#liam stirling
jonathantaylor · 2 years
and here you go, my longest (so far) interview. Enjoy
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Midst - Moonward E1: Character Art!
[Spoilers for second half of E1 below the cut. All images have relevant youtube timestamp linked]
Dusty Rivers, Moon Mining Foreman (He/Him)
Played by Matt Roen of Third Person
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Dr. Vesta Sterling, Fold Scientist (She/Her)
Played by Marisha Ray
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Walden Orlok, Foldmersible Pilot (He/Him)
Played by Liam O'Brian
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Fiona Rue, Bocular Mechanic (She/Her)
Played by Sara Wile of Third Person
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Tomasi, Moon Miner and Fiona's Partner/Fiance (He/Him)
NPC, played by Xen of Third Person
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Goe, of the Garag. Bocular Engineer (He/Him)
NPC, played by Xen of Third Person
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Post-Tearror Portraits
Fiona + Jacob, Bocular Engineer and Supportive Himbo <3
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Dr. Vesta Stirling, Bedazzled Fold Scientist
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farnwedel · 10 months
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Samantha Young
Fountain Bridge – Verbotene Küsse
(Spoiler: Außer, dass gesagt wird, dass die Geschichte in Edinburgh spielt, deutet nichts auf die Stadt hin. Fountainbridge ist allerdings ein ganz hübscher Stadtteil.)
Dramatis Personae:
Ellie Carmichael – blond, klutzy, kein Kontakt zum Vater, verliebt in Adam
Braden (🙄) Carmichael – Ellies älterer Halbbruder, Architekt
Adam Gerard Sutherland – Bradens bester Freund, ebenfalls Architekt
Jocelyn – zuerst Ellies Mitbewohnerin, später Bradens Freundin
Kapitel 1
…beginnt mit einem massiven Spoiler, das liebe ich ja:
Vor acht Monaten hatte man bei mir einen Gehirntumor diagnostiziert. […] Die Diagnose hatte meine Familie und meine Freundin Joss schwer erschüttert. Vor allem aber hatte sie Adam, dem besten Freund meines Bruders, einen kräftigen Tritt in den Allerwertesten versetzt. Er hatte endlich offen gestanden, dass er mich liebte, und seitdem waren wir kaum einen Tag getrennt gewesen.
Warum???? Das nimmt doch das Ende komplett vorweg. Sie hätte einfach mit dem Tagebucheintrag und Flashback beginnen können, in dem die vierzehnjährige Ellie völlig aufgelöst ihren Bruder Braden (Bruden? Brader?) anruft, weil ein gewisser Brian Fairmont das Gerücht verbreitet, er habe mit ihr geschlafen. Braden schickt Adam vorbei, der Brian dazu bringt, das Gerücht öffentlich zu widerrufen. Ellie ist hin und weg und schmachtet ihren sieben Jahre älteren Retter, der für sie wie ein zweiter großer Bruder ist, heimlich an.
Kapitel 2
Offenbar läuft das alles so. Ein, zwei Absätze in der Gegenwart, dann Tagebuch und Flashback. Hurra.
In diesem Kapitel hat baby Ellie ihr erstes Date mit einem gewissen Sam Smith (🤭), das ihr komplett dadurch versaut wird, dass Braden, Adam und Ellies Stiefvater Clark dem Jungen einen dreifachen shovel talk verpassen. Entsprechend sauer ist Ellie hinterher auf die drei, insbesondere Adam, der sich aufführt, als wäre er ihr Bruder, wo er das doch definitiv nicht ist. Außerdem wirft sie ihm vor, dass er doch keine Ahnung von festen Beziehungen habe, so, wie er seine Freundinnen verschleißt. Es ist alles maximal unangenehm.
Kapitel 3
Adam gesteht Ellie, dass er sie zum ersten Mal am Morgen nach ihrem 18. Geburtstag als begehrenswerte Frau wahrgenommen hat. Nein, wie praktisch! Da war sie ja grade volljährig.
Laut Flashback hat Adam an besagtem Geburtstag eine der Angestellten der Cateringfirma gevögelt und Ellie hatte aus Rache Sex mit ihrem damaligen Freund. (Der ihr „den ersten Orgasmus ihres Lebens“ beschert hatte – sammal, hat die Gute sich nie gefingert?) Und als sie Adam am nächsten Morgen davon erzählt hat, hat das bei ihm den Schalter umgelegt.
