#lewis nixon x wife!reader
mads-weasley · 1 year
Lewis Nixon x Reader
A/N: can i just say, SPEAK NOW TV IS AMAZING!!! literally my childhood. after hearing "timeless" and instantly falling in love with it, i got the sudden inspiration to write! hbo owns the rights, and this is about the fictional portrayal of easy company on the show. nothing but love and respect for veterans on this blog! Enjoy!
Summary: The Nixons look back on their life as they're preparing to move.
Warnings: major fluff
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Nixon, New Jersey: 1985
"Mom, why couldn't I have stayed at home? I don't want to go through Gran and Gramp's junk!"
Mary took a deep breath and restrained from exploding on her 14-year-old daughter. "They've lived in this house for almost 40 years, Kimberly, so naturally we need a ton of help getting them moved out."
Rolling her eyes, she sat on the floor with a huff, grabbing the nearest box. She opened it and discovered it was filled to the brim with photographs. Most were black and white, but the ones near the top were vibrant with color. Those dated back to around 71' when Kim was born. Smiling to herself, she sorted through her own pictures first before moving on to the older, monochrome photos.
The first one she pulled out was of her parents, dressed to the nines at a school dance. Mary was wearing a beautiful aqua dress with her hair pulled back into a teased bun. Kim chuckled at the giant beehives girls used to style their hair in.
"Don't even, Kim," her mother smirked, going through a box of her own. "Hair like that was all the rage in the 60s."
The teenager flipped the photo over. "What year was this?"
Scooting over to her daughter, Mary fondly looked at the picture. "I think it was our senior prom, so 1967, I think. Your father proposed to me a few months after that."
Soon, the duo went through the rest of the box but stopped when they saw a bundle of paper and photos at the bottom of it.
"What's this?" Kim whispered, picking up the stack and inspecting it. "Are these letters?"
Before she could open one up, two battered photos slid out of the bundle, falling onto the hardwood floor. As Kim picked them up, she froze.
"Is this Gram and Gramps?" Gaped Kim.
Nodding slowly, her mother took the photos from her, looking over them herself. "I've never even seen these before."
The black-and-white pictures depicted a couple kissing goodbye during the war and the same couple laughing as they ran out of a church on their wedding day, rice flying through the air.
Each had a date and description on the back.
Our wedding day - July 10, 1940
Lew leaving for basic training - 1942
Before either could comment, another voice filled the room.
"I see you've found our photo albums. Lew! They're in here!"
(Y/n) Nixon walked in and sat on a nearby couch, gesturing for the bundle. A few seconds later, her husband of 43 years strolled into the room, his signature smirk on his face. "I told you we put them in this closet, honey."
"Lewis Nixon, you liar," (y/n) laughed. "Not five minutes ago, you were saying that you put them in the garage!"
Throwing his hands up in surrender, he ruffled his granddaughter's hair before sitting next to his wife on the couch. "Are you gonna let her talk to me like that, squirt?"
Kim cackled, enjoying their banter. "Most of the time, you deserve it, Gramps."
Lew looked at his daughter with raised eyebrows. "She sure is your daughter, alright."
"And your granddaughter," quipped (y/n).
Looking down at the box in his wife's arms, Lewis smiled to himself as he reached for the picture of them on their wedding day. "I remember this like it was yesterday."
"Me too. There's no way it was forty-some years ago."
Kissing (y/n)'s temple, he pulled her close to him. "If it's any consolation, you still look as beautiful as the day I first saw you."
Getting up from the floor, Kim moved and sat next to the couple. "How did you two meet again? I know you've told me, but I forgot."
Lew placed an arm around her and took a deep breath. "Well, Grams and I met in a diner when she got blinded by my beauty and spilled water all over me."
"Lewis," (y/n) scoffed, hitting his chest playfully.
He smirked. "Alright, alright. She tripped and fell for me."
"Here we go again," Mary joked as she prepared for the story she'd heard a million times but never tired of...
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Nixon, New Jersey: 1938
It was a hot and sunny Saturday in August when 19-year-old Lewis Nixon and his best friend, Bobby Monroe, escaped the latest highfaluting party held at the Nixon residence. Even though the depression still gripped the country, affluent families like the Nixons and the Monroes didn't have to worry about money like everybody else.
"You hungry?" Lew asked, already anticipating his friend's answer.
Bobby rolled his eyes. "Always. I'll do anything to get away from these stupid things."
"I know how you feel. It's always, 'Lewis, this is Mr. Johnson. And this is his snobby daughter, Alice, or whatever that one's name is."
Hopping into Lewis' brand new Lincoln Zephyr, they set out for the nearby town of Edison, New Jersey.
As they drove, Bobby looked around them, contemplating his food options. "Where do you want to go, Lew?"
"I heard there is a new place up the street called Morgan's Cafe. Wanna try it?"
"As long as they've got edible food, I'm in," Bobby chuckled, clutching his growling stomach. "I'm starving!"
"Good thing it's right here, then.”
After parking, the boys entered the diner with a ding and sat down at a window booth.
“Welcome to Morgan’s! We’ll be with you in a moment,” a soft voice called from the back of the diner.
Minutes later, while the boys were deep in conversation, the kitchen doors opened, and what Lew saw stole the words from his mouth. His gaze was stuck on the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. The boy couldn't help but feel captivated by the girl's dazzling smile, stunning (y/h/c) hair, and cute pink diner uniform, which left him speechless.
Noticing his friend's expression, Bobby looked over his shoulder to see what the big fuss was. He immediately understood as the girl rounded the table, handing them menus with a smile.
"Hi, my name is (y/n), and I'm going to be your server today. What can I get you two fellas to start out?"
Both of the teenagers mind's were thinking one thing:
'What a dame!'
Bobby broke the awkward silence, clearing his throat. "Could I have an RC Cola, please?"
"Sure thing," she nodded, turning to Nixon, who still couldn't form a coherent thought. "What would you like to drink?"
Words? What were words? What were thoughts? All Lewis knew was that the girl, no, young woman, in front of him was stunning. He looked like a deer in headlights as she spoke to him. Luckily, Bobby kicked his friend's leg under the table, breaking him from his trance.
"I'll have a water, please."
"Alrighty," she chirped. "I'll be right back with those."
The boys' eyes followed her until she disappeared behind the kitchen doors. At the same time, they turned toward each other with wide eyes.
"Wow. I've never seen a girl leave you speechless, Lew."
Chuckling, he ran his hand through his hair. "I know. And that's saying something."
In the few minutes she was in the kitchen, Lewis racked his brain for things to say to her. He didn't want to sound like a jerk but wanted to make an impression. Most of the time he met girls, he was introduced by his mother or father at their dinner parties, so he didn't fully know how to act in his current situation.
As (y/n) emerged from the kitchen and strolled over, his heart pounded as he tried to maintain his composure. Unbeknownst to her, a small wrinkle in the floor mat lay in wait for an unsuspecting victim. As fate would have it, amid her stride, her foot caught on the edge and caused her to stumble forward. Time seemed to slow down as she desperately tried to stop the drinks from flying towards the boys.
Lewis, caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events, could only watch in disbelief as the impending disaster unfolded. His half-confident demeanor vanished, replaced by an expression of mild shock and bemusement.
Within seconds, the glass of water made contact with Lew's finely tailored suit, showering him with a cascade of cool, refreshing water. Droplets splashed against his lapel, forming a constellation of wet spots across the fabric, while rivulets trickled down, leaving a damp trail on his pants
As the initial surprise washed over him, the teenager's face transformed into a mixture of surprise and amusement. His lips curled into a half-smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling with genuine humor. Instead of frustration, a sense of amusement colored his reaction. A completely dry Bobby busted out laughing the same time Lew did, knowing the boy could care less about his freshly dry-cleaned suit.
(Y/n)'s cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she rushed to his side, her hands instinctively reaching for napkins to remedy the situation.
Her voice tinged with apologies, "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to trip, and then the water... It was an accident, I swear!"
Lewis's face reddened at her touch as he extended a hand to stop her frantic efforts. His smile remained intact, radiating warmth and understanding with a touch of nervousness.
"Don't worry about it. Accidents happen-"
She stepped back slightly, looking at his suit worriedly as she interrupted him. "I'll pay for it to be cleaned. I-I'm so sorry. "
A genius plan came to his mind, and his smile formed into a little smirk. "I know how you can make it up to me."
His swagger was back.
"How?" She asked, hand rubbing her face in embarrassment. "I'll do just about anything."
"Go on a date with me?" He shrugged.
Her embarrassed expression changed into a grin at his question. "I think that can be arranged...." She prompted, unsure of his name.
"Lewis. Lewis Nixon," he stuck out his hand, winking when she took it gently. "When can I pick you up?"
As the pair locked eyes, it felt like they were the only ones in the diner. Electricity ran through them, warming their bodies on the already hot day. Lew noticed a slight blush creeping up her neck and thought it was adorable.
"I get off at 5," she whispered, writing her name and number on a nearby napkin. "Pick me up here?"
He stood and motioned for Bobby to get up. "Sounds like a plan, sweetheart."
Bobby pulled a few dollars out of his wallet and attempted to hand it to the girl. "Here, this is for the drinks."
Keeping her eyes on Lew's soft browns, she shook her head. "Don't worry about it. It's on the house."
In a moment of courage, he leaned down and kissed her on the cheek as he walked toward the door. "See you at 5, (y/n)."
"See you then, Lewis."
The rest was history.
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Nixon, New Jersey: 1985
Kimberly's jaw was on the floor at the end of their story. "So you're telling me you basically fell for Gramps the day you met?"
With a chuckle, (y/n) glanced over at her husband who wore a proud grin. "I guess I did, Kim."
"And two years later, we got married," Lewis stated. "But I knew after our second date I was going to marry her."
Kim, already becoming a lovesick pre-teen, was in awe at their story and had to know more. "What happened when the war started?"
At the mention of the war, Lewis' eyes went to the ground. Even after forty years, the horrid images still flashed in his mind. Luckily, (y/n) answered with a tense smile.
"Your Gramps left in the spring of 1942 after Pearl Harbor was attacked. We'd only been married for two years when he left, and saying goodbye was one of the hardest things I've ever done."
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New Brunswick Train Station, New Jersey: May 1942
(Y/n) had tried to prepare herself for her husband's departure since he'd volunteered, but when the time came, all preparation went out the window. The reality of where he was going was everpresent in her mind as they walked hand and hand towards the train platform.
She looked up at a wall clock hung beside them: 12:20. They had ten minutes before he'd have to leave. (Y/n)'s heart was aching at the thought of being without the love of her life for an unknown period of time. She refused to even entertain the idea that he might not come back.
Reaching the correct platform, the couple stopped and turned to face one another. (Y/n) had tears in her eyes as she studied his face, committing every detail to memory. The weight of their imminent separation hung heavily in the air.
(Y/n)'s voice trembled as she spoke, her eyes filled with both love and fear. "Lew, promise me you'll come back. Promise me you'll stay safe."
She threw her arms around his neck, burying her face in his shoulder as she added, "I know you can't promise, but I just need to hear you say it. Please."
"I'll come back to you," he whispered into her hair, trying to memorize what it felt like to hold her in his arms. "I promise."
Pulling away, what was left of (y/n)'s resolve cracked at a stray tear that leaked down her husband's face. She broke into sobs, and Lewis had to hold in his own as he pulled her back into his embrace.
"I don't know what I'm going to do without you, Lew. I don't think I can do this."
He leaned back and gently wiped her tears off of her shining cheeks before cupping them softly. "You can, (y/n). You're the strongest person I know. We can do this, sweetheart."
The train whistle blew loudly, announcing that boarding had started, and (y/n)'s heart dropped to her stomach. The clock read 12:37. How could she say goodbye to her whole world in 3 minutes?
(Y/n) held onto him tightly, burying her face in his shoulder. "Oh, Lew, I love you more than words can say. I'll be here waiting for you, praying for your safe return every day."
He kissed her forehead, his touch gentle and tender. "I love you too, (y/n), more than life itself. I'll write to you as much as I can, and be waiting for yours. We'll make it through this together."
As the distant sound of a train whistle pierced the air again, she looked up at Lewis, her voice trembling. "Kiss me."
Their final kiss was a bittersweet embrace, filled with an amalgamation of longing, love, and unspoken words. (Y/n)'s delicate fingers brushed against Lewis' cheek as he cupped her face gently, his touch warm and comforting. Their lips met, and time seemed to stand still, capturing the intensity of their affection.
(Y/n) could taste the slight saltiness of her own tears mingling with the sweetness of his lips. She memorized the sensation—the gentle pressure, the soft warmth—as if etching it into her very being. It was a kiss that conveyed a deep yearning, a longing to hold onto this moment forever. But just as their embrace deepened, the piercing sound of a train whistle shattered the tranquility of the station.
They reluctantly broke apart, breaths mingling in the air as their gazes locked on each other. Time stood suspended between them, as if holding its breath, reluctant to let go of their connection.
With a teary smile, he picked up his bags and backed away toward the train car. "I love you," he called over his shoulder. "See you soon., sweetheart."
As the train's doors started to close, reality pressed upon them. They stood there, eyes locked until the very last second, etching the image of each other's faces in their hearts.
And as the train pulled away, taking her husband further from her, (y/n) Nixon stood alone on the platform. She touched her lips, still tingling from their final kiss, a mixture of love and sorrow overwhelming her. She whispered, as if he could hear her across the distance, "Come back to me, Lew. Please, come back."
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Nixon, New Jersey: 1985
"Over the 12-hundred-some days that we were separated, a week didn't go by that I didn't write Lew. He wrote when he could, and it always made my heart skip a beat when I'd get a letter from him."
(Y/n) reached into the box and grabbed the large stack of letters. "I still can't believe you kept these after all this time."
Lewis' gaze turned from the ground to his wife with misty eyes. "I could never get rid of them. Your letters were what got me through."
