. 
Except one question.
“What is this?”
You had asked him one night and you swear every single bit of colour he had in his body drained and he was left with his mouth open, small stutters coming out. You looked at him and realised what it was and what it always would be… sex. There was no hope of anything progressing past it so you simply shut your feelings off and continued to fuck him.
“Are you leaving?” He asks as you rolled out of the bed.
“Of course,” you reply searching for your dress, “I gotta get back to the wedding.”
“You already left, why do you need to go back?”
“Because my sister is so drunk she won’t remember giving me the go ahead to leave. Besides I have four missed calls from my mum and I don’t think using the excuse that I’m looking at her and waving is going to work at 1am.”
“Just stay here.”
“Why would I do that? I got a room in a 5 star hotel and a massage booked in the morning,” you frown.
“I want you to stay,” he says.
“Well I want a 5 star hotel room and a massage,” you fire back. His smile falls for a second before he looks out the window.
“Can I come with you?” He asks.
“I specifically remember you saying you never want to meet a family member or be my date to my sisters wedding,” you reply.
“I don’t, I wanna have sex in a 5 star hotel room,” he smirks. You look at him and roll your eyes, he was always so good at getting what he wanted out of you, you would move heaven and earth for him if he asked.
“Get dressed,” you sigh.
“Shall I put on my best trench coat?” He jokes.
“It’s cold, you won’t have a penis left if you do.”
He falls silent and looks at you, blinking harshly, “You’re so crude sometimes.”
“Oh sorry, do you not like hearing about how your penis will shrivel up from the cold temperature?”
He laughs, “Sweatpants it is.””
“Jeans, it’s a 5 star hotel Mark. You can’t stroll in wearing sweatpants.”
“Oh, its the brush your hair before going down to breakfast kinda vibe?” He asks.
“Brush your teeth too,” you reply.
“Can’t have orange juice then.”
“It’s the price you pay to not be judged by Gary, 55, on a business trip.”
“Where do you get these names from?” He asks laughing and throwing on a clean t-shirt.
“They just come to me,” you reply, “Zip up my dress.”
“It’s a very pretty dress,” he says walking over to you, “Floor length gowns suit you.”
“I’m just glad she let me get a navy dress and not that God awful pink dress,” you tell him. You shudder at the thought of the dress, it was a bright pink that made your eyes sore, even the thought of it irritated your eyes again. Of course, it nearly was the dress you had to wear because the meter of the groom thought you looked absolutely delightful ‘like a strawberry cheesecake’. Last time you checked you weren’t a fucking dessert. 
Mark’s hand touched the bottom of your back as you moved your hair out the way to avoid it getting caught in the zipper (again). His touch was soft, like he was afraid he would break you (or the zipper). Zipping it up slowly, he paused halfway through - letting out a sigh.
“Ah yes, do take your time Mark, there’s only a 55 year old woman waiting to chop my balls off,” you say. He lets out a laugh and you feel his breath on your shoulders causing you to shiver, even his light touch was enough to drive you mad. All you wanted was him to be yours.
“Done,” he says obviously coming out of his trance and finishing your zipper quickly.
“Let’s go,” you tell him, “Uber’s nearly here.”
She was like a dog to a bone, as soon as the Uber pulled up in front of the hotel she was rushing down the stairs ready to pounce on you. Until she saw Mark get out of the car with you.
“Who is this?” Your mum asks surprised.
“My friend Mark,” you reply with an awkward smile. She stares at him before putting her hand out for him to shake.
“Nice to meet you.”
“You too,” he smiles.
“Where the fuck have you been?” She snaps looking at you, clearly breaking out of her Mark trance.
“With Mark, he needed me,” you say. It was partly true, he had needed you - just a different kind of need.
“I had locked myself out,” he says, “My roommates are all out and not answering their phones.”
“We tried to get in through an open window but he nearly dropped me,” you lie.
“That’s so you, even when you’re not the one navigating you get lost.”
“What?” You ask confused.
“Who knows, I asked your father to get me vodka and he got me whiskey. It’s my nonsense drink,” she dismisses, “He’s useless, all men are. Your poor sister, her husband is the worst. He tripped over a table cloth today, how could he miss it? The floor is brown and the cloth was fucking white, not to mention there was also a table underneath it.”
“Go to bed mum,” you cut in.
“Is Mark staying with you?” She asks.
“You know the rules.”
“I can’t leave the door of the room open, anyone could come in.”
“Leave the bathroom door open,” she says turning on her heel.
“Wh-,” Mark begins.
You shake your head and cut him off, “Don’t question it, she’ll start another conversation that’ll last another 10 minutes and I haven’t got it in me to de-code her.”
“Are you the same on whiskey?” Mark asks as you both walk up the steps of the hotel.
“Gin!” Your mother shouts, “Gin is her mumbling drink. On her birthday last year she started to recite the whole script from the film The Bee Movie. I don’t know know where she learnt it, we were always such Shrek people.”
“What is going on?” Mark asks, eyes raised.
“Don’t ask,” you reply, “Where’s your room mum? We’ll walk you.’
“Don’t be silly, there’s your father. FATHER!” She shouts, “Wait he’s not my father, MICK!”
“Who the fuck is Mick?” You ask her, “Dad! Take her, she’s driving me insane.”
You walk her over to him and he smiles weakly, “She’s been watching a lot of shows lately, Mick is one of the characters.”
“You hope,” you smile before walking back over to Mark, “Let’s get to the room quick, she might start reciting Shrek.”
“Donkey!” You hear her shout as you run up the staircase to the floor you were on.