Kapitel 4
Um das Maß voll zu machen, starb Ellies deadbeat Vater Douglas ein paar Tage nach ihrem Geburtstag und ihr Freund Liam betrog sie mit ihrer BFF Allie. Ach, Ellie, Allie…das kann man schonmal verwechseln.
Eines Abends hatte Ellie mit einem gewissen Christian ein Date im gleichen Restaurant wie Adam mit einer gewissen Meagan. Zum Glück waren sowohl Chris als auch Meg unsympathisch, sodass Adam und Ellie hinterher zu zweit was trinken waren. Braden hat Adams Studiengebühren bezahlt, btw, und Ellie studiert mittlerweile Kunstgeschichte an der University of Edinburgh. Adam und Ellie küssen sich beinahe, als Adams Handy klingelt. Es ist Braden. Danach ist Ellie noch klarer, dass zwischen Adam und ihr nie was laufen darf.  Weil…plot, oder so.
Kapitel 5
„Ich bin in Panik geraten. Ich war noch nie so hart von einer bloßen Lippenberührung. Danach wollte ich dich jedes Mal vögeln, wenn wir uns gesehen haben.“
Jedenfalls hatte Ellie später was mit einem Richard Stirling (wir sind in Schottland, darling! Ihr nächster Freund heißt dann Alasdair Perth und danach kommt Hamish Inverness), der über sie aber eigentlich nur Bradens Firma ausspionieren wollte. Adam hat ihm dafür eins in die Fresse gehauen. Ellie fährt zu ihm, um sich zu bedanken. Adams Wohnung ist so stylish, dass Ellie sich bemüßigt fühlt, uns zu versichern, dass er 100% hetero und maskulin ist. 🙄
Sie machen irgendwann auf seinem Sofa rum (das ist tatsächlich ganz okay geschrieben/übersetzt) und sind literally einen Millimeter davor, ungeschützten Sex zu haben, als Adam plötzlich auffällt, dass das hier ja die kleine Schwester seines besten Freundes ist, und er einen…ähm…Rückzieher macht. Ellie denkt, er wollte immer nur Sex ohne Gefühle, zieht sich wieder an und haut ab.
Kapitel 6
Adam erklärte jedem Typen, der Interesse an Ellie zeigte, dass er gefälligst seine Finger bei sich lassen solle. Ellie beschloss, ihn mit Nichtachtung zu strafen, was aber nur solange funktionierte, bis sie mit Braden und ein paar anderen in einer Bar waren, wo Braden die Barkeeperin Joss (Ellies Mitbewohnerin) anmachen wollte und Adam Ellie zwang, in seinem Arm aufm Sofa zu sitzen, wo er dann behauptete, es sei seine Aufgabe, sie zu beschützen.
Ich versteh nicht, was daran romantisch sein soll.
Kapitel 7
Nach einem katastrophalen Abend in einer Bar, an dem Braden den Typen zusammenschlägt, mit dem seine Ex ihn betrogen hat, weil der Joss angemacht hat, bringt Adam Ellie nach Hause, fingert sie und sagt dann, dass er das nicht hätte tun sollen. Ellie gesteht ihm ihre Liebe und schickt ihn dann ein für alle Mal weg, weil er sie nicht genug zurückliebt, um das Braden gegenüber eingestehen zu können.
Kapitel 8
Ellie erhält die Diagnose, dass sie einen gutartigen Hirntumor hat. Es sorgt dafür, dass Adam ihr und Braden endlich gesteht, dass er sie liebt. Braden wusste es schon die ganze Zeit. Arsch. Der jetzt mit Joss zusammen ist, wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe. Adam erklärt Ellie den Unterschied zwischen „Liebe machen“ und „vögeln“ und macht dann beides mit ihr.
Kapitel 9
Wir sind wieder in der Gegenwart. Ellie sammelt ihre Tagebücher ein – auf den Knien, was dazu führt, dass Adam sich hinter sie kniet und erklärt, er werde sie jetzt „auf ihrer gemeinsamen Vergangenheit vögeln“. The end.
