#lew stuff
vivwritesfics · 7 days
my ginger ass has just seen a video of lew talking about how he was advised to eat the freshest ginger he could find and.... needed to share that with you guys
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cloudyfacewithjam · 2 months
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SAS: Rogue Heroes out of context
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wszczebrzyszynie · 2 months
Ogólnie to właśnie zobaczyłem twojego ostaniego posta z naklejkami i przypomniało mi się - chciałem się zapytać jak robisz te naklejki? Bo wyglądają świetnie i chętnie bym coś takiego spróbował zrobić dla siebie!
Z góry sorry jeżeli już odpowiedziałeś na takie pytanie btw
generalnie robię naklejki w moim normalnym programie (clip studio w moim przypadku) i zapisuję je bez tła jako png. Wrzucam je do photoshopa (mam spiraconego portable z mojej szkoły bo nie chcieli inwestować w adobe xd) i w stylach wybieram "obrys". Ilość pikseli i kolor zależy od widzimisię, chodzi tylko o to bym mógł je rozmieścić dobrze na pliku A4 później. Zmieniam profil na CMYK, rozdzielczość na 300dpi i rozmiar na około 5-7cm w wysokości. Tak przygotowaną naklejkę kopiuję i rozmieszczam na pliku A4 by było w miarę ekonomicznie i drukuję normalnie na papierze samoprzylepnym (kupiłem blok 50 arkuszy z allegro za chyba 15zł xd color way photo paper bodajże. Jak na cenę jest całkiem ok - trzeba się przyzwyczaić do kolorów i je wyczuć trochę (w opcjach obrazu kontrast i jasność trzeba poprawiać dużo), bo wychodzą bardzo jasne, i sam papier jest trochę... nie wiem, nie jest gładki do końca? ale jest dość odporny na wodę np. i klej trzyma dobrze. Kiedyś może zainwestuję w jakiś inny i zrobię testy) i wycinam ręcznie bo nie mam plotera. i to w sumie tyle
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klykcielewe · 3 months
Jagna Sosjerka, 29.02.2024
Horoskop na następny miesiąc dla wszystkich znaków zodiaku. Live Laugh Love Zoozve
Horoskop na marzec - Baran (21 marca - 19 kwietnia) Mature, Multi, No Archive Warnings Apply, Work in Progress
Horoskop na marzec - Byk (20 kwietnia - 20 maja) Dobrze, niech gnije.
Horoskop na marzec - bliźnięta (21 maja - 20 czerwca) Jebać bernadetę żmijowiec
Horoskop na marzec - Rak (21 czerwca - 22 lipca) Kolorowe zegarki i blaszane jarmarki. Podziękuj ładnie cioci, no dalej. Zasięgnij drugiej opinii.
Horoskop na marzec - Lew (23 lipca - 22 sierpnia) Mwah ;)
Horoskop na marzec - Panna (23 sierpnia - 22 września) Będzie fajnie. Ponudzisz się i umrzesz.
Horoskop na marzec - Waga (23 września - 22 października) Jeśli wszyscy będziemy kochać ten świat wystarczająco mocno, jest dla niego nadzieja.
Horoskop na marzec - Skorpion (23 października - 21 listopada) Uważaj na gospodynię ze Słonecznej 6. Jest na Ciebie cięta, a jak ona jest na kogoś cięta to wohooo
Horoskop na marzec - Strzelec (22 listopada - 21 grudnia) 6 x 7 = 42
Horoskop na marzec - Koziorożec (22 grudnia - 19 stycznia) Przegryw. hehe
Horoskop na marzec - Wodnik (20 stycznia - 18 lutego) Nie przejmuj się za mocno rzeczami, na które nie masz wpływu. Pamiętaj, żeby robić przerwy w pracy. Chodź na spacery, kiedy tylko pogoda będzie sprzyjać. 
Horoskop na marzec - Ryby (19 lutego - 20 marca) WIEWIÓRKA ZA TOBĄ PATRZ WIEWIÓRKA
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princemick · 1 year
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rainbow of designs!!
