#liaos touden
zombiboba · 2 months
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mitsaji · 2 months
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Dungeon meshi does such a great job at displaying platonic intimacy. Like all the characters in our main group are comfortable around each other by the end of the season. And we get to see them get more comfortable the more they open up to one another. Allowing us to have cute scenes like this showing a normal form of trust that's built over time.
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ojomi · 2 months
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party members
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sumoattack-gooddog · 3 months
When He Chil:
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When He Chuck:
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lesbianyapper · 3 months
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sceebybeeby · 3 months
hi dunmeshi fando *gets booed off stage*
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ero-honey · 2 months
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After work doodle
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stargargoyle · 4 months
Fellas, is it gay to be the protagonists narrative foil?
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maevesdaydreams · 2 months
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Touden party x g/n reader who is a picky eater
(can be interpreted as romantic or platonic)
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- Considering the guy’s inability to stop himself from trying anything and everything, Liaos takes your pickiness as a challenge, which is sadly not the best approach.
- He will try and get you to take a bite of everything, even if you previously disliked it, and if you have high food sensitivity, you might butt heads.
- If you yell at Liaos, he will not fight you, and will back down. Doesn’t mean he will stop, but he wouldn’t want to upset you. Same for if you cry, though I think the rest of the party would bully him into stopping, especially Marcille.
-Eventually he will understand, and though he will still try and get you to try everything, he is less persistent, and instead tries to focus on the things you do like, trying to sneak in other foods into your safe foods, much to your dismay at times.
“You’re sure you don’t want any?” Liaos asked you, for the fourth time this meal, “It’s so good.” He tried to coax you into it, but you shook your head. Just looking at it made your stomach turn. “Suit yourself. More for the rest of us.” He said, continuing on eating happily. His eyes lock back on you though, as his sister offers you some of her's. “I mean- of course, if you’d like some of mine…?” Liaos corrected himself, offering his plate to you so could pick off some food.
- He’s trying his best ok?
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- Marcille wouldn’t call herself a picky eater, but she understands how you are feeling considering the whole eating monsters thing.
- If you are open with her about it, Marcille would be the first to stand up to anyone who tries to make you eat something, and will give you things off of her plate that you do like.
- Unlike Loas, she understands not wanting to eat everything under the sun (or under the dungeon in this case) and will not fight you on any of it.
- One time Marcille even went out of her way to collect some plants from the dungeon that she saw, cause she knew you liked them, and asked Senshi to cook it for her when you were upset.
- Marcille wishes that the party would eat more normal foods, but even the normal meals that they have had weren’t to your tastes. She writes down what you do like so that she can buy it for you as soon as possible, even going as far to try and trade with other adventures for it.
“I got you a little something.” Marcille said, coming up behind you. You jumped, not hearing your party member’s footsteps behind you. You turn around, and Marcille hands you a small bag of your favourite veggies, ones that you can eat as a snack raw. She is more than overjoyed when you smile. “Where did you get these?” You gush, placing them with your items to have later, and going to hug Marcille happily. “It was nothing, just got them off of a passing adventurer.” You hugged her tighter at that, always appreciating the thought she put in for you.
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- “You're a picky eater??” Is the first thing Senshi asked as he tried to serve you a food you didn’t like. He thought that picky eaters were just a term for children, and was confused at first, but ended up being very supportive!
- Senshi would never waste good food, and will pack up left overs, or eat the extras off your plate for the items you don’t like. If the party ends up picking up something you don’t like, that’s tough luck. He would never make you eat it, but will insist that you eat something.
- As your bond with the party grows, Senshi will try his best to make sure there is at least something on your plate you will eat, not that it is always an option in the dungeon, but he tries his best.
- “Ya don’t have to eat it if you don’t wanna.” Senshi will assure you, but he always adds them to your plate, making sure it doesn’t touch your other food. This method actually helps you sometimes, and you come around to a few ingredients you wouldn’t have tried otherwise.
