annabelle--cane · 11 months
did you really eat a banana while sleepwalking
I did, and I think it may be the only time I've ever sleepwalked. I was eight and woke up one morning thinking "I can't wait to have that last banana for breakfast" only for my mother to tell me that she'd seen me eat it at three a.m. but I had no memory of the event. the heartbreak was immeasurable.
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aidanchaser · 3 months
🛌 🙌 💖 !!
ohhhh some good ones~~ thank you!
from this ask game
🛌 What's a trope you haven't written, but want to?
Usually if there's a trope i want to explore, I will just do it. But I did mention I haven't played much in the fake dating or one bed space enough, particularly as someone who's fond of reading those tropes!
🙌What's a line or paragraph of yours that you're proud of?
oh no this is the third time ive gotten this question and now i have to find a third piece of writing i'm proud of?? I'm going to leave the ML fandom for a minute and dip back into old HP stuff. I am very, very, very proud of the scene in the forest where Harry uses the stone. the "brave for a moment" line came to me while driving and I used my notes app voice to text to jot it down immediately and held onto it for literal years until i reached the ending of this absurd project
A ghostly, human-like shape appeared before Harry. It glowed bluish-white at its centre, and the light seemed to harden into the details of a figure who was not especially familiar to Harry, but conjured up the feeling of grief all the same. Peter Pettigrew, round-faced, wide, with teeth a bit too large for his small smile, and scraggly, unkempt sideburns on the side of his face that were a bit like whiskers appeared before Harry. He did not look as he had in Regulus’ memories, but Harry could still see the traces of that insecure boy in this ghostly shape. And, as Harry remembered all the bits he knew of Peter Pettigrew — that he enjoyed chess, that he was as strategic as Remus, that he had been afraid of the war, that he had stood between Voldemort and James — the ghostly shape took on colour, much like a photograph being painted. Pink bloomed in his cheeks and red filled in the dark cuffs of his sleeves. He did not look alive, exactly, but he no longer looked lifeless. Peter Pettigrew sucked in a deep breath, and his heavy cheeks quavered as he let it out. “You really do look like your father,” he said. Harry swallowed. He had half-expected Dumbledore, but he supposed if it had been Dumbledore, he would not have had the strength to finish this task. “I know I have to go, but…” Harry bit down on his lip, afraid to give a voice to his fears. He had learned bravery from his parents, and he had also learned that a lot of bravery came from silencing fear. Peter seemed to understand, and Harry remembered that Peter had been a Marauder just as James, Sirius, and Remus. He must have known the same sort of bravery and mischief that Harry had spent his entire life surrounded by. “You only have to be brave for a moment,” Peter said. Harry’s breath caught in his throat. He could do that. He could be brave for a moment.
💖 Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
Oh no. This is like asking me to choose a favorite child; I love them all! But also... i have concerns about each one too.
Like, it's hard to say that Gryffindor Blood is my pride and joy because it's a Harry Potter fic. And I'm not proud of my HP fics because I'm in no way proud of HP. I am, however, very proud of how much I grew as a writer because of the HP Everyone Lives project. I'm proud of the friends I made because of that project. I'm proud of the commitment I achieved because of that project.
If I had to pick a fic I love unequivocally, I think it would be On the Outside Looking In, the Hans redemption fic I wrote back in 2014. I had a blast fleshing out the characters for that short fic. It's not my best writing, but I had a good time doing it.
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thequibblah · 1 year
i have to say come together (or if it's already been done/no snippets for now, ghost stories?)
“This is going to be the most unbearable…period of my life,” Sirius muttered.
🎶 and then he went to wizard prison 🎶
ask me about my wips
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kay-elle-cee · 2 months
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kitconnor · 9 months
ruby, rose, blush?
ruby: whats something you were proud of when you were younger?
my flexibility !! i was that kid who could bend in half - i still can if i warm up 😭
rose: if you could choose anything at all to do for a day, what would it be?
i answered rose here :)
blush: who's your favourite author?
chloe gong, i adore her smmmm i've bought all her books in the best editions i can afford (despite international shipping costs </3)
red asks 🍓
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emeralddoeadeer · 10 months
Freeze ❣️ You’re under arrest for being so lovely. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Nothing bad will happen if you break the chain, but if you keep the game going you can make others feel beautiful! (right back at you!)