Growing up, anytime Lew spoke about the war, it was only to tell a story about his friends Dick, Harry, and Ron. Even some of those times, he got a far-off look that Mary could recognize. (Y/n) quickly shot her daughter a look, and Mary gently took Kim by the arm.
"Come on, Kimmy. Let's go sort through my old stuff."
Getting up, the 12-year-old wore a confused look. "But we're not done looking thro-"
Mary raised her eyebrows at the pre-teen, ushering her out the door. "Come on."
Once they were out of the room, he gently took the bundle from (y/n) and removed the rubber band holding them all together. Lew randomly grabbed one from his lap and started reading it.
"This one's from January 7th of 45'."
"My Dear Husband,
I hope things are going better than what we've been hearing at home. The fighting in Belgium sounds horrifying. All I can do is pray that you're not there, Lew. I know you haven't been able to write, and deep down, I know you're there. If my gut is right, be careful, darling. I need you to come back to me after all this ends.
On a higher note, I finally caved and got a dog! You'd love her, Lew! She's the most adorable cocker spaniel named Ruby. I've had her for a few weeks and have fallen in love with her cute personality. People who say dogs don't have personalities are stupid. She does this thing where she'll come sit next to me on the couch and listen to me rant about my day. And on the nights when I'm struggling, she'll snuggle next to me and lay her head on my chest. It's like she's trying to tell me everything is gonna be okay.
Even with her here with me, I still miss you more than anything. I feel like a piece of me is missing without you here beside me. Everything feels wrong without you here. Christmas was really hard. Who am I to talk about my life being hard? You're goodness know's where fighting in a war. All this goes to say that I love you so much, and I can't wait to hold you in my arms again. Stay safe and come back to me.
All my love,
Lew took a deep breath and took her hand."I know I don’t talk about it much, but the war… It was hell. December of 44’. We didn’t have winter clothes or supplies, and the men- the casualties were terrible. There weren’t many Toccoa men left afterward.”
(Y/n) squeezed his hand gently. “I remember being so worried about you”
“When things got really bad, I would read your past letters. They were the only warmth in that frigid forest.”
“I did the same thing here. When I missed you more than normal, I would read the letter you sent me for my 25th birthday. It’s in here somewhere,” she whispered, searching through the box. (Y/n) knew Lewis didn’t like to go on about the war, so over their marriage, she just listened and didn’t ask any questions, no matter how badly she wanted to. Early on, she decided to let him share when he wanted to. Once she found it, she started to read it aloud.
“Dear Birthday Girl,
Happy 25th birthday, sweetheart! As I write this in my muddy foxhole, know that my heart overflows with my deepest affection and longing for you. I find myself cherishing the memories we’ve shared and dreaming of the moments we’ll create together when this war is but a distant memory.
Your presence in my life has been nothing but a gift, and every day, I’m so grateful that we found each other. Your smile, laughter, and the way you light up a room with your presence captured me from the very start. Your kindness, compassion, and unwavering support have been my strength in the months since we parted. 
In the midst of the chaos around me, your beautiful face is etched in my mind, and the thought of your warm embrace gets me through the hardest times. It’s the memory of your tender touch that keeps me going.
On this special day, I want to shower you with love and blessings, even from afar. You deserve all the happiness this world can offer, and I promise that once this war is over, we’ll celebrate your birthday in a way that makes up for all the times we’ve been apart. I hate that I’ve missed 23, 24, and 25, but know that I will make up for it every day for the rest of our lives. I love you more than words can say. Happy birthday, (y/n). I hope you have the best day.
With all my love,
A fond smile formed on her face as she turned to him. “I think I read that every single holiday, and when I hadn’t gotten anything from you in a while.”
“I had one of those, too,” he smirked. “Mine involved a few pictures and a-”
(Y/n) smacked his arm with a mock gasp. “Lewis Nixon! Our daughter and granddaughter are in the next room over!”
“Ehh,” he shrugged. “It never stopped us before.”
“I don’t know if you haven’t noticed, Lew, but we’re not in our 20s anymore, hun.”
With a chuckle, Lewis started sorting through their box of pictures once again. There were ones from Mary’s childhood all the way up to when Kim was born. One in particular, caught his eye. Mary was around 4 in the picture, and it showed the three of them in front of the Golden Gate Bridge on one of their trips to visit Lew’s mom and sister in San Fransisco.
“Remember this?” He asked as he held it up.
(Y/n) raised her eyebrows and laughed under her breath. “I remember I got the worst sunburn of my life that trip.”
Laughter filled the air of the small room as the couple continued to sort through their beloved possessions.
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Two Weeks Later
They were gathered outside their house with Mary, her husband, and Kim, looking at the past 40 years of their lives. All the memories flashed in their minds, and the couple willed away tears. 
“We’ve had a great life, haven’t we?”
Tucking into her husband’s side, (y/n) laid her head on his shoulder. “Yeah, we have. You know, I’ve been thinking. I think even in a different life, you still would’ve been mine, Lew.”
“Me, too, Sweetheart,” he whispered, kissing her temple. “We really were timeless."
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mads-nixon · 7 months
Night Changes
Lewis Nixon x Wife!Reader
A/N: thanks to @footprintsinthesxnd for inspiring me to finally finish this wip from back in october!! for once, this isn't a heart-wrenching fic that makes you cry your eyes out...it's super fluffy!! Hbo owns the rights, and this is about the fictional portrayal of easy company on the show. nothing but love and respect for veterans on this blog!
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: morning sickness & pregnancy, nothing else except for tooth-rotting fluff :)
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Nixon, New Jersey: April 1950
"What are you thinking, sweetheart?"
"What?" (Y/n) sighed, glancing towards her husband from where she sat on the floor.
A chuckle left Lewis' lips as he gestured to the various paint colors on portions of the wall. "Which one? Pink, purple, blue, or yellow?"
Rolling over to her side, (y/n) attempted to get up. With her swollen stomach, it made everything ten times harder than usual.
Lew rushed to her side, "Honey, let me help you."
"I've got it," she grunted, somewhat out of breath.
(Y/n) tried and failed a few times, then let out a huff of air, sighing as she held out her hands for Lew to come and help her up.
He smiled softly, moving to help lift her. "I thought you had it that time."
"Your child has been making things harder on me, lately."
Once they stood up, Lew pulled her close, his hand on her bump. "My child? I'm pretty sure we both made this baby."
(Y/n) pulled back with a look of disgust, fake gagging. "Please don't remind me."
With his signature grin, he pulled her back in, trying to plant a kiss on her lips. "No," she laughed, leaning away to evade his kisses. "We've got to pick out the color for the nursery, Lew!"
"So now you want to get on task, huh?"
(Y/n) giggled as she continued to swerve her husband's kisses. "Yes! We have to get this done!"
"Alright," he conceded. "Just one kiss. Please?"
With an exaggerated eye roll, (y/n) leaned in and pecked his lips quickly. "Come on, doll. One more," he pleaded.
"Nope. You'll get more once we get done picking out the color."
He led her to the wall with the colors and mock saluted her. "Alright, then. Captain Nixon is focused on his next objective."
They had decided to go with the soft yellow because it was more gender-neutral, even though both felt deep down that it was a girl. Staring at their halfway-finished nursery, (y/n) couldn't help but think back to when it all started the year before.
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Indianapolis, Indiana: July 1949
The Nixons sat at the Easy Company reunion with Lip, Dick, and their respective spouses. While the guys all talked, (y/n) spoke with Ethel Winters and JoAnne Lipton about everything from baking to babies. Ethel and Dick had been married for a little over a year and were about to start trying for children. JoAnne and Carwood already had a son, so she told the two women how wonderful it was to be a mom. Hard, but wonderful.
The woman pulled out a picture of the three of them with a proud smile on her face. "Danny turns three next month. He's a spitting image of Car, that's for sure. I love him more than anything in this world."
Looking over at her husband enthralled in a conversation with his best friends, she couldn't help but imagine Lew as a father; holding their little baby in his arms or putting them up on his shoulders. (Y/n) knew he didn't have a good relationship with his father and would do everything to be there for their future children.
She was broken out of her trance by Lew's hand squeezing her thigh gently. "You alright, sweetheart? Why are you crying?"
Eyed widening, she went to wipe the tear that streaked down her cheek, but he beat her to it. "What's wrong?" He asked, eyes full of concern.
"Let's have a baby."
Lewis was taken aback by his wife's bluntness. Sure, they had talked about having kids but had decided to wait a few more years. Hearing that she changed her mind filled his with the same sweet images that appeared in hers moments before. If he was being honest, he had felt ready for a few months but didn't want to mention it to her until she approached him first.
He took her hand and excused them from the table as he led her to the lobby area of the venue. As soon as they turned the corner, Lewis' strong arms enveloped her in a tender embrace, his touch sending a shiver of anticipation down her spine. Their lips met softly, mouths melding together gently. It was a tender and loving kiss that expressed their shared devotion and longing for the next chapter of their lives.
With a gentle smile, they broke apart, their hands still entwined. The room seemed to radiate with the energy of their love and the endless possibilities that lay before them.
"Is that a yes?" (Y/n) asked, short of breath.
He kissed her gently, eye glistening with unshed tears. "Yes, let's start a family."
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Nixon, New Jersey: November 1949
It was a cold and rainy morning when (y/n) stirred in bed, feeling a wave of nausea wash over her once again. This was the third morning in a row, and her eyes flickered over to Lew, who was fast asleep beside her. She always joked that even a freight train wouldn’t wake him up. Clutching her stomach, she quickly sat up, her heart racing as her body was trying to give her a few seconds of warning. (Y/n) barely had time to get to the bathroom, her steps hurried and unsteady as she covered her mouth with her hand. 
Reaching the bathroom just in time, (y/n) dropped to her knees, her body convulsing with dry heaves initially, followed by her dinner from the night before. The sensation was accompanied by a rush of relief, but the butter taste lingered in her mouth. 
Stirred by the sounds from the bathroom, Lew realized something was wrong and came rushing into the bathroom, concern etched across his features. He kneeled beside her, gathering her hair and rubbing her back soothingly. 
“Are you alright, sweetheart?” he asked worriedly, his voice raspy from sleep.
“I don’t know, Lew,” (y/n) replied weakly. “This nausea just won’t go away.”
“I think that we should get you to the doctor,” Nix suggested, worried she might have caught a nasty stomach bug.
She nodded, her mind already racing with a suspicion she dared not speak aloud just yet. “Yeah, maybe,” she answered, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
After Lew left for work, (y/n) decided to visit the doctor to get some answers. Anticipation and nervousness bubbled within her as the test was administered. The minutes felt like hours, but finally, the doctor confirmed what she had hoped for – she was pregnant.
Unable to contain her excitement, she hurried back home, her heart bursting with joy. The second she got home, she walked past their extra bedroom, inspiration striking her. The sun cast a soft, golden hue through the lace curtains, illuminating the extra room that held years of collected odds and ends. (Y/n) stood at the threshold, groaning at the old boxes, forgotten furniture, and random oddities that filled the room.
She had a lot of work cut out for her.
After putting on a Nat King Cole album, she took a deep breath and rolled up her sleeves, beginning the task at hand. As she meticulously sorted through the belongings, memories danced in her mind – the dusty bookshelf that held Lew’s childhood favorites, the old rocking chair her mother had gifted her, and the worn-out toys that once brought her so much joy. 
With every box she emptied and every piece of furniture she carefully moved, the room started to transform. The clutter began to vanish, making way for her vision of a nursery filled with love and laughter. She could almost visualize the crib nestled by the window, sunlight streaming in, casting a warm glow on the tiny cradle.
Time seemed to fly as she got lost in the whirlwind of her excitement. As the clock ticked on, (y/n) meticulously organized, cleaned, and dusted, pouring herself into every corner. By the time Nix got home from work, she had cleared out most of the clutter. Her eyes held a sparkle of pride as she surveyed her progress, already lost in the thoughts of cradling their newborn baby in this very room.
Lew opened the door, calling out to her as he did every day. “Honey, I’m home.”
As he put his briefcase onto the kitchen table, he noticed the random items and boxes that were scattered around the kitchen. With a raised eyebrow, he stepped over the clutter and followed the sound of (I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons to the couple’s extra bedroom.
“(Y/n)?” Lew asked as he entered the room, his eyes flicking between the few things left inside.
A rocking chair…
Some old toys…
His old bookshelf filled with children’s books…
She stood in front of the window with a hand covering her mouth, eyes glossy with unshed tears. “Hey,” she whispered.
Lew’s brows instantly furrowed and he approached her, taking her into his arms. “What’s wrong, doll?”
“I’m happy.”
“You’re happy,” he pondered aloud, “But you’re crying.”
(Y/n) pulled back to look up at his puzzled face. “Yeah.”
“Why the sudden inspiration to clean out the crap in here?”
“Well,” she grinned up at him, her bottom lip wobbling as she spoke. “Our baby can’t have a room full of random stuff, can they?”
As (y/n) looked at him expectantly, he nodded with raised brows. “Yeah, yeah.”
But then his eyes widened suddenly and Lew’s gaze flew to hers. “The what?”
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Tag List: @softguarnere @flowers-and-fichte @inglourious-imagines @peggyvan @rebeccapearson @hxad-ovxr-hxart @shakespear-picaso-lovechild @titiglt @stvrkdream @multifandomfanfic @starlordsatellite @blvestxr @iceman-kazansky @bucky32557038ww2 @sofietargaryen @liptonsbabe @leximus98
message or comment if you want to be added to the tag list!! <3
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bloodstainedsaint · 11 months
loose lips sink ships (lewis nixon x medic! reader)
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summary: lewis nixon's alcoholism has been getting worse. you, a medic of easy company, are responsible for the well-being of the men, so you're sent to babysit look after an inebriated lew.
word count: 2100+
warnings: pathetic attempts (multiple) at comedy, drinking, alcoholism, drunken love confessions, lil pining, lil angst, nixon being a lil shit and a cheater??? but his wife divorces him so idk
notes: sorry if this is sloppy 😭 writing dialogue is hard
Your first time speaking to Captain (actually, you weren't sure of his rank anymore— you'd heard he'd gotten demoted to Battalion S3 by Colonel Sink recently) Lewis Nixon was after Operation Market Garden, where he got lightly burned by a stray shot to his helmet. You recalled it going something like this:
“You’re lucky to be alive, sir,” you said at the aid station where the then Lieutenant Winters had sent Nixon to get his graze checked, though there was really no use for it.