“It’s begun,” you say looking at him. He laughs loudly as you walk down the hallway to the room you would be staying in. 
“Fancy,” he says kicking off his shoes and unbuttoning his jeans. He looked around intently while all you could do was stare at him, he looked beautiful even with his messy hair and tired eyes. Part of you was so glad he asked if he could come, you didn’t want to leave him - well, ever.
“What are you thinking about?” He asks snapping you out of your daydream.
“My mum,” you lie.
“She’s really funny.”
“Lucky for you she’s so drunk she won’t remember she met you tomorrow,” you say throwing the room key on the desk.
“I don’t mind if she does,” he says walking into the room.
You smile awkwardly once more and lean against the desk, unsure of what move to make. You normally knew what you were going to do when you saw Mark - but this felt like alien territory. Would you lie next to him? Turn the TV on and watch shitty morning television shows? Or would you simply sleep 2 feet apart?
“Come here,” Mark says putting his hands out for you to take.
“What do you want?” You ask accepting them and letting him pull you towards him.
“What are you really thinking?”
“About what to do.”
“We could just relax and watch TV, order some room service?”
“That sounds really nice,” you smile.
Less than hour later you both sat on the bed eating ribs and watching some stupid quiz show. Everyone answer you shouted was wrong of course, how did people know these things? How didn’t you know these things? 
Times like this felt nice, it was just you two doing normal things together. It wasn’t some quick hook up then ended with you leaving after it was done and feeling shit as you walked out the door, him not even batting an eyelid at you.
“How do people know these things?” Mark asks.
“That’s what I was thinking,” you reply throwing the rib bone on the plate and sighing, “I ate too much.”
“You don’t need to get back into the dress, you’ll be fine.”
“I’ll be bloated for my massage tomorrow.”
“She’ll deflate you,” he jokes.
“He’ll,” you correct.
“A male massage therapist, lucky you.”
“Hm, he’ll apply more pressure,” you say lying down and rubbing your eyes.
“Can I admit something to you?” He asks.
“You always wanted to be a massage therapist?” You joke.
“No,” he laughs moving to lie down next to you, “I really enjoy your company.”
“I bet you do.”
“No, I mean your company. Like that night we played games and the winner got oral,” he says, “I like doing those things with you.”
“Cause’ you always win and get oral,” you tell him. 
He looks at you seriously before looking down, “Yeah, because I always win.”
You almost didn’t believe him till the smirk reappeared on his face seconds later, “Wanna play a game?”
“Goodnight Mark,” you groan turning over.
“Goodnight Y/N,” he whispers.
You never wanted it to be morning. You wanted to stay in this moment with him. You wanted to feel his body heat next to you forever, you wanted to stay up late doing stupid mundane things with him.
You wanted him to be yours.
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guardiandae · 5 years
how about some cablepool headcanons (im wiggling my eyebrows)
I took some time to think about this, because I’m very bad at headcanons in the sense that my headcanons are either actual canon events and therefore don’t count, or I can’t tell the difference anymore. That said, sorry if some of this contradicts any existing canon, suck it Marvel you ain’t my dad.
Nate wears an apron when he cooks, because it's practical and not at all because it drives Wade nuts.
Wade wears socks in bed (and during sex) because his feet get cold.
Nate prefers not to wear clothes at all (except when he's socially obligated to) but Wade also loves to steal Nate's clothes and wear them, so Nate is torn between 'I don't need this many clothes' and 'I need clothes so I can see Wade wear my clothes'
Wade can recite the entire Bee Movie script involuntarily despite the fact that he's never, as far as he knows, ever seen the movie in his goddamn life.
Nate comes off as 'stoic, joyless bastard' to a lot of other people who do not get him because his sense of humor is mostly dry and morbid wit, delivered with a straight face. Wade is often the only one who not only gets Nate's sense of humor but loses his mind over it. Meanwhile, most people get Wade's jokes, but they choose to ignore him or find him annoying, but Nate not only loves Wade's sense of humor, he shows that love by playing off of Wade's jokes, and the two of them can banter back and forth for ages, which drives any unfortunate bystanders up a wall. See also: flirting.
Nate once almost got arrested for attempting to liberate caged dogs from a puppy mill, because it wasn't considered illegal. The second time, he didn't get caught because Wade helped him out.
Nate and Wade are both banned from almost every fast food restaurant within a 50 mile radius from where they live, but for separate and wildly differing reasons that can (most often than not) both somehow be boiled down to 'causing a scene and threatening the establishment.'
Wade is almost always verbally stimming (making weird noises or sound effects ('Snikt!'), singing and humming to himself, talking about whatever stream of consciousness is in his mind, or just repeating the same word over and over again because he thinks it's neat.) He isn't even aware of how often he's doing this, and most anybody who comes in contact with him for more than ten minutes can't understand how Nate puts up with Wade's constant babbling, but Nate is so used to it, the only thing that bothers him is when it stops for too long.
Nate only pretends to be annoyed by Wade's overwhelming desire and persistent requests to rub him from head to toe with WD-40. The truth is, Wade is ridiculously good with his hands and when Nate is having a bad pain day, a massage really hits the spot. The biggest problem he has with the WD-40 is that he hates the metal parts of himself, and the virus eating away at his body, and he can't reconcile with the idea that Wade finds the metal just as attractive as the rest of him anymore than Wade can believe that Nate really doesn't mind his tumors and scars.