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Thank you, lovely <3
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quillsand · 1 year
bamboo, sage, aloe vera?
bamboo ⇢ do you change into a different outfit when you get home?
short answer is no. longer answer: i wear pretty much the same thing absolutely every day (winter version = black long sleeved top and black jeans. summer version = black t-shirt and black shorts.) so i do not usually change unless the temperature has shifted dramatically
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
probably fiction. storytelling, you know? we have always been telling stories and we always will!!! everything is a story
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
i want to go on a sleeper train sooooo badly. i think it would be the greatest thing ever to wake up in a moving train and sit up and watch the world roll by outside the window. i think that would be incredible
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unknowableroom · 2 years
✉ ✦ ♪ :)
hello friend!!!!! v sorry for the delayed reply to this but
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send me an ask for the handwriting game!
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happy birthday!! hope you have a great day <3
Thanks so much!!
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obiwan · 2 years
top 5 funniest memes
you know, i've read this and i forgot every meme that has ever existed.
me: okay what are the funniest memes? my brain: what is a meme?
I don't know if it counts, but the invention of stick figure gore has been the best thing for me. Finally I can express how I really feel. OH and Ben Affleck smoking.
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sage and peach <3
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oh right back at you Hafsa! 💕💕💕
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annabelle--cane · 1 year
happy birthday!!! hope you have a great day
THABK YIU. 🧡 <- for you
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aidanchaser · 10 months
🌝 🖊 💖
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
This is a toughie! If I have an idea for a character I usually just take it and run. I have very little self-control. I will say I haven't really done any Juleka/Rose or Marc/Nathaniel stories and I wouldn't mind exploring those pairings more. Just some normal high school queer kids would be fun to write. I'm currently reading some high school YA so maybe I'll write something more that vibe!
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
“You said you talked to your mother last night?” he asked, voice careful. But Félix knew the question Adrien was truly asking and he hated both how close Adrien was to the truth and yet how far he still was. “She didn’t do this.” “You’d tell me if she did?” “Do you really think she would?” “No… but… when she and my father get angry, they… they aren’t always themselves.” Félix tasted the question on his tongue and he found no resistance. Tentatively, he asked, “Has your father ever struck you before?” “No, never. But—” Adrien swallowed. “But sometimes I think he wants to, until he sees my mother in my face.” I don’t know if that would stop him, considering you and I have the same face, Félix thought, but if it was his own courtesy or Gabriel’s command that held his tongue, he couldn’t say. “For better or worse, he does want you to be happy,” Félix finally said, knowing it was as close to the full truth as he was allowed to get. “I suppose that’s something,” Adrien murmured.
💖What do you like most about your own writing?
I really like finding the large and epic in the mundane. I like taking a small thing, like two characters having a conversation while doing dishes, but there's the underlying question of absolving wrongs or something like that. Or for example, the snippet I posted (I went through 3 different wip selections before settling on this one) which is just Adrien and Felix talking about the bruises on their cheeks, but indirectly talking about the emotional wounds that run deeper. And I think I'm pretty good at that kind of stuff!
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thequibblah · 2 years
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@sunshinemarauder @kay-elle-cee @letthebookbegin YOU ARE CONFUSING PEOPLE WHO ARE GENUINELY UNSURE NOW 😭😭😭
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kay-elle-cee · 8 months
trick or treat!
Hafsa! Thank you for this, friend! For you, I will give you the ONLY bit I have (half-written) from Act 2 of And The Roar Will Rise! (I'm determined to finish this before the end of the year, so I plan on that being my next big focus!) I expect this to change some, but I hope it satisfies!
“I ought to hex you for being so spineless,” she glares, wand gripped tightly in her hand. “Spineless?” He repeats low, his voice simmering.  “This cause actually matters to some of us, you know?” “Oh and it doesn’t matter to me?” “Apparently not! Not if you’re so willing to just throw us all aside." “You heard what [redacted] said—they [redacted]." “And so you just give up? Doesn’t seem like the James Potter I know.” “Yeah, well maybe you don’t know him at all.”
Trick or Treat in my ask box! 👻
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zofias · 10 months
happy birthday!! hope you have a wonderful day
thank you!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕
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