#letter J meaning
canisalbus · 7 months
Different Italian anon, but the thing with Tuscan C is that it's pronounced like a very strong H sound, which is extra weird cuz the letter H makes no sound in Italian, normally. It sounds the way Spanish pronounce the J. We say it's "aspirato". So then people from there will say things like Hoha Hola (coca cola), and it's funny. It's also extremely contagious, I got family in Florence, you spend 3 days with them you start doing it too before you even realize.
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Crowley hates four-letter words.
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agentark · 1 year
whatever you do, don't imagine a young J Corvin waiting every day at the end of their drive, hoping today is the day the mail carrier finally brings a letter from their very best friend
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chirp-featherfowl · 1 year
"average middle grade novel protagonist gets 3 book series per lifetime" factoid actualy (sic) just statistical error. average middle grade novel protagonist gets 1 book series per lifetime. Percy Jackson,
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Back in 2017, I bought a bicycle. It's a foldable bicycle that I still have and I still use. Fast forward a bot to late 2018/early 2019, I was talking to a close group of friends and thought I should name my bike. I wasn't emotionally attached to it back then, and I'm still not, despite using it a few times a week for the past six years. And so I named my bike J (pronounced like Jay). This was for two reasons: 1. Bicycle is a long word to type when you're talking to someone through messages (and the shortened version of "bike" does not exist in my native language) and 2. I thought I could turn it into a joke that if I said things like "I'm going home with J", people outside of my friend group who would hear this would assume that I have a boyfriend and ask me who J is.
Unfortunately, no one ever did ask me that, after the quarantine in 2020 I dropped the whole thing, especially since my group of friends changed and none of the people I was spending time with were there when I came up with the idea in the first place. But for about a year or so, I did call my bike J.
Now, you might be thinking "Okay, okay. Cool story and all that, but what does this have to do with Good Omens?"
And I'm getting to that, don't worry.
Just today, I was talking to a new friend about my past and somehow ended up talking about the whole "naming my bike J" story. I haven't thought about this since I've stopped doing it.
And then it hit me.
I and Anthony Janthony Crowley did the exact same thing around the same time and despite me watching Good Omens in 2019, I never realised that. If anyone would've asked me why I named my bike J, and not B or P or K, I would've simply responded with "It's just a J, really."
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badnewswhatsleft · 4 months
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i am totally watching these for educational purposes and not just to look at his hands and the fur on his arms
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get-back-homeward · 1 year
The following day, two of the Beatles were sitting in the Kardomah café. Their Wednesday-night Cavern residency was preceded this week by a lunchtime session, and John and Paul were still in the habit of staying in town on such days, idling away afternoons in “the KD.” This time they were chatting to one of John’s old mates from art school, who then said, “I believe Brian Epstein is managing you—which one of you does he fancy?” It was just a bit of lads’ banter, something that often came up behind Brian’s back, along with digs about him being Jewish. Nothing more would have been said about it if one of the two Beatles (or both) hadn’t then relayed the comment to Brian’s face. He was mortified. It was a stain on his character; it was combustible, in view of homosexual acts being illegal; and, because he was still denying this side of his life to the Beatles, it was a direct challenge for him to respond. Forty-eight hours later, Brian turned the matter over to his lawyer; and seven days after passing the comment, John’s friend from art school was dumped deep in it.
We have been consulted by Mr. Brian Epstein who instructs us that on the February 21st last in the Kardomah Café, Church Street, Liverpool, you uttered a certain highly malicious and defamatory statement concerning him to two members of the Beatles. We are instructed that in the course of a conversation you said, “I believe Brian Epstein is managing you. Which one of you does he fancy?” The unwarranted innuendo contained in that remark is perfectly clear and is one to which our client takes the gravest possible exception and the damaging nature of which has caused him considerable anxiety and distress. He is not prepared to tolerate the utterance of such remarks by you and we accordingly have to require that we receive by return your written apology together with an undertaking that this or similar remarks will not be made by you in the future.
The apology and undertaking arrived by return of post and that was the end of the matter—but it was another hard and damaging episode for Brian.
From Tune In (Ch. 25: Feb 6–Mar 8, 1961)
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schnaf · 4 months
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22 days until ode's 22nd birthday
day 9 - peak festival 2023
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prodigalhound · 9 months
smiths fans are truly some of the worst and it is mostly popular band syndrome I KNOW but it still makes me wanna kms
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jonahmagnus · 25 days
ur the only person i know who would probably have feelings on this. how do you feel abt CC's name maybe possibly being Dave
I know that video! I feel fine/good about it. At this point, I dont really care what her real name is lol, but this seems pretty plausible. Way more plausible than Evan, anyways :]
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atrirose · 7 months
it’s still amazes me that all you tumblr authors have a life outside this app and are working/studying 😭 we love women in stem
okay uhm idk if that’s an insult 😭
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yugiohz · 7 months
nauuuur bc i've had kafka's letters to felice on my to read for months now and that one's pretty long is it really so bad?
Huh no its not bad
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High Priestess Card: refers to the unconscious mind and the most spiritual part of the psyche. This is a card that deals with intuition, and generally introspective patterns of behavior.
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please dont delete yourself
omg no, i didn’t actually mean it ㅠㅠ
i say stuff like that all the time, so i don’t really notice it anymore but i’m not going to do anything like that
i’m just a little frustrated is all; it’s just a short drabble but i still spent hours on that, made new dividers etc, just for it not to show up in tags and therefore basically dying right out the gate, it just doesn’t feel very good; but i also didn’t want to post it without the art bc the artist also worked hard on it and it would make me feel a little icky to sweep that under the rug
thank you for caring though <3
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lexa-griffins · 2 years
What acts does Lexa feel kinda embarrassed to ask Clarke to do for her so she feels pampered?
It's the small little things that get Lexa very awkward and embarrassed to ask. Asking for her feet rubbed because they are swollen and uncomfortable from being on her feet with the added weight of the baby is a huge one. Asking for a specific food is also hard for her. Asking the Polis' cooks to get her something particular was never a issues although it rarely happened but asking Clarke to go get her food she's craving from the kitchen or the market stalls is somehow really embarrassing. An orgasm too. Seems silly but Lexa doesn't want to really have sex, she just wants to cum but by herself it's not the same but it feels selfish to ask that of Clarke.
I think Lexa would have a hard time asking for things that are almost insignificant, she doesn't want to ask Clarke to do such small things for her even if she feels like crying with how hard she wants them. She never really learns how to ask for those things, at least not in her first pregnancy, but although there are some things Clarke can't really guess she tends to have a pretty good read on Lexa and what she desperately wants but refuses to ask :)
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hanmegumi · 2 years
jake peralta 😈
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one of the only men out there fr
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