Wade is legitimately one of the smartest people Nate has had the pleasure of knowing, although it takes him a while to fully realize that and appreciate it, because Wade's train of thought usually goes too fast for him to communicate it in any effective way, making whatever he does communicate seem like a maddeningly confusing series of leaps in logic, bordering on psychic premonition, but really it's just because Wade is intuitive as shit and often gets the whole picture before Nate can even put it together.
Nate would absolutely help Wade dispose of a dead body, so long as Wade could look him in the eye and tell him it was for a good reason. He's accepted this and even has several extremely detailed plans ready to go, for various unlikely scenarios (such as, disposing of a dead body in outer space, because this is Wade we’re talking about) but thankfully he's never had to utilize any of his plans.
Nate has gotten into a fistfight with Captain America because he found out that Steve hurt Wade's feelings and he wouldn't apologize for it. Consequently, this is the reason they are both banned from Starbucks.
Wade is also semi-banned from the same Starbucks, but because he once ordered a venti consisting of nothing but espresso shots and sweetener and paid in nickels. The staff were all extremely concerned for his well-being and now politely refuse to sell him anything containing caffeine. 
Wade keeps most of his pouches full of snacks At All Times. Nate also keeps extra snacks for Wade in his pouches, because sometimes Wade forgets he still has food in his (and this is how we get ants!) He also keeps random objects to keep Wade entertained in a pinch, like a slinky, duct tape, and a squish ball.
Usually Nate wakes up first, but when he sleeps in, Wade loves to make him breakfast, even tho his idea of breakfast food is questionable at best. (Porkchops made in the toaster and ham and cheese pancakes anyone?)
Nate is a cuddler.
Wade loves the beauty guru side of youtube, and started his own channel where he applies makeup and falsies onto his mask. Logan once lost a bet and had to appear in a video with Wade and let him give his claws a manicure. He only has 8 subscribers but he thanked all of them with a $10,000 dollar giveaway. Nate was very mad about being behind on rent that month, but it was totally worth it.
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rkivepacks · 4 years
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TITLE: this love (left a permanent mark) Originally posted on: AO3/dtgloss Pairing: taekook/kookv/vkook (Kim Taehyung & Jeon Jeongguk) Rating: PG13 Genre: Fluff, Angst Word Count: 3,249 Trigger Warning/s: Swearing,  Disclaimer: Title from This Love - T. Swift. This work is solely from the idea of the author. Should there be similarities with the works of other respected artists are purely unintentional. This also do not reflect on the real lives of the artists portrayed in this work. Comments, suggestions and any other concerns are accepted in my inbox. Thank you!
Summary:  “Hyung, you are the best.” Jeongguk starts off again, grin not falling off his face as the crowd chuckles once again. “Once you told me, your eyes are always on me. And you did, you took care of me. Because you are that kind of person. You put me before you. All the time. Which is why you are the best. To be honest, I would not even put me before me.”
“Taehyung, hyung. We have been friends for a long time that while I was memorizing this, I had to do a simple mathematics to know how many years I’ve called you hyung.” Jeongguk starts off, clearing his throat. “I have known you for 17 years. Not once did you ever let me go.” He looks at Taehyung who was already looking at him, eyes glossy.
“I think reenacting scenes together when we were young became the foundation of us, our relationship.” He laughs, and the crowd follows.
Jungkook and Taehyung loves recreating memories.
Jungkook and Taehyung loves reenacting scenes together.
Jungkook would always be there to catch Taehyung’s sudden monologues to counter with his own until all that’s engulfing the surrounding was the exchange between the two and the acts they created together, right there on the spot.
Jungkook was there when Taehyung was so into the movie they watched last night that all Taehyung gushed about was the scenes that bugged his mind all night, which is why he was unable to fall asleep because Jungkook, do you think if the Prime Minister tried to play it dirty like they planned to he wouldn’t need to do that hideous act? And Jeongguk -- he would always reply. Always ready to counter Taehyung’s claims, to voice out his thoughts.
Jungkook was there when Taehyung wanted to reenact one scene from an anime they watched together.
“Here, I looked up the manuscript.” Taehyung tapped his on his shoulder with his phone displaying the said manuscript he found on the internet. It obviously was a bad manuscript that it looks like a scanned copy, complete with the font and the slightly smudgy lettering.
“Hyung, that was ugly. Namjoon hyung, tell him the anime was stupid.” Jungkook replied, shaking his shoulder where Taehyung’s hand was resting to shrug off his hyung.
“It’s not really stupid, you see. Just unconventional. Also the ending was rushed.” Namjoon replied.
“Thank you, hyung.”
“I said read.” Taehyung nudged again, this time scooting closer to Jungkook.
And who was Jungkook to deny him?
An hour later, they have been laughing their ass off on the manuscript that they soon found out was lacking some pages. Along their sudden script reading session in the middle of Jungkook’s bedroom Taehyung was convinced that the script was really rushed and some decisions made for the characters were unconventional.
The tradition continued. Impromptu movie nights with illegally downloaded movies for the ones they could not find on netflix were a tradition. Reenacting memes also became a thing. If the two started reciting the opening for The Bee Movie script, the rest of their group decided not to ask.
“What should I tell him?” Hoseok asks to the people present in his apartment -- which is really just their group of friends composed of seven men.
“The Bee Movie script.” Taehyung raised his hand while speaking as if he was called to recite in a classroom, a mannerism he developed. Jungkook removes his gaze from his phone to offer a hand to Taehyung, posed as if to ask for a high five.
“Shut the fuck up.” Hoseok exclaims, exasperated.
“According to all known laws of aviation,-” Taehyung started, mimicking the voice of the narrator from the movie.