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acrosstobear · 2 years
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MICK SCHUMACHER’s 2022 US GP ⇉ a summary, part 1
✅ proud little brother honouring his sister on his helmet  ✅ trying out virtual golf ⛳️ ✅ receiving a fancy new pair of cowboy boots 🤠 ✅ special home race livery & suits for Haas ✅ serving looks and body even more in the new suit ✅ did i mention the livery shoot was in a bar? 😳 ✅ wore his own merch honouring his dad ✅ signed a mini helmet for a cute kid ✅ jeans????? fashion!Mick????? 👖
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drivelikescooters14 · 6 months
Tell me more about this Alfonzo character I am very interested in knowing everything about him
Oh my goodness, I never thought someone would be interested in him! Thank you!!! Anyway, I suppose basic information would be good…
Alfonzo grew up in a nice town, his mom was a librarian and his dad was a shopkeeper. I have zero clue why I made him green but due to that decision I made him cousins with Johnny Fiama. He grew up frequently visiting Johnny and always brought him a little homemade gift, Alfonzo is just a very wholesome guy. Once he got older and joined the Muppets, he frequently hung around the Electric Mayhem and occasionally played backup instruments for them when needed. He also likes hanging around Lew Zealand, nobody really knows why. I’d like to think him and Lips were collage buddies or something (I’m just messing around at this point) Anyway, he plays the acoustic guitar and trombone, but can also play the violin. He enjoys just hanging around and listening to music. (My friends call him a massive hippie)
yeah, that’s all you really gotta know :] (I am so sorry that this response is so long, I just needed to get my character out there)
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cowlovely · 8 months
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"your top 10 favorite shows can say a lot about your personality"
tagged by @zhalar to showcase my top 10 favorite tv shows! (thank you so much <3)
it took me. soooo long to narrow it down to 10, but i think i’m happy with this selection! also this isn’t really in any particular order, i mostly just paired posters up that looked nice together 👍
tagging some pals, but as always, no pressure! :) @aturnoftheearth @pasta-w1tch @stsalt @danneelswife @lesbiansidney @gaywerewolftransgender @pinoruno
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topherwrites · 4 months
fuck... am i going to have to learn about a new marvel character...
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russilton · 1 year
Well it’s clear there ain’t nothing that’ll stop George from taking after Lewis, including hanging out with his problematic buds
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remwrites · 1 year
🌹 ??
ask game: for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing
The sand was in Grian's shoes, coming along for the ride.
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vivwritesfics · 15 days
Hey guys,
So my Rhett Abbott series, Wishing, Wanting, Yours For The Taking, is a much bigger project than i anticipated. Now i'm not gonna stop writing it, but I have a different Rhett Abbott series in the works, one that I feel is better and will be easier to write.
This series is a soulmate AU, one where Rhett and our dear reader can communicate in their minds but can't give any indication as to who they are. As Rhett goes through the events of the show, dear reader (who Rhett has nicknamed Muffin) is there through it all.
Now, to post this one I will be taking WWYFTT down. I will release it again one day, but, for now, they're going to sit in my drafts while I work on more of it.
Now, I'm gonna tag those of you in my rhett taglist as well as those in the wwyftt taglist, just let me know if you want to be in the taglist for the new series
Rhett Taglist: @writtingrose
WWYFTT: @aestheticaltcow
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cloudyfacewithjam · 2 months
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David Stirling + being irresistible
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zhimaqiu · 8 months
Lepiej by ktoś jeszcze miał obsesje na punkcie Kłykci Prawych i Kłykci Lewych, bo mi smutno samemu czytać o przygodach w tych cudownych wsiach
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mummer · 8 months
the thing is (5 books in) book mat’s central tragedy is that he knows he’s a side character. vs show mat, who thinks he’s a villain. this is kinda the true genius of the wheel-as-metatext element of worldbuilding and mat as a story conscious character… either way you do it, it’s versatile.. book mat is screaming crying throwing up because he doesnt want to be a predetermined figure in a story (doomed) but he doesnt want to not matter to the story either. the fact that he’s trapped bc he isnt the hero so he cant influence the story but he does matter enough to be hurt by it.. being a marginal figure in your own life unable to change anything.. the way he fervently rails against being constrained by the story and his role but he cant escape it.. woe prophecy of prescribed heterosexuality be upon you.. the fact that he LITERALLY has the thing from rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead where he always rolls the same number on his dice. trapped trapped trapped. butttt show mat is trapped in the same way judas is trapped in HIS story. bro thinks hes ishamael… literally doomed to betray and kill ur best friend type deal and then hang urself because there is something inherently wrong with you… not just your addiction issues and familial abuse making u think youre just gonna continue the cycle (and the magic cursed dagger that makes uou explode and be evil), but COMPOUNDED with being metatextually destined to kill your best friend that you might be in love with maybe idk. because thats your role. to be destructive and depressive and failed. What the fuck kind of chemicals did they put in this fella. and in no one else. Punting robert jordan about like a football
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princemick · 13 days
OK! new graphics requests r open! this time the theme is movie poster so!!! send me:
a poster request of a driver/hockey player + movie (for example: charles + kill bill 2)
a request with a driver/player + a movie name + genre (for example: ferwis + spygate + spy movie)
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