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lupinobi · 6 months
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Lupi’s Masterlist
Hello there! I’ve gotten to the point where I think it’s better to have a masterlist to make navigation on my profile way easier in case you’re interested in what I post!
As of right now, I am posting either fanfics for my active fandoms or fanarts, but I’m also interested in posting my HC for the fandoms I’m a part of.
Check my fandom list HERE
Also, feel free to join my Choices Discord Server HERE
Ask the writer tag HERE. Feel free to ask, I’d love to answer bc constant boredom 🤭
From now on anon asks are deactivated. But feel free to ask things anyway if you don’t mind showing your face💛
List under the cut!
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Choices: Stories You Play
The Crown and The Flame
The secret wedding (Lene Stirling x Bakren Alcantar)
The drowned prince (Baltair Nevrakis)
How beautiful it is to be cruel (Zenobia Nevrakis)
Contemplation (Amira Castleroy)
Alt Hinata Hyuga
Hashirama Senju
Minato Hatake (OC)
House of the Dragon
Alicent Hightower
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Choices: Stories You Play
The Royal Romance
The Pretty Lies, The Ugly Truth - Liam Rys (AU)
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Stardew Valley: The Henderson Siblings
NOTE: feel free to suggest drawing or writing ideas if you have one. I’m open to messages and questions!
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beloveddawn-blog · 1 year
Anne: Material Girl by Madonna
Catharine: Anything Rockabye Baby has done (like Hotel California)
Claude: Hotel California by the Eagles. Which I think is basically a perfect song but I just *really* don't like. It's brilliant and technically amazing and haunting and connects people and makes people *feel*... I just disappointingly don't like it myself
Darius: Surprise Surprise by Billy Talent. I think
For those who think we don't care/
For those that think we're not aware/
Surprise surprise!
Speaks to him and how he feels like his father is a bit of a sellout when it comes to the welfare of the people, and how he has his eyes open about how Dynus doesn't *actually* care about the monsterfolk, just about his empire. Also that music video is a trip and half.
Donovan: What's My Age Again by Blink-182
Iris: Carol of the Bells the version by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Jun: Circle of Life from The Lion King. Fight me.
Kai: (unknown yet)
Kitty: hmmm... this was tricky. I know she's canonically a j-pop idol, but I really think she'd like bopping out to things like Pink by Lizzo (from The Barbie Movie) in less structured settings.
Liam: In My Daughter's Eyes by Martina McBride. I know in the song it's a mother, but I feel it would really speak to him and soothe him. (And oh *fuck* was that a bad choice for today. One moment. Didn't... expect that to hit that way. I was in tears from the opening music)
Lucia: I don't actually think she would be a country fan, but I think I'm Gonna Take That Mountain by Reba McEntire suits her really well and how she handles adversity.
Lynn: Although I think her favourite song is Teardrops On My Guitar, the song I think that suits her best is Tied Together With A Smile, both by Taylor Swift
Nathaniel: Ordinary Day by Great Big Sea. I think he'd also love Sea of No Cares, but he takes his duty too seriously for it to really be his theme song.
Vaan: Storm by Vanessa Mae (who someone on YouTube commented quit playing the violin professionally to focus on her Olympic skiing career??? Tf, how talented is she???). Lindsey Stirling as well, but she's more well known nowadays so I wanted to put Storm in more.
Vivi: (uncertain)
Wes: (uncertain)
Wornhardt: Cell Block Tango from the musical Chicago. He wants drama VERY FAR AWAY from his life at this point tyvm but is also naturally a charismatic drama queen. Not in a negative way, more just a bit... larger than life, you know?
Xyla: Rage of Poseidon by Apocalyptica, though she tells people it's Unstoppable by Disturbed
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queen-scribbles · 8 months
Music Tag Game
Stealing this from @vorchagirl bc it looks fun! (also y'all know I'm addicted to making my OCs playlists) 😁😁😁 Not tagging anyone since I stole it, but if you wanna steal it from me in turn feel free.