“There is no way a bee could fly.” Jungkook trails off, his voice somewhat a little to exaggerated.
Namjoon and Yoongi remained unmoving, used to the two. It was not the first time the two planned to recite the transcript they memorized overtime, although they believe it wouldn’t hurt if they could stop the two before they get to the part about the bees going to school.
If you ask Taehyung, their favorite acting shenanigan would be the romcom ones, and so did Jungkook. The Notebook? Jungkook was there to carry Taehyung. Jungkook would be the one to initiate their usual skits even in the middle of the rain and there is only one umbrella to barely fit two people -- Jungkook would grab the umbrella from Taehyung’s hold, despite the latter’s grumbling of being a bit taller than the younger and thus, he should be the one to hold the umbrella for the two of them. Jungkook would halt their steps on the sidewalk after making sure their little skit would not affect anyone but them, and put his arms around Taehyung and with his other hand on the umbrella, he would slowly tilt it upwards, as if reenacting a slow motion from the series.
On better days when the two would be able to free up their schedules, they would uphold their reputation at the karaoke hub minutes away from the younger’s apartment. The two would do musicals, if they feel like it.
“Pardon the way that I stare, there’s nothing else to compare.” Jungkook exaggerates his action, projecting them to Taehyung.
“The sight of you leaves me weak, there are no words left to speak.” Taehyung digs the next line and more. Jungkook dances around, moving in sways, picking up his drink and taking a sip, letting Taehyung’s voice fill the room they occupied, watching him from behind.
“There are no words left to speak, but if you feel like I feel, please let me know that is real.” Taehyung sings, completely unaware of the man watching him. “You're just too good to be true, I can't take my eyes off you.” The interlude overpowers the surrounding as Taehyung continues to dance along with the instrumental.
Taehyung remains completely unaware of the man who found comfort in the walls he was leaning on, arms crossed in front of him as Taehyung continues to sway from left to right, his body has memorized the rhythm of the song already.
“Jungkook, sing the next part.” Taehyung calls out to him, his hand motioning for him to come closer.
“Oh pretty baby, don’t bring me down I pray.” Jungkook starts off, using Taehyung’s microphone instead of his own, going back to his previous overly-exaggerated motions to the older. “Now that I’ve found you, stay.”
The two greets the first two hours of the dawn at the hub, exchanging moments to sing solos or duets. If Jungkook sings his heart out about one-sided love and if he stares too long at Taehyung during those songs, he thinks the older chose not to speak of it.
“Oh, actually, everyone. I have a video of Taehyung singing Gabriella’s part with Gabriella’s voice and Troy’s part in High School Musical.” He grins and Taehyung laughs, throwing his head back, mouthing at Jeongguk to not show his video.
“Don’t you dare, sir.” Taehyung speaks and the crowd laughs once again.
“Since this is a special day and because I was threatened. I guess the video will never see the light of the day.” Jeongguk jokes. “Moving on, Taehyung is such an adventurous person. Always meeting new people, always out there. And as someone who knows him personally I continued to watch him close. From a clear view, just watching over him do things.” He swallows.
However, just because Taehyung did not speak of those moments, doesn’t mean his other hyungs would not.
“Jungkook, this is not high school musical. Just because you sang songs about love with him doesn’t mean he will catch on right away.” Yoongi sips on his soda to shut himself up after his short rant.
“You all don’t get it-” Jungkook has probably said it the fourth time now.
“No, you don’t get it. Taehyung is oblivious.It wouldn’t hurt the two of you if you tell him directly.” Jimin reasoned out.
“Taehyung is not ugly-” Hoseok gulped to pause, but Jungkook cuts him off.
“Taehyung is very handsome, hyung.” He supplies.
“I was saying, he is not ugly. Which means, people would be attracted to him, people that are not you. Which also means people can get too close to him, people that are not you. You wouldn’t like to hear the other scenarios.” He continued.
Jimin eyed him from Hoseok’s side before looking down at the wraps they were munching on.
• - -
If you ask Jeongguk if there are scenes he would be afraid to act out or scenes he would not do with Taehyung, first he’d tell you he has two different answers for those questions. First, Jeongguk is not fond of reenacting scenes from serial killer movies. Certainly not if he was the serial killer. Second, Jeongguk will not do scenes with Taehyung that requires him to let go of Taehyung, in all aspects.
See Jeongguk’s journal for references and explanations with graphs.
They would often watch scenes from movies with sad endings. Above all things, they would make Jeongguk cry and Jeonguk has a reputation to keep and he would very much appreciate it if his tear ducts could hold his damn fucking tears for just one more minute. There are also times when Jeongguk would look away from the sad scenes and makes a mistake of looking at Taehyung and remember that by fact and by law, Taehyung is not his. Jungkook would like to think he would not need to let go of Taehyung’s hand. The thought makes him reach out to the older who was watching the movie silently.
“Hyung, say, we met right, but since one of us has short-term memory loss, one would always forget the other…” Jungkook starts off, fiddling with Taehyung’s pinky finger.
“We get to have many first meetings. And dates.” Taehyung giggles.
“Yes. But you would forget me.”
“Are you saying I’m Lucy?” Taehyung turns his head towards Jungkook.
“Not the point.” Jungkook laughs.
“I will never forget you.” Taehyung replies, his words hiding more emotions than what the phrase implies.
“Make sure of it.” Jungkook replies, letting go of Taehyung’s hand, afraid that he wouldn’t want to let go.
And not letting go is what he did. The two had been running around town on a spontaneous get away (around town).