“Tonight’s dinner might not be to your likin’.” Senshi warned, as you walked over to where he was preparing the meal. You spotted the main protein for the meal, and he was right, pulling a face at the raw meat you so despised. Senshi noticed your stuck out tongue, chuckling gruffly, “Ya don’t have to eat it, I made extra greens for the party.” He gestured to the pile of uncooked greens that would be stir-fried. “I think I’ll give it a try anyways.” You said, thinking yourself very brave but regretting it afterwards. “I mean- maybe.” You backpedalled at his excited look, suddenly not feeling too confident about it. “Don’t stress too much about it. I’ll be glad either way.” He said, continuing to prep, enlisting your help and enjoying your presence as he cooks.
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- Dad energy.
- Chilchuck wouldn’t give two minds to you refusing to eat some foods at first, I don’t even think he noticed at first. When he did… well, you weren’t his kid, and he didn’t need to worry himself about what you were eating.
- Overtime and as he got to know you better, he became more aware of it, and more aware on how it would affect you after meals. “You aren’t at full energy when you don’t eat.” He would say offhandedly, you were more sluggish after this past fight, likely because you refused to eat most of the meal.
- Chilchuck would start bargaining with you like you were a kid, saying you had to eat a certain amount of bites before you could go, much to the chagrin of the rest of the party. No matter how much you fretted about the onions in the meal, you’d eat the required amount of bites.
“You know, that wouldn’t have happened if you had eaten lunch.” Chilchuck berated, hiding his genuine worry behind a thin veil of frustration. “Could've gotten us all killed!” You sighed, you knew he was right, but just couldn’t get yourself to eat today's lunch. The thought of putting that food in your mouth made you want to vomit even now, “‘M sorry.” You moped, and Chilchuck eased up a bit. “It’s fine, just- take care of yourself better.” He said, his hands behind his head as he walked, “For the party- of course.”
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- “You don’t like that? Here I’ll take it.” Falin doesn’t mind taking the food you don’t want, and will divvy it up to other party members (her brother) who wants it (she always gives it to her brother). She isn’t a picky eater so she doesn’t really understand but she is very empathetic to your struggles.
- LIke most of the party, she just wants you to be healthy and at full power, so she will definitely notice if you don’t eat your full helping, and will keep an eye on you. She doesn’t really say much about it, but makes sure to give you extra protection or energy through spells or otherwise.
- She might even put aside some of her own food that she knows you like, giving it to you later and saying she just wasn’t hungry. It makes her happy to do this for you, smiling to herself as you eat it.
“I’m not excited for dinner tonight.” You groan, you and Falin at the back of the group, you had skimped out on lunch too, and were sluggish because of it. “It’ll be alright. I’m sure Senshi will make sure it tastes good.” Falin tried to ease your worry, though it wasn’t much help. “I’ll steal some of Laos’s food too, if it’ll be helpful.” She giggled. You laughed along with her, and she took your hand, pulling you two to bring you back up to speed with the rest of the party. Dinner ended up not being so bad when you got to watch Falin try to sneak food off of her brother’s plate for you.
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requests are open! please feel free to req anything dungeon meshi related (I am still only 1/2 through the netflix season 1 so like no spoilers lol) also feel free to send any criticisms on their characterisation, i feel like they are so OOC U_U (hopefully this isn't mega mega bad)
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toothbrush92 · 3 months
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imakegifss · 4 months
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Dungeon Meshi / Delicious in Dungeon Intro 2 Gifs (1/?)
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dumbandstinkyglasses · 2 months
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He would never, but it would be hilarious if he just told dad jokes every once in a while. Like at some point, the middle-aged man with three kids' mentality has to take over, he's raring to say "hi hungry, I'm dad!".
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zombiboba · 3 months
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behold. Dungeon Meshi Office AU where chilchuck yells at liaos for buying the wrong beer for a party
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coffeewhisker · 4 months
This might be controversial, but so far (anime only) I really dislike Izutsumi. She's really entitled and ungrateful, my absolute pet-peeve.
I'm hoping she'll have a major change or character development, because watching her in the anime is deeply unpleasant right now.
So, manga people, does she get any better?
THANK YOU to all the people that replied and clarified kindly! I didn't know she was a slave, I guess I missed some context clues? I tend to miss stuff unless it hits me across the face like a frying pan.
I actually thought she was an orphan or something and taken into a care home.
With the context that she was a slave and NOT a spoiled child, I can look at her character differently.
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Headcanon: While Falin is missing, Marcille has to start making Laios’ hrt potions
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