“I sure feel lucky,” he responded with a weird, almost dazed stare at you, as if you were some kind of angel sent from heaven to save him from his minor injury.
You met his eyes with a slightly raised eyebrow and assumed that he was just coming to terms with his brush with death. “You'll be fine, sir. Just try not to be in the trajectory of any other stray bullets, and you'll stay that way.”
He nodded and procured a flask from his pocket. “You drink?”
You narrowed your eyes at the container. “I try not to on the job.”
“Well, cheers to being alive, then,” he said, taking a swig.
Following that encounter, you found yourself worrying about the officer more than you thought was normal— if a medic being especially troubled over one soldier was normal at all. Your eyes would search for him in a sea of people to see how tired or hungover he appeared. Whenever you got a chance to talk to him, you would brew him coffee or tea to help with his hangovers, seeing as medicine was always scarce and never spare enough to freely hand out.
You weren't sure where your worry for his well-being came from, but whatever it was, it wasn't quelled by the way he would ask you to stay and chat while he finished his cup— if you weren't busy, of course. The wry grin he would occasionally flash at you was burned into your mind, and his sardonic wit along with his competence as an officer, regardless of his love for alcohol, was impressed upon you. In these fleeting moments of peace, you learned of his rather privileged upbringing, his military background, and that he had a family waiting for him back home. Despite not even knowing what your own intentions were getting close to him, when he told you that last fact, your heart sank a little in your chest.
Your concern for him grew with the recent news that his alcoholism had reared its head again while the company was sent to idly occupy Germany. Someone had broken into a drugstore earlier that week; you'd suspected it was Lew scrounging around for booze. Though the war was coming to an end, he’d been looking more exhausted and ill-tempered as of late. You had yet to really talk to him about how he was holding up; in the meantime, you had been eyeing him from afar, trying to gauge where he was physically and mentally, your heart breaking at how you rarely saw him smile or laugh anymore. Everyone in the company had changed after Bastogne, but you suspected it was his disastrous third combat jump that prompted him to hit the bottle this time.
Now in Landsberg, you were in the middle of playing cards with some of the men in your billet’s living room when Major Winters knocked on the doorway.
“(Y/N),” he called. “Could I speak with you?”
You placed your cards on the table face up, presenting your good hand to the men who groaned in unison at the sight. “Coming, sir.”
As Winters brought you down the hall, you pondered what could be so important that the Major would come personally to speak to you, of all people.
He stopped in the middle of the hall and turned to you, seeming to have read your mind. “It's about Nixon.”
Your eyebrows creased slightly in concern. “Oh. Nixon.”
“Yeah, you know him?” Winters offered a dry smile that you returned.
“What happened?”
“I'm worried about him. Ever since his jump with the 17th Airborne, he’s been drinking more than usual.”
You sighed and cast your eyes downward. “I've heard.”
“I’d like you to look after him for a while. For tonight, at least. Make sure he doesn't drink himself into a coma.”
“Me?” You looked back up at him. “Why not Doc Roe?”
“You’ve been taking care of him for a while, (Y/N). I've noticed.” He didn't sound accusing in the slightest, yet you felt your cheeks warm from embarrassment. Winters continued in a slightly more conspiratorial voice, “And Nix asked for you specifically.”
You fought the blush creeping up to your ears. “Is that right…I'll, uh, have to lord that over Eugene.”
The corner of Winters’ lips quirked up knowingly. “Of course.”
He placed a hand on your shoulder. “Good luck, Doc. He's in his room. You know how to get there.”
Winters turned and walked away, leaving you standing in the middle of the hallway. It was true that you knew which house he was quartered in; you made it a point to know ever since you began treating his hangovers. However, the thought of being alone with Lew was always nerve-wracking and had been from the start, for reasons you didn't have the courage to explore.
With a glass of water and a book in hand, anticipating him to be knocked out from all the liquor in his system, you knocked on the door to his room. As you expected, there was no response save for the soft snoring coming from within. You opened the door a sliver and found the floral-wallpapered room lit up with a bedside lamp and the moonlight pouring in from the open window as the day spanned into night. You spotted a messy-haired head poking out from under the strewn blankets and smelled whiskey in the air. Upon fully opening the door and entering the room, the snoring abruptly stopped. He slurred, half-muffled by the pillow his face was buried in, “Who's there?”
“It’s (Y/N),” you replied, turning on some more lamps around the space.
“Oh. Hey, (Y/N).” Sitting up, he rubbed his eyes and ran his hands over his face. It wasn’t the first time you'd seen him in just a tanktop and shorts, his dog tags dangling around his neck, but he had always been half-conscious from a hangover when you saw him like this. Not awake and actively drunk like he was now. “How're you?”
“You're on your way to liver failure, Lewis,” you said sternly as you pulled up a chair next to his bed. “As for me, I'm doing better than you right now.”
He pouted petulantly. “You only call me Lewis when you're mad at me.”
You shot him a look. “And why would I be mad at you?”
“I dunno, you tell me.” Nixon gave you a lazy smile.
You sighed, directing your glare to the bottle of whiskey on the nightstand, which you observed was not even his favorite brand of Vat 69. You handed him the glass of water. “Here, drink up.”
Squinting, he sniffed it. “It's not more liquor, is it?”
“No, it's motor fuel, now drink.”
“Oh no, not more ethanol,” he joked, raising the glass in a cheers motion before downing it and clumsily setting the empty glass on the nightstand. He kept his gaze on you as you sat down, opened up your book, and attempted to read, avoiding his stare.
Crossing his arms behind his neck at your efforts to ignore him, he leaned on the headboard. “What is that? Twain? Poe? Ah, Shakespeare? ‘Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?’”
You spared a glance at him. “Sometimes I forget you're a scholar, Lew.”
“Ohoho. Try to play some Beethoven and tell me it's Mozart. I’ll figure it out”—he snaps—“like that.”
“Not in this state you will,” you glowered. Nix retained his expectant countenance, so you answered, “It's A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Some of the guys got done reading it, so now it's my turn.”
He hummed. “What’s it about then, Miss (Y/N)? Enlighten me.”
“If you’d let me read it, then I could tell you,” you said, continuing in a lower voice, "How are you an intelligence officer if you're this mouthy when drunk...and you're drunk most of the time."
“You say somethin’?”
“Nothing, Lew.” You tried to take in the words on the page, but the way he was looking at you made your skin feel hot. Exhaling and setting down your book, you turned your focus to him.
“You still hiding Vat 69 in Winters’ footlocker?” you asked, silently cursing the satisfied expression that spread over his face at your attention.
“Wha, hey, how'd you know about that?”
“You told me. While half-asleep and hungover.”
His lips stretched into a smile as he seemed to recall. “That I did. See, the real shame is that there’s not a single drop of the thing in the whole damn country. So no, there’s no booze in Dick’s footlocker.”
You glanced again at the unfamiliar bottle of whiskey on the nightstand. “And that’s why you've been drinking alternatives?”
“Beggars can't be choosers.” He shrugged with a sluggish wave of the hand. “I'm half-convinced you and Dick are hiding some from me!”
You chuckled. “That's not a half-bad idea. It wouldn't stop you from getting drunk off other kinds of hooch, though. Speaking of… why'd you start drinking this time?”
“Oh, you know.” He gestured vaguely. “I got divorced. She sent me a letter in the mail. Real sweet of her.”
Your face fell, the mood suddenly not so lighthearted. “...I’m sorry to hear that, Nix.”
“It’s alright. Didn’t like her much anyway. She took the dog.” A beat of silence passed, and he gave you an unreadable look. “Was kinda waitin' for it anyhow.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. Waiting for it? But before you could question it, you noticed his eyelids drooping as he uncrossed his arms from behind his neck to cover a yawn with his hands. You figured it was better to let him rest before pressing him on it.
“You settling down now?” you asked, getting up to brush his unkempt hair from his face and check his temperature with the back of your hand.
“Yeah,” he murmured. He settled into his bed before tiredly swatting your hand away, complaining, “I’m not hungover yet!”
A slight smile graced your face. “Not gonna piss into a cup this time, are you?”
“Maybe next time,” he said with a smirk before blearily staring at you for a while, like the same way he did all those months ago in Holland. Your heart felt strangled in your chest.
Clearing your throat, you turned and grabbed your book and the glass. “Goodnight, Lew.”
He blinked up at you. “You’re leaving?”
“I’ve got people who need me,” you said, a small laugh bubbling up from your throat.
“What if I need you?”
“Beside a hangover, you'll be fine,” you smiled, believing he was joking until you looked at him and found his face dead serious, almost pleading. Your eyes had to be deceiving you, right? Or maybe your mind was spinning things the wrong way.
He propped himself up on his elbows. “Before you leave," he started, breaking his gaze for a second before meeting yours. "You're really beautiful, you know that?”
You were stunned into silence with widened eyes, floundering for words. “Lew, I…”
“And don't say, ‘You’re drunk, Lewis, you don't know what you're talking about.’ I’ve liked you for months now, (Y/N). Sometimes it feels like I'm fighting this war for you, so we could be together after.” Somehow his voice was the steadiest it’s been the entire night, and that scared you.
You suddenly felt bashful, afraid he could hear your heart pounding loud in your chest. “I…like you, too, Lew.”
A soft beam adorned his flushed face. “And if I forget in the morning, I’ll just tell you again. I’ll tell you over and over until it's the only thing I can remember piss-drunk.”
“I’ll be making sure you're never piss-drunk again, but… I’ll remind you. Keep your word.” You leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
“That you will,” he said impishly, grabbing you from around the waist and pulling you next to him in the sheets, his arms encircling your body.
“Hey!” you giggled, struggling against his bear-like grasp. “Can I at least get my boots off?”
He snickered into your hair and held you close.
A couple of hours had passed, and there was no sign of Doc (Y/N). Figuring she was still with Nix, Dick decided to check in on them.
Knocking on the door and receiving no response, he let himself in, saying while surveying the room, “Doc, you still there— Oh.”
taglist: @mads-weasley
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Poker Game (Lewis Nixon x GN!Reader)
Summary: It’s the end of the war and you’re playing poker with some of the officers, including your one and only crush, Lewis Nixon.
Requested by: anonymous (Hi! You’re back! And you wrote a new Nixon fic 💗🤗👏 Here’s an idea for another Lewis Nixon x reader fic, but it’s a little specific so ignore this if you don’t want to write it 💕)
Prompt: 116 – “Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?” (the prompt isn’t strictly used but the imagine is loosely based on it)
A.N.: Here's another Nixon one (it not proofread). Also, Generation Kill and SAS: Rogue Heroes appeared on my fandom list, so feel free to send requests. I'll be faster this time, I promise haha.
Taglist: @alienoresimagines @teenmagazines @meteora-fc @eugenesmorphine @band-of-brothers-cz @real-fans  @not-john-watsons-blog @tealaquinn @ok-roemanov @mrseasycompany @punkgeekchic @wexhappyxfew @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @rayofshanshine @mavysnavy @easynix @georgeluzwarmhugs @easy-company-tradition @immrsronaldspeirs @snafus-peckuh @curraheewestandalone @warrior-healer @justamadgirlinabox @happyveday @order-of-river-phoenix @whoahersheybars
Playing cards when the war is over certainly doesn’t feel that much different than in Aldbourne or in Haegenau. It is a rather strange emotion, knowing that you will not have to pick up your M1 Garand the next day (or in a few minutes). You still can’t differentiate it because you have not wrapped your head around it. None of the Easy Company soldiers have.
But something is nonetheless different, you can breathe more easily, the sun is somehow brighter although everything is just the same. A strange emotion indeed.
“Stop daydreaming, Lieutenant, and fucking play.” Nixon’s voice disturbs you from your thinking and you turn your head to him. He’s smiling, actually smiling, something you haven’t seen him do for far too long, his cheeks are red, although that might be from all the alcohol he’s already drank.
“Calm down, soldier, I’ll kick your ass in no time!” you reply, a devilish grin appears on your face and Nixon’s smile immediately widens. You can’t see it, for your eyes are still fixated on Lewis only while figuring out your next move, but Harry Welsh is whispering to Lipton (like two little girls) just how oblivious you are in the most loving manner. That is something that Lipton, too, hasn’t been quite able to comprehend; you seeing everything in combat, knowing where everybody is, anticipating enemy movement, but absolutely unaware of how Nixon has been watching you with the biggest lovestruck eyes for months.
The truth is, Nixon has been crushing on you, hard, since goddamn Toccoa, Lip knew this, Dick knew this, Welsh knew this, hell even George and Liebgott noticed too, but he was still married at that time, even though unhappily, so he tried to hide it somehow. But then his wife divorced him, and he was angry, not particularly because she was leaving him but because she was also taking his dog, that he loved immensely and was his dog in the first place. But then you appeared, right after he threw away his helmet, and he forgot to be angry completely.
You knew about the troubles he’d been having with his wife, feeling the sting of jealousy that you didn’t even bother to deny to yourself. So when Dick, who’d been there to take on Lewis’s initial anger, gave you a look you knew what had happened. After that, Lewis Nixon has been a total lovestruck idiot.
You raise the bets, feeling particularly lucky this evening, and turn to Nixon with raised eyebrows. You can see just how drunk he truly is, again, but not that much as he can be, but you hate it nonetheless. So when Lewis reaches for his money to raise the bets too, you grab his full glass and down it in one take. At first, you feel like coughing because the whiskey is stronger that you anticipated, but you manage to fight it.
The whole table is looking at you in surprise, Lip and Welsh giggle in anticipation, both of them knowing (even before you two) exactly where the evening will lead for the two of you; Speirs is sort of just sitting there, sipping on his beer, amused by the whole situation.