List 2 songs or a playlist that represent your OCs or characters who you love
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Lisa Shepard (actual playlist) Romances: Kaidan Alenko Art by naarisz
Song 1: Blood on My Name//The Brothers Bright Song 2: Masquerade//Lindsey Stirling
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Cam Ryder Romances: Liam Kosta  Art by starsandskies
Song 1: Down in Flames//Icon for Hire Song 2: Somebody to You//The Vamps
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Trinne Amell (actual playlist) Romances: (lmao) Alistair Theirin and/or Harvey Cousland* depending on the canon /cough Art by emedeme(12 years old and it's still one of my faves)
Song 1: Name Storms After//Nate Smith Song 2: Dance In the Graveyards//Delta Rae
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Vikkari Damson Romances: Arueshale or Etain Torren depending on the canon :3 Art by lupotterdraws/the-upper-shelf (I couldn't decided 😅)
Song 1: Orpheus//Sarah Bareilles Song 2: Dragonfly Keeper//PHILDEL
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ziskandra · 2 years
Thank you @queenaeducan for the tag!
10 fandoms / 10 characters / 10 tags
Dragon Age - Meredith Stannard
Mass Effect - Liam Kosta
Ace Attorney - Franziska von Karma
The Handmaid’s Tale - Serena Joy Waterford
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - Audra Levine
Crownies - Richard Stirling
Suits - Louis Litt
Schitt’s Creek - Alexis Rose
The Outer Worlds - Ellie Fenhill
My Fair Lady - Henry Higgins
@breadedsinner @princefado @fairfaxleasee @little--abyss @syrupwit @joiningthefandomeightyearslate @lazyadmiral @haljathefangirlcat @illusivesoul @onionjuggler
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dear-indies · 2 years
Hi hi! I’m hoping you can help me find a male face claim in his 20s that has an academic vibe and preferably a POC. Liam Samuels is a possibility but so far he doesn’t feel right. Thank you!
Dev Patel (1990) Gujarati Indian - is in his early 30's but honestly chef kiss he gives that vibe.
Avan Jogia (1992) Gujarati Indian / English, Welsh, some German, Irish, French-Canadian/French - same as above.
Cao Yu Chen (1993) Chinese.
Kofi Siriboe (1994) Ghanaian.
Kang Tae Oh (1994) Korean.
Park Jin Young (1994) Korean.
Aaron Pierre (1994) Jamaican, Curaçaoan, Sierra Leonean.
Kedar Williams-Stirling (1994) Afro-Jamaican.
Apo Nattawin Wattanagitiphat (1994) Thai.
Ashton Sanders (1995) African-American.
Daniel Padilla (1995) Filipino (mostly Waray, about ¼ Iloko, Bikol) and most likely some white.
Angel Bismark Curiel (1995) Taino, Afro Dominican, Spanish - has asthma and a heart murmur.
Justice Smith (1995) African-American / Italian, French-Canadian - is queer.
Aria Shahghasemi (1996) Iranian.
Chance Perdomo (1996) Afro Dominican and Guatemalan.
Evan Mock (1997) Bisaya Filipino / White - especially in Gossip Girl.
Luka Sabbat (1997) Afro Haitian / English, Irish, German.
Kwak Dong Yeon (1997) Korean.
Gulf Kanawut Traipipattanapong (1997) Thai.
Olly Sholotan (1998) Nigerian.
Sami Outalbali (1999) Moroccan and Guadeloupean.
Here you go!