+ + +
“We need to reschedule the karaoke, Gukkie. Gyeongwoo wanted me to come watch his play that Saturday.” Taehyung tells him as the older gently brushes the small towel to dry his hair and the younger munches on the biscuit on the bed.
Jungkook tries very hard to remember a movie with a character named Gyeongwoo. Or a play. He didn’t need to. “Sorry?” He asks.
“I have a date.” Taehyung rephrases.
And oh. This is the part where Jeongguk acts out on his own. A one man show. Scene one Act natural. Or act like you don’t care. Or act happy. He thinks. Perhaps this is one of those movies where he is trailing of on a one man show. A man hopelessly falling for his best friend, his supposed soulmate who was busy catching another man. Perhaps this is the part where he trails of his monologue about not needing happy endings, as long as the person he loves gets his own.
He hears the first story of an outsider during one stay over, when Taehyung suddenly tells him a name he could not quite put a face on. Gyeongwoo. Jungkook wishes he can catch on to Taehyung’s sudden antics of acting out movies and roles.
Jungkook thinks, as he watches the older’s form, dead asleep beside him, clutching tightly on the pillow that’s supposed to be Jungkook’s. This is it. This is where I admit to myself and the hyungs that I will be okay.
Jungkook learns as he watch Taehyung cancel more traditions with him and even with the group that being okay is different when you’re trying to be okay alone or with someone. He learns it’s different to be okay without Taehyung. And it’s hard.
+ + +
Jeongguk - 1
Gyeongwoo - 0
He was not keeping count. But then again, Gyeongwoo makes an honest mistake, the biggest one of his life.
It happened when he returns to his dorm room with his peached hair love of his life sat in front of his locked door, beside a plastic bag endowed with candies, sweets and probably sojus.
“LQ?” He asks, unsurprised. This would not be the first time Taehyung runs to him when he and his boyfriend (Jeongguk makes a prayer everytime he mentions that word) are in a lovers quarrel (who the fuck says quarell).
“The last.” Taehyung adds. “We broke up.” He remains on the floor, beside Jeongguk’s legs as the man in a loose plaid unlocks the door.
“Hyung did you get me cereal?” Jeongguk drops his bag on the table before rummaging to the plastic bag Taehyung brought over.
“You’re not my sugar baby.” Taehyung snorts as he starts going to the netflix app of the tv.
“I’m your baby.” Jeongguk replies and stops when he realized what he just said.
“I’m sure.” was Taehyung’s only reply.
Jeongguk did not mention the relationships they have had with other people in his speech. It was not necessary. Who would love to hear about a man’s relationship with someone else at your own wedding? No one.
“For everyone’s information, Taehyung and I made up scenarios during our university days. Completely for fun. Like platonic, maybe. We had these thoughts and found out we were thinking about the same things.” Jeongguk turns to the crowd, then returning his eyes to Taehyung. “It’s almost like a bucket list. We thought maybe, in the future, let me be the godfather of your child and you’ll be the godfather of my child. All that shit.” Everyone laughs again. “And entrust my children to you? No, hyung. No offense.” Jeongguk jokes.
“I’m not bad.’ Taehyung reasons out.
“Are you saying letting the rice cooker toast our dinner is not bad?” Jeongguk challenges.
“Product defects are not my fault.” Taehyung replies.
“Whatever, I wouldn’t want my daughter to be like, face painted like mcdonalds when she returns to my home from a sleepover with your children.”
“Jeongguk, when we graduate. Let’s move in together. Then work and save money and let’s get married. I hope you got coins to get me salmon for our wedding. You know how much I love salmon.” Taehyung turns to him.
“Of course, hyung. And chocolate cake? I’m putting our budget all on the cake.”
“Also let’s invite Obama. Once a couple sent an invitation to the White House and Mrs. Obama sent her regards to them.”
“I was thinking of inviting Yoona, but sure.”
They laughed that night. Finished each other’s words. Laughed until it was three in the morning and Taehyung’s boyfriend at that time kept on calling on a phone that was off. They laughed when all Jeongguk wants to do is scream and cry.
“Hyung, you are the best.” Jeongguk starts off again, grin not falling off his face as the crowd chuckles once again. “Once you told me, your eyes are always on me. And you did, you took care of me. Because you are that kind of person. You put me before you. All the time. Which is why you are the best. To be honest, I would not even put me before me.” Jeongguk jokes, the last part of his speech was impromptu as he tried to swallow the lump in his throat and tried to keep his speech light and filled with happiness. As happiness is what Taehyung deserves. And happiness is what Jeongguk gives Taehyung. He continues to watch Taehyung closely, as he always did. Even as Taehyung watches over him from afar. Taehyung watches over him and not the same way as Taehyung watches over Minji, a junior from the Botany Department. In Minji’s defense (against Jeongguk’s broken heart and loud thoughts) she was a person worth protecting. Minji deserved being watched over. Jeongguk things he would also watch over her and protect her if he was not so busy giving his all to Taehyung.
Jeongguk guessed the cancelled movie nights and plans during the Taehyung-Gyeongwoo era (as their group of friends dubbed it behind Taehyung) was a training for the Minji-Taehyung era. Only Jeongguk understood better now. He always did. Even if Yoongi didn’t and Jimin stopped trying to understand them both.
“Welcome to iHOP!” Jeongguk greets as he opens the door for Taehyung.
“Jeongguk, my sweet bro pal.” Taehyung greets, doing his peace sign with both hands before kicking off his shoes and plops on the floor (near the couch).
“My mom sent me cake and carbonara. It was my sister’s birthday, remember.” Jeongguk starts opening the fridge to reheat the food.