“Don’t you toy with me, woman.” Nixon says, his voice somehow deeper than usual and you, despite trying not to, shiver. Lewis shifts in his seat, and then, just like that, his leg is pressed against yours in a manner that is not apparent to anyone sitting at the other sides of the table.
Harry coughs. “Should we go?” The question is unanswered for too long, both of you waiting for the other one to talk.
“There is no reason for you to leave,” you finally manage to get out of yourself as nonchalantly as you can. You barely just register you answered for all you can focus on is Lewis’s leg against yours. You want to pull away, not make it too easy for him, but you can’t, you need his touch, to feel him present, next to you.
Somehow you finish the game, you’re very much aware of the fact that Lewis hasn’t poured himself another drink for the rest of the evening and you’re wondering if he figured out that you hate his often drinking.
You immediately excuse yourself from the table, desperate for some fresh air for the room is suddenly too small for you and Lewis Nixon. You’re just reaching for the door knob when you hear another chair being pushed away and a deep voice saying “Sorry, gentlemen. I gotta… go.” Harry laughs at that, “That you do!”
You smile to yourself, your cheeks reddening.
Lewis catches up to you in the corridor, his arm instinctively finds your waist, rests on your hip, as he lightly presses you into him. It’s so nice to finally feel something after those long years of combat training and war.
You’ve been alone for too long, he’s been alone for too long, no words are needed, all communication is carried out between your eyes only because that’s all you need. He is here, after all this time, and it “only” took one war and one divorce for you to find your way to each other.
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multifandomlover01 · 3 years
Contains my writings for:
Band of Brothers
The Pacific
Criminal Minds
Band of Brothers
Joe Liebgott
I Have Always Loved You (Female Reader)
Coming Soon: Modern AU feat. PTSD & an ESA
Short, Assorted Lieb Stuff
Albert Blithe
Taking Care of Blithe (Platonic Female!Medic!Reader)
Foxhole Checks (Platonic Female!Medic!Reader)
Ron Speirs
Ok. It was me. So? (Female!Reader) (Requested)
Touch (Female!Nurse!Reader)
Johnny Martin
The Patrol (Female!Medic!Reader)
George Luz
The Darts Game (Female!Medic!Reader)
Early Mornings (Female!Reader) (not exactly requested, but inspired by)
Eugene Roe
The Scissors (Female!Reader)
The Nightmare (Female!Medic!Reader)
Ten Minutes (Female!Medic!Reader)
The Breakup (Female!Reader implied)
David Webster
Harvard’s Back (Female!Medic!Reader)
Chuck Grant
Taller S/O Headcanon (Female!Reader) (Requested) (Lime/M)
The Nurse and the Soldier (Female!German!Nurse!Reader) (Requested)
Donald Malarkey
Quality Time Headcanons (Female!Reader, I guess) (Requested)
Fun Times with the Mortar Boys and the Radioman (Malarkey, Skip, Penkala, and Luz x Reader (Platonic))
D-Day (Day of Days) (Platonic Various x Female!Medic!Reader)
Protective (Platonic Various (Liebs, Bill, Bull and Dick) x Female!Medic!Reader)
The Great Transfer Debacle (Platonic Various (Speirs, Luz, Liebs, Roe, and Nix) x Female!Medic!Reader)
They’re My Sanitary Pads, Sir (Platonic Various (Guarnere, Toye, Liebgott, Malarkey, and Winters) x Female!Medic!Reader)
The Aid Station (Platonic Renée Lemaire x Reader, Eugene Roe x Reader)
Out From Rachamps (Various x Female!Medic!Reader)
The Female Medic (Various (mostly Winters) x Female!Medic!Reader)
The Pacific
Snafu Shelton
Are My Eyes Yellow? (Female!Corpsman!Reader)
I’ll Wait For You (Female!Nurse!Reader)
Chuckler Juergens
Marine or Woman…or Both? (Female!Corpsman!Reader)
Robert Leckie
The Writers (Female!Reader)
John Basilone
Untitled (Female!Corpsman!Reader)
Eugene Sledge
Coming Soon: Mobile (Female!Corpsman!Reader)
Coming Soon: Sledge/Reader/Burgin Platonic
How the different boys from BoB and TP would react to you being insecure
Part 1 (Dick Winters, Lewis Nixon, and Eugene Roe)
Part 2 (George Luz, Joseph Liebgott, and Ron Speirs)
Part 3 (Robert Leckie, John Basilone, and Eugene Sledge)
Coming Soon: Part 4 (Carwood Lipton, Bull Randleman and Floyd Talbert)
Special Edition: Freckles and Dimples (Requested)
Freckles and Dimples pt. 2
BoB boys interrupting you in the shower
October 2022 Writing Prompts (based off of the prompt list below that I found in Tumblr)
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A Barely Coherent Christmas
The Unkillable God (WIP)
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
It Was Always You
Nightmares and Coffee
Lovesick Idiots
You Are My Sunshine
The Ditch
Baby Fever
Pretty Boy/Girl
Trick-or-Treat (18+) (MDNI)
Silence Speaks Volumes
More (18+) (MDNI)
Home (18+) (MDNI)
I Hesitate to put “Wife Guy” Here (18+) (MDNI)
The Librarian (basically PG-13) Part 2
Who Needs Statistics When I’ve Been Promised Kisses?
NSFW Thoughts
Plans (16+ I guess)
Anxiety Comfort
How Far Have I Fallen? How High Shall I Soar? (Violence Warning)
Surprise (18+) (MDNI)
Just The Tip (18+) (MDNI)
Making Do (18+) (MDNI)
Be Careful What You Wish For (18+) (MDNI)
To Drown in Your Love (18+) (MDNI)
Stress Relief (18+) (MDNI)
The BAU’s Whore (18+) (MDNI)
Dislike (no explicit smut but still community label is on because it has sexual themes) (MDNI)
Not Some Innocent Kid (18+ MDNI)
Not Technically Mine…But Still Unequivocally Mine (some canon like uncomfy suspect behavior)
Crack blurb (MDNI 18+)
Criminal Minds - Spencer Reid Screencaps
177 notes · View notes
infinitegalahad · 4 years
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Edit: Everything I write in chronological order.
REQUESTS/PROMPTS: Prompts/Requests are CLOSED for an indefinite amount of time! I will still be writing the ones I have in my drafts at the moment.
LAST UPDATED: July 12th, 2021
KEYS: Fluff- 💘, Suggestive- ‼️, Angst-☔️,Carrie’s Favs-💌 Sad Ending-🌧 Happy Ending-☀️ Ambiguous-🤐 Dark-🩸Requested-💡Headcanons-🗓
Here is my Taglist!
Main Blog | Ao3 
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I’LL MAKE A MAN OUT OF YOU (Eugene Roe x F! Reader)-💌 (SERIES STATUS: ON HOLD) To save your ailing brother from the war, you disguise yourself as a man to fight in the war. There you met Eugene Roe, a Cajun medic. The two of you grow close to each other, but at what cost? A story of bravery, the harshness of war, bravery, friendship, and love. Ch.1, Ch.2 
JOYQUEX NOËL À TOI MON ANGE (Eugene Roe x GN! Reader) -It’s Christmas in Bastogne and you make Eugene’s world feel normal for a moment. 
WIFE (Dick Winters X F!Reader)- ☔️💌 You and Dick, after years of indefinite separation and depression, have finally reunited. Dick can’t wait to start a family with you. You love Dick, but you soon realize that you cannot bear him a son, a daughter, or a child.
THE WORST GIRL IN THE WORLD (WHO SAVED ME) (Joe Liebgott x F!reader)- 💘 💌 You hated Liebgott and he hated you. It was supposed to be simple-the feeling was mutual. You hated his childish nicknames, the blatant misogyny he threw in your face, and his attractive jawline. Everything about Joe Liebgott made you furious. But little did you know that Joe had much more in common than you originally thought.
HOW TO SAY I LOVE YOU (WITHOUT SAYING I LOVE YOU) (Shifty Powers x F!Reader)- 💘Everybody in Easy Company can see that Shifty is like a love-sick puppy with a cute truck driver. He loves her, but he's too shy to confess. Popeye, his best friend, can no longer stand to see it. Floyd Talbert is the man of the hour and knows how to get Shifty, who can barely say I l you", to say those three words without actually saying the words. The way to solve this pining? A classic carnival date.
SHE WILL BE LOVED (Floyd Talbert x F!Reader)-💘☔️‼️💌Floyd drove for miles and miles, and still wound up at the same door. Every. Single. Time.
TYRANT FOR A WAR PIG-(Ronald Speirs x F!Reader) ☔️‼️💡When Speirs had made a promise to you he'd do anything for you; he not only meant it, but proved it-with blood on his hands. Prompt: "Killing for you is my favorite hobby."
A LITTLE PIECE OF HOME- (Shifty Powers X F!Reader) 💘 💡Before your childhood friends Shifty and Popeye are shipped out, Popeye brings his new camera and decides to make some last minute memories.
DON'T LET THE SUN GO DOWN ON ME- (Joe Toye X F!Reader)☔️ 💘 The one time Joe Toye saved you and the one time you saved Joe Toye.
LIKE REAL PEOPLE DO-(Eugene Roe x F!Reader)-☔️💘💌- Eugene was always there to let you that you were beautiful.
MOONLIGHT SERENADE (Eugene Roe x F!Reader)- 💘 You and Eugene are madly in love with each other but there’s one problem; the two of you don’t even realize it. Babe and Renee step in.
SO IST ES IMMER- (Donald Malarkey x F!Reader)-💘 ☀️💡 Malarkey and you drink and sing when the fighting is done, and it’s always so.
WASHING MACHINE HEART-(Lewis Nixon x GN!Reader)-☔️☀️💌💡- Nothing ever lasts forever, everybody wants to rule the world. You are pretty much the only person who could change the way Lewis operates, and that's exactly what you do-change him.
SICK CALL (Johnny Martin x GN!Reader)-💘☀️💡- You get an unexpected visitor one night who helps distract you from your sickness.
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(coming soon!)
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ROSY RED SKIES (AND CHEEKS) (Brad Colbert x F! Reader) 💘💡Brad acts differently around you, and you begin to notice his little quirks and tease him about him.
RAY IN THE BATHROOM-(Ray Person x F!Reader)☔️💘💌💡- Ray is hiding in a bathroom and has a panic attack over the fact that his only real friend and the love of his life has (supposedly) left him for Brad.
COMFORTING THERE PARTNER (Gen Kill Boys x GN! Reader) 💘 💌 💡 🗓
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(coming soon!)
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(coming soon!)
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(coming soon!)
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BLACK LOCUSTS AND RED VIXENS(Yelena Believe x GN!Reader)💘💌-The room felt like it was getting hotter. And you couldn’t tell if it was the Barcelona heat, or Yelena sitting ontop of your chest.
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ourmiraclealigner · 4 years
One and Only
Lewis Nixon x Reader 
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gif not mine! credit to owner.
request: anon
taglist: @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @mavysnavy @ivy-miranda-2390 @ya-yeeteth @rayofshanshine @primusk @punkgeekchic @inglourious-imagines @wexhappyxfew @vintagelavenderskies @easy-company-tradition @meteora-fc @teenmagazines @order-of-river-phoenix @contrabandhothead​ 
Lewis Nixon was never one to get jealous- he never had a reason to be. He was a tall ivy- league man with dark hair and dark eyes, never having any trouble with women. He had joined Easy with a wife and child and was perfectly content with the life he had at home. He had tried to distance himself from the men in the beginning, only hearing about them when he listened to Dick. But as time went on, he found himself spending more and more time, getting to know each one more personally. 
Yet, there was one that he was interested in the most- (Y/N). At first, he kept it professional, wanting to get to know her as much as possible before doing anything he would regret. As they continued to grow closer, he had become bolder, starting to put his arm around her shoulders, brush pieces of her hair behind her ear, and shower her in compliments. And before he knew it, Lewis Nixon was in love. 
Their relationship progressed fast, wanting to make up for the lost time. There were very seldom moments they would be away from each other, and it seemed all of the destruction and heartbreak had pulled them closer together. 
Now, as there was an end of the war in sight, Lew found himself stressed about their relationship. He worried that once all of this ended, they'd just go back to the states and act as if nothing had happened. He knew it was likely; he was a difficult person to be with and was more trouble than it was worth. He won't blame her if that's what she chose to do. 
He stared across the river to the German side, Dick next to him as they spoke in hushed voices about the coming patrol. This was commonplace for them- discussing military strategy, command, and members of Easy. He found it hard to focus, wanting to do nothing more than slip back into his mind, but he knew now wasn't the time. 
"Speirs pick the men for the patrol tonight?" Lew asked, looking up at his redheaded friend. 
"I think so.." Dick trailed off, mind somewhere else, as he tried to play the patrol out in his mind. He didn't want any casualties this close to the inevitable German surrender. 
Eyebrows furrowed, Lew turned when he heard a familiar laugh, eyes immediately landing on the two. He couldn't help the anger that coursed through his veins as he watched (Y/N) and Speirs talking, casually strolling through the grey streets of Hagenaou, acting as if the world wasn't at war around them. 
It wasn't as if Lewis didn't want her to have friends. He did- he knew she needed a support system as they had been through a lot these past few months. He couldn't always be there, and if he wasn't, he wanted her to have someone. But there was just something about how Ron looked at her and the way she looked up at him that rubbed him the wrong way. 
"You think those are good?" Dick asked as soon as he finished rattling off the names of the men who were chosen to go, turning when he received no response from his friend. He followed the path of Lewis's eyes, understanding his silence when he got a grasp of the scene. "Speirs!" He called, watching Ron's head turn up at the voice. "Get over here."
Ron jogged over (Y/N) at his heels, a light smile painted on her lips when she caught sight of Lewis. She stood next to him, smiling fading when he didn't look or greet her. "Sir." She spoke softly to get his attention, trying to keep the act that he was nothing more to her than a superior officer. Maybe in his coldness towards her, he was attempting the same thing. But then again, he had never acted like this, and that worried her. 