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brookstonalmanac · 4 days
Birthdays 9.21
Beer Birthdays
Thomas Greenall (1733)
Jacob Birk (1835)
John Gillooly (1965)
Matt Kirkegaard
Five Favorite Birthdays
Gustav Holst; English composer (1874)
Chuck Jones; animator (1912)
Stephen King; writer (1947)
Bill Murray; comedian, actor (1950)
H.G. Wells; English writer (1866)
Famous Birthdays
Frédéric Beigbeder; French author (1965)
Jerry Bruckheimer; film producer (1945)
Anne Burrell; chef (1969)
Kevin Buzzard; British mathematician (1968)
Maurizio Cattelan; Italian sculptor (1960)
Ethan Coen; film director (1957)
Leonard Cohen; rock singer (1934)
Dave Coulier; actor, comedian (1959)
Don Felder; musician and songwriter (1947)
Fannie Flagg; actor, writer (1944)
Liam Gallagher; English rock singer (1972)
Henry Gibson; comedian (1935)
Donald Glaser; physicist (1926)
Maggie Grace; actress (1983)
Dave Gregory; English guitarist, keyboardist (1952)
Larry Hagman; actor (1931)
Chico Hamilton; jazz drummer, bandleader (1921)
Hans Hartung; German-French painter (19904)
Faith Hill; country singer (1967)
Rupert Hine; English musician, songwriter (1947)
Cheryl Hines; actor (1965)
Francis Hopkinson; signer of the Declaration of Independence (1737)
Louis Jolliet; Canadian explorer (1645)
Ricki Lake; actress (1968)
Angus Macfadyen; Scottish actor (1963)
Rob Morrow; actor (1962)
Marsha Norman; playwright and author (1947)
Ahna O'Reilly; actress (1984)
Suman Pokhrel; Nepali poet, lyricist and playwright (1967)
Billy Porter; actor and singer (1969)
Alfonso Ribeiro; actor (1971)
György Sándor; Hungarian pianist and composer (1912)
Allison Scagliotti; actress & musician (1990)
Christian Serratos; actress (1990)
Henry L. Stimson; colonel, lawyer & politician (1867)
Lindsey Stirling; violinist and composer (1986)
Ward Swingle; singer, choir leader (1927)
Serena Scott Thomas; English actress (1961)
Phil "Philthy Animal" Taylor; English rock drummer (1954)
Nancy Travis; actor (1961)
Preston Tucker; automobile designer (1903)
Emma Watkins; Australian singer & actress (1989)
Luke Wilson; actor (1971)
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radicalrascals · 3 months
@etxrnaleclipse for 🎰 5 random muse pairs
Gloriousness awaits below the cut, cuz it long. It very long.
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Matt Stirling - Niamh Murphy
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Not every soul makes it to the afterlife. Some get stuck. Especially those yearning for closure, haunting the realm of the living until their murderer is found. Niamh is a spirit farer, an expert in handling souls and taking them to the afterlife. She's also an expert in being dubbed a weirdo and a fake. But what she's definitely not an expert in, is cracking murder cases. So it happens that after getting the boot again, and again, and again with the local police, Niamh ends up at Matt Stirling's doorstep. Initial wariness aside, his knowledge of human nature tells him that trusting the Irish loudmouth is at least worth a shot. And really, she manages to pull important hints out of thin air that eventually lead to closing a cold case. Now they keep working together every now and then, with Niamh providing sometimes vital information for Matt's undercover work, and Matt keeping her out of trouble. It's an unlikely friendship, but they somehow made it work.
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Eric Carlson - Liam Talbot
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Petty criminal, spellslinger with no formal education. When Eric Carlson accepted his latest target, it should have been a walk in the park. William Donovan Talbot. His dark magic escapades have claimed quite a lot of lives. Collateral damage. But no excuse. He knew how to go about things, and tracking down his target was a breeze. But that would be when the easy ended and his assignment would quickly veer into the realm of the impossible. Because Liam proved to be quite resistant to being killed. Neither had the upper hand over the other. No gun-fu and vampiric reflexes, no hexes and thievish hiding skills could turn the tide. The longer their enmity persisted, the more absurd it would feel. In moments of weakness, both felt drawn to each other. They could fight, then end up in each others arms, but the next morning Eric would have his gun pointing at Liam and Liam had a hex on the tip of his tongue. Where there were insults and teasing, there was a mutual understanding, and eventually they both had to admit that they were just both broken in their own right, and perhaps deserved each other.
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Leopold Grimm - Robyn Whittaker
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One early morning, the sun had only just began creeping over the horizon, Robyn heard a frantic knock at her door. She was ready to haul the disturber over the coals, but when she answered the door, her anger turned to sympathy in the course of a very short-lived rant. The man outside was remarkably young and exceptionally old at the same time. His face was weatherbeaten and fresh scratches met ancient scars on a canvas mostly obscured by the hood of his heavy coat. The man was pleading to be invited in, to escape the sunlight. His story was so absurd, it could've been straight from a novel. Perhaps even her own. In a bout of bravery Robyn let the vampire in and they spent the entire day talking. With the sunset, the vampire would leave and Robyn was left wondering if their encounter had been all but a dream. A few nights passed and she would find an unstamped letter at her doorstep, in beautiful cursive with a little bouquet of dried forget-me-nots. No, she wouldn't forget him. She'd see to it that he lived on, in stories that would make his infinitely sad eyes light up with joy again.