“Is it chocolate?”
“Always.” “Thank you Lord.” and Taehyung stands up to grab a fork from the kitchen and digs into the cake.
“Did you know that Minji hates carbonara? She prefers red sauce.” Taehyung shares, words muffled by the chiffon in his mouth.
“That’s sad.” Jeongguk replies.
“It’s cute.” Taehyung corrects. Taehyung finds everything about Minji cute and he thinks it’s necessary to share them to Jeongguk. Jeongguk takes them and receives them like a good ass best friend.
“Martyr.” Yoongi sadly replies as as they congregate in the table at the far left of the fast food.
“Saint Jeongguk pray for us.” Jimin adds.
“Shut up.” He replies as Namjoon sets down their food on the table, eyes on the pasta.
“Minji loves red sauce with pasta.” He absent-mindedly shares. “Taehyung said Minji loved caramel syrup with rice crisps for the sundae.” He said as he looked at the Oreo Matcha Jin was eating.
“I told you you should have had your great grand mother curse Taehyung with a love potion for him and Jeongguk.” Namjoon whispers to Yoongi as they looked at Jeongguk separate his pickles from his burger.
Taehyung had Minji for almost a year. So Jeongguk thought he could have the cute architecture major from one of his class who gave him his number.
Jeongguk and Minwoo didn’t last. Taehyung was the first to know and the first at his door with soju and chips and chocolate cake.
“Does Minji know about this?” Jeongguk asks as they enter the dorm.
“That I have a secret boyfriend I go to?” Taehyung jokes and Jeongguk just wants to fucking die.
“Asshole. I feel so honored that you cancelled plans with your girlfriend to be with me. Thank you to the management, my family, and to everyone who worked hard.” Jeongguk makes a speech, bowing once before hitting Taehyung with his bag pack.
“Whatever, now, tell me why that fuckface cheated on you.”
Jeonguk spends the evening wrapped in Taehyung’s arms, although he doesn’t know if he was crying because he caught Minwoo hitting off on another boy in another class or is it because Taehyung left his dorm that night to wrap his arms around someone else.
“This speech is getting longer. I had to squeeze a 17 year long timeline in like ten minutes probably.” Jeongguk looks at his watch for effect. “Basically, to wrap this up so everyone can continue on with the ceremony and the celebration and the booze, thank you Taehyung.” He looks at Taehyung once.
“After this, I know you will only continue to look after me, just as I will continue to look after you. I will always follow you, and stand behind you. As we continue to take on another chapter in our life, just know I will always be with you. I love you hyung.” He looks at Taehyung for the second time.
“Everyone, let’s give it up to our newly wedded couple. Congratulations Kim Taehyung and Kim Minji.” Jeongguk looks at Taehyung for the last time.
[See all works here]
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polygon-streams · 5 years
May 2nd 2019- Donk Souls
Summary: Pat plays Dark Souls again with our lovable protagonist, Magnum Kong Jr. New environments and monster types are explored (and some cool hats)!
Pat starts in and makes a face at the camera. Eyes wide, staring in glee, the game boots up
Pat acknowledges new subs, mocked the “Hey boy!” clip as it played
Snorkel_the_Dolphin is a rare game historian on twitter, subbed to Pat
Since MK was finished last stream, we’re doing Donk Souls for this stream
Typically saves parts ahead of where we were last stream, so that he has played that part of the game before stream; didn’t this time
Boots on music: Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze soundtrack
I forgot what the character looked like until he panned back to the game lmaoooo
Recap: we are on the road of sacrifices, w nasty lil bird freaks in it (they sprout from the ground and show one of their wings)
“Luckily, we have the biggest fucking hammer in the world to hit them with” (It’s actually a mace)
Pat thinks he’s gonna switch his primary weapons to be a sword and the big hammer
Pat appreciates whistling, especially w vibrato
Brushy is very good at whistling, so can Faith. Pat asks which one can whistle deeper, then tries to whistle deeply. Deepest whistle is throat singing, in Pat’s opinion
Fun fact: Pat used to be able to throat sing, but won’t on stream bc it’s very loud and he thinks he can’t anymore (I don’t care if he can) (I want to see a throat-singing Pat)
Loves the bird-people noises coming from in-the-game
Pat games over: “I got sloppy”
Pat talks about the “Thank you Sonic for 200” tweet (i don’t know what that is). People upset about bad appearance of Sonic, but Pat doesn’t think it’s gonna make a difference bc the script will still be bad. Would be more angry if your perfect image of Sonic is put in a terrible movie
Got over for uncanny valley for Pikachu bc the script seems fine, and proportions are still the same, just moved to a different format
Asks brushy if he’s allowed to have a fursona. Pat thinks he has a bird-sona. A crow or a tired dog. Maybe a borzoi, but doesn’t think he’s elegant enough
Hot take: borzoi’s are the dumbest dogs. Pat loves this
Dipped for a bit here
Doesn’t like rowdy DK music. “This is stressing me tf out”. Sets the music to be more chill. Appreciates pan flute of new song
Talks about spaghetti tech. Proper way to eat spaghetti involves swirling spaghetti between a fork and a spoon. Makes it more convenient, so that spaget doesn’t slide off. Pat has never had rare spaghetti, but has had al dente penne. Al dente spaghetti sounds hard bc hard to wrap around fork
Got a new hat, but dirty af
Finds new crab boss. “Crab hit hard!” Pat loses 1st time, but wins and gets swamp ring
Had to leave for a bit here
Someone got the voice actor for snake to say that “pee is stored in the balls” in his solid snake voice. Pat approves this, so that actor can make the most of the voice
Destroys a man’s book collection because he wouldn’t come back to his camp because he was “too stupid”. Then comes back to kill him.