"You can go." Lewis finally spoke, eyes casting down to meet hers. His words had a bit of frustration, his hands forming tight fists in the pockets of his warm jacket. If she wanted Ron, he wanted nothing to do with her. 
With a quick nod, she turned to Dick and Ron, mumbling, "I'll be back at CP." Before heading back the way, she had come. She was immediately lost in her thoughts, trying to explain away Lew's behavior. She went through all of the conversations they had had recently, wondering if it was something she had said. When she couldn't remember any instance where she could have offended him, she moved on to things she had done and still couldn't find anything. 
With a sigh, she flopped onto the couch, flashing a quick, polite smile to Lip before thinking again. She hadn't even realized she had made it back to CP. Fingers tapping against the soft fabric of the arm of the couch as she let her head fall back, eyes following the patterns of the ceiling. What had she done? 
Minutes felt like hours as she continued her endless barrage of thoughts, only snapping when she heard the door open. Three sets of heavy footsteps entered, Lip standing to greet the men as they continued their earlier conversation about the patrol. (Y/N) stood when she saw Lew behind Dick, her heat starting to beat a little faster as she knew the only way to solve this would be to confront him. 
She took a deep breath before speaking. "Sir." She kept her voice steady, beads of sweat collecting on her palms. "May I speak to you in private?" She looked directly at Lew, so there was no confusion as to who she was speaking to.
"Yeah." Dick chimed in, looking between the couple. "You two go along; I need to find Sink anyway." And with that, he was gone, leaving Lew with no other choice than to follow (Y/N) outside. 
They both shivered as they stepped outside, the cold air floating under their scarves and hitting their bare skin. They walked for a few minutes in silence, Lew trailing slightly behind (Y/N) until they found a little corner to stand in for privacy. He stood, back against the cool bricks of a building, dark eyes steady on her. 
"Did I do something?" She asked, not wasting any time in getting to the conversation. "Because if I did.. I'm sorry, and I want to fix it. I don't want you to be upset with me." She tried to catch his eyes again when he started to look away. 
"If you-" Lew cleared his throat, not wanting her to hear the shakiness in his voice. "If you don't want to be with me if this is just something to get you through the war, tell me right now." 
"What?" She asked, features creased with concern, "No. I don't want that. Why would you even think such a thing?" 
He let out a breath, creating a white cloud over them as they stood in silence. "I saw the way you were with Speirs today." He finally spoke, feeling like a weight had been lifted off his chest. "And I know you don't look at me like that. I don't want to be your second choice when we get back to the states." 
"You think you're my second choice?" She asked, starting to understand why he was so upset. "It doesn't matter what part of the world I live in-, you'll always be my first choice. Speirs is nothing more than a friend, I promise. I don't want you to have to worry about me doing something like that to you because I won't. I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable today; it wasn't my intention." She spoke with so much conviction; he almost forgave her on the spot. 
"I know what you want; you don't want me."
"Lewis." She spoke calmly, keeping her eyes on him as she wanted him to believe her. "I'm with you because I love you, not Speirs. If I wanted to be with him, I would. But I want you." 
He was quiet, taking a few moments to think about her words before nodding. He felt tears prick his eyes, realizing she truly loved him for who he was- even the bad. It had been a long time since he had felt that way, and he knew he was projecting his insecurities on her. She loved him as he loved her, and there was no reason to push her away.
"You mean that?" He asked, a large hand reaching out to grab hers. His skin tingled as theirs touched, his thumb stroking over her knuckles. He pulled his hand away for a brief second to pull her close and press a kiss to her lips before pulling her into a tight hug. 
"With my whole heart."
With a teary chuckle, he nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck; arms wrapped tightly around her as he tried to protect her from the cold. "You don't know how much I love you." He spoke into her scarf, words muffled by the soft fabric. "I've never loved anything more than you."
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mrsalwayswrite · 4 years
Perfect (Richard Winters x Reader)
So this lovely piece can be read as a stand-alone or a sequel to The Benefits of Paperwork. 
As always, can be read as reader or OFC. 
A huge thanks to @happyveday​ for the encouragement and idea. I hope this meets your expectations. 
Warnings: Fluff and feels. I think I have a cavity now. 
Words: 1200
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"The world's greatest uncle is finally here!" 
 Winters looked up from staring at his hands, sitting outside of the delivery room. He had been awake almost thirty-six hours and suddenly felt every minute of it. His clothes were dirty and rumpled but he did not care. 
 Nixon stopped in front of him, eyebrows scrunched together. "You look terrible."
 That got a huff of a laugh out of the redhead. "Yeah, it's been a long day."
 "Uh huh. You're a proud father now! Are you going to tell me if I have a niece or nephew?"
 "I fucking-" Nixon started to exclaim in his excitement before a loud shushing came from a nearby nurse, "-ah, I bloody knew it!" 
 Winters just shook his head at his friend. His own excitement bubbled under his skin like a geyser waiting to explode. He could not wait to introduce his best friend to his son. 
 "So, is he a Lewis or Nixon?"
 "She gets to make the final decision. We've talked but she gets to choose."
 Nixon stared at him, mouth gaping slightly before he recovered from his surprise. "You're letting your wife choose the name of your first born son? She knows about the deal right? She knows-"
 "Yes, you have told her multiple times about how you knew we were going to marry and this was your demand for your infallible insight. I am sure she is taking it into great consideration. Also she did just spend eighteen hours in labor."
 Nixon did not seem convinced but nodded. "What are you doing out here anyway?"
 "I was sent out for food." He gestured to the brown paper bag next to him with a bakery's logo on it. "A nurse is checking on her right now."
 "Ah." Nixon sat down next to Winters. "How does it feel?"
 "Being a father."
 "I've only been a father for," he checked his watch, "going on four hours now."
 "Alright, smart-ass."
 Winters sighed, a goofy smile growing on his lips and his eyes twinkling. "I just met him and I already love him. I thought it would be hard to love anyone else as much as I love my wife but from the moment the doctor handed him to me...Nix, I would do anything for him."
 "I know. That means a lot too. The love you have for her...I know I am not the only one to compare it to a fairy-tale."
 The door beside them opened and a nurse stepped out, her white uniform crisp and practically blinding. "I am finished if you would like to join her, Mr. Winters, she is awake. I'll bring the paperwork in a moment."
 "Thank you." Both men stood and walked into the delivery room. 
 A single bed was in the middle of the room, stark white walls making the room seem unnaturally bright. 
 Winters could not help but stare at the beautiful woman in the bed, even with her hair a mess and exhaustion clearly etched on her face, she glowed. How had he ever deserved such a strong, intelligent, gorgeous woman? She meant the world to him and he made sure to remind her everyday how much he loved her.
 Immediately, he went to the side of her bed, depositing the bakery bag on the side table and pressed a kiss to her temple. His eyes drifted to the bundle in her arms and his heart swelled. There lay his son...his child...healthy and perfect. What more could he ask for? 
 His baby lips were pursed in his sleep, bright blue eyes hidden for the moment. A faint dusting of hair could be seen under the cap the nurse had put to help keep him warm. He was perfect. 
 "How are you feeling, darling?" 
 "Tired but that's not unexpected." She smiled at Winters before looking over at Nixon standing at the end of the bed. "Lewis, it's good to see you."
 He winked at her. "You're still lovely as ever. Are you sure you want to stay married to this redheaded Eskimo?"
 She chuckled, "I'm sure. Here, Dick." She lifted up the bundle and moved their son into his father's arms. 
 "So...what did you decide?" Nixon hedged, eyes bouncing back and forth between the two new parents. 
 She looked from Nixon to Winters and back. "Herbert. Herbert Winters."
 Utter silence filled the room. You could hear a pin drop. 
 Then Nixon exploded. 
 "Herbert is my grandfather's name." She quietly said, raising a single eyebrow in challenge. 
 "Shit," Nixon stopped and rubbed the back of his neck, "sorry, that's...that's a good family name."
 Winters caught his wife's eye and gave the briefest of winks when Nix was looking down at the baby. 
 Nixon gazed at the baby boy, a soft smile on his face. "He is cute I guess. Hopefully he won't be a redhead like his father. Nothing but trouble those boys are."
 The nurse stepped back in. "Here is your copy of the birth certificate. Anything else I can get any of you right now? "
 "No, thank you, Nurse." Winters said, "Nix, can you grab that?"
 The nurse handed the paper to Nixon then looked back at the happy parents. "I'll be back to check on you in two hours unless you need me sooner."
 Winters nodded but his focus was on his friend's face. Nixon gaped at the form in his hand, unable to resist the temptation of looking at it. 
 "You alright there, Nix?"
 The ex-intelligence officer's eyes shifted from the paper to meet his best friend's, tears threatening to slip out. "You did it, you...you actually did it."
 Winters just smiled, slowly rocking his sleeping son in his arms. He knew what the form said. His wife had been the one to suggest it and how could he say no?
 "Lewis Davis Winters." Nixon read aloud softly, almost reverently.  
 "He's got my middle name. Besides, he should have the same name as his godfather, right?"
 Winters did not think Nixon's eyes could get any bigger but somehow they managed to. Any other time he would have laughed at how flabbergasted his best friend looked. 
 Nixon stepped closer, gently touching his godson's curled fist with heart eyes. "You and me little Lew, we're going to get into so much trouble together. I promise to teach you all the fun things your parents say no too." He cooed out, unable to escape the draw of the new baby. 
 Winters met his wife's eyes, love and adoration flowing between them. They had survived war together, a source of comfort actively sought for during the turmoil. As soon as they returned back to the states, Winters had dropped onto one knee before her. They had a small wedding and honeymooned in New York City. Sure they had their ups and downs but underneath it all was a devotion and affection to rival any love story. 
 Standing here now with his beautiful wife smiling softly at him, their new baby in his arms and his best friend to support them, it was all worth it. Nothing could be more perfect than this moment for him. 
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labarboteuse · 4 years
Ill request something!! My favorite is Nixon so of course its about him 🙄😂 with a prompt “Don’t give up on me” angst/ fluffy imagine.
Thanks for your request ! There it is, maybe it’s a little bit too long, sorry for that. 😅 I know I asked you who could be like a big brother/best friend but finally I totally changed my mind, the first idea was too much long, like reeeaaallyyyyyy. So maybe I’ll do it in two or three parts later. 😂 Anyway, I’m not really proud of it, not sure of the quality of the end, but I hope it will be angsty and fluffy enough, and that you will like it !  😘
Don't give up on me. (Lewis Nixon x Reader imagine)
Once again Lewis forced on the bottle, but this time it’s not just about a hangover. 
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Strident. The noises of the sirens outside were strident. She had the feeling it was drilling her eardrums. She wanted to ask for it to stop but nothing came out from her mouth. Blue and red lights were dancing in front of her eyes she could hardly keep open. A far away voice was covered by the sirens which continued to ring in her head. Seeming far away but yet very close.
“Sweetheart, stay with me please, keep your eyes open.”
Her gaze swept over the surroundings trying to remember what happened. Unable to make a single move, her eyes stopped on the man next to her. Lew. But once again, nothing came out. Sitting on the driver’s side, his head resting on the headrest he was looking at her, fright in the eyes. Blood had sunk from his eyebrow arch, presumably due to the impact against the steering wheel. She felt his hand take hers and tighten it.
“Y/N !” Lewis called her desperately as she felt her eyelids close before sink in darkness.
One hour earlier.
“I think you shouldn't drive Lew.”
“It’s ok, I’m fine and feel good enough to drive. Plus, I am used to drink,       booze doesn't has any effect on me anymore.” He joked.
“Yeah, that's the problem.” She mumbled.
He kissed her forehead and took his place behind the steering wheel before she could add anything. Y/N sighed and sat on the passenger’s side. Both were invited at a retirement party of an old employee of Nixon Nitration Works. Obviously, Lewis hadn’t resisted to drink. Actually, he hadn’t need to be invited anywhere or at any party to drink. As the night felt down outside, Y/N was looking through the window, a way to escape a new argument with her husband about his excessive and frequent alcohol consumption. Finally, he broke the silent.
“Say it.” She turned her head towards him.
“Say what?”
“All the things you used to say.”
“Be clearer Lewis, I don’t know what you are talking about.”
“Oh don’t you ? You perfectly know. You hate when I drink too much.”
“If you know, so why are you continuing?”
He turned his face towards her.
“Watch the road please.”
“So what ? Are you going to give me one of you life lesson ?”
“Lew I’m not kidding, watch the road!”
“Stop yelling ! I’m fine, it’s fine ! Don’t str-”
Two seconds of inattention. It’s what it took to leave the road, one sharp bend, two seconds and it was over.
 It was hard for Lewis to see his wife laying in that hospital bed. Especially because it was his fault. Feeling his heart squeeze, he leaned on the wall in front of him. What had he done? The door opened and a little head passed through it. It opened bigger and he saw his parents enter with his two children. Their five years old girl ran towards the bed while his mother gave him the eight months boy.
“How is she?” His father asked.
“She still unconscious, they don’t know much for the moment.”
With her grandmother’s help, the little girl climbed onto the bed, grabbing her mother’s arm she shook slowly, angst on her face.
“Mommy, mommy wake up.”
It broke Lewis’s heart, his children may had lost their mom because of him. Devastated at the sight of his daughter asking for her mom, he gave back his son to his mother as he began to cry, reaching out his arm towards his mother. Lewis made his daughter go down the bed, knelt down to be at her height and kissed her forehead telling her everything will be ok. The four of them left the room letting him alone with Y/N.
Lewis sat down on a chair next to the bed and passed his hands through his hair, keeping his head in his hands, elbows on his knees. What if she died? What was he going to tell to her parents? How was he going to tell that after he took their daughter from them, after he killed her. Y/N’ s parents never loved Lewis. They knew about his alcohol issues, plus, their daughter moved at the opposite side of the country to be with him and for that they resented him. The machines made alarming noises and quickly doctors and nurses went in, tell him to leave the room.