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William Brandt - Gabriel Herrán
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Switching sides had been working out for the better of two months now, and though Gabriel was mostly confined to work in a dull, stuffy office, giving the occasional briefing to cops so thick it made him wonder how he was ever worried about being caught in the first place, he had accepted it as his new normal. A somewhat purgatorial normal, a monotonous normal. That was until one fateful day he was very ceremoniously escorted to the IMF hq, where he was to meet his perfect doppelgänger. Or was he the doppelgänger? William Brandt and Gabriel Herrán spent an eternity walking circles around each other, like to stray alley cats getting to know each other. William had studied every detail of Gabriel's (thanks to Detective Carlisle's relentless efforts) impressive file. Gabriel was studying William's gestures and mannerisms and adopting them in a frightening speed. Finally he was tasked with something more than office work. Finally Gabriel could really prove himself. And that this was being dubbed an impossible mission, only fulled his enthusiasm. He agreed before he had heard William's full proposition.
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Vaneza da Silva - Maria Delgado
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Undoubtedly having inherited her father's curiosity, stubbornness and sadly his quality of being a trouble maker magnet, too, Vaneza eventually landed herself in a bit of a mess; During a tense protest in downtown New York, Nessa navigated through the crowd, determined to capture the event's raw energy. Amid the chaos, she got pushed to the ground, hitting her head. Maria Delgado spotted her fall and rushed to help, her calm presence a stark contrast to the surrounding turmoil. As Maria tended to her wound, they exchange names and banter. They shared a few laughs, leading Nessa to joke about getting into trouble just to see Maria again. To preempt Nessa's impish nature, she gives Vaneza her number - under the pretext of medical follow-up. But they both felt a spark of connection that hinted at something more.
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seositetool · 3 months
Every 'Bridgerton' Season 3 Deleted Scene: Unseen Steamy Moments and More
(L to R) Nicola Coughlan as Penelope Featherington, Simone Ashley as Kate Sharma, Jonathan Bailey as Anthony Bridgerton, Victor Alli as John Stirling, Adjoa Andoh as Lady Agatha Danbury, Ruth Gemmell as Lady Violet Bridgerton Liam Daniel/Netflix Bridgerton fans have dissected every detail of season 3, but there were some majorly steamy scenes that didn’t make the final cut. The third season of…
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spoilertv · 3 months
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blueharborhq · 4 months
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DAHLIA YOUNG is looking for her EX-BOYFRIEND. For more details about the connection, read below!
CHARACTER NAME — Dahlia Young.
CATEGORY — Romantic, antagonistic.
TYPE OF CONNECTION — Ex-boyfriend.
SUGGESTED FACECLAIMS — Dylan O'Brien, Logan Lerman, Sean Teale, Taylor Zahkar Perez, Kedar Stirling Williams, Dev Patel, Ahn Hyoseop.
Dahlia and Liam meet in a photography class her sophomore year of college. Lia was drawn to Liam's passion for photography. The two went on their first date to an art gallery, bonding over their mutual love for creativity and artistic expression. 
Their relationship became pretty serious, very quickly. They would take weekend trips to explore the city and nearby towns' art scenes and nature, documenting their adventures together with Liam's camera. When they started dating, Lia's self-esteem wasn't the greatest, but with Liam's support and encouragement, Lia came to embrace her individuality, and really explore a bunch of different music genres, open mics, and subbing in as a guitarist for bands that needed a temporary member. Likewise, Lia supported all of Liam's photography endeavors and would even provide music for his photo exhibitions.
Her senior year of college, Dahlia and Liam started discussing their future together and dreams of traveling the world together, combining their passions.
The stress of final projects and job applications took its toll on their relationship and they had their first major argument about their post-graduation plans when Liam was offered the opportunity to intern with a renowned photographer in Europe. Lia was torn between her desire to support him and her selfish wish for him to stay. She couldn't drop everything to follow him to Europe either, so she sent him off with a weary smile.