“I would never put on a ring to make me smart. Magnum jr. would never do that”
The music in this part of the stream slaps in particular
“Cool hat logan”
Mentions how it started to rain outside and how it’s nice to be comfy inside!
Drinkin’ a real piece of shit beer here tonight
“It’s not a bud light it's a budweiser, bud heavy”
Mentions how here’s never had coke and pepsi together before but wants to and probably will soon, perhaps on stream
Goes to fight crystal sage (a boss he hasn’t beaten yet)
Only coke he enjoys is mexican coke rn (which is arguably the best)
Someone knocks on his door so he goes to see who it is, causing chat to go piss crazy
Comes back and says “what did you do faith” she said she drinks grinch soda, or groda, causing her to get timed out
Looks for good armor but refuses to wear one because the ass. is. not. open.
“Let’s go fight a bowass”
The music then turns to what i can only describe as what a classy clown would listen to. Still slaps tho
Has a boss fight that looks like a big ol whack a mole fight with the crystal sage
Makes a small mistake and dies “I got so stupid”
“This time we’ll just be 5% less stupid and 100% more victorious”
Mocks the boss enemies in a new york accent “ya think you’re better than me? Just cuz you know how to read some magical runes you think you’re better than me?”
Makes the sub “yee” noise when he gained a new sub
Watched The Matrix last night and said it held up and was still a good movie
Defeats the boss and sets a bonfire
Mentions how he loves keanu reeves and how he's essentially just doing what he wants
Also mentions how he already got tickets for the new John Wick movie
Says they did a really good job making it seem like a violent, horrible experience to wake up from being in the matrix.
Says he doesn’t really know which way he’s going and he’s just going!
“Hey who’s that?” as he jumps down from a cliff to attack an enemy
“I got the knives in my back, fake friends”
“I know they’re fake friends because real friends would stab me in the front” pat,,,no
Gives an update to his bathroom and says workers are still working and are isolating the ceiling problem and he hopes it’ll be over soon
He really did “hewwo” to us huh
Thanks dark souls for giving a good level design in a fight “love it, yes, excellent, perfect”
Sighs and says you can not pet the dog
Moves to a shield to help in fighting
Chat spams donuts
Memeshart begs for pat to go in a building, but Pat’s just gonna keep exploring
Finally goes into building after exploring
I have to do something urgent right now!
Character says “Redayy be careful”; Pat mocks it (I dunno what he actually said, that’s just what it sounded like)
He goes to level up Magnum jr., and buy stuff he couldn’t buy previously. Bought a really big hat that was totally worth it. Unfortunately, it covers up Magnum Jr’s face. Realizes he can’t level up yet bc he has more souls to burn
Pat admits he has not had a lot of Japanese soft drinks, largely bc people probably don’t bring them overseas much
Finds himself in a Dark Souls treasure nook, w red water. “Is this the blood-loss water?”
Pat got worms!! But the worms don’t want the fire Pat was gonna use them for. Needs to switch the torch w the worms. He also got bees
Pat recites the Bugs sound button as it plays
Gonna wrap up soon bc Thomas is live and we’re gonna raid him
Pat got two Christmas Lizards in game
Goes to fight a giant ice lizard boss, not knowing what he’s doing. Regrets this decision and leaves
Brushy got spaghetti, possibly related to earlier convos in the stream
Pat likes the gross-out art in Dark Souls. Likes that it’s a Japanese developing team taking a Western take that look diff from other Western games
Finished his wrap-around of the area, and decides to cut the stream, but will resume DS on the weekend!!
End of stream!
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firesong-writes69 · 7 years
laura at thanksgiving with carmilla’s family
Firsts: Thanksgiving Tradition
Carmilla nervously fixed the bow tie on her suit. She then wrung her hands together, shifting awkwardly in her seat, and glanced shyly at her friend.
Laura looked beautiful tonight. She wore a red sweater with a green scarf and had her hair up in a nice braid. Carmilla admired the way Laura’s eyes sparkled with how excited she was. The tiny cupcake was filled to the brim with joy.
Carmilla wasn’t normally the type to settle down. Nor to interact with other humans. She kept to herself, spending hours in the university library, reading up on philosophers like Camus and Epicurus and Seneca. She met Laura during finals week, when the poor thing was frantic about her own philosophy final and was sprawled out on the floor, books and cocoa in front of her, hair a frazzled mess.
Perhaps it was that Laura was nearly in tears. Or that she had pulled half of her hair out. But Carmilla just couldn’t sit quietly in her comfy chair and let her suffer. She wanted to help. So, pushing down the anxiety that bubbled in her chest, she curiously quips, “Y'know cupcake, you’re not going to learn any of that material with your head pressed into the textbook like that.”
“It doesn’t hurt to try.” Laura mumbles.
And from then on, their friendship blossomed. It was strange for Carmilla. Typically she didn’t make friends this well, but there was something… different about Laura.
And through Laura, she met her annoying group of ginger nerd friends. She enjoyed the company of some, Lafontaine and Perry. Others, like Kirsch or Danny, not so much. Mel was slowly growing on her; Carmilla found it funny how the no nonsense, grouchy one of the group turns to mush whenever she interacts with her girlfriend Charolette, Silas University’s personal historian. Those two are so in love it makes Carmilla gag.
“Carm?” The young woman blinked back into existence after hearing her soft voice, and discreetly hid her shaking hands beneath her legs. “Hey. Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Fine. Totally fine.”