Sitting on a chair in the corridor he looked at his children in front of him, his daughter asleep in her grandma’s arms and his son in his grandfather’s. How could he did that to them? How would he explain them that their mother will probably never coming back again ? How would he tell them it was his fault? Would his children be taken away from him? How could he live with that on his conscious ? He couldn’t. A doctor came back to tell him her heart stopped few minutes but they had intervened in time and he could go back to her.
Sitting back on the chair he leaned over her taking her hand in his.
“I don’t know if you hear me. Maybe it’s the case but you don’t even want to listen to me. I know you won’t never forgive me for that. And I know you won’t, because I know you’re gonna live. Because I rather prefer you to live and leave me, than you died. Please wake up, wake up and yell at me, tell me I’m the biggest asshole on earth, tell me you’re gonna divorced, you’re gonna take the kids away, but at least you will be alive. I could kill myself for having hurt you.” A tear felt down his cheek. “I should’ve listened to you, you’re always right. Forgive me for being the worst husband on earth. I love you, and maybe your greatest mistake was to love me back. You should’ve listened to your parents, I’m not good for you, you deserve so much better.” He kissed her hand and squeezed it. “Please stay with me, stay with us. They need you. I need you. I promise I won’t drink anymore. Not a single drop. Don’t give up on me.”
After his parents came back to say goodbye before bringing the children home, he stayed here. Staying all night sitting in the same uncomfortable chair beside her, keeping her hand in his. He didn’t fall asleep, how could he? It was his fault if she was laying there between life and death. He was anxious, devasted and angry towards himself.
Finally, when the first rays of sunshine went through the window, she felt their warmth stroking her cheek. Hardly she tried to open her eyes, blinded by the sunlight. As she woke up, all the pain due to the accident and the wounds woke up as well. She winced and slowly turned her head towards the window, subconsciously, she’d never thought see the sun again.
She groaned when she felt the pain which attracted Lew’s attention who was looking through the window lost in his mind. When he saw her opened eyes he almost jumped to the bed.
“Sweetheart ..” He didn’t dare to say anything else, what could he said ? She probably wanted to kill him and he couldn’t blame her.
“Lew …” She tried with a low voice.
“Yes sweetheart?”
“I’m thirsty ..” She continued with a weak voice.
He poured her a glass of water which was on the bedside table and gave it to her. Slowly, like she just woke up from a year sleep, she took the glass from both hands and he helped her to drink. Seeming exhausted she rested her head on the white pillow looking at him.
“Do you remember ?” She nodded. “I cannot say how much I’m sorry. Please forgive me, you were right, I shouldn’t have been driving.”
She reached out her hand toward his cheeks, him expected her to slap him. Instead of that she just stroke it. Allowing himself to do more he bent over her to kiss her forehead, gently caressing her hair.
“I’m so sorry ..” She could feel the pain in his voice.
“I know.” She responded with a soft voice.
“And I love you.”
“I know it too.”
“And I’ll accept every choice you will make.”
Maybe her biggest mistake had been to fall in love with him. That was probably what people around them could thinking. That she was too kind, too innocent for him. Yes, he was an absolute idiot sometimes, but he was her idiot. She would never regret her choice, she loved him too much for that, she needed him as much as he needed her. They were meant to be together.
“Lew ?”
“Yes sweetheart ?”
“I won’t give up on you.”
He smiled as he understood she heard everything he said while she was unconscious. Squeezing her hand near his chest, caressing her hair with the other, he bent down once again to kiss her. Realizing he had almost lost the most precious thing is his life, he was now ready to make all the efforts to give up on alcohol, she and their children deserved it more than anything.  
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That's my support Nixon
Richard winters x medic!Male reader x Lewis Nixon
(Y/n) was talking to a few soldiers, about the normal stuff, life, wifes, kids, and other things. When he heard the ting of the bullet hitting Nixon's helmet and ran over hopping over something and almost catching a bullet in the ankle but it hit the dirt. "Don't be dead..." (Y/n) mumbles sliding across the jeep. "Stop looking at me like that...." Nixon mumbles getting his knees but taken to the ground right again by (Y/n) hugging him tightly starting to sob loudly. "I thought you died, I thought we lost you" (Y/n) says as Nixon wraps his arms around his waist "shhhh, it's ok I'm ok, Dick is ok too" he rubs (Y/n)'s back gently, (Y/n) wormed his way out of Nixon's arms and stood up facing where the bullet came from "THAT'S MY EMOTIONAL SUPPORT NIX! YOU CAN'T SHOOT AT HIM!" (Y/n) screeches and dodged a bullet that wissed past Winters who ducked down.
((Y/n) was pulled down by Nixon "Hey thanks for standing up for me but don't get killed in the process" he gave (Y/n) a quick peck on the lips "Can I get a kiss too" Luz smiles and teases the others. "I will get up and beat your ass Luz" (Y/n) growls "Hey it was a joke, not a dick don't take it so hard" by the time the words left Luz's mouth Nixon's arms were around (Y/n)'s waist holding him back, Winters kisses Nixon gently and then kisses (Y/n)'s forehead "breathe, baby...he's Just getting under your skin"
(Y/n) relaxed and sighs softly leaning against his boyfriends "I need a nap..." He mumbles hiding his face against Winters shoulder "...We'll be able to rest tonight..." Nixon says softly running his fingers through (Y/n)'s hair. (Y/n) is the shortest of the three, maybe that's why he's so quick to anger his fuse is short. "Ok...i can wait..." (Y/n) sighs softly
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mads-weasley · 2 years
Here With You
Lewis Nixon x Reader
A/N: Hey y'all! I've never written for Nix, but I wanted to try, so here it is! I hope you enjoy it! I do not own any of the rights to these characters.
Summary: During the liberation of Eindhoven, (y/n) and Lew finally share a sweet moment, but it is soon shattered by a drunken local with one thing on his mind.
Warnings: attempted assault, mentions of blood, fighting
(y/h/c) - your hair color
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September 1944
The streets of Eindhoven were filled with celebrating Dutch, bright orange flags waving from every window. (Y/n) couldn't help but smile at the sight of a people who were under oppression for so long becoming a free town once again.
As she walked through the happy mob, she made sure to stay right with Lew and Dick.
"Can you believe this?" Nixon asked, looking around them in awe.
She smiled up at her husband. "It's crazy. I know."
Taking her hand, he sent a smirk her way, knowing no one would notice the couple amongst the chaos of the celebration.
Their intelligence had suggested that the Netherlands and Holland were nothing but old men and kids, but they were all wary to accept that. Once they were there, though, the men let their guards down and enjoyed the festivities the town provided.
Pushing through the crowds, people grabbed at them and kissed her cheek. A few even tried to kiss her straight on the lips but she managed to swerve them in time. She rolled her eyes and swatted Nix's arm when he whispered, "Is it my turn for a kiss?"
A few minutes later, a few children came running up to her, attaching themselves to her legs. They couldn't have been more than 5 years old. Dropping Lewis' hand, she crouched in front of them. Their wide toothy grins brought a wide smile to her face.
"Hi, there. My name is (y/n)."
Not responding, one of them reached out and gently pulled on her dog tags, while another pointed at her American flag patch.
"I'm an American soldier."
"Amer-can?" A small blonde boy asked, thick with his accent.
"Yes!" She exclaimed. "American."
Beaming, he put his hand up to his chest. "Finn."
"Hi, Finn," (y/n) whispered, holding out her hand to shake his tiny one.
Little did she know that above her, Nixon was watching on with soft eyes at the interaction. Watching her with the children warmed his heart to no end, and those moments were rare now that they were at war. When they did happen, most of the time they were because of his loving wife.
Even though he was standing in a crowd of people, he felt as if he, (y/n), and the kid were the only ones there. He couldn't help thinking back to the first time something like that had happened; when the world stopped spinning. It was the first time he'd laid eyes on her, and he would never forget it.
"Dad, can I please just skip out on one party? I've been to too many. They're all the same. Ever-" A 21-year-old Lewis Nixon pleaded as he fixed his tie in the mirror.
His father wouldn't budge, as usual. "No. You're going. End of discussion."
With a sigh, Lewis finished getting ready, buttoning up his suit as his sister, Blanche walked into the room, flopping dramatically on his bed.
"I refuse to go to another party where creepy old men try to flirt with me, Lew. I just can't do it."
He turned around from the mirror. "Me, too. I hate talking to a bunch of rich old jerks-"
"Like father," she interrupted.
"Yes, like father."
Their mother's voice made an appearance as she walked into the room. "You two need to give this party a chance. You never know, maybe this one could be different."
"Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it," he snarked.
A few hours later, Lewis Nixon sure did believe it after seeing a beautiful girl walk down the staircase in a bright royal blue dress, her curled (y/h/c) hair cascading down her back. At that moment, everything stopped. What the man beside him was saying became background noise as he only focused on her.
As she reached the bottom of the steps, she was met with Blanche, who smiled and embraced her. When she returned the smile, the boy lost his breath.
Without taking his eyes off her, he stopped their butler as he passed.
"Who is that?" He questioned breathlessly.
Following Nix's eyes, he smiled. "(Y/n) (y/l/n). She doesn't have a date, either, sir."
Breaking his trance, Lew nodded thanks at the man before walking over to the two girls. On the way, he passed a waiter, quickly grabbing two glasses of champagne from his tray.
"Hello ladies," he greeted cooly.
Blanche didn't spare him a glance. "Hey, Lew."
Looking over at (y/n), he held out his hand. "Lewis Nixon. And what would your name be?"
Grinning, she took his hand but let out a surprised laugh when he brought it up to his lips. "So you're one of those guys, huh?"
"And what type of guy is that?" He asked, intrigued.
She glanced down at the extra glass of champagne in his hand, raising an eyebrow. "The rich, cool, Ivy League student who thinks they can get any girl they want by flashing a smile and bringing a glass of champagne. I bet you live for parties like this to show off your status."
Blanche laughed hysterically, champagne almost spewing from her nose. She cursed as she spilled some on her dress.
"I'll be back", she muttered, heading towards the bathroom.
Turning his attention back on (y/n), Lewis downed the extra champagne glass in one gulp. "Alright. That statement is only half correct."
"Okay, what's not right, then?"
"Yes, I'm a rich, Ivy Leaguer. No, this champagne was not for you-"
(Y/n) chuckled, rolling her eyes. "Yeah right."
"And I actually hate these parties with everything in me."
"I somehow find that hard to believe, Mr. Nixon."
"Lewis, please. And when you've grown up being forced to go to these things, trying to fit into the high-class society gets tiring, and frankly, I wish I wasn't even associated with it whatsoever."
Seeing the serious expression in his eyes, she believed him. Something about him was different. Maybe her assumptions were wrong after all.
"You are something else, Lewis." She chimed, walking away from him. "I hope I'll see you around. And if not, you can ask Blanche where to find me."
Lew ran a hand through his hair, sighing at the interaction. "Oh boy. I'm in trouble." He whispered to himself, drinking the other glass of champagne in his hand.
Present Day - 1944
He's dragged out of his thoughts by Harry asking him something.
"I said, we should get moving."
Nix nodded, squatting next to (y/n). "Hey, sweetheart. I'm sorry but we've gotta get a move on."
"Okay," she sighed, saying goodbye to the children who threw their small arms around her.
As they walked further into the town, Lew had a hand gently placed on the small of her back, leading her through the crowd. Suddenly, two girls barreled past (y/n) and threw themselves onto Lewis, who shrunk back from the women, trying to get away. Laughing, (y/n) grabbed his hand and pulled him away from them.
She looked up at him as if to say something but was cut off by his lips crashing against hers. Pulling away, she quickly looked around them, not seeing any Easy Company men watching. In fact, the only one she saw was Talbert, and his attention was fully captured by the girl he was making out with.
"Lewis Nixon. What do you think you're doing?"
"I'm kissing my wife."
"As much as I wish we could, the men can't know."
"Why not?" He challenged, raising an eyebrow. "Why can't they?"
"Exactly! You can't even come up with a reason. We kept it secret in the first place so that it wouldn't cause trouble with Sobel in basic, but now that we're over here, so why not?"
Mulling it over in her head, the young woman couldn't find anything wrong with his plan.
Instead of answering him, she pulled him down by his collar and kissed him roughly. Once out of breath, she pressed her forehead against his. "Yeah. Let em' find out, Lew."
The sweet moment soon ended as Harry pushed past them, grumbling. "Alright. We get it. You two are so in love. Yay for us."
Following him to the other officers, the couple held hands once again. "You're telling me that if Kitty was here, you wouldn't be doing the same thing?" (Y/n) asked, trying to suppress a laugh.
Before he could respond, Buck walked up to the group as they found Winters. "What's up, Welshy?" The blonde asked cheerily.
Harry flipped up his collar with a scowl, looking at (y/n). "Snipers."
She couldn't resist the laugh that bubbled up her throat as she flipped her collar, covering her lieutenant bars.
"We've got to get to these bridges," Dick stated, turning to (y/n), Buck, and Harry. "Round up the men."
With a nod, she started to walk away her arm was caught by Nix.
"Where are you going?" He asked, concern filling his eyes.
She sighed lightly and rubbed his arm, wanting to avoid the overprotective side of her husband. "You heard Dick. I'm getting my men."
"Okay. Please be careful, alright?" He whispered, caressing her cheek softly.
Walking away, she winked at him. "I will be, Lew. Don't worry."
Nix watched her smaller form disappear into the crowd, turning to Dick while shaking his head. "That woman will be the death of me."
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As (y/n) pushed through the celebrating crowd once again, her eyes searches for the familiar screeching eagle patch on her men's uniforms. Just as she saw Liebgott in the distance, a rough pull of her hand had her reeling backward, falling into the chest of someone. Whipping around to face them, she discovered it was a man a little bit older than her with a devilish grin aimed right at her. Instantly, she tried to pull away from the hold he had on her arm.