They tried a long-distance relationship for a time (less than a year), but the time difference and distance (physical and emotional) was too much for them to overcome. Liam was the one to actually ask to breakup as Lia (while knowing things weren't working anymore) was unwilling to quit. The breakup was terribly painful, and brought up a lot of old woulds of abandonment for Dahlia.
Shortly after their breakup, Dahlia decided to move back home and hasn't really kept in touch with Liam. She still has a mix of hurt and resentment when she thinks of him, but Lia considers Liam to be "the one that got away." Reasons why he's in Blue Harbor can be totally up to player, and we can always flesh that out!
musings — [ PINTEREST ] [ PLAYLIST ]
Do you need to be contacted by the potential applicant? Yes please!
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logan ★ 25 ★ queer ★ nonbinary ★ he/they ★ brown latine
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music: louis tomlinson. rachel chinouriri. blackswan. zayn malik. one direction. jade thirlwall. darumas. kendrick lamar. debii dawson. the last dinner party. samia. olivia rodrigo. the aces. honey revenge. soyoon. towa bird. pacifica. manumi. leigh anne pinnock. normani. chappell roan. the academic. idkhow. selena quintanilla. lauren jauregui. beabadoobee. snarls. pale waves. muna. meet me @ the altar. natalia lafourcade. the snuts. ryan ross. arctic monkeys. black belt eagle scout. nova twins. hozier. muna. blur. the smiths.
media: 23.5 degrees. gap the series. bad buddy. the eclipse. the loyal pin. the last case. doctor who. yellowjackets. star trek. it 2017/2019. skamverse. first kill. julie and the phantoms. do revenge. drive away dolls. house of the dragon. the walking dead game.
characters: kieu my vu. aylin keuaahree. clementine (twdg). anaïs davis. maya etienne. felice ehrencrona. kat edison. evie alexander. aster flores. ellie chu. sana bakkoush. kali prasad. nancy wheeler mj sevilla. bill potts. lottie matthews. sam anuntrakul. taissa turner. donna noble. martha jones. nancy gillian. nyota uhura. jamie (drive away dolls). marian (drive away dolls). francesca bridgerton. michaela stirling. pat jindapat. richie tozier. ray pakorn. simon haynes. calliope burns. elena alvarez. deena johnson. drea torres. tony stark.
ships: kieutou. ayluna. anobbie. monsam. aninpin. jamiemarian. spirk. tpura. violetine. yousana. ronance. kalancy. ongsasun. inkpa. calliette. ellister. reddie. stozier. samdeena. dreleanor. lottienat. mistynat. sydlena. patpran. rhaenicent. zimon.
people: view benyapa. freen sarocha. ayo edebiri. laura harrier. rachel zegler. milk pansa. esther oruche. adria arjona. jude bellingham. trent alexander arnold.
misc: women. astronomy. education. astrology. purple. platypuses. beluga whales. cats. purple. football (soccer). plushies. indie/pop/punk/alternative rock. queer history. vampires. thai gls. wlw media.
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first and foremost, i’m a larrie. i don’t care if you’re not as long as we can remain civil about it. otherwise don’t follow and/or block me.
that being said, i’m not into harry anymore, so there won’t be much about him on this blog.
louis is my number one and i post about him a lot.
i love zayn too.
expect a lot about rachel chinouriri.
you could say i’m a louie zquad darling who happens to be a larrie.
i also post a lot about my other interests which are always tagged in case you want to filter.
i don’t talk about freddie/babygate here and i’d like to keep it that way thanks.
i believe louis and harry are queer but i don’t discuss nor care about their specific sexualities/labels (despite the url).
i don’t keep up with their families. my philosophy is to leave them alone.
i don’t like jeff azoff, irving azoff, ben winston, rob stringer, kid harpoon, james corden, sony, pleasing, nizam, liam payne, olivia wilde, simon cowell and savan kotecha.
i don’t like taylor swift or travis kelce. sometimes i reblog negativity about them. i tag it as #anti taylor swift and #anti travis kelce.
in this house we like joe alwyn.
i believe in criticizing your faves when they fuck up. criticizing them and/or feeling disappointed in them doesn’t mean hatred. i don’t agree with all of the comments/actions/beliefs my faves do/hold and i’m critical of it.
we support rpf here.
i don’t engage in proshipper and/or anti discourse. ship and let ship. block people and filter tags. curate your online experience.
i’m a crack shipper. 98% of the time when i’m shipping my irl faves it’s not serious.
i am a notorious url changer so sorry in advance for that.