Laura gave her a gentle smile, “Because you have literally been quiet this entire car ride and I just recited the whole script of the Bee Movie.”
Carmilla blinked, “Wait, what the fuck?”
Her friend laughed, “Just keeping you on your toes, silly. I had the radio on.”
“Christ, why am I friends with you.”
“I gave you a freshly baked batch of cookies in return for helping me ace that philosophy final,” Laura grins, and Carmilla’s stomach flips, “admit it. You only love me for the cookies and sweets.”
Carmilla grew quiet at that, blushing.
Laura cleared her throat, shaking her head to clear the awkwardness. “Anyway, thanks for letting me spend thanksgiving with you. It’s… a long way from Canada and this’ll be my first holiday season spending it without my dad. He argued with me that sending me back for a weekend trip wouldn’t be worth the money.” She smiles, “That was sweet of you, Carm.”
Carmilla smiles back, “You’re the first friend I made at Silas. I couldn’t leave you hanging.”
“Well, what do yah know. Scrooge Mcvampire really DOES have a heart.” Laura laughs, gently pinching Carm’s cheek. Sparks coursed through her entire being. She wondered if Laura felt them too. “Now. Fess up. Why are you nervous?”
Carmilla’s mouth gaped open. Damn. Laura was good. They’ve only known each other for a month, and yet, Laura could read her better than any of her siblings.
“I’m nervous about my family,” Carmilla admitted, shaking her head, “They’re a bit… um….”
Suddenly the door to Carmilla’s home burst open, causing the young woman to flinch.
Laura blinks.
“It’s BEEN THREE THOUSAND YEARS, KITTY!” A young boy bellowed, running down the stairs. He looked like a miniature version of Carm, and wore an adorable super man onesie and glasses on the bridge of his nose.
Carmilla breathed out a chuckle and opened the car door, letting herself out and engulfing the young boy into a hug.
Laura’s heart melted.
“WILLIAM LUCE MORGAN, how many times do I have to tell you, DO NOT RUN OUT OF THE HOUSE WITHOUT SHOES?! YOU’LL CATCH A COLD!” yelled a new voice, and the doorframe now revealed a glamorous-looking woman wearing a ball gown dress and diamond earrings.
Her expression changed when she saw Carmilla. “Little monster! You’re home!” She hurried over to greet them, “William, release your hold on her, give her a second to get out of the car.”
Carmilla laughs, and Laura smiles as William kept his grip on her leg while she hugs her sibling.
“Now. Are you going to be rude and not introduce me to your little friend who kindly drove you here? Or shall I go over there myself?”
“Mattie,” Carmilla grumbles.
William’s eyes brightened, “Carm’s gotta girlfriend!”
“She’s not my girlfriend, you brat!” The young woman exclaimed, hitting him across the head.
Laura giggles, loving the interaction between the three and boldly stepping over, bumping shoulders with Carm. She notices the shy smile her friend gives her and the blush forming on her cheeks.
She kindly extended her hand, “Thank you for your kind hospitality and inviting me into your home for the day. My name is Laura. Laura Hollis. I am a freshman at Silas university and currently studying journalism. Hoping a company can pick up my videos and blogs online so I can get my name out there. Admiringly… I haven’t had much luck with that one.” She scratched the back of her head, “When you’re a small town chick that’s officially flown the nest, realizing that you might not reach your goals right away really crushes the determination factor.”
Mattie smiles softly, ignoring Laura’s hand and going in for a hug, “You’ll get there someday, love. Don’t push yourself too hard. You never know when someone’s going to notice you.”
Laura felt warmth and comfort in her embrace, “At least someone else is encouraging.” She smiles shyly, eluding to the fact that her father doesn’t exactly agree with her career choice in life or find it practical. Carmilla squeezed her shoulder.
Mattie clapped her hands together, “Well. I don’t know about you three, but it’s cold as the North Pole out here and there’s a turkey waiting for us. Who here’s ready to stuff our faces and ignore all the political catastrophes going on in our government right now? Honestly, the world would be such a better place if I became the president and not that nasty, wretched Vordenburg scum.”
Carmilla’s eyes widened, “Yes. Turkey. Excellent way to start with an old American tradition, Mattie. Please lead us the way to the kitchen.” The quicker she can divert political talk, the better. She then pressed her hands onto Mattie’s back and pushed her towards their door.
Laura chuckled at them. William smiled up at her, reaching out to put his tiny hand into hers. “Carmilla likes you.”
“Of course she does, she’s my friend.”
“I mean, liiiiiiiike liiiiiikes you. She never brings anyone home. So you two should probably be getting married soon.”
“M-married?!” Laura sputtered. Shit. Kids really have no sense of time. “William, how old do you think I am?”
“I dunno. Twenty four?”
“I’m nineteen, kiddo.”
William paused. “Do you love my sister?”
Laura blushed. “I-I… w-well…” she shrugged her shoulders, “Perhaps someday.”
That seemed to be a good enough answer for the boy. “Then you’ll tell her someday.” Laura sighs, heart growing three sizes in her chest. They smiled at each other for a moment, before William shuddered and started jumping up and down, “Aaah! Cold! Cold, cold, cold, cold!”
Laura laughs, gently ushering the boy inside his home. “C'mon, kiddo. I can smell the turkey from here and it’s calling my name. You can warm up inside.”
“LAST ONE THERE IS A ROTTEN EGG!” William rushed out, leaving Laura in the dust.
Hoo boy. This certainly was going to be an interesting dinner. Laura was excited. She couldn’t wait.
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