"Let go," she demanded calmly, raising her left hand to show the ring on her finger. "I'm married."
He jerked her closer to him, and she could smell the alcohol on his breath. "Jammer dat je man niet hier is om te kijken wat ik met je ga doen, meid."
(Y/n) didn't have to understand Dutch for her to get the message as he moved his other hand to grab her butt, pulling her flush against his chest.
"I said let go!" She yelled, thrashing around, trying to get away. His grip only tightened as he angrily let go for a split second and raised his hand to strike her. (Y/n) heard it before she felt it. The loud smacking sound stunned her and was soon followed by a burning sensation radiating from her cheek as the taste of copper filled her mouth.
The man used her shock as an opportunity, smashing his lips to hers. Realizing what was happening, she sealed her lips closed, quickly pulling as far as she could from the man.
Suddenly she reared her head back before slamming it into the man's nose. His hold on her disappeared as he stumbled back, clutching his bloody nose. (Y/n) could see the anger radiating off him as she tried to escape into the crowd.
"Jij amerikaanse teef!" He seethed, following her through the crowd.
Out of breath, she frantically looked for any of her fellow soldiers once again. Tears filled her eyes when she saw an all too familiar head of dark hair sitting in a chair a few feet in front of her.
"Lew!" She cried, glancing over her shoulder at the man who was gaining on her. "Lewis!"
As soon as her desperate cry left her lips, he bolted up from his chair, turning to where the sound came from. The second he saw her terrified expression, he ran to meet her. Just as he was about to bring her into his arms, she yelped, being dragged out of reach by her hair.
"Hey! Let her go!" Nix barked athoritatively, quickly stepping forward and taking a swing at the man.
Being heavily drunk, he didn't have fast enough reflexes to dodge the punch in time. Lewis' fist slammed against the man's jaw with a satisfying crack. Instantly letting go of (y/n), the dutch man wobbled on his feet for a moment, before falling to the ground in a heap.
Nix thought his head was going to explode with rage. He wanted to beat this man to a pulp for what he'd evidently done to (y/n). Moving to crouch over the man do to just that, he felt a strong hand on his shoulder. Dick pulled him back, motioning over to (y/n)'s shaking figure.
"Go help (y/n). She needs you. I'll take care of this." He said lowly.
With a nod, Lew looked over at her and their eyes met. His heart broke at the sight of (y/n)'s face. Tears brimmed her waterline and blood slowly dripped from her lower lip. The worst part was the bright red handprint on her left cheek that infuriated him more than anything before. Rushing over, he pulled her into his arms, kissing her hair lovingly.
“Breathe, darling,” he murmured, fighting off tears of his own. "You're safe, now."
He looked around and found an empty restaurant on the corner. Leading her to the secluded area, he kept a strong arm around her, worried she would fall without it.
Once inside, he sat her down on a chair and pulled another one next to it. Her head was tilted down, facing the floor as she replayed the last few moments in her mind.
She was brought out of her thoughts by her husband's soft touch under her chin, lifting it to face him. Her tears had not yet fallen, and Nix knew she was trying to stay strong.
"It's okay to cry, honey," he whispered, cupping her cheek softly.
At his words, she let out a quiet sob as the tears slipped down her cheeks. He just pulled her closer, allowing her to bury her face into his neck.
"I'm so sorry, Lew. I-I didn't-," she cried, pulling back to look at his concerned face, which quickly morphed into a confused expression.
Nixon's heart broke at her tear-stained cheeks. "You didn't do anything wrong. There's nothing to apologize for," he said softly.
"But I could've fought harde-"
"No," he interrupted. "Do not say that. You did everything you could."
She shot up out of his arms and on her feet, throwing her hands up, shouting. "If I can't even fight off some drunk civilian, how am I supposed to fight in this war against trained German soldiers?"
Nix rose to his feet. "It wasn't your fault, (y/n)!"
"Lewis, I shouldn't be here. I should be-"
"None of us should be here! Half of our men should still be in school, and the other half should be with their families!" He paused, eyes beginning to burn. "W-We should be at home raising a family, not here in Europe fighting, but we are, and nothing we can say is going to change that."
After a few moments of silence, (y/n) walked towards the man, slowly pulling him into a hug.
"Thank you for saving me, Lew," she whispered, voice thick with emotion.
He sighed, burying his face in the crook of her neck. "Of course. Always remember I'm here. Wherever you go-"
"I go," she finished, leaning back and cupping his cheek with one hand. "I love you."
"I love you, too, sweetheart."
He then connected their lips softly, wrapping his arms around her waist when the doors flew open.
"Sir-oh. Sorry for the interruption, uh Lieutenants." Talbert sputtered, wide-eyed.
Parting slowly, Nix groaned as he and (y/n) walked past Tab.
"Can't I get 5 minutes with my wife, for pete's sake," he muttered.
Floyd stood there shocked, and (y/n) chuckled under her breath as they walked back onto the street. When felt a warm hand enclose hers, she knew she would be okay. She also knew that by the end of the day, their secret wouldn't be a secret anymore, and she was perfectly fine with that.
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Tag List:
@typical-simplelove @softguarnere @brassknucklespeirs
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mads-nixon · 11 months
Nix When He's Sick Headcannons
Lewis Nixon x Wife!Reader
A/N: I'm really getting into headcannons now lol! this is about the fictional portrayal of easy company on the show. nothing but love and respect for veterans on this blog!
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When you're sick:
In mid-September when the weather in New Jersey does it's cold one day and then warm the next. Needless to say, you get sick pretty easily.
When you can't get out of bed because your head is killing you, he'd close the curtains, go get you your favorite tea, and bring some painkillers for you.
He'd call out of work with no hesitation (perks of being the owner's son) and spend the day taking care of you.
You ask for a cold compress? You got it.
When your fever and congestion start, he'll gently place a hand on your forehead to check your temperature before covering you blanket after blanket until you're warm.
Literally becomes a mother hen: "Are you warm enough?" "Need anything?" "Do you want me to..."
He makes sure you're drinking fluids... "Here, drink this," he mutters after helping you sit upright and holding a bottle of water to your lips. (could you do it yourself? of course, but you knew he wanted to take care of you, so you let him.)
Dotes on you for everything. (he couldn't care less about himself, but when you're sick, he goes into a caretaker mode that always warms your heart, no matter how bad you're feeling.)
When you're struggling to fall asleep because you feel like death, he'll whisper sweet nothings into your ear as you try to sleep. (he also runs his fingers through your hair like the angel he is)
He stays out of work for however long it takes for you to feel better again.
It's all he can do not to kiss you when you're sick:
"Can I have a kiss?" he asks.
"You'll get sick if you kiss me."
"That's okay," Lew shrugs. "I'll survive."
Then two days later...the sniffles start.
When he's sick:
I feel like Nix would act one of two ways: he'd either continue on like everything was fine (even if he's dying, leading you to drag him back to bed) or completely stay in bed wanting to be taken care of...there is no in-between.
Let's say he chose the first option:
The first thing you notice is his snores...Lew doesn't snore, so you know something's up right there. Then the next morning, when he gets up for work, you see his eyes have a sort of gloss over them (not from sleep either. even though he's a freaking deeeeeep sleeper)
You immediately ask him what's wrong, and he just brushes it off (cause he's a tough man, ya know? (affectionate eye roll)) He goes to work that day, and when he comes back, he's a hundred times worse.
He tries to go into his home office and work on some reports for the Nitration Works, but you don't hear the typewriter much over the sound of his coughs, sniffles, and sneezes.
You can't take it anymore and walk into his office to tell him to go to bed, but he's got his head in his hands, leaning on the tissue-covered desk with his elbows. You can see his red nose poking out and it tugs at your heart.
"Sweetheart, I know you're sick. Please come rest."
He sits up and you can see the exhaustion on his face. Going to say something, you cut him off...
"If I have to haul your sorry tail to bed just so you can get some rest, I will." (you knew he was going to come up with some excuse to keep working, so you shut it down before it could even start)
He's reluctant to stop working, but the second he gets comfortable and you've covered him with blankets, he falls straight asleep.
He doesn't wake up until much later, and you've already prepared his favorite soup and everything.
Seeing Lew so low breaks your heart, so you do everything in your power to help him feel better. You do, however, tease him about his bright red nose and kiss it when he starts to childishly pout (it's the cutest thing ever).
You don't want to leave him alone (because there's no telling what he'd do without you watching him), so you call Dick and ask if he can bring you some cough syrup for Lew.
He does, and the second you hold the spoon up to Nix's lips, he groans, his face grimacing.
"Stop whining and take the medicine, Lew." you laugh, helping him sit up.
"It's disgusting."
"I know, hon, but it'll make you feel better."
Loves being doted on, but will NEVER ADMIT IT.
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Tag List: @flowers-and-fichte @footprintsinthesxnd
message or comment if you want to be added to the tag list!
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mercurygray · 4 years
Thou Flashing-Eyed
It’s not Thursday, but one of the things you do for yourself on your birthday is give yourself time to write the mindlessly indulgent stuff, and this is that.
I joked with @basilone in one of my comments on The Long Bright Dark that I needed the Winters x Nixon x Wisdom OT3, and Eva kindly laughed with me, not at me, because she’s nice like that.
Guys, I don’t even drink in this bar, I’m borrowing all the glassware, and the tables are rentals. I don’t know what anyone’s going to do to me after publishing this. Be gentle.
Oh, there’s consensual adults (and deities) doing consensual things below the cut.
She's subtle, this god of his, changing with the seasons and the tides. 
As a child she was old men and women on park benches, telling him to look out, as a young man the bespectacled faces of teachers and tutors, quieter with her advice, her direction gentle. But should you? What might happen? Have you thought about it? Her touch is always cool and calm, her fingers light and gentle in his hair. It's all right. I've got you. Sometimes it's good to cry. Our feelings tell us that we care. Lately she's been a child, dark and wan, flitting in an out of trees like a ghost, her questions following like kicked-up leaves. What do we know? What do we need to know? Who can tell us?
But no matter what form she finds him in, he knows her by her flashing eyes. 
He'll look up in some intelligence briefing as he feels the air around him crackle, as if a radio just been switched on,  tuned on some divine frequency. Sometimes if he turns around she'll be there, as if she's just pulled up a chair, pinks and greens like she's always belonged, and he can hear the questions that are now as natural to him as breathing, but have you considered, if we look at it this way, let's pause to reflect. It's like a prayer, and when she knows he says it, she smiles, and there is lightning in her eyes.
With Winters, she's a woman, always, straight-backed and tall, and his eyes follow her like a lover. 
Is that what she wants from him, what she craves? Is that why she favors him more? Adulation? Is that the kind of worship she wants? 
“What am I to you?” he spits one day. She’s slithered down into his foxhole with her grown-woman aspect and her come-hither stare on and he cracks. He’s cold and he’s tired and he’s done, with every last bit of it, the scraps of information and the lack of supplies and lack of sleep and lack of everything that could be of mortal use. “You with...your questions, and your puzzles, and your tests. Why don’t you ever test him?” He doesn’t have to say of whom he’s speaking. They’re the only two of their kind for miles.
Her laughter is long and languid in the dark, and it fills him with desire and longing like he’s never known, and an incurable sadness that somehow, it will never really be filled. That’s the curse of the wise - that the questions you ask yourself in the dark will never really have answers. He feels her arms around his shoulders, her hands in his hair, tender as a mother, sensuous as a wife. He closes his eyes, as though that could make her leave. “I’ve known you from a tiny acorn, my love,” she says. “I grew you, nurtured you. He had to ask.” 
His world stops. He ...what? “Just before he left home, he prayed for me, and I came. He wanted counsel, and a willing heart, and clear sight. He asked, Lewis, not for himself but the sake of others.  And I gave him those things.”
The world doesn’t make sense for a moment,   and he is weak in her arms. But that’s absurd, Dick has always been - really, to think that - but he’s always been so certain -
He’s gaping like a fish, and it’s rude, he knows, but he doesn’t have anything to say. “Would it make you feel better to know how much he envies you?” she asks, a mother smoothing away curls from his face.  “Give me certainty like Lewis, he says. Give me quickness and ease. Give me his silver smile, give me his charm.” 
“So do it, then.” Since he’s obviously your favorite, he wants to add, brattishly.
Again the laughter, the cool fingers on his cheek. She turns his head towards her so he can see those ageless, flashing eyes. “I can’t give him those things, Lewis. Those are yours. You didn’t get them from me.”
She’s been a part of him for so long it’s hard to know where he stops and she begins - but his eyes meet hers in the dark, and in them is her answer: If he wants me, it’s because I’m a path to knowing you.
That night he stalks to Dick’s foxhole and tells him what he knows about certainty, quickness and ease, and before they can get too loud about it she is there. They are with her and in her and of her, wrapped in the cloak the poets say is made of doubt and indecision and the fog of night. 
The poets have a lot to say about what happens when you bed a god - but little’s written about what passes between two people marked by the same divine hand. Less still about what happens when she wants to watch.
Well, it’s good. It’s really, really good.
My bright brave boys, she says, after, almost sated and smiling, wrapped around them panting in the dark, and he feels, for the first time in a long while, the cool keenness of her eyes and the pleasure he gets when they rest on him. And what have we learned? How can we apply it again?
Glaucopis; Gr. γλαυκώπις, owl-eyed, is an epithet usually used for the goddess Athena. It’s also sometimes translated as ‘flashing-eyed’ or ‘gray-eyed.’ 
(Eagle-eyed Darkening Sky readers will note that both Dick and Joan have, at least once, been described as having eyes that flash.)