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kieumy. waoyf. faithinthefuturedeluxe. judevictorbellingham. usertomlinson. lt3. louwilliam. malikson. itslouistomlinson. zainmalik. rachelchinouriris. rachel-chinouriri.
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scottishdreams · 2 years
Who makes your United team to face cup minnows? - BBC Sport
Dundee ^ | Dundee United are aiming to avoid a giant-killing on Saturday when they host Stirling Uni in the Scottish Cup. Should Liam Fox ring the changes or ... http://dlvr.it/ShYCvB
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
T20 World Cup upset alert: Drama as Eire stun giants England in rain-hit conflict
Eire gamers throughout their T20 World Cup conflict in opposition to England. (Picture: William West/AFP) Minnows Eire pulled off an enormous upset on Wednesday, beautiful world quantity two England by 5 runs with a high-quality bowling show in a rain-affected match to throw the Twenty20 World Cup large open. Scorecard After being despatched in to bat, Eire captain Andy Balbirnie (62) led his staff to 92-1 off 10 overs earlier than a mid-order collapse noticed all of them out for 157 with 4 balls remaining However England slumped to 29-3 with only one boundary within the first 5 overs because the Irish bowlers discovered tempo and motion, they usually struggled to get any momentum. Eighteen minutes have been misplaced to rain at first of the sport and the gamers have been taken off once more with England on 105-5 off 14.3 overs simply as Moeen Ali was stepping into his stride. England have been 5 runs behind on the DLS scoring technique, giving Eire a well-known victory when the sport was known as off a couple of minutes later. It was Eire’s second large upset of the match after they beat the West Indies within the first spherical to ship the two-time champions house. England have been among the many title favourites and heavily-fancied to beat Eire after opening their match with a five-wicket win over Afghanistan on the weekend. As an alternative the shock defeat has thrown Group 1 large open with Australia, Sri Lanka, Eire and England all now with one win and one loss. Unbeaten New Zealand and Afghanistan play afterward Wednesday. Morning drizzle cleared for the toss at an eerily quiet MCG after in comparison with the electrical environment when 90 000 packed the venue on Sunday for India’s unimaginable last-ball win over Pakistan. England skipper Jos Buttler despatched Eire in and Mark Wooden accounted for harmful opener Paul Stirling, caught for 14 by Sam Curran on the ropes. Wooden was bowling at an explosive 154kph (96mph), the quickest of the match up to now. He caught Balbirnie on the finger, with therapy wanted, however the Irish captain soldiered on, with each he and Lorcan Tucker frequently discovering the boundary. Horror begin Their partnership ended when Tucker was run out for 34. Harry Tector was caught behind by Buttler off Wooden two balls later, however Balbirnie stayed cool, reaching his eighth T20 half-century earlier than holing out to Alex Hales off Liam Livingstone. A yorker from Livingstone eliminated George Dockrell the subsequent supply earlier than Wooden grabbed his third with Curtis Campher (17) the sufferer. Livingstone matched Wooden’s three-wicket haul when Mark Adair was caught within the deep. England had a horror begin with Buttler out second ball to the harmful Josh Little, edging to wicketkeeper Tucker, and the out-of-form Hales adopted him within the third over with Little once more doing the harm. Ben Stokes, so typically the hero, solely lasted eight balls, bowled by Fionn Hand, who was most popular to spinner Simi Singh, to depart England in serious trouble. They crawled to simply 64-3 after 10 overs, the midway level of the innings, and Harry Brook (18) grew to become one other sufferer an over later, pulling George Dockrell to Gareth Delay at midwicket. Dawid Malan was dropped twice in two balls on 23 however lastly fell for a scratchy 35, high edging Barry McCarthy to Hand within the deep. Ali (24 not out) started hitting out earlier than the rain arrived to finish England’s hopes. Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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