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geniedocroe · 4 years
(ronald speirs X reader)
sequel to silence
wc: 1250
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every now and then you would get lucky. however most times that luck came with a twist. a very good twist at that. you loved getting lucky. especially when the twist involved your husband, ronald speirs, returning home. after the war the two of you had gotten married but he decided to stay in the airborne. not only had you gotten married but you also had gotten pregnant. that was luck.
your son had recently turned eight years old and his baby sister was nearly five. with ron being gone so often you believed it was lucky that the two of you were able to have children. your children practically worshipped there father. they were always asking for him. they were always wondering when he would be home. because ron was gone so often you had allowed him to name both of the children. you looked after them day and night so you thought that might be fair.
your son was named ashton and your daughter was named penelope. their names fit them perfectly somehow. penelope was a bright little girl. she bounced around after you and was totally in love with the idea of being a ballerina. she screamed pink and glitter. ron even liked to call her penelope the princess. ashton was an amazing big brother. he loved his little sister more than anything else. he constantly looked after her. uncle lewis nixon had introduced ashton to the idea of being a race car driver. it was safe to say he was obsessed with the idea. he slept in a little race car bed and wore these cute racer glasses everywhere.
the two children were all over the place and it was difficult to keep up with them. it got even more difficult when you became pregnant for the third time. soon nix started to come and help you out. occasionally richard winters would come help you out but he seemed to be busy most of the time. you spent a lot of your time trying to hold back tears but when you finally got the kids to sleep, you let the tears spill. you wished ron could come back home. the kids loved uncle lew but they adored their father. in their eyes he was the greatest thing to ever happen. they rarely saw him so when they did they spent every moment with him. however, so did you. it was nice when you were all together but you appreciated the time to rest and be alone.
when ron came home the stars would align. that truly was when you felt the luckiest. you had amazing children, the best husband, and a breathtaking house. ron would take the children to play outside and you would be able to rest. the silence in the house was deafening.
you leaned against the kitchen counter. the room around you was a mess. tiny little race car toys were scattered around the floor. penelope had recently found her new hobby. coloring. there was marker on the dinner table and honestly you didn’t feel like cleaning it up. a bag of pancake mix had exploded all over you. the faucet was on. the kids had tracked in mud. you had accidentally dropped an egg. ashton knocked over his chocolate milk. that was only the beginning of the mess. on top of all this you had vertigo and you were nauseous. this was a time where you could use some luck.
a knock on the front door caught your attention. normally dick knocked five times and nix just let himself in. the rest of your friends always called before coming over. nobody knew when you would be home. there was rarely ever a knock on your door. you lived way out in the country. who would come all the way out there? you grabbed a knife out of the block. you told your children to quiet themselves before slowly making your way to the front door. a knock sounded again. you sneakily looked out the window beside the door.
it was ron.
you set the knife on a table before pulling open the front door. even covered in pancake mix you looked beautiful. your husband had a great big smile on his face. he set down his bags and threw his arms around you. he didn’t mind being covered in pancake mix. all he cared about was seeing his wife and children.
“mom, did you get murdered?” ashton asked from the kitchen. he pushed open the door slightly. penelope stood behind him, peering at you. both of them lit up at the sight of their father. “dad!”
you quickly moved away. you didn’t feel like being smothered to death. ron embraced both of his children, ruffling their hair. he gazed at you as you watched them. he noticed how far along in your pregnancy you seemed to be. you winked before going to try and clean the kitchen.
ron looked at both of his children, studying them. they stood there innocently. “i’ve got an idea. why don’t the two of you go upstairs and clean your rooms? ash, help your sister.” the children saluted before running up the stairs.
ron laughed under his breath. he grabbed his bags and shut the front door. he once again discarded his bags but this time he left them in the living room. he’d have to unpack later. the sound of you throwing up in the sink brought him into the kitchen. his eyes widened at the mess. a hand then rested in your back, rubbing in circles. you sighed as you turned to him.
“why was fighting a war easier than being a mother?” you pulled him towards you, embracing him tightly. you wanted to stay like that forever. it felt so amazing to just be hugged. his body warmth made you feel wanted and loved. you could feel your heart skip a beat when ron hugged you tighter. your head rested on his shoulder. you were glad he was home. at least the children would be off your back for a few days. maybe you’d be able to clean up a bit.
“everyday is a battle, my love.” ron muttered.
“it sure is.” you pulled away from the hug. ron’s hand rested on your hips. you kissed his cheek lightly.
“how is my beautiful wife?”
“i’m anything but beautiful right now.”
“y/n, i fell in love with you when you were covered in dirt and blood. so i’m gonna ask again. how is my beautiful wife?”
“stressed. i can’t wait to have this baby. but at the same time it’s gonna be a nightmare. i mean a new born and two children that can’t even clean up after themselves. nix is great help but when was the last time he cleaned?dick is better help. at least he knows how to clean.” you thought for a moment before your face brightened. “maybe we should hire a maid. that sounds nice.”
“i don’t think it’ll be that much a nightmare.” ron stated, lifting a hand to push back your hair. he smiled softly.
you raised a brow. “have you met our kids?”
“i mean dick and nix can still come and help but why would we need a maid or anyone else when i’m gonna be home all the time?”
your jaw dropped. maybe you were lucky. especially today. before you could open your mouth to respond a gushing sound was heard. you felt water on your legs and on your feet.
“did your water just break?”
“it sure did.”
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miraclealignersv · 5 years
Trapped (Lewis Nixon x Reader)
Ask: A person’s weight as they lie on top of you + Lewis Nixon please
A/n: I think I did this wrong I uh. Also I suck at titles but y’all knew that
Le tag list: @gottapenny @wexhappyxfew @medievalfangirl @bandofmarvels @itisjustmethistime @starryrevelations @snafus-peckuh @etainlord @warmommy
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A full day, y/n just wanted Lewis Nixon to herself for a full day. Lew was a busy man, waking up at the early hours in the day and coming home at the late ones. Always stuck at the office, and maybe sometimes he would even make time to pay his parents a quick visit. One thing was for sure; he always came back to his beloved wife— even if it was at 8 pm.
In the four years they had been married, y/n could only remember a handful of times Lewis had taken time off of work. Christmas the previous year, he had stayed home. Except he had worked from home and made some deal just before the ham Y/n had spent so much time on was set on the table.
Y/n knew Lewis was a busy man with a busy schedule; however, she wanted him to relax and de-stress. That, and well, she wanted to be greedy and keep her man to herself for a damn day.
Waking just before he did, she turned to his side of the bed. His soft snores filled the room, she watched in nothing, but pure adoration as his chest slowly rose and fell. She was propping her head on her arm as she watched as he fixated himself. Facedown with his face snuggled into the pillow, throwing the covers away from his body.
Y/n sighed softly as she sat up and laid her body on her husbands. A soft groan was coming from the sleepy man under her, a smile on her face as she noticed he was waking up.
“Baby,” his voice raspy and groggy, muffled by the pillow underneath him. Y/n only hummed in response and took in the warmth he radiated, taking in a whiff of his hair just under her nose. “You’re on top of me,” his voice trailed off as y/n sighed and nuzzled into him.
“Why?” He asked, still half asleep. Y/n opened her eyes and ran her hand through his hair.
“It’s my way of trapping you.” She reasoned her voice above a whisper as she placed her head on his shoulder. Lewis chuckled and opened one of his eyes, seeing darkness filled the room.
“Trapping me?” He asked as he lifted his head from the pillow. Y/n sat up, straddling his lower back with either legs on his side. She smiled as she watched lew come to, wanting to turn and see her pretty face.
“You ain’t going anywhere today, mister.” She yawned as Lew shifted and situated himself. Y/n raising her leg, then immediately straddled his waist. Lew rubbed his eyes and watched y/n lean over to press a kiss on his forehead. “You’re mine for a full day.” She whispered before placing another kiss on his temple, Lewis chuckled and shook his head.
“Baby,” he sighed as he felt the warmth from her against him. Her hand rested on his chest as she placed a kiss on his cheek. “Maggie is going to yell at me if I don’t show up,” y/n chuckled at the mention of his assistant, Margot, the one other woman that knew how to keep Lewis Nixon in line. Margot usually would notify y/n when Lew was having a rough day or when he was going to be home late. Y/n was genuinely grateful for Margot, even though sometimes Lew was terrified of her.
“I’ll call her, let her know you’re sick,” she whispered as his hands traveled to her waist. Lew only chuckled.
“If I didn’t know better, Mrs. Nixon, that would be lying,” he teased, y/n rolled her eyes and sat back up, still straddling his lap.
“You can afford to miss a day! C’mon, we can sleep in a little longer and then eat breakfast together! Oh- and maybe we can go catch a movie” Lewis watched in amusement as his wife listed all the possible things they could do. It reminded him of when they first started dating, how she would get that little twinkle in her eye whenever she would get excited.
He knew that lately, he had been busy, too busy. Often he tried to spend time with y/n, but with running a company came a huge responsibility. It broke his heart whenever he came home to his dinner wrapped in plastic wrap, and his wife sound asleep. It especially broke his heart to know that she was alone all day.
“—and we can go by that ice cream place, the one where we had our third date!” She finished, Lew sighed as a smile slowly tugged at the corners of his cheeks.
“Let Margot know I came down with a nasty bug, and I’ll be out for a couple of days,” he slowly spoke, y/n’s eyes lighting up as she processed what he was saying. “Doctor’s orders are rest and quality time with my wife,” he finished, the smile on his lips making y/n’s heart thump a little faster against her chest.
“I’ll call Margot!” She called, Leaning in to peck his lips quickly before running towards the hall. Lewis chuckled and sighed contently, knowing that he would finally spend time with the love of his life.
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alienoresimagines · 5 years
Be alright| Lewis Nixon x Female Reader
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Request : Prompt request by Anonymous
A/N: Hi! So, sorry for the end, I didn’t know what to do... Hope you’ll like it! If want to be added to a tag list, send me an ask!
Trigger warnings : mentions of pregnancy
Tags : @wexhappyxfew @crazyforkasey-blog @glxssysam​
Posted : 22/09/2019
Masterlist Taglist Prompts
Being the head of a business wasn't easy. Especially when it's the family business. Happily, Nix got Dick to help him everytime he needs rescue. And of course he had his secretary, Y/N L/N. Nix had no idea what he would do without her. She organizes his schedule, manages purchases, archives files... Nix was sure the company would have failed without her. He repeats it to her as soon as he has the opportunity, which has always made her blush before she says, "Your father will not allow it." It was like a routine. And Nix did not praise her because they were dating. Absolutely not, no matter how amused the looks of his best friend were. Or at least that was what he said at loud.
"Good morning, sir. How was your weekend?"
"Everything went very well, thank you, Oscar." The other man bowed slightly before returning to work. You had spent your weekend in bed, listening to classical music and cuddling, of course. Lewis walked through the halls to the meeting room, giving hellos and greetings here and there. As he approached his destination, he heard two voices that he would have recognized among a thousand. His best friend and his girlfriend. He was about to open the door when what he heard caused him to freeze.
"Dick, I'm pregnant." Nix didn't hear Dick's answer, his blood was pounding in his ears as he tried to understand what was going on. Was that why you left their house an hour earlier than usual? Was he just a bad joke for you? Have you finally had enough of his alcoholism and all his problems? How long has this been going on? Since when did you cheat on him with... with his best friend, the man to whom he would confide in his life without any hesitation-
"Nix?" Ah. The said best friend who was now looking at him with a concerned face. Nix assumed you had to gasp for air. You emerged from behind the great shape of the redhead, just as concerned.
"Lewis? Since when are here?" Anger and grief managed to break through the wall of numbness that surrounded Lew's brain and heart. He turned his heels, sticking his nails in his palms until he bled.
"Long enough." His voice cracked slightly at the end of his sentence, as the tears began to form in his chocolate eyes, but he hoped you wouldn't notice it. But you did. Of course you did. You always knew when something was wrong.
"Lewis! Wait! It's... it's not what it seems it is!" Dick had joined you in your calls while the former intelligence officer was running to the men's room, all dignity forgotten. He no longer cared how his subordinates would see him. Right now, he just wanted a bottle of Vat 69 and a cigarette. He heard more than he saw the door slam behind you as you leaned against it to catch your breath. That's why you hated putting heels on at work.
"Lewis, I-" The man you loved more than anything cut you off with a bitter laugh.
"Don't. Just... don't..." He could feel his nails sinking paifully into his palms in a poor attempts not to break down in front of you.
"Lewis..." Your heart was hurting. Never, even when he came home completely drunk when he was overwhelmed by his memories of war; you didn’t see him that way. He seemed so sad, so desperate. You felt the tears clear your way in your eyes. Would you really lose everything because of a-
"Say Dick congrats for me and-" You clenched your fists and narrowed your eyes. You rejected your sorrow and your despair to give way to fury.  You could bear a lot of things. But not that.
"Lewis Nixon III, you're gonna listen to me now!" He stopped all movement, his eyes wide. You had never shouted even when you should have. Not a single time.
"It's yours... this is your child.” A tear rolled on your cheek, causing the little makeup that you put on that morning to flow. You put a hand on your slightly swollen stomach before lifting your head to look at Lewis in the eye. He was stunned and his eyes were still shining with tears. He opened his mouth as if to speak but no sound passed the barrier of his lips. He was frozen
“This morning, I wanted to ask Dick for advice on how I should tell you. I know you already had a child with your ex-wife, I didn’t know if you would be happy or not. I can’t believe you trust me so little that you could have believed for a second that I could be ... Damnit, Lewis, he’s our friend!” More tears rolled down your cheeks. Your speech awoke something in him. Something he didn’t feel for so... no... it was something he refused to recognize but which had always been inside of him. Guilt.
“I’m sorry... I’m so sorry...” Your lover fell on his knees as he whispered this words like a mantra. How could have he? You were his life, you were his only sun, you were the one that melted the snow of Bastogne when the cold seemed to pursue him even in his sleep. And Dick? Oh, how could have he doubted of his best friend like that? He knew Dick would never do such thing, he was way too honorable. He buried his head in his hands, burning tears falling from his eyes. He suddenly felt engulfed in a warm embrace. You took him in your arms, your hands gently stroking his hair as he rested his head on your chest, still sobbing. Your heart aches. 
“Shhh, we’ll be fine Lewis, we’ll be alright. We’re gonna make this work. I promise you.” And he believed you. After all, you never lied to him, right?
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